Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl



Resumen corto: Codelco emite bonos por US$, con ingresos de U.S.$17,0 mil millones en 2022, activos totales de U.S.$46,7 mil millones al 30/09/2023. Controla el 5,3% de las reservas probadas y probables de cobre. Producción de cobre de 1,553 millones de toneladas en 2022. EBITDA ajustado en 2022: $5.6 mil millones, deuda total del 59.3% de la capitalización. Plan de gastos de capital entre 2023 y 2025: $14.1 mil millones. Entrega de bonos para el 26/01/2024 (T+3).
Resumen largo:Codelco-Chile emite bonos en el extranjero por US$ en dos series: Enero 2036 por US$1.500.000.000 a 6,44% y Bono 2053 por US$500.000.000 a 6,30%. Los bonos serán pagaderos en cuotas semestrales.

Procedimientos y fechas no aplican. Oferta de bonos vendidos a compradores iniciales en EE. UU. bajo el Purchase Agreement. Los bonos no están registrados en EE. UU. y solo pueden ser vendidos a compradores institucionales calificados bajo Rule 144A o fuera de EE. UU. Declaración de responsabilidad de la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile. El Offering Memorandum está disponible solo para inversores calificados o no estadounidenses. No constituye una oferta de valores en jurisdicciones donde sea ilegal.

“The Offering Memorandum may not be forwarded or distributed, and may only be viewed by QIBs or non-U.S. persons. The U.S.$1.5 billion 6.440% Notes due 2036 and U.S.$500 million 6.300% Notes due 2053 will be offered. The 2036 notes bear interest at 6.440% per year and mature on January 26, 2036, while the 2053 notes bear interest at 6.300% per year and mature on September 8, 2053. The notes may be redeemed at the issuer’s option, and the net proceeds will be used for general corporate purposes. The notes are not registered under the Securities Act or any state securities laws and will only be offered to qualified institutional buyers and persons outside the United States.”

Initial purchasers make no representations about the accuracy or completeness of the information in the offering memorandum. Investors should rely on their own examination and not construe anything in the memorandum as legal, business, or tax advice. Certain acknowledgments, representations, and agreements are required from investors. The notes are subject to restrictions on resale and transfer. Forward-looking statements are included, cautioning about potential risks and uncertainties. CODELCO is a state-owned enterprise organized under the laws of Chile.

– La ejecución de sentencias extranjeras en Chile requiere reciprocidad o cumplimiento de ciertos requisitos legales, incluyendo el pago oportuno de impuestos de timbre. Además, propiedades en Chile están exclusivamente sujetas a la jurisdicción de los tribunales chilenos. Codelco debe presentar estados financieros consolidados de acuerdo con las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (IFRS) emitidas por la Junta de Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad (IASB). También se incluyen medidas financieras no-GAAP, como EBIT ajustado, EBITDA ajustado y costo en efectivo, que se utilizan para evaluar el desempeño operativo y financiero de la compañía.

CODELCO calcula el beneficio bruto antes de un impuesto especial de exportación del 10%. Está sujeta a impuestos especiales por la exportación de cobre y subproductos. El mayor productor de cobre del mundo, con ingresos de U.S.$17,0 mil millones en 2022 y activos totales de U.S.$46,7 mil millones al 30 de septiembre de 2023. Controla aproximadamente el 5,3% de las reservas probadas y probables de cobre del mundo.

CODELCO tuvo una participación del 7,2% en la producción mundial de cobre en 2022, con 1,553 millones de toneladas métricas. La producción de molibdeno fue de 20,1 toneladas métricas. El 90,1% de las ventas de cobre fueron a Asia, 53,0% a China y el 40,1% fue comprado por los diez principales clientes. Las operaciones de cobre se dividen en ocho divisiones.

La División Salvador de CODELCO produjo 32,065 toneladas de cátodos de cobre en 2022, con un costo en efectivo de 389.6 centavos/libra y un costo total de $271.7 millones. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, produjo 12,278 toneladas con un costo en efectivo de 523.4 centavos/libra y un costo total de $141.1 millones. La División Ventanas refinó 370,626 toneladas en 2022, y 264,556 toneladas en los primeros nueve meses de 2023. CODELCO controla aproximadamente el 5.3% de las reservas de cobre del mundo y es uno de los mayores productores de cobre y molibdeno. Su EBITDA ajustado en 2022 fue de $5.6 mil millones y su deuda total fue del 59.3% de la capitalización. Su plan de gastos de capital entre 2023 y 2025 es de aproximadamente $14.1 mil millones.

CODELCO implementa mejoras en productividad, busca nuevas reservas de cobre, invierte en capital humano y desarrolla asociaciones mineras. También se enfoca en sostenibilidad. CODELCO asume nuevo rol en estrategia nacional de litio, establece subsidiarias y busca asociaciones público-privadas. Se detallan medidas para la implementación de la Estrategia del Litio, incluyendo la adquisición de acciones de Lithium Power International y una asociación público-privada con Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. Además, se describe el proceso para redactar una nueva Constitución en Chile.

Comité Técnico de Admisibilidad, con 14 miembros, revisa disposiciones de pre-constitución. Elección del Consejo Constitucional dio mayoría a Partido Republicano. Codelco forma sociedad con Rio Tinto para explorar cobre. Asociación con JBIC para financiamiento. Experimentó ciberataque. Calificaciones crediticias bajaron. Acuerdos con sindicatos laborales. Cambios en la dirección. Evaluación de posibles cargos por deterioro. Detalles corporativos y oferta de notas 2036 y 2053.

26 de enero de 2024:
2036 notes: 6.440% anual. Intereses pagaderos semestralmente el 26 de enero y 26 de julio desde 26 de julio de 2024.
2053 notes: 6.300% anual. Intereses desde 8 de septiembre de 2023. Pagaderos semestralmente el 8 de marzo y 8 de septiembre desde 8 de marzo de 2024.
Retención de impuestos del 4.0% en Chile para no residentes. Redención fiscal. Rescate opcional. Notas emitidas en denominaciones de U.S.$200,000. Pago de intereses a través de DTC, Euroclear o Clearstream. Obligaciones directas, incondicionales y no subordinadas de CODELCO. Convenios sobre limitaciones de gravámenes y otras transacciones.

Restricciones en reventas de notas no registradas bajo Ley de Valores. CODELCO podrá emitir notas adicionales de la misma serie en el futuro. Las notas originales de 2053 están listadas en la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo y se regirán por las leyes de Nueva York. Calificación de deuda: Baal (estable) por Moody’s y BBB+ (estable) por S&P. Uso de ingresos netos de venta de notas para fines corporativos generales. Códigos de valores de notas 2036 y 2053. Datos financieros consolidados resumidos de CODELCO a la fecha y para períodos indicados.

Utilidad atribuible a no controladores: 19.516. Total activos al 30 septiembre 2023: 46.691.655 miles de U.S.$, pasivos totales: 35.018.664 miles de U.S.$, intereses no controladores: 866.455 miles de U.S.$, patrimonio total: 11.672.991 miles de U.S.$. Ratio de ganancias a cargos fijos (ajustado): 0.9. Precio promedio del cobre en LME: 411.1 U.S.€. EBITDA ajustado: 3,115,786 miles de U.S.$. Ratio de deuda a EBITDA ajustado: 5.4. Ratio de cobertura de EBITDA ajustado: 6.2.

“Los posibles compradores de los bonos deben considerar cuidadosamente la información aquí contenida, incluyendo los riesgos relacionados con las operaciones de CODELCO. Las operaciones de CODELCO tienen un alto componente de riesgo debido a la posible depreciación de activos. Las rebajas en la calificación crediticia de CODELCO podrían afectar negativamente su acceso a los mercados financieros y el costo de financiamiento. Además, CODELCO enfrenta competencia en el mercado del cobre y su negocio depende en gran medida del precio del cobre, sujeto a fluctuaciones. Los precios del cobre promediaron 399.0 centavos por libra en 2022, descendiendo desde 424.5 centavos por libra en 2021. La caída de los precios del cobre tendría un impacto adverso en las finanzas de CODELCO. La oferta de agua de CODELCO podría ser afectada por cambios geológicos o regulaciones ambientales.”

Posibles proyectos regulatorios en el Congreso chileno podrían impactar negativamente el suministro de agua de CODELCO. La compañía debe cumplir con estrictas condiciones en sus autorizaciones ambientales, lo que podría generar mayores costos y retrasos en proyectos. La empresa enfrenta regulaciones medioambientales y de seguridad que podrían resultar en sanciones y costos adicionales. Chile ha adoptado normativas para reducir la contaminación y proteger recursos naturales, con posibles impactos en las operaciones y costos de CODELCO. Las leyes medioambientales están sujetas a cambios, y la presión internacional para reducir emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero podría afectar los costos operativos de la empresa. La compañía se encuentra comprometida con la sostenibilidad y tiene metas específicas para reducir emisiones y mejorar la gestión de residuos. Sin embargo, el incumplimiento de estas metas podría afectar su reputación e acceso a financiamiento. La operación de CODELCO está sujeta a la percepción pública sobre su impacto en el medio ambiente y la sociedad, lo que podría influir en su reputación e acceso a capital.

CODELCO enfrenta riesgos legales relacionados con impuestos, medio ambiente, seguridad laboral y procesos judiciales. Además, está expuesto a daños por terremotos, cambios en la regulación, estimaciones erróneas de reservas minerales y altas inversiones de capital. La empresa también depende de la innovación y exploración para mantener su producción de cobre, y está afectada por costos energéticos y riesgos cibernéticos. Interrupciones laborales podrían afectar la producción y costos.

CODELCO empleaba a 15,973 empleados al 31 de diciembre de 2022, con el 83.4% cubierto por acuerdos colectivos. En 2022, se negociaron 24 acuerdos colectivos. Las reformas laborales y de seguridad social podrían impactar las operaciones y costos laborales de CODELCO. Además, proyectos de ley sobre asuntos tributarios también podrían afectar las operaciones y costos de los empleados.

Ley N° 21,591 (Ley de Regalías Mineras) eliminó impuesto específico a la minería, estableciendo impuesto especial para actividades mineras de cobre. A partir de 2024, tasa máxima de impuesto del 46.5% sobre ingreso operativo de productores mineros de más de 80,000 toneladas métricas de cobre fino/año y 45.5% para productores con producción de hasta 80,000 toneladas métricas de cobre fino/año. Parte de fondos obtenidos se destinará a comunidades vulnerables. Impuesto minero actual de CODELCO es 5% y se espera que aumente al 8% próximamente. CODELCO realiza actividades de cobertura, incluyendo producción de cobre, que podrían resultar en pérdidas. CODELCO también cubre compromisos futuros de entrega de cobre y producción para gestionar riesgos asociados con volatilidad del precio del cobre. Las actividades de cobertura podrían resultar en pérdida del beneficio si el precio del cobre supera posición de cobertura. CODELCO está sujeta a impuestos especiales y riesgos asociados con la industria del litio y a regulaciones gubernamentales.

Law No. 21,174 repealed the Copper Reserve Law, requiring CODELCO to pay a 10.0% export tax on copper sales. This tax will be reduced annually by 25.0% until 2032. The Income Tax Law imposes a 35.0% tax on certain payments to related entities. Starting 2024, CODELCO will be subject to a new mining royalty tax. The corporate tax rate has increased to 25.0%. The revenue transferred to the Chilean state was U.S.$2.8 billion in 2022. Political stability and economic activity in Chile affect CODELCO’s growth and profitability. Inflation in Chile could adversely affect CODELCO. CODELCO’s main foreign exchange rate exposure is the U.S. dollar against the peso. If CODELCO defaults on the notes, the ability of holders to attach property may be limited by Chilean law. CODELCO can incur additional unsecured debt ranking equally to the notes. CODELCO’s ability to generate sufficient cash flows may impact its ability to satisfy its liabilities and debt obligations.

CODELCO informa sobre la dependencia de su capacidad para generar flujos de efectivo y su desempeño operativo para honrar sus pasivos y deuda, sujeto a factores económicos, comerciales y regulatorios. Las subsidiarias no garantizan la deuda, lo que podría resultar en problemas de liquidez. El incumplimiento podría llevar a reducir inversiones, buscar deuda adicional o reestructurar la deuda. Las notas contienen restricciones sobre la deuda asegurada, lo que podría limitar la capacidad de obtener financiamiento. Las notas no están registradas bajo la Ley de Valores y CODELCO no tiene la intención de cotizarlas en bolsas de valores de EE. UU. Las ganancias de las notas pueden estar sujetas a retención de impuestos chilena. El uso previsto de los ingresos de la oferta de las notas es para fines corporativos generales. La capitalización de CODELCO asciende a U.S.$30,233,292.

Neto de costos de financiamiento diferidos, comisiones a compradores iniciales y pago de honorarios legales, CODELCO no tiene valores de deuda convertibles, warrants ejercitables u otros valores similares pendientes. La Ley N° 18.840 liberalizó la compra y venta de moneda extranjera en Chile, permitiendo transacciones en el Mercado Cambiario Formal. Se presentan tasas de cambio observadas para el dólar estadounidense desde 2016 hasta enero de 2024. Los datos financieros consolidados seleccionados de CODELCO muestran ingresos, costos y utilidades para los períodos 2020-2023, así como activos, pasivos y patrimonio al cierre de 2020-2023.

Nine-month financial performance ended Sep 30, 2022: Depreciation & amortization of assets $1,672,275; Interest expense $627,352; Ratio of earnings to fixed charges 10.2; Average LME copper price $424.5. Adjusted EBITDA $10,378,724; Debt to Adjusted EBITDA 1.7; Adjusted EBITDA coverage 16.5. More details in the Financial Statements.

Relación de deuda con EBITDA ajustado: 3.4 (2020), 1.7 (2021), 3.0 (2022). Deuda consolidada: 18,076,656 (2020), 17,241,500 (2021), 16,958,377 (2022), 16,739,265 (2023), 20,024,987 (2023). Ratio de cobertura de EBITDA ajustado: 7.5 (2020), 16.5 (2021), 10.7 (2022), 11.9 (2023), 6.2 (2023). Producción y ventas en años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2020, 2021, 2022, y periodos de nueve meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2022, 2023.

Periodo de nueve meses al 31 de diciembre y 30 de septiembre 2020-2023: Producción de cobre en miles de toneladas métricas secas y grado promedio del mineral de cobre por división. Ventas de cobre en toneladas métricas. Desempeño financiero de CODELCO y enfoque en controlar costos de producción. Aumento de costos en 2022 y primeros nueve meses de 2023.

CODELCO’s total costs and expenses rose to U.S.$9.9 billion in 2022 from U.S.$9.1 billion in 2021 and U.S.$8.6 billion in 2020, mainly due to lower production and higher input prices. For the first nine months of 2023, costs amounted to U.S.$7.7 billion, compared to U.S.$6.5 billion in 2022. Cash cost of production was 165.4 cents per pound in 2022, and 204.5 cents per pound for the first nine months of 2023. In 2022, CODELCO’s annual production was 1.55 million metric tons. Each U.S.$0.01 change in CODELCO’s average annual copper price per pound caused a variation in revenue of approximately U.S.$31.8 million. Revenue for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, increased by 2.9% to U.S.$12.2 billion, primarily due to a 14.5% increase in third-party copper sales volume and higher molybdenum prices.

Ventas de subproductos y otros aumentaron un 8.6% a US$1.2 mil millones en los primeros nueve meses de 2023, comparado con US$1.1 mil millones en el mismo período de 2022. Los costos totales de ventas de CODELCO aumentaron un 18.7% a US$9.9 mil millones en los primeros nueve meses de 2023, en comparación con US$8.3 mil millones en el mismo período de 2022. La ganancia bruta disminuyó un 34.5% a US$2.3 mil millones en los primeros nueve meses de 2023, comparado con US$3.5 mil millones en el mismo período de 2022. Los ingresos de CODELCO disminuyeron un 19.1% a US$17.0 mil millones en 2022, comparado con US$21.0 mil millones en 2021, debido a un menor volumen de ventas y a una disminución del precio promedio del cobre.

Ventas de cobre de terceros en 2022: 1.6 mil millones de dólares (vs. 1.8 mil millones en 2021, y 1.2 mil millones en 2020). Ventas de subproductos y otros en 2022: 1.5 mil millones de dólares (vs. 1.4 mil millones en 2021 y 1.2 mil millones en 2020). Costo total de ventas de CODELCO en 2022: 12.3 mil millones de dólares (vs. 12.2 millones en 2021 y 10.6 millones en 2020). Beneficio bruto en 2022: U.S.$4.7 mil millones (vs. U.S.$8.8 mil millones en 2021 y U.S.$3.6 mil millones en 2020). Gastos administrativos en 2022: U.S.$502.3 millones (vs. U.S.$459.3 millones en 2021 y U.S.$397.0 millones en 2020). Otros gastos en 2022: U.S.$2.1 mil millones (vs. U.S.$2.7 mil millones en 2021 y U.S.$1.5 mil millones en 2020).

CODELCO registró otros gastos de U.S.$1.3 mil millones, U.S.$1.6 mil millones y U.S.$1.1 mil millones en 2022, 2021 y 2020 respectivamente, debido a la Ley de Reserva de Cobre. Los costos financieros disminuyeron a U.S.$569.0 millones en 2022 desde U.S.$641.0 millones en 2021. El beneficio antes de impuestos disminuyó a U.S.$1.5 mil millones en 2022 comparado con U.S.$5.9 mil millones en 2021. Los impuestos de CODELCO sobre la renta ascendieron a un gasto de U.S.$1,134 millones en 2022, en comparación con un gasto de U.S.$3,855 millones en 2021. CODELCO registró una ganancia después de impuestos de U.S.$362.0 millones en 2022, U.S.$2,051 millones en 2021 y U.S.$257.0 millones en 2020. Para obtener más información, ver nota 5 a los Estados Financieros Consolidados. Las fuentes de liquidez de CODELCO incluyen operaciones, préstamos y ofertas de deuda en los mercados de capitales domésticos e internacionales. Para el período de nueve meses finalizado el 30 de septiembre de 2023, se registraron cargos no monetarios significativos por amortización y depreciación.

CODELCO recibió U.S.$3.5 mil millones en capitalización entre 2014-2019. Desde 2022, se permite reinvertir el 30% de las ganancias anuales. En 2022, las ganancias netas de las operaciones disminuyeron un 26.2% a U.S.$4.3 mil millones. La deuda total de CODELCO fue de U.S.$20.0 mil millones en septiembre de 2023. Se detallan varios acuerdos de préstamo con bancos.

CODELCO realizó avances en contratos de exportación por U.S.$130.0 millones y U.S.$200.0 millones en agosto de 2023, los cuales fueron pagados en su totalidad en septiembre de 2023. Además, la empresa llevó a cabo múltiples ofertas de recompra de bonos entre 2017 y 2023 y emitió nuevos bonos por U.S.$2.0 mil millones en enero de 2020 y U.S.$800.0 millones en mayo de 2020. También presentó una oferta de recompra de notas en octubre de 2021. Además, se detallan los montos pendientes y los intereses acumulados bajo notas emitidas en mercados internacionales y locales hasta septiembre de 2023. CODELCO planea realizar gastos de capital por U.S.$14.1 mil millones entre 2023 y 2025 para proyectos de expansión y desarrollo minero.

Gobierno de Chile ha aprobado la capitalización de U.S.$2.5 mil millones a CODELCO desde 2014, permitiendo retener ganancias y reinvertir el 30.0% de las ganancias de 2021-2024. CODELCO ha invertido U.S.$3.6 mil millones en proyectos ambientales de 2012-2019 y planea invertir U.S.$1.0 mil millones de 2021-2022. Las distribuciones al Tesoro chileno han sido U.S.$239.0 millones en 2020, U.S.$2,033.0 millones en 2021 y U.S.$260.0 millones en 2022. En septiembre de 2023, CODELCO tenía swap contracts para cubrir el riesgo de cambio con un valor nominal de U.S.$614.7 millones, U.S.$63.9 millones, U.S.$49.3 millones y U.S.$546.1 millones, respectivamente.

Preparación de estados financieros consolidados según TFRS requiere estimaciones y suposiciones críticas que afectan activos, pasivos, ingresos y gastos. CODELCO ejerce juicio en áreas como vidas útiles de activos, reservas de mineral, deterioro de activos y provisiones. Estimaciones basadas en estudios técnicos, revisiones periódicas con expertos externos y cumplimiento de leyes chilenas. También se detalla la provisión para costos de cierre y restauración del sitio, beneficios de empleados, facturas pendientes y reconocimiento de ingresos. Uso de juicio en determinar vida útil de arrendamientos y reconocimiento de ingresos por contratos con clientes.

CODELCO es el mayor productor de cobre del mundo, con ingresos de US$17.0 mil millones en 2022. Sus activos totales fueron de US$44.7 mil millones y el patrimonio ascendió a US$11.7 mil millones en diciembre de 2022. En septiembre de 2023, los activos totales fueron de US$46.7 mil millones y el patrimonio se mantuvo en US$11.7 mil millones. Su producción de cobre en 2022 fue de aproximadamente 1.553 millones de toneladas métricas. El 90.1% y 90.6% de sus ventas totales provinieron del cobre en 2022 y hasta septiembre de 2023, respectivamente. Se espera que CODELCO realice inversiones de aproximadamente US$14.1 mil millones entre 2023 y 2025 para el desarrollo de sus recursos mineros.

Minerales de óxido son escasos y se utilizan en el proceso SX-EW para producir cobre refinado. CODELCO emplea este proceso en Chuquicamata, El Teniente, Salvador, Gabriela Mistral y Radomivo Tomic. Las operaciones de cobre de CODELCO se dividen en ocho divisiones, con producción y costos detallados para cada una. Ejemplo: La División El Teniente produjo 405.429 toneladas métricas de cobre en 2022, con un costo en efectivo de 105,2 centavos por libra.

División Salvador de CODELCO produjo 32.065 toneladas de cátodos de cobre en 2022, con un costo en efectivo de 389,6 centavos por libra. Durante los primeros 9 meses de 2023, produjo 12.278 toneladas con un costo en efectivo de 523,4 centavos por libra. La División Ventanas refinó 370.626 toneladas de cobre en 2022, y 264.556 toneladas durante los primeros 9 meses de 2023. CODELCO disminuyó su producción de cobre a 1.552.700 toneladas durante 2022. La inversión estimada por división para 2023-2025 fue aprobada por la Junta Directiva.

CODELCO reporta que los gastos de inversión para proyectos en ejecución totalizan 12,613 millones. CODELCO está reformulando el proyecto de expansión de Andina, lo que podría afectar los gastos a mediano plazo y añadir proyectos a Chuquicamata. La División El Teniente produce concentrados de cobre, emplea a 3,877 personas y en 2023 produjo 261,692 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 134,4 centavos por libra. La División Radomiro Tomic, en 2023, empleaba a 1,328 personas y produjo 239,134 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 231,9 centavos por libra.

Mina Chuquicamata: operación a cielo abierto en el Desierto de Atacama, produjo 177,888 toneladas métricas de cobre al 29,6% en 2023, con un costo en efectivo total de 570,7 millones de dólares. La División Mina Ministro Hales produjo 80,653 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo total de 428,3 millones de dólares en 2023. La División Gabriela Mistral produjo 73,812 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$495.6 millones en 2023.

“La División Andina de CODELCO operó las minas Andina y Sur-Sur, produciendo 120,081 toneladas de cobre con un costo de 229.9 centavos por libra en septiembre de 2023. La División Salvador produjo 12,278 toneladas de cobre con un costo de 523.4 centavos por libra en el mismo período. En 2022, la producción de cobre de la División El Abra fue de 91,649 toneladas con un costo de 3.08 centavos por libra, mientras que en los primeros nueve meses de 2023 fue de 72,779 toneladas con un costo de 3.00 centavos por libra.”

CODELCO informa sobre la adquisición de intereses patrimoniales en Anglo American Sur, la refinanciación de la Facilidad de Préstamo Puente A8:R Mitsui, y su participación en Acrux. También se detalla la producción de cobre fino, dividendos distribuidos y el valor en libros del patrimonio de Anglo American Sur. Además, se mencionan las propiedades y actividades de otras entidades en las que CODELCO tiene participación, así como acuerdos de minería y exploración.

Reservas probadas y probables de CODELCO: 47,5 millones de toneladas de cobre al 31/12/2022. Recursos minerales: 165,0 millones de toneladas de cobre. Recursos geológicos: 398,1 millones de toneladas de cobre. Participación de CODELCO en reservas probadas y probables de cobre del mundo: 5,3%.

CODELCO reporta recursos geológicos potenciales de 7.405 millones de toneladas métricas de mineral con ley promedio de cobre del 0,64%. Los costos de producción aumentaron a 310,9 centavos por libra en 2022 y a 363,7 centavos por libra en los primeros nueve meses de 2023. En 2022, los costos totales ascendieron a 9.900 millones de dólares, y a 7.700 millones de dólares en los primeros nueve meses de 2023. Se implementó un proyecto de productividad y costos en 2013, y se promueve la descarbonización del suministro de electricidad para reducir costos.

CODELCO firmó nuevos contratos de suministro de energía, incluyendo fuentes renovables, hasta 2040. También lanzó un proceso de licitación para adquirir aproximadamente el 30% de sus requerimientos eléctricos de fuentes renovables. CODELCO sigue desarrollando prácticas para limitar costos mineros y refinando su estrategia de marketing, con ventas diversificadas. La empresa espera firmar nuevos acuerdos de compra de energía derivados de este proceso de licitación antes de 2024. En cuanto a las ventas de cobre, CODELCO mantiene contratos a largo plazo y utiliza contratos perennes para asegurar la oferta a clientes clave. En 2022, la mayor parte de sus ventas se realizaron en Asia y América. La estrategia de comercialización de CODELCO se enfoca en relaciones a largo plazo, calidad del producto, servicio de ventas, y diversificación geográfica. En 2022, la empresa empleó a 15,973 personas y continuó sus programas de desarrollo y capacitación del personal.

CODELCO ofrece a sus empleados financiamiento para vivienda y otros préstamos personales con tasas de interés entre 1,0% y 5,0%. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, el monto principal de los préstamos pendientes era de US$127,3 millones. El número total de accidentes laborales ha disminuido de 95 en 2020 a 62 al 30 de septiembre de 2023. CODELCO está involucrada en procesos legales y presenta un resumen del mercado del cobre.

“Copper prices have experienced volatility, with LME prices averaging 399.0 cents per pound in 2021 and 424.5 in 2020. Demand for copper in electrical applications and air conditioning systems has increased. Historical data shows continued growth in copper supply and demand. CODELCO’s operations are subject to oversight by the Chilean securities authority and the Chilean Commission of Copper. Annual concession fees paid by CODELCO were $7.3 million in 2020, $7.3 million in 2021, $8.5 million in 2022, and $7.9 million as of September 30, 2023. Law No. 21,420, expected to come into force on January 1, 2024, will introduce amendments to the Mining Code.”

La Ley N° 21,649 modifica la duración y valor de las concesiones mineras, imponiendo nuevas obligaciones de reporte de información geológica y estableciendo el uso de coordenadas SIRGAS. También posterga la entrada en vigor de las disposiciones mineras de la Ley N° 21,420 al 1 de enero de 2024. Además, la ley introduce cambios en la normativa ambiental, fortaleciendo las regulaciones existentes y aumentando las multas por incumplimiento.

CODELCO faces potential fines and environmental requirements due to violations of environmental permits. They are investing in pollution abatement projects, with a total investment of U.S.$3.6 billion from 2012 to 2019. They plan to continue with investments amounting to U.S.$439.0 million in 2020, U.S.$490.0 million in 2021, and U.S.$522.0 million in 2022. Additionally, CODELCO has ongoing decontamination plans in several areas. On December 15, 2023, the Ministry of the Environment confirmed amendments to the Regulations of the Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA) to adapt to the Framework Law on Climate Change and the Escazú Agreement.

Riesgos por regulaciones ambientales podrían afectar a CODELCO. Nueva ley de delitos económicos y contra el medio ambiente. CPM puede aliviar responsabilidad, su inexistencia o implementación deficiente puede llevar a supervisión judicial. Obligaciones comerciales y pago de deudas bajo ley chilena. Documentos estatutarios en Decretos Leyes 1.350 y 146. CODELCO sujeta a leyes de corporaciones privadas. Cambios en la estructura directiva. Presidente de Chile designa a 6 de 9 directores. Renuncias y nombramientos en alta dirección de CODELCO. Organigrama y cargos actuales.

Alejandro Sanhueza designado cargo a partir del 1 de febrero de 2024. Directores y ejecutivos no tienen relación familiar. Comités del Directorio: Auditoría, Compensaciones y Ética; Proyectos y Financiamiento de Inversiones; Gestión; Sustentabilidad; Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación. Transacciones con partes relacionadas reguladas por la Ley de Sociedades. Política de transacciones definida por reglamento interno. Banco Central de Chile responsable de políticas monetarias y controles cambiarios. Descripción de los bonos emitidos por CODELCO.

Moneys paid by CODELCO to the trustee or paying agent for unclaimed payments after 2 years will be repaid to CODELCO. The 2036 notes mature on January 26, 2036, and the 2053 notes on September 8, 2053, with no prior redemption. The notes rank equally and without preference. The trustee will act as paying agent, transfer agent, and registrar. The notes will be offered to qualified institutional buyers and offshore transactions to non-U.S. persons. The Global Notes will be deposited with DTC and will be available for purchase by qualified institutional buyers. Transfers among Global Notes will be subject to restrictions. DTC will hold securities for its participants, and ownership of the notes will be shown on records maintained by DTC and its participants. So long as DTC or its nominee is the registered owner of a Global Note, DTC or such nominee will be considered the sole owner of the notes.

CODELCO acknowledges industry practice for actions on notes, payments, and transfers through DTC, Euroclear, and Clearstream. Certificated notes may be issued under certain circumstances. CODELCO’s restrictions include conditions for consolidation, merger, conveyance, and limitation on liens. “Consolidated Net Tangible Assets” is defined as total assets minus specified liabilities. “Principal Property” refers to certain mining and processing facilities in Chile. “Subsidiary” and “Restricted Subsidiary” are defined based on ownership and control percentages.

Limitación en transacciones de venta y arrendamiento posterior: el contrato de emisión establece restricciones para CODELCO y sus subsidiarias en cuanto a acuerdos de arrendamiento por más de tres años de propiedades vendidas, con excepciones. Se detallan eventos de incumplimiento, condiciones para declarar los bonos en circulación como debidos y pagaderos, notificaciones de incumplimientos, y restricciones para iniciar procedimientos judiciales. También se establece la obligación de CODELCO de proporcionar una declaración anual al agente fiduciario y se detallan los pagos de montos adicionales en caso de retenciones por impuestos.

Pago de impuestos, redención opcional de bonos antes de la madurez, cálculo de tasas de Tesorería, notificaciones de redención, reemplazo de notas.

Solicitud de reemplazo de notas mutiladas, perdidas o robadas se hace al fiduciario o a CODELCO. Los costos del reemplazo son asumidos por el solicitante. Modificación del contrato de emisión: CODELCO y el fiduciario pueden enmendar, renunciar o complementar el contrato de emisión sin consentimiento de los tenedores de las notas para ciertos fines específicos. Exoneración y exoneración de convenios: CODELCO puede optar por ser liberada de sus obligaciones con respecto a las notas. Ley Aplicable; Sumisión a la Jurisdicción; Inmunidad Soberana: El contrato de emisión estará regido por la ley del Estado de Nueva York. Emisión adicional de notas: CODELCO podrá crear y emitir notas adicionales sin el consentimiento de los tenedores. Impuestos Generales: Resumen de consideraciones fiscales chilenas y de los Estados Unidos relacionadas con la compra, tenencia y disposición de notas. Se aplica una retención de impuestos chilena del 35.0%, pero los intereses de bonos emitidos por empresas constituidas en Chile están sujetos a una tasa reducida del 4.0%.

Foreign Holders are subject to income tax on Chilean source income, defined as income from Chilean goods or activities. However, they won’t be taxed on principal payments made by CODELCO for the notes. CODELCO will pay Additional Amounts to offset the Chilean Interest Withholding Tax for Foreign Holders. Capital gains from the notes issued outside of Chile won’t be subject to Chilean taxes. The issuance of the notes is subject to a stamp tax, payable by CODELCO. U.S. Holders may be subject to U.S. federal income tax and can claim foreign tax credits for Chilean taxes withheld. Pre-reopening accrued interest and premium on the notes have specific tax considerations. Disposition of the notes may result in taxable gain or loss.

Market Discount. A U.S. Holder purchasing 2053 notes at a cost less than the principal amount may be treated as market discount for tax purposes. Specified Foreign Financial Asset Reporting may apply to U.S. Holders owning foreign financial assets. Information Reporting and Backup Withholding may apply to payments within the U.S. The Proposed European Financial Transaction Tax could affect transactions involving the notes. The Plan of Distribution details the purchase agreement and resale restrictions. The initial purchasers may make a market in the notes, and may engage in overallotment, stabilizing transactions, and syndicate covering transactions. The initial purchasers and their affiliates have performed and may continue to perform commercial banking, investment banking, or advisory services for the company.

“The initial purchasers and affiliates may provide investment recommendations on the securities, expected to be delivered on Jan 26, 2024 (T+3 settlement cycle). Notes are not intended for retail investors in the EEA, UK, Canada, Brazil, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Singapore, and Switzerland. In Chile, institutional investors must comply with specific restrictions. Consult advisor before trading prior to delivery.”

Información sobre oferta de bonos bajo normativa de la CMF N° 336, no sujetos a supervisión de la CMF. Restricciones de oferta en China, Dubái, Taiwán y Corea. Restricciones de transferencia en EE. UU. Notas 144A y Regulación S. Limitaciones para la transferencia de intereses en las Notas Globales. Procedimientos de intercambio entre Notas Globales. Posibles emisión de bonos en forma certificada y procedimientos de transferencia.

Oferta de notas para uso fuera de EE. UU., colocación privada en EE. UU. y listado en la Bolsa de Luxemburgo. Reserva de rechazar ofertas, cumplimiento de leyes locales por compradores. Validación de notas por Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, Carey y Cía. Ltda., Shearman & Sterling LLP y Garrigues Chile Limitada. Auditorías de Deloitte y PricewaterhouseCoopers. Glosario de términos mineros. Uso de minerales, procesos de refinamiento y tecnologías específicas.

CODELCO obtiene autorización para emitir bonos en el extranjero por el Ministerio de Hacienda de Chile. No está involucrado en litigios relevantes para la emisión de bonos. Los bonos serán aceptados en sistemas de liquidación de registro de DTC, Euroclear System y Clearstream Banking. El código LEI de CODELCO es 549300UVMBCBCIPSU170. The Bank of New York Mellon es el fiduciario, agente de pago, agente de transferencia y registrador designado. No ha habido cambios adversos en la posición financiera de CODELCO. La Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile tiene su sede en Huérfanos 1270, Santiago, Chile. Los bonos originales 2053 están listados en la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo. Los gerentes conjuntos de libros son BofA Securities, Citigroup, J.P. Morgan y Santander.

Consultores, Auditores y Compañía Ltda. presenta estados financieros consolidados F-119, F-124, F-126, F-127, F-128, F-130, F-131, F-236, F-241, F-243, F-244, F-245, F-248 de septiembre 2023 y auditoría independiente de Deloitte. Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile muestra estados financieros interinos al 30/09/2023 y 31/12/2022 en miles de USD. Activo total: 46,691,655 (30/09/2023) y 44,737,232 (31/12/2022). Pasivo total: 35,018,664 (30/09/2023) y 33,082,667 (31/12/2022). Ingresos: 12,218,396 (1/1/2023 – 30/9/2023) y 11,879,784 (1/1/2022 – 30/9/2022). Utilidad neta: 18,512 (30/9/2023) y 491,176 (30/9/2022).

CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE informa ganancias de 18,512 en 2023, 491,176 en 2022, y pérdidas de 28,590 en 2022. La renta integral del 2023 muestra una pérdida de 3,332. El efectivo al final de septiembre 2023 es de 2,083,926. La empresa es supervisada por la CMF y se rige por estándares orgánicos y normas aplicables a empresas públicas.

Los estados financieros reflejan la posición financiera de Codelco y subsidiarias al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, así como los resultados de operaciones, cambios en el patrimonio y flujos de efectivo para los periodos de nueve meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, preparados conforme a IAS 34 y regulaciones de la CMF. Se detallan estimaciones contables significativas, incluyendo vidas útiles y valores residuales de propiedades, estimaciones de reservas minerales, deterioro de activos, provisiones para costos de cierre de minas, beneficios a empleados y reconocimiento de ingresos. Los cambios en estas estimaciones pueden impactar futuros estados financieros.

Resumen: Los estados financieros consolidados interinos de la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile incluyen: estado financiero de posición, de ingresos, integral de ingresos, de cambios en el patrimonio y de flujos de efectivo al 30/09/2023 y 31/12/2022. Cumplen con las IFRS. La moneda funcional es el dólar estadounidense. Se consolida con subsidiarias y se aplica el método de participación patrimonial con asociadas. Se detallan las transacciones en moneda extranjera, las tasas de cambio y la depreciación de activos.

Revisión de estimaciones y métodos de depreciación de activos. Procedimientos para determinar pérdidas por deterioro. Tratamiento contable de gastos de exploración y evaluación. Reconocimiento de impuestos diferidos. Valoración de inventarios. Distribución de dividendos. Provisiones para beneficios a empleados y planes de retiro.

Provisiones para desmantelamiento y costos de restauración: La Corporación reconoce provisiones por desmantelamiento y restauración de proyectos mineros, y los costos se registran en el estado de resultados a través de la depreciación del activo relacionado. Los ingresos de contratos con clientes se reconocen de acuerdo con la entrega de bienes o servicios. Los contratos de venta de minerales incluyen la obligación de entrega y servicios de transporte, y los ingresos se reconocen al satisfacer la obligación de rendimiento. Se utilizan instrumentos financieros derivados para reducir el riesgo de fluctuaciones en los precios de venta y de cambio. La Corporación tiene divisiones como segmentos operativos, cada una con gestión operativa separada.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile presenta sus estados financieros clasificados como “corriente y no corriente” y sus estados de ingresos “por función” y flujos de efectivo mediante el método directo. Clasifica sus activos financieros en tres categorías: a) a valor razonable a través de pérdidas y ganancias, b) a costo amortizado y c) a valor razonable a través de otro resultado integral. Sus pasivos financieros se miden a valor razonable o a costo amortizado. Mide las pérdidas por deterioro de activos utilizando el enfoque simplificado de IFRS 9. Clasifica los sobregiros bancarios como recursos externos en pasivos corrientes. La declaración de flujo de efectivo refleja cambios en efectivo bajo el método directo, y clasifica los saldos como corrientes o no corrientes según su vencimiento. Adoptó nuevas normas, incluida la enmienda a IFRS 17, revelando las políticas contables y cambios significativos. No se ven afectados por las nuevas normas emitidas por el IASB.

Companies will determine if debts and other liabilities with uncertain settlement dates must be classified as current. Amendments to IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 allow early application, providing comparative information on financial assets. Other amendments clarify measurement of lease liabilities, classification of non-current liabilities with covenants, and disclosure requirements for supplier financial agreements. New standards require disclosure of sustainability-related and climate-related risks and opportunities. Amendments to IAS 21 specify currency exchangeability and its impact. Corporation reports cash and cash equivalents, trade and other receivables, and transactions with related parties.

Resumen: Durante los periodos de 1-1-2023 al 9-30-2023, la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile reporta pagos a directores y relacionados. Los montos oscilan entre 14 y 96 mil ThUS$. Las transacciones con directores deben ser aprobadas por la Junta.

Compensación para Directores de Codelco:
– Directores: Ch$4,413,071 por reunión.
– Presidente: Ch$8,826,140 mensuales.
– Miembros de Comité: Ch$1,471,022 por reunión, Presidente: Ch$2,942,047.
– Vigencia: 2 años desde el 1 de marzo de 2022.
Beneficios a corto plazo del personal directivo: ThUS$ 11,512 en 2023 y ThUS$ 11,253 en 2022. Método de remuneración aprobado en 2003. Pagos por retiro de ejecutivos: ThUS$ 1,269 en 2023 y ThUS$ 1,494 en 2022. No hay planes de pago en acciones. Transacciones con subsidiarias y asociadas. Cuentas por cobrar y pagar a entidades relacionadas. Transacciones detalladas.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
Inventarios al 30/09/2023: Productos terminados ThUS$201,938, en proceso ThUS$1,523,344, materiales en almacén ThUS$1,061,654. Costo de ventas 9 meses: ThUS$9,879,696 (2023) y ThUS$8,321,260 (2022). Castigos de inventario: ThUS$8,475 (2023) y ThUS$1,955 (2022). Prov. valor neto realizable del cobre: 30/09/2023 ThUS$53,002 y ganancia ThUS$1,532. No reclasificación de inventarios estratégicos. No inventarios en garantía para pasivos.
Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
Impuestos a la renta y diferidos: Impuestos diferidos netos 30/09/2023: ThUS$8,249,381. Activos por impuestos diferidos 30/09/2023: ThUS$2,183,141. Pasivos por impuestos diferidos 30/09/2023: ThUS$10,432,522. Efecto impuestos diferidos en resultado integral: ThUS$530 (2023). Composición del impuesto a la renta (gasto) 9 meses: ThUS$94,064 (2023) y ThUS$1,206,688 (2022). Reconciliación de la tasa impositiva efectiva.

Ley No. 21256 establece un impuesto adicional del 40% sobre la renta imponible de la Corporación más las utilidades retenidas de empresas no constituidas como sociedades anónimas y los dividendos recibidos de estas. Ley 21591 sobre regalías mineras impone un impuesto compuesto por un componente ad valorem del 1% de las ventas de cobre y un componente de margen minero del 8% al 26% sobre márgenes operativos mineros. Se estiman tasas del 5% y 8% para el último año de aplicación del Impuesto Específico a la Actividad Minera y el componente de margen minero de la Nueva Regalía, respectivamente. El balance fiscal actual se presenta neto de pagos provisionales mensuales como activo o pasivo en impuestos corrientes. Los activos fiscales corrientes y no corrientes ascienden a $5,280 y $843,138 miles de dólares, respectivamente. Los activos de la propiedad, planta y equipo al 30 de septiembre de 2023 totalizan $33,563,099 miles de dólares.


Cambios en Propiedad, planta y equipo:

– Saldo inicial 01-01-2022: 30,449,893
– Pérdidas por deterioro: 89,410
– Aumento (disminución) por transferencias y otros cambios: (3,955,779)
– Propiedad, planta y equipo al final del período Saldo al cierre 12-31-2022: 32,309,530

Otros activos bajo “Propiedad, planta y equipo”:

– Propiedades mineras de la compra de Anglo American Sur S.A: 260,000
– Mantenimiento y otras reparaciones importantes: 53,151
– Otros activos, neto: 338,261

Leasing operations:

– Total movements (7,163)
– Total right-of-use assets, net: 398,680
– Lease expense 9-30-2023: 693,620

Inversiones en el método de la equidad:

– Inversión en Anglo American Sur S.A: 6,681 millones de US$ al 24-08-2012

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile realizó una estimación del valor recuperable de Anglo American Sur S.A. basada en proyecciones de flujos de efectivo descontados, con un valor de US$2,827,106 al 31 de diciembre de 2022. Se identificaron indicadores de deterioro en las unidades operativas de Anglo American Sur S.A. al 31 de diciembre de 2015, y se han evaluado posibles cambios futuros en el valor recuperable. Codelco posee el 40% de Kairos S.A., empresa dedicada a servicios de automatización y control para actividades industriales y mineras. Además, se presentan los activos, pasivos y resultados financieros de las asociadas y subsidiarias al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y diciembre de 2022. Los activos financieros corrientes y no corrientes se detallan al 30 de septiembre de 2023.

Otros pasivos financieros incluyen préstamos con instituciones financieras y obligaciones de emisión de bonos. En septiembre de 2023, los préstamos de entidades financieras ascienden a ThUS$17,411 en corriente y ThUS$1,464,686 en no corriente, mientras que las obligaciones de bonos alcanzan ThUS$577,844 en corriente y ThUS$17,965,046 en no corriente. En diciembre de 2022, los préstamos de entidades financieras suman ThUS$8,545 en corriente y ThUS$970,160 en no corriente, y las obligaciones de bonos llegan a ThUS$452,154 en corriente y ThUS$15,527,518 en no corriente. La Corporación realizó ofertas para recomprar bonos emitidos en dólares entre 2019 y 2025, recomprando US$2,367 millones el 25 de julio de 2017.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile issued bonds totaling ThUS$2,750,000 in 2017. 86% of the funds were used to refinance old debt, reducing the interest rate from 4.36% to 4.02%. Subsequent bond issuances were made in various markets, with different maturity dates and interest rates. Repurchases and refinancing activities were also carried out, resulting in a charge of US$23 million in after-tax income for the year 2021.

Préstamos y obligaciones de bonos al 31/12/2022: préstamos de instituciones financieras por un total de US$17,411 millones y obligaciones de bonos por US$452,154 millones. Las tasas de interés nominal y efectiva corresponden a tasas anuales.

CODELCO reporta los montos no descontados a pagar a instituciones financieras, detallando los tipos de interés y vencimientos de sus obligaciones. Para el 30-9-2023, el total es MUS$ 32,370,371 y para el 31-12-2022 es MUS$ 33,312,772.

Nominal and effective interest rates correspond to annual rates. Changes in CODELCO’s liabilities classified as financing activities in the statement of cash flows: Loans from financial entities: ThUS$ 978,705, Bond obligations: ThUS$ 15,979,672, Hedging obligations: ThUS$ 133,999, Dividends paid: ThUS$ 0, Financial assets for hedge derivatives: ThUS$ -100,535, Leases: ThUS$ 411,869, Other: ThUS$ 63,659. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities: Bond obligations: Book value ThUS$ 18,542,890, Fair value ThUS$ 15,822,041. Market value hierarchy for items at market value: Level 1: ThUS$ 0, Level 2: ThUS$ 2,023,579, Level 3: ThUS$ 0. Trade and other accounts payable: Trade creditors: ThUS$ 1,374,186, Payables to employees: ThUS$ 19,721, Withholdings: ThUS$ 109,232, Withholding taxes: ThUS$ 21,593, Other accounts payable: ThUS$ 76,421.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, los montos según plazos de pago y acreedores con fecha de vencimiento actual, por período de pago total, fueron: Bienes $512,024 (16.7%), Servicios $605,629 (20.3%), Otros $172,186 (16.0%). Los saldos de provisiones no corrientes y corrientes al 30-09-2023 y 31-12-2022 fueron: $616,035 y $761,665, y $2,219,026 y $2,679,728, respectivamente. Las tasas de descuento utilizadas para las provisiones van del 2.15% al 3.44%. No hubo modificaciones relevantes en los planes de beneficios post-laborales.

Cifras relevantes:
– Para calcular las tasas de descuento se consideran los bonos del gobierno chileno en el mercado secundario.
– Las provisiones para beneficios a empleados al 30/9/23 son: USD 438,586 (corriente) y USD 993,911 (no corriente).
– El patrimonio al 30/9/23 es de USD 11,672,991 (31/12/22: USD 11,654,565, 30/9/22: USD 11,774,774).

Directorio debe aprobar Plan de Negocios y Desarrollo antes del 30 de marzo, determinando montos para fondos de capitalización y reservas antes del 30 de septiembre. El Ministerio de Hacienda autorizó a la Corporación a destinar hasta ThUS$582,750 de utilidades del 2021, y hasta ThUS$103,677 de utilidades del 2022 a fondos de capitalización y reservas. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, se creó un fondo de ThUS$345,589. Se pagaron dividendos por un total de ThUS$259,900 en mayo y septiembre de 2022. El Estado Consolidado de Cambios en el Patrimonio muestra los cambios en el patrimonio. Ajustes de reclasificación de otros resultados integrales a ingresos significaron ganancias de ThUS$818 y TRUS$1,659 en los períodos de nueve meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022. Otras reservas totalizaron ThUS$5,655,661 al 30 de septiembre de 2023. Intereses no controladores en Inversiones Gacrux SpA alcanzaron ThUS$866,455 al 30 de septiembre de 2023. Los ingresos de actividades ordinarias durante los períodos de nueve y tres meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022 totalizaron ThUS$12,218,396 y ThUS$3,929,414, respectivamente. Los gastos por naturaleza durante los períodos de nueve y tres meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022 totalizaron ThUS$10,308,081 y ThUS$3,257,007, respectivamente.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile reporta una depreciación que incluye gastos de propiedades, planta y equipos, así como activos por derecho de uso. Se evaluó una unidad generadora de efectivo, la División Ventanas, resultando en una pérdida por deterioro de ThUS$89,410. Se determinó el valor recuperable utilizando una tasa de descuento del 7.28% anual antes de impuestos. Otros ingresos ascendieron a ThUS$64,581, y los gastos a ThUS$1,476,620. La Ley N° 13196 grava con un 10% el beneficio tributario de la producción de cobre, con modificaciones vigentes desde enero de 2018. El Ministerio de Hacienda ajustó el pago de estos recursos debido a la crisis del COVID-19. Los costos financieros se detallan en la tabla.

Intereses de bonos: (398,578) (314,022) (129,787) (101,234)
Intereses de préstamos bancarios: (48,284) (6,717) (18,238) (1,072)
Reexpresión de provisiones: (7,478) (10,283) (2,381) (2,785)
Otras reexpresiones y otros: (67,427) (51,958) (20,376) (20,690)
Total: (570,413) (424,459) (187,411) (139,000)
Segmentos operativos de Codelco:
– Yacimientos mineros gestionados por Divisiones
– Asignación de ingresos y gastos de la Casa Matriz a las Divisiones, detallando criterios para cada ítem.

Transacciones entre segmentos: se reconocen como ingresos para el segmento que presta servicios de maquila y como costo de ventas para el que recibe el servicio. Los flujos de efectivo por segmentos se refieren a actividades operativas. Los ingresos por ventas de cobre y otros productos ascienden a US$12,218,396, con un costo de ventas de US$9,898,852 y una utilidad bruta de US$2,319,544. Los ingresos por ventas de cobre propio alcanzan US$9,802,323, y los ingresos por ventas de cobre de terceros llegan a US$1,207,664.

“Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile detalla activos y pasivos por segmento operativo al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022. Los ingresos por área geográfica muestran un aumento. No hubo ingresos significativos de transacciones con un solo cliente. Se informan diferencias cambiarias y actividades de flujo de efectivo. Se describen los riesgos financieros, incluido el riesgo cambiario según las IFRS 7.”

Fluctuaciones en el tipo de cambio podrían afectar los beneficios antes de impuestos en US$ 41 millones, y una variación del 1% en el valor de la UF en pesos chilenos podría generar una pérdida o ganancia estimada de US$ 19 millones. Un cambio de un punto porcentual en las tasas de interés de las obligaciones financieras a tasa variable resultaría en un cambio en el gasto de intereses anual de aproximadamente US$ 11 millones. Si el precio futuro del cobre fluctúa en + – 5%, el resultado sería +- US$237 millones antes de impuestos. Las deudas a tasas fijas y variables al 30 de septiembre de 2023 corresponden a ThUS$ 18,542,890 y ThUS$ 1,482,097, respectivamente. La exposición máxima al riesgo crediticio es de ThUS$ 16,729,362. La Corporación realiza operaciones en mercados de futuros para proteger el flujo de efectivo. No ha celebrado transacciones de cobertura para cubrir el riesgo de precios de insumos de producción. Se han contratado pólizas de seguro de crédito para minimizar el riesgo crediticio. La exposición a otros riesgos relevantes incluye relaciones comunitarias, ambientales, litigios y procedimientos regulatorios. Se lleva a cabo un programa de gestión de riesgos que considera cambios en el apetito por el riesgo con el tiempo. La Corporación posee transacciones de cobertura para minimizar el riesgo de variaciones en el tipo de cambio y en el precio de venta.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile reporta contratos de cobertura, saldos de colateral, valoración de swaps de moneda y montos nocionales de derivados financieros. Además, detalla operaciones de cobertura y ajustes de política comercial en contratos de cobre, oro y plata, así como contingencias y compromisos legales. En septiembre de 2023, enfrenta demandas por aproximadamente ThUS$ 371,356, de las cuales el 83.12% tiene una pérdida probable de ThUS$ 67,128. También informa compromisos de suministro de energía a largo plazo con modificaciones para incluir energía renovable.

Codelco’s compliance with Law No. 20551 regarding mine closure includes financial guarantees to the State. As of Sep 30, 2023, guarantees amount to UF 70,912,353. An agreement with Anglo American Sur S.A. involves selling a portion of annual copper production. The Board of Directors approved preparations to cease Ventanas Smelter operation, pending the amendment of Law No. 19993. The smelter was temporarily closed in May 2023, with plans for definitive closure underway. Codelco has provided and received guarantees, with the main guarantees given to financial institutions listed in tables.

Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix: Acuerdos judiciales y liquidaciones en UF y CLP para 2023 y 2024. También se detallan montos de garantías recibidas y balance en moneda extranjera. La información corresponde a diversas Divisiones Operativas y el total de los montos es de 2.920.163 UF y 2.649.978 CLP.

– Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, las responsabilidades en moneda nacional y extranjera de Codelco totalizan 33,082,667 millones de pesos chilenos.
– Hasta el 30 de septiembre de 2023, Codelco y sus directores no han sido sancionados por la CMF u otras autoridades administrativas.
– Codelco cumple con regulaciones ambientales y ejecuta proyectos ambientales para cumplir con las regulaciones.
– Detalla los gastos principales relacionados con el medio ambiente hasta septiembre de 2023 y 2022, y los gastos futuros proyectados.
– Informa sobre cambios organizativos y renuncias de altos cargos en octubre de 2023.

Codelco adquiere 100% de las acciones de Lithium Power International Limited por 385 millones de dólares australianos, autorizado en reunión extraordinaria de la junta. La adquisición, financiada con recursos propios, busca desarrollar el “Proyecto Blanco” de LPI en Chile. La junta de LPI recomienda aprobar el acuerdo. Codelco pretende hacer viable el proyecto a través de sinergias con sus activos en la región de Atacama. No hay eventos significativos entre octubre de 2023 y la fecha de emisión de los estados financieros. Las auditorías de PwC Chile respaldan la presentación justa de las finanzas consolidadas de Codelco.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile’s consolidated statements of comprehensive income for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 show a decrease in profit from 2,051,368 to 361,571 US dollars. The consolidated statements of changes in equity for the same period reflect an increase in total equity from 10,628,489 to 11,654,565 US dollars. The consolidated statements of cash flows for the same period indicate a decrease in cash and cash equivalents from 2,107,493 to 1,283,618 US dollars. The Corporation operates under International Financial Reporting Standards and is registered with the Chilean Commission for the Financial Market.

Codelco’s consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, prepared in accordance with IAS 1 and CMF regulations, involve critical accounting estimates and assumptions. Key areas of judgment include useful economic lives of assets, ore reserves, impairment of non-financial assets, decommissioning and site restoration costs, employee benefits, fair value of derivatives, lawsuits, IFRS 16 application, and revenue recognition. These estimates may be adjusted prospectively based on new developments. The statements cover the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position for the specified dates.

Resumen: Declaraciones financieras consolidadas de Codelco para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021. Preparadas de acuerdo con las normas del mercado financiero y estándares internacionales. Detalles sobre subsidiarias, asociadas, adquisiciones, disposiciones, transacciones en moneda extranjera, compensación de saldos y transacciones, y propiedad, planta y equipo.

Costos de propiedad, planta y equipo incluyen mejoras, se deprecian según criterios definidos. Vidas útiles, valores residuales y métodos de depreciación se revisan. Construcción en curso se transfiere a activos en operación al final del período de pruebas. Impuestos a la renta se realizan en marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre. Inventarios se miden al costo, se determinan mediante métodos específicos. Obligación de pago de utilidades se reconoce sobre la base de devengo. Se reconocen provisiones para beneficios a empleados.

La Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile reporta que utiliza supuestos para estimar beneficios, implementa programas de retiro para reducir costos laborales, reconoce provisiones para desmantelamiento y costos de restauración, evalúa contratos de arrendamiento y reconoce ingresos por contratos con clientes, además de usar instrumentos financieros para reducir riesgos de fluctuaciones en precios de productos y tasas de cambio.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile presenta su información financiera por segmento, clasifica sus activos financieros en tres categorías y establece la clasificación de sus pasivos financieros. Además, detalla la medición de la pérdida esperada de crédito para sus cuentas por cobrar y otros activos financieros, y la clasificación de los saldos corrientes y no corrientes. La Corporación ha adoptado nuevas normas e interpretaciones, sin impacto en sus estados financieros consolidados, y menciona otras normas, enmiendas e interpretaciones emitidas por la IASB que aún no son obligatorias.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile ha comunicado cambios en IFRS, incluyendo definición de estimaciones contables, impuestos diferidos, aplicación inicial de IFRS 17 y IFRS 9, y arrendamientos. Además, proporciona detalles de efectivo y equivalentes, y cuentas por cobrar. No se espera un impacto significativo en los estados financieros consolidados.

As of Dec 31, 2022, ThUS$ 1,458 of negative provision for open invoices was reclassified to Trade payables, totaling a net negative provision of ThUS$ 29,869. Codelco’s Board is subject to Law on New Corporate Governance regarding transactions with related parties. The Corporation has established a general policy over customary transactions and implemented a specific policy dealing with business between related persons and companies with Codelco’s executives. Codelco’s Corporate Policy No.18 requires authorization for certain transactions.

“Key Management of the Corporation” presents the amounts received by the Board of Directors during 2022 and 2021. The Ministry of Finance set compensation for Directors, including fixed monthly amounts and additional compensation for meeting attendance. Short-term benefits for key management were ThUS$13,368 and ThUS$13,213 in 2022 and 2021, respectively. Transactions with related parties, including subsidiaries and joint ventures, involved commercial and financial activities, with no allowances for doubtful accounts. Inventories at December 31, 2022, included finished products, work in progress, and materials in storage, totaling ThUS$2,300,909. The provision for net realizable value of copper at the end of 2022 was ThUS$54,535, compared to a gain of ThUS$18,075 in 2021.”

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, no hay ganancias o pérdidas no realizadas reconocidas por transacciones de compra y venta de inventarios con partes relacionadas. No hay inventarios dados en garantía como seguridad para pasivos. Los impuestos diferidos se presentan en el Estado de Situación Financiera de la siguiente manera: Total impuestos diferidos, neto: 8,366,223 ThUS$ 12-31-2022. Total impuestos diferidos, neto: 6,909,928 ThUS$ 12-31-2021. Total impuesto a la renta (gasto): (1,133,670) ThUS$ 12-31-2022. La Corporación ha aplicado una tasa del 25% para calcular el impuesto diferido a la renta y el impuesto de primera categoría. Saldo de impuestos corrientes: 10,226 ThUS$ 12-31-2022. Total de pasivos por impuestos corrientes: 26,309 ThUS$ 12-31-2022.

Activos por impuestos no corrientes al 31-12-2022: 748,611 ThUS$. Al 31-12-2021: 4,333 ThUS$. Propiedades, planta y equipo bruto al 31-12-2022: 63,939,049 ThUS$. Depreciación acumulada al 31-12-2022: 31,629,519 ThUS$. Propiedades, planta y equipo neto al 31-12-2022: 32,309,530 ThUS$. Saldo final de propiedades, planta y equipo al 31-12-2022: 32,309,530 ThUS$. Costos de interés capitalizados al 31-12-2022: 289,501 ThUS$. Tasa de capitalización anual al 31-12-2022: 4.36%.

Gastos en exploración y perforación de depósitos y activos relacionados a la propiedad, planta y equipo se detallan en el informe. Se registra una disminución del valor de los activos de la fundición Ventanas y de la subsidiaria Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno Ltda. Las operaciones de arrendamiento y sus compromisos se detallan, junto con el valor de las inversiones contabilizadas usando el método de participación patrimonial.

Codelco posee un 33,85% de Inca de Oro S.A. y redujo su interés en Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA al 34%. Reconoció adquisición en Anglo American Sur S.A. por ThUS$6,490,000. Al 31/12/2022, el valor recuperable de la inversión en Anglo American Sur S.A. es ThUS$2,827,107, sensible a cambios en el precio del cobre y la tasa de descuento.

Kairos S.A.: Codelco vendió 35% a Honeywell en 2012 y adquirió 40% en 2019. La empresa es de automatización y control. Activos y pasivos al 31/12/2022: activos corrientes ThUS$ 2,014,837, no corrientes ThUS$ 6,048,672; pasivos corrientes ThUS$ 1,188,578, no corrientes ThUS$ 2,146,339. En 2022, Honeywell posee 60% y Codelco 40%. Subsidiarias: activos corrientes ThUS$ 433,023, no corrientes ThUS$ 3,448,081. Asociados: Anglo American Sur S.A. reportó beneficio de ThUS$ 52,107 en 2022.

No se reconocieron deterioros en cuentas por cobrar. En cuanto a derivados para cobertura, no hubo reclasificaciones entre categorías de instrumentos financieros. Las obligaciones financieras incluyen préstamos con instituciones financieras y obligaciones de emisión de bonos. En 2022, los préstamos de instituciones financieras fueron de ThUS$ 8,545, los bonos de ThUS$ 452,154, y las obligaciones de cobertura de ThUS$ 9,738. En 2021, los préstamos de instituciones financieras fueron de ThUS$ 18,003, los bonos de ThUS$ 557,411, y las obligaciones de cobertura de ThUS$ 29,789. Bond obligations incluyen bonos con diferentes tasas de interés y fechas de vencimiento.

Codelco emitió bonos en diferentes mercados entre 2015 y 2022, refinanciando deudas antiguas. La tasa promedio de fondos refinanciados disminuyó de 4.36% a 3.15%. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, no tiene obligaciones financieras.

12-31-2022 Monto y tipo de pago de préstamos de instituciones financieras: País de Monto Tipo de Pago de Nominal Efectiva Corriente No corriente Número de identificación fiscal País Institución Vencimiento Tasa de interés Moneda Saldo ThUS$ ThUS$ Extranjero Panamá Crédito Bilateral de 12-18-2026 Variable US$ 75,000,000 Vencimiento Semestral 6.38% 6.60% 133 74,629, EE.UU. Créditos Bilaterales Export Dev. Canadá 08-12-2027 a 07-25-2029 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Vencimiento Trimestral 5.57% a 5.59% 2,981 a 3,111 297,266 a 298,900. Obligaciones de bonos: Monto Tipo de Pago de Nominal Efectiva Saldo Saldo contratado amortización Interés ThUS$ ThUS$ 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-13-2023 a 01-15-2051 Fijo US$ 750,000,000 a US$ 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 2.25% a 5.63% 4,600 a 41,591 426,391 a 2,579,805.

Tasas de interés anuales efectivas y nominales para obligaciones de la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, detalladas por tipo de moneda y plazos. Se presentan los montos a desembolsar para cumplir con las obligaciones con instituciones financieras. Se detallan también los cambios en las actividades de financiamiento de la empresa en el estado de flujo de efectivo.

Resumen: El balance de apertura y cierre de pasivos por actividades de financiamiento para 2021 y 2022 muestra cambios que no afectan el flujo de efectivo, con montos en miles de dólares. Los costos financieros incluyen la capitalización de intereses. Los activos y pasivos financieros al 31-12-2022 se clasifican en niveles 1, 2 y 3 según su valor razonable. El monto total de cuentas por pagar comerciales al 31-12-2022 es de $1,779,538 mil dólares. Se detallan los vencimientos de pagos a proveedores y las deudas vencidas.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
Otras provisiones Corriente No corriente
31-12-2022 31-12-2021 31-12-2022 31-12-2021
Provisiones relacionadas con ventas (1) 17,554 8,627 Operativas (2) 575,525 523,177 Ley N° 13196 129,582 151,509 Otras provisiones 39,004 58,714 604 496 Cierre, desmantelamiento y restauración (3) – – 2,611,117 2,407,814 Procesos legales – – 68,007 49,275
Total 761,665 742,027 2,679,728 2,457,585

17. Beneficios a empleados
Provisiones para beneficios a empleados Corriente No corriente
31-12-2022 31-12-2021 31-12-2022 31-12-2021
Acuerdos colectivos de empleados 196,256 185,708 – – Indemnizaciones por despido 29,047 19,447 562,126 532,044 Bonificaciones 60,758 52,288 – – Vacaciones 175,957 141,683 – – Programas de atención médica (1) 383 358 463,883 388,697 Planes de jubilación (2) 64,654 4,346 7,703 7,518 Otros 17,234 15,493 7,405 6,283
Total 544,289 419,323 1,041,117 934,542

Provisiones para beneficios posteriores al empleo
1-1-2022 1-1-2021
31-12-2022 31-12-2021
Saldo final 591,173 464,266 551,491 389,055

Los resultados actuariales incluyen reajustes técnicos y se presentan sensibilidades de las provisiones a diferentes escenarios.

Beneficios de salud y otros, tasas de interés: 5,08% – 5,33% – 5,58%; inflación de salud: 5,90% – 6,40% – 6,90%; edad de jubilación: 58 – 56 – 60; tablas de mortalidad: -25,00% – 25,00% – 9,48%. Saldo corriente de jubilación anticipada y bonificaciones por terminación al 31/12/2022: ThUS$64,654. Gastos por beneficios a empleados: ThUS$1,629,760. Patrimonio al 31/12/2022: ThUS$11,654,565. Fondo de capitalización y reserva al 31/12/2022: ThUS$345,589. Dividendos pagados en 2022: ThUS$259,900. Otros ingresos y gastos: ThUS$64,731 – ThUS$2,103,316. Ley No. 13196 impone un impuesto del 10% sobre la renta en moneda extranjera de las ventas al exterior de la producción de cobre de la Corporación.

Ley No. 21174 reemplaza la Ley No. 13196, manteniendo un impuesto del 10% por 9 años, decreciendo al 0% en el decimotercer año desde enero 2020. La Carta Ordinaria No. 843 del Ministerio de Finanzas modifica el método de pago de fondos relacionados con la Ley No. 13196, por US$240,168, para abordar necesidades nacionales por la crisis de COVID-19. Además, detalla costos financieros y segmentos operativos de la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile.

Asamblea asigna participación en utilidades/pérdidas de asociadas/empresas conjuntas. Diferencias de cambio se asignan directamente. Contribución al Tesoro chileno bajo Ley N°13196 se asigna y contabiliza proporcionalmente a montos facturados y registrados por exportaciones de cobre y subproductos. Transacciones entre segmentos reconocidas como ingresos/costos de ventas. Segmentos operativos mantienen función de gestión de efectivo principalmente en actividades operativas. En 2022, ingresos por ventas: 17,018,409 ThUS$, ganancia neta: 361,571 ThUS$.

“Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, Codelco, presenta los ingresos y gastos para el período 01-01-2021 al 31-12-2021. Los ingresos totales alcanzaron 21,024,815 ThUS$, con ganancias por ventas de cobre propio, terceros, molibdeno, y otros productos. Los activos y pasivos al 31-12-2022 y 31-12-2021 se detallan por segmento operativo. Los ingresos por área geográfica muestran una disminución en los ingresos de clientes nacionales y extranjeros. No hubo ingresos significativos con un solo cliente.”

Estado de flujos de efectivo muestra cobranzas y pagos de actividades operativas. Contribución a tesorería chilena según Ley N°13.196 fue ThUS$1,569,295 en 2022. Riesgos financieros de tipo de cambio, tasa de interés y mercado afectarían ganancias. Fluctuación del precio del cobre en + – 5% resultaría en US$285 millones antes de impuestos.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile no ha celebrado transacciones de cobertura para riesgo de precio por fluctuaciones en insumos de producción. Tiene recursos suficientes y líneas de crédito preaprobadas para cubrir requerimientos a corto plazo, y monitorea constantemente proyecciones de flujo de efectivo. Al 31-12-2022, tiene obligaciones financieras de ThUS$ 13,364,913. El riesgo crediticio es mínimo debido a la política de ventas y el monitoreo de las cuentas por cobrar. La Corporación tiene contratos de cobertura para minimizar el riesgo de variaciones en tipos de cambio y precios de venta, con un saldo negativo de ThUS$ 3,438 al 31-12-2022. No tiene transacciones pendientes al 31-12-2022 que protejan flujos de efectivo futuros. Adicionalmente, Codelco gestiona otros riesgos relevantes, como riesgos estratégicos, financieros y de crédito.

Futuros de cobre [MT] 268.43 72.90 4.50 – – – 345.83 Futuros de oro/plata [ThOZ] 15.98 – – – – – 15.98 Demanda y acciones legales: 980 casos por US$101,333 millones. Litigios civiles, tributarios, laborales y mineros. A la fecha, 79.29% casos tienen resultados probables por ThUS$67,640. Compromiso de colaboración con la Contraloría General de la República. Acuerdos y compromisos financieros. Contratos de suministro de energía. Adaptación a energía renovable.

Codelco renegocia acuerdos en diciembre de 2022, incluyendo un contrato de fuentes renovables del 2023 al 2040. Cumple con la ley No. 20551, entregando garantías financieras y planes de cierre de minas. Acuerda vender producción de cobre a Anglo American Sur S.A. y prepara cese de operación de la fundición Ventanas, sujeto a modificación de la Ley No. 19993. Hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2022, Codelco ha acordado garantías por un monto anual de UF 63,322,955.

Acuerdo judicial y arreglo: UF 15-mar-22 1 – 19,309; UF 15-mar-23 1 19,057 -; CLP 15-mar-22 1 – 1,249; CLP 15-mar-23 1 1,233 -; Total: UF 2,649,978 CLP 1,708,620. Garantías recibidas de terceros División 12-31-2022: Así$ 1,015,244; 12-31-2021: Así$ 914,968. Balance en moneda extranjera 12-31-2022: Total activos 44,737,232; 12-31-2021: Total activos 43,057,435. Responsabilidad por tipo de moneda 31-12-2022: Total pasivos 33,082,667; 31-12-2021: Total pasivos

Pasivos corrientes: 3,938,877 Ch$. Pasivos no corrientes: 27,543,657 Ch$. Total pasivos: 31,482,534 Ch$. Codelco y sus directores no han sido sancionados por la CMF. Cumplimiento de regulaciones ambientales y proyectos en ejecución para reducir impactos ambientales. Gastos relacionados con el medio ambiente detallados según la Circular N° 1901 de la CMF. Proyectos ambientales en curso con gastos futuros proyectados.

Codelco Chile informa sobre avances en integración del proceso de gas, gastos en activos, propiedades, plantas y equipos, así como desembolsos comprometidos, alcanzando un total de US$1,414,249 millones. Además, detalla eventos posteriores hasta marzo de 2023, incluyendo la emisión de bonos por US$900 millones. Se informa también sobre cambios en la Junta Directiva.

Deloitte expresa su opinión sobre los estados financieros consolidados de Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile y sus subsidiarias, concluyendo que presentan razonablemente la posición financiera al 31 de diciembre de 2020, resultados de operaciones y flujos de efectivo, de acuerdo a las normas internacionales de información financiera. Además, detalla las políticas contables, juicios significativos y estimaciones clave, así como los activos y pasivos, y revela montos en miles de dólares.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile reporta un aumento significativo en sus ingresos, con un aumento en los ingresos totales de 19 a 21,024,815 millones de dólares entre 2020 y 2021. El beneficio neto para 2021 fue de 2,051,368 millones, en comparación con 256,881 millones en 2020. Además, se observa un aumento en la rentabilidad de los accionistas y un cambio en los ingresos integrales totales de 240,267 a 2,069,055 millones de dólares entre 2020 y 2021.

Responsibility for the information in the financial statements of Codelco as of December 31, 2021, was declared by the Board of Directors. The financial statements comply with IFRS and were approved on February 24, 2022. The statements reflect Codelco’s financial position, results, and cash flows, prepared in accordance with IAS 1 and CMP regulations. Significant accounting policies and estimates include useful economic lives of assets, ore reserves, impairment of non-financial assets, provisions for decommissioning costs, employee benefits, open invoice accruals, fair value of financial instruments, lawsuits, and revenue recognition. The financial statements cover the periods ending December 31, 2021, and 2020, and were prepared in compliance with IFRS and CMP instructions.

Codelco’s consolidated financial statements are in U.S. dollars. They include subsidiaries’ financial data and use the equity method for associates. The currency of the primary economic environment is used for subsidiaries’ and associates’ financial statements. Foreign currency transactions are recorded at prevailing exchange rates. Assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenses of subsidiaries and associates are converted to U.S. dollars. Property, plant, and equipment are depreciated using various methods.

Resumen: Cambios en las reservas minerales, ganancias o pérdidas por disposición de activos, construcción en progreso, costos de endeudamiento capitalizados, activos intangibles reconocidos al costo y amortizados, evaluación de deterioro de activos, cálculo de valor recuperable, impuestos diferidos, inventarios valuados al costo, dividendos, beneficios de empleados, y provisiones para desmantelamiento y restauración de sitios mineros.

Costos de desmantelamiento y restauración se registran como depreciación del activo relacionado, y la provisión se utiliza al materializarse el desmantelamiento. Cambios en estimaciones se suman o restan a los costos de los activos relacionados. Otros costos de restauración se provisionan contra resultados operativos y se usan cuando se realiza el trabajo. Los arrendamientos se evalúan para determinar si contienen arrendamiento. La Corporación reconoce un activo y pasivo por arrendamiento para todos los arrendamientos, excepto los de corto plazo y activos de bajo valor. El pasivo se mide al valor presente de los pagos, y se ajusta por cambios en tasas de descuento. Los activos por derecho de uso se miden al costo menos depreciación y pérdidas por deterioro. Los derivados se reconocen al valor razonable en el momento de contratación y se miden al valor razonable al cierre de cada período. Las ganancias y pérdidas de derivados designados como cobertura de flujos de efectivo se reconocen en otro resultado integral. Las ganancias y pérdidas del porción inefectiva se reconocen en el resultado. Las ganancias y pérdidas acumuladas en derivados se reubican al resultado cuando se materializa la cobertura. Los derivados se clasifican como activo o pasivo corriente o no corriente según el plazo restante. La Corporación usa derivados para reducir el riesgo de fluctuaciones en los precios de venta y tasas de cambio.

Categorías para activos financieros: costo amortizado y valor razonable con cambios en otros resultados. Para pasivos financieros: costo amortizado y valor razonable con cambios en utilidad. Codelco mide la pérdida esperada en créditos comerciales y otros activos financieros. Efectúa ajustes basados en experiencia crediticia e información macroeconómica relevante. Adoptó nuevas normas contables, sin impacto monetario. IFRS 17 e IAS 1 son futuras aplicaciones obligatorias.

“Mejoras anuales a las normas de IFRS 2018-2020, aplicables desde el 1 de enero de 2022. Incluyen cambios en IFRS 1, IFRS 9, IFRS 16 y IAS 41. También se detallan nuevos estándares y enmiendas para periodos iniciados desde el 1 de enero de 2023. Además, se presentan detalles financieros, como efectivo y equivalentes, cuentas por cobrar, provisiones y transacciones con partes relacionadas.”

– Detalle de relaciones y transacciones con afiliados y partes relacionadas de Anglo American Sur S.A.
– Montos pagados a directores de Codelco durante 2021 y 2020.
– Compensación mensual fija para directores de Codelco, y disminución excepcional del 20% entre julio y diciembre de 2020.
– Beneficios a corto plazo para alta dirección de la Corporación durante 2021 y 2020.
– Pagos a la alta dirección por indemnizaciones por despido y otros relacionados con jubilación.

No hubo pagos por otros beneficios no corrientes durante 2021 y 2020. No existen planes de pagos basados en acciones. Codelco realiza transacciones comerciales y financieras con filiales y empresas asociadas. No realiza provisiones para cuentas dudosas sobre créditos pendientes de empresas relacionadas. Detalle de créditos y deudas pendientes con partes relacionadas al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020. Transacciones realizadas entre la Corporación y sus empresas relacionadas y sus efectos en el resultado para los períodos terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020. Inventarios al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020. Recomendaciones de valoración para el cobre.

As of Dec. 31, 2021 and 2020, no unrealized gains or losses for inventories with related parties and no inventories pledged for liabilities. Income tax expense breakdown: Deferred tax assets: (1,369,042) in 2021, (707,793) in 2020. Deferred tax liabilities: 8,557,492 in 2021, 7,767,958 in 2020. Reconciliation of effective tax rate and details on deferred taxes. Specific tax rates applied for mining activities. Corporation subject to an additional 40% tax rate. Current and non-current tax assets and liabilities disclosed. Property, plant and equipment breakdown for 2021 and 2020.

F-290: Informe de movimientos en propiedades, planta y equipo. Se detallan los saldos de inicio y fin, cambios, depreciación, pérdidas por deterioro, transferencias y disposiciones. El saldo de construcción en curso está relacionado con la adquisición de equipos para proyectos en construcción. Se han firmado pólizas de seguros. Los costos de endeudamiento capitalizados fueron ThUS$236,693 en 2021 y ThUS$223,931 en 2020, con tasas del 4,09% y 4,06% respectivamente. Se presentan gastos en exploración y perforación de yacimientos.

F-291: Se detalla el saldo de “Otros activos” bajo “Propiedad, planta y equipo”, incluyendo propiedades mineras, mantenimientos, reparaciones y otros activos.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2021, la valoración de propiedades mineras adquiridas como parte de la participación en Anglo American en 2012 se ajustó a ThUS$260,000, generando un ajuste de valor de ThUS$142,000 antes de impuestos. La Corporación no tiene restricciones de propiedad en activos de Propiedad, planta y equipo, salvo los arrendados. Además, se informa sobre el deterioro de activos de la filial Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno Ltda. y la composición de activos por derecho de uso. También se detallan los pasivos por arrendamientos y los resultados de las inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial en distintas empresas.

Codelco redujo su interés en Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA al 51% en 2014, y al 34% en 2015, quedando LS-Nikko Copper Inc con el resto. LS-Nikko Copper Inc es accionista controlador de la empresa. En Anglo American Sur S.A., Inversiones Anglo American Sur S.A. tiene el 50.06% y Codelco, a través de su subsidiaria Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA, posee el 67.8%. Codelco ejerce una influencia significativa en Anglo American Sur S.A. a través de su interés indirecto del 29.5%. Codelco adquirió un interés en Anglo American Sur S.A. por ThUS$ 6,490,000 en 2012. Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, la inversión se valora en US$ 6,681 millones. Kairos Mining S.A. estuvo bajo el control de Honeywell Chile S.A. con el 60% de las acciones, mientras que Codelco posee el 40% restante.

Resumen: La empresa se dedica a servicios de automatización y control para actividades industriales y mineras, y licencias de tecnología. Se presentan activos, pasivos y movimientos de inversión en asociados, con ingresos netos de ThUS$4,172,304 en 2021. Detalles de activos, pasivos y resultados de Anglo American Sur S.A. y Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra. No se reconocieron utilidades (pérdidas) no realizadas en el importe en libros de inventarios de productos terminados. Se reconoció ganancia no realizada por compra de derechos de uso de la terminal de GNL por ThUS$3,920. La participación en la utilidad del período de Anglo American Sur S.A. fue de ThUS$ 338,955 en 2021. Se detallan activos financieros corrientes y no corrientes.

Efectos en el resultado provienen de ingresos financieros y diferencias cambiarias. No hubo deterioros significativos en cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras. Detalles de derivados para cobertura en la Nota 28. Préstamos y bonos por un total de 16,903,640 al 31/12/2021 y 17,735,200 al 31/12/2020. Préstamos obtenidos para financiar operaciones de producción. Bonos emitidos en distintos mercados con fechas y tasas específicas.

Corporación emitió bonos en el mercado de EE. UU. por ThUS$950,000 (5.625% anual, pagadero en 2043), ThUS$980,000 (4.875% anual, pagadero en 2044) y ThUS$2,000,000 (4.5% anual, pagadero en 2025). También emitió bonos en mercados internacionales por EUR$600,000,000 (2.25% anual, pagadero en 2024) y UF 10,000,000 (2.5% anual, pagadero en 2026). Recompró bonos por US$2,367 millones y emitió bonos por ThUS$ 2,750,000 (3.625% anual, pagadero en 2027 y 4.5% anual, pagadero en 2047). Emitió bono en Formosa, Taiwán por US$600 millones (4.85% anual, vencimiento a 30 años). También emitió bonos en diferentes fechas y montos con tasas y plazos diversos. El 86% de los fondos de nueva emisión se usaron para refinanciar deudas, disminuyendo la tasa de interés promedio de 4.36% a 4.02%. No tiene convenios financieros relacionados con préstamos de instituciones financieras y obligaciones de bonos al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020.

Préstamos de instituciones financieras y bonos al 31/12/2020:
– Préstamos: US$ 1,199,000,000, vencimiento 5-24-2022, tasa 0.69%-0.85%.
– Bonos: US$ 1,150,000,000 vencidos 11-4-2021, y otros con tasas y saldos.

Resumen: Emisiones 144-A REG.S Luxembourg con montos en dólares y fechas de vencimiento, junto con tasas de interés y pagos semestrales. Además, se detallan las obligaciones actuales y no actuales con instituciones financieras, incluyendo montos en dólares y tasas de interés. Las tasas de interés nominales y efectivas presentadas son anuales.

Bonos en diferentes monedas, tasas de interés y vencimientos fueron detallados. Cambios en actividades de financiamiento, como préstamos y bonos, se presentan en el estado de flujo de efectivo. Se detalla el valor razonable de activos y pasivos financieros, y se establece la jerarquía del valor de mercado para los elementos a valor de mercado. Se incluye la clasificación en los niveles 1, 2 y 3 para la cartera de instrumentos financieros de la Corporación al 31 de diciembre de 2021.

Resumen: Activos financieros a valor razonable: Contratos de venta: $3,039,967. Permuta de moneda cruzada: $33,174. Cuotas de fondos mutuos: $19,142. Contratos de futuros de metales: $61. Pasivos financieros: Contratos de futuros de metales: $30,080. Permuta de moneda cruzada: $186,320. Cuentas por pagar: $1,497,429 en 2021 y $1,498,285 en 2020. Plazos de pago a acreedores comerciales: 15.1 días en 2021. Otras provisiones: Corriente: $742,027 y No corriente: $2,457,585 en 2021. Tasas de descuento utilizadas: 2.28% a 2.93% en 2021. Cambios en Otras provisiones: Saldo final de $496 en 2021. Provisiones para beneficios postempleo y otros beneficios a largo plazo: se registran al valor presente de las obligaciones futuras estimadas.

Obligaciones por beneficios definidos en pesos chilenos exponen a la Corporación al riesgo de tipo de cambio. No hubo cambios significativos en los planes de beneficios postempleo al 31/12/2021. Se detallan suposiciones actuariales y provisiones corrientes y no corrientes para beneficios a empleados al 31/12/2021. La Corporación busca reducir costos y aumentar productividad laboral a través de programas de jubilación de empleados.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, los saldos corrientes de obligaciones por planes de jubilación anticipada y bonificaciones por terminación son ThUS$ 4.346 y ThUS$ 20.694, respectivamente, mientras que los saldos no corrientes corresponden a ThUS$ 7.518 y ThUS$ 8.994, respectivamente. El patrimonio total de la Corporación al 31 de diciembre de 2021 es ThUS$11.574.901. Durante el año terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2021, se realizaron pagos al Tesoro por un total de ThUS$2.033.206 por dividendos anticipados, reflejando un saldo a favor de ThUS$249.943 al 31 de diciembre de 2021 por dicho concepto. La recuperación de activos de la subsidiaria “Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno” generó una pérdida de ThUS$5.594 en 2021 y ThUS$877 en 2020.

Codelco’s mining operations in Chile include open pit and underground mines in various regions, producing copper products such as calcined copper, copper concentrates, and cathodes. Revenue and expenses are allocated to divisions based on criteria including commercial transactions and operating cash flows. Segment transactions, cash flows, and financial activities are managed at the division level. Total segments revenue for the period from 11/2021 to 12/31/2021 amounted to ThUS$ (thousand US dollars).

Revenue from sales:
– Own copper: 5,354,352 | 3,173,742 | 1,254,760 | 1,663,496 | 4,707,704
– Third-party copper: 11,823 | 45,238 | 57,061 | 1,788,425 | 1,845,486
– Molybdenum: 375,028 | 48,184 | 14,801 | 47,655 | 232,145
– Other products: 219,978 | 99,629 | 4,427 | 138,166 | 194,953
– Future market: (4,641) | (3,455) | (57) | (656) | (7,739)
– Between segments: 51,981 | 37,637 | 1,540 | – | 91,359
– Total revenue: 19,398,003 | 1,626,812 | 21,024,815

Cost of sales:
– Own copper: (3,142,403) | (1,361,141) | (973,364) | (900,132) | (1,864,150)
– Third-party copper: (11,153) | – | – | (43,719) | –
– Molybdenum: (89,390) | (19,289) | (5,979) | (22,573) | (41,286)
– Other products: (159,798) | (115,098) | (635) | (61,422) | (204,783)
– Between segments: (128,994) | 22,427 | (43,084) | 9,698 | 37,254
– Total cost of sales: (10,594,609) | (1,591,079) | (12,185,688)

Gross profit: 8,803,394 | 35,733 | 8,839,127

Profit (loss) before tax: 5,978,977 | (72,273) | 5,906,704

Total revenue by segment:
– Chuquicamata: 3,776,420
– R.Tomic: 1,669,342
– Salvador: 686,893
– Andina: 1,124,322
– El Teniente: 2,700,812
– Ventanas: 69,986
– G. Mistral: 653,324
– M. Hales: 1,090,764
– Other: 11,771,863

Total cost of sales by segment:
– Chuquicamata: (2,829,128)
– R.Tomic: (1,198,292)
– Salvador: (654,375)
– Andina: (891,082)
– El Teniente: (1,584,552)
– Ventanas: (61,077)
– G. Mistral: (544,491)
– M. Hales: (853,395)
– Other: (8,616,392)

Gross profit by segment:
– Chuquicamata: 948,292
– R.Tomic: 471,050
– Salvador: 32,518
– Andina: 233,240
– El Teniente: 1,116,260
– Ventanas: 8,909
– G. Mistral: 108,833
– M. Hales: 237,369
– Other: 3,155,471

– Estado financiero al 31/12/21: Activos corrientes: $16,657,948 mill, Activos no corrientes: $9,251,627 mill, Pasivos corrientes: $692,071 mill, Pasivos no corrientes: $574,123 mill.
– Ingresos por áreas geográficas al 31/12/21: Ingresos totales clientes nacionales: $3,430,050 mill, Ingresos totales clientes extranjeros: $17,594,765 mill.
– Riesgos financieros: Riesgo de tipo de cambio, riesgo de tasa de interés.
– Riesgo de liquidez: Obligaciones clasificadas por vencimiento.
– Riesgo de crédito: Exposición de deudas, evaluación de la solvencia de los deudores.
– Contratos de derivados: Exposición asociada a operaciones de cobertura contra variaciones de tipo de cambio y tasa de interés. Ganancia neta negativa de ThUS$ 20,747 al 31/12/21.

– Detalles de contratos de permuta de moneda y valor justo de obligaciones financieras.
– Metodología actual para valorar permutas de moneda.
– Cantidad nominal de contratos con vencimientos.
– Operaciones de cobertura de flujo de efectivo y ajuste de política comercial.
– Litigios y compromisos financieros, incluyendo acuerdo con Minmetals y financiamiento con China Development Bank.
– Modificaciones en contrato de venta de cobre con CuPIC y financiamiento con Mitsui & Co. Ltd.
– Estimación de litigios en curso.

– Gacrux modificó contrato de prenda por acciones de Becrux.
– La Corporación cumplió con obligaciones públicas por emisión de bonos al 31 de dic. de 2021 y 2020.
– Contratos de suministro de energía con Colbún y AESGener con capacidad total de 510 MW.
– Ley 19993 autorizó compra de activos de Refinería y Fundición Las Ventanas.
– La Corporación entregó garantías por U.F. 45.327.714 al 31 de dic. de 2021.
– Contrato de venta de producción de cobre a filial de Anglo American Sur S.A.
– Codelco monitorea impacto de la pandemia de COVID-19 en operaciones y finanzas.
– Medidas restrictivas tomadas por Codelco debido a la pandemia de COVID-19.
– Garantías otorgadas a instituciones financieras y otros al 31 de dic. de 2021.

Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 25/01/2021: 1, UF 27/01/2021: 2, UF 3/04/2021: 33, UF 15/04/2021: 22, UF 29/04/2021: 56, UF 25/06/2021: 9, UF 2/07/2021: 15, UF 8/04/2024: 44, UF 21/01/2022: 28. Concesión marítima CLP 1/03/2021: 1,484, CLP 1/03/2022: 1,249. Oferta de compra de un activo USD 2/01/2021: 8. Proyecto de explotación CLP 25/02/2021: 176, CLP 25/02/2022: 154, UF 9/06/2021: 24, UF 23/06/2021: 24, UF 31/03/2022: 2, UF 9/06/2022: 21, UF 23/06/2022: 21. Proyecto de construcción UF 2/01/2021: 24,186, UF 31/12/2021: 161,180, UF 29/07/2022: 38,42, UF 31/12/2023: 732, UF 2/10/2023: 501,559, UF 31/12/2022: 21,702. Prenda sobre acciones USD 20/05/2021: 877,813. Medio ambiente UF 18/02/2021: 161,254, UF 3/05/2021: 162,510, UF 7/10/2021: 40,945, UF 13/11/2021: 92,052, UF 26/11/2021: 201,655, UF 2/12/2021: 92,942, UF 15/12/2021: 100,473, UF 18/02/2022: 168,240, UF 3/05/2022: 170,909, UF 12/11/2021: 155,019, UF 12/11/2022: 210,252, UF 15/11/2022: 141,869, UF 27/11/2022: 209,112, UF 2/12/2022: 611,678, UF 15/12/2022: 108,743, UF 7/10/2022: 42,273. Acuerdo judicial y conciliación CLP 15/03/2022: 19,309, UF 15/03/2022: 1,101. Estacionamiento UF 31/03/2022: 3. Proyecto de suministro de agua CLP 31/08/2023: 237, CLP 31/10/2023: 232. Concesión marítima CLP 21/10/2022: 49. Garantías recibidas de terceros: Andina 135, Chuquicamata 7, Casa Matriz 914,399, El Teniente 427, Ventanas 50, Total 914,968 | 714,098. Balances y moneda extranjera: Activos en moneda nacional y extranjera, Dólares estadounidenses, Euros, Otra, No reajustada U.F. Total de monedas CH$: 41,912,934 192,140 21,192 874,707 56,462 43,057,435. Pasivos por tipo de moneda.

12312021 Otros Pasivos en moneda nacional y extranjera: Dólares estadounidenses 605,203; Euros 112,104; U.F. 742,027; CH$ 3,938,877. Pasivos corrientes 3,035,288; Pasivos no corrientes 25,114,721. No hay sanciones a Codelco ni a sus directores. Gastos ambientales: Cumplimiento de regulaciones ambientales y proyectos en curso. Gastos relacionados con el medio ambiente durante 2021 y 2020 detallados. Total gastos comprometidos futuros: 32,143.

Salvador Codelco Chile mejora la integración del proceso de gas con gastos en propiedad, planta y equipo de 3,944 y 9,871 en 2022. En Andina, los gastos en propiedad, planta y equipo alcanzan 205,067 en 2021. En El Teniente, los gastos futuros comprometidos ascienden a 568,112. En Gabriela Mistral y Ventanas, los gastos de operación y en propiedad, planta y equipo muestran un progreso significativo.

Total División Ventanas 37,684 38,156 3,596
Radomiro Tomic Codelco Chile: Residuos sólidos en progreso, gasto de operación 924 880 – 2021. Monitoreo ambiental en progreso, gasto de operación 99 387 – 2021. Planta de tratamiento de agua en progreso, gasto de operación 720 1,087 – 2021. Trabajos preliminares suministro de agua en progreso, gasto de activos propiedad, planta y equipo 4,714 266 – 2021.
Ministro Hales Codelco Chile: Residuos sólidos en progreso, gasto de operación 2,450 1,948 – 2021. Planta de tratamiento de agua en progreso, gasto de operación 187 175 – 2021. Pozos de drenaje de la mina terminado, gasto de activos propiedad, planta y equipo 191 – – Implementación de monitoreo de acuíferos de la mina en progreso, gasto de activos propiedad, planta y equipo 399 1,547 – 2021.
El 3 de febrero de 2022, el Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería aprobó el plan de cierre para los sitios mineros y las instalaciones de la División Andina, base para estimar la provisión para el cierre, desmantelamiento y restauración presentada en los estados financieros al 31 de diciembre de 2021.
No hay eventos significativos entre el 1 de enero de 2022 y la emisión de estos estados financieros consolidados al 24 de febrero de 2022.
Contrato de Compra: U.S.$500,000,000 Notas al 6.300% con vencimiento en 2053, U.S.$1,500,000,000 Notas al 6.440% con vencimiento en 2036, emitidas por Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile.

La Compañía representa y garantiza que la información en el Memorando de Momento de Venta es veraz, que no ha utilizado Comunicaciones de Oferta Escrita Adicional sin consentimiento, no ha hecho ofertas públicas en Chile, cumple con requisitos de la Regla 144A, es emisor extranjero, no es una compañía de inversión, no ha pagado compensaciones indebidas, ni ha manipulado el precio de sus valores. Además, se detallan aspectos fiscales y legales, y se asegura que la Compañía ha sido debidamente creada y existen subsidiarias en buen estado. No se requieren consentimientos adicionales, excepto los exigidos por las leyes de valores y las autorizaciones chilenas obtenidas.

– Se garantiza que las transacciones y operaciones de la empresa no entran en conflicto con la ley.
– Los estados financieros y datos seleccionados cumplen con las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera.
– No hay demandas pendientes que afecten adversamente la situación financiera de la empresa.
– La empresa tiene las autorizaciones necesarias para operar y mantiene controles internos adecuados.
– La empresa tiene títulos de propiedad claros, cumple con las leyes ambientales y no ha experimentado cambios adversos materiales recientes. Auditores independientes han evaluado los estados financieros.

La compañía está exenta de regulaciones cambiarias del Banco Central de Chile en relación con la emisión, colocación y pagos de los Valores. Ha renunciado a la jurisdicción de tribunales en Nueva York. Renuncia a inmunidades de demanda, jurisdicción y embargo. Tiene una capitalización autorizada y no ha participado en prácticas corruptas. No hay perturbaciones laborales. Tiene seguros adecuados. Sus sistemas de tecnología de la información y datos personales son adecuados y protegidos. Cumple con las leyes y regulaciones de privacidad y seguridad.

La Compañía acuerda vender a cada Comprador Inicial a un precio de compra de (i) el 94.226% del monto principal de los Bonos 2053, por un total de U.S.$12,075,000, y (ii) el 99.862% del monto principal de los Bonos 2036. La entrega y el pago de los Valores se realizarán el 26 de enero de 2024. La Compañía no revenderá los Valores durante un año después de la Fecha de Cierre. Además, se establecen pactos relacionados con la venta y la disposición de los Valores.

La Compañía se compromete a no estabilizar ni manipular el precio de sus valores, y reembolsará los gastos relacionados con la emisión de los valores. Además, se detallan condiciones para las obligaciones de los compradores iniciales y el uso de los ingresos netos de la venta de los valores. La Compañía también debe obtener opiniones legales y cartas de confirmación.

El Memorándum Final contiene declaraciones falsas u omisiones en información relacionada con las reservas minerales. Los abogados pueden confiar en opiniones de otros abogados y funcionarios para asuntos legales y de hecho. La Compañía obtuvo opiniones de abogados chilenos confirmando su existencia y autoridad. Además, se detallan autorizaciones y requisitos legales, exenciones de regulaciones del Banco Central de Chile, impuestos y retenciones aplicables a los pagos de los valores emitidos.

Resumen: La empresa garantiza que ninguna persona relacionada con los valores o el acuerdo estará sujeta a impuestos en Chile debido a su tenencia; se asegura que la elección de la ley de Nueva York sea válida en Chile, y renuncia a la inmunidad en Chile, entre otras condiciones legales. Además, se confirma la capacidad corporativa, las autorizaciones y aprobaciones gubernamentales, y los registros requeridos por la ley chilena.

La Compañía está exenta de las regulaciones del Banco Central de Chile para la emisión de valores y puede realizar pagos en moneda extranjera obtenida de sus operaciones de exportación. La ejecución de contratos y emisión de valores no entra en conflicto con las leyes aplicables. La Compañía y sus filiales cumplen con requisitos legales y medioambientales. Hay impuestos específicos aplicables a los pagos de intereses y otros pagos realizados a personas fuera de Chile, sujetos a ciertas condiciones.

Resumen: El documento detalla las condiciones y opiniones legales requeridas para la emisión y venta de valores en Chile, incluyendo renuncias de la compañía a inmunidades legales, opiniones de asesores legales de EE. UU. y Chile, certificados financieros, cartas de auditoría, y otras condiciones para el cierre de la transacción.

Compañía se compromete a indemnizar a los Compradores Iniciales contra pérdidas por declaraciones falsas en documentos de venta. Los Compradores Iniciales también indemnizarán a la Compañía en la misma medida. En caso de incumplimiento de compra, otros Compradores Iniciales deben adquirir los Valores no comprados.

Acuerdo puede terminarse si se cumplen ciertas condiciones antes de entrega y pago de los Valores. Las representaciones y pactos de la Compañía y los Compradores Iniciales permanecerán en vigor después de la entrega y pago de los Valores. Se detallan las direcciones y contactos para notificaciones. El Acuerdo es beneficioso y obligatorio para las partes y sus sucesores. Se especifica la jurisdicción y la ley aplicable. Se establece la forma en que se realizarán los pagos y se renuncia a ciertas inmunidades. Este Acuerdo puede ser ejecutado en varios ejemplares.

Se detallan definiciones, significados y acuerdos legales en un documento. Se adjuntan firmas de la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile y compradores iniciales, así como anexos con montos de notas y detalles de venta. Además, se establecen restricciones para ofertas y ventas fuera de EE. UU., indicando que los valores no están registrados bajo la Ley de EE. UU.

Declaraciones y acuerdos de compradores iniciales sobre distribución de valores y cumplimiento de leyes financieras. Detalles de emisión de U.S.$500,000,000 Notas al 6.300% con vencimiento en 2053 de Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, incluyendo precio de emisión, rendimiento, fechas de pago de intereses, redención opcional, montos adicionales, denominaciones mínimas, cotización esperada y calificaciones del emisor. Gerentes conjuntos de libros: BofA Securities, Inc., Citigroup Global Markets Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Santander US Capital Markets LLC.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile emite U$1,500,000,000 en Notas al 6.440% vencimiento 2036 bajo Regla 144A y Regulación S. Se espera la entrega el 26/01/2024 (T+3). No están registradas bajo el U.S. Securities Act de 1933. Se advierte que no deben ser ofrecidas ni vendidas a inversores minoristas en EEA o en el Reino Unido.



1.1 Razón Social: Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
1.2 Nombre fantasia: CODELCO-CHILE
1.3 RUT: 61.704.000-K
1.4 N° Inscripción Reg. Valores: 785
1.5 Dirección: Huérfanos 1270, Comuna de Santiago, Santiago
1.6 Teléfono: 22 690 3000
1.7 Actividades y negocios: Ver Anexo 1.



3.1 Moneda de denominación: Dólares de los Estados Unidos de América (US$).
3.2 Moneda total emisión: US$
3.3 Portador a la orden: Bonos registrados a nombre de los tenedores en los libros de The Depository Trust Company (“DTC”)
3.4 Series de Bonos: Enero 2036 – reapertura Bono 2053
3.4.1 Monto de la serie: US$ 1,500,000,000 y US$ 500,000,000
3.4.2 N° de bonos: Ver 3.4.3
3.4.3 Valor nominal del bono: US$200,000 mínimo. En caso de sumas superiores, serán por múltiplos de 551,000.
3.4.4 Tipo de reajuste: NA
3.4.5 Tasa de interés: 6,44% y 6,30% respectivamente
3.4.6 Fecha de emisión: 23/01/2024

Para cada serie llenar la siguiente tabla de desarrollo:

Bonos Enero 2036:

El capital de los bonos será pagadero en su integridad a su vencimiento, el día 26 de enero de 2036. Los bonos devengarán un interés de 6,44% anual, base de un año de 360 días, el cual será pagadero en 24 cuotas los días 26 de enero y 26 de julio de cada año, a partir del 26 de enero de 2024. Los intereses serán devengados desde el 26 de julio de 2024.

No. Cuota Fecha Intereses Amortización Total Cuota Saldo Capital Cuota Amortiz. Interés
0 – 26 Ene 24 0 – 1.500.000.000 – 1.500.000.000
1 26 Jul 24 48.300.000 48.300.000 1.500.000.000
2 26 Ene 25 48.300.000 48,300,000 1.500.000.000
3 26 Jul 25 48.300.000 48,300,000 1.500.000.000
4 26 Ene 26 48.300.000 48,300,000 1.500.000.000
5 26 Jul 26 48.300.000 48,300,000 1.500.000.000
6 26 Ene 27 48,300,000 48,300,000 1.500.000,000
7 26 Jul 27 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500.000,000
8 26 Ene 28 48.300.000 48,300,000 1.500.000.000
9 26 Jul 28 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500.000.000
10 26 Ene 29 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500,000,000
11 26 Jul 29 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500.000.000
12 26 Ene 30 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500.000,000
13 26 Jul 30 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500.000,000
14 26 Ene 31 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500.000,000
15 26 Jul 31 48.300.000 48.300.000 1.500.000.000
16 26 Ene 32 48.300.000 48.300.000 1.500.000,000
17 26 Jul 32 48.300.000 48.300.000 1.500.000,000
18 26 Ene 33 48.300.000 48.300.000 1.500.000,000
19 26 Jul 33 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500.000.000
20 26 Ene 34 48.300.000 48.300,000 1.500.000,000
21 26 Jul 34 48.300.000 48.300.000 1.500.000.000
22 26 Ene 35 48.300.000 48.300.000 1.500.000.000
23 26 Jul 35 48.300.000 48.300.000 1.500.000.000
24 26 Ene 36 48.300.000 1.500.000.000 1.548.300.000

Reapertura Bono 2053:

El capital de los bonos será pagadero en su integridad a su vencimiento, el día 8 de enero de 2053. Los bonos devengarán un interés de 6.300% anual, base de un año de 360 días, el cual será pagadero en 60 cuotas los días 8 de marzo y 8 de septiembre de cada año, a partir del 8 de marzo de 2024. Los intereses serán devengados desde el 26 de enero de 2024.

No. Cuota Fecha Intereses Amortización Total Cuota Saldo Capital Cuota Amortiz. Interés
0 – 26 Ene 24 12,075,000 – 500.000.000 – 12.075.000 500.000.000
1 – 08 Mar 24 15.750.000 – 15.750.000 500.000.000
2 – 08 Sep 24 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000,000
3 – 08 Mar 25 15,750.000 – 15,750.000 500.000.000
4 – 08 Sep 25 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
5 – 08 Mar 26 15,750.000 – 15,750,000 500.000.000
6 – 08 Sep 26 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
7 – 08 Mar 27 15.750.000 15.750,000 500.000.000
8 – 08 Sep 27 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
9 – 08 Mar 28 15.750,000 – 15,750.000 500.000.000
10 – 08 Sep 28 15.750.000 15.750.000 500,000.000
11 – 08 Mar 29 15.750,000 15.750.000 500.000.000
12 – 08 Sep 29 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
13 – 08 Mar 30 15.750.000 – 15.760.000 500.000.000
14 – 08 Sep 30 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
15 – 08 Mar 31 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
16 – 08 Sep 31 15.750.000 15,750,000 500.000.000
17 – 08 Mar 32 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
18 – 08 Sep 32 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
19 – 08 Mar 33 15.750,000 15.750,000 500.000.000
20 – 08 Sep 33 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
21 – 08 Mar 34 15.750.000 15.750.000 550,000.000
22 – 08 Sep 34 15.750,000 15.750.000 500.000.000
23 – 08 Mar 35 15.750,000 15,750,000 500.000.000
24 – 08 Sep 35 15.750.000 15.750,000 500.000,000
25 – 08 Mar 36 15.750.000 15.150.000 500,000.000
26 – 08 Sep 36 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
27 – 08 Mar 37 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
28 – 08 Sep 37 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
29 – 08 Mar 38 15.750,000 15.750.000 500.000.000
30 – 08 Sep 38 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
31 – 08 Mar 39 15,750,000 15.750.000 500.000.000
32 – 08 Sep 39 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
33 – 08 Mar 40 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
34 – 08 Sep 40 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
35 – 08 Mar 41 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
36 – 08 Sep 41 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
37 – 08 Mar 42 15,750,000 15.750.000 800.000.000
38 – 08 Sep 42 15.750.000 15,750.000 500.000.000
39 – 08 Mar 43 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
40 – 08 Sep 43 15.750.000 15,750.000 500.000.000
41 – 08 Mar 44 15.750.000 15.750.000 600.000.000
42 – 08 Sep 44 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
43 – 08 Mar 45 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
44 – 08 Sep 45 15.750.000 15,750,000 500.000.000
45 – 08 Mar 46 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
46 – 08 Sep 46 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
47 – 08 Mar 47 15.750,000 15.750.000 500,000,000
48 – 08 Sep 47 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
49 – 08 Mar 48 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
50 – 08 Sep 48 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
51 – 08 Mar 49 15.750.000 15,750.00) 500.000.000
52 – 08 Sep 49 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000,000
53 – 08 Mar 50 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000,000
54 – 08 Sep 50 15.750,000 15.750.000 500.000.000
55 – 06 Mar 51 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
56 – 08 Sep 51 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
57 – 08 Mar 52 15,750,000 15.750.000 500.000.000
58 – 06 Sep 52 15.750,000 15.750.000 500.000.000
59 – 08 Mar 53 15.750.000 15.750.000 500.000.000
60 – 08 Sep 53 15.750.000 500.000.000 515.750.000

3.5 Garantías [-] Ex]

3.5.1 Tipo y montos de las garantías





No aplica.

Amortización Extraordinaria:

Procedimientos y fechas:

No aplica.







62 Membrete

Normas para obtener autorización de transar fule 14d A y Regulation 5 de la LS Securities Act de 1933 de los Estados Unidos de América,

A futuros tenedores de bonos


[Privada X


Bonos vendidos a los Compradores Iniciales (Initial Purchasers, según dicho concepto se define en el Purchase Agreement, definido más abajo) domiciliados en los Estados Unidos de América.

Prospecto informativo (Offering Memorandum) de fecha 23 de enero de 2024, Ver Anexo 2.

A futuros representantes de tenedores de bonos

Mismo documento mencionado en el punto 6.1 precedente.







72 Características generales

Contrato de Compraventa (Purchase Agreement) celebrado el día 05 de septiembre de 2023 entre (4) Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, como emisor de los bonos, y (8) Citigroup Global Markets Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Santander US Capital Markets LLC y BofA Securities, Inc., como Compradores Iniciales (“Initial Purchasers). Ver Anexo 3,

El objeto del Purchase Agreement fue la adquisición, por los Compradores Iniciales (Initial Purchasers), de la totalidad de los bonos emitidos por Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, bajo los términos y condiciones que se expresan en dicho contrato.

Derechos y obligaciones de los tenedores de bonos

Los bonos emitidos por Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile constituyen obligaciones directas, no garantizadas y no subordinadas de la compañía emisora. Los tenedores de bonos pueden declarar exigible anticipadamente la totalidad del capital más intereses en ciertos casos de incumplimiento por parte de Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile,




2.0 OTROS ANTECEDENTES IMPORTANTES Los bonos no han sido registrados en los Estados Unidos de América bajo la LS Securities Act de 1933 y, por lo tanto, solamente podrán ser vendidos a ciertos compradores institucionales calificados de acuerdo a lo dispuesto en la Rule 144A de la mencionada ley o fuera de los Estados Unidos de América, de acuerdo con lo señalado en la Regulation S de la misma norma.


El suscrito, en su calidad de Presidente Ejecutivo de la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (la Sociedad, ambos domiciliados en calle Huérfanos 1270, Santiago, a fin de dar debido cumplimiento a lo dispuesto en la Circular N°1072 de la Superintendencia de Valores y Seguros (hoy CMF), declara y da fe, bajo juramento, en este acto y bajo su correspondiente responsabilidad legal, respecto de la plena y absoluta veracidad y autenticidad de toda la información presentada y adjuntada por la Sociedad a la CMF en el presente “Formulario de Hecho Esencial Colocación de Bonos en el Extranjero, con fecha 26 de Enero de 2024,

NOMBRE CARGO CALIFICACIÓN Rubén Presidente 7.846,22 lh-= Alvarado Y. Ejecutivo





205183458 ‘ memoria integrada 2022 codelco.p








IMPORTANT: You must read the following before continuing. The following applies to the Offering Memorandum following this page, and you are advised to read this carefully before reading, accessing or making any other use of the Offering Memorandum. In accessing the Offering Memorandum, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions, including any modifications thereto any time you receive any additional information from us.



Confirmation of your Representation: In order to be eligible to view this Offering Memorandum or make an investment decision with respect to the securities, investors must be either (1) QIBs or (2) non-U.S. persons (within the meaning of Regulation S under the Securities Act) outside the United States. This Offering Memorandum is being sent at your request and by accepting the e-mail and accessing this Offering Memorandum, you shall be deemed to have represented to us that (1) you and any customers you represent are either (a) QIBs or (b) non-U.S. persons (within the meaning of Regulation S under the Securities Act) and (2) you consent to the delivery of such Offering Memorandum by electronic transmission.

You are reminded that this Offering Memorandum has been delivered to you on the basis that you are a person into whose possession this Offering Memorandum may be lawfully delivered in accordance with the laws of the jurisdiction in which you are located and you may not, nor are you authorized to, deliver this Offering Memorandum to any other person.

The materials relating to the offering do not constitute, and may not be used in connection with, an offer or solicitation in any place where offers or solicitations are not permitted by law. If a jurisdiction requires that the offering be made by a licensed broker or dealer and the initial purchasers or any affiliate of the initial purchasers is a licensed broker or dealer in that jurisdiction, the offering shall be deemed to be made by the initial purchasers or such affiliate on behalf of the issuer in such jurisdiction.

The following Offering Memorandum has been sent to you in an electronic form. You are reminded that documents transmitted via this medium may be altered or changed during the process of electronic transmission, and consequently, neither the initial purchasers, nor any person who controls them nor any of their directors, officers, employees nor any of their agents nor any affiliate of any such person accept any liability or responsibility whatsoever in respect of any difference between the Offering Memorandum distributed to you in electronic format and the hard copy version available to you on request from the initial purchasers.

OFFERING MEMORANDUM Strictly Confidential


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile U.S.$1,500,000,000 6.440% Notes due 2036

U.S.$500,000,000 6.300% Notes due 2053

The notes due 2036 (the 2036 notes) will bear interest at the rate of 6.440% per year and will mature on January 26, 2036. The notes due 2053 (the 2053 notes) will bear interest at a rate of 6.300% per year and will mature on September 8, 2053. The 2053 notes will be part of the same series as, and will be fungible with, the US$700 million 6.300% senior notes due 2053 that Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (CODELCO or the Company) issued on September 8, 2023 (the 2053 original notes), except that any new 2053 notes issued pursuant to Regulation S will trade separately under temporary CUSIP, ISIN and common code numbers until the expiration of a 40-day restricted period under Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act). We refer to the 2036 notes and the 2053 notes, collectively as the notes and, separately, as a series of notes. The interest on the 2036 notes will be payable semi-annually in arrears on January 26 and July 26 of each year, beginning on July 26, 2024. The interest on the 2053 notes will be payable semi-annually in arrears on March 8 and September 8 of each year, beginning on March 8, 2024.

We may redeem the 2036 notes at our option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time prior to the date that is three months prior to the maturity date of the 2036 notes, at a redemption price equal to the greater of 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2036 notes to be redeemed and a redemption price based on a make-whole premium, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. We may redeem the 2053 notes at our option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time prior to March 8, 2053 (the date that is six months prior to September 8, 2053) at a redemption price equal to the greater of 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2053 notes to be redeemed and a redemption price based on a make-whole premium, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. In addition, we may redeem the 2036 notes at our option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, beginning on the date that is three months prior to the maturity date of the 2036 notes, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2036 notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. We may redeem the 2053 notes at our option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time beginning on March 8, 2053 (the date that is six months prior to September 8, 2053), at a redemption price equal to 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2053 notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. Upon the occurrence of specified events relating to Chilean tax law, we may redeem each series of notes in whole, but not in part, at 100% of their principal amount plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. See Description of Notes-Tax Redemption and -Optional Redemption.

The notes will constitute direct, general, unconditional, unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of the Company. The notes will rank without any preference equally among themselves and equally with all other unsubordinated and unsecured obligations of CODELCO, other than certain obligations granted preferential treatment pursuant to Chilean law. It is understood that this provision will not be construed so as to require CODELCO to make payments under the notes ratably with payments being made under any other obligations. See Description of Notes-Ranking.

We intend to use the net proceeds from the sale of the 2036 notes and 2053 notes, in each case, for general corporate purposes. The 2053 original notes are listed on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and for trading on the Euro MTF market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, and we intend to apply to list the notes on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and for trading on the Euro MTF market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

No guarantee can be given that such application will be approved or that the notes will trade in the Euro MTF market. Currently, there is no public market for the notes. See Risk Factors beginning on page 21 for a discussion of certain risks that you should consider in connection with an investment in the notes.

Neither the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the SEC) nor any other regulatory body has approved or disapproved of these securities or passed upon the adequacy or accuracy of this offering memorandum. Any representation to the contrary is a criminal offense.

The notes have not been registered under the Securities Act, or any state securities laws, and are being offered and sold only to (i) qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A under the Securities Act and (ii) persons outside the United States under Regulation S under the Securities Act. For a description of certain restrictions on the transfer of the notes, see Transfer Restrictions and Plan of Distribution.

The notes will not be registered under Law No. 18,045, as amended, (the Securities Market Law) with the Chilean Financial Market Commission (Comisión para el Mercado Financiero or CMF) and, accordingly, the notes cannot and will not be offered or sold to persons in Chile except in circumstances in which they are offered in reliance on an available exemption from such registration. The notes may be privately offered in Chile to certain qualified investors, pursuant to Rule (Norma de Carácter General) No. 216, dated June 12, 2008, and to Rule (Norma de Carácter General) No. 336, dated June 27, 2012, of the CMF.

The notes are being offered pursuant to an exemption from the requirement to publish a prospectus under the Prospectus Regulation, of the European Union, and this offering memorandum has not been approved by a competent authority within the meaning of the Prospectus Regulation. The notes are not intended to be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the European Economic Area.

The notes are being offered pursuant to an exemption from the requirement to publish a prospectus under the UK Prospectus Regulation and this offering memorandum has not been approved by a competent authority within the meaning of the UK Prospectus Regulation. The notes are not intended to be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the United Kingdom.

Issue price per note due 2036: 99.942% plus accrued interest, if any, from January 26, 2024.

Issue price per note due 2053: 94.306% plus accrued interest from September 8, 2023 to, but excluding, January 26, 2024, totaling U.S.$12,075,000, plus accrued interest, if any, from January 26, 2024.

Both series of notes will be delivered in book-entry form only through the facilities of The Depository Trust Company (DTC) and its direct and indirect participants, including Euroclear Bank S.A.N.V. (Euroclear), as operator of the Euroclear system, and Clearstream Banking, S.A., Luxembourg (Clearstream) on or about January 26, 2024.

Joint Book-Running Managers

BofA Securities Citigroup J.P. Morgan Santander

The date of this offering memorandum is January 23, 2024.

We have not, and the initial purchasers have not, authorized anyone to provide any information other than that contained in this offering memorandum. We and the initial purchasers take no responsibility for, and can provide no assurance as to the reliability of, any other information that others may give you. We are not, and the initial purchasers are not, making an offer of these securities in any jurisdiction where the offer is not permitted. Prospective investors should not assume that the information contained in this offering memorandum is accurate as of any date other than the date on the front of this offering memorandum.

After having made all reasonable inquiries, we confirm that (i) the information contained in this offering memorandum is true and accurate in all material respects, (ii) the opinions and intentions expressed herein are honestly held and (iii) there are no other facts the omission of which would make this offering memorandum as a whole, or any of such information or the expression of any such opinions or intentions, misleading. CODELCO accepts responsibility accordingly.

Unless otherwise indicated or the context otherwise requires, all references in this offering memorandum to CODELCO, the Company, we, our, ours, us or similar terms refer to Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (CODELCO) together with its subsidiaries.


Page Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements.

Enforceability of Civil Liabilities.

Presentation of Financial and Statistical Information.

Exchange Rates.

Selected Consolidated Financial Data.

Selected Operating Data.

Managements Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.

Business and Properties.

Overview of the Copper Market.

Regulatory Framework.

Related Party Transactions.

Foreign Investment and Exchange Controls in Chile.

Description of Notes.


Plan of Distribution.

Transfer Restrictions.

Validity of the Notes.

Independent Auditors.

Glossary of Certain Mining Terms.

Index to Financial Statements.

The notes may not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in the Republic of Chile (Chile) or to any resident of Chile, except as permitted by applicable Chilean law.

This offering memorandum has been prepared by CODELCO solely for use in connection with the proposed offering of the securities described herein. This offering memorandum is personal to each offeree and does not constitute an offer to any other person or to the public generally to subscribe for, or otherwise acquire, securities. We and the initial purchasers reserve the right to reject for any reason any offer to purchase any of the notes.

This offering memorandum may only be used for the purposes of this offering.

The initial purchasers make no representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this offering memorandum. Nothing contained in this offering memorandum is, or shall be relied upon as, a promise or representation by the initial purchasers as to the past or future. CODELCO has furnished the information contained in this offering memorandum.

In making an investment decision, prospective investors must rely on their own examination of CODELCO and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. Prospective investors should not construe anything in this offering memorandum as legal, business, or tax advice. Each prospective investor should consult its own advisors as needed to make its investment decision and to determine whether it is legally permitted to purchase the securities under applicable legal investment or similar laws or regulations. Investors should be aware that they may be required to bear the financial risks of this investment for an indefinite period of time.

This offering memorandum contains summaries believed to be accurate with respect to certain documents, but reference is made to the actual documents for complete information. All such summaries are qualified in their entirety by such reference. Copies of documents referred to herein will be made available to prospective investors (i) upon request to CODELCO or the initial purchasers and (ii) at the office of the paying agent.


You must: (i) comply with all applicable laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction in connection with the possession or distribution of this offering memorandum and the purchase, offer, or sale of the notes; and (ii) obtain any consent, approval, or permission required to be obtained by you for the purchase, offer, or sale by you of the notes under the laws and regulations applicable to you in force in any jurisdiction to which you are subject or in which you make such purchases, offers, or sales; neither we nor the initial purchasers shall have any responsibility therefor.

In this offering memorandum, unless otherwise specified or the context otherwise requires, a reference to a law or a provision of a law is a reference to that law or provision as extended, amended, or re-enacted.

The notes are subject to restrictions on resale and transfer as described under Transfer Restrictions. By purchasing the notes, you will be deemed to have made certain acknowledgments, representations, and agreements as described under Transfer Restrictions. You may be required to bear the financial risks of investing in the notes for an indefinite period of time.

The price and amount of the notes to be issued under the offering memorandum will be determined by the Issuer and the initial purchasers at the time of issue in accordance with prevailing market conditions.

You acknowledge that: e you have been afforded an opportunity to request from us, and to review, all additional information considered by you to be necessary to verify the accuracy of, or to supplement, the information contained in this offering memorandum; e you have not relied on the initial purchasers or any person affiliated with the initial purchasers in connection with your investigation of the accuracy of such information or your investment decision; e you have made your own assessment concerning the relevant tax, legal, currency, and other considerations relevant to investment in the notes; e you have sufficient knowledge and experience to be capable of evaluating the merits and risks of a prospective investment in the notes; and e no person has been authorized to give any information or to make any representation concerning us or the notes, other than as contained in this offering memorandum and, if given or made, any such other information or representation should not be relied upon as having been authorized by us or the initial purchasers.

This offering memorandum is for distribution only to and is directed only at (i) persons who are outside the United Kingdom or (ii) investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the Order) or (iii) high net worth companies and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Order (all such persons together being referred to as relevant persons). The notes are only available to, and any invitation, offer, or agreement to subscribe, purchase, or otherwise acquire such notes will be engaged in only with relevant persons. Any person who is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this offering memorandum or any of its contents.

The notes are not intended to be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the European Economic Area (EEA). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of Directive 2014/65/EU (as amended, MIFID II); (ii) a customer within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/97 (as amended, the Insurance Distribution Directive), where the customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in Regulation (EU) 2017/1129 (as amended, the Prospectus Regulation); and the expression of an offer includes the communication in any form and by any means of sufficient information on the terms of the offer and the notes to be offered so as to enable an investor to decide to purchase or subscribe for the notes. Consequently, no key information document required by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (as amended, the PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling the notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA has been prepared and therefore the offering or selling of the notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.

The notes are not intended to be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to and should not be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the UK. For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of the following; (1) a retail client as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017/565 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (*EUWA); (ii) a customer within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the FSMA) and any rules or regulations made under the FSMA to implement Directive (EU) 2016/97, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in the Article 2 of Prospectus Regulation as it forms a part of UK domestic law by virtue of the EUWA. Consequently, no key information document required by the PRIIPs Regulation as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA (the UK PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling the securities or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the UK has been prepared and therefore offering or selling the securities or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the UK may be unlawful under the UK PRIIPs Regulation.

See Risk Factors beginning on page 21 for a description of certain risks you should consider before investing in the notes.


This offering memorandum contains forward-looking statements. We may from time to time make forward-looking statements in (i) our annual report; (ii) prospectuses, press releases, and other written material; or (iii) oral statements made by our officers, directors, or employees to analysts, institutional investors, representatives of the media, and others. Examples of these forward-looking statements include: e projections of revenues, profit (loss), capital expenditures, dividends, capital structure, or other financial items or ratios; e statements of our plans, objectives, or goals, including those relating to anticipated trends, competition, regulation, and rates; e statements about our future economic performance or that of Chile or other countries in which we have investments; and e statements of assumptions underlying these statements.

Words such as believe, could, may, will anticipate, plan, expect, intend, target, estimate, project, potential, guideline, should, and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, but are not the exclusive means of identifying these statements.

Forward-looking statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties. We caution you that a number of important factors could cause actual results to differ material Ily from the plans, objectives, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in these forward-looking statements. These factors, some of which are discussed under Risk Factors, include economic and political conditions and government policies in Chile or elsewhere, inflation rates, exchange rates, regulatory developments and changes in Chilean law, customer demand, competition, unanticipated mining and production problems, commodity prices, relations with employees and contractors, variances in ore grade, adverse weather conditions, natural disasters and the outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19) and its potential impact on our business. We caution you that the foregoing list of factors is not exclusive and that other risks and uncertainties may cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements.

You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements which reflect our views only as of the date they are made, and we do not undertake any obligation to update them or publicly to release the result of any revisions to these forward-looking statements in light of new information or future developments after the date of this offering memorandum.

By their nature, forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties because they relate to events and depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance.

New risk factors emerge from time to time and it is not possible for us to predict all such risk factors. We cannot assess the impact of all risk factors on our business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements.


CODELCO is a state-owned enterprise organized under the laws of Chile. All of its directors and executive officers and certain experts named in this offering memorandum reside outside the United States (principally in Chile), and all or a substantial portion of the assets of CODELCO and of such persons are located outside the United States.
As a result, it may not be possible for investors to effect service of process within the United States on, or bring actions or enforce foreign judgments against, CODELCO or such persons in U.S. courts. In addition, CODELCO has been advised by its Chilean counsel, Carey y Cía. Ltda., that no treaty exists between the United States and Chile for the reciprocal enforcement of foreign judgments. There is also doubt as to the enforceability in Chilean courts of judgments of U.S. courts obtained in actions predicated upon the civil liability provisions of U.S. federal securities laws. Chilean courts, however, have enforced judgments rendered in the United States by virtue of the legal principles of reciprocity and comity, subject to the review in Chile of the U.S. judgment in order to ascertain whether certain basic principles of due process and public policy have been respected, without reviewing the merits of the subject matter of the case. If a U.S. court grants a final judgment for the payment of money, enforceability of this judgment in Chile will be subject to obtaining the relevant exequatur (i.e., recognition of enforceability of the foreign judgment) in a proceeding before the Chilean Supreme Court, according to Chilean civil procedure law in effect at that time and satisfying certain legal requirements. Currently, the most important of these requirements are (except when a treaty between the United States and Chile exists for the reciprocal enforcement of foreign judgments):

– the judgment will be enforced if there is reciprocity, as to the enforcement of judgments (i.e., the relevant U.S. court would enforce a judgment of a Chilean court under comparable circumstances). If reciprocity cannot be proven, the foreign judgment will not be enforced in Chile;
– if reciprocity cannot be proven, the foreign judgment will be enforced, nonetheless, if: (i) it does not contain anything contrary to Chilean law, notwithstanding the differences in procedural rules; (ii) it is not contrary to Chilean jurisdiction and public policy; (iii) it has been duly served, although the defendant may prove that, for other reasons, he or she was prevented from using a defect in service of process as a defense; and (iv) it is final under the laws of the country where the judgment or arbitral award, as the case may be, was rendered. With respect to service of process, the Chilean Supreme Court has decided that, to determine that process was duly served, service should be considered valid in the jurisdiction where the case was decided and it can be proven that the defendant had actual knowledge of the suit; and
– in any event, the foreign judgment must not be contrary to the public policy of Chile or Chilean jurisdiction and must not affect in any way any property located in Chile, which, as a matter of Chilean law, are exclusively subject to the jurisdiction of Chilean courts.

If the exequatur is granted, then the judgment may be enforced by a lower court through a collection proceeding under Chilean civil procedure law.

In addition, it may be necessary for investors to comply with certain procedures, including evidence of timely payment of the stamp taxes (currently at a rate of 0.066% per month or fraction thereof elapsed between the issuance and the maturity of the notes, calculated over the principal amount of the notes, with a maximum 0.8% over the principal amount, which would be the stamp tax rate applicable to this case to be paid by CODELCO), to file a lawsuit concerning the Notes in a Chilean court.

Also, foreign judgments specifically related to properties located in Chile, including the attachment of liens on such properties, could be considered to violate Chilean law because such properties are exclusively subject to Chilean law and to the jurisdiction of Chilean courts.

Lastly, CODELCO has been advised by Carey y Cía. Ltda. that there is doubt as to the enforceability in original actions in Chilean courts of liabilities predicated solely upon U.S. federal securities laws.

The notes, the indenture and the purchase agreement will provide that CODELCO will appoint Cogency Global Inc. in New York City as its agent upon whom process may be served in any action arising out of or based upon, respectively, the notes, the indenture, the purchase agreement or the transactions contemplated thereby, which may be instituted in any federal or state court having subject matter jurisdiction. See Description of Notes.

Pursuant to the Chilean Mining Code, mining concessions as well as certain raw materials and other property or assets permanently dedicated to the exploration or extraction of minerals cannot be subject to an order of attachment, except with respect to mortgages, in the case that the debtor consents to the attachment in the same enforcement proceeding or when the debtor is a stock corporation. In addition, pursuant to the Chilean constitution (the Constitution), mining concessions corresponding to mining deposits exploited by CODELCO upon its creation in 1976 cannot be subject to attachment nor to any act of disposition by CODELCO. As a result, the rights of holders to attach property of CODELCO in the event of a default under the notes would be limited by such provisions. See Regulatory Framework-Mining Regulations.


In this offering memorandum, references to U.S.$, $, U.S. dollars and dollars are to United States dollars and references to g and cents are to United States cents (U.S.$0.01). References to pesos, CLP or Ch$ are to Chilean pesos and references to UF are to Unidades de Fomento. References to AUS and AUD are to Australian dollars. References to HKD are to Hong Kong dollars. The UF is an inflation-indexed Chilean monetary unit that is linked to, and adjusted daily to reflect changes in, the Chilean consumer price index during the preceding 30 days. References to euro or € are to the legal currency of the European Economic and Monetary Union.

CODELCO, as an issuer of publicly traded securities in Chile, is required by Circular No. 368 (Oficio Circular No. 368) of October 2006, as amended, of the Chilean Market Commission (Comisión para el Mercado Financiero, the Chilean securities authority, or CMF) to prepare and report consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

The audited consolidated financial statements as of and for the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2021 and the audited consolidated financial statements as of and for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2022 included herein are referred to as the 2020-2021 Consolidated Financial Statements and the 2021-2022 Consolidated Financial Statements, respectively. The 2020-2021 Consolidated Financial Statements and the 2021-2022 Consolidated Financial Statements (together, the Audited Annual Consolidated Financial Statements) are presented in accordance with IFRS issued by the IASB.

The unaudited interim consolidated financial statements as of September 30, 2023 and for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2023 included herein (the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements) are presented in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting. The Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and the Audited Annual Consolidated Financial Statements are referred to together as the Consolidated Financial Statements.

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Audited Annual Consolidated Financial Statements.

Unless otherwise indicated, the Consolidated Financial Statements and other financial information concerning CODELCO included herein are presented in U.S. dollars in conformity with Decree Law No. 1,350 of 1976 (Decree Law No. 1,350), published in the Diario Oficial de la República de Chile (Official Gazette) on February 28, 1976, as amended by Law No. 20,392 (Law 20,392) published in the Official Gazette on November 14, 2009, and for periods after January 1, 2009, in accordance with IFRS. Decree Law No. 1,350 is the Chilean law pursuant to which CODELCO was created and which provides for its governance.

Because the notes offered hereby have not been and will not be registered with the SEC, this offering memorandum does not and is not required to comply with the applicable requirements of the Securities Act, and the related rules and regulations adopted by the SEC, which would apply if the notes offered hereby were being registered with the SEC.

The U.S. dollar is the currency used in the primary economic environment in which CODELCO operates. Nevertheless, as an international company operating primarily in Chile, as well as in several other Latin American countries, several European countries and China, a portion of CODELCO’s business is transacted in Chilean pesos and other non-dollar currencies.

The body of generally accepted accounting principles is commonly referred to as GAAP. A non-GAAP financial measure is generally defined by the SEC as one that purports to measure historical or future financial performance, financial position or cash flows but: (i) excludes amounts, or is subject to adjustments that have the effect of excluding amounts, that are included in the most directly comparable measure calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP in the issuer’s statement of income, balance sheet or statement of cash flows (or equivalent statements); or (ii) includes amounts, or is subject to adjustments that have the effect of including amounts, that are excluded from the most directly comparable measure so calculated and presented.

In this offering memorandum, CODELCO discloses several non-GAAP financial measures, including Adjusted EBIT, Adjusted EBITDA, cash cost, total costs and expenses and financial debt. Adjusted EBIT is calculated by adding finance cost, impairment charges and income tax expense to profit (loss) for the period. Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by adding finance cost, income tax expense, depreciation and amortization of assets plus export taxes and impairment charges to profit (loss) for the period. Impairments include charges and reversals related to charges of investment projects, research projects and investment in associates and joint ventures and exclude impairment charges related to definite-lived tangible assets which show indicators of impairment under International Accounting Standard No. 36. Cash cost is calculated in accordance with the methodology specified by Brook Huntéz Associates for the determination of C1 cost (cash cost) and includes all direct cash costs of mining, including costs associated with extraction, leaching, smelting and further processing of copper ores into refined metal, as well as labor, electricity, diesel, finance costs, third-party services, other costs, transportation and physical plant costs associated with those processes, net of income from sales of byproducts. Cash cost is presented as a nominal dollar amount, usually expressed as cents per pound, and excludes provisions, amortization, depreciation and central office costs. Total cost and expenses includes all cost and expenses that the cash cost calculation includes, plus other non-cash direct expenses such as depreciation expenses, among others. Financial debt is calculated as loans from financial institutions plus bonds issued. Total debt to capitalization includes total financial debt divided by total financial debt plus total equity.

Adjusted EBITDA y datos de EBIT ajustados se incluyen en este memorándum de oferta porque dichos datos son utilizados por los inversionistas para evaluar: (i) las tendencias operativas y el desempeño financiero de la Compañía y (ii) la capacidad de la Compañía para (a) atender su deuda existente, (b) contraer nueva deuda y (c) financiar sus gastos de capital.

CODELCO considera que si bien el EBIT ajustado y el EBITDA ajustado proporcionan información útil, no deben considerarse de forma aislada o como un sustituto del beneficio del período como un indicador del desempeño operativo o como una alternativa al flujo de efectivo como medida de liquidez. El EBIT ajustado y el EBITDA ajustado no son medidas de desempeño financiero de acuerdo con las IFRS. Además, el cálculo del EBIT ajustado y el EBITDA ajustado de CODELCO puede diferir del cálculo utilizado por otras compañías y, por lo tanto, la comparabilidad puede verse afectada.

El costo en efectivo se revela en este memorándum de oferta porque es una medida ampliamente utilizada de costos en la industria minera. CODELCO considera que si bien el costo en efectivo proporciona información útil, no debe considerarse de forma aislada o como un sustituto del costo de ventas, el costo de venta y los gastos administrativos o como un indicador de costos. El costo en efectivo no es una medida de desempeño financiero de acuerdo con las IFRS.

CODELCO también presenta ciertas ratios y márgenes que se derivan utilizando el EBITDA ajustado, incluyendo la ratio de deuda a EBITDA ajustado, la ratio de cobertura de EBITDA ajustado y las ganancias a cargos fijos (ajustado). CODELCO considera que estas ratios son ampliamente utilizadas por los inversionistas para medir nuestro desempeño. En la sección titulada Datos Financieros Consolidados Resumidos, CODELCO proporciona una conciliación del EBIT ajustado y el EBITDA ajustado con el beneficio, junto con la ratio de deuda a EBITDA ajustado, las ratios de cobertura de EBITDA ajustado y la ratio de ganancias a cargos fijos (ajustado), para los períodos relevantes.

Estas medidas financieras no-GAAP pueden no ser comparables con medidas de otras compañías con títulos similares. Ninguna de las suposiciones subyacentes a las medidas financieras no-GAAP ha sido auditada de acuerdo con las Normas Internacionales de Auditoría o cualquier otra norma de auditoría.

Al evaluar las medidas financieras no-GAAP, los inversionistas deben considerar cuidadosamente los estados financieros de la Compañía incluidos en este memorándum de oferta. Aunque algunos de estos datos han sido extraídos o derivados de los estados financieros incluidos en este memorándum de oferta, estos datos no han sido auditados o revisados por los auditores independientes.

Bajo las políticas contables adoptadas por CODELCO, el beneficio bruto se calcula antes de la provisión de un impuesto especial de exportación del 10%. Bajo la Ley N° 21.174 de 2019, modificada, que derogó la Ley N° 13.196 de 1958 (Ley de Reservas de Cobre), CODELCO está obligada a pagar un impuesto especial de exportación sobre los ingresos por ventas que CODELCO obtiene de la exportación de cobre y subproductos relacionados producidos por CODELCO. Además, CODELCO está sujeta a un impuesto minero a tasas progresivas entre el 5,0% y el 14,0% de acuerdo con la Ley N° 20.026. Consulte Factores de Riesgo-Riesgos Relacionados con la Relación de CODELCO con el Gobierno de Chile -CODELCO está sujeta a impuestos especiales para obtener información adicional sobre estos impuestos especiales, incluida la tasa de impuesto minero efectiva para 2020, 2021 y 2022. Ciertas cifras incluidas en este memorándum de oferta y en los Estados Financieros Consolidados han sido redondeadas para facilitar la presentación. Las cifras porcentuales incluidas en este memorándum de oferta en algunos casos se han calculado en base a dichas cifras antes de redondear. Por esta razón, ciertas cantidades porcentuales en este memorándum de oferta pueden variar de aquellas obtenidas al realizar los mismos cálculos utilizando las cifras en los Estados Financieros Consolidados. Ciertas otras cantidades que aparecen en este memorándum de oferta pueden no sumar debido al redondeo.

La Tasa de Cambio Observada (según se define en el apartado de Tasas de Cambio) reportada por el Banco Central de Chile (i) al 2 de enero de 2020 fue Ch$748,74 = U.S.$1,00; (ii) al 4 de enero de 2021 fue Ch$710,95 = U.S.$1,00; (iii) al 3 de enero de 2022 fue Ch$844,69 = U.S.$1,00; (iv) al 3 de octubre de 2022 fue Ch$960,24 = U.S.$1,00, (v) al 3 de enero de 2023 fue Ch$855,86 = U.S.$1,00 y (vi) al 3 de octubre de 2023 fue Ch$892,86 = U.S.$1,00. Este memorándum de oferta contiene traducciones de ciertas cantidades en pesos chilenos a dólares a tasas especificadas únicamente para la conveniencia del lector. Estas traducciones no deben interpretarse como representaciones de que las cantidades en pesos chilenos representan realmente dichas cantidades en dólares o podrían, en este momento, convertirse en dólares a la tasa indicada. El Banco de la Reserva Federal de Nueva York no informa una tasa de compra al mediodía para pesos chilenos. A menos que se indique lo contrario, dichas cantidades en dólares han sido convertidas de pesos chilenos a una tasa de cambio de Ch$855,86 por U.S.$1,00, que corresponde a la Tasa de Cambio Observada el 3 de enero de 2023. A partir del 23 de enero de 2024, la Tasa de Cambio Observada fue Ch$905,63 por U.S.$1,00. Consulte Tasas de Cambio.

En este memorándum de oferta, toda la información de tonelaje se expresa en toneladas métricas y todas las referencias a onzas son a onzas troy, en cada caso, a menos que se especifique lo contrario. Excepto donde se indique lo contrario, la información de tonelaje en este memorándum de oferta no incluye: (i) la participación directa del 49,0% de CODELCO en el yacimiento El Abra, que es explotado por la Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra y es propiedad en un 51,0% de Cyprus El Abra Corporation, una subsidiaria de Freeport-McMoRan Inc., o (ii) la participación del 20,0% de CODELCO en Anglo American Sur S.A. (Anglo American Sur), a menos que se especifique lo contrario. Consulte Negocios y Propiedades-Producción de Cobre-Asociaciones, Joint Ventures y Alianzas-SCM El Abra y – Anglo American Sur para una descripción de estos intereses. Ciertos términos relacionados con el negocio minero del cobre se definen en el Glosario de Ciertos Términos Mineros.

La información de mercado con respecto a la participación de CODELCO en la producción de cobre, reservas y posición relativa de costos ha sido derivada por CODELCO de fuentes de terceros, incluidos informes de Brook Hunt & Associates, y de la propia investigación de la industria de CODELCO. Brook Hunt & Associates publica informes periódicos que contienen datos de producción global de cobre y análisis de costos por sitio minero. Si bien CODELCO cree que sus estimaciones son confiables, dichas estimaciones no han sido confirmadas por fuentes independientes. Los Estados Financieros Consolidados no necesariamente reflejan el valor de las concesiones mineras de CODELCO o sus recursos y reservas. El valor razonable de las propiedades mineras adquiridas a través de combinaciones de negocios se refleja en los Estados Financieros Consolidados al momento de la adquisición.

Con respecto a cualquier información incluida en este documento y especificada como proveniente de un tercero, CODELCO confirma que dicha información ha sido reproducida con precisión y que, hasta donde CODELCO tiene conocimiento y puede determinar a partir de la información publicada por dicho tercero, no se han omitido hechos que harían que la información reproducida sea inexacta o engañosa.

Según se utiliza en este memorándum de oferta, Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Gabriela Mistral, El Teniente, Andina, Salvador, Mina Ministro Hales y Ventanas se refieren a divisiones de CODELCO, no a las minas que llevan esos nombres, a menos que el contexto lo requiera.


Este resumen debe leerse como una introducción a este memorándum de oferta y cualquier decisión de invertir en los bonos debe basarse en una consideración del memorándum de oferta en su conjunto.

El siguiente resumen está calificado en su totalidad por la información más detallada y los estados financieros que aparecen en otras partes de este memorándum de oferta. Salvo que se divulgue lo contrario en este documento o se indique, la información financiera con respecto a CODELCO proporcionada en este memorándum de oferta se ha presentado en dólares estadounidenses y se ha preparado de acuerdo con las IFRS.

CODELCO es el mayor productor de cobre del mundo y una de las mayores compañías de Chile en términos de ingresos (U.S.$17,0 mil millones en 2022). Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, los activos totales de CODELCO ascendían a U.S.$44,7 mil millones y el patrimonio ascendía a U.S.$11,7 mil millones. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, los activos totales de CODELCO ascendían a U.S.$46,7 mil millones y el patrimonio ascendía a U.S.$11,7 mil millones.

CODELCO se dedica principalmente a la exploración, desarrollo y extracción de minerales que contienen cobre y subproductos, el procesamiento de minerales en cobre refinado y la venta internacional de cobre refinado y subproductos. CODELCO es propiedad en su totalidad del Gobierno de Chile y controla aproximadamente el 5,3% de las reservas probadas y probables de cobre del mundo, según la definición del U.S. Geological Survey.

En 2022, CODELCO tuvo una participación estimada del 7,2% en la producción mundial total de cobre, con una producción de aproximadamente 1,553 millones de toneladas métricas, incluyendo: (i) la participación de CODELCO en el yacimiento El Abra, que es explotado por la Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra y es propiedad en un 49,0% de CODELCO y en un 51,0% de Cyprus El Abra Corporation (una subsidiaria de Freeport-McMoRan Inc.); y (ii) la participación de CODELCO en Anglo American Sur (de la cual CODELCO posee una participación indirecta del 20,0%), y una participación estimada del 9,1% en la producción mundial de molibdeno, con una producción de aproximadamente 20,1 toneladas métricas excluyendo la participación de CODELCO en Anglo American Sur.

El producto comercial principal de CODELCO es el cobre cátodo de grado A. En 2022 y durante el período de nueve meses finalizado el 30 de septiembre de 2023, CODELCO obtuvo el 90,1% y el 90,6% de sus ventas totales de cobre y el 9,9% y el 9,4% de sus ventas totales de subproductos de su producción de cobre, respectivamente.

Las ventas de cobre de CODELCO en 2022 estuvieron geográficamente diversificadas, con aproximadamente el 53,0% de las ventas realizadas a Asia, incluyendo aproximadamente el 37,7% a China, así como aproximadamente el 35,1% a América del Norte y del Sur, el 11,6% a Europa y el 0,3% a África. Los diez clientes principales de CODELCO compraron aproximadamente el 40,1% de su volumen total de ventas de cobre en 2022.

Las operaciones de cobre de CODELCO se dividen en las siguientes ocho divisiones:

– La División El Teniente opera la mina El Teniente, que es la mina de cobre subterránea más grande del mundo y ha estado en operación por más de 100 años. La División El Teniente incluye la fundición Caletones. En 2022, esta división produjo 405.429 toneladas métricas de cobre, o el 26,1% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el yacimiento El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 105,2 centavos por libra, en comparación con 108,6 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$930,5 millones en 2022, en comparación con U.S.$1.088,3 millones en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 261.692 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 134,4 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$767,1 millones.

– La División Radomiro Tomic opera la mina Radomiro Tomic, que comenzó su primer año completo de producción en 1998. En 2022, esta división produjo 301.062 toneladas métricas de cátodos de cobre, o el 19,4% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el yacimiento El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 205,6 centavos por libra, en comparación con 138,6 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$1.351,9 millones en 2022, en comparación con U.S.$989,0 millones en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 239.134 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 231,9 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$1.207,6 millones.

– La División Chuquicamata opera la mina Chuquicamata, una de las minas productoras de cobre más grandes del mundo, que comenzó sus operaciones en 1915 y actualmente incluye capacidades de fundición y refinación. En 2022, esta división produjo 268.348 toneladas métricas de cátodos de cobre, o el 17,3% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el yacimiento El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 127,4 centavos por libra, en comparación con 116,2 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$740,7 millones en 2022, en comparación con U.S.$801,7 millones en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 177.888 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 148,5 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$570,7 millones.

– La División Mina Ministro Hales fue creada en 2010 para la operación del yacimiento Mina Ministro Hales, que comenzó a producir cobre a fines de 2013. En 2022, esta división produjo 152.167 toneladas métricas de cobre, o el 9,8% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el yacimiento El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 129,6 centavos por libra, en comparación con 89,2 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$420,1 millones en 2022, en comparación con U.S.$430,3 millones en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 80.653 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 249,1 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de U.S.$428,3 millones.

The Andina Division operates the Andina and Sur-Sur mines with production split among open-pit and underground mines. It does not have independent smelting capacity. Andina has been in operation since 1970. In 2022, this division produced 177,027 metric tons of copper, or 11.4% of CODELCO’s total copper output (including CODELCO’s share of the El Abra deposit and Anglo American Sur), with a cash cost of 187.5 cents per pound, compared to 154.9 cents per pound in 2021, and a total cash cost of U.S.$707.0 million in 2022, compared to U.S.$584.6 million in 2021. During the first nine months of 2023, this division produced 120,081 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 229.9 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$588.0 million.

The Gabriela Mistral Division was created in 2013 and operates the Gabriela Mistral mine, which uses SX-EW technology. The Gabriela Mistral mine produced its first copper cathodes in 2008 after a 26-month construction period. In 2022, this division produced 109,524 metric tons of copper, or 7.1% of CODELCO’s total copper output (including CODELCO’s share of the El Abra deposit and Anglo American Sur), with a cash cost of 275.8 cents per pound, compared to 193.4 cents per pound in 2021, and a total cash cost of U.S.$665.9 million in 2022, compared to U.S.$430.3 million in 2021. During the first nine months of 2023, this division produced 73,812 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 304.6 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$495.6 million.

The Salvador Division operates the Salvador mine and concentrator and the smelter-refinery complex at Potrerillos, which has the capacity to treat 671,000 metric tons of concentrate. In 2022, this division produced 32,065 metric tons of copper cathodes, or 2.1% of CODELCO’s total copper output (including CODELCO’s share of the El Abra deposit and Anglo American Sur), with a cash cost of 389.6 cents per pound, compared to 268.0 cents per pound in 2021, and a total cash cost of U.S.$271.7 million in 2022, compared to U.S.$311.4 million in 2021. During the first nine months of 2023, this division produced 12,278 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 523.4 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$141.1 million. As of September 30, 2023, the Inca Pit project was under construction.

The Ventanas Division was created in connection with the acquisition of the Ventanas smelter-refinery complex from Chile’s state-owned mining company Empresa Nacional de Minería (ENAMI) in 2005. In 2022, this division refined 370,626 metric tons of copper, compared to 400,016 metric tons of copper in 2021. During the first nine months of 2023, the Ventanas Division refined 264,556 metric tons of copper. Pursuant to the terms of the acquisition, CODELCO is required to provide on-market terms the necessary smelting and refining capacity for the treatment of copper concentrate delivered by the small- and medium-sized mining industry that ENAMI serves. In May 2023, Law No. 21,546 permitted the gradual closure of the Ventanas smelter-refinery complex and after almost 60 years of operation, the furnaces at Ventanas Division smelting plant were shut down. Currently, the transition of its former workers is progressing, with measures such as training and transfer them to other CODELCO’s smelting plants, in addition to retirement incentive policies. CODELCO will continue to operate in the area through its refinery.

The Chuquicamata Division, the Radomiro Tomic Division, the Mina Ministro Hales Division, the Gabriela Mistral Division, and the Salvador Division form part of CODELCO’s Northern Operations (Operaciones Norte). The Andina Division, the El Teniente Division, and the Ventanas Division form part of CODELCO’s Central Southern Operations (Operaciones Centro Sur). For a description of CODELCO’s associations with other companies, see Business and Properties-Copper Production-Associations, Joint Ventures, and Partnerships.

Competitive Strengths

CODELCO believes that it has certain distinguishing competitive strengths:

Copper Reserves. CODELCO controls approximately 5.3% of the world’s proved and probable copper reserves. In 2022, CODELCO’s proved and probable reserves represented at least 30 years of future production at current level,

Market Presence. CODELCO is the largest copper producer in the world, with an estimated 7.2% share of the total world copper production and 1.55 million metric tons (including CODELCO’s share of the El Abra deposit and Anglo American Sur) of production in 2022. CODELCO is also one of the largest producers of molybdenum in the world, with an estimated 9.1% share of total world molybdenum production, producing 20,498 metric tons in 2022 (excluding CODELCO’s share of Anglo American Sur). CODELCO believes that its significant market presence gives the Company certain advantages in the marketing of its products.

Research and Technological Innovation. CODELCO remains competitive by developing and incorporating new technologies into its production processes, which aim to improve overall operations, including mining processes, efficiency, productivity, environmental protection, and worker safety.

Stable, Long-term, and Geographically Diverse Customer Base. CODELCO has developed long-term relationships with the majority of its customers, including some of the leading manufacturers in the world.

Financial Strength. In 2022, CODELCO’s Adjusted EBITDA amounted to U.S.$5.6 billion, total debt to capitalization as of December 31, 2022 was 59.3%, and the ratio of net financial debt to Adjusted EBITDA was 3.1. As of September 30, 2023, CODELCO’s Adjusted EBITDA amounted to U.S.$3.2 billion and total debt to capitalization as of September 30, 2023 was 63.2%.

Management Efficiency and Flexibility. CODELCO believes that it has a highly experienced workforce and executive team with a proven track record of managing long-life copper reserves that is able to respond to market changes by adjusting the allocation of its resources and operations among several different methods of production and ore deposits.

One of the Leading Companies in Chile. CODELCO is one of the largest companies in Chile in terms of revenues as of December 31, 2022 (U.S.$17.0 billion) and is a key contributor to the budget of the Government of Chile. In 2022, CODELCO contributed U.S.$2.3 billion to the Chilean Treasury and accounted for approximately 13.1% of Chile’s total exports. See Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations- Liquidity and Capital Resources -Distributions to the Chilean Treasury and Regulatory Framework.

Business Strategy

CODELCO’s mission is to maximize the value of its mineral resources for the benefit of its shareholder, the Chilean state, by fully developing its vast mining resources on a timely basis, leveraging CODELCO’s experienced workforce, utilizing its advanced technological assets in key areas and by executing the following key strategic initiatives:

Capital Expenditure Program. We seek to maintain and improve our competitive position in the industry through our three-year capital expenditure program. Following the completion of a number of significant projects in recent years, such as the development of CODELCO’s new Mina Ministro Hales, the development of sulfide ores at the Radomiro Tomic mine, the expansion at the Andina mine, and the development of the Pilar Norte area at the El Teniente mine, CODELCO intends to continue its development program. Accordingly, CODELCO expects to make capital expenditures of approximately U.S.$14.1 billion between 2023 and 2025, transforming its main mining operations with a view towards the long-term development of its resources. We expect these expenditures to be funded with a combination of internal and external resources. For a complete list of planned capital expenditures, see Business and Properties-Copper Production-Operations. CODELCO’s expansion and development of major projects between 2023 and 2025 are expected to include:

The gradual transformation of the Chuquicamata mine from an open-pit mine to an underground operation, which we expect will enable Chuquicamata to maintain its annual copper production at its current level in 2019 (an approximate investment of U.S.$1.2 billion between 2023 and 2025). Environmental approvals were obtained in September 2010. On March 25, 2020, and on June 20, 2020, CODELCO announced the temporary suspension of construction of this project as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among employees and contractors. In August 2020, work on the project gradually resumed. In March 2021, the project’s design incorporated additional fortification work. After adjusting for this additional work and new reinforcement infrastructure, the project was completed in September 2022. The program considers three main investments: the Initial Exploitation, already completed, and the works associated with the Continuity Infrastructure and the Development of the Mine. As of September 30, 2023, the completion progress for the first phase for continuity infrastructure, which allows the continuation of exploitation in more sectors of the mine, was approximately 43.2%. Furthermore, the plans for the second phase for continuity of infrastructure are currently being discussed.

The reallocation of the Andina plant, which involves maintaining the treatment capacity of the concentrator plant in the long-term (an approximate investment of U.S.$59.3 million between 2023 and 2025). In March 2020, CODELCO announced the temporary suspension of this project as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among employees and contractors. The project is currently in the commissioning phase, and its overall progress was 99.3% as of September 30, 2023. Only minor works remain in the primary and secondary crusher for the project’s completion.

The development of a new production level in the existing El Teniente underground mine (an approximate investment of U.S.$1.7 billion between 2023 and 2025) to maintain El Teniente’s annual copper production at its current level. Environmental approvals were obtained in March 2011. However, based on geomechanical challenges that need to be addressed, an alternative development plan was approved in January 2018, which will still permit us to maintain our original production goal. Currently, the new mining level has been divided into three separate projects: (i) Andes Norte, (ii) Diamante, and (iii) Andesita. As of September 30, 2023, completion progress at the Andes Norte, Diamante, and Andesita projects was 80.1%, 30.9%, and 33.0%, respectively.

The development of the Inca Pit project is designed to extend the life of the current underground mine operation in the Salvador Division and enable it to maintain its annual production at its current level starting in 2021 and the analysis for a future expansion, which requires an approximate investment of U.S.$461.7 million between 2023 and 2025. As of September 30, 2022, the project was under construction and approximately 61.4% is complete.

Focus on curbing production costs. For many years, CODELCO was within the first or second quartiles in the industry with respect to costs. This position was primarily attributable to the quality of its ore bodies, its economies of scale, and the experience of its workforce and management. Currently, CODELCO is in the third quartile of the industry’s cost curve. The Company intends to make every effort, through investment and management, to be within the first or second quartiles of the industry’s cost curve in the long-term. In 2022, CODELCO’s total costs and expenses increased by 56.6 cents per pound (22.2%) to 310.9 cents per pound, compared to 254.3 cents per pound in 2021 and 241.8 cents per pound in 2020, mainly due to higher input prices and lower production volume, partially offset by foreign exchange rate depreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar. For the first nine months of 2023, CODELCO total costs and expenses increased by 85 cents per pound (30.5%) to 363.7 cents per pound, compared to 278.7 cents per pound for the same period in 2022, mainly due to lower production, increased use of inventory, and higher operational costs in the local currency due to the appreciation of the CLP against the U.S. dollar (as of September 30, 2023, the average exchange rate was CLP 821 per U.S. dollar compared to CLP 859 per U.S. dollar for the same period in 2022). However, higher molybdenum prices partially offset these increased costs. Even though there was an increase in total costs and expenses compared to the previous year, in the third quarter of 2023, CODELCO’s total costs and expenses decreased compared to the previous quarter of 2023, in which C1 (cash cost) reached 212.9 €lb compared to 204.5 €lb in the three-month period ended September 30, 2023. In 2022, CODELCO’s total costs and expenses increased to U.S.$9.9 billion, compared to U.S.$9.1 billion in 2021, and to U.S.$8.6 billion in 2020, due to lower production and higher input prices and depreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar (2022 compared to 2021). For the first nine months of 2023, CODELCO’s total costs and expenses amounted to U.S.$7.7 billion, compared to U.S.$6.5 billion for the same period in 2022. In 2022, CODELCO’s cash “

El costo de producción fue de 165.4 centavos por libra, en comparación con 132.7 centavos por libra en 2021 y 129.4 centavos por libra en 2020. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, el costo de producción en efectivo de CODELCO fue de 204.5 centavos por libra, en comparación con 157.4 centavos por libra para el mismo período en 2022. En 2022, el costo en efectivo total de CODELCO fue de 5.2 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses, en comparación con 4.7 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses en 2021 y 4.5 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses en 2020. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, el costo en efectivo total de CODELCO fue de 4.3 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses, en comparación con 3.6 mil millones de dólares estadounidenses para el mismo período en 2022 (este costo en efectivo total incluye ciertos costos en efectivo incurridos a nivel corporativo). Ver Discusión y Análisis de la Administración de la Situación Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones-Resumen.

Mejora en las Operaciones. Varias iniciativas de mejora están en marcha para adoptar las mejores prácticas de la industria, especialmente en las áreas de productividad laboral, tasas de utilización de activos y eficiencia de procesos. Junto con su programa de gastos de capital, se espera que estas iniciativas mejoren la posición competitiva de CODELCO. La empresa opera en un negocio cíclico y la estrategia de CODELCO es asegurarse de poder aprovechar al máximo los altos precios del cobre. La empresa está desarrollando una serie de planes para alcanzar los objetivos de producción en los próximos años. Estos planes se centran principalmente en reducir el riesgo de interrupciones en la producción y proporcionar una mayor flexibilidad a sus operaciones.

Esfuerzos de Exploración. CODELCO controla las mayores reservas de cobre a nivel mundial, la ventaja competitiva a largo plazo más importante de la empresa. El descubrimiento de nuevos recursos mineros y la mejora de su capacidad para localizar yacimientos de mineral existentes y prospectos son fundamentales para mantener esta posición preeminente en la industria. En consecuencia, el programa de exploración de la empresa seguirá siendo una parte clave de su estrategia empresarial.

Inversión en Capital Humano. La ejecución exitosa de la estrategia empresarial de CODELCO depende de atraer y retener un equipo directivo de clase mundial y profesionales de la más alta calidad, así como de promover una cultura de diversidad e inclusión. La industria minera enfrenta una mayor competencia por el talento laboral. Como resultado, la empresa tiene la intención de seguir mejorando las oportunidades de desarrollo profesional para su personal y la atracción general de CODELCO como empleador preferido.

