Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




A Security Group company


Seguros Vida Security Previsión S.A.
Registration N* 022 Securities Registry

Gentlemen Ref.: Communicate relevant facts
Financial Market Commission

Santiago, March 29, 2023

Dear Sir or Madam:

By virtue of the provisions of Law 18,045, Law 18,046, and Circular No. 660, of the
Superintendency of Securities and Insurance today Commission for the Financial Market, and by
as agreed by the Board of Directors at its meeting on March 28, 2023,
I allow me to inform you, on the following matters:



The Board of Directors agreed to convene an Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting on 25 October.
April 2022, at 9:00 a.m., at the social offices located on Augusto Street
Leguia 70, zocalo floor, commune of Las Condes, Santiago. They will be the subject of this
Board the own of your call.


The Board of Directors, in consideration of the Company’s equity strength as of 28
Last February. of 1.43 agreed to propose to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
Distribute a dividend of $38.67.- per share, which, added to the dividend
Provisional of $14.7.- per share already paid on December 14, 2022, determines
A final dividend of $53.37.- per share for the period 2022. The above,
would correspond to a profit distribution of 60.0038% of the profit of the year
2022, which represents distributing the total sum of $ 25,560,025,725.-.

On the other hand, it was agreed to propose to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting the
Ratification of the provisional dividend distributed on December 14, 2022, by
resolution of the Board of Directors taken at the meeting dated November 22, 2022,

| Augusto Leguia 70, 14th floor, Las Condes, Santiago-Chile + Phone: (56-2) 584 2400 – www.security.cl xx Customer Service: 800 222 100


A Security Group company

amounting to the sum of to the sum of $7,040,141,993.- equivalent to $14.7.- per
share, transforming it into a definitive dividend.

Likewise, it was agreed to propose to the Meeting, that they would be entitled to this dividend
Shareholders registered in the corresponding registry with 5 working days of
Anticipation of the day set for its distribution, which would be from May 16,
2023, at the offices of the company Administradora de Acciones Depósito Central
of Securities, located at Av. Los Conquistadores 1730, 24th floor, commune of
Providencia, Santiago.


The Board of Directors agreed to propose to the Board as a policy for future dividends,
considering complying with the Company’s equity strength, as
Article 2 of DFL N* 251 provides for the distribution of a minimum of 30% of the
Net profit for the year, conditional on the profits that actually exist
obtain and the economic and financial situation of the enterprise, and empower the
Board of Directors to pay interim dividends charged to profit for the year and
to distribute up to 100% of the retained profits, distribution that must be
agreed and carried out at any time of this year, fixing dividends
extraordinary finals, according to the economic and financial situation of the

EXTERNAL AUDITORS.- In relation to external auditors, it is reported that
Quotes for fees were requested from the following companies: Deloitte Auditors
Consultores Limitada, KPMG, PWC Chile and E¿Y. Add that they have been received
Proposals for (a) KPMG; (b) PWC; and (c) EY. In relation to contributions
received these were analyzed and that, considering: 1) The experience and
knowledge of the businesses in which Vida Security participates; 2) The presence and
participation as external auditors in the insurance market; 3) The
independence of Audit and Partners (Art. 242 to 245 of Law 18,045); and 4) The
value, coverage and scope of services, recommends proposing to the Board
Ordinary Shareholders, as first option, to the firm E$WY Auditores
Consultores Limitada as external auditors of Seguros Vida Security Previsión
S.A. for the year 2023, given that it complies in better shape with the parameters
noted above and, as a second option, recommends the KMPG signature.

The proposal to be made by the Board is based primarily on the fact that the
signature Eé.Y better satisfies all prioritization criteria before
exposed, has a solid experience and accreditation as auditors in the

| Augusto Leguia 70, 14th floor, Las Condes, Santiago-Chile + Phone: (56-2) 584 2400 – www.security.cl xx Customer Service: 800 222 100


A Security Group company

Insurance industry, and also the economic proposal presented by them is
more convenient for the interests of society.

All of the above, in accordance with the provisions of Circular Letter No. 718, dated
February 10, 2012, supplemented by Official Circular N* 764, dated 21
of December 2012, both of the SVS. Finally, it is agreed to record that
the firms selected to propose to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting are among
major audit firms, both internationally and locally; all
They have experienced and top-notch work teams, and of course
is registered in the Register of Auditors of the SVS.

Finally, it is reported that on April 13, 2023 it will be published on the website of the
Company www.vidasecurity.cl the background of External Audit firms that
the Board of Directors shall propose to the Meeting.

Without another paftigular greets you sincerely.


Alejandro Aljerrecá
Manager [General *



Santiago Stock Exchange

| Augusto Leguia 70, 14th floor, Las Condes, Santiago-Chile + Phone: (56-2) 584 2400 – www.security.cl xx Customer Service: 800 222 100

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=3b9bde8588a808c316241c44ea6ec3a5VFdwQmVVMTZRWHBOUkVWNlRYcE5NMDlSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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