Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl





Issuer of securities registered in the Securities Registry

Santiago, March 27, 2023

Solange Berstein J.


Financial Market Commission

Madam President:

Under Article 9? and second paragraph of Article 10*,

both of Law N* 18,045, and in Circular 660 of your Commission, we communicate to you the
next Essential Fact regarding the Santiago Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange (in
forward the “Company” or the “BCS”, indistinctly).

The Board of Directors of the Company, in Ordinary Session held today,

agreed to call the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 10:00 a.m.,
in Calle La Bolsa N*64, piso 4″, Salón Auditorio, Santiago (hereinafter the “Board”), which is
will be held exclusively in person, in order to submit to the consideration of the
Shareholders the following matters:




Approval of the Report, Balance Sheet, Financial Statements and Report of the Company
External Audit, corresponding to the year 2022.

Approval of the Company’s Balance Sheet and Financial Statements as of March 1, 2023 (as well as
and the respective Report of the External Audit Company), date from which
The division of the Company from which the Company of
Infraestructuras de Mercado S.A., in accordance with what was approved at the Extraordinary Meeting
of Shareholders of the Company held on June 16, 2022.

Distribution of profits for the year and distribution of dividends.

Presentation of the Company’s dividend policy and information on the
Procedures to be used in the distribution of dividends.

Election of the Board of Directors.
Fixing the remuneration of the Board of Directors.

Determination of the remuneration of the Directors’ Committee and the budget of expenses for its

Designation of the External Audit Company.
Account of operations with related parties.

Other matters pertaining to the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.



They shall have the right to participate in the Meeting, and to exercise their rights to
voice and vote, the holders of shares that are registered in the Register of Shareholders at the
midnight of the fifth working day preceding that of its celebration, that is, at midnight on the 21st
April 2023.

The notices of convocation to the Meeting will be published in the newspaper
electronic www.latercera.com on April 17, 20 and 25, 2023.

The shareholders may obtain copies of the documents that
substantiate the matters on which they must pronounce in the Meeting, as of the 17th day of
April 2023, on the BCS website, www.bolsadesantiago.com. Among such documents,
you will find available information on the proposals of External Audit Firms that
shall be proposed to the Board for the financial year 2023 and their respective rationale.

The Board of Directors of the Company agreed to propose to the Board the distribution of a
Final Dividend of Ch$6.2993246875 per share, charged to 2022 earnings, to
payable on May 12, 2023. Holders of shares registered in
the Register of Shareholders of the Company at midnight on May 6, 2023.

The Board of Directors of the Company also agreed to disseminate its Balance Sheet to the market.
to 1? of March 2023, date from which, as indicated, the division of the
BCS. A copy of the said balance sheet is attached hereto, which will also remain, from
this date, available to shareholders on the BCS website, www.bolsadesantiago.com.
In compliance with the provisions of point 4 (s) and 5 (i), both
of Section Il, point 2.2 A, of Commission General Standard No 30 for the
Financial Market, it is reported that this financial information (attached) does not
constitutes or replaces in any way the submission of the financial statements
corresponding to the Commission for the Financial Market and the market, as regards the
Content requirements, procedures and deadlines for submission laid down by that
Service in current regulations.

Finally, it is present, as has already been informed to your
Commission, that the Company’s Financial Statements as of March 1, 2023, as well as the
respective report of the External Audit Company, will be released on April 24, 2023.
Yours sincerely yours,


JoséjA. Martinez Arramurdi


TS BCS (post-sim

AO A OR DESIRE US division) division)
to 28/02/2023 to 01/03/2023 to 01/03/2023

Statement of financial position

Current assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents 5,577,922,382 1,595,140,239 3,982,782,143
Other financial assets, current 5,815,378,805 1,794,524,866 4,020,853,939
Other non-financial assets, current 148,667,200 141,170,969 7,496,231
Trade receivables and other accounts receivable, current 2,275,015,906 2,275,015,906 –
Accounts Receivable from Related Entities, current 836,015,355 836,015,355 –


Biological, current assets – –

Tax assets, current 462,695,824 462,695,824 –

Total current assets other than assets or groups of assets for disposal classified as
held for sale or as held for distribution to owners

Non-current assets or groups of assets for disposal classified as held for sale – – –

Non-current assets or groups of assets for disposal classified as held for distribution to
The owners

Non-current assets or groups of assets for disposal classified as held for sale or
as maintained for distribution to owners

Total current assets 15,115,695,472 7,104,563,159 8,011,132,313

Non-current assets

Other financial assets, non-current –

Other non-financial assets, non-current 9,004,713,729 1,505,682,889 7,499,030,840

Duty receivable, non-current – – –

Accounts Receivable from Related Entities, Non-Current –

15.115.695.472 7.104.563.159

Investments accounted for using the equity method 18,306,348,176 – 18,306,348,176
Intangible assets other than goodwill 4,109,495,494 1,051,747,754 3,057,747,740
Surplus value—
Property, Plant and Equipment 14,738,140,436 10,547,045,694 4,191,094,742

Biological, non-current assets – – –
Investment Property – – –

Deferred tax assets 2,223,125,639 1,187,281,479 1,035,844,160
Total non-current assets 48,381,823,474 14,291,757,815 34,090,065,659
Total assets 63,497,518,946 21,396,320,974 42,101,197,972
Equity and liabilities

Current liabilities
Other financial liabilities, current –
Commercial and other accounts payable, current 4,407,800,120 3,544,518,449 863,281,671
Accounts Payable to Related Entities, current –
Other provisions, current – – –
Tax Liabilities, Current –
Provisions for employee benefits, current 893,103,797 186,733,896 706,369,901
Other non-financial liabilities, current – – –
Total current liabilities other than liabilities included in groups of assets for disposal

classified as held for sale
Liabilities included in groups of assets for disposal classified as held for sale – –

Total current liabilities 5,300,903,917 3,731,252,345 1,569,651,572

Non-current liabilities
Other financial liabilities, non-current – –
Other accounts payable, non-current 6,178,690,371 6,178,690,371 –
Accounts Payable to Related Entities, not current –
Other provisions, non-current –

5.300.903.917 3.731.252.345 1.569.651.572

Deferred tax liability 4,748,471,781 3,137,435,856 1,611,035,925
Provisions for employee benefits, non-current 3,607,354,402 1,002,183,757 2,605,170,645
Other non-financial liabilities, non-current 71,235,385 – 71,235,385
Total non-current liabilities 14,605,751,939 10,318,309,984 4,287,441,955
19.906.655.856 | 14.049.562.329 5.857.093.527
Issued capital 5,804,188,171 1,903,664,400 3,900,523,771
Accumulated gains (losses) 22,889,379,912 1,012,008,678 21,877,371,234
Share premiums – – –
Own shares in portfolio – – >
Other equity interests – – –
Other reserves 14,897,295,007 4,431,085,567, 10,466,209,440
Equity attributable to the owners of the holding company 43,590,863,090 7,346,758,645 36,244,104,445
Non-controlling interests – – –
Total Equity 43,590,863,090 7,346,758,645 |
Total equity and liabilities 63,497,518,946 | 21.396.320.974 |
Percentage of Equity Distribution: 100.00% 16.85% 83.15%
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José Antbnio Martínez Zugarramurdi Patricio Andrés Rojas Sharovsky

BCS: Santiago Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange; SIM: Sociedad de Infraestructuras de Mercado S.A.

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=8736023338f441cd0462e3a0f03832f4VFdwQmVVMTZRWHBOUkVWNVQxUkJlRTlSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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