Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

ITAU CORPBANCA 2023-02-22 T-18:21


DocuSign Envelope ID: ACBCCD4D-DB4B-4CEA-9C99-F7BAA52D4A79

Santiago, February 22, 2023

GG. –

48/ 2023


Solange Berstein Jáuregui


Financial Market Commission

Ref.: Essential Fact – Summons to Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

Dear Sir or Madam,

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of Law No. 18,045 on
Securities Market and the provisions of Chapter 18-10 of the Digest
Updated Commission Rules for the Financial Market, and duly
I hereby inform you as an Essential Fact of Itaú Corpbanca (the “Bank”,

The Board of Directors, in a regular meeting held on the same date, has agreed to summon
The Bank’s Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (the “Meeting”), held on April 20,
2023, at 10:00 am, at Avenida Presidente Riesco 5537, 3rd floor, Las Condes,
Santiago, which will be held remotely, in order to know and
to pronounce on the following matters:


Approval of the Report, Balance Sheet, Financial Statements and Report
of the External Auditors, for the year ended 31
December 2022.

Decide on the distribution of profits and distribution of dividends.
Appointment of External Auditors and Risk Rating Agencies for the year

Election of the Board of Directors. This matter will only be dealt with in the Board to the extent that
that as of March 31, 2023, the Commission for the Financial Market has
approved the reform of statutes agreed at the Extraordinary Meeting of
Shareholders of the Bank of 19 January 2023, by which, inter alia,
agreed to decrease the number of titular directors from eleven to seven; and the number
of alternate directors from two to one. The Bank shall inform the Bank in due course

DocuSign Envelope ID: ACBCCD4D-DB4B-4CEA-9C99-F7BAA52D4A79

through an Essential Fact about whether or not there will be an election of the Board of Directors in
the Meeting that is convened.

5. Determination and approval of the remuneration of the Board of Directors,
Directors and Audit Committee and approval of the expenditure budget of their

6. Information on the operations referred to in Articles 146 and
following Law No. 18.046 on Corporations.

7. Report of the Directors’ Committee and the Audit Committee.

8. To deal with other matters within the competence of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting,
in accordance with the Law and the Statutes of the Bank.

They shall have the right to participate in the Meeting, and to exercise their right to speak and vote in it,
holders of shares registered in the Register of Shareholders at midnight on
fifth working day prior to the day of its celebration, that is, registered at midnight
of April 14, 2023.

The shareholders may obtain a copy of the documents that support
the matters that will be submitted to the consideration of the Board, as of April 5,
2023, on the Bank’s website, www.itau.cl, in the Relationship with
Investors (ir.itau.cl / Events and Presentations / Shareholders’ Meetings / Meeting
Ordinary Shareholders – April 20, 2023). Additionally, from the same
date, any shareholder wishing to obtain a copy of such documents may
contact the Investor Relations Management, email

As indicated, it has been resolved that the Meeting be held remotely, in order to
to prevent people who attend it from being exposed to contagion. To do this,
the shareholder interested in participating in the Meeting, or his representative, shall, until
14:00 hours the day before the Meeting, register by sending an email
electronic to the box RegisterJuntas Odcv.cl, expressing your interest to participate
at the Board, attaching a scanned image of your identity card by both
sides or your passport; of power, if applicable; and the application form for
enrolment to the Board. The Board will be carried out by the platform of
Microsoft Teams video conferencing and voting by acclamation or voting
viva voz, or through the electronic voting platform provided by DCV
Registros S.A. The rest of the required documentation and the information with more
Details on how to register, connect, participate and vote remotely
to the Board and other aspects that are appropriate for this purpose, will be available and
will be communicated in a timely manner through an instruction that will be uploaded to the site
Bank website, www.itau.cl, in the Investor Relations section (ir.itau.cl /
Events and Presentations / Shareholders’ Meetings / Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting
– April 20, 2023).

DocuSign Envelope ID: ACBCCD4D-DB4B-4CEA-9C99-F7BAA52D4A79

The notices of convocation will be published in the Diario La Tercera on days 5, 10 and
April 18, 2023.

Yours sincerely yours,

DocuSigned by:

Gabriel Amado de Moura
General Manager
Itaú Corpbanca

Link to the file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=0489f74a46829d2098eecd1a7f8cd47eVFdwQmVVMTZRWGxOUkVFMFRWUkZlVTlSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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