Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




Santiago, 18 de abril de 2017

Inscripción Registro de Valores N* 0303


Carlos Pavez Tolosa
Superintendente de Valores y Seguros

Ref.: Hecho Esencial.
Señor Superintendente:

En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el artículo 9 e inciso segundo del artículo 10 de la ley N? 18.045 y en la
Norma de Carácter General N? 30 de esta Superintendencia, encontrándome debidamente facultado, informo a
usted, en carácter de hecho esencial de Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A. (la “Sociedad”), sus
negocios, sus valores de oferta pública o de la oferta de ellos, lo siguiente:

En relación al hecho esencial enviado a esta Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros el día de ayer, mediante el
cual se informó que la Sociedad suscribió con Potasios de Chile S.A., Inversiones el Boldo Limitada,
Inversiones Rac Chile Limitada, Inversiones PCS Chile Limitada, Inversiones Global Mining Chile Limitada,
Kowa Company Ltd., Inversiones La Esperanza (Chile) Limitada, Kochi S.A. y La Esperanza Delaware
Corporation, todos ellos accionistas de Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (“SQM”, le informamos que
por error al final del literal a) (1) donde dice “is equal to or excedes 1.1 times” (sea igual o superior a 1,1 veces)
debió decir “is equal to or lower than 1.1 times” (sea igual o inferior a 1,1 veces), por lo que corresponde
reemplazar esa primera página del Exhibit A por la que se adjunta. Así las cosas, el Exhibit A que se ha
convenido entre todas las partes el día de ayer se acompaña completo a la presente a mayor abundamiento. En
todo caso se aclara para todos los tos que la política de dividendos de que da cuenta el Exhibit A
corresponde a la política de dividendos aprobada por” eldirectorio de SQM con fecha 22 de marzo de 2017.

Sin otro particular, le act hcrament

c.c: Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago, Bols;
Bolsa Electrónica de Chile
Bolsa de Corredores de Chile.


Pursuant to Bulletin N* 687 of the Chilean Superintendence of Securities and
Insurance (Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros) of February 13, 1987, the Board of
Directors of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (“SQM” or the “Company”
agrees to inform at the ordinary shareholders’ meeting, which is to be held on April
28, 2017, the following 2017 dividend policy:

The dividend policy sets out to distribute the’ net income obtained from the
operations of SQM to its shareholders, while fulfilling its financial commitments, its
obligations to the investment and finance policy approved at the ordinary
shareholders’ meeting, and its investment plans approved by the Board of Directors.

Notwithstanding the obligation to inform a dividend policy in each ordinary
shareholders’ meeting, in the best interest of SQM and all its shareholders, the Board
of Directors has agreed to inform a dividend policy that it expects will be maintained
during at least the next three years.

The 2017 dividend policy that the Board expects to be repeated during at least the
next three business years, is as follows:

a) Distribute and pay, as a final dividend (dividendo definitivo) and in favor of the
respective shareholders, a percentage of the net income that shall be
determined per the following financial parameters:

(1) 100% of the 2017 netincome, when the following financial parameters are
met: (a) that the total sum of cash and cash equivalent, other current
financial assets (“Cash”) divided by the total sum of the current financial
liabilities (“Current Financial Liabilities”) is equal to or exceeds 2.5 times,
and (b) the total sum of: the current liabilities and the non-current
liabilities (“Total Liabilities”) divided by the total sum of the equity
(“Equity”) is equal to or lower than 1.1 times.

(ti) 80% of the 2017 net income when the following financial parameters are
met: (2) that Cash divided by Current Financial Liabilities is equal to or


exceeds 2.0 times, and (b) Total Liabilities divided by Equity is equal to or
lower than 1.2 times.

(ii) 60% of the 2017 net income when the following financial parameters are
met: (a) that Cash divided by Current Financial Liabilities is equal to or
exceeds 1.5 times, and (b) Total Liabilities divided by Equity is equal to or
lower than 1.3 times.

If none of the foregoing financial parameters are met, the Company shall
distribute and pay, as a final dividend, and in favor of the respective
shareholders, 50% of the 2017 net income.

Distribute and pay, if possible and during 2017, three interim dividends
(dividendos provisorios) that will be charged against the aforementioned final
dividend. These interim dividends shall likely be paid during the month
following the approval of the March, June, and September 2017 interim
financial statements, respectively. lts amounts shall be calculated as follows:

() For the interim dividends that will be charged to the accumulated net
income reflected in the March 2017 interim financial statements, the
percentage distributed shall be determined per the financial parameters
expressed in letter a) above.

(ii) For the interim dividends that will be charged to the accumulated net
income reflected in the June 2017 interim financial statements, the
percentage distributed shall be determined per the financial parameters
expressed in letter a) above, discounting the total amount of interim
dividends previously distributed during 2017.

(iii), For the interim dividends that will be charged to the accumulated net
income reflected in the September 2017 interim financial statements, the
percentage distributed shall be determined per the financial parameters
expressed in letter a) above, discounting the total amount of interim
dividends previously distributed during 2017.

The amount of the interim dividends mentioned above may vary, pursuant to
the information available to the Board of Directors on the date on which it
agrees to the distribution of said dividends given that the dividend will not
materially or negatively affect SQM’s capacity to impact its investments, fulfill


its liabilities, or in general, comply with the investment and finance policy
approved at the ordinary shareholders’ meeting.

At the ordinary shareholders meeting that will be held in 2018, the Board of
Directors shall propose a final dividend pursuant to the financial parameters
expressed in letter a) above, discounting the total amount of the interim
dividends previously distributed during 2017.

If there is an excess of net income in 2017, this may be retained and assigned or
allocated for financing its own operations, to one or more investment projects
of the Company, notwithstanding a future distribution of potential dividends
(dividendos eventuales) charged to the accumulated net income previously
approved at the shareholders” meeting, or the possible and future
capitalization of all or part of the latter.

The Board of Directors does not consider the payment of additional dividends
(dividendos adicionales).

It is expressly stated that the dividend policy described above corresponds to the
intention of the Board of Directors, and the compliance of it shall depend on the net
income that the Company ultimately obtains, as well as the results of periodic
projections that could impact the Company, or to the existence of determined
conditions that may affect it, as applicable. If the dividend policy exposed by the
Board of Directors suffers a substantial change, the Company must communicate it
as an essential fact (hecho esencial) to the SVS.






Link al archivo en CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=b88dd981547b03ad0549a68078454e21VFdwQmVFNTZRVEJOUkVFeVQwUlZNazVuUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682366909

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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