Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

INVERSIONES TRICAHUE S.A. 2023-04-28 T-11:36


Reg. Inscription Values N* 0426

Santiago, April 28, 2023
IT_N? 67/2023/

Solange Berstein Jauregui
Financial Market Commission
Ref.: Essential Fact/

Dear Sirs,

We inform you that on April 27, 2023, the
Thirty-fourth Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Inversiones Tricahue S.A. in which
adopted the following agreements:

1″ The Annual Report, Balance Sheet, Financial Statements and Auditors’ Report were approved
External, corresponding to the year ended December 31, 2022.

2* The distribution of 100% of the net profits of the year 2021 was approved, approval that
Deducting the provisional dividends paid, it means distributing a definitive dividend
Additional amounting to 36.382268 pesos per share, which will be paid from the day
May 22, 2023.

At the same time, it was agreed to pay an eventual dividend of 22.617732 pesos for

Action, charged to accumulated profits from previous years, to be paid

together with the Additional Definitive Dividend, in the same form and date thereof.
3? The remuneration of the Board of Directors was fixed.

4* The remuneration of the Directors’ Committee was fixed and its budget determined.


5* Approved the company’s dividend policy and information on procedures

to be used in the distribution of dividends.

San Antonio 486 – Piso 7 – Oficina 72 – Santiago – Phone/ 22632 6518

6* HBL Surlatina Chile was appointed as External Auditors for the year

7% It was agreed that the notices of the Company will be published in the electronic newspaper El

8″ Noted the agreements adopted by the board to approve operations to
referred to in Article 146 et seq. of Law No. 18,046.

The resolutions of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting were adopted unanimously by
shareholders present or represented, which amounted to 22,344,973 subscribed shares and
paid, representing 66.92% of the share capital.

Attached are Forms N* 1 “Distribution of Dividends”, for Additional Definitive Dividend and
Eventual dividend.

Sincerely yours,


General Manager

cc.: Santiago Stock Exchange.
Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile.

San Antonio 486 – Piso 7 – Oficina 72 – Santiago – Phone/ 22632 6518



0.01 Original information: Yes (yes/no) 0.02 Submitted date: 28.04.2023 (DD MM AA)

Identification of the company and the movement

1.01 R.U.T.: 96.542.300-1 1.02 Ship Date
form. Original: 28.04.2023 (DD MM AA)

1.03 Company name: Inversiones Tricahue S.A.
1.04 N* Reg. Of Values: 426 1.05 Series affects: Single

1.06 Stock Code: Tricahue 1.07 Indiv. Mov.: N*96

Agreement and amount of dividend
2.01 Date of agreement: 27.04.2023 (DD MM AA)

2.02 Adoption of the agreement: 1 (1: General meeting Ord. of acc.; 2: Extraordinary meeting
of acc.; 3: Board session)

2.03 Dividend amount: $ 1.214.883.217.- 2.04 Currency type: $ (–)

Shares and shareholders with rights

3.01 Number of shares: 33.392.179 3.02 Deadline: 16.05.2023 (DD MM AA)

Nature of the dividend

4.01 Dividend rate: 3 (1: Provisional; 2: Def. minimum mandatory;
3: Definitive additional or eventual).

4.02 Year-end: 31.12.2022 (DD MM AA)
4.03 Form of payment: 1 (1: In cash; 2: Optional in cash or shares; 2: Optional in cash or shares; 3: Optional in cash or shares)

of the issue itself; 3: Optional in cash or in kind; 4: Optional in cash or in kind
shares of another company; 4: Other modality)

San Antonio 486 – Piso 7 – Oficina 72 – Santiago – Phone/ 22632 6518

5. Payment of the dividend in cash (either in cash or optionally in cash or shares).
5.01 Payment in money: $ 36,382268.- /acc. 5.02 Currency Type: $ (–)

5.03 Date of payment: 22.05.2023 (DD MM AA)

6. Distribution of the optional dividend in shares

6.01 Option start date: (DD MM YYYYY)

6.02 Option expiration date: (DD MM YYYYY)

6.03 Title delivery date: (DD MM YYYYY)

6.04 Series to choose: (only if the option is on shares of one’s own

6.05 Accs. Post-mov.: (only if the option is on shares of one’s own

6.06 R.U.T. soc. issuer: (only if the option is on shares of which

the company is the owner)
6.07 Stock Exchange Code:
6.08 Shares factor: shares to be received for a share w/right
6.09 Share price: acc.
6.10 Type of currency: $
7. Remarks

Statement: “The information contained in this form is the faithful expression of truth, so
That I assume the corresponding legal responsibility.”

| And

Name and signature legal representative

San Antonio 486 – Piso 7 – Oficina 72 – Santiago – Phone/ 22632 6518








Tax Effects

The tax qualification of the total amount to be distributed will be determined by the result of the year
in progress.

Dividend Charge

The amount is attributable to the profits of the year 2022.