Asociación Minera con Terceros. CODELCO busca seguir desarrollando y operando activos en asociación con terceros cuando estas asociaciones agreguen valor al negocio de CODELCO. Algunos ejemplos de la disposición y capacidad de la empresa para hacerlo son: (1) la asociación con Freeport-McMoRan Inc. en la mina de cobre El Abra (CODELCO posee el 49.0%) y (2) la asociación con Anglo American plc (Anglo American), Mútsui & Co., Ltd. (Mitsui) y Mitsubishi Corporation (Mitsubishi Corporation) en Anglo American Sur (CODELCO posee un interés indirecto del 20.0%). CODELCO considera que sus grandes reservas mineras son una sólida plataforma desde la cual establecer dichas asociaciones.

La sostenibilidad es una parte integral de nuestra estrategia. CODELCO ha establecido objetivos de sostenibilidad, que espera alcanzar para diciembre de 2030, e incluyen: (i) reducción del 70.0% de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero con respecto a los niveles de 2019; (ii) reducción del 60.0% del consumo unitario de agua continental con respecto a los niveles de 2019; (iii) reciclaje del 65.0% de los residuos industriales; (iv) implementación de sistemas de monitoreo en línea y control de infiltraciones en todas las instalaciones de almacenamiento de relaves; (v) aumento del 60.0% de bienes y servicios proporcionados por proveedores locales con respecto a los niveles de 2019; y (vi) reducción del 25.0% de las emisiones de material particulado con respecto a los niveles de 2019.

Desarrollos Recientes

Nuevo Rol de CODELCO relacionado con el Litio

El 20 de abril de 2023, el Gobierno de Chile anunció la Estrategia Nacional del Litio (la Estrategia del Litio), que busca transformar a Chile en un productor líder mundial de litio. Las principales medidas anunciadas incluyen:

Creación de una Empresa Nacional del Litio (Empresa Nacional del Litio): Esta empresa será propiedad al 100% del estado y también será la entidad encargada de explotar las salmueras bajo una asociación público-privada que tendrá al Gobierno de Chile como controlador del negocio. Se espera que el proyecto de ley para la creación de la Empresa Nacional del Litio sea presentado al Congreso durante 2024 y su aprobación estará sujeta a un quórum calificado de votación de mayoría absoluta de los diputados y senadores en ejercicio.

Creación del Comité CORFO de Transformación Productiva: Este comité estará liderado por el Ministerio de Minería y su propósito será promover la transformación productiva a través de políticas de desarrollo científico-tecnológico e industrial.

Colaboración público-privada: Hasta que se promulgue la ley para crear la Empresa Nacional del Litio, las empresas mineras estatales, CODELCO y ENAMI, desempeñarán un papel inicial como representantes del Gobierno de Chile en la explotación y exploración de litio.

Incorporación del Gobierno de Chile en la actividad productiva de la Salar de Atacama: CODELCO ha sido encargado de evaluar alternativas para lograr la participación del estado de Chile en la explotación de litio en la Salar de Atacama (el mayor yacimiento de litio de Chile) en previsión de la expiración de los contratos de arrendamiento actualmente vigentes entre CORFO y Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. y Albemarle Limitada, que permiten la explotación del litio ubicado en la Salar de Atacama, hasta 2030 y 2043, respectivamente. El Gobierno de Chile anunció que los contratos de arrendamiento actualmente vigentes serán completamente respetados, por lo que la participación del estado de Chile en la explotación de litio en la Salar de Atacama antes de la terminación de esos contratos de arrendamiento sería en virtud de un acuerdo con Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. y Albemarle Limitada. El primer paso para la suscripción de dicho acuerdo fue anunciado el 27 de diciembre de 2023, y consiste en un memorando de entendimiento ejecutado por CODELCO y Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. a través del cual ambas partes acordaron los principales términos para negociar una asociación para explorar, explotar y comercializar litio y otras sustancias disponibles en la Salar de Atacama, que comenzaría el 1 de enero de 2025.

Creación de salares protegidos y aseguramiento de tecnologías de bajo impacto ambiental: En línea con las obligaciones establecidas en el Convenio sobre la Diversidad Biológica, ratificado por Chile en 1994, la Estrategia del Litio contempla la creación de una red de salares protegidos para salvaguardar la sostenibilidad ecológica, cuyo objetivo es tener al menos el 30% de los salares protegidos para 2030. Además, la Estrategia del Litio busca promover el uso de nuevas tecnologías para la extracción de litio que minimicen el impacto ambiental en los salares.

Creación del Instituto Tecnológico y de Investigación Público del Litio y Salares: Este instituto estaría ubicado en la Región de Antofagasta, con el objetivo de colaborar en el desarrollo de tecnologías más sostenibles en la extracción de litio, promoviendo la conservación de los salares a través de la investigación de la biodiversidad.

En mayo de 2023, la Ley General de Bases del Medio Ambiente fue modificada por la Ley N° 21.562, que introdujo nuevos requisitos y estándares para actividades económicas con impacto ambiental en áreas ambientales saturadas o latentes. Dicha ley también otorgó autoridad adicional al Ministerio del Medio Ambiente para tomar medidas con el fin de proteger zonas con alto riesgo ambiental o de salud debido a la contaminación relacionada con la actividad económica.

El 6 de septiembre de 2023, se promulgó la Ley N° 21.600 que Crea el Servicio de Biodiversidad y Áreas Protegidas y el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas. Entre otros asuntos, el nuevo servicio público estará a cargo del Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, administrará un Fondo Nacional para la Biodiversidad y tendrá la facultad de aplicar sanciones en caso de infracción a esta nueva ley.

La iniciativa para esta nueva legislación proviene de las recomendaciones de la OCDE (Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económicos) y del Acuerdo de Escazú, y también para completar el marco institucional ambiental en Chile, que actualmente incluye la Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente y el Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental.

Dentro de las medidas para implementar la Estrategia del Litio, el Gobierno de Chile encargó a CODELCO apoyar a CORFO (Corporación de Fomento de la Producción) para el desarrollo del litio en la Salar de Atacama.

CODELCO ya ha comenzado a trabajar con CORFO con el objetivo de proponer estrategias para el desarrollo de futuras operaciones en la Salar de Atacama. El 19 de mayo de 2023, CODELCO estableció dos subsidiarias para estos fines: Salares de Chile SpA (Salares de Chile), que se encargará de agilizar y consolidar las actividades relacionadas con el litio de las empresas de CODELCO, y Minera Tarar SpA (Minera Tarar), que se enfocará exclusivamente en las operaciones dentro de la Salar de Atacama, potencialmente estableciendo asociaciones con empresas privadas existentes que operan en la zona.

El 22 de mayo de 2023, CORFO oficializó el papel de CODELCO como representante de Chile en la negociación y definición de futuros contratos con empresas interesadas en la industria del litio en el país a partir de 2030.

También como parte de la Estrategia del Litio, el Gobierno de Chile encargó a CODELCO encontrar la mejor alternativa para permitir el desarrollo de proyectos de litio en el salar de Maricunga. De acuerdo con dicho mandato, el 17 de octubre de 2023, CODELCO llegó a un acuerdo para adquirir el 100% de las acciones de Lithium Power International (LPI) por aproximadamente 244 millones de dólares estadounidenses equivalentes (385 millones de dólares australianos). LPI es propietaria del proyecto Salar Blanco en el salar de Maricunga, que está adyacente a la propiedad de CODELCO. CODELCO espera que la adquisición se cierre en el primer trimestre de 2024, sujeto a aprobaciones regulatorias, de accionistas y judiciales tras el cumplimiento de condiciones habituales, y se financie con recursos propios de CODELCO.

Nueva Asociación Público-Privada entre CODELCO y Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A.

El 27 de diciembre de 2023, CODELCO y Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A. anunciaron la ejecución de un memorando de entendimiento que establece las bases para negociar una asociación público-privada que comenzaría el 1 de enero de 2025. Este anuncio está alineado con los mandatos del gobierno chileno y CORFO para asegurar la participación estatal en la explotación de minerales. La nueva empresa conjunta, que será mayoritariamente propiedad del gobierno chileno, también se espera que permita la transición de los contratos con Sociedad Química y Minera de Chile S.A., en vigencia desde enero de 2025 hasta diciembre de 2030, a nuevos acuerdos con la subsidiaria de CODELCO, Minera Tarar, que estarían en vigencia desde enero de 2031 hasta diciembre de 2060. El acuerdo establece que, desde enero de 2025 hasta diciembre de 2030, CODELCO tendrá derecho a recibir un beneficio correspondiente a la comercialización de 201,000 toneladas de carbonato de litio equivalente. Desde enero de 2031 hasta diciembre de 2060, cada parte recibirá beneficios económicos proporcionales a su participación accionaria, que para CODELCO se espera que sea del 50.00% más una acción. El acuerdo tiene como objetivo garantizar una producción continua de litio, alineándose con los objetivos globales de transición energética. La asociación se centra en el Proyecto Salar Futuro (es decir, la explotación de litio en la Salar de Atacama en virtud de los nuevos acuerdos en vigencia desde 2031 hasta 2060) y se espera que incorpore sostenibilidad ambiental y avances tecnológicos. La participación temprana de CODELCO permitiría la participación en las etapas del proyecto y la participación en un consejo tripartito para la sostenibilidad del ecosistema.

La Constitución Chilena

El 4 de julio de 2021, Chile inició un proceso para una nueva Constitución redactada por una Convención Constitucional. En septiembre de 2022, la propuesta concreta para una nueva Constitución fue rechazada en un referéndum nacional. El 12 de diciembre de 2022, la gran mayoría de las fuerzas políticas representadas en el parlamento chileno acordaron un documento llamado Acuerdo por Chile. Este documento constituye un nuevo consenso y un punto de partida para comenzar a redactar una nueva Constitución.

El 17 de enero de 2023, se publicó la Ley N° 21.533 en el Diario Oficial de Chile, que establece el procedimiento para la redacción y aprobación de la nueva Constitución. La Ley N° 21.533 contiene 12 principios y criterios fundamentales para la redacción de la potencial nueva Constitución. También establece una comisión de expertos (la Comisión de Expertos) de 24 miembros, designados por el Congreso chileno, en proporción a las fuerzas políticas y partidos representados en el Congreso, que se encargó de preparar un anteproyecto de texto constitucional. Este anteproyecto está siendo discutido por el consejo constitucional (Consejo Constitucional) elegido el 7 de mayo de 2023 (el Consejo Constitucional).

También existe un comité de admisibilidad técnica (Comité Técnico de Admisibilidad), también designado por el Congreso chileno, compuesto por 14 miembros, que resolverá cualquier solicitud contra disposiciones de la pre-constitución aprobada por la Comisión de Expertos, o el proyecto aprobado por el Consejo Constitucional, en base a la contradicción con los 12 principios y criterios fundamentales mencionados anteriormente. El trabajo de redacción comenzó el 6 de marzo de 2023, con la instalación de la Comisión de Expertos y el Comité de Admisibilidad Técnica. Un borrador preliminar ha sido discutido dentro de la Comisión de Expertos y fue presentado al Consejo Constitucional el 7 de junio de 2023.

La elección de los miembros del Consejo Constitucional tuvo lugar el 7 de mayo de 2023, con los siguientes resultados: e Partido Republicano, un partido de derecha: 23 miembros e Chile Seguro, una coalición de centro derecha, 11 miembros e Unidad Para Chile, la coalición de gobierno de partidos de centro izquierda e izquierda, 16 miembros e Pueblos Indígenas, un miembro.

El Consejo Constitucional comenzó a trabajar el 7 de junio de 2023, fecha en la que la Comisión de Expertos presentó el borrador inicial de la nueva constitución. El borrador final de la nueva constitución fue entregado a la Comisión de Expertos el 7 de octubre de 2023, y la Comisión de Expertos entregó su informe al Consejo Constitucional el 13 de octubre de 2023. El 30 de octubre de 2023, el Consejo Constitucional aprobó el borrador de la nueva constitución y lo entregó al Presidente Gabriel Boric el 7 de noviembre de 2023. El 17 de diciembre de 2023, aproximadamente 6,9 millones de personas votaron para rechazar el borrador de la nueva constitución, lo que representa aproximadamente el 55,7% de todos los votos emitidos. Como resultado, la constitución promulgada en 1980 seguirá en vigor. Además, el gobierno chileno anunció que el proceso de promulgación de una nueva constitución se cerró y no se propondrán iniciativas sobre este tema durante el actual mandato presidencial, que finaliza el 11 de marzo de 2026.

Nuevos Proyectos de Ley Presentados al Congreso Chileno El 10 de enero de 2024, el gobierno chileno presentó los siguientes proyectos de ley al Congreso chileno:

Proyecto de Ley N° 16552-12, El proyecto actualiza el sistema de aprobación ambiental restringiendo los poderes de los organismos políticos involucrados en el proceso de aprobación ambiental, como el Comité de Ministros y las Comisiones de Evaluación, y establece un mecanismo único para impugnar las aprobaciones ambientales. También permite la participación temprana e intervención voluntaria de las comunidades afectadas en el proceso de aprobación, fortalece la Evaluación Ambiental Estratégica (EAS) y, entre otros aspectos, establece que el Consejo de Defensa del Estado (CDE) tendrá la capacidad legal para presentar una demanda por daño ambiental.

Proyecto de Ley N° 16566-03. El proyecto crea una nueva ley marco común sobre permisos sectoriales, agiliza la aprobación de un número sustancial de permisos no ambientales requeridos para el desarrollo de proyectos y actividades en áreas reguladas, y proporciona una mayor certeza jurídica a los inversionistas.

Proyecto de Ley N° 16553-12. El proyecto fortalece la Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente (SMA) y mejora ciertos aspectos de su funcionamiento. Entre otros asuntos, potencia los poderes preventivos de la SMA y fortalece los incentivos para el cumplimiento, así como el régimen sancionador.

Codelco y Rio Tinto Forjan una Asociación Estratégica para la Exploración de Cobre en Chile

El 8 de noviembre de 2023, Rio Tinto plc (Rio Tinto) y Codelco se asociaron en Agua de la Falda S.A. (ADLF) para un proyecto de cobre en la Región de Atacama de Chile, después de que Rio Tinto adquiriera el 57,74% de la participación de Pan American Silver Corp en ADLEF. La empresa conjunta, renombrada Nuevo Cobre S.A., tiene como objetivo explorar y desarrollar yacimientos de cobre. CODELCO posee el 42,26% de Nuevo Cobre. La colaboración busca aprovechar la experiencia de ambas empresas para acelerar la exploración y producción de cobre, apoyando las necesidades globales de energía limpia.

Codelco y JBIC Forjan una Asociación para Financiamiento de Capital y Tecnología

El 22 de noviembre de 2023, CODELCO y el Banco Japonés de Cooperación Internacional (JBIC) firmaron un Memorando de Entendimiento (MoU) en Tokio para asegurar financiamiento para bienes de capital y tecnología para las innovaciones mineras de CODELCO. La colaboración también tiene como objetivo promover el desarrollo de minerales críticos como el cobre, molibdeno y litio, alineándose con los objetivos de descarbonización. El acuerdo busca crear oportunidades comerciales con empresas japonesas, estableciendo un marco para proyectos que mejoren la resiliencia en la cadena de suministro de minerales. El apoyo de JBIC se extiende a los esfuerzos de descarbonización de CODELCO, incluido el uso de hidrógeno y amoníaco. Es importante destacar que JBIC financió previamente la Planta de Molibdeno de CODELCO en Mejillones, enfatizando su compromiso compartido con prácticas sostenibles.

Codelco Sufrió un Ataque de Ciberseguridad

El 15 de noviembre de 2023, CODELCO experimentó un ciberataque en la División Gabriela Mistral, lo que llevó a una paralización operativa de tres días. Sin embargo, CODELCO gestionó operaciones manuales, realizó mantenimiento proactivo y recuperó simultáneamente el sistema autónomo. Los controles de ciberseguridad implementados por CODELCO contuvieron con éxito el malware, evitando su propagación a otras operaciones. Además, CODELCO contrató a Unit 42 de Palo Alto, una empresa especializada en respuesta a incidentes con sede en Estados Unidos, para un análisis forense. El proceso de análisis forense tiene como objetivo identificar la causa raíz del incidente e implementar medidas preventivas para mitigar el riesgo de incidentes similares en el futuro. El impacto económico del ataque está siendo investigado; sin embargo, CODELCO no espera un impacto material.

Calificaciones de Crédito

El 4 de octubre de 2023, Moody’s rebajó las calificaciones de crédito de CODELCO a Baal desde A3. El 20 de diciembre de 2023, S&P rebajó las calificaciones de crédito de CODELCO a BBB+ desde A.

Codelco Alcanzó Acuerdos de Contrato con Cinco Sindicatos Laborales

Entre octubre y diciembre de 2023, CODELCO alcanzó acuerdos de contrato colectivo, en cada caso por una duración de tres años, con los siguientes sindicatos laborales: (i) Sindicato de Supervisores Rol A SISET y Sindicato Trabajadores San Lorenzo (El Rajo) en la División El Teniente, (ii) Sindicato de Profesionales Radomiro Tomic en la División Radomiro Tomic, (iii) Sindicato de Supervisores Oficina Central en la oficina principal, y (iv) Sindicato No. 1 en la División Ventanas.

Desarrollos en la Dirección

El 5 de octubre de 2023, CODELCO anunció la renuncia de Alejandro Rivera Stambuk, Vicepresidente de Administración y Finanzas, efectiva el 3 de noviembre de 2023. El 30 de octubre de 2023, CODELCO designó a Olivar Hernández como Vicepresidente Interino de Administración y Finanzas, efectivo el 4 de noviembre de 2023.

El 6 de octubre de 2023, CODELCO anunció la renuncia de Nicole Porcile como Vicepresidenta de Asuntos Corporativos y Sostenibilidad, efectiva el 31 de octubre de 2023. El 30 de octubre de 2023, CODELCO designó a Patricia Provoste como Vicepresidenta Interina de Asuntos Corporativos y Sostenibilidad, efectiva el 1 de noviembre de 2023.

El 6 de octubre de 2023, CODELCO anunció una serie de cambios en la estructura directiva con el objetivo de fomentar una mayor sinergia entre áreas relacionadas, simplificar y ajustar dependencias, enfocar recursos y garantizar un sentido de urgencia en áreas productivas. Estos cambios implicaron la integración de las vicepresidencias actuales de Operaciones Centro Sur, Operaciones Norte y Fundición y Refinación (FURE) para formar una sola Vicepresidencia de Operaciones, liderada por Mauricio Barraza, Vicepresidente de Operaciones Centro Sur. Dado que el área de FURE requiere una alta experiencia técnica y representa un alto valor para el negocio, José Sanhueza, Vicepresidente de Operaciones FURE, asumió temporalmente el cargo de Vicepresidente Adjunto para apoyar la transición organizativa. Además, con el objetivo de fortalecer el área de recursos mineros y desarrollo, y buscar una relación mutuamente beneficiosa con la innovación, se estableció la Vicepresidencia de Recursos Mineros, Desarrollo e Innovación, integrando la Vicepresidencia de Recursos Mineros y Desarrollo con la Gestión de Innovación y Tecnología. Nicolás Rivera, Vicepresidente de Operaciones Norte, fue designado para liderar esta Vicepresidencia fusionada. Todos los cambios anteriores entraron en vigencia el 1 de noviembre de 2023.

El 30 de noviembre de 2023, CODELCO anunció la renuncia de Carlos Alvarado como Vicepresidente de Ventas, efectiva en la misma fecha, y designó a Cristóbal Fuenzalida como Vicepresidente Interino de Ventas, efectivo el 1 de diciembre de 2023.

El 4 de diciembre de 2023, CODELCO anunció la separación de la Vicepresidencia de Administración y Finanzas Estratégicas y Control de Gestión y el nombramiento de Alejandro Sanhueza como Vicepresidente de Administración y Finanzas, efectivo el 1 de febrero de 2024, y el nombramiento de Sebastián Court Benvenuto como Vicepresidente de Control Estratégico y de Gestión, efectivo el 8 de enero de 2024.

Evaluación Continua de Posibles Cargos por Deterioro para 2023

La industria del cobre está experimentando actualmente una disminución en los precios del cobre, ya que el precio promedio del cobre en la LME cayó 21,6 centavos por libra en el período de nueve meses que terminó el 30 de septiembre de 2023. Durante el mismo período, la producción de la empresa disminuyó en 96.575 toneladas métricas, lo que resultó en un aumento de 47,1 centavos por libra en los costos de producción.

Estos cambios han tenido varios impactos, incluyendo reducciones de US$1.220,0 millones en el beneficio bruto y US$472,7 millones en el ingreso neto para el período de nueve meses que terminó el 30 de septiembre de 2023, en comparación con el mismo período en 2022. Esperamos que estas tendencias continúen reflejándose en nuestros estados financieros de fin de año para el año que terminó el 31 de diciembre de 2023.

Además, como parte de nuestro proceso de preparación de estados financieros para el año fiscal que terminó el 31 de diciembre de 2023, estamos realizando valoraciones para inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial. Específicamente, en relación con nuestra asociación con Anglo American Sur, se han identificado ciertos indicadores de deterioro, lo que ha llevado a una revisión integral de deterioro de acuerdo con la norma IAS 36. Esta evaluación puede llevar a una reducción en el valor en libros, que se reflejaría en nuestros estados financieros para el año que terminó el 31 de diciembre de 2023. Cualquier deterioro de este tipo sería un cargo no monetario y, como tal, no afectaría nuestro EBITDA.

Para obtener más información sobre los riesgos relacionados con las fluctuaciones en el precio del cobre y los cargos por deterioro de CODELCO, consulte Factores de Riesgo – Riesgos Relacionados con las Operaciones de CODELCO – El negocio de CODELCO depende en gran medida del precio del cobre y Factores de Riesgo – Riesgos Relacionados con las Operaciones de CODELCO – CODELCO ha reconocido en el pasado cargos significativos por deterioro para ciertos activos y, si las condiciones del mercado y de la industria empeoran, podrían reconocerse más cargos por deterioro.

Información Corporativa

Las oficinas ejecutivas principales de CODELCO se encuentran en Huérfanos 1270, Santiago, Chile, código postal 8340424 y su número de teléfono es (562) 2690-3000. CODELCO fue establecida por el Decreto Ley N° 1.350, publicado en el Diario Oficial el 28 de febrero de 1976, modificado por la Ley N° 20.392, publicada en el Diario Oficial el 14 de noviembre de 2009.

La Oferta

Fecha de Vencimiento: 2036

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile.

Notas 2036: Monto principal agregado de US$1.500.000.000 de notas al 6,440% con vencimiento en 2036.

Notas 2053: Monto principal agregado de US$500.000.000 de notas al 6,300% con vencimiento en 2053. Las notas 2053 formarán parte de la misma serie que las notas originales 2053, serán fungibles y votarán junto con las notas originales 2053 como una sola clase bajo la escritura y tendrán los mismos términos que las notas originales 2053, excepto que cualquier nueva nota 2053 emitida de conformidad con la Regulación S bajo la Ley de Valores se negociará por separado bajo números temporales de CUSTP, ISIN y código común hasta la expiración del período restringido de 40 días bajo la Regulación S. Después de efectuar la oferta, el monto principal agregado de las notas originales 2053 junto con las notas ofrecidas en este acto será de US$

2036 notes: 99.942%, más intereses devengados, si los hubiere, desde el 26 de enero de 2024.

2053 notes: 94.306%, más intereses devengados desde el 8 de septiembre de 2023 hasta, pero excluyendo, el 26 de enero de 2024, totalizando U.S.$12,075,000, más intereses devengados, si los hubiere, desde el 26 de enero de 2024.

26 de enero de 2024.

2036 notes: 6.440% anual. Los intereses de las 2036 notes serán pagaderos semestralmente vencidos el 26 de enero y el 26 de julio de cada año, comenzando el 26 de julio de 2024.

2053 notes: 6.300% anual. Los intereses de las 2053 notes se acumularán desde el 8 de septiembre de 2023 (fecha de emisión de las 2053 original notes). Los intereses de las 2053 notes serán pagaderos semestralmente vencidos el 8 de marzo y el 8 de septiembre de cada año, comenzando el 8 de marzo de 2024.

Los intereses de las notas se calcularán sobre la base de un año de 360 días de doce meses de 30 días. Ver Descripción de las Notas.

2036 notes: 26 de enero de 2036.

2053 notes: 8 de septiembre de 2053.

11 Retención de Impuestos

Redención Fiscal

Los intereses se pagarán después de la retención o en cuenta de ciertos impuestos impuestos por Chile. Según la ley y regulaciones chilenas actuales, los pagos de intereses a tenedores de las notas que no sean residentes de Chile a efectos de la tributación chilena estarán sujetos en general a una retención de impuestos chilena a una tasa del 4.0%. Sujeto a excepciones y limitaciones especificadas, CODELCO pagará Montos Adicionales (según se define en Descripción de las Notas – Pago de Montos Adicionales) con respecto a dicha retención de impuestos sobre los pagos de intereses. Ver Descripción de las Notas – Pago de Montos Adicionales y Tributación – Tributación Chilena.

Cada serie de notas es rescatable a opción de CODELCO en su totalidad, pero no en parte, en cualquier momento al valor nominal de las mismas, más los intereses devengados y no pagados y cualquier Monto Adicional adeudado si, como resultado de cambios en las leyes o regulaciones que afecten la tributación chilena que se anuncien o entren en vigencia en o después de la fecha del acuerdo de compra de las notas, CODELCO queda obligada a pagar Montos Adicionales sobre los pagos de intereses de las notas en relación con la retención o deducción del impuesto chileno a una tasa superior al 4.0%. Ver Descripción de las Notas – Redención Fiscal, Tributación – Tributación Chilena y Factores de Riesgo – Riesgos Relacionados con la Oferta.

12 Redención Opcional

2036 notes: Podemos redimir las 2036 notes a nuestra opción, en su totalidad o en parte, en cualquier momento y de vez en cuando antes de la fecha que sea tres meses antes de la fecha de vencimiento de las 2036 notes, a un precio de redención igual al mayor entre el 100% del monto principal pendiente de las 2036 notes a ser redimidas y un precio de redención basado en una prima de reembolso, más los intereses devengados y no pagados hasta la fecha de redención. Además, podemos redimir las 2036 notes a nuestra opción, en su totalidad o en parte, en cualquier momento y de vez en cuando, comenzando en la fecha que sea tres meses antes de la fecha de vencimiento de las 2036 notes, a un precio de redención igual al 100% del monto principal pendiente de las 2036 notes a ser redimidas, más los intereses devengados y no pagados hasta la fecha de redención.

2053 notes: Podemos redimir las 2053 notes a nuestra opción, en su totalidad o en parte, en cualquier momento y de vez en cuando antes del 8 de marzo de 2053 (la fecha que sea seis meses antes del 8 de septiembre de 2053), a un precio de redención igual al mayor entre el 100% del monto principal pendiente de las 2053 notes a ser redimidas y un precio de redención basado en una prima de reembolso, más los intereses devengados y no pagados hasta la fecha de redención. Además, podemos redimir las 2053 notes a nuestra opción, en su totalidad o en parte, en cualquier momento y de vez en cuando, comenzando el 8 de marzo de 2053 (la fecha que sea seis meses antes del 8 de septiembre de 2053), a un precio de redención igual al 100% del monto principal pendiente de las 2053 notes a ser redimidas, más los intereses devengados y no pagados hasta la fecha de redención.

Ver Descripción de las Notas – Redención Opcional y Factores de Riesgo – Riesgos Relacionados con la Oferta

Forma y Denominación

Cada serie de notas se emitirá únicamente en forma de anotaciones en cuenta en denominaciones de U.S.$200,000 y múltiplos enteros de U.S.$1,000 en exceso de dicho monto. Cada serie de notas estará representada por una o más anotaciones globales (las Anotaciones Globales) registradas a nombre de un depositario de DTC, como depositario, para las cuentas de sus participantes directos e indirectos, incluido Euroclear, como operador del sistema Euroclear, y Clearstream. Ver Descripción de las Notas.

13 Pagos; Transferencias

El pago de intereses y el monto principal con respecto a intereses en las Anotaciones Globales se acreditarán por DTC, Euroclear o Clearstream, según corresponda, a la cuenta de los tenedores de dichos intereses con DTC, Euroclear o Clearstream, según corresponda. Las transferencias de intereses en notas mantenidas a través de DTC, Euroclear o Clearstream se realizarán de acuerdo con las reglas y procedimientos operativos del sistema relevante. Habrá un agente pagador.


Las notas constituirán obligaciones directas, generales, incondicionales y no subordinadas de CODELCO. Las notas ocuparán y ocuparán sin preferencia alguna entre sí y en igualdad con todas las demás obligaciones no subordinadas de CODELCO, salvo ciertas obligaciones que reciban tratamiento preferencial de conformidad con la ley chilena. Se entiende que esta disposición no se interpretará de manera que requiera que CODELCO realice pagos en virtud de las notas de manera razonable con los pagos que se realicen en virtud de cualquier otra obligación.

El contrato de emisión que rige cada serie de notas no contendrá restricciones sobre la cantidad de endeudamiento adicional que CODELCO o sus subsidiarias puedan contraer; sin embargo, como se establece en Descripción de las Notas – Convenios – Limitación de Gravámenes, cada serie de notas contendrá ciertas restricciones sobre la capacidad de CODELCO y sus subsidiarias para contraer deudas garantizadas. Ver Descripción de las Notas.

Ciertos Convenios

El contrato de emisión que rige cada serie de notas contendrá ciertos convenios, incluidos, entre otros, convenios con respecto a (i) limitaciones de gravámenes, (ii) limitaciones en transacciones de venta y arrendamiento posterior y (iii) limitaciones con respecto a transacciones de consolidación, fusión, enajenación, venta o arrendamiento. Ver Descripción de las Notas – Convenios – Limitación de Gravámenes, – Limitación en Transacciones de Venta y Arrendamiento Posterior y – Consolidación, Fusión, Enajenación, Venta o Arrendamiento.

Restricciones de Transferencia

Las notas no han sido y no serán registradas bajo la Ley de Valores y están sujetas a restricciones en las reventas. Ver Restricciones de Transferencia.

14 Emisiones Adicionales

Ley Aplicable; Sumisión a la Jurisdicción

Calificaciones Esperadas

Uso de los Procedimientos

Fideicomisario, Agente de Pago, Agente de Transferencia y Registrador

De acuerdo con los términos del contrato de emisión, CODELCO podrá emitir notas adicionales de la misma serie que las notas ofrecidas por la presente en una fecha futura. Ver Descripción de las Notas – Emisiones Adicionales de Notas. Cada serie de notas ofrecida por la presente y cualquier nota adicional de la misma serie se tratarán como una serie fungible única para todos los efectos bajo el contrato de emisión. Las notas originales de 2053 y las 2053 notes se tratarán como una serie fungible única para todos los efectos bajo el contrato de emisión.

Las notas originales de 2053 están listadas en la Lista Oficial de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo y para negociación en el mercado Euro MTF de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo, y tenemos la intención de solicitar la inclusión de las notas en la Lista Oficial de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo y para negociación en el mercado Euro MTF de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo.

Cada serie de notas y el contrato de emisión se regirán por las leyes del Estado de Nueva York. CODELCO se someterá a la jurisdicción de los tribunales federales y estatales de los Estados Unidos ubicados en el Borough of Manhattan en la Ciudad de Nueva York en relación con cualquier acción derivada de o basada en las notas o el contrato de emisión. Ver Descripción de las Notas – Ley Aplicable; Sumisión a la Jurisdicción; Inmunidad Soberana.

Las notas ofrecidas por la presente recibirán una calificación por parte de Moody’s Investors Service, Inc. (Moody’s) y por el grupo calificador Standard & Poor’s (S&P). En la actualidad, CODELCO tiene una calificación de deuda a largo plazo en moneda extranjera de Baal (estable) por Moody’s y una calificación de crédito a largo plazo del emisor extranjero de BBB+ (estable) por S&P. Una calificación de valores no es una recomendación para comprar, vender o mantener valores, está sujeta a revisión o retiro en cualquier momento por la organización calificadora asignada y debe evaluarse de forma independiente de cualquier otra calificación.

Tenemos la intención de utilizar los ingresos netos de la venta de las 2036 notes y 2053 notes, en cada caso, para fines corporativos generales.
The Bank of New York Mellon

Antes de invertir, debe considerar cuidadosamente los riesgos establecidos en los Factores de Riesgo que comienzan en la página 21 de este memorando de oferta.

15 Las notas recibirán los siguientes códigos de valores:

2036 notes:

CUSIP: 21987B BK3 ISIN: US21987BBK35

Regulation S:


2053 notes:

144A (igual que las notas originales de 2053):

CUSIP: 21987B BHO ISIN: US21987BBH06

Regulation S (después de la expiración del período restringido de 40 días bajo Regulation S) (igual que las notas originales de 2053):


Regulation S (antes de la expiración del período restringido de 40 días bajo Regulation S)

CUSIP Temporal: P3143N BU7 ISIN Temporal: USP3143NBU74


Las siguientes tablas presentan los datos financieros consolidados resumidos de CODELCO y otros datos a la fecha y para cada uno de los períodos indicados. Estos datos (excepto los precios promedio del cobre en la Bolsa de Metales de Londres (LME)) se derivan de, y deben leerse junto con, los Estados Financieros Consolidados de CODELCO, incluidas las notas a los mismos, incluidos en otra parte de este memorando de oferta. Estos datos también deben leerse junto con el Análisis de la Situación Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones de la Administración. Los Estados Financieros Consolidados y otra información financiera incluida en este memorando de oferta se presentan de acuerdo con las IFRS. Los resultados no auditados de las operaciones para los períodos de nueve meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2022 y 2023 no son necesariamente indicativos de los resultados que se esperan para el año completo o cualquier otro período.

Para los períodos de nueve meses finalizados Para el año finalizado el 31 de diciembre, el 30 de septiembre de

2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 (en miles de U.S.$)

ESTADO CONSOLIDADO DE RESULTADOS INGRESOS oococccconcnnnnnnnnncnnoncnn cnc ononnrncnccncnons 14,173,168 21,024,815 17,018,409 11,879,784 12,218,396 Costo de ventas oooocccionococccccnonnnonoraninnnnoros (10,565,179) (12,185,688) (12,284,652) (8,340,192) (9,898,852) UTILIDAD BRUTA .occcccnnnnnnnonccnnnnnnnnnonccnnnononinos 3,607,989 8,839,127 4,733,757 3,539,592 2,319,544 Otros ingresos .occccnnnnnnncccncnnnnnnninicnnnnnnnnnns 97,321 115,741 64,731 39,476 64,581 Pérdidas por deterioro y/o reversión de pérdidas por deterioro determinadas de acuerdo con las IFRS 9 (206) (1,250) (2,648) (1,182) 1,598 COSTOS DE DISTRIBUCIÓN cacooanconconconioncrnen concerns (9,463) (9,389) (17,151) (10,353) (16,235) Gastos administrativos . . (397,045) (459,278) (502,313) (374,634) (392,994) Otros gastos, por funciónY (1,456,821) (2,717,007) (2,103,316) (1,305,710) (1,476,620) Otros ingresos .cocoooocnconoonnnoonnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnanos 30,425 37,531 29,782 22,415 23,212 INGRESOS FINANCIEROS .cooocccnnncccnnniccnnnnacononicnnon: 40,213 13,657 47,245 29,600 69,700 GASTOS FINANCIEROS .ooooooccocconoconnnncnoncno no nancnonnnns (742,464) (641,009) (569,060) (424,459) (570,413) Participación en las ganancias de asociadas y empresas conjuntas contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial. 39,436 414,845 51,991 53,391 (134,279) Diferencias de cambio .ooooomooom. (165,501) 313,736 (237,777) 129,728 36,354 Utilidad (pérdida) antes de impuestos .ooccccnnnnncccccnnnnninnnns 1,043,884 5,906,704 1,495,241 1,697,864 (75,552) Gasto por impuesto a la renta ccccccocnccononcnncnncnnos (787,003) (3,855,336) (1,133,670) (1,206,688) 94,064 Utilidad (pérdida) del período.cooooccccnnnc. 256,881 2,051,368 361,571 491,176 18,512 Utilidad (pérdida) atribuible a los propietarios de la 1,942,486 345,589 471,660 66,139

POMO occcnccnnccnncconoconoconoconnconaconaconaconacos 242,993 Utilidad (pérdida) atribuible a los no controladores 19.516

IIUOTESTS cooccoccncaconcnnnnnnnnncnn rn conc noncnnncnno 13,888 108,882 15,982. == (47,627) Utilidad (pérdida) del Peri accccaconinniconinncnonooss 256,881 2 051 368 361,571 491,176 18,512 ESTADOS FINANCIEROS CONSOLIDADOS DE SITUACIÓN FINANCIERA Al 31 de diciembre,

2020 2021 2022 Al 30 de septiembre de 2023


method. 3,418,958 3,546,011 3,527,323 3,393,295 Non-current receivables 93,986 104,177 88,906 73,351 All other assets* 926,375 793,906 1,610,787 1,565,186 Total assets 42,210,386 43,057,435 44,737,232 46,691,655 Total current liabilities 3,439,907 3,938,877 3,920,485 3,674,166 Total non-current liabilities 27,143,988 27,543,657 29,162,182 31,344,498 Total liabilities 30,583,895 31,482,534 33,082,667 35,018,664 Non-controlling interests 924,942 946,412 914,083 866,455 Equity attributable to owners of the AN 10,701,549 10,628,489 10,740,482 10,806,536 Total equity 11,626,491 11,574,901 11,654,565 11,672,991 Total liabilities and equity 42,210,386 43,057,435 44,737,232 46,691,655 As of and for the nine months ended OTHER ITEMS As of and for the year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 (in thousands of U.S.$, except ratios and copper prices) Depreciation and amortization of assets 2,455,070 2,259,324 2,227,284 1,640,339 1,672,275 Interest expense, Mé (702,251) (627,352) (521,815) (394,859) (500,713) Ratio of earnings to fixed charges CO AN 2.4 10.2 3.6 5.0 0.9 Average LME copper price (U.S. € per POMO 280.3 422.6 399.0 411.1 389.5 Adjusted EBITDAS 5,289,081 10,378,724 5,565,010 4,697,217 3,115,786 Ratio of debt to Adjusted EBITDAO 3.4 1.7 3.0 N.A. N.A. Ratio of debt to LTM Adjusted EBITDACO 3.4 1.7 3.0 3.6 5.4 Adjusted EBITDA coverage ratio 7.5 16.5 10.7 11.9 6.2 (1) 0) 6) (4) 65) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Cost of sales for any period includes direct and indirect costs, depreciation and amortization associated with the production of copper and byproducts, as well as purchase costs of third-party copper, sold by CODELCO in that period. Other expenses is comprised principally of costs related to the 10.0% special export tax paid by the Company, retirement plan and severance indemnities and fixed indirect costs below production level. See note 22.b of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. CODELCO is subject to a mining tax on operating income at progressive rates of between 5.0% and 14.0%. The tax is imposed on operating income generated during the operating year. The statutory rate of the mining tax for CODELCO was 5.0% for each year between 2018 and 2020. In addition, CODELCO is subject to the corporate income tax rate of 25.0% since 2017 (pursuant to the tax reform in 2014) and a 40.0% tax on net earnings applicable to state-owned enterprises as specified by Decree Law No. 2,398, Article 2. See Taxation-Chilean Taxation and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations-Liquidity and Capital Resources-Distributions to the Chilean Treasury for additional information. See note 5 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations-Liquidity and Capital Resources-Distributions to the Chilean Treasury and Regulatory Framework. See also Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Relationship with the Government of Chile-CODELCO is subject to special taxes for information regarding the mining tax rate effective in 2016 and information regarding the new Mining Royalty Law, effective as of January 1, 2024. See note 9 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations. All other assets includes other non-current financial assets; other non-current non-financial assets; accounts receivable from related parties, non-current; non-current inventories; intangible assets other than goodwill; investment property; non-current tax assets and deferred tax assets. For the purpose of calculating CODELCOSs ratio of earnings to fixed charges (adjusted), (1) earnings consist of Adjusted EBIT and (ii) fixed charges consist of finance cost. The ratio of earnings to fixed charges (adjusted) is calculated by dividing Adjusted EBIT by finance cost. Adjusted EBIT is calculated by adding finance cost, impairment charges net of reversals (as defined in note (1) of the following table) and income tax expense to profit (loss) for the period. Adjusted EBIT, while not a financial performance measure under IFRS, is presented as an indicator of funds available to service debt. Adjusted EBIT and Adjusted EBITDA data are included in this offering memorandum because such data are used by investors to assess: (i) the operating trends and financial performance of the Company and (ii) the ability of the Company to (a) service its existing debt, (b) incur new debt and (c) fund its capital expenditures. The Company believes that Adjusted EBIT, while providing useful information, should not be considered in isolation as a substitute for profit for the period, as an indicator of operating performance, or as an alternative to cash flow as a measure of liquidity. Additionally, the Company’s calculation of Adjusted EBIT may be different than the calculation used by other companies and therefore, comparability may be affected. See notes 8, 20 and 23 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for further information about impairment charges and reversals and other non-cash charges. Average price on the LME for Grade A cathode copper during period. Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by adding finance cost, income tax expense, depreciation and amortization of assets plus export taxes and impairment charges net of reversals (as defined in note (1) of the following table) to profit (loss) for the period. Adjusted EBITDA is presented because it is a widely accepted indicator of funds available to service debt, although it is not an IFRS-based measure of liquidity or performance. Adjusted EBIT and Adjusted EBITDA data are included in this offering memorandum because such data are used by investors to assess: (i) the operating trends and financial performance of the Company and (ii) the ability of the Company to (a) service its existing debt, (b) incur new debt and (c) fund its capital expenditures. The Company believes that Adjusted EBITDA, while providing useful information, should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for profit as an indicator of operating performance, or as an alternative to cash flow as a measure of liquidity. Additionally, the Company’s calculation of Adjusted EBITDA may be different than the calculation used by other companies and therefore, comparability may be affected. See notes 8, 20 and 23 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for further information about impairment charges and reversals and other non-cash charges. The ratio of debt to Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by dividing debt by Adjusted EBITDA. Debt is defined as loans from financial institutions plus bonds issued. The ratio of debt to LTM Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by dividing debt by the last twelve months of Adjusted EBITDA. Debt is defined as loans from financial institutions plus bonds issued. Adjusted EBITDA coverage ratio is the ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to finance cost net of finance income. See note 8 above for further information about Adjusted EBITDA and notes 20 and 23 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for further information about impairment charges and reversals and other non-cash charges. The amounts for property, plant, and equipment in the table above include property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets. The following table shows CODELCO’s earnings, Adjusted EBIT, ratio of earnings to fixed charges (adjusted), Adjusted EBITDA and reconciliation of Adjusted EBIT and Adjusted EBITDA for the periods indicated. For the nine-month period ended For the year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 (in thousands of U.S.$) Profit (loss) for the period 256,881 2,051,368 361,571 491,176 18,512 INCOME TAX EXPENSE 787,003 3,855,336 1,133,670 1,206,688 (94,064) A 742,464 641,009 569,060 424,459 570,413 Impairments 1,786,348 6,547,713 2,064,301 2,122,323 494,861 Ratio of earnings to fixed charges 2.4 10.2 3.6 5.0 0.9 Depreciation and amortization of assets 2,455,070 2,259,324 2,227,284 1,640,339 1,672,275 Copper Reserve LW 1,047,663 1,571,687 1,273,425 934,555 948,650 Adjusted EBITDA 5,289,081 10,378,724 5,565,010 4.697,217 3,115,786 (0) Impairments include charges and reversals related to charges of investment projects, research projects and investment in associates and joint ventures and exclude impairment charges related to definite-lived tangible assets which show indicators of impairment under International Accounting Standard No. 36. See notes 8, 20 and 23 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for further information about impairment charges and reversals and other non-cash charges. (Q) Adjusted EBIT is calculated by adding finance cost, impairment charges net of reversals (as defined in note (1) above) and income tax expense to profit (loss) for the period. Adjusted EBIT, while not a financial performance measure under IFRS, is presented as an indicator of funds available to service debt. Adjusted EBIT and Adjusted EBITDA data are included in this offering memorandum because such data are used by investors to assess: (i) the operating trends and financial performance of the Company and (ii) the ability of the Company to (a) service its existing debt, (b) incur new debt and (c) fund its capital expenditures. The Company believes that Adjusted EBIT, while providing useful information, should not be considered in isolation as a substitute for profit for the period, as an indicator of operating performance, or as an alternative to cash flow as a measure of liquidity. Additionally, the Company’s calculation of Adjusted EBIT may be different than the calculation used by other companies and therefore, comparability may be affected. See notes 8, 20 and 23 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for further information about impairment charges and reversals and other non-cash charges. (6) For the purpose of calculating CODELCOSs ratio of earnings to fixed charges (adjusted), (1) earnings consist of Adjusted EBIT and (ii) fixed charges consist of finance cost. The ratio of earnings to fixed charges (adjusted) is calculated by dividing Adjusted EBIT by finance cost. (4) See note 20 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements. (5) The Copper Reserve Law currently requires the payment of a 10.0% special export tax on receivables of the sales proceeds that CODELCO receives and transfers to Chile from the export of copper and related byproducts produced by CODELCO. For further information, see Risk Factors- Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Relationship with the Government of Chile- CODELCO is subject to special taxes. The following table shows CODELCO’s debt and ratio of debt to Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA coverage ratio for the periods indicated. As of and for the nine-month periods As of and for the year ended December 31, ended September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 (in thousands of U.S.$, except ratios) Debt 18,076,656 17,241,500 16,958,377 16,739,265 20,024,987 Ratio of debt to Adjusted EBITDA 3.4 1.7 3.0 N.A. N.A. Ratio of debt to LTM Adjusted EBITDA 3.4 1.7 3.0 3.6 5.4 Finance INCOME 40,213 13,657 47,245 29,600 69,700 Adjusted EBITDA coverage ratio 7.5 16.5 10.7 11.9 6.2 (1) 0) 6) institutions plus bonds issued. loans from financial institutions plus bonds issued. The ratio of debt to Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by dividing debt by Adjusted EBITDA. Debt is defined as loans from financial Ratio of debt to LTM Adjusted EBITDA is calculated by dividing debt by the last twelve months of Adjusted EBITDA. Debt is defined as “

Adjusted EBITDA coverage ratio is the ratio of Adjusted EBITDA to finance cost net of finance income.


Prospective purchasers of the notes offered hereby should carefully consider all of the other information contained herein, including the risk factors set forth below. As a general matter, investing in the securities of an issuer, substantially all of whose operations are in a developing country such as Chile, involves a higher degree of risk than investing in securities of issuers with substantially all of their operations in the United States and other jurisdictions.

Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations

CODELCO has in the past recognized significant impairment charges for certain assets and, if market and industry conditions deteriorate, further impairment charges may be recognized.

A substantial amount of CODELCO’s total assets are property, plant and equipment. As of December 31, 2022, 72.2% of our total assets were property, plant and equipment. In accordance with TFRS as issued by the IASB, we review the carrying amount of our assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. CODELCO uses the value-in-use methodology to ensure that the recoverable amount of our property, plant and equipment is not impaired. In assessing the value-in-use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments at the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.

In 2020, CODELCO recognized a U.S.$24.0 million impairment loss in the value of the assets of the Ventanas Division. In 2021, the subsidiary Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno Ltda. recorded an impairment of assets in the amount of U.S.$125.5 million. In 2022, CODELCO recorded an impairment of the value of the Ventanas Smelter assets in the amount of U.S.$89.4 million before taxes. We may write off capitalized expenses for engineering and other costs for certain projects that do not go forward or certain mining rights that we determine may no longer be commercialized, which we would not expect to have a material effect on the Company’s financial results or operating position. Because the impairment calculation is directly associated with the outlook of copper prices and operating performance, a downturn in the copper price outlook or a decline in operating performance could require further impairment losses on our plant, property and equipment. Such impairment charges could be material to our financial statements.

Downgrades in Codelco’s credit ratings could negatively impact its access to the financial markets and cost of financing.

CODELCO relies on access to the financial markets to fund its operations and finance the capital expenditures needed to carry out its capital investment projects. Accordingly, credit ratings are important to its business and financial condition, as credit ratings affect the cost and other terms upon which CODELCO is able to obtain funding.

Ratings address CODELCO’s creditworthiness and the likelihood of timely payment of its long-term debt securities. Ratings are not a recommendation to purchase, hold or sell securities and may be changed, suspended or withdrawn at any time. CODELCO’s current credit ratings and the rating outlooks depend, in part, on economic conditions and other factors that affect credit risk and are outside its control, as well as assessments of the creditworthiness of Chile.

For information on CODELCO’s recent ratings downgrade, please see Summary – Recent Developments – Credit Ratings. While this downgrade does not constitute a default or an event of default under CODELCO’s debt instruments, it may increase CODELCO’s cost of financing. Further downgrades may have material adverse consequences on CODELCO’s ability to access the financial markets and the terms on which CODELCO may obtain financing, including its cost of financing.

Any further credit rating downgrades could also negatively impact the prices of CODELCO’s debt securities, reduce its potential pool of investors and limit its funding sources, among other consequences. There can be no assurance that CODELCO will be able to maintain or improve its current credit ratings or outlook.

CODELCO’s business is highly dependent upon the price of copper.

21 CODELCO’s financial performance is significantly affected by the market prices of copper. These prices have been historically subject to wide fluctuations and are affected by numerous factors beyond the control of CODELCO, including international economic and political conditions, levels of supply and demand, the availability and costs of substitutes, inventory levels maintained by producers and others and actions of participants in the commodities markets.
To a lesser extent, copper prices are also subject to the effects of inventory carrying costs and currency exchange rates. In addition, the market prices of copper have occasionally been subject to rapid short-term changes. See Overview of the Copper Market.

In 2022, copper prices averaged 399.0 cents per pound, a decrease from 424.5 cents per pound in 2021 (which could be attributable to lower growth in China and the stabilization of the economy post pandemic). In 2020, copper prices averaged 280.3 cents per pound. China has been the main driver of copper consumption in recent years, and in 2020, 2021 and 2022, 38.1%, 32.4% and 37.7% respectively, of CODELCO’s sales were made to China. If economic conditions deteriorate in China or other emerging markets, demand from customers in those markets could decline and the market price of copper could fall. A decline in copper prices would have an adverse impact on CODELCO’s revenues and financial results. In 2022, each one-cent change in CODELCO’s average annual copper price per pound sold caused a variation in revenue of approximately U.S.$31.8 million. If CODELCO’s average annual copper price per pound declines significantly for an extended period of time, CODELCO may, subject to other factors such as operating costs, be required to recognize asset impairments.

In the event of a sustained decline in prices, CODELCO has in the past and could again determine to curtail operations or suspend certain of its mining and processing operations. See Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.

CODELCO faces competition in the copper market from other copper producers.

CODELCO faces competition from other copper mining companies and producers of copper around the world. Although CODELCO continues to focus on reducing costs, there can be no assurance that competition from lower cost producers will not have a material adverse effect on the business, financial condition, results of operations or prospects of CODELCO.

The mining industry has experienced significant consolidation in recent years, including consolidation among some of CODELCO’s main competitors, as a result of which an increased percentage of copper production is from companies that also produce other products and are, consequently, more diversified. There can be no assurance that the result of current or further consolidation in the industry will not have a material adverse effect on the business, financial condition, results of operations or prospects of CODELCO.

Most of CODELCO’s copper output is dependent upon production from three of its main mining complexes.

Three of CODELCO’s mining complexes produced over 62.8% of its copper output in 2022 (including CODELCO’s share in the El Abra deposit and Anglo American Sur). The El Teniente Division, including the Caletones smelter, produced an aggregate of 405.4 metric tons of copper in 2022. The Radomiro Tomic mine produced an aggregate of 301.1 metric tons of copper and the Chuquicamata mine produced an aggregate of 268.3 metric tons of copper, each during the same period. If operations in any of these three mining complexes were significantly reduced, interrupted or curtailed, CODELCO’s financial condition and its ability to make the required payments on the notes could be materially and adversely affected. CODELCO cannot assure you that production interruptions will not occur or that any such incident would not materially adversely affect its production. See Business and Properties – Operations – Chuquicamata Division, – Radomiro Tomic Division and – El Teniente Division.

The business of mining is subject to risks, some of which are not completely insurable.

The business of mining, smelting and refining copper is generally subject to a number of risks and hazards, including industrial accidents, labor disputes, unexpected geological conditions, mine collapses, vandalism, theft, changes in the regulatory environment and pollution, environmental hazards, weather and other natural phenomena, such as earthquakes, fires and floods. Such occurrences could result in damage to, loss of, or destruction of, mineral properties or production facilities, human exposure to pollution (e.g., public exposure to sulfur dioxide emissions), personal injury or death, environmental and natural resource damage, delays in mining, monetary losses and possible legal liability.

22 CODELCO maintains insurance consistent with copper mining industry standards and in amounts that it believes to be adequate, but which may not provide complete coverage in certain circumstances. Insurance against certain risks (including certain liabilities for environmental pollution and other hazards as a result of exploration and production) is not generally available to CODELCO or to other companies within the industry.

Under each of CODELCO’s copper sales agreements, CODELCO or its customer may suspend or cancel delivery of copper during a period of force majeure. Events of force majeure under the agreements include acts of nature, strikes, fires, floods, wars, transportation delays, governmental actions or other events that are beyond the control of the parties. Any suspension or cancellation of deliveries under copper sales agreements that are not replaced by delivery under new contracts or sales on the spot market could have a material adverse effect on the business, financial condition, results of operations or prospects of CODELCO.

CODELCO’s water supply could be affected by geological changes or environmental regulations.

CODELCO’s business is dependent on the availability of water for the production of copper and subject to environmental regulations regarding water usage. In the past, Chile has experienced droughts severe enough to adversely affect the energy sector of the economy in the central and southern regions of Chile. CODELCO’s access to water may also be impacted by changes in geology or other natural factors that CODELCO cannot control. If Chile were to experience a drought or CODELCO was otherwise unable to obtain adequate water supplies, CODELCO’s ability to conduct its operations could be impaired.

On April 6, 2022, Law No. 21,435, which reforms the Water Code was published in the Official Gazette (the Water Code Reform). The Water Code Reform reaffirms that water rights are a public asset, acknowledging the right to access water and sanitation as an essential and inalienable human right. However, water rights granted post Water Code Reform will be limited in time, as the concessions will be granted for 30 years. The concession will be automatically renewed, unless Chile’s General Water Bureau sets out that the relevant water right is not being used effectively upon its expiration date or that a renewal could affect the sustainability of the water source. Furthermore, the Water Code Reform added the concept of public interest as a requirement for the granting of new water rights. Additionally, the Water Code Reform prioritizes human consumption over other uses; recognizes the constitution of rights for non-extractive uses such as environmental conservation and tourism; restricts the use of certain water use rights in situations of scarcity; and reforms the current regulation of mining waters, among other matters. On July 13, 2023, Law No. 21,586, was enacted to amend Law No. 21,435 by extending the term to register certain water rights set forth therein, and to amend the Water Code to introduce an administrative procedure to clarify and complete titles of water rights.

On June 29, 2021, to mitigate the effects of climate change over water resources in Chile, the Chilean government submitted to Congress a draft bill, independent from the Water Code and its reform, aiming to create a new national institutional framework for water resources. This draft bill is intended to strengthen the planning, regulation, investment in infrastructure and management of the water resources in Chile, and is expected to create, among others: (i) the Undersecretary of Water Resources within the Ministry of Public Works, which will change its name to Ministry of Public Works and Water Resources; and (ii) a Commission of Water Resources. Currently, the draft bill is in its first constitutional state of discussion in Congress – in an early development stage – and we cannot foresee whether this bill will pass, since Chile elected a new President in March 2022, and this bill was submitted by Chile’s previous President.

The enactment of these laws and/or other regulatory projects related to water resources currently under discussion in the Chilean Congress may negatively affect CODELCO’s water supply.

Also, CODELCO’s activities are subject to compliance with obligations, measures and conditions set forth in several environmental authorizations (Resoluciones de Calificación Ambiental), including those related to water consumption and supply. Environmental authorizations for future expansions or modifications of current activities may set forth stricter limitations to water use and supply. The enactment of these laws and/or other regulatory projects related to water resources currently under discussion in Congress may eventually affect CODELCO’s water supply, which in turn may have a material adverse effect on CODELCO’s financial condition and results of operations.

CODELCO’s compliance with environmental, health and safety laws may require increased costs, including capital commitments, and non-compliance may subject it to significant penalties, legal liabilities, and detrimental financial, business and reputational impacts. Additionally, delays in receiving environmental and safety permits or related suspensions could impact project development and have an impact on CODELCO’s operations and revenue.

Chile has adopted environmental, health and safety regulations requiring industrial companies operating in Chile, including CODELCO, to undertake programs to reduce, control or eliminate various types of pollutants and to protect natural resources, including water and air, among other requirements. If the Ministerio del Medio Ambiente (the Ministry of the Environment) declares an area to be polluted or potentially polluted, a prevention or decontamination plan is required. Either type of plan may contain measures that may increase the costs of developing new facilities or expanding existing ones in the designated area. Some of the areas where CODELCO operates have been declared polluted. The measures currently included in the prevention or decontamination plans that govern these areas are subject to change and may become more stringent over time. CODELCO must comply with certain air quality environmental regulations regarding particulate matter (PM10 and/or PM5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2) in the areas surrounding the Potrerillos, Caletones, Ventanas and Chuquicamata smelting plants. The Potrerillos, Caletones and Ventanas smelting plants have decontamination plans for such pollutants. The Ventanas decontamination plan has been recently reviewed by government authorities. CODELCO estimates that the cost of complying with this new standard will be U.S.$27.0 million, which will be incurred over a period of approximately four years. In addition, in October 2023, the environmental authority initiated the review of the Potrerillos and Caletones decontamination plans. In March 2023, the Ministry of the Environment enacted a new decontamination plan for Chile’s Sixth Region, Central Valley, which could potentially affect CODELCO’s operations in the region. In the area surrounding the Chuquicamata smelter, there are decontamination plans for PM10 under development and under review, and a pollution prevention plan for SOx is under development. CODELCO is currently unable to fully assess what may be required of it or the cost of compliance with the revised PM10 pollution reduction plans, the SO2 prevention plan or any future changes to the other plans covering the areas where CODELCO operates. As of the date of this offering memorandum, the impact of operating in latent and saturated zones has not been material to CODELCO; however, it could have a material effect in the future.

An air emissions standard for smelters was enacted by the Ministry of the Environment in 2013. This standard involves arsenic (As), SOx, PM10 and mercury (Hg) emissions. Since 2013, CODELCO’s cost of complying with this standard was U.S.$2.2 billion. The revision of the emission standard was initiated in 2020. The preliminary draft has not yet been published. As of the date of this offering memorandum, the Ventanas, El Teniente, Chuquicamata and Salvador smelters meet the requirements of this standard. See Regulatory Framework – Environmental Regulations.

In May 2022, the Ministry of the Environment approved the Preliminary Draft on Emission Standards Applicable to Heavy Motor Vehicles, which aims to reduce the accumulative exposure of the emissions from heavy vehicles. Recently, the Sustainability and Climate Change Council of Ministers issued a favorable opinion on the final draft.

In February 2023, a water quality standard for the Aconcagua river basin was published in the Official Gazette. In addition, the authorities are developing water quality standards for other water bodies that CODELCO currently or may in the future discharge into, including the Loa and the Cachapoal rivers. Such standards could require CODELCO to incur additional costs to manage liquid waste discharges.

Environmental, health and safety laws and regulations are complex, change frequently and have tended to become increasingly stringent over time. For example, changes to current environmental laws and regulations, and additional environmental laws and regulations, have been adopted, including mine closure legislation that requires financial guarantees, and have recently been proposed, including green taxes, climate change, environmental crimes and glacier protection laws that could (i) prevent expansion of our operations into certain areas, (ii) require us to obtain additional permits and (iii) result in increased cost and potential delays. Moreover, certain changes to environmental, health and safety laws and regulations are pending and other new laws or regulations may be adopted in Chile in the future. In addition, community and environmental activist groups have protested the development of certain mines of our competitors in Chile and may increase demands for socially responsible and environmentally sustainable practices, and their efforts may lead to operational delays and the creation or revision of government regulations and policies with respect to the mining industry in Chile, litigation and increased costs.

Finally, as a result of the Paris Agreement reached during the 21st Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2015, a number of governments have pledged Nationally Determined Contributions to control and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Assuming that the Chilean economy grows at the same rate it has grown over the previous ten years, excluding the years of the global financial crisis, and such growth rate is sufficient, Chile has committed to reducing its CO2 emissions per GDP unit by 30.0% below 2007 levels by 2030 and, subject to an international monetary grant, reducing its CO2 emission per GDP unit by 2030 until it reaches a 35.0% to 45.0% reduction with respect to the 2007 levels. In addition, the Paris Agreement resulted in increased international pressure for the establishment of a global carbon price, and on companies to adopt carbon pricing strategies. The pricing of greenhouse gas emissions may impact our operational costs, mainly through higher price for electricity and fossil fuels as mining is an energy intensive industry. In 2019, during the 25th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Madrid, the Chilean government announced an update to its Nationally Determined Contribution, which includes the reduction of its CO2 emissions per GDP unit by 45.0% below 2016 levels by 2030.

In June 2022, Law No. 21,455 on climate change was published in the Official Gazette. This law creates a legal framework for the management and implementation of climate change mitigation and adaptation measures, aiming to face its challenges and to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, until reaching greenhouse gas emissions neutrality by 2050. In addition, this law aims to reduce the country’s vulnerability and to increase the level of resilience to the adverse effects of climate change, as a solution to comply with the international commitments assumed by Chile and to ensure access to information on climate change.

Any of these new laws or regulations could result in significant additional environmental compliance costs or delays in expansion projects. As of September 30, 2023, CODELCO had provisions of U.S.$2.1 billion for future decommissioning and site restoration costs, primarily related to tailing dams, closures of mine operations and other mining assets. CODELCO’s operations outside Chile are also subject to extensive international, national and local environmental, health and safety laws and regulations.

Besides the aforementioned laws and regulations, CODELCO’s operations are regulated by several environmental authorizations which set forth specific obligations, conditions and measures that have to be fulfilled. Environmental authorizations for future expansions or modifications of current activities may set forth obligations, conditions and measures that entail increased costs. Failure to comply with the applicable environmental regulations and related obligations, conditions and measures can result in civil, administrative, or criminal fines or sanctions, claims for environmental damages, remediation obligations, the revocation of environmental authorizations or the temporary or permanent closure of facilities.

CODELCO’s environmental permits may be revoked, annulled or delayed through judicial action brought by interested parties to challenge environmental licenses (recurso de reclamación) or other remedies set forth in general administrative regulations that are frequently used to seek the revocation of granted environmental approvals (solicitud de invalidación).

CODELCO is developing and implementing environmental management systems at each of its divisions to monitor and achieve compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations. While CODELCO has budgeted for future capital and operating expenditures to maintain compliance with these laws and regulations, there is no guarantee that current levels of expenditures and capital commitments will be sufficient to achieve future compliance. There also can be no assurance that CODELCO has been or will be at all times in complete compliance with environmental laws and regulations, or that proceedings or civil actions will not be brought, or that fines and other sanctions will not be imposed for such non-compliance in the future. In addition, there can be no assurance that more stringent enforcement of, or changes in, existing laws and regulations, the adoption of additional laws and regulations or the discovery of new facts resulting in increased liabilities would not have a material adverse effect on CODELCO’s business, financial condition, results of operations or prospects.

For further information on environmental matters, and current and proposed environmental laws and regulations, see Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Liquidity and Capital Resources – Environmental and Regulatory Framework – Environmental Regulations.

CODELCO’s failure to meet investor, consumer or societal expectations related to environmental, social or governance (ESG) matters could adversely affect its reputation, investor opinion and access to new capital.

Sustainability is an integral part of CODELCO’s strategy. CODELCO has set sustainability targets, which it hopes to reach by December 2030, and include (i) 70.0% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from 2019 levels; (ii) 60.0% reduction of unitary continental water consumption from 2019 levels; (iii) recycling 65.0% of industrial waste; (iv) implementation of online monitoring and infiltration control systems to all tailing storage facilities; (v) 60.0% increase of goods and services provided by local suppliers from 2019 levels; and (vi) 25.0% reduction of particulate matter emissions from 2019 levels. Although CODELCO is committed to reaching such sustainability targets by 2030, not reaching them may affect CODELCO’s reputation, investor opinion and access to new capital.

CODELCO is committed to operating in a socially responsible manner, however our reputation and social license to operate may be affected by our perceived impact on the environment and society in which CODELCO operates, and CODELCO may face opposition from local communities with respect to its ongoing and future projects. Such perception could adversely affect our reputation, investor opinion and access to new capital and thus our results or operations and financial condition.

CODELCO está sujeto a procesos legales y riesgos de cumplimiento legal que pueden afectar adversamente su condición financiera, resultados de operaciones y liquidez.

CODELCO destina recursos sustanciales para asegurarse de cumplir con las regulaciones locales, obligaciones contractuales y otros estándares legales. No obstante, CODELCO está sujeto a una variedad de procesos legales y riesgos de cumplimiento en relación con varios asuntos, incluyendo impuestos, asuntos medioambientales y laborales que surgen en el curso de su negocio y en su industria, así como disputas con agencias gubernamentales. Por ejemplo, CODELCO está sujeto a varios procesos laborales en los que trabajadores y familias de trabajadores fallecidos alegan que las condiciones laborales causaron la contracción de silicosis. Aunque CODELCO ha tomado medidas de precaución, ha habido fatalidades que involucran al personal de CODELCO en el pasado y podría haber más en el futuro. Accidentes graves, incluyendo fatalidades, podrían exponer a CODELCO a sanciones sustanciales, litigios civiles o procesamientos penales. Demandas por daños a personas, incluyendo reclamos por lesiones corporales o pérdida de vidas, podrían resultar en costos y responsabilidades sustanciales, lo que podría afectar material y adversamente la condición financiera, resultados de operaciones o flujos de efectivo de CODELCO. Si el récord de seguridad de CODELCO empeorara sustancialmente con el tiempo o si CODELCO sufriera sanciones sustanciales o procesamientos penales por violación de regulaciones de salud y seguridad, sus contratos podrían ser cancelados o no se le otorgarían futuros negocios. Además, CODELCO ha presentado apelaciones administrativas contra tres decisiones emitidas por la Contraloría General de Chile (la Contraloría) en contra de CODELCO en 2017. CODELCO estima que estas declaraciones han tenido, a la fecha de este memorando de oferta, un efecto negativo en nuestras ganancias de aproximadamente US$100.0 millones. En diciembre de 2022, CODELCO y la Contraloría firmaron un acuerdo de colaboración destinado a salvaguardar la probidad y transparencia en las operaciones realizadas por CODELCO en el mercado, poniendo fin a la disputa con la retirada de la demanda por parte de CODELCO. Un resultado negativo en un proceso legal o investigación de cumplimiento inusual o significativo también podría afectar adversamente nuestra condición financiera y resultados de operaciones. Para obtener información sobre los actuales procesos legales significativos de CODELCO, consulte Negocios y Propiedades – Contraloría General de la República y Negocios y Propiedades – Procesos Legales.

Los daños por terremotos a las propiedades y operaciones de CODELCO podrían afectar negativamente los resultados de CODELCO.

Chile se encuentra en una zona sísmica que expone las operaciones de CODELCO al riesgo de terremotos. Chile ha sido afectado adversamente por poderosos terremotos en el pasado, incluyendo, más recientemente, (i) en 2015 cuando un terremoto golpeó la costa de Chile, (ii) en 2014 cuando un terremoto golpeó el norte de Chile y (iii) en 2010 cuando un severo terremoto golpeó la región centro sur de Chile. El terremoto de 2015 tuvo una magnitud de 8.3 en la escala de Richter y afectó la costa de Chile justo al norte de Santiago, sin consecuencias significativas para el resto del país. El terremoto de 2014 tuvo una magnitud de 8.2 en la escala de Richter y afectó principalmente las regiones de Arica y Tarapacá, sin consecuencias significativas para el resto del país. El terremoto de 2010 y sus réplicas, así como los tsunamis de aguas costeras adyacentes, causaron daños severos a la infraestructura de Chile, incluyendo carreteras, puentes, puertos y el aeropuerto internacional de Santiago, afectando áreas en todo el país.

Aunque los terremotos de 2015, 2014 y 2010 no tuvieron un efecto sustancial en CODELCO o en sus resultados de operaciones, y aunque las operaciones mineras de CODELCO están sujetas a, y diseñadas para resistir, daños por eventos sísmicos significativos, un terremoto que ocurra cerca de las operaciones de CODELCO en el norte de Chile podría causar daños a sus operaciones mineras que no estarían cubiertos por el seguro, excepto en la medida en que su producción cesara por más de 30 días. Cualquier daño causado por un terremoto que no estuviera cubierto por el seguro podría tener un efecto adverso en la condición financiera, resultados de operaciones o flujos de efectivo de CODELCO.

El cumplimiento futuro con un esquema de regulación cambiante y complejo puede requerir cambios en el negocio de CODELCO.

Las actividades de exploración, extracción, molienda y refinación de CODELCO también están sujetas a leyes y regulaciones chilenas no ambientales (incluyendo ciertos estándares técnicos de la industria), que cambian de vez en cuando. Los asuntos sujetos a regulación incluyen, entre otros, tarifas de concesión, transporte, producción, recuperación, exportación, impuestos y estándares laborales.

Si bien CODELCO no cree que el cumplimiento con dichas leyes y regulaciones tendrá un efecto adverso material en su negocio, condición financiera, resultados de operaciones o perspectivas, no se puede garantizar que una aplicación más estricta o cambio en las leyes y regulaciones existentes, la adopción de leyes y regulaciones adicionales, incluida una mayor supervisión y control del gobierno sobre la gestión del negocio de CODELCO y la adjudicación de contratos, o el descubrimiento de nuevos hechos que resulten en mayores responsabilidades o costos, no tengan un efecto adverso material en el negocio, condición financiera, resultados de operaciones o perspectivas de CODELCO.

Los planes de negocio de CODELCO se basan en estimaciones del volumen y grado de los yacimientos de mineral de CODELCO, que podrían ser incorrectos.

Los yacimientos de mineral de CODELCO (sus recursos y reservas) descritos en este memorando de oferta constituyen estimaciones basadas en métodos de evaluación estándar generalmente utilizados en la industria minera internacional y en suposiciones sobre costos de producción y precios de mercado. Los yacimientos de mineral reales pueden no cumplir con las expectativas geológicas, metalúrgicas u otras, y el volumen y grado de mineral recuperado pueden ser inferiores a los niveles estimados. Precios de mercado más bajos, así como costos de producción más altos, tasas de recuperación reducidas y otros factores, pueden hacer que los yacimientos de mineral de CODELCO sean económicamente inviables de explotar y pueden resultar en la revisión de sus estimaciones de reservas y recursos de vez en cuando. Los datos de reservas y recursos no son indicativos de resultados futuros de operaciones. Consulte Negocios y Propiedades – Reservas de Mineral.

El negocio de CODELCO requiere inversiones de capital sustanciales.

El negocio de CODELCO es intensivo en capital. Específicamente, la exploración y explotación de reservas de cobre, los costos de minería, fundición y refinación, el mantenimiento de maquinaria y equipo y el cumplimiento de las leyes y regulaciones aplicables requieren inversiones de capital sustanciales. CODELCO debe continuar invirtiendo capital para mantener o aumentar la cantidad de reservas de cobre que explota y la cantidad de cobre que produce. CODELCO espera realizar inversiones de capital de aproximadamente US$14.1 mil millones entre 2023 y 2025 en proyectos importantes, que tiene la intención de financiar a través de operaciones, incluyendo capitalización y retención de ganancias, además de nuevos préstamos de bancos y mercados de capitales. Consulte Análisis de la Discusión de la Gerencia sobre la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones – Liquidez y Recursos de Capital – Programa de Inversiones de Capital. No se puede garantizar que CODELCO podrá mantener sus niveles de producción o generar suficientes flujos de efectivo, capitalizar una cantidad suficiente de sus ganancias o tener acceso a inversiones, préstamos u otras alternativas de financiamiento suficientes para financiar su programa de inversiones de capital a un nivel necesario para continuar sus actividades de exploración, explotación y refinación en o por encima de sus niveles actuales.

El desempeño futuro de CODELCO depende de los resultados de la innovación y exploración actuales y futuros.

CODELCO tiene un programa de exploración de dos frentes que se enfoca en aumentar las reservas de sus divisiones existentes y explorar nuevos yacimientos fuera de sus operaciones actuales. A medida que la calidad del mineral de las reservas de CODELCO continúa disminuyendo con el tiempo, la innovación y la exploración son cada vez más importantes para el éxito de CODELCO. CODELCO espera mantener sus niveles de producción a través de sus proyectos de expansión y desarrollo durante los próximos tres años. Consulte Análisis de la Discusión de la Gerencia sobre la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones – Liquidez y Recursos de Capital – Programa de Inversiones de Capital para más detalles. Si bien los resultados iniciales han sido favorables, no se puede garantizar que el programa de exploración de CODELCO continúe siendo exitoso. Además, puede haber cierto grado de riesgo de ejecución asociado con la expansión de operaciones en minas más profundas o minas a mayores altitudes. El programa de expansión de CODELCO también podría experimentar retrasos o verse afectado negativamente por costos más altos. Si el programa de expansión de CODELCO no tiene éxito, afectaría sustancial y adversamente sus niveles de producción de cobre. Para una descripción de los programas de desarrollo actuales de CODELCO, consulte Negocios y Propiedades – Desarrollo de Recursos.

CODELCO ha experimentado costos energéticos elevados y podría experimentar costos energéticos más altos en el futuro.

La energía representa una parte importante de los costos de producción de CODELCO. Las principales fuentes de energía para las operaciones de CODELCO son la electricidad, los combustibles líquidos (como el diésel, el fuel oil y la gasolina) y el gas natural. En lo que respecta a los combustibles líquidos y el gas natural, estos productos están sujetos a fluctuaciones de precios como resultado de factores externos. Por ejemplo, sus costos aumentaron significativamente debido a la pandemia de COVID-19 y la guerra en Ucrania en curso. Como resultado, las ganancias y flujos de efectivo de CODELCO se han visto afectados adversamente y podrían seguir viéndose afectados en el futuro.
Con el propósito de descarbonizar su suministro de electricidad y reducir costos con nuevas tecnologías, en enero de 2023, CODELCO lanzó un proceso de licitación de suministro de electricidad centrado en fuentes renovables para adquirir aproximadamente 2,500 GWh al año (lo que representa, aproximadamente, el 30% de los requisitos de electricidad de CODELCO) a partir de enero de 2026.
Sin embargo, si dicho proceso no tiene éxito en la adquisición de fuentes de energía renovable, es posible que no logre el objetivo de CODELCO de diversificar sus fuentes de energía y reducir sus costos energéticos.

Cualquier interrupción, destrucción o pérdida de datos en los sistemas de tecnología de la información de CODELCO debido a fallas técnicas u operativas o ciberataques podría tener un efecto adverso material en su reputación, negocio, condición financiera y resultados de operaciones.

CODELCO está sujeto a una variedad de riesgos de tecnología de la información y sistemas como parte de su curso normal de operaciones, incluyendo posibles fallas, invasiones, virus, ciberataques, ciberfraude, violaciones de seguridad y destrucción o interrupción de los sistemas de tecnología de la información de CODELCO por terceros o personal de CODELCO. Aunque CODELCO tiene medidas de seguridad y controles diseñados para mitigar estos riesgos, podría ocurrir una violación de sus medidas de seguridad o una pérdida de información, lo que resultaría en la pérdida de información material y confidencial, violación de leyes de privacidad y una interrupción de sus actividades comerciales. Además, los sistemas de información podrían ser dañados o interrumpidos por desastres naturales, eventos de fuerza mayor, fallas de telecomunicaciones, pérdida de energía, actos de guerra o terrorismo, virus informáticos, código malicioso, violaciones de seguridad física o electrónica, uso o error intencional o inadvertido por parte del usuario, u otros eventos o interrupciones similares. Cualquiera de estos eventos u otros podrían causar interrupciones, retrasos, pérdida de datos críticos o sensibles u efectos similares, lo que podría tener un impacto adverso material en la protección de la propiedad intelectual, información confidencial y propietaria, y en el negocio, condición financiera y resultados de operaciones de CODELCO. Para obtener información reciente sobre la exposición de la Compañía a ciberataques, consulte Resumen – Desarrollos Recientes – Codelco Faced a Cybersecurity Attack.

Las interrupciones laborales que involucren a los empleados de CODELCO o los empleados de sus contratistas independientes podrían afectar los niveles de producción y costos de CODELCO.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, CODELCO empleaba a 15,973 empleados, aproximadamente el 83.4% de los cuales estaban cubiertos por acuerdos colectivos con sindicatos laborales. La mayoría de estos acuerdos colectivos tienen términos de dos a tres años. CODELCO ha experimentado ralentizaciones del trabajo, paros laborales y huelgas importantes en el pasado. En 2019, CODELCO experimentó una huelga de 14 días que involucró a 3,200 trabajadores sindicales en la División Chuquicamata (o aproximadamente el 67.0% de la fuerza laboral total). La huelga de 14 días disminuyó la producción en aproximadamente 17,600 toneladas métricas. En 2021, CODELCO experimentó una huelga de 21 días que involucró a dos sindicatos laborales de la División Andina y una huelga de 24 días que involucró a un sindicato laboral también de la División Andina, ambas disminuyeron la producción en aproximadamente 12,000 toneladas métricas. En 2022, CODELCO experimentó una huelga de 1 día que involucró a dos sindicatos laborales de la División Ventanas.

CODELCO negoció dos acuerdos colectivos en 2022. CODELCO negoció 24 acuerdos colectivos y siete acuerdos colectivos en 2021 y 2020, respectivamente.

CODELCO ha experimentado interrupciones laborales en el pasado, y no se puede asegurar que no ocurra una desaceleración o paro laboral antes o al vencimiento de los actuales acuerdos colectivos. La administración no puede estimar el efecto de dicha desaceleración, paro o huelga en los niveles de producción de CODELCO. Aunque ninguna de las huelgas descritas en este factor de riesgo ha tenido un impacto material en los resultados operativos de CODELCO, las desaceleraciones, paros u otros desarrollos laborales que afecten a CODELCO podrían tener un efecto adverso material en el negocio, la situación financiera, los resultados operativos o las perspectivas de CODELCO en el futuro. En particular, las desaceleraciones, paros y otros eventos laborales podrían aumentar los costos de contratación independiente de CODELCO.

Además, de acuerdo al Código del Trabajo de Chile, CODELCO podría ser responsable del pago de obligaciones laborales y de seguridad social adeudadas a los empleados de contratistas independientes (o sus subcontratistas) si los contratistas independientes (o sus subcontratistas) no cumplen con esas obligaciones de pago. Para obtener más información sobre asuntos de empleados y contratistas independientes, incluidas las recientes interrupciones laborales, consulte Negocios y Propiedades-Empleados.

28 CODELCO está sujeta a una extensa ley de reforma laboral en vigencia desde 2017 promulgada por el Gobierno de Chile que podría afectar su negocio y resultados operativos.

En 2016, el Gobierno de Chile promulgó una extensa ley de reforma laboral (la Ley de Reforma Laboral), que entró en vigencia en 2017. La Ley de Reforma Laboral impide a las empresas chilenas contratar reemplazos temporales para empleados en huelga y también impide el reemplazo de dichos empleados con otros trabajadores existentes de la empresa. Esto podría tener un efecto adverso en nuestros costos laborales y operativos generales, y podría aumentar la probabilidad de interrupciones comerciales en Chile. Sin embargo, no ha sido práctica de CODELCO reemplazar a los empleados en huelga, y no ha habido un aumento en las interrupciones laborales en Chile desde que la ley entró en vigencia.

Además, según la Ley de Reforma Laboral, CODELCO y sus sindicatos laborales negocian de vez en cuando los servicios mínimos y los equipos de emergencia que los sindicatos laborales deben proporcionar en caso de huelga durante un proceso de negociación colectiva. Actualmente, y de acuerdo a la Ley de Reforma Laboral, los siguientes servicios mínimos pueden ser acordados: (1) servicios estrictamente necesarios para proteger los activos físicos y las instalaciones de la Compañía y prevenir accidentes; (ii) servicios estrictamente necesarios para garantizar la prestación de todos los servicios de utilidad pública, y la atención de la población y las necesidades básicas, incluidas aquellas relacionadas con la vida, la seguridad y la salud; y (iii) servicios estrictamente necesarios para garantizar la prevención de daños sanitarios o ambientales. Si hay desacuerdo entre CODELCO y sus sindicatos laborales con respecto a dichos servicios mínimos y equipos de emergencia, las partes pueden resolver dicho desacuerdo a través de procedimientos administrativos ante la Dirección Regional del Trabajo, que están sujetos a impugnación por las partes ante el Director Nacional del Trabajo.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, CODELCO empleaba a 15,973 empleados, aproximadamente el 83.4% de los cuales estaban cubiertos por acuerdos colectivos con sindicatos laborales. CODELCO actualmente tiene relaciones laborales positivas con estos sindicatos. CODELCO actualmente no puede estimar el impacto que la Ley de Reforma Laboral o reformas similares tendrán en sus relaciones laborales con respecto a los sindicatos laborales, o en su negocio, situación financiera, resultados operativos y perspectivas.

Proyectos recientes de ley sobre asuntos laborales y de seguridad social podrían afectar las operaciones de CODELCO y los costos de los empleados.

Reforma a la Ley de Pensiones: En noviembre de 2022, el gobierno chileno propuso un proyecto de ley para crear un nuevo Sistema de Pensiones Combinado y Sistema de Seguridad Social para simplificar la asistencia de pensiones contributivas, mejorar la Pensión Universal Garantizada (PUG) y establecer beneficios y modificaciones regulatorias.

Actualmente, el sistema de seguridad social en Chile se compone de: (1) una contribución obligatoria del cargo del empleado, equivalente al 10.0% de la remuneración mensual de los empleados, que se transfiere a la cuenta de capitalización individual del empleado con la Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones (AFP). En el caso de empleados dependientes, el empleador tiene la obligación de retener las sumas correspondientes y transferirlas a la AFP respectiva; (ii) una contribución voluntaria, que permite a los empleados complementar voluntariamente sus fondos de pensiones; y (iii) una contribución de bienestar o ayuda de pensión (pilar solidario), que es una contribución del Estado para complementar los fondos de pensiones del 60.0% más pobre de la población en Chile.

Los temas principales de la reforma de pensiones incluyen: (i) un aumento gradual de la PUG de Ch$194,000 (aproximadamente U.S.$215) a Ch$250,000 (aproximadamente U.S.$278); (ii) una nueva contribución del empleador del 6.0% del ingreso bruto de los empleados, además del 10.0% mencionado correspondiente a la contribución obligatoria de los empleados en su distribución a cuentas individuales de jubilación y un fondo universal para pensiones más bajas; y (iii) la eliminación de las AFP y la reorganización de la industria en la ayuda de pensiones contributivas.

El proyecto de ley se encuentra en su primera etapa de discusión constitucional en el Congreso. Es incierto cuál será el impacto de esta reforma en CODELCO porque: (i) aún está en discusión, por lo que su texto final podría variar significativamente, y (ii) si se aprueba como ley, el proyecto, tal como se está discutiendo actualmente, entraría en vigencia 25 meses después de su publicación en el Diario Oficial, y el aumento gradual de la contribución asumida por el empleador solo se implementaría completamente 63 meses después de dicha publicación. Según la versión actual del proyecto de ley, si se implementa, podría tener un impacto en las operaciones de CODELCO y los costos laborales relacionados.

Reducción de la jornada laboral semanal: El 26 de abril de 2023, se publicó la Ley N° 21,561 en el Diario Oficial, introduciendo cambios al código laboral que, entre otros asuntos, reduce las horas laborales semanales de 45 a 40. Sin embargo, la reducción de 5 horas entrará en vigencia gradualmente durante un período de cinco años. Después del primer año de aplicación de la ley, el límite de horas laborales ordinarias se reducirá a 44, en el tercer año se reducirá a 42 y, finalmente, a 40 horas después del quinto año, para el 26 de abril de 2028.

El impacto que esta ley podría tener en las operaciones de CODELCO dependerá del tipo de empleado aplicable (administrativo, minero, etc.), los diferentes esquemas de jornada laboral en cada sitio laboral y la capacidad de CODELCO para mantener los niveles de productividad a pesar de su aprobación. Si la ley reduce la jornada laboral semanal, podría afectar las operaciones de CODELCO y los costos laborales. Las incertidumbres que enfrenta CODELCO con respecto a la implementación de esta ley son similares a las enfrentadas por otras empresas chilenas afectadas.

Distribución de la participación en las utilidades: El 2 de septiembre de 2021, el Congreso chileno comenzó la discusión de un proyecto de ley para cambiar la distribución de la participación en las utilidades en las empresas. Según este proyecto de ley, las empresas tendrán que distribuir a sus empleados entre el 8.0% y el 15.0% de sus utilidades netas anuales, un porcentaje que dependerá de los montos facturados por la empresa durante el período anual respectivo. El monto a pagar a cada empleado anualmente está limitado a 20 veces el salario mínimo mensual. Además, las empresas tendrán que realizar pagos mensuales equivalentes al 25.0% de la remuneración mensual de los empleados, con un límite anual de seis veces el salario mínimo mensual. Este pago mensual se atribuirá al pago anual, en caso de que este último resulte ser un número mayor.

El proyecto está siendo discutido actualmente en el Congreso chileno y no ha progresado desde 2021. Es posible que el proyecto pueda ser modificado sustancialmente cuando continúe su proceso de discusión y aprobación, por lo que su impacto en CODELCO es desconocido en este momento.

Nuevo Ingreso Mínimo Mensual (IMM): De acuerdo a las disposiciones de la Ley N° 21,456, publicada en el Diario Oficial el 30 de mayo de 2023, a partir del 1 de septiembre de 2023, el IMM se incrementó a Ch$460,000 (aproximadamente U.S.$515.2). Posteriormente, a partir del 1 de julio de 2024, el IMM se incrementará a Ch$500,000 (aproximadamente U.S.$560.0). No obstante, si la variación anual del IPC hasta diciembre de 2023 es superior al 6.0%, el IMM se incrementará a Ch$470,000 (aproximadamente U.S.$526.4), a partir de enero de 2024. Finalmente, el IMM se readecuará en enero de 2025 de acuerdo a la variación experimentada por el IPC entre el 1 de julio de 2024 y el 31 de diciembre de 2024. Un aumento en el IMM podría llevar a un aumento en los costos laborales de CODELCO.

Otros: Debido a la crisis económica y social causada por la pandemia de COVID-19, se han promulgado varias regulaciones laborales que podrían aumentar los costos industriales de CODELCO. Algunas de estas regulaciones están vinculadas a las medidas promulgadas por la Ley N° 21,227, que tiene como objetivo facilitar el acceso al fondo de seguro de desempleo (el Fondo de Seguro de Desempleo), autorizando retiros atribuibles para compensar la pérdida o reducción de salarios de los empleados que, debido a la crisis de COVID-19, deben quedarse en casa y no pueden trabajar de forma remota, y por la Ley N° 21,312 que flexibiliza ciertos requisitos para acceder al Fondo de Seguro de Desempleo y tener derecho a los beneficios otorgados por la Ley N° 21,227. El impacto específico de esta ley en CODELCO depende del número de empleados con salario mínimo que CODELCO tenga en ese momento; sin embargo, podría aumentar los costos laborales en general.

Proyectos recientes de ley sobre asuntos tributarios podrían afectar las operaciones de CODELCO y los costos de los empleados.

El 1 de agosto de 2023, el Presidente de Chile anunció las directrices generales de un nuevo acuerdo fiscal propuesto basado en una serie de principios destinados a (1) promover un sistema tributario moderno y la lucha contra la evasión y elusión fiscal; (ii) fomentar y formalizar el crecimiento económico; (iii) una gestión más eficiente de los recursos fiscales y el gasto público; y (iv) beneficios fiscales para las pequeñas y medianas empresas y aumentos en los impuestos para los contribuyentes con ingresos más altos, entre otros. Algunas de las medidas son de naturaleza regulatoria y otras requieren una ley.

En diciembre de 2023, el Gobierno de Chile actualizó el estado del nuevo acuerdo fiscal, ahora llamado Pacto por el Crecimiento Económico, el Progreso Social y la Responsabilidad Fiscal. Según los informes del gobierno, los aspectos clave de este acuerdo serían (i) establecer y aplicar medidas contra la evasión, elusión e informalidad fiscal para mejorar el cumplimiento tributario; (ii) promover políticas de inversión y productividad; (iii) ajustes a los impuestos corporativos y personales; (iv) una disminución en la tasa general del impuesto sobre la renta corporativa; (v) la eliminación de exenciones fiscales específicas, entre otros. Para su implementación en asuntos legales, el gobierno presentaría ante el Congreso los respectivos proyectos de ley, lo que se espera que ocurra a fines de 2023 o a principios de 2024, según el anuncio del Gobierno de Chile. Estos proyectos de ley deberán ser analizados en su debido momento para determinar su efecto potencial en la tributación aplicable a CODELCO y sus operaciones.

El 10 de agosto de 2023, se publicó la Ley N° 21,591, también conocida como la Ley de Regalías Mineras, en el Diario Oficial. Esta ley elimina el impuesto específico a la minería (actualmente aplicable a CODELCO) y establece un impuesto especial para el establecimiento de actividades mineras de cobre. A partir de 2024, habrá una tasa máxima de impuesto del 46.5% sobre el ingreso operativo de los productores mineros de más de 80,000 toneladas métricas de cobre fino por año y una tasa máxima de impuesto del 45.5% para los productores mineros con una producción de hasta 80,000 toneladas métricas de cobre fino por año. Parte de los fondos obtenidos con el nuevo impuesto se utilizarán para fondos especiales para beneficiar a diferentes comunidades vulnerables o comunidades en las que se realizan actividades mineras en Chile. La tasa actual de impuesto minero de CODELCO es del 5% y se espera que aumente al 8% en los próximos años. Sin embargo, para CODELCO, no debería haber un impacto significativo en el flujo de efectivo libre, ya que se espera que impuestos más altos conduzcan a menores ganancias netas y, por lo tanto, a un menor pago de dividendos.

CODELCO realiza actividades de cobertura de vez en cuando, especialmente con respecto a su producción de cobre, que pueden no ser exitosas y pueden resultar en pérdidas para CODELCO.

CODELCO de vez en cuando cubre ciertos compromisos futuros de entrega de cobre y producción para gestionar los riesgos asociados con la volatilidad del precio del cobre. Actualmente, CODELCO no tiene compromisos de cobertura de producción. Consulte las notas 27 y 28 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados.

CODELCO’s production hedging activities could cause it to lose the benefit of an increase in copper prices if copper prices increase over the level of CODELCO’s hedge position, as occurred in 2012. The cash flows from and the mark-to-market values of CODELCO’s production hedges can be affected by factors such as the market price of copper, copper price volatility and interest rates, which are not under CODELCO’s control.

CODELCO’s production hedging agreements contain events of default and termination events that could lead to early close-outs of CODELCO’s hedges. These include failure to pay, breach of the agreement, misrepresentation, default under CODELCO’s loans or other hedging agreements and bankruptcy. In the event of an early termination of CODELCO’s hedging agreements, the cash flows from the affected hedge instruments would cease and CODELCO and the relevant hedge counterparty would settle all of CODELCO’s obligations at that time. In that event, there could be a lump sum payment to be made either to or by CODELCO. The magnitude and direction of such a payment would depend upon, among other things, the characteristics of the particular hedge instruments that were terminated and the market price of copper and copper price volatility and interest rates at the time of termination.

In addition to its production hedging activities, CODELCO has hedged a portion of its exchange rate and interest rate exposure by entering into forward exchange contracts to hedge against fluctuations in the UF to U.S. dollar exchange rate for its outstanding UF-denominated bonds. CODELCO also periodically enters into futures contracts with respect to certain sales of its own copper. No assurance can be given that CODELCO will be adequately protected by its hedging activities.

See Business and Properties-Marketing-Pricing and Hedging, notes 27 and 28 to the Consolidated Financial Statements for further information on CODELCO’s hedging activity.

Global economic, political and regulatory developments may adversely affect CODELCO.

Revenue from international sales constitutes a material portion of our total revenue, and we anticipate it will continue to for the foreseeable future. The current U.S. administration has called for substantial changes to United States foreign trade policy, including the possibility of imposing greater restrictions on international trade and significant increases in tariffs on goods imported into the United States. For example, the United States has recently enacted a series of tariffs on the import of Chinese products. The continued threats of tariffs, trade restrictions and trade barriers could have a generally disruptive impact on the global economy and, therefore, negatively impact our revenues. Given the relatively fluid regulatory environment in China and the United States and uncertainty on how the United States or foreign governments will act with respect to tariffs, international trade agreements and policies, there could be additional tax or other regulatory changes in the future. Any such changes could adversely impact CODELCO’s business, financial condition and results of operations. If our revenues generated from international sales decline significantly as a result, it could have a material adverse effect on CODELCO’s business and results of operations.

CODELCO’s new role in the lithium industry set by the National Lithium Strategy involves numerous risks, many of which are different to the risks derived from the businesses CODELCO has traditionally engaged in.

CODELCO has been designated as the Republic of Chile’s representative and is working with CORFO in the negotiation and definition of future contracts with private companies for the development of lithium production in the Atacama and Maricunga Salt Flats. See Summary-Recent Developments-New Role of CODELCO related to Lithium.

While CODELCO already explores and exploits copper, its new role in, and increased focus on, the lithium industry could prove difficult to integrate with our other lines of business, resulting in unknown or unforeseen liabilities, disrupt our business, dilute stockholder value and ownership and adversely affect our operating results and financial condition.

Being one of Chile’s agents for the development of the country’s lithium industry involves numerous risks, many of which are different from the risks derived from the other businesses we have traditionally engaged in. Those risks include, among others:

– The potential failure to achieve the expected benefits of engaging in the new businesses;
– Difficulties in, and the cost of, integrating operations, technologies, services, platforms and personnel;
– Diversion of financial and managerial resources from existing operations;
– The potential entry into new markets in which we have little or no experience or where competitors may be stronger;
– Reputational risk;
– Failure to increase or maintain our market position due to, among others;
– Unavailability of external financing beyond CODELCO’s control, required to make additional investments and take on additional costs;
– Inability to generate sufficient revenue to offset investment costs;
– Potential unknown liabilities associated with the new lines of business, including regulatory noncompliance; and
– Ineffective or inadequate controls, procedures and policies in connection with the new business.

Any of these risks could have an adverse effect on our business, operating results and financial condition. To perform this new role in the lithium industry we may be required to make additional investments and take on additional costs, which may be higher than expected and may not be recoverable. To finance such investments and costs, we may seek additional debt financing, which may not be available on terms favorable to us, or at all, which may affect our ability to complete investments. If we finance these investments by incurring additional debt, we could face constraints related to the terms of, and repayment obligations related to, the incurrence of indebtedness.

Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Relationship with the Government of Chile

Important corporate governance matters, the annual budget and financing programs are determined by or subject to the approval of the President of Chile and the Ministries of Finance and Mining.

CODELCO is a mining, industrial and commercial state-owned enterprise of indefinite duration with its own legal personality and capital. CODELCO’s relationship with the Government of Chile is through the Ministry of Mining, and is governed by Decree Law 1,350, as amended by Law 20,392, its bylaws and other applicable legislation. The President of Chile is vested with the authority analogous to that of the shareholders of a corporation (sociedad anónima) under Chilean law, which may be delegated in whole or in part to the Ministers of Finance and Mining, jointly. Pursuant to such authority, the President of Chile (i) participates in the designation of the Board of Directors by designating three directors without external input and by electing six directors on the basis of third-party short lists; (ii) appoints the Chairman of the Board of Directors; and (iii) may approve and amend the bylaws of the Company, by means of an executive decree issued jointly by the Ministries of Finance and Mining. In 2021, Gabriel Boric was elected as President of Chile. Mr. Boric’s administration began on March 11, 2022. Senior management and administration of the Company are vested in its Board of Directors and further delegated to its Chief Executive Officer. Pursuant to Decree Law 1,350, CODELCO’s Board of Directors must submit its proposed annual budget to the Ministries of Finance and Mining for approval and possible revision. In addition, Decree Law 1,350 requires CODELCO to include as part of its proposed annual budget a debt amortization budget that includes interest and principal payments on CODELCO’s debts, including the notes. CODELCO must also submit a three-year Plan de Negocios y Desarrollo (a Business Development Plan, or BDP) report, approved by the Company’s Board of Directors, to the Ministries of Finance and Mining by March of each year. There is no guarantee that actions taken with respect to the appointment of CODELCO’s directors, amendments to its bylaws, and revision and approval of its budget, including CODELCO’s capitalization of profit, will be adopted by the administration of the new President and/or will be the same as they would be in a privately owned company. See Management and Regulatory Framework.

CODELCO funding through retention of profits is restricted and is subject to the approval of the Ministries of Finance and Mining.

As a state-owned enterprise and according to its governing law, CODELCO’s profit is required to be transferred to the Chilean Treasury. Before June 30 of each year, the Ministries of Finance and Mining are required to determine, by means of a joint decree, the amount, if any, that the Company shall allocate to the creation of capitalization and reserve funds as retention of profits. Between 2014 and 2019, the Government of Chile authorized the capitalization by capital injection and retention of profit within CODELCO in an aggregate amount of U.S.$3.3 billion. Although CODELCO currently expects the Ministries of Finance and Mining to make available a substantial amount of its pre-tax profit over the next three years, a joint decree of the Ministries of Finance and Mining is required each year and the amounts approved in any given year, if any, could vary significantly. Since 2022, the Chilean Government is allowing CODELCO to annually reinvest 30.0% of its 2021-2024 profits. This represents a change in CODELCO’s dividend policy, which previously consisted of 100% net-profit distribution policy. This profit-reinvestment plan is expected to strengthen CODELCO’s financial balance sheet and reduce the need for additional financial debt. The 30.0% profit-reinvestment plan resulted in an additional U.S.$583.0 million which CODELCO was allowed to allocate against profits from 2022 and an additional U.S.$103.7 million which CODELCO was allowed to allocate against profits from 2023, in each case to the formation of a Capitalization and Reserve Funds reserve. The amount is calculated over the net profit of the previous year and is charged in the current year or the following year until the amount is completed. A similar exercise is expected to be carried out in 2024. As of December 31, 2022 and September 30, 2023, CODELCO had allocated U.S.$346 million to such reserve.

If CODELCO’s funding through capitalization and retention of profits, depreciation, amortization and deferred taxes are insufficient to fund capital expenditures and if it is unable to otherwise finance planned expenditures, CODELCO’s business would be adversely affected. See Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Liquidity and Capital Resources. In addition, if the Government of Chile does not authorize additional capitalization or the retention of profits, our credit rating may be adversely affected, which could have a material adverse effect on our business and financial condition.

CODELCO is subject to special taxes.

Law No. 21,174, that repealed Law No. 13,196, the Copper Reserve Law, exclusively requires CODELCO to pay a 10.0% special export tax on receivables of the sales proceeds received and transferred to Chile from the export of copper and related by-products the Company produces. As a result, the Banco Central de Chile (the Central Bank of Chile) retains 10.0% of the amounts from such sales that CODELCO transfers to its Chilean account. The Copper Reserve Law has an adverse effect on our ability to retain earnings for purposes of capital expenditures. In July 2019, the Chilean Congress issued a new resolution to repeal the Copper Reserve Law. Under this resolution, CODELCO will remain subject to the 10.0% special export tax until 2028. Beginning in 2029, the tax will be reduced annually by 25.0% until 2032 when CODELCO will no longer be subject to such tax. As of April 1, 2020, CODELCO is paying the taxes owed pursuant to the Copper Reserve Law on a monthly basis, following a response measure from the Government of Chile to the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Chilean income tax law (the Income Tax Law) contemplates thin capitalization rules which are applicable to CODELCO. As such, under article 41 F of the Income Tax Law, interest, premiums, remuneration for services, financial expenses and any other contractual surcharges under credit facilities which are paid or credited to an account or made available to related entities (as defined below) of CODELCO in respect of loans or liabilities, are subject to a 35.0% tax (applied to the debtor) if the debtor is considered to be in an excessive indebtedness situation by the year’s end. The withholding tax applicable to the interest payments made by CODELCO (for example, the 4% Chilean Withholding Tax), can be used as a credit against such 35.0% sole tax. Indebtedness will be considered to be excessive when at the end of the corresponding fiscal year the total annual indebtedness granted by entities incorporated, domiciled or established in a foreign country or in Chile, either related or not, exceeds three times CODELCO’s tax adjusted equity, calculated pursuant to the provisions of the Income Tax Law. Only short-term debt (i.e., with maturity of less than 90 days, including extensions or renewals) with non-related parties may be excluded from the total annual indebtedness calculation. Under the Excessive Indebtedness rules, a lender or creditor will be deemed to be related to CODELCO: (i) the beneficiary is incorporated, domiciled, resident or established in one of the territories or jurisdictions listed in section 41 H of the Income Tax Law, (ii) the beneficiary and CODELCO belong to the same corporate group or the beneficiary or debtor directly or indirectly, owns or participates in 10% or more of the capital of the profits of the other, or if the beneficiary and debtor have a common partner or shareholder which, directly or indirectly, owns or participates in 10% or more of the capital or the profits of one or the other, and that the beneficiary is incorporated, domiciled, resident or established outside Chile; (iii) the indebtedness is guaranteed directly or indirectly by a third party related to CODELCO, in the terms of clauses (1) or (ii) above, or (iv) hereafter, provided that such third-party is domiciled or resident abroad and is a final beneficiary (beneficiario final) of the financing; (iv) the relevant financial instruments documenting such indebtedness are placed and acquired by independent entities and such indebtedness is subsequently acquired or transferred to a related entity according to subsections (i) to (iii) above; or (v) one party (i.e., beneficiary or CODELCO) conducts one or more operations with a third-party who, in turn, directly or indirectly conducts one or more similar or identical operations with a related party of such party, whatever the capacity in which said third party and the parties intervene in such operations. The debtor will be required to issue an affidavit in this regard in the form set forth by the Chilean tax authorities.

Since the 2012 fiscal year and pursuant to Law No. 20,026, as amended, CODELCO has been subject to a mining tax (Impuesto Específico a la Actividad Minera) on operating income generated during the operating year at progressive rates between 5.0% and 14.0%. During 2022, CODELCO distributed a total of U.S.$2.3 billion (including income tax, and export tax payments and distributions) to the Chilean Treasury. See Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations-Liquidity and Capital Resources-Distributions to the Chilean Treasury and Regulatory Framework. The statutory rate of the mining tax for CODELCO was calculated at 5.0% for 2020, 2021, and 2022. However, no assurances can be made that such rate will remain in place.

As of January 1, 2024, Law No. 21,591 Mining Royalty Law is expected to come into effect. Under this law, CODELCO would be subject to this new mining royalty tax, which generally comprises an Ad Valorem component which applies a tax rate of 1% on annual copper sales, and a mining margin component which applies a progressive tax rate (i.e., 8%-26%) on the adjusted taxable mining operating margin. In addition, a maximum potential tax burden of 46.5% is established on the mining entity’s operating profitability, measured as the adjusted pre-taxable mining operating income. This limit considers jointly the mining royalty tax, the corporate tax and final taxes. The royalty must be adjusted correspondingly if the sum of those taxes exceeds the maximum potential tax burden.

CODELCO’s corporate tax rate has gradually increased from 21.0% in 2014 to up to 25.0% since 2017. In addition, CODELCO is subject to a 40.0% tax on net earnings applicable to state-owned enterprises as specified by Decree Law 2,398, Art. 2.

The revenue generated by CODELCO transferred to the Chilean state for the year ended December 31, 2022 was U.S.$2.8 billion, approximately, compared with U.S.$7.4 billion, approximately for the year ended on December 31, 2021. Constitutional amendments could be proposed that would allow private ownership of CODELCO.

CODELCO is 100% owned by the Government of Chile and a constitutional amendment approved by the Chilean Congress would be required to allow private participation in CODELCO’s ownership. Although there has been no formal governmental action to permit private investment in CODELCO, no assurance can be given that such a constitutional amendment will not be proposed to the Chilean Congress in the future. See Regulatory Framework- Overview of the Regulatory Regime.

Risks Relating to Chile

CODELCO’s growth and profitability depend on political stability and economic activity in Chile and other emerging markets.

Almost all of CODELCO’s revenues are derived from its operations in Chile. Accordingly, CODELCO’s results of operations and general financial condition depend in part on Chilean markets for labor and certain materials and equipment, and on factors relating to Chilean political stability generally.

CODELCO’s business performance is subject to the effects of inflation and changes in the value of the peso.

Although Chilean inflation rates have been low during the last decade, Chile has in more recent years experienced higher levels of inflation, as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global and local economy, and other geopolitical tensions such as the war in Ukraine. High levels of inflation in Chile could adversely affect the Chilean economy and have an adverse effect on CODELCO’s results of operations if the high inflation is not accompanied by a matching devaluation of the local currency. Although inflation levels have been decreasing in 2023, there can be no assurance that Chilean inflation will not revert to prior levels in the future. In addition, the measures taken by the Central Bank of Chile to control inflation have often included maintaining a tight monetary policy with high interest rates, thereby restricting the availability of credit and economic growth.

The following table shows the annual rate of inflation (as measured by changes in the Chilean consumer price index and as reported by the Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas, or the Chilean National Institute of Statistics):

Year Inflation (CPI) (in percentages)
2018 2.6
2019 3.0
2020 3.0
2021 7.7
2022 12.3
2023 (through December 31, 2023) 3.9

Source: Chilean National Institute of Statistics

A significant portion of CODELCO’s operating costs are denominated in pesos and could therefore be significantly affected by the rate of inflation in Chile. If inflation in Chile were to increase without a corresponding depreciation of the peso, or if the value of the peso were to appreciate relative to the U.S. dollar without the peso experiencing corresponding deflation in Chile, the financial position and results of operations of CODELCO as well as the value of the notes could be materially and adversely affected. See Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations -Liquidity and Capital Resources.

The variation of the U.S. dollar against the peso constitutes CODELCO’s main foreign exchange rate exposure. The mismatch between assets and liabilities denominated in pesos and UF amounts to a net liability for the Company of U.S.$3.5 billion (10.7% of the total amount of liabilities on a consolidated basis) as of December 31, 2022 and U.S.$3.7 billion (11.8% of the total amount of liabilities on a consolidated basis) as of December 31, 2021. In order to cover this risk, CODELCO has, and currently is, engaged in hedging transactions to partially mitigate the effects of the volatility of foreign exchange rates. See Risk Factors -Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations-CODELCO engages in hedging activity from time to time, particularly with respect to its copper production, which may not be successful and may result in losses to CODELCO.

Risks Relating to the Offering

In case of a default under the notes, the ability of holders to attach property of CODELCO may be limited by Chilean law.

CODELCO’s activities in Chile are dependent on concessions granted by the Chilean Ordinary Courts with respect to CODELCO’s mining rights. These concessions are granted for indefinite terms in the case of exploitation concessions and for two-year periods in the case of exploration concessions (renewable with certain limitations). As a general matter, the Ordinary Courts, through legal proceedings brought by third parties (or by the Chilean Treasury in case of noncompliance with the obligation to pay annual fees), have the legal right to terminate or annul the concessions. Pursuant to the Chilean Mining Code, all mining concessions, as well as certain raw materials and other property or assets permanently dedicated to the exploration or extraction of minerals, cannot be subject to an order of attachment, except with respect to mortgages, where the debtor consents to the attachment in the relevant legal proceeding or when the debtor is a stock corporation. In addition, pursuant to the Constitution, mining concessions corresponding to mining deposits exploited by CODELCO upon its creation in 1976 can be subject neither to attachment nor to any act of disposition by CODELCO. As a result, the rights of holders to attach property of CODELCO in the event of a default under the notes would be limited by such provisions. See Regulatory Framework-Mining Regulations.

CODELCO is permitted to incur additional indebtedness ranking equally to the notes or certain secured indebtedness.

The indenture governing the notes will not contain any restrictions on the amount of additional indebtedness which may be incurred by CODELCO or its subsidiaries; however, the notes contain restrictions on the ability of CODELCO and its subsidiaries to incur certain secured indebtedness as set forth in Description of Notes -Limitations on Liens below. As a result, CODELCO is permitted to issue additional unsecured debt that ranks on an equal basis with the notes. If CODELCO incurs any additional unsecured debt that ranks on an equal basis with the notes, the holders of that debt will be entitled to share with the holders of the notes in any proceeds distributed in connection with an insolvency, liquidation, reorganization, dissolution or other winding-up of CODELCO subject to satisfaction of certain debt limitations. This may have the effect of reducing the amount of proceeds paid to the holder of the notes under such an event. The indenture does not require CODELCO to make payments under the notes ratably with payments being made under any other obligations.

We may not be able to generate sufficient cash flows from operating activities to fund our operations, service our indebtedness and pay our liabilities, including the notes, and may be forced to take other actions to make such payments, which may not be successful.

Our inability to generate sufficient cash flows to satisfy our liabilities and debt obligations, or to refinance our indebtedness on commercially reasonable terms or at all, would materially and adversely affect our business, financial position, and results of operations and our ability to satisfy our obligations under the notes.

Our ability to fund to honor our liabilities and service our indebtedness, including the notes, depends on our ability to generate sufficient cash flows. This, in turn, depends on our financial condition and operating performance, which are subject to prevailing economic and competitive conditions and to financial, business, legislative, regulatory and other factors beyond our control. We might not be able to maintain a level of cash flows from operating activities, or generate the profits sufficient, to permit us to pay the principal, premium, if any, and interest on our indebtedness, including the notes.

In addition, we conduct part of our operations through our subsidiaries, however they will not be guarantors of the notes or our other indebtedness. Our subsidiaries do not have any obligation to pay amounts due on the notes or our other indebtedness or to make funds available for that purpose.

If our cash flows and capital resources are insufficient to fund our liabilities or debt service obligations, we could face substantial liquidity problems and could be forced to reduce or delay investments and capital expenditures or to dispose of material assets or operations, seek additional debt or restructure or refinance our indebtedness, including the notes. We may not be able to effect any such alternative measures on commercially reasonable terms or at all and, even if successful, those alternative actions may not allow us to meet our scheduled debt service obligations. The notes contain restrictions on the ability of CODELCO to incur certain secured indebtedness as set forth in Description of Notes- Limitations on Liens below. Because of these restrictions, we may not be able to raise additional indebtedness and to obtain proceeds in an amount sufficient to meet any debt service obligations then due.

If certain changes to tax law were to occur, CODELCO would have the option to redeem the notes. CODELCO may also redeem the Notes before maturity at its option at the prices set forth in this offering memorandum.

Under current Chilean law and regulations, payments of interest to holders of the notes that are not residents of Chile for purposes of Chilean taxation generally will be subject to Chilean withholding tax at a rate of 4.0%. Subject to certain exceptions, CODELCO will pay Additional Amounts (as defined in Description of Notes-Payments of Additional Amounts) so that the amount received by the holder after Chilean withholding tax will equal the amount that would have been received if no such taxes had been applicable. The notes are redeemable at the option of CODELCO in whole, but not in part, at any time, at the principal amount thereof plus accrued and unpaid interest and any Additional Amounts due thereon if, as a result of changes in the laws or regulations on or after the date of this offering memorandum affecting Chilean taxation, CODELCO becomes obligated to pay Additional Amounts with respect to interest on such notes in respect of withholding or deduction of Chilean tax at a rate in excess of 4.0%. CODELCO is unable to determine whether such an increase in the withholding tax rate will ultimately be presented to or enacted by the Chilean Congress; however, if such an increase were enacted, the notes would be redeemable at the option of CODELCO. See Description of Notes- Redemption-Tax Redemption and Taxation-Chilean Taxation.

We may redeem the 2036 notes at our option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time prior to the date that is three months prior to the maturity date of the 2036 notes, at a redemption price equal to the greater of 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2036 notes to be redeemed and a redemption price based on a make-whole premium, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. We may redeem the 2053 notes at our option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time prior to March 8, 2053 (the date that is six months prior to September 8, 2053) at a redemption price equal to the greater of 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2053 notes to be redeemed and a redemption price based on a make-whole premium, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. In addition, we may redeem the 2036 notes at our option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, beginning on the date that is three months prior to the maturity date of the 2036 notes, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2036 notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. We may redeem the 2053 notes at our option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time beginning on March 8, 2053 (the date that is six months prior to September 8, 2053), at a redemption price equal to 100% of the outstanding principal amount of the 2053 notes to be redeemed, plus accrued and unpaid interest to the date of redemption. See Description of Notes-Tax Redemption and -Optional Redemption.

An investor may not be able to reinvest the redemption proceeds in other securities with interest rates similar to that applied to the notes redeemed.

Our obligations under the notes will be subordinated to certain statutory liabilities. Under Chilean bankruptcy law, the obligations under the notes are subordinated to certain statutory preferences.

In the event of a liquidation, such statutory preferences, including claims for salaries, wages, secured obligations, social security, taxes and court fees and expenses, will have preference over any other claims, including claims by any investor in respect of the notes.

The market value of the notes may depend on economic conditions in other countries over which CODELCO has no control.

The market value of securities of Chilean companies, including CODELCO, is affected to varying degrees by economic and market conditions in other emerging market countries. Although economic conditions in such countries may differ significantly from economic conditions in Chile, investors’ reactions to developments in any of these other countries may have an adverse effect on the market value of securities of Chilean issuers. International financial markets have in recent years experienced volatility due to a combination of international political and economic events. There can be no assurance that the deterioration of emerging market economies or other events in or outside of the region will not adversely affect the market value of the notes.

The transferability of the notes may be limited by the absence of an active trading market and restrictions on transfer under applicable securities law.

The notes have not been registered under the Securities Act or any state securities laws. CODELCO does not intend to list the notes on any national securities exchange or to seek admission of the notes for trading on any securities exchange in the United States; however, we intend to apply to list the notes on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. Furthermore, CODELCO does not intend to exchange the notes for notes that are registered under the Securities Act. The initial purchasers are not obligated to make a market in the notes. No assurance can be given about the liquidity of any markets that may develop for the notes, the ability of holders to sell the notes or the prices at which the notes could be sold. Future trading prices of the notes will depend on many factors, including prevailing interest rates, CODELCO’s operating results and the market for similar securities. There can be no assurance that any active trading market will develop for the notes or that holders of the notes will be able to transfer or resell the notes without registration under applicable securities laws.

We cannot assure you that our credit rating, or the credit ratings for the notes, will not be lowered, suspended or withdrawn by the rating agencies.

Our credit rating is subject to change in the future, and the credit ratings of the notes may change after issuance. Such ratings do not address all material risks relating to an investment in CODELCO, or its notes, but rather reflect only the views of the rating agencies at the time the ratings are issued. An explanation of the significance of such ratings may be obtained from the rating agencies. CODELCO cannot assure you that such credit rating will remain in effect for any given period of time or that such ratings will not be lowered, suspended or withdrawn entirely by the rating agencies, if, in the judgment of such rating agencies, circumstances so warrant. Our credit rating is an important part of maintaining our liquidity. Credit ratings are not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold any security. Each agency’s rating should be evaluated independently of any other agency’s rating, as each agency has different evaluation criteria. Any lowering, suspension or withdrawal of such ratings may potentially increase our borrowing costs, and may have an adverse effect on our financial results and business operations and the market price and marketability of the notes.

Payments claimed in Chile on the notes, pursuant to a judgment or otherwise, may be in pesos.

In the event that proceedings are brought against CODELCO in Chile, either to enforce a judgment or as a result of an original action brought in Chile, CODELCO would not be required to discharge those obligations in a currency other than Chilean currency. Such obligation may be satisfied in Chilean currency at the exchange rate in effect on the date on which payments are made. As a result, holders of the notes may suffer a U.S. dollar shortfall if judgment in Chile is obtained.


The estimated total net proceeds from the offering of the notes are U.S.$1,950,899,052, after deducting commissions to the initial purchasers, payment of the Chilean stamp tax of U.S.$16,000,000 and payment of legal fees and all other expenses related to the offering. CODELCO intends to use the net proceeds from the sale of the 2036 notes and the 2053 notes, in each case, for general corporate purposes. See Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations-Liquidity and Capital Resources and Capitalization.


The following table sets forth the capitalization of CODELCO as of September 30, 2023 (i) on an actual historical basis, (ii) as adjusted to give effect to the offering of the notes and application of the estimated net proceeds from the offering of the notes as described under Use of Proceeds. This table is qualified in its entirety by reference to, and should be read together with, CODELCO’s Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements, including the notes thereto, included elsewhere in this offering memorandum.

As of September 30, 2023 Actual As Adjusted (in thousands of U.S.$)

Current financial liabilities

Current portion of loans from financial institutions 17,411 17,411 Current portion of bonds issued 577,844 577,844 Total current financial liabilities 999,255 999,255 Non-current financial liabilities Bank debt 1,464,686 1,464,686 Notes: 2.250% Euro Notes due 2024 – – 4.000% UF Notes due 2025 281,588 281,588 4.500% Notes due 2025 395,448 395,448 2.500% UF Notes due 2026 411,436 411,436 3.625% Notes due 2027 1,243,051 1,243,051 2.869% Notes due 2029 129,266 129,266 3.000% Notes due 2029 1,091,575 1,091,575 3.150% Notes due 2030 992,478 992,478 3.750% Notes due 2037 797,755 797,755 5.125% Notes due 2038 890,650 890,650 5.950% Notes due 2034 1,285,825 1,285,825 2.840% Notes due 2034 63,375 63,375 5.625% Notes due 2035 493,409 493,409 6.150% Notes due 2036 497,040 497,040 3.580% Notes due 2039 44,607 44,607 4.250% Notes due 2042 735,208 735,208 5.630% Notes due 2043 934,934 934,934 4.875% Notes due 2044 962,985 962,985 4.50% Notes due 2047 1,209,155 1,209,155 4.85% Notes due 2048 594,857 594,857 4.375% Notes due 2049 1,189,804 1,189,804 3.700% Notes due 2050 2,581,713 2,581,713 3.150% Notes due 2051 448,653 448,653 6.300% Notes due 2053 690,234 690,234 Notes offered hereby – – Total non-current financial liabilities 19,429,732 Non-controlling interests 866,455 866,455 Equity Issued capital 5,619,423 5,619,423 Other reserves 5,655,661 5,655,661 Retained Earnings: Accumulated deficit (468,548) (468,548) Profits distributions to the Chilean Treasury – – Equity attributable to owners of the parent 10,806,536 10,806,536 Total capitalization 30,233,292

The U.S. equivalent of €600 million aggregate principal amount of the 2.25% Euro Notes due 2024 has been translated at an exchange rate of U.S.$1.00 = €1.05697 at September 30, 2023.

The U.S. equivalent of 6.9 million UF aggregate principal amount of the 4.0% UF notes due 2025 has been translated at an exchange rate of U.S.$1.00 = 40.42 UF at September 30, 2023.

The U.S. equivalent of 10 million UF aggregate principal amount of the 2.5% UF notes due 2026 has been translated at an exchange rate of U.S.$1.00 = 40.42 UF at September 30, 2023.

El equivalente en dólares estadounidenses de un monto principal agregado de 500 millones de HKD de las notas al 2.84% con vencimiento en 2034 ha sido traducido a una tasa de cambio de 1.00 USD = 0.12771 HKD al 30 de septiembre de 2023.

El equivalente en dólares estadounidenses de un monto principal agregado de 70 millones de AUD de las notas al 3.580% con vencimiento en 2039 ha sido traducido a una tasa de cambio de 1.00 USD = 0.64305 AUD al 30 de septiembre de 2023.

Neto de costos de financiamiento diferidos, comisiones a los compradores iniciales y pago de honorarios legales y todos los demás gastos relacionados con la oferta. CODELCO no tiene valores de deuda convertibles, warrants ejercitables para valores de deuda u otros valores similares pendientes.


Como regla general, antes de 1989, la ley chilena permitía la compra y venta de divisas solo en aquellos casos explícitamente autorizados por el Banco Central de Chile. La Ley N° 18.840, Ley del Banco Central de Chile, liberalizó las normas que rigen la compra y venta de moneda extranjera. La ley faculta al Banco Central para determinar que ciertas compras y ventas de moneda extranjera especificadas por ley deben realizarse en el Mercado Cambiario Formal. El Mercado Cambiario Formal está formado por los bancos y otras entidades autorizadas por el Banco Central. La tasa de cambio de las transacciones realizadas en el Mercado Cambiario Formal es acordada libremente por las partes. Para obtener más información, consulte Inversión Extranjera y Controles de Cambio en Chile. La tasa de cambio observada para cualquier día dado equivale a la tasa de cambio promedio de las transacciones realizadas en el Mercado Cambiario Formal en el día bancario inmediatamente anterior, según lo certificado por el Banco Central (la Tasa de Cambio Observada). Aunque el Banco Central está autorizado para llevar a cabo sus transacciones a las tasas que establece, generalmente utiliza la tasa al contado para sus transacciones. Las transacciones autorizadas por otros bancos generalmente se realizan a la tasa al contado. Las compras y ventas de divisas, que pueden efectuarse fuera del Mercado Cambiario Formal, pueden realizarse en el Mercado Cambiario Informal. No se imponen límites a la medida en que la tasa de cambio en el Mercado Cambiario Informal puede fluctuar por encima o por debajo de la Tasa de Cambio Observada.

La siguiente tabla establece, para los períodos indicados, la tasa de cambio observada más alta, más baja, promedio y al final del período para dólares estadounidenses para cada año a partir de 2016, según lo informado por el Banco Central de Chile. El Banco de la Reserva Federal de Nueva York no informa una tasa de compra al mediodía para pesos chilenos.

Tasas de Cambio Observadas (Ch$ por USD)

Período Alta Baja Promedio Final de Período
2016 730.31 645.22 676.83 667.29
2017 679.05 615.22 649.33 615.22
2018 698.56 588.28 640.29 695.69
2019 828.25 649.22 702.63 744.62
2020 867.83 710.26 792.22 711.24
2021 868.76 693.74 759.27 850.25
2022 1,042.97 777.10 872.33 859.51
2023 895.77 862.08 874.67 884.59
Hasta el 23 de enero 926.77 877.12 904.43 905.63

(1) Las tasas mostradas son la más baja y la más alta (según corresponda) diariamente para los períodos indicados.

(2) Las tasas anuales promedio representan el promedio de las tasas mensuales promedio para los períodos indicados. Las tasas mensuales promedio representan el promedio de las tasas de cada día para los períodos indicados.

(3) El período termina el 1 de enero del año siguiente, a menos que se indique lo contrario. (4) El período termina el 23 de enero de 2024.
Fuente: Banco Central de Chile.

La Tasa de Cambio Observada informada por el Banco Central de Chile para el 23 de enero de 2024 fue Ch$905.63 = 1.00 USD.


Las siguientes tablas presentan los datos financieros consolidados resumidos de CODELCO y otros datos al final de cada uno de los períodos indicados. Estos datos (excepto los precios promedio del cobre en la LME) se derivan de, y deben leerse junto con, los Estados Financieros Consolidados de CODELCO, incluidas las notas a los mismos, incluidos en otra parte de este memorándum de oferta. Estos datos también deben leerse junto con el Análisis de la Gerencia sobre la Condición Financiera y los Resultados de Operaciones. Los Estados Financieros Consolidados y otra información financiera incluida en este memorándum de oferta se presentan de acuerdo con las TFRS. Los resultados no auditados de las operaciones para los períodos de nueve meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2022 y 2023 no son necesariamente indicativos de los resultados que se esperan para el año completo o cualquier otro período.

Para el período de nueve meses finalizado Para el año finalizado el 31 de diciembre, el 30 de septiembre de

2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 (en miles de USD)

Ingresos 14,173,168 21,024,815 17,018,409 11,879,784 12,218,396
Costo de ventas (10,565,179) (12,185,688) (12,284,652) (8,340,192) (9,898,852)
Utilidad bruta 3,607,989 8,839,127 4,733,757 3,539,592 2,319,544
Otros ingresos 97,321 115,741 64,731 39,476 64,581
Pérdidas por deterioro y/o reversión de pérdidas por deterioro determinadas de acuerdo con las IFRS 9 (206) (1,250) (2,648) (1,182) 1,598
Costos de distribución (9,463) (9,389) (17,151) (10,353) (16,235)
Gastos administrativos (397,045) (459,278) (502,313) (374,634) (392,994)
Otros gastos, por función (1,456,821) (2,717,007) (2,103,316) (1,305,710) (1,476,620)
Otros ingresos 30,425 37,531 29,782 22,415 23,212
Ingresos financieros 40,213 13,657 47,245 29,600 69,700
Costos financieros (742,464) (641,009) (569,060) (424,459) (570,413)
Participación en las ganancias de asociadas y empresas conjuntas contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación (134,279)
Diferencias de cambio (165,501) 313,736 (237,777) 129,728 36,354
Utilidad (pérdida) antes de impuestos sobre la renta 1,043,884 5,906,704 1,495,241 1,697,864 (75,552)
Gasto por impuestos sobre la renta (787,003) (3,855,336) (1,133,670) (1,206,688) 94,064
Utilidad (pérdida) del período 256,881 2,051,368 361,571 491,176 18,512
Utilidad (pérdida) atribuible a los propietarios de la 1,942,486 345,589 471,660 66,139
Utilidad (pérdida) atribuible a los no controladores 13,888 108,882 15982 19,516 (47,627)
Utilidad (pérdida) del período 256,881 2,051,368 361,571 491,176 18,512

As of December 31 As of September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2023

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION (in thousands of U.S.$) Total current assets 7,758,122 7,801,909 6,794,843 7,698,044 Total property, plant and equipment 30,012,945 30,811,432 32,715,373 33,961,779 Investments accounted for using equity method 3,418,958 3,546,011 3,527,323 3,393,295 Non-current receivables 93,986 104,177 88,906 73,351 All other assets 926,375 793,906 1,610,787 1,565,186 Total assets 42,210,386 43,057,435 44,737,232 46,691,655 Total current liabilities 3,439,907 3,938,877 3,920,485 3,674,166 Total non-current liabilities 27,143,988 27,543,657 29,162,182 31,344,498 Total liabilities 30,583,895 31,482,534 33,082,667 35,018,664 Non-controlling interests 924,942 946,412 914,083 866,455 Equity attributable to owners of the parent 10,701,549 10,628,489 10,740,482 10,806,536 Total equity 11,626,491 11,574,901 11,654,565 11,672,991 Total liabilities and equity 42,210,386 43,057,435 44,737,232 46,691,655

As of and for the nine-month period ended As of and for the year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 (in thousands of U.S.$, except ratios and copper prices) OTHER ITEMS Depreciation and amortization of 1,640,339 1,672,275 Assets 2,455,070 2,259,324 2,227,284 Interest expense, Dél. (702,251) (627,352) (521,815) (394,859) (500,713) Ratio of earnings to fixed charges 2.4 10.2 3.6 5.0 0.9 Average LME copper price (U.S. €) 280.3 424.5 399.0 411.1 389.5 Adjusted EBITDA 5,289,081 10,378,724 5,565,010 4,697,217 3,115,786 Ratio of debt to Adjusted EBITDA 3.4 1.7 3.0 N.A. N.A. Ratio of debt to LTM Adjusted EBITDA 3.4 1.7 3.0 3.6 6.4 Adjusted EBITDA coverage 7.5 16.5 10.7 11.9 6.2

(1) Cost of sales for any period includes direct and indirect costs, depreciation and amortization associated with the production of copper and byproducts, as well as purchase costs of third-party copper, sold by CODELCO in that period.

(2) Other expenses is comprised principally of costs related to the 10% special export tax paid by the Company, retirement plan and severance indemnities and fixed indirect costs below production level. See note 22.b of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.

(3) CODELCO is subject to a mining tax on operating income at progressive rates of between 5% and 14%. The tax is imposed on operating income generated during the operating year. The statutory rate of the mining tax for CODELCO was 5.0% for each year between 2017 and 2019. In addition, CODELCO is subject to the corporate income tax rate of 24% in 2016 and 25% since 2017 (pursuant to the tax reform in 2014) and a 40% tax on net earnings applicable to state-owned enterprises as specified by Decree Law No. 2,398, Article 2. See Taxation- Chilean Taxation and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations -Liquidity and Capital Resources-Distributions to the Chilean Treasury for additional information. See note 5 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations-Liquidity and Capital Resources-Distributions to the Chilean Treasury and Regulatory Framework. See also Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Relationship with the Government of Chile-CODELCO is subject to special taxes for information regarding the mining tax rate effective in 2016 and information regarding the new Mining Royalty Law, effective as of January 1, 2024.

(4) See note 8 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.

(5) All other assets includes other non-current financial assets; other non-current non-financial assets; accounts receivable from related parties, non-current; non-current inventories; intangible assets other than goodwill; investment property; non-current tax assets and deferred tax assets.

(6) For the purpose of calculating CODELCO’s ratio of earnings to fixed charges (adjusted), (1) earnings consist of Adjusted EBIT and (ii) fixed charges consist of finance cost. The ratio of earnings to fixed charges (adjusted) is calculated by dividing Adjusted EBIT by finance cost. Adjusted EBIT is calculated by adding finance cost, impairment charges net of reversals (as defined in note (1) of the following table) and income tax expense to profit (loss) for the period. Adjusted EBIT, while not a financial performance measure under IFRS, is presented as an indicator of funds available to service debt. Adjusted EBIT and Adjusted EBITDA data are included in this offering memorandum because such data are used by investors to assess: (i) the operating trends and financial performance of the Company and (ii) the ability of the Company to (a) service its existing debt, (b) incur new debt and (c) fund its capital expenditures. The Company believes that Adjusted EBIT, while providing useful information, should not be considered in isolation as a substitute for profit for the period, as an indicator of operating performance, or as an alternative to cash flow as a measure of liquidity. Additionally, the Company’s calculation of Adjusted EBIT may be different than the calculation used by other companies and therefore, comparability may be affected. See notes 8, 21 and 22 of the Consolidated Financial Statements and Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations for further information about impairment charges and reversals and other non-cash charges.

Average price on the LME for Grade A cathode copper during period.

Adjusted EBITDA se calcula sumando el costo financiero, gasto por impuestos a la renta, depreciación y amortización de activos más impuestos a la exportación y cargos por deterioro netos de reversión (según se define en la nota (1) de la tabla siguiente) al beneficio (pérdida) del período. Se presenta el Adjusted EBITDA porque es un indicador ampliamente aceptado de los fondos disponibles para atender la deuda, aunque no es una medida basada en IFRS de liquidez o rendimiento. Los datos de Adjusted EBIT y Adjusted EBITDA se incluyen en este memorándum de oferta porque dichos datos son utilizados por los inversionistas para evaluar: (i) las tendencias operativas y el desempeño financiero de la Compañía y (ii) la capacidad de la Compañía para (a) atender su deuda existente, (b) contraer nueva deuda y (c) financiar sus gastos de capital. La Compañía considera que el Adjusted EBITDA, aunque proporciona información útil, no debe considerarse de forma aislada o como un sustituto del beneficio como indicador del rendimiento operativo, o como una alternativa al flujo de efectivo como medida de liquidez. Además, el cálculo del Adjusted EBITDA de la Compañía puede ser diferente al cálculo utilizado por otras empresas y, por lo tanto, la comparabilidad puede verse afectada. Consulte las notas 8, 21 y 22 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados y los Estados Financieros Consolidados Intermedios no Auditados y el Análisis de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones de la Administración para obtener más información sobre cargos por deterioro y reversión y otros cargos no monetarios.

La relación de deuda con Adjusted EBITDA se calcula dividiendo la deuda por Adjusted EBITDA. La deuda se define como préstamos de instituciones financieras más bonos emitidos.

La relación de deuda con LTM Adjusted EBITDA se calcula dividiendo la deuda por los últimos doce meses de Adjusted EBITDA. La deuda se define como préstamos de instituciones financieras más bonos emitidos.

El ratio de cobertura de Adjusted EBITDA es la relación de Adjusted EBITDA con el costo financiero neto del ingreso financiero. Consulte la nota 9 anterior para obtener más información sobre Adjusted EBITDA y las notas 21 y 22 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados y los Estados Financieros Consolidados Intermedios no Auditados y el Análisis de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones de la Administración para obtener más información sobre cargos por deterioro y reversión y otros cargos no monetarios.

Los montos de propiedad, planta y equipo en la tabla anterior incluyen propiedad, planta y equipo y activos por derecho de uso.

La siguiente tabla muestra las ganancias de CODELCO, Adjusted EBIT, relación de ganancias con cargos fijos (ajustada), Adjusted EBITDA y reconciliación de Adjusted EBIT y Adjusted EBITDA para los períodos indicados.

Para el período de nueve meses finalizado el 31 de diciembre, 30 de septiembre de 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 (en miles de dólares estadounidenses)

Beneficio (pérdida) del período. 256,881 2,051,368 361,571 491,176 18,512 Gasto por impuestos a la renta 787,003 3,855,336 1,133,670 1,206,688 94,064 Costos financieros 742,464 641,009 569,060 424,459 570,413 Deterioro 0 0 0 0 0 Adjusted EBITTO 1,786,348 6,547,713 2,064,301 2,122,323 494,861 Relación de ganancias con cargos fijos 5.0 0.9 CIN 2.4 10.2 3.6

Depreciación y amortización de 1,640,339 1,672,275 ASSOAS 2,455,070 2,259,324 2,227,284

Ley de Reserva de Cobre 1,047,663 1,571,687 1,273,425 934,555 948,650 Adjusted EBITDA 5,289 081 10,378,724 5,565,010 4,697,217 3,115,786

(0) Los deterioros incluyen cargos y reversión relacionados con cargos de proyectos de inversión, proyectos de investigación e inversión en asociados y empresas conjuntas y excluyen cargos por deterioro relacionados con activos tangibles definitivamente vivos que muestren indicadores de deterioro según la Norma Internacional de Contabilidad No. 36. Consulte las notas 8, 21 y 22 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados y los Estados Financieros Consolidados Intermedios no Auditados y el Análisis de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones de la Administración para obtener más información sobre cargos por deterioro y reversión y otros cargos no monetarios.

Adjusted EBIT se calcula sumando el costo financiero, cargos por deterioro netos de reversión (según se define en la nota (1) anterior) y gasto por impuestos a la renta al beneficio (pérdida) del período. Aunque el Adjusted EBIT no es una medida de rendimiento financiero según IFRS, se presenta como un indicador de los fondos disponibles para atender la deuda. Los datos de Adjusted EBIT y Adjusted EBITDA se incluyen en este memorándum de oferta porque dichos datos son utilizados por los inversionistas para evaluar: (i) las tendencias operativas y el desempeño financiero de la Compañía y (ii) la capacidad de la Compañía para (a) atender su deuda existente, (b) contraer nueva deuda y (c) financiar sus gastos de capital. La Compañía considera que el Adjusted EBIT, aunque proporciona información útil, no debe considerarse de forma aislada como un sustituto del beneficio del período, como un indicador del rendimiento operativo, o como una alternativa al flujo de efectivo como medida de liquidez. Además, el cálculo del Adjusted EBIT de la Compañía puede ser diferente al cálculo utilizado por otras empresas y, por lo tanto, la comparabilidad puede verse afectada. Consulte las notas 8, 21 y 22 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados y los Estados Financieros Consolidados Intermedios no Auditados y el Análisis de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones de la Administración para obtener más información sobre cargos por deterioro y reversión y otros cargos no monetarios.

Para calcular la relación de ganancias con cargos fijos (ajustada) de CODELCO, (i) las ganancias consisten en Adjusted EBIT y (ii) los cargos fijos consisten en costos financieros. La relación de ganancias con cargos fijos (ajustada) se calcula dividiendo Adjusted EBIT por costos financieros.

Consulte la nota 20 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados y los Estados Financieros Consolidados Intermedios no Auditados.

La Ley de Reserva de Cobre actualmente requiere el pago de un impuesto especial del 10% sobre los ingresos de las ventas que CODELCO recibe y transfiere a Chile por la exportación de cobre y subproductos relacionados producidos por CODELCO. Para obtener más información, consulte Factores de Riesgo – Riesgos Relacionados con la Relación de CODELCO con el Gobierno de Chile – CODELCO está sujeta a impuestos especiales.

45 La siguiente tabla muestra la deuda de CODELCO y la relación de deuda con Adjusted EBITDA y el ratio de cobertura de Adjusted EBITDA para los períodos indicados.

Al finalizar el período de nueve meses”

As of and for the year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 (in thousands of U.S.$, except ratios) Deuda consolidada . 18,076,656 17,241,500 16,958,377 16,739,265 20,024,987 Ratio de deuda a EBITDA ajustado . 3.4 1.7 3.0 N.A. N.A.
Ingresos financieros . 40,213 13,657 47,245 29,600 69,700 Ratio de cobertura de EBITDA ajustado . 7.5 16.5 10.7 11.9 6.2

(0) El ratio de cobertura de EBITDA ajustado es el ratio de EBITDA ajustado a los costos financieros netos de ingresos financieros.


La siguiente tabla muestra un resumen de la producción y ventas de CODELCO para cada uno de los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2020, 2021 y 2022, y para los periodos de nueve meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2022 y 2023. Para más información sobre estos datos, consulte Propiedades Comerciales.

Para el periodo de nueve meses terminado el 31 de diciembre, y el 30 de septiembre de 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 OPERACIONES MINERAS DE COBRE Mineral extraído (en miles de toneladas métricas secas): Mina Ministro Hales. . 19,574 16,492 20,125 14,614 16,473 División Chuquicamata 60,350 48,776 43,503 33,649 19,326 División Radomiro Tomic. 72,286 80,597 83,910 60,126 67,729 División Gabriela Mistral . 36,475 38,030 39,060 28,467 30,351 División El Teniente . 53,343 55,754 52,658 38,434 35,082 División Andina . 33,035 26,546 27,150 21,268 19,018 División Salvador . 10,882 10,729 8,980 6,686 2,364 Total . 285,900 276,915 275,386 203,243 190,343 Grado promedio del mineral de cobre: Mina Ministro Hales . 1.07 1.31 1.04 1.05 0.78 División Chuquicamata . 0.73 0.64 0.55 0.57 0.44 División Radomiro Tomic . 0.45 0.56 0.52 0.51 0.53 División Gabriela Mistral . 0.40 0.40 0.43 0.45 0.41 División El Teniente . 0.94 0.91 0.88 0.88 0.89 División Andina . 0.72 0.84 0.81 0.81 0.80 División Salvador . 0.66 0.66 0.58 0.59 0.58 Promedio ponderado . 0.68 0.70 0.65 0.66 0.62 PRODUCCIÓN DE COBRE DE PLANTA (por división en toneladas métricas): Mina Ministro Hales . 170,606 181,704 152,167 108,854 80,652 División Chuquicamata . 400,720 319,280 268,348 200,353 177,888 División Radomiro Tomic . 260,653 326,456 301,062 215,920 239,134 División Gabriela Mistral . 120,080 100,908 109,524 84,224 73,812 División El Teniente . 443,220 459,817 405,429 291,090 261,692 División Andina . 184,437 177,216 177,027 139,805 120,081 División Salvador . 56,302 52,885 32,065 21,867 12,278 Total . 1,618,018 1,618,266 1,445,621 1,062,112 965,537 PRODUCCIÓN DE COBRE DE PLANTA (cobre contenido en toneladas métricas): Cátodos ER . 47,542 60,210 22,525 22,524.63 2,658
384,188 414,556 392,524 287,261.66 270,329
100,116 135,913 136,099 95,754 78,383
372,607 388,084 376,380 267,866 239,442
0) 4,384 4,079 0,059 3,398
713,565 615,119 514,015 388,647 371,327 Total . 1,618,018 1,618,266 1,445,621 1,062,112 965,537 PRODUCCIÓN DE MOLIBDENO (molibdeno contenido en toneladas métricas). 27,915 21,045 20,498 16,144 12,191 VENTAS DE COBRE (en toneladas métricas; incluye ventas de cobre de terceros): Cátodos . 1,233,448 1,253,251 1,131,038 825,110 839,106 Fuego refinado . – – – – – Ánodos – Blíster . 103,850 106,679 108,351 67,998 67,870 Concentrados . 610,599 553,902 492,578 323,341 318,706 Total . 1,947,897 1,913,832 1,731,967 1,216,449 1,225,682

47 EXPORTACIONES DE COBRE (en toneladas métricas; incluye ventas de cobre de terceros): Cátodos . – – – – – Blíster . – – – – – INVENTARIOS DE COBRE AL FINAL DEL PERIODO (en toneladas métricas). 1,143,212 1,133,925 1,059,316 772,059 771,096
100,638 106,689 108,351 67,998 67,870
399,900 332,753 301,940 206,333 219,179

1,643,750 1,573,367 1,469,607 1,046,390 1,058,145

17,270 12,221 19,372 28,523 29,352


La siguiente discusión debe leerse en conjunto con los Estados Financieros Consolidados de CODELCO, incluyendo las notas a los mismos, incluidos en otro lugar en este memorándum de oferta, así como los datos establecidos en Datos Financieros Consolidados Seleccionados. Salvo que se indique lo contrario en este documento o se indique, los Estados Financieros Consolidados y otra información financiera incluida en este memorándum de oferta se presentan de acuerdo con las IERS.

Visión general

CODELCO es el mayor productor de cobre del mundo y una de las mayores empresas de Chile en términos de ingresos. CODELCO se dedica principalmente a la exploración, desarrollo y extracción de mineral de cobre y subproductos, el procesamiento de mineral en cobre refinado y la venta internacional de cobre refinado y subproductos. En 2022, CODELCO obtuvo el 91,0% de sus ventas totales del cobre y el 9,0% de sus ventas totales de los subproductos de su producción de cobre, principalmente molibdeno, lodos anódicos y ácido sulfúrico.

Desde su creación en 1976, CODELCO ha contribuido aproximadamente con U.S.$160,9 mil millones (en moneda de 2022) al Tesoro chileno. Aproximadamente el 63,0% de esta cantidad se generó en los últimos 20 años, lo que representa el 8,4% de los ingresos del Gobierno de Chile. En 2022, CODELCO representó el 13,1% de todas las exportaciones chilenas.

El desempeño financiero de CODELCO se ve significativamente afectado por los precios de mercado del cobre. Al igual que los precios de otras materias primas, los precios del cobre han estado históricamente sujetos a amplias fluctuaciones. Los precios del cobre en la LME promediaron 399,0 centavos por libra en 2022 en comparación con 424,5 centavos por libra en 2021 y 280,3 centavos por libra en 2020. Los precios del cobre promediaron 390,0 centavos por libra en los primeros nueve meses de 2023, en comparación con 411,1 centavos por libra en los primeros nueve meses de 2022. Los precios se vieron afectados por la pandemia de COVID-19 en 2020, seguida por la recuperación de la economía global durante 2021 y un menor crecimiento en China y la estabilización de la economía posterior a la pandemia en 2022. Para más información, consulte Visión general del mercado del cobre.

CODELCO continúa enfocándose en controlar y limitar el aumento de los costos de producción. Durante muchos años, CODELCO estuvo dentro del primer o segundo cuartil de la industria en cuanto a costos. Esta posición se debió principalmente a la calidad de sus yacimientos minerales, sus economías de escala y la experiencia de su fuerza laboral.


Currently, CODELCO is in the third quartile of the industry’s cost curve. The Company intends to make every effort, through investment and management, to be within the first or second quartiles of the industry’s cost curve in the long term.

In 2022, CODELCO’s total costs and expenses increased by 56.6 cents per pound (22.2%) to 310.9 cents per pound, compared to 254.3 cents per pound in 2021 and 241.8 cents per pound in 2020, mainly due to higher input prices and lower production volume, partially offset by foreign exchange rate depreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar.

For the first nine months of 2023, CODELCO’s total costs and expenses increased by 85 cents per pound (30.5%) to 363.7 cents per pound, compared to 278.7 cents per pound for the same period in 2022, mainly due to lower production and the use of inventory, and higher operational costs, coupled with an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) and an appreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar that impacted salaries and contracts, contributing to an overall increase in cash costs.

In 2022, CODELCO’s total costs and expenses increased to U.S.$9.9 billion, compared to U.S.$9.1 billion in 2021, and to U.S.$8.6 billion in 2020, due to lower production and higher input prices, partially offset by a depreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar (2022 compared to 2021). For the first nine months of 2023, CODELCO’s total costs and expenses amounted to U.S.$7.7 billion, compared to U.S.$6.5 billion for the same period in 2022. In 2022, CODELCO’s cash cost of production was 165.4 cents per pound, compared to 132.7 cents per pound in 2021 and 129.4 cents per pound in 2020.

For the first nine months of 2023, CODELCO’s cash cost of production was 204.5 cents per pound, compared to 157.4 cents per pound for the same period in 2022. In 2022, CODELCO’s total cash cost was U.S.$5.2 billion, compared to U.S.$4.7 billion in 2021 and U.S.$4.5 billion in 2020. For the first nine months of 2023, CODELCO’s total cash cost was U.S.$4.3 billion, as compared to U.S.$3.6 billion for the same period in 2022 (such total cash cost includes certain cash cost incurred at the corporate level).

CODELCO conducts hedging operations from time to time to reduce the risks associated with copper price volatility. CODELCO also periodically enters into futures contracts with respect to certain sales of its own copper. Since 2005, CODELCO has occasionally hedged certain future copper delivery commitments and production in order to manage the risks associated with copper price volatility. As of September 30, 2023, CODELCO did not have any production hedging commitments and, accordingly, there was no related impact on pre-tax income for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023. See notes 29 and 30 to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

CODELCO has hedged a portion of its exchange rate and interest rate exposure by entering into forward exchange contracts to hedge against fluctuations in the UF to U.S. dollar exchange rate for its outstanding UF-denominated bonds. See Business and Properties-Marketing-Pricing and Hedging and Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations -CODELCO engages in hedging activity from time to time, particularly with respect to its copper production, which may not be successful and may result in losses to CODELCO. See also notes 27 and 28 to the Consolidated Financial Statements and notes 29 and 30 to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for further information on CODELCO’s hedging activity.

Sale prices for CODELCO’s products are established principally by reference to prices quoted on the LME and the New York Commodity Exchange (COMEX in the case of copper, or prices published in Metals Weekly in the case of molybdenum. The substantial majority of copper produced by CODELCO is sold under annual contracts to customers who have long-term relationships with CODELCO. Pricing under such contracts is based on prevailing average copper prices for a quotation period, generally for the month following the scheduled month of shipment. Revenue under such contracts is recorded at provisional prices determined at the time of shipment. Usually, an adjustment is then made after delivery of the copper, based on the pricing terms contained in the applicable contract.

CODELCO’s financial performance is also significantly affected by the relationship of copper prices to production costs. In 2022, CODELCO’s annual production, including its investment in El Abra and Anglo American Sur, was 1.55 million metric tons from 1.73 million metric tons in 2021 and 1.73 million metric tons in 2020. The production in 2022 was lower mainly due to lower production at Chuquicamata, El Teniente and Ministro Hals, partially offset by the higher production at Gabriela Mistral and Andina.

In 2022, each U.S.$0.01 change in CODELCO’s average annual copper price per pound caused a variation in revenue of approximately U.S.$31.8 million. CODELCO expects production to decrease in the near future resulting from lower average ore grades and lower reclamations levels and to stabilize over time. CODELCO continues to develop its project pipeline with the goal of increasing its production marginally in the long term, by overcoming certain non-permanent disruptions, such as inclement weather and other natural events. See Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations-Earthquake damage to CODELCO’s properties and operations could negatively affect CODELCO’s results.

CODELCO continues to develop and refine its mine management practices and programs to limit and reduce its costs. These include the following: (i) improved deposit identification and mining techniques; (ii) the implementation of early retirement plans and workforce reduction programs; (iii) an investment in human capital and continuing to attract and retain a world-class management team and professionals of the highest caliber; (iv) improved utilization of equipment and inputs used in the processes of copper production to increase productivity and efficiency; and (v) the development of key projects, specifically the new mine level at El Teniente, the Andina plant reallocation and the Chuquicamata underground mine projects. Production cash costs are influenced by mining and production practices, as well as the type of ore from which copper is produced, production levels and market prices of byproducts, and foreign exchange rates.

In 2022, CODELCO invested U.S.$3.4 billion, mainly in expansion and development projects, including the Chuquicamata underground mine, the Andina plant reallocation, the new mine level at El Teniente and the upgrade of Chuquicamata, Salvador and El Teniente smelters. See Business and Properties.

In addition to selling its current production of copper, CODELCO may sell copper in its inventory from past production cycles to meet the demand of its customers. CODELCO also purchases copper from third parties in the spot market for resale. The Company makes these purchases and sales of third-party copper to meet the requirements under sales contracts and to participate in the spot market for copper based on its evaluation of market conditions. CODELCO has no long-term commitments regarding third-party copper purchases or sales other than pursuant to the joint venture with China Minmetals Non-Ferrous Metals Co. Ltd. (Minmetals), a Chinese state-owned metals company. This joint venture ended in April 2016 and the related selling commitment ended in February 2021. For more information on Minmetals, see Business and Properties-Associations, Joint Ventures and Partnerships. CODELCO also engages in copper transactions with its affiliates at market terms. In addition, CODELCO purchases copper from its affiliates for further processing and resale.

The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, the components of CODELCO’s consolidated financial statements of operations expressed as a percentage of revenue under IFRS. These tables are qualified in their entirety by reference to, and should be read together with, CODELCO’s Consolidated Financial Statements, including the notes thereto, included elsewhere in this offering memorandum:

For the nine-month periods ended Year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023
Cost Of sales 74.5 58 72.2 70.2 81.0
Gross Profit 25.5 42 27.8 29.8 19.0
Other Income 0.7 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.5
Administrative expenses 2.8 0.2 3.0 3.2 3.2
Other expenses, by function 10.3 12.9 12.4 11.0 2.1
Finance Costs 5.2 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.7
Profit (loss) before income tax 7.4 28.1 8.8 14.3 (0.6)
Income tax expense 5.6 18.3 6.7 10.2 0.8
Profit (loss) for the period 1.8% 9.8% 2.1% 4.1% 0.2%

The following tables set forth, for the periods indicated, certain price, volume and cost data:

For the nine-month periods ended Year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2022 2023
CODELCO Average Metal Price (per pound)P COPPOT $2.46 $4.36 $3.76 $3.75 $3.84
Molybdenum $8.31 $15.31 $18.2 $17.5 $26.3
CODELCO Sales Volume (in metric tons) Own copper (2) 1,858,920 1,846,164 1,664,341 1,169,897 1,154,532
Third-party copper 191,668 193,309 192,831 130,391 139,641
Total Copper 2,050,588 2,039,473 1,857,172 1,300,288 1,294,173
Molybdenum (in oxide and concentrate) 28,755 21,754 20,889 15,233 12,502
CODELCO’s Cash Cost of Production (per pound) 129.44 132.74 165.44 157.44 204.54
(1) The average metal price is the weighted average of prices actually paid to CODELCO for its product mix. (2) Includes wire rod sales and cathodes from CODELCO’s subsidiaries.

Impact of COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic impact have primarily contributed to a decrease in copper prices in 2020. However, in 2021, LME copper prices increased to 424.5 cents per pound compared to 279.8 cents per pound in 2020, which was attributable to the Chinese and global economies’ recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic during 2021. In 2022, LME copper prices averaged 399.0 cents per pound in 2022 compared to 424.5 cents per pound in 2021, mainly due to a lower growth in China and the slowdown of the economy post-pandemic. Copper prices averaged 390.0 cents per pound in the first nine months of 2023, compared to 411.1 cents per pound in the first nine months of 2022, due to global economic uncertainty and lower growth mainly in China due to strong anti-COVID measures that have slowed the recovery. CODELCO’s financial results and prospects are largely dependent on the prices of copper. If economic conditions further deteriorate in China or other emerging markets, demand from customers in those markets could decline and the market price of copper could fall. A decline in copper prices would have an adverse impact on CODELCO’s revenues and financial results.

CODELCO has taken steps and implemented several measures to safeguard its employees, businesses and the communities surrounding its operations from the threats posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Although these steps and measures have not materially affected CODELCO’s production or its financial results in 2020 or 2021, the ultimate impact of COVID-19 on CODELCO’s financial and operating results is unknown and will be reflected in CODELCO’s results of operations over several periods in the future in a disaggregated manner.

Results of Operations for the nine-month Periods Ended September 30, 2022 and 2023

The following table sets forth CODELCO’s summarized results of operations for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2023:

For the nine-month periods ended September 30, % Change
2022 2023 20222023 (in millions of U.S.$) Revenue 11,879,784 12,218,396 2.9
Cost Of Sales 8,340,192 9,898,852 18.7
Gross Profit 3,539,592 2,319,544 (34.5)
Other Income 39,476 64,581 63.6
Administrative expenses 374,634 392,994 4.9
Other expenses, by function 1,305,710 1,476,620 13.1
Finance Costs 424,459 570,413 34.4
Share of profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity Method 53,391 (134,279) (851.5)

Foreign exchange differences 129,728 36,354 (72.0) Profit (loss) before INCOME tax 1,697,864 (75,552) (104.4) Income tax expense (1,206,688) 94,064 (107.8) Profit (loss) for the period 491,176 18,512 (96.2) Profit (loss) attributable to Owners of Parent 471,660 66,139 (86.0) Profit (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests 19,516 (47,627) (344.0)

Revenue. The following table sets forth CODELCO’s revenue for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2023:

For the nine-month periods ended September 30, % Change 2022 2023 2023 (in millions of U.S.$)

Revenue 11,879,784 12,218,396 2.9 Sales of CODELCO’s OWN COPPER 9,712,413 9,802,323 0.9 Sales of third-party COPPER 1,054,622 1,207,664 14.5 Sales of byproducts and Other 1,112,749 1,208,409 8.6

Revenues increased by 2.9% to U.S.$12.2 billion in the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$11.8 billion for the same period in 2022. This increase was primarily attributable to a 14.5% increase in third-party copper sales volume, and by the impact of higher molybdenum prices, which increased 43.3% in the first nine months of 2023, compared to the same period in 2022.

Third-party copper sales totaled U.S.$1.2 billion in the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$1.1 billion for the same period in 2022, attributable to an increase of sales volume. In general, changes in the volume of third-party copper sales are dependent upon CODELCO’s need to meet requirements under sales contracts and, to a lesser extent, purchasing copper under spot market terms if CODELCO’s own production is insufficient to cover the quantities that it has agreed to supply its customers.

Sales of byproducts and other increased 8.6% to U.S.$1.2 billion in the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$1.1 billion for the same period in 2022. This increase was primarily due to the 50.6% growth in average realized price of molybdenum from 26.3 cents per pound in the first nine months of 2023 compared to 17.5 cents per pound for the same period in 2022.

Cost of sales. CODELCO’s cost of sales in any period includes both the mining and production costs of its own copper and byproducts and the purchase costs of copper, as well as gold, silver and other byproducts, at market prices from third parties and processed and sold by CODELCO in that period. The following table sets forth CODELCO’s total cost of sales for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2023:

For the nine-month period ended September 30, % Change 2022 2023 2023 (in millions of U.S.$)

Cost of sales (8,340,192) (9,898,852) 18.7 Cost of CODELCO’S OWN COPPER (6,758,991) (8,117,802) 20.1 Cost of third-party Sales (1,057,778) (1,200,120) 13.5 Cost of byproducts and Other (523,423) (580,930) 11.0

CODELCO’s total cost of sales increased by 18.7% to U.S.$9.9 billion (81.0% of sales) in the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$8.3 billion (70.2% of sales) for the same period in 2022, primarily due to an increased inventory usage, which played a significant role in driving up costs during this period, and an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) impacting salaries and contracts. Additionally, higher operational costs in local currency due to the appreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar (as of September 30, 2023, the average exchange rate was CLP 821 per U.S. dollar compared to CLP 859 per U.S. dollar for the same period in 2022) increased cost of sales. Some of the minerals that CODELCO sells are purchased at market prices, and CODELCO also purchases mineral ore from third parties at market prices which it processes and sells as copper.

CODELCO’s cost of sales of its own copper increased by 20.1% to U.S.$8.1 billion during the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$6.8 billion for the same period in 2022. This increase is primarily attributable to increased inventory usage, which played a significant role in driving up costs during this period, as well as higher operational costs, and an appreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar that impacted salaries and contracts, contributing to an overall increase in costs.

The cost of copper purchased from third parties increased by 13.5% in the first nine months of 2023 to U.S.$1.2 billion, compared to U.S.$1.1 billion for the same period in 2022. The increase was mainly caused by higher sales volume of third-party copper.

