Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl





Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A.
Inscripción Registro de Valores N*303

Santiago, 22 de agosto de 2012


Fernando Coloma Correa
Superintendente de Valores y Seguros
Av. Libertador Bernardo O”Higgins 1.449

De nuestra consideración:

Por medio de la presente, y en conformidad con lo dispuesto en el artículo 9% e
inciso segundo del artículo 10% de la Ley 18.045, sobre Mercado de Valores, y de lo
indicado en la Norma de Carácter General N*30 de la Superintendencia de Valores y
Seguros, encontrándome debidamente facultado, comunico a usted, en carácter de hecho
esencial, lo siguiente:

Hacemos referencia a la solicitud efectuada a los tenedores de los bonos emitidos
por Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A. con cargo a la línea de bonos por
US$250 millones, a una tasa de interés de 7,75% anual, que fueron colocados bajo las
normas denominadas “Rule 144 A” y “Regulation S” del “U.S. Securities Act of 1933”,
con el objeto de modificar ciertos términos y condiciones de la misma y flexibilizar o
eliminar ciertas restricciones impuestas a la sociedad por dicho contrato de emisión de
bonos, informada a la Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, en carácter de hecho
esencial, con fecha 26 de julio de 2012, complementado mediante hecho esencial de fecha
13 de agosto de 2012.

En relación a la solicitud referida procedentemente, Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa
Calichera S.A. recibió, dentro del plazo establecido para ello, el consentimiento de
tenedores de bonos que representan un 96,73% del capital de la línea de bonos,
aprobándose, en consecuencia, las modificaciones solicitadas.

Por consiguiente, con esta misma fecha, Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera
S.A., Deutsche Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, en calidad de representante de
los tenedores de bonos y Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A., en calidad de agente colocador
y pagador en Luxemburgo, suscribieron un instrumento privado en idioma inglés, regido
por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York, Estados Unidos de América, denominado “Second
Supplemental Indenture”, a través del cual se modificó el contrato de emisión de bonos en
los términos aprobados por los tenedores de bonos.

Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A.

+ Santiago, Chile Tel: (56-2) 429 4900 – Fax: (56-2) 429 4935



Asimismo, por escritura pública de esta misma fecha, Sociedad de Inversiones
Pampa Calichera S.A. y Deutsche Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, en calidad de
representante de los tenedores de bonos, modificaron el Contrato de Prenda y Promesa de
Prenda sobre Acciones celebrado entre las mismas partes mediante escritura pública de
fecha 14 de febrero de 2007, otorgada en la Notaría de Santiago de don Raúl Undurraga
Laso, con el objeto de reflejar en el mismo las modificaciones introducidas al contrato de
emisión de bonos, así como ciertas estipulaciones referidas a la denominada “Relación
Mínima de Garantía”.

Adjunto a la presente copia del comunicado de prensa que la sociedad emitirá con
esta fecha en relación con esta materia.

Sin otro particular, saluda atentamente a usted,

Aldo Motta Camp
Gerente General
Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A.

Ce: Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago, Bolsa de Valores S.A.

Bolsa de Corredores-Bolsa de Valores S.A.
Bolsa Electrónica de Chile, Bolsa de Valores S.A.

Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa Calichera S.A El Trovador 4:

+ Santiago, Chile Tel: (56-2) 429 4900 – Fax: (56-2) 429 4935

Pampa Calichera Announces Results of Consent Solicitation and
Effectiveness of Amendments Pursuant to Consent Solicitation
Statement dated July 25, 2012 (as amended by Supplement No. 1
thereto, dated August 14, 2012)

