Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl


CENCOSUD: CENCOSUD S.A. 2023-04-28 T-12:50


Cencosud S.A. informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission that its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting approved the distribution of a definitive dividend of Ch$288,945,891,554, equivalent to $103 per share, and that its Extraordinary Meeting approved the purchase of treasury shares for an executive retention plan.

CENCOSUD: CENCOSUD S.A. 2023-03-31 T-17:27


Cencosud S.A. has scheduled an Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting for April 28, 2023. The Board Table includes the approval of the report, balance sheet and financial statements for the year as of December 31, 2022, the distribution of profits for the year 2022 and distribution of dividends, and the fixing of remuneration of the Directors, among other topics. In addition, it is proposed to distribute a dividend of $103 per share. The Extraordinary Meeting will deal with the...

CENCOSUD: CENCOSUD S.A. 2022-07-01 T-17:00


Cencosud acquired 100% of GIGA BR DISTRIBUIDOR E ATACADISTA LTDA and its parent company, AFN PARTICIPACOES LTDA, after obtaining authorization from the Brazilian Administrative Council for Economic Defense. The acquisition will allow Cencosud to enter the Sao Paulo market with the Cash & Carry format. The company expects this acquisition to have a favorable outcome in its consolidated results.

CENCOSUD: CENCOSUD S.A. 2022-05-10 T-18:07


Cencosud will acquire 67% of The Fresh Market Holdings for US$676 million, with the possibility of reaching 100%. The acquisition will be carried out mainly with its own resources and will allow Cencosud to enter the United States market. The transaction is subject to approval by the U.S. competition authority and is expected to have a favorable effect on Cencosud's consolidated results.

CENCOSUD: CENCOSUD S.A. 2022-05-05 T-23:56


Cencosud informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission of the acquisition of 100% of GIGA BR DISTRIBUIDOR E ATACADISTA LTDA. and its parent company, AFN PARTICIPACOES LTDA. for approximately R$500,000,000. The acquisition will allow Cencosud to enter the Sao Paulo market with the Cash & Carry format. The completion of the transaction is subject to approval by Brazil's Administrative Council for Economic Defense.

CENCOSUD: CENCOSUD S.A. 2022-04-22 T-16:22


Cencosud S.A. informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission that its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting approved the distribution of a definitive dividend of Ch$557,136,672,392, equivalent to Ch$197 per share, and the election of the Board of Directors for the period 2022-2025. In addition, PRICE WATERHOUSE COOPERS was appointed as an external audit firm for the financial year 2022.

CENCOSUD: CENCOSUD S.A. 2019-05-02 T-14:44


Cencosud S.A. informa a la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero de Chile que ha tenido lugar la Junta Ordinaria de Accionistas, en la que se ha aprobado el pago de un dividendo definitivo por un monto total de $28.631.294.470, lo que representa aproximadam

CENCOSUD: CENCOSUD S.A. 2019-04-01 T-16:31


Cencosud S.A. citó a Junta Ordinaria de Accionistas el 30 de abril de 2019 para examinar la situación de la compañía, distribuir utilidades, elegir el Directorio y designar la empresa de auditoría externa para el año 2019. También se propuso distribuir un

Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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