The cost of byproducts and other increased by 11.0% to U.S.$580.9 million in the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$523.4 million for the same period in 2022, primarily due to higher operational costs, and an appreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar that impacted salaries and contracts, contributing to an overall increase in cost. Depreciation and amortization expenses remained relatively flat at U.S.$1,672 million during the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$1,640 million for the same period in 2022.

Gross profit. Gross profit amounted to U.S.$2.3 billion for the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$3.5 billion for the same period in 2022. This 34.5% decrease was primarily attributable to the increase in sale costs due to an increased inventory usage, an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) impacting salaries and contracts, and the appreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar, partially offset by the increase in revenues.

Other income. The largest components of other income are other miscellaneous income, miscellaneous sales and penalties to suppliers. Other income increased 63.6% to U.S.$64.5 million in the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$39.4 million for the same period in 2022, mainly attributable to the income derived from a one-time payment in the second quarter of 2023 related to insurance compensation.

Administrative expenses. Administrative expenses increased to U.S.$392.9 million (3.2% of total revenues) during the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$374.6 million (3.2% of total revenues) for the same period in 2022. This increase was primarily attributable to the effect of the appreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar and an increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) impacted salaries and contracts contributing to an overall increase in costs.

Other expenses, by function. Other expenses, by function amounted to U.S.$1.5 billion (12.1% of total revenues) during the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$1.3 billion (11.0% of total revenues) for the same period in 2022. This increase was primarily attributable to other expenses.

The following table sets forth the principal components of CODELCO’s other expenses, by function for the periods indicated:

For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 2023 (in millions of U.S.$) Copper Reserve Law 934,555 948,650 Bonus for the end of collective bargaining and other employee benefits 43,870 44,244 Other non-cash charges 31,802 79,297 Other expenses 295,483 404,429 Total other expenses by function 1,305,710 1,476,620

CODELCO recorded other expenses by function of U.S.$1.3 billion and U.S.$1.5 billion in the first nine months of 2022 and 2023, respectively, pursuant to the Copper Reserve Law, which levies a 10.0% tax on CODELCO’s exports of its own copper and related byproducts. Under the accounting policies adopted by CODELCO, this export tax is accounted for in other expenses, by function. The increase of this tax recorded in the first nine months of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022 is primarily attributable to higher revenues from sales of molybdenum.

Bonuses for the end of collective bargaining and other employee benefits increased to U.S.$44.2 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023 from U.S.$43.9 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2022, due to a slightly higher amount of expenses as provisions for early retirement plans and termination bonuses.

Other expenses (as a sub-category of other expenses as a whole) increased from U.S.$295.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2022 to U.S.$404.4 million for the nine months ended September 30, 2023, mainly due to an increase fixed indirect costs (lower production level), explained by halts in certain production process at the Salvador, Chuquicamata, El Teniente, Ministro Hales, and Andina divisions from U.S.$122.6 million during the first nine months of 2022 to U.S.$218.7 million in the first nine months of 2023.

Finance costs. Finance costs increased to U.S.$570.4 million in the first nine months of 2023, compared to U.S.$424.5 million for the same period in 2022. This increase was primarily attributable to higher average debt amount in 2023 than in 2022 mainly related to the issue in January 2023 and higher average interest rate. The average interest rate was 4.6% as of September 30, 2023, compared to 4.1% as of September 30, 2022. As of September 30, 2023, 92.8% of our debt had a fixed rate and 7.2% had a floating rate.

Share of profit(loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method. CODELCO’s net equity participation in related companies decreased to a net loss of U.S.$134.3 million in the first nine months of 2023, compared to a net profit of U.S.$53.4 million for the same period in 2022, primarily attributable to the recognition of a U.S.$120.8 million loss for the deferred tax liability associated with the impact of the new Royalty Law (Law No 21,591) on the fair value of net assets.

Foreign exchange differences. According to Decree Law 1,350, CODELCO maintains its accounting records in U.S. dollars, recording transactions in currencies other than U.S. dollars at the exchange rate current at the date of each transaction and, subsequently, for monetary assets and liabilities denominated in currencies other than the U.S. dollar, at the closing exchange rate determined by the Central Bank of Chile. CODELCO experienced a gain from foreign exchange differences of U.S.$36.4 million in the first nine months of 2023, compared to a gain from foreign exchange differences of U.S.$129.7 million in the same period of 2022. The gain recorded in the first nine months of 2023 is primarily attributable to the appreciation of the Chilean peso against the U.S. dollar during the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023 as compared to December 31, 2022.

Profit (loss) before income tax. Loss before income tax was U.S.$75.6 million during the first nine months of 2023, compared to the profit before income tax of U.S.$1.7 billion for the same period in 2022, due to lower gains from operating activities primarily attributable to higher costs.

Income tax expense. During the first nine months of 2023, CODELCO had a statutory tax rate of 65.0% in accordance with applicable regulations, comprised of (i) a corporate income tax rate of 25.0% and (ii) a 40.0% tax on net earnings applicable to state-owned enterprises as specified by Decree Law 2,398, Art. 2. During the first nine months of 2022, CODELCO was subject to the same statutory tax rate of 65.0%. CODELCO is also subject to an additional mining tax that is based on its operating income, and, effective as of 2012 fiscal year, is imposed at progressive rates of between 5.0% and 14.0%. CODELCO’s statutory rate of the mining tax for 2020, 2021 and 2022 was 5.0%. CODELCO’s taxes on income amounted to an income of U.S.$94.1 million during the first nine months of 2023 and an expense of U.S.$1,207.0 million during the same period in 2022. The decrease in expense from taxes on income was primarily due to the loss before tax generated during the first nine months of 2023.

Profit for the period. As a result of the factors described above, CODELCO’s profit after tax was U.S.$18.5 million during the first nine months of 2023, compared to a profit after tax of U.S.$491.1 million for the same period in 2022.

Results of Operations for the Three Years Ended December 31, 2022

The following table sets forth CODELCO’s summarized results of operations for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2021 and 2022:

Year ended December 31, % Change
2020 2021 2022 2020-2021 2021-2022 (en millones de dólares estadounidenses)

Revenue con 14,173 21,025 17,018 48.3 (19.1) Costo de ventas 10,565 12,186 12,285 15.3 (0.8) Utilidad bruta 3,608 8,839 4,734 145 (46.4) Otros ingresos, por función 97 116 65 18.9 (44.1) Gastos administrativos (397) (459) (502) 15.7 9.4 Otros gastos (1,457) (2,717) 2,103 86.5 (22.6) Costos financieros (742) (641) (569) (13.7) (1.2) Participación en las utilidades (pérdidas) de asociadas y
empresas conjuntas contabilizadas bajo el
método de participación patrimonial 39 415 52 951.9 (87.5) Diferencias de cambio (166) 314 (238) (289.6) (175.8) Utilidad (pérdida) del período antes de impuestos 1,044 5,907 1,495 465.8 (74.7) Gasto por impuesto a la renta (787) (3,855) (1,134) 389.9 (70.6) Utilidad (pérdida) del período 257 2,051 362 698.6 (82.4) Utilidad (pérdida) atribuible a los propietarios de PAMOME 243 1,942 346 699.4 (82.2) Utilidad (pérdida) atribuible a intereses no controladores 14 109 16 684.0 (85.3)

Ingresos. La siguiente tabla muestra los ingresos de CODELCO para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2020, 2021 y 2022:

Year ended December 31, % Change

2020 2021 2022 2020-2021 2021-2022 (en millones de dólares estadounidenses)

Ingresos 14,173 21,025 17,018 48.3% (19.1)% Ventas de cobre propio de CODELCO 11,775 17,715 13,853 50.4% (21.9)% Ventas de cobre de terceros 1,234 1,846 1,640 49.5% (11.1)% Ventas de subproductos y otros 1,163 1,464 1,531 23.8% 4.6%

En 2022, los ingresos disminuyeron un 19.1% a 17.0 mil millones de dólares, en comparación con 21.0 mil millones de dólares en 2021. Esta disminución se debió principalmente a un menor volumen de ventas y a una disminución del precio promedio del cobre de CODELCO de 4.36 dólares por libra en 2021 a 3.76 dólares por libra en 2022. Nuestras ventas de cobre propio disminuyeron un 21.9% principalmente debido a un menor volumen de ventas debido a una menor producción. En 2021, los ingresos aumentaron un 48.3% a 21.0 mil millones de dólares, en comparación con 14.2 mil millones de dólares en 2020. Este aumento se debió principalmente a un aumento del precio promedio del cobre de CODELCO de 2.87 dólares por libra en 2020 a 4.36 dólares por libra en 2021 y un aumento en el volumen de cobre vendido como resultado de niveles de producción más altos. Nuestras ventas de cobre propio aumentaron un 50.4% principalmente debido al aumento del precio promedio del cobre de CODELCO en 2021.

Las ventas de cobre de terceros totalizaron 1.6 mil millones de dólares en 2022 en comparación con 1.8 mil millones de dólares en 2021, atribuible a un menor volumen de ventas. En 2020, las ventas de cobre de terceros totalizaron 1.2 mil millones de dólares, lo que fue menor que en 2021 como resultado del mayor precio promedio del cobre y el volumen de ventas en 2021.

En general, los cambios en el volumen de ventas de cobre de terceros dependen de la necesidad de CODELCO de cumplir con los requisitos de los contratos de venta y, en menor medida, de la compra de cobre en términos de mercado si la producción propia de CODELCO es insuficiente para cubrir las cantidades que se ha comprometido a suministrar a sus clientes.

Las ventas de subproductos y otros aumentaron un 4.6% a 1.5 mil millones de dólares en 2022, en comparación con 1.4 mil millones en 2021. Este aumento se debió principalmente al aumento del 18.6% en los precios del molibdeno que compensó la disminución en el volumen de venta de molibdeno y otros ingresos por subproductos. En 2021, estas ventas aumentaron un 26.0% a 1.5 mil millones de dólares, en comparación con 1.2 mil millones en 2020. Este aumento se debió principalmente a un aumento en los precios del molibdeno del 82.3% en 2021.

Costo de ventas. El costo de ventas de CODELCO en cualquier período incluye tanto los costos de extracción y producción de su propio cobre y subproductos como los costos de compra de cobre, así como oro, plata y otros subproductos, a precios de mercado de terceros y procesados y vendidos por CODELCO en ese período. La siguiente tabla muestra el costo total de ventas de CODELCO para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2020, 2021 y 2022:

Year ended December 31, % Change
2020 2021 2022 2020-2021 2021-2022 (en millones de dólares estadounidenses)

Costo 10,565 12,186 12,285 15.3% 0.8% Costo de cobre propio de CODELCO 8,618 9,611 9,932 11.5% 3.3% Costo de ventas de terceros 1,227 1,823 1,647 48.6% (9.7)% Costo de subproductos y otros 720 752 706 4.4% (6.0)%

El costo total de ventas de CODELCO aumentó un 0.8% a 12.3 mil millones de dólares (72.2% de los ingresos) en 2022, en comparación con 12.2 millones de dólares (58.0% de los ingresos) en 2021, y en comparación con 10.6 mil millones de dólares (74.5% de los ingresos) en 2020, principalmente debido a precios de insumos más altos parcialmente compensados por la depreciación del peso chileno frente al dólar estadounidense, lo que impactó los precios de los insumos en moneda local.

Algunos de los minerales que CODELCO vende se compran a precios de mercado, y CODELCO también compra mineral de terceros a precios de mercado que procesa y vende como cobre.

El costo de ventas de cobre propio de CODELCO aumentó un 3.3% a 9.9 mil millones de dólares en 2022 en comparación con 9.6 mil millones de dólares en 2021, principalmente debido a un menor volumen de ventas y mayores costos operativos. En 2021, el costo de ventas aumentó a 9.6 mil millones de dólares, en comparación con 8.6 mil millones en 2020. Este aumento se debió principalmente a precios de insumos más altos parcialmente compensados por la depreciación del peso chileno frente al dólar estadounidense, lo que impactó los precios de los insumos en moneda local.

En 2022, el costo de cobre comprado a terceros disminuyó un 9.7% a 1.6 mil millones de dólares en comparación con 1.8 mil millones de dólares en 2021, debido a un menor volumen y precio promedio del cobre. En 2021, el costo de cobre comprado a terceros aumentó un 48.6% a 1.8 mil millones de dólares en comparación con 1.2 mil millones de dólares en 2020, debido a un mayor volumen de cobre de terceros y precio promedio del cobre.

En 2022, el costo de subproductos y otros disminuyó un 6.0% a 706.0 millones de dólares principalmente debido a una disminución en el volumen de venta de molibdeno, principalmente debido a una reducción en la producción en Salvador. En 2021, el costo de subproductos y otros aumentó un 4.4% a 752.0 millones de dólares en comparación con 720.0 millones de dólares en 2020, principalmente debido al mayor volumen de ventas de subproductos.

En 2022, los gastos de depreciación y amortización disminuyeron un 1.4% a 2.2 mil millones de dólares en comparación con 2.3 mil millones de dólares en 2021 y 2.5 mil millones de dólares en 2020.

Gross profit. En 2022, el beneficio bruto ascendió a U.S.$4.7 mil millones, lo que representa una disminución del 46.6% en comparación con el mismo período de 2021, principalmente debido a menores ingresos. En 2021, el beneficio bruto ascendió a U.S.$8.8 mil millones, lo que representa un aumento del 145.0% en comparación con el beneficio bruto en 2020, atribuible principalmente al mayor volumen de ventas y mayores ingresos debido al mayor precio promedio recibido por la mezcla de productos de CODELCO. En 2020, el beneficio bruto ascendió a U.S.$3.6 mil millones.

Otros ingresos, por función. En 2022, los otros ingresos, por función, disminuyeron en un 44.1% a U.S.$64.7 millones en comparación con U.S.$115.7 millones en 2021, principalmente debido a los ingresos relacionados con el prepago de U.S.$0.2 millones de la deuda de Gacrux en 2021. Los otros ingresos, por función, aumentaron en un 18.9% a U.S.$115.7 millones en 2021 en comparación con U.S.$97.3 millones en 2020. Ver nota 22a de los Estados Financieros Consolidados.

Gastos administrativos. En 2022, los gastos administrativos aumentaron en un 9.4% a U.S.$502.3 millones (3.0% de los ingresos) en comparación con U.S.$459.3 millones (2.2% de los ingresos) en 2021 debido a menores ventas y precios de insumos más altos, compensados por un efecto positivo de la depreciación del peso chileno frente al dólar estadounidense. Los gastos administrativos aumentaron a U.S.$459.3 millones (2.2% de los ingresos) en comparación con U.S.$397.0 millones (2.8% de los ingresos) en 2021 en comparación con 2020, respectivamente.

Otros gastos. En 2022, otros gastos ascendieron a U.S.$2.1 mil millones (12.4% de los ingresos) en comparación con U.S.$2.7 mil millones (12.9% de los ingresos) en 2021 y U.S.$1.5 mil millones (10.3% de los ingresos) en 2020. La disminución en 2022 se debió principalmente a una disminución en los gastos pagaderos bajo la Ley de Reserva de Cobre, y a menores bonificaciones pagadas relacionadas con procesos de negociación colectiva y ajuste del valor justo de propiedades mineras.

La siguiente tabla muestra los principales componentes de los otros gastos de CODELCO para los períodos indicados:

Año terminado el 31 de diciembre,

2020 2021 2022 (en millones de U.S.$)

Ley de Reserva de Cobre (1,048) (1,572) (1,273) Bonificación por el fin de la negociación colectiva y Beneficios a Empleados (172) (93) (110) Deterioro de activos (125) (89) Otros cargos no monetarios (40) (132) Otros gastos (173) (595) (582)

Total (1,457) (2,717) (2,103)

CODELCO registró otros gastos de U.S.$1.3 mil millones, U.S.$1.6 mil millones y U.S.$1.1 mil millones en 2022, 2021 y 2020, respectivamente, de acuerdo con la Ley de Reserva de Cobre, que impone un impuesto del 10.0% sobre los ingresos de las ventas que CODELCO recibe y transfiere a Chile por la exportación de cobre y subproductos relacionados producidos por CODELCO. La disminución de este impuesto registrado en 2022 en comparación con 2021 se debe principalmente a un menor volumen vendido y una disminución en los precios del cobre, y menores ingresos.

Los otros gastos disminuyeron a U.S.$582.0 millones en 2022 en comparación con U.S.$595.0 millones en 2021, principalmente debido a la disminución en el ajuste del valor de la propiedad minera en 2022 en comparación con 2021.

Costos financieros. En 2022, los costos financieros disminuyeron un 11.2% a U.S.$569.0 desde U.S.$641.0 millones en 2021, en comparación con U.S.$742.0 millones en 2020, principalmente debido a menores gastos de intereses de bonos durante 2022. El nivel de deuda de CODELCO fue de U.S.$17.0 mil millones al 31 de diciembre de 2022, en comparación con U.S.$17.2 mil millones al 31 de diciembre de 2021, y U.S.$18.1 mil millones al 31 de diciembre de 2020.

La tasa de interés promedio de CODELCO se mantuvo en 4.1% al 31 de diciembre de 2022, al 31 de diciembre de 2021, y al 31 de diciembre de 2020. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, el 94.2% de nuestra deuda tenía tasa fija y el 5.8% tasa variable, al 31 de diciembre de 2021, el 94.3% de nuestra deuda tenía tasa fija y el 5.7% tasa variable y, al 31 de diciembre de 2020, el 91.3% de nuestra deuda tenía tasa fija y el 8.7% tasa variable. Ver Datos Financieros Consolidados Seleccionados para información sobre la deuda durante los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2020, 2021 y 2022.

Participación en las ganancias (pérdidas) de asociadas y empresas conjuntas contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial. En 2022, la participación neta de CODELCO en empresas relacionadas fue una ganancia neta de U.S.$51.9 millones, en comparación con una ganancia neta de U.S.$415.0 millones en 2021, y una ganancia neta de U.S.$39.0 millones en 2020. La disminución en 2022 en comparación con 2021 se debió principalmente a una disminución en la rentabilidad de Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra y Anglo American Sur. Ver nota 9 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados.

Diferencias de cambio. CODELCO experimentó una pérdida por diferencias de cambio de U.S.$237.7 millones en 2022 en comparación con 2021, principalmente atribuible a la depreciación del peso chileno frente al dólar estadounidense durante 2022 en comparación con 2021. En 2021, las diferencias de cambio experimentaron una ganancia de U.S.$313.7 millones en comparación con una pérdida por diferencias de cambio de U.S.$165.5 millones en 2020, principalmente atribuible a la apreciación del peso chileno frente al dólar estadounidense durante 2021 en comparación con 2020.

Beneficio (pérdida) antes de impuestos. En 2022, el beneficio antes de impuestos disminuyó a U.S.$1.5 mil millones, en comparación con U.S.$5.9 mil millones en 2021. Esta disminución se debió principalmente a un menor volumen de ventas en 2022. En 2021, el beneficio antes de impuestos aumentó a U.S.$5.9 mil millones en comparación con U.S.$1.0 mil millones en 2020, principalmente debido a precios promedio de cobre más altos, principalmente al final del período, y un mayor volumen de ventas.

Gasto por impuestos a la renta. En 2022, CODELCO tuvo una tasa impositiva estatutaria del 65.0% de acuerdo con las regulaciones aplicables, compuesta por (i) una tasa impositiva sobre la renta corporativa del 25.0% (una tasa impositiva corporativa histórica del 17.0% aplicada a los ingresos devengados en y antes de 2011 pero modificada mediante la reforma tributaria de 2014) y (ii) un impuesto del 40.0% sobre las ganancias netas aplicable a las empresas estatales según lo especificado por el Decreto Ley 2,398, Art. 2. Durante 2021 y 2020, CODELCO estuvo sujeta a la misma tasa impositiva estatutaria del 65.0%. CODELCO también está sujeta a un impuesto minero adicional que se basa en sus ingresos operativos, y, a partir del año fiscal 2012, se impone a tasas progresivas entre el 5.0% y el 14.0%. La tasa impositiva estatutaria de CODELCO para 2022, 2021 y 2020 fue del 5.0%. Los impuestos de CODELCO sobre la renta ascendieron a un gasto de U.S.$1,134 millones en 2022, en comparación con un gasto de U.S.$3,855 millones en 2021 y U.S.$787.0 millones en 2020, principalmente como resultado de una disminución en la utilidad antes de impuestos de CODELCO en 2022. Para obtener más información sobre este pago, ver nota 5 a los Estados Financieros Consolidados y Factores de Riesgo-Riesgos Relacionados con la Relación de CODELCO con el Gobierno de Chile -CODELCO está sujeta a impuestos especiales.

Profit for the period. As a result of the factors described above, CODELCO recorded a profit after tax of U.S.$362.0 million in 2022, U.S.$2,051 million in 2021 and U.S.$257.0 million in 2020.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

CODELCO’s primary sources of liquidity are funds from (i) operations, (ii) domestic and international borrowings from banks and (iii) debt offerings in the domestic and international capital markets. CODELCO is generally required to transfer its profit to the Chilean Treasury. The calculation of profit and other comprehensive income includes certain non-cash generating charges or benefits. Significant non-cash generating charges or benefits are deferred tax expense/benefit and amortization and depreciation recorded against other comprehensive income and/or profit and loss. For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, non-cash charges were U.S.$182.0 thousand in amortization and U.S.$1,672 million in depreciation. Non-cash deferred tax charges of U.S.$246 thousand in amortization and U.S.$1,640 million in depreciation were recorded for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022. Specifically with respect to deferred taxes, non-cash charges or benefits are generated by recording the fluctuation of the deferred tax assets and liabilities, which may be recorded against other comprehensive income in equity or through profit and loss. Amortization and depreciation are recorded directly in profit and loss.

In June 2014, the Ministries of Finance and Mining approved the capitalization of U.S.$200.0 million through a retention of CODELCO’s profits from 2013. In October 2014, the multi-year capitalization law approved by the Chilean Congress was promulgated and became effective following its publication in the Official Gazette. This law allocates a maximum of U.S.$3.0 billion to CODELCO in the form of a capital injection by the Chilean Treasury over the period from 2014 to 2018. Pursuant to this law, CODELCO must present a yearly progress report on the BDP for the 2014-2018 period to the Ministries of Finance and Mining and to the Finance Committee of both the Upper House and the Lower House of Congress by March 30 of each year. The BDP report details the progress of CODELCO’s investments, including information about their financing and execution, covering each of the structural projects and their corresponding investments. The BDP report also discusses CODELCO’s progress with respect to production, costs and results. On the same date that the multi-year capitalization law was promulgated, the President of Chile announced a commitment to authorize the retention by CODELCO of up to an additional U.S.$1 billion of profit (which includes the U.S.$200.0 million that had been authorized in June 2014) over the 2014-2018 period.

In accordance with this commitment, in June 2015, the Ministries of Finance and Mining approved the capitalization of U.S.$225.0 million of 2014 profit, but charged to 2015 profits. However, due to CODELCO’s operating losses in 2015, this capitalization has not been implemented. Nonetheless, pursuant to the multi-year capitalization law, the Government of Chile authorized a capital injection of U.S.$600.0 million (out of the maximum U.S.$3.0 billion for the 2014-2018 period), which was received in U.S. dollars in December 2015. In December 2016, the Ministries of Finance authorized the capitalization of U.S.$975.0 million, U.S.$500.0 million of which related to a capital injection to finance CODELCO’s investment plan and was received in December 2016. The remaining U.S.$475.0 million was authorized pursuant to a new law (Law 20,989), effective as of January 2017, which provided for additional capitalization of a maximum of U.S.$950.0 million for both 2016 and 2017 (up to U.S.$475.0 million for each year) in the event CODELCO does not have the required pre-tax profits to cover the 10.0% special export tax under the Copper Reserve Law. In April 2017, CODELCO received the U.S.$475.0 million capital injection in U.S. dollars for 2016.

Law 20,989 also extended the U.S.$3.0 billion capitalization commitment for the 2014-2018 period to 2019. While CODELCO did not expect additional capital injections in connection with Law 20,989 during 2017, in November 2017, the Government of Chile authorized a capital injection of U.S.$520.0 million (out of the maximum U.S.$3.0 billion for the newly extended 2014-2019 period), which was received in U.S. dollars in December 2017. In June 2018, the Government of Chile announced a final capital injection of U.S.$1.0 billion to complete the multi-year capitalization law approved in October 2014. Moreover, in October 2018, the Government of Chile authorized the disbursement of such amount in two installments completed on December 31, 2018 for U.S.$600.0 million and on February 28, 2019 for the remaining U.S.$400.0 million.

Since 2014, the Government of Chile has authorized the capitalization by capital injection and retention of profit within CODELCO in an aggregate amount of U.S.$3.5 billion, U.S.$225.0 million of which could not be implemented.

Since 2022, the Chilean Government is allowing CODELCO to annually reinvest 30.0% of its 2021-2024 profits. This represents a change in CODELCO’s dividend policy, which previously consisted of 100% net-profit distribution policy. This profit-reinvestment plan is expected to strengthen CODELCO’s financial balance sheet and reduce the need for additional financial debt. The 30.0% profit-reinvestment plan resulted in an additional U.S.$583.0 million to CODELCO’s financial cash flow in 2022 and an expected additional U.S.$103.7 million to CODELCO’s financial cash flow in 2023, during which dividends will be generated. The amount is calculated over the net profit of the previous year and charged in the current year or the following year until it is completed. A similar exercise is expected to be carried out in 2024.

See Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Relationship with the Government of Chile- CODELCO’s funding through retention of profits is restricted and is subject to the approval of the Ministries of Finance and Mining.

Cash flows. In 2022, net cash flows from operating activities decreased by 26.2% to U.S.$4.3 billion from U.S.$5.9 billion in 2021. This decrease in net cash flows from operating activities resulted primarily due to the decrease in cash received from the sales of goods and services because of a decrease of sales volumes of 89% in 2022, compared to 2021. In 2021, net cash flows from operating activities increased by 55.9% to U.S.$5.9 billion from U.S.$3.8 billion in 2020. During the first nine months of 2023, net cash flows from operating activities totaled U.S.$1.8 billion, which was 53.9% less than in the same period in 2022. Increased payments to suppliers in the period due to higher input prices, and lower cash received from the sales of goods and services was the main explanation for this decrease. See note 22 to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and note 28 to the 2021-2022 Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bank debt. CODELCO’s total financial debt (defined as loans from financial institutions plus bonds issued) as a percentage of its total capitalization was 60.9% as of December 31, 2020, 59.8% as of December 31, 2021 and 59.3% as of December 31, 2022 and 66.2% as of September 30, 2023. CODELCO’s total outstanding financial debt as of December 31, 2020, 2021 and 2022, and as of September 30, 2023 was U.S.$18.1 billion, U.S.$17.2 billion and U.S.$17.0 billion, and U.S.$20.0 billion, respectively.

In May 2012, CODELCO entered into a two-tranche U.S. dollar unsecured bilateral loan, each tranche with a commitment fee of 15.0 basis points per annum with a maturity date of (i) ten years for the Japan Bank for International Cooperation loan and (ii) seven years for The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd., to be disbursed by the lenders on a pro rata basis, for the development, construction and operation of a metals processing plant to be constructed in Mejillones and the export of certain metals to Japanese customers pursuant to long-term offtake agreements. The terms of the loans are described below:

Availability Credit Amount Interest Rate Period

Japan Bank for International Cooperation. U.S.$224.0 million LIBOR plus 45.0 basis points 36 months The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. U.S.$96.0 million LIBOR plus 55.0 basis points 36 months

As of September 30, 2023, the loans described above were repaid in full at their respective maturity dates.

Between October and November 2016, CODELCO rolled over loans with The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. for U.S.$250.0 million and Export Development Canada for U.S.$300.0 million, increasing the original principal by an additional U.S.$50.0 million. The loans mature in five years and the terms are described below:

Credit Amount Interest Rate The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. U.S.$250.0 million LIBOR plus 75.0 basis points Export Development Canada U.S.$300.0 million LIBOR plus 62.0 basis points

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd. Loan was fully prepaid in January 2020 and the Export Development Canada Loan was fully prepaid in August 2020.

In April 2017, CODELCO entered into a short-term U.S. dollar unsecured bilateral bank loan with Scotiabank Trust (Cayman) Ltd. and used the proceeds to prepay a loan from Bank of America N.A. for U.S.$300.0 million in full. In May 2017, CODELCO exchanged the short-term loan with Scotiabank Trust (Cayman) Ltd. for a five-year U.S. dollar unsecured bilateral bank loan. In July 2017, CODELCO rolled over a loan with Export Development Canada for U.S.$300.0 million. The new loans mature in five years and the terms and interest rates are described below:

Credit Amount Interest Rate Scotiabank Trust (Cayman), Ltd. U.S.$300.0 million LIBOR plus 65.0 basis points Export Development Canada U.S.$300.0 million LIBOR plus 62.0 basis points

As of September 30, 2023, the loan described above with Scotiabank Trust (Cayman), Ltd. and the loan described above with Export Development Canada were fully prepaid in December 2020.

In October 2018, CODELCO rolled over a loan with Export Development Canada for U.S.$300.0 million. The loan matures in 2028 and the terms are described below:

Credit Amount Interest Rate Date Loan Drawn Export Development Canada U.S.$300.0 million LIBOR plus 121.5 basis points October 2018

As of September 30, 2023, U.S.$300.0 million was outstanding under the loan described above with Export Development Canada.

In December 2018, CODELCO entered into a one-year revolving credit facility with Scotiabank Chile for U.S.$300.0 million and drew down the full amount. The revolving credit facility may be renewed on a yearly basis and matures in 2023. The terms are described below:

Credit Amount Interest Rate Date Loan Drawn Scotiabank Chile U.S.$300.0 million LIBOR plus 72.5 basis points December 2018

The loan described above with Scotiabank Chile was fully prepaid in December 2020.

Between March and June 2019, CODELCO entered into six up to one-year advances on export exchange contracts (ACC). The loans mature between March and May 2020 and the terms are described below:

Credit Amount Interest Rate Date Loan Drawn Scotiabank Chile U.S.$100.0 million LIBOR plus 35.0 basis points March 2019 Scotiabank Chile U.S.$65.0 million LIBOR plus 35.0 basis points March 2019 Banco Santander-Chile U.S.$100.0 million LIBOR plus 30.0 basis points April 2019 Banco Itaú Chile U.S.$30.0 million LIBOR plus 63.0 basis points June 2019 Banco de Crédito e Inversiones U.S.$50.0 million LIBOR plus 39.5 basis points June 2019 Banco de Chile U.S.$120.0 million LIBOR plus 66.0 basis points June 2019

As of September 30, 2023, none of the loans mentioned above were outstanding. The Scotiabank Chile and Banco Santander-Chile loans described above were repaid in full at their respective maturity dates, while the loans described above with Banco de Chile, Banco de Crédito e Inversiones and Banco Itaú Chile were prepaid in full in December 2019.

Between June and December 2019, CODELCO entered into a bilateral credit facility with Export Development Canada. The credit facility included a commitment fee of 50.0 basis points and matures in 2029.

CODELCO also entered into a seven-year U.S. dollar unsecured bilateral credit facility with the Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior (Bladex). The terms are described below:

Credit Amount Interest Rate Date Loan Drawn Export Development Canada U.S.$300.0 million LIBOR plus 121.5 basis points July 2019 Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior U.S.$75.0 million LIBOR plus 62.0 basis points December 2019

As of September 30, 2023, U.S.$300.0 million was outstanding under the loan described above with Export Development Canada and U.S.$75.0 million was outstanding under the loan described above with Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio Exterior.

In April 2020, CODELCO entered into a three-year bilateral credit facility with The Bank of Nova Scotia for U.S.$165.0 million, with a commitment fee of 30.0 basis points. The terms are described below:

Credit Amount Interest Rate Date Loan Drawn The Bank of Nova Scotia. U.S.$165.0 million LIBOR plus 275.0 basis points April 2020

This facility was fully prepaid in August 2020.

In May 2020, CODELCO entered into a bilateral credit facility with Export Development Canada. The credit facility included a commitment fee of 32.0 basis points and matures in 2027. CODELCO also entered into a three-year U.S. dollar unsecured bilateral credit facility with BNP Paribas, with an advisory fee of U.S.$250,000 and a commitment fee of 5.0 basis points. The terms are described below:

Credit Amount Interest Rate Date Loan Drawn Export Development Canada. U.S.$300.0 million LIBOR plus 115.0 basis points May 2020 BNP Paribas. U.S.$100.0 million LIBOR plus 135.0 basis points May 2020

As of September 30, 2023, U.S.$300.0 million was outstanding under the loan described above with Export Development Canada while the BNP Paribas loan was fully prepaid in August 2020.

In January 2023, CODELCO entered into a bilateral credit facility with Export Development Canada. The credit facility included a commitment fee of 165.0 basis points and matures in 2033.

Credit Amount Interest Rate Date Loan Drawn Export Development Canada. U.S.$500.0 million SOFR plus 165.0 basis points March 2023

As of September 30, 2023, U.S.$500.0 million was outstanding under the loan described above with Export Development Canada.

In August 2023, CODELCO entered into two up to three-month advances on export exchange contracts (ACC). These facilities were fully prepaid in September 2023.

Credit Amount Interest Rate Date Loan Drawn Banco Santander-Chile. U.S.$130.0 million SOFR plus 37.0 basis points August 2023 Banco de Chile. U.S.$200.0 million 5.740% August 2023

Other Debt. In July 2017, CODELCO launched a cash tender offer for any and all of its 7.500% notes due 2019, 3.750% notes due 2020 and 3.875% notes due 2021 and a waterfall cash tender offer for its 3.00% notes due 2022, 4.500% notes due 2023 and 4.500% notes due 2025, which was financed with the proceeds from a concurrent offering of U.S.$1.5 billion aggregate principal amount of its 3.625% notes due 2027 and U.S.$1.25 billion aggregate principal amount of 4.500% notes due 2047. Moreover, in January 2019, CODELCO launched a second cash tender offer for its 3.750% notes due 2020, 3.875% notes due 2021 and 3.00% notes due 2022 and a waterfall cash tender offer for its 4.500% notes due 2023 and 4.500% notes due 2025, which was financed with the proceeds from a concurrent offering of U.S.$1.3 billion aggregate principal amount of its 4.375% notes due 2049. Moreover, in September 2019, CODELCO launched a third cash tender offer for its 3.750% notes due 2020 and 3.875% notes due 2021 and a waterfall cash tender offer for its 3.00% notes due 2022 and 4.500% notes due 2023, which was financed with the proceeds from a concurrent offering of U.S.$1.1 billion aggregate principal amount of its 3.000% notes due 2029 and U.S.$0.9 billion aggregate principal amount of 3.700% notes due 2050. Moreover, in December 2020, CODELCO launched a fourth cash tender offer for its 3.875% notes due 2021, 3.00% notes due 2022 and 4.500% notes due 2023 and a waterfall cash tender offer for its 4.500% notes due 2025 and its 3.625% notes due 2027, which was partially financed with the proceeds from a concurrent offering of U.S.$0.5 billion aggregate principal amount of its 3.15% notes due 2051. On January 14, 2020, CODELCO issued notes in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$2.0 billion, consisting of a U.S.$1.0 billion international debt offering of 3.150% notes due 2030 and a U.S.$1.0 billion international debt offering of 3.700% notes due 2050. The notes due 2050 form part of the same series of CODELCO’s outstanding U.S.$900.0 million 3.700% notes due 2050 issued on September 30, 2019, resulting in a total aggregate principal amount outstanding of U.S.$1.9 billion in this series. On May 6, 2020, CODELCO issued notes in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$800.0 million consisting of its 3.150% notes due 2031. On May 8, 2020, CODELCO issued notes in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$131.0 million, consisting of its 4.500% notes due 2023 issued on August 13, 2013. These notes form part of the same series of CODELCO’s outstanding U.S.$335.0 million 4.500% notes due 2023 issued on August 13, 2013, resulting in a total aggregate principal amount outstanding of U.S.$466.0 million in this series. On October 22, 2021, CODELCO launched a cash tender offer for any and all of its outstanding 4.500% Notes due 2023, 2.250% Notes due 2024, and its 4.500% Notes due 2025, which was financed with the proceeds from a concurrent offering of U.S.$780.0 million aggregate principal amount of its 3.700% notes due 2050. The notes had identical terms, are fungible with and are part of a single series of senior debt securities with the U.S.$900.0 million aggregate principal amount of 3.700% Notes due 2050 issued on September 30, 2019 and the U.S.$1.0 billion aggregate principal amount of 3.700% Notes due 2050 issued on January 14, 2020. On January 30, 2023, CODELCO issued notes in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$900 million, consisting of an international debt offering of 5.125% notes due 2033. On September 5, 2023, CODELCO issued notes in an aggregate principal amount of U.S.$2.0 billion, consisting of an international debt offering of 5.950% notes due 2034 and 6.300% notes due 2053.

The following table shows amounts due by CODELCO under notes issued in both international and local markets as of September 30, 2023:

Outstanding Principal Amount and Accrued Interest

Type of Principal as of September 30, 2023 Issuance Maturity Amount 2023 Interest Rate International July 9, 2024 €600 million U.S.$424 million 2.25% International September 16, 2025 U.S.$2.00 billion U.S.$396 million 4.50% Local April 1, 2025 6.9 million UF U.S.$282 million 4.00% Local August 24, 2026 10 million UF U.S.$412 million 2.50% International August 1, 2027 U.S.$1.50 billion U.S.$1.251 billion 3.63% International August 23, 2029 U.S.$130 million U.S.$130 million 2.87% International September 30, 2029 U.S.$1.10 billion U.S.$1.092 billion 3.00%

The following table sets forth the scheduled maturities of CODELCO’s bank and unsecured note obligations as of September 30, 2023:

Bank and Unsecured Note Obligations Outstanding

Loans from financial institutions. (in millions of U.S.$)

Total Average Less More Annual than 1 2-3 3-5 than Interest year 1-2 years years years 5 years Rate SOFR
1,482 0 78 603 801 +153% 18,543 424.05 677.78 412.47 1,251 15,778 4.40% 20,025 424 678 491 1,853 16,579

In addition to the obligations set forth in the table above, CODELCO was a party to certain commitments primarily to secure the payment of (i) deferred customs duties and (ii) staff severance indemnities payable upon the retirement of individual employees, amounting to U.S.$30.0 million and U.S.$591.0 million, respectively, as of December 31, 2022 and to U.S.$36.6 million and U.S.$560.1 million, respectively, as of September 30, 2023. See notes 16 and 17 to the Consolidated Financial Statements and to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements. In addition, as of September 30, 2023, CODELCO believes that its net deferred taxes will reverse as follows: deferred tax benefit in the amount of U.S.$10.5 million in 2023; U.S.$123.3 million in 2024; and U.S.$9.341 billion after 2028 and deferred tax expense in the amount of U.S.$189.8 million in 2025; U.S.$332.0 million in 2026; U.S.$339.9 million in 2027; and U.S.$364.7 million in 2028. CODELCO currently has no hedges related to its production of copper through 2019. See Business and Properties-Marketing-Pricing and Hedging and Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations – CODELCO engages in hedging activity from time to time, particularly with respect to its copper production, which may not be successful and may result in losses to CODELCO.

CODELCO entered into an agreement with Mitsui on October 12, 2011, pursuant to which Mitsui made available to Inversiones Mineras Acrux SpA (Acrux) a short-term bridge financing facility of up to U.S.$6.75 billion, guaranteed by CODELCO and subsidiaries of Acrux, as a possible means to fund the exercise of the Sur Option (as defined in Business and Properties-Copper Production-Associations, Joint Ventures and Partnerships). CODELCO also entered into a separate agreement with Mitsui that provided CODELCO with the option to repay a portion of the bridge loan from Mitsui through a put option for an indirect 50.0% stake in the Anglo American Sur interest acquired, assuming a predetermined value of U.S.$9.76 billion for the 49.0% interest in Anglo American Sur. The balance of the bridge loan would convert into a non-recourse five-year term loan between Acrux and Mitsui, which would not be guaranteed by CODELCO, and would be repayable only from cash distributions on the Anglo American Sur shares held by Acrux. In addition, CODELCO and Mitsui entered into a 10-year sale and purchase agreement for the equivalent of 30,000 tons of fine copper per year subject to market-based pricing terms. On May 20, 2021, the total amount owed by Acrux to Mitsui was paid in full.

Capital Expenditure Program. We seek to maintain and improve our competitive position in the industry through our three-year capital expenditure program. Following the completion of a number of significant projects in recent years, such as the development of CODELCO’s new Mina Ministro Hales, the development of sulfide ores at the Radomiro Tomic mine, the expansion at the Andina mine and the development of the Pilar Norte area at the El Teniente mine, CODELCO intends to continue its development program. Accordingly, CODELCO expects to make capital expenditures of approximately U.S.$14.1 billion between 2023 and 2025, transforming its main mining operations with a view towards the long-term development of its resources. We expect these expenditures to be funded with a combination of internal and external resources. For a complete list of planned capital expenditures, see Business and Properties-Copper Production-Operations. CODELCO’s expansion and development of major projects between 2023 and 2025 are expected to include:

The gradual transformation of the Chuquicamata mine from an open pit mine to an underground operation, which we expect will enable Chuquicamata to maintain its annual copper production at its current level in 2019 (an approximate investment of U.S.$1.2 billion between 2023 and 2025). Environmental approvals were obtained in September 2010. On March 25, 2020 and on June 20, 2020, CODELCO announced the temporary suspension of construction of this project as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among employees and contractors. In August 2020, work on the project gradually resumed. In March 2021, the project’s design incorporated additional fortification work. After adjusting for this additional work and new reinforcement infrastructure, the project was completed in September 2022.

The program considers three main investments: (i) the initial exploitation, already completed, (ii) the works associated with the continuity infrastructure and (iii) the development of the mine. As of September 30, 2023, the completion progress for the phase for continuity infrastructure, which allows the continuation of exploitation in more sectors of the mine, was approximately 43.2%. Furthermore, the plans for the second phase for continuity of infrastructure are currently being discussed.

“o La reubicación de la planta Andina, que implica mantener la capacidad de tratamiento de la planta concentradora a largo plazo (una inversión aproximada de U.S.$59.3 millones entre 2023 y 2025). En marzo de 2020, CODELCO anunció la suspensión temporal de este proyecto como medida para prevenir la propagación de COVID-19 entre empleados y contratistas. El proyecto se encuentra actualmente en fase de puesta en marcha, y su progreso general era del 99.3% al 30 de septiembre de 2023. Solo quedan trabajos menores en la chancadora primaria y secundaria para completar el proyecto.

o El desarrollo de un nuevo nivel de producción en la mina subterránea El Teniente existente (una inversión aproximada de U.S.$1.7 mil millones entre 2023 y 2025) para mantener la producción anual de cobre de El Teniente en su nivel actual. Se obtuvieron aprobaciones ambientales en marzo de 2011. Sin embargo, debido a desafíos geomecánicos que deben abordarse, se aprobó un plan alternativo de desarrollo en enero de 2018, que aún nos permitirá mantener nuestra meta original de producción. Actualmente, el nuevo nivel minero se ha dividido en tres proyectos separados: (i) Andes Norte, (ii) Diamante y (iii) Andesita. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, el progreso de finalización en los trabajos de Andes Norte, Diamante y Andesita fue del 80.1%, 30.9% y 33.0%, respectivamente.

o El desarrollo del proyecto Inca Pit está diseñado para extender la vida de la operación actual de la mina subterránea en la División Salvador y permitirle mantener su producción anual en su nivel actual a partir de 2021 y el análisis para una futura expansión, que requiere una inversión aproximada de U.S.$461.7 millones entre 2023 y 2025. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, el proyecto estaba en construcción y estaba aproximadamente 61.4% completo.

CODELCO ya ha comenzado a invertir en los proyectos mencionados. En 2022, CODELCO invirtió U.S.$2.6 mil millones principalmente en proyectos de expansión y desarrollo, incluyendo el nuevo nivel de la mina El Teniente, la expansión de la mina subterránea de Chuquicamata y la reubicación de la planta Andina en cumplimiento del proyecto de expansión de Andina, así como en la actualización de las fundiciones de CODELCO para cumplir con las nuevas normas de emisión.
CODELCO invirtió U.S.$2.6 mil millones y U.S.$2.1 mil millones en 2021 y 2020 respectivamente. Para una descripción adicional de los principales gastos de capital planificados de CODELCO, consulte Negocios y Propiedades-Producción de Cobre-Operaciones.

CODELCO espera contar con recursos suficientes de las operaciones, incluidos los flujos de efectivo, la capitalización y la retención de ganancias, además de nuevos préstamos de bancos y los mercados de capitales para financiar sus gastos de capital e inversiones previstos.

Como se describe en el Marco Regulatorio-Resumen del Régimen Regulatorio a continuación, los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería deben determinar, mediante un decreto conjunto, la cantidad, si la hubiere, que la Compañía deberá destinar a la creación de fondos de capitalización y reserva. En junio de 2014, los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería aprobaron la capitalización de U.S.$200.0 millones a través de una retención de ganancias de 2013. En octubre de 2014, la ley de capitalización plurianual aprobada por el Congreso chileno fue promulgada y entró en vigencia tras su publicación en el Diario Oficial el 30 de octubre de 2014. Esta ley asigna un máximo de U.S.$3.0 mil millones a CODELCO en forma de inyección de capital por parte del Tesoro chileno durante el período de 2014 a 2018.
De acuerdo con esta ley, CODELCO debe presentar un informe anual de progreso sobre el BDP para el período 2014-2018 a los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería y al Comité de Finanzas de ambas Cámaras del Congreso antes del 30 de marzo de cada año. El informe BDP detalla el progreso de las inversiones de CODELCO, incluida información sobre su financiamiento y ejecución, cubriendo cada uno de los proyectos estructurales y sus inversiones correspondientes. El informe BDP también discute el progreso de CODELCO con respecto a la producción, costos y resultados. En la misma fecha en que se promulgó la ley de capitalización plurianual, el Presidente de Chile anunció un compromiso de autorizar la retención por parte de CODELCO de hasta U.S.$1.0 mil millones adicionales de ganancias (que incluye los U.S.$200.0 millones que habían sido autorizados en junio de 2014) durante el período 2014-2018.

De acuerdo con este compromiso, en junio de 2015, los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería aprobaron la capitalización de U.S.$225.0 millones de ganancias de 2014, pero cargadas a las ganancias de 2015. Sin embargo, debido a las pérdidas operativas de CODELCO en 2015, esta capitalización no se ha implementado. No obstante, de acuerdo con la ley de capitalización plurianual, el Gobierno de Chile autorizó una inyección de capital de U.S.$600.0 millones (de los U.S.$3.0 mil millones máximos para el período 2014-2018), que se recibió en dólares estadounidenses en diciembre de 2015. En diciembre de 2016, los Ministerios de Hacienda autorizaron la capitalización de U.S.$975.0 millones, U.S.$500.0 millones de los cuales se relacionaron con una inyección de capital para financiar el plan de inversiones de CODELCO y se recibió en diciembre de 2016.
Los U.S.$475.0 millones restantes fueron autorizados de acuerdo con una nueva ley (Ley 20,989), efectiva a partir de enero de 2017, que prevé una capitalización adicional de un máximo de U.S.$950.0 millones para ambos años 2016 y 2017 (hasta U.S.$475.0 millones para cada año) en caso de que CODELCO no tenga las ganancias antes de impuestos requeridas para cubrir el impuesto especial a la exportación del 10.0% bajo la Ley de Reserva de Cobre. En abril de 2017, CODELCO recibió la inyección de capital de U.S.$475.0 millones en dólares estadounidenses para 2016. La Ley 20,989 también extendió el compromiso de capitalización de U.S.$3.0 mil millones para el período 2014-2018 a 2019. Si bien CODELCO no esperaba inyecciones de capital adicionales en relación con la Ley 20,989 durante 2017, en noviembre de 2017, el Gobierno de Chile autorizó una inyección de capital de U.S.$520.0
66 millones (de los U.S.$3.0 mil millones máximos para el período recién extendido de 2014-2019), que se recibió en dólares estadounidenses en diciembre de 2017. En junio de 2018, el Gobierno de Chile anunció una inyección de capital final de U.S.$1.0 mil millones para completar la ley de capitalización plurianual aprobada en octubre de 2014. Además, en octubre de 2018, el Gobierno de Chile autorizó el desembolso de dicho monto en dos cuotas completadas el 31 de diciembre de 2018 por U.S.$600.0 millones y el 28 de febrero de 2019 por los U.S.$400.0 millones restantes.

Consulte la Discusión y Análisis de la Gerencia de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones-Liquidez y Recursos de Capital y Factores de Riesgo-Riesgos Relacionados con la Relación de CODELCO con el Gobierno de Chile-La financiación de CODELCO a través de la retención de ganancias está restringida y está sujeta a la aprobación de los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería.

Desde 2014, el Gobierno de Chile ha autorizado la capitalización y retención de U.S.$2.5 mil millones dentro de CODELCO, U.S.$225.0 millones de los cuales no se han implementado.

Desde 2022, el Gobierno chileno está permitiendo a CODELCO reinvertir anualmente el 30.0% de sus ganancias de 2021-2024. Esto representa un cambio en la política de dividendos de CODELCO, que anteriormente consistía en una política de distribución del 100% de las ganancias netas. Se espera que este plan de reinversión de ganancias fortalezca el balance financiero de CODELCO y reduzca la necesidad de deuda financiera adicional. En 2021, el ingreso neto atribuible a sus propietarios ascendió a U.S.$1.9 mil millones y a U.S.$345.6 millones en 2022. Por lo tanto, el plan de reinversión de ganancias del 30.0% contribuiría con U.S.$583.0 millones adicionales al flujo de efectivo financiero de CODELCO en 2022 y U.S.$103.7 millones en 2023. Se espera llevar a cabo un ejercicio similar en 2024.

Los flujos de efectivo de las actividades operativas pueden verse afectados por una variedad de factores, incluido el nivel de precios del cobre. En caso de que CODELCO no pueda vender activos u obtener financiamiento externo con respecto a tales inversiones de capital, es posible que se vea obligado a reducir aún más dichos gastos.

Ambiental. Una parte importante de la política de inversión de CODELCO es su plan de control de la contaminación, que incluye varios proyectos ambientales emprendidos para cumplir con la ley chilena y alcanzar sus propias metas de desempeño ambiental. Consulte el Marco Regulatorio-Regulaciones Ambientales.

CODELCO invirtió U.S.$3.6 mil millones en proyectos ambientales de 2012 a 2019 y planea continuar implementando su plan de control de la contaminación a través de inversiones de capital adicionales de aproximadamente U.S.$1.0 mil millones de 2021 a 2022. En 2022, CODELCO invirtió U.S.$233.5 millones en proyectos ambientales, incluidas nuevas fases de las ampliaciones planificadas de las represas de relaves Talabre, Ovejería y Carén en las Divisiones Chuquicamata, Andina y El Teniente y varios proyectos en las Divisiones Chuquicamata, Ventanas, Salvador y El Teniente para cumplir con la nueva regulación sobre emisiones atmosféricas de las fundiciones. En 2021, las inversiones planificadas incluyen la continuación de los proyectos para la reducción de emisiones atmosféricas en la fundición de Chuquicamata y la continuación de la ampliación de las represas de relaves, entre otros.

La siguiente tabla muestra las principales inversiones ambientales de CODELCO en los años 2020-2022:

Inversiones Ambientales (en millones de U.S.$)
2020 2021 2022 Total

Represas de Relaves y Obras de Normalización 273.7 196.0 233.5 703.2

Distribuciones al Tesoro chileno. Como empresa estatal y de acuerdo con su ley de gobierno, las ganancias de CODELCO deben transferirse al Tesoro chileno. Antes del 30 de junio de cada año, los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería determinan, mediante un decreto conjunto, la cantidad, si la hubiere, que la Compañía debe destinar a la creación de fondos de capitalización y reserva. Las cantidades no asignadas a la creación de fondos de capitalización y reserva se distribuyen al Tesoro chileno.

En 2020, CODELCO distribuyó U.S.$239.0 millones al Tesoro chileno, en 2021 distribuyó U.S.$2,033.0 millones al Tesoro chileno, y en 2022 distribuyó U.S.$260.0 millones. Si bien CODELCO realiza pagos anticipados al Tesoro chileno a lo largo del año, financiados por los flujos de efectivo de las actividades operativas, generalmente tiene distribuciones pendientes al Tesoro chileno al final de cada año. Estas distribuciones se pagan en el primer semestre del año siguiente, pero se reflejan en los estados financieros del año anterior.

La siguiente tabla muestra los montos pagados en impuestos (que, debido al momento de los pagos, pueden ser diferentes de los montos de impuestos devengados) y los pagos y distribuciones de ganancias realizados por CODELCO al Tesoro chileno para cada uno de los tres años que terminaron el 31 de diciembre de 2022 y para el período de nueve meses que terminó el 30 de septiembre de 2023.

Contribuciones al Tesoro chileno

(en millones de U.S.$) Período de nueve meses terminado el 30 de septiembre Año terminado el 31 de diciembre,
2020 2021 2022 2023 Pagos de Impuestos sobre la Renta . $ 29 $ 1,979 $ 742 $ 979 Ley de Reserva de Cobre . 1,025 1,550 1,295 120 Subtotal $ 1,054 $ 3,529 $ 2,037 $ 1,099 Dividendos . 239 2,033 260 0 Total $ 1,293 $ 5,562 $ 2,297 $ 1,099

Cobertura de Producción. CODELCO ha cubierto ciertos compromisos futuros de entrega de cobre y producción para gestionar los riesgos asociados con la volatilidad del precio del cobre en el pasado. En la actualidad, CODELCO no tiene compromisos de producción cubiertos y, por lo tanto, no hay un impacto relevante de la cobertura. Consulte las notas 27 y 28 a los Estados Financieros Consolidados y las notas 29 y 30 a los Estados Financieros Consolidados Intermedios no Auditados. En 2021, las actividades de cobertura de producción de CODELCO no tuvieron un impacto negativo en el ingreso antes de impuestos.

Las futuras actividades de cobertura de producción de CODELCO podrían hacer que pierda parte del beneficio de un aumento en los precios del cobre si los precios del cobre aumentan por encima del nivel de la posición de cobertura de CODELCO, como ocurrió en 2012. Los flujos de efectivo de los valores de marca a mercado de las coberturas de producción de CODELCO pueden verse afectados por factores como el precio de mercado del cobre, la volatilidad del precio del cobre y las tasas de interés, que no están bajo el control de CODELCO.

Los acuerdos de cobertura de producción de CODELCO contienen eventos de incumplimiento y eventos de terminación que podrían llevar a la terminación anticipada de las coberturas de CODELCO. Estos incluyen la falta de pago, incumplimiento del acuerdo, tergiversación, incumplimiento de los préstamos de CODELCO u otros acuerdos de cobertura y quiebra. En caso de una terminación anticipada de los acuerdos de cobertura de CODELCO, los flujos de efectivo de los instrumentos de cobertura afectados cesarían y CODELCO y la contraparte de cobertura relevante liquidarían todas las obligaciones de CODELCO en ese momento.
En ese caso, podría haber un pago único a realizar tanto por parte de CODELCO como a CODELCO. La magnitud y dirección de dicho pago dependerían, entre otras cosas, de las características de los instrumentos de cobertura particulares que se terminaron y el precio de mercado del cobre y la volatilidad del precio del cobre y las tasas de interés en el momento de la terminación.”

See Business and Properties – Marketing – Pricing and Hedging, Risk Factors – Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations – CODELCO engages in hedging activity from time to time, particularly with respect to its copper production, which may not be successful and may result in losses to CODELCO. See note 28 to the Consolidated Financial Statements and note 30 of the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for further information on CODELCO’s hedging activity.

Exchange Rates and Interest Rates. CODELCO’s main currency exposure is between the Chilean peso and the U.S. dollar due to the fact that a significant portion of CODELCO’s operating costs are denominated in Chilean pesos and paid pursuant to contracts providing for indexation to Chilean inflation, and approximately 100% of revenue is denominated in U.S. dollars or other foreign currencies. To cover a part of the risks associated with currency exposures and fluctuations in interest rates, CODELCO enters into interest rate futures contracts and 68 foreign exchange forward contracts which reduce exposure to fluctuations in the Chilean peso to U.S. dollar exchange rate.

As of September 30, 2023, CODELCO had swap contracts in place to hedge the risk of future UF-U.S$, HKD-U.S.$, AUD U.S.$, and Euro U.S.$ exchange rate fluctuations with respect to a notional amount of U.S.$614.7 million, U.S.$63.9 million, U.S.$49.3 million, and U.S.$546.1 million, respectively, which were equivalent to, and sufficient to cover, 100% of CODELCO’s foreign currency-denominated bonds outstanding as of September 30, 2023.

As of September 30, 2023, 7.24% of CODELCO’s financial debt had a floating interest rate and 92.8% had a fixed rate.

Controls and Procedures

CODELCO’s management conducted an assessment utilizing The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO) criteria of the effectiveness of its internal controls as of the year ended December 31, 2019. Based on the assessment performed, CODELCO’s management has not identified any material weakness in its control environment. In 2022, CODELCO implemented a control framework based on the Enterprise Risk Management framework of the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission, which is a continuous process carried out by collaborators at all levels of the organization instead of only by one department.

Critical Accounting Estimates

The preparation of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the TFRS requires the use of certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets and liabilities recognized as of the date of financial statements and the amounts of income and expenses during the reporting period. It also requires CODELCO’s management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying CODELCO’s accounting principles. The areas involving a higher degree of judgment or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements, are below. For a full description of CODELCO’s accounting policies, see Section II to the Consolidated Financial Statements.

Useful Economic Lives and Residual Values of Property, Plant, and Equipment. The useful lives and residual values of property, plant, and equipment assets that are used for calculating depreciation are determined based on technical studies prepared by specialists (internal or external). When there are indicators that could lead to changes in the estimated useful lives of such assets, these changes are determined by using technical estimates considering specific factors related to the use of the assets.

Ore Reserves. The measurements of ore reserves are based on estimates of the ore resources that are economically exploitable and reflect the technical considerations of the Company regarding the amount of resources that could be exploited and sold at prices exceeding the total cost associated with extraction and processing.

CODELCO applies its judgment in determining its ore reserves and, as such, possible changes in these estimates could significantly impact the estimates of net revenues over time. For such reason, these changes would lead to modifications in the usage estimates of certain assets and of the amount of certain decommissioning and restoration costs.

CODELCO estimates its reserves and mineral resources based on the information prepared by the Competent Persons of the Company, as defined and regulated by Chilean Law No. 20,235. The estimates are based on the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (JORC) methodology, taking into consideration the historical information of the cost of goods sold and copper prices in the international market.

CODELCO also periodically reviews such estimates supported by world-class external experts, who certify the determined reserves.

Impairment of non-financial Assets. CODELCO reviews the carrying amount of its assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the assets is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss with regard to the carrying amount. In the evaluation of impairment, the assets are grouped into cash generating units (CGUs) to which the assets belong. The recoverable amount of these assets or CGUs is calculated as the present value of the cash flows expected to be derived from such assets, considering a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and risks specific to the asset. If the recoverable amount of the assets is less than their carrying amount, an impairment loss exists.

CODELCO defines the CGUs and also estimates the timing and cash flows that such CGUs should generate. Subsequent changes in the grouping of the CGU, or changes in the assumptions supporting the estimates of cash flows or the discount rate, could impact the carrying amounts of the corresponding assets.

Estimates of factors influencing the calculation of cash flows, such as the price of copper or treatment charges and refining charges, among others, are determined based on studies conducted by the Company, which are in turn supported by certain standards over time. Any changes to these criteria may impact the recoverable amount of the assets on which is performing the impairment tests. CODELCO’s evaluations and definition of the CGUs are made at the level of each of its current operating divisions.

CODELCO has assessed and defined the CGUs that are constituted at the level of each of its current operating divisions.

The review for impairment includes its subsidiaries, associates, and joint arrangements.

Provisions for Decommissioning and Site Restoration Costs. CODELCO is obligated to incur decommissioning and site restoration costs when an environmental disturbance is caused by the development or ongoing production of a mining property. Costs are estimated on the basis of a formal closure plan and are reassessed annually or as of the date such obligations become known.

Significant estimates and assumptions are made in determining the provision for decommissioning and site restoration costs, as there are numerous factors that will affect the ultimate liability payable. In order to establish such estimates, CODELCO: (i) creates a defined list of mine sites, installations, and other equipment assigned to this process, considered at the engineering level profile; (ii) evaluates the assets that will be subject to removal and restoration, weighted by a structure of market prices of goods and services, and reflecting the best knowledge at the time to carry out such activities; and (iii) examines the techniques and more efficient construction procedures to date. In addition, CODELCO must make certain assumptions about the exchange rate for tradable goods and services and the discount rate applied to update the relevant cash flows over time, which reflects the time value of money and includes the risks associated with liabilities, which is based on the currency in which disbursements will be made.

The provision as of a reporting date represents management’s best estimate of the present value of the future decommissioning and site restoration costs required. Changes to estimated future costs are recognized in the statement of financial position by adjusting the provision for decommissioning and site restoration costs as well as the associated asset measured in accordance with IAS 16, Property, Plant, and Equipment. Any reduction in the decommissioning and site restoration liability, and therefore any deduction from the decommissioning and site restoration asset, may not exceed the carrying amount of that asset. If it does, any excess over the carrying value is immediately accounted for as profit or loss.

If the change in estimate results in an increase in the decommissioning and site restoration liability, and therefore an addition to the carrying value of the asset, the entity is required to consider whether this is an indication of impairment of the asset as a whole and test for impairment in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. If the revised asset net of decommissioning and site restoration provisions exceeds the recoverable value, that portion of the increase is charged directly to the profit or loss statement. Any decommissioning and site restoration costs that arose as a result of the production phase of a mine should be expensed as incurred.

The costs arising from the installation of a plant or other site preparation projects are discounted at net present value, provided for and capitalized at the beginning of each project, as soon as the obligation to incur such costs arises. These decommissioning costs are charged to profit over the life of the mine through depreciation of the asset. The depreciation is included in operating costs, while the unwinding of the discount in the provision is included in finance costs.

Accrual for Employee Benefits. Employee benefits costs for severance payments and health benefits for services rendered by the employees are determined based on actuarial calculations using the projected credit unit method and are charged to profit or loss on an accrual basis.

We use assumptions to determine the best estimate for these benefits. Such estimates, as well as assumptions, are determined together with an external actuary. These assumptions include demographic assumptions, mortality and morbidity, discount rate, and expected salary increases and rotation levels, among other factors. Although we believe that the assumptions used are appropriate, a change in these assumptions could affect profit.

Accruals for open invoices. The substantial majority of copper produced by CODELCO is sold under annual contracts. Pricing on such contracts is based on prevailing monthly average prices quoted on the LME for a quotation period, generally the month following the scheduled month of shipment. CODELCO uses information on future copper prices, through which it recognizes adjustments to its revenues and trade receivables due to its provisional invoicing. These adjustments are updated on a monthly basis. At the end of each month, CODELCO estimates and accounts for any change in the provisional sales price using information available at the time financial statements are generated. However, the amount estimated may differ from the amount received at settlement. Revenue is recorded at the time control of the asset is transferred to the customer according to the shipment or dispatch of the products, in conformity with the agreed-upon conditions and are subject to variations related to the content and/or sales price at their liquidation date. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are certain contracts under which control of the product is transferred to the client based on receipt of the product at the buyer’s destination point, and for these contracts revenue is recorded at the moment of such transfer.

Sales contracts include a provisional price at the shipment date, which final price is generally based on the price recorded in the LME. In the majority of cases, the recognition of sales revenue for copper and other commodities is based on the estimates of the future spread of metal price on the LME and/or the spot price at the date of shipment, with a subsequent adjustment made upon final determination and presented as part of Revenue. The terms of sales contracts with third parties contain provisional pricing arrangements whereby the selling price for metal in concentrate is based on prevailing spot prices on a specified future date after shipment to the customer (the quotation period). As such, the final price will be fixed on the dates indicated in the contracts. Adjustments to the sales price occur based on movements in the LME up to the date of final settlement. The period between provisional invoicing and final settlement can be between one and nine months. Changes in fair value over the quotation period and up until final settlement are estimated by reference to forward market prices for the applicable metals.

Sales in the national market are recorded in conformity with the regulations that govern domestic sales as indicated in Articles 7, 8 and 9 of Law No. 16,624, modified by Article 15 of Decree Law No. 1,349 of 1976, on the determination of the sales price for the internal market.

Additionally, we recognize revenue for providing services, mainly related to the processing of minerals bought from third parties. Revenue is recognized when the performance obligation has been satisfied.

See Business and Properties-Marketing-Pricing and Hedging for information regarding hedge accounting.

Fair Value of Derivatives and Other Instruments. Management may use its judgment to choose an adequate and proper valuation method for the instruments that are not quoted in an active market. In the case of derivative financial instruments, assumptions are based on the observable market inputs, adjusted in conformity with the specific features of the instruments.

Lawsuits and Contingencies. We assess the probability of lawsuits and contingency losses on an ongoing basis according to estimates performed by our legal advisors. No provision is recognized for cases in which management and our legal advisors believe that (i) a favorable outcome will be obtained, (ii) the probability of a loss is remote or possible, but not probable, or, if probable, (iii) the amount of the obligation cannot be measured reliably.

Application of IFRS 16: includes the following:

– Estimation of the lease term
– Determine if it is reasonably certain that an extension or termination option will be exercised.
– Determination of the appropriate rate to discount lease payments

Revenue recognition: CODELCO determines appropriate revenue recognition for its contracts with customers by analyzing the type, terms and conditions of each contract or agreement with a customer. As part of the analysis, the management must make judgments about whether an agreement or contract is legally enforceable, and whether the agreement includes separate performance obligations. In addition, estimates are required to allocate the total price of the transaction to each performance obligation based on the stand-alone selling price of the promised goods or services underlying each performance obligation. (CODELCO applies the constraint on variable consideration as defined in IFRS 15, if applicable). Although the abovementioned estimates have been made based on the best information available as of the date of issuance of these consolidated financial statements, it is possible that new developments could lead CODELCO to modify these estimates in the future. Such modifications, if applicable, would be adjusted prospectively, as required by IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.


CODELCO is the world’s largest copper producer and one of the largest companies in Chile in terms of revenues (U.S.$17.0 billion in 2022). As of December 31, 2022, CODELCO’s total assets were U.S.$44.7 billion and equity amounted to U.S.$11.7 billion. As of September 30, 2023, CODELCO’s total assets were U.S.$46.7 billion and equity amounted to U.S.$11.7 billion.

CODELCO engages primarily in the exploration, development and extraction of ores bearing copper and byproducts, the processing of ore into refined copper and the international sale of refined copper and byproducts. CODELCO is 100% owned by the Government of Chile and controls approximately 5.3% of the world’s proved and probable copper reserves, as such terms are defined by the U.S. Geological Survey.

In 2022, CODELCO had an estimated 7.2% share of total world copper production, with production amounting to approximately 1.553 million metric tons, including: (1) CODELCO’s share of the El Abra deposit, which is mined by Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra and owned 49.0% by CODELCO and 51.0% by Cyprus El Abra Corporation (a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Inc.); and (ii) CODELCO’s share of Anglo American Sur (of which CODELCO owns a 20.0% indirect share), and an estimated 9.1% share of the world’s molybdenum production, with production amounting to approximately 20.1 metric tons excluding CODELCO’s share of Anglo American Sur.

CODELCO’s main commercial product is Grade A cathode copper. In 2022 and for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, CODELCO derived 90.1% and 90.6% of its total sales from copper and 9.9% and 9.4% of its total sales from byproducts of its copper production, respectively.

The following table sets forth certain production, cost and price information relating to CODELCO for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2021, and 2022 and the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2022 and 2023:

Copper Production, Cash Cost of Production and Price Information (excluding El Abra and Anglo American Sur) (production in thousands of metric tons and cash costs and prices in cents per pound)

For the nine-month periods ended

Year ended December 31, September 30,
2020 2021 2022 2022 2023 CODELCO’s Copper Production 1,618 1,618 1,446 1,062 965.4 CODELCO’s Cash Cost of Production 129.4 132.7 165.4 157.4 204.5 Average LME Price (1) 272.1 280.3 422.6 411.1 389.4

(1) Price for Grade A cathode copper.

CODELCO’s mission is to maximize the value of its mineral resources for the benefit of its shareholder, the Chilean state, by fully developing its vast mining resources on a timely basis, leveraging the Company’s experienced workforce, utilizing its advanced technological holds in key areas and by executing the following key strategic initiatives:

Capital Expenditure Program. We seek to maintain and improve our competitive position in the industry through a three-year capital expenditure program. Following the completion of a number of significant projects in recent years, such as the development of CODELCO’s new Mina Ministro Hales, the development of sulfide ores at the Radomiro Tomic mine, the expansion at the Andina mine and the development of the Pilar Norte area at the El Teniente mine, CODELCO intends to continue its development program. Accordingly, CODELCO expects to make capital expenditures of approximately U.S.$14.1 billion between 2023 and 2025, transforming its main mining operations with a view towards the long-term development of its resources. We expect these expenditures to be funded with a combination of internal and external resources. For a complete list of planned capital expenditures, see Business and Properties-Copper Production-Operations. CODELCO’s expansion and development of major projects between 2023 and 2025 are expected to include:

– The gradual transformation of the Chuquicamata mine from an open pit mine to an underground operation, which we expect will enable Chuquicamata to maintain its annual copper production at its current level in 2019 (an approximate investment of U.S.$1.2 billion between 2023 and 2025). Environmental approvals were obtained in September 2010. On March 25, 2020 and on June 20, 2020, CODELCO announced the temporary suspension of construction of this project as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among employees and contractors. In August 2020, work on the project gradually resumed. In March 2021, the project’s design incorporated additional fortification work. After adjusting for this additional work and new reinforcement infrastructure, the project was completed in September 2022. The program considers three main investments: (i) the initial exploitation, already completed, (ii) the works associated with the continuity infrastructure and (iii) the development of the mine. As of September 30, 2023, the completion progress for the phase for continuity infrastructure, which allows the continuation of exploitation in more sectors of the mine, was approximately 43.2%. Furthermore, the plans for the second phase for continuity of infrastructure are currently being discussed.

– The reallocation of the Andina plant, which involves maintaining the treatment capacity of the concentrator plant in the long-term (an approximate investment of U.S.$59.3 million between 2023 and 2025). In March 2020, CODELCO announced the temporary suspension of this project as a measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19 among employees and contractors. The project is currently in the commissioning phase, and its overall progress was 99.3% as of September 30, 2023. Only minor works remain in the primary and secondary crusher for the project’s completion.

– The development of a new production level in the existing El Teniente underground mine (an approximate investment of U.S.$1.7 billion between 2023 and 2025) to maintain El Teniente’s annual copper production at its current level. Environmental approvals were obtained in March 2011. However, based on geomechanical challenges that need to be addressed, an alternative development plan was approved in January 2018, which will still permit us to maintain our original production goal. Currently, the new mining level has been divided into three separate projects: (i) Andes Norte, (ii) Diamante, and (iii) Andesita. As of September 30, 2023, completion progress at the Andes Norte, Diamante and Andesita projects was 80.1%, 30.9% and 33.0%, respectively.

– The development of the Inca Pit project is designed to extend the life of the current underground mine operation in the Salvador Division and enable it to maintain its annual production at its current level starting in 2021 and the analysis for a future expansion, which requires an approximate investment of U.S.$461.7 million between 2023 and 2025. As of September 30, 2022, the project was under construction and was approximately 61.4% complete.

Improvement in operations. A number of improvement initiatives are underway to adopt best industry practices, most notably in the areas of labor productivity, asset utilization rates and process efficiency. Together with its capital expenditure investment program, CODELCO expects these initiatives to enhance its competitive position. CODELCO operates in a cyclical business and its strategy is to ensure that it is able to take full advantage of high copper prices. CODELCO is developing a number of plans to achieve production targets in the coming years. These plans mainly focus on reducing the risk of disruptions to production and providing increased flexibility to its operations.

Exploration Efforts. CODELCO controls the largest copper reserves worldwide, the Company’s single most important long-term competitive advantage. The discovery of new mining resources and improving its ability to locate existing ore bodies and prospects are critical to CODELCO maintaining its preeminent position in the industry. Accordingly, the Company’s exploration program will continue to be a key part of its business strategy.

Investment in Human Capital. The successful execution of CODELCO’s business strategy relies on continuing to attract and retain a world-class management team and professionals of the highest caliber. The mining industry faces increased competition for workforce talent. As a result, the Company intends to continue improving career development opportunities for its staff and the overall attractiveness of CODELCO as a preferred employer.

Mining Association with Third Parties. CODELCO seeks to continue to develop and operate assets in association with third parties where these associations will add value to CODELCO’s business. A few examples of the Company’s willingness and ability to do so are (1) the association with Freeport-McMoRan Inc. in the El Abra copper mine (CODELCO owns 49.0%) and (ii) the association with Anglo American, Mitsui and Mitsubishi Corporation in Anglo American Sur (CODELCO owns an indirect 20.0% interest). CODELCO believes its large mining reserve is a strong platform from which to establish such associations.

Copper Production General

The copper deposits in CODELCO’s mines exist in two principal forms – sulfide ore and oxide ore. The majority of CODELCO’s mines, including Chuquicamata and El Teniente, yield primarily sulfide ore. The ore extracted from the Radomiro Tomic deposit is copper oxide and sulfides. CODELCO produces refined copper from oxide and sulfide ore using different processes. CODELCO believes that having these two different forms of copper deposits gives it a high level of flexibility to respond to market changes by adjusting its production and utilizing the refining processes described below.

Sulfide Ores. Los minerales de sulfuro se encuentran en las minas a cielo abierto y subterráneas de CODELCO. En las minas a cielo abierto, el proceso de producción de cobre a partir de minerales de sulfuro comienza en la mina. Primero se perfora y se hace explotar la roca estéril y los minerales que contienen cobre, luego se cargan en camiones diésel-eléctricos por palas eléctricas. La roca estéril se transporta a áreas de vertido.
En las minas subterráneas, el mineral de cobre se deposita en vagones y se transporta a un circuito de trituración donde trituradoras giratorias reducen el mineral a tamaños no mayores de tres cuartos de pulgada. En ambos tipos de minas, el mineral se transporta a molinos de varillas y bolas que lo muelen hasta obtener una consistencia de polvo. En el proceso convencional de concentración-fundición-refinería para el mineral de sulfuro, este mineral finamente molido se agita en una solución de agua y productos químicos y se bombea como una mezcla acuosa al separador de flotación. La solución se airea, produciendo una espuma que lleva los minerales de cobre, pero no la roca estéril, a la superficie. La espuma se elimina y se filtra para producir concentrados de cobre. La roca estéril, llamada relaves, se envía a una instalación de almacenamiento de relaves. Los concentrados de cobre (que contienen un grado de cobre de aproximadamente 30,0%) se envían luego a la fundición.

En la fundición, los concentrados se mezclan con fundentes y se alimentan a los hornos reverberatorios o a un convertidor Teniente (un tipo de convertidor tecnológicamente avanzado diseñado por CODELCO) donde se funden, produciendo mata y escoria. La mata de los hornos reverberatorios contiene aproximadamente un 45,0% de cobre, y la mata de un convertidor Teniente contiene aproximadamente un 75,0% de cobre. La escoria es un residuo del proceso de fundición que contiene hierro y otras impurezas, que la empresa elimina junto con sus otros residuos sólidos industriales. La mata se transfiere con cucharones a los convertidores y se oxida en dos etapas. Primero, los sulfuros de hierro en la mata se oxidan con sílice, produciendo escoria que se devuelve a los hornos reverberatorios. Segundo, las impurezas en los sulfuros de la mata se oxidan para producir cobre blister. El cobre blister contiene aproximadamente un 98,5% de cobre. Parte del cobre blister se vende a los clientes. El resto se transfiere a la refinería electrolítica.

Después de un tratamiento adicional en el horno de ánodos, el cobre se funde en ánodos y luego se traslada a la casa de tanques electrolíticos de la refinería. Este cobre ánodo contiene aproximadamente un 99,0% de cobre. En la casa de tanques electrolíticos, los ánodos se suspenden en tanques que contienen una solución ácida y sulfato de cobre. Se hace pasar una corriente eléctrica a través de los ánodos y la solución química para depositar cobre puro en placas de cobre puro. Los cátodos de cobre refinado resultantes son 99,99% de cobre. La plata y pequeñas cantidades de otros metales contenidos en los ánodos se depositan en el fondo de los tanques y se recuperan en un proceso separado.

Minerales de óxido. Los minerales de óxido son más escasos que los minerales de sulfuro y suelen encontrarse más cerca de la superficie de la tierra.
Se utiliza un proceso diferente (llamado proceso SX-EW) para producir cobre refinado a partir de minerales de óxido, que CODELCO emplea en sus instalaciones SX-EW en Chuquicamata, El Teniente, Salvador, Gabriela Mistral y Radomivo Tomic. En el primer paso del proceso SX-EW, el mineral de óxido de cobre se extrae, tritura y se deposita en grandes pilas.
Las pilas se lixivian durante varios días con una solución de ácido sulfúrico, lo que resulta en la emisión de una solución con una alta concentración de cobre. La solución de cobre se recoge en grandes piscinas, de las cuales se recupera el cobre mediante extracción con disolventes, seguido de un segundo método de recuperación llamado electroobtención, para producir cátodos de cobre de alta calidad. El proceso SX-EW implica costos de refinación más bajos en general y puede utilizarse con un grado de mineral más bajo que el proceso tradicional de concentración-fundición-refinería. El proceso SX-EW también permite a CODELCO recuperar cobre mediante la re-lixiviación de material de desecho dejado por extracciones de cobre anteriores.

Operaciones 75

Las operaciones de cobre de CODELCO se dividen en las siguientes ocho divisiones:

– La División El Teniente opera la mina El Teniente, que es la mina de cobre subterránea más grande del mundo y ha estado en operación por más de 100 años. La División El Teniente incluye la fundición Caletones. En 2022, esta división produjo 405.429 toneladas métricas de cobre, o el 26,1% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el depósito El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 105,2 centavos por libra, en comparación con 108,6 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de 930,5 millones de dólares en 2022, en comparación con 1.088,3 millones de dólares en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 261.692 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 134,4 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 767,1 millones de dólares.

– La División Radomiro Tomic opera la mina Radomiro Tomic, que comenzó su primer año completo de producción en 1998. En 2022, esta división produjo 301.062 toneladas métricas de cátodos de cobre, o el 19,4% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el depósito El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 205,6 centavos por libra, en comparación con 138,6 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de 1.351,9 millones de dólares en 2022, en comparación con 989,0 millones de dólares en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 239.134 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 231,9 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 1.207,6 millones de dólares.

– La División Chuquicamata opera la mina Chuquicamata, una de las minas productoras de cobre más grandes del mundo, que comenzó sus operaciones en 1915 y actualmente incluye capacidades de fundición y refinación. En 2022, esta división produjo 268.348 toneladas métricas de cátodos de cobre, o el 17,3% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el depósito El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 127,4 centavos por libra, en comparación con 116,2 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de 740,7 millones de dólares en 2022, en comparación con 801,7 millones de dólares en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 177.888 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 148,5 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 570,7 millones de dólares.

– La División Mina Ministro Hales fue creada en 2010 para la operación del yacimiento de mineral de Mina Ministro Hales, que comenzó a producir cobre a finales de 2013. En 2022, esta división produjo 152.167 toneladas métricas de cobre, o el 9,8% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el depósito El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 129,6 centavos por libra, en comparación con 89,2 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de 420,1 millones de dólares en 2022, en comparación con 430,3 millones de dólares en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 80.653 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 249,1 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 428,3 millones de dólares.

– La División Andina opera las minas Andina y Sur-Sur con producción dividida entre minas a cielo abierto y subterráneas. No tiene capacidad de fundición independiente. Andina ha estado en operación desde 1970. En 2022, esta división produjo 177.027 toneladas métricas de cobre, o el 11,4% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el depósito El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 187,5 centavos por libra, en comparación con 154,9 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de 707,0 millones de dólares en 2022, en comparación con 584,6 millones de dólares en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 120.081 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 229,9 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 588,0 millones de dólares.

– La División Gabriela Mistral fue creada en 2013 y opera la mina Gabriela Mistral, que utiliza tecnología SX-EW. La mina Gabriela Mistral produjo sus primeros cátodos de cobre en 2008 después de un período de construcción de 26 meses. En 2022, esta división produjo 109.524 toneladas métricas de cobre, o el 7,1% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el depósito El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 275,8 centavos por libra, en comparación con 193,4 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de 665,9 millones de dólares en 2022, en comparación con 430,3 millones de dólares en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 73.812 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 304,6 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 495,6 millones de dólares.

– La División Salvador opera la mina Salvador y la planta de concentración y fundición-refinería en Potrerillos, que tiene la capacidad de tratar 671.000 toneladas métricas de concentrado. En 2022, esta división produjo 32.065 toneladas métricas de cátodos de cobre, o el 2,1% de la producción total de cobre de CODELCO (incluyendo la participación de CODELCO en el depósito El Abra y Anglo American Sur), con un costo en efectivo de 389,6 centavos por libra, en comparación con 268,0 centavos por libra en 2021, y un costo en efectivo total de 271,7 millones de dólares en 2022, en comparación con 311,4 millones de dólares en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta división produjo 12.278 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 523,4 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 141,1 millones de dólares. A partir del 30 de septiembre de 2023, el proyecto Inca Pit estaba en construcción.

– La División Ventanas fue creada en conexión con la adquisición del complejo de fundición-refinería Ventanas de la empresa minera estatal chilena Empresa Nacional de Minería (ENAMI) en 2005. En 2022, esta división refinó 370.626 toneladas métricas de cobre, en comparación con 400.016 toneladas métricas de cobre en 2021. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, la División Ventanas refinó 264.556 toneladas métricas de cobre. Según los términos de la adquisición, CODELCO está obligada a proporcionar en términos de mercado la capacidad de fundición y refinación necesaria para el tratamiento de concentrado de cobre entregado por la industria minera pequeña y mediana que ENAMI atiende. En mayo de 2023, la Ley N° 21.546 permitió el cierre gradual del complejo de fundición-refinería Ventanas y, después de casi 60 años de operación, los hornos de la planta de fundición de la División Ventanas fueron cerrados. Actualmente, la transición de sus antiguos trabajadores está progresando, con medidas como capacitación y traslado a otras plantas de fundición de CODELCO, además de políticas de incentivos para la jubilación. CODELCO continuará operando en la zona a través de su refinería.

– La División Chuquicamata, la División Radomiro Tomic, la División Mina Ministro Hales, la División Gabriela Mistral y la División Salvador forman parte de las Operaciones Norte de CODELCO.
La División Andina, la División El Teniente y la División Ventanas forman parte de las Operaciones Centro Sur de CODELCO. Para obtener una descripción de las asociaciones de CODELCO con otras empresas, consulte Negocios y Propiedades-Producción de Cobre-Asociaciones, Joint Ventures y Alianzas.

A partir de finales de 2010, CODELCO implementó un plan de reorganización corporativa que dividió la gestión de las operaciones de CODELCO en Operaciones Norte y Operaciones Centro Sur, para supervisar las divisiones en las regiones del norte y centro-sur, respectivamente. La reorganización tenía como objetivo simplificar la estructura organizativa haciendo que todas las funciones administrativas y de apoyo corporativo reportaran a un solo vicepresidente, y que las divisiones productivas se concentraran en maximizar la producción, controlar los costos e implementar medidas de seguridad. La División Chuquicamata, la División Radomiro Tomic, la División Mina Ministro Hales y la División Salvador son supervisadas ahora por el Vicepresidente de Operaciones Norte. La División Andina, la División El Teniente y la División Ventanas son supervisadas ahora por el Vicepresidente de Operaciones Centro Sur.

La producción de cobre de CODELCO, incluyendo su participación en el depósito El Abra y en Anglo American Sur, disminuyó a 1.552.700 toneladas métricas durante los doce meses de 2022, desde 1.727.896 en 2021 y desde 1.727.300 toneladas métricas en los doce meses de 2020. Esta disminución se debió principalmente a una menor producción de cobre en Chuquicamata, El Teniente y Ministro Hales, compensada por declives en la producción principalmente en Gabriela Mistral. La producción de molibdeno disminuyó un 1,8% en 2022 en comparación con 2021, de 20.130 a 21.264.

La tabla a continuación muestra la producción de cobre de las minas de CODELCO, en comparación con la producción del sector privado en Chile, para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2020, 2021 y 2022, y los períodos de nueve meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2022 y 2023:

Producción de Cobre de Minas Chilenas (CODELCO y Sector Privado) (en miles de toneladas métricas)

Para el período de nueve meses terminado el 31

(2) Las cifras de CODELCO presentadas para Anglo American Sur incluyen el 20% de la producción total de la mina (la parte de la producción que corresponde al 20% de participación accionaria de CODELCO en la mina). El resto de la producción de Anglo American Sur se incluye en las cifras del sector privado.

(3) Fuente: Comisión Chilena del Cobre.

La tabla a continuación muestra el desglose de la producción de cobre propia de CODELCO para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2020, 2021 y 2022, y el período de nueve meses terminado el 30 de septiembre de 2023:

Producción de Cobre de CODELCO (excluyendo El Abra y Anglo American Sur) (en miles de toneladas métricas)

Para el período de nueve meses

terminado Año terminado el 31 de diciembre 30 de septiembre

2020 2021 2022 2023 Cátodos 432 475 415 273 Blíster y ánodos 373 388 376 239 Calcinas 100 136 136 78 Concentrados 713 615 514 371 Total 1,618 1,614 1,446 966

La siguiente tabla establece el presupuesto de gastos de capital inicial de CODELCO para el período 2023-2025 por división, y para las oficinas ejecutivas, aprobado por la Junta Directiva de la Compañía como parte del informe BDP de CODELCO, sujeto a la aprobación de los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería (los gastos de capital están sujetos a cambios a discreción de CODELCO). El presupuesto de gastos de capital está sujeto a una revisión anual y, por lo tanto, puede estar sujeto a cambios.

Inversión Estimada por División (en millones de dólares estadounidenses) Chuquicamata $2,204 El Teniente $2,727 Andina $1,300 Radomiro Tomic $1,817 Salvador $1,799 Mina Ministro Hales $250 Gabriela Mistral $185 Ventanas $71 Oficinas Ejecutivas $354 Subsidiarias $25 Gastos Diferidos $3,404

(1) Incluye reemplazo de equipos y reparación de instalaciones, contribuciones a subsidiarias y otros.

La siguiente tabla establece el costo estimado de inversión para cada uno de los principales proyectos de expansión y desarrollo de CODELCO en cada división (los proyectos están sujetos a cambios a discreción de la Compañía):

Estado del Proyecto de Inversión Estimada por División (en millones de dólares estadounidenses)

El Teniente Nivel de minería nuevo (2023) Ejecución 5,325 Chuquicamata Chuquicamata Subterránea (2019) Ejecución 3,583 Andina Reallocation Plant (2020) Ejecución 1,480 Salvador Inca Pit (2021) Ejecución 2,225 Total 12,613

(1) Los gastos han sido invertidos en proyectos en etapa de ejecución.

No obstante, las cifras anteriores reflejan las inversiones estimadas que CODELCO esperaba realizar bajo su informe BDP actualizado de 2023. CODELCO continúa reformulando el proyecto de expansión de Andina, lo que podría disminuir el programa de gastos de capital a mediano plazo, y agregar proyectos de continuidad a Chuquicamata subterránea. Por lo tanto, este período a mediano plazo refleja de manera más confiable los compromisos de CODELCO que un período a largo plazo, especialmente considerando las tendencias actuales de la industria.

División El Teniente

Operaciones Mineras. La División El Teniente es la división más grande de CODELCO, basada en la producción de 2018, y opera la mina subterránea El Teniente ubicada a 80 kilómetros al sureste de Santiago. Con una producción de 443.220 toneladas métricas en 2020, es la mina de cobre subterránea más grande del mundo. Para obtener información sobre el nuevo nivel de la mina El Teniente, consulte Resumen-Fortalezas Competitivas.

El depósito El Teniente es también un cuerpo de mineral de tipo pórfido. El depósito abarca un rango vertical de más de 1.500 metros. Una intrusión de pórfido dacítico subvertical tabular de dos kilómetros de largo por 200 metros de ancho está bien expuesta en la parte norte del depósito, y un stock de cuarzo-diorita se encuentra en el lado sureste. Las rocas encajonantes son principalmente andesitas, que están fuertemente mineralizadas, conteniendo una alta concentración de calcopirita y bornita. El tamaño del depósito es de al menos tres kilómetros de norte a sur y cerca de un kilómetro de ancho.

El Teniente produce principalmente concentrados que se funden en la fundición de Caletones. Además de la mina principal en El Teniente, la división realiza operaciones mineras en varias otras áreas del depósito principal, con una producción de aproximadamente 140.000 toneladas métricas de mineral por día. El área Esmeralda de la mina es el área de producción principal, produciendo aproximadamente 36.750 toneladas métricas de mineral por día.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, la División El Teniente empleaba a 3.877 personas y producía 261.692 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 134,4 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 767,1 millones de dólares, en comparación con 291.090 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 102,4 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 650,9 millones de dólares durante los primeros nueve meses de 2022.

En 2022, esta división produjo 405.429 toneladas métricas de cobre, con un costo en efectivo de 105,2 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 930,5 millones de dólares, en comparación con una producción de 459.817 toneladas métricas de cobre, con un costo en efectivo de 108,6 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 1.088,3 millones de dólares en 2021. En 2020, la División El Teniente produjo 443.200 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 99,7 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 963,0 millones de dólares.

Producción de Cobre y Costo en Efectivo-División El Teniente (producción en miles de toneladas métricas y costo en efectivo en centavos por libra)

Para el período de nueve meses

terminado Año terminado el 31 de diciembre 30 de septiembre
2020 2021 2022 2023 Producción de Cobre 443 460 405 262 Costo en Efectivo 99,7 108,6 105,2 134,4

Operaciones de Fundición. La División El Teniente incluye la fundición de Caletones, que tiene la capacidad de fundir 1,25 millones de toneladas métricas de concentrado por año. La mina El Teniente suministra 1,29 millones de toneladas métricas de concentrado por año a la fundición de Caletones. El resto del concentrado procesado por la fundición es transportado por ferrocarril desde la División Andina, a 300 kilómetros de distancia.

La fundición de Caletones opera dos convertidores modificados Teniente, tres convertidores Pierce Smith y varias plantas de refinación y tratamiento de gases. El Teniente no tiene una planta de refinación electrolítica, y la producción de la fundición se vende como cobre refinado a fuego o ánodos para ser refinado en otras instalaciones como la refinería de Ventanas o Chuquicamata.

División Radomiro Tomic

El yacimiento de Radomiro Tomic se encuentra a cinco kilómetros al norte de la mina principal de Chuquicamata. Radomiro Tomic comenzó la producción a fines de 1997. La mina de Radomiro Tomic es una instalación de última generación y el mayor productor de cobre del mundo que utiliza el proceso SX-EW altamente eficiente.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, la División Radomiro Tomic empleaba a 1.328 personas y producía 239.134 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 231,9 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 1.207,6 millones de dólares, en comparación con 215.920 toneladas métricas y un costo en efectivo de 201,5 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 950,3 millones de dólares, en el mismo período de 2022.

En 2022, esta división produjo 301.062 toneladas métricas de cátodos de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 205,6 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 1.351,9 millones de dólares, en comparación con 326.456 toneladas métricas de cobre, un costo en efectivo de 138,6 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 989,0 millones de dólares en 2021. En 2020, esta división produjo 260.653 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 142,2 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 812,0 millones de dólares.

Producción de Cobre y Costo en Efectivo-División Radomiro Tomic (producción en miles de toneladas métricas y costo en efectivo en centavos por libra)

Para el período de nueve meses terminado el 30 de septiembre

Año terminado el 31 de diciembre 2020 2021 2022 2023 Producción de Cobre Radomiro Tomic 261 326 301 239 Costo en Efectivo Radomiro Tomic 142,2 138,6 205,6 231,9

División Chuquicamata

Operaciones Mineras. Ubicada en el Desierto de Atacama, a 1.200 kilómetros al norte de Santiago y a 240 kilómetros al este de la ciudad chilena de Antofagasta, la mina Chuquicamata ha estado en operación continua desde 1915. La mina Chuquicamata es una operación a cielo abierto que produce predominantemente concentrados de sulfuro, que se funden y refinan en el lugar. El tamaño del pozo de la mina Chuquicamata es de casi nueve kilómetros de largo en dirección norte-sur por cinco kilómetros de ancho y un kilómetro de profundidad.

El depósito Chuquicamata es un cuerpo de mineral de tipo pórfido. La característica más importante del cuerpo de mineral es una falla regional norte-sur, la falla de fisura oeste, que corta el mineral en el lado oeste y crea un límite marcado en el depósito. Una zona de mineral de óxido fue una gran parte del depósito y ha sido casi totalmente explotada. La mina contiene una capa de enriquecimiento supergénico (un redeposito de cobre, por fuerzas naturales, de capas superiores a inferiores), que tiene un espesor de casi 800 metros cerca del centro de la mina. A cinco kilómetros al norte de Chuquicamata, el cuerpo de mineral se estrecha y se fusiona con el cuerpo de mineral de Radomiro Tomic. Para obtener información sobre la transformación de la mina Chuquicamata de una mina a cielo abierto a una operación subterránea, consulte Resumen-Fortalezas Competitivas.

Operaciones de Fundición. Chuquicamata utiliza un horno flash Outokumpu, cinco convertidores Pierce Smith y dos convertidores Teniente para procesar 1,25 millones de toneladas métricas de concentrado de cobre al 29,6% por año. Chuquicamata realiza todas las etapas de la producción de cobre, desde el proceso minero hasta la producción de cátodos.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, la División Chuquicamata empleaba a 3.852 personas y producía 177.888 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 148,5 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 570,7 millones de dólares, en comparación con 200.353 toneladas con un costo en efectivo de 120,0 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 504,6 millones de dólares durante los primeros nueve meses de 2022.

En 2022, esta división produjo 268.348 toneladas métricas de cátodos de cobre, con un costo en efectivo de 127,4 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 740,7 millones de dólares, en comparación con 319.280 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo de 116,2 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 801,7 millones de dólares en 2021, y en comparación con 400.720 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo de 113,0 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 974,7 millones de dólares en 2020.

Producción de Cobre y Costo en Efectivo-División Chuquicamata (producción en miles de toneladas métricas y costo en efectivo en centavos por libra)

Para el período de nueve meses terminado el 30 de septiembre

Año terminado el 31 de diciembre 2020 2021 2022 2023 Producción de Cobre Chuquicamata 401 319 268 178 Costo en Efectivo Chuquicamata 113,0 116,2 127,4 148,5

División Mina Ministro Hales

Operaciones Mineras. La División Mina Ministro Hales fue creada en septiembre de 2010 para la operación del cuerpo de mineral de Mina Ministro Hales, y entregó sus primeras toneladas de cobre durante el último trimestre de 2013.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, Mina Ministro Hales empleaba a 809 personas y producía 80.653 toneladas métricas de cobre con un costo en efectivo de 249,1 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 428,3 millones de dólares, en comparación con 108.854 toneladas con un costo en efectivo de 116,2 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 269,6 millones de dólares durante los primeros nueve meses de 2022.

En 2022, esta división produjo 152,2 toneladas métricas de cobre, con un costo en efectivo de 322,9 centavos por libra, y un costo en efectivo total de 420,1 millones de dólares, en comparación con 181.704 toneladas métricas de cobre, con un costo de 89,2 centavos por libra, y un costo en efectivo total de 430,3 millones de dólares en 2021, en comparación con 109,5 toneladas métricas de cobre fino con un costo de 110,0 centavos por libra y un costo en efectivo total de 399,9 millones de dólares en 2020.

Producción de Cobre y Costo en Efectivo-División Mina Ministro Hales (producción en miles de toneladas métricas y costo en efectivo en centavos por libra)

Para el período de nueve meses terminado el 30 de septiembre

Año terminado el 31 de diciembre 2020 2021 2022 2023 Producción de Cobre 171 182 152 81 Costo en Efectivo 110,0 89,2 129,5 249,1

Operaciones de Fundición y Refinería. El procesamiento de minerales se llevará a cabo en un concentrador independiente con capacidad de procesamiento de 50.000 toneladas por día. Los concentrados de cobre se procesarán en una nueva planta de tostación. El proyecto también incluye una nueva planta de ácido.

División Gabriela Mistral

El cuerpo de mineral de Gabriela Mistral está ubicado en la Segunda Región de Chile y comenzó la producción en mayo de 2008. El 1 de enero de 2013, CODELCO creó la División Gabriela Mistral, que opera la mina Gabriela Mistral. Gabriela Mistral utiliza la tecnología SX-EW y produjo sus primeros cátodos de cobre en mayo de 2008 después de un período de construcción de 26 meses a un costo de 1.000 millones de dólares estadounidenses.

As of September 30, 2023, the Gabriela Mistral Division employed 488 persons and produced 73,812 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 304.6 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$495.6 million, as compared to 84,224 metric tons with a cash cost of 265.4 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$492.8 million during the first nine months of 2022.

In 2022, this division produced 109,523 metric tons of copper, with a cash cost of 275.8 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$665.9 million. In 2021, this division produced 100,908 metric tons of copper, with a cash cost of 193.4 cents per pound, compared to 102,080 metric tons of copper at a cash cost of 189.0 cents per pound in 2020, and a total cash cost of U.S.$430.3 million in 2021, compared to U.S.$425.4 million in 2020.

Copper Production and Cash Cost-Gabriela Mistral Division (production in thousands of metric tons and cash cost in cents per pound)

For the nine-month period ended Year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2023
Copper Production 102 101 110 74
Cash Cost 189.0 193.4 275.8 304.6

Andina Division

Mining Operations. The Andina Division operates the Andina mine and the Sur-Sur mine, which are located 50 kilometers northeast of Santiago. Production at the Andina Division is split among open-pit and underground mines. For information regarding the Andina plant reallocation project, see Summary – Competitive Strengths. The Andina Division does not operate a smelter. Its production is processed at the Caletones smelter of El Teniente, at the Ventanas refinery or at the Salvador Division, and some of its concentrate is sold to ENAMI or other purchasers.

As of September 30, 2023, the Andina Division employed 1,518 persons and produced 120,081 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 229.9 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$588.0 million, as compared to 139,805 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 172.2 cents per pound and a total cost of U.S.$512.8 million during the first nine months of 2022.

In 2022, the Andina Division produced 177,027 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 187.5 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$707.0 million. In 2021, this division produced 177,216 metric tons of copper, with a cash cost of 154.9 cents per pound, and a total cash cost of U.S.$584.6 million compared to 184,437 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 152.9 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$600.4 million in 2020.

The Río Blanco-Los Bronces porphyry-type deposit, one of the largest copper ore bodies in Chile, is partially owned by the Andina Division. The northwest portion of this deposit is owned by the Andina Division; Anglo Sur owns and operates the mines at Los Bronces and El Soldado along with the Chagres smelter and various mineral resources, including Los Sulfatos and San Enrique Monolito, located in the southwest portion of the deposit. The deposit is characterized by plentiful tourmaline and breccia rock bodies mineralized with copper sulfides, mostly chalcopyrite. CODELCO’s portion of the deposit is four kilometers in length, in the northwest to southeast direction, with a maximum width of almost one kilometer.

Copper Production and Cash Cost-Andina Division (production in thousands of metric tons and cash cost in cents per pound)

For the nine-month period ended Year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2023
Copper Production 184 177 177 120
Cash Cost 152.9 154.9 187.5 229.9

With the aim to increase the processing output of the Andina Division, CODELCO completed the Andina Phase I Expansion Project in 2010. While the Andina Division had plans to continue investing to expand the mine and increase copper production by an additional 350,000 tons of copper per year, the Company is currently reformulating its plans in order to create an alternative that should require less investment, while at the same time seeking to minimize the environmental impact and prolong the life of the Andina Division.

Salvador Division

Mining Operations. The Salvador Division is the smallest of CODELCO’s divisions. The complex includes the mine and concentrator at Salvador and a smelter refinery at Potrerillos. The Salvador mine is located 900 kilometers north of Santiago and 120 kilometers east of the Chilean port of Chañaral. Concentrates are transported 67 kilometers from the mine to the smelter at Potrerillos via pipeline and truck.

The Salvador Division has the smallest base reserve of ore among all of CODELCO’s divisions. The Salvador deposit is a typical medium-sized porphyry-type ore body. There is an 80- to 200-meter thick leached capping covering a lensoid-shaped enrichment layer roughly one kilometer in diameter that attains a maximum thickness of about 250 meters. This enrichment layer is almost completely mined out. Mining is currently focused on the primary ore located underneath the secondary enrichment (the so-called Inca levels).

As of September 30, 2023, Salvador employed 1,375 persons and produced 12,278 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 523.4 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$141.1 million, as compared to 21,867 metric tons of copper with a cash cost of 354.6 cents per pound and a total cost of U.S.$169.1 million during the first nine months of 2022.

In 2022, this division produced 32,065 metric tons of copper cathodes, with a cash cost of 389.6 cents per pound, and a total cash cost of U.S.$271.7 million compared to 52,885 metric tons of fine copper at a cash cost of 268.0 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$331.4 million in 2021 and 56,302 metric tons of fine copper at a cash cost of 214.6 cents per pound and a total cash cost of U.S.$265.0 million in 2020. As of September 30, 2023, the Inca Pit project is under construction. The Potrerillos smelter and refinery would continue to operate.

Copper Production and Cash Cost-Salvador Division (production in thousands of metric tons and cash cost in cents per pound)

For the nine-month period ended Year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2023
Copper Production 56 53 32 12
Cash Cost 214.6 268.0 389.6 523.4

Smelting Operations. The smelting and refining operation is located at Potrerillos. This facility includes one Teniente converter and four Pierce Smith converters for a rated annual capacity of 671,000 metric tons of concentrate. CODELCO increased capacity of the Potrerillos smelter in 2004.

Ventanas Division

Smelting and Refinery Operations. The Ventanas Division was created in connection with the acquisition of the Ventanas smelter refinery complex from Chile’s state-owned mining company ENAMI in 2005. In 2022, this division refined 370,626 metric tons of copper, compared to 400,016 metric tons of copper in 2021. During the nine months of 2023, the Ventanas division refined 264,556 metric tons of copper. Pursuant to the terms of the acquisition, CODELCO is required to provide on market terms the necessary smelting and refining capacity for the treatment of copper concentrate delivered by the small- and medium-sized mining industry that ENAMI serves. As of September 30, 2023, the Ventanas Division employed 713 persons. In June 2022, CODELCO’s Board of Directors approved the decommissioning of the smelter in Ventanas Division. In December 2022, a change in law was approved in Congress allowing CODELCO to smelt copper concentrates at smelters other than those of the Ventanas Division.

In January 2023, the Mining and Energy Commission of the Upper House approved the articles particular to the bill setting definitions regarding the future installation of the new smelting capacity, and its compatibility with the environmental safety and the protection of people’s health, among others. In May 2023, the bill was approved and after almost 60 years of operation, the furnaces at Ventanas Division smelting plant were shutdown. Currently, its former workers are under a transition process with measures such as training and transfer them to other CODELCO’s smelting plants, in addition to retirement incentive policies. CODELCO will continue to operate in the area through its refinery.

Associations, Joint Ventures and Partnerships

CODELCO has undertaken several projects, business ventures and associations with certain private sector mining and non-mining enterprises, including:

– SCM El Abra: In 1994, CODELCO (49.0%) formed a company, SCM El Abra, with Cyprus El Abra Corporation (51.0%), a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Inc., to develop the El Abra mine in northern Chile. The mine is a porphyry copper open-pit facility located 105 kilometers north of the city of Calama at an altitude of 3,900 meters above sea level. Constructed at a cost of U.S.$1.1 billion, it is designed to produce 225,000 metric tons of copper per year and includes one of the world’s largest SX-EW facilities. The El Abra project was originally financed by a U.S.$850.0 million syndicated loan, which was repaid in full in 2004.

In 2009, SCM El Abra approved resuming construction activities for the Sulfolix Project, which had been deferred as a result of market conditions at the end of 2008, to extract and process (by the leaching process) sulfide ores, which is expected to extend mine life by 13 years and enable El Abra to produce at least 125,000 metric tons of fine copper per year. This project contains approximately 1.2 billion metric tons of leachable oxide and sulfide copper, with an average ore grade of 0.4%. The project started producing sulfides, shifting from an oxide operation, during the first quarter of 2011 and includes milling mine ores until 2024, and is expected to generate the last cathode in 2029 by leaching heap remains. The Sulfolix Project requires approximately U.S.$565.0 million of initial equity and an additional U.S.$160.0 million to sustain the operations. The project is financed by SCM El Abra’s retained earnings.

In 2022, SCM El Abra produced 91,649 metric tons of fine copper with a cash cost of 3.08 cents per pound. For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023, the production was 72,779 metric tons of fine copper with a cash cost of 3.00 cents per pound.

The project had delivered total dividends of U.S.$6.0 million in 2019 and CODELCO had received U.S.$3.0 million in dividends in 2019. The project did not deliver dividends in 2020. The project had delivered total dividends of U.S.$0.4 million in 2021, and CODELCO had received U.S.$0.2 million in dividends in 2021. The project had delivered total dividends of U.S.$51.4 million in 2022, and CODELCO had received U.S.$25.2 million in dividends in 2022. As of September 30, 2023, the carrying value of SCM El Abra’s ownership interest was equal to U.S.$679.7 million.

– Anglo American Sur: On December 19, 2008, CODELCO purchased from ENAMI for U.S.$175.0 million an option to purchase up to 49.0% of the equity interests of Anglo American Sur, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Anglo American, for a price to be determined by a prescribed formula based on a multiple of historic earnings (the Sur Option). Anglo American Sur owns and operates the mines at Los Bronces and El Soldado, the Chagres Smelter and various mineral resources, including Los Sulfatos and San Enrique Monolito. In October 2011, CODELCO announced that it had arranged for a bridge loan of up to U.S.$6.75 billion from Mitsui that would allow it to exercise the Sur Option and indicated its intent to exercise the Sur Option during the next window for its exercise, which would occur in January 2012. On November 9, 2011, Anglo American announced that it had sold 24.5% of the equity interests of Anglo American Sur to affiliates of Mitsubishi Corporation. Following this sale, CODELCO announced that it retained the right to acquire up to 49.0% of the equity interests of Anglo American Sur and requested from the Santiago Court of Appeals a legal order preventing further sales of equity interests of Anglo American Sur until CODELCO was able to exercise the Sur Option. The requested legal order was granted and, on January 2, 2012, CODELCO exercised the Sur Option to purchase 49.0% of the equity interests of Anglo American Sur. Prior to and after the exercise of the Sur Option, Anglo American and CODELCO were involved in additional legal proceedings relating to the exercise of the Sur Option, which were ultimately settled pursuant to the settlement agreement described below.

On August 23, 2012, CODELCO and Anglo American entered into a settlement agreement to settle their respective claims in relation to the Sur Option. In connection with this settlement agreement, CODELCO and Anglo American agreed that Becrux, then a wholly-owned subsidiary of Acrux, an entity owned by CODELCO and Mitsui in the manner described below, would acquire 29.5% of the equity interests in Anglo American Sur pursuant to the following transactions: “

“El 24 de agosto de 2012, Becrux adquirió (i) acciones que representan el 24,5% de los intereses patrimoniales de Anglo American Sur por un precio de compra de US$1,7 mil millones, que fue financiado a través de un retiro por parte de un afiliado de CODELCO en la Facilidad de Préstamo Puente A8.R Mitsui descrita en el Análisis de la Situación Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones-Liquidez y Recursos de Capital-Otros Deudas; y (ii) acciones que representan el 0,9% de los intereses patrimoniales de Anglo American Sur por un precio de compra de US$206,8 millones, que fue financiado con contribuciones en efectivo realizadas por Mitsui; y

“El 14 de septiembre de 2012, Becrux adquirió acciones que representan el 4,0% de los intereses patrimoniales de Anglo American Sur por un precio de compra de US$893,2 millones, que fue financiado con contribuciones en efectivo realizadas por Mitsui.

Como parte del acuerdo de conciliación, Anglo American Sur transfirió a CODELCO ciertas propiedades mineras no desarrolladas, Los Leones y Profundo, que se encuentran al este de la mina Andina de CODELCO, y los accionistas de Anglo American Sur celebraron un acuerdo de accionistas que establece un marco para la gobernanza continua de Anglo American Sur, que incluye la representación en el directorio y la participación en ciertas decisiones para Becrux.

Inmediatamente después de la adquisición del 29,5% de los intereses patrimoniales de Anglo American Sur, los afiliados de CODELCO y Mitsui poseían aproximadamente el 83,0% y el 17,0%, respectivamente, de los intereses patrimoniales de Acrux. En relación con la refinanciación de la Facilidad de Préstamo Puente A8:R Mitsui descrita anteriormente en el Análisis de la Situación Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones-Liquidez y Recursos de Capital-Otros Deudas, un afiliado de Mitsui ejerció su derecho a adquirir de un afiliado de CODELCO, en el cierre de la refinanciación, un número de intereses patrimoniales de Acrux que representan una participación del 4,5% en Anglo American Sur por un precio de compra igual a US$998,0 millones. Esta cantidad se utilizó para prepagar una parte del préstamo puente previamente retirado por un afiliado de CODELCO en la Facilidad de Préstamo Puente A8:R Mitsui en relación con las transacciones descritas anteriormente. Después de la consumación de esta transacción, los afiliados de CODELCO y Mitsui poseían aproximadamente el 67,8% y el 32,2%, respectivamente, de los intereses patrimoniales de Acrux. En consecuencia, CODELCO posee indirectamente un 20,0% de interés en Anglo American Sur.

El 26 de noviembre de 2016, CODELCO firmó un acuerdo de crédito con Oriente Copper, un afiliado de Mitsui, renegociando el pago del principal al final del contrato. Los términos establecieron una tasa de interés anual de LIBOR +2,5% con un vencimiento a cinco años para ser pagadero en una sola cuota al vencimiento con pagos de intereses semestrales. El 26 de mayo de 2017, CODELCO firmó un nuevo acuerdo de crédito con Mitsui renegociando el siguiente pago semestral, que fue en los mismos términos que la primera renegociación realizada en noviembre de 2016.

El 21 de diciembre de 2017, CODELCO y Mitsui acordaron fusionar Acrux en Becrux, como entidad sobreviviente. La reorganización no afectó el interés que CODELCO y Mitsui poseen indirectamente en Anglo American Sur.

La producción de cobre fino de Anglo American Sur fue de 311.036 toneladas métricas en 2022 con un costo en efectivo de 213 centavos por libra, en comparación con 369.980 toneladas en 2021 con un costo en efectivo de 165 centavos por libra y 370.535 toneladas en 2020 con un costo en efectivo de 154 centavos por libra. En el período de nueve meses finalizado el 30 de septiembre de 2023, la producción fue de 190.577 toneladas métricas de cobre fino con un costo en efectivo de 3,43 centavos por libra. Anglo American Sur distribuyó US$22,7 millones en 2020, US$270,6 millones en 2021, US$138,4 millones en 2022 y cero al 30 de septiembre de 2023 en dividendos en efectivo a Becrux, que es una subsidiaria indirectamente propiedad de CODELCO. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, el valor en libros del patrimonio de Anglo American Sur era igual a US$2,7 mil millones. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, el valor en libros del patrimonio de Anglo American Sur era igual a US$2,8 mil millones. CODELCO tiene una participación indirecta del 20,0% en Anglo American Sur. Ver Factores de Riesgo. Una cantidad sustancial de nuestros activos totales son propiedades, planta y equipo.

SCM Purén: CODELCO (35,0%) y Compañía Mantos de Oro (65,0%), una subsidiaria de Kinross Gold Corp., son propietarios de SCM Purén. Las actividades mineras de SCM Purén, ubicadas en la Región de Atacama, al este de la ciudad de Copiapó, comenzaron en noviembre de 2005, habiendo producido más de 801.839 onzas de oro equivalente. En 2015, la empresa distribuyó US$2,5 millones en dividendos a CODELCO. Durante 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 y los primeros nueve meses de 2023, esta empresa no emitió dividendos. SCM Purén explota dos cuerpos de mineral de oro y plata a través de minas a cielo abierto. Actualmente, SCM Purén está evaluando una segunda fase del proyecto.

Nuevo Cobre S.A. (anteriormente Agua de la Falda S.A.): CODELCO (42,26%) y Rio Tinto Chile SpA (57,74%), una subsidiaria de Rio Tinto plc, son propietarios de Nuevo Cobre S.A., anteriormente llamada Agua de la Falda S.A., que fue creada en 1996 para explorar y explotar el yacimiento de oro Agua de la Falda que estuvo en producción hasta 2005. La nueva empresa conjunta tiene como objetivo explorar y desarrollar yacimientos de cobre.

Inca de Oro S.A.: CODELCO (33,0%) y Minera PanAust IDO Limitada (67,0%) son propietarios de Inca de Oro S.A., que fue creada en 2009 para explorar, explotar y procesar recursos minerales en Chile y en el extranjero. La producción de Inca de Oro S.A. está actualmente detenida a la espera de nuevas oportunidades de mercado.

Deutsche Giessdraht GmbH: CODELCO (40,0%) y Aurubis AG (60,0%) son propietarios de Deutsche Giessdraht GmbH, una corporación alemana ubicada en Emmerich, Alemania. La empresa, que existe desde 1975, produce alambre de cobre continuo fundido. CODELCO suministra indirectamente cobre a Deutsche Giessdraht GmbH. El 31 de julio de 2018, CODELCO vendió su participación del 40,0% en Deutsche Giessdraht GmbH a su socio Aurubis AG después de recibir la aprobación de la transacción por parte del regulador antimonopolio federal de Alemania (Bundeskartellamt). La venta incluyó un acuerdo que permitió a CODELCO producir alambre de cobre hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2018 para cumplir con sus obligaciones contractuales de venta que vencieron a finales de 2018.

GNL Mejillones S.A.: Debido a la disminución y eventual terminación del suministro de gas natural desde Argentina, las empresas generadoras de energía eléctrica han experimentado una disminución en la generación de electricidad. Por esta razón, CODELCO y Suez Energy Andino S.A. a través de GNL Mejillones construyeron una planta de regasificación de GNL, que ha estado operando desde principios de 2010. GNL Mejillones tiene la capacidad de recibir, procesar y almacenar gas natural, con una capacidad de envío de 5,5 millones de metros cúbicos de gas por día, originario de Trinidad y Tobago y comprado a SUEZ Global LNG Ltd. bajo un contrato de suministro a largo plazo. El tanque de almacenamiento de GNL está actualmente en operación. GNL ha celebrado un acuerdo a largo plazo con E-CL para la regasificación y almacenamiento de aproximadamente 15 billones de BTU (Unidad Térmica Británica).

GNL Mejillones suministra el gas requerido por la planta de energía eléctrica en el Sistema Interconectado del Norte Grande, conocido como el Sistema Eléctrico Nacional (anteriormente conocido como SING), que suministra energía a las operaciones de CODELCO. Los socios del proyecto han financiado este proyecto en virtud de contratos de toma o paga existentes con CODELCO y otras empresas mineras.

Al 30 de junio de 2019, CODELCO poseía el 37,0% de las acciones en circulación de la empresa, y Suez Energy Andino S.A. poseía el 63,0% restante de las acciones.

El 6 de agosto de 2019, CODELCO completó la venta de su participación del 37,0% en GNL Mejillones S.A. a Ameris Capital AGF, por un monto de US$193,5 millones.

Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA: En diciembre de 2012, CODELCO (34,0%) junto con LS Nikko (66,0%) formaron Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA (PRM), cuyo propósito es procesar productos intermedios derivados de la refinación y procesamiento de cobre y otros metales, para recuperar cobre, otros metales y subproductos contenidos en estas sustancias y transformarlos en productos comerciales, y también comerciar y distribuir todas las clases de bienes o suministros relacionados con dicho proceso. Esta entidad desarrolló y construyó una planta de procesamiento ubicada en Mejillones, en la Región de Antofagasta, que comenzó su proceso de puesta en marcha durante 2016. Un contrato de 20 años regula el tratamiento de lodos anódicos producidos en las refinerías de CODELCO para la recuperación de metales preciosos.

Salar de Maricunga SpA: En abril de 2017, CODELCO formó Salar de Maricunga SpA (Salar de Maricunga) para desarrollar proyectos de exploración y explotación de litio en Chile. En marzo de 2018, Salar de Maricunga celebró un contrato especial de operación de litio con el Ministerio de Minería de Chile que le permite explorar y explotar litio (que no está sujeto a concesión en Chile) en el salar de Maricunga en la Región de Atacama del norte de Chile. En 2019, CODELCO comenzó a recopilar datos ambientales y sociales para preparar la presentación de una declaración de impacto ambiental para explorar el salar de Maricunga. En noviembre de 2020, CODELCO obtuvo la autorización ambiental para explorar recursos de litio en algunos de sus derechos mineros en el salar de Maricunga. Durante 2021, CODELCO continuó recibiendo las aprobaciones de los diferentes permisos sectoriales necesarios para comenzar el trabajo de exploración en el salar de Maricunga. La campaña de exploración comenzó en febrero de 2022 y finalizó en junio de 2023.

Asociaciones y Alianzas en Tecnología e Investigación y Desarrollo: CODELCO ha establecido asociaciones con empresas y organizaciones líderes mundiales en investigación y desarrollo para aumentar la integración del conocimiento y la innovación en los procesos mineros. La siguiente es una lista representativa de tales asociaciones:

CODELCOTec SpA: CODELCO estableció CODELCOTec SpA (anteriormente, BioSigma S.A.) (CODELCOTec) en 2002 con la empresa japonesa JX-Nippon Mining and Metals Corporation (JX-Nippon Mining) y desde entonces ha aumentado su participación al 99,0% tras la salida de JX-Nippon Mining en 2016. La misión de CODELCOTec hoy en día es el desarrollo de innovaciones tecnológicas en minería y metalurgia, el desarrollo comercial de procesos y tecnología en el campo de la genómica, proteómica y bioinformática para el sector minero, y, en general, la aplicación de sistemas basados en microorganismos, análisis, investigación, invención y creación, desarrollo e implementación de nuevas aplicaciones, procesos y usos para el cobre, molibdeno, litio y otros subproductos de los procesos mineros, en la medida en que estén directamente relacionados con un mayor uso del cobre. La misión de CODELCOTec también incluye el monitoreo tecnológico de sustitutos del cobre, la representación de empresas nacionales o extranjeras y personas físicas o jurídicas, la venta y compra, distribución, comercio, importación y exportación de tales sustitutos y otras actividades relacionadas con lo anterior.

Kairos Mining S.A.: Kairos Mining S.A. es una empresa creada en 2006 en asociación con Honeywell Chile S.A., que posee el 60,0% (CODELCO posee el 40,0% restante). El propósito de Kairos Mining S.A. es proporcionar servicios para la automatización y control de actividades industriales y mineras, y suministrar tecnología relacionada y licencias de software;

Ecosea Farming S.A.: CODELCO, a través de su subsidiaria Innovaciones en Cobre S.A., fue accionista en un 91,3% de EcoSea Farming (EcoSea), una empresa tecnológica que estableció el estándar para la acuicultura a escala global. El objetivo de la empresa era incorporar el uso de mallas de aleación de cobre metálico para sistemas de cultivo de peces, con el fin de aprovechar los diversos beneficios del cobre: antimicrobiano, antiincrustante, antidepredador, mecánicamente resistente e infinitamente reciclable. Además, EcoSea descubrió nuevas propiedades que permiten costos operativos más bajos y la expansión de la acuicultura marina en áreas expuestas. Durante 2018, CODELCO vendió los activos tecnológicos de EcoSea a un grupo de inversionistas y EcoSea fue liquidada y disuelta.

La siguiente tabla establece los principales acuerdos de minería y exploración en los que CODELCO es parte al 30 de septiembre de 2023:

Principales Acuerdos de Minería y Exploración (Al 30 de septiembre de 2023)

Socio Tipo Minería Co-participación en Chile SCM El Abra Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (EE. UU.) Cobre Agua de la Falda S.A.O Meridian Gold Inc. (EE. UU.) Oro SCM Purén Compañía Minera Mantos de Oro (Chile) OroPlata Inca de Oro S.A. PanAust Minera IDO Limited (Australia) Cobre Anglo American Sur S.A. Anglo American Clarent (Reino Unido) Ltd, Inversiones Anglo American Copper Sur S.A., MC Resources Development Ltd. y Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA

Acuerdo de Exploración Proyectos

Chile Puntilla Galenosa Sociedad Punta del Cobre S.A. (Chile) Cobre Internacional Liberdade Pan Brazilian (Brasil) CobreOro JV Codelco-Xstrata Xstrata Do Brasil (Brasil) Cobre Grupo Propiedades Empresa Nacional Minera de Ecuador (Ecuador) Cobre

(Para obtener más información, consulte Resumen -Desarrollos Recientes-Codelco y Rio Tinto Forjan una Asociación Estratégica para la Exploración de Cobre en Chile.)”

CODELCO informa sobre su inventario de activos mineros, distinguiendo entre recursos minerales y reservas minerales, de acuerdo con la regulación chilena e internacional. El sistema descrito a continuación para la categorización de minerales, ampliamente utilizado en la industria minera, está codificado en la Ley N° 20.235 y es regulado por una entidad privada chilena independiente llamada Comisión Calificadora de Competencias en Recursos y Reservas Mineras (CQCMRR). La CQCMRR forma parte del Comité de Estándares Internacionales de Reporte de Reservas Minerales (CRIRSCO).

Recursos Geológicos

Los recursos geológicos son concentraciones u ocurrencias de materiales en forma, cantidad (tonelaje y ley del mineral) y calidad, basados en evidencia y conocimiento geológico específico, que permiten el cálculo de la cantidad, ley y calidad del material con cierto nivel de confianza. Los recursos geológicos se identifican y evalúan a través de la exploración, reconocimiento y muestreo. Se estiman en base al conocimiento geológico sobre el yacimiento, que se fundamenta en conceptos científicos sobre la formación de minerales como óxidos, sulfuros y minerales mixtos, así como en el conocimiento disponible sobre la continuidad geológica de los sectores mineralizados. Esto se basa en parámetros técnicos, como la solidez del modelo genético-geológico y su validación a través de perforaciones. Los recursos geológicos se categorizan además como medidos, indicados e inferidos.

Un recurso se considera medido si el conocimiento de CODELCO sobre el recurso es extenso y directo; si el conocimiento de CODELCO sobre el recurso es sustancial pero menos extenso, se considera indicado; y si el conocimiento de CODELCO sobre el recurso es solo indirecto, se considera inferido.

Recursos Minerales

Una vez que CODELCO ha alcanzado un mayor conocimiento sobre sus recursos geológicos, es capaz de generar un plan minero a largo plazo para la explotación de dichos recursos, que luego se consideran recursos minerales. Los recursos minerales, al igual que los recursos geológicos, se subcategorizan como medidos, indicados e inferidos.

Reservas de Mineral

Las reservas de mineral se definen como la parte económicamente explotable de los recursos minerales. Incluyen materiales de dilución y provisiones para pérdidas que pueden ocurrir durante la extracción del material. Se han realizado evaluaciones y estudios apropiados, que tienen en cuenta factores mineros, metalúrgicos, económicos, de marketing, legales, ambientales, sociales y gubernamentales razonablemente asumidos. Estas evaluaciones abordan en el momento del informe si la extracción está justificada. Las reservas de mineral se subdividen en orden de confianza creciente, desde reservas probables de mineral hasta reservas probadas de mineral. Las reservas de mineral son un subconjunto de los recursos minerales de la misma manera que los recursos minerales son un subconjunto de los recursos geológicos. El siguiente diagrama muestra las relaciones entre las diferentes categorías de recursos y reservas:

Recursos y Reservas, CODELCO




Plan Minero
2) Vida útil de la mina SS O I es I ml 1 ss e I I Sos 4 I o Ls PS O A 1 LU das DRESS di ! ES Bi ses I 1 Seo 1 1
5] 1 I E EEES ‘ Los factores modificadores: ! Consideración de factores mineros, metalúrgicos, económicos, 1
1| de marketing, legales, ambientales, sociales y gubernamentales !
1 I I I I I I I I I I . . 1 | Código chileno: CH20.235 1 AA

Basándose en los métodos y categorías descritos anteriormente, las reservas probadas y probables de CODELCO incluyen 47,5 millones de toneladas métricas finas de cobre al 31 de diciembre de 2022, una cantidad que representa al menos 30 años de producción futura a los niveles actuales. En 2020 y 2021, las reservas probadas y probables de CODELCO incluyeron 49,1 y 135,2 millones de toneladas métricas finas de cobre, respectivamente. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, los recursos minerales de CODELCO incluyen 165,0 millones de toneladas métricas finas de cobre, y sus recursos geológicos identificados incluyen 398,1 millones de toneladas métricas de cobre, para un grado de corte de 0,2% de cobre.

La siguiente tabla muestra la cantidad de tenencias de cobre de CODELCO por división según la metodología descrita anteriormente, al 31 de diciembre de 2022:



Recursos Minerales

Ley Tonnage Fino de cobre cobre?

Radomiro Tomic. 5.233 0,43 22,4 Chuquicamata . 2.951 0,62 18,2 Ministro

HaleS .ooooccnnonccnnco. 1.786 0,81 14,5 Gabriela Mistral . 567 0,33 1,9 Salvador . 2.041 0,51 12,1 ANdiNd.ooccccooccnnno. 4.978 0,74 36,8 El Teniente. 5.362 0,73 39,3 Exploración de Negocios

y Subsidiarias . 3.499 0,62 19,7 Total. 26.777 0,62 165,0

Recursos geológicos con un grado de corte de 0,2% de cobre.

En millones de toneladas métricas.

Recursos Geológicos

Ley Tonnage Fino de cobre cobre ANdiDA. .oocooccocnncnncnno. 21.935 0,61 134,9 El Teniente. 16.240 0,56 91,5 Otros depósitos. 3.190 0,34 10,8 Recursos hechos? . 5.411 0,40 21,4 Total. 77.892 0,51 398,1

Recursos geológicos con un grado de corte de 0,2% de cobre.

En millones de toneladas métricas.

Incluye recursos geológicos artificiales

La siguiente tabla muestra las tenencias de cobre del mundo y de CODELCO utilizando el sistema de la Encuesta Geológica de los Estados Unidos al 31 de diciembre de 2022:

Recursos Geológicos.

Reservas Probadas y Probables

Mundo CODELCO Participación de CODELCO (en millones de toneladas) (en millones de toneladas) (%) enn nonnnrn moro nnrnnnrnnncnnncnnnccnnnannns 2.100 398,1 18,95%
890 47,5 5,3%

(1) Según la definición de la Encuesta Geológica de los Estados Unidos (enero de 2022) y con referencia a recursos identificados. (2) Se refiere a las tenencias de cobre que están medidas, indicadas e inferidas.

Cada año, el Directorio debe aprobar un Plan de Desarrollo a Largo Plazo de la Compañía. Los primeros tres años están sujetos a la aprobación de los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería. Este plan debe incluir los montos de inversión y financiamiento anuales, además de las ganancias estimadas que la Compañía generará durante el período. Los Ministerios de Hacienda y Minería emiten conjuntamente un decreto, en virtud del cual una parte de las ganancias de CODELCO puede ser asignada por CODELCO a la creación de fondos de capitalización y reserva.

El Plan de Desarrollo a Largo Plazo de 2020 permite a CODELCO desarrollar un plan minero a largo plazo. CODELCO revisa los términos del Plan de Desarrollo a Largo Plazo anualmente para actualizarlo o modificarlo en función de los cambios en las tendencias comerciales.

El Plan de Desarrollo a Largo Plazo de 2020 utiliza recursos inferidos para definir la visión estratégica de CODELCO para el desarrollo de recursos a largo plazo. Sin embargo, la incorporación de dichos recursos aumenta gradualmente con el tiempo, y los recursos inferidos se convierten en reservas probadas y probables.

En las primeras etapas del Plan de Desarrollo a Largo Plazo de 2020, la producción se basa casi exclusivamente en reservas probadas y probables, y los proyectos mineros se encuentran en etapas avanzadas de ingeniería o en la etapa de inversión. Los proyectos mineros deben respaldar su evaluación económica en función de las reservas probadas y probables mínimas predefinidas para ser aprobados para la inversión.

Desarrollo de Recursos

CODELCO controla aproximadamente el 5,3% de las reservas probadas y probables de cobre del mundo, según la definición de la Encuesta Geológica de los Estados Unidos.

Los recursos geológicos potenciales, identificados por nuestra división interna de exploración como resultado de proyectos realizados hasta 2020, comprenden recursos incorporados en diferentes etapas de exploración y no se han agregado a las tenencias de cobre de CODELCO.

Los recursos geológicos potenciales totales de CODELCO, según nuestras estimaciones internas, son aproximadamente 7.405 millones de toneladas métricas de mineral con una ley promedio de mineral de cobre del 0,64%, equivalentes a 47,5 millones de toneladas métricas de cobre fino. A medida que avancen las exploraciones y se completen más estimaciones, estos recursos podrían incorporarse a las tenencias de cobre de CODELCO.

Costos de Producción de Cobre

Los costos de producción de CODELCO incluyen todos los costos y gastos incurridos en relación con la minería y producción de su mezcla de cobre y productos relacionados. Estos costos de producción no incluyen los costos administrativos y operativos incurridos en relación con el procesamiento de otros productos de cobre adquiridos a terceros.

En 2022, los costos y gastos totales de CODELCO aumentaron en 56,6 centavos por libra (22,2%) a 310,9 centavos por libra, en comparación con 254,3 centavos por libra en 2021 y 241,8 centavos por libra en 2020, principalmente debido a precios más altos de insumos y un volumen de producción más bajo, parcialmente compensado por la depreciación del tipo de cambio del peso chileno frente al dólar estadounidense. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, los costos y gastos totales de CODELCO aumentaron en 85 centavos por libra (30,5%) a 363,7 centavos por libra, en comparación con 278,7 centavos por libra en el mismo período de 2022, principalmente debido a una producción más baja y al uso de inventario, y mayores costos operativos, junto con un aumento del Índice de Precios al Consumidor (IPC) y una apreciación del peso chileno frente al dólar estadounidense que impactó los salarios y contratos, contribuyendo a un aumento general de los costos en efectivo.

En 2022, los costos y gastos totales de CODELCO ascendieron a 9.900 millones de dólares, en comparación con 9.100 millones de dólares en 2021 y 8.600 millones de dólares en 2020, debido a una producción más baja y precios más altos de insumos, parcialmente compensados por una depreciación del peso chileno frente al dólar estadounidense (2022 en comparación con 2021). Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, los costos y gastos totales de CODELCO ascendieron a 7.700 millones de dólares, en comparación con 6.500 millones de dólares en el mismo período de 2022. En 2022, el costo en efectivo de producción de CODELCO fue de 165,4 centavos por libra, en comparación con 132,7 centavos por libra en 2021 y 129,4 centavos por libra en 2020.

Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, el costo en efectivo de producción de CODELCO fue de 204,5 centavos por libra, en comparación con 157,4 centavos por libra en el mismo período de 2022. En 2022, el costo en efectivo total de CODELCO fue de 5.200 millones de dólares, en comparación con 4.700 millones de dólares en 2021 y 4.500 millones de dólares en 2020. Durante los primeros nueve meses de 2023, el costo en efectivo total de CODELCO fue de 4.300 millones de dólares, en comparación con 3.600 millones de dólares en el mismo período de 2022 (este costo en efectivo total incluye ciertos costos en efectivo incurridos a nivel corporativo). Consulte el Análisis de la Gerencia sobre la Condición Financiera y los Resultados de Operaciones-Resumen.

En 2013, CODELCO también implementó un proyecto estructurado de productividad y costos destinado a reducir costos y aumentar la producción. La iniciativa comprende: (i) optimización del rendimiento para minimizar la interrupción operativa; (ii) optimización del presupuesto para identificar contratos prescindibles y necesarios para controlar el presupuesto de costos de servicios de terceros; (iii) optimización de costos de energía e insumos marcada por una revisión de contratos de energía y principales insumos; y (iv) una revisión de factores higiénicos y costos, como gastos de viaje y servicios de consultoría. Además, CODELCO también ha creado un nuevo cargo de Vicepresidente de Productividad y Costos con el objetivo de aumentar la productividad, reducir costos y mejorar el programa de control de costos.

Las principales fuentes de energía para las operaciones de CODELCO son la electricidad, los combustibles líquidos (como el diésel, el fuel oil y la gasolina) y el gas natural. Desde 2004, ha habido un suministro restringido de gas natural desde Argentina. En cuanto a los combustibles líquidos y el gas natural, estas materias primas están sujetas a fluctuaciones de precios como resultado de factores externos, como la pandemia de COVID-19 y la guerra en curso en Ucrania.

Los costos de producción de CODELCO han aumentado debido a estas escaseces, teniendo que depender de la electricidad generada a partir de fuentes más costosas, como el diésel, el petróleo o el carbón, y estos costos aumentados han afectado adversamente los resultados de operaciones de CODELCO. No obstante, CODELCO ha estado promoviendo una estrategia para: (1) descarbonizar su suministro de electricidad; (2) adaptar los costos a las tarifas actuales basadas en nuevas tecnologías disponibles; y (3) reducir su exposición a las fluctuaciones de precios de materias primas. Como resultado, en 2023, CODELCO renovó su acuerdo de suministro actual con Pampa Solar. Durante 2022, CODELCO renegoció sus acuerdos de suministro actuales con los productores y distribuidores de energía eléctrica AES Andes S.A. y Colbún S.A., para cambiar progresivamente el suministro de energía hacia fuentes de energía renovable que deberían ayudar a disminuir los costos de electricidad.

Además, en 2018, CODELCO llegó a un acuerdo con Engie Energía Chile S.A., que garantizaba que para 2026, el 70,0% de los requisitos de electricidad de CODELCO provendrían de fuentes renovables, otorgando a CODELCO independencia de la fluctuación constante de los precios de materias primas y cualquier costo adicional asociado.

A finales de 2009 y principios de 2010, como medida paliativa dada los efectos adversos de la restricción de Argentina y para estabilizar los costos futuros de energía, CODELCO celebró acuerdos de suministro eléctrico a precios competitivos por un período de 15 años para sus instalaciones en la División Chuquicamata y por un período de 30 años para las instalaciones en la región centro-sur de Chile, respectivamente. Ambos acuerdos de suministro incluyen la creación de nueva capacidad de generación eléctrica basada en carbón. No obstante, el último acuerdo de suministro fue renegociado durante 2022 para cambiar progresivamente el suministro de energía hacia fuentes de energía renovable. Además, en

In 2015, after the expiration of this contract, CODELCO entered into a new five-year supply contract for liquid fuels. In August 2011, CODELCO entered into two energy and power supply agreements with Norgener S.A. for the Mina Ministro Hales Division and the Radomiro Tomic Division. CODELCO began to receive energy under these contracts in 2011 for Mina Ministro Hales and began in 2017 for Radomiro Tomic, in each case lasting until 2028. During 2014, AES Gener S.A. took over Norgener S.A., assigning CODELCO’s contract to AES Gener S.A., now AES Andes S.A. Both energy and power supply agreements were amended and restated on December 29, 2022. Additionally, on that same day, CODELCO and AES Andes S.A. entered into a new energy and power supply agreement for renewable sources, which became effective as of January 1, 2023, until December 31, 2040. In 2022, CODELCO and AES Andes S.A. renegotiated their agreements to replace the current supply of power based on coal with renewable energy. Similarly, during 2018, CODELCO and Engie Energía Chile S.A. renegotiated an electrical supply agreement. The contracts that were renegotiated by CODELCO with AES Andes S.A. and Engie Energía Chile S.A. guaranteed that by 2026, 70.0% of CODELCO’s electricity requirements will come from renewable sources, granting CODELCO independence from the constant fluctuation of commodity prices and any additional associated costs. Additionally, in early 2010, CODELCO entered into a five-year supply contract for liquid fuels with the main Chilean fuel distributors. In 2015, after the expiration of this contract, CODELCO entered into a new five-year supply contract for liquid fuels. In April 2012, CODELCO renewed a contract with Pacific Hydro, involving the purchase of power generation of the Coya and Pangal hydroelectric plants, for 12 years. Since CODELCO’s sale of the Coya and Pangal hydroelectric plants to Pacific Hydro in 2004, Pacific Hydro and CODELCO have entered into similar supply contracts to purchase the injected energy produced by these hydroelectric plants.

With the purpose of decarbonizing its electricity supply, in January 2023, CODELCO launched an electricity supply bidding process focusing on renewable sources to procure approximately 2,500 GWh/year (which represents, approximately, 30% of CODELCO’s electricity requirements). The start supply date is January 2026. To this date, the electricity supply bidding process is in the stage of evaluation and assessment of the offers. CODELCO expects to sign the new power purchase agreements derived from this supply tender process by the end of 2023 or early 2024 at the latest.

CODELCO continues to develop and refine its mine management practices and programs to limit and reduce its costs. These initiatives include the following: (i) improved deposit identification and mining techniques; (ii) the implementation of early retirement plans and workforce reduction programs; (iii) an investment in human capital and continuing to attract and retain a world-class management team and professionals of the highest caliber; (iv) improved utilization of equipment and inputs used in the processes of copper production to increase productivity and efficiency; and (v) the development of key projects, specifically the new mine level at El Teniente, the Andina plant reallocation, and the Chuquicamata underground projects.

Marketing General

Four of CODELCO’s wholly-owned subsidiaries and 12 of its sales representatives cover over 35 countries around the world. The following table shows the breakdown of CODELCO’s sales by product type including third-party products for the three years ended December 31, 2022, and the nine-month period ended September 30, 2023:

Copper Sales by Product Type (in thousands of metric tons)

For the nine-month period ended Year ended December 31, September 30, 2020 2021 2022 2023 Cathodes 1,233 1,253 1,131 273 Blisters and ANORS 104 107 108 239 Concentrates 611 554 493 371 Total 1,948 1,914 1,732 883

CODELCO’s marketing strategy is focused on three major areas:

Establishing long-term relationships. CODELCO encourages sales through annual contracts and direct long-term relationships with copper consumers.

Quality and sales service. CODELCO focuses on product quality and sales service based on timeliness, scheduling, and conditions of product delivery.

Diversification. CODELCO has a geographically diverse sales portfolio.

Pricing and Hedging

The substantial majority of copper produced by CODELCO is sold under long-term contracts of at least one year to customers that have long-term relationships with CODELCO. The specific commercial terms of these contracts are negotiated annually by the parties for the following calendar year. Recently, and as part of a revamped commercial strategy, CODELCO has agreed to sell copper under a rolling deal format known as evergreen contracts with certain key customers. CODELCO’s evergreen contracts have an initial duration of three years from the effective date and, unless terminated by either party, are automatically renewed for an additional year at the end of the original term. The main advantage of evergreen contracts is to lock-in sales to key customers (and for customers to have a guaranteed supply of raw material from a key supplier) over a longer period of time. For both annual and evergreen contracts, the premium over the base price is negotiated annually and the base price is the LME cash settlement averaged over the quotation period, which according to CODELCO’s commercial policy is the month following the contractual or scheduled month of shipment (referred to as M+1). Products that are not committed under long-term contracts (which represent a small percentage of CODELCO’s annual volume) are sold throughout the year at the prevailing conditions of the spot market to either consumers or merchants.

CODELCO applies a premium policy in sales of its Grade A cathodes. Premium amounts for different markets are adjusted in accordance with prevailing ocean freight costs and keyed to the standard terms of payment.

In 2022, the base premium for CIF shipments (including shipping and insurance costs) to Rotterdam was set at U.S.$128 per metric ton, compared to U.S.$98 per metric ton in 2021 and U.S.$98 per metric ton in 2020. The base premium for 2023 is U.S.$234 per metric ton.

CODELCO sells its copper concentrates under long-term contracts. These contracts generally have three-year terms with fixed volume. As a general rule, contracts covering one-third of the terms on one-third of the volume are negotiated on a yearly basis. The sale price is based on world metal prices and is generally tied to the LME settlement prices for Grade A copper cathodes minus certain treatment and refining charges.

Molybdenum is sold mainly to steel producers and merchants under annual sale contracts. Sales prices are based on prevailing monthly averages of molybdenum dealer oxide high-low prices as quoted in Metals Week for a quotation period, generally the month following the scheduled month of shipment.

CODELCO has hedged certain future copper delivery commitments and production in order to manage the risks associated with copper price volatility in the past. CODELCO currently does not have any hedged production commitments, and therefore there is no relevant impact from hedging. See notes 29 and 30 to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements.

CODELCO also periodically enters into futures contracts with respect to sales of its own copper in order to provide protection against fluctuation in the sale price paid by them in connection with such sales. See Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations-CODELCO engages in hedging activity from time to time, particularly with respect to its copper production, which may not be successful and may result in losses to CODELCO, notes 27 and 28 to the Consolidated Financial Statements and notes 29 and 30 to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements for further details regarding CODELCO’s hedging activity.

Major Export Customers

As discussed above, most of CODELCO’s customers receive shipments on a monthly basis. Consequently, CODELCO’s sales volumes are relatively consistent throughout the year. CODELCO’s sales of copper in 2022 were geographically diversified, with approximately 53.0% of sales made to Asia, including approximately 37.7% to China, as well as approximately 35.1% to North and South America, 11.6% to Europe, and 0.3% to Africa.

CODELCO’s top ten customers purchased approximately 40.1% of its total copper sales volume in 2022.

The following table shows CODELCO’s copper sales for the years ended December 31, 2020, 2021, and 2022 to CODELCO’s top export markets and in Chile:

CODELCO’s Copper Sales by Destination (in thousands of metric tons)

2020 2021 2022 China 754 626 665 United States 278 356 254 South Korea 99 114 121 Chile 323 349 275 India 64 80 84 Brazil 90 93 80 Germany 48 22 50 India 19 19 29 Japan 31 43 29 Taiwan 68 73 36 Spain 44 33 41 Bulgaria 8 11 0 Turkey 37 22 0 China 1 1 0 Mexico 13 10 11 Malaysia 9 4 18 Thailand 5 12 16 Vietnam – 3 16 Canada 3 0 0 Others 105 61 40 Total 1,971 1,931 1,765

(1) In 2020, CODELCO sold 19 thousand metric tons to Peru and 19 thousand metric tons to Finland.

The sales to China increased in 2022 compared to 2021, primarily driven by stronger demand at the beginning of the year related to the recovery in the economy of China.


CODELCO believes that competition in the copper market is based upon price, quality of product, and timing of delivery. CODELCO’s products compete with other materials, including aluminum and plastics. CODELCO competes with other mining companies and private individuals in connection with the acquisition of mining concessions and mineral leases and in connection with the recruitment and retention of qualified employees.


On December 31, 2022, CODELCO employed 15,973 employees as compared to 15,528 employees as of December 31, 2021. CODELCO spent U.S.$12.5 million during 2022 on staff development and training. A total of 436,375 hours of training were held, with 13,459 employees attending multiple courses.

As of December 31, 2022, approximately 83.4% of CODELCO’s employees were covered by collective bargaining agreements with labor unions. Most of these collective bargaining agreements have terms of two to three years.

In 2022, CODELCO negotiated four collective bargaining agreements and one additional collective bargaining agreement signed in September 2021, with no conflicts or work stoppages. In 2021, CODELCO experienced a 21-day strike involving two labor unions from the Andina Division and a 24-day strike involving one labor union also from Andina Division. In 2020, CODELCO negotiated collective bargaining agreements on schedule without any conflicts or work stoppages, and in 2019, CODELCO negotiated eight collective bargaining agreements with no conflicts or work stoppages, except for a 14-day strike involving approximately 3,200 union workers in the Chuquicamata Division. As of September 2023, CODELCO negotiated all the collective bargaining agreements with no conflicts or work stoppages for 2022 and 2023, except for a one-day strike on Ventanas Division related to the decommission of the smelter. For recent information, see Summary-Recent Developments- CODELCO Reached Contract Agreements with Five Labor Unions.

95 En 2022, CODELCO renovó el Pacto Estratégico por Chile, inicialmente firmado por la administración presidencial y la Federación de Trabajadores del Cobre (FTC) en 2015, el cual definió cuatro compromisos clave para el futuro y la transformación de la empresa: competitividad, capital humano, sostenibilidad, y diversidad e inclusión.

CODELCO ha experimentado importantes desaceleraciones del trabajo, paralizaciones laborales y huelgas en el pasado.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, había 34.399 empleados de contratistas independientes regulares y 21.227 empleados de contratistas involucrados en el desarrollo de los proyectos de inversión de CODELCO.

Las desaceleraciones del trabajo, paralizaciones y otros eventos laborales podrían aumentar los costos de contratación independiente de CODELCO, lo que podría tener un efecto adverso material en el negocio, la situación financiera, los resultados de operaciones o las perspectivas de CODELCO. Ver Factores de Riesgo – Riesgos Relacionados con las Operaciones de CODELCO – Las interrupciones laborales que involucren a los empleados de CODELCO o a los empleados de sus contratistas independientes podrían afectar los niveles de producción y costos de CODELCO. Además, de acuerdo al Código Laboral de Chile, CODELCO podría ser responsable del pago de obligaciones laborales y de seguridad social adeudadas a los empleados de contratistas independientes (o sus subcontratistas) si los contratistas independientes (o sus subcontratistas) no cumplen con esas obligaciones de pago. CODELCO ha acordado con una agencia del Gobierno de Chile proporcionar un marco para facilitar la supervisión de esta agencia de las obligaciones laborales y de seguridad social adeudadas por los contratistas independientes a sus empleados.

Como parte de su plan de compensación, CODELCO ofrece a cada empleado la oportunidad de financiar parcialmente la compra de una primera vivienda o de obtener otros préstamos personales otorgados a través del plan de indemnización de cada empleado. Estos préstamos hipotecarios tienen un plazo de hasta 15 años, y los préstamos personales tienen un plazo de menos de un año. Ambos tipos de préstamos tienen tasas de interés de la inflación real más un margen de entre 1,0% y 5,0%. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, el monto principal agregado de estos préstamos pendientes era de US$127,3 millones.

Número de Empleados por División

Variación (%) de enero a diciembre de enero a septiembre

Divisiones 2020 2021 2022 2021-2022 2023

Chuquicamata 4.244 3.791 3.835 1,2% 3.852 Radomiro Tomic 1.220 1.212 1.289 6,4% 1.328 Gabriela Mistral 457 468 481 2,8% 488 Mina Ministro Hales 766 763 788 3,3% 809 Salvador 1.438 1.470 1.491 1,4% 1.375 Ali 1.500 1.436 1.424 (0,8)% 1.518 El Teniente 3.939 3.927 3.838 (3,3)% 3.877 Casa Matriz 577 818 784 (4,2)% 797 Ventanas 823 762 769 0,9% 713 Servicios Compartidos (Vicepresidencia de Proyectos) 860 843 875 3,8% 839 Auditoría Interna 43 38 43 13,2% 49 Total 15.867 15.528 15.789 1,7% 15.810

(0) Número promedio de empleados para los períodos presentados.

La Ley N° 20.123 de 2007 (Ley Chilena de Subcontratación) que rige a los subcontratistas proporciona incentivos para que las empresas aseguren que los contratistas y subcontratistas cumplan con las regulaciones y normas laborales, de salud y seguridad con respecto a sus propios empleados. La Ley Chilena de Subcontratación otorga a las empresas el derecho de solicitar a los contratistas que proporcionen información sobre el estado de sus pagos de obligaciones laborales y de seguridad social a sus empleados antes del pago de las cantidades adeudadas a los contratistas. Además, las empresas tienen el derecho de retener los pagos adeudados si los contratistas no pueden proporcionar evidencia de que han cumplido con sus obligaciones laborales y de seguridad social. Finalmente, las empresas están obligadas a pagar a los contratistas las obligaciones laborales y de seguridad social pendientes con los montos retenidos a los contratistas. También regula la provisión de servicios temporales por parte de contratistas y subcontratistas, permitiendo la creación de empresas especializadas y reguladas para este propósito específico (Empresas de Servicios Transitorios) y definiendo los eventos específicos bajo los cuales las empresas pueden contratar servicios temporales.

Salud y Seguridad Ocupacional

CODELCO, a través de su proyecto estructural sobre seguridad y salud ocupacional, ha establecido indicadores de desempeño en salud y seguridad ocupacional con el objetivo de evitar accidentes graves y fatales y enfermedades ocupacionales. En 2023 y hasta la fecha de este memorando de oferta, hubo dos fatalidades que involucraron a contratistas de CODELCO. En 2021 hubo una fatalidad y en 2022 hubo dos fatalidades que involucraron al personal o contratistas de CODELCO, incluyendo un accidente fatal que involucró a un contratista en Andes Norte.

En 2020, el número total actual de accidentes con tiempo perdido fue de 95 y la frecuencia de accidentes fue de 0,83 accidentes por millón de horas trabajadas. El número total de accidentes con tiempo perdido en 2021 fue de 94 y la tasa de frecuencia de accidentes fue de 0,75 accidentes por millón de horas trabajadas, y en 2022 el número total de accidentes con tiempo perdido fue de 86 y la tasa de frecuencia de accidentes fue de 0,61 accidentes por millón de horas trabajadas. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, el número total actual de accidentes con tiempo perdido es de 62 y la tasa de frecuencia de accidentes es de 0,52 accidentes por millón de horas trabajadas.

Contraloría General de la República

Durante 2017, la Contraloría emitió tres declaraciones (Opiniones N° 15.759 y N° 18.850, ambas de 2017, e Informe Final de Auditoría N° 9002016, de una auditoría de 2016) que afectan a CODELCO. Dos de estas declaraciones son opiniones relacionadas con relaciones laborales que: (1) cuestionan si CODELCO podría otorgar mayores beneficios a sus empleados que los actualmente establecidos por la ley y (ii) establecen que, aunque CODELCO puede continuar negociando colectivamente con sus empleados, la Contraloría se reserva el derecho de evaluar los montos acordados. La tercera declaración fue el resultado de un informe de auditoría, que mantuvo que CODELCO estaba sujeta a las disposiciones de la Ley de Contratación Pública (Ley N° 19.886) que se refiere a: (i) la prohibición de contratos entre partes relacionadas y (ii) la licitación pública obligatoria de contratos a través de las reglas que se aplican a los servicios públicos. CODELCO presentó recursos administrativos contra las tres declaraciones emitidas, y posteriormente presentó una acción de anulación contra las tres declaraciones emitidas por la Contraloría. La acción de anulación fue denegada y en octubre de 2020 CODELCO apeló la decisión. En diciembre de 2022, CODELCO retiró la apelación después de firmar un acuerdo conjunto con la Contraloría que promueve la transparencia y protección de la integridad, así como la naturaleza comercial de las operaciones de una empresa estatal en un mercado competitivo.

A la fecha de este memorando de oferta, CODELCO ha estimado un efecto negativo de aproximadamente US$100,0 millones debido a un resultado desfavorable de litigios, causado por el retraso en la adjudicación de contratos específicos e inversiones y la reducción relacionada en la producción. En diciembre de 2022, CODELCO y la Contraloría celebraron un acuerdo de colaboración destinado a salvaguardar la probidad y transparencia en las operaciones realizadas por CODELCO en el mercado, poniendo fin a la disputa con la retirada de la demanda por parte de CODELCO.

Procesos Legales

CODELCO es parte en varios procesos legales en el curso ordinario de sus negocios. Aparte de lo revelado en este memorando de oferta, CODELCO no está actualmente involucrada en ningún litigio o procedimiento de arbitraje, incluyendo cualquier proceso pendiente o amenazado del cual tengamos conocimiento, que creemos tendrá o ha tenido un efecto adverso material en la Compañía. Otros procesos legales pendientes contra nosotros y nuestras subsidiarias son incidentales a la realización de nuestros negocios y los de ellas. Creemos que la resolución final de dichos otros procesos individualmente o en forma agregada no tendrá un efecto adverso material en nuestra condición financiera consolidada o resultados.

Procesos Relacionados con el Trabajo

Somos parte en varios litigios legales que involucran reclamos laborales de sindicatos y ex y actuales empleados. Estos conflictos laborales se relacionan con condiciones de trabajo, prácticas sindicales, terminaciones impropias y discriminación. No esperamos que estos conflictos tengan un efecto adverso material en nuestra condición financiera o resultados futuros de operaciones.

Otros Procesos

97 En agosto de 2023, CODELCO presentó una demanda civil en un proceso de arbitraje en Chile contra Consorcio Belaz Movitec SpA (CBM) y sus deudores conjuntos, Movimiento de Tierra y Construcción S.A. (Movitec) y Sociedad Anónima Abierta Belaz – Compañía Administradora del Holding, por gastos relacionados con retrasos, compensación por daños, reembolso de pagos de indemnización y restitución de gastos generales cobrados indebidamente. Los reclamos de CODELCO ascienden a aproximadamente Ch$70.936.507.563 (aproximadamente US$79,4 millones) más intereses. CBM y Movitec presentaron varios contra reclamos contra CODELCO por compensación por daños, reclamando una serie de daños resultantes de estados de cuenta de pago pendientes, avisos de cambio no pagados, recursos adicionales utilizados en el trabajo, entre otros. El monto del contra reclamo presentado por CBM asciende a Ch$176.575.220.314 (aproximadamente US$197,8 millones) más intereses. Movitec reservó la determinación de la naturaleza y monto de los daños reclamados para la etapa de ejecución de la sentencia.

En relación con una solicitud de medida cautelar presentada por CBM contra CODELCO, los más altos tribunales de justicia (la Corte de Apelaciones de Copiapó y la Corte Suprema de Chile), ordenaron a CODELCO pagar Ch$11.734.559.342 (aproximadamente US$13,1 millones), correspondiente al Estado de Cuenta de Pago N° 23, y provisionar Ch$4.415.816.192 (aproximadamente US$4,9 millones), para que CBM proceda con la desmovilización del equipo, maquinaria y otros activos aún ubicados en la División El Salvador.

En julio de 2020, el Consejo de Defensa del Estado (CDE, una entidad pública encargada de defender al gobierno chileno en los tribunales) presentó una demanda contra CODELCO buscando medidas de rehabilitación ambiental por presuntos daños ambientales a fuentes de agua y vegetación circundante al Salar de Pedernales debido al uso de agua superficial y subterránea entre 1994 y 2017 por parte de la División El Salvador de CODELCO. El 16 de noviembre de 2020, CODELCO presentó su respuesta, y posteriormente las partes en este proceso acordaron y presentaron un acuerdo de conciliación, que fue aprobado por el Tribunal Ambiental. A la fecha de este memorando de oferta, CODELCO está cumpliendo con las medidas comprometidas.

En octubre de 2019, CODELCO fue notificada de una demanda civil presentada por familiares de 139 ex empleados de la División Andina, alegando que las condiciones de trabajo causaron que los ex empleados contrajeran silicosis reclamando compensación en un monto total de aproximadamente US$15,1 millones. Todavía está pendiente un fallo final.

En julio de 2019, Ingeniería y Maquinarias Indak Limitada (Indak) presentó una demanda civil contra CODELCO por responsabilidad contractual y pago de daños, pérdida de ganancias, pérdida de oportunidades y daños morales, más intereses, por un monto de aproximadamente Ch$32.511.347.985 (aproximadamente US$36,3 millones). El juicio tuvo lugar ante el Tribunal de Diego de Almagro, y en la sentencia definitiva, con fecha 16 de agosto de 2023, el tribunal aceptó la excepción de incompetencia de CODELCO. La parte contraria apeló la decisión, y está pendiente un fallo final.

En abril de 2018, Trébol Minerals S.A. presentó una demanda civil contra la División El Salvador de CODELCO reclamando el pago de servicios impagos, daños, pérdida de ganancias y daños morales, más intereses, por un monto de aproximadamente US$10,2 millones. Los procedimientos se encuentran actualmente en el período de juicio y está pendiente un fallo final.

El 30 de junio de 2016, el Sindicato de Trabajadores Independientes, junto con un grupo de pescadores artesanales, buzos de la Caleta de Horcón y otros residentes de las comunas de Quintero y Puchuncaví presentaron una demanda ante el Segundo Juzgado Ambiental contra el Ministerio del Medio Ambiente y once empresas ubicadas en el área industrial de la bahía de Quintero, incluyendo CODELCO, buscando mitigación, remediación y restauración de presuntos daños ambientales causados por la contaminación que ha afectado la bahía de Quintero en las últimas décadas. El período de descubrimiento ha concluido y está pendiente un fallo final.

CODELCO cree que tiene defensas meritorias contra los reclamos en su contra y, en consecuencia, está defendiendo vigorosamente sus derechos e intereses en estos procedimientos.

Para detalles adicionales relacionados con los litigios y contingencias de CODELCO y los montos de pérdida probable con respecto a demandas y acciones legales, consulte la nota 29 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados.