Time and place of dividend payment

The company contemplates the following payment methods:

1.- Deposit in bank current account, whose holder is the shareholder.
2.- Deposit in bank savings account, whose holder is the shareholder.

3.- Sending of nominative check by certified mail to the address of the shareholder that appears in the
Registration of shareholders.

4.- Personal withdrawal by the shareholder or with simple power of attorney in the offices of Shares,
located in San Antonio N? 486, Oficina 72, Santiago, Monday-Friday: 10:00-16:00
as of May 22, 2023.

Journal and date of publication

The publication referred to in Circular No. 660 of the Commission for the Financial Market is
will be made in the Electronic newspaper El Libero, on May 10, 2023.

Type of Dividend
Additional Definitive Dividend.
Type of corporation

Inversiones Tricahue S.A., is a public limited company.

e =><{{{wpml_tag_202}}}{{{wpml_tag_203}}}CLAUDIO LOBOS VÉLIZ{{{wpml_tag_204}}}Nombre y firma Representante Legal{{{wpml_tag_205}}}{{{wpml_tag_206}}}San Antonio 486 - Piso 7 - Oficina 72 - Santiago - Fono/ 22632 6518{{{wpml_tag_207}}}{{{wpml_tag_208}}}FORMULARIO N? 1{{{wpml_tag_209}}}{{{wpml_tag_210}}}REPARTO DE DIVIDENDOS{{{wpml_tag_211}}}{{{wpml_tag_212}}}0.01 Información original: Si (si/no) 0.02 Fecha envío: 28.04.2023 (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_213}}}{{{wpml_tag_214}}}Identificación de la sociedad y del movimiento{{{wpml_tag_215}}}{{{wpml_tag_216}}}1.01 R.U.T.: 96.542.300-1 1.02 Fecha envío{{{wpml_tag_217}}}form. Original: 28.04.2023 (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_218}}}{{{wpml_tag_219}}}1.03 Nombre de la sociedad: Inversiones Tricahue S.A.{{{wpml_tag_220}}}1.04 N* Reg. De Valores: 426 1.05 Serie afecta: Unica{{{wpml_tag_221}}}{{{wpml_tag_222}}}1.06 Código de bolsa: Tricahue 1.07 Indiv. del mov.: N*97{{{wpml_tag_223}}}{{{wpml_tag_224}}}Acuerdo y monto del dividendo{{{wpml_tag_225}}}2.01 Fecha de acuerdo: 27.04.2023 (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_226}}}{{{wpml_tag_227}}}2.02 Toma del acuerdo: 1 (1: Junta gral. Ord. de acc.; 2: Junta extraordinaria{{{wpml_tag_228}}}de acc.; 3: Sesión de directorio){{{wpml_tag_229}}}{{{wpml_tag_230}}}2.03 Monto del dividendo: $ 755.255.356 2.04 Tipo de moneda: $ (--){{{wpml_tag_231}}}{{{wpml_tag_232}}}Acciones y accionistas con derecho{{{wpml_tag_233}}}{{{wpml_tag_234}}}3.01 Número de acciones: 33.392.179 3.02 Fecha límite: 16.05.2023 (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_235}}}{{{wpml_tag_236}}}Carácter del dividendo{{{wpml_tag_237}}}{{{wpml_tag_238}}}4.01 Tipo de dividendo: 3 (1: Provisorio; 2: Def. mínimo obligatorio;{{{wpml_tag_239}}}3: Definitivo adicional o eventual).{{{wpml_tag_240}}}{{{wpml_tag_241}}}4.02 Cierre del ejercicio: 31.12.2022 (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_242}}}4.03 Forma de pago: 1 (1: En dinero; 2: Optativo en dinero o acciones{{{wpml_tag_243}}}{{{wpml_tag_244}}}de la propia emisión; 3: Optativo en dinero o{{{wpml_tag_245}}}acciones de otra sociedad; 4: Otra modalidad){{{wpml_tag_246}}}{{{wpml_tag_247}}}San Antonio 486 - Piso 7 - Oficina 72 - Santiago - Fono/ 22632 6518{{{wpml_tag_248}}}{{{wpml_tag_249}}}5. Pago del dividendo en dinero (sea en dinero u optativo en dinero o acciones){{{wpml_tag_250}}}{{{wpml_tag_251}}}5.01 Pago en dinero: $ 22,617732.