Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl


NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2023-04-05 T-11:46


Norte Grande S.A. convenes an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 04/28/2023 at 12:15 p.m., remotely. Topics such as examination of the situation of the company, distribution of profits, remuneration of directors, among others, will be discussed. It is proposed to distribute a final dividend of MUS$306,372, equivalent to US$0.00174185 per share.

NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2022-04-29 T-19:04


Norte Grande S.A. informs the CMF of the holding of its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, where the financial statements for 2021 were approved and the distribution of profits for a total of MUS $ 241,072 net of taxes, to be paid to shareholders as of May 23, 2022. In addition, the distribution of an eventual dividend of MUS $ 26,287 was approved. PwC was appointed as an external audit firm for the financial year 2022.

NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2022-04-07 T-19:57


Norte Grande S.A. informs the CMF that its board of directors has agreed to propose to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the distribution of 100% of the net profit for the 2021 business year, equivalent to MUS$241,072 net of taxes, as a definitive dividend. In addition, an eventual dividend of MUS$26,287 is proposed against accumulated profits. The additional final dividend will correspond to US$0.00066415 per share and the eventual to US$0.00014945 per share.

NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2022-04-07 T-19:55


Norte Grande S.A. convenes an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 04/29/2022 at 3:00 p.m., remotely. Topics such as the approval of the Report, Balance Sheet, Financial Statements and external audit report, profit distribution, dividend policy, directors' compensation and more will be discussed. It is proposed to distribute an additional final dividend of USD$0.00066415 per share and an eventual dividend of US$0.00014945 per share. The dividend policy will remain at least 30% of net income for...

NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2020-04-08 T-23:06



Santiago, 08 de abril de 2020

Inscripción Registro de Valores N* 408


Joaquín Cortez Huerta

Presidente Comisión para el Mercado Financiero

Ref.: Junta Extraordinaria de Accionistas y Junta

NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2020-03-26 T-18:35


Norte Grande S.A. informa que la Junta Extraordinaria de Accionistas convocada para el 27 de marzo de 2020 ha sido cancelada debido a la cuarentena obligatoria en Las Condes. Se ha convocado una nueva Junta Extraordinaria para el 24 de abril de 2020 para

NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2014-03-21 T-14:00


Hecho esencial: Norte Grande S.A. citó a Junta Ordinaria y Extraordinaria de Accionistas para el 29 de abril de 2014 en Santiago. La Junta Extraordinaria tratará la proposición de autorizar la constitución de prenda en favor de bancos e instituciones fina

Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




27 (2645) 1616 (1196) 1713 (992) Actualizaciones (16690) Cambio de directiva (9048) Colocación de valores (1805) Compraventa acciones (1369) Dividendos (12634) Dividend payments (1275) Dividends (1283) Emisión de valores (1805) fondo (7759) fund (1545) General news (1469) Hechos relevantes (16688) importante (5256) IPSA (4446) Junta Extraordinaria (5760) Junta Ordinaria (10887) Noticias generales (16689) Nueva administración (9048) Others (1462) Otros (16684) Pago de dividendos (12400) Profit sharing (1275) Regular Meeting (1610) Relevant facts (1467) Reparto de utilidades (12400) Transacción activos (1369) Updates (1470)