Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

SK: SIGDO KOPPERS S.A. 2022-04-26 T-18:07




Registration No. 915, Securities Registry

Santiago, April 26, 2022

Mrs. Solange Berstein Jáuregui,
President of the Financial Market Commission,
Financial Market Commission,
Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 1449, Santiago.

Ref: ESSENTIAL FACT – Final Dividend Distribution 2021

From our consideration:

By means of the present, and in accordance with the provisions of art. 9° and in the second paragraph of art. 10° of Law No. 18,045 on the Securities Market, as well as in General Rule No. 30 of the Commission for the Financial Market, Sigdo Koppers S.A. informs you as an Essential Fact of the following:

We inform you that, at the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, in a session held on April 25, 2022, it was approved to distribute a definitive dividend charged to the profits of the year 2021, of US$0.01976 per share, which will be paid in its equivalent in pesos according to the exchange rate observed on April 29, 2022. The total value to be distributed amounts to US$21,201,018.-

The payment of this dividend will be made as of May 5, 2022 at the offices of SerCor S.A., the management company of the Shareholders’ Registry of Sigdo Koppers S.A., located at Avenida El Golf 140 Piso 1, Las Condes, Santiago, whose usual hours of operation are from Monday to Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with nominative check payable to the shareholder. Shareholders who so request or have requested it in writing, will have their checks mailed or the dividend will be deposited in their personal checking account.

The shareholders who are registered in the respective Registry will be entitled to the aforementioned dividend at midnight on April 29, 2022.

The definitive dividend notice will be published in the newspaper Diario Financiero, in its edition of April 28, 2022.

Attached we send you Form No. 1, Distribution of Dividends, of Circular No. 660 of the Superintendence of Securities and Insurance, which contains a detail of the background related to this distribution of final dividend.

Yours sincerely,

O Málaga 120, Las Condes
Santiago, Chile
(56 2) 2837 1100 1
Postal Code: 7550133


660 22.10.86 xx 01.00


0.01 Original information: YES (yes/no) 002 Shipping date 26.04.2022 (DD MM AA)

Identification of the company and the movement

1.01 RUT 99.598.300-1 1.02 Date of shipment form. Original 26.04.2022 (DDMMYA)
1.03 Name of the company SIGDO KOPPERS S.A.
1.04 Reg. No. of Values 915 1.05 Series affects UNICA
1.06 Stock Exchange Code SK 1.07 Ind. of the mov. D67/2022

Agreement and amount of dividend

2.01 Date of agreement 25.04.2022 (DD MM AA)
2.02 Decision taken by L (1: General Board of Action; 2: Extraordinary Meeting of Acc.; 3: Board Meeting)
2.03 Dividend amount US$ 21,201,018 2.04 Currency Type: US$

Shares and shareholders with rights

3.01 Number of shares 1.072.926.008 3.02 Deadline __ 29.04.2022 (DD MM AA)

Nature of the dividend

4.01 Dividend rate 2 (1: Provisional; 2: Minimum mandatory def.; 3: Additional or eventual definitive).
4.02 Year-end 31.12.2021 (DD MM AA)
4.03 Method of payment: 1 Payment of the dividend in money (either in money or optional in money or shares)

5.01 Payment in money US$0.01976/acc. 5.02 Currency Type US$
5.03 Payment date _05.05.2022 (DD MM AA)

Distribution of the optional dividend in shares

6.01 Start Date Option ______ (DD MM YY)
6.02 End Date Option ______ (DD MM YYY)
6.03 Delivery date title _____ (DD MM AA)
6.04 Series to opt O (only if the option is on shares of the issue itself)
6.05 Accs. post.mov. A (only if the option is on shares of the issue itself)
6.06 RUT soc. issuer (only if the option is on shares owned by the company)
6.07 Stock Exchange Code
6.08 Factor acciones________________ shares to be received for a share w/right
6.09 Share price ____
6.10 Currency type $


7.1.- At the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Sigdo Koppers S.A. held on April 25, 2022, it was agreed to pay the final dividend No. 67 of US$0.01976 per share charged to the profits of the year 2021.
7.2.- The accounting record of the dividend indicated in the previous paragraph will be made in US dollars against the equity account accumulated profits using for its conversion the exchange rate observed on April 29, 2022.
7.3- Statement: “The information contained in this form is the faithful expression of the truth, for which I assume the corresponding legal responsibility.”

O Málaga 120, Las Condes
Santiago, Chile
(56 2) 2837 1400
Postal Code: 7550133

Link to the file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=bf1397d824b7f30e6a580b41da2fb94fVFdwQmVVMXFRVEJOUkVVeVRWUkZNMDlSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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