Copper is an internationally traded commodity, the price of which is effectively established on terminal markets including the LME and COMEX. The following table sets forth quarterly average prices for refined copper since 2020 on the LME:

Average Copper Price (Pound)
2020 First Quarter 255.7
Second Quarter 243.0
Third Quarter 295.7
Fourth Quarter 325.1
2021 First Quarter 385.7
Second Quarter 440.0
Third Quarter 425.1
Fourth Quarter 439.9
2022 First Quarter 452.9
Second Quarter 432.1
Third Quarter 351.2
Fourth Quarter 363.2
2023 First Quarter 405.1
Second Quarter 384.6
Third Quarter 379.0
Fourth Quarter 370.1

Source: London Metal Exchange, Monthly Average Settlement.

The following graph compares average market prices for copper and the level of LME, Shanghai Metal Exchange and COMEX inventories from 2000 through September 30, 2023:

Copper Prices and Inventories on Commodities Exchanges (tons, lb)
Stock — Copper price

Source: Metal Exchanges: London, COMEX and Shanghai.

Historically, copper prices have been subject to wide fluctuations and are affected by numerous factors, including international economic and political conditions, levels of supply and demand, the availability and costs of substitutes, inventory levels maintained by producers and others, and actions of participants in the commodities markets. To a lesser extent, copper prices are also subject to the effects of inventory carrying costs and currency exchange rates. In addition, the market prices of copper have occasionally been subject to rapid short-term changes. See Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations -CODELCO’s business is highly dependent upon the price of copper.

Opportunities for Copper

Since 2005, copper prices have experienced significant volatility. LME copper prices averaged 399.0 compared to 424.5 cents per pound in 2021 and 279.8 cents per pound in 2020. While higher copper prices in 2020 compared to prices in 2021 reflected an increase in global demand, higher expectations on China and disruptions on the supply side, lower prices in 2023 reflected a slowdown in the economy, mainly in China, impacting on the global growth. See Risk Factors-Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations-CODELCO’s business is highly dependent upon the price of copper.

There is also increased general use of copper tubing, particularly in air conditioning systems. The quantity of copper consumed in electrical applications in cars, trains and other vehicles has also increased. In the electricity generation and transmission area, the control of energy losses and a growing concern for higher energy efficiency are factors that have tended to increase demand for copper, becoming the main copper usage. The termination of widespread substitution of aluminum for copper in overhead high-voltage transmission lines also bodes well for the metal’s future.

Historically, demand and supply of copper have demonstrated continued growth during periods of oversupply as well as periods of overconsumption. The following graph shows the historical development of copper supply, demand, and stocks in the world from 2000 through June 2023 (in thousands of metric tons): Refined Copper Supply and Demand Worldwide Balance

26,000 1,500
Balance – Production e Consumption
21,000 500
20,000 p 250
18,000 –
17,000 -250
16,000 -500
15,000 -750
13,000 qq AA => >5=5-“ñ-> 75-75 -1,000
3388838888888 38883g8g8g8g8g.8u8 yg 8 8 8 S E ÑS£56s8s8S3383868este6555B68wxNys yy

Source: CODELCO, internal data (June 2023)

REGULATORY FRAMEWORK Overview of the Regulatory Regime

CODELCO is a mining, industrial, and commercial state-owned enterprise of indefinite duration with its own legal personality and capital. CODELCO’s relationship with the Government of Chile is conducted through the Ministry of Mining. CODELCO was incorporated pursuant to Decree Law 1,350 of 1976, as amended by Law 20,392. CODELCO is governed by Decree Law 1,350 and by Decree No. 146 of August 12, 1991, as amended (to conform the same with Law 20,392) by Decree No. 3 of January 13, 2012 issued jointly by the Ministries of Finance and Mining, and published in the Official Gazette on July 4, 2012, which sets forth CODELCO’s current bylaws, and the general legal framework applicable to private companies regarding public disclosure (rules applicable to publicly held companies), and other applicable regulations. CODELCO’s principal corporate purpose is to exercise all rights acquired by Chile pursuant to the nationalization of the Chilean mining industry, namely mining, exploration, and the development of mining deposits and other rights belonging to Chile at the time of CODELCO’s incorporation in 1976.

CODELCO is subject to the oversight of: (1) the Chilean securities authority, the CMF, on the same terms as publicly held corporations (CODELCO is registered under the Securities Registry No. 785 of the CMF) and (ii) the Chilean Commission of Copper (Comisión Chilena del Cobre, or COCHILCO or the governmental agencies that, among other authorities, are responsible for examining the compliance with certain regulations applicable to CODELCO’s activities and report the relevant findings to its Chief Executive Officer. Furthermore, other government agencies in charge of specific areas, such as taxes and customs, exercise their legal authorities with respect to CODELCO as they do in regard to any other company of the Chilean private sector. The House of Deputies (Cámara de Diputados) of the Chilean Congress also maintains an overarching authority to oversee CODELCO in the exercise of its constitutional duties.

Chilean law requires CODELCO to obtain the approval of the Ministry of Finance before it can assume any financial indebtedness and before it can acquire assets outside Chile with financial or payment terms exceeding one year. Although CODELCO is 100% owned by it, the Government of Chile is not legally liable for CODELCO’s obligations unless expressly guaranteed by the Government of Chile, nor do such obligations form any part of the direct public debt of the Government of Chile. A constitutional amendment would be required to allow private participation in CODELCO’s ownership.

Each year, the Board of Directors must approve the BDP report of the Company for the following three years, subject to the approval of the Ministries of Finance and Mining. This plan must include the annual investment and financing amounts in addition to the annual profits that the Company is estimated to generate during the period. The Ministries of Finance and Mining jointly issue a decree pursuant to which a portion of CODELCO’s profit may be allocated by CODELCO to the creation of capitalization and reserve funds.

CODELCO’s Board of Directors must also submit its proposed annual budget to the Ministries of Finance and Mining for approval. In addition, Decree Law 1,350 requires CODELCO to include as part of its proposed annual budget a debt amortization budget that includes interest and principal payments on CODELCO’s debts, including the notes. CODELCO’s budget and financial statements are subject to both internal and external controls. CODELCO’s Board of Directors is responsible for monitoring its operations, and CODELCO retains independent auditors to audit its consolidated financial statements and an internal comptroller to review its finances, accounting, and administration.

CODELCO’s Board of Directors approved corporate governance guidelines consistent with its high transparency, probity, and accountability standards which: (i) establish limits and controls on the use of resources of the Board of Directors; (ii) implement a transparent and traceable system for the handling of hiring requests, promotions, and redundancies of CODELCO’s officers and employees; (iii) regulate the relationships between members and management of the Board of Directors with related parties; and (iv) establish guidelines for corporate speakers. CODELCO’s Board of Directors also agreed to consider directives that: (1) regulate lobbying activities within CODELCO; (ii) strengthen and reform internal audit systems; and (iii) strengthen policies to avoid any conflicts of interest.

Mining Regulations

Legal framework. CODELCO’s exploration, mining, milling, smelting, and refining activities are subject to Chilean laws and regulations which are generally applicable to all Chilean companies in the mining sector. The legal framework which regulates CODELCO as a holder of mining concessions is contained in the Chile’s Constitution, the Constitutional Law Governing Mining Concessions (Law No. 18,097 of January 21, 1982) and the Mining Code (Law No. 18,248 of October 14, 1983). Under Chilean mining law, Chile is the owner of all mineral and fossil substances located in their natural deposit, regardless of who owns the surface land in which such substances are located. Private persons and companies may obtain mining concessions for exploration and exploitation. These concessions are granted by judicial resolutions in accordance with the Mining Code.

Mining concessions are transferable, mortgageable, and irrevocable and regulated by the same civil law that regulates real estate rights generally. As a general rule, the owner of a mining concession may occupy as much of the surface land as is necessary for mining activities upon the creation of a mining easement or upon other authorization given by the landowner, such as a lease agreement or a license. Mining easements can be obtained by way of direct negotiation with the surface landowner or, if the latter opposes, by way of a summary procedure before the relevant court. Regardless of how the mining easement is obtained, the party granting the easement is entitled to be compensated for the damages that the granting of easements and the mining activities and works caused. Exploitation concessions have an indefinite duration. Exploration concessions are granted for two years and may be extended for a maximum of two additional years subject to waiving at least half of the area originally allocated. Prior to the expiration of the first or the second two-year period, the owner of exploration concessions has priority in applying for exploitation concessions over the area comprised by exploration concessions.

Until December 31, 2023, owners of mining concessions must pay an annual fee equivalent to approximately U.S.$1.33 per hectare in the case of exploration concessions and approximately U.S.$6.66 per hectare in the case of exploitation concessions. However, the latter fees, within certain limits, may be credited to income taxes originated through the exploitation of the concession. Payments of the annual fees must be made in March of each year. Failure to make the annual fee payments may result in the loss of title to the concession through its auction.

CODELCO owns mining concessions granted by the Constitution and the Chilean Ordinary Courts for its exploration and exploitation operations. Some of these concessions were previously held by foreign private mining companies before being transferred to Chile in 1971 and subsequently to CODELCO upon its incorporation in 1976. CODELCO’s principal concessions are those which give rights to the mineral deposits of the Chuquicamata, El Teniente, Andina, Salvador, Radomiro Tomic, Gabriela Mistral, and Mina Ministro Hales Divisions. CODELCO’s concessions relating to land that is currently being mined essentially grant an indefinite right to conduct mining operations in that land, provided that annual concession fees are paid. In 2020, CODELCO paid total concession fees of U.S.$7.3 million and in 2021, CODELCO paid total concession fees of U.S.$7.3 million. In 2022, CODELCO paid total concession fees of U.S.$8.5 million and as of September 30, 2023, CODELCO paid total concession fees of U.S.$7.9 million. This amount will be increased as a result of the amendments introduced by Law No. 21,420, which is expected to come into force on January 1, 2024, as further described below.

Pursuant to the Mining Code, all mining concessions, as well as certain raw materials, assets and other property permanently dedicated to the exploration or extraction of minerals cannot be subject, except in extremely limited circumstances, to an order of attachment. In addition, pursuant to the Constitution, mining concessions corresponding to mining deposits exploited by CODELCO upon its incorporation in 1976 cannot be subject to attachment nor to any act of disposition by CODELCO. As a result, the rights of holders to attach property of CODELCO in the event of a default under the notes would be limited by such provisions. See Risk Factors – Risks Relating to the Offering – in case of a default under the notes, the ability of holders to attach property of CODELCO may be limited by Chilean law.

On February 4, 2022, Law No. 21,420 was enacted, amending the Mining Code in the following matters:

– Increases the duration of an exploration mining concession from two to four years and eliminates the possibility of requesting any extension.
– Introduces a new legal framework of annual mining licenses:
– The distinction between licenses of exploitation concessions over metallic and non-metallic substances was eliminated.
– The value of the license of exploration concessions increases from approximately U.S.$1.5 to approximately U.S.$4.5 per hectare for each year of validity of the concession.
– The value of the license of an exploitation concession will increase progressively from approximately U.S.$30 per hectare for the first five years of validity, up to approximately U.S.$900 per hectare starting at year 31. As an exceptional benefit, two instances of reduced licenses were established:
– The value of the license of an exploitation concession that proves mining works is set at approximately U.S.$7.5 per hectare.
– The value of the license of an exploitation concession under environmental evaluation and of exploitation concessions that have an approved Environmental Assessment Resolution in order to execute mining works will cost approximately U.S.$22.5 per hectare.
– For calculating the terms of the progressive license of unworked exploitation concessions, those concessions that were subject to the payment of annual mining license prior to the entry into force of Law No. 21,420 shall be deemed to have completed their first year of validity on the last day of the month of February following the date such law was enacted.
– Establishes new reporting obligations to mining concessionaires regarding geological information. The law provides that upon extinction or at the end of their term (in the case of exploration concessions) or every two years (in the case of exploitation concessions), the holder must submit to the National Geological and Mining Service all the geological information obtained from exploration works performed in them. Fines up to approximately U.S.$7,500 will be imposed to those who do not deliver the information obtained.
– Introduces the SIRGAS datum regarding the U.T.M. coordinates of the mining concessions. A process of unification of the coordinates system to the SIRGAS datum will be initiated for existing mining concessions. Failure to comply with the registration of the new coordinates of the mining concessions before the relevant Custodian of Mines within a certain deadline will result in the forfeiture of said mining concessions.

On January 26, 2023, Law No. 21,536 was published, which postponed the entry into force of the mining provisions of Law No. 21,420, setting forth that the amendments to the Mining Code introduced by Law No. 21,420 shall enter into force on January 1, 2024, and that all legal terms set forth in said amendments shall begin as of that date.

On December 30, 2023, Law No. 21,649 was enacted, which amended Law No. 21,420, which in turn amended the Mining Code as of January 1, 2024, and other mining legal provisions in order to generate a more harmonious regulatory framework in line with the practical reality of mining in Chile. Among the main aspects of these provisions are:

Regarding exploration mining concessions, Law No. 21,649: (i) keeps the four-year duration of the exploration mining concession (as was amended by Law No. 21,420), (ii) entitles holders of exploration mining concessions to request, for one time, the extension of their exploration mining concessions for an additional period of up to four years, provided that the requirements established by law are met; (iii) determines that the holder of an exploration concession is banned from applying for a new exploration concession over all or part of the same area, as of the date of filing of the relevant claim until one year after its expiration, either by itself or through a third party, penalizing the contravention of its prohibition with the loss of the preferential right to obtain an exploitation mining concession over the area; (iv) establishes a legal procedure to report contraventions of the aforementioned prohibition, providing that a third party, who was successful in obtaining a favorable court decision through this process, may seek an exploration mining concession for the area subject to the reported contravention. This party can also leverage the filing date of the reported exploration mining concession if specific conditions are met; and (v) establishes that mining concessions that expire during 2024, and for which holders intend to extend for another four years, will be extended until December 31, 2024.

Regarding mining licenses, Law No. 21,649 modifies the following: (i) it increases the mining license for exploration mining concessions to approximately U.S.$4.56 per hectare; (ii) it progressively increases the mining license for exploitation mining concessions, ranging from approximately U.S.$29.0 per hectare during the first five years up to approximately U.S.$912.0 per hectare as of the thirty-first year of validity; (iii) it specifies the conditions under which the holder of an exploitation mining concession is eligible to request a reduced mining license equivalent to U.S.$7.6 per hectare, a requirement to be substantiated annually. These conditions encompass the initiation of ongoing and permanent activities facilitating the continuous development of mining operations and holding mining concessions affiliated with projects that have been granted an Environmental Qualification Resolution or have been submitted for qualification through the Environmental Impact Assessment System, and, for small-scale mining endeavors, eligibility is contingent upon the initiation of the application process for any of the permits referred to in the Mining Safety Regulations; and (iv) it includes a provision to confer a benefit on individuals, legal mining companies (sociedades legales mineras), mining cooperatives, and limited liability individual companies with mining concessions covering less than 500 hectares. This benefit entails the assumption that eligibility for reduced mining licenses extends for a duration of five years, provided that the eligibility conditions outlined in (iii) herein are met.

Regarding the geological information, Law No. 21,649: (i) considers as confidential information for a period of four years, the geological information provided to the National Geological and Mining Service by mining concessionaires who have carried out advanced exploration activities, given its strategic and commercially sensitive nature for its owner, (ii) determines the time and manner in which the holder of a mining concession shall deliver a report with the obtained geological information to the National Geological and Mining Service; and (iii) increases the amount of the fine to approximately U.S.$91,500 (instead of the current U.S.$7,500 fine) in case of non-compliance with this reporting obligation. This fine could be doubled if the National Geology and Mining Service requires the geological information and it is not provided, along with disqualifying the mining concessionaire from accessing the benefit of the reduced mining license.

Regarding the change of datum, Law No. 21,649: (i) eliminates all references in the Mining Code to the SIRGAS datum relating U.T.M coordinates, stating that the datum shall be defined in a specific regulation; (ii) eliminates the cause for expiry of mining concessions due to the lack of registration of the new coordinates in the SIRGAS datum; and (iii) establishes a rule of general application with the procedure by which the transformation of the coordinates of existing concessions shall be carried out if a change of datum is decided in the future, as well as defining that in the event of a change of datum, the registration of the new coordinates shall be done only in the National Registry of Mining Concessions kept by the National Geology and Mining Service and not in the Mines Property Registry kept by the relevant Custodians of Mines, thus facilitating the procedure and avoiding unnecessary costs.

Regarding possessory actions, Law No. 21,420 introduced an additional provision to article 94 of the Mining Code, stating that holders of mining concessions who submit a new construction complaint must demonstrate that they hold in rem rights, such as easements or other legal claims, over the concerned land for the complaint to be accepted, and Law No. 21,649 introduced additional provisions to article 94 of the Mining Code, specifying that the relevant court has the option to order the suspension or cessation of construction activities. This discretion is contingent upon the claimant furnishing evidence of holding an in rem right over the land, along with supporting documentation that substantiates the severe and imminent risk associated with not issuing the suspension or cessation order. Law No. 21,649 also provides that in the event of a suspension of the works, the developer has the option of lifting the suspension by providing a bond to cover the costs of demolition or compensation for damages, the amount of which will be determined by the court, and any issues pertaining to the bond will be addressed as a distinct procedural matter; and if a possessory action is filed against the holder of a mining concession, the same rules will apply.

Environmental Regulations

CODELCO’s operations are subject to national, regional and local regulations as well as international treaties subscribed by the Government of Chile and enacted as Chilean domestic law regarding the protection of the environment, natural resources and the effect of the environment on human health and safety, including laws and regulations concerning water, air and noise pollution, the handling, disposal and transportation of hazardous waste and occupational health and safety.

The General Environmental Law (Law No. 19,300), enacted in March 1994 and modified by Law No. 20,417, enacted in 2010, establishes the general environmental legal framework in Chile, including the establishment of a range of environmental management mechanisms known as the Environmental Impact Assessment System (Sistema de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental), the Emission Standards and the Environmental Quality Standards, among others. Chilean environmental laws and regulations, and its enforcement, have become increasingly stringent since 2010 and even more in recent years due to recent changes. Such amendments include, among other significant modifications, the creation of a new institutional framework comprised by: (i) the Ministry of the Environment (Ministerio del Medio Ambiente); (ii) the Council of Ministers for Sustainability (Consejo de Ministros para la Sustentabilidad); (iii) the Environmental Assessment Service (Servicio de Evaluación Ambiental); (iv) the Bureau of the Environment (Superintendencia del Medio Ambiente); and (v) the Environmental Courts (Tribunales Ambientales), each of which are in charge of designing, evaluating and enforcing laws and regulations relating to projects and activities that could have an environmental impact. These institutions are fully operational. Recent legal and regulatory changes are likely to impose additional restrictions or costs on CODELCO and also increased fines due to non-compliance with such laws and regulations, relating to environmental litigation and protection of the environment, particularly those related to flora and fauna, wildlife protected areas, water quality standards, mine closure, air emissions, and soil pollution. Since the Bureau of the Environment became fully operational on December 28, 2012, infringement of environmental regulations may result in fines of up to approximately U.S.$8.7 million, the closure of facilities and the revocation of environmental approvals. As described in more detail below, CODELCO incurs, and may be required in the future to incur, substantial capital and operating costs related to environmental compliance. However, many of these costs are inextricably intertwined with the operation of CODELCO’s business as a whole.

“The General Environmental Law, as complemented by additional regulations, enables the Government of Chile to: (i) bring administrative and judicial proceedings against companies that violate environmental laws; (ii) close non-complying facilities; (iii) revoke required operating licenses; (iv) require that companies submit their projects for environmental evaluation as required by applicable law; and (v) impose sanctions and fines when companies act negligently, recklessly or deliberately in connection with environmental matters. The General Environmental Law also grants citizens the right to bring civil actions against companies that are not in compliance with environmental laws and regulations when such companies have caused environmental damage, as defined in such law, after such non-compliance has been established by a judicial proceeding. As of the date of this offering memorandum, one of these proceedings involves CODELCO, for an action brought by citizens against all the companies that operate in the Ventanas area and the Ministry of the Environment. CODELCO is unable to fully assess at this time the potential cost of compliance.

In 2016, the Bureau of the Environment presented claims against the Ventanas Division for the infringement of environmental regulations and permits. In response, CODELCO presented a Compliance Plan (Programa de Cumplimiento), which allows the Ventanas Division to comply with the Bureau of the Environment’s requirements in a specified term and once successfully executed it may absolve the infringer from fines or sanctions. This Compliance Plan was approved by the Bureau of the Environment in 2016 and was implemented by CODELCO. In 2017, the Environmental Court required a complement of this plan to include the evaluation of possible environmental consequences. CODELCO presented the required information and on November 28, 2018, the Bureau of the Environment approved the Compliance Program as satisfactorily fulfilled. This approval decision was later appealed and ultimately upheld in August 2020 by the Environmental Court and in February 2021 by the Supreme Court, following an appeal (recurso de casación).

Additionally, citizens affected by environmental pollution may file a petition for relief to Chilean Courts of Appeal, requiring the suspension of the offending activity and the adoption of protective measures through the judicial process called recurso de protección (constitutional protection action). If determined that CODELCO violated its environmental permits, the Bureau of the Environment could impose a fine on CODELCO and could require CODELCO to implement environmental compensation and mitigation measures. There can be no assurance that the Bureau of the Environment, as a result of the Supreme Court decision, will not impose additional fines or require that additional measures be taken. As of the date of this offering memorandum, CODELCO has not assessed a potential loss as probable or such loss is not estimable.

The General Environmental Law and its regulations contain certain rules on Environmental Impact Assessment, which have been in effect since April 1997, and that provide that CODELCO must evaluate the environmental impact of any future project or activity listed in article 10 of Law No. 19,300 by means of an environmental impact declaration or an environmental impact study depending on the significance of the environmental impacts associated. CODELCO has conducted these environmental impact declarations and studies pursuant to the General Environmental Law.

Chile has adopted environmental regulations requiring companies operating in Chile, including CODELCO, to undertake programs to reduce, control and/or eliminate certain environmental impacts. CODELCO has undertaken a number of environmental initiatives to comply with such regulations. As of December 31, 2022, CODELCO is implementing a strategic change process in all divisions to manage the aspects and risks associated with environmental matters, under a corporate management system issued by the parent company level. From 2012 to 2019, CODELCO invested U.S.$3.6 billion in environmental projects, and plans to continue implementing pollution abatement plans through additional capital investments amounting to U.S.$439.0 million in 2020, U.S.$490.0 million in 2021 and U.S.$522.0 million in 2022. In 2022, CODELCO allocated U.S.$94.0 million to environmental projects, including the expansion of the Talabre, Ovejería and Carén Tailings dams in the Chuquicamata, Andina and El Teniente Divisions and various projects in Chuquicamata, Potrerillos and Caletones smelters in order to comply with the new regulation regarding atmospheric emissions. Additionally, as part of its pollution abatement efforts, CODELCO continues to implement water recovery systems, the costs of which are also budgeted in CODELCO’s pollution abatement plan, to conserve resources and minimize pollution of natural water sources.

To protect and improve environmental air quality in the country, the Ministry of the Environment has the authority to declare certain areas to be latent zones (zonas latentes) or saturated zones (zonas saturadas). Latent zones are areas in which there exists a high risk of excessive pollution – the pollutant concentration in air, water or soil is greater than 80.0% of the corresponding quality standard in a certain area – and in which further emissions are highly restricted. Saturated zones are areas in which an excessive level of pollution already has been reached – the concentration of the air pollutant exceeds 100% of the corresponding quality standard for a pollutant in a certain area – and in which emissions are required to be reduced and mitigation measures are required to be implemented. In connection with the declaration of a latent or saturated zone, the Ministry of the Environment may initiate an investigation and public-consultation process to develop a prevention or decontamination plan, as the case may be. The whole process for approving these plans may take more than two years. Upon publication of either type of plan, emission reduction targets and other environmental remediation actions may be required of specific industries located within the latent or saturated zone. Measures included in the pollution prevention or reduction plans governing CODELCO’s operations are subject to change and may become more stringent if compliance with applicable air quality standards is not achieved.

The area surrounding the Potrerillos, Caletones and Ventanas smelting facilities have been declared saturated zones for particulate matter (PM10 and/or PM5) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). These areas are subject to decontamination plans. The Ventanas decontamination plan has been recently reviewed by government authorities. CODELCO estimates that the cost of complying with this new standard will be U.S.$27.0 million, which will be incurred over a period of approximately four years. In addition, in October 2023, the environmental authority initiated the review of the Potrerillos and Caletones decontamination plans. In the areas surrounding the Chuquicamata smelter, there are decontamination plans for PM10 under review and under development, and a pollution prevention plan for SO2 is currently under development. In March 2023, the Ministry of the Environment enacted a new decontamination plan for Chile’s Sixth Region, Central Valley, which could potentially affect CODELCO’s operations in the region.

In addition, the relevant Environmental Assessment Service may impose further requirements on CODELCO’s projects. Under the various plans that cover the areas where CODELCO operates, net increases in emissions by industrial facilities in these zones, including any increased emissions from the Potrerillos, Caletones, Ventanas and Chuquicamata smelting plants, have been banned. As of the date of this offering memorandum, the impact of operating in latent and saturated zones has not been material for CODELCO; however, it could have a material effect in the future.

In 2013, Supreme Decree No. 28 of the Ministry of the Environment, on Emission Standard for Smelting Plants was enacted, which establishes maximum parameters of emission for PM10, SO2, arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) generated by smelting plants. Certain aspects of the regulation became effective immediately while other provisions of the new emission standards came into force at a later date – within three years in the case of Ventanas smelter, and within five years in Chuquicamata, Potrerillos and Caletones smelters. The cost of complying with this new standard was U.S.$2.4 billion, which was incurred over a period of approximately five years. This regulation is currently under routine review by the Ministry of the Environment, which is conducted every five years. The preliminary draft has not yet been published.

In May 2022, the Ministry of the Environment approved the Preliminary Draft on Emission Standards Applicable to Heavy Motor Vehicles, which aims to reduce the accumulative exposure of the emissions from heavy vehicles. Recently, the Sustainability and Climate Change Council of Ministers issued a favorable opinion on the final draft.

Supreme Decree No. 90/2001 of the General Secretary of the Presidency, which sets forth the standards for discharges of liquid waste into surface water bodies, went into effect in 2006. CODELCO has invested significant amounts to reduce liquid waste emissions to date and expects that it will continue to incur costs related to compliance with Supreme Decree No. 90/2001. In February 2023, a water quality standard for the Aconcagua river basin was published in the Official Gazette. In addition, the authorities are developing water quality standards for other water bodies that CODELCO currently or may in the future discharge into, including the Loa, and the Cachapoal rivers. Such standards could require CODELCO to incur additional costs to manage liquid waste discharges.

Regulations were enacted in February 2004 governing safety standards for mining operations. Pursuant to these regulations, all mining companies, including CODELCO, were required to provide closure plans for their mining facilities, demonstrating compliance with safety standards. These plans must be updated every five years and must consider the requirements set forth in the environmental authorization issued for the respective facility, if any. SERNAGEOMIN has approved the closure plans CODELCO prepared for all of its facilities.

A new mine closure regulation, Law No. 20,551, which includes health, safety and environmental requirements along with mandatory provisions that require financial guarantees, was enacted in 2011, and became effective in 2012. According to this law, CODELCO and other mining companies in Chile were required to submit an assessment of the closure expenses of all its mines to the SERNAGEOMIN before 2014. Once the assessment of closure expenses was approved, CODELCO had to provide the financial guarantee between the sixth months since the approval and two-thirds of the project life (less than 20 years), or 15 years of the project life (more than 20 years). CODELCO obtained the approval of the closure plans for all of its Divisions from SERNAGEOMIN and provided the financial guarantees in the term established by the law. CODELCO had total provisions amounting to U.S.$2.3 billion for future decommissioning and site restoration costs primarily related to tailing dams, closures of mine operations and other mining assets, including potential new governmental regulations, as of December 31, 2020, and U.S.$2.0 billion as of December 31, 2019. CODELCO is currently developing a project to estimate the additional costs of complying with this new regulation regarding mine closure, which could be material.

On June 20, 2020, Law No. 21,169 entered into force, which introduced the following amendments, among others: (i) the recognition of policies issued by Chilean insurance companies within the A.1 credit rating category, provided that they are unable to raise exceptions that condition or defer the payment of the indemnity to Sernageomin; and (ii) the obligation to request Sernageomin’s authorization to make changes or alterations in the identity and validity of the A.1 financial instruments that comprise the guarantee.

On February 13, 2018, the Environmental Court (Tribunal Ambiental) in Antofagasta, Chile issued an interim decision which could potentially reduce the availability of a minor source of water to CODELCO in the city of Calama. As of the date of this offering memorandum, CODELCO: (i) is not a party to this legal proceeding; and (ii) has not been contacted by any party or served by the Environmental Court. If and when CODELCO becomes a party to this proceeding, CODELCO expects to: (a) enforce all its available legal remedies against any adverse decision; and (b) implement operational mitigation measures, if necessary. In August 2018, the Environmental Court voided its previous interim decision and subsequently during the month of August 2018 the Bureau of the Environment desisted from its original action giving rise to such interim decision.”

On December 15, 2023, the Office of the General Comptroller confirmed (toma de razón) Supreme Decree No. 302023 of the Ministry of the Environment, which amends the Regulations of the Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA) in order to adapt such regulations to the requirements of the Framework Law on Climate Change and the Escazú Agreement. The approved modifications include, among others, the following: (i) amendment to the minimum contents of the Environmental Impact Declarations (DIA) and Environmental Impact Studies (ETA). The climate change factor is added transversally in the analysis that the proponents must carry out regarding the impact of their projects on the different components of the environment; (ii) the duty to present a summary of the DIA and that the general background section and the summaries of the DIA and EIA must be written in language understandable to the public, and the names of the projects must clearly reflect the type of project involved; (iii) the possibility of reviewing the Environmental Approval Resolutions (RCA) is reinforced, which would take place when, during the execution of a project, the variables observed in the monitoring plans evolve differently from what was projected, considering the influence of climate change; (iv) a participatory monitoring (monitoreo participativo) may be included by the proponents in the DIA or ETA, which consists of a process to incorporate the community in the follow-up of the development phases of a project through the delivery of information, reports, training, field visits, among other measures; and (v) the scope of the concept of environmental burden is broadened, in order to allow citizen participation in the process of granting DIAs, and for the purposes of analyzing the environmental burdens of a project, nearby communities will be understood as those that are located in or make use of the area where the environmental impacts are manifested. In addition, the term for citizens or organizations to request a citizen participation process within the processing of DIAs is extended from ten to thirty days.

Future legislative or regulatory developments, private causes of action or the discovery of new facts relating to environmental matters may impose new restrictions or result in additional costs that may have a material adverse effect on CODELCO’s business, financial condition, results of operations or prospects. See Risk Factors – Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Operations – CODELCO’s compliance with environmental, health and safety laws may require increased costs, including capital commitments, and non-compliance may subject it to significant penalties.

New Economic Crimes Regulation

On August 17, 2023, Law No. 21,595 on economic crimes and offenses against the environment, was published. This new law, inter alia, (i) systematizes a series of existing business-related offenses; (ii) creates new environmental crimes, including environmental pollution and negligent or imprudent pollution; (iii) penalizes new offenses based on money laundering; (iv) strengthens existing penalties by excluding from custodial sentences certain benefits that previously allowed economic crime offenders to avoid effective imprisonment, the confiscation of profits and fines; and (v) amends several provisions to the Corporate Criminal Liability Act (Law No. 20,393, of 2009, as amended) by expanding the catalogue of criminal offenses by corporations, easing the requirements to hold them liable, and establishing new penalties.

The implementation of a Crime Prevention Model (CPM) by CODELCO, prepared in accordance with the requirements set forth in the law, would relieve liability. On the contrary, if a court determines the inexistence or flawed implementation of a CPM, it may appoint a supervisor with the power to issue mandatory instructions to CODELCO to ensure proper functioning of the CPM.

Enforceability of Obligations

CODELCO’s commercial obligations are enforceable in the same manner as those of any privately owned company in Chile. Even though CODELCO is a state-owned enterprise, it is subject to the same laws and regulations applicable to all private Chilean corporations. This principle is consistent with the constitution of 1980, where in Article 19, No. 21 states that if Chile and its bodies carry out commercial activities, they will be governed by common legislation applicable to private persons, unless a specific law approved by an absolute majority of representatives of the Chilean Congress dictates otherwise. No such law has been passed with respect to CODELCO.

Payment of Obligations

Article 23 of Decree Law 1,350 provides that CODELCO has the obligation to return the total proceeds of its exports to Chile, but has no obligation to convert the proceeds to Chilean pesos in excess of its peso requirements. The proceeds from its exports are deposited at the Central Bank of Chile, and withdrawals against such foreign exchange deposits are made to cover CODELCO’s expenses. In addition, Article 13 of Decree Law 1,350 directs CODELCO to prepare a Loan Amortization Budget which must include the payment of principal of CODELCO debts and related interest payments, including the notes. This budget, as part of the general budget of CODELCO, is approved annually by joint decree of the Ministry of Mining and the Ministry of Finance and may be amended to meet non-budgeted expenses, in accordance with the terms and conditions of Article 16 of Decree Law 1,350. The incurrence of any indebtedness by CODELCO must be authorized by an official letter from the Ministry of Finance. For loans with maturity at issuance of a duration of more than one year, this authorization is required to commence the relevant procedures.

Statutory Documents

The statutory documents of CODELCO are contained in Decree Law 1,350 published in the Official Gazette on February 28, 1976, as amended by Law 20,392, and Decree No. 146 published in the Official Gazette on October 25, 1991, as amended (to conform the same with Law 20,392) by Decree No. 3 of January 13, 2012 issued jointly by the Ministries of Finance and Mining, published in the Official Gazette on July 4, 2012. These gazettes may be seen online on the Library of the Chilean Congress website (http:www.bcn.cl) or in a booklet that CODELCO will issue upon request, which contains free translations of the regulations into English.


The Board of Directors is primarily responsible for the management and administration of CODELCO. The Board of Directors is composed of nine members, appointed as set forth in Law No. 20,392: (i) three directors are directly appointed by the President of Chile; (ii) four directors are appointed by the President of Chile from a short-list presented by the Council of Senior Public Management (Consejo de la Alta Dirección Pública), an entity within the National Civil Service Bureau that advises the President of Chile, ministers and heads of services departments on the appointment of high-ranking public positions; (iii) one director is appointed by the President of Chile from a short-list presented by the Federación de Trabajadores del Cobre (FTC); and (iv) one director is appointed by the President of Chile from a short-list presented by both the Federación de Sindicatos de Supervisores del Cobre (FESUC) and the Asociación Nacional de Supervisores del Cobre (ANSCO). All directors in CODELCO serve four-year terms and may be reelected for new terms. The Board is renewed on a staggered basis and may not be revoked in its entirety.

The Board of Directors is vested with all the management and asset-disposal authority, except to the extent that Chilean law or CODELCO’s bylaws establish such authority within the exclusive province of the President of Chile (as discussed below), and other than the authority delegated to the Chief Executive Officer. The main responsibilities of the Board of Directors of CODELCO are to: (i) designate and remove the Chief Executive Officer; (ii) approve and send to the Ministry of Finance an estimate of the revenues and surplus earnings that it will transfer to the Government of Chile in the following year’s budget; (iii) prepare the annual budget of CODELCO and send for the approval of the Ministry of Finance; and (iv) approve the BDP report of the Company for the following three-year period.

The President of Chile is vested with authority analogous to that of the shareholders of a corporation (sociedad anónima) under Chilean law, which may be delegated in whole or in part to the Ministers of Finance and Mining, jointly. Pursuant to such authority, the President of Chile: (i) participates in the designation of the Board of Directors by designating three directors without external input and by electing six directors on the basis of third-party short-lists; (ii) appoints the Chairman of the Board of Directors; and (iii) may approve and amend the bylaws of the Company, by means of an executive decree issued jointly by the Ministries of Finance and Mining. See Risk Factors – Risks Relating to CODELCO’s Relationship with the Government of Chile.

Senior management and administration of the Company are vested in its Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer. The Board of Directors is in charge of the ultimate conduct and oversight of the Company. The Chief Executive Officer is named by the Board of Directors and remains in office so long as he/she maintains the confidence of the Board. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for implementing the resolutions of the Board of Directors and supervising the activities of CODELCO. On August 18, 2023, the Board of Directors of CODELCO appointed Rubén Alvarado Vigar as the new CEO, and he commenced his term on September 1, 2023.

On October 5, 2023, CODELCO announced the resignation of Alejandro Rivera Stambuk, Vice President of Administration and Finance, effective on November 3, 2023. On October 30, 2023, CODELCO appointed Olivar Hernández as Acting Vice President of Administration and Finance effective on November 4, 2023.

On October 6, 2023, CODELCO announced the resignation of Nicole Porcile as Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, effective on October 31, 2023. On October 30, 2023, CODELCO appointed Patricia Provoste as Acting Vice President of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, effective on November 01, 2023.

On October 6, 2023, CODELCO announced a series of changes in the management structure aiming to foster greater synergy among related areas, simplify and adjust dependencies, focus resources, ensure a sense of urgency in productive areas, and prioritize aspects in line with the challenges and current business situation. These changes involved the integration of the current vice presidencies of the FURE to form a single Vice Presidency of Operations, led by Mauricio Barraza, Vice President of Central South Operations. Given that the FURE area requires high technical expertise, and represents high value for the business, José Sanhueza, the Vice President of FURE Operations, temporarily assumed the role of Deputy Vice President to support organizational transition. Additionally, aiming to strengthen the area of mining resources and development, and seeking a mutually beneficial relationship with innovation, the Vice presidency of Mining Resources, Development, and Innovation was established, integrating Vice Presidency of Mining Resources and Development with the Innovation and Technology Management. Nicolás Rivera, Vice President of North Operations, was appointed to lead this merged Vice presidency. All these changes were effective on November 1, 2023.

On November 30, 2023, CODELCO announced the resignation of Carlos Alvarado as Vice President of Sales, effective on the same date, and appointed Cristóbal Fuenzalida as Acting Vice President of Sales, effective on December 1, 2023.

On December 4, 2023, CODELCO announced the appointment of Alejandro Sanhueza as Vice President of Administration and Finance, effective on February 1, 2024 and the appointment of Sebastián Court Benvenuto as Vice President of Strategic and Management Control effective on January 8, 2024.

Organizational Structure

Chief Executive Officer Rubén Alvarado V.
Chief Audit Executive
VP, Legal
VP, Assistant (FURE)
VP, Administration
VP, People Management
VP, Sales
VP, Projects
VP, Corporate Affairs & Finance (1)
Mary Carmen Llano A.
Cristóbal Fuenzalida M. (1)
Sustainability (1)
Olivar Hernández G.
Julio Cuevas R.
Patricia Provoste P.
VP, Procurement
VP, Operation
VP, Mineral Resources & Development Management
Mauricio Acuña S.
Mauricio Barraza G.
Nicolás Rivera R.
General Manager
Chuquicamata Division
Christian Caviedes N.
General Manager
Ventanas Division
Ricardo Weishaupt H.
General Manager
Andina Division
Lindor Quiroga B.
General Manager
El Teniente Division
Andrés Music G.
General Manager
Gabriela Mistral Division
Radomiro Tomic Division
Salvador Division

Claudia Cabrera C. Julio Díaz R. Christian Toutin N.

Directores y Ejecutivos

La siguiente tabla establece los actuales directores y ejecutivos de CODELCO y sus cargos:


Directores (Máximo Pacheco Matte, Isabel Marshall Lagarrigue, Josefina Montenegro Araneda, Pedro Pablo Errázuriz Domínguez, Nelson Cáceres Hernández, Alejandra Wood Huidobro)


Rubén Alvarado Vigal, Olivar Hernández Giugliano, Mary Carmen Llano Aranza, Cristóbal Fuenzalida Montoto, Julio Cuevas Ross, Patricia Provoste P., José Sanhueza Reyes, Olivar Hernández Giuglia, Mauricio Acuña S., Macarena Vargas Losada, Raúl Puerto Mendoza, Mauricio Barraza Gallardo, Christian Caviedes Núñez, Julio Díaz Rivera, Ricardo Weishaupt Hidalgo, Andrés Music Garrido


Presidente del Directorio, Director, Director, Director, Director, Director, Director, Director, Director Ejecutivo, Vicepresidente de Administración y Finanzas, Vicepresidente de Recursos Humanos, Vicepresidente de Ventas (interino), Vicepresidente de Proyectos, Vicepresidente de Recursos Mineros y Desarrollo, Vicepresidente de Asuntos Corporativos y Sustentabilidad (interino), Vicepresidente de Operaciones (FURE), Jefe de Finanzas, Vicepresidente de Adquisiciones, Vicepresidente Legal, Auditor General, Vicepresidente de Operaciones, Gerente General – División Chuquicamata, Gerente General – División Radomiro Tomic, Gerente General – División Mina Ministro Hales, Gerente General – División Gabriela Mistral, Gerente General – División Salvador, Gerente General – División Ventanas, Gerente General – División El Teniente, Gerente General – División Andina

(1) Habrá un noveno director que aún no ha sido designado a la fecha.

(2) Designado directamente por el Presidente de Chile.

(3) El mandato vence en mayo de 2026.

(4) Designado por el Presidente de Chile a partir de una lista corta presentada por el Consejo de Alta Dirección Pública.

(5) El mandato vence en mayo de 2025.

(6) El mandato vence en mayo de 2027.

(7) Designado por el Presidente de Chile a partir de una lista corta presentada por los sindicatos.

(8) Alejandro Sanhueza ha sido designado para este cargo, con efecto a partir del 1 de febrero de 2024.

No existe relación familiar entre ningún director o ejecutivo y otro director o ejecutivo. La dirección comercial de los ejecutivos y directores mencionados anteriormente es Huérfanos 1270, piso 6, Santiago, Chile, código postal 8340424. Ningún ejecutivo ocupa un cargo como empleado fuera de CODELCO.

Comités del Directorio

Comité de Auditoría, Compensaciones y Ética

El comité de auditoría, compensaciones y ética de CODELCO está compuesto por Isabel Marshall Lagarrigue (Presidenta), Ricardo Álvarez Fuentes (Vicepresidente), Eduardo Bitrán Colodro, Pedro Pablo Errázuriz Domínguez, quienes pueden invitar a otros a colaborar en su trabajo. La responsabilidad principal del comité de auditoría, compensaciones y ética es apoyar al Directorio mediante la mejora de los controles internos, revisando transacciones con partes relacionadas y el trabajo del departamento de auditoría interna de CODELCO. El comité también analiza y revisa el trabajo e informes de los auditores externos. Además, el comité es responsable de analizar las observaciones realizadas por entidades reguladoras chilenas y de recomendar medidas a tomar por la administración en respuesta a ellas. El comité de auditoría, compensaciones y ética de CODELCO no está sujeto a la independencia y otros requisitos a los que están sujetas las empresas públicas de EE. UU.

Comité de Proyectos y Financiamiento de Inversiones

El comité de proyectos y financiamiento de inversiones está compuesto por Ricardo Álvarez Fuentes (Presidente), Eduardo Bitrán Colodro (Vicepresidente), Isabel Marshall Lagarrigue, Pedro Pablo Errázuriz Domínguez y Nelson Cáceres Hernández. Este comité analiza y recomienda proyectos importantes de desarrollo minero y su financiamiento.

Comité de Gestión

El comité de gestión está compuesto por Pedro Pablo Errázuriz Domínguez (Presidente), Josefina Montenegro Araneda (Vicepresidenta), Alejandra Wood Huidobro, Ricardo Álvarez Fuentes y Nelson Cáceres Hernández. El comité es principalmente responsable de la gestión de las divisiones de la empresa y proyectos clave. También revisa y evalúa el desempeño de subsidiarias y empresas afiliadas.

Comité de Sustentabilidad

El comité de sustentabilidad está compuesto por Alejandra Wood Huidobro (Presidenta), Nelson Cáceres Hernández (Vicepresidente), Isabel Marshall Lagarrigue, Josefina Montenegro Araneda y Pedro Pablo Errázuriz Domínguez. El comité asesora al Directorio en asuntos de sustentabilidad, brindando asistencia al Directorio en las políticas y metas de sustentabilidad de la empresa, así como analizando la eficacia de las políticas y sistemas de gestión de la empresa en las áreas de salud, seguridad y medio ambiente.

Comité de Ciencias, Tecnología e Innovación

El comité de ciencias, tecnología e innovación está compuesto por Eduardo Bitrán Colodro (Presidente), Josefina Montenegro Araneda (Vicepresidenta), Pedro Pablo Errázuriz Domínguez, Alejandra Wood Huidobro y Nelson Cáceres Hernández. Este comité fue formado en 2016 y discute los desafíos que enfrenta la corporación en relación con la ciencia y la tecnología.

Transacciones con Partes Relacionadas

En el curso ordinario de sus negocios, CODELCO realiza una variedad de transacciones en términos de mercado con ciertas partes relacionadas. Para obtener información sobre estas transacciones, consulte la nota 3 de los Estados Financieros Consolidados.

En sus tratos con Cyprus El Abra Corporation (una subsidiaria de Freeport-McMoRan Inc.), el socio en SCM El Abra, CODELCO actúa a través de una subsidiaria, como agente. CODELCO no vende cobre al Grupo Nordeutsche Affinerie, su socio en Deutsche Giessradht GmbH.

De acuerdo con el Artículo 147 de la Ley N° 18.046 sobre Sociedades Anónimas (la Ley de Sociedades), CODELCO solo puede realizar operaciones con partes relacionadas si su intención es beneficiar el interés corporativo, si su precio, términos y condiciones son consistentes con los que prevalecen en el mercado cuando son aprobados, y si siguen ciertos requisitos y procedimientos establecidos por la ley.

Según el Artículo 146 de la Ley de Sociedades, según enmendada, las operaciones con partes relacionadas de CODELCO incluyen cualquier negociación, acto, contrato u operación en la que la Compañía debe participar, así como:

(1) una o más personas relacionadas con la Compañía, de acuerdo con la definición contenida en el Artículo 100 de la Ley N° 18.045 (Ley del Mercado de Valores, según enmendada);

(ii) un miembro del directorio, gerente, ejecutivo principal o liquidador de CODELCO, actuando directa o en nombre de cualquier persona que no sea la Compañía, o sus respectivos cónyuges o parientes hasta el segundo grado (consanguinidad o afinidad);

(iii) una corporación o sociedad en la que una de las personas mencionadas en (ii) anteriormente sea propietaria directa o indirecta del 10.0% o más de su capital, miembros del directorio, gerentes o ejecutivos principales;

(iv) aquellas personas específicamente establecidas en los estatutos de CODELCO o razonablemente identificadas por el Comité de Directores, según corresponda, incluso si la transacción con dichas personas (a) no es de un monto relevante, (b) se realiza de manera regular (según la política de regularidad determinada por el Directorio de CODELCO) o (c) se realiza con una subsidiaria de CODELCO en la que la Compañía posee un interés directo o indirecto de al menos el 95.0%; y

(v) cualquier empresa en la que un miembro del directorio, gerente o ejecutivo principal de CODELCO haya ejercido como miembro del directorio, gerente, ejecutivo principal o liquidador, durante los últimos 18 meses.

El Artículo 100 de la Ley del Mercado de Valores establece que las siguientes personas constituyen una parte relacionada: (1) las demás entidades del conglomerado empresarial al que pertenece una empresa; (ii) matrices, subsidiarias e inversionistas y empresas en las que una empresa tiene una participación por el método de la equidad; (iii) todos los directores, gerentes, ejecutivos y liquidadores de una empresa, y sus cónyuges o parientes hasta el segundo grado, o cualquier entidad controlada, directa o indirectamente, por cualquiera de las personas mencionadas anteriormente; (iv) cualquier persona que, por sus propias acciones o con otras personas bajo un acuerdo de acción conjunta, pueda designar al menos un miembro de la administración de una empresa o controle el 10.0% o más del capital o capital con derecho a voto de una sociedad anónima; y (v) otras entidades o personas consideradas como partes relacionadas por la CMF.

Las reglas, requisitos y procedimientos para aprobar operaciones con partes relacionadas se aplican tanto a las operaciones de CODELCO como a las de sus subsidiarias, independientemente de su naturaleza jurídica, excepto por algunas excepciones establecidas en el Artículo 147 de la Ley de Sociedades en las que la transacción con partes relacionadas puede ejecutarse sin los requisitos mencionados anteriormente, con la aprobación previa del Directorio. El incumplimiento de cualquiera de las restricciones en las transacciones con partes relacionadas no afectará la validez de la transacción. Sin embargo, CODELCO o el Presidente de Chile pueden exigir a la parte incumplidora el reembolso de un monto equivalente a los beneficios obtenidos por la parte incumplidora como resultado de la transacción. Además, CODELCO o el Presidente de Chile pueden reclamar daños. Finalmente, la parte incumplidora tiene la carga de la prueba de que la transacción se realizó de acuerdo con la ley.

La política de CODELCO para las transacciones con partes relacionadas está definida y regulada por un reglamento interno específico creado de acuerdo con las políticas generales establecidas por el Directorio y en relación con la orientación proporcionada por el Decreto Ley 1.350 y la Ley de Sociedades. El reglamento interno de CODELCO prescribe la forma en que deben llevarse a cabo las transacciones entre CODELCO y entidades relacionadas y establece sanciones si no se cumplen los requisitos del reglamento.

Inversión Extranjera y Controles Cambiarios en Chile

En general, el Banco Central de Chile es, entre otras cosas, responsable de las políticas monetarias y de los controles cambiarios en Chile. La mayoría de las empresas chilenas deben informar al Banco Central sobre cualquier emisión internacional de bonos y, si los ingresos de la emisión no se dejan en el extranjero, deben ser traídos a Chile a través de un banco u otro participante en el Mercado Formal de Cambio. El Artículo 23 del Decreto Ley N° 1.350 establece que CODELCO tiene la obligación de devolver el total de los ingresos de sus exportaciones a Chile, pero no tiene la obligación de convertir dichos ingresos a pesos chilenos más allá de sus requerimientos en pesos. Estos ingresos de sus exportaciones se depositan en el Banco Central de Chile, y los retiros contra dichos depósitos en moneda extranjera se realizan para cubrir los gastos de CODELCO. Como resultado, CODELCO no requiere aprobación de cambio extranjero en relación con la emisión o colocación de, o pagos sobre, los bonos. Consulte Marco Regulatorio – Pago de Obligaciones.

Descripción de los Bonos

Cada serie de bonos será emitida de acuerdo con un contrato de emisión, fechado el 5 de febrero de 2019 (el contrato base), entre CODELCO y The Bank of New York Mellon, como fiduciario, agente de pago, agente de transferencia y registrador (el fiduciario), enmendado y complementado por el décimo tercer contrato de emisión y el décimo cuarto contrato de emisión, fechados alrededor del 26 de enero de 2024 (junto con el contrato base, el contrato de emisión), entre CODELCO y el fiduciario.

La siguiente descripción de ciertas disposiciones de los bonos y del contrato de emisión está sujeta a y está calificada en su totalidad por referencia a las disposiciones de los bonos y el contrato de emisión, copias de los cuales estarán disponibles para su inspección en la oficina del fiduciario en 240 Greenwich Street, Nueva York, Nueva York 10286. CODELCO le insta a leer el contrato de emisión porque, y no esta descripción, define sus derechos como tenedores de los bonos emitidos bajo el contrato de emisión.


Cada serie de bonos será emitida por CODELCO, y CODELCO será responsable y estará obligada a cumplir con todas las convenciones y acuerdos que deben cumplirse por CODELCO de acuerdo con cada serie de bonos y el contrato de emisión, incluidas las obligaciones de pagar el principal, los intereses y Montos Adicionales (según se define a continuación en Pago de Montos Adicionales), si los hubiera. El fiduciario bajo el contrato de emisión es The Bank of New York Mellon (“

Trustee, which term shall include any successor trustee under the indenture).

The indenture provides for the issuance by CODELCO from time to time of notes in one or more series up to an aggregate principal amount of notes as from time to time may be authorized by CODELCO, subject to all required government authorizations. Notes having the same date of maturity and Interest Payment Dates (as defined below), payable in the same currency, bearing interest at the same rate and the terms of which are otherwise identical, are referred to as a series. The notes offered hereby will be issued in two series.

The 2053 notes will be part of the same series as, and will be fungible with and vote together with the 2053 original notes as a single class under the indenture and will have the same terms as those of the 2053 original notes, except that any new 2053 notes issued pursuant to Regulation S under the Securities Act will trade separately under temporary CUSIP, ISIN and common code numbers until the expiration of a 40-day restricted period under Regulation S.

Each series of notes will bear interest at the applicable rates per annum set forth on the cover page of this offering memorandum from (i) in the case of the 2036 notes, the date of issuance and (ii) in the case of the 2053 notes, September 8, 2023 (the issue date of the 2053 original notes), or from the most recent applicable Interest Payment Date (as defined below) to which interest has been paid or provided for. Interest on the 2036 notes will be payable semi-annually in arrears on January 26 and July 26 of each year, beginning on July 26, 2024, or, if any such date is not a Business Day (as defined below), on the next succeeding Business Day (the 2036 Interest Payment Dates) to the person or persons (each, a Holder) in whose name such notes are registered in the Security Register (as defined below) at the close of business on January 11 and July 11, respectively, preceding the applicable Interest Payment Date (each a 2036 Record Date). Interest on the 2053 notes will be payable semi-annually in arrears on March 8 and September 8 of each year, beginning on March 8, 2024, or, if any such date is not a Business Day (as defined below), on the next succeeding Business Day (the 2053 Interest Payment Dates, and together with the 2036 Interest Payment Dates, the Interest Payment Dates) to the Holder in whose name such notes are registered in the Security Register (as defined below) at the close of business on February 22 and August 24, respectively, preceding the applicable Interest Payment Date (each a 2053 Record Date). Interest on the notes will be calculated on the basis of a 360-day year of twelve 30-day months. For the purposes hereof, the term Business Day means a day on which banks in The City of New York are not authorized or required by law or executive order to be closed.

Moneys paid by CODELCO to the trustee or any paying agent for the payment of principal of (and premium, if any) or interest on any of the notes and remaining unclaimed at the end of two years after the date on which such principal (and premium, if any) or interest shall have become due and payable (whether at maturity, upon call for redemption or otherwise) shall, together with interest made available for payment thereof, be repaid to CODELCO, whereupon all liability of the trustee or such paying agent with respect to such moneys shall cease.

117 The 2036 notes will mature on January 26, 2036, and the 2053 notes will mature on September 8, 2053. Neither series of notes will be redeemable prior to maturity except as described below and in the event of certain developments affecting taxation, in that case at a price equal to the outstanding principal amount thereof, together with any Additional Amounts and accrued interest to the redemption date. On the maturity date of any series of notes, CODELCO will be required to pay 100% of the then outstanding principal amount of such series of notes plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon and Additional Amounts, if any.


The notes will constitute direct, general, unsecured, unconditional and unsubordinated obligations of CODELCO. The notes rank and will rank without any preference among them and equally with all other unsecured and unsubordinated obligations of CODELCO, other than certain obligations granted preferential treatment pursuant to Chilean law. It is understood that this provision will not be construed so as to require CODELCO to make payments under the notes ratably with payments being made under any other obligations. The indenture contains no restriction on the amount of additional indebtedness which may be incurred by CODELCO or its subsidiaries; however, as set forth under –Limitation on Liens below, the indenture contains certain restrictions on the ability of CODELCO and its subsidiaries to incur secured indebtedness.

Registration, Form and Delivery

The trustee will initially act as paying agent, transfer agent and registrar for each series of notes. Each series of notes will be issued upon the closing of this offering in definitive, fully registered form, without coupons, in denominations of U.S.$200,000 principal amount at maturity and multiples of U.S.$1,000 in excess thereof. The notes will be exchangeable, and transfers thereof will be registrable, at the office of the registrar for the notes. No charge will be made to holders of the notes in connection with any exchange or registration of transfer, but CODELCO may require payment of a sum sufficient to cover any tax or other governmental charge payable in that connection.

The trustee will maintain at its office in the City of New York, currently located at 240 Greenwich Street, New York, New York 10286, a security register (the Security Register) with respect to the notes. The name and address of the registered Holder of each note and the amount of each note will be recorded in the applicable Security Register, and the trustee and CODELCO may treat the person in whose name the note is registered as the owner of such note for all purposes. For so long as each series of notes are represented by one or more Global Notes, the registered owner of a Global Note, in accordance with the terms of the indenture, may be treated at all times and for all purposes by CODELCO and the trustee as the sole owner with respect to such notes, with respect to all payments on the notes and for all other purposes under the terms of the notes and the indenture.

Each series of notes are being offered and sold in connection with the initial offering thereof solely to qualified institutional buyers, as that term is defined in Rule 144A under the Securities Act, pursuant to Rule 144A, and in offshore transactions to persons other than U.S. persons, as defined in Regulation S under the Securities Act, in reliance on Regulation S. Following the initial offering of the notes, the notes may be resold to qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule 144A, non-U.S. persons in reliance on Regulation S and pursuant to Rule 144 under the Securities Act, as described under Transfer Restrictions.

The Global Notes

Rule 144A Global Note

Each series of notes offered and sold to qualified institutional buyers pursuant to Rule 144A will initially be issued in the form of one or more registered notes in global form, without interest coupons. The Rule 144A Global Notes will be deposited on the date of the closing of the sale of the notes with, or on behalf of, The Depository Trust Company (DTC), and registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, or will remain in the custody of the trustee as custodian for DTC. Interests in the Rule 144A Global Note will be available for purchase only by qualified institutional buyers.

118 Regulation S Global Note

Each series of notes offered and sold in offshore transactions to non-U.S. persons in reliance on Regulation S under the Securities Act will initially be issued in the form of one or more registered notes in global form, without interest coupons. The Regulation S Global Notes will be deposited upon issuance with, or on behalf of, a custodian for DTC.

Except as set forth below, each Rule 144A Global Note and the Regulation S Global Note (collectively the Global Notes) may be transferred, in whole and not in part, solely to another nominee of DTC or to a successor of DTC or its nominee. Beneficial interests in the Global Notes may not be exchanged for notes in physical, certificated form (referred to as certificated notes) except in the limited circumstances described below.

The notes will be subject to certain restrictions on transfer and will bear a restrictive legend as set forth under Transfer Restrictions.

All interests in the Global Notes are subject to the procedures and requirements of DTC. Those interests held through Euroclear or Clearstream are subject to the procedures and requirements of such systems.

Euroclear and Clearstream will hold interests in the Global Notes on behalf of their participants through customers securities accounts in their respective names on the books of their respective depositaries. Such depositaries, in turn, will hold such interests in the Global Notes in customers securities accounts in the depositaries names on the books of DTC.

Exchanges Among the Global Notes

Prior to the 40th day after the later of the commencement of the offering of the notes and the date of the closing of the sale of the notes (the period through and including the 40th day, the restricted period), transfers by an owner of a beneficial interest in the Regulation S Global Note to a transferee who takes delivery of this interest through the corresponding Rule 144A Global Note will be made only in accordance with applicable procedures and upon receipt by the trustee of a written certification from the transferor of the beneficial interest in the form provided in the indenture to the effect that such transfer is being made to a person whom the transferor reasonably believes is a qualified institutional buyer within the meaning of Rule 144A in a transaction meeting the requirements of Rule 144A. Such written certification will no longer be required after the expiration of the restricted period.

Transfers by an owner of a beneficial interest in the Rule 144A Global Note to a transferee who takes delivery of such interest through the corresponding Regulation S Global Note, whether before or after the expiration of the restricted period, will be made only upon receipt by the trustee of a certification from the transferor to the effect that such transfer is being made in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act.

Any beneficial interest in one of the Global Notes that is transferred to a person who takes delivery in the form of an interest in another Global Note will, upon transfer, cease to be an interest in such Global Note and become an interest in the other Global Note and, accordingly, will thereafter be subject to all transfer restrictions, if any, and other procedures applicable to beneficial interests in such other Global Note for as long as it remains such an interest.

Certain Book-Entry Procedures for the Global Notes

The descriptions of the operations and procedures of DTC, Euroclear and Clearstream set forth below are provided solely as a matter of convenience. These operations and procedures are solely within the control of the respective settlement systems and are subject to change by them from time to time. Neither CODELCO nor the initial purchasers take any responsibility for these operations or procedures, and investors are urged to contact the relevant system or its participants directly to discuss these matters.

DTC has advised CODELCO that it is (i) a limited purpose trust company organized under the laws of the State of New York, (ii) a banking organization within the meaning of the New York Banking Law, (iii) a member of the Federal Reserve System, (iv) a clearing corporation within the meaning of the Uniform Commercial Code, as amended, and (v) a clearing agency registered pursuant to Section 17A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the Exchange Act). DTC was created to hold securities for its participants and facilitates the clearance
119 and settlement of securities transactions between participants through electronic book-entry changes to the accounts of its participants, thereby eliminating the need for physical transfer and delivery of certificates. DTC’s participants include securities brokers and dealers (including the initial purchasers), banks and trust companies, clearing corporations and certain other organizations. Indirect access to DTC’s system is also available to other entities such as banks, brokers, dealers and trust companies, or indirect participants that clear through or maintain a custodial relationship with a participant, either directly or indirectly. Investors who are not participants may beneficially own “

Securities held by or on behalf of DTC only through participants or indirect participants.

CODELCO expects that pursuant to procedures established by DTC:
(i) upon deposit of each Global Note, DTC will credit the accounts of participants designated by the initial purchasers with an interest in the Global Note; and
(ii) ownership of the notes will be shown on, and the transfer of ownership thereof will be effected only through, records maintained by DTC (with respect to the interests of participants) and the records of participants and the indirect participants (with respect to the interests of persons other than participants).

The laws of some jurisdictions may require that certain purchasers of securities take physical delivery of such securities in definitive form. Accordingly, the ability to transfer interests in the notes represented by a Global Note to such persons may be limited. In addition, because DTC can act only on behalf of its participants, who in turn act on behalf of persons who hold interests through participants, the ability of a person having an interest in notes represented by a Global Note to pledge or transfer such interest to persons or entities that do not participate in DTC’s system, or to otherwise take actions in respect of such interest, may be affected by the lack of a physical definitive security in respect of such interest.

So long as DTC or its nominee is the registered owner of a Global Note, DTC or such nominee, as the case may be, will be considered the sole owner or holder of the notes represented by the Global Note for all purposes under the indenture. Except as provided below, owners of beneficial interests in a Global Note will not be entitled to have notes represented by such Global Note registered in their names, will not receive or be entitled to receive physical delivery of certificated notes, and will not be considered the owners or holders thereof under the indenture for any purpose, including with respect to the giving of any direction, instruction, or approval to the trustee thereunder.

Accordingly, each holder owning a beneficial interest in a Global Note must rely on the procedures of DTC and, if such holder is not a participant or an indirect participant, on the procedures of the participant through which such holder owns its interest, to exercise any rights of a holder of notes under the indenture or such Global Note.

CODELCO understands that under existing industry practice, in the event that CODELCO requests any action of holders of notes, or a holder that is an owner of a beneficial interest in a Global Note desires to take any action that DTC, as the holder of such Global Note, is entitled to take, DTC would authorize the participants to take such action and the participants would authorize holders owning through such participants to take such action or would otherwise act upon the instruction of such holders. Neither CODELCO nor the trustee will have any responsibility or liability for any aspect of the records relating to, or payments made on account of, notes by DTC, or for maintaining, supervising, or reviewing any records of DTC relating to such notes.

Payments with respect to the principal of, premium, if any, and interest on any notes represented by a Global Note registered in the name of DTC or its nominee on the applicable 2036 Record Date or 2053 Record Date will be payable by the trustee to or at the direction of DTC or its nominee in its capacity as the registered holder of the Global Note representing such notes under the indenture. Under the terms of the indenture, CODELCO and the trustee may treat the persons in whose names the notes, including the Global Notes, are registered as the owners thereof for the purpose of receiving payment thereon and for any and all other purposes whatsoever. Accordingly, neither CODELCO nor the trustee has or will have any responsibility or liability for the payment of such amounts to owners of beneficial interests in a Global Note (including principal, premium, if any, and interest). Payments by the participants and the indirect participants to the owners of beneficial interests in a Global Note will be governed by standing instructions and customary industry practice and will be the responsibility of the participants or the indirect participants and DTC.

Transfers between participants in DTC will be effected in accordance with DTC’s procedures, and will be settled in same-day funds. Transfers between participants in Euroclear or Clearstream will be effected in the ordinary way in accordance with their respective rules and operating procedures.

Subject to compliance with the transfer restrictions applicable to the notes, cross-market transfers between the participants in DTC, on the one hand, and Euroclear or Clearstream participants, on the other hand, will be effected through DTC in accordance with DTC’s rules on behalf of Euroclear or Clearstream, as the case may be, by its respective depositary. However, such cross-market transactions will require delivery of instructions to Euroclear or Clearstream, as the case may be, by the counterparty in such system in accordance with the rules and procedures and within the established deadlines of such system. Euroclear or Clearstream, as the case may be, will, if the transaction meets its settlement requirements, deliver instructions to its respective depositary to take action to effect final settlement on its behalf by delivering or receiving interests in the relevant Global Notes in DTC, and making or receiving payment in accordance with normal procedures for same-day funds settlement applicable to DTC. Euroclear participants and Clearstream participants may not deliver instructions directly to the depositaries for Euroclear or Clearstream.

Because of time zone differences, the securities account of a Euroclear or Clearstream participant purchasing an interest in a Global Note from a participant in DTC will be credited, and any such crediting will be reported to the relevant Euroclear or Clearstream participant, during the securities settlement processing day (which must be a business day for Euroclear and Clearstream) immediately following the settlement date of DTC. Cash received in Euroclear or Clearstream as a result of sales of interest in a global security by or through a Euroclear or Clearstream participant to a participant in DTC will be received with value on the settlement date of DTC but will be available in the relevant Euroclear or Clearstream cash account only as of the business day for Euroclear or Clearstream following DTC’s settlement date.

Although DTC, Euroclear, and Clearstream have agreed to the foregoing procedures to facilitate transfers of interests in the Global Notes among participants in DTC, Euroclear, and Clearstream, they are under no obligation to perform or to continue to perform such procedures, and such procedures may be discontinued at any time. Neither CODELCO nor the trustee will have any responsibility for the performance by DTC, Euroclear, or Clearstream or their respective participants or indirect participants of their respective obligations under the rules and procedures governing their operations.

Certificated Notes

With respect to each series of notes, if:
(1) CODELCO notifies the trustee in writing that DTC is no longer willing or able to act as a depositary or DTC ceases to be registered as a clearing agency under the Exchange Act and a successor depositary is not appointed within 90 days of such notice or cessation;
(ii) CODELCO, at its option, notifies the trustee in writing that it elects to cause the issuance of notes in definitive form under the indenture; or
(iii) upon the occurrence of certain other events as provided in the indenture, then, upon surrender by DTC of the Global Notes, certificated notes will be issued to each person that DTC identifies as the beneficial owner of the notes represented by the Global Notes. Upon any such issuance, the trustee is required to register such certificated notes in the name of such person or persons (or the nominee of any thereof) and cause the same to be delivered thereto.

Neither CODELCO nor the trustee shall be liable for any delay by DTC or any participant or indirect participant in identifying the beneficial owners of the related notes, and CODELCO and the trustee may conclusively rely on, and shall be protected in relying on, instructions from DTC for all purposes (including with respect to the registration and delivery, and the respective principal amounts, of the notes to be issued).


CODELCO has agreed to restrictions on its activities for the benefit of holders of the notes. The following restrictions will apply to the notes:

Consolidation, Merger, Conveyance, Sale or Lease

Nothing contained in the indenture prevents CODELCO from consolidating with or merging into another corporation or conveying, transferring, or leasing its properties and assets substantially as an entirety to any person, provided that:
(i) the corporation formed by such consolidation or into which CODELCO is merged or the person which acquires by conveyance or transfer, or which leases, the properties and assets of CODELCO substantially as an entirety is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of Chile and expressly assumes, by supplemental indenture, the due and punctual payment of the principal of and interest and Additional Amounts, if any, on all outstanding notes and the performance of every covenant in the indenture on the part of CODELCO to be performed or observed;
(ii) immediately after giving effect to such transaction no Event of Default (as defined below), and no event which, after notice or lapse of time or both, would become an Event of Default, shall have happened and be continuing; and
(iii) CODELCO has delivered to the trustee an officer’s certificate and an opinion of counsel, each stating that such consolidation, merger, conveyance, transfer, or lease and such supplemental indenture complies with the foregoing provisions relating to such transaction.

Limitation on Liens

Nothing contained in the indenture restricts or prevents CODELCO or any Restricted Subsidiary (as defined below) from incurring any additional indebtedness; provided that neither CODELCO nor any Restricted Subsidiary will:
(1) issue, assume, or guarantee any indebtedness for money borrowed (Debt) if such Debt is secured by a lien upon, or
(ii) directly or indirectly secure any outstanding Debt by a lien upon, any Principal Property (as defined below) or upon any shares of stock of, or indebtedness of, any Restricted Subsidiary, now owned or hereafter acquired, without effectively providing that the notes shall be secured equally and ratably with such Debt, except that the foregoing restrictions shall not apply to:
(i) liens on any Principal Property acquired, constructed, or improved after the date of issuance of the notes to secure or provide for the payment of the purchase price or cost of construction or improvements (including costs such as increased costs due to escalation, interest during construction, and similar costs) thereof incurred after the date of the issuance of the notes, or existing liens on property acquired, provided such liens shall not apply to any property theretofore owned by CODELCO or any Restricted Subsidiary other than theretofore unimproved real property,
(ii) liens on any Principal Property or shares of stock or indebtedness acquired from a corporation merged with or into CODELCO or a Restricted Subsidiary,
(iii) liens to secure Debt of a Restricted Subsidiary to CODELCO or another Subsidiary,
(iv) the sale or other transfer of any interest in property of the character commonly referred to as a production payment,
(v) liens over any property at the time of acquisition of such property by CODELCO or any of its Restricted Subsidiaries which lien was not (or is not) created in connection with such acquisition,
(vi) liens in existence on the date of the offering of the notes,
(vii) liens on deposits to secure, or any lien otherwise securing, the performance of bids, statutory obligations, surety bonds, appeal bonds, performance bonds, and other obligations of a like nature incurred in the ordinary course of business,
(viii) liens created on any property to secure Debt incurred in connection with the financing of such property, the repayment of which Debt is to be made from the revenues arising out of, or other proceeds of realization from, such property, with recourse to those revenues and proceeds and other property used in connection with, or forming the subject matter of, such property, but without recourse to any other property of CODELCO or any Restricted Subsidiary, and
(ix) any extension, renewal, or replacement (or successive extensions, renewals, or replacements), in whole or in part, of any lien referred to in the foregoing clauses (i) to (iii) or (v), (vi), and (viii) inclusive of any Debt secured thereby, provided that the principal amount of Debt so secured thereby shall not exceed the principal amount of Debt so secured at the time of such extension, renewal, or replacement and that such extension, renewal, or replacement lien shall be limited to all or part of the property which secured the lien extended, renewed, or replaced (plus improvements on or additions to such property). Notwithstanding the foregoing, CODELCO and one or more Restricted Subsidiaries may issue, assume, or guarantee Debt secured by liens which would otherwise be subject to the foregoing restrictions in an aggregate principal amount which, together with the aggregate outstanding principal amount of all other Debt of CODELCO and its Restricted Subsidiaries that would otherwise be subject to the foregoing restrictions (not including Debt permitted to be secured under clauses (i) through (ix) above) and the aggregate value of the sale-and-lease-back transactions described under “Limitation on Sale-and-Lease-Back Transactions” below (other than sale-and-lease-back transactions the proceeds of which have been applied as provided in clause (b) under “Limitation on Sale-and-Lease-Back Transactions” below) does not at the time of issuance, assumption, or guarantee thereof exceed 20.0% of Consolidated Net Tangible Assets.

“Consolidated Net Tangible Assets significa el total de todos los activos (incluyendo reevaluaciones de los mismos como resultado de tasaciones comerciales, reexpresión del nivel de precios u otros) que aparecen en el balance consolidado de CODELCO y sus Subsidiarias a la fecha más reciente presentada por CODELCO a la CME, excluyendo el fondo de comercio, nombres comerciales, marcas comerciales, patentes, descuento de deuda no amortizado y todos los demás activos intangibles similares (término que no debe interpretarse como incluyendo dichas reevaluaciones), menos el total de pasivos corrientes de CODELCO y sus Subsidiarias que aparecen en dicho balance. El término Propiedad Principal significa cualquier propiedad minera, concentrador, fundición, refinería o laminador ubicado en Chile, de CODELCO o cualquier Subsidiaria, excepto cualquier propiedad, planta o instalación que el Directorio declare, mediante resolución, que no es de importancia material para el negocio total llevado a cabo por CODELCO y sus Subsidiarias como entidad. El término Subsidiaria significa cualquier sociedad anónima de la cual CODELCO posea, directa o indirectamente, más del 50.0% de las acciones con derecho a voto en circulación y sobre la cual CODELCO tenga el poder de dirigir la gestión. El término Subsidiaria Restringida significa (i) cualquier Subsidiaria que posea, directa o indirectamente, alguna Propiedad Principal y (ii) cualquier Subsidiaria que posea, directa o indirectamente, acciones o deuda de una Subsidiaria Restringida.

Limitación en Transacciones de Venta y Arrendamiento Posterior

El contrato de emisión establece que ni CODELCO ni ninguna Subsidiaria Restringida celebrarán ningún acuerdo con ninguna persona (distinta de CODELCO o una Subsidiaria Restringida), o al cual dicha persona sea parte, que disponga el arrendamiento a CODELCO o a una Subsidiaria Restringida por un período de más de tres años de cualquier propiedad o activo que haya sido o vaya a ser vendido o transferido por CODELCO o dicha Subsidiaria Restringida a dicha persona o a cualquier persona (distinta de CODELCO o una Subsidiaria Restringida) a la cual dicha persona haya avanzado o vaya a avanzar fondos con garantía de la propiedad o activos arrendados, a menos que (i) CODELCO o dicha Subsidiaria Restringida tuviera derecho, de acuerdo a las disposiciones descritas bajo –Limitación de Gravámenes anteriormente, a incurrir en Deuda por un monto principal igual o superior al valor de dicha transacción de venta y arrendamiento, garantizada por un gravamen sobre la propiedad o activos a arrendar, sin garantizar de manera igual y proporcional los bonos, o (ii) CODELCO, durante o inmediatamente después de la expiración de seis meses después de la fecha efectiva de dicha transacción (ya sea realizada por CODELCO o una Subsidiaria Restringida), aplique al retiro voluntario de la deuda de CODELCO (incluyendo los bonos) un monto igual al valor de dicha transacción, menos un monto igual a la suma de (a) el monto principal de los bonos entregados, dentro de los seis meses posteriores a la fecha efectiva de dicho acuerdo, al agente fiduciario para su retiro y cancelación y (b) el monto principal de otra Deuda Garantizada retirada voluntariamente por CODELCO dentro de dicho período de seis meses, en cada caso excluyendo retiros de bonos y otra Deuda Garantizada como resultado de conversiones o

de acuerdo a disposiciones de fondo de amortización obligatoria o prepagos obligatorios o por pago al vencimiento.

Informes Periódicos

CODELCO proporcionará, a los tenedores de bonos y a los posibles compradores de bonos, a solicitud del agente fiduciario, cualquier información requerida para ser entregada de acuerdo a la Regla 144A(d)(4) bajo la Ley de Valores, siempre y cuando

los bonos no sean libremente transferibles bajo la Ley de Valores.

Eventos de Incumplimiento

Un Evento de Incumplimiento con respecto a cada serie de bonos se define en el contrato de emisión como cualquiera de los siguientes (cada uno un Evento de Incumplimiento): (1) incumplimiento por 30 días en el pago de cualquier interés de los bonos; (ii) incumplimiento en el pago del principal de los bonos; (iii) incumplimiento en el cumplimiento, o violación, de cualquier convenio o garantía u obligación de CODELCO en el contrato de emisión y continuación de dicho incumplimiento o violación por un período de 60 días después de la notificación escrita dada a CODELCO por el agente fiduciario o a CODELCO y el agente fiduciario por los tenedores de al menos el 33 1/3% del monto principal agregado de los bonos; (iv) incumplimiento bajo cualquier bono, pagaré, nota u otro documento de deuda por dinero prestado, o bajo cualquier hipoteca, contrato de emisión o instrumento bajo el cual pueda ser emitida o por el cual pueda ser garantizada o evidenciada cualquier deuda por dinero prestado por CODELCO o cualquier Subsidiaria, ya sea que dicha deuda exista actualmente o sea creada en el futuro, en un monto principal agregado que exceda los U.S.$50.0 millones (o su equivalente en cualquier otra moneda o monedas) lo cual constituya (x) el incumplimiento en el pago de cualquier parte del principal de dicha deuda cuando sea debido y pagadero, ya sea al vencimiento, por redención o aceleración o de otra manera, o (y) haya resultado en que dicha deuda se vuelva o sea declarada como debida y pagadera antes de la fecha en que de otra manera sería debida y pagadera, en cualquier caso, si dicho incumplimiento continúa por más de 30 Días Hábiles y dentro de dichos 30 Días Hábiles el plazo para el pago de dicho monto no ha sido expresamente prorrogado (siempre que si dicho incumplimiento bajo dicho contrato de emisión o instrumento es remediado o corregido por CODELCO o renunciado por los tenedores de dicha deuda, entonces el evento de incumplimiento con respecto a los bonos se considerará igualmente remediado, corregido o renunciado); y (v) ciertos eventos de quiebra o insolvencia de CODELCO o cualquier Subsidiaria Significativa. Subsidiaria Significativa se define en el contrato de emisión como una Subsidiaria, cuyos activos totales excedan el 10.0% de los activos totales de CODELCO y sus subsidiarias en una base consolidada al final del año más recientemente completado. El agente fiduciario no será considerado como teniendo conocimiento de ningún Evento de Incumplimiento con respecto a los bonos a menos que se haya dado aviso escrito de dicho incumplimiento o Evento de Incumplimiento a un funcionario del agente fiduciario que tenga responsabilidad directa sobre la administración del contrato de emisión y los bonos por CODELCO o cualquier tenedor de bonos.

El contrato de emisión establece que (i) si un Evento de Incumplimiento (distinto de un Evento de Incumplimiento descrito en el inciso (v) anterior) ha ocurrido y está en curso con respecto a los bonos, tanto el agente fiduciario como los tenedores de no menos del 33 1/3% del monto principal total de los bonos de dicha serie entonces en circulación pueden declarar el principal de todos los bonos en circulación y los intereses devengados sobre los mismos, si los hubiere, como debidos y pagaderos inmediatamente y (ii) si ha ocurrido un Evento de Incumplimiento descrito en el inciso (v) anterior, el principal de todos los bonos en circulación y los intereses devengados sobre los mismos, si los hubiere, se volverán y serán inmediatamente debidos y pagaderos sin ninguna declaración u otro acto por parte del agente fiduciario o cualquier tenedor de dichos bonos. El contrato de emisión establece que los bonos en propiedad de CODELCO o cualquiera de sus afiliadas se considerarán como no en circulación para ciertos propósitos, incluyendo la declaración de aceleración del vencimiento de los bonos. Una vez satisfechas por CODELCO ciertas condiciones, incluyendo (i) el pago de todas las tarifas y gastos del agente fiduciario, (ii) el depósito por parte de CODELCO con el agente fiduciario de una suma suficiente para pagar todos los montos pendientes en los bonos aplicables (distintos del principal debido por virtud de la aceleración) junto con los intereses sobre dichos montos hasta la fecha del depósito y (iii) todos los Eventos de Incumplimiento (distintos del no pago del principal que se volvió debido por virtud de la aceleración tras el evento de incumplimiento) han sido remediados o renunciados, la declaración descrita en el inciso (i) de este párrafo puede ser anulada por los tenedores de la mayoría del monto principal total de los bonos aplicables entonces en circulación. Los incumplimientos pasados, distintos del no pago del principal, intereses y cumplimiento con ciertos convenios, pueden ser renunciados por los tenedores de la mayoría del monto principal total de los bonos aplicables en circulación.

El agente fiduciario debe notificar a los tenedores de los bonos de todos los incumplimientos no remediados que conozca con respecto a los bonos dentro de 30 días después de que un Funcionario Responsable del agente fiduciario haya recibido notificación escrita de dicho incumplimiento (a menos que dicho incumplimiento haya sido remediado); sin embargo, se protegerá al agente fiduciario en la retención de dicha notificación si de buena fe determina que la retención de dicha notificación es en interés de los tenedores de los bonos. Funcionario Responsable se define en el contrato de emisión como cualquier funcionario del agente fiduciario con responsabilidad directa sobre la administración del contrato de emisión y, con respecto a un asunto de fideicomiso corporativo en particular, cualquier otro funcionario a quien se le refiera dicho asunto debido a su conocimiento y familiaridad con el tema en particular.

Ningún tenedor de bonos podrá iniciar ningún procedimiento, judicial u otro, bajo el contrato de emisión a menos que (i) dicho tenedor haya notificado por escrito al agente fiduciario de un Evento de Incumplimiento continuo con respecto a los bonos de esa serie, (ii) los tenedores de no menos del 33 1/3% del monto principal total de los bonos de esa serie entonces en circulación hayan hecho una solicitud por escrito al agente fiduciario para iniciar procedimientos con respecto al Evento de Incumplimiento, (iii) dicho tenedor o tenedores hayan ofrecido al agente fiduciario una indemnización razonable que el agente fiduciario pueda requerir, (iv) el agente fiduciario haya dejado de iniciar una acción durante 60 días después de dicho período y (v) no se haya dado ninguna dirección inconsistente al agente fiduciario durante dicho período de 60 días por los tenedores de la mayoría del monto principal total de los bonos de dicha serie. Sin embargo, dichas limitaciones no se aplican a ninguna demanda iniciada por un tenedor de un bono para el cumplimiento del pago del principal o intereses de los bonos en o después del respectivo vencimiento establecido en dichos bonos.

El contrato de emisión establece que, sujeto al deber del agente fiduciario durante el incumplimiento de actuar con el estándar de cuidado requerido, el agente fiduciario no estará obligado a ejercer ninguno de sus derechos o poderes bajo el contrato de emisión a solicitud o dirección de cualquier tenedor de los bonos, a menos que dichos tenedores hayan ofrecido al agente fiduciario una indemnización razonable.

CODELCO está obligado a proporcionar al agente fiduciario anualmente una declaración sobre el cumplimiento por parte de CODELCO de ciertas de sus obligaciones bajo el contrato de emisión y sobre cualquier incumplimiento en dicho cumplimiento.

Pago de Montos Adicionales

Todos los pagos de principal e intereses establecidos bajo cada serie de bonos por CODELCO se realizarán sin deducción o retención por o en cuenta de cualquier impuesto, tasas, derechos o cargos gubernamentales presentes o futuros de cualquier naturaleza impuestos o impuestos por o en nombre de Chile o cualquier subdivisión política o territorio o posesión de éste o en él (la Jurisdicción Impositiva) a menos que la retención o deducción de dichos impuestos, tasas, derechos o cargos gubernamentales sea requerida por ley o regulación o por la interpretación oficial de la misma.
En ese caso, CODELCO pagará a cada Tenedor de un bono tales montos adicionales (Montos Adicionales) que sean necesarios para que cada pago neto en dicho bono después de dicha deducción o retención no sea menor que el monto provisto en dicho bono que entonces sea debido y pagadero; sin embargo, la obligación anterior de pagar Montos Adicionales no se aplicará a: “

124 (1) any tax, assessment, duty or other governmental charge that would not have been so deducted or withheld but for (i) the existence of any present or former connection between the Holder or the beneficial owner of the note (or between a fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, member or shareholder of, or possessor of a power over, such Holder or beneficial owner, if such Holder or beneficial owner is an estate, trust, partnership or corporation) and the Taxing Jurisdiction imposing such tax, assessment, duty or other governmental charge (including, without limitation, such Holder or beneficial owner (or such fiduciary, settlor, beneficiary, member, shareholder or possessor) being or having been a citizen or resident thereof or being or having been engaged in a trade or business or present therein or having, or having had, a permanent establishment therein) other than the mere receipt of payments in respect of a note or the holding or ownership of a note or beneficial interest therein; or (ii) the presentation of a note (where presentation is required) for payment on a date more than 30 days after the date on which such payment became due and payable or the date on which payment thereof is duly provided for, whichever occurs later;

(ii) any estate, inheritance, gift, sales, transfer, personal property, capital gains, excise or similar tax, assessment, duty or other governmental charge;

(iii) any tax, assessment, duty or other governmental charge that is payable other than by withholding from payments of (or in respect of) principal of, or any interest on, the notes;

(iv) any tax, assessment, duty or other governmental charge that would not have been imposed but for the failure to comply with certification, information or other reporting requirements concerning the nationality, residence or identity of the Holder or beneficial owner of the note, if compliance is required by statute or by regulation of the Taxing Jurisdiction as a precondition to relief or exemption from all or part of such tax, assessment, duty or other governmental charge, or to a reduction in the applicable tax rate, and proper notice has been sent to the Holder or beneficial owner; or

(v) any combination of items (i), (ii), (ii), and (iv) above.

Nor shall Additional Amounts be paid with respect to any payment of the principal of or any interest on any note to any Holder or beneficial owner that is a fiduciary or partnership or other than the sole beneficial owner of such note to the extent such payment would be required by the laws of the Taxing Jurisdiction to be included in the income for tax purposes of a beneficiary or settlor with respect to such fiduciary or a member of such partnership or a beneficial owner who would not have been entitled to such Additional Amounts had it been a Holder of such note.

If CODELCO pays Additional Amounts in respect of the Chilean withholding tax on payments of interest or premium, if any, made by CODELCO in respect of each series of notes to a Foreign Holder (as defined in Taxation) assessed at a rate of 4.0%, and a refund is provided with respect to such withholding tax, CODELCO shall have the right to receive and be entitled to such funds from the relevant Taxing Jurisdiction.


CODELCO will not be permitted to redeem the notes before their stated maturity, except as set forth below. The notes will not be entitled to the benefit of any sinking fund – meaning that CODELCO will not deposit money on a regular basis into any separate account to repay your notes. In addition, you will not be entitled to require CODELCO to repurchase your notes from you before the stated maturity.

Optional Redemption CODELCO may redeem on one or more occasions some or all of the notes before they mature. Prior to October 26, 2035 (three months prior to their maturity date) (the 2036 Par Call Date), CODELCO may redeem the 2036 notes at its option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, at a redemption price (expressed as a percentage of principal amount and rounded to three decimal places) equal to the greater of:

125 (1) (a) the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal and interest thereon discounted to the redemption date (assuming the notes matured on the 2036 Par Call Date) on a semi-annual basis (assuming a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months) at the Treasury Rate plus 35 basis points less (b) interest accrued to the date of redemption, and (2) 100% of the principal amount of the 2036 notes to be redeemed, Plus, in either case, accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.

Prior to March 8, 2053 (six months prior to their maturity date) (the 2053 Par Call Date), CODELCO may redeem the 2053 notes at its option, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, at a redemption price (expressed as a percentage of principal amount and rounded to three decimal places) equal to the greater of:

(1) (a) the sum of the present values of the remaining scheduled payments of principal and interest thereon discounted to the redemption date (assuming the notes matured on the 2053 Par Call Date) on a semi-annual basis (assuming a 360-day year consisting of twelve 30-day months) at the Treasury Rate plus 30 basis points less (b) interest accrued to the date of redemption, and

(2) 100% of the principal amount of the 2053 notes to be redeemed, Plus, in either case, accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.

On or after the 2036 Par Call Date and the 2053 Par Call Date, as applicable, CODELCO may redeem each series of the notes, in whole or in part, at any time and from time to time, at a redemption price equal to 100% of the principal amount of the notes being redeemed plus accrued and unpaid interest thereon to the redemption date.

Treasury Rate means, with respect to any redemption date, the yield determined by CODELCO in accordance with the following two paragraphs.

The Treasury Rate shall be determined by CODELCO after 4:15 p.m., New York City time (or after such time as yields on U.S. government securities are posted daily by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System), on the third Business Day preceding the redemption date based upon the yield or yields for the most recent day that appear after such time on such day in the most recent statistical release published by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System designated as Selected Interest Rates (Daily) – H.15 (or any successor designation or publication) (H.15) under the caption U.S. government securities-Treasury constant maturities-Nominal (or any successor caption or heading). In determining the Treasury Rate, CODELCO shall select, as applicable: (1) the yield for the Treasury constant maturity on H.15 exactly equal to the period from the redemption date to the applicable Par Call Date (the Remaining Life); or (2) if there is no such Treasury constant maturity on H.15 exactly equal to the Remaining Life, the two yields – one yield corresponding to the Treasury constant maturity on H.15 immediately shorter than and one yield corresponding to the Treasury constant maturity on H.15 immediately longer than the Remaining Life – and shall interpolate to the applicable Par Call Date on a straight-line basis (using the actual number of days) using such yields and rounding the result to three decimal places; or (3) if there is no such Treasury constant maturity on H.15 shorter than or longer than the Remaining Life, the yield for the single Treasury constant maturity on H.15 closest to the Remaining Life. For purposes of this paragraph, the applicable Treasury constant maturity or maturities on H.15 shall be deemed to have a maturity date equal to the relevant number of months or years, as applicable, of such Treasury constant maturity from the redemption date.

If on the third Business Day preceding the redemption date H.15 or any successor designation or publication is no longer published, CODELCO shall calculate the Treasury Rate based on the rate per annum equal to the semi-annual equivalent yield to maturity at 11:00 a.m., New York City time, on the second Business Day preceding such redemption date of the United States Treasury security maturing on, or with a maturity that is closest to, the Par Call Date, as applicable. If there is no United States Treasury security maturing on the applicable Par Call Date but there are two or more United States Treasury securities with a maturity date equally distant from the applicable Par Call Date, one with a maturity date preceding the applicable Par Call Date and one with a maturity date following the applicable Par Call Date, CODELCO shall select the United States Treasury security with a maturity date preceding the applicable Par Call Date. If there are two or more United States Treasury securities maturing on the applicable

126 Par Call Date or two or more United States Treasury securities meeting the criteria of the preceding sentence, CODELCO shall select from among these two or more United States Treasury securities the United States Treasury security that is trading closest to par based upon the average of the bid and asked prices for such United States Treasury securities at 11:00 a.m., New York City time. In determining the Treasury Rate in accordance with the terms of this paragraph, the semi-annual yield to maturity of the applicable United States Treasury security shall be based upon the average of the bid and asked prices (expressed as a percentage of principal amount) at 11:00 a.m., New York City time, of such United States Treasury security, and rounded to three decimal places.

CODELCO’s actions and determinations in determining the redemption price shall be conclusive and binding for all purposes, absent manifest error. CODELCO will notify the trustee of the redemption price promptly after the calculation thereof and the trustee shall have no duty to determine, or verify the calculation of, the redemption price.

Notice of any redemption will be mailed or electronically delivered (or otherwise transmitted in accordance with the depositary’s procedures) at least 10 days but not more than 60 days before the redemption date to each holder of notes to be redeemed. For so long as the notes are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and the rules of the Euro MTF market so require, CODELCO will cause notices of redemption to be announced through the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

In the case of a partial redemption, selection of definitive notes for redemption will be made by lot. No notes of a principal amount of U.S.$1,000 or less will be redeemed in part. If any note in definitive form is to be redeemed in part only, the notice of redemption that relates to such note will state the portion of the principal amount of the note to be redeemed. A new definitive note in a principal amount equal to the unredeemed portion of such note will be issued in the name of the holder of such note upon surrender for cancellation of the original definitive note. For so long as the notes are held by DTC (or another depositary), the redemption of the notes shall be done in accordance with the policies and procedures of the depositary, which may be made on a pro rata pass-through distribution of principal basis.

Unless CODELCO defaults in payment of the redemption price, on and after the redemption date interest will cease to accrue on the notes or portions thereof called for redemption.

Tax Redemption

Each series of notes may be redeemed at the election of CODELCO, in whole, but not in part, by the giving of notice as provided in -Notices below (which notice shall be irrevocable), at a price equal to the outstanding principal amount thereof, together with any Additional Amounts and accrued and unpaid interest to the redemption date, if, as a result of any change in, or amendment to, the laws (or any regulations or rulings promulgated thereunder, including a holding by a court of competent jurisdiction) of the Taxing Jurisdiction, or any change in the official application, administration or interpretation of such laws, regulations or rulings in such Taxing Jurisdiction, CODELCO has or will become obligated to pay Additional Amounts on the applicable notes in excess of the Additional Amounts that would be payable were payments of interest on the notes subject to the 4.0% of Chilean Interest Withholding Tax, as defined below (‘Excess Additional Amounts, and if such change or amendment is announced or becomes effective on or after the date of the agreement to purchase the notes and such obligation cannot be avoided by CODELCO taking measures it considers reasonable and that are available to it (for this purpose, reasonable measures shall not include any change in CODELCO’s or any successor’s jurisdiction of incorporation or organization or location of its principal executive or registered office); provided, however, that no such notice of redemption shall be given earlier than 60 days prior to the earliest date on which CODELCO would be obligated to pay such Excess Additional Amounts, were a payment in respect of the notes then due. Prior to the giving of notice of redemption of such notes, CODELCO will deliver to the trustee an officer’s certificate and a written opinion of recognized Chilean counsel independent of CODELCO to the effect that all governmental approvals necessary for CODELCO to effect such redemption, if any, have been or at the time of redemption will be obtained and in full force and effect and that CODELCO is entitled to effect such a redemption, and setting forth in reasonable detail the…

127 circunstancias que den lugar a tal derecho de redención. Ver Impuestos-Impuestos chilenos.

Mientras las notas estén pendientes en forma global, las notificaciones a los tenedores se harán al depositario, de acuerdo con sus procedimientos aplicables vigentes en cada momento. Si las notas se emiten en forma definitiva individual, la notificación a los tenedores de las notas se enviará por correo a las direcciones de dichos tenedores según aparezcan en el registro de seguridad. Además, mientras las notas estén listadas en la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo y las reglas de dicha bolsa así lo requieran, las notificaciones también se publicarán en un periódico de circulación general en Luxemburgo (se espera que sea Luxemburger Wort) o en el sitio web de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo (www.luxse.com). Cualquier notificación de este tipo se considerará entregada en la fecha de la primera publicación.
Reemplazo de Notas

En caso de notas mutiladas, destruidas, perdidas o robadas, la solicitud de reemplazo de las mismas podrá hacerse al fiduciario o a CODELCO. Cualquier nota de este tipo será reemplazada por el fiduciario de conformidad con los procedimientos y en los términos que el fiduciario o CODELCO puedan requerir y sujeto a cualquier ley o regulación aplicable. Todos los costos incurridos en relación con el reemplazo de cualquier nota serán asumidos por el solicitante. Las notas mutiladas deben ser entregadas antes de que se emitan nuevas.

Modificación del Contrato de Emisión

CODELCO y el fiduciario pueden, sin el consentimiento de los tenedores de las notas, enmendar, renunciar o complementar el contrato de emisión o las notas para ciertos fines específicos, incluyendo entre otros: (1) para evidenciar la sucesión de CODELCO por otra corporación y la asunción por parte de dicha parte de las obligaciones de CODELCO; (2) para agregar convenios de CODELCO o renunciar a alguno de sus derechos o poderes en beneficio de todas o alguna serie de notas; (3) para corregir cualquier ambigüedad, defecto o inconsistencia en el contrato de emisión; (4) para disponer la emisión de cualquier nueva serie de valores y/o agregar derechos a cualquier tenedor de cualquier serie de notas; (5) para disponer el nombramiento de un fiduciario sucesor; (6) para agregar cualquier Evento de Incumplimiento adicional en beneficio de cualquier o todas las series; (7) para disponer la emisión de valores al portador; y (8) para realizar cualquier otro cambio en el contrato de emisión que no afecte adversamente los intereses de ningún tenedor de las notas.

Además, con ciertas excepciones, el contrato de emisión y las notas pueden ser modificados por CODELCO y el fiduciario con el consentimiento de los tenedores de una mayoría en monto principal agregado de las notas de la serie afectada que estén pendientes en ese momento, pero ninguna modificación podrá hacerse sin el consentimiento del tenedor de cada nota pendiente afectada por la modificación que:

(1) cambie el vencimiento de cualquier principal de, o cualquier prima sobre, o cualquier cuota de interés sobre, cualquier nota, o reduzca el monto principal de la misma o la tasa de interés o cualquier prima (o Montos Adicionales, si los hubiera) pagaderos sobre la misma, o cambie el método de cálculo del monto principal o interés o prima (o Montos Adicionales, si los hubiera) pagaderos sobre la misma en cualquier fecha, o cambie cualquier lugar de pago donde, o la moneda en la que, el principal o interés (incluyendo Montos Adicionales) sobre cualquier nota sean pagaderos, o menoscabe el derecho de los tenedores para entablar una demanda para el cumplimiento de dicho pago en o después de la fecha de vencimiento;

(2) reduzca el porcentaje en monto principal agregado de las notas pendientes de dicha serie, cuando se requiera el consentimiento de los tenedores para cualquier modificación de ese tipo o para cualquier renuncia al cumplimiento de ciertas disposiciones del contrato de emisión o ciertos incumplimientos allí previstos y sus consecuencias establecidas en el contrato de emisión; o

(3) modifique disposiciones relacionadas con la renuncia de ciertos incumplimientos, la renuncia de ciertos convenios y las disposiciones resumidas en este párrafo, incluyendo disposiciones que rigen la enmienda del contrato de emisión, excepto para aumentar dicho porcentaje o para disponer que ciertas otras disposiciones del contrato de emisión no puedan ser modificadas o renunciadas sin el consentimiento del tenedor de cada nota pendiente afectada por la modificación.

El contrato de emisión dispone que las notas propiedad de CODELCO o cualquiera de sus afiliadas se considerarán no pendientes para, entre otros fines, el consentimiento a cualquier modificación de ese tipo.

Exoneración y Exoneración de Convenios

Con respecto a cada serie de notas, CODELCO, a su opción, en cualquier momento y al cumplirse ciertas condiciones descritas a continuación, podrá optar por ser liberada de sus obligaciones con respecto a las notas. En general, tras una exoneración, CODELCO se considerará que ha pagado y liberado la totalidad de la deuda representada por las notas aplicables y ha cumplido con todas sus obligaciones bajo dichas notas, excepto por: (i) los derechos de los tenedores de notas para recibir, únicamente del fondo fiduciario establecido para tales fines, pagos con respecto al principal, y al interés, y Montos Adicionales, si los hubiera, sobre las notas cuando dichos pagos sean debidos; (ii) ciertas disposiciones relacionadas con la propiedad, registro y transferencia de las notas; (iii) el convenio relacionado con el mantenimiento de una oficina o agencia en la Ciudad de Nueva York, y (iv) ciertas disposiciones relacionadas con los derechos, poderes, fideicomisos, deberes e inmunidades del fiduciario.

Además, CODELCO, a su opción, en cualquier momento, al cumplirse ciertas condiciones descritas a continuación, podrá eximirse de su obligación de cumplir con los convenios especificados anteriormente bajo –Consolidación, Fusión, Traspaso, Venta o Arrendamiento, –Limitación de Gravámenes y –Limitación de Transacciones de Venta y Arrendamiento Posterior. Para causar una exoneración o exoneración de convenios con respecto a las notas, CODELCO deberá (i) depositar fondos u obligaciones emitidas por los Estados Unidos en un monto suficiente para proporcionar el pago oportuno del principal, interés y todos los demás montos debidos bajo las notas con el fiduciario, y (ii) cumplir con ciertas otras condiciones, incluida la entrega al fiduciario de una opinión de un asesor fiscal independiente de reconocido prestigio en el sentido de que los beneficiarios efectivos de las notas no reconocerán ingresos, ganancias o pérdidas a efectos del impuesto sobre la renta federal de los Estados Unidos como resultado de dicho depósito y exoneración y estarán sujetos al impuesto sobre la renta federal de los Estados Unidos sobre la misma cantidad y de la misma manera y en los mismos plazos que hubieran sido aplicables si dicho depósito y exoneración no hubieran ocurrido.
Dicha opinión del asesor en el caso de la exoneración debe hacer referencia y basarse en un dictamen del Servicio de Impuestos Internos de los Estados Unidos (IRS) o un cambio en la ley aplicable del impuesto sobre la renta federal de los Estados Unidos que ocurra después de la fecha del contrato de emisión.

Ley Aplicable; Sumisión a la Jurisdicción; Inmunidad Soberana

El contrato de emisión dispone que estará regido por, y se interpretará de acuerdo con, la ley del Estado de Nueva York. El contrato de emisión dispone que CODELCO mantendrá en todo momento durante la vida de las notas una oficina o agente en el Borough de Manhattan, The City of New York, sobre quien podrá notificarse en cualquier acción derivada de o basada en las notas que pueda iniciarse en la Corte Suprema del Estado de Nueva York o el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Sur de Nueva York, en ambos casos en el Borough de Manhattan, The City of New York, por cualquier tenedor de una nota, y CODELCO aceptará expresamente la jurisdicción de dicha corte.

En la medida en que CODELCO pueda tener derecho, en cualquier jurisdicción en la que en cualquier momento puedan iniciarse procedimientos judiciales con respecto a las notas, a reclamar para sí o sus ingresos o activos cualquier inmunidad de demanda, jurisdicción, embargo en auxilio o ejecución de una sentencia o antes de una sentencia, ejecución de una sentencia o cualquier otro proceso legal con respecto a sus obligaciones bajo las notas, y en la medida en que en cualquier jurisdicción se le pueda atribuir a CODELCO tal inmunidad (ya sea reclamada o no), CODELCO acuerda irrevocablemente no reclamar y renunciará irrevocablemente a tal inmunidad en la medida máxima permitida por la ley.

El Artículo 226 del Código de Minería de Chile prohíbe el embargo y la venta judicial de concesiones mineras y de instalaciones y otros bienes permanentemente dedicados a la exploración o extracción de minerales relacionados con esas concesiones mineras, excepto con respecto a hipotecas. Sin embargo, un deudor puede consentir a dicho embargo y venta, siempre que el consentimiento se otorgue en el mismo procedimiento judicial en el que se solicita el embargo y la venta. La renuncia general de inmunidad por parte de CODELCO en las notas no será efectiva con respecto a la inmunidad en virtud del Artículo 226. Además, de conformidad con la Constitución, las concesiones mineras correspondientes a los yacimientos mineros explotados por CODELCO a su creación en 1976 no pueden estar sujetas a embargo o a cualquier acto de disposición por parte de CODELCO.

Emisión Adicional de Notas

Con respecto a cada serie de notas, sin el consentimiento de los tenedores, CODELCO podrá crear y emitir notas adicionales con términos y condiciones que sean los mismos (o los mismos excepto en cuanto a los pagos de intereses programados antes del momento de la emisión de las notas adicionales) que los términos y condiciones de dicha serie de notas. CODELCO podrá consolidar las notas adicionales para formar una sola serie con dichas notas; sin embargo, a menos que dichas notas adicionales se emitan bajo un número CUSIP separado, dichas notas adicionales deben formar parte de la misma emisión que la serie pendiente de notas a efectos del impuesto sobre la renta federal de los Estados Unidos, emitidas de conformidad con una reapertura calificada de la serie pendiente de notas a efectos del impuesto sobre la renta federal de los Estados Unidos, o emitidas con un monto de descuento original inferior a un monto despreciable.


Lo siguiente es un resumen de ciertas consideraciones fiscales chilenas y federales de los Estados Unidos (y ciertas consecuencias fiscales relacionadas con la UE) relacionadas con la compra, tenencia y disposición de notas. El resumen no pretende ser una descripción exhaustiva de todas las consideraciones fiscales que pueden ser relevantes para una decisión de comprar las notas, y, excepto en la medida en que se describan ciertas consecuencias fiscales relacionadas con la UE a continuación, no describe ninguna consecuencia fiscal que surja bajo las leyes de cualquier jurisdicción fiscal nacional, estatal o local que no sea los Estados Unidos y Chile.

Este resumen se basa en las leyes fiscales de Chile y los Estados Unidos vigentes en la fecha de este folleto de oferta, así como en las regulaciones, resoluciones y decisiones de Chile y los Estados Unidos disponibles en o antes de dicha fecha y ahora en vigor, y las disposiciones del Tratado (según se define a continuación). Todo lo anterior está sujeto a cambios, que pueden aplicarse retroactivamente y podrían afectar la validez continua de este resumen.

Los posibles compradores de las notas deben consultar a sus propios asesores fiscales con respecto a las consecuencias fiscales chilenas, de los Estados Unidos u otras consecuencias fiscales de la compra, tenencia y disposición de las notas, teniendo en cuenta la aplicación de las consideraciones fiscales discutidas a continuación a su situación particular, así como la aplicación de las leyes fiscales estatales, locales, extranjeras u otras.

Impuestos Chilenos

Lo siguiente es un resumen general de las consecuencias materiales bajo la ley fiscal chilena, tal como está actualmente en vigor, de una inversión en las notas realizada por un Tenedor Extranjero.

El 19 de diciembre de 2023, entró en vigor el Tratado para Evitar la Doble Imposición firmado entre Chile y los Estados Unidos en 2010 (modificado por dos reservas en junio de 2023 por el Senado de los Estados Unidos) (el Tratado), después de que los Estados Unidos notificaran a Chile la finalización del procedimiento de aprobación.

A los efectos de este resumen, el término Tenedor Extranjero significa (1) una persona física no residente o domiciliada en Chile o (ii) una entidad jurídica que no esté constituida bajo las leyes de Chile, a menos que las notas sean adquiridas por o asignadas a una sucursal, agente, representante o un establecimiento permanente de dicha entidad en Chile. A los efectos de la tributación chilena, (a) una persona física es residente de Chile si ha permanecido en Chile, de manera ininterrumpida o no, por un período o períodos que en total excedan 183 días dentro de un período de doce meses, y (b) una persona física está domiciliada en Chile si reside en Chile con la intención real o presunta de permanecer en Chile independientemente del tiempo residido en Chile (la intención se determinará de acuerdo con las circunstancias).

Según la Ley de Impuesto a la Renta de Chile, los pagos de intereses o prima, si los hubiera, en relación con las notas a un Tenedor Extranjero generalmente estarán sujetos a una retención de impuestos chilena calculada a una tasa del 35.0%. Sin embargo, los intereses y la prima (análoga a los intereses) de bonos o debentures emitidos en moneda extranjera o local por empresas constituidas en Chile (es decir, CODELCO) están sujetos a una tasa de impuesto reducida del 4.0% (el Impuesto Chileno sobre Intereses Retenidos).

Espero que estas correcciones sean útiles.

The Income Tax Law provides that a Foreign Holder is subject to income tax on Chilean source income. Chilean source income is defined by the Income Tax Law as income arising from goods located in Chile or activities performed in Chile, regardless of the domicile or residence of the taxpayer. For these purposes, the Income Tax Law establishes that the source of interest shall be deemed to be located in the debtor’s domicile (i.e., CODELCO, as issuer of the notes).

A Foreign Holder will not be subject to any Chilean taxes in respect of payments of principal made by CODELCO with respect to the notes.

As described above, CODELCO has agreed, subject to specific exceptions and limitations, to pay to the holders of notes Additional Amounts in respect of the Chilean Interest Withholding Tax in order that any interest or premium the Foreign Holder receives, net of the Chilean Interest Withholding Tax, equals the amount which would have been received by such Foreign Holder in the absence of such withholding. See Description of Notes-Payment of Additional Amounts.

Article 11 of the Income Tax Law also states that bonds and other private or public securities issued in Chile by taxpayers domiciled, resident or established in Chile, such as CODELCO, will be deemed to be located in Chile. Consequently, as the notes are issued outside of Chile, capital gains arising from the disposition of the notes would not be deemed as Chilean source income. Therefore, any capital gains realized by a Foreign Holder on the sale or other disposition of the notes issued outside of Chile should not be subject to any Chilean taxes.

A Foreign Holder will not be liable for estate, gift, inheritance or similar taxes with respect to its holdings unless the notes held by a Foreign Holder are either located in Chile at the time of such Foreign Holder’s death, or, if the notes are not located in Chile at the time of a Foreign Holder’s death, if such notes were purchased or acquired with funds obtained from Chilean sources.

As a general rule, the issuance of the notes is subject to stamp tax at a rate of 0.066% per month or fraction thereof elapsed between the issuance and the maturity of the notes, calculated over the principal amount of the notes, with a maximum 0.8% stamp tax over the principal amount, which will be payable by CODELCO. If the stamp tax is not paid when due, Chile’s stamp tax law imposes penalties (fines, interests, and inflation adjustments), which will also be payable by CODELCO. In addition, until such tax (and any penalty) is paid, Chilean courts would not enforce any action brought with respect to the notes. We have agreed to pay promptly such tax when due.

U.S. Federal Income Taxation

This summary of U.S. federal income tax considerations deals with U.S. Holders (as defined below) that will hold notes as capital assets and whose functional currency is the U.S. dollar. It does not purport to be a comprehensive description of all of the tax considerations that may be relevant to a particular investor’s decision to purchase notes and generally does not address the tax treatment of U.S. Holders that may be subject to special tax rules, such as certain banks, tax-exempt entities, partnerships (or entities classified as partnerships for U.S. federal income tax purposes) or partners therein, insurance companies, regulated investment companies, dealers in securities or currencies, traders in securities electing to mark to market, U.S. expatriates, U.S. Holders holding the notes in connection with a trade or business conducted outside the United States, nonresident alien individuals present in the United States for 183 days or more during a taxable year, or persons that will hold notes as part of an integrated investment (including a straddle) consisting of the notes and one or more other positions. This discussion only addresses U.S. Holders of 2036 notes that acquire such notes as part of the initial distribution at their issue price, which will equal the first price to the public (not including bond houses, brokers or similar persons or organizations acting in the capacity of underwriters, placement agents or wholesalers) at which a substantial amount of the 2036 notes is sold for money and U.S. Holders of 2053 notes that purchase such notes in this offering at the offering price listed under the heading The Offering – Issue Price.

As used in this section – U.S. Federal Income Taxation, the term U.S. Holder means a beneficial owner of a note that is a citizen or resident of the United States or a U.S. domestic corporation or that otherwise will be subject to U.S. federal income taxation on a net income basis in respect of the notes.

This summary is based on the U.S. Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (the Code, as amended to the date hereof, administrative pronouncements, judicial decisions, and final, temporary and proposed Treasury Regulations, changes to any of which subsequent to the date of this offering memorandum may affect the tax consequences described herein. Moreover, as described above, the Treaty may also affect the tax consequences described herein. Investors should consult their own tax advisors in determining the tax consequences to them of purchasing, owning, and disposing of the notes, including the application in their particular circumstances of the U.S. federal income tax considerations discussed below, as well as the application of state, local, non-U.S. or other tax laws, the alternative minimum tax or the Medicare tax on net investment income or the special timing rules prescribed under section 451(b) of the Code and possible changes in tax laws.

Qualified Reopening. For U.S. federal income tax purposes, the 2053 notes offered hereby will be treated as issued in a qualified reopening of the 2053 original notes. For U.S. federal income tax purposes, debt instruments issued in a qualified reopening are deemed to be part of the same issue as the original debt instruments. Under the treatment described in this paragraph, the 2053 notes will have the same issue date and the same issue price as the 2053 original notes for U.S. federal income tax purposes. This discussion assumes that the 2053 notes offered hereby are issued in a qualified reopening.

Payments of Interest and Additional Amounts.

Subject to the discussions below regarding pre-reopening accrued interest and premium with respect to a 2053 note, the gross amount of stated interest and Additional Amounts (i.e., without reduction for Chilean taxes withheld) will be taxable to a U.S. Holder as ordinary interest income at the time it accrues or is actually or constructively received in accordance with the holder’s method of accounting for U.S. federal income tax purposes. It is expected, and this discussion assumes, that the 2036 notes will be issued without original issue discount (OID) for U.S. federal income tax purposes. In general, however, if the 2036 notes are issued with OID at or above a de minimis threshold, a U.S. Holder will be required to include OID in gross income, as ordinary income, under a constant-yield method before the receipt of cash attributable to such income, regardless of the U.S. Holder’s regular method of accounting for U.S. federal income tax purposes.

Subject to generally applicable limitations and conditions, Chilean interest withholding tax paid at the appropriate rate applicable to the U.S. Holder may be eligible for credit against such U.S. Holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability. These generally applicable limitations and conditions include new requirements adopted by the IRS in regulations promulgated in December 2021 and any Chilean tax will need to satisfy these requirements in order to be eligible to be a creditable tax for a U.S. Holder. In the case of a U.S. Holder that either (i) is eligible for, and properly elects, the benefits of the Treaty, or (ii) consistently elects to apply a modified version of these rules under recently issued temporary guidance and complies with specific requirements set forth in such guidance, the Chilean tax on interest generally will be treated as meeting the new requirements and therefore as a creditable tax. In the case of all other U.S. Holders, the application of these requirements to the Chilean tax on interest is uncertain and we have not determined whether these requirements have been met. If the Chilean tax is not a creditable tax for a U.S. Holder or the U.S. Holder does not elect to claim a foreign tax credit for any foreign income taxes, the U.S. Holder may be able to deduct the Chilean tax in computing the U.S. Holder’s taxable income for U.S. federal income tax purposes, subject to applicable limitations and requirements. Interest and Additional Amounts will constitute income from sources without the United States and, for U.S. Holders that validly claim foreign tax credits generally will constitute passive category income for foreign tax credit purposes.

The availability and calculation of foreign tax credits and deductions for foreign taxes may depend on a U.S. Holder’s particular circumstances and involve the application of complex rules to those circumstances. The temporary guidance discussed above also indicates that the Treasury and the IRS are considering proposing amendments to the December 2021 regulations and that the temporary guidance can be relied upon until additional guidance is issued that withdraws the temporary guidance. U.S. Holders should consult their own tax advisors regarding the application of these rules to their particular situations.

Pre-Reopening Accrued Interest. The initial offering price for the 2053 notes will include amounts attributable to interest accrued from September 8, 2023 (pre-reopening accrued interest). Pre-reopening accrued interest will be included in the accrued interest to be paid on the 2053 notes on the first interest payment date after the issuance of the 2053 notes. In accordance with applicable U.S. Treasury regulations, for U.S. federal income tax purposes, CODELCO will treat the 2053 notes as having been purchased for a price that does not include any pre-reopening accrued interest. If the 2053 notes are so treated, the portion of the first stated interest payment equal to the pre-reopening accrued interest will be treated as a nontaxable return of such pre-reopening accrued interest and, accordingly, will not be taxable as interest on the 2053 notes.

Premium. A U.S. Holder that purchases 2053 notes offered hereby at a cost (excluding any amount attributable to pre-reopening accrued interest) greater than the principal amount of the 2053 notes will be considered to have purchased those 2053 notes at a premium, and the holder generally may elect to amortize the premium as an offset to interest income, using a constant yield method, over the remaining term of those 2053 notes. However, because CODELCO may redeem the 2053 notes prior to maturity at a premium, special rules apply that may reduce, eliminate or defer the amount of premium that a U.S. Holder may amortize with respect to the 2053 notes. If a U.S. Holder makes the election to amortize premium, it generally will apply to all taxable debt instruments that the U.S. Holder holds during the taxable year for which the election is made, as well as any taxable debt instruments that the U.S. Holder subsequently acquires. In addition, a U.S. Holder may not revoke the election without the consent of the IRS. If a U.S. Holder elects to amortize the premium, the holder will be required to reduce the holder’s tax basis in the 2053 notes by the amount of the premium amortized during the holder’s holding period. If a U.S. Holder does not elect to amortize premium, the amount of premium will be included in the holder’s tax basis in the 2053 notes. Therefore, if a U.S. Holder does not elect to amortize premium and the holder holds the 2053 notes to maturity, the holder generally will be required to treat the premium as capital loss when the 2053 notes mature.

Taxation of Dispositions. A U.S. Holder will generally recognize taxable gain or loss upon the sale, exchange, redemption or other taxable disposition of the notes in an amount equal to the difference between the amount realized upon such sale, exchange, redemption or other disposition (less any accrued interest and, in the case of a redemption, any Additional Amounts with respect to accrued interest, which will be taxable in the manner described above under -Taxation of Interest and Additional Amounts) and such U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in those notes. A U.S. Holder’s adjusted tax basis in a note will generally equal the cost of the note to such Holder (not including any amount attributable to pre-reopening accrued interest) reduced by any amortizable bond premium previously amortized and increased by amounts includible in income by the holder as market discount. Subject to the market discount rules discussed below, such gain or loss will be capital gain or loss, and will be long-term capital gain or loss if the notes are held for more than one year. Certain non-corporate U.S. Holders (including individuals) may be eligible for a preferential rate in respect of long-term capital gain. The deduction of capital losses is subject to limitations.

Market Discount. A U.S. Holder that purchases 2053 notes offered hereby at a cost (excluding any amount attributable to pre-reopening accrued interest) less than the principal amount of those 2053 notes, the amount of the difference will be treated as market discount for U.S. federal income tax purposes if the difference equals or exceeds a specified de minimis amount (generally, 0.25% of the stated principal amount multiplied by the number of complete years to maturity). In such case, the U.S. Holder will be required to treat any gain on the sale or other taxable disposition of the 2053 notes as ordinary income to the extent of the market discount that has accrued on the 2053 notes during the holder’s holding period and which the holder has not previously included in income. In addition, the U.S. Holder may be required to defer, until the maturity of the 2053 notes or their earlier disposition in a taxable transaction, the deduction of all or a portion of the interest expense on any indebtedness incurred or continued to purchase or carry the 2053 notes. Any market discount will be considered to accrue ratably during the period from the date of acquisition to the maturity date of the 2053 notes, unless the U.S. Holder elects to accrue on a constant interest method. A U.S. Holder may elect to include market discount in income currently as it accrues, on either a ratable or constant interest method, in which case any gain will not be recharacterized as ordinary income and the rule described above regarding deferral of interest deductions will not apply. If a U.S. Holder makes this election, any market discount included in income will increase the holder’s tax basis in the 2053 notes. An election to accrue market discount on a current basis will apply to all debt instruments acquired with market discount that the holder acquires on or after the first day of the first taxable year to which the election applies. In addition, a U.S. Holder may not revoke the election without the consent of the IRS.

Specified Foreign Financial Asset Reporting. Certain U.S. Holders that own specified foreign financial assets with an aggregate value in excess of U.S.$50,000 on the last day of the taxable year or U.S.$75,000 at any time during the taxable year are generally required to file an information statement along with their tax returns, currently on IRS Form 8938, with respect to such assets. Specified foreign financial assets include any financial accounts held at a non-U.S. financial institution, as well as securities issued by a non-U.S. issuer (which would include the notes) that are not held in accounts maintained by financial institutions. Higher reporting thresholds apply to certain individuals living abroad and to certain married individuals. Regulations extend this reporting requirement to certain entities that are treated as formed or availed of to hold direct or indirect interests in specified foreign financial assets based on certain objective criteria. U.S. Holders who fail to report the required information could be subject to substantial penalties. In addition, the statute of limitations for assessment of tax would be suspended, in whole or part. Prospective investors should consult their own tax advisors concerning the application of these rules to their investment in the notes in their particular circumstances.

Information Reporting and Backup Withholding. Payments of interest and Additional Amounts on the notes and sales or redemption proceeds that are made within the United States or through certain U.S.-related financial intermediaries generally are subject to information reporting and to backup withholding unless the holder is an exempt recipient that, if required, establishes its exemption or (ii) in the case of backup withholding, the holder provides a correct taxpayer identification number and certifies that it is not subject to backup withholding.

Any amounts withheld under the backup withholding rules from a payment to a holder generally will be refunded (or credited against such holder’s U.S. federal income tax liability, if any), provided the required information is properly furnished to the IRS on a timely basis.

The Proposed European Financial Transaction Tax

On February 14, 2013, the European Commission published a proposal for a directive for a common financial transaction tax (the FTT) in Austria, Belgium, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain (the Participating Member States). Political consensus on a final directive for the FTT has not yet been achieved. Additional EU Member States may decide to participate and/or certain of the Participating Member States (in addition to Estonia which meanwhile withdrew) may decide to withdraw.

Whether the FTT will ultimately be implemented and, if so, in what form, as well as the transactions that may be covered by it, is uncertain at this stage. If enacted, the FTT could apply under certain circumstances to transactions involving the notes. The mechanism by which the FTT would be applied and collected is not yet known, but if the FTT or any similar tax is adopted, transactions in the notes could be subject to higher costs, and the liquidity of the market for the notes may be diminished.

Prospective holders of the notes are advised to seek their own professional advice in relation to the consequences of the FTT that could be associated with subscribing for, purchasing, holding and disposing of the notes.


Subject to the terms and conditions of the purchase agreement among CODELCO, BofA Securities, Inc, Citigroup Global Markets Inc., J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, and Santander US Capital Markets LLC, the initial purchasers have severally, and not jointly, agreed to purchase from the Company the following respective principal amounts of notes listed opposite their name below at the initial offering prices set forth on the cover page of this offering memorandum, less commissions:

Principal Amount of Principal Amount of Initial Purchasers 2036 Notes 2053 Notes BofA Securities, Inc. U.S.$375,000,000 U.S.$125,000,000 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. U.S.$375,000,000 U.S.$125,000,000 J.P. Morgan Securities LLC U.S.$375,000,000 U.S.$125,000,000 Santander US Capital Markets LLC U.S.$375,000,000 U.S.$125,000,000 Total U.S.$1,500,000,000 U.S.$500,000,000

The purchase agreement provides that the obligations of the several initial purchasers to purchase the notes offered hereby are subject to certain conditions precedent and that the initial purchasers will purchase all of the notes offered by this offering memorandum if any of these notes are purchased. The initial purchasers may use any of their affiliates to offer and sell any of the notes. The initial purchasers are offering the notes, subject to prior sale, when, as and if issued to and accepted by them, subject to approval of legal matters by their counsel, including the validity of the notes, and other conditions contained in the purchase agreement, such as the receipt by the initial purchasers of officers certificates and legal opinions. The initial purchasers reserve the right to withdraw, cancel or modify offers to the public and to reject orders in whole or in part.

After the initial offering, the initial purchasers may change the offering price and other selling terms.

CODELCO has agreed to indemnify the initial purchasers against certain liabilities, including liabilities under the Securities Act, and to contribute to payments the initial purchasers may be required to make in respect of any of these liabilities.

The notes have not been registered under the Securities Act. Each initial purchaser has agreed that it will offer or sell the notes only (i) in the United States to qualified institutional buyers in reliance on Rule 144A under the Securities Act or (ii) in offshore transactions in reliance on Regulation S under the Securities Act. The notes being offered and sold pursuant to Regulation S may not be offered, sold or delivered in the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, any U.S. person, unless the notes are registered under the Securities Act or an exemption from the registration requirements thereof is available. Resales of the notes are restricted as described under Transfer Restrictions.

Until forty (40) days after the later of the commencement of the offering and the closing date, any offer or sale of notes within the United States by a broker-dealer (whether or not participating in this offering) may violate the registration requirements of the Securities Act, unless such offer or sale is made pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act or another available exemption from the registration requirements thereof. Terms used above have the meanings given to them by Regulation S and Rule 144A under the Securities Act.

CODELCO has agreed, that for a period of 30 days from the date of the purchase agreement, CODELCO will not, without prior consent of the initial purchasers, offer, sell or contract to sell, or otherwise dispose of (or enter into any transaction which is designed to, or might reasonably be expected to, result in the disposition (whether by actual disposition or effective economic disposition due to cash settlement or otherwise) by CODELCO or any affiliate of CODELCO or any person in privity with CODELCO or any of its affiliates), directly or indirectly, or announce any public or broadly marketed offering of, any U.S. dollar-denominated debt securities issued or guaranteed by CODELCO in the international capital markets (other than the notes).

Each series of notes are a new issue of securities without an established trading market. We intend to apply to list both series of notes on the Official List of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange; however, neither series of notes have been listed yet. Both series of notes are expected to trade on the Euro MTF market of the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. See General Information-Listing. The initial purchasers may make a market in the notes after completion of the offering, but will not be obligated to do so and may discontinue any market-making activities at any time without notice. No assurance can be given as to the liquidity of the trading market for the notes or that an active market for the notes will develop. If an active public trading market for the notes does not develop, the market price and liquidity of the notes may be adversely affected. If both series of notes are traded, they may trade at a discount from their initial offering price, depending on prevailing interest rates, the market for similar securities, our operating performance and financial condition, general economic conditions and other factors.

In connection with the offering of each series of notes, the initial purchasers may engage in overallotment, stabilizing transactions and syndicate covering transactions. Overallotment involves sales in excess of the offering size, which creates a short position for the initial purchasers. Stabilizing transactions involve bids to purchase the notes in the open market for the purpose of pegging, fixing or maintaining the price of the notes. Syndicate covering transactions involve purchases of the notes in the open market after the distribution has been completed in order to cover short positions. Stabilizing transactions and syndicate covering transactions may cause the price of the notes to be higher than it would otherwise be in the absence of those transactions. If the initial purchasers engage in stabilizing or syndicate covering transactions, they may discontinue them at any time without notice.

The initial purchasers and their affiliates have performed and may in the future perform certain commercial banking, investment banking or advisory services for us from time to time for which they have received customary fees and expenses. The initial purchasers may, from time to time, continue to engage in transactions with and perform services for us in the ordinary course of their business.

In addition, in the ordinary course of their business activities, the initial purchasers and their affiliates may make or hold a broad array of investments and actively trade debt and equity securities (or related derivative securities) and financial instruments (including bank loans) for their own account and for the accounts of their customers. Such investments and securities activities may involve securities and/or instruments of ours or our affiliates. Certain of the initial purchasers or their affiliates that have a lending relationship with us routinely hedge, and certain other of those initial purchasers or their affiliates that have a lending relationship with us may hedge, their credit exposure to us consistent with their customary risk management policies. Typically, such initial purchasers and their affiliates would hedge such exposure by entering into transactions which consist of either the purchase of credit default swaps or the creation of short positions in our securities, including potentially the notes offered hereby. Any such short positions could adversely affect future trading prices of the notes offered hereby.

The initial purchasers and their affiliates may also make investment recommendations and/or publish or express independent research views in respect of such securities or financial instruments and may hold, or recommend to

“customer that they acquire, long and/or short positions in such securities and instruments.

Delivery of the notes is expected on or about January 26, 2024, which will be the third business day following the date of pricing of the notes (this settlement cycle being referred to as T+3). Under Rule 15c6-1 of the Exchange Act, trades in the secondary market generally are required to settle in two business days, unless the parties to any such trade expressly agree otherwise. Accordingly, purchasers who wish to trade notes prior to the delivery of the notes may be required, by virtue of the fact that the notes initially may settle in T+3, to specify an alternate settlement cycle at the time of any such trade to prevent a failed settlement. Purchasers of the notes who wish to trade notes prior to their date of delivery hereunder should consult their own advisor.

Notice to Prospective Investors in the European Economic Area (EEA)

The notes are not intended to be offered, sold or otherwise made available to and will not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the EEA. For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of:

(i) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II;

(ii) a customer within the meaning of the Insurance Distribution Directive, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or

(iii) not a qualified investor as defined in the Prospectus Regulation.

Consequently, no key information document required by Regulation (EU) No 1286/2014 (as amended, the PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling the notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA, has been prepared and therefore offering or selling the notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.

Notice to Prospective Investors in the United Kingdom

The notes are not intended to be offered, sold or otherwise made available to and will not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the UK. For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of:

(1) A retail client as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017/565 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA; or

(ii) a customer within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the FSMA) and any rules or regulations made under the FSMA to implement the Insurance Distribution Directive, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 600/2014 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA; or

(iii) not a qualified investor as defined in Article 2 of the Prospectus Regulation as it forms a part of UK domestic law by virtue of the EUWA.

Consequently, no key information document required by the PRIIPs Regulation as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA (the UK PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the UK has been prepared and therefore offering or selling the Notes or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the UK may be unlawful under the UK PRIIPs Regulation.

This offering memorandum is for distribution only to and is directed only at (i) persons who are outside the United Kingdom or (ii) investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the Order) or (iii) high net worth companies and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)J(a) to (d) of the Order (all such persons together being referred to as relevant persons). The notes are only available to, and any invitation, offer or agreement to subscribe, purchase or otherwise acquire such notes will be engaged in only with relevant persons. Any person who is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this document or any of its contents.

Notice to Prospective Investors in Canada

The notes may be sold in Canada only to purchasers purchasing, or deemed to be purchasing, as principal that are accredited investors, as defined in National Instrument 45-106 Prospectus Exemptions or subsection 73.3(1) of the Securities Act (Ontario), and are permitted clients, as defined in National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations. Any resale of the notes must be made in accordance with an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the prospectus requirements of applicable securities laws.

Securities legislation in certain provinces or territories of Canada may provide a purchaser with remedies for rescission or damages if this offering memorandum (including any amendment thereto) contains a misrepresentation, provided that the remedies for rescission or damages are exercised by the purchaser within the time limit prescribed by the securities legislation of the purchaser’s province or territory. The purchaser should refer to any applicable provisions of the securities legislation of the purchaser’s province or territory for particulars of these rights or consult with a legal advisor.

Pursuant to section 3A.3 of National Instrument 33-105 Underwriting Conflicts (NI 33-105), the initial purchasers are not required to comply with the disclosure requirements of NI 33-105 regarding underwriter conflicts of interest in connection with this offering.

Notice to Prospective Investors in Brazil

The notes have not been and will not be issued nor publicly placed, distributed, offered or negotiated in the Brazilian capital markets. The issuance of the notes has not been nor will be registered with the CVM. Any public offering or distribution, as defined under Brazilian laws and regulations, of the notes in Brazil is not legal without prior registration under Law No. 6,385/76, as amended, and Instruction No. 400 on July 29, 2003, as amended. Documents relating to the offering of the notes, as well as information contained therein, may not be supplied to the public in Brazil (as the offering of the notes is not a public offering of securities in Brazil), nor be used in connection with any offer for subscription or sale of the notes to the public in Brazil.

Notice to Prospective Investors in Hong Kong

The notes may not be offered or sold in Hong Kong by means of any document other than (a) to professional investors as defined in the Securities and Futures Ordinance (Cap. 571) of Hong Kong (the SFO) and any rules made under the SFO Ordinance; or (b) in other circumstances which do not result in the document being a prospectus as defined in the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance (Cap. 32) of Hong Kong or which do not constitute an offer to the public within the meaning of that ordinance; and no advertisement, invitation or document relating to the notes may be issued or may be in the possession of any person for the purpose of issue (in each case whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere), which is directed at, or the contents of which are likely to be accessed or read by, the public in Hong Kong (except if permitted to do so under the securities laws of Hong Kong) other than with respect to the notes which are or are intended to be disposed of only to persons outside Hong Kong or only to professional investors as defined in the SFO and any rules made under that ordinance.

Notice to Prospective Investors in Italy

The offer of the notes has not been registered with the Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (Italian Securities and Exchange Commission, or the CONSOB) pursuant to Italian securities legislation and, accordingly, the notes may not be offered, sold or distributed to the public in the Republic of Italy (Italy) nor may copies of this offering memorandum or of any other document relating to the notes be distributed in Italy, except:

(1) to investitori qualificati (qualified investors), as defined in Article 2, paragraph (e) of the Prospectus Regulation as implemented by Article 34-ter of CONSOB Regulation No. 11971 of May 14, 1999, as amended from time to time, (the Issuers Regulation); or

(ii) in any other circumstances where an express exemption from compliance with the restrictions on offers to the public applies, as provided under Article 100 of the Italian Legislative Decree No. 58 of February 24, 1998, as amended from time to time, (the Financial Services Act) and Article 34-ter of the Issuers Regulation.

Moreover, and subject to the foregoing, any offer, sale or delivery of the notes or distribution of copies of this offering memorandum or any other document relating to the notes in Italy under (i) or (ii) above must be:

(1) made by an investment firm, bank or financial intermediary permitted to conduct such activities in Italy in accordance with the Financial Services Act, CONSOB Regulation No. 16190 of 29 October 2007, as amended from time to time, and Legislative Decree No. 385 of September 1, 1993, as amended from time to time (the Banking Act);

(ii) in compliance with Article 129 of the Banking Act and the implementing guidelines of the Bank of Italy, as amended from time to time, pursuant to which the Bank of Italy may request information on the issue or the offer of securities in Italy; and

(iii) in compliance with any other applicable laws and regulations or requirement imposed by the Bank of Italy, CONSOB or other Italian authority.

Any investor purchasing the notes in this offering is solely responsible for ensuring that any offer or resale of the notes it purchased in the offering occurs in compliance with applicable Italian laws and regulations.

Notice to Prospective Investors in Japan

The notes have not been and will not be registered under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act, and the notes have not been offered or sold and will not be offered or sold, directly or indirectly, in Japan or to, or for the benefit of, any resident of Japan (which term as used herein means any person resident in Japan, including any corporation or other entity organized under the laws of Japan), or to others for re

(v) según lo especificado en el Reglamento 32 de las Regulaciones de Ofertas de Inversiones (Acciones y Deuda) de 2005 de Singapur.

Notificación bajo la Sección 30X(B)JU)NC) de la SFA. La Compañía ha determinado que los Valores son (A) productos de mercados de capital prescritos (según la definición en las Regulaciones de Productos de Mercados de Capital de 2018) y (B) Productos de Inversión Excluidos (según lo definido en el Aviso MAS SFA 04-N12: Aviso sobre la Venta de Productos de Inversión y Aviso MAS FAA-N16: Aviso sobre Recomendaciones de Productos de Inversión).

Aviso a Inversionistas Potenciales en Suiza

Es posible que los bonos no sean ofrecidos públicamente, directa o indirectamente, en Suiza en el sentido de la Ley de Servicios Financieros Suiza (FinSA) y no se ha presentado ni se presentará una solicitud para admitir los bonos a negociación en ningún lugar de negociación (bolsa o instalación de negociación multilateral) en Suiza. Ni este documento ni ningún otro material de oferta o marketing relacionado con los bonos constituye o constituirá un prospecto de acuerdo con la FinSA, y ni este documento ni ningún otro material de oferta o marketing relacionado con los bonos puede ser distribuido públicamente o de otra manera estar disponible públicamente en Suiza.

Aviso a Inversionistas Potenciales en Chile

Los bonos no pueden ser ofrecidos o vendidos en Chile, directa o indirectamente, mediante una Oferta Pública (según lo definido en la Ley N° 18.045 y las regulaciones de la CMF). Los inversionistas institucionales chilenos (tales como bancos, fondos de pensiones y compañías de seguros) deben cumplir con restricciones específicas relacionadas con la compra de los bonos. Según la ley chilena, una oferta pública de valores es una oferta dirigida al público en general o a ciertas categorías o grupos específicos del mismo. Considerando que la definición de oferta pública es bastante amplia, incluso una oferta dirigida a un pequeño grupo de inversionistas puede ser considerada como dirigida a una categoría o grupo específico del público y, por lo tanto, ser considerada pública según la ley aplicable. El 27 de junio de 2012, la CMF emitió la Norma de Carácter General N° 336 (en adelante NCG 336), la cual tiene por objeto regir la oferta privada de valores en Chile. La NCG 336 establece que la oferta de valores que cumpla con las condiciones descritas en ella no será considerada una oferta pública en Chile y estará exenta de cumplir con las reglas generales aplicables a las ofertas públicas.

La siguiente información se proporciona a los inversionistas potenciales de acuerdo con la NCG 336:

1. Fecha de inicio de la oferta: 23 de enero de 2024. La oferta de los bonos está sujeta a la norma de carácter general de la CMF N° 336, con fecha 27 de junio de 2012, modificada.

2. El objeto de esta oferta son valores no inscritos en el registro de valores o en el registro de valores extranjeros de la CMF. En consecuencia, los bonos no están sujetos a la supervisión de la CMF.

3. Dado que los bonos no están registrados en Chile, el emisor no está obligado a proporcionar información pública sobre los bonos en Chile.

4. Los bonos no estarán sujetos a oferta pública en Chile a menos que estén registrados en el registro de valores pertinente de la CMF.

Aviso a Inversionistas Potenciales en China

Los bonos no están siendo ofrecidos ni vendidos y no pueden ser ofrecidos ni vendidos, directa o indirectamente, en la República Popular China (RPC) (para tales fines, excluyendo las Regiones Administrativas Especiales de Hong Kong y Macao o Taiwán), excepto según lo permitido por las leyes de valores de la RPC.

Aviso a Inversionistas Potenciales en el Centro Financiero Internacional de Dubái

Este memorándum de oferta se refiere a una Oferta Exenta de acuerdo con las Reglas de Mercado de 2012 de la Autoridad de Servicios Financieros de Dubái (DFSA). Este memorándum de oferta está destinado únicamente a personas de un tipo especificado en las Reglas de Mercado de 2012 de la DFSA. No debe ser entregado ni confiado a ninguna otra persona.
La DFSA no tiene responsabilidad de revisar o verificar ningún documento en relación con Ofertas Exentas. La DFSA no ha aprobado este memorándum de oferta ni ha tomado medidas para verificar la información aquí establecida y no tiene responsabilidad sobre este memorándum de oferta. Los bonos a los que se refiere este memorándum de oferta pueden ser ilíquidos y/o estar sujetos a restricciones en su reventa. Los posibles compradores de los bonos ofrecidos deben realizar su propia debida diligencia sobre los bonos. Si no entiende el contenido de este memorándum de oferta, debe consultar a un asesor financiero autorizado.

Aviso a Inversionistas Potenciales en Taiwán

Los bonos no han sido ni serán registrados ante la Comisión de Supervisión Financiera de Taiwán de acuerdo con las leyes y regulaciones de valores pertinentes y los bonos no pueden ser vendidos, emitidos u ofrecidos dentro de Taiwán mediante una oferta pública o en circunstancias que constituyan una oferta según la Ley de Valores y Bolsa de Taiwán que requiera registro o aprobación de la Comisión de Supervisión Financiera de Taiwán. Ninguna persona o entidad en Taiwán ha sido autorizada para ofrecer, vender, dar consejos o intermediar de otra manera en la oferta y venta de los bonos en Taiwán.

Aviso a Inversionistas Potenciales en la República de Corea

Los bonos no han sido ni serán ofrecidos, entregados o vendidos directa o indirectamente en Corea o a cualquier residente de Corea, excepto según lo permitido por las leyes y regulaciones aplicables de Corea.


Los bonos no han sido ni serán registrados bajo la Ley de Valores ni ante ninguna autoridad reguladora de valores en ninguna jurisdicción y no pueden ser ofrecidos ni vendidos en los Estados Unidos o a, o para, la cuenta o beneficio de personas estadounidenses, excepto que los bonos puedan ser ofrecidos o vendidos a (i) Compradores Institucionales Calificados (QIBs) en cumplimiento con la exención del requisito de registro de la Ley de Valores proporcionada por la Regla 144A y (ii) personas que no sean personas estadounidenses según lo definido en la Regulación S bajo la Ley de Valores (Compradores Extranjeros) en transacciones en el extranjero en cumplimiento con la Regulación S.

Cada comprador de los bonos que no sea un Comprador Extranjero se considerará que:

(i) representa que está comprando los bonos para su propia cuenta o para una cuenta con respecto a la cual ejerce discreción de inversión exclusiva y que él y cualquier cuenta de ese tipo es un QIB y es consciente de que la venta se realiza en cumplimiento con la Regla 144A;

(ii) reconoce que los bonos no han sido ni serán registrados bajo la Ley de Valores ni ante ninguna autoridad reguladora de valores en ninguna jurisdicción y no pueden ser ofrecidos ni vendidos en los Estados Unidos o a, o para, la cuenta o beneficio de personas estadounidenses excepto como se establece a continuación;

(iii) acuerda que si debe revender u otra transferir los valores, lo hará solo en cumplimiento con una exención aplicable, o en una transacción no sujeta a, los requisitos de registro de la Ley de Valores, en cada caso de acuerdo con todas las leyes de valores aplicables de los estados de los Estados Unidos o cualquier otra jurisdicción aplicable;

(iv) acuerda que entregará a cada persona a quien transfiera los bonos un aviso de cualquier restricción sobre la transferencia de dichos bonos;

(v) acuerda que no es un afiliado (según la definición de la Regla 144 bajo la Ley de Valores) del Banco; y

(vi) reconoce que CODELCO, el fiduciario, los compradores iniciales y otros se basarán en la veracidad y precisión de los reconocimientos, representaciones y acuerdos anteriores. Si está adquiriendo bonos para la cuenta de uno o más QIBs, representa que tiene discreción de inversión exclusiva con respecto a cada cuenta y que tiene pleno poder para hacer los reconocimientos, representaciones y acuerdos anteriores en nombre de cada cuenta. Si alguno de los reconocimientos, representaciones o acuerdos que se considera que ha hecho la compra de bonos ya no es preciso, notificará prontamente a CODELCO y a los compradores iniciales.

Cada Nota Global 144A llevará la siguiente leyenda:


Cada comprador de bonos que sea un Comprador Extranjero se considerará que:

(1) representa que está comprando los bonos para su propia cuenta o para una cuenta para la cual ejerce discreción de inversión exclusiva y que él y cualquier cuenta de ese tipo es un Comprador Extranjero que está fuera de los Estados Unidos y reconoce que los bonos no han sido ni serán registrados bajo la Ley de Valores ni ante ninguna autoridad reguladora de valores en ninguna jurisdicción y no pueden ser ofrecidos ni vendidos en los Estados Unidos o a, o para, la cuenta o beneficio de personas estadounidenses excepto como se establece a continuación; y

(ii) acuerda que si debe revender u otra transferir los bonos antes de la expiración de un período restringido (definido como 40 días después de la fecha posterior entre el inicio de la oferta y la fecha de cierre con respecto a los bonos), lo hará solo (a) (1) fuera de los Estados Unidos en cumplimiento con la Regla 904 bajo la Ley de Valores o (2) a un Comprador Institucional Calificado en cumplimiento con la Regla 144A, y (b) de acuerdo con todas las leyes de valores aplicables de los estados de los Estados Unidos o cualquier otra jurisdicción aplicable.

Cada Nota Global de la Regulación S llevará la siguiente leyenda:


The transfer or exchange of a beneficial interest in a Regulation S Global Note for a beneficial interest in a corresponding 144A Global Note prior to the expiration of the restricted period will be made only in accordance with applicable procedures upon receipt by the trustee of a duly completed certificate from the transferor to the effect that such transfer is being made in accordance with Rule 144A under the Securities Act. Such written certification will no longer be required after the expiration of the restricted period. The transfer or exchange of a beneficial interest in a Rule 144A Global Note for a corresponding beneficial interest in a Regulation S Global Note, whether before or after the expiration of the restricted period, will be made only upon receipt by the trustee of a written certification from the transferor to the effect that such transfer is being made in accordance with Regulation S under the Securities Act.

For so long as the notes are listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, if the notes are ever issued in certificated form:

– Certificated Notes will be delivered by the trustee as described in this offering memorandum and at the offices of the paying agent; and
– holders of notes in certificated form will be able to transfer or exchange their notes at the offices of the transfer agent.

Any resale or other transfer, or attempted resale or other transfer, made other than in compliance with the above-stated restrictions shall not be recognized by us.

For further discussion of the requirements (including the presentation of transfer certificates) under the indenture to effect exchanges or transfers of interests in Global Notes, see Description of Notes – Registration, Form and Delivery – Certain Book-Entry Procedures for the Global Notes.

We have prepared this offering memorandum solely for use in connection with the offer and sale of the notes outside the United States, for the private placement of the notes in the United States and for the listing on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange. We and the initial purchasers reserve the right to reject any offer to purchase, in whole or in part, for any reason, or to sell less than the amount of notes offered pursuant to Rule 144A under the Securities Act. This offering memorandum does not constitute an offer to any person in the United States other than any QIB under the Securities Act to whom an offer has been made directly by the initial purchasers or an affiliate of the initial purchasers.

Each purchaser of notes must comply with all applicable laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction in which it purchases, offers or sells notes or possesses or distributes this offering memorandum or any part of it and must obtain any consent, approval or permission required by it for the purchase, offer or sale by it of notes under the laws and regulations in force in any jurisdiction to which it is subject or in which it makes such purchases, offers or resales, and neither the Company nor the initial purchasers shall have any responsibility therefor.


The validity of the notes will be passed upon for CODELCO by Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, New York, New York, United States counsel for CODELCO, and by Carey y Cía. Ltda., Chilean counsel to CODELCO, and for the initial purchasers by Shearman & Sterling LLP, special New York, New York, United States counsel for the initial purchasers, and by Garrigues Chile Limitada, special Chilean counsel for the initial purchasers. Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP may rely without independent investigation as to all matters of Chilean law on Carey y Cía. Ltda., and Shearman & Sterling LLP may rely without independent investigation as to all matters of Chilean law on Garrigues Chile Limitada.


The financial statements of CODELCO and its subsidiaries as of and for the year ended December 31, 2020, included in this offering memorandum, have been audited by Deloitte Auditores y Consultores Ltda., independent auditors, as stated in their report appearing herein. The financial statements of CODELCO and its subsidiaries as of and for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, included in this offering memorandum, have been audited by PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores, Auditores y Compañía Limitada, independent auditors, as stated in their report appearing herein.


Andesite: A fine-grained volcanic rock, usually dark grey in color, with an average composition of 50.0-60.0% sulphur dioxide.

Anode Copper: Blister copper that has undergone further refinement to remove impurities. In an anode furnace, the blister copper is blown with air and a hydrocarbon reductant to upgrade its purity to approximately 99.5% copper. It is then cast into keystone-shaped slabs that are shipped to an electrolytic refinery.

Anodic Slime: A product with a high content of precious metals that settles on the bottom of an electrolytic cell in the copper refinery during the production of copper cathodes. The product is called anode, or anodic, slime due to its muddy appearance. Anode slimes have a high commercial value based on their precious metals content (silver, gold, platinum and palladium).

Blister Copper: Copper that has been cast after passing through a converter. Blister copper is approximately 99.0% copper and takes its name from the blisters that form on the surface during cooling.

Breccia: A rock conglomerate made up of highly angular coarse fragments.

Calcopyrite: A combination of copper and iron sulfide with a metallic yellow-gold color, containing 34.7% copper, 30.0% iron and 26.0% sulfur.

Cathode: Copper produced by an electrochemical refining process that has been melted and cast into cakes, billets, wire bars or rods usually weighing approximately 90kg.

Concentration: The process by which crushed and ground ore is separated into metal concentrates and reject material through processes such as flotation. Concentrates are shipped to a smelter for further processing.

Concentrator: A plant where concentration takes place.

Converter: A plant that conducts a principal phase of the smelting process, blowing oxygen-enriched air through molten metal, causing oxidation and the removal of sulfur and other impurities. In the case of copper, the product of this process is blister copper.

Copper Concentrate: A product of the concentrator usually containing 25.0% to 30.0% copper. It is the raw feed material for smelting.

Copper Grade: The concentration of copper in a given volume of rock, usually expressed as a percentage.

Dacite: A fine-grained volcanic rock similar in composition to andesite but containing a greater abundance of quartz crystals that are frequently visible to the naked eye.

Development: Activities related to the building of infrastructure and the stripping and opening of mineral deposits, commencing when economically recoverable reserves can reasonably be estimated to exist and generally continuing until commercial production begins.

Diorite: A dark, coarsely crystalline igneous rock, similar in composition to granite that is composed principally of silica, alumina, calcium and iron.

Electrolytic Refining: Electrochemical refining of copper anodes. Copper anodes are placed between layers of refined copper sheets in a tank through which an acid copper sulfate solution is circulated. A low voltage current is introduced, causing the transfer of copper from the anodes to the pure copper sheets, and producing 99.98% copper cathodes. Impurities, often containing precious metals, settle to the bottom of the tank.

Electrowinning: The process of directly recovering copper from solution by the action of electric currents.

Exploration: Activities associated with ascertaining the existence, location, extent or quality of a mineral deposit.

Fine Copper: 99.99% pure copper obtained through metallurgical processes.

Flotation: A process of copper concentrate production in which mineral particles attach themselves to the bubbles in an oily froth and rise to the surface, where they are skimmed off. This process is used primarily for the concentration of sulfide ores.

Flux: A high-grade silica, which reacts with iron oxides formed during smelting and converting stages to create a molten slag.

Geological Resources (measured, indicated and inferred): Concentrations or occurrences of materials in such form, quantity (tonnage and ore grade) and quality, based on specific geological evidence and knowledge, which allows for the calculation of the amount, ore grade and quality of the material with some level of confidence.

Grade A Copper: Electrolytic copper, in the form of cathodes, that (1) is at least 99.99% pure, (11) meets the LME’s highest standards for copper quality, and (iii) is named in the LME-approved list of brands of Grade A copper.

Indicated Resources (geological or mineral resources): Resources about which CODELCO’s knowledge is substantial but less extensive than its knowledge of measured resources.

Inferred Resources (geological or mineral resources): Resources about which CODELCO’s knowledge is only indirect.

Intrusion: A geologic process in which magmatic material flows to the earth’s surface through pre-existing rocks.

Leached Capping: An abundant mass of iron oxide concentrated in the upper zones of a porphyry copper deposit.

Leaching: The process of extracting a soluble metallic compound from an ore by selectively dissolving it in a suitable solvent.

Matte: A high-density liquid that is produced during the concentrate fusion stage of the pyro-metallurgical process.

Matte Sulfide: A high-density liquid containing copper and iron sulfides that is produced of the concentrate fusion stage of the pyro-metallurgical process.

Measured Resources (geological or mineral resources): Resources about which CODELCO’s knowledge is both extensive and direct.

Milling: A treatment process in which ore is ground into a fine powder.

Mine: Mines are the source of mineral-bearing material found near the surface or deep in the ground.

Mineral Deposit: A mineralized underground body that has been probed by a sufficient number of closely-spaced drill holes and/or underground sampling measurements to support an estimate of sufficient tonnage and ore grade to warrant further exploration or development. Mineral deposits or mineralized materials do not qualify as commercially minable ore reserves (i.e., proved reserves or probable reserves), as prescribed under standards of the U.S. Bureau of Mines Circular 831 of 1980, until a final and comprehensive economic, technical, and legal feasibility study based upon the test results has been concluded.

Mineral Resources (measured, indicated and inferred): Geological resources about which CODELCO has achieved increased knowledge and which enable CODELCO to generate a long-term mining plan for the exploitation of such resources.

Mineralization: A deposit of rock containing one or more minerals for which the economics of recovery have not yet been established.

Molybdenum: A metallic element, grayish in color, that resembles chromium and tungsten in many properties, and is used especially in strengthening and hardening steel.

Ore: A mineral or aggregate of minerals from which metal can be economically mined or extracted.

Ore Grade: The average amount of metal expressed as a percentage or in ounces per metric ton.

Ore Deposit: Category including all geological resources, mineral resources and ore reserves.

Ore Reserves: The economically mineable part of a mineral resource.

Ounces: Unit of weight. A troy ounce equals 31.103 grams or 1.097 avoirdupois ounces.

Outokumpu Flash Furnace: Pyro-metallurgical technology used to smelt copper concentrate.

Overburden: The alluvium and rock that must be removed in order to expose an ore deposit.

Oxide Ore: Metalliferous minerals altered by weathering, surface waters, and their conversion, partly or wholly, into oxides, carbonates, or sulfates.

Pierce Smith Converter: Horizontal furnace to remove impurities from white metal by oxidation.

Porphyry: Rock with siliceous minerals and fine-medium grained size.

Porphyry-type Ore Body: Deposit of porphyric rocks with economic mineralization.

Probable Ore Reserves: Ore reserves about which CODELCO’s knowledge is substantial but less extensive than its knowledge of proved ore reserves.

Proved Ore Reserves: Ore reserves about which CODELCO’s knowledge is both extensive and direct. Quantities of proved ore reserves are computed from dimensions revealed in outcrops, trenches, workings or drill holes, and grade and quality are computed from the results of detailed sampling. Sites for inspection, sampling and measurement of proved ore reserves are spaced so closely together, and the geologic character of the ore is so well defined, that its size, shape, depth and mineral content are well established.

Reclamation: The process of restoring mined land to a condition established by applicable law. Reclamation standards vary widely, but usually address issues of ground and surface water, topsoil, final slope gradients, overburden and revegetation.

Refining: The purification of crude metallic substances.

Reverberatory Furnace: A furnace with a shallow hearth and a ceiling that reflects flames toward the hearth or radiates heat toward the surface of the charge.

Rod Mill: A large rotating cylinder in which metal rods are used for grinding ore.

Slag: A residue of the smelting process containing iron and other impurities, which the Company disposes of with its other industrial solid waste.

Smelting: A pyro-metallurgical process in which metal is separated by fusion from those impurities with which it may be chemically combined or physically mixed.

Solvent Extraction: Método de separar una o más sustancias de una solución química mediante tratamiento con un solvente orgánico adecuado.

150 Subvertical: Cantidad de material de desecho removido durante la minería por tonelada métrica de mineral extraído en una orientación espacial casi vertical.

Mineral de Sulfuro: Mineral caracterizado por la inclusión de metal en la estructura cristalina de un mineral de sulfuro.

Tabular: Con una configuración geométrica casi rectangular, cercana a una forma rectangular.

Colas: Roca finamente molida de la cual se han extraído minerales valiosos por concentración.

Convertidor Teniente: Un horno rotativo horizontal en el que se colocan mata, concentrados y fundentes, y a través del cual se insufla aire rico en oxígeno para proporcionar suficiente calor para fundir los concentrados. Los gases residuales se capturan y se transportan a la planta de ácido.

Convertidor Teniente Modificado: Una tecnología pirometalúrgica avanzada utilizada para fundir concentrado de cobre.

Tonelada: Una unidad de peso. Una tonelada métrica equivale a 2.204,6 libras. Una tonelada corta equivale a 2.000 libras. A menos que se especifique lo contrario en este documento, las toneladas se refieren a toneladas métricas.

Turmalina: Hidrosilicato de color verde oscuro que existe en zonas de roca alterada en algunos yacimientos de mineral.


El Ministerio de Hacienda de Chile autorizó a CODELCO a iniciar negociaciones para emitir bonos en el extranjero a través de la Resolución (Oficio Ordinario) N° 2170 con fecha 22 de diciembre de 2023. El Ministerio de Hacienda de Chile autorizó la emisión de los bonos mediante la Resolución N° 103 con fecha 22 de enero de 2024.

El Directorio de CODELCO autorizó la emisión de los bonos en su sesión ordinaria del 30 de noviembre de 2023 mediante el Acuerdo Reservado N° 452023. CODELCO ha obtenido todos los demás consentimientos y autorizaciones necesarios bajo la ley chilena para la emisión de los bonos.


CODELCO no está involucrado en ningún litigio o procedimiento de arbitraje que sea relevante en el contexto de la emisión de los bonos. CODELCO no tiene conocimiento de ningún litigio o procedimiento de arbitraje relevante que esté pendiente o amenazado.


CODELCO ha solicitado que los bonos sean aceptados en el sistema de liquidación de registro de DTC. Los bonos han sido aceptados para compensación a través de los sistemas de compensación de Euroclear System y Clearstream Banking, S.A.

Los códigos de seguridad para los bonos 2036 son:

Número CUSIP Número ISIN Nota Global Regla 144A 21987B BK3 US21987BBK35 Nota Global Regulación S P3143N BTO USP3143NBT02

Los códigos de seguridad para los bonos 2053 son:

Número CUSIP Número ISIN Nota Global Regla 144A 21987B BHO US21987BBH06 (igual que los bonos originales 2053) Nota Global Regulación S (después de la expiración del período restringido de 40 días bajo la Regulación S) P3143N BR4 USP3143NBR46 Nota Global Regulación S (antes de la expiración del período restringido de 40 días bajo la Regulación S) P3143N BU7 USP3143NBU74


El código LEI de CODELCO es 549300UVMBCBCIPSU170. Los bonos originales 2053 están listados en la Lista Oficial de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo y para negociación en el mercado Euro MTF de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo, y tenemos la intención de solicitar la inclusión de los bonos en la Lista Oficial de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo y para negociación en el mercado Euro MTF de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo de acuerdo con sus reglas y regulaciones.
Si se adopta alguna legislación europea o nacional y se implementa o entra en vigor en Luxemburgo de una manera que imponga requisitos que CODELCO, a su discreción, determine que son impracticables o excesivamente onerosos, CODELCO puede retirar los bonos de la lista. En estas circunstancias, no se puede asegurar que CODELCO obtendría una admisión alternativa a la lista, negociación y/o cotización de los bonos por otra autoridad de listado, bolsa y/o sistema dentro o fuera de la UE. Para obtener información sobre los requisitos de notificación asociados con cualquier decisión de retirada de la lista, consulte Descripción de los Bonos-Avisos.

152 CODELCO ha designado inicialmente a The Bank of New York Mellon como fiduciario, agente de pago, agente de transferencia y registrador.

Las copias del contrato de fideicomiso pueden obtenerse previa solicitud razonable durante el horario comercial habitual en cualquier día laborable (excluyendo sábados, domingos y días festivos) en las oficinas del fiduciario en 240 Greenwich Street, Nueva York, Nueva York 10286.