SANTIAGO, Chile, August 22, 2012 – Sociedad de Inversiones Pampa
Calichera S.A. (Pampa Calichera”) announced today that, in connection with its
solicitation of consents (the “Consent Solicitation”) from holders of record as of July
24, 2012 (the “Holders”) of its outstanding $250.0 million aggregate principal
amount of 7.75% Senior Secured Notes due 2022 (the “Notes”) (CUSIP No.
83363T AA 1 (144A)y/ P8716H AA 1 (REG S)) (ISIN No. US83363TAA16 (144A)/
USP8716HAA16 (REG S)) for certain amendments (the “Amendments”) to (i) the
Indenture, dated as of February 14, 2007, by and among Pampa Calichera, as
issuer, Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas, as trustee (the “Trustee”), and
Deutsche Bank Luxembourg S.A., as Luxembourg paying agent and listing agent
(the “Luxembourg Agent”), governing the Notes, as supplemented by the First
Supplemental Indenture, dated as of December 4, 2008 (as so supplemented, the
“Indenture”), and (ii) the Share Pledge Agreement, dated as of February 14, 2007,
by and between Pampa Calichera and the Trustee, as amended by the Share
Pledge Amendment executed by public deed on December 4, 2008 (as so
amended, the “Share Pledge Agreement”), it has received validly executed
consents from Holders representing a majority of the aggregate principal amount
outstanding of Notes on or prior to August 21, 2012 and those consents have not
been revoked.

Accordingly, Pampa Calichera entered into (1) a Second Supplemental Indenture,
dated as of August 22, 2012, by and among Pampa Calichera, the Trustee and the
Luxembourg Agent, and (ii) an Amendment to the Share Pledge Agreement, dated
as of August 22, 2012, pursuant to which the Amendments became effective as of
August 22, 2012. All current Holders of Notes, including non-consenting Holders,
and all subsequent Holders will be bound by the Amendments.

The Amendments (i) removed the covenants in the Indenture relating to limitation
on incurrence of additional indebtedness (Section 5.02), restricted payments
(Section 5.03), limitation on liens (Section 5.04), limitation on transactions with
affiliates (Section 5.05) and asset sales (Section 5.06) and removed or amended,
as applicable, certain other provisions and definitions related thereto, (11) added the
covenant in the Indenture relating to negative pledge (Section 5.16), and (iti)
amended the Share Pledge Agreement to revise the mechanism for triggering the
obligation of Pampa Calichera to pledge additional shares of Sociedad Química y
Minera de Chile S.A. (“SQM”) to maintain the Minimum Collateralization Ratio (as
defined in the Consent Solicitation Statement) if the Collateralization Ratio (as

defined in the Consent Solicitation Statement) remains below the Minimum
Collateralization Ratio during a predefined period of time.

Holders with questions regarding the Consent Solicitation may contact Global
Bondholder Services Corporation at 866-736-2200 (U.S. toll free) or 212-250-2955
(collect), Attn: Corporate Actions.

This press release is for informational purposes only. The Consent Solicitation
was only made pursuant to the consent solicitation documents, including the
Consent Solicitation Statement and Supplement No. 1 thereto, which had been
previously distributed to Holders. The Consent Solicitation was not made to
Holders in any jurisdiction in which the making or acceptance thereof would have
not been in compliance with the securities, blue sky or other laws of such

About Pampa Calichera

Pampa Calichera is a holding company whose principal corporate purpose is to
invest in all types of assets and securities such as shares, bonds and debentures.
For the last four years, Pampa Calichera’s sole activity has been to invest in
shares of Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. (“SQM”), a New York Stock
Exchange and Santiago Stock Exchange listed company. As of the date hereof,
Pampa Calichera owns directly and indirectly, through its wholly owned subsidiary
Inversiones Global Mining (Chile) Limitada, 53,557,369 Series A shares and
12,241,799 Series B shares of SQM, accounting for a total of 25.0001% of its
capital stock. This interest in SQM represents nearly all of Pampa Calichera’s
assets from which it derives its income. Pampa Calichera does not hold shares of
any other operating company.

Pampa Calichera believes SQM is a unique company with a global presence in a
variety of industries: Speciality Plant Nutrition, lodine and Derivatives, Lithium and
Derivatives, Industrial Chemicals and Potassium. Pampa Calichera also believes
SQM is the world’s largest integrated producer of potassium nitrate, iodine and
lithium carbonate. SQM’s products are sold in over 100 countries through its
worldwide distribution network, with approximately 87% of its sales derived from
countries outside Chile in 2011.


Link al archivo en CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=e06563ee6046da8eef4a9d734351b0daVFdwQmVFMXFRVFJOUkVWNFRVUm5NazFuUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682366909

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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