3. Concessionaire Company
Santiago Justice Center
Santiago, April 28, 2023
OHLA. CJS-GG/101-23
Sociedad Concesionaria Centro de Justicia de Santiago S.A.
R.U.T N2 99.557.380-6
Registration of Reporting Entities N? 106
Solange Berstein
Financial Market Commission
From our consideration,
By means of the present, and by virtue of the provisions of Article 9, Article 10 paragraph 22 of Law 18,045,
and the provisions of General Standard No. 30 of the CMF, we communicate to you the following Fact
Essential of the Company “Sociedad Concesionaria Centro de Justicia de Santiago S.A.” hereinafter
indistinctly the “Society”.
I inform you that at the ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company, held on
April 28, 2023, the renewal of the Board of Directors was agreed, proceeding to appoint the following
persons in their capacity as directors, as follows: Mr. Fausto González Casado, in
as a substitute, being his substitute Mr. Javier de Vicente Sánchez; don Ramón Rodriguez García in
quality of holder, being his substitute Mr. Gerardo Pollicino Anglat; Mr. José Zurrón Balaña in quality
of holder, being his substitute Mr. Victor Ríos Salas; Mr. Fabián Caro Riquelme, as holder,
being his substitute Mrs. Carmen Honrado Honrado; and Mr. Jerónimo Linde Raspaud, as head,
being his substitute Don Marcelo Novoa Camus.
Without further particular, he greets you sincerely,
Concessionaire Company
Centro deus cia de Santiago S.A.
Sociedad Concesionaria Centro de Justicia de Santiago S.A.
OHLA Group
Manuel Rodríguez Sur 2281, Santiago – Chile
Phone: (562) 2598 2600
Link to the file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=337f3d4d2c1e14885a4fb1d6a49fe053VFdwQmVVMTZRVEJOUkVVMFRYcHJlRTFSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1684470982