Posición Financiera

No ha habido cambios adversos materiales en la posición financiera y perspectivas de CODELCO desde la fecha de la última información financiera incluida en el folleto de oferta.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile Huérfanos 1270 Santiago República de Chile Código Postal 8340424


The Bank of New York Mellon
240 Greenwich Street Nueva York, Nueva York 10286 Estados Unidos


En cuanto a la ley de Nueva York En cuanto a la ley chilena Cleary Gottlieb Steen €: Hamilton LLP Carey y Cía. Ltda.
One Liberty Plaza Isidora Goyenechea, 2800, Piso 43 Nueva York, Nueva York 10006 Las Condes, Santiago Estados Unidos República de Chile

Código Postal 7550647


En cuanto a la ley de Nueva York En cuanto a la ley chilena Shearman €: Sterling LLP Garrigues Chile Limitada
599 Lexington Avenue Isidora Goyenechea 3477, Piso 12 Las

Nueva York, Nueva York 10022-6069 Las Condes, Santiago

Estados Unidos República de Chile Código Postal 7550106


Auditores y Consultores Ltda.
Rosario Norte 407, Las Condes Santiago Chile Código Postal 7561210

PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores, Auditores y Compañía Limitada Av. Andrés Bello 2711, Piso 5, Las Condes Santiago Chile Código Postal 7550611


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

U.S.$1,500,000,000 6.440% Notas con vencimiento en 2036 U.S.$500,000,000 6.300% Notas con vencimiento en 2053

Folleto de Oferta

Gerentes Conjuntos de Libros

BofA Securities Citigroup J.P. Morgan Santander

23 de enero de 2024


Página No.
Estados financieros consolidados interinos al 30 de septiembre de 2023 Estados financieros consolidados interinos de posición financiera .ooooconncccnocnnonnconacconoconanonnnonnnonono cone nonnnnos F-6 Estados financieros consolidados interinos de INGRESOS .ooococococonccononoonnconnnnonoconononn ccoo non no cono nono cono n crac cane conan F-8 Estados financieros consolidados interinos de INGRESO INTEGRAL .cooocccoccccoccnonnconnnconanonnnonnnc nao conanonnnos F-9 Estados financieros consolidados interinos de cambios en el patrimonio .oooonoocccoccconccnonanonnnonnnonnncnonocananonnnconccnnos F-10 Estados financieros consolidados interinos de FLUJOS DE EFECTIVO .ooooonnnccnncccooonononconncnnna cana nonnnonnno nono connnonnncnnnnons F-12 Notas a los estados financieros consolidados interinos.ooonnoonnncninonconccnonaconanonnnoonnc cono cananonnnoos F-13

Estados financieros consolidados al 31 de diciembre de 2022 e informe de auditores independientes

Informe de auditores independientes de PricewaterhouseCoopers “

Consultores, Auditores y Compañía Limitada.
F-119 Consolidated statements of financial position.
F-124 Consolidated statements of income.
F-126 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
F-127 Consolidated statements of changes in equity.
F-128 Consolidated statements of cash flows.
F-130 Notes to the consolidated financial statements.
F-131 Consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2021 and independent auditor’s report.
Independent auditor’s report from Deloitte.
F-236 Consolidated statements of financial position.
F-241 Consolidated statements of profit or loss.
F-243 Consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
F-244 Consolidated statements of changes in equity.
F-245 Consolidated statements of cash flows.
F-248 Interim Consolidated Financial Statements as of September 30, 2023.
Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile.
Interim consolidated financial statements as of September 30, 2023 (A free translation from the original in Spanish).
Interim consolidated financial statements of financial position.
Interim consolidated statements of income.
Interim consolidated statements of comprehensive income.
Interim consolidated statements of changes in equity.
Interim consolidated statements of cash flows.
Notes to the interim consolidated financial statements.
General information.
Basis of presentation of the consolidated financial statements.
Significant accounting policies.
Explanatory notes.
Statement of cash flows.
Derivatives contracts.

Contingencies and restrictions 107

Guarantees 111 Balance in foreign currency 113 Sanctions 115 The environment 115 Subsequent events 118


CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of September 30, 2023 (unaudited) and December 31, 2022 (In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 No Assets Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 1 2,083,926 1,026,727 Other current financial assets 11 7,742 1,451 Other current non-financial assets 60,055 36,989 Trade and other current receivables 2 2,912,686 3,386,785 Accounts receivable from related entities 3 22,708 31,756 Current inventories 4 2,605,647 2,300,909 Current tax assets 6 5,280 10,226 Total current assets 7,698,044 6,794,843 Non-current assets Other non-current financial assets 11 81,976 105,518 Other non-current non-financial assets 13,477 13,615 Non-current accounts receivable 2 73,351 88,906 Accounts receivable from related parties 3 224 224 Non-current inventories 4 491,055 603,446 Investments accounted for using equity method 9 3,393,295 3,527,323 Intangible assets other than goodwill 40,279 42,687 Property, plant and equipment 7 33,563,099 32,309,530 Investment property 981 981 Right-of-use assets 8 398,680 405,843 Non-current tax assets 6 843,138 748,611 Deferred tax assets 5 94,056 95,705 Total non-current assets 38,993,611 37,942,389 Total assets 46,691,655 44,737,232

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.



(In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 NS Equity and liabilities Liabilities Current liabilities Other financial liabilities 12 720,969 470,437 Lease liabilities 8 130,667 125,190 Trade and other payables 15 1,601,153 1,779,538 Accounts payable to related entities 3 121,374 178,673 Other short-term provisions 16 616,035 761,665 Current tax liabilities, current 6 12,022 26,309 Current provisions for employee benefits 17 438,586 544,289 Other non-financial liabilities 33,360 34,384 Total current liabilities 3,674,166 3,920,485 Non-current liabilities Other financial liabilities 12 19,513,238 16,689,123 Lease liabilities 8 271,272 286,679 Non-current payables 1,080 1,062 Other long-term provisions 16 2,219,026 2,679,728 Deferred tax liabilities 5 8,343,437 8,461,928 Non-current provisions for employee benefits 17 993,911 1,041,117 Other non-financial liabilities 2,534 2,545 Total non-current liabilities 31,344,498 29,162,182 Total liabilities 35,018,664 33,082,667 Equity Share capital 5,619,423 5,619,423 Accumulated losses (468,548) (538,367) Other reserves 18.a 5,655,661 5,659,426 Equity attributable to owners of parent 10,806,536 10,740,482 Non-controlling interests 18.b 866,455 914,083 Total equity 11,672,991 11,654,565 Total liabilities and equity 46,691,655 44,737,232

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.


CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME For the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 (unaudited) (In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$) (A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2022 7-1-2022 NN 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2022 9-30-2022

Revenue 19 12,218,396 11,879,784 3,929,414 3,188,844 Cost of sales (9,898,852) (8,340,192) (3,133,945) (2,552,636) Gross margin 2,319,544 3,539,592 795,469 636,208 Other income 22a 64,581 39,476 11,291 8,533 Distribution costs (16,235) (10,353) 1,211 (3,647) Administrative expenses (392,994) (374,634) (124,273) (127,975) Other expenses by function 22.b (1,476,620) (1,305,710) (505,593) (379,764) Other gains 23,212 22,415 8,706 6,647 Gains from operating activities 521,488 1,910,786 186,811 140,002 Finance income 69,700 29,600 22,635 15,895 Finance costs 23 (570,413) (424,459) (187,411) (139,000) Impairment gains (losses) and reversal of impairment losses determined in accordance with IFRS 9 1,598 (1,182) (29) 136 Share of net profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 9 (134,279) 53,391 (127,686) (23,430) Exchange gains 25 36,354 129,728 345,732 4,737 (Loss) Income for the period before tax (75,552) 1,697,864 240,052 (1,660) Income tax expense 5 94,064 (1,206,688) (81,232) (26,930) Profit (Loss) from continuing operations 18,512 491,176 158,820 (28,590) Net income for the period 18,512 491,176 158,820 (28,590) Profit (Loss) attributable to:

Owners of the parent 66,139 471,660 201,736 (26,132)

Non-controlling interests 18.b (47,627) 19,516 (42,916) (2,458) Net income for the period 18,512 491,176 158,820 (28,590)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.



For the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 (unaudited)

(In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2022 7-1-2022 No 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2022 9-30-2022

Profit 18,512 491,176 158,820 (28,590) Comprehensive income

Components of comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss for the period, before taxes

Comprehensive (loss) income, before income taxes, gains from remeasurement of 17 (5,869) (46,194) 2,091 (15,832) defined benefit plans

Share of comprehensive income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss for the period, before taxes: (85) 161 103

Total other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss for the period, before taxes: (5,904) (46,033) 2,091 (15,729)

Components of comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss for the period, before taxes:

Exchange differences on translation

(Losses) on foreign exchange translation differences, before income taxes: (3,604) (4,477) (9,254) (1,405) Cash Flow Hedges

Gains (Losses) On Cash Flow Hedges Before Tax: 5,646 101,120 4,971 (6,029) Comprehensive Income That Will Be Reclassified To Profit Or Loss Before Tax: 2,042 96,643 (4,283) (7,434) Comprehensive income before taxes, foreign exchange translation differences: (3,862) 50,610 (2,192) (23,163) Income tax related to components comprehensive income

Ie taxes related to remeasurements of defined benefit comprehensive income 5 4,200 32,187 (1,396) 11,063 Income taxes related to components of comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss for the period: 4,200 32,187 (1,396) 11,063

Income taxes related to components of comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss for the period

Income taxes related to comprehensive income cash flow hedges 5 (3,670) (65,728) (3,231) 3,919 Income taxes related to components of comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss for the period: (8,670) (65,728) (8,231) 3,919 Comprehensive income: (3,332) 17,069 (6,819) (8,181) Total comprehensive income: 15,180 508,245 152,001 (36,771) Comprehensive income, attributable to

Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent: 62,807 488,729 194,917 (34,313) Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests: (47,627) 19,516 (42,916) (2,458) [Total comprehensive income: 15,180 508,245 152,001 (36,771)

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.



For the periods between January 1 and September 30, 2023 and 2022 (unaudited)

(In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Reserve on

Reserve of

. Equity attributable . 9-30-2023 Share capital exchange Reserves of cash remeasurement Other reserves Total Retained to owners of Non-controlling Total equity differences on flow hedges | of defined benefit other reserves | earnings (losses) interests translation plans parent Note 18 Note 18 Opening balance at 01-01-2023: 5,619,423 (7,030) 3,831 (262,465) 5,925,090 5,659,426 (538,367) 10,740,482 914,083 11,654,565 Changes in equity Net income (loss) for the period: 66,139 66,139 (47,627) 18,512 Other comprehensive income (loss): (3,604) 1,976 (1,669) (35) (3,332) (3,332) (3,332) Total Comprehensive income: (3,604) 1,976 (1,669) (35) (3,332) 62,807 (47,627) 15,180 Dividends: – – – Increase (decrease) through transfers and other changes, equity: – – (433) (433) 3,680 3,247 (1) 3,246 Increase (decrease) in equity: (3,604) 1,976 (1,669) (468) (3,765) 69,819 66,054 (47,628) 18,426 Closing balance at 09-30-2023: 5,619,423 (10,634) 5,807 (264,134) 5,924,622 5,655,661 (468,548) 10,806,536 866,455 11,672,991

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.



For the periods between January 1 and September 30, 2023 and 2022 (unaudited)

(In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Reserve on

Reserve of

. Equity attributable . 9-30-2022 Share capital exchange Reserves of cash remeasurement Other reserves Total Retained to owners of Non-controlling Total equity differences on flow hedges – | of defined benefit other reserves | earnings (losses) interests translation plans parent Note 18 Note 18 Opening balance at 01-01-2022: 5,619,423 (6,221) (31,254) (259,573) 5,583,454 5,286,406 (277,340) 10,628,489 946,412 11,574,901 Changes in equity Net income for the period: 471,660 471,660 19,516 491,176 Other comprehensive income (loss): (4,477) 35,392 (14,007) 161 17,069 17,069 17,069 Total Comprehensive income: (4,477) 35,392 (14,007) 161 17,069 488,729 19,516 508,245 Dividends: (259,900) (259,900) (259,900) Increase (decrease) through transfers and other changes, equity: – – (899) (899) (867) (1,766) (46,706) (48,472) Increase in equity: (4,477) 35,392 (14,007) (738) 16,170 210,893 227,063 (27,190) 199,873 Closing balance at 09-30-2022: 5,619,423 (10,698) 4,138 (273,580) 5,582,716 5,302,576 (66,447) 10,855,552 919,222 11,774,774

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.

( ]

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS For the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 (unaudited) (In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$) (A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 NO 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 Cash flows from (used in) operating activities Classes of cash receipts from operating activities Receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services: 12,936,301 13,971,769 Other cash receipts from operating activities: 26 2,050,000 1,724,131 Payments to suppliers for goods and services: (9,116,881) (8,001,386) Payments to and on behalf of employees: (1,311,344) – (1,102,015) Other cash payments from operating activities: 26 (2,682,872) (2,257,471) Dividends received: – 163,619 Income tax (paid): (120,367) (695,990) Net cash flow from operating activities: 1,754,837 3,802,657 Cash flows from (used in) investing activities Other cash payments to acquire equity or debt instruments of other entities: (245) (257) Purchases of property, plant and equipment: (3,129,492) (2,415,287) Interest received: 66,077 24,736 Other cash outflows: 5,087 285,611 Net cash flows used in investing activities: (3,058,573) (2,105,197) Cash flows from (used in) financing activities Amounts from long-term loans and bonds: 3,400,000 Amounts from short-term loans: 330,000

Total amounts from long-term loans and bonds 3,730,000 – Loan and bond payments (558,218) (344,623) Lease liability payments (111,099) (102,286) Dividends paid – (259,900) Interest paid (675,306) (610,933) Other cash outflows (19,137) (63,747) Net cash flows from (used) in financing activities 2,366,240 (1,381,489) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before the effect of 1,062,504 315,971 exchange rate changes Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (5,305) 11,792 Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 1,057,199 327,763 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 1,026,727 1,283,618 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 2,083,926 1,611,381

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these interim consolidated financial statements.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile



(Monetary values in thousands of United States dollars, unless another currency or unit is indicated)


1. Corporate information

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (hereinafter referred to as Codelco or the Corporation), is, in Management’s opinion, the largest copper producer in the world. Codelco’s most important product is refined copper, primarily in the form of cathodes. The Corporation also produces copper concentrates, blister and anode copper and by-products such as molybdenum, anode slime and sulfuric acid.

The Corporation trades its products based on a policy aimed to sell refined copper to manufacturers or producers of semi-manufactured products. These products contribute to diverse fields of community development, particularly those intended to improve areas such as public health, energy efficiency, and sustainable development, among others.

The Corporation is registered under Securities Registry No. 785 of the Chilean Commission for the Financial Market (the CMF) and is subject to its supervision. According to Article No. 10 of Law No. 20392 (related to the new Corporate Governance of Codelco), such supervision shall be on the same terms as publicly traded companies, notwithstanding the provisions in Decree Law (D.L.) No.1349 of 1976, which created the Comisión Chilena del Cobre (Chilean Copper Commission).

Codelco’s head office is in Santiago, Chile, at 1270 Huérfanos Street, telephone number (56-2) 26903000.

Codelco was incorporated through D.L. No. 1350 of 1976, which is the statutory decree applicable to the Corporation. In accordance with the statutory decree, Codelco is a government-owned mining, industrial and commercial company, which is a separate legal entity with its own equity. Codelco Chile currently carries out its mining business through its Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina, El Teniente and Ventanas divisions.

The Corporation also carries out similar activities in other mining deposits in association with third parties.

In accordance with letter e) of Article 10 of Law No. 20392, Codelco is governed by its organic standards set forth in Decree Law No. 1350 (D.L. No. 1350) and that of its by-laws, and in matters not covered by them and, insofar as they are compatible and do not contradict the provisions of such standards, by the rules that govern publicly traded companies and the common laws as applicable to them.

In accordance with D.L. No. 1350 Section IV related to the Company’s Exchange and Budget Regulations. Codelco’s financial activities are conducted following an annual budgeting program that is composed of an Operations Budget, an Investment Budget, and a Debt Amortization Budget.

The income obtained by Codelco in each period is subject to the tax regime established in Article 26 of D.L. No. 1,350, which refers to Decree Laws No. 824, on Income Tax, of 1974, and No. 2,398 (Article 2), of 1978, which are applicable to Codelco. It is also subject to the terms of Law No. 20,026 of 2005 on Specific Tax on Mining, which will be in effect until December 31, 2023. As of January 1, 2024, the Corporation will begin to apply Law No. 21,591 on mining royalties.

According to Law No. 13196, the return on foreign currency of the Corporation’s foreign sales (real income), of its copper production, including its by-products, is taxed at 10% and method of payment and the duration of this obligation for Codelco, which are detailed in Note 111.22 letter c) of this report.

The subsidiaries whose financial statements are included in these consolidated financial statements correspond to companies located in Chile and abroad, which are detailed in Note 11,2.d.

The associates located in Chile and abroad, are detailed in the Explanatory Notes Section 11 of Note 9.

2. Basis of presentation of the consolidated financial statements

The interim consolidated statements of financial position as of September 30, 2023 and the consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2022, the interim consolidated statements of income, statements of comprehensive income for the nine-month and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 and the interim consolidated statements of changes in equity and cash flows for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard No. 34 (IAS 34) “Interim Financial Reporting”, incorporated in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (hereinafter “IASB).

These interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited) have been prepared from accounting records maintained by the Corporation.

The interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited) of the Corporation are presented in thousands of United States dollar (U.S. dollar).


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Responsibility for information and estimates made

The Board of Directors of the Corporation has been informed of the information included in these interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited) and expressly declared its responsibility for the consistent and reliable nature of the information included as of September 30, 2023, which financial statements fully comply with IFRS. These consolidated financial statements as of September 30, 2023 were approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on October 26, 2023.

Accounting policies

These unaudited interim consolidated financial statements reflect the financial position of Codelco and subsidiaries as of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, as well as the results of their operations, changes in equity and cash flows for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, and related notes, all prepared and presented in accordance with IAS 34 “Interim Financial Reporting”, considering the respective presentation regulations of the Financial Market Commission (CMF).


1. Significant judgments and key estimates

These interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited), the use of certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets and liabilities recognized as of the date of the financial statements and the amounts of revenue and expenses recognized during the reporting period is required. Such preparation also requires the Corporation’s Management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Corporation’s accounting policies. The areas involving a greater degree of judgment or complexity or areas in which the assumptions and estimates are significant for the consolidated financial statements are described as follows:

a) Useful economic lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment: the useful lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment that are used for calculating depreciation are determined based on technical studies prepared by internal specialists. The technical studies consider specific factors related to the use of assets.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b) Where there are indications that the useful lives of these assets or their residual values may have changed from previous estimates, this should be done using technical estimates to determine the impact of any changes

Ore reserves: the measurements of ore reserves are based on estimates of the ore resources that are legally and economically exploitable and reflect the technical and environmental considerations of the Corporation regarding the amount of resources that could be exploited and sold at prices exceeding the total cost associated with the extraction and processing.

The Corporation applies judgment in determining the ore reserves, and as such, possible changes in these estimates might significantly impact the estimates of net revenues over time. In addition, these changes might lead to modifications in usage estimates, which might have an effect on depreciation and amortization expense, calculation of stripping cost adjustments, determination of impairment losses, expected future disbursements related to decommissioning and restoration obligations, long term defined benefits plans’ accounting and the accounting for financial derivative instruments.

The Corporation estimates its reserves and mineral resources based on the information certified by the Competent Persons internal and external of the Corporation, who are defined and regulated according to Law No. 20235. These estimates correspond to the application of the Certification Code of Ore Reserves, Resources and Exploration, issued by the Mining Committee which was instituted through the law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation periodically reviews its estimation models, supported by experts who, in some divisions, also certify the reserves determined from these models.

Impairment of non-financial assets: the Corporation reviews the carrying amount of its non-financial assets to determine whether there is any indication that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If any such indicator exists, the recoverable amount of the assets is estimated to determine the extent of the impairment loss. In testing impairment, the assets are grouped into cash generating units (“CGUs) to which the assets belong, if applicable. The recoverable amount of these CGUs is calculated as the present value of the expected future cash flows from such assets, considering a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. If the recoverable amount of the assets is lower than their carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognized.

The Corporation defines the CGUs and also estimates the timing and cash flows that such CGUs will generate. Subsequent changes in the grouping of the CGU, or changes in the assumptions supporting the estimates of cash flows or the discount rate, may impact the carrying amounts of the corresponding assets.

Estimates of assumptions influencing the calculation of cash flows, such as the price of copper or treatment charges and refining charges, among others, are determined based on studies conducted by the Corporation using uniform criteria over different periods. Any change in these criteria may have an impact on the recoverable amount of the assets being tested for impairment.

The Corporation has assessed and defined that the CGUSs are constituted at the level of each of its current operating divisions, with the exception of the Ventanas Division Smelter and Refinery operations, which are analyzed separately.

In assessing impairment in subsidiaries and associates, the Corporation uses the higher of value in use or fair value less costs to determine the recoverable amount. This recoverable amount may consider elements such as Life of Mine (LOM), reserves and/or mining resources, among others, for mining operation evaluations. In addition, the evaluation may incorporate market variables such as, for example, the price of copper and other commodities, cost of production inputs, exchange rates, discount rates, and other market information for long-term asset valuation.

d) Provisions for decommissioning and site restoration costs: when a disruption is caused by the ongoing development or production of a mining property, an obligation to incur decommissioning and restoration costs arises. Costs are estimated based on a formal closure plan and are reassessed as of each reporting period or as of the date such obligations become known. The initial estimate of decommissioning and site restoration costs is recognized as property, plant, and equipment in accordance with IAS 16, and simultaneously a liability in accordance with IAS 37, is recorded.

For these purposes, a defined list of mine sites, facilities, and other equipment are studied under this process, considering the engineering level profile, the cubic meters of assets that will be subject to removal and restoration, weighted by a structure of market prices of goods and services, reflecting the best current knowledge related to carrying out such activities, as well as techniques and more efficient construction procedures to date. In the process of valuation of these activities, the assumptions of the exchange rate for tradable goods and services are made, as well as a discount rate, which considers the time value of money and the risks associated with the liabilities, which is determined based, where applicable, on the currency in which disbursements are expected to be made.

The liability amounts recognized at the end of each reporting date represent management’s best estimate of the present value of the future decommissioning and site restoration costs. Changes in the estimate of the liability because of changes in the estimated future costs or in the discount rate are added to or deducted from the respective asset cost. The amount deducted from the cost of the asset shall not exceed its carrying amount. If a decrease in the liability exceeds the carrying amount of the asset, the excess is recognized immediately in profit or loss.

If the adjustment results in an addition to the cost of the asset, Codelco considers whether this is an indicator that the new carrying amount of the asset may not be fully recoverable. If such an indicator exists, Codelco tests the asset for impairment by estimating its recoverable amount, and accounts for any impairment loss in accordance with IAS 36.

h) Costs arising from the installation of a plant or other site preparation work, discounted to their net present value, are provided for and capitalized at the beginning of each project as soon as the obligation to incur such costs arises. These decommissioning costs are charged to net income over the life of the mine, through depreciation of the corresponding asset. Depreciation expense is included in cost of sales, while the discount in the provision is included in finance costs.

Provisions for employee benefits: Provisions for employee benefits related to severance payments and health benefits for services rendered by the employees are determined based on actuarial calculations using the projected unit credit method and are recognized in other comprehensive income or (depending on the accounting standards applicable) on an accrual basis.

The Corporation uses assumptions to determine the best estimate of future obligations related to these benefits. Such estimates, as well as assumptions, are determined by management using the assistance of external actuaries. These assumptions include demographic assumptions, discount rate, and expected salary increases and rotation levels, among other factors.

Accruals for open invoices: the Corporation uses information on future copper prices, through which it recognizes adjustments to its revenues and trade receivables, due to the conditions in provisional pricing arrangements. These adjustments are updated monthly, See Notes 2 q) Revenue from contracts with customers of Note 2 Significant accounting policies below.

Fair value of derivatives and other financial instruments: management may use its judgment to choose an adequate and proper valuation method for financial instruments that are not quoted in an active market. In the case of derivative financial instruments, assumptions are based on observable market inputs, adjusted depending on factors specific to the instruments among others.

Lawsuits and contingencies: The Corporation assesses the probability of lawsuits and contingency losses on an ongoing basis according to estimates performed by its legal advisors. For cases in which management and the Corporation’s legal advisors believe that a loss is not probable of occurring or where probable, may not be estimated reliably, no provisions are recognized. When it is considered more likely than not that a loss is probable and it may be reliably estimated, a provision is recognized.

Application of IFRS 16: includes the following:

– Estimation of the lease term

– Determine if it is reasonably certain that an extension or termination option will be exercised.

– Determination of the appropriate rate to discount lease payments

j) Revenue recognition: the Corporation determines appropriate revenue recognition for its contracts with customers by analyzing the type, terms, and conditions of each contract or agreement with a customer.

As part of the analysis, the management must make judgments about whether an agreement or contract is legally enforceable, and whether the agreement includes separate performance obligations. In addition, estimates are required to allocate the total price of the transaction to each performance obligation based on the stand-alone selling price of the promised goods or services underlying each performance obligation. (The Corporation applies the constraint on variable consideration as defined in IFRS 15, if applicable).

k) Stripping costs – Costs incurred in removing mine waste materials (overburden) in open pits that are in production, that provide access to mineral deposits, are recognized in property, plant, and equipment, when the following criteria set out in IFRIC 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine are met:

– It is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the stripping activity will flow to the entity.

– It is possible to identify the components of an ore body for which access has been improved because of the stripping activity, and

– The costs relating to that stripping activity can be measured reliably.

The stripping costs are amortized based on the production units of production extracted from the ore body related to the specific stripping activity which generated this amount.

Although the abovementioned estimates have been made based on the best information available as of the date of issuance of these interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited), it is possible that new developments could lead the Corporation to modify these estimates in the future. Such modifications, if any, would be adjusted prospectively, recognizing the effects of the change in estimate in future consolidated financial statements, as required by IAS 8 “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors”.

2. Significant accounting policies

a. Period covered: The accompanying interim consolidated financial statements of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile include the following statements:

– Interim Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as of September 30, 2023 (unaudited) and Consolidated Statement of Financial Position as of December 31, 2022.

– Interim Consolidated Statement of Income (unaudited) for the nine and three-month period ended September 30, 2023 and 2022.

– Interim Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (unaudited) for the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022.

– Interim Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity (unaudited) for nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022.
Interim Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (unaudited) for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022.

. Basis of preparation – These interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited) of the Corporation as of September 30, 2023 have been prepared in accordance with the instructions of the Commission for the Financial Market which fully comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the IASB.

The consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2022 (audited), and the statements of income and the statements of equity and cash flows for the nine-month period ended September 30, 2022 (unaudited), which are included for comparative purposes, have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB, on a basis consistent with the basis used for the same period ended September 30, 2023, except for the adoption of new IFRS standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation as of September 30, 2023, which are disclosed in number 3 “New standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation” in section II of this report.

These interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited) have been prepared from accounting records held by the Company.

. Functional currency – The functional currency of Codelco is the U.S. dollar, which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Corporation operates and the currency in which it receives its revenues.

The functional currency of subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures is the currency of the primary economic environment in which those entities operate and the currency in which they receive their revenues. For those subsidiaries and associates that are an extension of the operations of Codelco (entities that are not self-sustaining and whose main transactions are with Codelco); the functional currency is also the U.S. dollar.

The presentation currency of Codelco’s interim consolidated financial statements (unaudited) is the U.S. dollar.

. Basis of consolidation – The financial statements comprise the consolidated statements of the Corporation and its subsidiaries.

Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the Corporation obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date such control ceases. Specifically, income and expenses of a subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated statement from the date the Corporation gains control until the date when the Corporation ceases to control the subsidiary.

The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the Corporation, using consistent accounting policies.

Functional 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 Taxpayer ID No. COMPANY Country % Ownership % Ownership currency – – Direct | Indirect Total Total Foreign Chile Copper Limited England GBP 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco do Brasil Mineracao Brazil BRL – | 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Group Inc. USA US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH Germany EURO 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Metals Inc. USA US$ – | 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Services Limited England GBP – | 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Shanghai Company Limited China RMB 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Singapore P.L Singapore US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco USA Inc. USA US$ – | 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Canadá Canada US$ 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Ecometales Limited Channel Islands US$ – | 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Exploraciones Mineras Andinas Ecuador EMSAEC S.A. Ecuador US$ – | 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Cobrex Prospeccao Mineral Brazil BRL – 42.10 42.10 51.00
78.860.780-6 [Compañía Contractual Minera Los Andes Chile US$ 99.97 0.03 100.00 100.00
81.767.200-0 [Asociación Garantizadora de Pensiones Chile CLP 96.69 – 96.69 96.69
88.497.100-4 [Clínica San Lorenzo SpA Chile CLP 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
99.556.950-7 – [Inmobiliaria Red de Salud Codelco SpA Chile CLP 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
96.819.040-7 [Complejo Portuario Mejillones S.A. Chile US$ 99.99 0.01 100.00 100.00
96.991.180-9 [Codelco Tec SpA Chile US$ 99.91 0.09 100.00 100.00
99.569.520-0 [Exploraciones Mineras Andinas S.A. Chile US$ 99.90 0.10 100.00 100.00
99.573.600-4 [Clínica Río Blanco S.A. Chile CLP 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
76.064.682-2 [Centro de Especialidades Médicas Río Blanco SpA. Chile CLP – | 100.00 100.00 100.00
77.773.260-9 [Inversiones Copperfield SpA Chile US$ 100.00 100.00 100.00
76.043.396-9 – [Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. Chile US$ 0.05 99.95 100.00 100.00
76.148.338-2 [Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno Ltda. Chile US$ 99.95 0.05 100.00 100.00
76.173.357-5 [Inversiones Gacrux SpA Chile US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
76.231.838-5 [Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA Chile US$ – 67.80 67.80 67.80
76.173.783-K [Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA Chile US$ – 67.80 67.80 67.80
76.124.156-7 [Centro de Especialidades Médicas San Lorenzo SpA. Chile US$ – | 100.00 100.00 100.00
76.255.061-K [Central Eléctrica Luz Minera SpA Chile US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
70.905.700-6 |[Fusat Chile CLP – – – –
76.334.370-7 – |Isalud Isapre de Codelco SpA. Chile CLP 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
78.394.040-K [Centro de Servicios Médicos Porvenir Ltda. Chile CLP – 99.00 99.00 99.00
77.928.390-9 – [Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Rio Cipreces Ltda. Chile CLP – 99.90 99.90 99.90
77.270.020-2 [Prestaciones de Servicios de la Salud Intersalud Ltda. Chile CLP – 99.00 99.00 99.00
76.754.301-8 [Salar de Maricunga SpA Chile CLP 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
77.780.914-8 [Salares de Chile SpA Chile USD 100.00 – 100.00 –
77.780.919-9 [Minera Tarar SpA Chile USD – | 100.00 100.00

For the purposes of these interim consolidated financial statements, subsidiaries, associates, acquisitions and disposals are defined as follows:

– – Subsidiaries: A subsidiary is an entity over which the Corporation has control. Control is exercised if, and only if, the following elements are present: (1) power to govern the operating and financial policies to obtain benefits from their activities; (ii) exposure or rights to the variable returns of these companies; and (iii) ability to use the power to influence the amount of returns.

The Corporation reassesses whether it controls a subsidiary if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more of the elements of control listed above.

The consolidated financial statements include all assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and cash flows of Codelco and its subsidiaries, after eliminating all inter-company balances and transactions.

– Associates: An associate is an entity over which Codelco has significant influence. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the associate but is not control or joint control over those policies.

Codelco’s interest ownership in associates is recognized in the consolidated financial statements under the equity method. Under this method, the initial investment is recognized at cost and adjusted thereafter to recognize changes in Codelco’s share of the comprehensive income of the associate, less any impairment losses or other changes to the investment in net assets of the associate.

The Corporation adjusts the proportional gains or losses obtained by the associate after acquisition to take into account the effects that may exist in the depreciation of the fair value of the assets considered at the date of acquisition.

– – Acquisitions and disposals: the result of businesses acquired are incorporated in the consolidated financial statements from the date when control is obtained; the results of businesses sold during the period are included in the consolidated financial statements up to the effective date of disposal. Gains or losses on disposal is the difference between the sale proceeds (net of expenses) and the carrying amount of the net assets attributable to the ownership interest that has been sold (and, where applicable, the associated cumulative translation adjustment).

If control is lost over a subsidiary, the retained ownership interest in the investment will be recognized at its fair value.

At the acquisition date of an investment in a subsidiary, associate or joint venture, any excess of the cost of the investment (consideration transferred) plus the amount of the non-controlling interest in the acquiree plus the fair value of any previously held equity interest in the acquiree, where applicable, over Codelco’s share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets and acquired liabilities is recognized as goodwill. Any excess of Codelco’s share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets and acquired liabilities over the consideration transferred, after reassessment, is recognized immediately in profit or loss in the period in which the investment is acquired.



Foreign currency transactions and reporting currency conversion – Transactions in currencies other than the Corporation’s functional currency are recognized at the rates of exchange prevailing at the dates of the transactions. At the end of each reporting period, foreign currency transactions denominated in foreign currencies are converted at the rates prevailing at that date. Gains and losses due to the effect of foreign currency transactions are included in the consolidated statement of income for the period within “Exchange gains (losses) in foreign currencies.

At the end of the reporting period, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in Unidades de Fomento (“UF”) have been denominated in US$, considering the exchange rates in effect at the end of each period (9-30-2023: US$ 40.42; 12-31-2022: US$ 41.02; 9-30-2023 US$ 35.68) Expenses and income in local currency have been expressed in dollars at the observed exchange rate, corresponding to the date of the accounting record of each transaction.

The translation of the financial statements of subsidiaries associates and jointly controlled entities, whose functional currency is different from Codelco’s presentation currency, is performed as follows for consolidation purposes:

– Assets and liabilities are converted using the prevailing exchange rate on the reporting date.

– Income and expenses for each statement of income are translated at average exchange rates for the period.

– All resulting exchange differences are recognized in comprehensive income and accumulated in equity under the heading Reserve on exchange differences on translation.

The exchange rates used in each reporting period were as follows:

Relationship Closing exchange rates
9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 | 9-30-2022

USD CLP 0.00112 0.00117 0.00104 USD GBP 1.21936 1.20802 1.11359 USD BRL 0.19950 0.18923 0.18658 USD EURO 1.05697 1.07021 0.97876 USD AUD 0.64305 0.68120 0.64251 USD HKD 0.12771 0.12820 0.12739 USDRMB 0.13707 0.14452 0.14018

Offsetting balances and transactions – As a general standard, assets and liabilities, revenue, and expenses, are not offset in the financial statements, except for those cases in which offsetting is required or is allowed by a standard and the presentation reflects the substance of the transaction.

Income or expenses arising from transactions which, for contractual or legal reasons, permit the possibility of offsetting and which the Corporation intends to liquidate for their net value or realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, are stated net in the statement of income.

g. Property, plant and equipment and depreciation – Items of property, plant and equipment are initially recognized at cost. After initial recognition, they are measured at cost, less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

The cost of property, plant and equipment includes the costs of expansion, modernization or improvements that represent an increase in productivity, capacity or efficiency, or an increase in the useful life of the assets, and are capitalized as an increase in the cost of the related assets.

The assets included in property, plant and equipment are depreciated, as a general rule, using the units of production method, when the activity performed by the asset is directly attributable to the mine production process. In other cases, a straight-line depreciation criterion is used.

The assets included in property, plant and equipment and certain intangibles (software) are depreciated over their economic useful lives, as described below:

Category Useful life Land Not depreciated Land on mine site Unit of production Buildings Straight-line over 20-50 years Buildings in underground mine levels Units of production level Vehicles Straight-line over 3-7 years Plant and equipment Unit of production Smelters Unit of production Refineries Unit of production Mining rights Unit of production Support equipment Unit of production Intangibles – software Straight-line over 8 years Open pit and underground mine Unit of production development

Estimated useful lives, residual values and depreciation method are reviewed at the end of each reporting period, and any change in estimates is recognized prospectively.

Additionally, depreciation methods and estimated useful lives of assets, especially plants, facilities and infrastructure may be revised at the end of each year or during the year according to changes in the structure of reserves of the Corporation and productive long-term plans updated as of that date.

This review may be made at any time if the conditions of ore reserves change significantly because of new known information, confirmed, and officially released by the Corporation.

The gain or loss resulting from the disposal or retirement of an asset is calculated as the difference between the price obtained on disposal and the value recorded in the books, recognizing the charge or credit to income for the period.

Construction in progress includes the amounts invested in the construction of property, plant and equipment and in mining development projects. Construction in progress is transferred to assets in operation once the testing period has ended and when they are ready for use; at that point, depreciation begins to be recognized.

Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of assets that require a substantial period before they are ready for use or sale are capitalized as part of the cost of the corresponding items of property, plant, and equipment.

The ore deposits owned by the Corporation are recorded in the accounting records at US$1. Notwithstanding the above, those reserves and resources acquired as part of acquisition of entities accounted for as business combinations, are recognized at their fair value.

h. Intangible assets – The Corporation initially recognizes these assets at acquisition cost. The cost is amortized systematically over their useful lives, except in the case of assets with indefinite useful lives, which are not amortized, and are assessed for impairment at least once a year and, in any case, whenever there is an indication that impairment may have occurred. At the end of each reporting period, these assets are measured at their cost less any accumulated amortization (when applicable) and any accumulated impairment losses.

The main intangible assets are described as follows:

Research and Technological Development and Innovation Expenditures: The expenditures for the development of Technology and Innovation Projects are recognized as intangible assets at their cost and are considered to have indefinite useful lives.

Development expenses for technology and innovation projects are recognized as intangible assets at cost, if and only if, all the following have been demonstrated

– – The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;

– The intention to complete the intangible asset is to use or sell it;

– – The ability to use or sell the intangible asset;

– – That the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits;

– The availability of adequate technical, financial, and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset; and

– The disbursement attributable to the intangible asset during its development can be reliably appraised

Research expenses for technology and innovation projects are recognized in profit or loss when incurred.

“¡. Deterioro de propiedades, planta y equipo y activos intangibles – Las propiedades, planta y equipo y activos intangibles con vida útil finita se revisan para detectar si hay alguna indicación de que el monto en libros puede no ser recuperable. Si existe tal indicación, se estima el monto recuperable del activo para determinar la extensión del deterioro a ser registrado.

Para los activos intangibles con vida útil indefinida, sus montos recuperables se estiman anualmente al final de cada período de reporte.

Cuando un activo no genera flujos de efectivo independientes de otros activos, Codelco determina el monto recuperable de la UCG a la que pertenece el activo.

La Corporación ha definido cada una de sus divisiones como una unidad generadora de efectivo.

El monto recuperable de un activo es el mayor entre el valor razonable menos los costos de disposición y el valor en uso. Al evaluar el valor en uso, se descuentan los flujos de efectivo futuros estimados a su valor presente utilizando una tasa de descuento antes de impuestos que refleje las evaluaciones actuales del mercado del valor temporal del dinero y los riesgos específicos del activo. Por otro lado, el valor razonable menos los costos de disposición se determina generalmente para activos operativos considerando la Vida Útil de la Mina (VUM), basada en un modelo de flujos de efectivo descontados, mientras que los activos no incluidos en la VUM como recursos y potenciales recursos para explotar se miden utilizando un modelo de mercado de múltiplos para transacciones comparables.

Si se estima que el monto recuperable de un activo o UCG es menor que su monto en libros, se reconoce una pérdida por deterioro inmediatamente en el estado de resultados, reduciendo el monto en libros a su monto recuperable. En caso de una reversión posterior del deterioro, el monto en libros se incrementa al estimado revisado del monto recuperable, pero en la medida en que no exceda el monto en libros que se habría determinado si no se hubiera reconocido previamente un deterioro.

Las estimaciones de flujos de efectivo futuros para una UCG se basan en pronósticos de producción futura, precios futuros de productos básicos y costos futuros de producción. Bajo la NIC 36 Deterioro del Valor de los Activos, existen ciertas restricciones para las estimaciones de flujos de efectivo futuros relacionadas con reestructuraciones futuras y eficiencias futuras de costos. Al calcular el valor en uso, también es necesario basar los cálculos en la tasa de cambio al contado en la fecha de cálculo.

j. Gastos de exploración y evaluación de recursos minerales, desarrollo de minas y operaciones mineras – La Corporación ha definido una política contable para cada uno de estos gastos.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Los gastos de desarrollo para depósitos en explotación cuyo propósito es mantener los niveles de producción se reconocen en el estado de resultados cuando se incurren.

Los costos de exploración y evaluación, tales como: perforaciones de depósitos, incluidos los gastos necesarios para localizar nuevas áreas mineralizadas y estudios de ingeniería para determinar su potencial de explotación comercial, se reconocen en el estado de resultados, normalmente en la etapa de prefactibilidad.

Los gastos de preoperación y desarrollo de minas (normalmente después de alcanzar la ingeniería de factibilidad) incurridos durante la ejecución de un proyecto y hasta su puesta en marcha se capitalizan y se amortizan en relación con la producción futura de la mina. Estos costos incluyen el desbroce de material estéril, la construcción de la infraestructura de la mina y otros trabajos realizados antes de la fase de producción.

Finalmente, los costos de definición de nuevas áreas o áreas de depósito en explotación y de operaciones mineras (PPyE) se reconocen en propiedades, planta y equipo y se amortizan a través del estado de resultados durante el período en el que se obtienen los beneficios.

k. Impuestos sobre la renta y diferidos – Codelco y sus filiales chilenas reconocen anualmente impuestos sobre la renta basados en la renta imponible neta determinada según las normas establecidas en la Ley de Impuesto a la Renta y el Artículo 2 del D.L. 2398. Codelco también reconoce el impuesto específico a las actividades mineras referido en la Ley Nº 20026 de 2005 hasta el 31 de diciembre de 2023, y el Impuesto a la Royalty Minero referido en la Ley Nº 21.590 a partir del 1 de enero de 2024. Sus filiales extranjeras reconocen impuestos sobre la renta de acuerdo con las regulaciones fiscales de los respectivos países.

Además, la renta imponible de Codelco en cada período está sujeta al régimen tributario establecido en el Artículo 26 del D.L. Nº 1350, que establece que los pagos de impuestos se realizarán en marzo, septiembre y diciembre de cada año, basados en un cálculo provisional de impuestos.

Los impuestos diferidos derivados de diferencias temporales y otros eventos que crean diferencias entre las bases contables y fiscales de activos y pasivos, se registran de acuerdo con las normas establecidas en la NIC 12 Impuesto a la Renta.

También se reconocen impuestos diferidos por utilidades no distribuidas de filiales y asociadas, originadas por tasas de retención sobre remesas de dividendos pagados por dichas empresas a la Corporación.

|. Inventarios – Los inventarios se miden al costo cuando este no excede el valor neto realizable. El valor neto realizable representa el precio de venta estimado de los inventarios menos todos los costos estimados de terminación y los costos necesarios para realizar la venta (es decir, gastos de marketing, ventas y distribución). Los costos de los inventarios se determinan de acuerdo con los siguientes métodos:

– Productos terminados y productos en proceso: Estos inventarios se miden a su costo de producción promedio determinado utilizando el método de costeo por absorción, incluyendo mano de obra, depreciación de activos fijos, amortización de intangibles y costos indirectos de cada período. Los inventarios de productos en proceso se clasifican en corriente y no corriente, de acuerdo con el ciclo normal de operación.

– Materiales en almacén: Estos inventarios se valoran al costo de adquisición y la Corporación determina una provisión para obsolescencia considerando que los materiales de lento movimiento en el almacén permanecen en stock.

– Materiales en tránsito: Estos inventarios se miden al costo incurrido al final del período de reporte. Cualquier diferencia debido a una estimación del valor neto realizable de los inventarios menor que su monto en libros se reconoce en el estado de resultados.

m. Dividendos – De acuerdo con el Artículo 6 del D.L. 1350, la Corporación tiene la obligación de distribuir sus utilidades netas presentadas en los estados financieros. La obligación de pago se reconoce sobre una base devengada.

n. Beneficios a empleados – Codelco reconoce una provisión para beneficios a empleados cuando existe una obligación presente (legal o constructiva) como resultado de servicios prestados por sus empleados.

Los contratos de empleo estipulan, sujeto al cumplimiento de ciertas condiciones, el pago de una indemnización por despido de un empleado cuando termina un contrato de trabajo. En general, esto corresponde a un salario mensual por año de servicio y considera los componentes de la remuneración final que están definidos contractualmente como base para la indemnización. Este beneficio a los empleados ha sido clasificado como un plan de beneficios definidos.

Codelco también ha acordado beneficios de atención médica postempleo para ciertos jubilados. Este beneficio a los empleados ha sido clasificado como un plan de beneficios definidos.

Estos planes continúan sin financiamiento al 30 de septiembre de 2023.

La indemnización por despido de empleados y las obligaciones del plan de atención médica postempleo se determinan utilizando el método de unidad de crédito proyectado, con valoraciones actuariales realizadas al final de cada período de reporte. Las obligaciones del plan de beneficios definidos reconocidas en el estado de situación financiera representan el valor presente de las obligaciones acumuladas. Las ganancias y pérdidas actuariales se reconocen inmediatamente en otro resultado integral y no se reclasificarán al estado de resultados.

La administración de la Corporación utiliza supuestos para determinar la mejor estimación de estos beneficios. Los supuestos incluyen una tasa de descuento anual, aumentos esperados en salarios y tasa de rotación, entre otros factores.

De acuerdo con sus programas de optimización operativa para reducir costos y aumentar la productividad laboral mediante la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías actuales y/o mejores prácticas de gestión, la Corporación ha establecido programas de retiro de empleados modificando ciertos contratos de trabajo o acuerdos colectivos para incluir beneficios que alienten a los empleados a jubilarse anticipadamente, para los cuales se realizan las provisiones necesarias basadas en la obligación acumulada al valor actual. En caso de programas de retiro de empleados que involucren períodos de varios años, las obligaciones acumuladas se actualizan utilizando una tasa de descuento determinada en base a instrumentos financieros denominados en la misma moneda y con vencimientos similares que se utilizarán para pagar las obligaciones.

o. Provisiones para desmantelamiento y costos de restauración del sitio – La Corporación reconoce una provisión por los costos futuros estimados de desmantelamiento y restauración de proyectos mineros en desarrollo o producción cuando una actividad minera causa una interrupción bajo una obligación constructiva o legal. Los costos se estiman sobre la base de un plan formal de cierre y los estimados de costos se revisan anualmente.

Los costos derivados de la obligación de desmantelar una instalación de planta u otros trabajos de preparación del sitio, descontados a su valor presente, se prevén y se capitalizan al inicio de cada proyecto o en el origen de la obligación constructiva o legal tan pronto como surge la obligación de incurrir en tales costos.

Estos costos de desmantelamiento y restauración se registran en el estado de resultados a través de la depreciación del activo que dio origen a dicho costo, y se utiliza la provisión cuando se materializa el desmantelamiento. Los cambios posteriores en las estimaciones de pasivos relacionados con el desmantelamiento se suman o restan de los costos de los activos relacionados en el período en que se realiza el ajuste.

Otros costos de restauración, fuera del alcance de la NIC 16, Propiedades, Planta y Equipo, se prevén a su valor presente contra los resultados operativos y se utiliza la provisión en el período en que se realiza el trabajo de restauración.

La acreción del descuento sobre una obligación de cierre debido al paso del tiempo se reconoce como un gasto financiero en el estado de resultados.

p. Arrendamientos – La Corporación evalúa sus contratos en la aplicación inicial para determinar si contienen un arrendamiento. La Corporación reconoce un activo por derecho de uso y un pasivo correspondiente por arrendamiento con respecto a todos los contratos de arrendamiento en los que Codelco es el arrendatario, excepto para arrendamientos a corto plazo (definidos como un arrendamiento con un plazo de arrendamiento de doce meses o menos) y arrendamientos de activos de bajo valor. Para estos arrendamientos, la Corporación reconoce los pagos de arrendamiento como un costo operativo sobre una base lineal durante el plazo del arrendamiento a menos que otra base sistemática sea más representativa del patrón temporal en el que se consumen los beneficios económicos de los activos arrendados.

El pasivo por arrendamiento se mide inicialmente al valor presente de los pagos de arrendamiento que no se han pagado en la fecha de inicio, descontados utilizando la tasa de interés implícita en el arrendamiento. Si esta tasa no puede determinarse fácilmente, la Corporación utiliza la tasa de endeudamiento incremental.

La tasa incremental para préstamos utilizados por Codelco se determina estimando la tasa de interés que la Corporación tendría que pagar para obtener los fondos necesarios para obtener un activo de naturaleza equivalente similar en valor al activo por derecho de uso del respectivo arrendamiento, en un entorno económico similar durante un plazo similar.

Los pagos de arrendamiento incluidos en la medición del pasivo por arrendamiento incluyen principalmente pagos fijos, pagos variables que dependen de un índice o una tasa y el precio de ejercicio de una opción de compra. Se excluyen los pagos variables que no dependen de un índice o una tasa.

El pasivo por arrendamiento se mide posteriormente de la siguiente manera: el monto en libros se incrementa para reflejar el interés sobre el pasivo por arrendamiento (utilizando el método de tasa efectiva) y el monto en libros se reduce para reflejar los pagos de arrendamiento realizados.

La Corporación revalúa el pasivo por arrendamiento en cuanto a la tasa de descuento (y realiza los ajustes correspondientes al activo por derecho de uso respectivo) a través de una tasa de descuento modificada cuando:

– Hay un cambio en el plazo del arrendamiento, o – Hay un cambio en la evaluación de una opción para comprar el activo subyacente, o – Hay un cambio en un índice o tasa que genera un cambio en los flujos de efectivo.

Los activos por derecho de uso comprenden el monto del valor presente de los pagos no realizados en la fecha de inicio del contrato, y los pagos de arrendamiento realizados antes o hasta la fecha de inicio, menos los incentivos de arrendamiento recibidos y cualquier costo directo inicial incurrido más otros costos de desmantelamiento y restauración. Los activos por derecho de uso se miden posteriormente al costo menos la depreciación acumulada y las pérdidas acumuladas por deterioro.”

When the Corporation incurs a cost obligation to dismantle or remove a leased asset, restore the location in which it is located, or restore the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease, a provision is recognized and measured in accordance with IAS 37. Costs are included in the corresponding right-of-use asset unless those costs are incurred to produce inventories.

The right-of-use assets are depreciated during the shorter period between the term of the lease and the useful life of the underlying asset. If a lease transfers the ownership of the underlying asset or the cost of the right-of-use asset reflects that the Corporation expects to exercise its option to purchase, the right-of-use asset is depreciated over the useful life of the underlying asset. Depreciation is made from the start date of the lease.

The Corporation applies IAS 36 to determine if a right-of-use asset is impaired and recognizes any impairment loss identified, as described in the accounting policy for Property, plant, and equipment.

q. Revenue from Contracts with Customers – Revenue is recognized in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring goods or services to customers.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Sale of mineral goods and or by-products: Contracts with customers for the sale of mineral goods and or by-products include the performance obligation for the delivery of the physical goods and the associated transportation service, at the place agreed with the customers. The Corporation recognizes revenue from the sale of goods when the performance obligation is satisfied according to the shipment or dispatch of the products, in accordance with the agreed conditions, such revenue being subject to variations related to the content and or sale price at the date of its liquidation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are some contracts where the performance obligation is satisfied when there is receipt of the product instead of the buyer’s corresponding destination, thus recognizing revenue at the time of said transfer. When services of transport of goods are provided, the Corporation recognizes revenue when the service obligation is satisfied.

Sales that have discounts associated with volume subject to compliance with goals are recognized net, estimating the probability that the volume target will be reached.

Sales contracts include a provisional price at the shipment date. The final price is generally based on the London Metals Exchange (“LME”) price. Revenue from sales of copper is measured using estimates of the future spread of metal prices on the LME and or the spot price at the date of shipment, with subsequent adjustments made upon final pricing recognized as revenue. The terms of sales contracts with customers contain provisional pricing arrangements whereby the selling price for metal concentrate is based on prevailing spot prices on a specified future date after shipment to the customer (the quotation period). Consequently, the final price is set at the dates indicated in the contracts. Adjustments to provisional sale prices occur based on movements in quoted market prices on the LME up to the date of final pricing. The period between provisional invoicing and final pricing is typically between one and nine months. Changes in fair value over the quotation period and until final pricing are estimated by reference to forward market prices for applicable metals.

As indicated in the note related to hedging policies in the market of metal derivatives, the Corporation enters into operations in the market of metal derivatives. Gains and losses from those which are fair value hedges contracts are recognized as revenues.

Rendering of services: Additionally, the Corporation recognizes revenue for rendering services, which are mainly related to the processing of minerals bought from third parties. Revenue from rendering of services is recognized when the amounts can be measured reliably and when the services have been provided.

Derivatives contracts – Codelco uses derivative financial instruments to reduce the risk of fluctuations in sales prices of its products and of exchange rates.

Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value at the date the derivative contracts are entered into and are subsequently measured to their fair value at the end of each reporting period.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity under the item “Cash flow hedge reserve. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is immediately recognized in profit or loss and included in the Finance cost or Finance income line items, depending on the effect of such ineffectiveness. The amount recognized in comprehensive income is reclassified to income, in the same line in which the effects generated by the hedged item are recorded once the results of the hedged transactions are recorded in the same line or until the maturity date of such transactions.

A hedge is considered highly effective when it meets the requirements of IFRS 9. At the time of discontinuation of the hedge contract or the associated designated accounting and according to the circumstances of each case, the accumulated gain/loss on the derivative instrument remains in equity until the hedge transaction occurs, or if discontinuation is expected to occur, the amount in equity is reclassified to profit or loss.

The total fair value of hedging derivatives is classified as non-current financial asset or liability if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is greater than twelve months, and as current financial asset or liability if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is less than twelve months.

The derivative contracts held by the Corporation have been entered into to apply the risk hedging policies and are accounted for as indicated below:

– – Hedging policies for exchange rate risk: The Corporation enters into exchange rate derivatives to hedge exchange rate variations between the U.S. dollar and the currencies of transactions the Corporation undertakes. In accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors, these hedge transactions are only entered into when there are recognized assets or liabilities, forecasts of highly probable transactions, or firm commitments. The Corporation does not enter into derivative transactions for non-hedging purposes.

– – Hedging policies for metal market prices risk: In accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors, the Corporation entered into derivative contracts to reduce the inherent risks in the fluctuations of metal prices.

Hedging policies seek to protect expected cash flows from product sales operations by adjusting, when necessary, physical sales contracts to its commercial policy. When the sales commitments are fulfilled and the metal derivative contracts are settled, there is an offset between the results of the sales transactions and the results of hedging using metal derivatives.

Hedging transactions carried out by the Corporation in the metal derivatives market are not undertaken for speculative purposes.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

– Embedded derivatives: The Corporation has established a procedure that allows for evaluation of the existence of embedded derivatives in financial and non-financial contracts. Where there is an embedded derivative, and the host contract is not a financial instrument and the characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to the host contract, the derivative is required to be recognized separately.

Ss. Financial information by segment – The Corporation has defined its Divisions as its operating segments in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 8, Operating Segments. The mining deposits in operation, where the Corporation conducts its extractive and processing activities are managed by the following Divisions: Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina, and El Teniente. In addition, the smelting and refining activities are managed at the Ventanas Division. As from June 2023, the Ventanas Division only manages the refining area. All these Divisions have separate operational management, which reports to the Chief Executive Officer, through the North and South-Central Vice-President of Operations, respectively. Income and expenses of the Head Office are allocated to the defined operating segments.

t. Presentation of Financial Statements – For purposes of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, the Corporation presents its statement of financial position classified as “current and non-current” and its statements of income “by function” and cash flows using the direct method.

u. Current and non-current financial assets – The Corporation determines the classification of its financial assets at the time of initial recognition and reviews it at each closing date. The classification depends on the business model in which the investments are managed and the contractual characteristics of their cash flows.

The Corporation’s financial assets are classified into the following categories:

– – At fair value through profit or loss: Initial recognition: This category includes those financial assets that do not qualify in the business model to collect contractual cash flows, nor do such cash flows come exclusively from capital and interest. These instruments are initially recognized at fair value.

Subsequent recognition: Their subsequent recognition is at fair value, recording in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, in the line Other gains (losses) any changes in fair value.

– – Amortized cost: Initial recognition: This category includes those financial assets that qualify in the business model and that are held for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flows and that meet the “Solely Payment of Principal and Interest” (SPPI) criterion. This category includes certain Trade and other current receivables, and the loans included in other non-current financial assets.

Subsequent recognition: These (debt) instruments are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The amortized cost of a financial asset is the amount at which the financial asset is measured at initial recognition minus the principal repayments, plus the cumulative amortization using the effective interest method of any difference between that initial amount and the maturity amount, adjusted for any impairment allowance.

Interest income is recognized in profit or loss and is calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset. For financial assets measured at amortized cost that are not part of a designated hedging relationship, exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss in the Foreign exchange difference line item.

– – At fair value through other comprehensive income: Initial measurement: Financial assets that meet the criteria “Solely payments of principal and interest” (SPPI) are classified in this category and must be maintained within a business model both to collect the cash flows and to sell the financial assets. These instruments are initially recognized at fair value.

Subsequent recognition: Their subsequent valuation is at fair value. Interest income calculated using the effective interest rate method, foreign exchange gains and losses, and impairment are recognized in income. Other net gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, the gains and losses accumulated in other comprehensive income for debt instruments are reclassified to income. Codelco did not irrevocably choose to designate any equity financial instruments (assets) at fair value with effect on other comprehensive income.

v. Financial liabilities – Financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value net of transaction costs. Subsequent to their initial recognition, the valuation of the financial liabilities will depend on their classification, within which the following categories are distinguished:

– – Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: This category includes financial liabilities defined as held for trading. Changes in fair value associated with own credit risk are recorded in other comprehensive income unless doing so creates an accounting mismatch.

– – Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost: This category includes all financial liabilities other than those measured at fair value through profit or loss. The Corporation includes in this category bonds, obligations, and other current payables.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

These financial liabilities are measured using the effective interest rate method, recognizing interest expense based on the effective rate.

The method of the effective interest rate corresponds to the method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial liability and the allocation of interest expenses during the corresponding period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments through the expected life of the financial liability, or where appropriate, a shorter period, to the net carrying amount on initial recognition.

Trade and other current payables are financial liabilities that do not explicitly accrue interest and are recognized at their nominal value, which approximates their fair value.

Financial liabilities are derecognized when the liabilities are paid or expire.

w. Impairment of financial assets – The Corporation measures the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses for certain of its trade receivables. For these, it uses the simplified approach as required under IFRS 9.

The provision matrix is based on the Corporation’s historical credit loss experience over the expected life of such trade receivables and is adjusted for forward-looking estimates considering the most relevant macroeconomic factors that affect bad debts.

Other accounts receivable and other financial assets are reviewed using reasonable and sustainable information that is available without cost or disproportionate effort in accordance with IFRS 9 to determine the credit risk of the respective financial assets. A provision for impairment losses on trade receivables and other financial assets is established when there is objective evidence that the amounts due may not be fully recovered.

X. Cash and cash equivalents – The statement of cash flows reflects changes in cash that took place during the period, determined under the direct method. The Corporation has defined the following:

– Cash flows: Inflows and outflows of cash or cash equivalents, which are defined as highly liquid investments maturing in less than three months with a low risk of changes in value.

– Operating activities: Are the principal revenue-producing activities of the Corporation and other activities that are not investing or financing activities.

– Investing activities: These are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash and cash equivalents.

– Financing activities: These are activities that result in changes in the size and composition of net equity and borrowings of the Corporation.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile



Bank overdrafts are classified as external resources in current liabilities.

Law No. 13196 – Under this law, the return in foreign currency of sales abroad of the Corporation’s actual income from its copper production, including by-products, is taxed at 10%. The amount recognized for this concept is presented in the statement of income within the line item Other expenses by function. (Note 111.22 letter c)).

Cost of sales – Cost of sales is determined according to the absorption costing method, including the direct and indirect costs, depreciation, amortization and any other expenses directly attributable to the production process.

Classification of current and non-current balances – In the consolidated statement of financial position, the balances are classified according to their maturities, that is, as current for those with a maturity equal to or less than twelve months and as non-current for those with a greater maturity. Where there are obligations whose maturity is less than twelve months, but whose long-term refinancing is insured upon a decision by the Corporation whose intention is to refinance, through credit agreements available unconditionally with long-term maturity, these could be classified as non-current liabilities.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

3. New standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Corporation’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2022, except for the adoption of new standards, interpretations and amendments, effective from January 1, 2023, which are:

a) Amendment to IFRS 17

Amends IFRS 17 to address concerns and implementation challenges identified after the publication of IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts in 2017. The main changes include:




Deferral of the date of initial application of IFRS 17 for two years for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023.

Additional scope exclusion for credit card contracts and similar contracts that provide insurance coverage, as well as optional scope exclusion for loan contracts that transfer significant insurance risk

Recognition of insurance acquisition cash flows related to expected contract renewals, including transition provisions and guidance for insurance acquisition cash flows recognized in an acquired business.

Clarification of the application of IFRS 17 in interim financial statements that permit an accounting policy choice at a reporting entity level

Clarification of the application of the contractual service margin (CSM) attributable to the investment performance service and the investment-related service and changes to the related disclosure requirements

Extension of risk mitigation option to include reinsurance contracts held and non-financial derivatives

Amendments to Requiring an entity that at initial recognition recognizes losses on onerous insurance contracts issued to also recognize a gain on reinsurance contracts held

Simplified presentation of insurance contracts in the statement of financial position for entities to present insurance contract assets and liabilities in the statement of financial position determined using portfolios of insurance contracts rather than groups of insurance contracts

Additional transition relief for business combinations and additional transition relief for the date of application of the risk mitigation option and the use of the fair value transition approach.

b) Information to disclose on accounting policies. (Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS 2 document)

The amendments require an entity to disclose its material accounting policies. The additional amendments explain how an entity can identify a material accounting policy.
Examples are added of when an accounting policy is likely to be material. To support the amendment, the Board has also developed guidance and examples to explain and


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

demonstrate the application of the “four-step materiality process” described in the IFRS 2 Practice Statement.

c) Definition of accounting estimates (amendments to IAS 8)

The amendments replace the definition of a change in accounting estimates. According to the new definition, accounting estimates are “monetary amounts in the financial statements that are subject to measurement uncertainty. Entities develop accounting estimates if accounting policies require financial statement items to be measured in a manner that involves measurement uncertainty. The amendments clarify that a change in accounting estimate resulting from new information or new developments is not the correction of an error.

d) Deferred Taxes Related to Assets and Liabilities Arising from a One-Time Transaction. (Amendments to IAS 12)

The amendments clarify that the exemption from initial recognition does not apply to transactions in which equal amounts of deductible and taxable temporary differences arise on initial recognition.

The application of these amendments had no impact on the Corporation’s interim consolidated financial statements, but may affect the accounting for future transactions or arrangements.

4. New accounting pronouncements

The following new standards, amendments and interpretations had been issued by the IASB, but their application is not yet mandatory:

New IFRS Date of mandatory Summary application Classification of Liabilities as | Annual periods beginning on | The amendments aim to promote Current or Non-Current |or after January 1, 2024 coherence in applying its (Amendments to IAS 1) requirements by helping

companies to determine whether, in the statement of financial position, debts and other liabilities with an uncertain settlement date must be classified as current (maturing or potentially maturing in one year or less) or not current.

It is important to note that this amendment must be applied retrospectively and early application is permitted.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

and IFRS 9 – Comparative Information (Amendment to IFRS 17)

Initial Application of IFRS 17

An entity that chooses to apply the amendment shall apply it when it first applies IFRS 17.

The amendment allows entities applying IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 for the first time to present comparative information on a financial asset as if the classification and measurement requirements of IFRS 9 had been previously applied to that financial asset.

Lease liability on a sale and leaseback (Amendments to IFRS 16)

Annual reporting periods beginning on or after January
1, 2024

The amendment clarifies how a lessee subsequently measures sale and leaseback transactions that meet the requirements of IFRS
15 to be accounted for as a sale.

Non-current liabilities with covenants (Amendments to IAS 1

Annual reporting periods beginning on or after January
1, 2024

The amendment clarifies how the conditions that an entity must meet within twelve months after the reporting period affect the classification of a liability.

Suppliers financial

IAS 7 and IFRS 7)

agreements (Amendments to

Annual reporting periods beginning on or after January
1, 2024

The amendments add disclosure

requirements and “signaling” within the existing disclosure requirements, which request

entities to provide qualitative and quantitative information On suppliers financing arrangements.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

General requirements for disclosure of financial information related to sustainability (IFRS S1)

Annual periods beginning on January 1, 2024 Early application is permitted.

This Standard requires disclosure of information about all risks and opportunities related to sustainability that could reasonably be expected to affect an entity’s cash flows, access to finance or cost of capital in the short, medium or long term. For the purposes of this Standard, these risks and opportunities are collectively referred to as “sustainability-related risks and opportunities that could reasonably be expected to affect the entity’s prospects”.

This Standard also prescribes how financial disclosures related to sustainability should be prepared and reported. It establishes general requirements for the content and presentation of those disclosures so that the information disclosed is useful to key users in making decisions related to the provision of resources to the entity.

Climate-related disclosures (IFRS S2)

Annual periods beginning on January 1, 2024 Early application is permitted.

This Standard requires disclosure of information about risks and opportunities related to climate that could reasonably be expected to affect an entity’s cash flows, access to finance or cost of capital in the short, medium or long term.

For the purposes of this Standard, these risks and opportunities are collectively referred to as climate-related risks and opportunities that could reasonably be expected to affect the entity’s prospects”.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Lack of interchangeability Amendments to IAS 21)

Annual filing and reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2025. Not yet approved for use in the EU.

The amendments contain guidance to specify when a currency is exchangeable and how to determine the exchange rate when it is not.

Management is currently evaluating the impact of the adoption of these new regulations and modifications. It is not expected to have a significant impact on the interim consolidated financial



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


1. Cash and cash equivalents

The detail of cash and cash equivalents as of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022,

is as follows: Item 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 Thus$ ThUS$ Cash on hand 1,028 113 Bank balances 443,254 522,050 Deposits 1,614,881 477,758 Mutual funds – Money market 22,523 26,806 Repurchase agreements 2,240 – Total cash and cash equivalents 2,083,926 | 1,026,727

Interest on time deposits is recognized on an accrual basis using the contractual interest rate of each of these instruments.

The Corporation does not hold any significant amounts of cash and cash equivalents that have a restriction on use.

Cash and cash equivalents meet the low credit risk exemption under IFRS 9. The classification of time deposits complies with the requirements of 7.

2. Trade and other receivables
a) Trade and other receivables

The following table sets forth trade and other receivables balances, with their corresponding allowances for doubtful accounts:

Item Current Non-current

9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 | 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Trade receivables (1) 2,316,628 | 2,934,533

Allowance for doubtful accounts (3) (1,080) (4,098)

Subtotal trade receivables, net 2,315,548 | 2,930,435 – –

Other accounts receivable (2) 624,517 481,381 73,351 88,906

Allowance for doubtful accounts (3) (27,379)| (25,031) – –

Other accounts receivable, net 597,138 456,350 73,351 88,906

Total 2,912,686 | 3,386,785 713,351 88,906


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

(1) Trade receivables correspond to the sales of copper and its by-products, those that in general are sold in cash or through bank transfers.

(2) Other receivables mainly consist of the following items:

– Remaining tax credit susceptible to refund VAT and other taxes receivable, amounting to ThUS$ 398,777 and ThUS$ 216,218 as of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively.
– Receivables owed by the Corporation’s personnel, for short-term and long-term current loans of ThUS$71,317 and ThUS$70,345, respectively (as of December 31, 2022 ThUS$99,229 and ThUS$88,175, respectively), both deducted monthly from their salaries. Mortgage loans granted to the Corporation’s personnel amounting to ThUS$26,855, which are mainly long-term, are backed by mortgage guarantees (as of December 31, 2022 ThUS$29,320).
– Advances to suppliers and contractors, to be deducted from the respective payment statements for ThUS$113,639 and ThUS$101,665 as of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, respectively.
– Accounts receivable for services from the Ventanas Smelter to ENAMI. These services for the third quarter of the year 2023 amounted to ThUS$12,001. Additionally, in order to complement the commercial commitments between Codelco and ENAMI, the Corporation purchases copper concentrate and by-products and sells cathodes to ENAMI. Both Codelco and ENAMI are companies owned by the State of Chile.

(3) The Corporation recognizes an allowance for doubtful accounts based on its expected credit loss model.

The reconciliation of changes in the allowance for doubtful accounts for the years ended September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, were as follows:

Item 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 29,129 19,257 Increases 3,192 9,984 Discharges applications (3,862) (112) Movement, subtotal (670) 9,872 Closing balance 28,459 29,129

The balance of past due but not impaired balances is as follows:


30-09-2023 ThUS$

31-12-2022 ThUS$

Less than 90 days
90 days – 1 year
Over 1 year



Total unprovisioned past-due debt




Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b) Accruals for open sales invoices

The Corporation adjusts its revenues and trade receivable balances, based on future copper prices through the recognition of an accrual for open sales invoices.

When future price of copper is lower than the provisional invoicing price, the accrual is presented in the statement of financial position as follows:

– For those customers that have due balances with the Corporation, the accrual is presented as a deduction from the line item trade and other current receivables.
– For those customers that do not have due balances with the Corporation, the accrual is presented in the line item trade and other current payables.

When the future copper price is higher than the provisional invoicing price, the accrual is added to the line item trade and other current receivables.

Accordingly, as of September 30, 2023, a negative provision of ThUS$63,395 was recorded in the account Trade and other receivables for provisions for unfinished sales invoices. As of December 31, 2022 it was a positive provision of ThUS$31,327.

As of September 30, 2023, ThUS$2.897 of negative provision for open invoices associated with customers who do not have balances due to Codelco was reclassified to Trade payables of current liabilities, which added to the balance presented in Trade and other receivables, totaled a net negative provision of ThUS$66,292.

3. Balances and transactions with related parties
a) Transactions with related persons

In accordance with Law on New Corporate Governance, the members of Codelco’s Board are, in terms of transactions with related persons, subject to the provisions of Title XVI of Law on Corporations, which sets the requirements regarding transactions with related parties in publicly traded companies and their subsidiaries.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, pursuant to the provisions of the final paragraph of Article 147 b) of Title XVI, which contains exceptions to the approval process for transactions with related parties, the Corporation has established a general policy over customary transactions (which was communicated through a significant event notice to the CMP), that defines customary transactions as those carried out with its related parties in the normal course of business, which contributes to the social interest and are necessary to the normal development of Codelco’s activities.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Likewise, consistent with the referred to above standard, the Corporation has implemented as part of its internal regulatory framework, a specific policy dealing with business between related persons and companies with Codelco’s executives. Codelco’s Corporate Policy No.18 (CCP No. 18), the latest version currently in force, was approved by the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors.

Accordingly, Codelco without the authorization required in CCP No. 18 and of the Board of Directors, as required by Law or by the Corporation by-laws, shall not enter into any contracts or agreements involving one or more Directors, its Chief Executive Officer, the members of Division’s Managing Committees, Vice-presidents, Legal Counsel, General Auditor, Division Chief Executive Officers, Advisors of Senior Management, employees who must make recommendations and/or have the authority to award tenders, assignments of purchases and/or contracting goods and services, and employees in management positions (up to fourth hierarchical level in the organization), including their spouses, children and other relatives up to second degree of relation, with a direct interest, represented by third parties or on behalf of another person. Likewise, CCP No. 18 requires administrators of Corporation’s contracts to declare all related persons and disqualify himself/herself if any related persons are involved within the field of his/her job responsibilities.

This prohibition also includes the companies in which such administrators are involved through ownership or management, either directly or through representation of other natural persons or legal entities, as well as those individuals who also have ownership or management in those companies.

The Board of Directors has been informed and approved certain transactions as defined in CCP No. 18.

These operations include those shown in the following table, for the total amounts mentioned, which must be executed within the time periods specified in each contract:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 Company Taxpayer ID No. | Country | Nature of r descrip 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 Amount Amount Amount Amount ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUs$ ¡Adelanta Asesorías y Servicios Ltda 76.425.905-K Chile [Relative of employee Services 975 135 – Anglo American Sur S.A. 77.762.940-9 Chile [Coligada Supplies 18 18 Besalco Maquinarias S.A: 79.633.220-4 Chile [Relative of employee Services 10,205 – 8,860 Buses JM Pullman S.A. 78.502.770-1 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 11,631 – – CDZ Ingeniería Uno Ltda 77.535.292-2 Chile [Relative of employee Services 20,750 8,511 – 8,511 Centro de Capacitación y Recreación Radomiro Tomic. 75.985.550-7 Chile [Other related parties Services 784 – 684 – Centro de Especialidades Médicas San Lorenzo Ltda. 76.124.156-7 Chile [Subsidiary Services – 447 – 447 Clinica San Lorenzo Ltda. 88.497.100-4 Chile [Subsidiary Services 113 – – – Comercial e Import. Villanueva Ltda 77.000.200-1 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 888 833 – 221 Comercial Easy Import S.A. 76.421.167-7 Chile [Relative of employee Services 6 2 Consorcio Ingeniería CDZ Ltda 76.926.371-3 Chile [Relative of employee Services 25,652 – Constructora Domingo Villanueva Arancibia S.A. 96.846.150-8 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 6,468 – Consultor Ingenieria de Proyectos ltda. 77.060.510-5 Chile [Relative of employee Services 272 – 272 Consultorias y Asesorias Auditorias y Capacitación Guerra y Guerra ltda 76.168.106-0 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 5 – – – Costella Proyectos 76.282.588-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 3,423 – 3,423 Ecometales Limited agencia en Chile. 59.087.530-9 Chile [Subsidiary Services and Supplies 491,196 14,252 – – Emin Ingeniería y Construcción S.A. 79.527.230-5 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies – 56,547 – 56,547 Empresa de prestación de Servicios Rodolfo Figueroa Valle 76.877.220-7 Chile [Relative of employee Services 5,173 – 1,228 – Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A. 92.580.000-7 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 415 – – Enaex Servicios S.A. 76.041.871-4 Chile [Relative of Director’s Supplies 85 6,446 85 6,446 Exploraciones Mineras Andinas S.A. 99.569.520-0 Chile [Subsidiary Services 406,470 – – – Finning Chile S.A. 91.489.000-4 Chile [Relative of employee Services and Supplies 423,731 39,903 92,023 39,840 Fluor Chile Ingeniería y Construcción S.A. 85.555.900-5 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 4,173 – – Fundación de Salud El Teniente. 70.905.700-6 Chile [Subsidiary Services 9,413 – 9,413 – Georock S.A. 77.842.840-7 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 8,959 – 8,959 Industrial y Comercial Artimatemb Ltda. 76.108.720-7 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies – 48 – 48 Ingeniería y Construcción Fenix Ltda 76.134.977-5 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies – 1,112 – Ingeniería y Construcción Sigdo Koppers S.A. 91.915.000-9 Chile [Relative of employee Services and Supplies 121,934 – 121,934 Inversiones Cratos Ltda 76.617.441-8 Chile [Relative of employee Services 4,236 4,236 ISalud Isapre de Codelco Ltda 76.334.370-7 Chile [Subsidiary Services 52,430 – J M Dyvinetz consultoria y servicios ltda. 77.393.290-5 Chile [Relative of employee Services 501 – 453 – Janssen S.A. 81.198.100-1 Chile [Relative of Director’s Supplies 13,787 109 5,086 13 JRI Ingeniería S.A. 96.611.930-6 Chile [Relative of employee Services 24,109 4,213 453 4,213 Kairos Mining S.A. 76.781.030-K Chile [Associate Services 4,530 – 110 – Kronox Chile Spa 76.242.181-K Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 1 – – – Linde Gas Chile S.A. 90.100.000-K Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 4,406 47 – 6 Loop Redsur Servicios de Mantenimiento Equipos de Levante SPA 76.213.738-0 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 4 – Lucas Blandford Maquinarias SPA 76.213.738-0 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 162 – 10 – Manufacturas AC Ltda 77.439.350-1 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 14 80 – 11 Marsol S.A. 91.443.000-3 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies – 272 – 212 Metso Outotec Chile SpA 93.077.000-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services and Supplies 39,650 57,332 1,883 17,765 MI Robotic Solutions S.A. 76.869.100-2 Chile [Relative of employee Services and Supplies 121 609 – 605 Nueva Ancor Tecmin S.A. 76.411.929-0 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies – 424 – 177 Previred S.A. 96.929.390-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services 57 57 Primser S.A. 76.753.160-5 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 29 – Servicio Lucas Blandford Maquinarias SPA 92.606.000-7 Chile [Relative of employee Services 4 4 Servicios Geologicos Geodatos S.A. 88.152.200-4 Chile [Relative of employee Services 1,995 – Servicios para la mantención Minera E Industrial S.M.A.SPA 76.169.625-4 Chile [Relative of employee Services 3,634 2,195 Soc. S y S Ingenieria Ltda. 79.592.060-9 Chile [Relative of employee Services 100 92 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra. 96.701.340-4 Chile [Associate Supplies 82 – – – Symnetics S.A. 77.812.640-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 1,008 – 1,008 Tecno Fast S.A. 76.320.186-4 Chile [Relative of employee Services 70,159 44,041 70,159 44,041 Termoequipos SpA 78.123.830-9 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 2 40 – – Veolia Soluciones Ambientales Chile S.A. 77.441.870-9 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 28 16,987 28 5,707 ‘Worley Ingenieria y Construcción Chile SPA 96.588.850-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services 59,328 – 59,328 –


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b) Key Management of the Corporation

In accordance with the policy established by the Board of Directors and its related regulations, the transactions with the Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, Vice Presidents, Corporate Auditor, the members of the Divisional Management Committees and Divisional General Managers shall be approved by the Board of Directors.

During the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, the members of the Board of Directors have received the following amounts as per diems, salaries and fees:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 Name Taxpayer ID Country Nature of relationship Transaction 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 No. description Amount Amount Amount Amount ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Hernán de Solminihac Tampier 6.263.304-2 Chile Director Directors fee – 28 – – Isidoro Palma Penco 4.754.025-9 Chile Director Directors fee – 76 – 24 Juan Benavides Feliú 5.633.221-9 Chile Chairman of the Board of directors Directors fee – 32 – – Juan Morales Jaramillo 5.078.923-3 Chile Director Directors fee 31 61 – 19 Felipe Larraín Bascuñán 7.012.075-5 Chile Director Directors fee – 28 – – Pedro Errázuriz Domínguez 7.051.188-6 Chile Director Directors fee 64 61 20 19 Patricia Núñez Figueroa 9.761.676-0 Chile Director Directors fee 14 61 – 19 Máximo Pacheco Matte 6.371.887-4 Chile Chairman of the Board of directors Directors fee 96 70 30 29 Josefina Montenegro Araneda 10.780.138-3 Chile Director Directors fee 64 33 20 20 Alejandra Wood Huidobro 7.204.368-5 Chile Director Directors fee 64 31 20 19 Nelson Cáceres Hernández 14.379.277-3 Chile Director Directors fee 64 31 20 19 Nelson Cáceres Hernández 14.379.277-3 Chile Director Payroll 62 27 19 17 Isabel Marshall Lagarrigue 5.664.265-K Chile Director Directors fee 59 – 26 – Eduardo Bitrán Colodro 7.950.535-8 Chile Director Directors fee 50 – 21 – Ricardo Álvarez Fuentes 6.689.778-8 Chile Director Directors fee 35 – 20 –

The Ministry of Finance through Supreme Decree No. 233, dated February 09, 2022, established the compensation for the Corporation’s Directors. The compensation to Board of Director members is as follows:

a. The Directors of Codelco will receive a fixed monthly compensation of Ch$4,413,071 (four million four hundred thirteen thousand seventy-one Chilean pesos) for meeting attendance. The payment of the monthly compensation requires at least one meeting attendance each month.

b. The Chairman of the Board will receive a fixed monthly compensation of Ch$8,826,140 (eight million eight hundred and twenty-six thousand one hundred and forty Chilean pesos).

c. Each member of the Directors’ Committee, whether the one referred to in Article 50 bis) of Law No. 18046 or another established by the Corporation by-laws, will receive a fixed additional monthly compensation of Ch$1,471,022 (one million four hundred and seventy-one thousand and twenty-two Chilean pesos) for meeting attendance, regardless of the number of committees of which they are members. In addition, the Chairman of the Directors Committee will receive a fixed monthly compensation of Ch$2,942,047 (two million nine hundred and forty-two thousand and forty-seven pesos Chilean pesos) for meeting attendance.

d. The compensation established in the legal text is effective for a period of two years, as from March 1, 2022, and will not be adjusted during said period.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

On the other hand, the short-term benefits to key management of the Corporation expensed during the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, were ThUS$ 11,512 and ThUS$ 11,253, respectively.

The methodology to determine the remuneration of key management was approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on January 29, 2003.

During the nine months ended September 30, 2023, severance payments and other payments associated with the retirement of Codelco’s senior executives were ThUS$ 1,269. (For the period January – September 2022 they were ThUS$ 1,494).

There were no payments for other non-current benefits during the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

There are no share-based payment plans.

Transactions with companies in which Codelco has ownership interest

The Corporation undertakes commercial and financial transactions that are necessary for its activities with its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (related parties). The financial transactions correspond mainly to loans granted (mercantile current accounts). Commercial transactions with related companies mainly consist of purchases/sales of products or rendering of services carried out under market conditions and prices, which do not bear any interest or indexation.

The Corporation does not make allowances for doubtful accounts on the main items receivable from its related companies since these have been subscribed with the relevant safeguards in the respective debt agreements.

The detail of accounts receivable and payable between the Corporation and its related parties as of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022 is as follows:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Accounts receivable from related entities:

Country of: Currency of Current Non-current Taxpayer ID No. Name origin Nature of relationship readjustment 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 | 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUs$ ThUS$
77.762,940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Chile Associate US$ 18,635 27,566
76.063.022-5 Inca de Oro S.A. Chile Associate US$ 1,026 908
76.255,054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Chile Associate US$ 21 –
96.701.340-4 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra Chile Associate US$ 3,022 3,217 – –
96.801.450-1 Agua de la Falda S.A. Chile Associate US$ 4 5 224 224 Total 22,708 31,756 224 224 Accounts payable to related entities: Current Non-current Taxpayer ID No. Name Country of Nature of relationship Currency of 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 | 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 origin readjustment ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Chile Associate US$ 80,976 138,330
96.701.340-4 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra Chile Associate US$ 36,937 38,381
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Chile Associate US$ 2,829 979
76.781.030-K Kairos Mining S.A. Chile Associate CLP 632 983 Totales 121,374 178,673

The following table sets forth the transactions carried out between the Corporation and its related entities during the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022 are detailed below:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022
9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 Efecto en Efecto en Efecto en Efecto en Número de Identificación del Contribuyente Empresa Descripción de la transacción País Moneda Monto monto xx| Monto monto | Monto monto ¿| Monto monto : t t t t ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$
96.801.450-1 – [Agua de la Falda S.A. Venta de servicios Chile CLP 1 1 1 . . . 1
96.801.450-1 – [Agua de la Falda S.A. Contribución Chile US$ 245 257 –
77.762.940-9 – [Anglo American Sur S.A. Dividendos recibidos Chile US$ – – 138,445 – – – 40,272 –
77.762.940-9 – [Anglo American Sur S.A. Venta de productos Chile US$ 36,058 36,058 36,924 36,924 21,182 21,182 17,435 17,435
77.762.940-9 – [Anglo American Sur S.A. Otras ventas Chile CLP 1581 1581 2,824 2,824 583 583 1,192 1,192
77.762.940-9 – [Anglo American Sur S.A. Compra de productos Chile US$ 468,131 (468,131) 513,222 (513,222)! 151,384 (151,384) 118,448 (118,448)!
76.063.022-5 – [Inca de Oro S.A. Pagos a cuenta de la empresa Chile CLP 113 – 89 (8) 2 – – –
77.781.030-K – [Kairos Mining Services Chile CLP 8,082 (8,082) 8,281 (8,281) 2,255 (2,255) 3,468 (3,468)
77.781.030-K – |Kairos Mining Venta de servicios Chile CLP 1 1 1 – – – – –
76.255.054-7 [Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA [Servicios Chile US$ 22,570 (22,570) 18,088 (18,088) 12,09 (12,096) 5,896 (5,896)
76.255.054-7 [Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA [Venta de productos Chile CLP 105 105 2,466 2,466 3 33 711 ñ
96.701.340-4 |Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Dividendos recibidos Chile US$ – – 25,174 – – – – –
96.701.340-4 [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Compra de productos Chile US$ 353,559 (853,559) 274,908 (274,908)! 100,553 (100,553) 127,217 (127,217)
96.701.340-4 [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Venta de productos Chile US$ 15,191 15,191 51,278 51,278 5,868 5,868 22,339 22,339
96.701.340-4 [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Otras ventas Chile US$ 746 746 1123 1,123 . . 3n1 3n
96.701.340-4 – [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Comisiones recibidas Chile US$ 9% 91 79 79 30 30 32 32
96.701.340-4 [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Otras compras Chile US$ 266 (266) 264 (264) – – 249 (249) d) Información adicional Las transacciones de compra y venta de productos con Anglo American Sur S.A., son transacciones regulares de actividades comerciales para comprar y vender cobre y otros productos. Por otro lado, existen ciertas transacciones relacionadas con el contrato celebrado con la subsidiaria Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA (cuyo accionista no controlador es Mitsui) y Anglo American Sur S.A., en virtud del cual esta última acordó vender una parte de su producción anual de cobre a dicha subsidiaria.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

4. Inventarios

Los inventarios al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y al 31 de diciembre de 2022 se detallan de la siguiente manera:

Corriente No corriente Ítem 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Productos terminados 201,938 154,351 –

Subtotal productos terminados, neto 201,938 154,351 – – Productos en proceso 1,523,344 1,425,443 491,055 603,446 Subtotal productos en proceso, neto 1,523,344 1,425,443 491,055 603,446 Materiales en almacén y otros 1,061,654 893,879 – – Ajuste por provisión de obsolescencia (181,289) (172,764)

Subtotal materiales en almacén y otros, neto 880,365 721,115 – – Total inventarios 2,605,647 2,300,909 491,055 603,446

Los inventarios reconocidos en el costo de ventas durante los periodos de nueve meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, corresponden a productos terminados y ascienden a ThUS$9,879,696 y ThUS$8,321,260 respectivamente, sin considerar el costo de servicios de procesamiento de ThUS$19,156 y ThUS$18,932, respectivamente.

Durante los periodos de nueve meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, la Corporación no ha reclasificado inventarios estratégicos a Propiedad, Planta y Equipo.

La conciliación de cambios en la provisión de obsolescencia se detalla a continuación:

Movimiento provisión de obsolescencia 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Saldo inicial (172,764)| (164,591) Disminución Aumento en la provisión (8,525) (8,173) Saldo final (181,289)| (172,764)

Durante los periodos de nueve meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, se reconocieron castigos de inventario de ThUS$8,475 y ThUS$1,955, respectivamente.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, la provisión para el valor neto realizable del cobre y su efecto en el ingreso fue de ThUS$ 53,002 y una ganancia de ThUS$1,532 respectivamente (pérdida de ThUS$31,944 para el mismo período de 2022). Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, la provisión para el valor neto realizable era de ThUS$54,535.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, no se reconocen ganancias o pérdidas no realizadas por transacciones de compra y venta de inventarios con partes relacionadas.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, no hay inventarios dados en garantía como seguridad para pasivos.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

5. Impuestos a la renta y diferidos a) Activos y pasivos por impuestos diferidos

Los impuestos diferidos se presentan en el Estado de Situación Financiera de la siguiente manera:

Impuestos diferidos 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos no corrientes 94,056 95,705 Pasivos no corrientes 8,343,437 8,461,928 Total impuestos diferidos, neto 8,249,381 8,366,223

La siguiente tabla muestra la apertura de impuestos diferidos, netos, clasificados como activos o pasivos según la naturaleza de las diferencias temporales:

Activos por impuestos diferidos 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Provisiones 1,894,432 1,841,045 Pérdidas tributarias 276,383 117,004 Contratos para el derecho de uso de activos 8,534 8,600 Otros 3,792 2,416 Total activos por impuestos diferidos 2,183,141 1,969,065 Pasivos por impuestos diferidos 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Depreciación acelerada 8,234,930 8,087,772 Cambio en propiedad, planta y equipo 1,373,575 1,637,493 Impuesto sobre la actividad minera 576,922 362,717 Valor justo de derechos mineros adquiridos 168,959 169,000 Impuestos diferidos de subsidiarias 23,108 19,017 Derivados de cobertura 45 3,041 Valoración de indemnizaciones por despido 54,983 56,248 Total pasivos por impuestos diferidos 10,432,522 10,335,288

b) El efecto de los impuestos diferidos reconocidos en el resultado integral se detalla de la siguiente manera:

Impuestos diferidos que afectaron el resultado integral 9-30-2023 | 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Cobertura de flujo de efectivo (3,670) (65,728) Planes de beneficios definidos 4,200 32,187 Total impuestos diferidos que afectaron el resultado integral 530 (33,541)


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

c) Composición del impuesto a la renta (gasto)

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 Composición 9-30-2023 | 9-30-2022 | 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUs$ “

Deferred tax effect 116,312 (458,133) (87,603) (250,643) Current tax expense (22,225) (748,555) 6,371 223,713 Adjustments previous periods – – 19 – Others (23) (19) – Total income tax (expense) 94,064 (1,206,688) (81,232) (26,930)

The following table sets forth the reconciliation of the effective tax rate:

9-30-2023 Items Taxable base Tax Rate
25% 40% 5.00% 25% Addit. 40% 5.00% Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Tax effect on income before income taxes (32,007) (32,007) (32,007) 8,002 12,803 1,600 22,405

Tax effect on income before income tax subsidiaries (43,545) (43,545) (43,545) 10,886 17,418 2,177 30,481 Tax effect on consolidated income before income tax (75,552) (75,552) (75,552) 18,888 30,221 3,777 52,886

Permanent differences

Corporate income tax (25%) (446,667) 111,667 111,667

Specific tax on state-owned companies art 2? D.L. 2.398 (40%) (420,569) 168,228 168,228

Specific tax on mining activity 426,473 (21,324) (21,324)

Difference in change of rate Royalty Mining Margin art.3 Law 21.591 (217,393) TOTAL INCOME TAX 130,555 198,449 (17,547) 94,064

9-30-2022 Items Taxable base Tax Rate
25% 40% 5.00% 25% Addit. 40% 5.00% Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Tax effect on income before income taxes 1,671,468 1,671,468 1,671,468 (417,867) (668,587) (83,573) (1,170,027)

Tax effect on income before income tax subsidiaries 26,396 26,396 26,396 (6,599) (10,558) (1,320) (18,477) Tax effect on consolidated income before income tax 1,697,864 1,697,864 1,697,864 (424,466) (679,145) (84,893) (1,188,504)

Permanent differences

Corporate income tax (25%) (169,915) 42,479 42,479

Specific tax on state-owned companies art 2? D.L. 2.398 (40%) 125,431 (50,172) (50,172)

Specific tax on mining activity 209,793 (10,491) (10,491) TOTAL INCOME TAX (381,987) (729,317) (95,384) (1,206,688)

The Corporation has applied a rate of 25% to calculate deferred income tax and first category income tax. As a state company, the Corporation is classified as those companies of article 14 letter G of the Income Tax Law, incorporated in the Tax Reform Law No. 21210 of February 24, 2020, maintaining the General Regime of Taxation. Meanwhile, the national subsidiaries and associates, by default, have applied the Partially Integrated taxation system with a rate of 27% for both years. Foreign subsidiaries and associates have applied the tax rates in force in their respective countries.

Article 2 of Decree Law No. 2398 establishes an additional 40% income tax rate on the Corporation’s taxable income plus the share of retained earnings of companies not organized as corporations or joint stock companies and the dividends actually received from the latter.



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

On September 2, 2020, Law No. 21256 was published in the Official Journal, for the tax measures that are part of the emergency plan for economic reactivation. According to Article No. 3, added Article No. 23 bis of Law No. 21210, incorporating a temporary depreciation regime that allows full and instant depreciation of fixed assets and that is in force for acquisitions carried out between September 1, 2020, and December 31, 2022.
As a state company, the Corporation as a taxpayer that pays taxes based on effective income and complete accounting, availed itself of the indicated benefit as of tax year 2022.

Mining Taxes

On August 10, 2023, Law 21591 on mining royalty was published in the Official Gazette, effective as of January 1, 2024.

The law establishes that the new mining royalty tax is comprised of two components: The ad valorem component and the mining margin component. The ad valorem component corresponds to 1% of copper sales and applies to miners whose copper sales represent more than 50% of total sales. The mining margin component applies a rate of between 8% and 26% on mining operating margins in the range of 20% to 80%. The composite base of the mining margin component is determined in a manner similar to the current Specific Tax on Mining Activities. For this portion the Corporation will continue to assess deferred taxes. In addition, the standard establishes a Maximum Potential Tax Burden, which will adjust the Royalty tax in the event that it exceeds 46.5% of the Taxable Mining Operating Income.

A rate of 5% has been estimated for the last year of application of the Specific Tax on Mining Activities or IEAM. Likewise, an average deferred tax reversal rate of 8% has been estimated for the mining margin component of the New Royalty.

The ¡EAM, contained in the Income Tax Law, will be in force until December 31, 2023. The new Mining Royalty introduces a new mining taxation as of January 1, 2024.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

6. Current and non-current tax assets and liabilities

The current tax balance is presented net of monthly provisional payments as an asset or liability in Current Taxes determined as indicated in section ll. Main accounting policies, 2.k):
9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 Current tax assets ThUS$ ThUS$ Recoverable taxes 5,280 10,226 Total current tax assets 5,280 10,226 as 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 Current tax liabilities ThUs$ Thus$ Provisión PPM 10,058 24,315 Tax provision 1,964 1,994 Total current tax liabilities 12,022 26,309
9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 Non-current tax assets ThUS$ ThUS$ Non-current tax assets 843,138 748,611 Total non-current tax assets 843,138 748,611


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

7. Property, plant and equipment

a) The items of property, plant and equipment as of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, are as follows:

Property, plant and equipment, gross: 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUus$ ThUus$ Works in progress 7,700,046 6,426,233 Land 215,868 225,629 Buildings 6,891,251 6,858,811 Plant and equipment 21,591,339 21,425,224 Fixtures and fitings 47,054 47,241 Motor vehicles 2,150,208 2,128,955 Lands improvement 9,033,297 8,910,108 Mining operations 10,693,389 10,798,033 Mine development 6,482,507 6,141,437 Other assets 939,094 977,378 Total property, plant and equipment, gross 65,744,053 63,939,049 Property, plant and equipment, accumulated depreciation 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUus$ ThUus$ Land 22,037 20,357 Buildings 3,773,874 3,661,920 Plant and equipment 12,895,175 12,413,755 Fixtures and fitings 46,020 45,565 Motor vehicles 1,768,577 1,707,545 Improvement to land 4,557,907 4,337,041 Mining operations 7,183,244 7,616,069 Mine development 1,333,287 1,258,845 Other assets 600,833 568,422 Total property, plant and equipment, accumulated depreciation 32,180,954 31,629,519 Property, plant and equipment, net 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUus$ ThUus$ Works in progress 7,700,046 6,426,233 Land 193,831 205,272 Buildings 3,117,377 3,196,891 Plant and equipment 8,696,164 9,011,469 Fixtures and fitings 1,034 1,676 Motor vehicles 381,631 421,410 Improvement to land 4,475,390 4,573,067 Mining operations 3,510,145 3,181,964 Mine development 5,149,220 4,882,592 Other assets 338,261 408,956 Total property, plant and equipment, net 33,563,099 32,309,530



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

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Movimientos en propiedad, planta y equipo: Obras en Terrenos Edificios Planta e instalaciones 8. Vehículos motorizados. Terrenos. Minería Mina Otros activos Total (en miles de US$) Progreso Equipo Mejora Operaciones Desarrollo Accesorios Reconciliación de cambios en propiedad, planta y equipo Propiedad, planta y equipo al inicio del período Saldo inicial 01-01-2023 6,426,233 205,272 3,196,891 9,011,469 1,676 421,410 4,573,067 3,181,964 4,882,592 408,956 32,309,530 Cambios en propiedad, planta y equipo Incrementos distintos de los resultantes de combinaciones de negocios, propiedad, planta y 2,846,163 1,090 497,909 191 2,345,353 equipo Depreciación, propiedad, planta y equipo (1,680) (112,466) (528,760) (638) (83,781) (220,866) (477,825) (62,368) (71,755) (1,560,139) Aumento (disminución) por transferencias y otros cambios, propiedad, planta y equipo ES debido a transferencias desde construcción en progreso, propiedad, planta y (563,240) 297 39,072 207,465 49,059 84,119 182,511 887 Aumentos (disminuciones) debido a otros cambios, propiedad, planta y equipo (968,137) (9,988) (5,162) 9,038 (4) 1 39,070 125,586 328,996 (18) (480,618) ES debido a transferencias y otros cambios, propiedad, planta y (1,531,477) (9,761) 33,910 216,503 4) 49,060 123,189 308,097 328,996 869 (480,618) Disposiciones y retiros de servicio, propiedad, planta y equipo Retiros, propiedad, planta y equipo (40,873) (958) (4,138) (5,058) (51,027) Disposiciones y retiros de servicio, propiedad, planta y equipo (40,873) – (958) (4,138) (5,058) – – – – (51,027) Aumento (disminución) en propiedad, planta y equipo 1,273,813 (11,441) (79,514) (315,305) (642) (39,779) (97,677) 328,181 266,628 (70,695) 1,253,569 Propiedad, planta y equipo al final del período Saldo al cierre 09-30-2023 7,700,046 193,831 3,117,377 8,696,164 1,034 381,631 4,475,390 3,510,145 5,149,220 338,261 33,563,099 Movimientos: Fijos. Obras en Terrenos Edificios Planta e instalaciones 8. Vehículos motorizados. Terrenos. Minería Mina Otros activos Total (en miles de US$) Progreso Equipo Mejora Operaciones Desarrollo Accesorios

Reconciliación de cambios en propiedad, planta y equipo Propiedad, planta y equipo al inicio del período Saldo inicial 01-01-2022 6,869,931 351,535 2,768,932 8,497,135 3,324 463,780 3,515,097 3,059,899 4,464,493 455,767 30,449,893 Cambios en propiedad, planta y equipo Incrementos distintos de los resultantes de combinaciones de negocios, propiedad, planta y 3,603,401 618 8 418,670 8 4,022,779 equipo Depreciación, propiedad, planta y equipo – (2,408) (162,231) (687,029) (1,464) (100,350) (306,733) (669,680) (99,092) (47,671) (2,076,658) Pérdidas por deterioro reconocidas en el estado de resultados del período (89,410) – – – – – – – – – (89,410) Aumento (disminución) por transferencias y otros cambios, propiedad, planta y equipo ES debido a transferencias desde construcción en progreso, propiedad, planta y (2,984,191) 602 352,600 1,228,772 63,412 906,804 298,530 32,609 770 Aumentos (disminuciones) debido a otros cambios, propiedad, planta y equipo (971,588) (144,457) 238,551 (21,926) (19) (2) 457,899 (25,455) 484,582 34 17,619 ES debido a transferencias y otros cambios, propiedad, planta y (3,955,779) (143,855) 591,243 1,206,846 (19) 63,410 1,364,703 373,075 517,191 804 17,619 Disposiciones y retiros de servicio, propiedad, planta y equipo Retiros, propiedad, planta y equipo (1,910) (1,053) (6,101) (173) (5,430) (26) (14,693) Disposiciones y retiros de servicio, propiedad, planta y equipo (1,910) – (1,053) (6,101) (173) (5,430) – – (26) (14,693) Aumento (disminución) en propiedad, planta y equipo (443,698) (146,263) 427,959 514,334 (1,648) (42,370) 1,057,970 122,065 418,099 (46,811) 1,859,637 Propiedad, planta y equipo al final del período Saldo al cierre 12-31-2022 6,426,233 205,272 3,196,891 9,011,469 1,676 421,410 4,573,067 3,181,964 4,882,592 408,956 32,309,530


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


El saldo de construcción en progreso está directamente asociado con las actividades operativas de la Corporación y se relaciona con la adquisición de equipos para proyectos en construcción y los costos asociados para su finalización.

La Corporación ha firmado pólizas de seguros para cubrir los posibles riesgos a los que están sujetos los diversos elementos de propiedad, planta y equipo, así como las posibles reclamaciones que puedan surgir durante el período de sus actividades. En opinión de la Gerencia, dichas pólizas cubren suficientemente los riesgos a los que están sujetos.

Los costos de intereses capitalizados durante los períodos de nueve meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022 ascendieron a ThUS$ 174,965 y ThUS$209,224, respectivamente. La tasa anual de capitalización fue del 4,7% y 4,28% al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, respectivamente.

Los gastos en exploración y perforación de depósitos reconocidos en el estado de resultados y los desembolsos en efectivo realizados por los mismos conceptos se presentan en la siguiente tabla:

Gastos en exploración y perforación de yacimientos 01-01-2023 01-01-2022 30-09-2023 30-09-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos netos del período 57,133 59,449 Desembolsos en efectivo realizados 57,179 51,651

El detalle de “Otros activos” bajo “Propiedad, planta y equipo” es el siguiente:

Otros activos, neto 30-09-2023 31-12-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Propiedades mineras de la compra de Anglo American Sur S.A 260,000 260,000 Mantenimiento y otras reparaciones importantes 53,151 117,569 Otros Activos – Planta Calama 19,484 26,388 Otros 5,626 4,999 Otros activos, neto 338,261 408,956

La Corporación actualmente no tiene restricciones de propiedad relacionadas con activos pertenecientes a Propiedad, planta y equipo, excepto por activos arrendados cuyo título legal corresponde al arrendador.

Codelco no ha empeñado propiedad, planta y equipo como garantía de obligaciones de deuda.

In accordance with the provisions of section 2. Significant accounting policies, relating to Impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, and as indicated in note 21 Asset impairment, as of December 31, 2022, the Corporation recorded an impairment of the value of the Ventanas Smelter assets in the amount of ThUS$89,410 before tax.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


8. Leases
8.1 Right-of-use assets

As of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the breakdown of the right of use asset category is:

Detail 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$

Right-of-use assets, gross 890,628 922,837

Right-of-use assets, accumulated depreciation 491,948 516,994

Total right-of-use assets, net 398,680 405,843

Movements during the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and year ended December 31, 2022 are as follows:

Reconciliation of changes in Right-of-use Assets 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 (in thousands of US$) ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 405,843 361,539 Increases 102,226 202,426 Depreciation (111,954) (150,294) Increase (decrease) due to other changes 3,607 (7,447) Retirements, right-of-use assets (1,042) (381) Total movements (7,163) 44,304 Closing balance 398,680 405,843

The composition by asset class is as follows:

Right-of-use assets, net, by asset class 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Buildings 5,332 6,248 Land 272 308 Plant and equipment 198,690 174,688 Fixtures and fittings 4,513 5,897 Motor vehicles 175,880 201,874 Right-of-use assets 13,993 16,828 Total 398,680 405,843


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

8.2 Liabilities for current and non-current leases


As of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, the payment commitments for leasing operations are summarized in the following table:

9-30-2023 12-31-2022 Lease

Current and Non-current Gross Interest Equity Gross Interest Equity

ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ up to 90 days 50,011 (5,466) 44,545 44,526 (4,674) 39,852 more than 90 days up to 1 year 100,847 (14,725) 86,122 98,947 (13,609) 85,338 more than 1 year up to 2 years 116,697 (12,979) 103,718 106,699 (12,565) 94,134 over 2 years up to 3 years 74,059 (8,290) 65,769 85,401 (9,800) 75,601 over 3 years up to 4 years 37,447 (5,304) 32,143 55,460 (6,642) 48,818 over 4 years up to 5 years 18,748 (3,520) 15,228 27,725 (3,691) 24,034 more than 5 years 77,851 (23,437) 54,414 71,308 (27,216) 44,092 Total 475,660 (73,721) 401,939 490,066 (78,197) 411,869

Leasing operations are generated by service contracts, mainly for facilities, buildings, plants and equipment.

The expense related to short-term leases, low-value assets and variable leases not included in the measurement of lease liabilities, during the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, is presented in the following table:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 Lease expense 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Short-term leases 12,234 1,412 Low value assets 3,263 566 Variable leases not included in the measurement of lease liabilities 678,123 452,981 TOTAL 693,620 454,959

Investments accounted for using the equity method

The value of the investment and the accrued results of investments accounted for using the equity method are presented below:

Share of value Accrued profit (loss) Accrued profit (loss) Currency 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 4-1-2023 4-1-2022 Associates Taxpayer ID No. Functional 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 % % ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Agua de la Falda S.A. 96.801.450-1 US$ 42.26% 42.26% 4,769 4,682 (157) – (157) – Anglo American Sur S.A. 77.762.940-9 US$ 29.50% 29.50% 2,675,586 2,827,106 (151,520) 56,002 (134,310) (8,498) Inca de Oro S.A. 73.063.022-5 US$ 33.85% 33.85% 12,437 12,506 (69) (60) (28) – Kairos Mining S.A. 76.781.030-K US$ 40.00% 40.00% 99 44 – – – – Minera Purén SCM 76.028.880-2 US$ 35.00% 35.00% 2,732 3,338 (608) (330) (60) (79) Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA 76.255,054-7 US$ 34.00% 34.00% 18,018 16,346 1,686 1,117 611 154 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra 96.701.340-4 US$ 49.00% 49.00% 679,654 663,301 16,389 (3,338) 6,258 (15,007) TOTAL 3,393,295 3,527,323 (134,279) 53,391 (127,686) (23,430)


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

a) Associates Agua de la Falda S.A.

As of September 30, 2023, Codelco holds a 42.26% ownership interest in Agua de la Falda S.A., with the remaining 57.74% owned by Minera Meridian Limitada.

The corporate purpose of this company is to exploit deposits of gold and other minerals, in the third region of Chile.

Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra

Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra was incorporated in 1994. As of September 30, 2023, Codelco holds a 49% ownership interest, with the remaining 51% owned by Cyprus El Abra Corporation, a subsidiary of Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

The company business activities involve the extraction, production and selling of copper cathodes.

Sociedad Contractual Minera Purén

As of September 30, 2023, Codelco holds a 35% ownership interest, with the remaining 65% owned by Compañía Minera Mantos de Oro.

This company’s corporate purpose is to explore, identify, survey, investigate, develop and exploit mining deposits in order to extract, produce and process minerals.

Inca de Oro S.A.

On September 1, 2009, Codelco’s Board of Directors authorized the incorporation of a new company aimed to develop studies allowing the continuity of the Inca de Oro Project, which is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Codelco.

As of September 30, 2023, Codelco holds a 33.85% ownership interest in this company (PanAust IDO Ltda. has 66.15%).

Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA

On December 3, 2012, Planta Recuperadora Metales SpA was incorporated by Codelco, which held a 100% ownership interest in this company.

On July 7, 2014, Codelco reduced its ownership interest in Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA to 51%, with the remaining 49% ownership interest held by LS-Nikko Copper Inc.

On October 14, 2015, Codelco reduced its ownership interest in Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA to 34%, with LS-Nikko Copper Inc, holding the remaining 66%.

As of September 30, 2023, LS-Nikko Copper Inc, is the controlling shareholder of this company based on the control elements set out in the shareholders’ agreement.

The principal business activity of the company is the processing of intermediate products of the refining and processing of copper and other metals aiming to recover copper, other metals and other sub-products, their transformation to commercial products and the selling and distribution of all classes of goods or inputs derived from such process.

Anglo American Sur S.A.

The principal activities of the Company are the exploration, extraction, exploitation, production, processing and trading of minerals, concentrates, precipitates, copper bars and all metallic and non-metallic minerals, all fossil substances and liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons. This includes the exploration, exploitation and use of all natural energy sources capable of industrial use and the products or by-products obtained, as well as any other related, connected or complementary activities on which the shareholders agree.

On August 24, 2012, Codelco recognized the acquisition of ownership interest in Anglo American Sur S.A. which resulted in the initial recognition of the cost of the investment for ThUS$ 6,490,000 that corresponded to the proportionate share (29.5%) of the net fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired.

In determining the share of the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired, the Corporation considered the resources and mineral reserves that could be measured reliably. As part of this updating process, and applying the valuation criteria indicated above, the fair value of the assets acquired and liabilities assumed of Anglo American Sur S.A. as of that date amounted to US$ 22,646 million, which in the proportion acquired by Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (29.5%) results in an investment at fair value of US $ 6,681 million at the acquisition date.

The allocation of the purchase price at fair value between the identifiable assets and liabilities was prepared by management using its best estimate and considering all relevant and available information at the acquisition date of Anglo American Sur S.A.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

The Corporation used a discounted cash flows model to estimate cash flow projections, based on the life of mine. These projections were based on estimated production and future prices of minerals, operating costs and capital costs, among other estimates made at the date of acquisition. Additionally, proven and probable resources to explore were not included in the mine plan, therefore, they were valued separately using a market model. Such resources are included in item “Mineral Resources”.

As of December 31, 2015, the Corporation identified indicators of impairment in the operating units of Anglo American Sur S.A. Consequently, and with the purpose of making the corresponding adjustments to the investment in this associate, the Corporation estimated its recoverable amount, considering the additional value of the assets identified at the date of acquisition of the investment.

In determining the recoverable amount, the Corporation applied the methodology of fair value less costs of disposal. The recoverable amount of the operating units was determined based on the life of mine by using a discounted cash flow model whose main assumptions included ore reserves declared by the associate, copper price, supply costs, foreign exchange rates, discount rate and market information for the long-term asset valuation. The discount rate used was an annual rate of 8% after taxes.

Furthermore, the resources not included in the mining plan (LOM) have been valued using a multiples market approach for comparable transactions. Such methodology is consistent with the methodologies used at the acquisition date, which is described in the previous paragraph.

As of September 30, 2023, control on Anglo American Sur S.A. is held by Inversiones Anglo American Sur S.A. with 50.06%, while one of the companies that make up the non-controlling interest is Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA., which is controlled by Codelco with 67.80% of the shares, and which exercises significant influence over Anglo American Sur S.A. with 29.5%.

As of December 31, 2022, the Corporation evaluated the value of its investment in the associate Anglo American Sur S.A., determining that the recoverable amount of this asset approximates its book value, which was at that date ThUS$2,827,106. The determination of the aforementioned recoverable amount is based on a valuation model that combines a discounted cash flow methodology for the valuation of proven and probable reserves and multiples of comparable transactions for the valuation of resources, which is sensitive to certain key assumptions and market variables. A reasonably possible change of a 5% decrease in copper price projections could represent an impairment of the investment in the associate of ThUS$181,632. A reasonably possible increase in the discount rate of 100 bps could generate an impairment of the investment in the associate of ThUS$132,618.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Changes in the tax and regulatory framework or in the operation of the asset could generate future additional decreases or increases in the recoverable amount of the investment. As of September 30, 2023, no impairment has been identified on the investment in Anglo American Sur S.A.

Kairos S.A.

Until before November 26, 2012, the Corporation held a 40% stake in conjunction with Honeywell Chile S.A. who was the majority shareholder with 60% of the capital stock of Kairos Mining S.A.

On November 26, 2012, the Corporation sold part of its stake to Honeywell Chile SA, which implies that Codelco maintained a 5% interest as of December 31, 2012, while the remaining 95% was held Honeywell Chile S.A. The result of this pre-tax operation was ThUS$ 13.

On September 6, 2019, Codelco purchased 350 shares of Kairos Mining from Honeywell Chile S.A., increasing its participation from 5% to 40%.

September 30, 2023, the control of the company lies in Honeywell Chile S.A. which owns 60% of the shares while Codelco owns the remaining 40%.

The purpose of the company is to provide automation and control services for industrial and mining activities and to provide technology and software licenses.

The following tables present the assets and liabilities as of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022 of investments in associates, as well as the main movements and their respective results during the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022.

Assets and liabilities 9-30-2023 12-31-2022

ThUS$ ThUS$ Activo corriente 1.725.252 2.014.837 Activo no corriente 6.230.514 6.048.672 Pasivo corriente 1.102.701 1.188.578 Pasivo no corriente 2.170.795 2.146.339

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 4-1-2023 4-1-2022

Beneficio (pérdida) 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022

ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 2.398.804 1.691.124 1.442.208 902.630 Gastos ordinarios (2.510.109) (1.432.126) (1.573.162) (783.039) Pérdida (ganancia) del período (111.305) 258.998 (130.954) 119.591

1-1-2023 1-1-2022

Movimiento Inversión en Asociadas 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Saldo inicial 3.527.323 3.546.011 Aporte 245 257 Dividendos – (65.446) Ingresos netos del período (134.279) 53.391 Ingresos integrales (35) 161 Otros 41 57 Saldo final 3.393.295 3.534.431



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Las siguientes tablas detallan los activos y pasivos de las asociadas significativas al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, así como los principales movimientos y sus respectivos resultados durante los períodos de nueve meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022:

Anglo American Sur S.A. al 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 Activos y pasivos ThUS$ ThUS$ Activo corriente 909.000 1.230.826 Activo no corriente 5.092.000 4.890.300 Pasivo corriente 978.000 1.035.447 Pasivo no corriente 1.837.000 1.816.705
1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2022 7-1-2022 Beneficio (pérdida) 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ MUS$ MUS$ Ingresos 1.731.000 1.848.000 542.000 524.000 Gastos ordinarios y otros (1.811.506) (1.638.235) (580.842) (546.043) Pérdida (Ganancia) del período (80.506) 209.765 (38.842) (22.043) Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra Activos y pasivos 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activo corriente 772.364 751.431 Activo no corriente 1.022.110 1.027.238 Pasivo corriente 106.428 130.665 Pasivo no corriente 300.997 294.330
1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2022 7-1-2022 Beneficio (pérdida) 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 638.291 559.245 213.104 210.978 Gastos ordinarios y otros (604.845) (566.056) (200.334) (241.604) Pérdida (Ganancia) del período 33.446 (6.811) 12.770 (30.626)


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b) Información adicional sobre ganancias (pérdidas) no realizadas

Codelco realiza operaciones de compra y venta de cobre con Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, el valor de los productos terminados bajo la categoría de Inventarios no presentó saldos para la provisión de ganancias no realizadas.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, la Corporación tiene ganancias no realizadas en la compra de derechos de uso de terminal de GNL de Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra por un saldo de ThUS$ 2.654 y ThUS$ 3.920, respectivamente.

c) Participación en las ganancias o pérdidas del período

La renta antes de impuestos, correspondiente a la proporción en los ingresos de Anglo American Sur S.A. reconocida para el período finalizado el 30 de septiembre de 2023 fue una pérdida de ThUS$ 23.749 (30 de septiembre de 2022: ganancia de ThUS$ 61.881). Codelco también reconoció un ajuste a dichos ingresos correspondiente a la depreciación y cancelación de los valores razonables de los activos netos de dicha empresa originados en la fecha de adquisición, lo que resultó en una renta antes de impuestos menor de ThUS$ 7.012 (30 de septiembre de 2022: pérdida de ThUS$ 5.879). Además, Codelco reconoció una pérdida de ThUS$ 120.759 por la responsabilidad fiscal diferida asociada con el efecto de la nueva Ley de Regalías (Ley N° 21591) en los valores razonables de los activos netos mencionados. Ambos ajustes se restan de “Participación en las ganancias (pérdidas) de asociadas y negocios conjuntos contabilizados utilizando el método de participación patrimonial” en el estado consolidado de resultados integrales.

10. Subsidiarias

Las siguientes tablas detallan los activos, pasivos y ganancias (pérdidas) de las subsidiarias de la Corporación, antes de los ajustes de consolidación:

Activos y pasivos 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activo corriente 349.172 433.023 Activo no corriente 3.306.854 3.448.081 Pasivo corriente 199.369 257.855 Pasivo no corriente 543.493 547.319
1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 Beneficio (pérdida) 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 MUS$ MUS$ MUS$ MUS$ Ingresos 910.526 1.055.383 167.416 245.210 Gastos ordinarios y otros (1.051.804) (985.846) (299.126) (246.747) Pérdida (Ganancia) (141.278) 69.537 (131.710) (1.537)



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


11. Activos financieros corrientes y no corrientes

Los activos financieros corrientes y no corrientes incluidos en el estado de situación financiera son los siguientes:
9-30-2023 A valor razonable . . os . . Le . . o Total financiero Clasificación en el estado de situación financiera a través de resultados o | Costo amortizado Derivados de cobertura activos activos Futuros de metales Contratos de permuta de divisas ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUuS$ ThUS$ Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 22.523 2.061.403 2.083.926 Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras corrientes 1.922.245 990.441 2.912.686 Cuentas por cobrar no corrientes – 73.351 73.351 Cuentas por cobrar corrientes de entidades relacionadas 22.708 22.708 Cuentas por cobrar no corrientes de entidades relacionadas 224 – 224 Otros activos financieros corrientes 8 7.734 – 7.742 Otros activos financieros no corrientes – 5.105 1.137 75.734 81.976 TOTAL 1.944.768 3.153.240 8.871 75.734 5.182.613

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, el saldo de la categoría Otros activos financieros corrientes incluye ThUS$ 1.315 invertidos en instrumentos de depósito a plazo con vencimiento de más de 90 días.


A valor razonable . e Total financiero

Clasificación en el estado de situación financiera a través de resultados o | Costo amortizado Derivados de cobertura activos activos

Futuros de metales | Contratos de permuta de divisas ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUuS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 26.806 999.921 1.026.727 Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras corrientes 2.422.067 964.718 3.386.785 Cuentas por cobrar no corrientes 88.906 88.906 Cuentas por cobrar corrientes de entidades relacionadas 31.756 31.756 Cuentas por cobrar no corrientes de entidades relacionadas 224 224 Otros activos financieros corrientes 1.364 87 1.451 Otros activos financieros no corrientes 4.983 100.535 105.518 TOTAL 2.448.873 2.091.872 87 100.535 4.641.367

– – Valor razonable a través de resultados o pérdidas: Al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 31 de diciembre de 2022, esta categoría incluye facturas de ventas de productos no terminados. Sección 11.2.q.

– – Costo amortizado: Corresponde a activos financieros mantenidos dentro de un modelo de negocio cuyo objetivo es mantener activos financieros para cobrar flujos de efectivo contractuales que son únicamente pagos de principal e intereses sobre el principal pendiente. Estos activos no se cotizan en un mercado activo.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Los efectos en el resultado del ejercicio reconocidos para estos activos provienen principalmente de ingresos financieros y diferencias cambiarias de saldos denominados en monedas distintas a la moneda funcional.

No se reconocieron deterioros significativos en cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras.

– Derivados para Cobertura: Corresponde al saldo por cambios en el valor razonable de contratos de derivados para cubrir transacciones existentes (coberturas de flujos de efectivo) y que afectan el resultado del ejercicio cuando las transacciones se liquidan o cuando, en la medida requerida por las normas contables, se carga (acredita) un efecto compensatorio en el estado de resultados. El detalle de las transacciones de cobertura con derivados está incluido en la Nota 28.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y al 31 de diciembre de 2022 no hubo reclasificaciones entre las diferentes categorías de instrumentos financieros.

12. Otros pasivos financieros: Los otros pasivos financieros consisten en préstamos con instituciones financieras y obligaciones de emisión de bonos, que son registrados por la Corporación al costo amortizado utilizando el método del interés efectivo.

Las siguientes tablas presentan otros pasivos financieros corrientes y no corrientes:

30-09-2023 Ítems Corriente No corriente Amortizado Cobertura Total Amortizado Cobertura Total Costo Derivados Costo Derivados ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Préstamos de entidades financieras 17,411 – 17,411 1,464,686 – 1,464,686 Obligaciones de bonos 577,844 – 577,844 17,965,046 – 17,965,046 Obligaciones de cobertura – 125,714 125,714 – 5,300 5,300 Otros pasivos financieros – – – 78,206 – 78,206 Total 595,255 125,714 720,969 19,507,938 5,300 19,513,238
31-12-2022 Ítems Corriente No corriente Amortizado Cobertura Total Amortizado Cobertura Total Costo Derivados Costo Derivados ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Préstamos de entidades financieras 8,545 – 8,545 970,160 – 970,160 Obligaciones de bonos 452,154 – 452,154 15,527,518 – 15,527,518 Obligaciones de cobertura – 9,738 9,738 – 127,786 127,786 Otros pasivos financieros – – – 63,659 – 63,659 Total 460,699 9,738 470,437 16,561,337 127,786 16,689,123


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Obligaciones de bonos:

El 10 de mayo de 2005, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado nacional por un monto nominal de UF 6,900,000 de una sola serie denominada Serie B, que consiste en 6,900 bonos por UF 1,000 cada uno. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 1 de abril de 2025, a una tasa de interés anual del 4% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 21 de septiembre de 2005, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado estadounidense bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$500,000. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 21 de septiembre de 2035, a una tasa de interés anual del 5.6250% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 19 de octubre de 2006, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado estadounidense bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$500,000. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 24 de octubre de 2036, a una tasa de interés anual del 6.15% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 17 de julio de 2012, la Compañía emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado estadounidense bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$2,000,000. Estos bonos son pagaderos en dos cuotas: (1) la primera cuota el 17 de julio de 2022 por un monto de ThUS$1,250,000 a una tasa de interés anual del 3%. El 22 de agosto de 2017, el 6 de febrero de 2019, el 8 y 22 de octubre de 2019 y el 16 de diciembre de 2020 se pagaron los montos de capital de ThUS$412,514, ThUS$314,219, ThUS$106,972, ThUS$3,820 y ThUS$83,852 respectivamente. Y (ii) la otra cuota vence el 17 de julio de 2042 y es por un monto de ThUS$750,000 a una tasa de interés anual del 4.25%.

El 13 de agosto de 2013, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado estadounidense, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$750,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 13 de agosto de 2023, a una tasa de interés anual del 4.5% y pagos de intereses semestrales. El 22 de agosto de 2017, el 12 de febrero y el 26 de febrero de 2019 y el 8 y 22 de octubre de 2019 se pagaron los montos de capital de ThUS$162,502, ThUS$228,674, ThUS$270, ThUS$23,128 y ThUS$555 respectivamente. El 6 de mayo de 2020, el capital restante debido se aumentó por un monto nominal de ThUS$131,000, alcanzando un total de ThUS$465,871 con un cupón anual del 4.50%. El 16 de diciembre de 2020 y el 22 de octubre de 2021, se amortizó el capital en los montos de ThUS$79,688 y ThUS$157,965 respectivamente, alcanzando un total de ThUS$228,218.

El 18 de octubre de 2013, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado estadounidense, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$950,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 18 de octubre de 2043, a una tasa de interés anual del 5.625% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 9 de julio de 2014, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en los mercados financieros internacionales, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de EUR$600,000,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 9 de julio de 2024, a una tasa de interés anual del 2.25% y pagos de intereses anuales. El 22 de octubre de 2021, se amortizó el capital por un monto de TNREUR$200,116, alcanzando un total de TNREUR$399,884.

El 4 de noviembre de 2014, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado estadounidense, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$980,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 4 de noviembre de 2044, a una tasa de interés anual del 4.875% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 16 de septiembre de 2015, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado estadounidense, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$2,000,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 16 de septiembre de 2025, a una tasa de interés anual del 4.5% y pagos de intereses semestrales. El 22 de agosto de 2017 y el 12 de febrero de 2019, se pagaron montos de capital por un monto de ThUS$378,655 y ThUS$552,754 respectivamente. El 22 de diciembre de 2020, se amortizó el capital por un monto de ThUS$392,499. El 7 de enero de 2021, se amortizó el capital por un monto de ThUS$5,000. El 22 de octubre de 2021, se amortizó el capital por un monto de ThUS$273,867, alcanzando un monto total de ThUS$397,235.

El 24 de agosto de 2016, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado nacional por un monto nominal de UF 10,000,000 de una sola serie denominada Serie C, que consiste en 20,000 bonos por UF 500 cada uno. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 24 de agosto de 2026, a una tasa de interés anual del 2.5% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

On July 25, 2017, the Corporation made an offer in New York to buy its bonds issued in dollars with maturities between 2019 and 2025, repurchasing US$2,367 million.

Later, on August 1, 2017, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the North American market, under standard 144-A and Regulation S, for a total nominal amount of ThUS$2,750,000. One portion corresponds to an amount of ThUS$1,500,000, maturing on August 1, 2027 with an annual coupon rate of interest of 3.625% and semi-annual interest. On December 22, 2020 and January 7, 2021, principal was paid in the amount of ThUS$227,154 and ThUS$5,000 respectively. The other portion contemplates a maturity date of August 1, 2047, corresponding to an amount of ThUS$1,250,000 with an annual coupon of 4.5% and semi-annual interest payments.

As a result of these transactions, 86% of the funds from the new issue (US$2,367 million) were used to refinance old debt. The average interest rate of refinanced funds decreased from 4.36% to 4.02%.

On May 18, 2018, Codelco issued a bond for US$600 million with 30-year maturity in the market of Formosa, Taiwan. The bond issued is denominated in US dollars, had a yield of 4.85% and a prepayment option at the issue value that can be exercised from the fifth year onwards at its par value.

On January 28, 2019, the Corporation in New York made an offer to purchase its bonds issued in dollars with maturities between 2020 and 2025, repurchasing US$1,527 million.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Subsequently, on February 5, 2019, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the North American market, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a total nominal amount of ThUS$1,300,000, which maturity will be 5 February 2049 with a coupon of 4.375% per annum and interest payments on a semi-annual basis.

On July 22, 2019, the Corporation made a bond issue and placement, Regulation S, for a nominal amount of AUD $70,000,000, whose maturity will be in a single installment on July 22, 2039, with a coupon of 3.58% annual and interest payment annually.

On August 23, 2019, the Corporation made a bond issue and placement, Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$130,000, whose maturity will be in a single installment on August 23, 2029, with a coupon of 2.869% annual and interest payment semiannually.

On September 30, 2019, Codelco launched a tender offer for bonds maturing between 2020 and 2023, in which a repurchase amount of US$152 million was reached.

On September 30, 2019, the Corporation made an issue and placement of bonds in the North American market, under rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a total nominal amount of ThUS$2,000,000 whose maturity will be, under one tranche, on September 30, 2029 corresponding to an amount of ThUS$1,100,000 with a 3% annual coupon. The other tranche contemplates a maturity on January 30, 2050, corresponding to an amount of ThUS$900,000. On January 14, 2020 and October 22, 2021, a capital increase was made for a nominal amount of ThUS$1,000,000 and ThUS$780,000, respectively, reaching a total amount of ThUS$2,780,000 with a coupon of 3.70% per annum. On October 22, 2021, together with the aforementioned capital increase of ThUS$780,000 of the international bond maturing in 2050, a process of repurchase of bonds maturing in 2023 and 2025 in the amount of ThUS$431,832 and the repurchase of a Euro bond in the amount of MEUR$200,116 maturing in 2024 was concluded. The effect recognized in income associated with this refinancing was a charge of US$23 million in after-tax income for the year 2021.

On November 7, 2019, the Corporation made a bond issue and placement, Regulation S, for a nominal amount of HKD$500,000,000, whose maturity will be in a single installment on November 7, 2034, with a coupon of 2.84% annual and interest payment annually.

On January 14, 2020, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the North American market, under rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$1,000,000, the maturity of which will be in a single installment on 14 January 2030, with a coupon of 3.15% per annum and payment of interest every six months.

On May 6, 2020, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the North American market, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$800,000 whose maturity will be in a single installment on January 15, 2031, with a coupon of 3.75% per annum and interest paid every six months.

On December 7, 2020, the Corporation made in New York an offer to purchase its bonds issued in dollars with maturities between 2021 and 2027, repurchasing ThUS$797,554,


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

On December 14, 2020, the Corporation carried out an issuance and placement of bonds in the North American market, under standard 144-A and Regulation S, for a total nominal amount of ThUS$500,000 whose maturity will be in a single installment on January 15, 2051, with a coupon of 3.15% per annum and interest payment on a semi-annual basis.

As a result of these transactions, 100% of the funds from the new issuance (US$500 million) were used to refinance old debt. The average nominal rate of the refinanced funds decreased from 4.08% to 3.15%.

On February 2, 2023, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the North American market, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a total nominal amount of ThUS$900,000 whose maturity will be in a single installment on February 2, 2033, with a coupon of 5.125% per annum and interest paid every six months.

On September 8, 2023, the Corporation issued bonds in the U.S. market under Rule 144-A and Regulation S for a total nominal amount of ThUS$2,000,000 maturing on January 8, 2034 for an amount of ThUS$1,300,000 with a coupon of 5.95% per annum, and on September 8, 2053, for an amount of ThUS$700,000 with a coupon of 6.30% per annum. Both notes contemplate semiannual interest payments.

As of September 30, 2023 and 2022, the Corporation is not required to comply with any financial covenants related to borrowings from financial institutions and bond obligations.

Financial debt commissions and expenses:

Transaction costs incurred in obtaining financial resources are deducted from the loan proceeds and are amortized using the effective interest rate.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


As of September 30, 2023, the details of loans from financial institutions and bond obligations are as follows:

9-30-2023 Préstamos de un . Monto Tipo de Pago de Nominal Efectiva Actual No actual Identificación de contribuyente País . : Ls Institución Vencimiento Tasa de interés | Moneda o : : saldo saldo entidades financieras contratadas | amortización Interés tasa de interés | tasa de interés ThUS$ ThUS$ Extranjero Panamá Crédito Bilateral [Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio 12-18-2026 Variable US$ 75,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 6.94% 7.17% 3,480 74,690 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral [Export Dev. Canadá 08-12-2027 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Al vencimiento Trimestral 6.78% 6.83% 1,460 299,457 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral [Export Dev. Canadá 10-25-2028 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Al vencimiento Trimestral 6.83% 7.00% 2,712 299,077 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral [Export Dev. Canadá 07-25-2029 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Al vencimiento Trimestral 6.85% 7.11% 3,812 297,545 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral [Export Dev. Canadá 01-31-2033 Variable US$ 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Trimestral 7.02% 7.31% 5,947 493,917 TOTAL 17,411 1,464,686 : : Actual No actual Obligaciones de bonos País de registro Vencimiento Tasa de interés | Moneda Monto Tipo de Pago de . Nominal . Efectiva saldo saldo contratado | amortización Interés tasa de interés | tasa de interés ThUS$ ThUS$
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-09-2024 Fijo EUR 600,000,000 | Al vencimiento Anual 2.25% 2.47% 424,046 – BCODE-B Chile 04-01-2025 Fijo U.F. 6,900,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 4.00% 3.24% – 281,588
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-16-2025 Fijo US$ 2,000,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 4.50% 4.74% 745 395,448 BCODE-C Chile 08-24-2026 Fijo U.F. 10,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 2.50% 1.78% 1,032 411,436
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-01-2027 Fijo US$ 1,500,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 3.63% 4.18% 7,660 1,243,051 REG.S Luxemburgo 08-23-2029 Fijo US$ 130,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 2.87% 2.97% 394 129,266
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-30-2029 Fijo US$ 1,100,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 3.00% 3.14% 92 1,091,575
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-14-2030 Fijo US$ 1,000,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 3.15% 3.28% 6,738 992,478
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-15-2031 Fijo US$ 800,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 3.75% 3.79% 6,333 797,755
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 02-02-2033 Fijo US$ 900,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 5.13% 5.27% 7,559 890,650
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-08-2034 Fijo US$ 1,300,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 5.95% 6.09% 4,942 1,285,825 REG.S Luxemburgo 11-07-2034 Fijo HKD 500,000,000 | Al vencimiento Anual 2.84% 2.92% 1,630 63,375
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-21-2035 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 5.63% 5.78% 781 493,409
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-24-2036 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 6.15% 6.22% 13,410 497,040 REG.S Luxemburgo 07-22-2039 Fijo AUD 70,000,000 | Al vencimiento Anual 3.58% 3.66% 309 44,607
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-17-2042 Fijo US$ 750,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 4.25% 4.41% 6,552 735,208
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-18-2043 Fijo US$ 950,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 5.63% 5.76% 24,195 934,934
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 11-04-2044 Fijo US$ 980,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 4.88% 5.01% 19,508 962,985
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-01-2047 Fijo US$ 1,250,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 4.50% 4.73% 9,375 1,209,155
144 – REG.S Taiwán 05-18-2048 Fijo US$ 600,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 4.85% 4.91% 10,751 594,857
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 02-05-2049 Fijo US$ 1,300,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 4.38% 4.97% 8,847 1,189,804
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-30-2050 Fijo US$ 2,680,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 3.70% 3.92% 16,802 2,581,713
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-15-2051 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 3.15% 3.75% 3,325 448,653
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-08-2053 Fijo US$ 700,000,000 | Al vencimiento | Semestral 6.30% 6.41% 2,818 690,234 TOTAL 577,844 17,965,046

Las tasas de interés nominal y efectiva presentadas anteriormente corresponden a tasas anuales.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, los detalles de los préstamos de instituciones financieras y las obligaciones de bonos son los siguientes:

12-31-2022 . ; . , Actual No actual Identificación de contribuyente País Préstamos de instituciones financieras Vencimiento Tasa de interés | Moneda Monto Tipo de amortización Pago de : Nominal : Efectiva saldo saldo entidades contratadas Interés tasa de interés | tasa de interés

ThUS$ ThUS$ Extranjero Panamá Crédito Bilateral Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio 12-18-2026 Variable US$ 75,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 6.38% 6.60% 133 74,629 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 08-12-2027 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Al vencimiento Trimestral 5.80% 5.85% 2,320 299,365 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 10-25-2028 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Al vencimiento Trimestral 5.57% 5.73% 3,111 298,900 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 07-25-2029 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Al vencimiento Trimestral 5.59% 5.83% 2,981 297,266 TOTAL 8,545 970,160

. , Actual No actual Obligaciones de bonos País de registro Vencimiento Tasa de interés | Moneda Monto Tipo de amortización Pago de : Nominal : Efectiva saldo saldo contratado Interés tasa de interés | tasa de interés

144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-13-2023 Fijo US$ 750,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.50% 4.37% 232,331 –
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-09-2024 Fijo EUR 600,000,000 Al vencimiento Anual 2.25% 2.47% 4,600 426,391 BCODE-B Chile 04-01-2025 Fijo UF. 6,900,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.00% 3.24% 2,831 287,127
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-16-2025 Fijo US$ 2,000,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.50% 4.74% 5,214 394,811 BCODE-C Chile 08-24-2026 Fijo UF. 10,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 2.50% 1.78% 3,596 419,382
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-01-2027 Fijo US$ 1,500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.63% 4.18% 19,150 1,238,644 REG.S Luxemburgo 08-23-2029 Fijo US$ 130,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 2.87% 2.97% 1,326 129,182
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-30-2029 Fijo US$ 1,100,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.00% 3.14% 8,342 1,090,629
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-14-2030 Fijo US$ 1,000,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.15% 3.28% 14,613 991,678
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-15-2031 Fijo US$ 800,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.75% 3.79% 13,833 797,556 REG.S Luxemburgo 11-07-2034 Fijo HKD 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Anual 2.84% 2.92% 274 63,587
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-21-2035 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 5.63% 5.78% 7,813 493,130
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-24-2036 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 6.15% 6.22% 5,723 496,932 REG.S Luxemburgo 07-22-2039 Fijo AUD 70,000,000 Al vencimiento Anual 3.58% 3.65% 754 47,258
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-17-2042 Fijo US$ 750,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.25% 4.41% 14,521 734,833
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-18-2043 Fijo US$ 950,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 5.63% 5.76% 10,836 934,639
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 11-04-2044 Fijo US$ 980,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.88% 5.01% 7,564 962,650
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-01-2047 Fijo US$ 1,250,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.50% 4.73% 23,438 1,208,467
144 – REG.S Taiwán 05-18-2048 Fijo US$ 600,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.85% 4.91% 3,476 594,778
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 02-05-2049 Fijo US$ 1,300,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.38% 4.97% 23,066 1,188,182
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-30-2050 Fijo US$ 2,680,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.70% 3.92% 41,591 2,579,805
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-15-2051 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.15% 3.75% 7,262 447,857 TOTAL 452,154 15,527,518″


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


The undiscounted amounts that the Corporation will have to disburse to settle the obligations with financial institutions are as follows:

9-30-2023 CURRENT NON-CURRENT Name Type of Interest rate Interest rate Type of Less than: Over Total One to Three to Over Total non-creditor currency effective nominal amortization 90 days 90 days current three years five years five years current Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio US$ 7.17% 6.94% Semi-annual 2,645 2,645 5,290 10,550 77,601 – 88,151 Export Dev. Canada US$ 6.83% 6.78% Quarterly 5,086 15,257 20,343 40,685 320,342 – 361,027 Export Dev Canada US$ 7.00% 6.83% Quarterly 5,235 15,590 20,825 41,536 41,593 305,235 388,364 Export Dev Canada US$ 7.11% 6.85% Quarterly 5,248 15,631 20,879 41,645 41,702 320,594 403,941 Export Dev Canada US$ 7.31% 7.02% Quarterly 8,969 26,712 35,681 71,166 71,264 660,367 802,797 BONO 144-A REG.S 2025 US$ 4.74% 4.50% Semi-annual – 17,876 17,876 415,111 – – 415,111 BONO 144-A REG.S 2027 US$ 4.18% 3.63% Semi-annual – 45,959 45,959 91,919 1,313,805 – 1,405,724 BONO REG.S 2029 US$ 2.97% 2.87% Semi-annual – 3,730 3,730 7,459 7,459 133,730 148,648 BONO 144-A REG.S 2029 US$ 3.14% 3.00% Semi-annual – 33,000 33,000 49,500 66,000 1,149,500 1,265,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2030 US$ 3.28% 3.15% Semi-annual – 31,500 31,500 63,000 63,000 1,047,250 1,173,250 BONO 144-A REG.S 2031 US$ 3.79% 3.75% Semi-annual – 30,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 875,000 995,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2033 US$ 5.27% 5.13% Semi-annual – 46,125 46,125 92,250 92,250 1,107,563 1,292,063 BONO 144-A REG.S 2034 US$ 6.09% 5.95% Semi-annual 25,783 51,567 77,350 154,700 154,700 1,712,533 2,021,933 BONO 144-A REG.S 2035 US$ 5.78% 5.63% Semi-annual – 28,125 28,125 56,250 42,188 710,937 809,375 BONO 144-A REG.S 2036 US$ 6.22% 6.15% Semi-annual 15,375 15,375 30,750 61,500 61,500 761,375 884,375 BONO 144-A REG.S 2042 US$ 4.41% 4.25% Semi-annual – 31,875 31,875 63,750 63,750 1,196,250 1,323,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2043 US$ 5.76% 5.63% Semi-annual 26,719 26,719 53,438 106,875 106,875 1,778,281 1,992,031 BONO 144-A REG.S 2044 US$ 5.01% 4.88% Semi-annual 23,888 23,888 47,776 95,550 95,550 1,768,288 1,959,388 BONO 144-A REG.S 2047 US$ 4.73% 4.50% Semi-annual – 56,250 56,250 112,500 112,500 2,318,750 2,543,750 BONO 144 REG.S 2048 US$ 4.91% 4.85% Semi-annual 14,550 14,550 29,100 58,200 58,200 1,182,000 1,298,400 BONO 144-A REG.S 2049 US$ 4.97% 4.38% Semi-annual – 56,875 56,875 113,750 113,750 2,465,938 2,693,438 BONO 144-A REG.S 2050 US$ 3.92% 3.70% Semi-annual – 99,160 99,160 198,320 198,320 4,811,940 5,208,580 BONO 144-A REG.S 2051 US$ 3.75% 3.15% Semi-annual – 15,750 15,750 31,500 31,500 854,375 917,375 BONO 144-A REG.S 2052 US$ 6.41% 6.30% Semi-annual – 44,100 44,100 88,200 66,150 1,824,550 1,978,900 Total MUS$ 133,498 748,259 881,757 2,125,916 3,259,999 26,984,456 32,370,371 BONO BCODE-B 2025 UF 3.24% 4.00% Semi-annual – 276,000 276,000 7,038,000 – – 7,038,000 BONO BCODE-C 2026 UF 1.78% 2.50% Semi-annual – 248,457 248,457 10,496,913 – – 10,496,913 Total UF – 524,457 524,457 17,534,913 – – 17,534,913 Subtotal MUS$ – 23,610 23,610 789,394 – – 789,394 BONO 144-A REG.S 2024 EUR 2.47% 2.25% Annual – 408,881,390 408,881,390 – – – – Subtotal MUS$ – 432,175 432,175 – – – – BONO REG.S 2039 AUD 3.659% 3.58% Annual 2,506,000 2,506,000 5,012,000 5,012,000 97,566,000 107,590,000 Subtotal MUS$ – 1,611 1,611 3,223 3,223 62,741 69,187 BONO REG.S 2034 MXN 2.92% 2.84% Annual 14,200,000 – 14,200,000 28,438,904 28,400,000 599,477,808 656,316,712 Subtotal MUS$ 1,813 – 1,813 3,632 3,627 76,561 83,820 Total MUS$ 135,311 1,205,655 1,340,966 2,922,165 3,266,849 -27,123,758 33,312,772

Nominal and effective interest rates presented above correspond to annual rates.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


12-31-2022 CURRENT NON-CURRENT Creditor Type of Interest rate Interest rate Type of Less than: Over Total One to Three to Over Total non-name currency effective nominal amortization 90 days 90 days current three years five years five years current Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio US$ 6.60% 6.38% Semi-annual – 4,849 4,849 9,711 79,809 – 89,520 Export Dev. Canada US$ 5.85% 5.80% Quarterly 4,350 13,049 17,399 34,798 330,448 – 365,246 Export Dev. Canada US$ 5.73% 5.57% Quarterly 4,227 12,680 16,907 33,951 33,905 316,999 384,855 Export Dev. Canada US$ 5.83% 5.59% Quarterly – 8,476 8,476 34,045 33,999 338,098 406,142 BONO 144-A REG.S 2023 US$ 4.37% 4.50% Semi-annual 5,135 233,353 238,488 – – – – BONO 144-A REG.S 2025 US$ 4.74% 4.50% Semi-annual 8,938 8,938 17,876 432,986 – – 432,986 BONO 144-A REG.S 2027 US$ 4.18% 3.63% Semi-annual 22,980 22,980 45,960 91,919 1,359,765 – 1,451,684 BONO REG.S 2029 US$ 2.97% 2.87% Semi-annual 1,865 1,865 3,730 7,459 7,459 137,459 152,377 BONO 144-A REG.S 2029 US$ 3.14% 3.00% Semi-annual 16,500 16,500 33,000 66,000 66,000 1,166,000 1,298,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2030 US$ 3.28% 3.15% Semi-annual 15,750 15,750 31,500 63,000 63,000 1,078,750 1,204,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2031 US$ 3.79% 3.75% Semi-annual 15,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 905,000 1,025,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2035 US$ 5.78% 5.63% Semi-annual 14,063 14,063 28,126 56,250 56,250 725,000 837,500 BONO 144-A REG.S 2036 US$ 6.22% 6.15% Semi-annual – 30,750 30,750 61,500 61,500 776,750 899,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2042 US$ 4.41% 4.25% Semi-annual 15,938 15,938 31,876 63,750 63,750 1,228,125 1,355,625 BONO 144-A REG.S 2043 US$ 5.76% 5.63% Semi-annual – 53,438 53,438 106,875 106,875 1,805,000 2,018,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2044 US$ 5.01% 4.88% Semi-annual – 47,775 47,775 95,550 95,550 1,792,175 1,983,275 BONO 144-A REG.S 2047 US$ 4.73% 4.50% Semi-annual 28,125 28,125 56,250 112,500 112,500 2,375,000 2,600,000 BONO 144 REG.S 2048 US$ 4.91% 4.85% Semi-annual – 29,100 29,100 58,200 58,200 1,196,550 1,312,950 BONO 144-A REG.S 2049 US$ 4.97% 4.38% Semi-annual 28,438 28,438 56,876 113,750 113,750 2,522,813 2,750,313 BONO 144-A REG.S 2050 US$ 3.92% 3.70% Semi-annual 49,580 49,580 99,160 198,320 198,320 4,911,100 5,307,740 BONO 144-A REG.S 2051 US$ 3.75% 3.15% Semi-annual 7,875 7,875 15,750 31,500 31,500 870,125 933,125 Total MUS$ 238,764 658,522 897,286 1,732,064 2,932,580 22,144,944 26,809,588 BONO BCODE-B 2025 UF 3.24% 4.00% Semi-annual 138,000 138,000 276,000 7,314,000 – – 7,314,000 BONO BCODE-C 2026 UF 1.78% 2.50% Semi-annual 124,228 124,228 248,456 496,913 10,248,457 – 10,745,370 Total UF 262,228 262,228 524,456 7,810,913 10,248,457 – 18,059,370 Subtotal MUS$ 10,758 10,758 21,516 320,436 420,435 – 740,871 BONO 144-A REG.S 2024 EUR 2.47% 2.25% Annual – 408,881,390 408,881,390 – – – – Subtotal MUS$ – 432,175 432,175 – – – – BONO REG.S 2039 AUD 3.659% 3.58% Annual 2,506,000 2,506,000 5,012,000 5,012,000 97,566,000 107,590,000 Subtotal MUS$ – 1,611 1,611 3,223 3,223 62,741 69,187 BONO REG.S 2034 MXN 2.92% 2.84% Annual 14,200,000 – 14,200,000 28,438,904 28,400,000 599,477,808 656,316,712 Subtotal MUS$ 1,813 – 1,813 3,632 3,627 76,561 83,820 Total MUS$ 135,311 1,205,655 1,340,966 2,922,165 3,266,849 -27,123,758 33,312,772

Nominal and effective interest rates presented above correspond to annual rates.

Nominal and effective interest rates presented above correspond to annual rates.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

[elo xx Koo]

The following table details the changes in CODELCO’s liabilities classified as financing activities in the statement of cash flows, including changes in cash and non-cash changes during the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and year ended December 31, 2022:

Changes that do not represent cash flow: Debt expense

Opening balance at a: e Financial Exchange Fair value | deferred in Closing balance

taba Cash flows of financing activities costs. . o Other Liabilities for 1-1-2023 () difference | adjustment | amortized at 09-30-2023

financing activities cost From Used Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Loans from financial entities 978,705 830,000 (393,097) 436,903 71,958 – (5,611) 142 1,482,097 Bond obligations 15,979,672 2,900,000 (824,286) 2,075,714 530,019 (18,470) – – (24,045) 18,542,890 Hedging obligations 133,999 – (16,141) (16,141) 11,182 8,210 (6,462) – (68) 130,720 Dividends paid – – – – – – – – – Financial assets for hedge derivatives (100,535) – – – 10,260 14,541 – – (75,734) Leases 411,869 – (111,099) (111,099) 24,014 3,611 – 73,544 401,939 Other 63,659 – (19,137) (19,137) – – – – 33,684 78,206 Total liabilities on financing activities 17,467,369 3,730,000 | (1,363,760) 2,366,240 637,173 3,611 8,079 (5,611) 83,257 20,560,118 Changes that do not represent cash flow Financial Debt expense

Liabilities for Opening balance at a: e Exchange Fair value | deferred in Closing balance

_ – o Cash flows of financing activities costs. . o Other financing activities 1-1-2022 () difference | adjustment | amortized at 12-31-2022

cost From Used Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Loans from financial entities 987,419 – (39,565) (39,565) 30,069 – – 754 28 978,705 Bond obligations 16,254,081 – (985,946) (985,946) 658,553 45,740 – 7,244 15,979,672 Hedging obligations 186,320 – (24,457) (24,457) 18,032 27,506 (40,238) – (83,164) 133,999 Dividends paid – (259,900) (259,900) – – – – – – Financial assets for hedge derivatives (33,174) – – – (73,246) (33,425) – 39,310 (100,535) Leases 352,127 – (141,780) (141,780) 25,036 13,175 – 163,311 411,869 Other 50,943 – (52,619) (52,619) – – – 65,335 63,659 Total liabilities on financing activities 17,797,716 – | (1,504,267)| (1,504,267) 731,690 13,175 (73,663) 754 242,064 17,467,369

(1) The finance costs consider the capitalization of interest, which, as of September 30, 2023 and 2022, amounted to ThUS$ 174,965 and ThUS$ 209,224 respectively.

13. Fair Value of financial assets and liabilities

The carrying amount of financial assets is a reasonable approximation to their fair value, therefore, no additional disclosures are required in accordance with IFRS 7.

Regarding financial liabilities, the following table shows a comparison as of September 30, 2023 between the carrying amount and the fair value of financial liabilities other than those whose carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value:

Comparison book value vs fair value Accounting treatment | Book value | Fair value As of September 30, 2023: for valuation ThUS$ ThUus$ Financial liabilities: Bond obligations Amortized cost 18,542,890 15,822,041


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

14. Market value hierarchy for items at market value

Each of the market values calculated for the Corporation’s portfolio of financial instruments is supported by a calculation methodology and data inputs. An analysis of each of these methodologies has been carried out to determine to which of the following levels they can be assigned:

– Level 1 corresponds to fair value measurement methodologies using market shares (unadjusted) in active markets to which the Corporation has access at the measurement date and considering identical Assets and Liabilities.

– Level 2 corresponds to fair value measurement methodologies using quoted market price data, not included in Level 1, that are observable for the Assets and Liabilities measured, either directly (prices) or indirectly (derived from prices). For hybrid contracts with no-finalized price: Provisionally priced metal sales for the period are marked-to-market at the end of the period. Gains and losses from the marking-to-market of open sales are recognized through adjustments to revenue in the income statement and trade receivables in the balance sheet. Forward prices at the end of the period are used for copper sales. These forward prices are quoted market prices on LME. For cross-currency swaps: These are valued using a discounted cash flow analysis valuation model which includes observable credit spreads and using the applicable yield curve for the duration of the instruments.

– Level 3 corresponds to fair value measurement methodologies using valuation techniques that include data on the Assets and Liabilities valued, which are not based on significant observable market data.

Based on the methodologies, inputs, and definitions described above, the following market levels have been determined for the Corporation’s portfolio of financial instruments held as of September 30, 2023:

Financial assets and liabilities at fair value classified by hierarchy 9-30-2023 Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Financial assets: Hybrid contracts with non-finalized price – 1,922,245 – 1,922,245 Cross currency swap – 75,734 – 75,734 Mutual funds shares 22,523 – – 22,523 Metal futures contracts 8,871 – – 8,871 Financial liabilities: Metal futures contracts 294 – – 294 Cross currency swap – 130,720 – 130,720

There were no transfers between the different levels of market hierarchy for the reporting period.


[elo xx Koo]

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

[elo xx Koo]

15. Trade and other accounts payable

a. Details of trade accounts payable, sundry accounts payable and other current accounts payable are shown in the following table:

Current Liabilities Item 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Trade creditors 1,374,186 1,554,222 Payables to employees 19,721 20,925 Withholdings 109,232 94,742 Withholding taxes 21,593 18,985 Other accounts payable 76,421 90,664 Total 1,601,153 1,779,538

Trade creditors mainly include operating accounts payable, and obligations associated with investment projects.

b. The following is a schedule of maturities of payments to trade creditors as of September 30, 2023, and December 31, 2022:

As of September 30, 2023 Amounts according to payment terms Average Up to 30 366 and Creditors with current due date as 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-365 over Total payment period Goods 511,645 276 103 – – – 512,024 16.7 Services 598,414 7,061 154 – – – 605,629 20.3 Other 169,546 2,640 – – – – 172,186 16.0 Total 1,279,605 9,977 257 – – – 1,289,839 17.7 As of September 30, 2023 Amounts according to payment terms Up to 30 366 and Average Suppliers with overdue payments days 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-365 over Total payment period Goods 44,702 3,234 1,036 5,109 353 6,346 60,780 380.0 Services 6,941 1,421 871 649 2,099 4,440 16,421 251.0 Other 84 66 510 223 357 5,906 7,146 433.0 Total 51,727 4,721 2,417 5,981 2,809 16,692 84,347 354.7 As of December 31, 2022 Amounts according to payment terms Average Up to 30 366 and Creditors with current due date as 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-365 over Total payment period Goods 690,136 216 87 – – – 690,439 15.2 Services 628,575 7,106 131 – – – 635,812 16.6 Other 190,525 1,201 13 – – – 191,739 11.7 Total 1,509,236 8,523 231 – – – 1,517,990 16.5 As of December 31, 2022 Amounts according to payment terms Average Up to 30 366 and Suppliers with overdue payments as 31-60 61-90 91-120 121-365 over Total payment period Goods 16,642 509 1,104 712 776 260 20,003 527.3 Services 3,830 2,410 1,230 377 1,524 406 9,777 353.1 Other 218 266 255 253 117 5,343 6,452 480.1 Total 20,690 3,185 2,589 1,342 2,417 6,009 36,232 351.2


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

16. Other provisions

The detail of other current and non-current provisions at the dates mentioned is as follows:

Other provisions Current Non-current 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Sales-related provisions (1) 47,103 17,554 Operating (2) 402,348 575,525 Law No. 13196 99,344 129,582 – – Other provisions 67,240 39,004 591 604 Closure, decommissioning and restoration (3) – 2,151,307 2,611,117 Legal proceedings – 67,128 68,007

Total 616,035 761,665 2,219,026 2,679,728

(1) Corresponds to sales-related accruals, which includes charges for freight, loading, and unloading that were not invoiced at the end of the year.

(2) Corresponds to provisions made for customs duties, freight for acquisitions and electricity, among others.

(3) Corresponds to provisions for future closure costs related mainly to tailings dams, mine site closures and other assets. This cost value is calculated at discounted present value, using flows associated with plans with an evaluation horizon ranging from 10 to 60 years. The rates used to discount future cash flows are calculated based on the Life of Mine “LOM” of each of the operations, distinguishing rates in UF for those obligations in Chilean pesos and rates in U.S. dollars for those obligations in U.S. dollars. These discount rates include the risks associated with the liability being determined, except those included in the cash flows.

Below is a table with the discount rates used:

Division 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 Local Currency Dollar Currency Local Currency Dollar Currency

Rate Rate Rate Rate Gabriela Mistral 2.62% 3.34% 1.65% 2.83% Andina 2.46% 3.44% 1.65% 2.87% Ministro Hales 2.15% 3.07% 1.65% 2.87% Chuquicamata 2.27% 3.19% 1.66% 2.78% Radomiro Tomic 2.32% 3.23% 1.66% 2.76% Salvador 2.24% 3.16% 1.66% 2.76% Teniente 2.15% 3.07% 1.66% 2.69% Ventanas 2.15% 3.07% 1.66% 2.69%

The Corporation determines and recognizes this liability in accordance with the accounting policy described in Note 2, letter p) on Significant Accounting Policies.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Changes in Other provisions, were as follows:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 Other es o e . Movements aa Provision for . , Other Provisions, Provision for site . , Provisions, . Contingencies Total Contingencies Total site closure non-current closure non-current ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 604 2,611,117 68,007 2,679,728 496 2,407,814 49,275 2,457,585 Closing provision adjustment (485,350) (485,350) – 15,310 – 15,310 Financial expenses 42,514 42,514 47,964 – 47,964 Payment of liabilities – (5,218) (5,218) – (7,024) (7,024) Exchange rate difference (5) (9,044) (7,709) (16,758) (1) 144,921 6,331 151,251 Other increases (decreases) (8) (7,930) 12,048 4,110 109 (4,892) 19,425 14,642 Closing balance 591 2,151,307 67,128 2,219,026 604 2,611,117 68,007 2,679,728

17. Employee benefits a. Provisions for post-employment benefits and other long-term benefits

Provision for post-employment benefits mainly corresponds to employee severance indemnities and medical care plans. The provision for severance indemnities recognizes the contractual obligation that the Corporation has with its employees retirees. The provision for medical care plans recognizes the contractual obligation that the Corporation has with its retirees to cover their medical care costs. Both benefits operate within the regulatory framework set forth in the collective bargaining or other agreements between the Corporation and its employees.

These provisions are recorded in the statement of financial position at the present value of the estimated future obligations. The discount rate used is determined based on the rate of financial instruments corresponding to the same currency in which the obligations will be paid and with similar maturities.

The defined benefit obligations are denominated in Chilean pesos; therefore the Corporation is exposed to foreign exchange rate risk.

The results arising from adjustments and changes in actuarial variables are charged or credited to the statement of comprehensive income for the period in which they occur.

