Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

WATTS S.A. 2023-04-12 T-18:27


PocuSign Envelope ID: 86FF2DC3-1£A5-4F10-9556D-5CD3AABCAGDC

Santiago, April 12, 2023


Solange Berstein Jáuregui


Financial Market Commission


From our consideration:

In accordance with the provisions of the Commission’s General Standard No. 30 for
the Financial Market, attached attached the copy of the First Notice of Call to the Meeting
General Ordinary published in the “Diario La Segunda” of this city on Tuesday 11 of the
present, which because it is an evening edition is sent with this date. The next notices will be
published in the same newspaper, on the 12th and 14th of the present.

Duly empowered and in the capacity vested, the Lord signs this communication.
General Manager of the Company Mr. Santiago Larrain Cruzat.

Yours sincerely yours,

DocuSigned by:

General Manager

c.c. : Messrs. Santiago Stock Exchange,
Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile
Incl.: The indicated

The Second Tuesday 1 April 2023: Society | %

Economists raise GDP projection.

Survey B.

Central: They believe that
In September the
rate will be at 10%

Inflation expectations of experts for the year.
they remain above the Central Bank.

l Central Bank

You should start
* to trim $u Ta-

Referential sa of
Monetary Policy (YPM)
“At the beginning of the second session,
Mestre and in September already
It should be located in a
10% and in December by
8.5%, from 1 11.25% in the
which is since October
of last year, a max.
more than 20 years, will be
According to the Expec-
Economic Tasks of the
Central Bank (BC) of

The issuing institute has
said that it will maintain the
PPM at its current level
until there are signals
that inflation, today in
1.1% per annum, has yielded the
enough to
Walking towards your goal
of 3%, which according to its last
thño Policy Brief
Monetary (IPoM) of the
Wednesday, it still doesn’t happen.

Based on the average of 51
Answers from Economis-
In fact, the Index of
Prices to the Consuínidor
(1PC), main indicator
of infkation, would reach the
0.4%, same figure expected-
gives for May, For fines
of 2023, await a
Cumulative CPI ini2 1me-
It is 5.1%, above the
4.6% per annum forecast by the
BC in your IPoM. And at the close
of 2024, point to a
inflation of 3.5%, tara-
well above 3%
of the BC,

Less shrinkage
Experts too
raised-at one point their

Growth expectations
to the economy for this
year. If until February, the
average of economists.
pointed out that the GDP of
Chile would contract 11.5%
In 2023, they now await
a fall of 0.5%, with a
Non-mining PIÑ that must-
Next year, I reduced
ron a little his foresight.

1.9%, from 2.1%.


By agreement of the Board of Directors, it is held at the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the Company. for 26 April 2023 at 10.30 am,
in Rodrigo-de Araya K street? 1431, entrance by TIFTIL street 2228, Commune of Macul, Santlago, fa that will have as object to submit to the
knowledge and approval of the Shareholders the following matters:

1) Approve the Angal Annual Report, the Balance Sheet, the Financial Statements and the corresponding External Auditors’ Title.

to the year ended December 31, 2022.

2) To pronounce on the distribution of the uities of the year 2022 and on the dividend policy for the year 2023.

:3) Set the remuneration of the Directors for the financial year 2023,

4) To fix the remuneration of the Committee of Directors and determine its budget.

-5) Designate the External Headpieces for the year 2023.
“6 Risk Classifier Designators for the financial year 2023,
-7) Elect the directory,

8) Determine the newspaper where the summonses to Shareholders’ Meetings of the Company should be published.

9) Report the operations of Title XVI of Law No. 18,046.

10) Deal with other matters of social interest of competence of the Ordinary Meeting in accordance with the Law and the Bylaws.
Complied with in the second paragraph of Article 59 of Law N*18.048, it has been incorporated, as of this date, to the site in imemet
wenwwatts.ct integrated copy of the documents substantiating the options for the appointment of external auditors
which will be submitted to Ja Junta. The shareholders may obtain a copy of this background in the same place in intemet of
fa Compañla..

Shareholders registered at midnight on the fifth working day preceding the date of their meeting shall be entitled to participate in the meeting.
The Board of Directors, held its Ordinary Meeting on March 21, 2023, agreed to propose to the Board the distribution of a definitive dividend.
N* 12..charged to profits for the year ended December 31, 2022, in accordance with the following:
4) Type and Amount of Dividend: Definitive total $20 per share:
$9.9242781 Minimum Mandatory and

$10.0757239 Final Additional
2) Total amount to be distributed; $.6,303,319,760
3) Shares entitled to dividend: 315,165,988.

Tendrári returned to this dividend the actionists registered in the Register of Shareholders at midnight on the fifth working day
Precedes the date determined for payment.

Of: agree with the provisions of Article 76 of JaLey N* 18.046 and the provisions of the Rule of Character Ganeral Number
30 of the Commission for the Financial Market, the Company’s report for the financial year 2022, integrated with
Sustainability Portfolio, which includes financial statements. of the same financial year and the opinion of the external auditors
With their respective nolas, it is located é-disposition of the shareholders on its website https: lvpere att .cl.
In accordance with the provisions of Article 78 of Law No. 18,048 and the provisions of the Goneral Character Norm Number
30 of the Commission for the Financial Market, the financial statements of the Company to: December 31, 2022, with their
Respective notes and the corresponding report of the external audit company is. are published on the website:
of society; hitps:www:watts.cl from March 23 of this year.
Holders of shares registered in the register of shareholders may participate in the Meeting at midnight on the fifth day.
skillful prior to the date of its celebration, that is; to the. April 20: 2023. The qualification of powers, if applicable, is
shall make the same day fixed for the celebration of the Meeting at the time it begins.


Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=f664dfca1b6e6b16d2c34d65c6ce9812VFdwQmVVMTZRVEJOUkVVeFRtcFplVTFCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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