Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl



Santiago, December 12, 2022


Solange Berstein Jauregui

Financial Market Commission

REF: Essential fact. Reports dividend distribution.

From our consideration:

In accordance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law No. 18,045, in relation to the provisions of the
subsection 2″ of Article 9 of D.F.L. N* 251 and in Section 1, numeral of Circular N” 991,
and Circular No. 660, both of the Superintendency of Securities and Insurance, now called the Commission.
for the Financial Market, and especially empowered to do so, I comply with informing that in
Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company, held on December 12 of the year
In progress, it was agreed to pay an eventual final dividend of $ 50,000,000,000.-,
equivalent to Ch$11,944.2576 per share, charged to accumulated earnings from the years of
previous years.

The Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting agreed that the payment of the dividend will be made on 23
December of the present, and will be entitled to this dividend the shareholders who are
registered as such in the Register of Shareholders of the Company, on the fifth business day prior to the
date established for its payment by the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting in accordance with the

We note that, to date, the Company complies with the patrimonial and
solvency provided for in DFL No. 251 for the distribution of dividends charged to
Accumulated profits from previous years.

We attach Form N” 1 in accordance with the provisions of Circular N” 660.

Yours faithfully

Pablo Cruzat A

Pablo Cruzat A (Dec 12, 2022 16:15 GMT-3)
Pablo Cruzat Arteaga
Deputy General Manager
Principal Compañía de Seguros de Vida Chile S.A.



0.01 Original information: Yes (yes/no) 0.02 Shipping date 12.12.22 (DD MM AA)

1. Identification of the company and the movement

1.01 R.U.T.: 96.588.080-1 1.02 Shipping date
form. Original: 12.12.22 (DD MM AA)


1.04 N* Reg. of Values: 1.05 Series affects: UNIQUE

1.06 Bag code: 1.07 Individualization of the mov.:

2. Agreement and amount of the dividend
2.01 Date of agreement: 12.12.22 (DD MM AA)

2.02 Termination of the resolution: 2 (1: Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders; 2:
Extraordinary joint. of acc. 3: Board session)

2.03 Dividend amount $50,000,000,000.- 2.04 Type of currency $ _ peso

3. Shares and shareholders with rights

3.01 Number of shares: 4.186.112 3.02 Deadline: 16.12.22 (DD MM AA)

4. Nature of the dividend

4.01 Dividend rate: 3 (1: Provisional; 2: Final minimum mandatory;
3: Definitive additional or eventual).

4.02 Year-end: 31.12.2021 (DD MM AA)

4.03 Form of payment: 1 (1: In cash; 2: Optional in cash or shares; 2: Optional in cash or shares; 3: Optional in cash or shares)

of the issue itself; 3: Optional in cash or in kind; 4: Optional in cash or in kind
shares of another company; 4: Other modality)

5. Payment of the dividend in cash (either in cash or optionally in cash or shares).
5.01 Payment in money: $ 5.02 Type of currency: $ __peso

5.03 Date of payment: 23.12.22(DD MM AA)

6. Distribution of the optional dividend in shares

6.01 Option start date: (DD MM YYYYY)

6.02 Option expiration date: (DD MM YYYYY)

6.03 Title delivery date: (DD MM YYYYY)

6.04 Series to be opted: (only if the option is on shares of the issue itself)
6.05 Acc. Post-mov.: (only if the option is on shares of the issue itself)
6.06 R.U.T. soc. issuer: (only if the option is on shares of which the

company is the owner)
6.07 Stock Exchange Code:
6.08 Factor shares: shares to be received for one share w/ right
6.09 Share price: ace.

6.10 Type of currency: $

7. Remarks

These dividends correspond to the distribution of profits with credit for Income Tax.

The dividend is debited against the accounting account Dividends

The notice concerning the shareholders who will be entitled to the dividend in accordance with the
referred to in Article 10 of the Regulations of Corporations shall be published in the Diario El
I release on December 16, 2022.

Principal Compañía de Seguros de Vida Chile S.A. is a closed corporation.

Time and place of payment: Av. Apoquindo 3.600, 10th floor between 09:00 and 18:00 hours.

Statement: “The information contained in this form is the faithful expression of truth, so
that I assume the corresponding legal responsibility”

Pablo Cruzat A

Pablo Cruzat (Dec 12, 2022 16:15 GMT-3) –
Pablo Cruzat Arteaga
Deputy General Manager
Principal Compañía de Seguros de Vida Chile S.A.

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=a44730443ddb5115853297080a81a8afVFdwQmVVMXFSWGxOUkZFelRVUnJkMDFCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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