Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl



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Peace of mind, wherever you need it.

Santiago, May 19, 2022

Financial Market Commission

From our consideration:

In accordance with the provisions of General Standard N? 30, I enclose a true copy
of the minutes of the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of the company RENTA NACIONAL
COMPAÑÍA DE SEGUROS GENERALES S.A. held on May 16, 2022, which was
is subscribed by all attendees and certified by the Notary who was


Sincerely yours,

Iturrieta Rinto
General Entity

Renta Nacional Cañía de Seguros Generales S.A.

Adj.: The indicated

C.c. : Archive
ii KACIA disars Amunátegui 178, Santiago
General Insurance + Life Annuities + Real Estate Division (+56) 2 2670 0200



In Santiago de Chile, on May 16, 2022, at 11:00 a.m., the Meeting was held
Extraordinary Shareholders of the company Renta Nacional Compañía de Seguros
Generales S.A. at the address of Amunátegui N* 178, 3″ floor of Santiago, with the

Attendance of the following shareholders, personally or represented.

1.- Mr. Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ovalle on behalf of Ganadera La Cruz S.A.
for 2,570,563 shares
2.- Mr. Rigoberto Manosalva Balbontín, representing Sociedad Agrícola

Ganadera y Forestal Las Cruces S.A. for 811,312 shares

Consequently, 100% of
the shares issued by the company, as evidenced by the corresponding list of
Attending shareholders. 100% of the issued shares present are entitled to vote,
constituting the Shareholders’ Meeting.
MESA: Mr. Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ovalle chaired the Board and acted as secretary on
General Manager of the company Mr. Pablo Iturrieta Pinto.
Specially invited was the Substitute Notary Public of the 49th Notary of Santiago
Mr. Alvaro Orellana Jara.
POWERS: The qualification of powers was not carried out because it was considered
unnecessary, it being recorded that no objection or observation was made to the
Shareholder representatives.
The president points out that this meeting was convened at the Board Meeting and that it was reported
timely conclusion of it to the Commission for the Financial Market.
It was not necessary to prove compliance with summons formalities, when attending this
It assembles all the issued shares with voting rights, in accordance with article

60 of Law No. 18,046, on corporations.

First Transitory Article.

In this regard, he pointed out that it is proposed to the shareholders to approve a capital increase
from $7,148,998,955 divided into 3,381,875 shares without par value to $23,379,218,955
divided into 11,059,672 shares without par value, in order to strengthen the level of
indebtedness, improve the solvency ratio and the equity slack of the company.

It was recorded that, in relation to the capital increase approved at an extraordinary meeting
of shareholders as of September 28, 2018, were only subscribed and paid
946,112 shares, consequently remaining unsubscribed and paid a total of 1,641,862

The shareholders’ meeting established a period of 3 years for subscription and payment of the increase,
so the term is expired. By virtue of the above, the capital was reduced
of full right to $7,148,998,955, divided into 3,381,875 shares.

Then, in compliance with the provisions of the Regulations of Corporations for
Enlighten shareholders on the placement value of the payment shares, reported that
These have not had a stock market transaction. As for its book value, he indicated that on 31
December 2021 The book value was $2,113.9157 per share, the price at which they will be issued

Payment actions.

A brief debate ensued on the information and proposals referred to, at the end of which

the shareholders attending this Meeting, who represent one hundred percent of the shares

issued with the right to vote of the society, agreed unanimously and by acclamation

1.- Increase the share capital of $7,148,998,955 divided into 3,381,875 shares
No par value at $23,379,218,955 divided into 11,059,672 worthless shares
nominal, replacing the fifth clause of the bylaws and Article
First Transient.

2.- Agree as the price for the subscription of the shares the book value at 31
December 2021, this is $2,113.9157.

3.- Modify the fifth clause of the bylaws and what remains of the following
way: “FIFTH: The share capital is $23,379,218,955 divided into 11,059,672

shares without par value”


4.- Modify the First Transitory Article of the bylaws that remain of the

as follows: “FIRST TRANSITORY ARTICLE: The share capital of
$23,379,218,955 divided into 11,059,672 shares without par value is located at
The following situation:
a) $7,148,998,955 divided into 3,381,875 shares without par value and which are
are fully subscribed and paid by the shareholders of the company and b)
$16,230,220,000 divided into 7,677,797 shares without par value which shall be
subscribed and paid within 3 years from the date of celebration of
this meeting, empowering the Board of Directors or whoever it delegates to issue the
Payment actions.

5.- Empower the General Manager of the company, so that he can accept, on behalf of the

the amendments indicated by the Commission for the Financial Market and

Extend complementary deed in which these modifications are recorded.

6.- Empower the lawyer Christian Seemann Rodríguez to reduce to writing; public

The relevant paragraphs of this Act.

Six of the time to be dealt with, the sitting was adjourned at 11:45 a.m.

riz Ovalle Pablo| Iturrietá Pinto

Rigoberto Man: to Balbontín
p.p. Sociedad Agrícyla Ganadera y Forestal Las Cruces S.A.

Alvaro Orellana Jara, Alternate Notary Public of the 49″ Notary of Santiago, certifies that he was present
from its inception to its end at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of the company RENTA
NACIONAL COMPAÑÍA DE SEGUROS GENERALES S.A., which was held at the place, day and time
refers to the preceding Minutes, which were attended by all the shareholders indicated, which were read,
All the proposals submitted to the Assembly and the amendments to the
statutes to which the preceding act testifies and that eLaet3 eedente is a faithful and accurate account of the

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=14bb6405c98c7985f8e49482d3890c95VFdwQmVVMXFRVEZOUkVVMVRsUlpNVTlCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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