Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

ENAEX S.A. 2022-04-22 T-18:24


+ Enaex



Santiago, April 22, 2022

Solange Berstein Jáuregui.
Chairman of the Board

Financial Market Commission
Present. –


From our consideration:

We inform you that on April 21, 2022, the Ordinary Meeting of
Shareholders of Enaex S.A., in which the following resolutions were taken:


Approve the Annual Report and Consolidated Financial Statements of ENAEX S.A. for the year
January 1 to December 31, 2021, as well as the report of the Auditors

Approve the distribution of the final dividend, which will be paid as of May 3,
2022, for US$ 14,539,510.-, representing a dividend per share of
US$0.118207398, value which, added to the interim dividends paid during the
Year 2021, reaches 60% of net profit after taxes. This dividend
will be paid to shareholders who are registered at midnight on April 27
of 2022 in national currency, at the offices of the Central Securities Depository, located
Av. Los Conquistadores N* 1730, Piso 24, Providencia, Santiago, whose usual schedule
of attention is from Monday to Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.,
or in the manner in which the shareholders have chosen. Face-to-face payment methods
such as office pickup, check withheld, no payment method, and check by mail
certificate, will be exchanged for voucher view that can be withdrawn at any branch of the
BCl bank throughout Chile.

The balance corresponding to US$ 37,321,407.- will be incorporated into the accumulated profits.

The Company’s Dividend Policy approved by the
Directory for the financial year 2022.

To elect the following Directors of the Company for a period of three years, as
established in the seventh article of the Bylaws:



Juan Eduardo Errazuriz Ossa
Juan Pablo Aboitiz Dominguez
Norman Hansen Fernandez
Cristina Bitar Maluk

Jessica Luna Cardenas
Alberto Salas Muñoz
Alejandro Gil Gomez

Sergio Undurraga Saavedra
Patrick Leighton Zambelli

Appoint the firm as External Auditors of the Company for the year 2022,
Deloitte Auditores y Consultores Ltda.

Designate Fitch Chile as Risk Classifiers for the year 2022
Clasificadora de Riesgo Ltda. and Feller Rate Clasificadora de Riesgo Ltda.

To set the following remuneration to be received by the Directors for the financial year 2022:

e Pay a per month or fraction regardless of the number of sessions
are carried out, whether or not they attend them, equivalent to 36 units of promotion to each
Director, 54 units of promotion to the Vice President and 72 units of promotion to the

and Additionally, pay a total annual participation to the Board of Directors of 1.25% on the
Profit after taxes of the year 2022, corresponding 1 part to each
Director, 1.5 parts to the Vice President and 2 parts to the President which will be paid
in proportion to the time in which they serve in their positions and once it is
approved the balance sheet by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

Fix the newspaper El Libero for the purposes of carrying out the summons to Boards,
publications of payment of dividends, and other social communications of the Company.

The operations contemplated in Title XVI of the Law on
Corporations, operations with related parties.

The expenses of the Board of Directors were noted in accordance with art. 39 of the
Law of Corporations.

Setting Remuneration Directors’ Committee – Article 50 bis of the Companies Act

The following expenditure budget and the remuneration of the
Directors referred to in Article 50 Bis of the Law on Corporations:

+ Remuneration: The same provided for directors plus one third of their amount.

e Expenditure budget: Equal to the sum of the annual remuneration of the
members of the Committee.

12, Information on processing, printing and
dispatch of the information referred to in Commission Circular No 1816 for
the Financial Market.

13. The Committee’s summary of activities and annual management report was noted
of Directors as provided in Art. 50 bis of the Law on Corporations.

14. To empower Gabriel Villarroel Barrientos, Carlos Villarroel Barrientos, Carolina
Langlois Díaz, Jaime Valenzuela del Valle, Catalina Faz Alessandri and Eduardo Silva
Donoso so that acting individually, reduce to public deed the whole or
part of the minutes of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

15. Empower the President and the Manager of the Company to individually carry out and
subscribe to the relevant communications addressed to the Market Commission
Financial and to the Stock Exchanges.

Without further ado, greet you sincerely.


General Manager


e Santiago Stock Exchange

e Electronic Stock Exchange

+ Risk Classification Commission

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=373f78f3ec4715af6be5678371d36352VFdwQmVVMXFRVEJOUkVVeFRtcFZNazFCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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