- lacc. 5.02 Tipo de moneda: $ (--){{{wpml_tag_252}}}5.03 Fecha de pago: _ 22.05.2023 (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_253}}}{{{wpml_tag_254}}}6. Reparto del dividendo optativo en acciones{{{wpml_tag_255}}}{{{wpml_tag_256}}}6.1 Fecha inicio opción: (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_257}}}{{{wpml_tag_258}}}6.2 Fecha término opción: (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_259}}}{{{wpml_tag_260}}}6.3 Fecha entrega título: (DD MM AA){{{wpml_tag_261}}}{{{wpml_tag_262}}}6.4 Serie a optar: (sólo si la opción es sobre acciones de la propia{{{wpml_tag_263}}}emisión){{{wpml_tag_264}}}{{{wpml_tag_265}}}6.5 Accs. Post-mov.: (sólo si la opción es sobre acciones de la propia{{{wpml_tag_266}}}emisión){{{wpml_tag_267}}}{{{wpml_tag_268}}}6.6 R.U.T. soc. emisora: (sólo si la opción es sobre acciones de las cuales{{{wpml_tag_269}}}{{{wpml_tag_270}}}la sociedad es titular){{{wpml_tag_271}}}6.7 Código bolsa:{{{wpml_tag_272}}}6.8 Factor acciones: acciones a recibir por una acción c/derecho{{{wpml_tag_273}}}6.9 Precio de la acción: acc.{{{wpml_tag_274}}}6.10 Tipo de moneda: ${{{wpml_tag_275}}}7. Observaciones{{{wpml_tag_276}}}{{{wpml_tag_277}}}Declaración: “La información contenida en este formulario es la expresión fiel de la verdad, por lo{{{wpml_tag_278}}}Que asumo la responsabilidad legal correspondiente”.{{{wpml_tag_279}}}{{{wpml_tag_280}}}| E{{{wpml_tag_281}}}=={{{wpml_tag_282}}}{{{wpml_tag_283}}}CLAUDIO LOBOS VELIZ{{{wpml_tag_284}}}Nombre y firma representante legal{{{wpml_tag_285}}}{{{wpml_tag_286}}}San Antonio 486 - Piso 7 - Oficina 72 - Santiago - Fono/ 22632 6518{{{wpml_tag_287}}}{{{wpml_tag_288}}}OBSERVACIONES{{{wpml_tag_289}}}{{{wpml_tag_290}}}a){{{wpml_tag_291}}}{{{wpml_tag_292}}}b){{{wpml_tag_293}}}{{{wpml_tag_294}}}c){{{wpml_tag_295}}}{{{wpml_tag_296}}}d){{{wpml_tag_297}}}{{{wpml_tag_298}}}e){{{wpml_tag_299}}}{{{wpml_tag_300}}}1{{{wpml_tag_301}}}{{{wpml_tag_302}}}Efectos Tributarios{{{wpml_tag_303}}}{{{wpml_tag_304}}}La calificación tributaria del monto total a distribuir estará determinada por el resultado del ejercicio{{{wpml_tag_305}}}en curso.{{{wpml_tag_306}}}{{{wpml_tag_307}}}Cargo del Dividendo{{{wpml_tag_308}}}{{{wpml_tag_309}}}El monto es imputable a las utilidades retenidas de ejercicios anteriores.{{{wpml_tag_310}}}Horario y lugar de pago del dividendo{{{wpml_tag_311}}}{{{wpml_tag_312}}}La empresa contempla las siguientes modalidades de pago:{{{wpml_tag_313}}}{{{wpml_tag_314}}}1.- Depósito en cuenta corriente bancaria, cuyo titular sea el accionista.{{{wpml_tag_315}}}{{{wpml_tag_316}}}2.- Depósito en cuenta de ahorro bancaria, cuyo titular sea el accionista.{{{wpml_tag_317}}}{{{wpml_tag_318}}}3.- Envío de cheque nominativo por correo certificado al domicilio del accionista que figure en el{{{wpml_tag_319}}}registro de accionistas.{{{wpml_tag_320}}}{{{wpml_tag_321}}}4.- Retiro personal por parte del accionista o con poder notarial simple en las oficinas de Acciones,{{{wpml_tag_322}}}ubicada en San Antonio N* 486, Oficina 72, Santiago, de lunes a viernes de 9:00 a 17:00 horas{{{wpml_tag_323}}}a partir del día 22 de mayo de 2023.{{{wpml_tag_324}}}{{{wpml_tag_325}}}Diario y fecha de publicación{{{wpml_tag_326}}}{{{wpml_tag_327}}}La publicación a la que alude la circular N* 660 de la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero, se{{{wpml_tag_328}}}efectuará en el diario, Electrónico El Libero el día 10 de mayo de 2023.{{{wpml_tag_329}}}{{{wpml_tag_330}}}Tipo de Dividendo{{{wpml_tag_331}}}Dividendo eventual.{{{wpml_tag_332}}}Tipo de sociedad anónima{{{wpml_tag_333}}}{{{wpml_tag_334}}}Inversiones Tricahue S.A., es una sociedad anónima abierta.{{{wpml_tag_335}}}{{{wpml_tag_336}}}MI{{{wpml_tag_337}}}e =>

Name and signature Legal Representative

San Antonio 486 – Piso 7 – Oficina 72 – Santiago – Phone/ 22632 6518

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=73c42c1c3c69b1417a6bc67713893ce3VFdwQmVVMTZRVEJOUkVVMFRYcFpORTVuUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1684470982

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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