During the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, there were no relevant modifications to the post-employment benefit plans.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

The following actuarial assumptions were used in the actuarial calculation of the defined benefit plans:

Assumptions 9-30-2023 12-31-2022
Retirement Health plan Retirement Health plan plan plan
Annual nominal discount rate 5.33% 5.33% 5.33% 5.33%
Voluntary Annual Turnover Rate for Retirement (Men) 5.10% 5.10% 5.10% 5.10%
Voluntary Annual Turnover Rate for Retirement (Women) 6.00% 6.00% 6.00% 6.00%
Salary Increase (real annual average) 4.64% – 4.64% –
Future rate of long-term inflation 3.60% 3.60% 3.60% 3.60%
Expected inflation health care rate – 6.40% – 6.40%
Mortality tables used for projections CB14-RV14 CB14-RV14 CB14-RV14 CB14-RV14
Average duration of future cash flows (years) 8.50 15.29 8.50 15.40
Expected Retirement Age (Men) 60 60 60 60
Expected Retirement Age (Women) 58 58 58 58

The discount rates correspond to the rates in the secondary market of government bonds issued in Chile. The projected annual inflation corresponds to an awareness above the long-term target publicly declared by the Central Bank of Chile and is derived from the market expectation as of December 31, 2022. The rotation rates have been determined after reviewing the Corporation’s own experience by studying the cumulative behavior of outflows over the last three years with respect to the current allocations. The expected rate of salary increases has been estimated using the long-term behavior of historical salaries paid by the Corporation. The mortality tables used were those issued by the CMF, which are considered an appropriate representation of the Chilean market given the lack of comparable statistical series to develop independent studies. The financial duration of the liabilities corresponds to the average maturity of the payment flows of the respective defined benefits.

b. The detail of current and non-current provisions for employment benefits as of the dates mentioned is as follows:

Employee benefits provisions Current Non-current
9-30-2023 12-31-2022 9-30-2023 12-31-2022
Employees’ collective bargaining agreements 149,103 196,256 – –
Severance indemnities 27,700 29,047 533,154 562,126
Bonus 53,121 60,758 – –
Vacation 166,613 175,957 – –
Medical care programs (1) 382 383 446,406 463,883
Retirement plans (2) 25,035 64,654 7,521 7,703
Other 16,632 17,234 6,830 7,405
Total 438,586 544,289 993,911 1,041,117

(1) Corresponds to a provision recognized for the obligations with health care institutions as agreed with current and former employees.

(2) Corresponds to the provision made for those employees who have agreed, or are expected to agree, to retire in accordance with current employee termination plans.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

The reconciliation of the balances of the provisions for post-employment benefits is presented below:
1-1-2023 1-1-2022
9-30-2023 12-31-2022 Movements
Retirement Health plan Retirement Health plan plan plan
ThUus$ ThUus$ ThUs$ ThUs$
Opening balance 591,173 464,266 551,491 389,055
Service cost 61,818 11,397 112,489 15,258
Finance cost 7,478 6,188 13,242 9,645
Paid contributions (73,753) (33,507) (30,720) (49,045)
Actuarial (gains) losses (2,042) 7,911 (52,992) 61,862
Subtotal 584,674 456,255 593,510 426,775
(Gains) Losses on foreign exchange rate (23,820) (9,467) (2,337) 37,491
Closing balance 560,854 446,788 591,173 464,266

The balance of the defined benefit liability as of September 30, 2023, comprises a portion of ThUS$ 27,700 and ThUS$ 382 for the severance indemnity and the medical care plan, respectively. As of September 30, 2024, a balance of ThuS$ 607,122 has been projected for the provision for severance indemnities and ThUS$ 442,113 for health benefits. The flows of compensation payments during the next twelve months reach an expected monthly average of ThUS$ 2,308 for severance indemnities and ThUS$ 32 for health benefit plans.

The technical revaluation of the liability (actuarial gainloss defined under 1AS19) for severance indemnities and health plan benefits as of September 30, 2023 has been performed with a charge to equity, which is broken down into an actuarial gain of TRUS$ 2,042 for severance indemnities and actuarial loss of TRUS$ 7,911 for the health plans.

The following is a review of the sensitivities of the provisions, when going from a medium scenario to a low or high scenario with unitary percentage variations, respectively, and both effects of reduction or increase on the book balance of these provisions:

Severance benefits for years of service Low Medium High Reduction Increase
Financial effect on interest rates 5.08% 5.33% 5.58% 1.15% -1.11%
Financial effect on the real increase in income 4.39% 4.64% 4.89% -1.00% 1.03%
Demographic effect of job rotations 4.69% 5.19% 5.69% 3.04% -0.77%
Demographic effect on mortality tables -25.00% CB14-RV14, Chile 25.00% -0.08% 0.08%

Health benefits and other Low Medium High Reduction Increase
Financial effect on interest rates 5.08% 5.33% 5.58% 3.03% -2.76%
Financial effect on health inflation 5.90% 6.40% 6.90% -2.39% 2.50%
Demographic effect, planned retirement age 58 56 6058 6260 4.05% -3.97%
Demographic effect on mortality tables -25.00% CB14-RV14, Chile 25.00% 9.68% -6.55%

c) Provisions for early retirement plans and termination bonuses

In accordance with its operating optimization programs to reduce costs and increase labor productivity by incorporating new current technologies and/or better management practices, the Corporation has established employee retirement programs by amending certain employment contracts or collective union agreements to include benefits encouraging


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

18. empleados para jubilación anticipada, para lo cual se realizan las provisiones necesarias en función de la obligación acumulada al valor actual.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y al 31 de diciembre de 2022, existe un saldo actual de ThUS$ 25,035 para jubilación anticipada y bonos por terminación de conflictos, de los cuales ThUS$ 64,654 respectivamente. Los saldos no corrientes relacionados ascienden a ThUS$ 7,521 y ThUS$ 7,703, respectivamente. Estos montos se han determinado utilizando una tasa de descuento equivalente a la utilizada para calcular las provisiones de beneficios a empleados y cuyos saldos pendientes forman parte de los saldos al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y al 31 de diciembre de 2022.

d) Gastos por beneficios a empleados

Los gastos por beneficios a empleados reconocidos y clasificados por naturaleza son los siguientes:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022

Gasto por Naturaleza de Beneficios a Empleados 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022

ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Beneficios – Corto plazo 1,199,073 1,059,052 798,246 346,648 Beneficios – Post empleo 11,397 13,083 9,326 6,562 Planes de jubilación anticipada y bonos por terminación de conflictos 24,303 7,211 12,728 1,260 Beneficios por años de servicio 61,818 80,053 35,431 25,014 Total 1,296,591 1,159,399 855,731 379,484


El patrimonio total de la Corporación al 30 de septiembre de 2023 es de ThUS$ 11,672,991 (ThUuS$ 11,654,565 al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y ThUS$ 11,774,774 al 30 de septiembre de 2022).

De acuerdo con el artículo 6 del Decreto Ley N° 1350 de 1976, se establece que, antes del 30 de marzo de cada año, el Directorio debe aprobar el Plan de Negocios y Desarrollo de la Corporación para el próximo período de tres años. Tomando ese plan como referencia y teniendo en cuenta el balance de la Corporación del año inmediatamente anterior y con el objetivo de asegurar su competitividad, antes del 30 de septiembre de cada año, los montos que la Corporación destinará a la formación de fondos de capitalización y reservas serán determinados por decreto de los Ministerios de Minería y Hacienda.

El resultado neto mostrado en el Estado de Situación Financiera, después de deducir los montos mencionados en el párrafo anterior, pertenecerá al Estado y formará parte de los ingresos generales de la Nación.

El 22 de septiembre de 2022, el Ministerio de Hacienda acordó con la Corporación un plan de reinversión promedio a cuatro años del 30% de las utilidades entre 2021 y 2024, lo que contribuirá significativamente a la financiación del plan de inversión de Codelco, al tiempo que reducirá considerablemente sus requisitos de deuda. Consistente con lo anterior, en la misma fecha, el Ministerio de Hacienda emitió el decreto exento N° 194 autorizando a la Corporación a destinar hasta ThUS$582,750 de las utilidades del balance del año 2021. De acuerdo con las disposiciones del decreto exento N° 4 de enero de 2023, estos recursos se pagarán contra las utilidades del 2022 y 2023, antes de la absorción de los excedentes de dividendos anticipados de años anteriores y los dividendos interinos del 2022.

El 17 de julio de 2023, el Ministerio de Hacienda emitió el decreto exento N° 238 autorizando a la Corporación a destinar hasta ThUS$103,677 de las utilidades mostradas en el balance del 2022 a fondos de capitalización y reservas, que se cargarán contra los ingresos del 2023 y años posteriores, hasta que se alcance ese monto, y el monto final se determinará y registrará una vez que se cierre el período contable del 2023 y se conozcan las utilidades finales del año.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, se ha creado un fondo de capitalización y reserva por un monto de ThUS$345,589. Este saldo se mantiene al 30 de septiembre de 2023.

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, la Corporación tiene un saldo a favor de dividendos anticipados pagados en años anteriores en exceso de las utilidades distribuibles de ThUS$509,843. Al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y al 31 de diciembre de 2022, no hay dividendos por pagar.

En los meses de mayo y septiembre de 2022, se han pagado dividendos por un total de ThUS$ 259,900.

El Estado Consolidado de Cambios en el Patrimonio revela los cambios en el patrimonio de la Corporación.

El movimiento y la composición de otras reservas de patrimonio se presentan en el Estado Consolidado de Cambios en el Patrimonio.

Los ajustes de reclasificación de otros resultados integrales a ingresos para los años significaron una ganancia de ThUS$ 818 y una ganancia de TRUS$ 1.659 durante los períodos de nueve meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, respectivamente.

a) Otras reservas

Los detalles de otras reservas de patrimonio se muestran en la siguiente tabla, según las fechas indicadas para cada caso.

Otras reservas 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 ThUs$ ThUS$ Reserva por diferencias de cambio en la traducción (10,634) (7,030) Reserva de coberturas de flujos de efectivo 5,807 3,831 Fondo de capitalización y reservas 5,307,983 5,307,983 Reserva de resultados actuariales en planes de beneficios definidos (264,134) (262,465) Reserva de revaluación de activos fijos Ley 18110 año 1982 624,567 624,567 Otras reservas (7,928) (7,460) Total otras reservas 5,655,661 5,659,426

b) Intereses no controladores

El detalle de los intereses no controladores, incluidos en el patrimonio total y la ganancia o pérdida total, en las fechas mencionadas, es el siguiente:

Empresas Intereses no controladores Patrimonio Ganancia
9-30-2023 12-31-2022 9-30-2023 | 12-31-2022 | 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 % % 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ MUS$ MUS$ Inversiones Gacrux SpA 32.20% 32.20% 866,438 914,073 (47,635) 19,531 (42,909) (2,454) Otros – – 17 10 8 (15) (7) (4) Total 866,455 914,083 (47,627) 19,516 (42,916) (2,458)

El porcentaje de interés no controlador en Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (anteriormente Inversiones Mineras Acrux SpA) genera un interés no controlador en la filial Inversiones Gacrux SpA cuya información financiera resumida es la siguiente:

Activos y pasivos 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 102,830 159,164 Activos no corrientes 2,675,595 2,827,107 Pasivos corrientes 83,051 139,792 Pasivos no corrientes 221,206 220,162 Ganancia (pérdida) 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022
9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 322,678 578,852 18,968 111,922 Gastos ordinarios y otros (474,828) (522,235) (153,785) (120,972) (Pérdida) ganancia del período (152,150) 56,617 (134,817) (9,050) Flujos de efectivo 1-1-2023 1-1-2022
9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Flujos de efectivo netos de (utilizados en) actividades operativas 21,283 138,590 Flujos de efectivo netos de (utilizados en) actividades de inversión 1,688 (930) Flujos de efectivo netos de (utilizados en) actividades de financiación (3,353) (146,688)

19. Ingresos

Revenues from ordinary activities during the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, were as follows:

Item 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Revenue from sales of own copper 9,802,323 9,712,413 3,236,759 2,574,748
Revenue from sales of third-party copper 1,207,664 1,054,622 320,798 276,120
Revenue from sales of molybdenum 725,966 587,532 212,061 184,941
Revenue from sales of other products 476,530 526,072 154,507 152,640
Profit (loss) in futures market 5,913 (855) 5,289 395
Total 12,218,396 11,879,784 3,929,414 3,188,844

The Corporation’s revenue is recognized at a point in time. The breakdown of revenue is presented in explanatory note No.24 Operating Segments.

20. Expenses by nature

Expenses by nature during the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, were as follows:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$
Short-term benefits to employees (1,199,073) (1,059,052) (383,419) (346,648)
Depreciation (1) (1,672,093) (1,640,093) (606,602) (525,230)
Amortization (182) (246) (57) (78)
Raw Materials (1,946,232) (1,603,569) (694,703) (452,431)
Materials, consumables and others (5,490,501) (4,422,219) (1,572,226) (1,359,871)
Total (10,308,081) (8,725,179) (3,257,007) (2,684,258)

(1) Depreciation includes the expense of Property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets (see note 7b and note 8.1).

21. Asset impairment

As indicated in note 29 letter b) point x), the corporation made progress in ceasing operation of the Ventanas Smelter, which as of December 31, 2021 was part, together with the Ventanas Refinery, of a single cash-generating unit called the Ventanas Division. The Corporation is evaluating the assets of both operations separately, leading to the definition that the Ventanas Smelter and Ventanas Refinery are, as of December 31, 2022, separate cash-generating units under IAS 36.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

22. As of December 31, 2022, the Corporation performed a calculation of the recoverable amount of its Ventanas Smelter cash-generating unit, for purposes of testing the assets associated with the cash-generating unit for impairment. Since such recoverable amount is zero, when compared to the carrying amount of the cash-generating unit’s assets of ThUS$89,410, an impairment was determined for such amount, which was recorded in Other expenses in the statements of comprehensive income for the year 2022 (note 22 letter b).

The recoverable amount determined corresponds to the value in use using a discount rate of 7.28% per year before taxes. The main variables used to determine the recoverable amount of this asset correspond to the price of rhenium, exchange rates, and discount rates.

Also, as of December 31, 2022, the Corporation calculated the recoverable amount of its cash-generating unit related to the Ventanas refinery in order to test the assets associated with such cash-generating unit for impairment. The result of this calculation led to the conclusion that the recoverable amount is higher than the carrying amount of the cash-generating unit’s assets and, therefore, there is no impairment loss.

As of September 30, 2023 and 2022, there are no indications of additional impairments or reversals of impairment for other cash-generating units or associates.

Other income and expenses

Other income and expenses by function for the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, are detailed below:

a. Other income

Item 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Penalties to suppliers 4,697 4,480 1,443 1,347
Delegated Administration 3,480 2,997 1,071 932
Miscellaneous sales (net) 10,881 14,354 5,879 1,750
Insurance compensation for accidents 35,019 – – –
Other miscellaneous income 10,504 17,645 2,898 4,504
Total 64,581 39,476 11,291 8,533


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b. Other expenses

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Law No. 13196 (948,650) (934,555) (306,500) (229,872)
Research expenses (1) (107,928) (80,243) (31,336) (35,417)
Bonus for the end of collective bargaining (2) (8,544) (23,576) (6,046) 1,300
Closing costs (2,456) (2,456) –
Expense plan (see note 17 letter c.) (24,303) (7,211) (2,818) (1,260)
Write-off of investment projects (954) (110) (880) –
Loss on disposal of fixed assets (50,073) (6,235) (42,337) (866)
Health plans (see note 17 letter a.) (11,397) (13,083) (3,522) (6,562)
Compensation agreement framework agreement (3) (2,681) (388) –
Adjustment of inventory (8,475) (1,955) (8,105) (537)
Material obsolescence (20,749) (23,912) (6,248) (8,180)
Bad debts customers – – 658
Contingency expenses (8,818) (25,722) (737) (5,682)
Fixed indirect costs, low production level (4) (218,703) (122,612) (62,909) (78,430)
Adjustment severance indemnities (3) (19,979) (39,310) (5,187) (8,334)
Other expenses (42,910) (27,486) (26,124) (6,582)
Total (1,476,620) (1,305,710) (505,593) (379,764)

(1) Study expenses include exploration expenses (see note 7 letter f), pre-investment studies, and research and technological innovation expenses.

(2) Corresponds to disbursements for the closing of a collective bargaining process, which do not establish a permanence condition.

(3) Corresponds to the restatement of severance indemnities liabilities associated with the portion earned by employees in prior years. (4) Breakdown by division for this concept is as follows:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 División 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$
Andina (6,486)
Chuquicamata (53,595) (59,905) – (38,665)
Ventanas (14,121) (22,255) (9,482) (13,974)
Ministro Hales (12,283) (5,316) (1,826) (5,316)
Salvador (91,569) (35, 8 (22,342) (20, sd
Teniente (40,649) (29,259)
Total fixed indirect costs, low production level (218,703) 253 (62,909) 18430

Law No. 13196

Law No. 13196 – Under this law, the return in foreign currency of sales abroad of the Corporation’s actual income from its copper production, including by-products, is taxed at 10%.

On January 27, 2017, Law No. 20989, article 3, establishes changes in the application of Law No. 13196 as of January 1, 2018, through which the Corporation will deposit annually, no later than December 15 of each year, the funds established in article 1 in that law.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

El 26 de septiembre de 2019 se publicó la Ley N° 21174, que deroga la Ley N° 13196 y establece que el impuesto del 10% al beneficio tributario proporcionado por la Corporación subsistirá durante un período de nueve años, disminuyendo a partir del décimo año un 2,5% por año hasta alcanzar el 0% al comienzo del decimotercer año. La vigencia de esta ley es a partir del 1 de enero de 2020, manteniendo el pago anual en una fecha que no sea posterior al 15 de diciembre de cada año.

El 23 de marzo de 2020, el Ministerio de Hacienda emitió la Carta Oficial Ordinaria N° 843, modificando la modalidad de pago de los recursos relacionados con la Ley N° 13.196 para satisfacer las necesidades nacionales generadas por la crisis del COVID-19. Dicha Carta Oficial establece que, a partir de abril de 2020, la transferencia mensual de los recursos correspondientes a su registro se realizará dentro de un plazo que no exceda el último día del mes siguiente al mes en que se contabilicen.

23. Costos financieros

Los costos financieros durante los períodos de tres y nueve meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022 se detallan en la siguiente tabla:

Item 1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Intereses de bonos (398,578) (314,022) (129,787) (101,234) Intereses de préstamos bancarios (48,284) (6,717) (18,238) (1,072) Reexpresión de la provisión de indemnización por despido (7,478) (10,283) (2,381) (2,785) Reexpresión de otras provisiones no corrientes (48,646) (41,479) (16,629) (13,219) Otros (67,427) (51,958) (20,376) (20,690) Total (570,413) (424,459) (187,411) (139,000)

24. Segmentos operativos

En la sección II “Políticas contables significativas”, se ha indicado que, a efectos de la NIIF 8, “Segmentos operativos”, estos se determinan de acuerdo con las Divisiones que comprende Codelco. Además, los ingresos y gastos de la Empresa Matriz se distribuyen entre los segmentos definidos.

Los yacimientos mineros en operación, donde la Corporación realiza sus actividades extractivas y de procesamiento, son gestionados por las siguientes Divisiones: Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina y El Teniente. Además, las actividades de fundición y refinación son gestionadas en la División Ventanas y, a partir de junio de 2023, solo en el área de refinación. Todas estas Divisiones tienen una gestión operativa separada, que informa al Director Ejecutivo, a través de los Vicepresidentes de Operaciones del Norte y Centro-Sur, respectivamente. La información sobre cada División y sus correspondientes yacimientos mineros es la siguiente:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Tipos de yacimientos: minas a cielo abierto y minas subterráneas

Operativo: desde 1915

Ubicación: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta, Chile

Productos: cátodos electro-refinados y electro-obtenidos y concentrado de cobre

Radomiro Tomic

Tipos de yacimientos: minas a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 1997

Ubicación: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta, Chile

Productos: cátodos de cobre electro-obtenidos y concentrado de cobre

Ministro Hales

Tipos de yacimientos: minas a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 2014

Ubicación: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta, Chile

Productos: cobre calcinado, concentrados de cobre

Gabriela Mistral

Tipos de yacimientos: minas a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 2008

Ubicación: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta, Chile

Productos: cátodos electrolíticos (electro-obtenidos)


Tipo de yacimientos: minas subterráneas y a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 1926

Ubicación: Salvador, III Región de Atacama, Chile

Productos: cátodos de cobre electro-refinados y electrolíticos (electro-obtenidos) y concentrado de cobre


Tipo de yacimientos: minas subterráneas y a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 1970

Ubicación: Los Andes, V Región de Valparaíso, Chile

Producto: concentrado de cobre

El Teniente

Tipo de yacimientos: mina subterránea

Operativo: desde 1905

Ubicación: Rancagua, VI Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, Chile

Productos: concentrado de cobre y ánodos de cobre


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

a) Asignación de ingresos y gastos de la Casa Matriz

Los ingresos y gastos controlados por la Casa Matriz se asignan a las Divisiones en base a los siguientes criterios.

Los principales ítems se asignan en función de los siguientes criterios:

Ingresos y Costo de Ventas de transacciones comerciales de la Casa Matriz: la asignación a las Divisiones se realiza en proporción a los ingresos ordinarios de cada una de ellas.

Otros ingresos por función: otros ingresos por función, asociados e identificados con cada División, se asignan directamente.

Reconocimiento de beneficios realizados y otros ingresos a través de filiales: se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada División.

Los costos de distribución: los gastos asociados e identificados con cada División se asignan directamente.

Los gastos de distribución de filiales se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada División.

Los gastos administrativos: los gastos asociados e identificados con cada División se asignan directamente.

Los gastos administrativos registrados en centros de costos asociados con la función de ventas y gastos administrativos de filiales se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada División.

Los gastos administrativos registrados en centros de costos asociados con la función de suministro se asignan en proporción a los saldos de inventario en almacén en cada División.

Los gastos administrativos restantes se asignan en proporción a los flujos de efectivo operativos de cada División.

Otros gastos, por función: los otros gastos asociados e identificados con cada División se asignan directamente.

Los gastos por estudios de preinversión y otros gastos por función de filiales se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada División.

Otros ingresos: los otros ingresos asociados e identificados con cada División se asignan directamente.

Los otros ingresos de filiales se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada División.

Ingresos financieros: los ingresos financieros asociados e identificados con cada División se asignan directamente.

Los ingresos financieros de filiales se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada División.

Los ingresos financieros restantes se asignan en relación con los flujos de efectivo operativos de cada División.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Costos financieros: los costos financieros asociados e identificados con cada División se asignan directamente.

Los costos financieros de filiales se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada División.

Participación en las utilidades (pérdidas) de asociadas y empresas conjuntas contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial: la participación en las utilidades o pérdidas de asociadas y empresas conjuntas identificadas con cada División en particular se asigna de manera lineal.

Diferencias de cambio: las diferencias de cambio identificables con cada División se asignan directamente.

Las diferencias de cambio de filiales se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada División.

Las diferencias de cambio restantes se asignan en relación con los flujos de efectivo operativos de cada División.

Contribución al Tesoro Chileno bajo la Ley N° 13196: el monto de la contribución se asigna y contabiliza en proporción a los montos facturados y registrados por exportaciones de cobre y subproductos de cada División, que están sujetos al recargo.

Beneficio (gasto) por impuesto a la renta: el beneficio (gasto) por impuesto a la renta, impuesto a la renta corporativo bajo el D.L. 2398 y el impuesto específico a la minería se asignan en función del resultado antes de impuestos de cada División, considerando para este fin los criterios de asignación de ingresos y gastos de la Casa Matriz y filiales mencionados anteriormente.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b) Transacciones entre segmentos

Las transacciones entre segmentos, principalmente relacionadas con servicios de procesamiento de productos (o servicios de maquila), se reconocen como ingresos para el segmento que presta los servicios de maquila y como costo de ventas para el segmento que recibe el servicio. Este reconocimiento se realiza en el período en el que se prestan estos servicios, así como su eliminación en los estados financieros corporativos consolidados.

Además, se incluye como una transacción entre segmentos la reasignación de la ganancia y pérdida asumida por la División Ventanas, asociada al contrato corporativo de procesamiento de minerales entre Codelco y Enami, en el que se aplica una distribución basada en los ingresos de cada división.

Flujos de efectivo por segmentos

Los segmentos operativos definidos por la Corporación mantienen una función de gestión de efectivo que se refiere principalmente a actividades operativas que deben ser cubiertas periódicamente con fondos constituidos en cada uno de estos segmentos y cuyos montos no son significativos en relación con los saldos corporativos de efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo.

Por el contrario, actividades como la obtención de financiamiento, la inversión y el pago de obligaciones financieras relevantes se basan principalmente en la Casa Matriz.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

[elo xx Koo]

Del 01-01-2023 al 30-09-2023 Segmentos Chuquicamata R. Tomic Salvador Andina El Teniente Ventanas G. Mistral M. Hales Total segmentos Otros Total Consolidado ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Ingresos por ventas de cobre propio 2,774,628 1,851,634 646,310 1,017,084 2,157,273 167,525 642,685 545,184 9,802,323 9,802,323 Ingresos por ventas de cobre de terceros 2,315 – 13 – – 124,169 – 126,497 1,081,167 1,207,664 Ingresos por ventas de molibdeno 332,307 75,183 – 64,412 227,865 – 699,767 26,199 725,966 Ingresos por ventas de otros productos 144,218 – 116,923 3,588 81,470 80,904 – 45,582 472,685 3,845 476,530 Ingresos por mercado futuro 1,400 493 2,014 (264) 1,096 427 (201) 948 5,913 – 5,913 Ingresos entre segmentos 48,846 – 18,561 2,472 – 77,961 – 11,397 159,237 (159,237) – Ingresos 3,303,714 1,927,310 783,821 1,087,292 2,467,704 450,986 642,484 603,111 11,266,422 951,974 12,218,396 Costo de ventas de cobre propio (2,439,901) (1,400,441) (735,820) (870,422) (1,243,996) (174,236) (597,456) (660,196) (8,122,468) 4,666 (8,117,802) Costo de ventas de cobre de terceros (2,392) – – – – (133,112) – (135,504) (1,064,616) (1,200,120) Costo de ventas de molibdeno (77,979) (28,230) – (24,678) (44,123) – (175,010) (12,054) (187,064) Costo de ventas de otros productos (135,944) – (127,006) (855) (44,416) (80,208) – (2,108) (390,037) (3,829) (393,866 Costo de ventas entre segmentos (84,859) 24,989 (42,144) 5,708 13,365 (78,976) (2,386) 5,066 (159,237) 159,237 – Costo de ventas (2,741,075) (1,403,682) (904,970) (889,747) (1,319,170) (466,532) (599,842) (657,238) (8,982,256) (916,596) (9,898,852) Utilidad (pérdida) bruta 562,639 523,628 (121,149) 197,545 1,148,534 (15,546) 42,642 (54,127) 2,284,166 35,378 2,319,544 Otros ingresos, por función 6,073 1,337 2,212 3,165 3,626 (381) 349 37,034 53,415 11,166 64,581 Costos de distribución (4,847) (1,602) (1,994) (1,932) (602) (2,030) (596) (538) (14,141) (2,094) (16,235) Gastos administrativos (36,565) (23,991) (14,446) (24,891) (54,236) (7,539) (21,527) (20,121) (203,316) (189,678) (392,994) Otros gastos, por función (90,997) (21,274) (110,330) (25,611) (135,478) (21,700) (5,125) (19,462) (429,977) (97,993) (527,970) Ley N° 13196 (292,942) (162,759) (69,644) (107,766) (184,883) (21,390) (63,851) (45,415) (948,650) – (948,650) Otros ingresos (pérdidas) – – – – – – – – – 23,212 23,212 Ingresos financieros 1,041 545 111 (145) 1,283 26 33 32 2,926 66,774 69,700 Costos financieros (204,529) (26,557) (8,756) (86,846) (187,769) (5,672) (16,823) (29,524) (566,476) (3,937) (570,413) Pérdida por deterioro según la NIIF 9 – – – – – – – – – 1,598 1,598 Participación en las utilidades (pérdidas) de asociadas y empresas conjuntas contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial 138 376 (300) 514 (134,793) (134,279) Diferencias de cambio en moneda extranjera 25,512 7,978 8,719 11,591 12,379 803 (1,788) (858) 64,836 (28,482) 36,354 Utilidad (pérdida) antes de impuestos (84,615) 297,305 (314,839) (84,514) 602,554 (73,429) (66,686) (132,479) 243,297 (318,849) (75,552) Gasto por impuesto a la renta 21,072 (198,951) 213,903 29,419 (406,127) 49,668 45,272 93,248 (152,496) 246,560 94,064 Utilidad (pérdida) (13,543) 98,354 (100,936) (5,095) 196,427 (23,761) (21,414) (89,231) 90,801 (

Revenue from sales of own copper 2,789,120 | 1,667,626 | 437,540 | 949,234 | 2,411,961 7,560 | 712,570 | 736,802 | 9,712,413 9,712,413 Revenue from sales of third-party copper 2,091 15,042 – 24,883 – 42,016 | 1,012,606 1,054,622 Revenue from sales of molybdenum 310,836 36,254 | 11,212 53,884 154,955 – – 567,141 20,391 587,532 Revenue from sales of other products 143,882 64,350 4,798 117,168 | 152,597 3,764 | 37,847 524,406 1,666 526,072 Revenue from future market 456 1,143 762 281 (5,419) 437 1,059 412 (869) 14 (855) Revenue between segments 43,593 – 8,064 899 77,089 – 129,645 | (129,645) – Revenue 3,289,978 | 1,705,023 | 536,970 | 1,009,096 | 2,678,665 | 262,566 | 717,393 | 775,061 | 10,974,752 | 905,032 | 11,879,784 Cost of sales of own copper (2,250,293)| (1,165,135) | (522,936)| (643,684)| (1,148,566) (8,544)| (590,295)| (436,928)| (6,766,381) 7,390 | (6,758,991) Cost of sales of third-party copper (2,933) (21,379) – (27,567) – (51,879)| (1,005,899) (1,057,778) Cost of sales of molybdenum (60,462) (16,745) (4,041)| (23,262) (29,528) – – (134,038) (2,954) (136,992) Cost of sales of other products (138,878) (49,485) (614) (46,223)| (142,675)| (4,008)| (3,091)| (384,974) (1,457) (386,431) Cost of sales between segments (64,399) 386 | (12,244) 7,195 6,421 | (81,117) (1318) 15431| (129,645)| 129,645 – Cost of sales (2,516,965) | (1,181,494) | (610,085)| (660,365) (1,217,896)| (259,903)| (595,621)| (424,588)| (7,466,917)| (873,275) (8,340,192) Gross profit (loss) 773,013 | 523,529 | (73,115) 348,731 | 1,460,769 2,663 | 121,772 | 350,473 | 3,507,835 31,757 3,539,592 Other income, by function 5,836 574 3,298 4,252 5,398 3,507 965 737 24,567 14,909 39,476 Distribution costs (3,841) – (736) (252) (1,208) – – | (1,316) (7,353) (3,000) (10,353) Administrative expenses (31,489) (32,284)| (13,410)| (18,796) (64,664)| (7,792)| (21,127) (18,252) (207,814)| (166,820) (374,634) Other expenses, by function (116,111)| (15,747) (49,176) (17,094) (32,714)| (25,726)| (5,184) (12,083) (273,835)| (97,320) (371,155) Law No. 13196 (295,368) (142,806) (47,524)| (103,192) (205,112)| (11,543)| (70,975)| (58,035) (934,555 – (934,555) Other gains (losses) – – – – – – – – – 22,415 22,415 Finance income 170 116 85 (162) 782 71 14 (109) 967 28,633 29,600 Financial costs (172,989) (25,204) (6,787)| (57,318) (110,092) (4,776) (12,871)| (28,194)| (418,231) (6,228) (424,459) Impairment loss under IFRS 9 – – – – – – – – (1,182) (1,182) Share in the profit (loss) of associates and joint 470 715 (53) 1,132 52,259 53,301 ventures accounted for using the equity method Exchange gains (losses) in foreign currencies 33,351 10,844 5,500 32,070 27,578 9,280 (906)| 7,739 125,456 4,272 129,728 Profit (loss) before tax 192,572 | 319,022 | (181,395) 188,954 | 1,080,684 | (34,316)| 11,688 | 240,960 | 1,818,169 | (120,305)| 1,697,864 Income tax expenses (126,435)| (213,332) 124,367 | (125,923) (724,280)| 24,776 (7,344)| (161,103)| (1,209,274) 2,586 | (1,206,688) Profit (loss) 66,137 | 105,690 | (57,028)| 63,031 356,404 | (9,540) 4,344 | 79,857 608,895 | (117,719) 491,176


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


The assets and liabilities related to each operating segment, including the Corporation’s corporate center (Head Office) as of September 30, 2023 and December 31, 2022, are detailed in the following tables:

9-30-2023 Category Chuquicamata poo Salvador Andina El Teniente | Ventanas | G. Mistral M. Hales Other o á ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Current assets 1,362,262 873,410 459,198 280,005 885,939 194,381 368,464 419,224 2,855,161 7,698,044 Non-current assets 10,241,651 2,354,103 2,150,156 5,527,857 9,200,267 151,180 941,794 – 3,121,778 5,304,825 38,993,611 Current liabilities 608,209 292,765 201,578 208,121 499,116 192,989 127,250 135,847 1,408,291 3,674,166 Non-current liabilities 526,685 359,703 273,697 1,032,629 847,277 103,094 115,836 78,408 28,007,169 31,344,498
12-31-2022 Category Chuquicamata poo Salvador Andina El Teniente | Ventanas | G. Mistral M. Hales Other o á ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Current assets 1,489,407 946,313 614,161 285,883 974,063 70,378 345,623 462,815 1,606,200 6,794,843 Non-current assets 9,738,307 2,189,304 1,786,089 5,576,206 8,795,911 165,786 1,007,493 3,346,994 5,336,299 37,942,389 Current liabilities 691,342 293,830 302,986 257,075 512,310 122,262 153,835 143,043 1,443,802 3,920,485 Non-current liabilities 604,612 398,512 314,627 1,178,368 953,188 122,259 134,997 148,762 25,306,857 29,162,182 Revenues segregated by geographic area are as follows:
1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 Revenue per geographical areas 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2023 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUSs$ ThUS$ Total revenue from domestic customers 1,505,614 1,824,216 549,146 447,791 Total revenue from foreign customers 10,712,782 10,055,568 3,380,268 2,741,053 Total 12,218,396 11,879,784 3,929,414 3,188,844
1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 Revenue per geographical areas 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2023 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUSs$ ThUS$ China 2,336,783 2,266,492 833,053 617,531 Rest of Asia 2,357,161 2,462,072 792,023 699,900 Europe 3,791,406 3,636,583 1,234,496 996,109 America 3,118,146 2,848,644 931,445 729,663 Other 614,900 665,993 138,397 145,641 Total 12,218,396 11,879,784 3,929,414 3,188,844

During the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, there was no revenue from ordinary activities from transactions with a single customer representing 10 percent or more of the Corporation’s revenue from ordinary activities.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

25. Exchange difference

Exchange differences during the nine and three-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, are as follows:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 7-1-2023 7-1-2022 Profit (loss) from foreign exchange differences recognized in 9-20-2023 9-30-2022 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Exchange Rate Difference IAS Provision 23,820 68,533 63,102 14,415 Exchange Rate Difference Health Plan Provision 9,467 19,416 52,107 1,827 Exchange Rate Difference Provision for Mine Closure 9,044 30,944 155,511 (4,911) Exchange Rate Difference Contingencies Provision 7,709 (13,166) 12,670 (15,093) Exchange Rate Difference Other (13,686) 24,001 62,342 8,499 Total exchange difference 36,354 129,728 345,732 4,737

26. Statement of cash flows

The following table shows the items that comprise other collections and payments from operating activities in the Statement of Cash Flows:

1-1-2023 1-1-2022 Otras recaudaciones de actividades operativas 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Reembolso de IVA 1,548,129 1,112,199 Cobertura de ventas 5,316 IVA y Otros 501,871 606,616 Total 2,050,000 1,724,131
1-1-2023 1-1-2022 Otras erogaciones de actividades operativas 9-30-2023 9-30-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Contribución a la tesorería chilena Ley N°13,196 (978,887) (1,004,907) Coberturas de ventas (1,521) – IVA y otros impuestos similares pagados (1,702,464) (1,252,564) Total (2,682,872) (2,257,471)

Durante los periodos de nueve meses finalizados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, no se recibieron contribuciones directas de capital en efectivo.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

27. Gestión de riesgos

La Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile ha creado instancias dentro de su organización que buscan generar estrategias para minimizar los riesgos financieros a los que podría estar expuesta.

Los riesgos a los que está expuesta Codelco y una breve descripción de los procedimientos de gestión que se llevan a cabo en cada caso, se describen a continuación.

a. Riesgos financieros * Riesgo cambiario:

Según las IFRS 7, el riesgo cambiario se entiende como el riesgo que surge de instrumentos financieros denominados en monedas extranjeras, es decir, una moneda distinta a la moneda funcional de la Corporación (dólar estadounidense).

Las actividades de Codelco que generan esta exposición corresponden a financiamiento en UF, cuentas por pagar y por cobrar y provisiones en pesos chilenos, otras monedas extranjeras utilizadas en sus operaciones comerciales y obligaciones con empleados.

La mayoría de las transacciones en monedas distintas al dólar estadounidense están denominadas en pesos chilenos. Además, hay otra parte en euros, que corresponde principalmente a un préstamo a largo plazo emitido a través del mercado internacional, cuyo riesgo cambiario se mitiga con instrumentos de cobertura (Swap).

Teniendo en cuenta los activos y pasivos financieros al 30 de septiembre de 2023 como base, una fluctuación (positiva o negativa) de 10 pesos chilenos frente al dólar estadounidense (manteniendo constantes las demás variables), podría afectar los beneficios antes de impuestos en US$ 41 millones en ganancias o pérdidas, respectivamente. Este resultado se obtiene identificando los principales ítems (incluyendo activos y pasivos financieros) denominados en monedas extranjeras para medir el impacto en las ganancias o pérdidas que tendría una variación de +- 10 pesos chilenos en términos de US$, con respecto al tipo de cambio de cierre al final del período de presentación.

Hay gastos operativos e inversiones que están sujetos a reexpresiones de precios asociadas a ajustes inflacionarios en el entorno económico en el que opera la Corporación. La Corporación monitorea periódicamente los efectos de estas reexpresiones de precios en sus resultados para detectar situaciones inusuales que podrían tener un impacto financiero significativo.

Basándose en las condiciones actuales, la Corporación no ha celebrado, ni tiene la intención de celebrar, contratos derivados específicamente para cubrir los efectos discutidos en el párrafo anterior.

Si se consideran los activos y pasivos financieros al 30 de septiembre de 2023, una fluctuación del 1% (positiva o negativa) en el valor de la UF en pesos chilenos (con todas las demás variables constantes) podría afectar el resultado antes de impuestos en una pérdida o ganancia estimada de US$ 19 millones, respectivamente. Este resultado se obtiene identificando los principales ítems afectados por las diferencias de cambio, tanto activos financieros como pasivos, para medir el impacto en los ingresos que tendría una variación del 1% en el valor de la UF, utilizada en la fecha de presentación de los estados financieros.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

* Riesgo de tasa de interés

Este riesgo surge de las fluctuaciones de las tasas de interés en las actividades de inversión y financiamiento de Codelco.
Este movimiento puede afectar los flujos de efectivo futuros o el valor de mercado de instrumentos financieros a tasa fija.

Estas variaciones de tasas se refieren a las variaciones del dólar estadounidense, principalmente con respecto a la tasa LIBOR. Para gestionar este riesgo, Codelco mantiene una combinación adecuada de deuda a tasa fija y variable, que se complementa con la posibilidad de utilizar derivados de tasas de interés para cumplir con las directrices estratégicas definidas por la Vicepresidencia de Administración y Finanzas de Codelco.

Se estima que, basándose en la deuda neta al 30 de septiembre de 2023, un cambio de un punto porcentual en las tasas de interés de las obligaciones financieras a tasa de interés variable resultaría en un cambio en el gasto de intereses anual de aproximadamente US$ 11 millones, antes de impuestos. Esta estimación se realiza identificando las obligaciones asignadas a interés variable, devengadas al cierre de los estados financieros, que pueden variar con un cambio de un punto porcentual en las tasas de interés variable.

La concentración de obligaciones que mantiene Codelco a tasas fijas y variables al 30 de septiembre de 2023 corresponde a un total de ThUS$ 18,542,890 y ThUS$ 1,482,097, respectivamente.

b. Riesgo de mercado. * Riesgo de precio de materias primas:

Como resultado de sus operaciones comerciales y actividades, los ingresos de la Corporación están principalmente expuestos a la volatilidad de los precios del cobre y ciertos subproductos como el oro y la plata.

Los contratos de venta de cobre y molibdeno establecen generalmente precios provisionales de venta en el momento del envío de dichos productos, mientras que el precio final se considerará en función de un precio promedio mensual determinado por el mercado para períodos futuros. A la fecha de presentación, las ventas de productos con precios provisionales se ajustan al valor razonable y el efecto se registra en los resultados de operaciones del período. Se utilizan precios a futuro al cierre del período para las ventas de cobre, mientras que se utilizan precios promedio al cierre del período para las ventas de concentrado de molibdeno debido a la ausencia de un mercado de futuros de activos. (Consultar Nota 2.q) “Ingresos de Actividades Procedimientos Ordinarios de Contratos con Clientes de la sección |! Políticas Contables Principales).

Al 30 de septiembre de 2023, si el precio futuro del cobre fluctúa en + – 5% (con las demás variables constantes), el resultado sería +- US$237 millones antes de impuestos como resultado de ajustar el valor razonable de los ingresos por ventas a precios provisionales en efecto al 30 de septiembre de 2023 (MTMF 569). Para la estimación indicada, todos esos contratos de ventas físicas se valoraron de acuerdo con el promedio mensual inmediatamente posterior al cierre de los estados financieros, y se estiman los ingresos en función de cuál sería el precio de liquidación final si hay una diferencia de + – 5% con respecto al precio futuro conocido hasta la fecha para este período.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Para proteger el flujo de efectivo y ajustar, si es necesario, sus contratos de venta a su política comercial, la Corporación realiza operaciones en mercados de futuros. Al cierre del período de presentación, estos contratos se ajustan al valor razonable, registrando este efecto en la fecha de liquidación de las transacciones de cobertura como parte de las ventas netas de productos.

“The Corporation has not entered into any hedging transactions with the specific purpose of hedging the price risk caused by fluctuations in prices of production inputs.

Cc. Liquidity risk

The Corporation ensures that it has sufficient resources, such as pre-approved credit lines (including refinancing), in order to meet short-term requirements, after considering the necessary working capital for its operations and any other commitments it has.

In this sense, the Corporation maintains resources at its disposal sufficient to meet its obligations, whether in cash, liquid financial instruments or credit facilities.

In addition, the Finance Department constantly monitors the Corporation’s cash flow projections based on short- and long-term projections and available financing alternatives. In addition, the Corporation estimates that it has enough headroom to increase the level of borrowing for the normal requirements of its operations and investments established in its development plan.

In this context, according to current existing commitments with creditors, the cash requirements to cover financial liabilities classified by maturity and presented in the statement of financial position are detailed as follows:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Maturity of financial liabilities Less than 1 year Between one to five years Over five years ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Loans from financial entities 17,411 374,147 1,090,539 Bonds 577,844 2,331,523 15,633,523 Derivatives 125,714 – 5,300 Other financial liabilities 78,206 – Total 720,969 2,783,876 16,729,362

d. Credit risk

This risk comprises the possibility that a third party does not fulfill its contractual obligations, thereby causing a loss for the Corporation.

Given the Corporation’s sales policy, principally with cash and advance payments and bank letters of credit, the uncollectible of client debt balances is minimal. This is complemented by the familiarity the Corporation has with its clients and the length of time it has operated with them. Therefore, the credit risk of these transactions is not significant.

The indications with respect to the payment conditions to the Corporation are detailed in every sales contract and the negotiation management is under the charge of the Commercial Vice-Presidency.

In general, the Corporation’s other accounts receivable have a high credit quality according to the Corporation’s evaluations, based on each debtor’s solvency analysis and payment history.

The maximum exposure to credit risk as of September 30, 2023 is represented by the financial asset items presented in the Corporation’s Statement of Financial Position.

The Corporation’s accounts receivable does not include customers with balances that could be classified as a significant concentration of debt and would represent a material exposure for Codelco. This exposure is distributed among many clients and other counterparties.

In the customer items, the provisions, which are not significant, are included based on the review of the outstanding balances and characteristics of the clients, destined to cover eventual insolvencies.

Explanatory note 2 “Trade and other receivables” shows past due and not provisioned balances.

The Corporation estimates that unimpaired amounts overdue over 30 days are recoverable based on clients’ historical payment behavior and their existing credit ratings.

As of September 30, 2023 and 2022, there are no receivable balances that have been renegotiated.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Codelco works with major banks, which have high national and international ratings, and continually assesses them; therefore, the risk that could affect the availability of the Corporation’s funds and financial instruments is not significant.

Also, in some cases, to minimize credit risk, the Corporation has contracted credit insurance policies through which it transfers to third parties the commercial risk associated with some aspects of its business.

During the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, no guarantees have been executed in relation to ensure the collection of third party debt.

Personnel loans mainly relate to mortgage loans, according to programs included in union agreements, which are paid for through payroll discounts.

e. Other relevant risks

In addition to exposure to financial risks, community relations, environmental, litigation and regulatory proceedings, during 2022 we defined strategic risks as risks or combination of risk events that may threaten the business model in the short or long term, structuring our model in a robust way to face the challenges that become more demanding each year, such as changes in social expectations, infrastructure and human development.

The model designed contemplates risks for at least the next three years and also some that would be relevant for a longer period. It also considers monitoring emerging risks which are permanently monitored by the industry.

Risks are permanently monitored to identify, address and oversee appropriate mitigation actions, with the support of the second line of defense established in Codelco’s corporate governance mainly through corporate risk management, working to provide assurance on the status of controls or drive the necessary behavior to achieve the expected status.

These definitions also consider risk appetite as the nature and extent of risk that the Corporation is willing to accept in relation to the achievement of its business and objectives. The above factors in the probability and severity of the consequences of the materialization of a risk in the different areas of its impact.

Our risk management program considers that risk appetite and risks may change over time and may require management actions to respond to changes in the context. Information regarding the main risks considered by Codelco will be included in the Annual Report as of 2022.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


28. Derivatives contracts.

The Corporation has entered transactions to hedge cash flows, to minimize the risk of foreign exchange rate variations and sales price variations, detailed as follows:

a. Exchange rate hedge The Corporation maintains an exposure associated with its foreign exchange hedging operations, the balance of which corresponds to a net deferred tax profit recognized in equity amounting to ThUS$ 2,806 as of September 30, 2023.

The following table shows details of the fair value and other information of the financial hedges contracted by the Corporation:

September 30, 2023.

Type of Financial Hedged item Bank derivative Maturity Currency Hedged item obligation Fair value Asset Amortized contract Hedging hedged item cost instrument ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Bono UF Veto. 2025 Credit Suisse (EE.UU) Swap 04-01-2025 US$ 278,878 208,519 70,428 287,874 (217,446) Bono EUR Vcto, 2024 Santander (Chile) Swap 07-09-2024 US$ 317,092 409,650 (91,296) 315,367 (406,662) Bono EUR Vcto. 2024 BNP Paribas (EE.UU) Swap 07-09-2024 US$ 105,574 136,402 (30,380) 105,000 (135,380) Bono UF Veto. 2026 JP Morgan London Branch (Inglaterra) Swap 08-24-2026 US$ 404,171 406,212 5,306 398,972 (393,666) Bono AUD Vcto, 2039 Santander (Chile) Swap 07-22-2039 US$ 45,013 49,266 (5,286) 39,433 (44,719) Bono HKD Vcto, 2034 HSBC Bank PLC (Inglaterra) Swap 11-07-2034 US$ 63,855 63,792 (13) 59,769 (59,782) Total 1,214,583 1,273,841 (51,241) – 1,206,415 – (1,257,655) December 31, 2022

Type of Financial Hedged item Bank derivative Maturity Currency Hedged item obligation Fair value Asset Amortized contract Hedging hedged item cost instrument ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Bono UF Veto. 2025 Credit Suisse (EE.UU) Swap 04-01-2025 US$ 283,067 208,519 79,226 296,104 (216,878) Bono EUR Vcto. 2024 Santander (Chile) Swap 07-09-2024 US$ 321,063 409,650 (89,573) 320,305 (409,878) Bono EUR Vcto. 2024 BNP Paribas (EE.UU) Swap 07-09-2024 US$ 106,897 136,402 (29,780) 106,646 (136,426) Bono UF Veto. 2026 JP Morgan London Branch (Inglaterra) Swap 08-24-2026 US$ 410,242 406,212 21,309 423,278 (401,969) Bono AUD Vcto. 2039 Santander (Chile) Swap 07-22-2039 US$ 47,684 49,266 (6,656) 42,046 (48,702) Bono HKD Vcto. 2034 HSBC Bank PLC (Inglaterra) Swap 11-07-2034 US$ 64,100 63,792 (928) 59,795 (60,723) Total 1,233,053 1,273,841 (26,402) 1,248,174 (1,274,576)

As of September 30, 2023, the Corporation has no cash collateral balances.

The current methodology for valuing currency swaps uses the bootstrapping technique based on mid-swap rates to construct (zero) curves in functional currencies other than the functional currency and USD, respectively, based on market information.

The notional amounts held by the Corporation for financial derivatives are detailed below:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Notional amount of contracts with final maturity

Less than 90 days Over 90 days Total current 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years Over 5 years Total

September 30, 2023 Currency days non-current ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Currency derivatives US$ 2,091 48,857 50,948 1,202,983 7,719 147,148 1,357,850

Notional amount of contracts with final maturity

Less than 90 days Over 90 days Total current 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years Over 5 years Total

December 31, 2022 Currency days non-current ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Currency derivatives US$ 13,156 37,793 50,949 829,643 428,148 148,916 1,406,707

b. Cash flows hedging contracts and commercial policy adjustment

The Corporation trades in the copper, gold and silver derivative markets and records its results upon termination. These results are added to or deducted from sales revenues. As of September 30, 2023, these operations generated a higher net realized result of ThUS$ 5,858.

b.1. Commercial flexibility operations of copper contracts

Its objective is to adjust the price of sales to the Corporation’s sales policy, which is defined according to the London Metal Exchange. As of September 30, 2023, the Corporation has copper derivative transactions associated with 296,650 metric tons of fine copper. These hedging transactions are performed as part of the Corporation’s commercial policy.

The current contracts as of September 30, 2023, present a negative balance of ThUS$ 8,577 and their final result will only be known at their maturity, offsetting the hedging transactions with revenue from the sale of the hedged products.

Operations completed between January 1 and September 30, 2023, generated a net positive effect in results of ThUS$ 5,525, corresponding to values for physical sales contracts for a positive amount of ThUS$ 5,579 and values for physical purchase contracts for a negative amount of ThUS$ 54.

b.2. Trade operations of current gold and silver contracts.

At September 30, 2023, the Corporation has no gold and silver derivative contracts.

At September 30, 2023, the Corporation has completed silver transactions, which generated a net positive effect in income of ThUS$ 333 corresponding to values for physical sales contracts.

b.3. Cash flow hedging operations backed by future production

The Corporation has no outstanding transactions as of September 30, 2023, arising from these operations, which protect future cash flows by locking in price levels for the sale of part of its production


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


The following tables set forth the maturities of metal hedging activities, as referred to in point b above:

September 30, 2023 Maturity date ThUS$ 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Upcoming Total

Flex com cobre (asset) 1,973 6,460 532 – – – 8,965 Flex com cobre (liability) (31) (357) – – – – (388) Flex com GoldSilver – – – – – – – Price setting

Metal options – – – – – – – Total 1,942 6,103 532 – – – 8,577

December 31, 2022 Maturity date ThUS$ 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Upcoming Total

Flex com cobre (asset) 87 – – – – – 87 Flex com cobre (liability) (2,676) (848) – – – – (3,524) Flex com GoldSilver – – – – – – – Price setting

Metal options – – – – – – – Total (2,589) (848) – – – – (3,437)

September 30, 2023 Maturity date

All figures in thousands of metric tons/ounces 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Upcoming Total Copper Futures [MT] 61.830 205.820 29.000 – – – 296.650 GoldSilver Futures [ThOZ] – – – – Copper price setting [MT]

Copper options [MT]

December 31, 2022 Maturity date

All figures in thousands of metric tons/ounces 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Upcoming Total Copper Futures [MT] 244.18 33.50 – – – 277.68 GoldSilver Futures [ThOZ] – – – Copper price setting [MT]

Copper options [MT]

29. Contingencies and restrictions

a) Lawsuits and contingencies

There are various lawsuits and legal actions initiated by or against the Corporation, which derive from its operations and the industry in which it operates. In general, these are civil, tax, labor and mining litigations, all related to the Corporation’s activities.”

“In the opinion of Management and its legal advisors, the lawsuits where the Corporation is being sued and could have negative results do not represent significant loss contingencies or cash flows. Codelco defends its rights and makes use of all the corresponding legal and procedural instances and resources.

The most relevant lawsuits filed by Codelco relate to the following matters:

– Tax Proceedings: There is a tax proceeding for liquidation No. 141 of tax year 2015 and Exempt Resolution No. 89 of 2016 issued by the Internal Revenue Service (SII), for which the Corporation presented the corresponding appeals, which were received and resolved in favor of the Tax and Customs Courts, a resolution that was appealed by the SII.

– Labor lawsuits: Labor proceedings brought by the workers against the Corporation, regarding occupational diseases, labor accidents and other matters.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

– Mining proceedings and others arising from the operation: The Corporation has been participating, and will probably continue to participate, as plaintiff and defendant in given court proceedings involving its mining operation and activities, through which it seeks to exercise certain actions or set up certain defenses in relation to given mining concessions that have been established or are in the process of being established, as well as also with regard to its other activities. These proceedings currently do not involve any given amount and do not have any essential effect on Codelco’s development.

Some arbitration lawsuits pending final judgment: the arbitration lawsuits between Codelco, Santa Elvira S.A., Mining Services Group S.A. and Sociedad de Servicios para la Minería Limitada (collectively “Santa Elvira”) and Codelco with Consorcio Belaz Movitec SpA.

During the nine-month periods ended September 30, 2023 and 2022, there were no lawsuits or other proceedings representing 10 percent or more of the Corporation’s total outstanding lawsuits.

At the date of issuance of these financial statements, Corporación Nacional del Cobre faces various lawsuits and legal actions against it for a total of approximately ThUS$ 371,356. According to the estimate made by the Corporation’s legal advisors, 1,007 cases, representing 83.12% of the universe, have an associated probable loss amounting to ThUS$ 67,128. There are also 127 cases, representing 12.61% for an amount of ThUS$ 320, on which there is a less than probable likelihood that the Corporation will get an unfavorable sentence. For the remaining 43 cases, representing 4.27% for an amount of ThUS$ 21, the Corporation’s legal advisors believe that an unfavorable outcome is unlikely.

– Lawsuit under administrative law: On August 2, 2017, a Nullity in Public Law claim was filed in the 25th Civil Court of Santiago against Audit Report No. 900 of 2016, issued by the General Comptrollership of the Republic on May 10, 2017.

Once the discussion and evidence stage concluded, the Santiago Civil Court, on September 11, 2020, delivered its judgment in which it dismissed the annulment action filed by the Corporation, condemning it to the respective costs of said lawsuit.

On October 27, 2020, the Corporation filed appeals and cassation in the form of the sentence of the 25th Civil Court of Santiago, which dismissed the Public Law nullity action filed by the Codelco against Report No. 900 of 2016 of the Comptroller General of the Republic.

In December 2022, the Corporation established a collaboration commitment with the Comptroller General of the Republic (CGR) to reinforce the principle of probity in regulation, applicable to the company regarding operations with related parties, establishing a framework for any contracts with related parties, safeguarding the legal status of the company and its business line, in addition to reinforcing controls for sensitive operations. This agreement with the Comptroller’s Office recognizes Codelco’s good practices and also improves controls for related party transactions. As a result of this agreement, litigation with the regulator has been terminated.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

For litigation with probable loss and its costs, there are the necessary provisions, which are recorded as contingency provisions.

b) Other commitments.

i. Law No. 19993 dated December 17, 2004, authorized the purchase of the Refinery and Smelter Las Ventanas assets from ENAMI, establishing that the Corporation must ensure that the smelting and refining capacity required is maintained, without any restriction and limitation, for treating the products of the small and medium mining sector sent by ENAMI, under the form of toll production or another form agreed upon by the parties.

ii. Obligations with the public for bond issues means that the Corporation must meet certain restrictions related to limits on pledges and leaseback transactions on its principal assets and on its ownership interest in subsidiaries.

The Corporation has complied with these conditions as of September 30, 2023 and 2022.

ii. On January 20, 2010, the Corporation signed two energy supply contracts with Colbún S.A., which includes energy and power sales and purchases for a total of 510 MW of power. The contract provides a discount for that unconsumed energy from Codelco’s SIC divisions with respect to the amount of contracted power. The discount is equivalent to the value of the sale of that energy on the spot market.

The contracted power for supplying these Divisions is comprised by two contracts:

* Contract No.1 for 176 MW, current until December 2029.

* Contract No.2 for 334 MW, current until December 2044. This contract is based on energy production from Colbún’s Santa María thermal power station, which is currently in operation. This plant is coal-fired, and therefore the electric energy tariff rate applied for the energy supplied to Codelco is linked to the price of coal.

Both of these contracts comply with Codelco’s long-term energy and power requirements from the SIC of approximately 510 MW.

Through these contracts, which operate through take or pay, the Corporation agrees to pay for the contracted energy and Colbún undertakes to reimburse at market price the energy not consumed by Codelco.

These contracts have maturity dates in 2029 and 2044.

On October 27, 2022, Codelco signed an amendment to the contract, which, among other aspects, will allow replacing the coal-based electricity supply with a renewable energy supply. This transformation will be implemented gradually, and as of January 1, 2026, the contract will be for 1,000 GWh/year of renewable energy.

iv. On November 6, 2009, Codelco signed the following long-term electric energy supply contracts with ELECTROANDINA S.A. (associate until January 2011), which matured in August 2017.

For the electric power supply of the Chuquicamata’s work center, there are three contracts:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Engie for a 15-year term from January 2010, that is maturing in December 2024, for 200 MW capacity, and another contract for a 200 MW capacity which was signed in January 2018 and will be effective as of January 2025 with maturity in December 2035.

CTA effective from 2012 for 80 MW capacity, maturity in 2032.

v. On August 26, 2011, Codelco signed two energy supply contracts with AESGener. The first one for the Minister Hales division for a 99 MW capacity and the second contract for the Radomiro Tomic work center, for a maximum capacity of 145 MW. Both contracts will mature in 2028.

In December 2022, the respective agreements were renegotiated and signed. The agreement implies the modification of the original contracts and a new renewable sources contract effective from 2023 to 2040.

vi. On November 11, 2011, Law No. 20551 was published in the Official Journal, which regulates the tasks and closure of mining facilities. Additionally, on November 22, 2012, the Supreme Decree No. 41 of the Minister of Mining, which approves the Regulations of this Law, was published in the Official Gazette.

This law requires the Corporation, among other requirements, to provide financial guarantees to the State to ensure the implementation of closure plans. It also establishes the obligation to make contributions to a fund which aims to cover the costs of post-closure activities.

The Corporation, in accordance with the regulations, delivered in 2014 to the National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN) the mine closure plans for each of the eight divisions of Codelco. These closure plans were developed under the transitional regime of the Law, specified for mining companies affected by the general application procedure, which are those with extraction capacity > 10,000 tons/month, and that at the date of entry into force of the Law were in operation, and with a closure plan previously approved under the Mining Safety Regulation D.S. No. 132.

All these transitional closure plans were approved in 2015 in accordance with the provisions established in the Law.

The law also established the obligation to update these closure plans, under the conditions of the general regime of the law, which incorporates new and greater requirements for the closure plans, five years after its entry into force, i.e. in 2020 in the case of Codelco. This calendar was brought forward to 2019 due to operational particularities for the Chuquicamata and Ventanas Divisions, and postponed to 2021 by SERNAGEOMIN, due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the entire industry, and therefore for all other divisions.

In compliance with this new schedule, Codelco approved in 2021 the updated closure plans for the El Teniente, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales and Gabriela Mistral Divisions, and as of December 31, 2021, the approval of the updated plans for the Salvador and Andina Divisions is in process. During the year 2022, Codelco obtained the approval of the updated closure plans of the Salvador and Andina divisions. The Corporation has provided the corresponding guarantees committed in all the approved closure plans, in accordance with the latest updates in force.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

As of September 30, 2023, the Corporation has agreed guarantees for an annual amount of UF 70,912,353 to comply with the aforementioned Law No. 20551 (see note No. 30).

vii. On August 24, 2012, Codelco through its subsidiary Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA (Nueva Acrux) (whose minority shareholder is Mitsui), signed a contract with Anglo American Sur S.A. Under this contract, Codelco agreed to sell a portion of its annual copper production to the mentioned subsidiary, who in turn agrees to purchase such production.

Such annual portion is determined by the share of Codelco’s indirect subsidiary, Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (also shared ownership with Mitsui), maintained for the shares of Anglo-American Sur S.A.

In turn, the subsidiary Nueva Acrux agrees to sell to Mitsui, the products purchased under the agreement described in the preceding paragraphs.

The contract expiration will occur when the shareholders agreement of Anglo-American Sur S.A. ends or other events related to the completion of mining activities of the company take place.

viii. On September 17, 2022, Codelco’s Board of Directors agreed to move forward with preparations to cease operation of the Ventanas Smelter, subject to parliament amending Law No. 19993 within a limited period of time, a decision that applies exclusively to the smelter and not to the refinery or other operations of the Ventanas Division. This measure would require the amendment and approval by the Executive and the Legislature of Law No. 19993, which obliges the Corporation to smelt the minerals of Empresa Nacional de Minería (ENAMI) at the Ventanas Smelter.

On March 6, 2023, the Congress approved the modification of the mentioned act, which obliged the Corporation to smelt the minerals of Empresa Nacional de Minería (ENAMI) at the Ventanas Smelter.

Then, in May, the National Geology and Mining Service (Sernageomin) authorized Codelco the temporary closure plan for the Ventanas smelter, which will have an initial duration of two years, extendable for another three, during which time engineering will be developed and permits will be processed to move on to the definitive closure stage, which considers, among other actions, the dismantling of the smelter facilities.

On May 31, 2023, the Ventanas smelter furnaces were shut down.

30. Guarantees

The Corporation as a result of its activities has received and given guarantees. The following tables list the main guarantees given to financial institutions:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Direct Guarantees provided to Financial Institutions and other Creditor of the guarantee Type of guarantee 09-30-2023 12-31-2022 Currency Maturity Quantity ThUS$ ThUS$ “

Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo Judicial y Liquidación UF 03-15-2023 1 – 1.231 Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo Judicial y Liquidación UF 03-15-2024 1 1.213 – Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo Judicial y Liquidación CLP 03-15-2023 1 – 19.057 Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo Judicial y Liquidación CLP 03-15-2024 1 18.212 – Consorcio Aeropuerto Calama Estacionamiento UF 11-30-2023 1 4 4 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 01-02-2024 1 – 5 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 04-08-2024 8 26 – Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 03-01-2024 2 4 4 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 10-13-2023 4 8 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 07-31-2024 1 5 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 05-02-2025 1 8 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 12-30-2024 2 936 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 05-17-2024 1 468 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 06-19-2024 1 2 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 05-13-2023 1 5 – Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante Concesión marítima CLP 03-01-2023 1 – 1.233 Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante Concesión marítima CLP 03-24-2024 2 9.238 Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante Concesión marítima CLP 03-01-2024 1 1.178 – Engie Energía Chile S.A. Proyecto de Suministro de Agua CLP 08-31-2023 1 – 234 Engie Energía Chile S.A. Proyecto de Suministro de Agua CLP 10-31-2023 1 219 229 Engie Energía Chile S.A. Proyecto de Suministro de Agua CLP 09-02-2024 1 224 – Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación CLP 02-25-2023 22 8 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación CLP 02-26-2024 22 – 40 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 05-13-2023 1 48 – Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 06-09-2023 5 – 154 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 06-10-2024 6 176 – Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 02-03-2023 1 – 3.471 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 10-02-2023 1 552 560 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 12-31-2023 1 806 818 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 01-02-2024 1 23.906 24.265 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 07-29-2024 1 41 42 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 12-15-2024 1 548 556 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 01-22-2025 1 259 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 03-08-2024 1 3.420 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 09-13-2025 1 1.067 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 09-28-2025 1 552 – Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 02-18-2023 2 214.853 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 05-03-2023 8 678.422 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 09-19-2023 1 – 53.633 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 11-11-2023 2 298.135 266.819 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 11-14-2023 1 178.570 181.252 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 11-27-2023 3 262.525 284.930 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 12-02-2023 7 806.221 777.239 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 12-15-2023 1 138.545 140.626 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 02-17-2024 3 366.052 – Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 05-03-2024 9 756.730 Sernageomin Medio Ambiente UF 09-19-2024 1 59.291 – Tesorería General de la República Concesión marítima CLP 06-30-2024 1 52 55 Municipalidad de Santiago Mantenimiento de fachada de edificio CLP 10-09-2023 1 73 Municipalidad de Santiago Mantenimiento de fachada de edificio CLP 04-01-2024 1 73 – Total 2.920.163 2.649.978

En cuanto a los documentos recibidos como garantía, cubren principalmente obligaciones de proveedores y contratistas relacionados con los diversos proyectos de desarrollo. A continuación se presentan los montos recibidos como garantía, agrupados según las Divisiones Operativas que han recibido estos montos:

Garantías recibidas de terceros División 9-30-2023 12-31-2022 ThUS$ ThUS$ Andina 60 60 Chuquicamata 7 7 Casa Matriz 1.095.651 1.015.177 Total 1.095.718 1.015.244



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

31. Balance en moneda extranjera

a. Activos por moneda

9-30-2023 Activos en moneda nacional y extranjera Dólares estadounidenses Euros Otras UF no indexadas TOTAL de monedas Ch$ Activos corrientes Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 2.008.491 14.274 8.502 52.659 – 2.083.926 Otros activos financieros, corrientes 7.735 – – 7 – 7.742 Otros activos no financieros, corrientes 54.065 375 193 5.422 – 60.055 Créditos y otras cuentas por cobrar, corrientes 2.309.312 8.817 170 594.387 – 2.912.686 Cuentas por cobrar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 22.708 – – – – 22.708 Inventarios, corrientes 2.605.647 – – – – 2.605.647 Activos tributarios corrientes 3.844 22 – 1.414 – 5.280 Total de activos corrientes 7.011.802 23.488 8.865 653.889 – 7.698.044 Activos no corrientes Inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial 3.393.295 – – – – 3.393.295 Propiedad, planta y equipo 33.559.184 – 33 3.882 – 33.563.099 Activos por impuestos diferidos 79.533 314 40 14.169 – 94.056 Otros activos 843.257 4.224 1.680 371.597 722.403 1.943.161 Total de activos no corrientes 37.875.269 4.538 1.753 389.648 722.403 38.993.611 Total de activos 44.887.071 28.026 10.618 1.043.537 722.403 46.691.655 12-31-2022 Activos en moneda nacional y extranjera Dólares estadounidenses Euros Otras UF no indexadas TOTAL de monedas Ch$ Activos corrientes Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 877.345 5.944 8.722 134.716 – 1.026.727 Otros activos financieros, corrientes 1.404 4 – 43 – 1.451 Otros activos no financieros, corrientes 33.107 378 171 3.329 4 36.989 Créditos y otras cuentas por cobrar, corrientes 2.753.793 195.045 116 437.831 – 3.386.785 Cuentas por cobrar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 31.756 – – – – 31.756 Inventarios, corrientes 2.300.909 – – – – 2.300.909 Activos tributarios corrientes 7.194 4 – 3.028 – 10.226 Total de activos corrientes 6.005.508 201.375 9.009 578.947 4 6.794.843 Activos no corrientes Inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial 3.527.323 – – – – 3.527.323 Propiedad, planta y equipo 32.305.393 – 100 4.037 – 32.309.530 Activos por impuestos diferidos 81.166 – 92 14.447 – 95.705 Otros activos 1.660.336 – 1.861 332.505 15.129 2.009.831 Total de activos no corrientes 37.574.218 – 2.053 350.989 15.129 37.942.389 Total de activos 43.579.726 201.375 11.062 929.936 15.133 44.737.232


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


b. Pasivos por tipo de moneda:


Pasivos en moneda nacional y extranjera Dólares estadounidenses Euros Otras UF no indexadas TOTAL “

currencies Ch$ Current liabilities Other financial liabilities, current 727,222 (772) 10 – (5,491) 720,969 Lease liabilities, current 54,211 (36) 57 68,048 8,387 130,667 Trade and other payables, current 997,285 3,643 242 600,132 (149) 1,601,153 Accounts payable to related entities, current 121,374 – – – – 121,374 Other short-term provisions 604,640 111 – 11,284 – 616,035 Current tax liabilities 11,070 – 79 873 – 12,022 Provisions for employee benefits, current 2,186 – – 436,400 – 438,586 Other non-financial liabilities, current 22,231 – 30 11,089 10 33,360 Total current liabilities 2,540,219 2,946 418 1,127,826 2,757 3,674,166 Non-current liabilities Other financial liabilities, non-current 18,798,361 – (887) 22,740 693,024 19,513,238 Lease liabilities, non-current 105,519 – 1,178 144,829 19,746 271,272 Non-current payables 759 – – 321 – 1,080 Other long-term provisions 995,734 – – 78,115 1,145,177 2,219,026 Deferred tax liabilities 8,331,201 – 49 12,187 – 8,343,437 Employee benefit provision, non-current 3,602 – – 633,558 356,751 993,911 Total non-financial liabilities, non-current 2,292 – – 241 1 2,534 Total non-current liabilities 28,237,468 – 340 891,991 2,214,699 31,344,498 [Total liabilities | 30,777,687 2,946 758 2,019,817 2,217,456| 35018,664 |


National and foreign currency liabilities US Dollars Euros Other Non-indexed UF. TOTAL

currencies Ch$ Current liabilities Other financial liabilities, current 470,412 (13) 9 – 29 470,437 Lease liabilities, current 51,897 – 598 63,495 9,200 125,190 Trade and other payables, current 1,428,950 4,332 1,477 344,650 129 1,779,538 Accounts payable to related entities, current 177,690 – – 983 – 178,673 Other short-term provisions 752,117 127 – 9,421 – 761,665 Current tax liabilities 24,366 – 67 1,876 – 26,309 Provisions for employee benefits, current 1,982 – 207 542,100 – 544,289 Other non-financial liabilities, current 21,109 – 103 13,162 10 34,384 Total current liabilities 2,928,523 4,446 2,461 975,687 9,368 3,920,485 Non-current liabilities Other financial liabilities, non-current 15,961,020 (1,569) 23,163 – 706,509 16,689,123 Lease liabilities, non-current 105,882 – 1,128 148,644 31,025 286,679 Non-current payables 759 – – 303 – 1,062 Other long-term provisions 1,124,434 – – 81,889 1,473,405 2,679,728 Deferred tax liabilities 8,449,170 – 92 12,666 – 8,461,928 Employee benefit provision, non-current 3,420 – – 671,735 365,962 1,041,117 Total non-financial liabilities, non-current 2,292 – – 253 – 2,545 Total non-current liabilities 25,646,977 (1,569) 24,383 915,490 2,576,901 29,162,182 [Total liabilities | 28,575,500 2,877 26,844 1,891,177 2,586,269| 33,082,667 |


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile



As of September 30, 2023 and as of December 31, 2022, neither Codelco Chile nor its Directors and Managers have been sanctioned by the CMF or any other administrative authorities.

The environment

Each of Codelco’s operations is subject to national, regional and local regulations related to protection of the environment and natural resources, including standards relating to water, air, noise and disposal and transportation of dangerous residues, among others. Chile has introduced environmental regulations that have obligated companies, including Codelco, to carry out programs to reduce, control or eliminate relevant environmental impacts. Codelco has executed and shall continue to execute a series of environmental projects to comply with these regulations.

Pursuant to the Letter of Values approved in 2010, Codelco is governed by a series of internal policies and regulations that frame its commitment to the environment, among which is the Corporate Sustainable Development Policy (2021).

The environmental management systems of the divisions structure their efforts in order to comply with the commitments assumed by the corporation’s environmental policies, incorporating elements of planning, operating, verifying and reviewing activities. As of September 30, 2023, Codelco is implementing a strategic change process in all divisions to manage the aspects and risks associated with environmental matters, under a corporate management system issued by Head Office, seeking to obtain the ISO 14001: 2015 certification.

To comply with the Circular No. 1901 of 2008 of the CMF, the details of the Corporation’s main expenditures related to the environment during the periods from January 1 to September 30, 2023 and 2022, respectively, and the projected future expenses are stated below.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


09-30-2023 09-30-2022 Future committed di Company Project name Project status ThUS$ Assets li Item of Asset Destination ThUSs$ ThUus$ Estimated date

Chuquicamata Codelco Chile Acid plants In progress 21,604 Expenditure Operating expenditure 1,674 2023 Codelco Chile Solid waste In progress 1,370 Expenditure Operating expenditure 873 2023 Codelco Chile Tailings In progress 55,885 Expenditure Operating expenditure 51,705 2023 Codelco Chile Water treatment plant In progress 6,538 Expenditure Operating expenditure 32,274 2023 Codelco Chile monitoring In progress 658 Expenditure Operating expenditure 974 – 2023 Codelco Chile Normalization drainage system drill hole In progress 49 Asset Property, plant and equipment 36 4,202 2024 Codelco Chile Construction of thickened tailings Completed – Asset Property, plant and equipment 4,802 – 2022 Codelco Chile Standardization TKS Hazardous Substances Feed DS 43 In progress 11,537 Asset Property, plant and equipment 4,787 9,368 2024 Codelco Chile Construction IX stage Talabre tanque In progress 15,902 Asset Property, plant and equipment 6,128 486,641 2027 Codelco Chile Enable hydrogen well for In progress 20 Asset Property, plant and equipment – 250 2023

Total Chuquicamata Division 113,563 103,253 500,461

Salvador Codelco Chile Improved integration of the gas process Completed – Asset Property, plant and equipment 8,173 2022 Codelco Chile Tailings In progress 6,823 Expenditure Operating expenditure 4,184 2023 Codelco Chile Acid plants In progress 63,341 Expenditure Operating expenditure 43,288 2023 Codelco Chile Solid waste In progress 721 Expenditure Operating expenditure 796 2023 Codelco Chile Water treatment plant In progress 1,092 Expenditure Operating expenditure 693 2023 Codelco Chile Riles and Wastewater Standard Completed – Asset Property, plant and equipment 160 – 2022 Codelco Chile Compliance with DS 43 storage of dangerous substances In progress 1,115 Asset Property, plant and equipment 12,302 2024 Codelco Chile Commissioning Black Smoke In progress 343 Asset Property, plant and equipment – – 2023

Total Salvador Division 73,435 57,294 12,302

“¡Andina Codelco Chile!

Solid waste
In progress 2,405
Operating expenditure 2,079

Codelco Chile
Water treatment plant
In progress 4,434
Operating expenditure 3,699

Codelco Chile
In progress 67,288
Operating expenditure 69,047

Codelco Chile
Acid drainage
In progress 29,064
Operating expenditure 28,378

Codelco Chile monitoring
In progress 951
Operating expenditure 811

Codelco Chile
Sustainability and external matters management
In progress 1,844
Operating expenditure 1,680

Codelco Chile
Excavation operation improvement
In progress 2,538
Property, plant and equipment 349

Codelco Chile
Water dispatch tunnel modification
Completed –
Property, plant and equipment 707
– 2022

Codelco Chile
Implementation of the catchment system for rafts tove
In progress 1,581
Property, plant and equipment 5,408

Codelco Chile
Dam Ovejeria: longitudinal drainage stage 8
Completed –
Property, plant and equipment 7,775
– 2022

Codelco Chile
North extended ballast deposit
In progress 88,175
Property, plant and equipment 55,164

Codelco Chile
Standard Instruments Tranque Los Leones
In progress 911
Property, plant and equipment 289

Codelco Chile
Construction of spill containment chamber
In progress 49
Property, plant and equipment 1,361
– 2024

Codelco Chile
Recirculated water system ovj-cord dam
In progress 3,249
Property, plant and equipment –

Codelco Chile
Replacement of transformers into oil
In progress 324
Property, plant and equipment –

Codelco Chile
Replacement of transformers into oil
In progress 448
Property, plant and equipment 19

¡Total Andina Division 203,261 176,766 320,942

[Subtotal 390,259 337,313 833,705


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


09-30-2023 09-30-2022

Future committed di

Company Project name Project status ThUSs$ Assets il Item of Asset inati il ThUS$ ThUS$ Estimated date

El Teniente Codelco Chile Construction of 7th phase Carén dam In progress 43,892 Assets Property, plant and equipment 25,936 18,179 2023

Codelco Chile Acid plants In progress 87,743 Expenditure Operating expenditure 61,303 – 2023

Codelco Chile Solid waste In progress 2,945 Expenditure Operating expenditure 2,249 – 2023

Codelco Chile Water treatment plant In progress 10,223 Expenditure Operating expenditure 9,780 – 2023

Codelco Chile Tailings In progress 46,628 Expenditure Operating expenditure 37,685 – 2023

Codelco Chile Well construction and hydrogeology modification Colihue-Cauquenes| In progress 926 Asset Property, plant and equipment 1,203 – 2023

Codelco Chile Caren reservoir stage 8 and 9 In progress 13,710 Asset Property, plant and equipment 9,020 337,865 2027

Codelco Chile Construction of Complementary Water Works Tranque Barahona 2 In progress 5,857 Assets Property, plant and equipment 2,689 20,910 2024

Codelco Chile Restoration Slaughterhouse Drive In progress 6,468 Asset Property, plant and equipment 3,129 13,102 2024

Codelco Chile Flow CEMS Acquisition In progress 141 Asset Property, plant and equipment Tr – 2023

Total El Teniente Division 218,533 153,671 390,056

Gabriela Mistral Codelco Chile Environmental monitoring In progress – Expenditure Operating expenditure 1 – 2023

Codelco Chile Solid waste In progress 2,378 Expenditure Operating expenditure 1,395 – 2023

Codelco Chile Environmental consulting In progress – Expenditure Operating expenditure 3 – 2023

Codelco Chile Garbage dump extension phase VII! In progress 6,739 Asset Property, plant and equipment 8,168 – 2023

Total Gabriela Mistral Division 9,117 9,567 –

Ventanas Codelco Chile Acid plants In progress 15,761 Expenditure Operating expenditure 19,449 – 2023

Codelco Chile Solid waste In progress 1,159 Expenditure Operating expenditure 802 – 2023

Codelco Chile Environmental monitoring In progress 1,145 Expenditure Operating expenditure 920 – 2023

Codelco Chile Effluent treatment plant In progress 5,442 Expenditure Operating expenditure 4,736 – 2023

Codelco Chile Improved gas abatement collection Completed – Asset Property, plant and equipment 140 – 2022

Codelco Chile Standardization of the handling of hazardous substances Completed – Asset Property, plant and equipment 1,451 – 2022

Codelco Chile Standardization of CEMS Chimney PPAL and PAS In progress 109 Asset Property, plant and equipment 361 – 2023

Total Ventanas Division 23,616 27,859 –

Radomiro Tomic Codelco Chile Solid waste In progress 1,475 Expenditure Operating expenditure Tr – 2023

Codelco Chile Environmental monitoring In progress 98 Expenditure Operating expenditure 142 – 2023

Codelco Chile Effluent treatment plant In progress 972 Expenditure Operating expenditure 1,172 – 2023

Codelco Chile Construction of community works In progress 1,404 Asset Property, plant and equipment 696 30,126 2027

Total Radomiro Tomic Division 3,949 2,787 30,126

Ministro Hales Codelco Chile Solid waste In progress 2,062 Expenditure Operating expenditure 780 – 2023

Codelco Chile Effluent treatment plant In progress 156 Expenditure Operating expenditure 137 – 2023

Codelco Chile Silica shed extension and dome control room In progress 1,713 Asset Property, plant and equipment – 14,768 2024

Total Ministro Hales Division 3,931 917 14,768

Ecometales Limited

Ecometales Limited Smelting powders leaching plant In progress 994 Expenditure Operating expenditure 861 456 2023

Ecometales Limited Smelting powders leaching plant In progress 40 Expenditure Operating expenditure 45 8 2023

‘Subsidiary Ecometales Limited 1,034 906 464

¡Subtotal 260,180 195,707 435,414

[Total 650,439 533,020 1,269,119


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

34. Subsequent Events

– On October 5, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact that Mr. Alejandro Rivera Stambuk, Vice President, Administration and Finance, has resigned from the Corporation and will remain in his position until November 3, 2023.

– On October 6, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact that Ms. Nicole Porcile Yanine, Vice President, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, has resigned from the Corporation and will remain in her position until October 31, 2023.

– On October 6, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact, the following organizational changes in Codelco, effective November 1, 2023:

The current Vice-Presidencies of North Operations, South Central Operations and FURE are merged into a single Vice-Presidency of Operations, appointing Mr. Mauricio Barraza Gallardo as Vice-President of Operations.

Mr. José Sanhueza Reyes, current Vice President FURE, is appointed as Assistant Vice President of the Executive Presidency to temporarily accompany, in Smelting and Refinery matters, the organizational transition.

The current Vice-Presidency of Mining Resources and Development is restructured, assuming also the functions of the Innovation Management, and is renamed Vice-Presidency of Mining Resources, Development and Innovation. Mr, Nicolás Rivera Rodríguez is appointed as Vice President of Mining Resources, Development and Innovation.

– On October 17, 2023, the following essential fact was reported in relation to Codelco and its businesses:

1. Codelco reached an agreement with Lithium Power International Limited (“LPI”), a company that trades its shares on the Australian Securities Exchange under the mnemonic LPI, to acquire 100% of its shares, through a regulated process in Australia called scheme of arrangement. The offer considers a price of 0.57 Australian dollars per share, which implies a final value of 385 million Australian dollars (approximately US$244 million).

LPI owns 100%, through a series of subsidiaries, of the so-called “Proyecto Blanco””, which is adjacent to the mining properties owned by Codelco in the Salar de Maricunga and the area covered by Codelco’s Special Lithium Operating Contract in said salar. The agreement represents the first acquisition of lithium by Codelco, which was authorized by Codelco’s board of directors in an extraordinary meeting held on this same date. This is in accordance with the National Lithium Strategy announced by the President of the Republic on April 20, 2023.

The scheme of arrangement (the “Scheme) is a procedure that requires the fulfillment of certain conditions prior to its implementation, including the favorable vote of 75% of the shares of LPI at a shareholders’ meeting, in particular held for this purpose, subject to an independent expert’s report that the Scheme is in the best interests of LPI’s shareholders, and judicial approval by an Australian court (the Supreme Court of New South Wales or the Federal Court of Australia). The Scheme is also subject to the approval of the Foreign Investment Review Board of Australia.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

4. According to the Scheme’s timeline, the LPI shareholders’ meeting is expected to approve the transaction in January 2024. LPI’s board of directors, which includes its major shareholder, unanimously recommended that its shareholders approve the deal.

5. Codelco will finance the purchase with its own resources.

6. The acquisition of LPI will make the Blanco Project viable through synergies with Codelco’s assets and permits in the Salar de Maricunga, and thus develop a world-class lithium project. Codelco will take advantage of its mining experience to maximize the value of the Blanco Project and reduce its risks in the development stage, considering advantages such as its knowledge and proximity to the Atacama Region, where its Salvador Division operates.

Management of the Corporation is not aware of other significant events of a financial nature or of any other nature that could affect these financial statements, occurring between October 1, 2023 and the date of issue of these interim consolidated financial statements as October 26, 2023.

Rubén Alvarado Vigar
Alejandro Rivera Stambuk

Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer

Juan Ogas Cabrera
Cristóbal Parrao Cartagena

Accounting Manager
Accounting Director



Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2022




INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT (A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Santiago, March 30, 2023

To the President and Directors of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile and its subsidiaries, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2022, and 2021, and the related consolidated statements of income, comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the years then ended, and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements.

Management’s responsibility for the consolidated financial statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. This responsibility includes the design, implementation and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor’s responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in Chile. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of significant accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

r ‘ PwC Chile, Av. Andrés Bello 2711 – piso 5, Las Condes – Santiago, Chile RUT: 81.513.400-1 | Teléfono: (56 2) 2940 dona | www.pwe.cl



Santiago, March 30, 2023 Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile 2

Opinion “

In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for the years then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards.

DocuSigned by:

HA Heston


Juan Carlos Pitta De C.
RUT: 14.709-125-7





Consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2022 (A free translation from the original in Spanish)








CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS nn NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS conocio GENERAL INFORMATION cocoa Corporate informati0N.mooonnnncncnonononnnnonnanancnnonancnonocnnnnanonnnnononnnnnnnnnnncnannnnannnnnnnnnnnnccnanncnancnnnnnnnss 14 Basis of presentation of the consolidated financial statements.ooocconccnoonnnoonanonannnnancnonncnnnnanono 15 SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES ooo rr Significant judgments and key estimates .ocooocccooncnonccncnnnnonancnnaccnnnncnanccnannnnnnoncnnoncnancnnanannnnnnnss 16 Significant accounting policies.omooooononcononcnnnnnonocnnncanoncnnnnancnnoncnnnncnonnonannnnnnoncnnnccnanncnanannnnnnnss 20 New standards and interpretations adopted by the CorporatioN.ooooconocnonnoniononiononcncnnccananinncnono 38 New accounting pronOUNCEMENES.ooncccocnnoonnnoncnnnonnnoncnonononnncnnocnnncnnocannnanocn non anocanoca roca nocanonanoness 39 EXPLANATORY NOTES cnnmiicicniniinnnraannrraaaa Cash and cash equivalents.oocnooccnooncnonnnnoncnnnnancnonncnnnnanonncnononcnnnncnnnncnannonannnnnnncnnnncnnnccnancnnnnnnnss 42 Trade and Other receivables.oooocnocononoconononcnoninanononononononononononononononanccano nano nanc nana cano nano nancnanenancnanos 42 Balances and transactions with related parties.ocoooocconocnnonanonncnonancnonncnnanononcanonccnanannnnancnonncnnns 44 NOAA 50 Income taxes and deferred taxes.ooooooconocnnoonnocnnocnnonnnocnnnnnnnonnncnnnonnnonnncn noc a non nocanoca roca nnc anna roca noca nana 51 Current and non-current tax assets and liabilities.oo.ooonononnnonononananonanonanonanonanonanonanonanonanonanonanonass 53 Property, plant and equipment.ooooconcnnononoccnonncnnonanonnnnnnancnonncnnocononcnnonnnnnnnncnnnnc conca nanncnannnnnnancnnncnnnno 54 LOASOS coccccoccnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnonn non nn nono nonnn no nnn nr none rr nen ene nr nnn nn non nr none nene nn ne nn nnc nn nnn nn none n none nr rca rana rana nana canso 57 Investments accounted for using the equity Method.ocooocccoconoocnnoncnnnonncnnoncnonccnonccnanaccnnancnnnccnon 58 SUDSIdiarieS.ooooconononononanannnonaninanonanonanonononanonanonanonononanona nana nona none nana nana n ana nona nana nan enana rana nan enana nana nanass 64 Current and non-current financial assets.oooocncononononanonnonaninanonanananonanonanonanonanonanonanonass 64 Other financial liabilities.oooononononononononananananananonanonanonanonaconanonanonanonanonanonanonanona nora nona nana naca rones 66 Fair Value of financial assets and liabilities.ooononnnonoonnnonnnonnnonnnonanonononnnonnnrnnornnoranoranoranoanonanonoss 75 Market value hierarchy for items at market Value.omoooononccnooncnconanonannnnancnonncnnocanonncnannnnnancnnnn

Other non-current financial assets 11 105,518 38,283
Other non-current non-financial assets 13,615 1,621
Non-current accounts receivable 2 88,906 104,177
Accounts receivable from related parties, non-current 3 224 224
Non-current inventories 4 603,446 610,558
Investments accounted for using equity method 9 3,527,323 3,546,011
Intangible assets other than goodwill 42,687 43,311
Property, plant and equipment 7 32,309,530 30,449,893
Investment property 981 981
Right of use assets 8 405,843 361,539
Non-current tax assets 6 748,611 4,333
Deferred tax assets 5 95,705 94,595
Total non-current assets 37,942,389 35,255,526
Total assets 44,737,232 43,057,435

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 (In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 No Equity and liabilities Liabilities Current liabilities Other financial liabilities, current 12 470,437 605,203
Lease liabilities, current 8 125,190 112,104
Trade and other payables 15 1,779,538 1,497,429
Accounts payable to related entities, current 3 178,673 221,344
Other short-term provisions 16 761,665 742,027
Current tax liabilities, current 6 26,309 308,376
Current provisions for employee benefits 17 544,289 419,323
Other non-financial liabilities, current 34,384 33,071
Total current liabilities 3,920,485 3,938,877
Non-current liabilities Other financial liabilities, non-current 12 16,689,123 16,903,640
Lease liabilities, non-current 8 286,679 240,023
Non-current payables 1,062 1,065
Other long-term provisions 16 2,679,728 2,457,585
Deferred tax liabilities 5 8,461,928 7,004,523
Non-current provisions for employee benefits 17 1,041,117 934,542
Other non-financial liabilities, non-current 2,545 2,279
Total non-current liabilities 29,162,182 27,543,657
Total liabilities 33,082,667 31,482,534
Equity Share capital 5,619,423 5,619,423
Accumulated losses (538,367) (277,340)
Other reserves 18.a 5,659,426 5,286,406
Equity attributable to owners of parent 10,740,482 10,628,489
Non-controlling interests 18.b 914,083 946,412
Total equity 11,654,565 11,574,901
Total liabilities and equity 44,737,232 43,057,435

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



(In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 N? 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 Revenue 19 17,018,409 21,024,815
Cost of sales (12,284,652) (12,185,688)
Gross margin 4,733,757 8,839,127
Other income 22a 64,731 115,741
Distribution costs (17,151) (9,389)
Administrative expenses (502,313) (459,278)
Other expenses 22.b (2,103,316) (2,717,007)
Other gains 29,782 37,531
Gains (losses) from operating activities 2,205,490 5,806,725
Finance income 47,245 13,657
Finance costs 23 (569,060) (641,009)
Impairment of gains and reversal of impairment losses determined in accordance with IFRS 9 (2,648) (1,250)
Equity in income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method 9 51,991 414,845
Exchange gains (losses) in foreign currencies 25 (237,777) 313,736
Income for the period before tax 1,495,241 5,906,704
Income tax expense 5 (1,133,670) (3,855,336)
Net income for the period 361,571 2,051,368
Profit attributable to
Profit attributable to owners of the parent 345,589 1,942,486
Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 18.b 15,982 108,882
Net income for the period 361,571 2,051,368

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 N? 12-31-2022 12-31-2021

Profit 361,571 2,051,368 Comprehensive income Components of comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss for the period, before taxes

Comprehensive income (loss), before income taxes, gains from remeasurement of defined 17 (8,870) 152,966 benefit plans

Share of comprehensive income of associates and Jointventures accounted for using the (5,268) 9,228 equity method that will not be reclassifed to profitor loss for the period, before taxes Total other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss for (14,138) 162,194 the period, before taxes

Components of comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss for the period, before taxes Exchange differences on translation (Loss) gain on foreign exchange translation difterences, before income taxes (809) (3,282)

Comprehensive income (loss) before income taxes, foreign exchange translation (809) (3,282) differences

Cash flows hedges

Gains (losses) on cash flows hedges, before taxes 100,244 (97,835)
Comprehensive income, before tax, cash flow hedges 100,244 (97,835)

Total comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss for the period, before taxes Other components of comprehensive income, before taxes 85,297 61,077

99,435 (101,117)

Income tax related to components comprehensive income Income taxes related to remeasurements of defined benefit comprehensive income plans 5 5,978 (106,983)

Income taxes related to components of comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss for the period

5,978 (106,983)

Income taxes related to components of comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss for the period Income taxes related to comprehensive income cash flow hedges 5 (65,159) 63,593

pi pro pad (65159) 63583 Comprehensive income 26,116 17,687 Total comprehensive income 387,687 2,069,055 Comprehensive income, attributable to

Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent 373,294 1,957,836
Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests 14,393 111,219
Total comprehensive income 387,687 2,069,055

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



(In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Reserve on Reserve of . . : Equity attributable : . exchange Reserves of cash | remeasurement Total Retained Non-controlling .
12-31-2022 Share capital . . . | Other reserves . to owners of . Total equity differences on flow hedges | ofdefined benefit other reserves | earnings (losses) arent interests translation plans p Note 18 Note 18 Opening balance at 01-01-2022 5,619,423 (6,221) (31,254) (259,573) 5,583,454 5,286,406 (277,340) 10,628,489 946,412 11,574,901 Changes in equity Net income 345,589 345,589 15,982 361,571 Other comprehensive income (loss) (809) 35,085 (2,892) (3,679) 27,705 27,705 (1,589) 26,116 Total comprehensive income (loss) (809) 35,085 (2,892) (3,679) 27,705 373,294 14,393 387,687 Dividends (259,900) (259,900) (259,900) (Decrease) Increase through transfers and other changes, equity – – – 345,315 345,315 (346,716) (1,401) (46,722) (48,123) Increase (decrease) in equity (809) 35,085 (2,892) 341,636 373,020 (261,027) 111,993 (32,329) 79,664 Closing balance at 12-31-2022 5,619,423 (7,030) 3,831 (262,465) 5,925,090 5,659,426 (538,367) 10,740,482 914,083 11,654,565

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



(In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Reserve on Reserve of . . : Equity attributable . . exchange Reserves of cash | remeasurement Total Retained Non-controlling o
12-31-2021 Share capital . . . | Other reserves . to owners of . Total equity differences on flow hedges | ofdefined benefit other reserves | earnings (losses) arent interests translation plans p Note 18 Note 18 Opening balance at 01-01-2021 5,619,423 (2,939) 2,988 (305,556) 5,582,329 5,276,822 (194,696) 10,701,549 924,942 11,626,491 Changes in equity Net income 1,942,486 1,942,486 108,882 2,051,368 Other comprehensive income (loss) (3,282) (34,242) 45,983 6,891 15,350 15,350 2,337 17,687 Total comprehensive income (loss) (3,282) (34,242) 45,983 6,891 15,350 1,957,836 111,219 2,069,055 Dividends (2,033,206) (2,033,206) (2,033,206) (Decrease) Increase through transfers and other changes, equity – – – (5,766) (5,766) 8,076 2,310 (89,749) (87,439) Increase (decrease) in equity – (3,282) (34,242) 45,983 1,125 9,584 (82,644) (73,060) 21,470 (51,590) Closing balance at 12-31-2021 5,619,423 (6,221) (31,254) (259,573) 5,583,454 5,286,406 (277,340) 10,628,489 946,412 11,574,901

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS For the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 (In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 NO 12-31-2022 12-31-2021

Cash flows from (used in) operating activities Classes of cash receipts from operating activities Receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services 17,999,563 20,084,649 Other cash receipts from operating activities 26 2,335,896 2,068,751 Payments to suppliers for goods and services (10,954,146) (9,734,039) Payments to and on behalf of employees (1,393,362) (1,679,583) Other cash payments from operating activities 26 (3,063,993) (3,140,663) Dividends received 163,619 270,892 Income tax (paid) (741,578) (1,978,516) [Net cash flow from operating activities 4,345,999 5,891,491] Cash flows from (used in) investing activities Other cash payments to acquire equity or debt instruments of other entities (257) (193) Purchases of property, plant and equipment (3,480,367) (2,822,001) Interest received 39,302 7,522 Other cash outflows 324,649 (66,901) Net cash flows used in investing activities (3,116,673) (2,881,573) | Cash flows from (used in) financing activities Total amounts from long-term loans and bonds – 780,000 Payment of loans and bonds (344,623) (1,444,310) Lease liability payments (141,780) (138,668) Dividends paid (259,900) (2,033,206) Interest paid (705,345) (765,662) Other cash outflows (52,619) (177,291) Net cash flows used in financing activities (1,504,267) (3,779,137) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents before the effect of exchange (274,941) (769,219) rate changes Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 18,050 (54,656) Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (256,891) (823,875) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 1 1,283,618 2,107,493 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1 1,026,727 1,283,618

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile



(Monetary values in thousands of United States dollars, unless another currency or unit is indicated)


1. Corporate information

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (hereinafter referred to as Codelco or the Corporation), is, in Management’s opinion, the largest copper producer in the world.
Codelco’s most important product is refined copper, primarily in the form of cathodes. The Corporation also produces copper concentrates, blister and anode copper and by-products such as molybdenum, anode slime and sulfuric acid.

The Corporation trades its products based on a policy aimed to sell refined copper to manufacturers or producers of semi-manufactured products.

These products contribute to diverse fields of community development, particularly those intended to improve areas such as public health, energy efficiency, and sustainable development, among others.

The Corporation is registered under Securities Registry No. 785 of the Chilean Commission for the Financial Market (the CMF) and is subject to its supervision. According to Article No,
10 of Law No. 20392 (related to the new Corporate Governance of Codelco), such supervision shall be on the same terms as publicly traded companies, notwithstanding the provisions in Decree Law (D.L.) No.1349 of 1976, which created the Comisión Chilena del Cobre (Chilean Copper Commission).

Codelco’s head office is in Santiago, Chile, at 1270 Huérfanos Street, telephone number (56-
2) 26903000.

Codelco was incorporated through D.L. No. 1350 of 1976, which is the statutory decree applicable to the Corporation. In accordance with the statutory decree, Codelco is a government-owned mining, industrial and commercial company, which is a separate legal entity with its own equity. Codelco Chile currently carries out its mining business through its Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina, El Teniente and Ventanas divisions.

The Corporation also carries out similar activities in other mining deposits in association with third parties.

In accordance with letter e) of Article 10 of Law No. 20392, Codelco is governed by its organic standards set forth in Decree Law No. 1350 (D.L. No. 1350) and that of its by-laws, and in


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

matters not covered by them and, insofar as they are compatible and do not contradict the provisions of such standards, by the rules that govern publicly traded companies and the common laws as applicable to them.

In accordance with D.L. No. 1350 Section IV related to the Company’s Exchange and Budget Regulations. Codelco’s financial activities are conducted following an annual budgeting program that is composed of an Operations Budget, an Investment Budget, and a Debt Amortization Budget.

The tax system applicable to Codelco’s taxable income is in accordance with Article 26 of D.
L. No.1350 which refers to Decree Law No. 824 on Income Tax of 1974 and Decree Law No.
2398 (Article 2) of 1978, as applicable. The Corporation’s taxable income is also subject to a Specific Mining Tax in accordance with Law No. 20026 of 2005.

According to Law No. 13196, the return on foreign currency of the Corporation’s foreign sales (real income), of its copper production, including its by-products, is taxed at 10% and method of payment and the duration of this obligation for Codelco, which are detailed in Note 111.22 letter c) of this report.

The subsidiaries whose financial statements are included in these consolidated financial statements correspond to companies located in Chile and abroad, which are detailed in Note

The associates located in Chile and abroad, are detailed in the Explanatory Notes Section 11! of Note 9.

2. Basis of presentation of the consolidated financial statements

The consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, the consolidated statements of income, statements of comprehensive income, statements of changes in equity and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 have been prepared under International Accounting Standard No. 1 (IAS 1) “Presentation of Financial Statements”, incorporated in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (hereinafter “IASB”)

These consolidated financial statements include all information and disclosures required in annual financial statements.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared from accounting records maintained by the Corporation.

The consolidated financial statements of the Corporation are presented in thousands of United States dollar (*U.S. dollar).


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Responsibility for information and estimates made

The Board of Directors of the Corporation has been informed of the information included in these consolidated financial statements and expressly declared its responsibility for the consistent and reliable nature of the information included as of December 31, 2022, which financial statements fully comply with IFRS. These consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2022 were approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on March 30,

Accounting policies

These consolidated financial statements reflect the financial position of Codelco and affiliates as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, as well as the results of their operations, changes in equity and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, and their related notes, all prepared and presented in accordance with IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements, considering the respective presentation regulations of the Financial Market Commission (CMF)”.


1. Significant judgments and key estimates

In preparing these consolidated financial statements, the use of certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets and liabilities recognized as of the date of the financial statements and the amounts of revenue and expenses recognized during the reporting period is required. Such preparation also requires the Corporation’s Management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Corporation’s accounting policies. The areas involving a greater degree of judgment or complexity or areas in which the assumptions and estimates are significant for the consolidated financial statements are described as follows:

a) Useful economic lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment: the useful lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment that are used for calculating depreciation are determined based on technical studies prepared by internal specialists. The technical studies consider specific factors related to the use of assets.

Where there are indications that the useful lives of these assets or their residual values may have changed from previous estimates, this should be done using technical estimates to determine the impact of any changes

b) Ore reserves: the measurements of ore reserves are based on estimates of the ore

resources that are legally and economically exploitable and reflect the technical and environmental considerations of the Corporation regarding the amount of resources that


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

could be exploited and sold at prices exceeding the total cost associated with the extraction and processing.

The Corporation applies judgment in determining the ore reserves, and as such, possible changes in these estimates might significantly impact the estimates of net revenues over time. In addition, these changes might lead to modifications in usage estimates, which might have an effect on depreciation and amortization expense, calculation of stripping cost adjustments, determination of impairment losses, expected future disbursements related to decommissioning and restoration obligations, long term defined benefits plans’ accounting and the accounting for financial derivative instruments.

The Corporation estimates its reserves and mineral resources based on the information certified by the Competent Persons internal and external of the Corporation, who are defined and regulated according to Law No. 20235. These estimates correspond to the application of the Certification Code of Ore Reserves, Resources and Exploration, issued by the Mining Committee which was instituted through the law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation periodically reviews its estimation models, supported by experts who, in some divisions, also certify the reserves determined from these models.

Impairment of non-financial assets: the Corporation reviews the carrying amount of its non-financial assets to determine whether there is any indication that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If any such indicator exists, the recoverable amount of the assets is estimated to determine the extent of the impairment loss. In testing impairment, the assets are grouped into cash generating units (“CGUs) to which the assets belong, if applicable. The recoverable amount of these CGUs is calculated as the present value of the expected future cash flows from such assets, considering a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. If the recoverable amount of the assets is lower than their carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognized.

The Corporation defines the CGUs and also estimates the timing and cash flows that such CGUs will generate. Subsequent changes in the grouping of the CGU, or changes in the assumptions supporting the estimates of cash flows or the discount rate, may impact the carrying amounts of the corresponding assets.

Estimates of assumptions influencing the calculation of cash flows, such as the price of copper or treatment charges and refining charges, among others, are determined based on studies conducted by the Corporation using uniform criteria over different periods. Any change in these criteria may have an impact on the recoverable amount of the assets being tested for impairment.

The Corporation has assessed and defined that the CGUs are constituted at the level of each of its current operating divisions, with the exception of the Ventanas Division Smelter and Refinery operations, which are analyzed separately.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

In assessing impairment in affiliates and associates, the Corporation uses the higher of value in use or fair value less costs to determine the recoverable amount. This recoverable amount may consider elements such as Life of Mine (LOM), reserves and/or mining resources, among others, for mining operation evaluations. In addition, the evaluation may incorporate market variables such as, for example, the price of copper and other commodities, cost of production inputs, exchange rates, discount rates and other market information for long-term asset valuation.

d) Provisions for decommissioning and site restoration costs: when a disruption is caused by the ongoing development or production of a mining property, an obligation to incur decommissioning and restoration costs arises. Costs are estimated based on a formal closure plan and are reassessed as of each reporting period or as of the date such obligations become known. The initial estimate of decommissioning and site restoration costs is recognized as property, plant, and equipment in accordance with IAS 16, and simultaneously a liability in accordance with IAS 37, is recorded.

For these purposes, a defined list of mine sites, facilities and other equipment are studied under this process, considering the engineering level profile, the cubic meters of assets that will be subject to removal and restoration, weighted by a structure of market prices of goods and services, reflecting the best current knowledge related to carrying out such activities, as well as techniques and more efficient construction procedures to date. In the process of valuation of these activities, the assumptions of the exchange rate for tradable goods and services are made, as well as a discount rate, which considers the time value of money and the risks associated with the liabilities, which is determined based, where applicable, on the currency in which disbursements are expected to be made.

The liability amounts recognized at the end of each reporting date represent management’s best estimate of the present value of the future decommissioning and site restoration costs. Changes in the estimate of the liability because of changes in the estimated future costs or in the discount rate are added to or deducted from the respective asset cost. The amount deducted from the cost of the asset shall not exceed its carrying amount. If a decrease in the liability exceeds the carrying amount of the asset, the excess is recognized immediately in profit or loss.

If the adjustment results in an addition to the cost of the asset, Codelco considers whether this is an indicator that the new carrying amount of the asset may not be fully recoverable. If such an indicator exists, Codelco tests the asset for impairment by estimating its recoverable amount, and accounts for any impairment loss in accordance with IAS 36.

Costs arising from the installation of a plant or other site preparation work, discounted to their net present value, are provided for and capitalized at the beginning of each project as soon as the obligation to incur such costs arises. These decommissioning costs are charged to net income over the life of the mine, through depreciation of the corresponding asset. Depreciation expense is included in cost of sales, while the discount in the provision is included in finance costs.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile





Provisions for employee benefits: Provisions for employee benefits related to severance payments and health benefits for services rendered by the employees are determined based on actuarial calculations using the projected unit credit method and are recognized in other comprehensive income or s (depending on the accounting standards applicable) on an accrual basis.

The Corporation uses assumptions to determine the best estimate of future obligations related to these benefits. Such estimates, as well as assumptions, are determined by management using the assistance of external actuaries. These assumptions include demographic assumptions, discount rate and expected salary increases and rotation levels, among other factors.

Accruals for open invoices: the Corporation uses information on future copper prices, through which it recognizes adjustments to its revenues and trade receivables, due to the conditions in provisional pricing arrangements. These adjustments are updated monthly, See Notes 2 q) Revenue from contracts with customers of Note 2 Significant accounting policies below.

Fair value of derivatives and other financial instruments: management may use its judgment to choose an adequate and proper valuation method for financial instruments that are not quoted in an active market. In the case of derivative financial instruments, assumptions are based on observable market inputs, adjusted depending on factors specific to the instruments among others.

Lawsuits and contingencies: The Corporation assesses the probability of lawsuits and contingency losses on an ongoing basis according to estimates performed by its legal advisors. For cases in which management and the Corporation’s legal advisors believe that a loss is not probable of occurring or where probable, may not be estimated reliably, no provisions are recognized. When it is considered more likely than not that a loss is probable and it may be reliably estimated, a provision is recognized.

Application of IFRS 16: includes the following:

– Estimation of the lease term

– Determine if it is reasonably certain that an extension or termination option will be exercised.

– Determination of the appropriate rate to discount lease payments

Revenue recognition: the Corporation determines appropriate revenue recognition for its contracts with customers by analyzing the type, terms and conditions of each contract or agreement with a customer.

As part of the analysis, the management must make judgments about whether an agreement or contract is legally enforceable, and whether the agreement includes separate performance obligations. In addition, estimates are required to allocate the total price of the transaction to each performance obligation based on the stand-alone selling


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

price of the promised goods or services underlying each performance obligation. (The Corporation applies the constraint on variable consideration as defined in IFRS 15, if applicable).

k) Stripping costs – Costs incurred in removing mine waste materials (overburden) in open pits that are in production, that provide access to mineral deposits, are recognized in property, plant, and equipment, when the following criteria set out in IFRIC 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine are met:

– It is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the stripping activity will flow to the entity.

– It is possible to identify the components of an ore body for which access has been improved because of the stripping activity, and

– The costs relating to that stripping activity can be measured reliably.

The stripping costs are amortized based on the production units of production extracted from the ore body related to the specific stripping activity which generated this amount.

Although the abovementioned estimates have been made based on the best information available as of the date of issuance of these consolidated financial statements, it is possible that new developments could lead the Corporation to modify these estimates in the future. Such modifications, if any, would be adjusted prospectively, recognizing the effects of the change in estimate in future consolidated financial statements, as required by IAS 8 “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.

2. Significant accounting policies

a. Period covered: The accompanying consolidated financial statements of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile include the following statements:

– Consolidated Statements of Financial Position as of December 31, 2022 and 2021.

– Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021.

– Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021.

– Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021.

b. Basis of preparation – These consolidated financial statements of the Corporation as of December 31, 2022 have been prepared in accordance with the instructions of the Commission for the Financial Market which fully comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the IASB.

The consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2021 and statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2021, equity and cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2021, which are included for comparative purposes, have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB, on a basis consistent with the criteria used for the same period ended December 31, 2022, except for the adoption of new IFRS standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation as of December 31, 2022, which are disclosed in number 3 “New standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation” in section ll of this report.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared from accounting records held by the Company.

c. Functional currency – The functional currency of Codelco is the U.S. dollar, which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Corporation operates and the currency in which it receives its revenues.

The functional currency of subsidiaries, associates, and joint ventures is the currency of the primary economic environment in which those entities operate and the currency in which they receive their revenues. For those subsidiaries and associates that are an extension of the operations of Codelco (entities that are not self-sustaining and whose main transactions are with Codelco); the functional currency is also the U.S. dollar.

The presentation currency of Codelco’s consolidated financial statements is the U.S. dollar.

d. Basis of consolidation – The financial statements comprise the consolidated statements of the Corporation and its affiliates.

Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the Corporation obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date such control ceases. Specifically, income and expenses of a subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated statement from the date the Corporation gains control until the date when the Corporation ceases to control the subsidiary.

Las declaraciones financieras de las subsidiarias se preparan para el mismo período de informe que la Corporación, utilizando políticas contables consistentes.

Todos los activos, pasivos, patrimonio, ingresos, gastos y flujos de efectivo relacionados con transacciones entre empresas consolidadas se eliminan completamente en la consolidación. El valor del interés no controlador de los accionistas en el patrimonio y en los resultados de las filiales se presenta, respectivamente, como “Intereses no controladores” en el estado de situación financiera consolidado e “Ingresos (pérdidas) atribuibles a intereses no controladores” y “Ingresos (pérdidas) integrales atribuibles a intereses no controladores” en los estados de resultados consolidados.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Las siguientes empresas han sido consolidadas:

. 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 Número de identificación fiscal, EMPRESA País Funcional % de propiedad % de propiedad Moneda – – Directo | Indirecto| Total Total

Extranjero Chile Copper Limited Inglaterra GBP 100,00 . 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco do Brasil Mineracao Brasil BRL – | 100,00 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco Group Inc. EE. UU. US$ 100,00 . 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH Alemania EURO 100,00 . 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco Metals Inc. EE. UU. US$ – | 100,00 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco Services Limited Inglaterra GBP – | 100,00 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco Shanghai Company Limited China RMB 100,00 . 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco Singapore P.L Singapur US$ 100,00 . 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco USA Inc. EE. UU. US$ – | 100,00 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Codelco Canadá Canadá US$ 100,00 0,00 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Ecometales Limited Islas del Canal US$ – | 100,00 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Exploraciones Mineras Andinas Ecuador EMSAEC S.A. Ecuador US$ – | 100,00 100,00 100,00 Extranjero Cobrex Prospeccao Mineral Brasil BRL -| 51,00 51,00 51,00
78.860.780-6 [Compañía Contractual Minera Los Andes Chile US$ 99,97 0,03 100,00 100,00
81.767.200-0 [Asociación Garantizadora de Pensiones Chile CLP 96,69 – 96,69 96,69
88.497.100-4 [Clínica San Lorenzo Limitada Chile CLP 100,00 0,00 100,00 100,00
96.817.780-K [Inmobiliaria de Salud de Codelco SpA (Ex – SEHC Calama) Chile US$ – . . 100,00
99.556.950-7 – [Inmobiliaria Red de Salud de Codelco SpA (Ex – Hospital del Cobre-Calama S.A.) Chile CLP 100,00 . 100,00 100,00
96.819.040-7 [Complejo Portuario Mejillones S.A. Chile US$ 99,99 0,01 100,00 100,00
96.991.180-9 [Codelco Tec SpA Chile US$ 99,91 0,09 100,00 100,00
99.569.520-0 [Exploraciones Mineras Andinas S.A. Chile US$ 99,90 0,10 100,00 100,00
99.573.600-4 – [Clínica Río Blanco S.A. Chile CLP 100,00 . 100,00 100,00
76.064.682-2 [Centro de Especialidades Médicas Río Blanco Ltda. Chile CLP – | 100,00 100,00 100,00
77.773.260-9 – |Inversiones Copperfeld SpA Chile US$ 100,00 100,00 100,00
76.043.396-9 – [Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. Chile US$ 0,05| 99,95 100,00 100,00
76.148.338-2 [Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno Ltda. Chile US$ 99,95 0,05 100,00 100,00
76.173.357-5 [Inversiones Gacrux SpA Chile US$ 100,00 . 100,00 100,00
76.231.838-5 [Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA Chile US$ -| 67,80 67,80 67,80
76.237.866-3 – [Inversiones Mineras Los Leones SpA Chile US$ – . . 100,00
76.173.783-K [Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA Chile US$ -| 67,80 67,80 67,80
76.124,156-7 – [Centro de Especialidades Médicas San Lorenzo Ltda. Chile US$ – | 100,00 100,00 100,00
76.255.061-K [Central Eléctrica Luz Minera SpA Chile US$ 100,00 . 100,00 100,00
70.905.700-6 – |Fusat Chile CLP – . . –
76.334,370-7 – |Isalud Isapre de Codelco Ltda. Chile CLP 99,90 0,10 100,00 100,00
78.394.040-K [Centro de Servicios Médicos Porvenir Ltda. Chile CLP -| 99,00 99,00 99,00
77.928,390-9 – [Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Rio Cipreces Ltda. Chile CLP -| 99,90 99,90 99,90
77.270.020-2 [Prestaciones de Servicios de la Salud Intersalud Ltda. Chile CLP -| 99,00 99,00 99,00
76.754,301-8 [Salar de Maricunga SpA Chile CLP 100,00 . 100,00 100,00

Para efectos de estas declaraciones financieras consolidadas, las subsidiarias, asociadas, adquisiciones y disposiciones se definen de la siguiente manera:

– Subsidiarias: Una subsidiaria es una entidad sobre la cual la Corporación tiene control. El control se ejerce si, y solo si, están presentes los siguientes elementos: (1) poder para gobernar las políticas operativas y financieras para obtener beneficios de sus actividades; (ii) exposición o derechos a los rendimientos variables de estas empresas; y (iii) capacidad para utilizar el poder para influir en la cantidad de rendimientos.

La Corporación reevalúa si controla una subsidiaria si los hechos y circunstancias indican que hay cambios en uno o más de los elementos de control enumerados anteriormente.

Las declaraciones financieras consolidadas incluyen todos los activos, pasivos, ingresos, gastos y flujos de efectivo de Codelco y sus subsidiarias, después de eliminar todos los saldos y transacciones entre empresas.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

– Asociadas: Una asociada es una entidad sobre la cual Codelco tiene influencia significativa. La influencia significativa es el poder para participar en las decisiones de políticas financieras y operativas de la asociada, pero no es control o control conjunto sobre esas políticas.

La participación de Codelco en asociadas se reconoce en las declaraciones financieras consolidadas bajo el método de participación patrimonial. Bajo este método, la inversión inicial se reconoce a costo y se ajusta posteriormente para reconocer los cambios en la participación de Codelco en los ingresos integrales de la asociada, menos cualquier pérdida por deterioro u otros cambios en la inversión en activos netos de la asociada.

La Corporación ajusta las ganancias o pérdidas proporcionales obtenidas por la asociada después de la adquisición para tener en cuenta los efectos que puedan existir en la depreciación del valor razonable de los activos considerados en la fecha de adquisición.

– Adquisiciones y disposiciones: el resultado de las empresas adquiridas se incorpora en las declaraciones financieras consolidadas a partir de la fecha en que se obtiene el control; los resultados de las empresas vendidas durante el período se incluyen en las declaraciones financieras consolidadas hasta la fecha efectiva de la disposición. Las ganancias o pérdidas por disposición son la diferencia entre el producto de la venta (neto de gastos) y el valor en libros de los activos netos atribuibles a la participación en la propiedad que se ha vendido (y, cuando corresponda, el ajuste acumulado por traducción).

Si se pierde el control sobre una subsidiaria, el interés de propiedad retenido en la inversión se reconocerá a su valor razonable.

En la fecha de adquisición de una inversión en una subsidiaria, asociada o empresa conjunta, cualquier exceso del costo de la inversión (consideración transferida) más el monto del interés no controlador en la adquirida más el valor razonable de cualquier interés patrimonial previamente poseído en la adquirida, cuando corresponda, sobre la participación de Codelco en el valor razonable neto de los activos identificables y pasivos adquiridos se reconoce como fondo de comercio. Cualquier exceso de la participación de Codelco en el valor razonable neto de los activos identificables y pasivos adquiridos sobre la consideración transferida, después de la reevaluación, se reconoce inmediatamente en el resultado del período en que se adquiere la inversión.

e. Transacciones en moneda extranjera y conversión de moneda de presentación: Las transacciones en monedas distintas a la moneda funcional de la Corporación se reconocen a los tipos de cambio vigentes en las fechas de las transacciones. Al final de cada período de informe, las transacciones en moneda extranjera denominadas en monedas extranjeras se convierten a los tipos de cambio vigentes en esa fecha. Las ganancias y pérdidas debido al efecto de las transacciones en moneda extranjera se incluyen en el estado de resultados consolidado del período dentro de “Ganancias (pérdidas) por cambios en monedas extranjeras”.

Al final del período de informe, los activos y pasivos monetarios denominados en Unidades de Fomento (“UF”) se han denominado en US$, considerando los tipos de cambio vigentes al final de cada período (12-31-2022: US$ 41,02; 12-31-2021: US$ 36,69)


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Los gastos e ingresos en moneda local se han expresado en dólares al tipo de cambio observado, correspondiente a la fecha del registro contable de cada transacción.

La traducción de las declaraciones financieras de asociadas y entidades controladas conjuntamente, cuya moneda funcional es diferente de la moneda de presentación de Codelco, se realiza de la siguiente manera para fines de consolidación:

– Los activos y pasivos se convierten utilizando el tipo de cambio vigente en la fecha de informe.

– Los ingresos y gastos de cada estado de resultados se traducen a los tipos de cambio promedio del período.

– Todas las diferencias de cambio resultantes se reconocen en el resultado integral y se acumulan en el patrimonio bajo el epígrafe Reserva por diferencias de cambio en traducción.

Los tipos de cambio utilizados en cada período de informe fueron los siguientes:

Relación [Tipos de cambio de cierre
12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021

USD CLP 0,00117 0,00118 USD GBP 1,20802 1,34880 USD BRL 0,18923 0,17957 USD EURO 1,07021 1,13135 USD AUD 0,68120 0,72480 USD HKD 0,12820 0,12821 USD RMB 0,14452 0,15680

f. Compensación de saldos y transacciones – Como norma general, los activos y pasivos, ingresos y gastos, no se compensan en las declaraciones financieras, excepto en aquellos casos en los que la compensación es requerida o permitida por una norma y la presentación refleja la sustancia de la transacción.

Los ingresos o gastos derivados de transacciones que, por razones contractuales o legales, permiten la posibilidad de compensación y que la Corporación tiene la intención de liquidar por su valor neto o realizar los activos y saldar los pasivos simultáneamente, se presentan netos en el estado de resultados.

g. Propiedad, planta y equipo y depreciación – Los elementos de propiedad, planta y equipo se reconocen inicialmente a costo. Después del reconocimiento inicial, se miden al costo, menos cualquier depreciación acumulada y cualquier pérdida por deterioro acumulada.

El costo de la propiedad, planta y equipo incluye los costos de expansión, modernización o mejoras que representan un aumento en la productividad, capacidad o eficiencia, o un aumento en la vida útil de los activos, y se capitalizan como un aumento en el costo de los activos relacionados.

Los activos incluidos en propiedad, planta y equipo se deprecian, como regla general, utilizando el método de unidades de producción, cuando la actividad realizada por el activo es directamente atribuible al proceso de producción minera. En otros casos, se utiliza un criterio de depreciación lineal.

Los activos incluidos en propiedad, planta y equipo y ciertos intangibles (software) se deprecian durante sus vidas útiles económicas, como se describe a continuación:

Categoría Vida útil Terrenos No depreciados Terrenos en el sitio minero Unidad de producción Edificios Lineal durante 20-50 años Edificios en niveles subterráneos de mina Unidades de producción Vehículos Lineal durante 3-7 años Planta y equipo Unidad de producción Fundiciones Unidad de producción Refinerías Unidad de producción Derechos mineros Unidad de producción Equipos de soporte Unidad de producción Intangibles – software Lineal durante 8 años Desarrollo de minas a cielo abierto y subterráneas Unidad de producción

Las vidas útiles estimadas, los valores residuales y el método de depreciación se revisan al final de cada período de informe, y cualquier cambio en las estimaciones se reconoce prospectivamente.

Además, los métodos de depreciación y las vidas útiles estimadas de los activos, especialmente plantas, instalaciones e infraestructura, pueden ser revisados al final de cada año o durante el año de acuerdo con los cambios en la estructura de reservas de la Corporación y los planes de largo plazo productivos actualizados a esa fecha.

Esta revisión puede realizarse en cualquier momento si las condiciones de las reservas de mineral cambian significativamente debido a nueva información conocida, confirmada y oficialmente divulgada por la Corporación.

La ganancia o pérdida resultante de la disposición o retiro de un activo se calcula como la diferencia entre el precio obtenido en la disposición y el valor registrado en los libros, reconociendo el cargo o crédito a los ingresos del período.

La construcción en curso incluye los montos invertidos en la construcción de propiedad, planta y equipo y en proyectos de desarrollo minero. La construcción en curso se transfiere a activos en operación una vez que ha terminado el período de pruebas y cuando están listos para su uso; en ese momento, comienza a reconocerse la depreciación.

Los costos de endeudamiento directamente atribuibles a la adquisición o construcción de activos que requieren un período sustancial antes de estar listos para su uso o venta se capitalizan como parte del costo de los correspondientes elementos de propiedad, planta y equipo.

Los yacimientos de mineral propiedad de la Corporación se registran en los registros contables a US$1. No obstante lo anterior, esas reservas y recursos adquiridos como parte de la adquisición de entidades contabilizadas como combinaciones de negocios, se reconocen a su valor razonable.

h. Activos intangibles: La Corporación reconoce inicialmente estos activos al costo de adquisición. El costo se amortiza sistemáticamente a lo largo de su vida útil, excepto en el caso de activos con vida útil indefinida, los cuales no se amortizan y se evalúan para determinar si han sufrido deterioro al menos una vez al año y, en todo caso, cuando exista alguna indicación de que podría haber ocurrido un deterioro. Al final de cada período de informe, estos activos se miden a su costo menos cualquier amortización acumulada (cuando corresponda) y cualquier pérdida por deterioro acumulada.

Los principales activos intangibles se describen de la siguiente manera:

Gastos de Investigación, Desarrollo Tecnológico e Innovación: Los gastos para el desarrollo de Proyectos de Tecnología e Innovación se reconocen como activos intangibles a su costo y se consideran que tienen una vida útil indefinida.

Los gastos de desarrollo para proyectos de tecnología e innovación se reconocen como activos intangibles a su costo, solo si se ha demostrado lo siguiente:

– La viabilidad técnica de completar el activo intangible para que esté disponible para su uso o venta;
– La intención de completar el activo intangible es usarlo o venderlo;
– La capacidad de usar o vender el activo intangible;
– Que el activo intangible generará probables beneficios económicos futuros;
– La disponibilidad de recursos técnicos, financieros y otros adecuados para completar el desarrollo y para usar o vender el activo intangible; y
– El desembolso atribuible al activo intangible durante su desarrollo puede ser valorado de manera fiable.

Los gastos de investigación para proyectos de tecnología e innovación se reconocen en el estado de resultados cuando se incurren.

¡. Deterioro de propiedades, planta y equipo y activos intangibles: Se revisa si hay indicaciones de que el importe en libros de los activos con vida útil finita y los activos intangibles no es recuperable. Si existe tal indicación, se estima el importe recuperable del activo para determinar la extensión del deterioro a ser registrado.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Para los activos intangibles con vida útil indefinida, se estima anualmente su importe recuperable al final de cada período de informe.

Cuando un activo no genera flujos de efectivo independientes de otros activos, Codelco determina el importe recuperable de la UCG a la que pertenece el activo.

La Corporación ha definido a cada una de sus divisiones como una unidad generadora de efectivo.

El importe recuperable de un activo es el mayor entre el valor razonable menos los costos de disposición y el valor en uso. Al evaluar el valor en uso, se descuentan los flujos de efectivo futuros estimados a su valor presente utilizando una tasa de descuento antes de impuestos que refleje las evaluaciones del mercado actual del valor temporal del dinero y los riesgos específicos del activo. Por otro lado, el valor razonable menos los costos de disposición generalmente se determina para activos operativos considerando la Vida Útil de la Mina (VUM), basada en un modelo de flujos de efectivo descontados, mientras que los activos no incluidos en la VUM como recursos y potenciales recursos para explotar se miden utilizando un modelo de mercado de múltiplos para transacciones comparables.

Si se estima que el importe recuperable de un activo o UCG es menor que su importe en libros, se reconoce una pérdida por deterioro inmediatamente en el estado de resultados, reduciendo el importe en libros a su importe recuperable. En caso de una reversión posterior del deterioro, el importe en libros se incrementa al estimado revisado del importe recuperable, pero hasta el punto en que no exceda el importe en libros que se habría determinado si no se hubiera reconocido previamente un deterioro.

Las estimaciones de flujos de efectivo futuros para una UCG se basan en pronósticos de producción futura, precios futuros de productos básicos y costos futuros de producción. Bajo la NIC 36 Deterioro del Valor de los Activos, existen ciertas restricciones para las estimaciones de flujos de efectivo futuros relacionadas con reestructuraciones futuras y eficiencias futuras de costos. Al calcular el valor en uso, también es necesario basar los cálculos en la tasa de cambio al contado en la fecha de cálculo.

j. Gastos de exploración y evaluación de recursos minerales, desarrollo de minas y operaciones mineras: La Corporación ha definido una política contable para cada uno de estos gastos.

Los gastos de desarrollo para depósitos en explotación cuyo propósito es mantener los niveles de producción se reconocen en el estado de resultados cuando se incurren.

Los costos de exploración y evaluación, como perforaciones de depósitos, incluidos los gastos necesarios para localizar nuevas áreas mineralizadas y estudios de ingeniería para determinar su potencial para explotación comercial, se reconocen en el estado de resultados, normalmente en la etapa de prefactibilidad.

Los gastos de preoperación y desarrollo de minas (normalmente después de la ingeniería de factibilidad alcanzada) incurridos durante la ejecución de un proyecto y hasta su puesta en marcha se capitalizan y se amortizan en relación con la producción futura de la mina. Estos costos incluyen el desbroce de material estéril, la construcción de la infraestructura de la mina y otros trabajos realizados antes de la fase de producción.

Finalmente, los costos para la definición de nuevas áreas o áreas de depósito en explotación y de operaciones mineras (PP£E) se reconocen en propiedades, planta y equipo y se amortizan a través del estado de resultados durante el período en el que se obtienen los beneficios.

k. Impuestos a la renta y diferidos – Codelco y sus filiales chilenas reconocen anualmente impuestos a la renta basados en la renta imponible neta determinada según las normas establecidas en la Ley de Impuesto a la Renta y el Artículo 2 del D.L. 2398, así como el impuesto específico a la minería referido en la Ley N° 20026 de 2005. Sus filiales extranjeras reconocen impuestos a la renta de acuerdo con las regulaciones fiscales en cada país.

Además, la renta imponible de Codelco en cada período está sujeta al régimen tributario establecido en el Artículo 26 del D.L. N° 1350, que establece que los pagos de impuestos se realizarán en marzo, junio, septiembre y diciembre de cada año, basados en un cálculo provisional de impuestos.

Los impuestos diferidos derivados de diferencias temporales y otros eventos que crean diferencias entre las bases contables y fiscales de activos y pasivos se registran de acuerdo con las normas establecidas en la NIC 12 Impuesto a la Renta.

También se reconocen impuestos diferidos por utilidades no distribuidas de filiales y asociadas, originadas por tasas de retención sobre remesas de dividendos pagados por dichas empresas a la Corporación.

|. Inventarios – Los inventarios se miden al costo cuando este no excede el valor neto realizable. El valor neto realizable representa el precio de venta estimado de los inventarios menos todos los costos estimados de terminación y los costos necesarios para realizar la venta (es decir, gastos de marketing, ventas y distribución). Los costos de inventarios se determinan de acuerdo con los siguientes métodos:

– Productos terminados y productos en proceso: Estos inventarios se miden a su costo de producción promedio determinado utilizando el método de costeo por absorción, incluyendo mano de obra, depreciación de activos fijos, amortización de intangibles y costos indirectos de cada período. Los inventarios de productos en proceso se clasifican en corriente y no corriente, de acuerdo con el ciclo normal de operación.

– Materiales en almacén: Estos inventarios se valoran al costo de adquisición y la Corporación determina una provisión para obsolescencia considerando que los materiales de lento movimiento en el almacén permanecen en stock.

– Materiales en tránsito: Estos inventarios se miden al costo incurrido al final del período de informe. Cualquier diferencia debido a una estimación del valor neto realizable de los inventarios menor que su importe en libros se reconoce en el estado de resultados.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

m. Dividendos – De acuerdo con el Artículo 6 del D.L. 1350, la Corporación tiene la obligación de distribuir su utilidad neta tal como se presenta en los estados financieros. La obligación de pago se reconoce sobre la base de devengo.

n. Beneficios a los empleados – Codelco reconoce una provisión para beneficios a los empleados cuando existe una obligación presente (legal o implícita) como resultado de servicios prestados por sus empleados.

Los contratos de empleo estipulan, sujeto al cumplimiento de ciertas condiciones, el pago de una indemnización por despido de un empleado cuando termina un contrato de trabajo. En general, esto corresponde a un salario mensual por año de servicio y considera los componentes de la remuneración final que están definidos contractualmente como base para la indemnización. Este beneficio a los empleados se ha clasificado como un plan de beneficios definidos.

Codelco también ha acordado beneficios de atención médica postempleo para ciertos jubilados. Este beneficio a los empleados se ha clasificado como un plan de beneficios definidos.

Estos planes continúan sin financiación al 31 de diciembre de 2022.

La indemnización por despido de empleados y el plan médico postempleo se determinan utilizando el método de unidad de crédito proyectada, realizándose valoraciones actuariales al final de cada período de informe. Las obligaciones del plan de beneficios definidos reconocidas en el estado de situación financiera representan el valor presente de las obligaciones acumuladas. Las ganancias y pérdidas actuariales se reconocen inmediatamente en otro resultado integral y no se reclasificarán al estado de resultados.

La administración de la Corporación utiliza supuestos para determinar la mejor estimación de estos beneficios. Los supuestos incluyen una tasa de descuento anual, aumentos esperados en salarios y tasa de rotación, entre otros factores.

De acuerdo con sus programas de optimización operativa para reducir costos y aumentar la productividad laboral mediante la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías actuales y/o mejores prácticas de gestión, la Corporación ha establecido programas de retiro de empleados modificando ciertos contratos de trabajo o acuerdos colectivos para incluir beneficios que fomenten el retiro anticipado de empleados, para los cuales se realizan las provisiones necesarias basadas en la obligación acumulada al valor actual. En caso de programas de retiro de empleados que involucren períodos de varios años, las obligaciones acumuladas se actualizan utilizando una tasa de descuento determinada en base a instrumentos financieros denominados en la misma moneda y con vencimientos similares que se utilizarán para pagar las obligaciones.

o. Provisiones para desmantelamiento y costos de restauración del sitio – La Corporación reconoce una provisión por los costos futuros estimados de desmantelamiento y restauración de proyectos mineros en desarrollo o producción cuando una actividad minera causa una interrupción bajo una obligación legal o implícita. Los costos se estiman sobre la base de un plan formal de cierre y los estimados de costos se revisan anualmente.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Los costos derivados de la obligación de desmantelar una instalación de planta u otros trabajos de preparación del sitio, descontados a su valor presente, se prevén y se capitalizan al inicio de cada proyecto o al origen de la obligación legal o implícita tan pronto como surge la obligación de incurrir en tales costos.

Estos costos de desmantelamiento y restauración se registran en el estado de resultados a través de la depreciación del activo que dio origen a dicho costo, y el uso de la provisión se realiza cuando se materializa el desmantelamiento. Los cambios posteriores en las estimaciones de pasivos relacionados con el desmantelamiento se suman o restan de los costos de los activos relacionados en el período en que se realiza el ajuste.

Otros costos de restauración, fuera del alcance de la NIC 16, Propiedades, Planta y Equipo, se prevén a su valor presente contra los resultados operativos y el uso de la provisión se realiza en el período en que se realiza el trabajo de restauración.

La acreción del descuento sobre una obligación de cierre debido al paso del tiempo se reconoce como un gasto financiero en el estado de resultados.

p. Arrendamientos – La Corporación evalúa sus contratos en la aplicación inicial para determinar si contienen un arrendamiento. La Corporación reconoce un activo por derecho de uso y un pasivo correspondiente por arrendamiento con respecto a todos los contratos de arrendamiento en los que Codelco es el arrendatario, excepto para arrendamientos a corto plazo (definidos como un arrendamiento con un plazo de arrendamiento de 12 meses o menos) y arrendamientos de activos de bajo valor. Para estos arrendamientos, la Corporación reconoce los pagos de arrendamiento como un costo operativo de forma lineal durante el plazo del arrendamiento, a menos que otro método sistemático sea más representativo del patrón temporal en el que se consumen los beneficios económicos de los activos arrendados.

El pasivo por arrendamiento se mide inicialmente al valor presente de los pagos de arrendamiento que no se han pagado en la fecha de inicio, descontados utilizando la tasa de interés implícita en el arrendamiento. Si esta tasa no puede determinarse fácilmente, la Corporación utiliza la tasa de endeudamiento incremental.

La tasa incremental para préstamos utilizados por Codelco se determina estimando la tasa de interés que la Corporación tendría que pagar para obtener los fondos necesarios para obtener un activo de naturaleza similar y valor similar al activo por derecho de uso del respectivo arrendamiento, en un entorno económico similar durante un plazo similar.

Lease payments included in the measurement of the lease liability mainly include fixed payments, variable payments that depend on an index or a rate, and the exercise price of a purchase option. Variable payments that do not depend on an index or a rate are excluded.

The lease liability is subsequently measured as follows: the carrying amount is increased to reflect the interest on the lease liability (using the effective rate method), and the carrying amount is reduced to reflect the lease payments made.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

The Corporation revalues the lease liability as to the discount rate (and makes the corresponding adjustments to the asset for respective right of use) through a modified discount rate when:

– There is a change in the term of the lease, or
– There is a change in the assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset, or
– There is a change in an index or rate which generates a change in cash flows.

Right-of-use assets comprise the amount of the present value of payments not made at the contract inception date, and lease payments made before or up to the inception date, less lease incentives received and any initial direct costs incurred plus other decommissioning and site restoration costs. The right-of-use assets are subsequently measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated losses due to impairment.

When the Corporation incurs a cost obligation to dismantle or remove a leased asset, restore the location in which it is located, or restore the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease, a provision is recognized and measured in accordance with IAS 37. Costs are included in the corresponding right-of-use asset unless those costs are incurred to produce inventories.

The right-of-use assets are depreciated during the shorter period between the term of the lease and the useful life of the underlying asset. If a lease transfers the ownership of the underlying asset or the cost of the right-of-use asset reflects that the Corporation expects to exercise its option to purchase, the right-of-use asset is depreciated over the useful life of the underlying asset. Depreciation is made from the start date of the lease.

The Corporation applies IAS 36 to determine if a right-of-use asset is impaired and recognizes any impairment loss identified, as described in the accounting policy for Property, plant and equipment.

q. Revenue from Contracts with Customers – Revenue is recognized in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring goods or services to customers.

– Sale of mineral goods and or by-products: Contracts with customers for the sale of mineral goods and or by-products include the performance obligation for the delivery of the physical goods and the associated transportation service, at the place agreed with the customers. The Corporation recognizes revenue from the sale of goods when the performance obligation is satisfied according to the shipment or dispatch of the products, in accordance with the agreed conditions, such revenue being subject to variations related to the content and or sale price at the date of its liquidation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are some contracts where the performance obligation is satisfied when there is receipt of the product instead of the buyer’s corresponding destination, thus recognizing revenue at the time of said transfer. When services of transport of goods are provided, the Corporation recognizes revenue when the service obligation is satisfied.

Sales that have discounts associated with volume subject to compliance with goals are recognized net, estimating the probability that the volume target will be reached.

Sales contracts include a provisional price at the shipment date. The final price is generally based on the London Metals Exchange (“LME”) price. Revenue from sales of copper is measured using estimates of the future spread of metal prices on the LME and/or the spot price at the date of shipment, with subsequent adjustments made upon final pricing recognized as revenue. The terms of sales contracts with customers contain provisional pricing arrangements whereby the selling price for metal concentrate is based on prevailing spot prices on a specified future date after shipment to the customer (the quotation period). Consequently, the final price is set at the dates indicated in the contracts. Adjustments to provisional sale prices occur based on movements in quoted market prices on the LME up to the date of final pricing. The period between provisional invoicing and final pricing is typically between one and nine months. Changes in fair value over the quotation period and until final pricing are estimated by reference to forward market prices for applicable metals.

As indicated in the note related to hedging policies in the market of metal derivatives, the Corporation enters into operations in the market of metal derivatives. Gains and losses from those which are fair value hedges contracts are recognized as revenues.

– Rendering of services: Additionally, the Corporation recognizes revenue for rendering services, which are mainly related to the processing of minerals bought from third parties. Revenue from rendering of services is recognized when the amounts can be measured reliably and when the services have been provided.

Derivatives contracts – Codelco uses derivative financial instruments to reduce the risk of fluctuations in sales prices of its products and of exchange rates.

Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value at the date the derivative contracts are entered into and are subsequently measured to their fair value at the end of each reporting period.

The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity under the item “Cash flow hedge reserve. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is immediately recognized in profit or loss and included in the Finance cost or Finance income line items, depending on the effect of such ineffectiveness. The amount recognized in comprehensive income is reclassified to income, in the same line in which the effects generated by the hedged item are recorded once the results of the hedged transactions are recorded in the same line or until the maturity date of such transactions.

A hedge is considered highly effective when it meets the requirements of IFRS 9. At the time of discontinuation of the hedge contract or the associated designated accounting and according to the circumstances of each case, the accumulated gain/loss on the derivative instrument remains in equity until the hedge transaction occurs, or if discontinuation is expected to occur, the amount in equity is reclassified to profit or loss.

The total fair value of hedging derivatives is classified as non-current financial asset or liability, if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is greater than 12 months, and as current financial asset or liability if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months.

The derivative contracts held by the Corporation have been entered into to apply the risk hedging policies and are accounted for as indicated below:

– – Hedging policies for exchange rate risk: The Corporation enters into exchange rate derivatives to hedge exchange rate variations between the U.S. dollar and the currencies of transactions the Corporation undertakes. In accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors, these hedge transactions are only entered into when there are recognized assets or liabilities, forecasts of highly probable transactions or firm commitments. The Corporation does not enter into derivative transactions for non-hedging purposes.

– – Hedging policies for metal market prices risk: In accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors, the Corporation entered into derivative contracts to reduce the inherent risks in the fluctuations of metal prices.

Hedging policies seek to protect expected cash flows from product sales operations by adjusting, when necessary, physical sales contracts to its commercial policy. When the sales commitments are fulfilled and the metal derivative contracts are settled, there is an offset between the results of the sales transactions and the results of hedging using metal derivatives.

Hedging transactions carried out by the Corporation in the metal derivatives market are not undertaken for speculative purposes.

– Embedded derivatives: The Corporation has established a procedure that allows for evaluation of the existence of embedded derivatives in financial and non-financial contracts. Where there is an embedded derivative, and the host contract is not a financial instrument and the characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to the host contract, the derivative is required to be recognized separately.

Ss. Financial information by segment – The Corporation has defined its Divisions as its operating segments in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 8, Operating Segments. The mining deposits in operation, where the Corporation conducts its extractive and processing activities are managed by the following Divisions: Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina, and El Teniente. In addition, the smelting and refining activities are managed at the Ventanas Division. All these Divisions have a separate operational management, which reports to the Chief Executive Officer, through the North and South-Central Vice-President of Operations, respectively. Income and expenses of the Head Office are allocated to the defined operating segments.

t. Presentation of Financial Statements – For purposes of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, the Corporation presents its statement of financial position classified as “current and non-current” and its statements of income “by function” and cash flows using the direct method.

u. Current and non-current financial assets – The Corporation determines the classification of its financial assets at the time of initial recognition and reviews it at each closing date. The classification depends on the business model in which the investments are managed and the contractual characteristics of their cash flows.

The Corporation’s financial assets are classified into the following categories:

– – At fair value through profit or loss: Initial recognition: This category includes those financial assets that do not qualify in the business model to collect contractual cash flows, nor do such cash flows come exclusively from capital and interest. These instruments are initially recognized at fair value.

Subsequent recognition: Their subsequent recognition is at fair value, recording in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, in the line Other gains (losses) any changes in fair value.

– – Amortized cost: Initial recognition: This category includes those financial assets that qualify in the business model and that are held for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flows and that meet the “Solely Payment of Principal and Interest” (SPPI) criterion. This category includes certain Trade and other current receivables, and the loans included in other non-current financial assets.

Subsequent recognition: These (debt) instruments are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The amortized cost of a financial asset is the amount at which the financial asset is measured at initial recognition minus the principal repayments, plus the cumulative amortization using the effective interest method of any difference between that initial amount and the maturity amount, adjusted for any impairment allowance.

Interest income is recognized in profit or loss and is calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset. For financial assets measured at amortized cost that are not part of a designated hedging relationship, exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss in the Foreign exchange difference line item.

– – At fair value through other comprehensive income: Initial measurement: Financial assets that meet the criteria “Solely payments of principal and interest” (SPPI) are classified in this category and must be maintained within a business model both to collect the cash flows and to sell the financial assets. These instruments are initially recognized at fair value.

Subsequent recognition: Their subsequent valuation is at fair value. Interest income calculated using the effective interest rate method, foreign exchange gains and losses and impairment are recognized in income. Other net gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, the gains and losses accumulated in other comprehensive income for debt instruments are reclassified to income.
Codelco did not irrevocably choose to designate any equity financial instruments (assets) at fair value with effect on other comprehensive income.

v. Financial liabilities – Financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value net of transaction costs. Subsequent to their initial recognition, the valuation of the financial liabilities will depend on their classification, within which the following categories are distinguished:

– Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: This category includes financial liabilities defined as held for trading.

Changes in fair value associated with own credit risk are recorded in other comprehensive income unless doing so creates an accounting mismatch.

– Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost: This category includes all financial liabilities other than those measured at fair value through profit or loss.

The Corporation includes in this category bonds, obligations and other current payables.

These financial liabilities are measured using the effective interest rate method, recognizing interest expense based on the effective rate.

The method of the effective interest rate corresponds to the method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial liability and the allocation of interest expenses during the corresponding period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments through the expected life of the financial liability, or where appropriate, a shorter period, to the net carrying amount on initial recognition.

Trade and other current payables are financial liabilities that do not explicitly accrue interest and are recognized at their nominal value, which approximates its fair value.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Financial liabilities are derecognized when the liabilities are paid or expire.

w. Impairment of financial assets – The Corporation measures the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses for certain of its trade receivables. For these, it uses the simplified approach as required under IFRS 9.

The provision matrix is based on the Corporation’s historical credit loss experience over the expected life of such trade receivables and is adjusted for forward-looking estimates considering the most relevant macroeconomic factors that affect bad debts.

Other accounts receivable and other financial assets are reviewed using reasonable and sustainable information that is available without cost or disproportionate effort in accordance with IFRS 9 to determine the credit risk of the respective financial assets. A provision for impairment losses on trade receivables and other financial assets is established when there is objective evidence that the amounts due may not be fully recovered.

X. Cash and cash equivalents – The statement of cash flows reflects changes in cash that took place during the period, determined under the direct method. The Corporation has defined the following:

– Cash flows: Inflows and outflows of cash or cash equivalents, which are defined as highly liquid investments maturing in less than three months with a low risk of changes in value.

– Operating activities: Are the principal revenue-producing activities of the Corporation and other activities that are not investing or financing activities.

– Investing activities: These are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash and cash equivalents.

– Financing activities: These are activities that result in changes in the size and composition of net equity and borrowings of the Corporation.

Bank overdrafts are classified as external resources in current liabilities.

y. Law No. 13196 – Under this law, the return in foreign currency of sales abroad of the Corporation’s actual income from its copper production, including by-products, is taxed at 10%. The amount recognized for this concept is presented in the statement of income within the line item Other expenses by function. (Note 111.22 letter c)).

z. Cost of sales – Cost of sales is determined according to the absorption costing method, including the direct and indirect costs, depreciation, amortization and any other expenses directly attributable to the production process.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

aa. Classification of current and non-current balances – In the consolidated statement of financial position, the balances are classified according to their maturities, that is, as current for those with a maturity equal to or less than twelve months and as non-current for those with a greater maturity. Where there are obligations whose maturity is less than twelve months, but whose long-term refinancing is insured upon a decision by the Corporation whose intention is to refinance, through credit agreements available unconditionally with long-term maturity, these could be classified as non-current liabilities.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

3. New standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Corporation’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2021, except for the adoption of new standards, interpretations and amendments, effective from January 1, 2022, which are:

a) Reference to the Conceptual Framework – Amendments to IFRS 3:

Reference to Conceptual Framework 2018 instead of 1989. Additionally, for transactions within the scope of IAS 37 or IFRIC 21, an acquirer will apply IAS 37 or IFRIC 1 (instead of Conceptual Framework) to identify liabilities assumed in a business combination. Finally, a statement is added so that an acquirer does not recognize contingent assets acquired in a business combination.

b) Property, Plant and Equipment – Revenue before Intended Use (Amendments to IAS 16) The income and costs from the sale of items produced while the asset is taken to the location and necessary condition of operation foreseen by the administration, are recognized in results. It is not allowed to affect the cost of the asset by revenues and costs of such sales.

c) Onerous Contracts – Costs of Fulfilling a Contract (Amendments to IAS 37)

It is specified that the cost of fulfilling a contract includes “costs that are directly related to the contract”, which are those that either may be incremental costs of fulfilling that contract or an allocation of other costs that are directly related to fulfill the contracts.

d) Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020 a) IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of IFRS: Allows an affiliate to apply paragraph D16 (a) to

measure cumulative translation differences using the amounts reported by its parent,

based on the date of transition to IFRS of its parent.

b) IFRS 9 Financial Instruments: clarifies what fees are included when applying the 10 percent test in paragraph B3.3.6.

c) IFRS 16 Leases: removes from Illustrative Example 13, the illustration of the reimbursement of improvements to the leased asset made by the lessor.

d) IAS 41 Agriculture: removes the requirement in paragraph 22 to exclude tax cash flows when measuring the fair value of a biological asset using the present value technique.

The application of these amendments had no impact on the Corporation’s consolidated financial statements, but may affect the accounting for future transactions or arrangements.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

4. New accounting pronouncements

The following new standards, amendments and interpretations had been issued by the IASB, but their application is not yet mandatory:

New IFRS Date of mandatory Summary application IFRS 17, Insurance | Annual periods beginning on | Establishes the principles for the Contracts or after January 1, 2023 recognition, measurement,

presentation and disclosure of insurance contracts, reinsurance contracts and investment contracts with discretional participating features and supersedes IFRS 4 Insurance contracts.

Classification of Liabilities as Current or Non-Current (Amendments to IAS 1)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2024

The amendments aim to promote coherence in applying its requirements by helping companies to determine whether, in the statement of financial position, debts and other liabilities with an uncertain settlement date must be classified as current (maturing or potentially maturing in one year or less) or not current.

It is important to note that this amendment must be applied retrospectively and early application is permitted.

Disclosures on accounting policies (Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS 2 Practice Statement)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023

The amendments require an entity to disclose its material accounting policies.

The additional amendments explain how an entity can identify a material accounting policy.
Examples are added of when an accounting policy is likely to be material. To support the amendment, the Board has also developed guidance and examples to explain and demonstrate the application of the “four-step materiality process” described in the IFRS 2 Practice Statement


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Date of mandatory application

Definition of accounting estimates (amendments to IAS 8)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023

Summary The amendments replace the definition of a change in

accounting estimates. According to the new definition, accounting estimates are “monetary amounts in the financial statements that are subject to measurement uncertainty”. Entities develop accounting estimates if accounting policies require that financial statement items be measured in a manner that involves measurement uncertainty. The amendments clarify that a change in the accounting estimate resulting from new information or new developments is not a correction of an error.

Deferred tax related to assets and liabilities arising from a single transaction. (amendments to IAS 12)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023

The amendments clarify that the exemption from initial recognition does not apply to transactions in which equal amounts of deductible and taxable temporary differences arise on initial recognition.

Initial Application of IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 – Comparative Information (Amendment to IFRS 17)

An entity that chooses to apply the amendment shall apply it when it first applies IFRS 17

The amendment permits entities applying IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 for the first time at the same time to present comparative information about a financial asset as if the classification and measurement requirements of IFRS 9 had been applied previously to that financial asset.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Date of mandatory application


Lease liability on a sale and leaseback (Amendments to IFRS 16)

Annual reporting periods beginning on or after January
1, 2024

The amendment clarifies how a lessee subsequently measures sale and leaseback transactions that meet the requirements of IFRS
15 to be accounted for as a sale.

Non-current liabilities with covenants (Amendments to IAS 1

Annual reporting periods beginning on or after January
1, 2024

The amendment clarifies how the conditions that an entity must meet within twelve months after the reporting period affect the classification of a liability.

Management is currently evaluating the impact of the adoption of these new regulations and modifications. It is not expected to have a significant impact on the consolidated financial



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


1. Cash and cash equivalents

The detail of cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021, is as follows: Item 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUs$ ThUs$ Cash on hand 113 890 Bank balances 522,050 611,861 Deposits 477,758 649,955 Mutual funds – Money market 26,806 19,142 Repurchase agreements – 1,770 Total cash and cash equivalents 1,026,727 | 1,283,618

Interest on time deposits is recognized on an accrual basis using the contractual interest rate of each of these instruments.

The Corporation does not hold any significant amounts of cash and cash equivalents that have a restriction on use.

Cash and cash equivalents meet the low credit risk exemption under IFRS 9. The classification of time deposits complies with the requirements of 7.

2. Trade and other receivables a) Trade and other receivables “

The following table sets forth trade and other receivables balances, with their corresponding allowances for doubtful accounts:

Item Current Non-current

12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 | 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Trade receivables (1) 2,934,533 | 3,752,997 – –

Allowance for doubtful accounts (3) (4,098) | (11,410) – –

Subtotal trade receivables, net 2,930,435 | 3,741,587 – –

Other accounts receivable (2) 481,381 | 460,610 88,906 | 104,177

Allowance for doubtful accounts (3) (25,031) (7,847) – –

Other other accounts receivable, net 456,350 452,763 88,906 104,177

Total 3,386,785 | 4,194,350 88,906 | 104,177

(1) Trade receivables correspond to the sales of copper and its by-products, those that in general are sold in cash or through bank transfers.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

(2) Other receivables mainly consist of the following items:

Remaining tax credit susceptible to refund VAT and other taxes receivable, amounting to ThUS$ 216,218 and ThUS$ 132,674 as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.

Receivables owed by the Corporation’s personnel, for short-term and long-term current loans of ThUS$99,229 and ThUS$88,175, respectively (as of December 31, 2021 ThUS$117,081 and ThUS$99,448, respectively), both deducted monthly from their salaries. Mortgage loans granted to the Corporation’s personnel amounting to ThUS$29,320, which are mainly long-term, are backed by mortgage guarantees (as of December 31, 2021 ThUS$28,086).

Advances to suppliers and contractors, to be deducted from the respective payment statements for ThUS$101,665 and ThUS$185,051 as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.

Accounts receivable for services from the Ventanas Smelter to ENAMI. These services for the year 2022 amounted to ThUS$22,452. Additionally, in order to complement the commercial commitments between Codelco and ENAMI, the Corporation purchases copper concentrate and by-products and sells cathodes to ENAMI. Both Codelco and ENAMI are companies owned by the State of Chile.

(3) The Corporation recognizes an allowance for doubtful accounts based on its expected credit loss model.

The reconciliation of changes in the allowance for doubtful accounts for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, were as follows:

Item 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 19,257 16,979 Increases 9,872 2,218 Movement, subtotal 9,872 2,278 Closing balance 29,129 19,257

The balance of past due but not impaired balances is as follows:

Ageing 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Less than 90 days 5,760 4,030 90 days – 1 year 1,114 1,304 Over 1 year 206 5,977 Total unprovisioned past-due debt 7,080 11,311


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b) Accruals for open sales invoices

The Corporation adjusts its revenues and trade receivable balances, based on future copper prices through the recognition of an accrual for open sales invoices.

When future price of copper is lower than the provisional invoicing price, the accrual is presented in the statement of financial position as follows:

– For those customers that have due balances with the Corporation, the accrual is presented as a deduction from the line item trade and other current receivables.

– For those customers that do not have due balances with the Corporation, the accrual is presented in the line item trade and other current payables.

When the future copper price is higher than the provisional invoicing price, the accrual is added to the line item trade and other current receivables.

Accordingly, as of December 31, 2022, a positive provision of ThUS$31,327 was recorded in the account Trade and other receivables for provisions for unfinished sales invoices. As of December 31, 2021 it was a positive provision of ThUS$ 187,541

As of December 31, 2022, ThUS$ 1,458 of negative provision for open invoices associated with customers who do not have balances due to Codelco was reclassified to Trade payables of current liabilities, which added to the balance presented in Trade and other receivables, totaled a net negative provision of ThUS$ 29,869.

3. Balances and transactions with related parties a) Transactions with related persons

In accordance with Law on New Corporate Governance, the members of Codelco’s Board are, in terms of transactions with related persons, subject to the provisions of Title XVI of Law on Corporations, which sets the requirements regarding transactions with related parties in publicly traded companies and their subsidiaries.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, pursuant to the provisions of the final paragraph of Article 147 b) of Title XVI, which contains exceptions to the approval process for transactions with related parties, the Corporation has established a general policy over customary transactions (which was communicated through a significant event notice to the CMP), that defines customary transactions as those carried out with its related parties in the normal course of business, which contributes to the social interest and are necessary to the normal development of Codelco’s activities.

Likewise, consistent with the referred to above standard, the Corporation has implemented as part of its internal regulatory framework, a specific policy dealing with business between


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

related persons and companies with Codelco’s executives. Codelco’s Corporate Policy No.18 (CCP No. 18), the latest version currently in force, was approved by the Chief Executive Officer and the Board of Directors.

Accordingly, Codelco without the authorization required in CCP No. 18 and of the Board of Directors, as required by Law or by the Corporation by-laws, shall not enter into any contracts or agreements involving one or more Directors, its Chief Executive Officer, the members of Division’s Managing Committees, Vice-presidents, Legal Counsel, General Auditor, Division Chief Executive Officers, Advisors of Senior Management, employees who must make recommendations and/or have the authority to award tenders, assignments of purchases and/or contracting goods and services, and employees in management positions (up to fourth hierarchical level in the organization), including their spouses, children and other relatives up to second degree of relation, with a direct interest, represented by third parties or on behalf of another person. Likewise, CCP No. 18 requires administrators of Corporation’s contracts to declare all related persons and disqualify himself/herself if any related persons are involved within the field of his/her job responsibilities.

This prohibition also includes the companies in which such administrators are involved through ownership or management, either directly or through representation of other natural persons or legal entities, as well as those individuals who also have ownership or management in those companies.

The Board of Directors has been informed and approved certain transactions as defined in CCP No. 18.

