Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl





Santiago, November 21, 2022



Solange Berstein.


Financial Market Commission

Ref.: Subscription and Payment of Shares Capital Increase.
Madam President:

Pursuant to Commission Circulars Nos 662 and 991 for the
Financial Market, and duly authorized, I inform you, in fact.
essential of Fid Chile Seguros Generales S.A. (the “Company”), the following in relation to
with the amendment of the Company’s statutes consisting of a capital increase in
the amount of 16,100,000,000 pesos, through the issuance of 16,100,000 new
Payment shares, nominative, of the same and unique series and without par value, which
was approved at the Company’s Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on
November 23, 2021 (the “Board”, whose minutes were reduced to a public deed dated
November 25, 2021, at the Notary of Santiago of Mr. Eduardo Diez Morello,
amendment of statutes that was approved by the Commission for the Financial Market,
by Resolution No. 917, dated February 1, 2022.

That the Board of Directors of the Company, at a board meeting held on February 21,
of 2022, it agreed to issue all the shares of the capital increase, that is, the
amount of 16,100,000 shares. Likewise, it is recorded that, in a first
partiality, 8,050,000 shares of the Company were placed, which were
fully subscribed and paid on February 28, 2022, in accordance with
informed to this Commission by essential fact dated February 28, 2022.

That, the Board of Directors of the Company, in a meeting of the Board of Directors held on 3
November 2022, agreed to place and offer, in the Preferred Option period
established in article 25 of the LSA, in a second part, the remaining
8,050,000 shares of the 16,100,000 payment shares, issued by the Company with
charge to the capital increase agreed at the aforementioned Meeting.

That, on November 18, 2022, FID Chile 8 MT JV SpA, subscribed the amount
of 8,049,195 payment shares, for a total price of 8,049,195,000 pesos, which have
been paid in cash. For its part, Fid Chile SpA, dated November 18

of 2022, subscribed the amount of 805 payment shares, for a total price of 805,000
pesos, which have been paid in cash.

Consequently, being within the preferential option period established in
Article 25 of Law No. 18.046 on Corporations, the shareholders of the
Society, this is Fid Chile £ MT JV SpA and Fid Chile SpA, have exercised their right to
Preferential option for subscription and payment of all remaining 8,050,000
payment shares, so that the capital increase approved at the Meeting has been
Fully subscribed and paid.

Yours sincerely yours,

Benjambi Lea-Haza

Benjamin Lea-Plaza (Nov 21, 2022 12:34 GMT-3)
Benjamin Lea-Plaza Edwards
General Manager
Fid Chile Seguros Generales S.A.

FID Chile Seguros Generales S.A.

Av. Vitacura 2939, office 1601, Las Condes (and 600399 1000 (E) www.fidseguros.cl
ID: 77.096.952-2

Essential Fact Subscription and Payment of Shares
November 2022

Final Audit Report 2022-11-21
Created: 2022-11-21
By: Rodrigo Hayvard (rodrigo.hayvardfidseguros.cl)
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAASFkKEGHKO!ld0Oh2Gduq8YecB73w9R25ku

“Essential Fact Subscription and Payment of Shares November 20
22″ History

3 Document created by Rodrigo Hayvard (rodrigo.hayvardOfidseguros.cl)
2022-11-21 – 3:06:36 PM GMT- IP address:

E3, Document emailed to benjamin.leaplaza(Ofidseguros.cl for signature
2022-11-21 – 3:07:28 PM GMT

5 Email viewed by benjamin.leaplazaOfidseguros.cl
2022-11-21 – 3:34:12 PM GMT- IP address:

e Signer benjamin.leaplaza(Ofidseguros.cl entered name at signing as Benjamín Lea-Plaza
2022-11-21 – 3:34:32 PM GMT- IP address:

O Document e-signed by Benjamín Lea-Plaza (benjamin.leaplazaOfidseguros.cl)
Signature Date: 2022-11-21 – 3:34:34 PM GMT – Time Source: server- IP address:

(O Agreement completed.
2022-11-21 – 3:34:34 PM GMT

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Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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