Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




Bea El

Santiago, 9 de Julio de 2012

Geopark Holdings Limited
Inscrito en el Registro de Valores Extranjeros bajo N* 045


Fernando Coloma Correa

Superintendente de Valores y Seguros

Av. Libertador Bernardo O”Higgins N* 1449, piso 1

REF.: Adjunta información relevante que se
publicó el día de hoy en la AIM del
Mercado Bursátil de Londres.

Señor Superintendente:

En virtud de lo establecido en la Norma de Carácter General N*217 sección ll, por
medio de la presente, adjunto información considerada como relevante para la empresa,
que ha sido entregada el día de hoy en el Alternative Investment Market, mercado
secundario de la London Stock Exchange, en donde mediante un comunicado se da a
conocer un nuevo descubrimiento de exploración en las operaciones de la compañía en

La información adjunta consiste en un comunicado de prensa
de tres páginas en idioma inglés.

Sin otro particular, saluda atentamente a Usted,

/ Pedro Aylwin Chíorrini

Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles 179 – Las Condes, Santiago – Chile
Tel. (+56 2) 2429600 – info Q geo-park.com – www.geo-park.com


Eno E

Embargoed for release at 7:00 a.m. 9 July 2012


GeoPark Holdings Limited (“GeoPark” or the “Company”) (AlM: GPK), the Latin American
oil and gas exploration and production company operating in Chile, Colombia and
Argentina, with interests in 19 hydrocarbon blocks and 3.9 million gross acres under
license, is pleased to announce the following new exploration discoveries in its recently-
acquired Colombian properties.

A. Block Llanos 34 (Operated by GeoPark with a 45% Working Interest (WI))
Il. Max Oil Field Discovery

Exploration Well Max 1 is currently testing approximately 1,220 barrels of oil per
day (bopd) of approximately 15” API oil, with a basic sediment and water cut
(BS8W) of 18%, from the Guadalupe formation with an electrical submersible
pump (ESP). Further testing will be required to determine expected and stabilized
production rates.

Well and Test Summary: Drilling was completed in March 2012 to a total depth
(TD) of 11,505 ft and the Gacheta, Guadalupe and Mirador formations were tested
during May to July 2012 with the following summary results:

e Gacheta (11,054-11,062 ft and 11,065-11,080 ft): On a 35 hour production test
through natural flow, the well produced at a rate of 149 barrels of fluid per day
(bfpd), with approximately 0.1% BS8W for an average production rate of 149
bopd of 35.8 API oil.

+ Guadalupe (10,600-10,625 ft): On a 9.5 hour swabbing production test, the well
produced at a rate of 323 bfpd, with approximately 6% BS8W (measured at the
end of the test) for an average production rate of 304 bopd of 14.8” API oil.

+ Guadalupe (10,456-10,490 ft): On a 13.5 hour swabbing production test, the
well produced at a rate of 299 bfpd with approximately 10% BS8W, for an
average production rate of 276 bopd of 14” API oil.

e Mirador (10,300-10,310 ft and 10,320-10,336 ft): On a 26 hour production test
with a jet pump, the well produced at a rate of 637 bfpd with approximately 75%
BS8W, for an average production rate of 159 bopd of 22.8? API oil.

Delineation drilling on the Max Field is expected to begin during the Third Quarter
2012 subject to regulatory and partner approval.

IL. Tua Oil Field Discovery

Exploration Well Tua 1 is currently testing approximately 1,723 bopd of 18.2? API
oil, with a BS8W of less than 0.5%, from the Mirador formation by ESP. Further
testing will be required to determine expected and stabilized production rates.

Well and Test Summary: Drilling was completed in June 2012 to a TD of 10,986 ft
and the well was tested during June and July 2012 in the Guadalupe and Mirador
formations, with the following summary results:

+ Guadalupe Formation (10,244-10,263 ft): On a 12 hour production test by
natural flow, the well produced at a rate of 366 bfpd, with less than 1% BS8W
(measured at the end of the test) for an average production rate of 362 bopd of
12.8” API oil.

e Mirador Formation (9,945-9,950 ft and 9,956-9,975 ft): On a 52 hour production
test with ESP, the well produced at a rate of 1,732 bfpd, with less than 0.5%
BS8W, for an average production rate of 1,723 bopd of 18.2? API oil.

Delineation drilling on the Tua Field is expected to begin during the Third Quarter
2012 subject to regulatory and partner approval.

B. Block Llanos 32 (Operated by P1 Energy with GeoPark owning a 10%’ WI)

Il. Exploration Well Maniceño 1 – a previously announced discovery – has been put
into production during July 2012 at an initial rate of approximately 3,000 bopd of
28 API oil.

II. Exploration Well Samaria 1 completed drilling in June 2012 with potential oil pay
in the Mirador, Guadalupe and Gacheta formations. Testing is expected to begin in
July 2012.

C. Block Llanos 17 (Operated by Parex with GeoPark owning a 36.8%’ WI)
Il. Exploration Well Mapora 1 completed drilling in June 2012. Log analysis
indicated that the well had no potential oil pay and therefore will be plugged and

II. Exploration Well Celeus 1 completed drilling in April 2012 with potential oil pay in
the C7 and Gacheta formations. Testing is expected to be carried out in July 2012.

! Subject to submission and approval by Colombian Agencia Nacional de Hidrocarburos of certain assignments


Further details on GeoPark’s drilling activities in Chile and Colombia will be released in
GeoPark’s upcoming Second Quarter 2012 Operational Update.

Commenting, James F. Park, Chief Executive Officer, said: “The new Max and Tua oil
discoveries represent an important step forward for GeoPark with our recently-acquired
projects in Colombia. They demonstrate our ability to build value through the drill bit in a
new region for us and represent a significant de-risking of our new Colombian acquisitions
by converting exploration potential to new oil production and reserves. We look forward to
further results from our 45-50 well drilling program in 2012 in Chile and Colombia.”

In accordance with AIM Rules, the information in this release has been reviewed and
signed off by Salvador Minniti, a geologist with 32 years of oil and gas experience and
Director of Exploration for GeoPark. Reserve and resource estimates in this release have
been compiled by DeGolyer and MacNaughton and the Company in accordance with the
2011 Petroleum Resources Management System produced by the Society of Petroleum

GeoPark can be visited online at www.geo-park.com
For further information please contact:

GeoPark Holdings Limited
Andres Ocampo (Buenos Aires) +54 11 4312 9400
Nick Clayton (London) +44 207 734 9922

Oriel Securities – Nominated Adviser and Joint Broker
Michael Shaw (London) +44 (0)20 7710 7600
Tunga Chigovanyika (London)

Macquarie Capital (Europe) Limited – Joint Broker
Paul Connolly (London) +44 (0)20 3037 2000
Steve Baldwin (London)

Link al archivo en CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=219184aca0fde271b23ea0e5628985cbVFdwQmVFMXFRVE5OUkVFMVRWUk5OVTlSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682366909

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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