These operations include those shown in the following table, for the total amounts mentioned, which must be executed within the time periods specified in each contract:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Company Taxpayer ID No. | Country | Nature of relationship | Transaction description 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 Amount Amount ThUS$ ThUS$ Anglo American Sur S.A. 77.762.940-9 Chile [Associate Supplies – 22 Centro de Capacitación y Recreación Radomiro Tomic. 75.985.550-7 Chile [Other related parties Services – 1,589 Centro de Especialidades Médicas Río Blanco Ltda. 76.064.682-2 Chile [Subsidiary Services 5,346 – Centro de Especialidades Médicas San Lorenzo Ltda. 76.124,156-7 Chile [Subsidiary Services 447 387 Clínica Río Blanco S.A. 99.573.600-4 Chile [Subsidiary Services 1,273 – Clínica San Lorenzo Ltda. 88.497.100-4 Chile [Subsidiary Services – 426 Ecometales Limited agencia en Chile. 59.087.530-9 Chile [Subsidiary Services and Supplies 14,252 661 Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A. 92.580.000-7 Chile [Relative of employee Services 415 – Finning Chile S.A. 91.489.000-4 Chile [Relative of employee Services and Supplies 46,555 – Fismidth S.A. 89.664,200-6 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies – 23,695 Fundación de Salud El Teniente. 70.905.700-6 Chile [Subsidiary Services 101 6,583 Fundación Orquesta Sinfónica Infantil de los Andes. 65.018.784-9 Chile [Founder Services 212 105 Industrial y Comercial Artimatemb Ltda. 76.108.720-7 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 48 180 ISalud Isapre de Codelco Ltda 76.334,370-7 Chile [Subsidiary Services – 15,122 Kairos Mining S.A. 76.781.030-K Chile [Associate Services – 13,332 Linde Gas Chile S.A. 90.100.000-K Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 439 36 Marsol S.A. 91.443.000-3 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 273 – Nueva Ancor Tecmin S.A. 76.411.929-0 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 424 4 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra. 96.701.340-4 Chile [Associate Supplies – 2 Sonda S.A. 83.628.100-4 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 2,408 Suez Medioambiente Chile S.A. 77.441.870-9 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 17,103 98 Manufacturas AC Ltda 77.439.350-1 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 80 123 MI Robotic Solutions S.A. 76.869.100-2 Chile [Relative of employee Services and Supplies 609 396 Tecno Fast S.A. 76.320.186-4 Chile [Relative of employee Services 44,041 19,394 Termoequipos SpA 78.123.830-9 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 117 4 Comercial e Import. Villanueva Ltda 77.000.200-1 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 1,281 834 Deloitte Advisory SpA 76.863.650-8 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 71 Fluor Chile Ingeniería y Construcción S.A. 85.555.900-5 Chile [Relative of employee Services 9,285 – Sitrans Servicios Integrados de transporte Ltda 96.500.950-7 Chile [Relative of Director Services – 2,800 Symnetics S.A. 77.812.640-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services 3,374 1,019 Constructora Domingo Villanueva Arancibia S.A. 96.846.150-8 Chile [Relative of employee Services 6,468 5,860 Metso Outotec Chile SpA 93.077.000-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services and Supplies 74,326 138,565 Ingeniería y Construcción Fenix Ltda 76.134,977-5 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 1,112 910 Janssen S.A. 81.198.100-1 Chile [Relative of Director Supplies 2,369 98 Enaex Servicios S.A. 76.041.871-4 Chile [Relative of Director Supplies 71,215 9 CAID S.A. 76.069.751-6 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies – 4 Consultorías, Asesorías, Auditorías y Capacitación Guerra y Guerra Ltda 76.168.106-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 437 Consorcio Cruz y Davila – Zañartu Ingeniería Ltda 76.381.335-5 Chile [Relative of employee Services – 5,280 Costella Proyectos 76.282.588-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services 3,423 18,177 Buses JM Pullman S.A. 78.502.770-1 Chile [Relative of employee Services 11,631 – ¡Adelanta Asesorías y Servicios Ltda 76.425.905-K Chile [Relative of employee Services 135 Emin Ingeniería y Construcción S.A. 79.527.230-5 Chile [Relative of employee Supplies 56,547 JRI Ingeniería S.A. 96.611.930-6 Chile [Relative of employee Services 19,388 Georock S.A. 77.842.840-7 Chile [Relative of employee Services 26,400 CDZ Ingeniería Uno Ltda 77.535.292-2 Chile [Relative of employee Services 8,511 Softine International Chile SPA 76.232.892-5 Chile [Relative of Director Supplies 4 Ingeniería y Construcción Sigdo Koppers S.A. 91.915.000-9 Chile [Relative of employee Services and Supplies 76,085 Lucas Blandford Maquinarias SpA 76.213.738-0 Chile [Relative of employee Services 10

b) Key Management of the Corporation

In accordance with the policy established by the Board of Directors and its related regulations, the transactions with the Directors, the Chief Executive Officer, Vice Presidents, Corporate Auditor, the members of the Divisional Management Committees and Divisional General Managers shall be approved by the Board of Directors.

During the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, the members of the Board of Directors have received the following amounts as per diems, salaries and fees:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Name ra 1D Country Nature of relationship descition E E ThUS$ ThUS$

Blas Tomic Errázuriz 5.390.891-8 Chile Director Directors fee – 38 Ghassan Dayoub Pseli 14.695.762-5 Chile Director Directors fee – 23 Ghassan Dayoub Pseli 14.695.762-5 Chile Director Payroll – 45 Hernán de Solminihac Tampier | 6.263.304-2 Chile Director Directors fee 28 87 Isidoro Palma Penco 4.754.025-9 Chile Director Directors fee 101 101 Juan Benavides Feliú 5.633.221-9 Chile an ofthe Board of Directors fee 32 130 Juan Morales Jaramillo 5.078.923-3 Chile Director Directors fee 80 87 Paul Schiodtz Obilinovich 7.170.719-9 Chile Director Directors fee – 30 Rodrigo Cerda Norambuena |12.454.621-4 Chile Director Directors fee – 7 Felipe Larraín Bascuñán 7.012.075-5 Chile Director Directors fee 28 64 Pedro Errázuriz Domínguez 7.051.188-6 Chile Director Directors fee 80 56 Patricia Núñez Figueroa 9.761.676-0 Chile Director Directors fee 80 56 Máximo Pacheco Matte 6.371.887-4 Chile an ofihe Board of Directors fee 99 “

Josefina Montenegro Aravena | 10.780.138-3 Chile Director Directors fee 52

Alejandra Wood Huidobro 7.204.368-5 Chile Director Directors fee 51

Nelson Cáceres Hernández 14.379.277-3 Chile Director Directors fee 51

Nelson Cáceres Hernández 14.379.277-3 Chile Director Payroll 40

The Ministry of Finance through Supreme Decree No. 233, dated February 09, 2022, established the compensation for the Corporation’s Directors. The compensation to Board of Director members is as follows:

a. The Directors of Codelco will receive a fixed monthly compensation of Ch$4,413,071 (four million four hundred thirteen thousand seventy-one Chilean pesos) for meeting attendance. The payment of the monthly compensation requires at least one meeting attendance each month.

b. The Chairman of the Board will receive a fixed monthly compensation of Ch$8,826,140 (eight million eight hundred and twenty-six thousand one hundred and forty Chilean pesos).

c. Each member of the Directors Committee, whether the one referred to in Article 50 bis) of Law No. 18046 or another established by the Corporation by-laws, will receive a fixed additional monthly compensation of Ch$1,471,022 (one million four hundred and seventy-one thousand and twenty-two Chilean pesos) for meeting attendance, regardless of the number of committees of which they are members. In addition, the Chairman of the Directors Committee will receive a fixed monthly compensation of Ch$2,942,047 (two million nine hundred and forty-two thousand and forty-seven pesos Chilean pesos) for meeting attendance.

d. The compensation established in the legal text is effective for a period of two years, as from March 1, 2022, and will not be adjusted during said period.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

On the other hand, the short-term benefits to key management of the Corporation expensed during the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, were ThUS$ 13,368 and ThUS$ 13,213, respectively.

The methodology to determine the remuneration of key management was approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on January 29, 2003.

During the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, severance indemnity payments and other payments associated with the retirement of Codelco’s senior executives were ThUS$ 1,501 and ThUS$ 237, respectively.

There were no payments for other non-current benefits during the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, other than those mentioned in the preceding paragraph.

There are no share-based payment plans.

Transactions with companies in which Codelco has ownership interest

The Corporation undertakes commercial and financial transactions that are necessary for its activities with its subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures (related parties). The financial transactions correspond mainly to loans granted (mercantile current accounts). Commercial transactions with related companies mainly consist of purchase-sales of products or rendering of services carried out under market conditions and prices, which do not bear any interest or indexation.

The Corporation does not make allowances for doubtful accounts on the main items receivable from its related companies since these have been subscribed with the relevant safeguards in the respective debt agreements.

The detail of accounts receivable and payable between the Corporation and its related parties as of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 is as follows:

Accounts receivable from related entities:

Current Non-current Taxpayer ID No. Name tan Of | Nature of relationship DUNA 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 | 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$
77.762.940-9 |Anglo American Sur S.A. Chile Associate US$ 27,566 147,238
76.063.022-5 |Inca de Oro S.A. Chile Associate US$ 908 505
76.255.054-7 |Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Chile Associate US$ – 1,319
96.701.340-4 |Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra Chile Associate US$ 3,277 1,869 –
96.801.450-1 |Agua de la Falda S.A. Chile Associate US$ 5 5 224 224
76.028.880-2 |Sociedad Contractual Minera Puren Chile Associate US$ – 5,775 Total 31,756 156,711 224 224


1 )

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Accounts payable to related entities:

Current Non-current Taxpayer ID No. Name oo 9 | Nature of relationship On 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 | 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Chi Associate US$ 138,330] – 183,973
96.701.340-4 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra Chile Associate US$ 38,381 35,145
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Chile Associate US$ 979 20
76.781.030-K Kairos Mining S.A. Chie Associate US$ 983 2,206 Totales 178573 | 221,344

The following table sets forth the transactions carried out between the Corporation and its related entities during the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 are detailed below:

1-1-2022 1-1-2021
12-31-2022 12-31-2021 Effect on Effect on Taxpayer ID No. Company Transaction description Country Currency Amount cenar Amount caca t t ThUs$ Thus$ Thus$ ThUs$

96.801.450-1 Agua de la Falda S.A Sale of services Chile CLP 2 2 1 1
96.801.450-1 Agua de la Falda S.A Contribution Chile US$ 257 – 193

77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Dividends received Chile US$ 138,445 – 270,577

77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Dividends receivable Chile US$ – – 98,172 –
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Product sales Chile US$ 52,307 52,307 181,450 181,450
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Other sales Chile CLP 3,614 3,614 14,168 14,168
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Product purchase Chile US$ 781,019 (781,019)| 1,037,558 | (1,037,558)
76.063.022-5 Inca de Oro S.A Payments on account of the company, Chile CLP 125 8 56 –
77.781.030-K Kairos Mining Services Chile CLP 11,064 (11,064) 11,645 (11,645)
77.781.030-K Kairos Mining Sale of services Chile CLP 1 1 1 1
77.781.030-K Kairos Mining Dividends received Chile US$ – – 78 –
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Interest on loan Chile US$ – – 133 133
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Services Chile US$ 23,045 (23,045) 18,667 (18,667)
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Other sales Chile CLP 6,347 6,347 – –
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Product sales Chile CLP 305 305 5,327 5,327
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Loan recovery Chile US$ – – 5,440 –
76.028.880-2 Sociedad Contractual Minera Puren Dividends received Chile US$ – – 19

76.028.880-2 Sociedad Contractual Minera Puren Decrease in capital Chile US$ – 5,775

96.701.340-4 [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Dividends received Chile US$ 25,174 – 217 –
96.701.340-4 |Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Product purchase Chile US$ 383,923 (883,923) 341,968 (341,968)
96.701.340-4 [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Product sales Chile US$ 65,461 65,461 19,821 19,821
96.701.340-4 [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Other sales Chile US$ 1,5501 15501 1,493 1,493
96.701.340-4 [Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Commissions received Chile US$ 112 112 87 87
96.701.340-4 |Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Other purchases Chile US$ 447 (447) 65 (65)

d) Información adicional

Las transacciones de compra y venta de productos con Anglo American Sur S.A., son transacciones regulares de actividad comercial para comprar y vender cobre y otros productos. Por otro lado, existen ciertas transacciones relacionadas con el contrato celebrado con la filial Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA (cuyo accionista no controlador es Mitsui) y Anglo American Sur S.A., en virtud del cual este último acordó vender una parte de su producción anual de cobre a dicha filial.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

4. Inventarios

Los inventarios al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y al 31 de diciembre de 2021 se detallan de la siguiente manera:

Corriente No corriente Ítem 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Productos terminados 154,351 111,516 Subtotal productos terminados, neto 154,351 111,516 Productos en proceso 1,425,443 1,109,373 603,446 610,558 Subtotal productos en proceso, neto 1,425,443 1,109,373 603,446 610,558 Materiales en almacén y otros 893,879 755,157 Ajuste por provisión de obsolescencia (172,764) (164,591) Subtotal materiales en almacén y otros, neto 721,115 590,566 Total inventarios 2,300,909 1,811,455 603,446 610,558

Los inventarios reconocidos en el costo de ventas durante los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, corresponden a productos terminados y ascienden a ThUS$12,262,740 y ThUS$12,165,733, respectivamente, sin considerar el costo de servicios de procesamiento de ThUS$21,912 y ThUS$19,954, respectivamente.

Para los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, la Corporación no ha reclasificado inventarios estratégicos a Propiedad, Planta y Equipo.

La conciliación de los cambios en la provisión de obsolescencia se detalla a continuación:

Movimiento provisión de obsolescencia 12-31-2022 12-31-2021


Saldo inicial (164,591) (171,947) (Disminución) Aumento en la provisión (8,173) 7,356 Saldo final (172,764) (164,591)

Durante los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, se reconocieron castigos de inventario de ThUS$13,287 y ThUS$37,865, respectivamente.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, la provisión para el valor neto realizable del cobre y su efecto en el ingreso durante el período de enero a diciembre de 2022 fue de ThUS$54.535 y una pérdida de ThUS$45.397, respectivamente (ganancia de TRUS$18.075 para el mismo período 2021). Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, la provisión para el valor neto realizable fue de ThUS$9,137.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, no hay ganancias o pérdidas no realizadas reconocidas por transacciones de compra y venta de inventarios con partes relacionadas.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y al 31 de diciembre de 2021, no hay inventarios dados en garantía como seguridad para pasivos.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

5. Impuestos a la renta y diferidos a) Activos y pasivos por impuestos diferidos

Los impuestos diferidos se presentan en el Estado de Situación Financiera de la siguiente manera:

Impuestos diferidos 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos no corrientes 95,705 94,595 Pasivos no corrientes 8,461,928 7,004,523 Total impuestos diferidos, neto 8,366,223 6,909,928

La siguiente tabla muestra la apertura de impuestos diferidos, netos, clasificados como activos o pasivos según la naturaleza de las diferencias temporales:

Activos por impuestos diferidos 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Provisiones 1,841,045 1,541,835 Pérdidas tributarias 117,004 114,961 Contratos para el derecho de uso de activos 8,600 (5,153) Otros 2,416 (4,079) Total activos por impuestos diferidos 1,969,065 1,647,564 Pasivos por impuestos diferidos 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Depreciación acelerada 8,087,772 6,405,256 Cambio en propiedad, planta y equipo 1,637,493 1,714,652 Impuesto a la actividad minera 362,717 342,926 Valor razonable de derechos mineros adquiridos 169,000 70,178 Impuestos diferidos de subsidiarias 19,017 10,770 Derivados de cobertura 3,041 (7,454) Valoración de indemnizaciones por despido 56,248 21,164 Total pasivos por impuestos diferidos 10,335,288 8,557,492

b) El efecto de los impuestos diferidos reconocidos en el resultado integral se detalla de la siguiente manera:

Impuestos diferidos que afectaron el resultado integral 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Cobertura de flujo de efectivo (65,159) 63,593 Planes de beneficios definidos 5,978 (106,983) Total impuestos diferidos que afectaron el resultado integral (59,181) (43,390)


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


c) Composición del gasto por impuestos a la renta

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Composición 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Efecto de impuestos diferidos (911,197) (1,369,042) Gasto por impuestos corrientes (222,472) (2,490,089) Ajustes periodos anteriores – 3,798 Otros (1) (3) Total impuesto a la renta (gasto) (1,133,670) (3,855,336)

d) La siguiente tabla muestra la conciliación de la tasa impositiva efectiva:

12-31-2022 Ítems Base imponible Tasa impositiva
25% 40% 5.00% 25% Adic. 40% 5.00% Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Efecto impositivo sobre el ingreso antes de impuestos a la renta 1,472,127 1,472,127 1,472,127 (368,032) (588,851) (73,606) (1,030,489) Efecto impositivo sobre el ingreso antes de impuestos a la renta de subsidiarias 23,114 23,114 23,114 (5,779) (9,246) (1,156) (16,181) Efecto impositivo sobre el ingreso consolidado antes de impuestos a la renta 1,495,241 1,495,241 1,495,241 (373,811) (598,097) (74,762) (1,046,670) Diferencias permanentes Impuesto sobre la renta corporativo (25%) (164,181) 41,045 41,045 Impuesto específico a empresas estatales art. 2? D.L. 2,398 (40%) 136,615 (54,646) (54,646) Impuesto específico a la actividad minera 1,468,004 (73,399) (73,399) TOTAL IMPUESTO A LA RENTA (832,766) (652,743) (148,161) (1,133,670)]
12-31-2021 Ítems Base imponible Tasa impositiva
25% 40% 5.09% 25% Adic. 40% 5.09% Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Efecto impositivo sobre el ingreso antes de impuestos a la renta 5,822,100 5,822,100 5,822,100 (1,455,525) (2,328,840) (291,105) (4,075,470) Efecto impositivo sobre el ingreso antes de impuestos a la renta de subsidiarias 84,604 84,604 84,604 (21,151) (33,842) (4,230) (59,223) Efecto impositivo sobre el ingreso consolidado antes de impuestos a la renta 5,906,704 5,906,704 5,906,704 (1,476,676) (2,362,682) (295,335) (4,134,693)| Diferencias permanentes Impuesto sobre la renta corporativo (25%) (713,552) 178,388 178,388 Impuesto específico a empresas estatales art. 2? D.L. 2,398 (40%) (323,471) 129,388 129,388 Impuesto específico a la actividad minera 644,356 (32,218) (32,218) Diferencias de impuestos de años anteriores 3,799

| TOTAL IMPUESTO A LA RENTA (1,298,288) (2,233,294) (327,553) (8,855,336)]

La Corporación ha aplicado una tasa del 25% para calcular el impuesto diferido a la renta y el impuesto de primera categoría. Como empresa estatal, la Corporación se clasifica como aquellas empresas del artículo 14 letra G de la Ley de Impuesto a la Renta, incorporada en la Ley de Reforma Tributaria N° 21210 de 24 de febrero de 2020, manteniendo el Régimen General de Tributación. Mientras tanto, las filiales y asociadas nacionales, por defecto, han aplicado el sistema de tributación parcialmente integrado con una tasa del 27% para ambos años. Las filiales y asociadas extranjeras han aplicado las tasas impositivas vigentes en sus respectivos países.

El artículo 2 del Decreto Ley N° 2398 establece una tasa adicional del 40% de impuesto a la renta sobre la renta tributable de la Corporación más la parte de utilidades retenidas de empresas no constituidas como sociedades anónimas o por acciones y los dividendos efectivamente percibidos de estas últimas.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Para el Impuesto Específico a la Actividad Minera, de acuerdo con la Ley N° 20469, se ha estimado una tasa del 5% al 31 de diciembre de 2022.

El 2 de septiembre de 2020, se publicó la Ley N° 21256 en el Diario Oficial, para las medidas tributarias que forman parte del plan de emergencia para la reactivación económica. Según el Artículo N° 3, se agregó el Artículo N° 23 bis de la Ley N° 21210, incorporando un régimen de depreciación temporal que permite la depreciación completa e instantánea de activos fijos y que está vigente para adquisiciones realizadas entre el 1 de junio de 2020 y el 31 de diciembre de 2022. Como empresa estatal, la Corporación como contribuyente que paga impuestos basados en la renta efectiva y contabilidad completa, se acogió al beneficio indicado a partir del ejercicio fiscal 2022.

6. Activos y pasivos por impuestos corrientes y no corrientes El saldo de impuestos corrientes se presenta neto de pagos provisionales mensuales como un activo o pasivo en Impuestos Corrientes determinados según se indica en la sección II. Principales políticas contables, 2.1):

12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Impuestos recuperables 10,226 11,438 Total de activos por impuestos corrientes 10,226 11,438

Activos por impuestos corrientes

12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021

Pasivos por impuestos corrientes ” a Thus$ | Thus$

Provisión PPM 24,315 14,742 Provisión de impuestos 1,994 293,634 Total de pasivos por impuestos corrientes 26,309 308,376

12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos por impuestos no corrientes 748,611 4,333 Total de activos por impuestos no corrientes 748,611 4,333

Activos por impuestos no corrientes


‘ ]

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


7. Propiedades, planta y equipo

a) Los ítems de propiedades, planta y equipo al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 31 de diciembre de 2021, son los siguientes:

Propiedades, planta y equipo, bruto: 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Obras en curso 6,426,233 6,869,931 Terrenos 225,629 369,484 Edificios 6,858,811 6,269,026 Planta y equipo 21,425,224 | 20,291,671 Instalaciones y equipamiento 47,241 47,618 Vehículos motorizados 2,128,955 2,086,593 Mejoras en terrenos 8,910,108 7,549,671 Operaciones mineras 10,798,033 | 10,026,052 Desarrollo minero 6,141,437 5,612,654 Otros activos 977,378 976,656 Total de propiedades, planta y equipo, bruto 63,939,049 | 60,099,356 Depreciación acumulada de propiedades, planta y equipo 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$

Obras en curso – – Terrenos 20,357 17,949 Edificios 3,661,920 3,500,094 Planta y equipo 12,413,755 | 11,794,536 Instalaciones y equipamiento 45,565 44,294 Vehículos motorizados 1,707,545 1,622,813 Mejoras en terrenos 4,337,041 4,034,574 Operaciones mineras 7,616,069 6,966,153 Desarrollo minero 1,258,845 1,148,161 Otros activos 568,422 520,889

Total de propiedades, planta y equipo, depreciación acumulada 31,629,519 | 29,649,463

Propiedades, planta y equipo, neto 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$

Obras en curso 6,426,233 6,869,931 Terrenos 205,272 351,535 Edificios 3,196,891 2,768,932 Planta y equipo 9,011,469 8,497,135 Instalaciones y equipamiento 1,676 3,324 Vehículos motorizados 421,410 463,780 Mejoras en terrenos 4,573,067 3,515,097 Operaciones mineras 3,181,964 3,059,899 Desarrollo minero 4,882,592 4,464,493 Otros activos 408,956 455,767 Total de propiedades, planta y equipo, neto 32,309,530 | 30,449,893


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

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b) Movimientos en propiedades, planta y equipo

a Movimientos Obras en Terrenos Edificios Planta y : Fijos Vehículos motorizados |. Terrenos Operaciones mineras Desarrollo Reconciliación de cambios en propiedades, planta y equipo Propiedades, planta y equipo al inicio del período Saldo inicial 1-1-2022 6,869,931 351,535 2,768,932 8,497,135 3,324 463,780 3,515,097 3,059,899 4,464,493 455,767 30,449,893 Cambios en propiedades, planta y equipo Aumentos distintos de los resultantes de combinaciones de negocios, propiedades, planta y 3,603,401 – – 618 8 – – 418,670 – 82 4,022,779 equipo Depreciación, propiedades, planta y equipo – (2,408) (162,231) (687,029) (1,464) (100,350) (306,733) (669,680) (99,092) (47,671) (2,076,658) Pérdidas por deterioro reconocidas en el estado de resultados del período (89,410) – – – – – – – – – (89,410) Aumento (disminución) por transferencias y otros cambios, propiedades, planta y equipo O EEEAES debido a transferencias desde construcción en curso, propiedades, planta y (2,984,191) 602 352,692 1,228,772 – 63,412 906,804 398,530 32,609 770 equipo Aumentos (disminuciones) por otros cambios, propiedades, planta y equipo (971,588) (144,457) 238,551 (21,926) (19) (2) 457,899 (25,455) 484,582 34 17,619 IS por transferencias y otros cambios, propiedades, planta y (3,955,779) (143,855) 591,243 1,206,846 (19) 63,410 1,364,703 373,075 517,191 804 17,619 Disposiciones y retiros de servicio, propiedades, planta y equipo Retiros, propiedades, planta y equipo (1,910) – (1,053) (6,101) (173) (5,430) – – – (26) (14,693) Disposiciones y retiros de servicio, propiedades, planta y equipo (1,910) – (1,053) (6,101) (173) (5,430) – – – (26) (14,693) Aumento (disminución) en propiedades, planta y equipo (443,698) (146,263) 427,959 514,334 (1,648) (42,370) 1,057,970 122,065 418,099 (46,811) 1,859,637 Propiedades, planta y equipo al final del período Saldo final 12-31-2022 6,426,233 205,272 3,196,891 9,011,469 1,676 421,410 4,573,067 3,181,964 4,882,592 408,956 32,309,530

Movimientos Obras en Terrenos Edificios Planta y : Fijos Vehículos motorizados |. Terrenos Operaciones mineras Desarrollo “

(in thousands of US$) progress questions 8. improvement operations development Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment at beginning of period Opening balance 1-1-2021 6,391,278 370,368 2,877,686 8,597,454 5,202 529,737 3,094,164 3,050,266 3,991,916 643,834 29,551,905 Changes in property, plant and equipment other than those resulting from business combinations, property, plant and 2,888,970 613 3,143 216 28 482 318,795 1,874 621 3,214,742 Depreciation, property, plant and equipment – (4,815) (175,128) (645,816) (2,018) (100,083) (310,779) (703,986) (118,571) (46,569) (2,107,765) Impairment losses recognized in profit or loss for the period 5,684 – (66,218) (57,760) (15) – (6,006) – – – (124,315) Increase (decrease) through transfers and other changes, property, plant and equipment due to transfers from construction in progress, property, plant and (2,293,773) 108,383 569,413 38,496 716,474 867,234 (7,572) 1,345 Increases (decreases) due to other changes, property, plant and equipment 29,469 (14,018) 25,120 41,241 (41) (224) 20,810 (472,410) 596,846 (1,458) 225,335 through transfers and other changes, property, plant and (2,264,304) (14,018) 133,503 610,654 (41) 38,272 737,284 394,824 589,274 (113) 225,335 Disposals and retirements of service, property, plant and equipment Retirements, property, plant and equipment (151,697) (1,524) (10,540) (20) (4,174) (48) (142,006) (310,009) Disposals and retirements of service, property, plant and equipment (151,697) (1,524) (10,540) (20) (4,174) (48) (142,006) (310,009) Increase (decrease) in property, plant and equipment 478,653 (18,833) (108,754) (100,319) (1,878) (65,957) 420,933 9,633 472,577 (188,067) 897,988 Property, plant and equipment at end of period Closing balance 12-31-2021 6,869,931 351,535 2,768,932 8,497,135 3,324 463,780 3,515,097 3,059,899 4,464,493 455,767 30,449,893


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


The balance of construction in progress is directly associated with the operating activities of the Corporation and relates to the acquisition of equipment for projects in construction and associated costs for their completion.

The Corporation has signed insurance policies to cover the possible risks to which the various property, plant and equipment items are subject, as well as the possible claims that may arise for the period of its activities. Such policies sufficiently cover the risks to which they are subject in Management’s opinion.

Capitalized interest costs for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 amounted to ThUS$ 289,501 and ThUS$ 236,693, respectively. The annual capitalization rate was 4.36% and 4.09% at December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.

Expenses on exploration and drilling of deposits recognized in profit or loss and the cash outflows disbursed for the same concepts are presented in the following table:

Expenditure on exploration and drilling reservoirs 1-1-2021 1-1-2021 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Net income for the period 59,671 33,106 Cash outflows disbursed 67,904 41,005

The detail of “Other assets” under “Property, plant and equipment” is as follows:

Other assets, net 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Mining properties from the purchase of Anglo American Sur S.A 260,000 260,000 Maintenance and other major repairs 117,569 153,132 Other Assets – Calama Plan 26,388 37,782 Other 4,999 4,853 Other assets, net 408,956 455,767

As of September 30, 2021, as a result of an update of the valuation of the mining properties acquired as part of the purchase of a stake in Anglo American in 2012, it was determined that the value of such asset is ThUS$260,000, which implied the recognition of a value adjustment of ThUS$142,000 in income before taxes.

The Corporation currently has no ownership restrictions relating to assets belonging to Property, plant and equipment, except for leased assets whose legal title corresponds to the lessor.

Codelco has not pledged property, plant and equipment as collateral for debt obligations.

In accordance with the provisions of section II. Significant accounting policies 2 ¡), relating to Impairment of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets, and as indicated in note 21 Asset impairment, as of December 31, 2022, the Corporation recorded an impairment of the value of the Ventanas Smelter assets in the amount of ThUS$89,410 before tax.



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


As of December 31, 2021, the subsidiary Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno Ltda. recorded an impairment of assets in the amount of ThUS$125,483 before taxes (see note 21).

8. Leases
8.1 Right-of-use assets

As of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021, the breakdown of the right of use asset category is:

Detail 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Right-of-use assets, gross 922,837 858,083 Right-of-use assets, accumulated depreciation 516,994 496,544 Total right-of-use assets, net 405,843 361,539

Movements for the years ended December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 are as follows:

Reconciliation of changes in Right-of-use Assets 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 (in thousands of US$) ThUS$ ThUS$ Opening balance 361,539 461,040 Increases 202,426 83,679 Depreciation (150,294) (149,317) Impairment – (1,168) Increase (decrease) due to other changes (7,447) (32,038) Increase (decrease) due to transfers and other changes, property, plant and (7,447) (82,038) equipment

Retirements, right-of-use assets (381) (657) Disposals and retirements of service, property, plant and equipment (381) (657) Total movements 44,304 (99,501) Closing balance 405,843 361,539

The composition by asset class is as follows:

12-31-2022 12-31-2021 Right-of-use assets, net, by asset class ThUS$ ThUS$ Buildings 6,248 8,124 Land 308 95 Plant and equipment 174,688 197,043 Fixtures and fittings 5,897 5,644 Motor vehicles 201,874 141,847 Right-of-use assets 16,828 8,786 Total 405,843 361,539


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

8.2 Liabilities for current and non-current leases

As of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021, the payment commitments for leasing operations are summarized in the following table:

12-31-2022 12-31-2021 Lease

Current and Non-current Gross Interest Equity Gross Interest Equity”

ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ up to 90 days 44,526 (4,674) 39,852 35,744 (2,981) 32,763 más de 90 días hasta 1 año 98,947 (13,609) 85,338 87,221 (7,880) 79,341 más de 1 año hasta 2 años 106,699 (12,565) 94,134 97,429 (6,906) 90,523 más de 2 años hasta 3 años 85,401 (9,800) 75,601 62,310 (5,303) 57,007 más de 3 años hasta 4 años 55,460 (6,642) 48,818 54,482 (5,328) 49,154 más de 4 años hasta 5 años 27,725 (3,691) 24,034 24,910 (3,016) 21,894 más de 5 años 71,308 (27,216) 44,092 25,906 (4,461) 21,445 Total 490,066 (78,197) 411,869 388,002 (35,875) 352,127

Las operaciones de arrendamiento son generadas por contratos de servicio, principalmente para instalaciones, edificios, plantas y equipos.

El gasto relacionado con arrendamientos a corto plazo, activos de bajo valor y arrendamientos variables no incluidos en la medición de pasivos por arrendamiento, para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, se presenta en la siguiente tabla:

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Gasto por arrendamiento 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Arrendamientos a corto plazo 9,633 7,579 Activos de bajo valor 827 7,569 Arrendamientos variables no incluidos en la medición de pasivos por arrendamiento 908,900 1,036,267 TOTAL 919,360 | 1,051,415

9. Inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de la participación patrimonial

El valor de la inversión y los resultados acumulados de las inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de la participación patrimonial se presentan a continuación:

Participación en Valor de la inversión Beneficio (pérdida)

Moneda 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Asociados RUT | Funcional | 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 | 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 | 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021

% % ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Agua de la Falda S.A. 96.801.450-1 US$ 42,26% 42,26% 4,682 4,988 (304) – Anglo American Sur S.A. 77.762.940-9 US$ 29,50% 29,50% 2,827,106 | 2,829,329 43,069 329,175 Inca de Oro S.A. 73.063.022-5 US$ 33,85% 33,85% 12,506 12,670 (162) (118) Kairos Mining S.A. 76.781.030-K US$ 40,00% 40,00% 44 44 – – Minera Purén SCM 76.028.880-2 US$ 35,00% 35,00% 3,338 3,873 (535) (266) Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA 76.255.054-7 US$ 34,00% 34,00% 16,346 14,360 1,863 2,142 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra 96.701.340-4 US$ 49,00% 49,00% 663,301 680,747 8,060 83,912 TOTAL 3,527,323 | 3,546,011 51,991 414,845


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

a) Asociados Agua de la Falda S.A.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, Codelco posee un interés del 42,26% en Agua de la Falda S.A., con el 57,74% restante en manos de Minera Meridian Limitada.

El propósito corporativo de esta empresa es explotar yacimientos de oro y otros minerales, en la tercera región de Chile.

Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra

Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra fue constituida en 1994. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, Codelco posee un interés del 49%, con el 51% restante en manos de Cyprus El Abra Corporation, una subsidiaria de Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

Las actividades comerciales de la empresa involucran la extracción, producción y venta de cátodos de cobre.

Sociedad Contractual Minera Purén

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, Codelco posee un interés del 35%, con el 65% restante en manos de Compañía Minera Mantos de Oro.

El propósito corporativo de esta empresa es explorar, identificar, estudiar, investigar, desarrollar y explotar yacimientos mineros para extraer, producir y procesar minerales.

Inca de Oro S.A.

El 1 de junio de 2009, la Junta Directiva de Codelco autorizó la incorporación de una nueva empresa destinada a desarrollar estudios que permitieran la continuidad del Proyecto Inca de Oro, que es una subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta de Codelco.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, Codelco posee un interés del 33,85% en esta empresa (PanAust IDO Ltda. posee el 66,15%).

Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA

El 3 de diciembre de 2012, Planta Recuperadora Metales SpA fue constituida por Codelco, que poseía un interés del 100% en esta empresa.

El 7 de julio de 2014, Codelco redujo su interés en Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA al 51%, con el 49% restante en manos de LS-Nikko Copper Inc.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

El 14 de octubre de 2015, Codelco redujo su interés en Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA al 34%, con LS-Nikko Copper Inc, poseyendo el 66% restante.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, LS-Nikko Copper Inc es el accionista controlador de esta empresa, basado en los elementos de control establecidos en el acuerdo de accionistas.

La actividad principal de la empresa es el procesamiento de productos intermedios de la refinación y procesamiento de cobre y otros metales con el objetivo de recuperar cobre, otros metales y otros subproductos, transformarlos en productos comerciales y vender y distribuir todo tipo de bienes o insumos derivados de dicho proceso.

Anglo American Sur S.A.

Las actividades principales de la empresa son la exploración, extracción, explotación, producción, procesamiento y comercio de minerales, concentrados, precipitados, lingotes de cobre y todos los minerales metálicos y no metálicos, todas las sustancias fósiles y los hidrocarburos líquidos y gaseosos. Esto incluye la exploración, explotación y uso de todas las fuentes naturales de energía capaces de uso industrial y los productos o subproductos obtenidos, así como cualquier otra actividad relacionada, conectada o complementaria en la que los accionistas estén de acuerdo.

El 24 de agosto de 2012, Codelco reconoció la adquisición de interés en Anglo American Sur S.A., lo que resultó en el reconocimiento inicial del costo de la inversión por ThUS$ 6,490,000 que correspondía a la participación proporcional (29,5%) del valor razonable neto de los activos y pasivos identificables adquiridos.

Al determinar la participación en el valor razonable de los activos y pasivos identificables adquiridos, la Corporación consideró los recursos y reservas minerales que podrían medirse de manera confiable. Como parte de este proceso de actualización, y aplicando los criterios de valoración indicados anteriormente, el valor razonable de los activos adquiridos y los pasivos asumidos de Anglo American Sur S.A. a esa fecha ascendió a US$ 22,646 millones, lo que en la proporción adquirida por Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (29,5%) resulta en una inversión a valor razonable de US$ 6,681 millones en la fecha de adquisición.

La asignación del precio de compra a valor razonable entre los activos y pasivos identificables fue preparada por la administración utilizando su mejor estimación y considerando toda la información relevante y disponible en la fecha de adquisición de Anglo American Sur S.A.

La Corporación utilizó un modelo de flujos de efectivo descontados para estimar proyecciones de flujos de efectivo, basado en la vida útil de la mina. Estas proyecciones se basaron en la producción estimada y los precios futuros de los minerales, costos operativos y costos de capital, entre otras estimaciones realizadas en la fecha de adquisición. Además, los recursos probados y probables para explorar no se incluyeron en el plan minero, por lo tanto, se valoraron por separado utilizando un modelo de mercado. Dichos recursos se incluyen en el ítem “Recursos minerales”.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Al 31 de diciembre de 2015, la Corporación identificó indicadores de deterioro en las unidades operativas de Anglo American Sur S.A. En consecuencia, y con el propósito de realizar los ajustes correspondientes a la inversión en este asociado, la Corporación estimó su importe recuperable, considerando el valor adicional de los activos identificados en la fecha de adquisición de la inversión.

Al determinar el importe recuperable, la Corporación aplicó la metodología de valor razonable menos costos de disposición. El importe recuperable de las unidades operativas se determinó en función de la vida útil de la mina mediante el uso de un modelo de flujos de efectivo descontados cuyas principales suposiciones incluyeron las reservas de mineral declaradas por el asociado, el precio del cobre, los costos de suministro, los tipos de cambio, la tasa de descuento y la información de mercado para la valoración a largo plazo de los activos. La tasa de descuento utilizada fue una tasa anual del 8% después de impuestos.

Además, los recursos no incluidos en el plan minero (LOM) se han valorado utilizando un enfoque de mercado de múltiples para transacciones comparables.

Dicha metodología es consistente con las metodologías utilizadas en la fecha de adquisición, que se describe en el párrafo anterior.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, el control sobre Anglo American Sur S.A. lo tiene Inversiones Anglo American Sur S.A. con un 50,06%, mientras que una de las empresas que conforman el interés no controlador es Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA, que es controlada por Codelco con un 67,80% de las acciones, y que ejerce influencia significativa sobre Anglo American Sur S.A. con un 29,5%.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, la Corporación evaluó el valor de su inversión en el asociado Anglo American Sur S.A., determinando que el importe recuperable de este activo se aproxima a su valor en libros, que es ThUS$2,827,107. La determinación del mencionado importe recuperable se basa en un modelo de valoración que combina una metodología de flujos de efectivo descontados para la valoración de reservas probadas y probables y múltiplos de transacciones comparables para la valoración de recursos, que es sensible a ciertas suposiciones clave y variables de mercado. Un cambio razonablemente posible de una disminución del 5 % en las proyecciones del precio del cobre podría representar un deterioro de la inversión en el asociado de ThUS$181,632. Un aumento razonablemente posible en la tasa de descuento de 100 puntos básicos podría generar un deterioro de la inversión en el asociado de ThUS$132,618.

Cambios en el marco tributario y regulatorio o en la operación del activo podrían generar futuras disminuciones o aumentos adicionales en el importe recuperable de la inversión.

Kairos S.A.

Hasta antes del 26 de noviembre de 2012, la Corporación poseía una participación del 40% en conjunto con Honeywell Chile S.A., que era el accionista mayoritario con el 60% del capital social de Kairos Mining S.A.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

El 26 de noviembre de 2012, la Corporación vendió parte de su participación a Honeywell Chile S.A., lo que implicó que Codelco mantuviera un interés del 5% al 31 de diciembre de 2012, mientras que el 95% restante estaba en manos de Honeywell Chile S.A. El resultado de esta operación antes de impuestos fue de ThUS$ 13.

El 6 de junio de 2019, Codelco adquirió 350 acciones de Kairos Mining a Honeywell Chile S.A., aumentando su participación del 5% al 40%.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, el control de la empresa está en manos de Honeywell Chile S.A., que posee el 60% de las acciones, mientras que Codelco posee el 40% restante.

El propósito de la empresa es proporcionar servicios de automatización y control para actividades industriales y mineras, y proporcionar licencias de tecnología y software.

Las siguientes tablas presentan los activos y pasivos al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y al 31 de diciembre de 2021 de las inversiones en asociados, así como los principales movimientos y sus respectivos resultados para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021.

12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$

Activos y pasivos

Activos corrientes 2,014,837 2,456,750 Activos no corrientes 6,048,672 5,507,333 Pasivos corrientes 1,188,578 1,282,822 Pasivos no corrientes 2,146,339 1,927,360

1-1-2022 1-1-2021

Beneficio (pérdida) 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 3,572,351 4,172,304 Gastos ordinarios (3,376,515)| (2,847,478) Beneficio del período 195,836 1,324,826

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Movimiento Inversión en Asociados| 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$

Saldo inicial 3,546,011 | 3,418,958 Aporte 257 193 Dividendos (65,445) (291,647) Beneficio neto del período 51,991 414,845 Resultado integral (5,268) 9,228 Otros (223) (5,566)

Saldo final 3,527,323 | 3,546,011

Las siguientes tablas detallan los activos y pasivos de los asociados significativos al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, así como los principales movimientos y sus respectivos resultados para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Anglo American Sur S.A.

Activos y pasivos 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021

ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 1,230,826 1,596,000 Activos no corrientes 4,890,300 4,316,000 Pasivos corrientes 1,035,447 | 1,121,000 Pasivos no corrientes 1,816,705| 1,545,000

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Beneficio (pérdida) 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021

ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 2,758,482 3,426,000 Gastos ordinarios y otros (2,581,848) | (2,277,000) Beneficio del período 176,634| 1,149,000

Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra

Activos y pasivos 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021

ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 751,431 800,169 Activos no corrientes 1,027,238 1,048,549 Pasivos corrientes 130,665 145,145 Pasivos no corrientes

The income before tax, corresponding to the proportion of the income of Anglo American Sur S.A. recognized for the period ended December 31, 2022, was a profit of ThUS$ 52,107 (December 31, 2021, profit of ThUS$ 338,955) while the adjustment to such income corresponding to the depreciation and write-offs of the fair values of the net assets of such company recognized at the acquisition date, resulted in a lower income before tax of ThUS$ 9,038 (December 31, 2021 loss of ThUS$ 9,781) and is being deducted from “Equity in income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method” in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

10. Subsidiaries

The following tables set forth a detail of assets, liabilities and profit (loss) of the Corporation’s subsidiaries, prior to consolidation adjustments:

12-31-2022 12-31-2021 Assets and liabilities

ThUS$ ThUS$ Current assets 433,023 530,415 Non-current assets 3,448,081 3,458,789 Current liabilities 257,855 608,527 Non-current liabilities 547,319 478,228

1-1-2022 1-1-2021

Profit (loss) 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Income 1,571,510 2,096,185 Ordinary expenses and other (1,512,328) (1,822,438) Profit (Loss) 59,182 273,747

11. Current and non-current financial assets

Current and non-current financial assets included in the statement of financial position are as follows:
12-31-2022 At fair value Total financial Classification in statement of financial position through profit or Amortized cost Hedging derivatives assets loss Metal futures Cross currency contracts swap ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Cash and cash equivalents 26,806 999,921 – – 1,026,727 Trade and other current receivable 2,422,067 964,718 – – 3,386,785 Non-current receivable – 88,906 – – 88,906 Current receivable from related entities – 31,756 – – 31,756 Non-current receivable from related entities – 224 – – 224 Other current financial assets – 1,364 87 – 1,451 Other non-current financial assets – 4,983 – 100,535 105,518 TOTAL 2,448,873 2,091,872 87 100,535 4,641,367


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

As of December 31, 2022, the balance of the caption Other financial assets, current includes ThUS$ 1,315 invested in term deposit instruments with a maturity of more than 90 days. As of December 31, 2021, the amount invested in this type of instrument was ThUS$ 320,275

12-31-2021 At fair value Total financial Classification in statement of financial position through profit or Amortized cost Hedging derivatives assets loss Metal futures Cross currency contracts swap ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Cash and cash equivalents 19,142 1,264,476 – – 1,283,618 Trade and other current receivable 3,039,967 1,154,383 – – 4,194,350 Non-current receivable – 104,177 – – 104,177 Current receivable from related entities – 156,711 – – 156,711 Non-current receivable from related entities – 224 – – 224 Other current financial assets – 320,279 61 – 320,340 Other non-current financial assets – 5,109 – 33,174 38,283 TOTAL 3,059,109 3,005,359 61 33,174 6,097,703

Fair value through profit or loss: As of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021, this category includes unfinished product sales invoices. Section 11.2.q.

Amortized cost: It corresponds to financial assets held within a business model whose objective is to hold financial assets to collect contractual cash flows that are solely payments of principal and interest on the principal outstanding. These assets are not quoted in an active market.

The effects on profit or loss recognized for these assets are mainly from financial income and exchange differences from balances denominated in currencies other than the functional currency.

No material impairments were recognized in trade and other receivables.

Derivatives for Hedging: Corresponds to the balance for changes in the fair value of derivative contracts to cover existing transactions (cash flow hedges) and that affect profit or loss when transactions are settled or when, to the extent required by accounting standards, a compensation effect is charged (credited) to the income statement. The detail of derivative hedging transactions is included in the Note 28. As of December 31, 2022 and December 31, 2021 there were no reclassifications between the different categories of financial instruments.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

12. Other financial liabilities Other financial liabilities consist of loans with financial institutions and bond issuance obligations, which are recorded by the Corporation at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method.

The following tables set forth other current non-current financial liabilities:

12-31-2022 Items Current Non-current Amortized Hedging Total Amortized Hedging Total cost derivatives cost derivatives ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Loans from financial entities 8,545 – 8,545 970,160 – 970,160 Bond obligations 452,154 – 452,154 15,527,518 – 15,527,518 Hedging obligations – 9,738 9,738 – 127,786 127,786 Other financial liabilities – – – 63,659 – 63,659 Total 460,699 9,738 470,437 16,561,337 127,786 16,689,123
12-31-2021 Items Current Non-current ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Loans from financial entities 18,003 – 18,003 969,416 – 969,416 Bond obligations 557,411 – 557,411 15,696,670 – 15,696,670 Hedging obligations – 29,789 29,789 – 186,611 186,611 Other financial liabilities – – – 50,943 – 50,943 Total 575,414 29,789 605,203 16,717,029 186,611 16,903,640

– Loans from financial institutions: The loans obtained by the Corporation aim to finance production operations.

In addition to the credits mentioned in the previous paragraph, Codelco, through the subsidiary company Inversiones Gacrux SpA., has a credit agreement with Oriente Copper Netherlands B.V. since 2012 (a subsidiary of Mitsui, Co. Ltd.), which was subscribed to with the aim of allocating this financing to the acquisition of the shareholding of Anglo American Sur SA, by the subsidiary company Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA. (Subsidiary of Inversiones Gacrux SpA.). This loan has no associated personal guarantees and its rate is fixed at 3.25% per year and has a duration of 20 years, being payable in 40 semiannual installments of principal and interest on unpaid balances.

On May 20, 2021, the total amount owed to Oriente Copper Netherlands B.V. was paid in full.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Bond obligations:

On May 10, 2005, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the domestic market for a nominal amount of UF 6,900,000 of a single series labeled Series B, which consists of 6,900 bonds for UF 1,000 each. These bonds are payable in a single installment on April 1, 2025, at an annual interest rate of 4% and semi-annual interest payments.

On September 21, 2005, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the U.S. market under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$500,000. These bonds are payable in a single installment on September 21, 2035, at an annual interest rate of 5.6250% and semi-annual interest payments.

On October 19, 2006, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the U.S. market under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$500,000. These bonds are payable in a single installment on October 24, 2036, at an annual interest rate of 6.15% and semi-annual interest payments.

On November 3, 2011, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the U.S. market under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$1,150,000. These bonds are payable in a single installment on November 4, 2021, at an annual interest rate of 3.875% and semi-annual interest payments. On August 3, 2017, February 6, 2019 and October 2, 2019 and December 16, 2020, principal was paid for an amount of ThUS$665,226, ThUS$247,814, ThUS$9,979 and ThUS$14,361 respectively.

On July 17, 2012, the Company issued and placed bonds in the U.S. market under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$2,000,000. These bonds are payable in two installments: (i) the first tranche on July 17, 2022 in the amount of US$1,250,000 at a 3% annual interest rate. On August 22, 2017, February 6, 2019, October 8 and 22, 2019, and December 16, 2020 principal was paid in the amounts of ThUS$412,514, ThUS$314,219, ThUS$106,972, ThUS$3,820 and ThUS$83,852 respectively. And (ii) the other tranche matures on July 17, 2042 and is in the amount of ThUS$750,000 at an annual interest rate of 4.25%.

On August 13, 2013, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the U.S. market, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$750,000, payable in a single installment on August 13, 2023, at an annual interest rate of 4.5% and semi-annual interest payments. On August 22, 2017, February 12 and February 26, 2019 and October 8 and 22, 2019 principal in the amounts of ThUS$162,502, ThUS$228,674 and ThUS$270, ThUS$23,128 and ThUS$555 respectively, was paid. On May 6, 2020, the remaining principal due was increased for a nominal amount of ThUS$131,000, reaching a total of ThUS$465,871 with an annual coupon of 4.50%. On December 16, 2020 and October 22, 2021, principal was amortized in the amount of ThUS$79,688 and ThUS$157,965 respectively, reaching a total of ThUS$228,218.

On October 18, 2013, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the U.S. market, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$950,000, payable in a single


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

installment on October 18, 2043, at an annual interest rate of 5.625% and semi-annual interest payments.

On July 9, 2014, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the international financial markets, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal of EUR$600,000,000, payable in a single installment on July 9, 2024, at an annual interest rate of 2.25% and annual interest payments. On October 22, 2021, capital was amortized in the amount of TAREUR$200,116, reaching a total of ThEUR$399,884.

On November 4, 2014, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the U.S. market, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$980,000, payable in a single installment on November 4, 2044, at an annual interest rate of 4.875% and semi-annual interest payments.

On September 16, 2015, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the U.S. market, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a nominal amount of ThUS$2,000,000, payable in a single installment on September 16, 2025, at an annual interest rate of 4.5% and semi-annual interest payments. On August 22, 2017 and February 12, 2019, principal was paid for an amount of ThUS$378,655 and ThUS$552,754 respectively. On December 22, 2020, capital was amortized in the amount of ThUS$392,499. On January 7, 2021, capital was amortized in the amount of ThUS$5,000. On October 22, 2021, principal was amortized in the amount of ThUS$273,867, reaching a total amount of ThUS$397,235.

On August 24, 2016, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the domestic market for a nominal amount of UF 10,000,000 of a single series labeled Series C, which consists of 20,000 bonds for UF 500 each. These bonds are payable in a single installment on August 24, 2026, at an annual interest rate of 2.5% and semi-annual interest payments.

On July 25, 2017, the Corporation made an offer in New York to buy its bonds issued in dollars with maturities between 2019 and 2025, repurchasing US$2,367 million.

Later, on August 1, 2017, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the North American market, under standard 144-A and Regulation S, for a total nominal amount of ThUS$ 2,750,000. One portion corresponds to an amount of ThUS$ 1,500,000, maturing on August 1, 2027 with an annual coupon rate of interest of 3.625% and semi-annual interest. On December 22, 2020 and January 7, 2021, principal was paid in the amount of ThUS$ 227,154 and ThUS$5,000 respectively. The other portion contemplates a maturity date of August 1, 2047, corresponding to an amount of ThUS$ 1,250,000 with an annual coupon of 4.25%.

As a result of these transactions, 86% of the funds from the new issue (US$2,367 million) were used to refinance old debt. The average interest rate of refinanced funds decreased from 4.36% to 4.02%.

On May 18, 2018, Codelco issued a bond for US$600 million with 30-year maturity in the market of Formosa, Taiwan. The bond issued is denominated in US dollars, had a yield of


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

4.85% and a prepayment option at the issue value that can be exercised from the fifth year onwards at its par value.

On January 28, 2019, the Corporation in New York made an offer to purchase its bonds issued in dollars with maturities between 2020 and 2025, repurchasing US$1,527 million.

Subsequently, on February 5, 2019, the Corporation issued and placed bonds in the North American market, under Rule 144-A and Regulation S, for a total nominal amount of ThUS$1,300,000, which maturity will be 5 February 2049 with a coupon of 4.375% per annum and interest payments on a semi-annual basis.

El 22 de julio de 2019, la Corporación realizó una emisión y colocación de bonos, Regulación S, por un monto nominal de AUD $70,000,000, cuya madurez será en una sola cuota el 22 de julio de 2039, con un cupón del 3.58% anual y pago de intereses anualmente.

El 23 de agosto de 2019, la Corporación realizó una emisión y colocación de bonos, Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$130,000, cuya madurez será en una sola cuota el 23 de agosto de 2029, con un cupón del 2.869% anual y pago de intereses semestralmente.

El 30 de septiembre de 2019, Codelco lanzó una oferta de compra para bonos con vencimiento entre 2020 y 2023, en la que se alcanzó un monto de recompra de US$152 millones.

El 30 de septiembre de 2019, la Corporación realizó una emisión y colocación de bonos en el mercado norteamericano, bajo la regla 144-A y Regulación S, por un monto nominal total de ThUS$2,000,000 cuya madurez será, en una sola trancha, el 30 de septiembre de 2029 correspondiente a un monto de ThUS$1,100,000 con un cupón del 3% anual. La otra trancha contempla una madurez el 30 de enero de 2050, correspondiente a un monto de ThUS$900,000.
El 14 de enero de 2020 y el 22 de octubre de 2021, se realizó un aumento de capital por un monto nominal de ThUS$1,000,000 y ThUS$780,000 respectivamente, alcanzando un monto total de ThUS$2,780,000 con un cupón del 3.70% anual.

El 22 de octubre de 2021, junto con el mencionado aumento de capital de ThUS$780,000 del bono internacional con vencimiento en 2050, se concluyó un proceso de recompra de bonos con vencimiento en 2023 y 2025 por un monto de ThUS$431,832 y la recompra de un bono en euros por un monto de MEUR$200,116 con vencimiento en 2024.

El efecto reconocido en ingresos asociado a esta refinanciación fue un cargo de US$23 millones en ingresos después de impuestos para el año 2021.

El 14 de enero de 2020, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado norteamericano, bajo la regla 144-A y Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$1,000,000, cuya madurez será en una sola cuota el 14 de enero de 2030, con un cupón del 3.15% anual y pago de intereses cada seis meses.

El 6 de mayo de 2020, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado norteamericano, bajo la Regla 144-A y Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$800,000 cuya madurez será en una sola cuota el 15 de enero de 2031, con un cupón del 3.75% anual y pago de intereses cada seis meses.

El 7 de diciembre de 2020, la Corporación realizó en Nueva York una oferta para comprar sus bonos emitidos en dólares con vencimientos entre 2021 y 2027, recomprando ThUS$797,554.

El 14 de diciembre de 2020, la Corporación llevó a cabo una emisión y colocación de bonos en el mercado norteamericano, bajo la regla 144-A y Regulación S, por un monto nominal total de ThUS$500,000 cuya madurez será en una sola cuota el 15 de enero de 2051, con un cupón del 3.15% anual y pago de intereses de forma semestral.

Como resultado de estas transacciones, el 100% de los fondos de la nueva emisión (US$500 millones) se utilizaron para refinanciar deudas antiguas. La tasa nominal promedio de los fondos refinanciados disminuyó de 4.08% a 3.15%.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, la Corporación no está obligada a cumplir con ningún convenio financiero relacionado con préstamos de instituciones financieras y obligaciones de bonos.

Comisiones y gastos de deuda financiera:

Los costos de transacción incurridos en la obtención de recursos financieros se deducen de los ingresos del préstamo y se amortizan utilizando la tasa de interés efectiva.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, los detalles de los préstamos de instituciones financieras y las obligaciones de bonos son los siguientes:

12-31-2022 Préstamos de instituciones financieras y obligaciones de bonos País de Monto Tipo de Pago de Nominal Efectiva Corriente No corriente Número de identificación fiscal País Institución Vencimiento Tasa de interés Moneda Saldo Saldo entidades financieras contratadas amortización Interés tasa de interés tasa de interés ThUS$ ThUS$ Extranjero Panamá Crédito Bilateral de 12-18-2026 Variable US$ 75,000,000 Vencimiento Semestral 6.38% 6.60% 133 74,629 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 08-12-2027 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Vencimiento Trimestral 5.80% 5.85% 2,320 299,365 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 10-25-2028 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Vencimiento Trimestral 5.57% 5.73% 3,111 298,900 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 07-25-2029 Variable US$ 300,000,000 Vencimiento Trimestral 5.59% 5.83% 2,981 297,266 TOTAL 8,545 970,160 Obligaciones de bonos Corriente No corriente País de Registro Vencimiento Tasa de interés Moneda Monto Tipo de Pago de Nominal Efectiva Saldo Saldo contratado amortización Interés tasa de interés tasa de interés ThUS$ ThUS$ 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-13-2023 Fijo US$ 750,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.50% 4.37% 232,331 – 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-09-2024 Fijo EUR 600,000,000 Al vencimiento Anual 2.25% 2.47% 4,600 426,391 BCODE-B Chile 04-01-2025 Fijo UF. 6,900,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.00% 3.24% 2,831 287,127 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-16-2025 Fijo US$ 2,000,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.50% 4.74% 5,214 394,811 BCODE-C Chile 08-24-2026 Fijo UF. 10,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 2.50% 1.78% 3,596 419,382 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-01-2027 Fijo US$ 1,500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.63% 4.18% 19,150 1,238,644 REG.S Luxemburgo 08-23-2029 Fijo US$ 130,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 2.87% 2.97% 1,326 129,182 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-30-2029 Fijo US$ 1,100,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.00% 3.14% 8,342 1,090,629 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-14-2030 Fijo US$ 1,000,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.15% 3.28% 14,613 991,678 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-15-2031 Fijo US$ 800,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.75% 3.79% 13,833 797,556 REG.S Luxemburgo 11-07-2034 Fijo HKD 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Anual 2.84% 2.92% 274 63,587 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-21-2035 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 5.63% 5.78% 7,813 493,130 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-24-2036 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 6.15% 6.22% 5,723 496,932 REG.S Luxemburgo 07-22-2039 Fijo AUD 70,000,000 Al vencimiento Anual 3.58% 3.65% 754 47,258 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-17-2042 Fijo US$ 750,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.25% 4.41% 14,521 734,833 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-18-2043 Fijo US$ 950,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 5.63% 5.76% 10,836 934,639 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 11-04-2044 Fijo US$ 980,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.88% 5.01% 7,564 962,650 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-01-2047 Fijo US$ 1,250,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.50% 4.73% 23,438 1,208,467 144 – REG.S Taiwán 05-18-2048 Fijo US$ 600,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.85% 4.91% 3,476 594,778 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 02-05-2049 Fijo US$ 1,300,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 4.38% 4.97% 23,066 1,188,182 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-30-2050 Fijo US$ 2,680,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.70% 3.92% 41,591 2,579,805 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-15-2051 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 Al vencimiento Semestral 3.15% 3.75% 7,262 447,857 TOTAL 452,154 15,527,518

Nominal and effective interest rates presented above correspond to annual rates.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

As of December 31, 2021, the details of loans from financial institutions and bond obligations are as follows:

Current Non-current
Taxpayer ID No. Country Loans from financial Institution Maturity Interest Currency Amount Type of amortization Payment of Nominal Effective balance balance entities rate contracted Interest interest rate interest rate ThUS$ ThUS$ Hal£yearly principal Foreign Japón Bilateral Credit on International 05-24-2022 Variable US$ 224,000,000 payments from 2015 to Semi-annual 0.69% 0.85% 16,001 – the maturity of Foreign [Panama Bilateral Credit o namecano de 1218-2026 Variable US$ 75,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 1.52% 1.66% 28 74,547 Foreign EE.UU Bilateral Credit Export Dev. Canada 08-12-2027 Variable US$ 300,000,000 At Maturity Quarterly 1.27% 1.34% 520 299,230 Foreign EE.UU Bilateral Credit Export Dev. Canada 10-25-2028 Variable US$ 300,000,000 At Maturity Quarterly 1.34% 1.43% 748 298,723 Foreign EE.UU Bilateral Credit Export Dev. Canada 07-25-2029 Variable US$ 300,000,000 At Maturity Quarterly 1.34% 1.50% 706 296,916 TOTAL 18,003 969,416
Current Non-current
Bond obligations Country of Registration Maturity Interest Currency Amount Type of amortization Payment of Nominal Effective balance balance rate contracted Interest interest rate interest rate ThUS$ ThUS$
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-17-2022 Fixed US$ 1,250,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 3.00% 3.13% 332,870 – 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-13-2023 Fixed US$ 750,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 4.50% 4.36% 5,693 228,670 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-09-2024 Fixed EUR 600,000,000 At Maturity Annual 2.25% 2.47% 4,880 449,817 BCODE-B Chile 04-01-2025 Fixed U.F. 6,900,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 4.00% 3.24% 2,574 259,036 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-16-2025 Fixed US$ 2,000,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 4.50% 4.75% 5,263 393,990 BCODE-C Chile 08-24-2026 Fixed U.F. 10,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 2.50% 2.47% 3,196 378,561 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-01-2027 Fixed US$ 1,500,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 3.63% 4.18% 19,108 1,232,979 REG.S Luxemburgo 08-23-2029 Fixed US$ 130,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 2.87% 2.97% 1,318 129,072 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-30-2029 Fixed US$ 1,100,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 3.00% 3.14% 8,387 1,089,401 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-14-2030 Fixed US$ 1,000,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 3.15% 3.28% 14,295 990,643 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-15-2031 Fixed US$ 800,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 3.75% 3.79% 13,859 797,301 REG.S Luxemburgo 11-07-2034 Fixed HKD 500,000,000 At Maturity Annual 2.84% 2.92% 274 63,549 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 09-21-2035 Fixed US$ 500,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 5.63% 5.78% 7,847 492,772 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-24-2036 Fixed US$ 500,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 6.15% 6.22% 5,745 496,794 REG.S Luxemburgo 07-22-2039 Fixed AUD 70,000,000 At Maturity Annual 3.58% 3.65% 806 50,284 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 07-17-2042 Fixed US$ 750,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 4.25% 4.41% 14,465 734,351 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-18-2043 Fixed US$ 950,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 5.63% 5.76% 10,864 934,264 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 11-04-2044 Fixed US$ 980,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 4.88% 5.01% 7,523 962,219 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 08-01-2047 Fixed US$ 1,250,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 4.50% 4.73% 23,387 1,207,588 144 – REG.S Taiwán 05-18-2048 Fixed US$ 600,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 4.85% 4.91% 3,457 594,676 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 02-05-2049 Fixed US$ 1,300,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 4.38% 4.97% 22,873 1,186,122 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-30-2050 Fixed US$ 2,680,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 3.70% 3.93% 41,495 2,577,759 144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 01-15-2051 Fixed US$ 500,000,000 At Maturity Semi-annual 3.15% 3.75% 7,232 446,822 TOTAL 557,411 15,696,670

Nominal and effective interest rates presented above correspond to annual rates.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

The undiscounted amounts that the Corporation will have to disburse to settle the obligations with financial institutions, are as follows:

Name Type of Interest rate Interest rate Type of Less than: Over Total One to Three to Over Total non- creditor currency effective nominal amortization 90 days 90 days current three years five years five years current

Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio US$ 6.60% 6.38% Semi-annual – 4,849 4,849 9,711 79,809 – 89,520 ExportDev. Canada US$ 5.85% 5.80% Quarterly 4,350 13,049 17,399 34,798 330,448 – 365,246 ExportDev. Canada US$ 5.73% 5.57% Quarterly 4,227 12,680 16,907 33,951 33,905 316,999 384,855 ExportDev. Canada US$ 5.83% 5.59% Quarterly – 8,476 8,476 34,045 33,999 338,098 406,142

“BONO 144-A REG.S 2023 US$ 4.37% 4.50% Semestral 5,135 233,353 238,488 – – – BONO 144-A REG.S 2025 US$ 4.74% 4.50% Semestral 8,938 8,938 17,876 432,986 – – 432,986 BONO 144-A REG.S 2027 US$ 4.18% 3.63% Semestral 22,980 22,980 45,960 91,919 1,359,765 – 1,451,684 BONO REG.S 2029 US$ 2.97% 2.87% Semestral 1,865 1,865 3,730 7,459 7,459 137,459 152,377 BONO 144-A REG.S 2029 US$ 3.14% 3.00% Semestral 16,500 16,500 33,000 66,000 66,000 1,166,000 1,298,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2030 US$ 3.28% 3.15% Semestral 15,750 15,750 31,500 63,000 63,000 1,078,750 1,204,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2031 US$ 3.79% 3.75% Semestral 15,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 905,000 1,025,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2035 US$ 5.78% 5.63% Semestral 14,063 14,063 28,126 56,250 56,250 725,000 837,500 BONO 144-A REG.S 2036 US$ 6.22% 6.15% Semestral – 30,750 30,750 61,500 61,500 776,750 899,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2042 US$ 4.41% 4.25% Semestral 15,938 15,938 31,876 63,750 63,750 1,228,125 1,355,625 BONO 144-A REG.S 2043 US$ 5.76% 5.63% Semestral – 53,438 53,438 106,875 106,875 1,805,000 2,018,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2044 US$ 5.01% 4.88% Semestral – 47,775 47,775 95,550 95,550 1,792,175 1,983,275 BONO 144-A REG.S 2047 US$ 4.73% 4.50% Semestral 28,125 28,125 56,250 112,500 112,500 2,375,000 2,600,000 BONO 144 REG.S 2048 US$ 4.91% 4.85% Semestral – 29,100 29,100 58,200 58,200 1,196,550 1,312,950 BONO 144-A REG.S 2049 US$ 4.97% 4.38% Semestral 28,438 28,438 56,876 113,750 113,750 2,522,813 2,750,313 BONO 144-A REG.S 2050 US$ 3.92% 3.70% Semestral 49,580 49,580 99,160 198,320 198,320 4,911,100 5,307,740 BONO 144-A REG.S 2051 US$ 3.75% 3.15% Semestral 7,875 7,875 15,750 31,500 31,500 870,125 933,125 Total MUS$ 238,764 658,522 897,286 1,732,064 2,932,580 22,144,944 26,809,588 BONO BCODE-B 2025 U.F. 3.24% 4,00% Semestral 138,000 138,000 276,000 7,314,000 – – 7,314,000 BONO BCODE-C 2026 U.F. 1.78% 2.50% Semestral 124,228 124,228 248,456 496,913 10,248,457 – 10,745,370 Total U.F. 262,228 262,228 524,456 7,810,913 10,248,457 – 18,059,370 Subtotal MUS$ 10,758 10,758 21,516 320,436 420,435 – 740,871 | BONO 144-A REG.S 2024 | EUR | 2.47% | 2.25% Anual – 8,997,390 8,997,390 8,997,390| 399,884,000 -| 408,881,390 Subtotal MUS$ – 9,629 9,629 9,629 427,960 – 437,589 | BONO REG.S 2039 | AUD | 3.65% | 3.58% Anual – 2,506,000 2,506,000 5,012,000 5,012,000| 100,072,000| 110,096,000 Subtotal MUS$ – 1,707 1,707 3,414 3,414 68,170 74,998 | BONO REG.S 2034 | HKD | 2.92% | 2.84% Anual – 14,200,000 14,200,000 28,438,904 28,400,000| 599,477,808| 656,316,712 Subtotal MUS$ – 1,820 1,820 3,646 3,641 76,855 84,142 Total MUS$ 249,522 682,436 931,958 2,069,189 3,788,030 22,289,969 28,147,188

Las tasas de interés nominales y efectivas presentadas anteriormente corresponden a tasas anuales.


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Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

12-31-2021 ACTUAL NO ACTUAL Tipo de Interés Tipo de Menos de: Más de Total Uno a Tres a Más de Total no nombre moneda efectiva nominal amortización 90 días 90 días actual tres años cinco años cinco años actual Japón Bank International Cooperation US$ 0.85% 0.69% Semestral – 16,056 16,056 – – – – Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio US$ 1.66% 1.52% Semestral – 1,153 1,153 2,310 77,297 – 79,607 Export Dev. Canada US$ 1.34% 1.27% Trimestral 976 2,896 3,872 7,753 7,743 302,896 318,392 Export Dev Canada US$ 1.43% 1.34% Trimestral 1,030 3,057 4,087 8,185 8,174 308,174 324,533 Export Dev Canada US$ 1.50% 1.34% Trimestral – 1,030 1,030 – 8,185 314,242 322,427 BONO 144-A REG.S 2022 US$ 3.13% 3.00% Semestral 4,929 333,552 338,481 – – – – BONO 144-A REG.S 2023 US$ 4.36% 4.50% Semestral 5,135 5,135 10,270 238,488 – – 238,488 BONO 144-A REG.S 2025 US$ 4.75% 4.50% Semestral 8,938 17,876 26,814 – 415,111 – 415,111 BONO 144-A REG.S 2027 US$ 4.18% 3.63% Semestral 22,980 22,980 45,960 – 91,919 1,313,805 1,405,724 BONO REG.S 2029 US$ 2.97% 2.87% Semestral 1,865 1,865 3,730 7,459 7,459 141,189 156,107 BONO 144-A REG.S 2029 US$ 3.14% 3.00% Semestral 16,500 16,500 33,000 66,000 66,000 1,199,000 1,331,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2030 US$ 3.28% 3.15% Semestral 15,750 15,750 31,500 63,000 63,000 1,110,250 1,236,250 BONO 144-A REG.S 2031 US$ 3.79% 3.75% Semestral 15,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 935,000 1,055,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2035 US$ 5.78% 5.63% Semestral 14,063 14,063 28,126 56,250 56,250 753,125 865,625 BONO 144-A REG.S 2036 US$ 6.22% 6.15% Semestral – 30,750 30,750 61,500 61,500 807,500 930,500 BONO 144-A REG.S 2042 US$ 4.41% 4.25% Semestral 15,938 15,938 31,876 63,750 63,750 1,260,000 1,387,500 BONO 144-A REG.S 2043 US$ 5.76% 5.63% Semestral – 53,438 53,438 106,875 106,875 1,858,438 2,072,188 BONO 144-A REG.S 2044 US$ 5.01% 4.88% Semestral – 47,775 47,775 95,550 95,550 1,839,950 2,031,050 BONO 144-A REG.S 2047 US$ 4.73% 4.50% Semestral 28,125 28,125 56,250 112,500 112,500 2,431,250 2,656,250 BONO 144 REG.S 2048 US$ 4.91% 4.85% Semestral – 29,100 29,100 58,200 58,200 1,225,650 1,342,050 BONO 144-A REG.S 2049 US$ 4.97% 4.38% Semestral 28,438 28,438 56,876 113,750 113,750 2,579,688 2,807,188 BONO 144-A REG.S 2050 US$ 3.93% 3.70% Semestral 49,580 49,580 99,160 198,320 198,320 5,010,260 5,406,900 BONO 144-A REG.S 2051 US$ 3.75% 3.15% Semestral 7,875 7,875 15,750 31,500 31,500 885,875 948,875 Total MUS$ 237,122 757,932 995,054 1,351,390 1,703,083 24,276,292 27,330,765 BONO BCODE-B 2025 UF. 3.24% 4.00% Semestral 138,000 138,000 276,000 552,000 7,038,000 – 7,590,000 BONO BCODE-C 2026 UF. 2.47% 2.50% Semestral 124,228 124,229 248,457 496,913 10,496,914 – 10,993,827 Total U.F. 262,228 262,229 524,457 1,048,913 17,534,914 – 18,583,827 Subtotal MUS$ 9,621 9,621 19,242 38,485 643,357 – 681,842 | BONO 144-A REG.S 2024 | EUR | 2.47% | 2.25% Anual – 8,997,390 8,997,390 17,994,780| 399,884,000 -| 417,878,780 Subtotal MUS$ – 10,179 10,179 20,358 452,409 – 472,767 | BONO REG.S 2039 | AUD | 3.65% | 3.58% Anual – 2,506,000 2,506,000 5,012,000 5,012,000 102,578,000| 112,602,000 Subtotal MUS$ – 1,816 1,816 3,633 3,633 74,349 81,615 | BONO REG.S 2034 | HKD | 2.92% | 2.84% Anual – 14,200,000 14,200,000 28,438,904 28,400,000 613,677,808| 670,516,712 Subtotal MUS$ – 1,821 1,821 3,646 3,641 78,680 85,967 Total MUS$ 246,743 781,369 1,028,112 1,417,512 2,806,123 24,429,321 28,652,956

Las tasas de interés nominales y efectivas presentadas anteriormente corresponden a tasas anuales.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

[elo xx Koo]

La tabla a continuación detalla los cambios en las actividades de financiamiento de CODELCO en el estado de flujo de efectivo, incluyendo cambios en efectivo y no efectivo para los años terminados al 31 de diciembre.”

“2022, and 2021: Changes that do not represent cash flow: Debt expense. Financial…
Opening balance at Cash flows of financing activities costs Exchange Fair value | deferred in Other Closing balance Liabilities for 1-1-2022 (1) difference | adjustment | amortized at 12-31-2022 financing activities cost From Used Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Loans from financial entities 987,419 – (39,565) (39,565) 30,069 – – 754 28 978,705 Bond obligations 16,254,081 – (985,946) (985,946) 658,553 45,740 – – 7,244 15,979,672 Hedging obligations 186,320 – (24,457) (24,457) 18,032 27,506 (40,238) – (33,164) 133,999 Dividends paid – (259,900) (259,900) – – – – – – Financial assets for hedge derivatives (33,174) – – – (73,246) (33,425) – 39,310 (100,535) Leases 352,127 – (141,780) (141,780) 25,036 13,175 – 163,311 411,869 Other 50,943 – (52,619) (52,619) – – – – 65,335 63,659 Total liabilities on financing activities 17,797,716 – (1,504,267) (1,504,267) 731,690 13,175 (73,663) 754 242,064 17,467,369 Changes that do not represent cash flow: Debt expense epa, Financial…
Liabilities for Opening balance at Cash flows of financing activities costs Exchange Fair value | deferred in Other Closing balance financing activities 1-1-2021 (1) difference | adjustment | amortized at 12-31-2021 cost From Used Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Loans from financial entities 1,570,442 – (588,253) (588,253) 24,074 – 1,494 (20,338) 987,419 Bond obligations 16,506,214 780,000 | (1,558,758) (778,758) 670,017 (113,143) – – (30,249) 16,254,081 Hedging obligations 129,208 – (62,960) (62,960) 25,316 84,188 8,828 – 1,740 186,320 Dividends paid – (2,033,206) (2,033,206) – – – – – – Financial assets for hedge derivatives (127,502) – – – – 28,975 58,189 – 7,164 (33,174) Leases 485,008 – (138,668) (138,668) 18,206 (38,535) – 26,116 352,127 Other 56,469 – (177,292) (177,292) – – – – 171,766 50,943 Total liabilities on financing activities 18,619,839 780,000 | (4,559,137) – (3,779,137) 737,613 (88,515) 67,017 1,494 156,199 17,797,716
(1) The finance costs consider the capitalization of interest, which, as of December 31, 2022 and 2021, amounted to ThUS$ 289,501 and ThUS$ 236,693 respectively.
13. Fair Value of financial assets and liabilities
The carrying amount of financial assets is a reasonable approximation to their fair value, therefore, no additional disclosures are required in accordance with IFRS 7.
Regarding financial liabilities, the following table shows a comparison as of December 31, 2022 between the carrying amount and the fair value of financial liabilities other than those whose carrying amount is a reasonable approximation of fair value:
Comparison book value vs fair value: Accounting treatment | Book value | Fair value As of December 31, 2022 for valuation ThUS$ ThUS$ Financial liabilities: Bond obligations Amortized cost 15,979,672 | 14,469,694
Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
14. Market value hierarchy for items at market value
Each of the market values calculated for the Corporation’s portfolio of financial instruments is supported by a calculation methodology and data inputs. An analysis of each of these methodologies has been carried out to determine to which of the following levels they can be assigned:
Level 1 corresponds to fair value measurement methodologies using market shares (unadjusted) in active markets to which the Corporation has access at the measurement date and considering identical Assets and Liabilities.
Level 2 corresponds to fair value measurement methodologies using quoted market price data, not included in Level 1, that are observable for the Assets and Liabilities measured, either directly (prices) or indirectly (derived from prices). For hybrid contracts with no-finalized price: Provisionally priced metal sales for the period are marked-to-market at the end of the period. Gains and losses from the marking-to-market of open sales are recognized through adjustments to revenue in the income statement and trade receivables in the balance sheet. Forward prices at the end of the period are used for copper sales. These forward prices are quoted market prices on LME. For cross-currency swaps: These are valued using a discounted cash flow analysis valuation model which includes observable credit spreads and using the applicable yield curve for the duration of the instruments.
Level 3 corresponds to fair value measurement methodologies using valuation techniques that include data on the Assets and Liabilities valued, which are not based on significant observable market data.
Based on the methodologies, inputs, and definitions described above, the following market levels have been determined for the Corporation’s portfolio of financial instruments held as of December 31, 2022:
Financial assets and liabilities at fair value
classified by hierarchy
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Total
ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Financial assets: Hybrid contracts with non-finalized price 2422067 2422.067 Cross currency swap – 100,535 – 100,535 Mutual funds shares 26,806 – – 26,806 Metal futures contracts 87 – – 87 Financial liabilities: Metal futures contracts 2,676 849 – 3,525 Cross currency swap – 133,999 – 133,999
There were no transfers between the different levels of market hierarchy for the reporting period.
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Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
[elo xx Koo]
15. Trade and other accounts payable
a. Details of trade accounts payable, sundry accounts payable and other current accounts payable are shown in the following table:
Current Liabilities Item 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Trade creditors 1,554,222 1,262,221 Payables to employees 20,925 19,691 Withholdings 94,742 97,252 Withholding taxes 18,985 48,139 Other accounts payable 90,664 70,126 Total 1,779,538 1,497,429
Trade creditors mainly include operating accounts payable, and obligations associated with investment projects.
b. The following is a schedule of maturities of payments to trade creditors as of December 31, 2022, and December 31, 2021:
As of December 31, 2022 Amounts according to payment terms Average Creditors with current due date Urtoso labo | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-365 | M4 | rota Damien days over : period Goods 690,136 216 87 – – – 690,439 15.2 Services 628,575 7,106 131 – – – 635,812 16.6 Other 190,525 1,201 13 – – – 191,739 11.7 Total 1,509,236 8,523 231 – – – 1,517,990 16.5 As of December 31, 2022 Amounts according to payment terms Average Suppliers with overdue payments o 31-60 61 – 90 91-120 | 121-365 me Total payment period Goods 16,642 509 1,104 712 776 260 20,003 527.3 Services 3,830 2,410 1,230 377 1,524 406 9,777 353.1 Other 218 266 255 253 117 5,343 6,452 480.1 Total 20,690 3,185 2,589 1,342 2,417 6,009 36,232 351.2 As of December 31, 2021 Amounts according to payment terms Average Creditors with current due date Urtoso labo | 61-90 | 91-120 | 121-365 | M4 | rota Damien days over : period Goods 523,424 150 49 30 24 – 523,677 15.0 Services 566,639 6,443 195 118 95 – 573,490 15.6 Other 137,003 1,158 – 71 – – 138,232 13.2 Total 1,227,066 7,751 244 219 119 – 1,235,399 15.1 As of December 31, 2021 Amounts according to payment terms Average Suppliers with overdue payments o 31-60 61 – 90 91-120 | 121-365 me Total payment period Goods 4,276 795 166 126 504 2,404 8,271 301.5 Services 6,513 2,182 651 115 2,432 1,436 13,329 338.4 Other 246 147 288 347 303 3,891 5,222 266.8 Total 11,035 3,124 1,105 588 3,239 7,731 26,822 285.3″


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

16. Otras provisiones

El detalle de otras provisiones corrientes y no corrientes en las fechas mencionadas es el siguiente:

Otras provisiones Corriente No corriente
31-12-2022 31-12-2021 31-12-2022 31-12-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Provisiones relacionadas con ventas (1) 17,554 8,627 Operativas (2) 575,525 523,177 Ley N° 13196 129,582 151,509 Otras provisiones 39,004 58,714 604 496 Cierre, desmantelamiento y restauración (3) – – 2,611,117 2,407,814 Procesos legales – – 68,007 49,275

Total 761,665 742,027 2,679,728 2,457,585

(1) Corresponde a acumulaciones relacionadas con ventas, que incluyen cargos por flete, carga y descarga que no fueron facturados al final del año.

(2) Corresponde a provisiones realizadas para aranceles aduaneros, fletes para adquisiciones y electricidad, entre otros.

(3) Corresponde a provisiones para costos futuros de cierre relacionados principalmente con relaves, cierres de sitios mineros y otros activos. Este valor de costo se calcula al valor presente descontado, utilizando flujos asociados con planes con un horizonte de evaluación que varía de 10 a 60 años. Las tasas utilizadas para descontar los flujos de efectivo futuros se calculan en función de la Vida Útil de la Mina “LOM” de cada una de las operaciones, distinguiendo tasas en UF para aquellas obligaciones en pesos chilenos y tasas en dólares estadounidenses para aquellas obligaciones en dólares estadounidenses. Estas tasas de descuento incluyen los riesgos asociados con la determinación de la responsabilidad, excepto aquellos incluidos en los flujos de efectivo.

A continuación se presenta una tabla con las tasas de descuento utilizadas:

División 31-12-2022 31-12-2021 Moneda local [Moneda en dólares] Moneda local [Moneda en dólares] Tasa Tasa Tasa Tasa

Gabriela Mistral 1,65% 2,83% 2,28% 0,51% Andina 1,65% 2,81% 2,64% 1,10% Ministro Hales 1,65% 2,81% 2,64% 1,10% Chuquicamata 1,66% 2,78% 2,73% 1,37% Radomiro Tomic 1,66% 2,76% 2,83% 1,56% Salvador 1,66% 2,16% 2,83% 1,56% Teniente 1,66% 2,69% 2,93% 1,78% Fundición Ventanas 1,66% 2,69% 2,93% 1,78%

La Corporación determina y reconoce esta responsabilidad de acuerdo con la política contable descrita en la Nota 2, letra p) sobre Políticas Contables Significativas.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Los cambios en Otras provisiones fueron los siguientes:

31-12-2022 Otros o Movimientos en Provisión para: : Provisiones, . Contingencias Total cierre de sitio no corriente ThUS$ ThUSs$ ThUS$ ThUSs$ Saldo inicial 496 2,407,814 49,275 2,457,585 Ajuste de provisión de cierre 15,310 – 15,310 Gastos financieros 47,964 – 47,964 Pago de pasivos – – (7,024) (7,024) Diferencia de tipo de cambio (1) 144,921 6,331 151,251 Otros aumentos (disminuciones) 109 (4,892) 19,425 14.642 Saldo final 604 2,611,117 68,007 2,679,728
12312021 Otros [Desmantelamiento Cambios os : : provisiones, y Contingencias Total no corriente| restauraciones ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Saldo inicial 468 2,232,942 61,097 2,294,507 Ajuste de provisión de cierre 226,631 – 226,631 Gastos financieros 24,105 – 24,105 Pago de pasivos – – (6,934) (6,934) Traducción de moneda extranjera (22) (74,600) (7,380) (82,002) Otros aumentos (disminuciones) 50 (1,264) 2,492 1,278 Saldo final 496 2,407,814 49,275 2,457,585

17. Beneficios a empleados a. Provisiones para beneficios posteriores al empleo y otros beneficios a largo plazo

La provisión para beneficios posteriores al empleo corresponde principalmente a indemnizaciones por despido de empleados y planes de atención médica. La provisión por indemnizaciones por despido reconoce la obligación contractual que la Corporación tiene con sus empleados jubilados. La provisión para planes de atención médica reconoce la obligación contractual que la Corporación tiene con sus jubilados para cubrir sus costos de atención médica. Ambos beneficios operan dentro del marco regulatorio establecido en la negociación colectiva u otros acuerdos entre la Corporación y sus empleados.

Estas provisiones se registran en el estado de situación financiera al valor presente de las obligaciones futuras estimadas. La tasa de descuento utilizada se determina en función de la tasa de instrumentos financieros correspondientes a la misma moneda en la que se pagarán las obligaciones y con vencimientos similares.

Las obligaciones por beneficios definidos están denominadas en pesos chilenos; por lo tanto, la Corporación está expuesta al riesgo de tipo de cambio.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Los resultados derivados de ajustes y cambios en variables actuariales se cargan o abonan al estado de resultados integrales del período en que ocurran.

Durante el año que terminó el 31 de diciembre de 2022, no hubo modificaciones relevantes en los planes de beneficios posteriores al empleo.

Las siguientes suposiciones actuariales se utilizaron en el cálculo actuarial de los planes de beneficios definidos:

Suposiciones 31-12-2022 31-12-2021 Plan de jubilación Plan de salud Plan de jubilación Plan de salud Tasa de descuento nominal anual 5,33% 5,33% 5,89% 5,89% Tasa de rotación anual voluntaria para jubilación (Hombres) 5,10% 5,10% 5,50% 5,50% Tasa de rotación anual voluntaria para jubilación (Mujeres) 6,00% 6,00% 6,20% 6,20% Aumento salarial (promedio anual real) 4,64% 4,64% 3,98% 0,00% Tasa futura de inflación a largo plazo 3,60% 3,60% 3,10% 3,10% Tasa de inflación esperada para atención médica – 6,40% 0 5,88% Tablas de mortalidad utilizadas para proyecciones CB14-RV14 | CB14-RV14 | CB14-RV14 | CB14-RV14 Duración promedio de los flujos de efectivo futuros (años) 8,50 15,40 10,03 16,55 Edad de jubilación esperada (Hombres) 60 60 60 60 Edad de jubilación esperada (Mujeres) 58 58 58 58

Las tasas de descuento corresponden a las tasas en el mercado secundario de bonos del gobierno emitidos en Chile. La inflación anual proyectada corresponde a una expectativa por encima del objetivo a largo plazo declarado públicamente por el Banco Central de Chile y se deriva de la expectativa del mercado al 31 de diciembre de 2022. Las tasas de rotación se han determinado después de revisar la experiencia propia de la Corporación mediante el estudio del comportamiento acumulativo de los flujos durante los últimos tres años con respecto a las asignaciones actuales. La tasa esperada de aumentos salariales se ha estimado utilizando el comportamiento a largo plazo de los salarios históricos pagados por la Corporación. Las tablas de mortalidad utilizadas fueron las emitidas por la CMF, que se consideran una representación adecuada del mercado chileno dada la falta de series estadísticas comparables para desarrollar estudios independientes. La duración financiera de las obligaciones corresponde al vencimiento promedio de los flujos de pago de los respectivos beneficios definidos.

b. El detalle de las provisiones corrientes y no corrientes para beneficios a empleados en las fechas mencionadas es el siguiente:

Provisiones para beneficios a empleados Corriente No corriente
31-12-2022 31-12-2021 31-12-2022 31-12-2021 ThUuS$ ThUuS$ ThUS$ ThUuS$ Acuerdos colectivos de empleados 196,256 185,708 – – Indemnizaciones por despido 29,047 19,447 562,126 532,044 Bonificaciones 60,758 52,288 – – Vacaciones 175,957 141,683 – – Programas de atención médica (1) 383 358 463,883 388,697 Planes de jubilación (2) 64,654 4,346 7,703 7,518 Otros 17,234 15,493 7,405 6,283 Total 544,289 419,323 1,041,117 934,542


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

(1) Corresponde a una provisión reconocida por las obligaciones con instituciones de atención médica acordadas con empleados actuales y anteriores.

(2) Corresponde a la provisión realizada para aquellos empleados que han acordado, o se espera que acuerden, jubilarse de acuerdo con los planes actuales de terminación de empleo.

La conciliación de los saldos de las provisiones para beneficios posteriores al empleo se presenta a continuación:

1-1-2022 1-1-2021
31-12-2022 31-12-2021 Movimientos EN Plan de salud |Plan de jubilación| Plan de salud ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Saldo inicial 551,491 389,055 649,780 607,994 Costo del servicio 112,489 15,258 76,572 15,402 Costo financiero 13,242 9,645 6,219 5,773 Contribuciones pagadas (30,720) (49,045) (55,747) (41,112) (Ganancias) pérdidas actuariales (52,992) 61,862 (20,341) (132,625) Subtotal 593,510 426,775 656,483 455,432 (Ganancias) Pérdidas por tipo de cambio (2,337) 37,491 (104,992) (66,377) Saldo final 591,173 464,266 551,491 389,055

El saldo de la responsabilidad por beneficios definidos al 31 de diciembre de 2022, comprende una parte de ThUS$ 29,047 y ThUS$ 383 para la indemnización por despido y el plan de atención médica, respectivamente. Al 31 de diciembre de 2023, se ha proyectado un saldo de ThUS$ 625,353 para la provisión de indemnizaciones por despido y ThUS$ 448,430 para beneficios de salud. Los flujos de pagos de compensación durante los próximos doce meses alcanzan un promedio mensual esperado de ThUS$ 2,421 para indemnizaciones por despido y ThUS$ 32 para planes de beneficios de salud.

Los resultados actuariales están compuestos por los siguientes elementos

31-12-2022 31-12-2021 Jubilación | Salud | Jubilación | Salud Reajustes técnicos plan plan plan plan

ThUS$ | ThUus$ | ThUsS$ ThUS$ Revalorización de suposiciones demográficas (1,071) – (1,173)| (18,658) Revalorización de suposiciones financieras (50,388)| 58,550 (19,156)| (94,747) Revalorización por experiencia (1,533) 3,312 (12) (19,220) Efecto neto total (52,992)| 61,862 (20,341)| (132,625)

A continuación se presenta una revisión de las sensibilidades de las provisiones, al pasar de un escenario medio a un escenario bajo o alto con variaciones porcentuales unitarias, respectivamente, y ambos efectos de reducción o aumento en el saldo contable de estas provisiones:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Beneficios por antigüedad por años de servicio Bajo Medio Alto Reducción | Aumento Efecto financiero en tasas de interés 5,08% 5,33% 5,58% 1,14% -1,08% Efecto financiero en el aumento real de ingresos 4,39% 4,64% 4,89% -0,97% 1,02% Efecto demográfico de rotaciones laborales 4,69% 5,19% 5,69% 1,45% -2,58% Efecto demográfico en tablas de mortalidad -25,00% | CB14-RV14, Chile 25,00% -0,05% 0,08%

Beneficios de salud y otros Bajo Medio Alto Reducción | Aumento Efecto financiero en tasas de interés 5,08% 5,33% 5,58% 2,99% -2,84% Efecto financiero en la inflación de salud 5,90% 6,40% 6,90% -2,41% 2,52% Efecto demográfico, edad de jubilación planificada 58 56 60 58 6260 4,08% -4,05% Efecto demográfico en tablas de mortalidad -25,00% | CB14-RV14, Chile 25,00% 9,48% -6,52%

c) Provisiones para planes de jubilación anticipada y bonificaciones por terminación

De acuerdo con sus programas de optimización operativa para reducir costos y aumentar la productividad laboral mediante la incorporación de nuevas tecnologías actuales y/o mejores prácticas de gestión, la Corporación ha establecido programas de jubilación de empleados modificando ciertos contratos de trabajo o acuerdos colectivos para incluir beneficios que fomenten la jubilación anticipada, para los cuales se realizan las provisiones necesarias basadas en la obligación acumulada al valor actual.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, hay un saldo corriente de ThUS$64,654 para jubilación anticipada y bonificaciones por terminación de conflictos, de los cuales ThUS$48,266 corresponden a la provisión para el costo del plan especial de jubilación para trabajadores de la Fundición Ventanas reconocido en 2022 (por razones explicadas en la nota N° 29 b) x)) y ThUS$4,346 corresponden a bonificaciones por terminación de conflictos respectivamente. Los saldos no corrientes relacionados ascienden a ThUS$7,703 y ThUS$7,518, respectivamente. Estos montos se han determinado utilizando una tasa de descuento equivalente a la utilizada para calcular las provisiones para beneficios a empleados y cuyos saldos pendientes forman parte de los saldos al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021.

d) Gastos por beneficios a empleados

Los gastos por beneficios a empleados reconocidos clasificados por naturaleza son los siguientes:

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Gasto por Naturaleza de Beneficios a Empleados 31-12-2022 31-12-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Beneficios – A corto plazo 1,429,458 1,414,643 Beneficios – Posteriores al empleo 15,258 15,402 Planes de jubilación anticipada y bonificaciones por terminación de conflictos 72,555 24,157 Beneficios por años de servicio 112,489 76,572 Total 1,629,760 1,530,774


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

18. Patrimonio

El patrimonio total de la Corporación al 31 de diciembre de 2022 es de ThUS$ 11,654,565 (ThUS$ 11,574,901 al 31 de diciembre

As of December 31, 2022, a capitalization and reserve fund has been created amounting to ThUS$345,589.

During the year ended December 31, 2021, payments were made to the Treasury for a total of ThUS$2,033,206 for advance dividends charged to the profits of the period, which discounted from the dividends paid in excess in 2020, reflect a balance in favor of ThUS$249,943 as of December 31, 2021 for such concept.

In the months of May and June 2022, dividends totaling ThUS$259,900 have been paid. As of December 31, 2022, no dividends payable are recognized in respect of earnings for the period from January to December 2022.

The Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity discloses the changes in the Corporation’s equity.

The movement and composition of other equity reserves is presented in the Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity.

Reclassification adjustments from other comprehensive income to income for the years meant a loss of ThUS$980 and a loss of ThUS$5,594 for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, respectively.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

a) Other reserves

Details of other equity reserves are shown in the following table, according to the dates indicated for each case.

Other reserves 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$

Reserve on exchange differences on translation (7,030) (6,221) Reserve of cash flow hedges 3,831 (31,254) Capitalization fund and reserves 5,307,983 4,962,393 Actuarial results reserve in defined benefit plans (262,465) (259,573) Fixed asset revaluation reserve Law 18110 year 1982 624,567 624,567 Other reserves (7,460) (3,506) Total other reserves 5,659,426 5,286,406

b) Non-controlling interests

The detail of non-controlling interests, included in total equity and total profit or loss, as of the dates mentioned, is as follows:

Companies Non-controlling interests Equity Profit 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 | 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 | 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 % % ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Inversiones Gacrux SpA 32.20% 32.20% 914,073 946,389 16,000 108,867 Other 10 23 (18) 15 Total 914,083 946,412 15,982 108,882

The percentage of non-controlling interest in Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (previously Inversiones Mineras Acrux SpA) generates a non-controlling interest in the subsidiary Inversiones Gacrux SpA, which presents the following figures relating to its statement of financial position, statement of income and cash flows:

Assets and liabilities 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Current assets 159,164 304,053 Non-current assets 2,827,107 2,829,329 Current liabilities 139,792 186,350 Non-current liabilities 220,162 313,750 Profit (loss) 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Income 836,472 1,392,387 Ordinary expenses and other (791,728) (1,055,538) Profit for the period 44,744 336,849


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

19, Revenue

Cash flows 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUSs$ ThUSs$

Net cash flows from (used in) operating activities 138,695 304,472

Net cash flows from (used in) investing activities (854) 141

Net cash flows from (used in) financing activities (147,495) (335,828)

Revenues from ordinary activities for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, were as follows:

Item 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUs$ ThUS$ Revenue from sales of own copper 13,852,816 17,734,887 Revenue from sales of third-party copper 1,639,824 1,845,486 Revenue from sales of molybdenum 835,881 734,379 Revenue from sales of other products 694,752 729,255 Profit (loss) in futures market (4,864) (19,192) Total 17,018,409 21,024,815

The Corporation’s revenue is recognized at a point in time. The breakdown of revenue is presented in explanatory note No.24 Operating Segments.

20. Expenses by nature

Expenses by nature for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 were as follows:

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Item 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUs$ Short-term benefits to employees (1,429,458) (1,414,643) Depreciation (1) (2,226,952) (2,257,082) Amortization (332) (2,242) Raw Materials (2,341,149) (2,327,879) Materials, consumables and others (6,806,225) (6,652,509) Total (12,804,116)| (12,654,355)

(1) Depreciation includes the expense of Property, plant and equipment and right-of-use assets (see note 7b and note 8.1).


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

21. Asset impairment

As indicated in note 29 letter b) point x), the Corporation has declared its intention to move forward with preparations to cease operation of the Ventanas Smelter, which as of December 31, 2021 was part, together with the Ventanas Refinery, of a single cash-generating unit called the Ventanas Division. The Corporation is evaluating the assets of both operations separately, leading to the definition that the Ventanas Smelter and Ventanas Refinery are, as of December 31, 2022, separate cash-generating units under IAS 36.

As of December 31, 2022, the Corporation performed a calculation of the recoverable amount of its Ventanas Smelter cash-generating unit, for purposes of testing the assets associated with the cash-generating unit for impairment. Since such recoverable amount is zero, when compared to the carrying amount of the cash-generating unit’s assets of US$89,410, an impairment was determined for such amount, which was recorded in Other expenses in the statements of comprehensive income for the year 2022 (note 22 letter b).

The recoverable amount determined corresponds to the value in use using a discount rate of 7.28% per year before taxes. The main variables used to determine the recoverable amount of this asset correspond to the price of rhenium, exchange rates and discount rates.

Also, as of December 31, 2022, the Corporation calculated the recoverable amount of its cash-generating unit related to the Ventanas refinery in order to test the assets associated with such cash-generating unit for impairment. The result of this calculation led to the conclusion that the recoverable amount is higher than the carrying amount of the cash-generating unit’s assets and, therefore, there is no impairment loss.

As of December 31, 2021, the Corporation’s subsidiary “Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno” tested the recoverable amount of its assets for impairment. The Company’s projected cash flows are highly dependent on rhenium price projections, which were adjusted downward in 2021, based on actual market prices. A recoverable amount of US$237 million was determined, which when compared to the carrying amount of the cash generating unit’s assets of US$362 million triggered an impairment of ThUS$125,483 (before tax), reducing Property, Plant and Equipment by ThUS$124,315 and Right-of-use assets by ThUS$1,168 as of December 31, 2021. The recoverable amount determined corresponds to the value in use using a discount rate of 7.24% per year before taxes. The main variables used to determine the recoverable amount of this asset correspond to the price of rhenium, exchange rates and discount rates.

As of December 31, 2022 and 2021, there are no indications of additional impairments or reversals of impairment for other cash-generating units or associates.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

22. Other income and expenses

Other income and expenses by function for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 is detailed below:

a. Other income

Item 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUs$ ThUS$ Penalties to suppliers 7,265 5,055 Delegated Administration 3,990 4,142 Miscellaneous sales (net) 21,495 22,382 Insurance claims indemnities 41 21 Material Return 945 26,421 Gacrux debt prepayment result – 21,342 Other miscellaneous income 30,995 36,378 Total 64,731 115,741

b. Other expenses

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Item 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$

Law No. 13196 (1,273,425)| – (1,571,687) Research expenses (1) (99,994) (59,264) Bonus for the end of collective bargaining (2) (22,586) (253,364) Expense plan (see to note 17 letter c.) (72,555) (24,157) Mining property value adjustment – (142,000) Write-off of investment projects (2,020) (100,176) Loss on disposal of fixed assets (12,673) (67,991) Health plans (see to note 17 letter a.) (15,258) (15,402) Compensation agreement framework agreement (4) (136,844) – Impairment of assets (note 21) (89,410) (125,483) Adjustment of inventory (13,287) (37,865) Material obsolescence (22,264) (26,310) Bad debts customers (59) (1,557) Contingency expenses (26,914) (2,958) Fixed indirect costs, low production level (5) (218,024) (182,306) Energy contract adjustment – (20,151) Adjustment severance indemnities (3) (55,849) (39,820) Other expenses (42,154) (46,516)

Total (2,103,316)] (2,717,007)

(1) Study expenses include exploration expenses (see note 7 letter f), pre-investment studies and research and technological innovation expenses.

(2) Corresponds to disbursements for the closing of a collective bargaining process, which do not establish a permanence condition.

(3) Corresponds to the restatement of severance indemnities liabilities associated with the portion earned by employees in prior years.

(4) Corresponds mainly to payment limited to the agreement to update and improve the 2013 Framework Agreement that establishes benefits for contractor workers and in which Codelco acts as facilitator and guarantor.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

(5) Breakdown by division for this concept is as follows:

01-01-2022 | 01-01-2021

División 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 MUS$ MUS$

Andina – (31,308) Chuquicamata (132,387) (127,526) Ventanas (38,858) – Ministro Hales (8,547) (941) Gabriela Mistral – (6,546) Salvador (35,136) (15,985) Teniente (3,096) – Total fixed indirect costs, low production level (218,024) (182,306)

Cc. Law No. 13196

Law No. 13196 – Under this law, the return in foreign currency of sales abroad of the Corporation’s actual income from its copper production, including by-products, is taxed at 10%.

On January 27, 2017, Law No. 20989, article 3, establishes changes in the application of Law No. 13196 as of January 1, 2018, through which the Corporation will deposit annually, no later than December 15 of each year, the funds established in article 1 in that law.

On September 26, 2019, Law No. 21174 was published, which repeals Law No. 13196 and establishes that the 10% tax to the tax benefit provided by the Corporation will subsist for a period of nine years, decreasing from the tenth year 2.5% per year until reaching 0% at the beginning of the thirteenth year. The validity of this law is as of January 1, 2020, maintaining the payment annually at a date no later than December 15 of each year.

On March 23, 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued Ordinary Letter No. 843, which modifies the payment method of the funds related to Law No. 13196, in order to address funds to meet national needs generated by the COVID-19 crisis. Said Official Letter establishes the payment of funds owed to the Treasury for the application of Law No. 13196, equivalent to ThUS$240,168 (contribution for December 2019, January and February 2020), before March 31, 2020. Subsequently and from the month of April 2020, the Corporation should carry out the monthly transfer of the corresponding resources according to their recordkeeping, within a period not exceeding the last day of the month following its booking.

23. Finance costs

Finance costs for the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021 are detailed in the following table:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Item 1-1-2022 1-1-2021 12-31-2022 12-31-2021

ThUS$ ThUS$ Bond interest (412,912) (535,108) Bank loan interest (12,475) (6,325) Restatement of severance indemnity provision (13,242) (6,219) Restatement of other non-current provisions (55,546) (28,860) Other (74,885) (64,497) Total (569,060) (641,009)

24. Operating segments

In section ll “Significant Accounting Policies, it has been indicated that, for the purposes of IFRS 8, “Operating Segments”, these are determined according to the Divisions that comprise Codelco. In addition, the Parent Company’s revenues and expenses are distributed among the defined segments.

The mining deposits in operation, where the Corporation conducts its extractive and processing activities are managed by the following Divisions: Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina and El Teniente. In addition, the smelting and refining activities are managed at the Ventanas Division. All these Divisions have a separate operational management, which reports to the Chief Executive Officer, through the North and South-Central Vice-President of Operations, respectively. The information on each Division and their corresponding mining deposits is as follows:


Tipos de sitios mineros: Minas a cielo abierto y minas subterráneas

Operativo: desde 1915

Ubicación: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta, Chile

Productos: cátodos electro-refinados y electro-obtenidos y concentrado de cobre

Radomiro Tomic

Tipos de sitios mineros: Minas a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 1997

Ubicación: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta, Chile

Productos: cátodos de cobre electro-obtenidos y concentrado de cobre

Ministro Hales

Tipos de sitios mineros: Minas a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 2014

Ubicación: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta, Chile

Productos: Cobre calcinado, concentrados de cobre


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Gabriela Mistral

Tipos de sitios mineros: Minas a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 2008

Ubicación: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta, Chile

Productos: Cátodos electrolíticos (electro-obtenidos)


Tipo de minas: Minas subterráneas y a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 1926

Ubicación: Salvador, III Región de Atacama, Chile

Productos: Cátodos de cobre electro-refinados y electrolíticos (electro-obtenidos) y concentrado de cobre


Tipo de minas: Minas subterráneas y a cielo abierto

Operativo: desde 1970

Ubicación: Los Andes, V Región de Valparaíso, Chile

Producto: Concentrado de cobre

El Teniente

Tipo de minas: Mina subterránea

Operativo: desde 1905

Ubicación: Rancagua, VI Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins, Chile

Productos: Concentrado de cobre y ánodos de cobre

Asignación de ingresos y gastos de la oficina central

Los ingresos y gastos controlados por la oficina central se asignan a las divisiones en base a los siguientes criterios.

Los principales ítems se asignan en proporción al ingreso ordinario de cada una de ellas.

Otros ingresos por función, asociados e identificados con cada división, se asignan directamente.

El reconocimiento de ganancias realizadas y otros ingresos a través de subsidiarias se asigna en proporción a los ingresos de cada división.

Los costos de distribución asociados e identificados con cada división se asignan directamente.

Los gastos de distribución de subsidiarias se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada división.

Gastos administrativos

Los gastos asociados e identificados con cada división se asignan directamente.

Los gastos administrativos registrados en centros de costos asociados con la función de ventas y gastos administrativos de subsidiarias se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada división.

Los gastos administrativos registrados en centros de costos asociados con la función de suministro se asignan en proporción a los saldos de inventario en almacén en cada división.

Los gastos administrativos restantes se asignan en proporción a los desembolsos de efectivo operativos de cada división.

Otros gastos, por función

Los otros gastos asociados e identificados con cada división se asignan directamente.

Los gastos por estudios pre-inversión y otros gastos por función de subsidiarias se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada división.

Otros ingresos

Los otros ingresos asociados e identificados con cada división se asignan directamente.

Ingresos financieros

Los ingresos financieros asociados e identificados con cada división se asignan directamente.

Los ingresos financieros de subsidiarias se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada división.

Los ingresos financieros restantes se asignan en relación a los desembolsos de efectivo operativos de cada división.

Costos financieros

Los costos financieros asociados e identificados con cada división se asignan directamente.

Los costos financieros de subsidiarias se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada división.

Participación en las utilidades (pérdidas) de asociadas y empresas conjuntas contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial

La participación en las utilidades o pérdidas de asociadas y empresas conjuntas identificadas con cada división en particular se asigna de manera lineal.

Diferencias de cambio

Las diferencias de cambio identificables con cada división se asignan directamente.

Las diferencias de cambio de subsidiarias se asignan en proporción a los ingresos de cada división.

La contribución al Tesoro chileno bajo la Ley N° 13196

El monto de la contribución se asigna y contabiliza en proporción a los montos facturados y registrados por exportaciones de cobre y subproductos de cada división, que están sujetos al recargo.

Ingresos (gastos) tributarios

El beneficio (gasto) tributario sobre la renta corporativa y el impuesto específico a la minería se asignan en base a la renta antes de impuestos de cada división, considerando para este propósito los criterios de asignación de ingresos y gastos de la oficina central y subsidiarias mencionados anteriormente.

Las demás gastos tributarios se asignan en proporción al impuesto sobre la renta corporativa, impuesto específico a la minería e impuesto bajo D.L. 2398 de cada división.

Transacciones entre segmentos

Las transacciones entre segmentos relacionadas principalmente con servicios de procesamiento de productos (o servicios de procesamiento por cuenta de terceros) se reconocen como ingresos para el segmento que presta los servicios de procesamiento y como costo de ventas para el segmento que recibe el servicio. Este reconocimiento se realiza en el período en que se prestan estos servicios, así como su eliminación en los estados financieros consolidados corporativos.

Además, se incluye como una transacción entre segmentos la reasignación de la utilidad y pérdida asumida por la División Ventanas, asociada al contrato corporativo de procesamiento de minerales entre Codelco y Enami, en el cual se aplica una distribución basada en los ingresos de cada división.

Flujos de efectivo por segmentos

Los segmentos operativos definidos por la Corporación mantienen una función de gestión de efectivo que se refiere principalmente a actividades operativas que deben ser cubiertas periódicamente con fondos constituidos en cada uno de estos segmentos y cuyos montos no son significativos en relación a los saldos corporativos de efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo.

Por otro lado, actividades como la obtención de financiamiento, inversión y pago de obligaciones financieras relevantes se basan principalmente en la oficina central.

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Desde 01-01-2022 hasta 12-31-2022

Segments Chuquicamata | R.Tomic | Salvador Andina | El Teniente | Ventanas | G. Mistral | M. Hales | Total Other | Total ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$
Revenue from sales of own copper 3,835,498 | 2,408,588 | 747,309 | 1,310,927 | 3,343,140 | 7,560 | 930,183 | 1,269,611 | 13,852,816 | 13,852,816
Revenue from sales of third-party copper 2,041 | 14,744 | – | – | 63,665 | – | 80,450 | 1,559,374 | 1,639,824
Revenue from sales of molybdenum 425,089 | 58,908 | 11,212 | 81,617 | 229,061 | – | 805,887 | 29,994 | 835,881
Revenue from sales of other products 185,350 | – | 92,454 | 5,628 | 167,501 | 176,848 | 3,764 | 59,155 | 690,700 | 4,052 | 694,752
Revenue from future market (407) | 317 | (1,581) | 243 | (4,678) | (36) | 918 | 346 | (4,878) | 14 | (4,864)
Revenue between segments 68,016 | – | 10,773 | 1,549 | – | 83,044 | – | 163,382 | (163,382)
Revenue 4,515,587 | 2,467,813 | 874,911 | 1,399,964 | 3,735,024 | 331,081 | 934,865 | 1,329,112 | 15,588,357 | 1,430,052 | 17,018,409
Cost of sales of own copper (3,093,040) | (1,710,771) | (912,486) | (979,957) | (1,627,273) | (8,546) | (791,880) | (817,019) | (9,940,972) | 9,509 | (9,931,463)
Cost of sales of third-party copper (3,200) | – | (21,460) | – | – | (67,348) | – | (92,008) | (1,554,709) | (1,646,717)
Cost of sales of molybdenum (88,367) | (25,573) | (4,062) | (35,110) | (44,144) | – | – | – | (197,256) | (8,298) | (205,554)
Cost of sales of other products (177,139) | – | (72,908) | (755) | (69,946) | (167,902) | (4,008) | (4,542) | (497,200) | (3,718) | (500,918)
Cost of sales between segments (101,782) | 1,415 | (19,883) | 22,515 | 13,796 | (106,397) | (1,635) | 28,589 | (163,382) | 163,382 | –
Cost of sales (3,463,528) | (1,734,929) | (1,030,799) | (993,307) | (1,727,567) | (350,193) | (797,523) | (792,972) | (10,890,818) | (1,393,834) | (12,284,652)
Gross profit (loss) 1,052,059 | 732,884 | (155,888) | 406,657 | 2,007,457 | (19,112) | 137,342 | 536,140 | 4,697,539 | 36,218 | 4,733,757
Other income, by function 19,992 | 2,497 | 4,535 | 5,912 | 3,676 | 4,438 | 2,651 | 736 | 44,437 | 20,294 | 64,731
Distribution costs (6,972) | – | (1,127) | (359) | (1,854) | – | – | (1,987) | (12,299) | (4,852) | (17,151)
Administrative expenses (40,973) | (39,664) | (22,169) | (24,288) | (88,344) | (11,433) | (29,827) | (26,550) | (283,248) | (219,065) | (502,313)
Other expenses, by function (237,117) | (38,122) | (65,582) | (41,368) | (83,764) | (183,898) | (13,651) | (22,105) | (685,607) | (144,284) | (829,891)
Law No. 13196 (393,521) | (199,623) | (73,929) | (128,481) | (277,034) | (13,740) | (91,164) | (95,933) | (1,273,425) | (1,273,425)
Other gains (losses) – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 29,782 | 29,782
Finance income 698 | 285 | 40 | (329) | 896 | 94 | 16 | (146) | 1,554 | 45,691 | 47,245
Financial costs (232,446) | (34,016) | (6,198) | (83,013) | (144,008) | (6,477) | (18,386) | (37,765) | (562,309) | (6,751) | (569,060)
Impairment loss under IFRS 9 – | – | – | – | – | – | (2,648) | (2,648)
Share in the profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method – | – | 1,042 | 1,744 | 512 | – | 3,298 | 48,693 | 51,991
Exchange gains (losses) in foreign currencies (29,050) | (14,919) | (31,803) | (67,471) | (66,575) | (2,341) | (14,276) | (10,103) | (236,538) | (1,239) | (237,777)
Profit (loss) before tax 132,670 | 409,322 | (351,079) | 69,004 | 1,350,962 | (232,469) | (27,295) | 342,287 | 1,693,402 | (198,161) | 1,495,241
Income tax expense (90,708) | (279,922) | 234,481 | (56,525) | (920,255) | 159,105 | 17,921 | (230,999) | (1,166,902) | 33,232 | (1,133,670)
Profit (loss) 41,962 | 129,400 | (116,598) | 12,479 | 430,707 | (73,364) | (9,374) | 111,288 | 526,500 | (164,929) | 361,571


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

[elo xx Koo]

From 01-01-2021 to 12-31-2021 : : : : . Total Total Segments Chuquicamata | R.Tomic | Salvador Andina | El Teniente | Ventanas | G. Mistral | M. Hales | Other segments | Consolidated ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$ | ThUS$
Revenue from sales of own copper 4,700,183 | 3,129,013 | 1,102,750 | 1,610,530 | 4,345,132 | 92,296 | 981,733 | 1,773,250 | 17,734,887 | 17,734,887
Revenue from sales of third-party copper 11,823 | – | – | – | – | 45,238 | – | 57,061 | 1,788,425 | 1,845,486
Revenue from sales of molybdenum 375,028 | 48,184 | 14,801 | 47,655 | 232,145 | – | – | 717,813 | 16,566 | 734,379
Revenue from sales of other products 219,978 | – | 99,629 | 4,427 | 138,166 | 194,953 | – | 67,764 | 724,917 | 4,338 | 729,255
Revenue from future market (4,641) | (3,455) | (57) | (656) | (7,739) | 123 | (2,149) | (618) | (19,192) | – | (19,192)
Revenue between segments 51,981 | – | 37,637 | 1,540 | – | 91,359 | – | – | 182,517 | (182,517) | –
Revenue 5,354,352 | 3,173,742 | 1,254,760 | 1,663,496 | 4,707,704 | 423,969 | 979,584 | 1,840,396 | 19,398,003 | 1,626,812 | 21,024,815
Cost of sales of own copper (3,142,403) | (1,361,141) | (973,364) | (900,132) | (1,864,150) | (92,906) | (555,744) | (736,623) | (9,626,463) | 15,810 | (9,610,653)
Cost of sales of third-party copper (11,153) | – | – | – | – | (43,719) | – | (54,872) | (1,768,554) | (1,823,426)
Cost of sales of molybdenum (89,390) | (19,289) | (5,979) | (22,573) | (41,286) | – | – | (178,517) | (16,666) | (195,183)
Cost of sales of other products (159,798) | – | (115,098) | (635) | (61,422) | (204,783) | – | (10,504) | (552,240) | (4,186) | (556,426)
Cost of sales between segments (128,994) | 22,427 | (43,084) | 9,698 | 37,254 | (123,670) | (1,033) | 44,885 | (182,517) | 182,517 | –
Cost of sales (3,531,738) | (1,358,003) | (1,137,525) | (913,642) | (1,929,604) | (465,078) | (556,777) | (702,242) | (10,594,609) | (1,591,079) | (12,185,688)
Gross profit (loss) 1,822,614 | 1,815,739 | 117,235 | 749,854 | 2,778,100 | (41,109) | 422,807 | 1,138,154 | 8,803,394 | 35,733 | 8,839,127
Other income, by function 11,325 | 1,466 | 6,980 | 11,188 | 21,859 | 1,423 | 4,840 | 1,083 | 60,164 | 55,577 | 115,741
Distribution costs (3,146) | (61) | (521) | (190) | (910) | (9) | – | (1,302) | (6,139) | (3,250) | (9,389)
Administrative expenses (33,210) | (29,689) | (20,680) | (22,664) | (81,503) | (7,982) | (24,557) | (24,316) | (244,601) | (214,677) | (459,278)
Other expenses, by function (301,188) | (54,221) | (92,562) | (159,481) | (125,280) | (2,741) | (20,658) | (31,418) | (787,549) | (357,771) | (1,145,320)
Law No. 13196 (455,450) | (263,896) | (108,347) | (156,249) | (348,681) | (24,902) | (96,571) | (117,591) | (1,571,687) | – | (1,571,687)
Other gains (losses) – | – | – | – | – | – | – | – | 37,531 | 37,531
Finance income 135 | 10 | 71 | 51 | 1,077 | 119 | 15 | (62) | 1,416 | 12,241 | 13,657
Financial costs (245,404) | (38,361) | (17,784) | (63,728) | (190,713) | (7,223) | (14,547) | (44,434) | (622,194) | (18,815) | (641,009)
Impairment loss under IFRS 9 – | – | – | – | – | – | (1,250) | (1,250)
Share in the profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method – | – | 857 | 1,180 | 3,703 | – | – | 5,740 | 409,105 | 414,845
Exchange gains (losses) in foreign currencies 85,310 | 31,306 | 23,110 | 43,415 | 100,742 | 16,136 | 18,766 | 21,648 | 340,433 | (26,697) | 313,736
Profit (loss) before tax 880,986 | 1,462,293 | (91,641) | 403,376 | 2,158,394 | (66,288) | 290,095 | 941,762 | 5,978,977 | (72,273) | 5,906,704
Income tax expenses (586,785) | (980,145) | 58,393 | (299,289) | (1,440,972) | 47,503 | (194,277) | (633,713) | (4,029,285) | 173,949 | (3,855,336)
Profit (loss) 294,201 | 482,148 | (33,248) | 104,087 | 717,422 | (18,785) | 95,818 | 308,049 | 1,949,692 | 101,676 | 2,051,368″


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Los activos y pasivos relacionados con cada segmento operativo, incluido el centro corporativo de la Corporación (sede central) al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y al 31 de diciembre de 2021, se detallan en las siguientes tablas:

31-12-2022: Radomiro . . . Total Categoría Chuquicamata . Salvador Andina |ElTeniente | Ventanas | G.Mistral M. Hales Otros .
Tomic Consolidado ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 1,489,407 946,313 614,161 285,883 974,063 70,378 345,623 462,815 1,606,200 6,794,843 Activos no corrientes 9,738,307 2,189,304 1,786,089 5,576,206 8,795,911 165,786 1,007,493 3,346,994 5,336,299 37,942,389 Pasivos corrientes 691,342 293,830 302,986 257,075 512,310 122,262 153,835 143,043 1,443,802 3,920,485 Pasivos no corrientes 604,612 398,512 314,627 1,178,368 953,188 122,259 134,997 148,762 25,306,857 29,162,182
31-12-2021: Radomiro . . . Total Categoría Chuquicamata . Salvador Andina |ElTeniente | Ventanas | G.Mistral M. Hales Otros .
Tomic Consolidado ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 1,657,948 1,009,317 510,147 392,996 1,219,506 66,487 386,309 482,934 2,076,265 7,801,909 Activos no corrientes 9,251,627 2,085,913 1,317,660 5,404,441 8,112,876 214,228 1,040,031 3,285,526 4,543,224 35,255,526 Pasivos corrientes 692,071 230,440 204,120 232,538 538,455 95,733 110,090 146,358 1,689,072 3,938,877 Pasivos no corrientes 574,123 295,922 345,003 1,048,434 839,281 88,088 147,495 153,782 24,051,529 27,543,657

Los ingresos segregados por área geográfica son los siguientes:

1-1-2022 1-1-2021

Ingresos por áreas geográficas 31-12-2022 | 31-12-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$

Ingresos totales de clientes nacionales 2,414,054 3,430,050

Ingresos totales de clientes extranjeros 14,604,355 | 17,594,765

Total 17,018,409 | 21,024,815

1-1-2022 1-1-2021

Ingresos por áreas geográficas 31-12-2022 | 31-12-2021 ThUS$ ThUS$

China 3,280,124 | 4,191,892 Resto de Asia 3,276,193 | 3,523,590 Europa 5,289,249 | 6,389,832 América 4,099,704 | 5,720,097 Otros 1,073,139 | 1,199,404

Total 17,018,409 | 21,024,815

Durante los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, no hubo ingresos de actividades ordinarias de transacciones con un solo cliente que representara el 10 por ciento o más de los ingresos ordinarios de la Corporación.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

25. Diferencia de cambio

Las diferencias de cambio para los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021 son las siguientes:

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Ganancia (pérdida) por diferencias de cambio (pérdida) e1gn excnang 31-12-2022 | 31-12-2021 reconocida en el resultado ThUS$ ThUS$ Diferencia de cambio IAS Provision 2,337 104,992 Diferencia de cambio Health Plan Provision (37,491) 66,377 Diferencia de cambio Provision for Mine Closure (144,921) 74,600 Diferencia de cambio Provisiones por contingencias (6,331) 7,380 Diferencia de cambio Otros (51,371) 60,387 Total diferencia de cambio (237,777) 313,736

26. Estado de flujos de efectivo

La siguiente tabla muestra los elementos que componen otras cobranzas y pagos de actividades operativas en el Estado de Flujos de Efectivo:

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Otras pagos de actividades operativas 31-12-2022 31-12-2021

ThUS$ ThUS$ Contribución a la tesorería chilena Ley N°13.196 1,569,295 1,223,152 IVA y otros impuestos similares pagados 766,601 845,599 Total 2,335,896 2,068,751

1-1-2022 1-1-2021 Otras cobranzas de actividades operativas | 31-12-2022 31-12-2021

ThUS$ ThUS$ Reembolso de IVA (1,295,352)| – (1,550,137) Cobertura de ventas (1,302) (17,745) IVA y Otros (1,767,339)| – (1,572,781) Total (3,063,993)| (3,140,663)

Durante los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, no se recibieron contribuciones de capital en efectivo directas.

27. Gestión de riesgos

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile ha creado instancias dentro de su organización que buscan generar estrategias para minimizar los riesgos financieros a los que podría estar expuesta.

Los riesgos a los que está expuesta Codelco y una breve descripción de los procedimientos de gestión que se llevan a cabo en cada caso se describen a continuación.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

a. Riesgos financieros * Riesgo de tipo de cambio:

Según las IFRS 7, el riesgo de tipo de cambio se entiende como el riesgo que surge de instrumentos financieros denominados en monedas extranjeras, es decir, una moneda distinta a la moneda funcional de la Corporación (dólar estadounidense).

Las actividades de Codelco que generan esta exposición corresponden a financiamiento en UF, cuentas por pagar y por cobrar y provisiones en pesos chilenos, otras monedas extranjeras utilizadas en sus operaciones comerciales y obligaciones con empleados.

La mayoría de las transacciones en monedas distintas al dólar estadounidense están denominadas en pesos chilenos. Además, hay otra parte en euros, que corresponde principalmente a un préstamo a largo plazo emitido a través del mercado internacional, cuyo riesgo de tipo de cambio se mitiga con instrumentos de cobertura (Swap).

Teniendo en cuenta los activos y pasivos financieros al 31 de diciembre de 2022 como base, una fluctuación (positiva o negativa) de 10 pesos chilenos frente al dólar estadounidense (manteniendo constantes las demás variables), podría afectar los beneficios antes de impuestos en US$ 33 millones en ganancias o pérdidas, respectivamente. Este resultado se obtiene identificando los principales elementos (incluidos activos y pasivos financieros) denominados en monedas extranjeras para medir el impacto en las ganancias o pérdidas que tendría una variación de +- 10 pesos chilenos en términos de US$, con respecto al tipo de cambio de cierre al final del período de presentación de informes.

* Riesgo de tasa de interés

Este riesgo surge de las fluctuaciones de las tasas de interés en las actividades de inversión y financiamiento de Codelco.
Este movimiento puede afectar los flujos de efectivo futuros o el valor de mercado de los instrumentos financieros a tasa fija.

Estas variaciones de tasas se refieren a las variaciones del dólar estadounidense, principalmente con respecto a la tasa LIBOR. Para gestionar este riesgo, Codelco mantiene una combinación adecuada de deuda a tasa fija y variable, que se complementa con la posibilidad de utilizar derivados de tasa de interés para cumplir con las directrices estratégicas definidas por la Vicepresidencia de Administración y Finanzas de Codelco.

Se estima que, en función de la deuda neta al 31 de diciembre de 2022, un cambio de un punto porcentual en las tasas de interés de las obligaciones financieras a tasa de interés variable resultaría en un cambio en el gasto por intereses anual de aproximadamente US$ 10 millones, antes de impuestos. Esta estimación se realiza identificando las obligaciones asignadas a intereses variables, devengadas al cierre de los estados financieros, que pueden variar con un cambio de un punto porcentual en las tasas de interés variables.

La concentración de obligaciones que mantiene Codelco a tasas fijas y variables al 31 de diciembre de 2022 corresponde a un total de ThUS$ 15,979,672 y ThUS$ 978,705, respectivamente.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b. Riesgo de mercado. * Riesgo de precio de los productos básicos:

Como resultado de sus operaciones comerciales y actividades, los ingresos de la Corporación están principalmente expuestos a la volatilidad de los precios del cobre y ciertos subproductos como el oro y la plata,

Los contratos de venta de cobre y molibdeno establecen generalmente precios provisionales de venta en el momento del envío de dichos productos, mientras que el precio final se considerará en función de un precio promedio mensual determinado por el mercado para períodos futuros. A la fecha de presentación de informes, las ventas de productos provisionales se ajustan al valor razonable y el efecto se registra en los resultados de operaciones del período. Se utilizan precios a futuro al cierre del período para las ventas de cobre, mientras que se utilizan precios promedio al cierre del período para las ventas de concentrado de molibdeno debido a la ausencia de un mercado de futuros de activos. (Consulte la Nota 2.q) “Ingresos de Actividades Procedimientos Ordinarios de Contratos con Clientes de la sección |! Políticas Contables Principales).

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, si el precio futuro del cobre fluctúa en + – 5% (con las demás variables constantes), el resultado sería de US$285 millones antes de impuestos como resultado del ajuste al valor razonable de las ventas a precios provisionales en efecto al 31 de diciembre de 2022 (MTMF 684). Para la estimación indicada, todos esos contratos de ventas físicas se valoraron de acuerdo con el promedio mensual inmediatamente posterior al cierre de los estados financieros, y se estiman los ingresos respecto a cuál sería el precio de liquidación final si hay una diferencia de + – 5% con respecto al precio futuro conocido hasta la fecha para este período.

Para proteger el flujo de efectivo y ajustar, si es necesario, sus contratos de venta a su política comercial, la Corporación realiza operaciones en mercados de futuros. Al cierre del período de presentación de informes, estos contratos se ajustan al valor razonable, registrando este efecto, en la fecha de liquidación de las transacciones de cobertura como parte de las ventas netas de productos.

La Corporación no ha celebrado transacciones de cobertura con el propósito específico de cubrir el riesgo de precio causado por fluctuaciones en los precios de los insumos de producción.

c. Riesgo de liquidez

La Corporación se asegura de tener recursos suficientes, como líneas de crédito preaprobadas (incluyendo refinanciamiento), para satisfacer los requisitos a corto plazo, después de considerar el capital de trabajo necesario para sus operaciones y cualquier otro compromiso que tenga.

En este sentido, la Corporación mantiene recursos a su disposición suficientes para cumplir con sus obligaciones, ya sea en efectivo, instrumentos financieros líquidos o facilidades de crédito.

Además, el Departamento de Finanzas monitorea constantemente las proyecciones de flujo de efectivo de la Corporación en función de proyecciones a corto y largo plazo y alternativas de financiamiento disponibles. Además, la Corporación estima que tiene suficiente margen para aumentar el nivel de endeudamiento para los requisitos normales de sus operaciones e inversiones establecidas en su plan de desarrollo.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

En este contexto, de acuerdo con los compromisos existentes con los acreedores, los requisitos de efectivo para cubrir las obligaciones financieras clasificadas por vencimiento y presentadas en el estado de situación financiera se detallan de la siguiente manera:

Vencimiento de obligaciones financieras | Menos de [Entre uno Más de al 31-12-2022 1 año cinco años cinco años ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Préstamos de entidades financieras 8,545 373,994 596,166 Bonos 452,154 | 2,766,355 | 12,761,163 Derivados 9,738 120,202 7,584 Otros pasivos financieros – 63,659 – Total 470,437 | 3,324,210 | 13,364,913 d. Riesgo crediticio

Este riesgo comprende la posibilidad de que un tercero no cumpla con sus obligaciones contractuales, causando así una pérdida para la Corporación.

Dada la política de ventas de la Corporación, principalmente con pagos al contado y anticipados y cartas de crédito bancarias, la incobrabilidad de los saldos de deudas de clientes es mínima. Esto se complementa con el conocimiento que la Corporación tiene de sus clientes y el tiempo que ha operado con ellos. Por lo tanto, el riesgo crediticio de estas transacciones no es significativo.

Las indicaciones con respecto a las condiciones de pago a la Corporación se detallan en cada contrato de venta y la gestión de negociación está a cargo de la Vicepresidencia Comercial.

En general, las demás cuentas por cobrar de la Corporación tienen una alta calidad crediticia según las evaluaciones de la Corporación, basadas en el análisis de solvencia de cada deudor y su historial de pagos.

La exposición máxima al riesgo crediticio al 31 de diciembre de 2022 está representada por los elementos de activos financieros presentados en el Estado de Situación Financiera de la Corporación.

Las cuentas por cobrar de la Corporación no incluyen clientes con saldos que podrían clasificarse como una concentración significativa de deuda y representarían una exposición material para Codelco. Esta exposición está distribuida entre muchos clientes y otras contrapartes.

En los elementos de clientes, se incluyen provisiones, que no son significativas, basadas en la revisión de los saldos pendientes y las características de los clientes, destinadas a cubrir eventuales insolvencias.

La nota explicativa 2 “Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras” muestra saldos vencidos y no provisionados.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

La Corporación estima que los montos no deteriorados vencidos hace más de 30 días son recuperables en función del comportamiento histórico de pago de los clientes y sus calificaciones crediticias existentes.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, no hay saldos por cobrar que hayan sido renegociados.

Codelco trabaja con importantes bancos, que tienen altas calificaciones nacionales e internacionales, y los evalúa continuamente; por lo tanto, el riesgo que podría afectar la disponibilidad de fondos e instrumentos financieros de la Corporación no es significativo.

Also, in some cases, to minimize credit risk, the Corporation has contracted credit insurance policies through which it transfers to third parties the commercial risk associated with some aspects of its business.

During the years ended December 31, 2022 and 2021, no guarantees have been executed in relation to ensure the collection of third party debt.

Personnel loans mainly relate to mortgage loans, according to programs included in union agreements, which are paid for through payroll discounts.

e. Otros riesgos relevantes

In addition to exposure to financial risks, community relations, environmental, litigation and regulatory proceedings, during 2022 we defined strategic risks as risks or combination of risk events that may threaten the business model in the short or long term, structuring our model in a robust way to face the challenges that become more demanding each year, such as changes in social expectations, infrastructure and human development.

The model designed contemplates risks for at least the next three years and also some that would be relevant for a longer period. It also considers monitoring emerging risks which are permanently monitored by the industry.

Risks are permanently monitored to identify, address and oversee appropriate mitigation actions, with the support of the second line of defense established in Codelco’s corporate governance mainly through corporate risk management, working to provide assurance on the status of controls or drive the necessary behavior to achieve the expected status.

These definitions also consider risk appetite as the nature and extent of risk that the Corporation is willing to accept in relation to the achievement of its business and objectives. The above factors in the probability and severity of the consequences of the materialization of a risk in the different areas of its impact.

Our risk management program considers that risk appetite and risks may change over time and may require management actions to respond to changes in the context. Information regarding the main risks considered by Codelco will be included in the Annual Report as of 2022.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


28. Contratos de derivados.

The Corporation has entered transactions to hedge cash flows, to minimize the risk of foreign exchange rate variations and sales price variations, detailed as follows:

a. Cobertura de tipo de cambio La Corporación mantiene una exposición asociada con sus operaciones de cobertura de tipo de cambio, cuyo saldo corresponde a una pérdida neta por impuestos diferidos reconocida en el patrimonio por un monto de ThUS$5,034 al 31 de diciembre de 2022.

La siguiente tabla muestra detalles del valor razonable y otra información de las coberturas financieras contratadas por la Corporación:

31 de diciembre de 2022

Tipo de Instrumento financiero . .
Elemento cubierto Derivado bancario Vencimiento Moneda | Obligación del elemento cubierto Valor razonable Activo Costo Amortizado del instrumento de cobertura ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Bono UF Vcto. 2025 Credit Suisse (EE.UU) Swap 04-01-2025 US$ 283,067 208,519 79,226 296,104 (216,878) Bono EUR Vcto. 2024 Santander (Chile) Swap 07-09-2024 US$ 321,063 409,650 (89,573) 320,305 (409,878) Bono EUR Vcto. 2024 BNP Paribas (EE.UU) Swap 07-09-2024 US$ 106,897 136,402 (29,780) 106,646 (136,426) Bono UF Vcto. 2026 JP Morgan London Branch (Inglaterra) Swap 08-24-2026 US$ 410,242 406,212 21,309 423,278 (401,969) Bono AUD Vcto. 2039 Santander (Chile) Swap 07-22-2039 US$ 47,684 49,266 (6,656) 42,046 (48,702) Bono HKD Vcto. 2034 HSBC Bank PLC (Inglaterra) Swap 11-07-2034 US$ 64,100 63,792 (928) 59,795 (60,723) Total 1,233,053 1,273,841 (26,402) 1,248,174 – (1,274,576) 31 de diciembre de 2021

Tipo de Instrumento financiero , .

Elemento cubierto Derivado bancario Vencimiento Moneda | Obligación del elemento cubierto Valor razonable Activo Costo Amortizado del instrumento de cobertura ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Bono UF Vcto. 2025 Credit Suisse (EE.UU) Swap 04-01-2025 US$ 253,162 208,519 33,174 275,382 (242,208) Bono EUR Vcto. 2024 Santander (Chile) Swap 07-09-2024 US$ 339,405 409,650 (77,620) 367,024 (444,644) Bono EUR Vcto. 2024 BNP Paribas (EE.UU) Swap 07-09-2024 US$ 113,004 409,680 (25,774) 122,199 (147,973) Bono UF Vcto. 2026 JP Morgan London Branch (Inglaterra) Swap 08-24-2026 US$ 366,901 406,212 (68,670) 381,758 (450,428) Bono AUD Vcto. 2039 Santander (Chile) Swap 07-22-2039 US$ 50,736 49,266 (4,539) 59,373 (63,912) Bono HKD Vcto. 2034 HSBC Bank PLC (Inglaterra) Swap 11-07-2034 US$ 64,105 63,792 (2,375) 73,709 (76,084) Total 1,187,313 1,547,119 (145,804) 1,279,445 – (1,425,249)

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, la Corporación no tiene saldos de garantía en efectivo.
La metodología actual para valorar los swaps de divisas utiliza la técnica de bootstrapping basada en tasas mid-swap para construir (cero) curvas en monedas funcionales distintas a la moneda funcional y al USD, respectivamente, basadas en información de mercado.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Los montos nominales mantenidos por la Corporación para derivados financieros se detallan a continuación:

Monto nominal de contratos con vencimiento final

Menos de Más de 90 Total Total 31 de diciembre de 2022 | Moneda 1 a 3 años | 3 a 5 años [Más de 5 años
90 días días corriente no corriente MUS$ MUS$ MUS$ MUS$ MUS$ MUS$ MUS$ Derivados de moneda US$ 13,156 37,793 50,949 829,643 428,148 148,916| 1,406,707

Monto nominal de contratos con vencimiento final

Menos de Más de 90 Total Total 31 de diciembre de 2021 | Moneda 1 a 3 años | 3 a 5 años [Más de 5 años
90 días días corriente no corriente ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Derivados de moneda US$ 13,156 48,151 61,307 941,941 656,931 152,775] 1,751,647

b. Contratos de cobertura de flujos de efectivo y ajuste de política comercial

La Corporación opera en los mercados de derivados de cobre, oro y plata y registra sus resultados al vencimiento. Estos resultados se suman o restan de los ingresos por ventas. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, estas operaciones generaron un resultado neto realizado inferior de ThUS$ 4,639.

b.1. Operaciones de flexibilidad comercial de contratos de cobre

Su objetivo es ajustar el precio de las ventas a la política de ventas de la Corporación, que se define de acuerdo con la Bolsa de Metales de Londres. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, la Corporación tiene transacciones de derivados de cobre asociadas con 277,675 toneladas métricas de cobre fino. Estas transacciones de cobertura se realizan como parte de la política comercial de la Corporación.

Los contratos actuales al 31 de diciembre de 2022, presentan un saldo negativo de ThUS$ 3,438 y su resultado final solo se conocerá al vencimiento, compensando las transacciones de cobertura con los ingresos de la venta de los productos cubiertos.

Las operaciones completadas entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2022, generaron un efecto neto negativo en los resultados de ThUS$ 4,539, correspondiente a valores para contratos de ventas físicas por un monto negativo de ThUS$ 4,764 y valores para contratos de compra física por un monto positivo de ThUS$ 225.

b.2. Operaciones comerciales de contratos actuales de oro y plata.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, la Corporación no tiene contratos de derivados de oro y plata.

Las operaciones completadas entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2022, generaron un efecto negativo en los resultados de ThUS$ 100, correspondiente a valores por contratos de ventas físicas.

b.3. Operaciones de cobertura de flujos de efectivo respaldadas por producción futura


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


La Corporación no tiene transacciones pendientes al 31 de diciembre de 2022, derivadas de estas operaciones, que protegen los flujos de efectivo futuros al fijar niveles de precios para la venta de parte de su producción.

Las siguientes tablas muestran los vencimientos de las actividades de cobertura de metales, como se menciona en el punto b anterior:

31 de diciembre de 2022 Fecha de vencimiento ThUS$ 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Próximos Total Flex com cobre (activo) 87 – – – – 87 Flex com cobre (pasivo) (2,676) (849) – – – – (3,525) Flex com GoldSilver – – – Ajuste de precios Opciones de metales – – – – – Total (2,589) (849) – – – – (3,438) 31 de diciembre de 2021 Fecha de vencimiento ThUS$ 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Próximos Total

Flex com cobre (activo) 61 – – – – – 61 Flex com cobre (pasivo) (22,056) (7,268) (363) – – – (29,687) Flex com GoldSilver (393) – – – – – (393) Ajuste de precios – – Opciones de metales – – – – – – – Total (22,388) (7,268) (363) – – – (30,019) 31 de diciembre de 2022 Fecha de vencimiento

Todos los valores en miles de toneladas métricas/onza 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 Próximos Total Futuros de cobre [MT] 244.175 33.500 – – – – 277.675 Futuros de oro/plata [ThOZ] Ajuste de precios de cobre [MT] Opciones de cobre [MT] 31 de diciembre de 2021 Fecha de vencimiento

Todos los valores en miles de toneladas métricas/onza 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Próximos Total Futuros de cobre [MT] 268.43 72.90 4.50 – – – 345.83 Futuros de oro/plata [ThOZ] 15.98 – – – – – 15.98 Ajuste de precios de cobre [MT] – Opciones de cobre [MT]

29. Contingencias y restricciones

a) Demandas y contingencias

Existen diversas demandas y acciones legales iniciadas por o en contra de la Corporación, derivadas de sus operaciones y la industria en la que opera. En general, se trata de litigios civiles, tributarios, laborales y mineros, todos relacionados con las actividades de la Corporación.

En opinión de la Gerencia y sus asesores legales, las demandas en las que la Corporación está siendo demandada y podría tener resultados negativos no representan contingencias significativas de pérdida o flujos de efectivo. Codelco defiende sus derechos y hace uso de todas las instancias y recursos legales y procesales correspondientes.

Las demandas más relevantes presentadas por Codelco se refieren a los siguientes asuntos:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

– Procedimientos tributarios: Existe un procedimiento tributario por la liquidación N° 141 del año tributario 2015 y la Resolución Exenta N° 89 de 2016 emitida por el Servicio de Impuestos Internos (SII), para el cual la Corporación presentó los recursos correspondientes, que fueron acogidos y resueltos a favor de los Tribunales Tributarios y Aduaneros, resolución que fue apelada por el SII.

– Demandas laborales: Procesos laborales iniciados por los trabajadores contra la Corporación, relacionados con enfermedades ocupacionales, accidentes laborales y otros asuntos.

– Procedimientos mineros y otros derivados de la operación: La Corporación ha estado participando, y probablemente continuará participando, como demandante y demandada en determinados procedimientos judiciales relacionados con su operación minera y actividades, a través de los cuales busca ejercer ciertas acciones o establecer ciertas defensas en relación con concesiones mineras establecidas o en proceso de establecimiento, así como también con respecto a sus otras actividades. Estos procedimientos actualmente no involucran ningún monto específico y no tienen ningún efecto esencial en el desarrollo de Codelco.

Algunos otros procedimientos pendientes de fallo final son la reclamación simultánea de arbitraje entre Codelco, Santa Elvira S.A., Mining Services Group S.A. y Sociedad de Servicios para la Minería Limitada (colectivamente “Santa Elvira”).

Durante los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2022, no hay demandas u otros procedimientos que representen el 10 por ciento o más de las demandas totales pendientes de la Corporación.

A la fecha de emisión de estos estados financieros, Codelco enfrenta diversas demandas y acciones legales en su contra por un total de aproximadamente US$101,333 millones correspondientes a 980 casos. Según la estimación realizada por los asesores legales de la Corporación, 777 causas, que representan el 79,29% del universo, tienen resultados probables asociados por un monto de ThUS$67,640 (además, con el mismo resultado probable, hay 5 causas por ThUS$367 de subsidiarias). También hay 160 casos, que representan el 16,33% por un monto de ThUS$33,672, para los cuales es menos probable que no, que el fallo sea en contra de la Corporación. Para los 43 casos restantes, que representan el 4,39% por un monto de ThUS$ 21, los asesores legales de la Corporación consideran remoto un resultado desfavorable.

– Demanda en derecho administrativo: El 2 de agosto de 2017, se presentó una demanda de Nulidad en Derecho Público en el 25° Juzgado Civil de Santiago contra el Informe de Auditoría N° 900 de 2016, emitido por la Contraloría General de la República el 10 de mayo de 2017.

Una vez concluida la etapa de discusión y pruebas, el Juzgado Civil de Santiago, el 11 de septiembre de 2020, emitió su fallo en el que desestimó la acción de nulidad presentada por la Corporación, condenándola a los costos respectivos de dicha demanda.

El 27 de octubre de 2020, la Corporación presentó recursos de apelación y casación en la forma de la sentencia del 25° Juzgado Civil de Santiago, que desestimó la acción de nulidad en derecho público presentada por Codelco contra el Informe N° 900 de 2016 de la Contraloría General de la República.

En diciembre de 2022, la Corporación estableció un compromiso de colaboración con la Contraloría General de la República (CGR) para reforzar el principio de probidad en la regulación, aplicable a la empresa con respecto a operaciones con partes relacionadas, estableciendo un marco””


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile “

For any contracts with related parties, safeguarding the legal status of the company and its business line, in addition to reinforcing controls for sensitive operations. This agreement with the Comptroller’s Office recognizes Codelco’s good practices and also improves controls for related party transactions. As a result of this agreement, litigation with the regulator has been terminated.

For litigation with probable loss and its costs, there are the necessary provisions, which are recorded as contingency provisions.

b) Other commitments.

i. On May 31, 2005, Codelco, through its subsidiary Codelco International Ltd. signed an agreement with Minmetals to form a company, CuPIC, in which both companies have an equal equity interest. In addition, the terms of a 15-year sales contract for cathodes to the associated company were agreed, as well as a purchase contract from Minmetals to the latter for the same term and equal monthly shipments until completing the total amount of 836,250 metric tons. Each shipment shall be paid for by the buyer at a price formed by a fixed re-adjustable component plus a variable component, which depends on current copper prices at the time of shipment.

During the first quarter of 2006 and on the basis of the negotiated financial terms, financing contracts were formalized with the China Development Bank allowing CuPIC to make the US$550 million advance payment to Codelco in March 2006.

With regard to financial obligations incurred by the associate CuPIC with the China Development Bank, Codelco Chile and Codelco International Ltd, must meet certain commitments, mainly relating to the delivery of financial information. In addition, Codelco Chile must maintain 51% ownership of Codelco International Limited.

According to the Sponsor Agreement, dated March 8, 2006, the Codelco International Ltd. subsidiary gave its participation in CUPIC as a guarantee to the China Development Bank.

Subsequently, on March 14, 2012, CuPIC paid off its debt to the abovementioned bank. As of December 31, 2017 Codelco, does not hold any indirect guarantee regarding its participation in this associated company.

On December 17, 2015, the Company’s management presented a restructuring for the Supply Contract, which implies the removal of its share in CUPIC,

On April 7, 2016, the Corporation formalized the removal of its share in CUPIC, of which Codelco retained 50% ownership through the subsidiary Codelco International. Until that date, Codelco shared the ownership of the Company in the same proportion with the company Album Enterprises Limited (a subsidiary of Minmetals).

In order to realize the above-mentioned term of the shareholding, Codelco signed a set of agreements which formalized primarily the following issues:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile E


Copper sales contract modifications from Codelco to CUPIC signed in 2006, which establishes the reduction of half of the outstanding tonnage to deliver to this company and in which Codelco pays to CUPIC the amount of ThUS$99,330.

Reduction of share capital in CuPIC, equivalent to the 50% of the Codelco International shares in said company and by which CUPIC repays to Codelco the amount of ThUS$99,330.

Waiver of Codelco to any dividends associated with the profits generated by CuPIC from January 1, 2016 and the date of signing the agreement.

Additionally, the cessation of dividends reception as a consequence of the removal of the Codelco share in the ownership of CuPIC since 2016, led to a reduction of the net profit estimated by Codelco until the end of the contract signed with that company.

At the close of the first semester of 2021, the Corporation delivered the last shipment associated with this sales contract.

ii. Regarding the financing agreement signed on August 23, 2012, between the subsidiary, Gacrux Inversiones SpA and Mitsui € Co. Ltd. for the acquisition of the 24.5% stake in Anglo American Sur S.A. which was subsequently amended on October 31, 2012, a pledge is included over the shares that the subsidiary has on Acrux Inversiones SpA (shared participation with Mitsui and minority shareholder in Anglo American Sur S.A.), in order to ensure compliance with the obligations that the financial agreement contemplates.

This pledge extends to the right to collect and receive from Acrux dividends which have been agreed in the corresponding meetings of shareholders of the company and any other distributions paid or payable to Gacrux respect of the pledged shares.

On December 22, 2017 according to archive No. 12326 2017, it was established that, Gacrux, the Creditor and the Guarantee Agent, the latter representing the Guaranteed Parties, modified, by virtue of the Merger, the Contract of Pledge and the Modified Pledge Agreement as to the pledge on transferable securities and the commercial pledge, as well as the restrictions and prohibitions established in the Pledge Contract and in the Modified Pledge Contract, making it subject to, by virtue of the Merger, two thousand thirteen million two hundred and forty-five thousand four hundred and seventy-three shares pledge issued by Becrux, owned by Gacrux, hereinafter the “Pledged Becrux Shares.

On May 20, 2021, as a result of the prepayment of the obligations indicated above (see note 12), the pledges indicated in the preceding paragraph were raised.

li. Law No. 19993 dated December 17, 2004, authorized the purchase of the Refinery and Smelter Las Ventanas assets from ENAMI, establishing that the Corporation must ensure that the smelting and refining capacity required is maintained, without any restriction and limitation, for treating the products of the small and medium mining sector sent by ENAMI, under the form of toll production or another form agreed upon by the parties.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

iv. Obligations with the public for bond issues means that the Corporation must meet certain restrictions related to limits on pledges and leaseback transactions on its principal assets and on its ownership interest in subsidiaries.

The Corporation has complied with these conditions as of December 31, 2022 and 2021.

v. On January 20, 2010, the Corporation signed two energy supply contracts with Colbún S.A., which includes energy and power sales and purchases for a total of 510 MW of power.
The contract provides a discount for that unconsumed energy from Codelco’s SIC divisions with respect to the amount of contracted power. The discount is equivalent to the value of the sale of that energy on the spot market.

The contracted power for supplying these Divisions is comprised by two contracts:

* Contract No.1 for 176 MW, current until December 2029.

* Contract No.2 for 334 MW, current until December 2044. This contract is based on energy production from Colbún’s Santa María thermal power station, which is currently in operation.
This plant is coal-fired, and therefore the electric energy tariff rate applied for the energy supplied to Codelco is linked to the price of coal.

Both of these contracts comply with Codelco’s long-term energy and power requirements from the SIC of approximately 510 MW.

Through these contracts, which operate through take or pay, the Corporation agrees to pay for the contracted energy and Colbún undertakes to reimburse at market price the energy not consumed by Codelco

These contracts have maturity dates in 2029 and 2044,

On October 27, 2022, Codelco signed an amendment to the contract, which, among other aspects, will allow replacing the coal-based electricity supply with a renewable energy supply.
This transformation will be implemented gradually, and as of January 1, 2026 the contract will be for 1,000 GWhyear of renewable energy.

vi. On November 6, 2009, Codelco signed the following long-term electric energy supply contracts with ELECTROANDINA S.A. (associate until January 2011), which matured in August 2017.

For the electric power supply of the Chuquicamata’s work center, there are three contracts: Engie for a 15-year term from January 2010, that is maturing in December 2024, for 200 MW capacity, and another contract for a 200 MW capacity which was signed in January
2018 and will be effective as of January 2025 with maturity in December 2035.

CTA effective from 2012 for 80 MW capacity, maturity in 2032.

vii. On August 26, 2011, Codelco signed two energy supply contracts with AESGener. The first one for the Minister Hales division for a 99 MW capacity and the second contract for the Radomiro Tomic work center, for a maximum capacity of 145 MW. Both contracts will mature in 2028.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

In December 2022, the respective agreements were renegotiated and signed. The agreement implies the modification of the original contracts and a new renewable sources contract effective from 2023 to 2040.

viii. On November 11, 2011, Law No. 20551 was published in the Official Journal, which regulates the tasks and closure of mining facilities. Additionally, on November 22, 2012, the Supreme Decree No. 41 of the Minister of Mining, which approves the Regulations of this Law, was published in the Official Gazette.

This law requires the Corporation, among other requirements, to provide financial guarantees to the State to ensure the implementation of closure plans. It also establishes the obligation to make contributions to a fund which aims to cover the costs of post-closure activities.

The Corporation, in accordance with the regulations, delivered in 2014 to the National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN) the mine closure plans for each of the eight divisions of Codelco. These closure plans were developed under the transitional regime of the Law, specified for mining companies affected by the general application procedure, which are those with extraction capacity > 10,000 tonsmonth, and that at the date of entry into force of the Law were in operation, and with a closure plan previously approved under the Mining Safety Regulation D.S. No. 132.

All these transitional closure plans were approved in 2015 in accordance with the provisions established in the Law.

The law also established the obligation to update these closure plans, under the conditions of the general regime of the law, which incorporates new and greater requirements for the closure plans, five years after its entry into force, i.e. in 2020 in the case of Codelco. This calendar was brought forward to 2019 due to operational particularities for the Chuquicamata and Ventanas Divisions, and postponed to 2021 by SERNAGEOMIN, due to the COVID19 pandemic for the entire industry, and therefore for all other divisions.

In compliance with this new schedule, Codelco approved in 2021 the updated closure plans for the El Teniente, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales and Gabriela Mistral Divisions, and as of December 31, 2021, the approval of the updated plans for the Salvador and Andina Divisions is in process. During the year 2022, Codelco obtained the approval of the updated closure plans of the Salvador and Andina divisions. The Corporation has provided the corresponding guarantees committed in all the approved closure plans, in accordance with the latest updates in force.

As of December 31, 2022, the Corporation has agreed guarantees for an annual amount of UF 63,322,955 to comply with the aforementioned Law No. 20.551 (see note No. 30).

ix. On August 24, 2012, Codelco through its subsidiary Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA (Nueva Acrux) (whose minority shareholder is Mitsui), signed a contract with Anglo American Sur S.A. Under this contract, Codelco agreed to sell a portion of its annual copper production to the mentioned subsidiary, who in turn agrees to purchase such production.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Such annual portion is determined by the share of Codelco’s indirect subsidiary, Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (also shared ownership with Mitsui), maintained for the shares of Anglo- American Sur S.A.

In turn, the subsidiary Nueva Acrux agrees to sell to Mitsui, the products purchased under the agreement described in the preceding paragraphs.

The contract expiration will occur when the shareholders agreement of Anglo-American Sur S.A. ends or other events related to the completion of mining activities of the company take place.

X. On June 17, 2022, Codelco’s Board of Directors agreed to move forward with preparations to cease operation of the Ventanas Smelter, subject to parliament amending Law No. 19993 within a limited period of time, a decision that applies exclusively to the smelter and not to the refinery or other operations of the Ventanas Division. This measure will require the amendment and approval by the Executive and the Legislature of Law No. 19993, which obliges the Corporation to smelt the minerals of Empresa Nacional de Minería (ENAMI) at the Ventanas Smelter.

“A partir del 31 de diciembre, el proyecto de ley para modificar la mencionada ley está avanzando en el Congreso Nacional en sus diversas etapas legislativas.

En caso de que la Ley N° 19993 sea modificada, Codelco podrá preparar y presentar a Sernageomin un nuevo plan de cierre para la Fundición Ventanas y avanzar en:

a) Iniciar trámites ante Sernageomin para obtener un permiso de paralización temporal de la fundición.

b) Obtener permisos ambientales y sectoriales de las autoridades pertinentes para el cierre definitivo de la fundición.

c) Proceder con el desmantelamiento de la planta, reutilización de la infraestructura, remediación, recuperación de áreas y monitoreo posterior al cierre.

d) Ejecución del plan especial de retiro voluntario para empleados.

