Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




Consultores y Auditores de Empresas Ltda


Lucia Canales Lardiez

Securities Market Transparency Directorate
Financial Market Commission


Dear Miss;

According to information relating to point 4, point 5 of Section lll of the
General Rule N* 275 and Letter F of General Standard N* 355, attached
information regarding the technical staff of the firm Consultores y Auditores de Empresas
Ltda., RUT 77.442.670-1, Register of External Audit Companies N* 032 of the
Commission for the Financial Market:


. ; ; : ; , Lanai Years
Name Position Title University Diploma University Experience Experience
He has participated in audits to
to. the Financial Statements,
Franco Dall’Orso B. – España | PUCV Producer Partner 25-year-old Children Comptrollers, Internal Control,
u P: Convergence Process a
IFRS Standards
He has participated in audits to
. to. the Financial Statements,
Eancisco Dall’Orso Partner Accountant Valparaiso NiF vamersity of 28 years Comptrollers, Internal Control,
: Pr Convergence Process
IFRS Standards
State Audit
or or . Financial, Comptrollers,
Boberto Riquelme Managing Director Valparaiso 15-year-old child Control Evaluation
: udito apa Internal and convergence of
Financial Statements to IFRS.
State Audit
Accountant : University of 5 Financiers, Comptrollers and
Vanessa Meza C. – España | Auditor Manager Valparaíso NiF Valparaíso 11 years Control Evaluation
Pontifical Audit or States
o Accountant o University _ Financial, ontralorías,
Alexis Núñez G. Manager ‘ Valparaíso NIF 2 18 years Internal Control Reviews
Catholic Auditor of Cs E
Valparaiso and Convergence of States
Financial to IFRS.


Consultores y Auditores de Empresas Ltda

Years of

Name Position Title University Diploma University Experience Experience
Tax Audit Support
Magister in the States
Lorena Soto and eonador PUCV Management PUCV 26 years Financial, in the
Mention Income Tax Review
Tax and deferred taxes.
State Audit
Convergence to
. : International Standards
paula Cabrera Supervisor Accountant Valparaíso NIF Daversidad de [41 años de Información
: Pp: Financial (IFRS),
Comptrollers and
Control Evaluation
State Audit
:To. . Financial.
Marcelo Rojas s Technological Accountant University of 4 Laa
Senior. a NIF : 11 years Comptrollers and
G. Auditor Metropolitana Valparaíso Control Evaluation
State Audit
Adrián Bustos : Counter 4 Control Reviews
S. Senior Auditor PUCV N/A N/A 7 years Internal and Convergence
of Financial Statements
Bachelor in | University pudtoría to the States
Irma Moreno N. – España | Semi SeniorB | Andrés Catholic Accounting | N/A N/A 2 year and
. Control Evaluation
Publishes Bello 1

: . State Audit
z . Bachelor in . :
Rubén Ramos Science Assistant PUCV N/A N/A 2 years Financial and
v. Administrative audit Control Evaluation
a stralivas Internal.
Status Review
is financial, control
Mauricio Semi Senior B eonador Duoc N/A N/A 5 years Intern, Planning and
iquelme uditor knowledge of
Companies to review
State Audit
: Financial, Forensic and
Jonathan Accountant Assistant Valparaiso N/A N/A 3 years Control Evaluation
Alvarado Public Audit 1
Accountant Institute 4 Account Analysis,
Mariana Estrada – España | Senior A and Professional Los | N/A N/A 5 years or :
Auditor audits.
Ricardo Manager Adm. AND | Accountant Valparaiso Accountant University of 30 years Audit EEFF, Control
Figueroa Finance Auditor alparais; Hi and Valparaíso Interno, HR.
a Management charge,
paecomunicaci Management to maintain availability
Edgardo Arce Manager of Tl connectivity Inacap projects lACC 7 years and interoperability of
and computer services and


Technological platform.

3) in States


Consultores y Auditores de Empresas Ltda

. : ; á ; ; Years of wool
Name Position Title University Diploma University Experience Experience
School of a e ads
Margarita Semi Senior B Accountant Accountants Y N/A N/A 4 years INTERNAL, Planning and
Castro Auditor Auditors of .
Santiago knowledge of
Companies to review.
oandization Audit of States
Paula : s Accountant s s y 4 Financial and
Montenegro Semi Senior B Public Auditor Valparaíso a Chile 4 years Control Evaluation
Internal Financial
Pontifical Audit of States
Campaign:. : Accountant Accountant 4 Financial, Forensics and
Orellana Urzula to Auditoria PSA Auditor mention | Auditor mention after Control Evaluation
Nicole Valparaiso in Finance in Internal Finance.
State Audit
. . . :Financial.
Coronado Parra si : University of | Bachelor in á : ici >
Daniela Aucuor Semi Auditoria Zulia Accounting and 5 years O Verdotola
Estefany Venezuela Publishes of States
Financial to IFRS
State Audit
Sepúlveda Contador or ,
Navarrete Senior Auditor Audit Duoc Auditor Duoc 5 years Control Reviews
Verónica Belen Internal and Convergence
of States
Financial to IFRS
s Institute Institute “e “eh
Varas Espinoza . . . : a Reception, logistics and
Senior Accounting Secretary of Senior Secretary 10 years : e .
Pamela Alicia Commerce Various administrative.
Vilchez State Audit
Cardenas Auditor Semi epi Accountant 5 Financial and
Javiera Senior B Audit AIEP Auditor AIEP 4 years Control Evaluation
Alejandra Intern
State Audit
% : Financial, Forensics and
Catalan Block | Counter Assistant 4 PS
Rodrigo Ignacio audit Audit Duoc Auditor Duoc 3 years Control evaluation
Herrera Professional Accountant State Audits
Contreras María Technical Auditor Assistant School of N/A N/A 1 year6 Financial, Control
accountant level accountant months Internal.
Fernanda. to
Superior Auditors of
. State Audit
Castro Creixell . . “

. . Financial, Forensic and
Francisca Assistant Accountant Guillermo N/A N/A 3 years Control Evaluation
Andrea of the audit Auditor Subercaseaux Interno.

Carmen 7
Advisor areas of
Pino Hauyon Technical Advisor Engineer en DUOC N/A N/A 6 months risk, administration

Nicolas Andres


of companies and

The above list corresponds to the professionals of the Firm who currently practice
with us.

3) in States


Consultores y Auditores de Empresas Ltda.


Franco Dall’Orso Barría

Valparaíso, March 30, 2023

Consultores y Auditores de Empresas Ltda
E Signature Registered in: Commission for the Financial Market (N”32) in Chile and
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in the United States

Address Blanco 1663 Of. 1101 – 1103, Valparaiso
Phono. (56-32) 2155100 Fax: (56-32) 2155115

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=9b714d98a8af27ffd1a7c2d1db1b2465VFdwQmVVMTZRWHBOUkVWNlRtcEJNVTVCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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