* z
Santiago, June 2, 2022
Solange Berstein Jáuregui
Chairman Financial Market Commission
Av. Libertador Bernardo O “Higgins 1449, 9th Floor
REF. Reports essential fact – Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting Agreements.
From our consideration:
In accordance with the provisions of the final paragraph of Article 9 of DFL N*251, in
In relation to Article 10 of Law N*%18,045 on the Securities Market, we communicate to
You as an Essential Fact, that at the Extraordinary Meeting of Shareholders of the Company,
Held on June 1, 2022, the following was agreed:
Distribute a contingent dividend, that is, charged to retained earnings of
previous years, for a total amount of $1,411,888,990. Therefore, the
Society will pay the amount of $0.442737218 for each of the 3,189,000,000
subscribed and paid shares of it. Payment will be made from June 6
of 2022, to shareholders of record at midnight on the fifth business day preceding
that date. The aforementioned dividends will be paid by check or transfer
electronic banking to the current accounts that shareholders have registered in
the Society.
Form N* 1 of CPM Circular 660 is attached.
Yours sincerely yours,
PE and . E cn=Rodrigo Joglar
Herself? Espinosa, o=0rión Insurance
qe Generales S.A.,
Rodrigo Joglar Espinosa oOu=General Management,
General Manager email=rjoglaresegurosorio
Orión Seguros Generales S.An xx| ¿=CL
2022.06.02 11:43:03 -04’00’
(GQMC: 497887.DOCX v.1)
Isidora Goyenechea 2932, Of, 201, Las Condes – Santiago – Phone: (56) 22 763 7800 xx contactoSsegurosorion.cl
Original information: __Si__ (yes/no) 0.02 Submitted on:02/06/22__D MM AA)
Identification of the company and the movement
1.01 R.U.T.: 76.042.965- 1 1.02 Ship Shipped
form. ORIGINAL:_02/06/22 DD MM YYY)
1.03. Company name: Orión Seguros Generales S.A.
1.04 N* Securities Regulations: 1.05 Series affects: Single
1.06 Stock Exchange Code: 1.07 Indiv. from mov.:_6
Agreement and amount of dividend
2.01 Date of agreement:01/06/22 (DD MM AA)
2.02 Taking of the agreement:2 (1: General meeting of acc.; 2: extraordinary meeting of
Acc.; 3: Directory session).
2.03 Dividend amount:$1,411,888,990 2.04 Currency type: $ CLP
Shares and shareholders with rights
3.01 Number of shares: 3,189,000,0003.02 Deadline01/06/22(DD MM YYY)
Nature of the dividend
4.01 Dividend rate3 (1: Provisional; 2: Minimum mandatory def.; 3: Finitive
additional or eventual).
4.02 Year-end: ” (DD MM YY)
4.03 Method of payment: 1 (1: In money; 2: Optional in money or shares of
the broadcast itself; 3: Optional in money or
shares of another company; 4: Another modality.
Payment of the dividend in money (either in cash or optional in money or shares)
5.01 Payment in money: 5.02 Currency type: $, CLP
5.03 Payment date :06/06/22 (DD MM AA)
The Reporting Company is a special closed-end joint-stock company.
The eventual dividend agreed will be paid out of the retained earnings of
previous years.
The aforementioned dividends will be paid by cheque or bank transfer
electronic to the current accounts that the shareholders have registered with the Company.
Name and signature legal representative
Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=fbb78ae862d68c9609f524e1f01821cdVFdwQmVVMXFRVEpOUkVsNFRtcEZNMDVuUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108