Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

GRUPO COSTANERA S.A. 2012-02-28 T-13:45


Av. General Prieto 1430

Independencia – Santiago
Tel. +56 (2) 490-0000
Fax +56 (2) 490-0704

Santiago, 28 de Febrero de 2012
REF.: GC-SVS- 12-005
Inscripción N” 1085 en el Registro de Valores

Fernando Coloma Correa

Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros
Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 1449

De nuestra consideración:

Que encontrándome debidamente facultado por el Directorio de Grupo Costanera S.A., y de conformidad con lo
establecido en el artículo 9 y el inciso 2” del artículo 10 de la Ley N* 18.045 sobre Mercado de Valores y a lo
dispuesto por la Norma de Carácter General N* 118 de esta Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros, mediante
la presente cumplo en informar el siguiente hecho esencial:

Con fecha 25 de febrero de 2012 la sociedad italiana Atlantia S.p.A. (“Atlantia”) controladora de Autostrade per
L’ltalia S.p.A. (“ASPI”), sociedad propietaria del 45,765% de las acciones de Autostrade Sud America S.r.L.
(“ASA”), sociedad controladora de Grupo Costanera S.A., publicó un comunicado de prensa en su página Web
(www.Atlantia it) en el cual informa que Autostrade Per L’Ítalia S.p.A ha firmado los siguientes acuerdos:

1.- Acuerdo suscrito con Societá Iniziative Autostradali e Servizi S.p.A. (“SIAS”) en virtud del cual SIAS
transferirá a ASPI la totalidad de su participación en ASA, ascendente al 45,765% de su capital social, el día 30
de junio de 2012, todo ello sujeto al cumplimiento de las condiciones establecidas en el mismo acuerdo.

2.- Acuerdo suscrito con Mebiobanca – Banca di Credito Finanziario S.p.A. (‘Mediobanca”), en virtud del cual
Mediobanca transferirá a ASPI la totalidad de su participación en ASA, ascendente al 8,47% de su capital
social, el día 30 de junio de 2012, todo ello sujeto al cumplimiento de las condiciones establecidas en el mismo

Como consecuencia de las transacciones precedentes Atlantia quedará con el 100% de la propiedad de
Autostrade Sud America S.r.L.

De acuerdo al comunicado de prensa de Atlantia, la adquisición señalada forma parte de su estrategia en orden
a expandir su presencia en aquellos países en los que opera en la actualidad. Atlantia se encuentra en un
proceso de búsqueda de nuevos socios interesados en adquirir algupá jparticipación en ASA o Grupo
Costanera. /

Adjunto remitimos a usted copia íntegra, en idioma inglés, del ya e prensa señalado.


Gru ostanera S.A.
Diego Savino
7 Gerénte General
DSfjis /
Adj.: Lo señalado. /
c.c. : Archivo




xx Autostrade per l’Italia to acquire interests in Autos trade Sud America held by
SIAS and Mediobanca to take full control of Grupo Costanera, which manages
188km of motorwayin Chile, including 98 km in capital, Santiago

+ SIAS granted option to acquire 99.98% of Autostrada Torino Savona

* 33% of IGLI, special purpose vehicle that controls 29.96% of Impregilo, sold to

“Atlantía is delivering further on our expansion strategy in countries with the
highest growth potential. Following the recent agreement in Brazil to operate 1,500
km of motorway serving the Sao Paulo urban area, this deal will strengthen our
presence ín Chile, above all Santiago, by acquiring control of Grupo Costanera, the
area’s number one operator that we helped to found and develop. Thanks to the
expertise acquired in Italy, we lead the world in the provision oftraffic management
solutions, being the number one operator of toll motorways serving major cities ín
emerging nations and the leading provider of electronic tolling systems, as
confirmed by the recent contract awards ín France and the USA, Once fully
operational and consolidated in our accounts, these recent overseas transactioms

will, over a three-year period, boost the contribution from our overseas businesses

atlao tin

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to around 30% of Group EBITDA,” commented Giovanni Castellucci, CEO of


Rome, 25 February 2012 – Atlantia announces that its subsidiary, Autostrade per l’Italia

SpA, has today signed the following agreements:

(a) an agreement with Argo Finanziaria SpA for the sale of its entire 33% interest in IGLI
SpA, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions precedent (G.e. antitrust clearance and the
agreement of creditor banks). IGLI is the entity that owns 29.96% of Impregilo SpA. The
sale price is €87.6m. Autostrade per l’Ttalia will, as a result of the agreement, waive its
pre-emption rights on the IGLI shares currently being sold by the Fonsai Group to Argo

(b) two separate agreements with SIAS SpAby which:

– SIAS will, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions precedent (i.e. clearance from the
relevant authorities and the agreement of creditor banks), transfer its entire 45.765%
interest in Autos trade Sud America Srl (“ASA”) to Autostrade at a price of €565.2m.

The shares are to be transferred by 30 June 2012.

– Autos trade will grant SIAS a call option on its entire 99.98% interest in Autostrade
Torino-Savona SpA. The option is to be exercised no later than 30 September 2012. The
option price is €223.0m. Should the option be exercised, the shares are to be transferred
by 15 November 2012, subject to receipt of the necessary approvals (G.e. clearance from

the relevant authorities and the agreement of creditor banks).

(c) an agreement with Mediobanca SpA for the acquisition of an 8.47 %stake in ASA at a
price of €104.6m, on the same terms and conditions agreed with SIAS, The transfer of
the shares will take place, subject to fulfilment of certain conditions precedent G.e.
antitrust clearance, the agreement of creditor banksand execution of the sale of the

interest in ASA sold by SIAS to Autostrade), by 30 June 2012.

The above transactions will result in the Atlantia Group owning 100% of Autos trade Sud

America, the entity that has full control of Grupo Costanera, the holding company that


manages 5 Chilean motorway operators responsible for a total of 188km of network,
including 90 km in the capital, Santiago.

In 2011 Grupo Costanera and the operators covered by the transaction reported total
EBITDA of €147m, with net debt of €997m at the end of 2011′. Acquisition of control
will result in consolidation of the acquired companies in the Group’s accounts, and
remeasurement of the fair value of the previously held 45.765% stake in ASA.

The transaction forms part of the Group’s strategy of expanding its presence in high-
growth countries in which it already operates, above all in major urban areas such as the
city of Santiago, and follows on from similar transactions in Brazil, where the Group
recently acquired control of a new joint venture, in partnership with the Bertin Group,
set up to create a second operator in Sao Paulo.

The Atlantia Group intends to seek out other partners interested in acquiring stakes in
Grupo Costanera. Á number of international pension funds and sovereign wealth funds
have already expressed interest in acquiring up to 49% of the company on substantially

similar terms and conditions.

‘EBITDA including toll revenue linked to guaranteed minimums, reclassified to financial income in accordance
with IFRICI2. Net debt before financial assets deriving from the above guaranteed revenue. Based on a
Euro/Unidad de Fomento exchange rate of 35.01 on 24 February 2012.

Link al archivo en CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=b9d2bd994c69268aacad4bff5aa890dbVFdwQmVFMXFRWGxOUkVGNVRucGplVTEzUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682366909

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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