Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl





Viña Concha y Toro S.A.
Registration Registry Values CMF N°0043

Santiago, March 13, 2023

Madam President,

Financial Market Commission


Ref. Informs about ESSENTIAL FACT of Viña Concha y Toro S.A.

From our consideration:

In compliance with the provisions of Article 9 and second paragraph of Article 109, both of Law No. 18,045, and Section II of General Standard No. 30 of the Commission for the Financial Market, and duly empowered for this purpose, I inform you that at the Board Meeting of Viña Concha y Toro S.A. held on March 10, 2023, it was agreed, among other matters, to call an Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for April 25, 2023, at 4:30 p.m., at the company’s offices, located at Av. Nueva Tajamar 481, Torre Norte, piso 3, oficina 306, Las Condes, Santiago, in order to deal with the following matters:

1. Approval of the report, balance sheet, financial statements and report of the external auditors, corresponding to the year from January 1 to December 31, 2022;
2. Distribution of profits;
3. Approval of the dividend policy;
4. Election of the Board of Directors;
5. Set the remuneration of the Board of Directors for the year 2023;
6. Information on the expenses of the Board of Directors during the fiscal year 2022;
7. Information on the activities carried out by the Directors’ Committee during the financial year 2022, on its annual management report and the expenses incurred by the Committee during that period;
8. To set the remuneration of the directors who are members of the Committee referred to in Article 50 bis of Law 18,046, and to set the operating expenses budget of the same Committee for the year 2023;
9. Appointment of external auditors for the financial year 2023;
10. Designation of risk rating agencies for the financial year 2023;
11. Determine the periodical in which legal publications shall be made;
12. To account for the operations carried out by the Company, included in article 146 and following of Law 18,046; and
13. Other matters within the competence of the ordinary shareholders’ meeting.

In compliance with the provisions of article 59 of the Law on Corporations, the background information on which the various options will be submitted to their vote at the aforementioned Ordinary Meeting will be made available to shareholders in a timely manner. All this will be duly informed to the shareholders in the summons to be sent with the anticipation required by current legislation.

Shareholders may attend the Meeting in person or remotely and simultaneously in accordance with the provisions of General Standard No. 435 and Circular Letter No. 1141 of the Financial Market Commission. If for any reason the Board cannot be taken physically, it will be carried out exclusively by remote means in accordance with the above. The Company will inform on its website and in the notices of summons to the Meeting, about the mechanism of participation and remote voting to be used in it and about the way in which each shareholder or his representative, may prove his identity and power, where appropriate.

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 76 of Law No. 18,046, you are informed that the Company’s financial statements and the report of the external auditors will be available on the Company’s website – www.vinacyt.com – as of March 13, 2023.

We would be grateful if the President of the Commission had presented this information and considered that the legal and regulatory rules that oblige Viña Concha y Toro S.A. to provide it had been complied with.

Yours sincerely yours,

Osvaldo Sólár Venegas
Manager of Institutional Relations and Corporate Affairs

c.c.: Mr. Manager of the Santiago Stock Exchange.
Mr. Electronic Exchange Manager.
Mr. Risk Rating Committee
Banco BICE — Rep. Bondholders

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=207a9f0ef39a9e86c9adc39ea5a9f5ccVFdwQmVVMTZRWHBOUkVWM1RsUnJkMDVCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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