Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl



Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Chile S.A.
Isidora Goyenechea 3477, 10th Floor, Las Condes
Santiago, Chile




Solange Berstein Jáuregui

President of the Council of the Commission for the Financial Market
Financial Market Commission


Ref.: Informs Usual Operations Policy.

From our consideration:



Santiago, July 25, 2022.

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of article 9 of D.F.L. 251 in relation to article 10 of the
Law N*18.045, in Article 147 N*7 letter b) of Law N*18.046 on Corporations, and the
Circulars N*662 and N*991 of that Commission, being specially empowered by the Board of Directors, I come in

communicate as ESSENTIAL FACT the following:

In ordinary meeting of the Board of Directors of Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Chile S.A., held on
of today, July 25, 2022, the Policy of

Usual Operations of the Company.

A copy of the aforementioned Policy approved by the Board of Directors is attached, which will be made available to the
shareholders at the Company’s offices and will be published on its website.

Without further ado, he greets you sincerely.



Pablo Korze Hinojosa
General Manager

p.p Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Chile S.A.

Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Chile S.A.
Isidora Goyenechea 3477, 10th Floor, Las Condes

Santiago, Chile



In accordance with letter b) of Article 147 of Law No. 18,046 on Corporations, it shall be understood
for usual operations, those that the Company carries out or executes in an ordinary manner in
Consideration of corporate purpose in accordance with the general policies of habituality approved by the
Directory. Therefore, for the purposes of this standard, those operations that the Company
executes or celebrates in a current or ordinary way because it has a direct relationship with its corporate purpose or with the
complementary activities that the legislation or regulations in force authorize you to carry out, and that are
are included within this policy of usual operations.

However, this policy may not authorize the signing of acts or contracts that commit
more than 10% of the company’s assets.

Considering the limits established by law, they have been defined as normal Everest operations.
Compañía de Seguros Generales Chile S.A. as follows:

1. All acts, contracts and operations that are celebrated or executed within the object or line of business of
the Company in the terms defined in its bylaws and in Decree with Force of Law N* 251
of 1931 for this group of insurers, or those directly related to that object, as well as
as well as those operations that it executes or celebrates to develop the complementary activities that
Authorizes the applicable legislation and/or regulations. They are included especially within this type of
usual operations contracts of any kind to insure risks based on premiums; the
insurance and reinsurance contracts with domestic or foreign reinsurers; Contracts for the
insurance and/or brokerage intermediation; the conclusion of agreements for the promotion and distribution of
the company’s products; the conclusion of collection contracts and collection services of
premiums and/or processing and administration of such collection; the realization of all kinds
of acts and contracts intended for the realization or execution of investments, in particular purchase and
sale of fixed or variable income instruments, securities, transferable securities, commercial instruments, with or without
agreement of retrosale or retropurchase, of foreign currencies, conclusion of derivative contracts of
any nature (forwards, swaps, options), of international foreign exchange operations, of
Collection and custody of securities or other similar, mandates and commissions, portfolio management
investments, securities intermediation, investment advice, whether with banks,
securities intermediaries and financial institutions, custody or of any nature, in Chile and in the
Foreign, purchase or sale of real estate to allocate them to rents or leasing, conclusion of contracts
leasing and leasing of such immovable property, real estate brokerage contracts,
Property management, acquisition and sale of endorsable mutual mortgages, granting
of credits or participation in syndicated credits, and any other act or contract for the realization of
investments in accordance with the rules governing insurance companies.

2. The hiring of advisory services, management, administration, and in general all
those services that are provided in a corporate way between companies of the Everest Group, either at the
local and/or international, especially those that have the character of shared services, which

Everest Compañía de Seguros Generales Chile S.A.
Isidora Goyenechea 3477, 10th Floor, Las Condes

Santiago, Chile


include accounting, financial, economic, treasury, legal, tax, investment,
insurance, procurement, auditing, technology and IT, software or application licensing,
data center, telecommunications, compliance, human resources, operations, marketing or advertising,
Risks, claims, studies, data processing and management, back office services, government
and any other service that is necessary, accessory or complementary to the above or that is
necessary for the development and fulfillment of the social turn.

The operations indicated above shall be considered habitual, regardless of their
Amount, term or validity, regardless of whether your contract is for monthly, semi-annual or annual periods
or a longer period, the
frequency and similarity of these operations with those carried out by the Company on an ordinary basis and
recurrently without which it could not develop its turn in a normal, adequate and efficient way.

Transactions with a related party entered into or executed by the Company and which are
Exceptions to the procedure established in paragraphs 1) to 7) of article 147 indicated above in
attention to the general approval granted by the Board of Directors under the terms of Article 171 of the
Regulation of Corporations, must aim to contribute to the social interest and conform in
price, terms and conditions to those that prevail in the market at the time of its celebration.

This policy will take effect on July 25, 2022 and may only be modified by the Board of Directors of the
Company, being reviewed at least annually. This policy will be available to
shareholders at the registered offices and will be published on its website.

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=17abf131438604c1452caca3cbbc71c2VFdwQmVVMXFRVE5OUkVrMFQxUlZlazlCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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