Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl





Santiago, March 30, 2023
Solange Berstein Jáuregui
Chairman of the Financial Market Commission
REF.: Reports Essential Fact – Summons Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

From our consideration:

In accordance with the provisions of Circulars Nos. 662 and 991, issued by your Agency and its
modifications, we communicate as an essential fact, that in session of Directory N* 364 of Liberty
Compañía de Seguros Generales S.A. (the “Company”) held on March 28, 2023, it was agreed
to call the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (the “Meeting”), for April 24, 2023, at
11.00 hours, which will take place at the registered office located at Av. Andres Bello number 2457,
12th floor, Providencia, Santiago, being able to participate remotely, in accordance with
General Standard N*435 and Circular N*1141 of the CMF and the agreement of the Board of Directors
of the Company regarding remote participation in Shareholders’ Meetings through means
technological, in order to know and pronounce on the following matters:
1. The examination of the situation of the Company, of the reports of the external auditors, the
December 2022;

2. The distribution of final dividends, if any, and information on the policy

3. The designation of the external audit firm and the risk rating agencies of
the Company for the financial year 2023;

4. The designation of a newspaper of the registered office for legal publications;

5. To give an account of the resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors of the Company, in relation to

transactions between related parties referred to in Article 147 of the Law on

6. The renewal of the Board of Directors of the Company;

7. Determine the remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors of the Company;

8. Any other matter of social interest that is within the competence of the Board

Instructions agreed by the Board of Directors for remote participation and voting at the Board
Extraordinary Shareholders are attached in an annex to this communication.

Yours sincerely yours,


Pablo Advis Jimenez
Legal Manager
Liberty Insurance Company
General S.A.


In accordance with General Standard No. 435 and Circular No. 1,141, both of the
Comisión para el Mercado Financiero (“CMPF”), the Board of Directors of Liberty Compañía de Seguros Generales
S.A. (the “Company”) has agreed to the following rules regarding remote participation and voting:

Shareholders entitled to attend the shareholders’ meeting to be held at the place and time indicated
in the call (the “Board”), may exercise that right using electronic or technological means
of remote communication, which allow shareholders to participate in the Meeting without being physically present
present at the place of its celebration.

Remote attendance of shareholders at the Meeting by electronic or technological means shall be subject to
The following rules:

a) If you wish to attend the Meeting by remote means, you must inform the Company by
Email sent to the address Fiscalia(Oliberty.cl no later than Monday, April 17, 2023
until 23:59 hrs., attaching the following background:
A In the case of shareholders who are natural persons and act for themselves: Copy of identity card
of the current identity of the shareholder, on both sides.
li. In the case of shareholders who are natural persons, but who will act through
attorneys or representatives: (i) Copy on both sides of the current identity cards of the
shareholder and the proxy or representative who will act at the Meeting; (ii) The power to appear
at the Meeting duly granted by the corresponding shareholder or shareholders in pdf format with
Simple and/or advanced electronic signature.
In the case of shareholders who are legal persons, but who will act through proxies
or representatives: (i) Copy on both sides of the current identity cards, of: 1. the
legal representatives of the legal person with powers to delegate their representation for the
participation in the Boards, and; 2. of the proxy or representative who will participate in the Meeting in
Representation of the legal entity shareholder. (ii) Deed of legal status in force of the
legal representatives of the legal entity (shareholder), unless the representatives are
are duly registered in the system of the DCV (Depósito Central de Valores S.A.);
(iii) The power to appear at the Meeting duly granted by the shareholder or shareholders
corresponding in PDF format with simple and/or advanced electronic signature.

b) After reviewing the conforming background and in any case, before the date of
holding the Meeting, the Company will inform you if you meet the requirements to participate and
send instructions to participate remotely on the day of the Meeting to the same email
electronic through which the shareholder has confirmed his participation to the Meeting through
remote media, attaching a ballot with the voting materials in the Board. If any,
qualified to participate, you are requested that at the time of starting the videoconference you have
Hand your identification document (cédula de identidad).

At least one day before the date of the Meeting, shareholders who wish to participate
By remote means they must send the ballot indicating their vote to each of the
matters of the Board. This ballot must be delivered to the following address:
Prosecutor’s Office(Dliberty.cl. The envelopes will be kept closed until the vote on each of the
matters in the Board.

Liberty Compañía de Seguros Generales S.A.





Failure to send the ballot shall not disqualify the shareholder from voting at the Meeting at which
participate remotely, in this case you must send by email with your vote to the
Fiscal Directorate (Dliberty.cl. In this case, the Secretary of the Board will proceed to read the vote to the
beginning of the scrutiny of each of the subjects of the Board.

The Meeting will be held by Microsoft Teams videoconferencing system, which may have
Access according to the instructions that will be sent to you in accordance with letter b) above.

The connection to the Board’s monitoring system must be made at least in advance of at least
5 minutes at the scheduled time for the start of the Meeting. After the time limit fixed for that purpose,
The shareholder who initiates the connection subsequently shall not be considered present.

The shareholder who wishes to attend the Meeting and exercise his rights must identify himself, exhibiting
for this your identity card. The Secretary of the Board will confirm the validity of the participation
of such shareholder, with the information in his possession in accordance with the letter (a) and b) above. The
shareholders attending through remote means will be incorporated into the list of attendees,
certifying their presence by the President and Secretary of the Board.

In the event that the shareholders approve voting on the matters of the Meeting by means of a ballot system,
the Secretary of the Board shall open the envelopes received in accordance with point (b).
above, and to read aloud the vote of the shareholders communicated remotely.

In the event that the shareholders approve voting on the matters of the Meeting by acclamation, the
Shareholder who participates through remote means may do so by voice, using for it
the technological means used for the purposes of their participation in the Board. Also, in this case
ballot papers sent by the shareholder in accordance with point (b) above
they will be null and void.

The vote on proposals on items included in the table of the Board may be issued to
from the moment in which the Presidency of the Board declares its valid constitution and carries out a
indication to this effect, and until the time appointed for that purpose by the President.

Shareholders attending remotely may ask questions or request clarifications
which they consider relevant, provided that they relate to matters included in the table of the

If for technical circumstances or for security reasons arising from circumstances
if there is or is an interruption of communication or the end of it,
this circumstance may not be invoked as an unlawful deprivation of the rights of the shareholder, or
as a cause of challenge to the resolutions adopted by the Board.

Liberty Compañía de Seguros Generales S.A.



Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=2f55b636a989fbc8965348f525f2a2beVFdwQmVVMTZRWHBOUkVWNlRrUlZlVTlCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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