Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

ECL: ENGIE ENERGIA CHILE S.A. 2022-12-22 T-08:49


DocuSign Envelope ID: 76412382-9ABA-48A1-9BB3-6D65675B7CC3


Santiago, December 22, 2022

Solange Berstein


Financial Market Commission
Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 1449


Of my consideration.

ENGIE Energía Chile S.A., a public limited company registered in the Securities Registry under No. 0273 (at
hereinafter “ENGIE” or the “Company”), pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of Law No. 18,045 and the
General Rule No. 30 of the Commission for the Financial Market, hereby means of this
communicates in the character of essential fact with respect to the Company, its business, its values of
public offer or the offer thereof, the following:

Aligned with the energy transition plan towards renewable means of generation in execution by the
The company signed the following agreements:

On December 21, ENGIE entered into a contract with group companies
Goldwind for the supply and acquisition of wind turbines necessary for construction
of a wind farm located in the commune of Taltal, Region of Antofagasta (“Lomas de Taltal”).
This wind farm will have a total capacity of up to 342 MW and will consist of 57
wind turbines with an individual capacity of 6 MW. Lomas de Taltal will inject energy
renewable to the National Electric System (“SEN”) through a transmission line, of
approximately 20 kilometers, which will be interconnected at the Parinas substation.

The budget of the Lomas de Taltal project considers the execution of its main contracts,
such as supply of main equipment, operation and maintenance of wind turbines,
the execution of the engineering and civil works, the construction and commissioning of the
transmission, construction and operation of the camp and slaughter facility, and connection
electrical of its main equipment. In total, this budget amounts to a total amount
approximately US$ 450,000,000. Its entry into operation is estimated for December 2024.

On December 2, 2022, ENGIE entered into a contract with the company Sungrow for the
Supply and procurement of a battery energy storage system
(Battery Energy Storage System or “BESS”) with a capacity of 638MWh, in order to
proceed with the construction of the so-called BESS COYA project. This project will be built
associated with the Coya photovoltaic park, owned by the Company, located in the commune of
María Elena, Region of Antofagasta, and currently in operation in the SEN. Your entry into
Operation is estimated for February 2024.

The budget of the BESS COYA project considered for the supply of the main equipment
of the project together with the execution of the civil works of the project and installation, assembly and
electrical connection of its main equipment, amounts to a total amount of approximately US$
200.000.000. In accordance with current regulations, together with the corresponding recognition of the
Sufficiency power, BESS COYA will allow ENGIE to store energy from
from own renewable sources for subsequent injection into the SEN during daylight hours in
that marginal costs are determined by higher-cost generation technologies,
avoiding -incidentally- transmission restrictions.

Without further ado, greets you very sincerely,

DocuSigned by:
Rosalina Corintluitn
Rosaline Corinthien
General Manager
ENGIE Energía Chile S.A.

c.c.: Santiago Stock Exchange – Stock Exchange
Bolsa Electrónica de Chile – Chilean Stock Exchange


Av. Isidora Goyenechea 2800 16th floor, Las Condes.
Santiago de Chile


Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=a3b095a5366966e1e04c7cc6f02914bbVFdwQmVVMXFSWGxOUkZFMFRsUmpORTlSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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