Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

ELECTROLUX DE CHILE S.A. 2022-06-16 T-23:14


DocuSign Envelope ID: E8659127-CE48-4BA8-9EF7-32CA6F7B12B9

E] Electrolux

Electrolux de Chile S.A.
Registration Registry of Securities N* 1109

Santiago, June 16, 2022
Solange Berstein Jáuregui
Financial Market Commission
Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 1449

Ref: Communicate Essential Fact
From our consideration:

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 9? and 10*, second paragraph, of Market Law N*18,045
of Securities and the provisions of General Standard No. 30 of the Commission for the Market
Financial, duly authorized and on behalf of Electrolux de Chile S.A. (“Electrolux de Chile de Chile
Chile” or the “Company”), I have come to communicate to you, as an essential fact, the following:

That in a board meeting held on this same date, the director Camilo Flamarion Do Prado
Wittica informed his decision to resign from the board of directors of the Company with effect from today.
Likewise, in that session it was agreed to appoint Mr. Everton Marques de Almeida as his replacement.
who will remain in office until the next ordinary meeting of shareholders of the Company,
opportunity in which it will correspond to elect a new board of directors of the Company.

Additionally, and complementing what was reported by this same means dated December 10,
2021, at the same board meeting, realized that the Society has held for more than 6
consecutive months, a number of active shareholders less than 500, i.e. shareholders who during
The last 10 years have attended the shareholders’ meetings or have received the dividends to which they have

By virtue of the foregoing, the Board of Directors has agreed to summon an extraordinary meeting of
shareholders of the Company, for Monday, July 4, 2022, at 11:00, to be held at the offices
social located in Alberto Llona N*777, commune of Maipú, Santiago, although in a totally

The matters that will be submitted to the knowledge and decision of the Board are the following:

DocuSign Envelope ID: E8659127-CE48-4BA8-9EF7-32CA6F7B12B9

E Electrolux

That the Company ceases to be affects the rules governing public limited companies
Zhiertas for no longer fulfilling the conditions for being obliged to register its shares in
the Securities Registry of the Commission for the Financial Market (“CMF”).

b) That the Company requests the cancellation of the registration of the Company in the Registry of
Securities of the CMF, and request for cancellation of the Company’s shares in the Securities Registry
of the CMF and the Stock Exchanges.

c) Modification of bylaws, in order to make the operation of the Company more flexible and streamlined and
reflect the possible new quality of closed public limited company, which will only take effect
once the CMF approves the cancellation of the registration of the Company and its shares,
amending to this effect the articles First, Sixth, Tenth, Twelfth, Thirteenth,
Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, Twenty-Fifth, Twenty-Eighth,
Thirty-Second and Thirty-Fourth of the bylaws, and the articles of association being deleted.
Thirty-Sixth, Second Transient and Third Transitory.

d) Approve a new consolidated text of statutes, reflecting the modifications of statutes
referred to above, which shall apply from the date on which the CMF issues the certificate
cancellation of the registration of the Company and its shares from the Securities Registry that carries said

e) Adopt all the agreements that are necessary to carry out the cancellation request
of the Company’s shares, as well as the cancellation of the Company’s registration in the Registry
of Values carried by the CMF.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 2 of Law No. 18,046 on Corporations, in case
If the matters indicated in the letters are approved by the Board. (a) and (b) precedents, shareholders
dissidents shall have the right to withdrawal, and the Company shall pay them the respective price in accordance with
what is indicated in the Regulations of Corporations. The right of withdrawal may be exercised by the
Total shares that the dissenting shareholder has registered in his name at the date on which
determine the right to participate in the Board, and maintain it on the date it is communicated to the
Society his intention to retire.

For these purposes, in order to enable the participation and remote voting of the shareholders,
the Board of Directors of the Company agreed to implement systems that comply with the
General Character N*435 and Circular Offices N*1.141 and N*1.149 of that Commission. In the citations
to the Meeting and on the Company’s website (www.cti.cl) will be informed how to access the Meeting at
remotely and participate in it.

Shareholders may obtain full copies of the documents on which the various documents are based.

options submitted to your vote on the website of the Company (www.cti.cl), and at the registered offices,
located in Alberto Llona N* 777, commune of Maipú, Santiago.

Yours sincerely yours,

DocuSign Envelope ID: E8659127-CE48-4BA8-9EF7-32CA6F7B12B9

E] Electrolux

DocuSigned by:

Kogurio Strindorft Malluiros


Rogerio Steindorff Malheiros
General Manager
Electrolux de Chile S.A.

c.c.: Santiago Stock Exchange
Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=2022dde7742f2001ecec8ef1d883306eVFdwQmVVMXFRVEpOUkVsNlRtcG5lVTlCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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