Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

GRUPO COSTANERA S.A. 2012-04-20 T-12:39


Av. General Prieto 1430
Independencia – Santiago
Tel. +56 (2) 490-0000
Fax +56 (2) 190-0704

Santiago, 20 de abrill de 2012

REF.: SVS-12–010


Inscripción N* 1085 en el Registro de Valores


Fernando Coloma Correa

Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros

De nuestra consideración:

Que encontrándome debidamente facultado por el Directorio de Grupo Costanera S.A., y de
conformidad con lo establecido en el artículo 9 y el inciso 2” del artículo 10 de la Ley N* 18,045
sobre Mercado de Valores y a lo dispuesto por la Norma de Carácter General N* 118 de esta
Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, mediante la presente cumplo en informar el siguiente
hecho esencial:

Con fecha 19 de Abril de 2012 la sociedad Atlantia S.p.A. (“Atlantia”) ha publicado en su sitio
web (www.Atlantia.it) un comunicado de prensa señalado que su subsidiaria Autostrade per
U’Italia S.p.A. (“ASPI”) ha suscrito un acuerdo para vender a Canada Pension Plan Investment
Boarda (‘CPPIB”), el 49,99% de sus intereses en Grupo Costanera.

De acuerdo a dicho comunicado, como resultado de la transacción, el 50% de los derechos en
Nueva Inversiones S.A., actualmente de propiedad de ASPI, serán transferidos a Grupo
Costanera, la que en consecuencia asumirá la totalidad del control de las autopistas Costanera
Norte, Acceso Vial AMB, Vespucio Sur, Litoral Central y Nororiente,

La transacción se encuentra sujeta a la adquisición satisfactoria del 100% de las acciones de

Autostrade Sud America, conforme al acuerdo de compra suscrito con fecha 25 de Febrero de
2012 con SIAS y Mediobanca, y al otorgamiento de las aprobañíones necesarias.

Adjunto remitimos a usted copia íntegra, en idioma inglé:

del pa de prensa señalado.

c.c.: Archivo
Inc. Lo indicado




Press Release


xxToday’s transaction enables us to achieve three key strategic objectives: to enter
into a partnership with one of the worlds leading institutional investors, to provide
the fimancing necessary to maintain our outstanding financial position and fund the
Group”s investment programme, and to make apparent the value created since 2006

through a series of four acquisitions and combinatioms at local Vevel,” commented

Giovanni Castellucci, Arlantia”s CEO.

Rome, 19 April 2012 – Atlantia announces that its subsidiary, Autostrade per l’Italia SpA,
has today entered into an agreement to sell to Canada Pension Plan Investment Board
(CPPIB), a leading Canadian pension fund manager, that will see CPPIB acquire a
49.99% interest in Grupo Costanera.

The total price amounts to 560bn Chilean pesos (equal to approximately €857m),
corresponding to a total value for Grupo Costanera of approximately €1,725m.

CPPIB is a professional investment management organization that invests the funds not
needed by the Canada Pension Plan to pay current benefits on behalf of 18 million
Canadian contributors and beneficiaries. Headquartered in Toronto, with offices in
London and Hong Kong, CPPIB is governed and managed independently of the Canada
Pension Plan and at arm’s length from governments. At December 31, 2011, the GPP

Fund totalled $152.8 billion.

Investor Relations
e-muil: investor.relationsGatlantia.it

Media Relations

e-mail: media.relationsGatlantia.it




As a result of the transaction, the 50% stake in Nueva Inversiones now indirectly owned
by Autostrade per PItalia will be transferred to Grupo Costanera, which will thus assume
full control of the following motorway operators in the Santiago area: Costanera Norte,
AMB, Vespucio Sur, Litoral Central and Nororiente.

The transaction is subject to completion of the acquisition of 100% of Autostrade Sud
America through the purchase of the interests held by SIAS and Mediobanca, based on
the agreements signed on 25 February 2012, and receipt of the necessary approvals (i.e.
clearance from the relevant authorities and the agreement of creditor banks).

In 2011 Grupo Costanera and the five operators included in the transaction reported
total EBITDA of €147m, with net debt amounting to €997m at the end of 2011″.
Following the transactions, Atlantia will own 50.01% of Grupo Costanera and will keep
consolidating the company’s accounts.

Autostrade per l’Ttalia was advised by Goldman Sachs and by Credit Suisse.

‘ Nueva Inversiones (NI) is the holding company that owns 100% stakes in the motorway operators, Vespucio Sur
and Litoral Central. 50% of NI is currently owned by Grupo Costanera.

“EBITDA including toll revenue linked to guaranteed minimums, reclassified to financial income in accordance
with IFRICI2. Net debt before financial assets deriving from the above guaranteed revenue. Based on a
euro/Unidad de Fomento exchange rate of 35.01 on 24 February 2012.

Link al archivo en CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=d7f0fba161344376e3316074ae6c766bVFdwQmVFMXFRVEJOUkVFeFRYcG5NazlSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682366909

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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