30. Garantías

La Corporación, como resultado de sus actividades, ha recibido y otorgado garantías.
Las siguientes tablas enumeran las principales garantías otorgadas a instituciones financieras:


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

CODELCO Garantías directas proporcionadas a instituciones financieras y otros acreedores del tipo de garantía 12-31-2022 12-31-2021 Moneda Vencimiento Cantidad Así$ Así$

Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo judicial y arreglo UF 15-mar-22 1 – 1,101 Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo judicial y arreglo UF 15-mar-23 1 1,231 – Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo judicial y arreglo CLP 15-mar-22 1 – 19,309 Abogado Procurador Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo judicial y arreglo CLP 15-mar-23 1 19,057 – Consorcio Aeropuerto Calama Estacionamiento UF 31-mar-22 1 – 3 Consorcio Aeropuerto Calama Estacionamiento UF 30-nov-23 1 4 – Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 21-ene-22 1 28 Gestión vial Proyecto de construcción UF 08-abr-24 1 4 4 Gestión vial Proyecto de explotación UF 13-may-23 1 5 – Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante Concesión marítima CLP 01-mar-22 1 – 1,249 Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante Concesión marítima CLP 01-mar-23 1 1,233 – Dirección General del Territorio Marítimo y de Marina Mercante Concesión marítima CLP 24-mar-24 2 238 – Engie Energía Chile S.A. Proyecto de abastecimiento de agua CLP 31-ago-23 1 234 237 Engie Energía Chile S.A. Proyecto de abastecimiento de agua CLP 31-oct-23 1 229 232 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación CLP 25-feb-22 22 – 154 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación CLP 25-feb-23 22 154 – Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 31-mar-22 1 – 2 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 13-may-23 1 8 7 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 09-jun-23 5 40 35 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 31-dic-21 1 – 161 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 29-jul-22 1 – 38 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 03-feb-23 1 3,471 – Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 02-oct-23 1 560 501 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 31-dic-23 1 818 732 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 02-ene-24 1 24,265 – Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 29-jul-24 1 42 – Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 15-dic-24 1 556 – Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 31-dic-22 1 – 21,702 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 18-feb-22 2 – 168,240 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 03-may-22 1 – 170,909 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 18-feb-23 2 214,853 – Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 03-may-23 8 678,422 – Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 19-sept-23 1 53,633 – Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 11-nov-23 1 266,819 – Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 14-nov-23 1 181,252 – Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 27-nov-23 3 284,930 – Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 02-dic-23 6 777,239 – Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 15-dic-23 1 140,626 – Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 12-nov-22 1 – 210,252 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 15-nov-22 1 – 141,869 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 27-nov-22 3 – 209,112 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 02-dic-22 8 – 611,678 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 15-dic-22 2 – 108,743 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 07-oct-22 1 – 42,273 Tesorería General de la República Concesión marítima CLP 30-jun-24 1 55 – Tesorería General de la República Concesión marítima CLP 21-oct-22 1 – 49 Total 2,649,978 1,708,620

En cuanto a los documentos recibidos como garantía, cubren principalmente obligaciones de proveedores y contratistas relacionados con los diversos proyectos de desarrollo. A continuación se presentan los montos recibidos como garantía, agrupados según las Divisiones Operativas que han recibido estos montos:

Garantías recibidas de terceros División 12-31-2022 | 12-31-2021 Así$ Así$ Andina 60 135 Chuquicamata 7 7 Casa Matriz 1,015,177 914,399 El Teniente – 427 Total 1,015,244 914,968




Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

31. Balance en moneda extranjera

a. Activos por moneda


Otros activos no monetarios nacionales y extranjeros Dólares estadounidenses Euros : U.F. indexada TOTAL monedas Ch$ Activos corrientes Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 877,345 5,944 8,722 134,716 – 1,026,727 Otros activos financieros, corrientes 1,404 4 – 43 – 1,451 Otros activos no financieros, corrientes 33,107 378 171 3,329 4 36,989 Créditos y otras cuentas por cobrar, corrientes 2,753,793 195,045 116 437,831 – 3,386,785 Cuentas por cobrar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 31,756 – – – – 31,756 Inventarios, corrientes 2,300,909 – – – – 2,300,909 Activos tributarios corrientes 7,194 4 – 3,028 – 10,226 Total activos corrientes 6,005,508 201,375 9,009 578,947 4 6,794,843 Activos no corrientes Inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación 3,527,323 – – – – 3,527,323 Propiedad, planta y equipo 32,305,393 – 100 4,037 – 32,309,530 Activos por impuestos diferidos 81,166 – 92 14,447 – 95,705 Otros activos 1,660,336 – 1,861 332,505 15,129 2,009,831 Total activos no corrientes 37,574,218 – 2,053 350,989 15,129 37,942,389 Total activos 43,579,726 201,375 11,062 929,936 15,133 44,737,232

Otros activos no monetarios nacionales y extranjeros Dólares estadounidenses Euros : U.F. indexada TOTAL monedas Ch$

Activos corrientes Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 1,175,963 6,218 11,399 90,038 – 1,283,618 Otros activos financieros, corrientes 320,339 – – 1 – 320,340 Otros activos no financieros, corrientes 21,619 395 113 1,866 4 23,997 Créditos y otras cuentas por cobrar, corrientes 3,580,436 185,429 788 427,697 – 4,194,350 Cuentas por cobrar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 156,711 – – – – 156,711 Inventarios, corrientes 1,811,455 – – – – 1,811,455 Activos tributarios corrientes 6,646 98 – 4,694 – 11,438 Total activos corrientes 7,073,169 192,140 12,300 524,296 4 7,801,909 Activos no corrientes Inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación 3,546,011 – – – – 3,546,011 Propiedad, planta y equipo 30,444,722 – 578 4,593 – 30,449,893 Activos por impuestos diferidos 78,667 – 2,455 13,473 – 94,595 Otros activos 770,365 – 5,859 332,345 56,458 1,165,027 Total activos no corrientes 34,839,765 – 8,892 350,411 – 56,458 35,255,526 Total activos 41,912,934 192,140 21,192 874,707 56,462 43,057,435″


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

b. Responsabilidad por tipo de moneda:


Otros pasivos en moneda nacional y extranjera Dólares estadounidenses Euros: indexados U.F. TOTAL monedas Ch$
Pasivos corrientes Otros pasivos financieros, corrientes 470,412 (13) 9 – 29 470,437
Obligaciones por arrendamiento, corrientes 51,897 – 598 63,495 9,200 125,190
Cuentas por pagar y otras cuentas por pagar, corrientes 1,428,950 4,332 1,477 344,650 129 1,779,538
Cuentas por pagar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 177,690 – – 983 – 178,673
Otras provisiones a corto plazo 752,117 127 – 9,421 – 761,665
Obligaciones tributarias corrientes 24,366 – 67 1,876 – 26,309
Provisiones para beneficios a empleados, corrientes 1,982 – 207 542,100 – 544,289
Otros pasivos no financieros, corrientes 21,109 – 103 13,162 10 34,384
Total pasivos corrientes 2,928,523 4,446 2,461 975,687 9,368 3,920,485
Pasivos no corrientes Otros pasivos financieros, no corrientes 15,961,020 (1,569) 23,163 – 706,509 16,689,123
Obligaciones por arrendamiento, no corrientes 105,882 – 1,128 148,644 31,025 286,679
Cuentas por pagar no corrientes 759 – – 303 – 1,062
Otras provisiones a largo plazo 1,124,434 – – 81,889 1,473,405 2,679,728
Obligaciones tributarias diferidas 8,449,170 – 92 12,666 – 8,461,928
Provisión para beneficios a empleados, no corriente 3,420 – – 671,735 365,962 1,041,117
Total pasivos no financieros, no corrientes 2,292 – – 253 – 2,545
Total pasivos no corrientes 25,646,977 (1,569) 24,383 915,490 2,576,901 29,162,182
Total pasivos 28,575,500 2,877 26,844 1,891,177 2,586,269 33,082,667

Otros pasivos en moneda nacional y extranjera Dólares estadounidenses Euros: indexados U.F. TOTAL monedas Ch$

Pasivos corrientes Otros pasivos financieros, corrientes 605,223 (24) 13 – (9) 605,203
Obligaciones por arrendamiento, corrientes 36,712 – 700 65,487 9,205 112,104
Cuentas por pagar y otras cuentas por pagar, corrientes 1,122,226 4,110 3,092 367,872 129 1,497,429
Cuentas por pagar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 221,344 – – – – 221,344
Otras provisiones a corto plazo 732,501 784 – 8,742 – 742,027
Obligaciones tributarias corrientes 303,616 – 164 4,596 – 308,376
Provisiones para beneficios a empleados, corrientes 2,223 – 804 416,296 – 419,323
Otros pasivos no financieros, corrientes 11,443 – 144 21,475 9 33,071
Total pasivos corrientes 3,035,288 4,870 4,917 884,468 9,334 3,938,877
Pasivos no corrientes Otros pasivos financieros, no corrientes 16,636,544 (2,592) (1,008) – 270,696 16,903,640
Obligaciones por arrendamiento, no corrientes 90,458 – 1,046 115,356 33,163 240,023
Cuentas por pagar no corrientes 759 – – 306 – 1,065
Otras provisiones a largo plazo 1,396,911 – – 43,491 1,017,183 2,457,585
Obligaciones tributarias diferidas 6,990,740 – 20 13,763 – 7,004,523
Provisión para beneficios a empleados, no corriente 11,002 – – 923,540 – 934,542
Total pasivos no financieros, no corrientes 2,035 – – 244 – 2,279
Total pasivos no corrientes 25,128,449 (2,592) 58 1,096,700 1,321,042 27,543,657
Total pasivos 28,163,737 2,278 4,975 1,981,168 1,330,376 31,482,534


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile



Al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, ni Codelco Chile ni sus Directores y Gerentes han sido sancionados por la CMF u otras autoridades administrativas.

El medio ambiente

Cada una de las operaciones de Codelco está sujeta a regulaciones nacionales, regionales y locales relacionadas con la protección del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales, incluyendo normas relacionadas con el agua, el aire, el ruido y la disposición y transporte de residuos peligrosos, entre otros. Chile ha introducido regulaciones ambientales que han obligado a las empresas, incluida Codelco, a llevar a cabo programas para reducir, controlar o eliminar impactos ambientales relevantes. Codelco ha ejecutado y continuará ejecutando una serie de proyectos ambientales para cumplir con estas regulaciones.

De acuerdo con la Carta de Valores aprobada en 2010, Codelco se rige por una serie de políticas y regulaciones internas que enmarcan su compromiso con el medio ambiente, entre las cuales se encuentra la Política Corporativa de Desarrollo Sustentable (2021).

Los sistemas de gestión ambiental de las divisiones estructuran sus esfuerzos para cumplir con los compromisos asumidos por las políticas ambientales de la corporación, incorporando elementos de planificación, operación, verificación y revisión de actividades. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, Codelco está implementando un proceso de cambio estratégico en todas las divisiones para gestionar los aspectos y riesgos asociados con asuntos ambientales, bajo un sistema de gestión corporativa emitido por la Casa Matriz, buscando obtener la certificación ISO 14001:2015.

Para cumplir con la Circular N° 1901 de 2008 de la CMF, se detallan a continuación los gastos principales de la Corporación relacionados con el medio ambiente durante los períodos del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2022 y 2021, respectivamente, y los gastos futuros proyectados.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile


Fecha 31-12-2022 31-12-2021 Gasto futuro previsto . . . Ítem de Activo Destino .
Compañía Nombre del proyecto Estado del proyecto ThUS$ Activos Gasto . ThUS$ ThUS$ Fecha estimada Gasto

Chuquicamata Codelco Chile Plantas de ácido En progreso 3,537 Gasto Gasto operativo 14,508 – 2022 Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso 1,830 Gasto Gasto operativo 1,265 – 2022 Codelco Chile Relaves En progreso 69,689 Gasto Gasto operativo 67,496 – 2022 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua En progreso 35,186 Gasto Gasto operativo 25,567 – 2022 Codelco Chile Monitoreo ambiental En progreso 1,393 Gasto Gasto operativo 1,285 – 2022 Codelco Chile Sistema de drenaje de normalización de perforación En progreso 66 Activo Propiedad, planta y equipo 3 3,108 2023 Codelco Chile Normalización manejo alimentación transporte de polvo Completado – Activo Propiedad, planta y equipo 10,763 – 2021 Codelco Chile Construcción de relaves espesados Talabre En progreso 5,256 Activo Propiedad, planta y equipo 13,498 – 2022 Codelco Chile TKS Hazardous Sut Feed DS 43 En progreso 11,088 Activo Propiedad, planta y equipo 287 10,888 2023 Codelco Chile Construcción etapa IX tranque Talabre En progreso 14,015 Activo Propiedad, planta y equipo – 533,873 2026 Codelco Chile Pozo de hidrógeno En progreso 1 Activo Propiedad, planta y equipo – 942 2023

Total División Chuquicamata 142,061 134,672 548,811

Codelco Chile
Improved integration of the gas process
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
3,944 – 2022
Codelco Chile
In progress
Operating expenditure
4,472 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Acid plants
In progress
Operating expenditure
57,787 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Solid waste
In progress
Operating expenditure
1,631 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Water treatment plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
752 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Bell replacement
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
367 – 2021
Codelco Chile
DRPA Emergency
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
7,359 – 2021
Codelco Chile
Compliance DS 43 storage dangerous substances
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
692 – 2021
Codelco Chile
Riles and Wastewater Standard
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
1 – 2022
Total Salvador Division
Codelco Chile
Construction canal outline DL east
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
2,018 – 2021
Codelco Chile
Valve and works rating
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
1,129 – 2021
Codelco Chile
Solid waste
In progress
Operating expenditure
1,990 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Water treatment plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
4,992 – 2022
Codelco Chile
In progress
Operating expenditure
86,414 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Acid drainage
In progress
Operating expenditure
34,161 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Environmental monitoring
In progress
Operating expenditure
1,009 – 2022
Codelco Chile
External matters
In progress
Operating expenditure
2,576 – 2022
Codelco Chile
DLN conditioning works
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
3,606 – 2021
Codelco Chile
Excavation operation improvement
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Water dispatch tunnel modification
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
2,995 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Pl of the catct system for rafts tove
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Dam Ovejeria: longitudinal drainage stage 8
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
27,513 – 2022
Codelco Chile
North extended ballast deposit
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Standard Instruments Tranque Los Leones
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Construction of spill containment chamber
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
– 2022
Codelco Chile
Recirculated water system oy-cord dam
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
– 9,252
Codelco Chile
Replacement of transformers into oil
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
– 338
Total Andina Division
Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
CODELCO Disbursements
Future committed disbursements
Project name
Project status
Item of Asset! Di estination
Estimated date
El Teniente
Codelco Chile
Construction of 7th phase Carén dam
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Construction of slag treatment plant
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
2,136 – 2021
Codelco Chile
Acid plants
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Solid waste
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Water treatment plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
In progress
Operating expenditure
61,233 – 2022
Codelco Chile
Well construction and hydrogeology modification Colihue-Cauquenes
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Caren reservoir stage 8 and 9
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Construction of Complementary Water Works Tranque Barahona 2
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Restoration Slaughterhouse Drive
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Flow CEMS Acquisition
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
– 100
Total El Teniente Division
Gabriela Mistral
Codelco Chile
Environmental monitoring
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Solid waste
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Environmental consultancy
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Effuent treatment plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
– –
Codelco Chile
Garbage dump extension phase VIII
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Total Gabriela Mistral Division
Codelco Chile
Acid plants
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Solid waste
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Environmental monitoring
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Effuent treatment plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Improved gas abatement collection
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Critical Var monitoring implementation
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Standardization of the handling of hazardous substances
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Codelco Chile
Standardization of CEMS Chimney PPAL and PAS
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
Total Ventanas Division
Radomiro Tomic
Codelco Chile
Solid waste
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Environmental monitoring
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Effuent treatment plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Preliminary works water supply
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
4,714 – 2021
Codelco Chile
Construction of community works
In progress
Property, plant and equipment
– 36,830
Total Radomiro Tomic Division
Ministro Hales
Codelco Chile
Solid waste
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Effuent treatment plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
Codelco Chile
Implementation of pit aquifer monitoring
Completed – Asset
Property, plant and equipment
Total Ministro Hales Division

Ecometales Limited
Ecometales Limited
Smelting powders leaching plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
Ecometales Limited
Smelting powders leaching plant
In progress
Operating expenditure
idiary les Limited
Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
34. Subsequent Events
On January 6, 2023, exempt decree No. 4 was issued amending the joint exempt decree of the Ministries of Finance and Mining No. 194, dated June 22, 2022, which authorizes the formation of capitalization and reserve funds in the Corporation. This amendment refers to the resources to be paid with charge to the profits of the years 2022 and 2023.
On January 30, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact that Codelco accessed the international financial markets through the issuance of bonds in New York.
The bond placement was for a total of US$900 million at a 10-year term with a yield of 5.133%. The rate represents a spread of 158 basis points over the U.S. Treasury bond of the equivalent term. This operation is a new step in the sustainable financing of the investment portfolio, in accordance with the guidelines set by the Board of Directors, in terms of advancing in the materialization of structural projects and maintaining a solid financial position.
The issuance transaction was led by BNP Paribas, Bank of America, Banco Santander and Scotia Capital (USA) Inc.
On February 3, 2023, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 and the second paragraph of Article 10 of Law No. 18,045, details of the financing transaction carried out on January 30, 2023 are reported as an essential fact.
On February 28, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact that, on the same date, Ms. Patricia Núñez Figueroa resigned as Director of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, in accordance with Article 8C letter b) of Decree Law 1,350.
On March 1, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact that H.E. the President of the Republic has appointed, Mr. Eduardo Bitrán Colodro and Mr. Ricardo Álvarez Fuentes as members of the Board of Directors of Codelco, as of May 11, 2023.
On March 6, 2023, the National Congress approved the modification of Law No. 19,993, which obliged the Corporation to smelt the minerals of Empresa Nacional de Minería (ENAMI) at the Ventanas Smelter.
On March 15, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact, the sad passing of Mr. Isidoro Palma Penco, director of the Corporation from 2015 to date, leaving his position vacant. The position of director shall be replaced, for the remainder of his term, in accordance with the rules established in the legislation in force.
Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
On March 28, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact that H.E. the President of the Republic has appointed Ms. Isabel Marshall Lagarrigue as a member of the Board of Directors of Codelco, replacing former director Patricia Núñez until May 2025.
He has also appointed Mr. Eduardo Bitrán to replace the late director Isidoro Palma until May 12. After that, he will assume a regular four-year term for which he was appointed through the Senior Public Management system.
Finally, it is noted that the decree containing the aforementioned appointments is in process.
On March 29, 2023, it is reported as an essential fact that Mr. Francisco Balsebre Olarán, General Manager of the Ministro Hales Division, will cease his functions in the Corporation, remaining in his position until April 29, 2023.
Management of the Corporation is not aware of other significant events of a financial nature or of any other nature that could affect these financial statements, occurring between January 1, 2023 and the date of issue of these consolidated financial statements as March 30, 2023.
André Sougarret Larroquete
Alejandro Rivera Stambuk
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
Juan Ogas Cabrera
Cristóbal Parrao Cartagena
Accounting Manager
Accounting Director
Consolidated Financial Statements As of December 31, 2021
Auditores y Consultores Limitada
Rosario Norte 407
Rut: 80.276.200-3
Las Condes, Santiago
Fono: (56) 227 297 000
, Fax: (56) 223 749 177
[email protected]
To the Chairman and Board of Directors of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile
We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile and its subsidiaries (the Company), which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2020 and the related consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended and the related notes to the consolidated financial statements.
Management’s Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). This responsibility includes the design, implementation, and maintenance of internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditors Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We did not audit the statutory financial statements of the associates Anglo American Sur S.A. and Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra, which investments represent, as of December 31, 2020, an asset of ThUS$1,207,110 and a share in profit of ThUS$33,517. The financial statements were audited by other auditors, whose reports have been provided to us, and our opinion as to the amounts included in the consolidation is based solely on the reports of those other auditors. We performed our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in Chile. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.

“An audit includes performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of the entity’s consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit also includes assessing the appropriateness of the accounting policies used and the reasonableness of the significant estimates made by the Company’s Management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence that we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

Deloitte se refiere a Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, una compañía privada limitada por garantía, de Reino Unido, y a su red de firmas miembro, cada una de las cuales es una entidad legal separada e independiente. Por favor, vea en www.deloitte.com/cl/acercade la descripción detallada de la estructura legal de Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited y sus firmas miembro.

Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited es una compañía privada limitada por garantía constituida en Inglaterra y Gales bajo el número 07271800, y su domicilio registrado: Hill House, 1 Little New Street, London, EC4A 3TR, Reino Unido.



In our opinion, the consolidated financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile and its subsidiaries as of December 31, 2020, and the results of their operations and their cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

Other matter – Translation into English

The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been translated into English for the convenience of readers outside Chile.


February 25, 2021 Santiago, Chile





Consolidated financial statements December 31, 2021

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)



CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (A free translation from the original in Spanish)




1. Corporate information

2. Basis of presentation of the consolidated financial statements II. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES

1. Significant judgments and key estimates

2. Significant accounting policies

3. New standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation

4. New accounting pronouncements


1. Cash and cash equivalents

2. Trade and other receivables

3. Balances and transactions with related parties

4. Inventories

5. Income taxes and deferred taxes

6. Current and non-current tax assets and liabilities

7. Property, plant and equipment

8. Leases

9. Investments accounted for using the equity method

10. Subsidiaries

11. Current and non-current financial assets

12. Other financial liabilities

13. Fair Value of financial assets and liabilities

14. Market value hierarchy for items at market value

15. Trade and other payables

16. Other provisions

17. Employee benefits

18. Equity

19. Revenue

20. Expenses by nature

21. Asset impairment

22. Other income and expenses by function

23. Finance costs

24. Operating segments

25. Exchange difference

26. Statement of cash flows

27. Risk management

28. Derivatives contracts

29. Contingencies and restrictions



Balances and foreign currency


Environmental Expenditures

Subsequent Events


CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION As of December 31, 2021 and 2020 (In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$) (A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 12312021 12312020

Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 1 1,283,618 2,107,493 Other current financial assets 11 320,340 283,890 Other current non-financial assets 23,997 32,634 Trade and other current receivables 2 4,194,350 3,249,317 Accounts receivable from related entities, current 3 156,711 98,397 Inventories 4 11,811,455 1,912,067 Current tax assets 6 11,438 74,324 Total current assets 7,801,909 7,758,122 Non-current assets

Other non-current financial assets 11 38,283 133,751 Other non-current non-financial assets 1,621 2,517 Non-current receivable 2 104,177 93,986 Accounts receivable from related parties, non-current 3 224 224 Non-current inventories 4 610,558 585,105 Investments accounted for using equity method 9 3,546,011 3,418,958 Intangible assets other than goodwill 43,311 45,895 Property, plant and equipment 7 30,449,893 29,551,905 Investment property 981 981 Right of-use assets 8 361,539 461,040 Non-current tax assets 6 4,333 111,994 Deferred tax assets 5 94,595 45,908 Total non-current assets 35,255,526 34,452,264 Total assets 43,057,435 42,210,386

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.




As of December 31, 2021 and 2020 (In thousands of US dollars – TRUS$) (A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 12312021 12312020 No Equity and liabilities Liabilities Current liabilities Other financial liabilities, current 12 605,203 529,946 Lease liabilities, current 8 112,104 145,404 Trade and other payables 15 1,497,429 1,498,285 Accounts payable to related entities, current 3 221,344 198,924 Other short-term provisions 16 742,027 562,027 Tax liabilities, current 6 308,376 8,445 Current provision for employee benefits 17 419,323 460,778 Other Current non-financial liabilities 33,071 36,098 Total current liabilities 3,938,877 3,439,907 Non-current liabilities Other non-current financial liabilities 12 16,903,640 17,735,200 Non-current lease liabilities 8 240,023 339,604 Non-current payables 1,065 460 Other long-term provisions 16 2,457,585 2,294,507 Deferred tax liabilities 5 7,004,523 5,527,795 Non-current provisions for employee benefits 17 934,542 1,243,940 Other non-current non-financial liabilities 2,279 2,482 Total non-current liabilities 27,543,657 27,143,988 Total liabilities 31,482,534 30,583,895 Equity Issued capital 5,619,423 5,619,423 Other reserves 5,286,406 5,276,822 Accumulated deficit 18.b (277,340) (194,696) Equity attributable to owners of the parent 10,628,489 10,701,549 Non-controlling interests 18.b 946,412 924,942 Total equity 11,574,901 11,626,491 Total liabilities and equity 43,057,435 42,210,386

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



(In thousands of US dollars – TRUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 112021 112020 N? 12312021 12312020 Revenue 19 21,024,815 14,173,168 Cost of sales (12,185,688) (10,565,179) Gross profit 8,839,127 3,607,989 Other income 22. 115,741 97,321 Distribution costs (9,389) (9,463) Administrative expenses (459,278) (397,045) Other expenses, by function 22.b (2,717,007) (1,456,821) Other gains 37,531 30,425 Income from operating activities 5,806,725 1,872,406 Finance income 13,657 40,213 Finance costs 23 (641,009) (742,464) Impairment of earnings and reversal of impairment losses as determined in accordance with (1,250) (206) IFRS 9 Share of profit of associates and joint ventures accounted for using equity method 9 414,845 39,436 Foreign exchange difference 25 313,736 (165,501) Income for the years before tax 5,906,704 1,043,884 Income tax expense 5 (3,855,336) (787,003) Net income for the years 2,051,368 256,881 Profit attributable to Profit attributable to owners of the parent 1,942,486 242,993 Profit attributable to non-controlling interests 18.b 108,882 13,888 Net income for the years 2,051,368 256,881

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 (In thousands of US dollars – TRUS$) (A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 112021 112020 NO 12312021 12312020 Net income for the years 2,051,368 256,881

Comprehensive income

Components of other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to profit or loss, before tax:

Gains on remeasurement of defined benefit plans, before tax 17 152,966 359 Share of other comprehensive (loss) income of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method that will not be reclassified to profit or loss before tax 9,228 4,043 Total comprehensive income (loss) that will not be reclassified to profit or loss 162,194 (3,684) before tax Components of other comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss, before tax:

Exchange difference on translation

Losses (gains) on exchange difference on translation, before tax (3,282) 3,733

Comprehensive income (loss), before tax, exchange differences on translation (3,282) 3,733 Cash flows hedges

Losses on cash flows hedges, before tax (97,835) (47,194)

Comprehensive income before tax, cash flow hedges (97,835) (47,194) Total comprehensive income to be reclassified to income for the period, before tax (101,117) (43,461)

Other components of comprehensive income, before tax 61,077 (47,145)

Income tax related to components of other comprehensive income

Income tax effect relating to benefit plans in other comprehensive income 5 (106,983) (145)

Income taxes related to components of other comprehensive income that will not (106,983) (145)

be reclassified to profit or loss for the period

Income taxes related to components of comprehensive income that will be reclassified to profit or loss for the period Income taxes relating cash flow hedges of other comprehensive income 5 63,593 30,676

Income taxes related components of comprehensive income to be reclassified to 63,593 30,676 Comprehensive income 17,687 (16,614) Total comprehensive income 2,069,055 240,267 Comprehensive income, attributable to

Comprehensive income attributable to owners of parent 1,957,836 227,516 Comprehensive income attributable to non-controlling interests 18.b 111,219 12,751 Total comprehensive income 2,069,055 240,267

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 (In thousands of US dollars – TRUS$) (A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Reserve on exchange Reserve of cash Reserve of other Total other Equity attributable Non-controlling Xx si r Y ll
12312021 Issued capital remeasurement of miscellaneous Accumulated deficit to owners of the Total equity differences on flow hedges reserves interests defined benefit plans reserves parent translation Opening balance at 112021 5,619,423 (2,939) 2,988 (305,556) 5,582,329 5,276,822 (194,696) 10,701,549 924,942 11,626,491 Changes in equity Net income 1,942,486 1,942,486 108,882 2,051,368 Other comprehensive income (loss) (3,282) (34,242) 45,983 6,891 15,350 15,350 2,337 17,687 Total comprehensive income (3,282) (34,242) 45,983 6,891 15,350 1,957,836 111,219 2,069,055 Dividends (2,033,206) (2,033,206) (2,033,206) (Decrease) Increase through transfers and other changes in equity – – – (5,766) (5,766) 8,076 2,310 (89,749) (87,439) Total changes in equity – (3,282) (34,242) 45,983 1,125 9,584 (82,644) (73,060) 21,470 (51,590) Closing balance at 12312021 5,619,423 (6,221) (31,254) (259,573) 5,583,454 5,286,406 (277,340) 10,628,489 946,412 11,574,901

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.



CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 (In thousands of US dollars – TRUS$) (A free translation from the original in Spanish)”

Reserve on . .
Reserve of Other Equity attributable . . exchange Reserve of cash . Total other . Non-controlling .
12312020 Issued capital . remeasurement of miscellaneous Accumulated deficit | to owners of the . Total equity differences on flow hedges reserves interests . defined benefit plans reserves parent translation Opening balance at 112020 5,619,423 (6,672) 19,506 (305,770) 5,584,683 5,291,747 (196,260) 10,714,910 919,757 11,634,667 Changes in equity Net income 242,993 242,993 13,888 256,881 Other comprehensive income (loss) 3,733 (16,518) 214 (2,906) (15,477) (15,477) (1,137) (16,614) Total comprehensive income 3,733 (16,518) 214 (2,906) (15,477) 227,516 12,751 240,267 Dividends (239,076) (239,076) (239,076) (Decrease) Increase through transfers and other changes in equity – – – 552 552 (2,353) (1,801) (7,566) (9,367) Total changes in equity 3,733 (16,518) 214 (2,354) (14,925) 1,564 (13,361) 5,185 (8,176) Closing balance at 12312020 5,619,423 (2,939) 2,988 (305,556) 5,582,329 5,276,822 (194,696) 10,701,549 924,942 11,626,491

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 (In thousands of US dollars – ThUS$)

(A free translation from the original in Spanish)

Note 112021 112020 N? 12312021 12312020

Cash flow provided by (used in) operating activities

Classes of cash receipts from operating activities

Receipts from sales of goods and rendering of services 20,084,649 13,642,629 Other receipts from operating activities 26 2,068,751 1,860,971 Payments to suppliers for goods and services (9,734,039) (7,866,515) Payments and on behalf of employees (1,679,583) (1,475,278) Other cash payments from operating activities 26 (3,140,663) (2,377,017) Dividends received 270,892 22,715 Income tax paid (1,978,516) (28,817) [Cash flows provided by (used in) operating activities 5,891,491 3,778,688] Cash flows provided by (used in) investing activities

Other payments to acquire equity or debit instruments of other entities (193) (176) Purchase of property, plant and equipment (2,822,001) (2,383,003) Interest received 7,522 37,095 Other cash (outflows) (66,901) (81,644) [Cash flows (used in) investing activities (2,881,573) (2,427,728)| Cash flows from (used in) financing activities

Total proceed from borrowings and bond long term 780,000 3,996,000 Payment of borrowings and bonds (1,444,310) (3,248,184) Payment of lease liabilities (138,668) (132,263) Dividends paid (2,033,206) (239,076) Interest paid (765,662) (753,099) Other cash (outflows) inflows (177,291) (161,273) Cash flows (used in) provided by financing activities (3,779,137) (537,895) Net increase in cash and cash equivalents before effects of exchange rate changes (769,219) 813,065 Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (54,656) (8,677) Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (823,875) 804,388 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 1 2,107,493 1,303,105 Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 1,283,618 2,107,493

The accompanying notes are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


CORPORACIÓN NACIONAL DEL COBRE DE CHILE NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2021 AND 2020 (In thousands of US dollars of the United States of America, except as indicated in other currency or unit)


1. Corporate information

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile (hereinafter referred to as Codelco or the Corporation), is, in Management’s opinion, the largest copper producer in the world.
Codelco’s most important product is refined copper, primarily in the form of cathodes. The Corporation also produces copper concentrates, blister and anode copper and by-products such as molybdenum, anode slime and sulfuric acid.

The Corporation trades its products based on a policy aimed to sell refined copper to manufacturers or producers of semi-manufactured products.

These products contribute to diverse fields of community development, particularly those intended to improve areas such as public health, energy efficiency, and sustainable development, among others.

The Corporation is registered under Securities Registry No. 785 of the Chilean Commission for the Financial Market (the CMF) and is subject to its supervision. According to Article No.
10 of Law No. 20392 (related to the new Corporate Governance of Codelco), such supervision shall be on the same terms as publicly traded companies, notwithstanding the provisions in Decree Law (D.L.) No.1349 of 1976, which created the Comisión Chilena del Cobre (Chilean Copper Commission.

Codelco’s head office is located in Santiago, Chile, at 1270 Huérfanos Street, telephone number (56-2) 26903000.

Codelco was incorporated through D.L. No. 1350 of 1976, which is the statutory decree applicable to the Corporation. In accordance with the statutory decree, Codelco is a government-owned mining, industrial and commercial company, which is a separate legal entity with its own equity. Codelco Chile currently carries out its mining business through its Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina, El Teniente and Ventanas divisions.

The Corporation also carries out similar activities in other mining deposits in association with third parties.


2. In accordance with letter e) of Article 10 of Law No. 20392, Codelco is governed by its organic standards set forth in Decree Law No. 1350 (D.L. No. 1350) and that of its by-laws, and in matters not covered by them and, insofar as they are compatible and do not contradict the provisions of such standards, by the rules that govern publicly traded companies and the common laws as applicable to them.

In accordance with D.L. No. 1350 Section IV related to the Company’s Exchange and Budget Regulations. Codelco’s financial activities are conducted following an annual budgeting program that is composed of an Operations Budget, an Investment Budget and a Debt Amortization Budget.

The tax system applicable to Codelco’s taxable income is in accordance with Article 26 of D. L.
No.1350 which refers to Decree Law No. 824 on Income Tax of 1974 and Decree Law No. 2398 (Article 2) of 1978, as applicable. The Corporation’s taxable income is also subject to a Specific Mining Tax in accordance with Law No. 20026 of 2005.

According to Law No. 13196, the return on foreign currency of the Corporation’s foreign sales (real income), of its copper production, including its by-products, is taxed at 10% and method of payment and the duration of this obligation for Codelco, which are detailed in Note 111.22 letter c) of this report.

The subsidiaries whose financial statements are included in these consolidated financial statements correspond to companies located in Chile and abroad, which are detailed in Note 11.2.d.

The associates located in Chile and abroad, are detailed in the Explanatory Notes Section 11 of Note 9.

Basis of presentation of the consolidated financial statements

The consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, the consolidated statements of income, consolidated statements of comprehensive income, consolidated statements of changes in equity and consolidated statements of cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard No. 1 (IAS 1) “Presentation of Financial Statements”, incorporated in the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (hereinafter “IASB).

These consolidated financial statements include all information and disclosures required in annual financial statements.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared from accounting records maintained by the Corporation.

The consolidated financial statements of the Corporation are presented in thousands of United States dollar (*U.S. dollar).


Responsibility for the information and use of estimates

The Board of Directors of the Corporation has been informed of the information included in these consolidated financial statements and expressly declared its responsibility for the consistent and reliable nature of the information included as of December 31, 2021, which financial statements fully comply with IFRS. These consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2021 were approved by the Board of Directors at a meeting held on February
24, 2022.

Accounting principles

These consolidated financial statements reflect the financial position of Codelco and affiliates as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, as well as the results of their operations, changes in equity and cash flows for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, and their related notes, all prepared and presented in accordance with IAS 1 “Presentation of Financial Statements, considering the respective presentation regulations of the Financial Market Commission (CMP?”.

1. Significant judgments and key estimates

In preparing these consolidated financial statements, the use of certain critical accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the amounts of assets and liabilities recognized as of the date of the financial statements and the amounts of revenue and expenses recognized during the reporting period is required. Such preparation also requires the Corporation’s Management to exercise its judgment in the process of applying the Corporation’s accounting policies. The areas involving a higher degree of judgment or complexity, or areas where assumptions and estimates are significant to the consolidated financial statements are as follows:

a) Useful economic lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment – The useful lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment that are used for calculating depreciation are determined based on technical studies prepared by internal specialists. The technical studies consider specific factors related to the use of assets.

When there are indicators that could lead to changes in the estimates of the useful lives of such assets, these changes are made by using technical estimates to determine the impact of any change

b) Ore reserves – The measurements of ore reserves are based on estimates of the ore resources that are legally and economically exploitable, and reflect the technical and environmental considerations of the Corporation regarding the amount of resources that could be exploited and sold at prices exceeding the total cost associated with the extraction and processing.


The Corporation applies judgment in determining the ore reserves, and as such, possible changes in these estimates might significantly impact the estimates of net revenues over time. In addition, these changes might lead to modifications in usage estimates, which might have an effect on depreciation and amortization expense, calculation of stripping cost adjustments, determination of impairment losses, expected future disbursements related to decommissioning and restoration obligations, long term defined benefits plans’ accounting and the accounting for financial derivative instruments.

The Corporation estimates its reserves and mineral resources based on the information certified by the Competent Persons internal and external of the Corporation, who are defined and regulated according to Law No. 20235. These estimates correspond to the application of the Certification Code of Ore Reserves, Resources and Exploration, issued by the Mining Committee which was instituted through the aforementioned law.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Corporation periodically reviews its estimation models, supported by experts who, in some divisions, also certify the reserves determined from these models.

c) Impairment of non-financial assets – the Corporation reviews the carrying amount of its non-financial assets to determine whether there is any indication that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If any such indicator exists, the recoverable amount of the assets is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss. In testing impairment, the assets are grouped into cash generating units (“CGUSs) to which the assets belong, if applicable. The recoverable amount of these CGUs is calculated as the present value of the expected future cash flows from such assets, considering a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. If the recoverable amount of the assets is lower than their carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognized.

The Corporation defines the CGUs and also estimates the timing and cash flows that such CGUs will generate. Subsequent changes in the grouping of the CGU, or changes in the assumptions supporting the estimates of cash flows or the discount rate, may impact the carrying amounts of the corresponding assets.

Estimates of assumptions influencing the calculation of cash flows, such as the price of copper or treatment charges and refining charges, among others, are determined based on studies conducted by the Corporation using uniform criteria over different periods. Any changes to these criteria may impact the estimated recoverable amount of the assets.

The Corporation has assessed and defined that the CGUs are determined at the level of each of its current operating divisions.

Impairment testing is also performed at subsidiaries and associates.


d) Provisions for decommissioning and site restoration costs – When a disruption is caused by the ongoing development or production of a mining property, an obligation to incur decommissioning and restoration costs arises. Costs are estimated on the basis of a formal closure plan and are reassessed annually or as of the date such obligations become known. The initial estimate of decommissioning and site restoration costs is recognized as property, plant and equipment in accordance with IAS 16, and simultaneously a liability in accordance with IAS 37, is recorded.

For these purposes, a defined list of mine sites, facilities and other equipment are studied under this process, considering the engineering level profile, the cubic meters of assets that will be subject to removal and restoration, weighted by a structure of market prices of goods and services, reflecting the best current knowledge related to carrying out such activities, as well as techniques and more efficient construction procedures to date. In the process of valuation of these activities, the assumptions of the exchange rate for tradable goods and services is made, as well as a discount rate, which considers the time value of money and the risks associated with the liabilities, which is determined based, where applicable, on the currency in which disbursements are expected to be made.

The liability amounts recognized at the end of each reporting date represent management’s best estimate of the present value of the future decommissioning and site restoration costs. Changes in the estimate of the liability as a result of changes in the estimated future costs or in the discount rate are added to or deducted from the respective asset cost. The amount deducted from the cost of the asset shall not exceed its carrying amount. If a decrease in the liability exceeds the carrying amount of the asset, the excess is recognized immediately in profit or loss.

If the adjustment results in an addition to the cost of the asset, Codelco considers whether this is an indicator that the new carrying amount of the asset may not be fully recoverable. If such an indicator exists, Codelco tests the asset for impairment by estimating its recoverable amount, and accounts for any impairment loss in accordance with IAS 36.

The decommissioning costs are initially recorded at the moment when a plant or other assets are installed. Such costs are capitalized as part of property, plant and equipment and discounted to their present value. These decommissioning costs are charged to net income over the life of the mine, through depreciation of the corresponding asset. Depreciation expense is included in cost of sales, while the unwinding of the discount in the provision is included in finance costs.

e) Provisions for employee benefits – Provisions for employee benefits related to severance payments and health benefits for services rendered by the employees are determined based on actuarial calculations using the projected unit credit method, and are recognized in other comprehensive income or profit or loss (depending on the accounting standards applicable) on an accrual basis.


The Corporation uses assumptions to determine the best estimate of future obligations related to these benefits. Such estimates, as well as assumptions, are determined by management using the assistance of external actuaries. These assumptions include demographic assumptions, discount rate and expected salary increases and rotation levels, among other factors.

f) Accruals for open invoices – The Corporation uses information on future copper prices, through which it recognizes adjustments to its revenues and trade receivables, due to the conditions in provisional pricing arrangements. These adjustments are updated on a monthly basis, See Notes 2 r) Revenue from contracts with customers of Note 2 Significant accounting policies below.

g) Fair value of derivatives and other financial instruments – Management may use its judgment to choose an adequate and proper valuation method for financial instruments that are not quoted in an active market. In the case of derivative financial instruments, assumptions are based on observable market inputs, adjusted depending on factors specific to the instruments among others.

h) Lawsuits and contingencies – The Corporation assesses the probability of lawsuits and contingency losses on an ongoing basis according to estimates performed by its legal advisors. For cases in which management and the Corporation’s legal advisors believe that a loss is not probable of occurring or where probable, may not be estimated reliably, no provisions are recognized. When it is considered more likely than not that a loss is probable and it may be reliably estimated, a provision is recognized.

i) Application of IFRS 16 – includes the following: – Estimation of the lease term; – Determine if it is reasonably certain that an extension or termination option will be exercised; – Determination of the appropriate rate to discount lease payments.

j) Revenue recognition –The Corporation determines appropriate revenue recognition for its contracts with customers by analyzing the type, terms and conditions of each contract or agreement with a customer.

As part of the analysis, the management must make judgments about whether an agreement or contract is legally enforceable, and whether the agreement includes separate performance obligations. In addition, estimates are required in order to allocate the total price of the transaction to each performance obligation based on the stand-alone selling price of the promised goods or services underlying each performance obligation. (The Corporation applies the constraint on variable consideration as defined in IFRS 15, if applicable).

Although the abovementioned estimates have been made based on the best information available as of the date of issuance of these consolidated financial statements, it is possible that new developments could lead the Corporation to modify these estimates in the future. Such modifications, if applicable, would be adjusted prospectively, as required by IAS 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors.


2. Significant accounting policies

a. Period covered – The accompanying consolidated financial statements of Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile include the following statements:

– Consolidated Statements of Financial Position as of December 31, 2021 and 2020.

– Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.

– Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.

– Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020.

. Basis of preparation – These consolidated financial statements of the Corporation as of December 31, 2021 have been prepared in accordance with the instructions of the Commission for the Financial Market which fully comply with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) issued by the IASB.

The consolidated statements of financial position as of December 31, 2020 and statements of income for the year ended December 31, 2020, equity and cash flows for the year ended December 31, 2020, which are included for comparative purposes, have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the IASB, on a basis consistent with the criteria used for the same period ended December 31, 2021, except for the adoption of new IFRS standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation as of December 31, 2021, which are disclosed in number 3 “New standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation” in section ll of this report.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared from accounting records held by the Company.

. Functional currency – The functional currency of Codelco is the U.S. dollar, which is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the Corporation operates and the currency in which it receives its revenues.

The functional currency of subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, is the currency of the primary economic environment in which those entities operate and the currency in which they receive their revenues. For those subsidiaries and associates that are an extension of the operations of Codelco (entities that are not self-sustaining and whose main transactions are with Codelco); the functional currency is also the U.S. dollar.

The presentation currency of Codelco’s consolidated financial statements is the U.S. dollar.


d. Basis of consolidation – The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Corporation and its subsidiaries.

Subsidiaries are fully consolidated from the date of acquisition, being the date on which the Corporation obtains control, and continue to be consolidated until the date such control ceases. Specifically, income and expenses of a subsidiary acquired or disposed of during the year are included in the consolidated statement from the date the Corporation gains control until the date when the Corporation ceases to control the subsidiary.

The financial statements of the subsidiaries are prepared for the same reporting period as the Corporation, using consistent accounting policies.

All assets, liabilities, equity, income, expenses and cash flows related to transactions between consolidated companies are fully eliminated on consolidation. The value of the non-controlling interest of shareholders in equity and in the results of affiliates is presented, respectively, as “Non-controlling interests” in the consolidated statement of financial position and “Income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests” and “Comprehensive income (loss) attributable to non-controlling interests” in the consolidated statements of profit or loss.


The companies included in the consolidation are as follows:

TAX ID No. COMPANY Country Currency 12312021 12312020 % Ownership % Ownership Direct | Indirect | Total Total Foreign Chile Copper Limited England GBP 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco do Brasil Mineracao Brazil BRL – 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Group Inc. USA US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco International Limited Bermuda US$ – – – 100.00 Foreign Codelco Kupferhandel GmbH Germany EURO 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Metals Inc. USA US$ – 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Services Limited England GBP – 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Shanghai Company Limited China RMB 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Singapore P.L Singapure US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco USA Inc. USA US$ – 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Codelco Canadá Canada US$ 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Ecometales Limited Channel Islands US$ – 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Exploraciones Mineras Andinas Ecuador EMSAEC S.A. Ecuador US$ – 100.00 100.00 100.00 Foreign Cobrex Prospeccao Mineral Brazil BRL – 51.00 51.00 51.00
78.860.780-6 Compañía Contractual Minera Los Andes Chile US$ 99.97 0.03 100.00 100.00
81.767.200-0 Asociación Garantizadora de Pensiones Chile CLP 96.69 – 96.69 96.69
88.497.100-4 Clínica San Lorenzo Limitada Chile CLP 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
96.817.780-K Inmobiliaria de Salud de Codelco SpA (Ex – SEHC Calama) Chile US$ 100.00 0.00 100.00 100.00
76.354.490-7 Inmobiliaria Hospital del Cobre-Calama S.A. Chile CLP – 100.00 100.00 100.00
96.819.040-7 Complejo Portuario Mejillones S.A. Chile US$ 99.99 0.01 100.00 100.00
96.991.180-9 Codelco Tec SpA Chile US$ 99.91 0.09 100.00 100.00
99.569.520-0 Exploraciones Mineras Andinas S.A. Chile US$ 99.90 0.10 | 100.00 100.00
99.573.600-4 Clínica Río Blanco S.A. Chile CLP 99.73 0.27 100.00 100.00
76.064.682-2 Centro de Especialidades Médicas Río Blanco Ltda. Chile CLP – 100.00 | 100.00 100.00
77.773.260-9 Inversiones Copperfeld SpA Chile US$ 100.00 100.00 100.00
76.043.396-9 Innovaciones en Cobre S.A. Chile US$ 0.05 99.95 100.00 100.00
76.148.338-2 Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno Ltda. Chile US$ 99.95 0.05 100.00 100.00
76.173.357-5 Inversiones Gacrux SpA Chile US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
76.231.838-5 Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA Chile US$ – 67.80 67.80 67.80
76.237.866-3 Inversiones Mineras Los Leones SpA Chile US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
76.173.783-K Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA Chile US$ – 67.80 67.80 67.80
76.124.156-7 Centro de Especialidades Médicas San Lorenzo Ltda. Chile US$ – 100.00 100.00 100.00
76.255.061-K Central Eléctrica Luz Minera SpA Chile US$ 100.00 – 100.00 100.00
70.905.700-6 Fusat Chile CLP
76.334.370-7 Isalud Isapre de Codelco Ltda. Chile CLP 99.90 0.10 100.00 99.99
78.394.040-K Centro de Servicios Médicos Porvenir Ltda. Chile CLP – 99.00 99.00 99.00
77.928.390-9 Inmobiliaria e Inversiones Rio Cipreces Ltda. Chile CLP – 99.90 99.90 99.90
77.270.020-2 Prestaciones de Servicios de la Salud Intersalud Ltda. Chile CLP – 99.00 99.00 99.00
76.754.301-8 Salar de Maricunga SpA Chile CLP 100.00 – 100.00 100.00″

For the purposes of these consolidated financial statements, subsidiaries, associates, acquisitions, and disposals are defined as follows:

Subsidiaries: A subsidiary is an entity over which the Corporation has control. Control is exercised if, and only if, the following conditions are met: the Corporation has i) power to direct the relevant activities of the subsidiaries unilaterally; ii) exposure or rights to variable returns from these entities; and iii) the ability to use its power to influence the amount of these returns.


The Corporation reassesses whether or not it controls a subsidiary if facts and circumstances indicate that there are changes to one or more of the elements of control listed above.

The consolidated financial statements include all assets, liabilities, revenues, expenses, and cash flows of Codelco and its subsidiaries, after eliminating all inter-company balances and transactions.

Associates: An associate is an entity over which Codelco has significant influence. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the associate but is not control or joint control over those policies.

Codelco’s interest ownership in associates is recognized in the consolidated financial statements under the equity method. Under this method, the initial investment is recognized at cost and adjusted thereafter to recognize changes in Codelco’s share of the comprehensive income of the associate, less any impairment losses or other changes to the investment in net assets of the associate.

The Corporation makes adjustments to the proportional gains or losses obtained by the associate after acquisition to take into account the effects that may exist in the depreciation of the fair value of the assets considered at the date of acquisition.

Acquisitions and disposals: The results of businesses acquired are incorporated in the consolidated financial statements from the date when control is obtained; the results of businesses sold during the period are included in the consolidated financial statements up to the effective date of disposal. Gains or losses on disposal are the difference between the sale proceeds (net of expenses) and the carrying amount of the net assets attributable to the ownership interest that has been sold (and, where applicable, the associated cumulative translation adjustment).

If control is lost over a subsidiary, the retained ownership interest in the investment will be recognized at its fair value.

At the acquisition date of an investment in a subsidiary, associate, or joint venture, any excess of the cost of the investment (consideration transferred) plus the amount of the non-controlling interest in the acquiree plus the fair value of any previously held equity interest in the acquiree, where applicable, over Codelco’s share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets and acquired liabilities is recognized as goodwill. Any excess of Codelco’s share of the net fair value of the identifiable assets and acquired liabilities over the consideration transferred, after reassessment, is recognized immediately in profit or loss in the period in which the investment is acquired.


Foreign currency transactions and reporting currency conversion: Transactions in currencies other than the Corporation’s functional currency are recognized at the rates of exchange prevailing at the dates of the transactions. At the end of each reporting period, foreign currency transactions denominated in foreign currencies are converted at the rates prevailing at that date. Gains and losses due to the effect of foreign currency transactions are included in the consolidated statement of profit or loss for the period within “Foreign exchange gains”.

At the end of each reporting period, assets and liabilities denominated in Unidades de Fomento (UF or inflation index-linked units of account) are translated into U.S. dollars at the closing exchange rates of each period (12-31-2021: US$ 36.69; 12-31-2020: US$ 40.89). The expenses and revenues in Chilean pesos have been expressed in dollars at the observed exchange rate, corresponding to the date of the accounting recording of each operation.

The financial statements of subsidiaries, associates, and jointly controlled entities, whose functional currency is other than the presentation currency of Codelco, are translated as follows for purposes of consolidation:

– Assets and liabilities are converted using the prevailing exchange rate on the reporting date.

– Income and expenses for each statement of profit or loss are translated at average exchange rates for the period.

– All resulting exchange differences are recognized in comprehensive income and accumulated in equity under the heading Reserve on exchange differences on translation.

The exchange rates used in each reporting period were as follows:

Relation Closing exchange ratios
12312021 12312020

US$ CLP 0.00118 0.00141 US$ GBP 1.34880 1.36036 US$ BRL 0.17957 0.19317 US$ EURO 1.13135 1.22836 US$ AUD 0.72480 0.76781 US$ HKD 0.12821 0.12900 US$ RMB 0.15680 0.15365


f. Offsetting balances and transactions: As a general standard, assets and liabilities, revenue, and expenses are not offset in the financial statements, except for those cases in which offsetting is required or is allowed by a standard and the presentation is a reflection of the substance of the transaction.

Income or expenses arising from transactions which, for contractual or legal reasons, permit the possibility of offsetting and which the Corporation intends to liquidate for their net value or realize the assets and settle the liabilities simultaneously, are stated net in the statement of profit or loss.

g. Property, plant, and equipment and depreciation: Items of property, plant, and equipment are initially recognized at cost. Subsequent to initial recognition, they are measured at cost, less any accumulated depreciation and any accumulated impairment losses.

Extension, modernization, or improvement costs that represent an increase in productivity, capacity, or efficiency, or an increase in the useful life of the assets are capitalized as increasing the cost of the corresponding assets.

The assets included in property, plant, and equipment are depreciated, as a general rule, using the units of production method when the activity performed by the asset is directly attributable to the mine production process. In other cases, a straight-line depreciation criterion is used.

The assets included in property, plant, and equipment and certain intangibles (software) are depreciated over their economic useful lives, as described below:

Category Useful Life Land Not depreciated Land on mine site Unit of production Buildings Straight-line over 20-50 years Buildings in underground mine levels Units of production level Vehicles Straight-line over 3-7 years Plant and equipment Unit of production Smelters Unit of production Refineries Unit of production Mining rights Unit of production Support equipment Unit of production Intangible – software Straight-line over 8 years Open pit and underground mine development Unit of production


Estimated useful lives, residual values, and depreciation method are reviewed at the end of each reporting period, and any change in estimates is recognized prospectively.

Additionally, depreciation methods and estimated useful lives of assets, especially plants, facilities, and infrastructure, may be revised at the end of each year or during the year according to changes in the structure of reserves of the Corporation and productive long-term plans updated as of that date.

This review may be made at any time if the conditions of ore reserves change significantly as a result of new known information, confirmed and officially released by the Corporation.

The gain or loss resulting from the disposal or retirement of an asset is calculated as the difference between the price obtained on disposal and the value recorded in the books, recognizing the charge or credit to income for the period.

Construction in progress includes the amounts invested in the construction of property, plant, and equipment and in mining development projects. Construction in progress is transferred to assets in operation once the testing period has ended and when they are ready for use; at that point, depreciation begins to be recognized.

Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of assets that require a substantial period of time before they are ready for use or sale are capitalized as part of the cost of the corresponding items of property, plant, and equipment.

The ore deposits owned by the Corporation are recorded in the accounting records at US$1. Notwithstanding the above, those reserves and resources acquired as part of the acquisition of entities accounted for as business combinations are recognized at their fair value.

Intangible assets: The Corporation initially recognizes these assets at acquisition cost. The aforementioned cost is amortized systematically over their useful lives, except in the case of assets with indefinite useful lives, which are not amortized, and are assessed for impairment at least once a year and, in any case, whenever there is an indication that impairment may have occurred. At the end of each reporting period, these assets are measured at their cost less any accumulated amortization (when applicable) and any accumulated impairment losses.

The main intangible assets are described as follows: Research and Technological Development and Innovation Expenditures: The expenditures for the development of Technology and Innovation Projects are recognized as intangible assets at their cost and are considered to have indefinite useful lives.


Development expenses for technology and innovation projects are recognized as intangible assets at cost, if and only if, all of the following have been demonstrated:

– The technical feasibility of completing the intangible asset so that it will be available for use or sale;

– The intention to complete the intangible asset is to use or sell it;

– The ability to use or sell the intangible asset;

– That the intangible asset will generate probable future economic benefits;

– The availability of adequate technical, financial, and other resources to complete the development and to use or sell the intangible asset; and

– The disbursement attributable to the intangible asset during its development can be reliably appraised.

Research expenses for technology and innovation projects are recognized in profit or loss when incurred.

Impairment of property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets – Property, plant, and equipment and intangible assets with finite useful lives are reviewed for impairment to verify whether there is any indication that the carrying amount may not be recoverable. If such an indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated to determine the extent of the impairment to be recorded.

For intangible assets with indefinite useful lives, their recoverable amounts are annually estimated at the end of each reporting period.

When an asset does not generate cash flows that are independent from other assets, Codelco determines the recoverable amount of the CGU to which the asset belongs.

The Corporation has defined each of its divisions as a cash-generating unit.

Recoverable amount of an asset is the higher of fair value less costs of disposal and value in use. In assessing value in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset. On the other hand, the fair value less cost of disposal is usually determined for operational assets considering the Life of Mine (‘LOM’), based on a model of discounted cash flows, while the assets not included in LOM as resources and potential resources to exploit are measured by using a market model of multiples for comparable transactions.

If the recoverable amount of an asset or CGU is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, an impairment loss is recognized immediately in profit or loss, reducing the carrying amount to its recoverable amount. In the event of a subsequent reversal of the impairment, the carrying amount is increased to the revised estimate of the recoverable amount, but to the extent that it does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impairment been previously recognized.

Membrete: F-261

The estimates of future cash flow for a CGU are based on future production forecasts, future prices of basic products and future production costs. Under IAS 36 “Impairment of Assets,” there are certain restrictions for future cash flow estimates related to future restructurings and future cost efficiencies. When calculating value in use, it is also necessary to base the calculations on the spot exchange rate at the date of calculation.

Expenditures for exploration and evaluation of mineral resources, mine development and mining operations – The Corporation has defined an accounting policy for each of these expenditures.

Development expenses for deposits under exploitation whose purpose is to maintain production levels are recognized in profit or loss when incurred.

Exploration and evaluation costs such as: drillings of deposits, including expenses necessary to locate new mineralized areas and engineering studies to determine their potential for commercial exploitation are recognized in profit or loss, normally at the pre-feasibility stage.

Pre-operating and mine development expenses (normally after feasibility engineering is reached) incurred during the execution of a project and until its start-up are capitalized and amortized in relation to the future production of the mine. These costs include stripping of waste material, constructing the mine’s infrastructure and other works carried out prior to the production phase.

Finally, costs for defining of new areas or deposit areas in exploitation and of mining operations (PP&E) are recognized in property, plant and equipment and are amortized through profit or loss over the period during which the benefits are obtained.

Stripping costs – Costs incurred in removing mine waste materials (overburden) in open pits that are in production, that provide access to mineral deposits, are recognized in property, plant and equipment, when the following criteria set out in IFRIC 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine are met:

– It is probable that the future economic benefits associated with the stripping activity will flow to the entity.

– It is possible to identify the components of an ore body for which access has been improved as a result of the stripping activity.

– The costs relating to that stripping activity can be measured reliably.

The stripping costs are amortized based on the production units of production extracted from the ore body related to the specific stripping activity which generated this amount.

Membrete: F-262

Income taxes and deferred taxes – Codelco and its Chilean subsidiaries recognize annually income taxes based on the net taxable income determined as per the standards established in the Income Tax Law and Article 2 of D.L. 2398, as well as, the specific tax on mining referred to in Law 20026 of 2005. Its foreign subsidiaries recognize income taxes according to the tax regulations in each country.

In addition, Codelco’s taxable income in each period is subject to the tax regime established in Article 26 of D.L. No. 1350, which states that tax payments will be made on March, June, September and December of each year, based on a provisional tax calculation.

The deferred taxes arising from temporary differences and other events that create differences between the accounting and tax bases of assets and liabilities, are recorded in accordance with the standards established in IAS 12 “Income tax.”

Deferred taxes are also recognized for undistributed profits of subsidiaries and associates, originated by withholding tax rates on remittances of dividends paid out by such companies to the Corporation.

Inventories – Inventories are measured at cost, when such does not exceed net realizable value. Net realizable value represents the estimated selling price for inventories less all estimated costs of completion and costs necessary to make the sale (i.e., marketing, sales and distribution expenses). Costs of inventories are determined according to the following methods:

– Finished products and products in process: These inventories are measured at their average production cost determined using the absorption costing method, including labor, depreciation of fixed assets, amortization of intangibles and indirect costs of each period. Inventories of products in process are classified in current and non-current, according to the normal cycle of operation.

– Materials in warehouse: These inventories are valued at acquisition cost and the Corporation determines an allowance for obsolescence considering that slow-moving materials in the warehouse remain in stock.

– Materials in transit: These inventories are measured at cost incurred at the end of reporting period. Any difference as a result of an estimate of net realizable value of the inventories lower than it carrying amount is recognized in profit or loss.

Dividends – In accordance with Article 6 of D.L. 1350, the Corporation has a mandatory obligation to distribute its net income as presented in the financial statements. The payment obligation is recognized on an accrual basis.

Employee benefits – Codelco recognizes a provision for employee benefits when there is a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of services rendered by its employees.

Membrete: F-263

The employment contracts stipulate, subject to compliance with certain conditions, the payment of an employee severance indemnity when an employment contract ends. In general, this corresponds to one monthly salary per year of service and considers the components of the final remuneration which are contractually defined as the basis for the indemnity. This employee benefit has been classified as a defined benefit plan.

Codelco has also agreed to post-employment medical care benefits for certain retirees. This employee benefit has been classified as a defined benefit plan.

These plans continue to be unfunded as of December 31, 2021.

The employee severance indemnity and the post-employment medical plan obligations are determined using the projected unit credit method, with actuarial valuations being carried out at the end of each reporting period. The defined benefit plan obligations recognized in the statement of financial position represent the present value of the accrued obligations. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized immediately in other comprehensive income and will not be reclassified to profit or loss.

The Corporation’s management uses assumptions to determine the best estimate of these benefits. The assumptions include an annual discount rate, expected increases in salaries and turnover rate, among other factors.

In accordance with its operating optimization programs to reduce costs and increase labor productivity by incorporating new current technologies and/or better management practices, the Corporation has established employee retirement programs by amending certain employment contracts or collective union agreements to include benefits encouraging employees to early retire, for which the necessary provisions are made based on the accrued obligation at current value. In case of employee retirement programs which involve multi-year periods, the accrued obligations are updated using a discount rate determined based on financial instruments denominated in the same currency and similar maturities that will be used to pay the obligations.

Provisions for decommissioning and site restoration costs – The Corporation recognizes a provision for the estimated future costs of decommissioning and restoration of mining projects in development or production when a mining activity causes a disruption under a constructive or legal obligation. Costs are estimated on the basis of a formal closure plan and cost estimates are annually reviewed.

Costs arising from the obligation to dismantle a plant installation or other site preparation work, discounted to their present value, are provided for and capitalized at the beginning of each project or at the origin of the constructive or legal obligation, as soon as the obligation to incur such costs arises.

Membrete: F-264

These decommissioning and restoration costs are recorded in income through the depreciation of the asset that gave rise to such cost, and the use of the provision is made when the decommissioning materializes. Subsequent changes in estimates of decommissioning-related liabilities are added to or deducted from the costs of the related assets in the period in which the adjustment is made.

Other restoration costs, outside the scope of IAS 16, Property, Plant and Equipment, are provided for at their present value against operating results and the use of the provision is made in the period in which the restoration work is performed. Changes in the measurement of liabilities related to the location of the mining activity are recorded in operating income and depreciated over the respective useful lives of the assets giving rise to these changes.

The effects of the updating of the liability, due to the effect of the discount rate and or passage of time, is recorded as a financial expense.

Leases – The Corporation evaluates its contracts at initial application to determine whether they contain a lease. The Corporation recognizes a right-of-use asset and a corresponding liability for lease with respect to all lease agreements in which Codelco is the lessee, except for short-term leases (defined as a lease with a lease term of 12 months or less) and leases of low-value assets. For these leases, the Corporation recognizes the lease payments as an Operating cost on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease unless another systematic basis is more representative of the time pattern in which the economic benefits of the leased assets are consumed.

The lease liability is initially measured at the present value of the lease payments that have not been paid at the commencement date, discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. If this rate cannot be easily determined, the Corporation uses the incremental borrowing rate.

The incremental rate for loans used by Codelco is determined by estimating the interest rate that the Corporation would have to pay for borrowing the necessary funds to obtain an asset of an equivalent nature similar in value to the right-of-use asset of the respective lease, in a similar economic environment over a similar term.

Lease payments included in the measurement of the lease liability mainly include fixed payments, variable payments that depend on an index or a rate and the exercise price of a purchase option. Variable payments that do not depend on an index or a rate are excluded.

The lease liability is subsequently measured as follows: the carrying amount increased to reflect the interest on the lease liability (using the effective rate method) and the carrying amount is reduced to reflect the lease payments made.

Membrete: F-265

The Corporation revalues the lease liability as to the discount rate (and makes the corresponding adjustments to the asset for respective right of use) through a modified discount rate when:

– There is a change in the term of the lease or;
– There is a change in the assessment of an option to purchase the underlying asset or;
– There is a change in an index or rate which generates a change in cash flows.

Right-of-use assets comprise the amount of the present value of payments not made at the contract inception date, and lease payments made before or up to the inception date, less lease incentives received and any initial direct costs incurred plus other decommissioning and site restoration costs. The right-of-use assets are subsequently measured at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated losses due to impairment.

When the Corporation incurs a cost obligation to dismantle or remove a leased asset, restore the location in which it is located or restore the underlying asset to the condition required by the terms and conditions of the lease, a provision is recognized and measured in accordance with IAS 37. Costs are included in the corresponding right-of-use asset, unless those costs are incurred to produce inventories.

The right-of-use assets are depreciated during the shorter period between the term of the lease and the useful life of the underlying asset. If a lease transfers the ownership of the underlying asset or the cost of the right-of-use asset reflects that the Corporation expects to exercise its option to purchase, the right-of-use asset is depreciated over the useful life of the underlying asset. Depreciation is made from the start date of the lease.

The Corporation applies IAS 36 to determine if a right-of-use asset is impaired and recognizes any impairment loss identified, as described in the accounting policy for Property, plant and equipment.

Revenue from Contracts with Customers – Revenue is recognized in an amount that reflects the consideration to which the entity expects to be entitled in exchange for transferring goods or services to customers.

Sale of mineral goods and/or by-products: Contracts with customers for the sale of mineral goods and/or by-products include the performance obligation for the delivery of the physical goods and the associated transportation service, at the place agreed with the customers. The Corporation recognizes revenue from the sale of goods when the performance obligation is satisfied according to the shipment or dispatch of the products, in accordance with the agreed conditions, such revenue being subject to variations related to the content and/or sale price at the date of its liquidation. Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are some contracts where the performance obligation is satisfied when there is receipt of the product instead of the buyer’s corresponding destination, thus recognizing revenue at the time of said transfer. When services of transport of goods are provided, the Corporation recognizes revenue when the service obligation is satisfied.


Sales that have discounts associated with volume subject to compliance with goals are recognized net, estimating the probability that the volume target will be reached.

Sales contracts include a provisional price at the shipment date. The final price is generally based on the London Metals Exchange (“LME) price. Revenue from sales of copper is measured using estimates of the future spread of metal prices on the LME and/or the spot price at the date of shipment, with subsequent adjustments made upon final pricing recognized as revenue. The terms of sales contracts with customers contain provisional pricing arrangements whereby the selling price for metal concentrate is based on prevailing spot prices on a specified future date after shipment to the customer (the quotation period). Consequently, the final price is set at the dates indicated in the contracts. Adjustments to provisional sale prices occur based on movements in quoted market prices on the LME up to the date of final pricing. The period between provisional invoicing and final pricing is typically between one and nine months. Changes in fair value over the quotation period and until final pricing are estimated by reference to forward market prices for applicable metals.

As indicated in the note related to hedging policies in the market of metal derivatives, the Corporation enters into operations in the market of metal derivatives. Gains and losses from those which are fair value hedges contracts are recognized as revenues.

Rendering of services: Additionally, the Corporation recognizes revenue for rendering services, which are mainly related to the processing of minerals bought from third parties. Revenue from rendering of services is recognized when the amounts can be measured reliably and when the services have been provided.

Derivatives contracts – Codelco uses derivative financial instruments to reduce the risk of fluctuations in sales prices of its products and of exchange rates.

Derivatives are initially recognized at fair value at the date the derivative contracts are entered into and are subsequently measured to their fair value at the end of each reporting period.

The effective portion of changes in the fair value of derivatives that are designated and qualify as cash flow hedges is recognized in other comprehensive income and accumulated in equity under the item “Cash flow hedge reserve. The gain or loss relating to the ineffective portion is immediately recognized in profit or loss and included in the Finance cost or Finance income line items, depending on the effect of such ineffectiveness. The amount recognized in comprehensive income is reclassified to income, in the same line in which the effects generated by the hedged item are recorded, once the results of the hedged transactions are recorded in the same line or until the maturity date of such transactions.


A hedge is considered highly effective when it meets the requirements of IFRS 9. At the time of discontinuation of the hedge contract or the associated designated accounting and according to the circumstances of each case, the accumulated gain/loss on the derivative instrument remains in equity until the hedge transaction occurs, or if discontinuation is expected to occur, the amount in equity is reclassified to profit or loss.

The total fair value of hedging derivatives is classified as non-current financial asset or liability, if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is greater than 12 months, and as current financial asset or liability, if the remaining maturity of the hedged item is less than 12 months.

The derivative contracts held by the Corporation have been entered into to apply the risk hedging policies and are accounted for as indicated below:

– Hedging policies for exchange rate risk: The Corporation enters into exchange rate derivatives to hedge exchange rate variations between the U.S. dollar and the currencies of transactions the Corporation undertakes. In accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors, these hedge transactions are only entered into when there are recognized assets or liabilities, forecasts of highly probable transactions or firm commitments. The Corporation does not enter into derivative transactions for non-hedging purposes.

– Hedging policies for metal market prices risk: In accordance with the policies established by the Board of Directors, the Corporation entered into derivative contracts to reduce the inherent risks in the fluctuations of metal prices.

Hedging policies seek to protect expected cash flows from product sales operations by adjusting, when necessary, physical sales contracts to its commercial policy. When the sales commitments are fulfilled and the metal derivative contracts are settled, there is an offset between the results of the sales transactions and the results of hedging using metal derivatives.

Hedging transactions carried out by the Corporation in the metal derivatives market are not undertaken for speculative purposes.

– Embedded derivatives: The Corporation has established a procedure that allows for evaluation of the existence of embedded derivatives in financial and non-financial contracts. Where there is an embedded derivative, and the host contract is not a financial instrument and the characteristics and risks of the embedded derivative are not closely related to the host contract, the derivative is required to be recognized separately.


Financial information by segment – The Corporation has defined its Divisions as its operating segments in accordance with the requirements of IFRS 8, Operating Segments. The mining deposits in operation, where the Corporation conducts its extractive and processing activities are managed by the following Divisions: Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina and El Teniente. In addition, the smelting and refining activities are managed at the Ventanas Division. All these Divisions have a separate operational management, which reports to the Chief Executive Officer, through the North and South Central Vice-President of Operations, respectively. Income and expenses of the Head Office are allocated to the defined operating segments.

Presentation of financial statements – For purposes of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, the Corporation presents its statement of financial position classified as “current and non-current” and its statements of profit or loss “by function” and cash flows using the direct method.

Current and non-current financial assets – The Corporation determines the classification of its financial assets at the time of initial recognition and reviews it at each closing date. The classification depends on the business model in which the investments are managed and the contractual characteristics of their cash flows.

The Corporation’s financial assets are classified into the following categories:

– At fair value through profit or loss: Initial recognition: This category includes those financial assets that do not qualify in the business model to collect contractual cash flows, nor do such cash flows come exclusively from capital and interest. These instruments are initially recognized at fair value. Subsequent recognition: Their subsequent recognition is at fair value, recording in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, in the line Other gains (losses) any changes in fair value.

– Amortized cost: Initial recognition: This category includes those financial assets that qualify in the business model and that are held for the purpose of collecting contractual cash flows and that meet the “Solely Payment of Principal and Interest” (SPPI) criterion. This category includes certain Trade and other current receivables, and the loans included in other non-current financial assets. Subsequent recognition: These (debt) instruments are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method. The amortized cost of a financial asset is the amount at which the financial asset is measured at initial recognition minus the principal repayments, plus the cumulative amortization using the effective interest method of any difference between that initial amount and the maturity amount, adjusted for any impairment allowance. Interest income is recognized in profit or loss and is calculated by applying the effective interest rate to the gross carrying amount of a financial asset. For financial assets measured at amortized cost that are not part of a designated hedging relationship, exchange differences are recognized in profit or loss in the Foreign exchange difference line item.

– At fair value through other comprehensive income: Initial measurement: Financial assets that meet the criteria “Solely payments of principal and interest” (SPP!) are classified in this category and must be maintained within a business model both to collect the cash flows and to sell the financial assets. These instruments are initially recognized at fair value. Subsequent recognition: Their subsequent valuation is at fair value. Interest income calculated using the effective interest rate method, foreign exchange gains and losses and impairment are recognized in income. Other net gains and losses are recognized in other comprehensive income. On derecognition, the gains and losses accumulated in other comprehensive income for debt instruments are reclassified to income. Codelco did not irrevocably choose to designate any equity financial instruments (assets) at fair value with effect on other comprehensive income.

Financial liabilities – Financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value net of transaction costs. Subsequent to their initial recognition, the valuation of the financial liabilities will depend on their classification, within which the following categories are distinguished:

– Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss: This category includes financial liabilities defined as held for trading. Changes in fair value associated with own credit risk are recorded in other comprehensive income unless doing so creates an accounting mismatch.

– Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost: This category includes all financial liabilities other than those measured at fair value through profit or loss. The Corporation includes in this category bonds, obligations and other current payables. These financial liabilities are measured using the effective interest rate method, recognizing interest expense based on the effective rate. The method of the effective interest rate corresponds to the method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial liability and the allocation of interest expenses during the corresponding period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments through the expected life of the financial liability, or where appropriate, a shorter period, to the net carrying amount on initial recognition. Trade and other current payables are financial liabilities that do not explicitly accrue interest and are recognized at their nominal value, which approximates its fair value. Financial liabilities are derecognized when the liabilities are paid or expire.

Impairment of financial assets – The Corporation measures the loss allowance at an amount equal to lifetime expected credit losses for certain of its trade receivables. For these, it uses the simplified approach as required under IFRS 9.

The provision matrix is based on the Corporation’s historical credit loss experience over the expected life of such trade receivables and is adjusted for forward-looking estimates taking into account the most relevant macroeconomic factors that affect bad debts.

Other accounts receivable and other financial assets are reviewed using reasonable and sustainable information that is available without cost or disproportionate effort in accordance with IFRS 9 to determine the credit risk of the respective financial assets. A provision for impairment losses on trade receivables and other financial assets is established when there is objective evidence that the amounts due may not be fully recovered.

Cash and cash equivalents – The statement of cash flows reflects changes in cash that took place during the period, determined under the direct method. The Corporation has defined the following:

– Cash flows: Inflows and outflows of cash or cash equivalents, which are defined as highly liquid investments maturing in less than three months with a low risk of changes in value.

– Operating activities: Are the principal revenue-producing activities of the Corporation and other activities that are not investing or financing activities.

– Investing activities: These are the acquisition and disposal of long-term assets and other investments not included in cash and cash equivalents.

– Financing activities: These are activities that result in changes in the size and composition of net equity and borrowings of the Corporation.

Bank overdrafts are classified as external resources in current liabilities.

Law No. 13196 – Under this law, the return in foreign currency of sales abroad of the Corporation’s actual income from its copper production, including by-products, is taxed at 10%. The amount recognized for this concept is presented in the statement of profit or loss within the line item Other expenses by function. (Note 111.22 letter c).


aa. Cost of sales – Cost of sales is determined according to the absorption costing method, including the direct and indirect costs, depreciation, amortization and any other expenses directly attributable to the production process.

ab. Classification of current and non-current balances – In the consolidated statement of financial position, the balances are classified according to their maturities, that is, as current for those with a maturity equal to or less than twelve months and as non-current for those with a greater maturity. Where there are obligations whose maturity is less than twelve months, but whose long-term refinancing is insured upon a decision by the Corporation whose intention is to refinance, through credit agreements available unconditionally with long-term maturity, these could be classified as non-current liabilities.

3. New standards and interpretations adopted by the Corporation

The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements are consistent with those applied in the preparation of the Corporation’s annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2020, except for the adoption of new standards, interpretations and amendments, effective from January 1, 2021, which are:

a) Reform to the Reference Interest Rate (IBOR) – Phase 2 (amendments to IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16)

It introduces a practical guide to address the modifications proposed in the IBOR reform, indicating, among others, that hedge accounting is not discontinued due to the mere appearance of the reform in question.

The application of these amendments had no impact on the Corporation’s consolidated financial statements, but may affect the accounting for future transactions or arrangements.

b) COVID-19 Related Lease Concessions (Amendments to IFRS 16)

In May 2020, the IASB issued COVID-19 Related Lease Concessions (Amendments to IFRS 16) to provide lessees with an exemption to assess whether COVID-19 related lease concessions are a lease modification. At the date of issuance, the practical dossier was limited to lease concessions for which any reduction in lease payments affected only payments originally due on or before June 30, 2021. Given that lessors continue to grant COVID-19 related lease awards to lessees and given the continuing and significant effects of the pandemic, the IASB decided to extend the period over which the practical expedient is available.


The changes amend IFRS 16 to:

a) Permit a lessee to apply the practical expedient to lease concessions for which any reduction in lease payments affects only payments originally due on or before June 30, 2022 (rather than only payments originally due on or after June 30, 2021);

b) Require a lessee that applies the amendments to do so for annual reporting periods beginning on or after April 1, 2021;

c) Require a lessee that applies the amendments to do so retrospectively, recognizing the cumulative effect of initially applying the amendment as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings (or other component of equity, as appropriate) at the beginning of the annual reporting period in which the lessee first applies the amendments; and

d) Specify that, in the reporting period in which a lessee first applies the amendments, a lessee is not required to disclose the information required by paragraph 28(f) of IAS 8.

The application of these amendments had no impact on the Corporation’s consolidated financial statements, but may affect the accounting for future transactions or arrangements.

c) IFRS 9 “Financial Instruments”: Hedge Accounting.

Effective January 1, 2018, the Corporation adopted IFRS 9, electing at that time to continue to apply the hedge accounting requirements of IAS 39 rather than the requirements of Chapter 6 of IFRS 9.

Effective January 1, 2021, the Corporation elected to apply the hedge accounting requirements of IFRS 9, which, unlike IAS 39, proposes a hedge model that aligns accounting rules with the entity’s risk management activities. Thus, in relation to the assessment of the effectiveness of a hedge, IFRS 9 replaces the strict quantitative criteria of AS 39 with others based on principles.

The application of IFRS 9 was made prospectively and had no monetary impact as of September 30, 2021, nor did it imply any remeasurement of the balances presented in any of the consolidated financial statements submitted in periods prior to these consolidated financial statements.


4. New accounting pronouncements

The following new standards, amendments and interpretations had been issued by the IASB, but their application is not yet mandatory:

New IFRS Date of mandatory Summary application IFRS 17, Insurance | Annual periods | Establishes the principles for the Contracts beginning on or after | recognition, measurement, January 1, 2023 presentation and disclosure of insurance contracts, reinsurance contracts and investment contracts with discretional participating features and supersedes IFRS 4 Insurance contracts.

Classification of | Annual periods | The amendments aim to promote Liabilities as Current or | beginning on or after | coherence in applying its Non-Current January 1, 2024 requirements by helping (Amendments to IAS 1) companies to determine whether, in the statement of financial position, debts and other liabilities with an uncertain settlement date must be classified as current (maturing or potentially maturing in one year or less) or not current.

It is important to note that this amendment must be applied retrospectively and early application is permitted.

Reference to the Annual periods Reference to Conceptual Conceptual Framework | beginning on or after Framework 2018 instead of 1989. (Amendments to IFRS | January 1, 2022 Additionally, for transactions 3) within the scope of IAS 37 or IFRIC 21, an acquirer will apply IAS 37 or IFRIC 1 (instead of Conceptual Framework) to identify liabilities assumed in a business combination. Finally, a statement is added so that an acquirer does not recognize contingent assets acquired in a business combination.



Date of mandatory application


Property, Plant and Equipment – Proceeds before Intended Use (Amendments to IAS 16)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022

The income and costs from the sale of items produced while the asset is taken to the location and necessary condition of operation foreseen by the administration, are recognized in results. It is not allowed to affect the cost of the asset by revenues and costs of such sales.

Onerous Contracts – Costs of Fulfilling a Contract (Amendments to IAS 37)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022

It is specified that the cost of fulfilling a contract includes “costs that are directly related to the contract”, which are those that either may be incremental costs of fulfilling that contract or an allocation of other costs that are directly related to fulfill the contracts.

Annual Improvements to IFRS Standards 2018-2020 (amendments to IFRS 1, IFRS 9, IFRS 16 and IAS 41)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022

IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of IFRS: Allows an affiliate to apply paragraph D16 (a) to measure cumulative translation differences using the amounts reported by its parent, based on the date of transition to IFRS of its parent.

IFRS 9 Financial Instruments: clarifies what fees are included when applying the 10 percent test in paragraph B3.3.6.

IFRS 16 Leases: removes from Illustrative Example 13, the illustration of the reimbursement of improvements to the leased asset made by the lessor.

IAS 41 Agriculture: removes the requirement in paragraph 22 to exclude tax cash flows when measuring the fair value of a biological asset using the present value technique.



Date of mandatory application


Disclosures on accounting policies (Amendments to IAS 1 and IFRS 2 Practice Statement)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023

The amendments require an entity to disclose its material accounting policies.

The additional amendments explain how an entity can identify a material accounting policy. Examples are added of when an accounting policy is likely to be material. To support the amendment, the Board has also developed guidance and examples to explain and demonstrate the application of the “four-step materiality process” described in the IFRS 2 Practice Statement

Definition of accounting estimates (amendments to IAS 8)

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023

The amendments replace the definition of a change in accounting estimates. According to the new definition, accounting estimates are “monetary amounts in the financial statements that are subject to measurement uncertainty”. Entities develop accounting estimates if accounting policies require that financial statement items be measured in a manner that involves measurement uncertainty. The amendments clarify that a change in the accounting estimate resulting from new information or new developments is not a correction of an error.



Date of mandatory application


IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements and IAS 28 Investments in Associates and Joint Ventures

Not specified

Issued in September 2014. The amendment addresses an inconsistency between the requirements in IFRS 10 and those in IAS 28, in dealing with the sale or contribution of assets between an investor and its associate or joint venture. The main consequence of the amendments is that a full gain or loss is recognized when a transaction involves a business (whether it is housed in a subsidiary or not). A partial gain or loss is recognized when a transaction involves assets that do not constitute a business, even if these assets are housed in a subsidiary.

Deferred Tax related to Assets and Liabilities arising from a Single Transaction

(amendments to IAS

Annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2023

The amendments clarify that initial recognition exemption does not implement to the transactions that may arise equals amounts of the deductible or taxable

IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 – Comparative Information (Amendments to IFRS 17 and IFRS 9)

to apply the amendment shall apply it when it first applies IFRS

17 not yet approved for use in the EU.

12) temporary differences within initial recognition. Initial Application of An entity that chooses The amendment permits entities applying IFRS 17 and IFRS 9 for the first time at the same time to present comparative information about a financial asset as if the classification and measurement requirements of IFRS 9 had been applied previously to that financial asset.

Management is currently evaluating the impact of the adoption of these new regulations and modifications. It is not expected to have a significant impact on the consolidated financial statements.



1. Cash and cash equivalents

The detail of cash and cash equivalents as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, is as follows:

Item 12312021 | 12312020 ThUus$ ThUS$

Cash on hand 890,196
Saldos bancarios 611,861 440,756
Depósito a plazo 649,955 | 1,652,271
Fondos mutuos – Mercado monetario 19,142 14,270
Acuerdos de recompra 1,770 –
Total de efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 1,283,618 | 2,107,493

El interés sobre depósitos a plazo se reconoce sobre una base devengada utilizando la tasa de interés contractual de cada uno de estos instrumentos.

La Corporación no tiene cantidades significativas de efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo que tengan restricciones de uso.

El efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo cumplen con la exención de bajo riesgo crediticio bajo IFRS 9.

2. Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras a) Provisiones para facturas de ventas pendientes

La Corporación ajusta sus ingresos y saldos de cuentas por cobrar comerciales, basándose en los precios futuros del cobre a través del reconocimiento de una provisión para facturas de ventas pendientes.

Cuando el precio futuro del cobre es menor que el precio provisional de facturación, la provisión se presenta en el estado de situación financiera de la siguiente manera:

– Para aquellos clientes que tienen saldos pendientes con la Corporación, la provisión se presenta como una deducción del ítem de cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras corrientes.

– Para aquellos clientes que no tienen saldos pendientes con la Corporación, la provisión se presenta en el ítem de cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras corrientes.

Cuando el precio futuro del cobre es mayor que el precio provisional de facturación, la provisión se agrega al ítem de cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras corrientes.

En consecuencia, al 31 de diciembre de 2021, hay una provisión positiva en la cuenta de cuentas por cobrar y otras cuentas por cobrar de TRUS$ 187,541 por facturas de ventas no finalizadas. Al 31 de diciembre de 2020, había una provisión positiva de TNUS$ 381,883.

b) Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras

La siguiente tabla muestra los saldos de cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras, con sus correspondientes provisiones para cuentas dudosas:

Ítem Corriente No corriente

12312021 | 12312020 | 12312021 | 12312020 ThUus$ ThUus$ ThUS$ ThUus$

Cuentas por cobrar comerciales (1) 3,752,997 2,720,443 431

Provisión para cuentas dudosas (3) (11,410) (9,353)

Total cuentas por cobrar comerciales, neto 3,741,587 2,711,090 431

Otras cuentas por cobrar (2) 460,610 545,853 104,177 93,555

Provisión para cuentas dudosas (3) (7,847) (7,626)

Total otras cuentas por cobrar, neto 452,763 538,227 104,177 93,555

Total 4,194,350 | 3,249,317 104,177 93,986

(1) Las cuentas por cobrar comerciales corresponden a las ventas de cobre y sus subproductos, que en general se venden al contado o a través de transferencias bancarias.

(2) Las otras cuentas por cobrar consisten principalmente en los siguientes ítems:

e Crédito fiscal del IVA y otros impuestos reembolsables de ThUS$ 132,674 y ThUS$167,982 al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, respectivamente.

e Préstamos a corto plazo de los empleados de la Corporación y préstamos hipotecarios, ambos deducidos mensualmente de los salarios de los empleados. Los préstamos hipotecarios otorgados a los empleados de la Corporación por ThUS$ 28,086 están garantizados con colateral.

e Cuentas por cobrar de reembolsos de compañías de seguros.

e Cuentas por cobrar por servicios de fundición (Fundición Ventanas).

(3) La Corporación reconoce una provisión para cuentas dudosas basada en su modelo de pérdida esperada de crédito.

La conciliación de los cambios en la provisión para cuentas dudosas para los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, fue la siguiente:

Ítem 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Saldo inicial 16,979 14,195 Aumentos 2,218 3,168 Cancelaciones (384) Total movimientos 2,278 2,784 Saldo final 19,257 16,979

3. El saldo de saldos vencidos pero no deteriorados es el siguiente:

Edad 12312021 | 12312020 ThUus$ ThUuS$ Menos de 90 días 4,030 8,370 Entre 90 días y 1 año 1,304 15,876 Más de 1 año 5,977 8,876 Total de deudas vencidas no provisionadas 11,311 33,122

Saldos y transacciones con partes relacionadas

a) Transacciones con personas relacionadas

De acuerdo con la Ley de Nueva Gobernanza Corporativa, los miembros del Directorio de Codelco están sujetos, en términos de transacciones con personas relacionadas, a las disposiciones del Título XVI de la Ley de Sociedades Anónimas, que establece los requisitos con respecto a las transacciones con partes relacionadas en empresas de capital abierto y sus filiales.

No obstante lo anterior, de conformidad con las disposiciones del párrafo final del Artículo 147 b) del Título XVI, que contiene excepciones al proceso de aprobación para transacciones con partes relacionadas, la Corporación ha establecido una política general sobre transacciones habituales (que fue comunicada a través de un aviso de evento significativo a la CMP), que define las transacciones habituales como aquellas realizadas con sus partes relacionadas en el curso normal de los negocios, que contribuyen al interés social y son necesarias para el desarrollo normal de las actividades de Codelco.

Asimismo, de conformidad con la norma mencionada anteriormente, la Corporación ha implementado como parte de su marco regulatorio interno, una política específica que trata sobre negocios entre personas relacionadas y empresas con ejecutivos de Codelco. La Política Corporativa No. 18 de Codelco (CCP No. 18), la última versión actualmente en vigor, fue aprobada por el Director Ejecutivo y el Directorio.

En consecuencia, Codelco sin la autorización requerida en CCP No. 18 y del Directorio, según lo requiera la Ley o los estatutos de la Corporación, no podrá celebrar contratos o acuerdos que involucren a uno o más Directores, su Director Ejecutivo, los miembros de los Comités Directivos de las Divisiones y Gerentes Generales de las Divisiones, Vicepresidentes, Asesor Jurídico, Auditor General, Directores Ejecutivos de las Divisiones, Asesores de la Alta Dirección, empleados que deben hacer recomendaciones y/o tienen la autoridad para adjudicar licitaciones, asignaciones de compras y/o contratación de bienes y servicios, y empleados en puestos directivos (hasta el cuarto nivel jerárquico en la organización), incluyendo a sus cónyuges, hijos y otros parientes hasta el segundo grado de parentesco, con un interés directo, representado por terceros o en nombre de otra persona. Asimismo, CCP No. 18 requiere que los administradores de contratos de la Corporación declaren todas las personas relacionadas y se descalifiquen si alguna persona relacionada está involucrada dentro del ámbito de sus responsabilidades laborales.

Esta prohibición también incluye a las empresas en las que dichos administradores estén involucrados a través de la propiedad o gestión, ya sea directamente o a través de la representación de otras personas naturales o jurídicas, así como a aquellas personas que también tengan propiedad o gestión en esas empresas.

El Directorio ha sido informado y aprobado ciertas transacciones según lo definido en CCP No. 18.

Estas operaciones incluyen aquellas mostradas en la siguiente tabla, para los montos totales mencionados, que deben ejecutarse dentro de los períodos de tiempo especificados en cada contrato:

Empresa RUT [País Naturaleza de Descripción 112021 112020
relación de la 12312021 | 12312020 transacción Monto Monto ThUS$ ThUS$

Anglo American Sur S.A. 77.762.940-9| Chile [Afiliado Suministros 22 5
Centro de Capacitación y Recreación Radomiro Tomic. 75.985.550-7| Chile [Otras partes relacionadas |Servicios 1,589
Centro de Especialidades Médicas San Lorenzo Ltda. 76.124,156-7| Chile [Asociado Semices 387
Clínica San Lorenzo Ltda. 88.497.100-4| Chile [Asociado Servicios 426
Ecometales limited agencia en Chile 59.087.530-9| Chile [Asociado Servicios y Suministros 661 148
Flsmidth S.A. 89.664.200-6| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 23,695 4,537
Fundación de Salud El Teniente 70.905.700-6| Chile [Asociado Servicios 6,583 22,040
Fundación Orquesta Sinfónica Infantil de los Andes. 65.018.784-9| Chile |Fundador Semices 105 100
Highsenvice ingeniería y construcción ltda. 76.378.396-0| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios 13,984
Industrial y Comercial Artimatemb Ltda. 76.108.720-7| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 180
Ingeniería de Protección SpA 89.722.200-0| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros – 7
ISalud Isapre de Codelco Ltda 76.334.370-7| Chile [Asociado Servicios 15,122
Kairos Mining S.A. 76.781.030-K| Chile [Otras partes relacionadas [Servicios 13,332
Komatsu Chile S.A 96.843.130-7| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios y Suministros 878
Linde Gas Chile S.A. 90.100.000-K| Chile |Familiar del empleado [Suministros 36 25
Nueva Ancor Tecmin S.A. 76.411.929-0| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 4
Prestaciones de Servicios de la Salud Intersalud Ltda. 77.270.020-2| Chile [Asociado Servicios 596
Servicios de Ingeniería IMA S.A. 76.523.610-K| Chile |Familiar del empleado [Servicios 25
Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra. 96.701.340-4| Chile [Afiliado Suministros 2
Sonda S.A. 83.628.100-4| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios 2,408 132
Suez Medioambiente Chile S.A. 77.441.870-9| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 98 4,261
ADM Planning Consultores Ltda 77.770.490-7| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios 2,291
Clariant (Chile) Ltda. 80.853.400-2| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 38,873
Manufacturas AC Ltda 77.439.350-1| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 123 13
MI Robotic Solutions S.A. 76.869.100-2| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios y Suministros 396 13
Tecno Fast S.A. 76.320.186-4 | Chile [|Familiar del empleado [Servicios 19,394
Termoequipos SpA 78.123.830-9| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 4
Comercial e Import. Villanueva Ltda 77.000.200-1| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 834
Deloitte Advisory SpA 76.863.650-8| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Semices 77
Sitrans Servicios Integrados de transporte Ltda 96.500.950-7| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios 2,800
Symnetics S.A 77.812.640-0| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios 1,019
Constructora Domingo Villanueva Arancibia S.A. 96.846.150-8| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios 5,860
Metso Outotec Chile SpA 93.077.000-0| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios y Suministros 138,565
Ingeniería y Construcción Fenix Ltda 76.134.977-5| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 910
Janssen S.A. 81.198.100-1| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 98
Enaex Servicios S.A. 76.041.871-4| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Suministros 9
CAID S.A. 76.069.751-6| Chile |Familiar del empleado [Suministros 4
Consultorías, Asesorías, Auditorías y Capacitación Guerra y Guerra Ltda |76.168.106-0| Chile [Familiar del empleado [Servicios 437
Consorcio Cruz y Davila – Zañartu Ingeniería Ltda 76.381.335-5| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios 5,280
Costella Proyectos 76.282.588-0| Chile [Familiar del empleado |Servicios 18,177

b) Alta Dirección de la Corporación

De acuerdo con la política establecida por el Directorio y sus regulaciones relacionadas, las transacciones con los Directores, el Director Ejecutivo, Vicepresidentes, Auditor Corporativo, los miembros de los Comités de Dirección de las Divisiones y Gerentes Generales de las Divisiones deben ser aprobadas por el Directorio.

Durante los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, los miembros del Directorio han recibido los siguientes montos en concepto de dietas, salarios y honorarios:

Nombre RUT País Naturaleza de la relación Descripción de la 112021 112020
transacción 12312021 12312020 Monto Monto ThUS$ ThUS$

Blas Tomic Errázuriz 5.390.891-8 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 38 94
Ghassan Dayoub Pseli 14.695.762-5 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 23 75
Ghassan Dayoub Pseli 14.695.762-5 Chile Director Nómina 45 107
Hernán de Solmininac Tampier 6.263.304-2 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 87 75
Isidoro Palma Penco 4.754.025-9 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 101 75
Juan Benavides Feliú 5.633.221-9 Chile ARA de Honorarios de la Junta Directiva 130 113
Juan Morales Jaramillo 5.078.923-3 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 87 75
Paul Schiodtz Obilinovich 7.170.719-9 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 30 75
Raimundo Espinoza Concha 6.512.182-4 Chile Director Honorarios de Director – 27
Raimundo Espinoza Concha 6.512.182-4 Chile Director Nómina – 13
Rodrigo Cerda Norambuena 12.454.621-4 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 7 72
Felipe Larraín Bascuñán 7.012.075-5 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 64
Pedro Errázuriz Domínguez 7.051.188-6 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 56
Patricia Núñez Figueroa 9.761.676-0 Chile Director Honorarios de Director 56

El Ministerio de Hacienda, a través del Decreto Supremo N° 261, de fecha 27 de febrero de 2020, estableció la compensación para los Directores de la Corporación. La compensación para los miembros del Directorio de Codelco es la siguiente:

a. Los Directores de Codelco recibirán una compensación mensual fija de Ch$4,126,340 (cuatro millones ciento veintiséis mil trescientos cuarenta pesos chilenos) por asistencia a reuniones. El pago de la compensación mensual requiere al menos una asistencia a reunión cada mes.

b. El Presidente del Directorio recibirá una compensación mensual fija de Ch$8,252,678 (ocho millones doscientos cincuenta y dos mil seiscientos setenta y ocho pesos chilenos).

c. Cada miembro del Comité de Directores, ya sea el referido en el Artículo 50 bis) de la Ley


millón setecientos cincuenta mil ochocientos noventa y tres pesos chilenos) por asistencia a reuniones.

Mediante Carta Oficial Ordinaria N° 1611 de fecha 8 de julio de 2020, se informa que debido a la situación actual que atraviesa el país, y en línea con lo solicitado por Codelco y lo informado por el Director de Presupuestos, se ha considerado conveniente disminuir en un 20% el monto de la remuneración de los directores, de manera excepcional, para el período entre julio y diciembre de 2020, ambos inclusive.


d. La compensación establecida en el texto legal es efectiva por un período de dos años, a partir del 1 de marzo de 2020, y no será ajustada durante dicho período.

Por otro lado, los beneficios a corto plazo para la alta dirección de la Corporación, imputados durante los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, fueron de ThUS$ 13,213 y ThUS$ 10,682, respectivamente.

La metodología para determinar la remuneración de la alta dirección fue aprobada por el Directorio en una reunión celebrada el 29 de enero de 2003.

Durante los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, hubo pagos a la alta dirección de Codelco por indemnizaciones por despido y otros pagos relacionados con jubilación, por un monto de ThUS$ 237 y ThUS$ 1,188, respectivamente.

No hubo pagos por otros beneficios no corrientes durante los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, aparte de los mencionados en el párrafo anterior.

No existen planes de pagos basados en acciones.

Transacciones con empresas en las que Codelco tiene participación accionaria

La Corporación realiza transacciones comerciales y financieras que son necesarias para sus actividades con sus filiales, asociadas y empresas conjuntas (partes relacionadas). Las transacciones financieras corresponden principalmente a préstamos otorgados (cuentas corrientes mercantiles).
Las transacciones comerciales con empresas relacionadas consisten principalmente en la compra y venta de productos o la prestación de servicios realizados en condiciones y precios de mercado, que no devengan intereses ni indexación.

La Corporación no realiza provisiones para cuentas dudosas sobre los principales créditos pendientes de cobro de sus empresas relacionadas, ya que estos han sido suscritos con las garantías pertinentes en los respectivos acuerdos de deuda.

El detalle de los créditos y deudas pendientes entre la Corporación y sus partes relacionadas al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020 es el siguiente:

Créditos pendientes de entidades relacionadas:

. Corriente No corriente Naturaleza de la relación Indexación – 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 31/12/2021 31/12/2020

RUT Nombre de la entidad deudora Moneda ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Chile Asociada US$ 147,238 91,039
76.063.022-5 Inca de Oro S.A. Chile Asociada US$ 505 544
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Chile Asociada US$ 1,319 6,031
96.701.340-4 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra Chile Asociada US$ 1,869 776
96.801.450-1 Agua de la Falda S.A. Chile Asociada US$ 5 6 224 224
76.781.030-K Kairos Mining S.A. Chile Asociada CLP – 1
76.028.880-2 Sociedad Contractual Minera Puren Chile Asociada US$ 5,775

Total 156,711 98,397 224 224


Deudas pendientes a entidades relacionadas:

Corriente No corriente RUT Nombre de la entidad acreedora Naturaleza de la relación Indexación – 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 31/12/2021 31/12/2020 Moneda ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Chile Asociada US$ 183,973 171,341

96.701.340-4 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra Chile Asociada US$ 35,145 25,963

76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Chile Asociada US$ 20

76.781.030-K Kairos Mining S.A. Chile Asociada CLP 2,206 1,620

Total 221,344 198,924 –

La siguiente tabla muestra las transacciones realizadas entre la Corporación y sus empresas relacionadas y sus efectos correspondientes en el resultado para los períodos terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020:

112021 112020
12312021 12312020 Efecto en Efecto en RUT Empresa Descripción de la transacción País Moneda Monto ingreso Monto ingreso (cargo) (abono) (cargo) (abono) ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

96.801.450-1 Agua de la Falda S.A. Ventas de servicios Chile CLP 1 1 1 1
96.801.450-1 Agua de la Falda S.A. Aporte Chile US$ 193 176
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Dividendos recibidos Chile US$ 270,577 22,715
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Dividendos por cobrar Chile US$ 98,172 – 77,416 –
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Ventas de productos Chile US$ 181,450 181,450 49,873 49,873
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Otras ventas Chile CLP 14,168 14,168 16,003 16,003
77.762.940-9 Anglo American Sur S.A. Compra de productos Chile US$ 1,037,558 (1,037,558) 689,082 (689,082)
76.063.022-5 Inca de Oro S.A. Pagos en nombre de la empresa Chile CLP 56 – 74 –
76.781.030-K Kairos Mining S.A. Servicios Chile CLP 11,645 (11,645) 10,933 (10,933)
76.781.030-K Kairos Mining S.A. Ventas de servicios Chile CLP 1 1 2 2
76.781.030-K Kairos Mining S.A. Dividendos recibidos Chile US$ 78 – –
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Intereses sobre préstamo Chile US$ 133 133 1,032 1,032
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Servicios Chile US$ 18,667 (18,667) 23,363 (23,363)
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Ventas de servicios Chile CLP – – 6,944 6,944
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Ventas de productos Chile US$ 5,327 5,327 73 73
76.255.054-7 Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA Recuperación de préstamo Chile US$ 5,440 10,689
76.028.880-2 Sociedad Contractual Minera Puren Dividendos recibidos Chile US$ 19
76.028.880-2 Sociedad Contractual Minera Puren Reducción de capital Chile US$ 5,775
96.701.340-4 Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Dividendos recibidos Chile US$ 217 – – –
96.701.340-4 Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Compra de productos Chile US$ 341,968 (341,968) 242,204 (242,204)
96.701.340-4 Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Ventas de productos Chile US$ 19,821 19,821 17,216 17,216
96.701.340-4 Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Otras ventas Chile US$ 1,493 1,493 1,537 1,537
96.701.340-4 Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Comisiones recibidas Chile US$ 87 87 96 96
96.701.340-4 Soc. Contractual Minera El Abra Otras compras Chile US$ 65 (65) 71 (71)


d) Información adicional

La cuenta corriente por cobrar de Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA corresponde al acuerdo de préstamo otorgado para construir su planta, el cual fue firmado el 7 de julio de 2014.

“The purchase and sales of products transactions with Anglo American Sur S.A. are regular business activity transactions to buy and sell copper and other products. On the other hand, there are certain transactions related to the contract entered into with the subsidiary Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA (whose non-controlling shareholder is Mitsui) and Anglo American Sur S.A., under which the latter agreed to sell a portion of its annual copper output to said subsidiary.

4. Inventories

Inventories as of December 31, 2021 and 2020 are detailed as follows:

Current Non-current Item 12312021 12312020 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Finished products 111,516 108,544 Subtotal finished products, net 111,516 108,544 Products in process 1,109,373 1,225,529 610,558 585,105 Subtotal products in process, net 1,109,373 1,225,529 610,558 585,105 Material in warehouse and other 755,157 749,941 Obsolescence allowance adjustment (164,591) (171,947) Subtotal material in warehouse and other, net 590,566 577,994 Total inventories 1,811,455 1,912,067 610,558 585,105

The amount of inventories of finished goods transferred to cost of sales for the periods ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 was ThUS$12,165,733 and ThUS$10,531,406 respectively.

For the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, the Corporation has not reclassified strategic inventories to Property, Plant and Equipment.

The reconciliation of changes in the allowance for obsolescence is detailed below: Changes in Allowance for Obsolescence [12312021 [12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$

Opening balance (171,947) (162,498) Decrease (increase) in provisions 7,356 (9,449) Closing balance (164,591) (171,947)

During the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, write-offs of damaged inventories were recognized for ThUS$37,886 and ThUS$8,553, respectively.

At December 31, 2021, the net realizable value provision for copper and its effect on income was ThUS$9,137 and a gain of ThUS$18,075 respectively (at December 31, 2020, the balance of the net realizable value provision was ThUS$27,213 and its effect on income at December 31, 2020 was a profit of ThUS$10,931).

As of December 31, 2021 and 2020, there are no unrealized gains or losses recognized for purchase and sale transactions of inventories with related parties.

As of December 31, 2021 and 2020, there are no inventories pledged as security for liabilities.

Income taxes and deferred taxes

a) Composition of income tax expense

Composition 112021 112020
12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Deferred tax assets (1,369,042) (707,793) Current tax expense (2,490,089) (71,761) Adjustments previous period 3,798 (13,052) Other (3) 5,603 Total tax income (expense) (3,855,336) (787,003)

b) Deferred tax assets and liabilities

The following table details deferred tax assets and liabilities:

Deferred tax assets 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Provisions 1,541,835 1,494,649 Tax loss 114,961 757,681 Right of use assets (5,153) 18,510 Other (4,079) 15,231 Total deferred tax assets 1,647,564 2,286,071 Deferred tax liabilities 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Accelerated depreciation 6,405,256 5,828,454 Property, plant and equipment variations 1,714,652 1,483,351 Tax on mining activity 342,926 288,470 Fair value of mining properties acquired 70,178 108,518 Deferred income taxes of subsidiaries 10,770 35,468 Hedging derivatives (7,454) 14,971 Valuation of severance indemnities 21,164 8,726 Total deferred tax liabilities 8,557,492 7,767,958

The following tables set forth the deferred taxes as presented in the statement of financial position:

Deferred taxes 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Non-current assets 94,595 45,908 Non-current liabilities 7,004,523 5,527,795 Total deferred tax, net 6,909,928 5,481,887

The effects of deferred taxes recorded in other comprehensive income are as follows:

Deferred tax effect on components of other comprehensive income 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Cash flow hedge 63,593 30,676 Defined benefit plans (106,983) (145) Total deferred tax effect on components of other comprehensive income (43,390) 30,531

The following table sets forth the reconciliation of the effective tax rate:

Items 12312021 Taxable base Tax rate
25% 40% 5.00% 25% Add. 40% 5.00% Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Tax effect on the income (loss) before taxes 5,822,100 5,822,100 5,822,100 (1,455,525) (2,328,840) (291,105) (4,075,470) Tax effect on the income (loss) before taxes of subsidiaries 84,604 84,604 84,604 (21,151) – (33,842) (4,230) (59,223) Tax effect consolidated profit (loss) before taxes 5,906,704 5,906,704 5,906,704 (1,476,676) (2,362,682) (295,335) (4,134,693) Permanent differences First category income tax (25) (713,552) 178,388 178,388 Specific tax for state-owned entities Art. 2 D.L. 2398 (40% ) (323,471) 129,388 129,388 Specific tax on mining activities 644,356 (32,218) (32,218) Differences tax previous years 3,799 TOTAL TAX EXPENSE (1,298,288) (2,233,294) (327,553) (3,855,336)
12312020 Items Taxable base Tax rate
25% 40% 5% 25% Add. 40% 5% Total ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Tax effect on the income (loss) before taxes 1,030,488 1,030,488 1,030,488 (257,622) (412,195) (51,524) (721,341) Tax effect on the income (loss) before taxes of subsidiaries 13,396 13,396 13,396 (3,349) (5,358) (670) (9,377) Tax effect consolidated profit (loss) before taxes 1,043,884 1,043,884 1,043,884 (260,971) (417,553) (52,194) (730,718) Permanent differences First category income tax (25) (62,749) 15,687 15,687 Specific tax for state-owned entities Art. 2 D.L. 2398 (40% ) (27,092) 10,837 10,837 Specific tax on mining activities 1,395,122 (69,756) (69,756) Differences tax previous years (13,053) TOTAL TAX EXPENSE (245,284) (406,716) (121,950) (787,003)

Pursuant to Article 2 of the Decree Law 2398, Codelco is subject to an additional tax rate of 40% on income before taxes and dividends received in accordance with the law.

For the calculation of deferred taxes, the Corporation has applied a General Tax Regime, with first-rate tax rates for the 2021 and 2020 business years of 25%. As a state company, the Corporation is classified as those companies of article 14 letter G of the Income Tax Law, incorporated in the Tax Reform Law No. 21210 of February 24, 2020, maintaining the General Regime of Taxation. Meanwhile, the national subsidiaries and associates, by default, have applied the Partially Integrated Taxation system with a rate of 27% for years. Foreign subsidiaries and associates have applied the tax rates in force in their respective countries.

For the specific tax on mining activities, in accordance with Law No. 20469, a tax rate of 5% was estimated.”

The Corporation, until 2019, as a Taxpayer of first category, is liable to the single Tax of 40%, contained in the first paragraph of Article 21 of the Income Tax Law, in numbers i), ii) and iii), the disbursements incurred in said numerals. As of 2020, with the modification introduced by the second article letter No. 11 d) of the tax reform Law No. 21210, exempts the Corporation from the Single Tax of the current article 21 of the Income Tax Law.

Current and non-current tax assets and liabilities

The current tax balance is presented net of monthly provisional payments as an asset or liability in Current Taxes, as the case may be, determined as indicated in section II. Main accounting policies, 2.):

Current tax assets 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUus$ Taxes to be recovered 11,438 74,324 Total current tax assets 11,438 74,324 Current tax liabilities 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUus$ Monthly provisional payment provision 14,742 1,508 Provision tax 293,634 6,937 Total current tax liabilities 308,376 8,445 Non-current tax assets 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUus$ Non-current tax assets 4,333 111,994 Total non-current tax assets 4,333 111,994


7. Property, plant and equipment

a) The items of property, plant and equipment as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, are as follows: Property, plant and equipment, gross 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUuS$ Construction in progress 6,869,931 6,391,278 Land 369,484 383,501 Buildings 6,269,026 | 6,212,776 Plant and equipment 20,291,671 | 19,809,559 Fixtures and fittings 47,618 47,507 Motor vehicles 2,086,593 2,075,364 Land improvements 7,549 671 6,818,024 Mining operations 10,026,052 9,322,060 Mine development 5,612,654 | 5,011,879 Other assets 976,656 1,162,812 Total property, plant and equipment, gross 60,099,356 | 57,234,760 Property, plant and equipment, accumulated depreciation 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUuS$ Construction in progress – – Land 17,949 13,133 Buildings 3,500,094 | 3,335,090 Plant and equipment 11,794,536 | 11,212,105 Fixtures and fittings 44,294 42,305 Motor vehicles 1,622,813 1,545,627 Land improvements 4034,574 | 3,723,860 Mining operations 6,966,153 6,271,794 Mine development 1,148,161 1,019,963 Other assets 520,889 518,978 Total property, plant and equipment, accumulated 29,649,463 | 27,682,855 depreciation Property, plant and equipment, net 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUuS$ Construction in progress 6,869,931 6,391,278 Land 351,535 370,368 Buildings 2,768,932 | 2,877,686 Plant and equipment 8,497,135 | 8,597,454 Fixtures and fittings 3,324 5,202 Motor vehicles 463,780 529,737 Land improvements 3,515,097 3,094,164 Mining operations 3,059,899 3,050,266 Mine development 4,464,493 3,991,916 Other assets 455,767 643,834 Total property, plant and equipment, net 30,449,893 | 29,551,905


b) Movements in property, plant and equipment

Movements Construction in as Plant and Fixtures and . Land ns , : Other (in thousands of US$) progress Land Buildings equipment fittings Motor vehicles improvements Mining operations | Mine development assets Total Reconciliation of changes in property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment at the beginning of the period opening balances 112021 6,391,278 370,368 2,877,686 8,597,454 5,202 529,737 3,094,164 3,050,266 3,991,916 643,834 29,551,905 Changes in property, plant and equipment Increases other than those from business, property, plant and equipment combinations 2,888,970 – 613 3,143 216 28 482 318,795 1,874 621 3,214,742. Depreciation, property, plant and equipment – (4,815) (175,128) (645,816) (2,018) (100,083) (310,779) (703,986) (118,571) (46,569) (2,107,765) Impairment losses recognized in profit or loss for the period 5,684. – (66,218) (57,760) (15) (6,006) (124,315) Increases (decreases) in transfers and other changes properties, plant and equipment Increases (decreases) by transfers from constructions in process, properties, plant and equipment (2,293,773) – 108,383 569,413 38,496 716,474 867,234 (7,572) 1,345 Increases (decreases) by other changes, properties, plant and equipment 29,469 (14,018) 25,120 41,241 (41) (224) 20,810 (472,410) 596,846 (1,458) 225,335 Increase (decrease) by transfers and other changes, properties, plant and equipment (2,264,304) (14,018) 133,503 610,654 (41) 38,272 737,284 394,824 589,274 (113) 225,335 Dispositions and withdrawals of service, property, plant and equipment Retirements, property, plant and equipment (151,697) – (1,524) (10,540) (20) (4,174) (48) (142,006) (310,009) Dispositions and withdrawals of service, property, plant and equipment (151,697) – (1,524) (10,540) (20) (4,174) (48) (142,006) (310,009) Increase (decrease) in properties, plant, and equipment 478,653 (18,833) (108,754) (100,319) (1,878) (65,957) 420,933 9,633 472,577 (188,067) 897,988 Property, plant and equipment at the end of the period closing balances 12312021 6,869,931 351,535 2,768,932 8,497,135 3,324 463,780 3,515,097 3,059,899 4,464,493 455,767 30,449,893 (in thousands of US$) odres. m Land Buildings men Mita Motor vehicles improvements Mining operations | Mine development Do Total of changes in property, plant and equipment Property, plant and equipment at the beginning of the period opening balances 112020 6,234,130 163,341 2,811,378 8,599,023 11,200 600,104 3,021,103 3,498,083 3,653,190 676,460 29,268,012 Changes in property, plant and equipment Increases other than those from business, property, plant and equipment combinations 2,159,748 – – 13,610 61 2,057 5,216 362,492 (319) 15,612 2,558,477 Depreciation, property, plant and equipment – (4,300) (182,679) (599,059) (2,385) (100,746) (240,901) (1,032,186) (112,711) (38,377) (2,313,344) Impairment losses recognized in profit or loss for the period (24,052) – – – (24,052) ( in transfers and other changes properties, plant and equipment Increases (decreases) by transfers from constructions in process, properties, plant and equipment (1,623,278) 209,767 210,424 545,733 1 30,292 298,294 48,266 280,180 321 Increases (decreases) by other changes, properties, plant and equipment (340,581) 1,560 39,765 40,625 (3,671) (72) 10,741 173,611 171,576 (9,896) 83,658 by transfers and other changes, properties, plant and equipment (1,963,859) 211,327 250,189 586,358 (3,670) 30,220 309,035 221,877 451,756 (9,575) 83,658 Dispositions and withdrawals of service, property, plant and equipment Retirements, property, plant and equipment (14,689) – (1,202) (2,478) (4) (1,898) (289) (286) (20,846) Dispositions and withdrawals of service, property, plant and equipment (14,689) – (1,202) (2,478) (4) (1,898) (289) (286) (20,846) Increase (decrease) in properties, plant, and equipment 157,148 207,027 66,308 (1,569) (5,998) (70,367) 73,061 (447,817) 338,726 (32,626) 283,893 Property, plant and equipment at the end of the period closing balances 12312020 6,391,278 370,368 2,877,686 8,597,454 5,202 529,737 3,094,164 3,050,266 3,991,916 643,834 29,551,905



El saldo de construcción en curso está directamente asociado con las actividades operativas de la Corporación y se relaciona con la adquisición de equipos para proyectos en construcción y los costos asociados para su finalización.

La Corporación ha firmado pólizas de seguros para cubrir los posibles riesgos a los que están sujetos los diversos elementos de propiedad, planta y equipo, así como las posibles reclamaciones que puedan surgir durante el período de sus actividades. Según la opinión de la Gerencia, dichas pólizas cubren suficientemente los riesgos a los que están sujetos.

Los costos de endeudamiento capitalizados para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020 fueron de ThUS$236,693 y ThUS$223,931, respectivamente. La tasa media de capitalización anual al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020 fue del 4,09% y 4,06%, respectivamente.

Los gastos en exploración y perforación de depósitos reconocidos en el estado de resultados y los desembolsos en efectivo realizados por los mismos conceptos se presentan en la siguiente tabla:

Gastos en exploración y perforación de yacimientos| 112021 112020
12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Resultado (pérdida) del período 33,106 25,289 Desembolsos en efectivo realizados 41,005 33,299

El detalle de “Otros activos” bajo “Propiedad, planta y equipo” es el siguiente:

Otros activos, neto 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Propiedades mineras de la compra de Anglo American Sur S.A 260,000 402,000 Mantenimientos y otras reparaciones importantes 153,132 191,918 Otros activos – Plan Calama 37,782 46,164 Otros 4,853 3,752 Total otros activos, neto 455,767 643,834

Al 30 de septiembre de 2021, como resultado de una actualización de la valoración de las propiedades mineras adquiridas como parte de la compra de una participación en Anglo American en 2012, se determinó que el valor de dicho activo es de ThUS$260,000, lo que implicó el reconocimiento de un ajuste de valor de ThUS$142,000 en el resultado antes de impuestos (ver nota 22 letra b).

La Corporación actualmente no tiene restricciones de propiedad relacionadas con los activos pertenecientes a Propiedad, planta y equipo, excepto por los activos arrendados cuyo título legal corresponde al arrendador.

Codelco no ha empeñado propiedad, planta y equipo como garantía de obligaciones de deuda.


8. j) De acuerdo con lo dispuesto en la sección II. Políticas contables significativas, 2 ¡), referente a deterioro de propiedad, planta y equipo y activos, la filial Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno Ltda. registró al 31 de diciembre de 2021 un deterioro de activos por un monto de ThUS$125,483 antes de impuestos. Al 31 de diciembre de 2020, la Corporación registró un deterioro de activos de la División Ventanas por un monto de ThUS$24,053 antes de impuestos. (ver nota 21).

8.1 Activos por derecho de uso

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, el desglose de la categoría de activos por derecho de uso es el siguiente:

Detalle 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos por derecho de uso, bruto 858,083 836,903 Activos por derecho de uso, depreciaciones acumuladas 496,544 375,863 Total activos por derecho de uso, neto 361,539 461,040

Los movimientos para los períodos terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020 son los siguientes:

Reconciliación de cambios en activos por derecho de uso 12312021 12312020 (en miles de US$) ThUS$ ThUS$ Saldo inicial 461,040 432,152 Incrementos 83,679 195,956 Depreciación (149,317)| (139,442) Deterioro (1,168) – Incrementos (Disminuciones) debido a otros cambios (32,038) (27,139) Bajas/Retiros de activos por derecho de uso (657) (487) Total movimientos (99,501) 28,888 Saldo final 361,539 461,040 La composición por clase de activos es la siguiente: Activos por derecho de uso, neto, por clase de activos 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Edificios 8,124 13,089 Terrenos 95 – Planta y equipo 197,043 204,747 Mobiliario y enseres 5,644 8,025 Vehículos motorizados 141,847 228,180 Otros activos por derecho de uso 8,786 6,999 Total 361,539 461,040


8.2 Pasivos por arrendamientos corrientes y no corrientes

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, los compromisos de pago por operaciones de arrendamiento se resumen en la siguiente tabla:

Arrendamientos 12312021 12312020 Corriente y no corriente Bruto Interés Neto Bruto Interés Neto ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Hasta 90 días 35,744 (2,981) 32,763 43,916 (3,698) 40,218 Entre 90 días y 1 año 87,221 (7,880) 79,341 115,085 (9,899) 105,186 Entre 1 y 2 años 97,429 (6,906) 90,523 123,239 (9,230) 114,009 Entre 2 y 3 años 62,310 (5,303) 57,007 91,978 (6,584) 85,394 Entre 3 y 4 años 54,482 (5,328) 49,154 56,353 (4,554) 51,799 Entre 4 y 5 años 24,910 (3,016) 21,894 53,053 (4,123) 48,930 Más de 5 años 25,906 (4,461) 21,445 49,459 (9,987) 39,472 Total 388,002 (35,875) 352,127 533,083 (48,075) 485,008

Las operaciones de arrendamiento se generan mediante contratos de servicio, principalmente para instalaciones, edificios, plantas y equipos.

El gasto relacionado con arrendamientos a corto plazo, activos de bajo valor y arrendamientos variables no incluidos en la medición de los pasivos por arrendamiento, para los períodos terminados el 30 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, se presenta en la siguiente tabla:

Gasto por arrendamiento 112021 112020
12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Arrendamientos a corto plazo 7,579 32,163 Arrendamientos de bajo valor 7,569 13,003 Arrendamientos variables no incluidos en la medición de los pasivos por arrendamiento 1,036,267 1,225,051 TOTAL 1,051,415 1,270,217

Inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial

El valor de la inversión y los resultados acumulados de las inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación patrimonial se presentan a continuación:

Interés Valor de la inversión Beneficio acumulado (pérdida)

Funcional 112021 112020 Asociados RUT | Moneda | 12312021 | 12312020 | 12312021 | 12312020 | 12312021 | 12312020

% % ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUs$ Agua de la Falda S.A. 96.801.450-1 US$ 42,26% 42,26% 4,988 4,795 – (246) Anglo American Sur S.A. 77.762.940-9 US$ 29,50% 29,50% 2,829,329 | 2,784,232 329,175 37,724 Inca de Oro S.A. 73.063.022-5 US$ 33,85% 33,19% 12,670 12,577 (118) (95) Kairos Mining S.A. 76.781.030-K US$ 40,00% 40,00% 44 123 – 31 Minera Puren SCM 76.028.880-2 US$ 35,00% 35,00% 3,873 9,933 (266) (1) Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA |76.255.054-7 US$ 34,00% 34,00% 14,360 12,218 2,142 1,304 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra [|96.701.340-4 US$ 49,00% 49,00% 680,747 595,080 83,912 719 TOTAL 3,546,011 | 3,418,958 414,845 39,436″


a) Associates Agua de la Falda S.A.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, Codelco posee un interés del 42,26% en Agua de la Falda S.A., con el 57,74% restante en manos de Minera Meridian Limitada.

El propósito corporativo de esta empresa es explotar yacimientos de oro y otros minerales en la tercera región de Chile.

Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra

Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra se constituyó en 1994. Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, Codelco posee un interés del 49%, con el 51% restante en manos de Cyprus El Abra Corporation, una subsidiaria de Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.

Las actividades comerciales de la empresa involucran la extracción, producción y venta de cátodos de cobre.

Sociedad Contractual Minera Purén

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, Codelco posee un interés del 35%, con el 65% restante en manos de Compañía Minera Mantos de Oro.

El propósito corporativo de esta empresa es explorar, identificar, estudiar, investigar, desarrollar y explotar yacimientos mineros para extraer, producir y procesar minerales.

Inca de Oro S.A.
El 1 de junio de 2009, la Junta Directiva de Codelco autorizó la incorporación de una nueva empresa destinada a desarrollar estudios que permitan la continuidad del Proyecto Inca de Oro, que es una subsidiaria de propiedad absoluta de Codelco.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, Codelco posee un interés del 33,85% en esta empresa (PanAust IDO Ltda. posee el 66,15%).

Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA.

El 3 de diciembre de 2012, Codelco constituyó Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA, de la cual poseía un interés del 100%.

El 7 de julio de 2014, Codelco redujo su interés en Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA al 51%, con el 49% restante en manos de LS-Nikko Copper Inc.


El 14 de octubre de 2015, Codelco redujo su interés en Planta Recuperadora de Metales SpA al 34%, con LS-Nikko Copper Inc poseyendo el 66% restante.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, LS-Nikko Copper Inc es el accionista controlador de esta empresa, basado en los elementos de control establecidos en el acuerdo de accionistas.

La actividad principal de la empresa es el procesamiento de productos intermedios de la refinación y procesamiento de cobre y otros metales con el objetivo de recuperar cobre, otros metales y otros subproductos, transformarlos en productos comerciales y vender y distribuir todo tipo de bienes o insumos derivados de dicho proceso.

Anglo American Sur S.A.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, el accionista controlador de Anglo American Sur S.A. es Inversiones Anglo American Sur S.A., que posee un interés del 50,06%, mientras que el interés no controlador es detentado por Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA, que a su vez es una subsidiaria controlada por Codelco con un interés del 67,8%. En consecuencia, Codelco ejerce una influencia significativa en Anglo American Sur S.A. a través de su interés indirecto del 29,5%.

Las actividades principales de la empresa son la exploración, extracción, explotación, producción, procesamiento y comercio de minerales, concentrados, precipitados, lingotes de cobre y todos los minerales metálicos y no metálicos, todas las sustancias fósiles y los hidrocarburos líquidos y gaseosos. Esto incluye la exploración, explotación y uso de todas las fuentes de energía natural capaces de uso industrial y los productos o subproductos obtenidos, así como cualquier otra actividad relacionada, conectada o complementaria en la que los accionistas estén de acuerdo.

El 24 de agosto de 2012, Codelco reconoció la adquisición de interés en Anglo American Sur S.A., lo que resultó en el reconocimiento inicial del costo de la inversión por ThUS$ 6,490,000, que correspondía a la participación proporcional (29,5%) del valor razonable neto de los activos y pasivos identificables adquiridos.

Al determinar la parte del valor razonable de los activos y pasivos identificables adquiridos, la Corporación consideró los recursos y reservas minerales que podrían medirse de manera confiable. Como parte de este proceso de actualización, y aplicando los criterios de valoración indicados anteriormente, el valor razonable de los activos adquiridos y pasivos asumidos de Anglo American Sur S.A. en esa fecha ascendía a US$ 22,646 millones, lo que en la proporción adquirida por Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (29,5%) resulta en una inversión a valor razonable de US$ 6,681 millones en la fecha de adquisición.

La asignación del precio de compra a valor razonable entre los activos y pasivos identificables fue preparada por la administración utilizando su mejor estimación y teniendo en cuenta toda la información relevante y disponible en la fecha de adquisición de Anglo American Sur S.A.


La Corporación utilizó un modelo de flujos de efectivo descontados para estimar proyecciones de flujos de efectivo, basadas en la vida útil de la mina. Estas proyecciones se basaron en la producción estimada y los precios futuros de los minerales, los costos operativos y los costos de capital, entre otras estimaciones realizadas en la fecha de adquisición. Además, los recursos probados y probables para explorar no se incluyeron en el plan minero, por lo tanto, se valoraron por separado utilizando un modelo de mercado. Tales recursos se incluyen en el ítem “Recursos Minerales”.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2015, la Corporación identificó indicadores de deterioro en las unidades operativas de Anglo American Sur S.A. En consecuencia, y con el propósito de realizar los ajustes correspondientes a la inversión en este asociado, la Corporación estimó su importe recuperable, considerando el valor adicional de los activos identificados en la fecha de adquisición de la inversión.

Al determinar el importe recuperable, la Corporación aplicó la metodología de valor razonable menos costos de disposición. El importe recuperable de las unidades operativas se determinó en función de la vida útil de la mina mediante el uso de un modelo de flujos de efectivo descontados, cuyas principales suposiciones incluyeron las reservas de mineral declaradas por el asociado, el precio del cobre, los costos de suministro, los tipos de cambio, la tasa de descuento y la información de mercado para la valoración a largo plazo de los activos. La tasa de descuento utilizada fue una tasa anual del 8% después de impuestos.

Además, las reservas probadas no incluidas en el plan minero (LOM), así como las reservas probables por explorar, se han valorado utilizando un enfoque de mercado múltiple para transacciones comparables.

Dicha metodología es consistente con las metodologías utilizadas en la fecha de adquisición, que se describe en el párrafo anterior.

Después del reconocimiento de la participación en los resultados del asociado como se detalla anteriormente.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, la Corporación realizó una valoración del valor de su inversión en Anglo American Sur S.A., determinando que el importe recuperable de este activo supera marginalmente su valor en libros. Cambios en las condiciones del mercado, fiscales y regulatorias, o la operación del activo podrían resultar en futuros deterioros o reversión de deterioros.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, no hay indicadores de deterioro ni reversión, por lo tanto, no se han realizado ajustes a los importes en libros de los activos.

Kairos S.A.

Hasta antes del 26 de noviembre de 2012, la Corporación poseía una participación del 40% en conjunto con Honeywell Chile S.A., que era el accionista mayoritario con el 60% del capital social de Kairos Mining S.A.


El 26 de noviembre de 2012, la Corporación vendió parte de su participación a Honeywell Chile S.A., lo que implicó que Codelco mantuviera un interés del 5 al 31 de diciembre de 2012, mientras que el 95% restante era propiedad de Honeywell Chile S.A. El resultado de esta operación antes de impuestos fue de ThUS$ 13.

El 6 de junio de 2019, Codelco compró 350 acciones de Kairos Mining a Honeywell Chile S.A., aumentando su participación del 5% al 40%.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, el control de la empresa está en manos de Honeywell Chile S.A., que posee el 60% de las acciones, mientras que Codelco posee el 40% restante.

El propósito de la empresa es proporcionar servicios de automatización y control para actividades industriales y mineras, y proporcionar licencias de tecnología y software.

Las siguientes tablas presentan los activos y pasivos al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020 de las inversiones en asociados, así como los principales movimientos y sus respectivos resultados para los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020:

Activos y Pasivos 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 2,456,50 | 2,044,436 Activos no corrientes 5,507,333 | 5,366,998 Pasivos corrientes 1,282,822 934,703 Pasivos no corrientes 11927,360| 2,088,420
112021 112020 Ingresos netos 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 4,172,304 | 2,644,477 Gastos ordinarios (2,847,478)| (2,479,372) Utilidad del período 1,324,826 165,105
112021 112020 Movimientos de Inversión en Asociados| 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Saldo inicial 3,418,958 | 3,483,523 Aporte 193 176 Dividendos (291,647) (100,131) Utilidad (pérdida) del período 414,845 39,436 Ingresos integrales 9,228 (4,043) Otros (5,566) (3) Saldo final 3,546,011 | 3,418,958


Las siguientes tablas proporcionan detalles de los activos y pasivos de los principales asociados al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, y su utilidad (pérdida) para los años terminados al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020: Anglo American Sur S.A.
Activos y Pasivos 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 1,596,000 1,511,000 Activos no corrientes 4,316,000 4,090,000 Pasivos corrientes 1,121,000 865,000 Pasivos no corrientes 1,545,000 1,676,000
112021 112020 Resultados 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 3,426,000 2,146,000 Gastos ordinarios y otros (2,277,000) | (1,982,020) Ganancia del período 1,149,000 163,980 Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra Activos y Pasivos 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 800,169 482,974 Activos no corrientes 1,048,549 1,124,871 Pasivos corrientes 145,145 55,508 Pasivos no corrientes 314,292 337,887
112021 112020 Resultados 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 705,726 448,428 Gastos ordinarios y otros (534,477)] (446,960) Ganancia del período 171,249 1,468


b) Información adicional sobre utilidades (pérdidas) no realizadas

Codelco, con Sociedad Contractual Minera El Abra, realiza actividades de compra y venta de cobre. Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, no se reconocieron utilidades (pérdidas) no realizadas en el importe en libros de inventarios de productos terminados.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, la Corporación ha reconocido ganancias no realizadas por la compra de derechos de uso de la terminal de GNL de la Compañía Contratista Minera El Abra por ThUS$3,920.

c) Participación en la utilidad o pérdida del período

El resultado antes de impuestos, correspondiente a la proporción del resultado de Anglo American Sur S.A. reconocido para el período que terminó el 31 de diciembre de 2021, fue una ganancia de ThUS$ 338,955 (ganancia de ThUS$ 48,374 al 31 de diciembre de 2020), mientras que el ajuste a dicho resultado correspondiente a la depreciación y reducción del valor razonable de los activos netos de dicha empresa reconocidos en la fecha de adquisición, resultó en un menor ingreso antes de impuestos de ThUS$ 9,781 (pérdida de ThUS$ 10,650 al 31 de diciembre de 2020) y se deduce de la leyenda “Participación en las utilidades (pérdidas) de asociados y negocios conjuntos contabilizados utilizando el método de participación patrimonial” en el estado consolidado de resultados integrales.

10. Subsidiarias

Las siguientes tablas detallan los activos, pasivos y utilidades (pérdidas) de las subsidiarias de la Corporación, antes de los ajustes de consolidación:

Activos y pasivos 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 530,415 589,014 Activos no corrientes 3,458,789 3,508,221 Pasivos corrientes 608,527 343,081 Pasivos no corrientes 478,228 1,059,481 Resultados 112021 112020
12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 2,096,185 1,128,181 Gastos ordinarios y otros (1,822,438) | (1,141,365) Ganancia (pérdida) 273,747 (13,184)


Activos financieros corrientes y no corrientes

Los activos financieros corrientes y no corrientes incluidos en el estado de situación financiera son los siguientes:

12312021 Clasificación en el estado de situación financiera A valor razonable Derivados para cobertura Total financiero a través de ganancias y pérdidas Costo amortizado Activos de divisas cruzadas y futuros de metales ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 19,142 1,264,476 – – 1,283,618 Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras corrientes 3,039,967 1,154,383 – – 4,194,350 Cuentas por cobrar no corrientes – 104,177 – – 104,177 Cuentas por cobrar corrientes de entidades relacionadas – 156,711 – – 156,711 Cuentas por cobrar no corrientes de entidades relacionadas – 224 – – 224 Otros activos financieros corrientes – 320,279 61 – 320,340 Otros activos financieros no corrientes – 5,109 – 33,174 38,283 TOTAL 3,059,109 3,005,359 61 33,174 6,097,703

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, el saldo de la leyenda Otros activos financieros corrientes incluye ThUS$ 320,275 invertidos en instrumentos de depósito a plazo con vencimiento de más de 90 días. Al 31 de diciembre de 2020, el monto invertido en este tipo de instrumento era de ThUS$ 280,194.

12312020 Clasificación en el estado de situación financiera MONO amorizado cos Derivados para cobertura Total financiero nd MN Futuros de metal Ai activos Así$ Así$ Así$ Así$ Así$ Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 14,270 2,093,223 – – 2,107,493 Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras corrientes 915,454 2,333,863 – – 3,249,317 Cuentas por cobrar no corrientes – 93,986 – – 93,986 Cuentas por cobrar corrientes de entidades relacionadas – 98,397 – – 98,397 Cuentas por cobrar no corrientes de entidades relacionadas – 224 – – 224 Otros activos financieros corrientes – 280,278 3,612 – 283,890 Otros activos financieros no corrientes – 6,249 – 127,502 133,751 TOTAL 929,724 4,906,220 3,612 127,502 5,967,058

– – Valor razonable a través de pérdidas y ganancias: Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, esta categoría incluye principalmente cuentas por cobrar de ventas provisionales de facturación. Sección 11.2.q.

– – Costo amortizado: Corresponde a activos financieros mantenidos dentro de un modelo de negocio cuyo objetivo es mantener activos financieros para cobrar flujos de efectivo contractuales que son únicamente pagos de principal e intereses sobre el principal pendiente. Estos activos no cotizan en un mercado activo.

Los efectos en el resultado reconocidos para estos activos provienen principalmente de ingresos financieros y diferencias cambiarias de saldos denominados en monedas distintas a la moneda funcional.

No se reconocieron deterioros significativos en cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras.


12. – Derivados para Cobertura: Corresponde al saldo por cambios en el valor razonable de contratos de derivados para cubrir transacciones existentes (coberturas de flujos de efectivo) y que afectan el resultado cuando las transacciones se liquidan o cuando, en la medida requerida por las normas contables, se carga (acredita) un efecto de compensación en el estado de resultados. El detalle de las transacciones de cobertura con derivados se incluye en la Nota 28.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020 no hubo reclasificaciones entre las diferentes categorías de instrumentos financieros.

Otras obligaciones financieras

Las otras obligaciones financieras consisten en préstamos con instituciones financieras y obligaciones de emisión de bonos, que son registrados por la Corporación a costo amortizado utilizando el método de tasa de interés efectiva.

Las siguientes tablas presentan otras obligaciones financieras corrientes y no corrientes:

12312021 Ítems Corriente No corriente Costo amortizado | Derivados para cobertura Total Costo amortizado | Derivados para cobertura Total Así$ Así$ Así$ Así$ Así$ Así$

Préstamos de instituciones financieras 18,003 18,003 969,416 969,416 Obligaciones de bonos 557,411 557,411 15,696,670 15,696,670 Obligaciones de cobertura 29,789 29,789 186,611 186,611 Otras obligaciones financieras 50,943 50,943

Total 575,414 29,789 605,203 16,717,029 186,611 16,903,640

12312020 Ítems Corriente No corriente Costo amortizado | Derivados para cobertura Total Costo amortizado | Derivados para cobertura Total Así$ Así$ Así$ Así$ Así$ Así$

Préstamos de instituciones financieras 81,218 81,218 1,489,224 1,489,224 Obligaciones de bonos 438,301 438,301 16,067,913 16,067,913 Obligaciones de cobertura 10,427 10,427 121,594 121,594 Otras obligaciones financieras 56,469 56,469

Total 519,519 10,427 529,946 17,613,606 121,594 17,735,200


Préstamos de instituciones financieras: Los préstamos obtenidos por la Corporación tienen como objetivo financiar operaciones de producción.

Además de los créditos mencionados en el párrafo anterior, Codelco, a través de la filial Inversiones Gacrux SpA., tiene un acuerdo de crédito con Oriente Copper Netherlands B.V. desde 2012 (una filial de Mitsui & Co. Ltd.), que fue suscrito con el objetivo de destinar este financiamiento a la adquisición de la participación accionaria de Anglo American Sur SA, por parte de la filial Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA. (Filial de Inversiones Gacrux SpA.). Este préstamo no tiene garantías personales asociadas y su tasa es fija del 3.25% anual y tiene una duración de 20 años, siendo pagadero en 40 cuotas semestrales de capital e intereses sobre saldos impagos.

El 20 de mayo de 2021, se pagó la totalidad del monto adeudado a Oriente Copper Netherlands B.V.
Obligaciones de bonos

El 10 de mayo de 2005, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado nacional por un monto nominal de UF 6,900,000 de una sola serie denominada Serie B, que consiste en 6,900 bonos por UF 1,000 cada uno. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 1 de abril de 2025, a una tasa de interés anual del 4% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 21 de septiembre de 2005, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU. bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$500,000. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 21 de septiembre de 2035, a una tasa de interés anual del 5.6250% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 19 de octubre de 2006, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU. bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$500,000. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 24 de octubre de 2036, a una tasa de interés anual del 6.15% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 4 de noviembre de 2010, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU. bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$1,000,000. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 4 de noviembre de 2020, a una tasa de interés anual del 3.75% y pagos de intereses semestrales. El 3 de agosto de 2017, el 6 de febrero de 2019 y el 2 de octubre de 2019, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$414,763, ThUS$183,051 y ThUS$7,304 respectivamente.

El 3 de noviembre de 2011, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU. bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$1,150,000. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 4 de noviembre de 2021, a una tasa de interés anual del 3.875% y pagos de intereses semestrales. El 3 de agosto de 2017, el 6 de febrero de 2019 y el 2 de octubre de 2019, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$665,226, ThUS$247,814 y ThUS$9,979 respectivamente. El 16 de diciembre de 2020, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$14,361.


El 17 de julio de 2012, la Compañía emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU. bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$2,000,000. Estos bonos son pagaderos en dos cuotas (1) la primera cuota el 17 de julio de 2022 por un monto de US$1,250,000 a una tasa de interés anual del 3%. El 22 de agosto de 2017, el 6 de febrero de 2019 y el 8 y 22 de octubre de 2019, se pagó el capital en los montos de ThUS$412,514, ThUS$314,219, ThUS$106,972 y ThUS$3,820 respectivamente. El 16 de diciembre de 2020, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$83,852. Y (ii) la otra cuota vence el 17 de julio de 2042 e ¡es por un monto de ThUS$750,000 a una tasa de interés anual del 4.25%,

El 13 de agosto de 2013, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU., bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$750,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 13 de agosto de 2023, a una tasa de interés anual del 4.5% y pagos de intereses semestrales. El 22 de agosto de 2017, el 12 de febrero y el 26 de febrero de 2019, se pagó el capital en los montos de ThUS$162,502, ThUS$228,674 y ThUS$270 respectivamente. El 8 y 22 de octubre de 2019, se pagó el capital por ThUS$23,128 y ThUS$555 respectivamente. El 6 de mayo de 2020, el capital restante debido se aumentó por un monto nominal de ThUS$131,000, alcanzando un monto total de ThUS$465,871 con un cupón anual del 4.50%. El 16 de diciembre de 2020, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$79,688. El 22 de octubre de 2021, se amortizó el capital por un monto de ThuS$157,965, alcanzando un monto total de ThUS$228,218.

El 18 de octubre de 2013, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU., bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$950,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 18 de octubre de 2043, a una tasa de interés anual del 5.625% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 9 de julio de 2014, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en los mercados financieros internacionales, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de EUR$600,000,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 9 de julio de 2024, a una tasa de interés anual del 2.25% y pagos de intereses anuales. El 22 de octubre de 2021, se amortizó el capital por un monto de ThUS$200,116, alcanzando un monto total de ThUS$399,884.

El 4 de noviembre de 2014, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU., bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$980,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 4 de noviembre de 2044, a una tasa de interés anual del 4.875% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 16 de septiembre de 2015, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado de EE. UU., bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$2,000,000, pagadero en una sola cuota el 16 de septiembre de 2025, a una tasa de interés anual del 4.5% y pagos de intereses semestrales. El 22 de agosto de 2017 y el 12 de febrero de 2019, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$378,655 y ThUS$552,754 respectivamente. El 22 de diciembre de 2020, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$392,499. El 7 de enero de 2021, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$5,000. El 22 de octubre de 2021, se amortizó el capital por un monto de ThUS$273,867, alcanzando un monto total de ThUS$397,235.


El 24 de agosto de 2016, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado nacional por un monto nominal de UF 10,000,000 de una sola serie denominada Serie C, que consiste de 20,000 bonos por UF 500 cada uno. Estos bonos son pagaderos en una sola cuota el 24 de agosto de 2026, a una tasa de interés anual del 2.5% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 25 de julio de 2017, la Corporación realizó una oferta en Nueva York para comprar sus bonos emitidos en dólares con vencimientos entre 2019 y 2025, recomprando US$2,367 millones.

Posteriormente, el 1 de agosto de 2017, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado norteamericano, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal total de ThUS$ 2,750,000. Una parte corresponde a un monto de ThUS$ 1,500,000, con vencimiento el 1 de agosto de 2027 con una tasa de interés anual del 3.625% y pagos de intereses semestrales. El 22 de diciembre de 2020, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$227,154. El 7 de enero de 2021, se pagó el capital por un monto de ThUS$5,000. La otra parte contempla una fecha de vencimiento el 1 de agosto de 2047, correspondiente a un monto de ThUS$ 1,250,000 con un cupón anual de 4.5% y pagos de intereses semestrales.

Como resultado de estas transacciones, el 86% de los fondos de la nueva emisión (US$2,367 millones) se utilizaron para refinanciar deudas antiguas. La tasa de interés promedio de los fondos refinanciados disminuyó de 4.36% a 4.02%.

El 18 de mayo de 2018, Codelco emitió un bono por US$600 millones con vencimiento a 30 años en el mercado de Formosa, Taiwán. El bono emitido está denominado en dólares estadounidenses, tuvo un rendimiento del 4.85% y una opción de prepago al valor de emisión que puede ejercerse a partir del quinto año a su valor nominal.

El 28 de enero de 2019, la Corporación en Nueva York realizó una oferta para comprar sus bonos emitidos en dólares con vencimientos entre 2020 y 2025, recomprando US$1,527 millones.

Posteriormente, el 5 de febrero de 2019, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado norteamericano, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal total de ThUS$1,300,000, cuyo vencimiento será el 5 de febrero de 2049 con un cupón del 4.375% anual y pagos de intereses semestrales.

El 22 de julio de 2019, la Corporación realizó una emisión y colocación de bonos, Regulación S, por un monto nominal de AUD $ 70,000,000, cuyo vencimiento será en una sola cuota el 22 de julio de 2039, con un cupón del 3.58% anual y pago de intereses anual.

El 23 de agosto de 2019, la Corporación realizó una emisión y colocación de bonos, Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$130,000, cuyo vencimiento será en una sola cuota el 23 de agosto de 2029, con un cup

El 6 de mayo de 2020, la Corporación emitió y colocó bonos en el mercado norteamericano, bajo la Regla 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal de ThUS$800,000 cuyo vencimiento será en una sola cuota el 15 de enero de 2031, con un cupón del 3.75% anual e intereses pagados cada seis meses.

El 7 de diciembre de 2020, la Corporación realizó en Nueva York una oferta para comprar sus bonos emitidos en dólares con vencimientos entre 2021 y 2027, recomprando ThUS$797,554.

El 14 de diciembre de 2020, la Corporación llevó a cabo una emisión y colocación de bonos en el mercado norteamericano, bajo la norma 144-A y la Regulación S, por un monto nominal total de ThUS$500,000 cuyo vencimiento será en una sola cuota el 15 de enero de 2051, con un cupón del 3.15% anual y pago de intereses de forma semestral.

Como resultado de estas transacciones, el 100% de los fondos de la nueva emisión (US$500 millones) se utilizaron para refinanciar deudas antiguas. La tasa nominal promedio de los fondos refinanciados disminuyó de 4.08% a 3.15%.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, la Corporación no está obligada a cumplir con ningún convenio financiero relacionado con préstamos de instituciones financieras y obligaciones de bonos.

Comisiones y gastos financieros por deuda:

Los costos de transacción incurridos en la obtención de recursos financieros se deducen de los ingresos del préstamo y se amortizan utilizando la tasa de interés efectiva.


Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, los detalles de los préstamos de instituciones financieras y las obligaciones de bonos son los siguientes:

12312021 Actual No actual Tax ID No. País a ca Institución Vencimiento Tasa Moneda Monto principal Tipo de amortización ca a de un saldo saldo ThUS$ ThUS$ Semestral principal Extranjero Japón Crédito Bilateral Banco Internacional de Cooperación de Japón 5-24-2022 Flotante US$ 224,000,000| cuotas a partir de 2015 al | Semestral 0.69% 0.85% 16,001 – vencimiento Extranjero Panamá Crédito Bilateral Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio 12-18-2026 Flotante US$ 75,000,000| Al vencimiento Semestral 1.52% 1.66% 28 74,547 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 8-12-2027 Flotante US$ 300,000,000| Al vencimiento Trimestral 1.27% 1.34% 520 299,230 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 10-25-2028 Flotante US$ 300,000,000| Al vencimiento Trimestral 1.34% 1.43% 748 298,723 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev. Canadá 7-25-2029 Flotante US$ 300,000,000| Al vencimiento Trimestral 1.34% 1.50% 706 296,916 TOTAL 18,003 969,416 a . o a Pago de Nominal Efectiva Actual No actual

Obligaciones de bonos País Vencimiento Tasa Moneda Monto principal Tipo de amortización interés interés balance balance

144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 7-17-2022 Fijo US$ 1,250,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 3.00% 3.13% 332,870 –
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 8-13-2023 Fijo US$ 750,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 4,50% 4.36% 5,693 228,670
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 7-9-2024 Fijo EUR 600,000,000 | Al vencimiento Anual 2.25% 2.47% 4,880 449,817 BCODE-B Chile 4-1-2025 Fijo UF. 6,900,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 4.00% 3.24% 2,574 259,036
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 9-16-2025 Fijo US$ 2,000,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 4,50% 4.75% 5,263 393,990 BCODE-C Chile 8-24-2026 Fijo UF. 10,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 2.50% 2.47% 3,196 378,561
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 8-1-2027 Fijo US$ 1,500,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 3.63% 4.18% 19,108 1,232,979 REG.S Luxemburgo 8-23-2029 Fijo US$ 130,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 2.87% 2.97% 1,318 129,072
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 9-30-2029 Fijo US$ 1,100,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 3.00% 3.14% 8,387 1,089,401
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 1-14-2030 Fijo US$ 1,000,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 3.15% 3.28% 14,295 990,643
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 1-15-2031 Fijo US$ 800,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 3.75% 3.79% 13,859 797,301 REG.S Luxemburgo 11-7-2034 Fijo HKD 500,000,000 | Al vencimiento Anual 2.84% 2.92% 274 63,549
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 9-21-2035 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 5.63% 5.78% 7,847 492,772
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-24-2036 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 6.15% 6.22% 5,745 496,794 REG.S Luxemburgo 7-22-2039 Fijo AUD 70,000,000 | Al vencimiento Anual 3.58% 3.65% 806 50,284
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 7-17-2042 Fijo US$ 750,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 4.25% 4,41% 14,465 734,351
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 10-18-2043 Fijo US$ 950,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 5.63% 5.76% 10,864 934,264
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 11-4-2044 Fijo US$ 980,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 4.88% 5.01% 7,523 962,219
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 8-1-2047 Fijo US$ 1,250,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 4.50% 4.73% 23,387 1,207,588
144 – REG.S Taiwán 5-18-2048 Fijo US$ 600,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 4.85% 4.91% 3,457 594,676
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 2-5-2049 Fijo US$ 1,300,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 4.38% 4.97% 22,873 1,186,122
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 1-30-2050 Fijo US$ 2,680,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 3.70% 3.93% 41,495 2,577,759
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 1-15-2051 Fijo US$ 500,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 3.15% 3.75% 7,232 446,822 TOTAL 557,411 15,696,670

Las tasas de interés nominal y efectiva presentadas anteriormente corresponden a tasas anuales.


Al 31 de diciembre de 2020, los detalles de los préstamos de instituciones financieras y las obligaciones de bonos son los siguientes:

Las tasas de interés nominal y efectiva presentadas anteriormente corresponden a tasas anuales.

12312020 Tax ID No. País Préstamos de entidades financieras Institución Vencimiento Moneda Monto principal Tipo de amortización Saldo actual Saldo no actual ThUs$ ThUS$ Semestral principal Extranjero Japón Crédito Bilateral Banco Internacional de Cooperación de Japón 5-24-2022 US$ 224,000,000| cuotas a partir de Semestral 0.70% 0.86% 32,035 15,934 2015 al vencimiento Extranjero Panamá Crédito Bilateral Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio 12-18-2026 US$ 75,000,000| Al vencimiento Semestral 1.46% 1.61% 30 74,464 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev Canada 8-12-2027 US$ 300,000,000| Al vencimiento Trimestral 1.36% 1.43% 557 299,098 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev Canada 10-25-2028 US$ 300,000,000| Al vencimiento Trimestral 1.43% 1.52% 774 298,519 Extranjero EE. UU. Crédito Bilateral Export Dev Canada 7-25-2029 US$ 300,000,000| Al vencimiento Trimestral 1.43% 1.59% 739 296,541 Extranjero Países Bajos Crédito Bilateral Oriente Copper Netherlands B.V. 11-26-2032 US$ 874,959,000| Semestral Semestral 3.25% 5.42% 47,083 504,668 TOTAL 81,218 1,489,224 Obligaciones de bonos País Vencimiento Moneda Monto principal Tipo de amortización Saldo actual Saldo no actual ThUs$ ThUS$
144-A REG.S Luxemburgo 11-4-2021 US$ 1,150,000,000 | Al vencimiento Semestral 3.88% 4.01% 213,679

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 7-17-2022 Fixed US$ 1,250,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 3.00% 3.13% 4,511 327,989

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 8-13-2023 Fixed US$ 750,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 4.50% 4.36% 6,666 387,473

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 7-9-2024 Fixed EUR 600,000,000 | Maturity Annual 2.25% 2.48% 7,923 731,581

BCODE-B Chile 4-1-2025 Fixed UF 6,900,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 4.00% 3.24% 2,821 289,816

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 9-16-2025 Fixed US$ 2,000,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 4.50% 4.74% 8,836 669,236

BCODE-C Chile 8-24-2026 Fixed UF 10,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 2.50% 2.48% 3,561 423,061

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 8-1-2027 Fixed US$ 1,500,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 3.63% 4.18% 19,215 1,232,545

REG.S Luxembourg 8-23-2029 Fixed US$ 130,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 2.87% 2.97% 1,318 128,965

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 9-30-2029 Fixed US$ 1,100,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 3.00% 3.14% 8,387 1,088,210

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 1-14-2030 Fixed US$ 1,000,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 3.15% 3.28% 14,295 989,641

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 1-15-2031 Fixed US$ 800,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 3.75% 3.79% 19,606 796,944

REG.S Luxembourg 11-7-2034 Fixed HDK 500,000,000 | Maturity Annual 2.84% 2.92% 276 63,901

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 9-21-2035 Fixed US$ 500,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 5.63% 5.78% 7,847 492,434

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 10-24-2036 | Fixed US$ 500,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 6.15% 6.22% 5,745 496,666

REG.S Luxembourg 7-22-2039 Fixed AUD 70,000,000 | Maturity Annual 3.58% 3.64% 852 53,269

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 7-17-2042 Fixed US$ 750,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 4.25% 4.41% 14,465 733,891

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 10-18-2043 | Fixed US$ 950,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 5.63% 5.76% 10,864 933,908

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 11-4-2044 Fixed US$ 980,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 4.88% 5.01% 7,523 961,808

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 8-1-2047 Fixed US$ 1,250,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 4.50% 4.73% 23,387 1,206,748

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 5-18-2048 Fixed US$ 600,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 4.85% 4.91% 3,457 594,582

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 2-5-2049 Fixed US$ 1,300,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 4.38% 4.97% 22,873 1,184,160

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 1-30-2050 Fixed US$ 1,900,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 3.70% 3.89% 29,418 1,836,175

144-A REG.S Luxembourg 1-15-2051 Fixed US$ 500,000,000 | Maturity Semi-annual 3.15% 3.49% 776 444,910

TOTAL 438,301 16,067,913


8 The undiscounted amounts that the Corporation will have to disburse to settle the obligations with financial institutions are as follows:

12312021 CURRENT NON-CURRENT Creditor name Currency Effective Nominal Payment of Less than More than Total 1 to 3 3 to 5 over 5 Total interest rate interest rate interests 90 days 90 days current years years years non-current

Japan Bank International Cooperation US$ 0.85% 0.69% Semi-annual – 16,056 16,056 – – Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio US$ 1.66% 1.52% Semi-annual – 1,153 1,153 2,310 77,297 – 79,607 Export Dev. Canada US$ 1.34% 1.27% Quarterly 976 2,896 3,872 7,753 7,743 302,896 318,392 Export Dev Canada US$ 1.43% 1.34% Quarterly 1,030 3,057 4,087 8,185 8,174 308,174 324,533 Export Dev Canada US$ 1.50% 1.34% Quarterly – 1,030 1,030 – 8,185 314,242 322,427 BOND 144-A REG.S 2022 US$ 3.13% 3.00% Semi-annual 4,929 333,552 338,481 – – – – BOND 144-A REG.S 2023 US$ 4.36% 4.50% Semi-annual 5,135 5,135 10,270 238,488 – – 238,488 BOND 144-A REG.S 2025 US$ 4.75% 4.50% Semi-annual 8,938 17,876 26,814 – 415,111 – 415,111 BOND 144-A REG.S 2027 US$ 4.18% 3.63% Semi-annual 22,980 22,980 45,960 – 91,919 1,313,805 1,405,724 BOND REG.S 2029 US$ 2.97% 2.87% Semi-annual 1,865 1,865 3,730 7,459 7,459 141,189 156,107 BOND 144-A REG.S 2029 US$ 3.14% 3.00% Semi-annual 16,500 16,500 33,000 66,000 66,000 1,199,000 1,331,000 BOND 144-A REG.S 2030 US$ 3.28% 3.15% Semi-annual 15,750 15,750 31,500 63,000 63,000 1,110,250 1,236,250 BOND 144-A REG.S 2031 US$ 3.79% 3.75% Semi-annual 15,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 935,000 1,055,000 BOND 144-A REG.S 2035 US$ 5.78% 5.63% Semi-annual 14,063 14,063 28,126 56,250 56,250 753,125 865,625 BOND 144-A REG.S 2036 US$ 6.22% 6.15% Semi-annual – 30,750 30,750 61,500 61,500 807,500 930,500 BOND 144-A REG.S 2042 US$ 4.41% 4.25% Semi-annual 15,938 15,938 31,876 63,750 63,750 1,260,000 1,387,500 BOND 144-A REG.S 2043 US$ 5.76% 5.63% Semi-annual – 53,438 53,438 106,875 106,875 1,858,438 2,072,188 BOND 144-A REG.S 2044 US$ 5.01% 4.88% Semi-annual – 47,775 47,775 95,550 95,550 1,839,950 2,031,050 BOND 144-A REG.S 2047 US$ 4.73% 4.50% Semi-annual 28,125 28,125 56,250 112,500 112,500 2,431,250 2,656,250 BOND 144 REG.S 2048 US$ 4.91% 4.85% Semi-annual – 29,100 29,100 58,200 58,200 1,225,650 1,342,050 BOND 144-A REG.S 2049 US$ 4.97% 4.38% Semi-annual 28,438 28,438 56,876 113,750 113,750 2,579,688 2,807,188 BOND 144-A REG.S 2050 US$ 3.93% 3.70% Semi-annual 49,580 49,580 99,160 198,320 198,320 5,010,260 5,406,900 BOND 144-A REG.S 2051 US$ 3.75% 3.15% Semi-annual 7,875 7,875 15,750 31,500 31,500 885,875 948,875 Total TRUS$ 237,122 757,932 995,054 1,351,390 1,703,083 24,276,292 27,330,765 BOND BCODE-B 2025 U.F. 3.24% 4.00% Semi-annual 138,000 138,000 276,000 552,000 7,038,000 – 7,590,000 BOND BCODE-C 2026 U.F. 2.47% 2.50% Semi-annual 124,228 124,229 248,457 496,913 10,496,913 – 10,993,827 Total U.F. 262,228 262,229 524,457 1,048,913 17,534,913 – 18,583,827 Subtotal Thus$ 9,621 9,621 19,242 38,485 643,357 – 681,842 | BOND 144-A REG.S 2024 | EUR | 2.47% | 2.25% Annual – 8,997,390 8,997,390 17,994,780 399,884,000 -| 417,878,780 Subtotal Thus$ – 10,179 10,179 20,358 452,409 – 472,767 | BOND REG.S 2039 | AUD | 3.659 | 3.58% Annual – 2,506,000 2,506,000 5,012,000 5,012,000 102,578,000| 112,602,000 Subtotal Thus$ – 1,816 1,816 3,633 3,633 74,349 81,615 | BOND REG.S 2034 | HKD | 2.92 2.84% Annual – 14,200,000 14,200,000 28,438,904 28,400,000| 613,677,808| 670,516,712 Subtotal Thus$ – 1,821 1,821 3,646 3,641 78,680 85,967 Total THUS$ 246,743 781,369 1,028,112 1,417,512 2,806,123 24,429,321 28,652,956

Nominal and effective interest rates presented above correspond to annual rates.


12312020 CURRENT NON-CURRENT Creditor name Currency Effective Nominal Payments of Less than More than Total 1 to 3 3 to 5 over 5 Total interest rate interest rate interest 90 days 90 days current years years years non-current

Japan Bank International Cooperation US$ 0.86% 0.70% Semestral – 32,283 32,283 16,057 – 16,057 Banco Latinoamericano de Comercio US$ 1.61% 1.46% Semestral – 1,113 1,113 2,220 1,667 76,658 80,545 Export Dev Canada US$ 1.43% 1.36% Trimestral 1,045 3,102 4,147 8,295 8,307 307,250 323,852 Export Dev Canada US$ 1.52% 1.43% Trimestral 1,097 3,257 4,354 8,708 8,720 313,051 330,479 Export Dev Canada US$ 1.59% 1.43% Trimestral – 3,252 3,252 8,696 8,707 317,343 334,746

BONO 144-A REG.S 2021 US$ 4.01% 3.88% Semestral – 220,859 220,859 – – BONO 144-A REG.S 2022 US$ 3.13% 3.00% Semestral 4,929 4,929 9,858 338,482 – 338,482 BONO 144-A REG.S 2023 US$ 4.36% 4.50% Semestral 8,689 8,689 17,378 34,756 386,183 420,939 BONO 144-A REG.S 2025 US$ 4.74% 4.50% Semestral 15,212 15,212 30,424 60,849 736,951 797,800 BONO 144-A REG.S 2027 US$ 4.18% 3.63% Semestral 23,070 23,070 46,140 92,281 92,281 1,365,127 1,549,689 BONO REG.S 2029 US$ 2.97% 2.87% Semestral 1,865 1,865 3,730 7,459 7,459 144,919 159,837 BONO 144-A REG.S 2029 US$ 3.14% 3.00% Semestral 16,500 16,500 33,000 66,000 66,000 1,232,000 1,364,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2030 US$ 3.28% 3.15% Semestral 15,750 15,750 31,500 63,000 63,000 1,141,750 1,267,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2031 US$ 3.79% 3.75% Semestral 15,000 15,000 30,000 60,000 60,000 965,000 1,085,000 BONO 144-A REG.S 2035 US$ 5.78% 5.63% Semestral 14,063 14,063 28,126 56,250 56,250 781,250 893,750 BONO 144-A REG.S 2036 US$ 6.22% 6.15% Semestral – 30,750 30,750 61,500 61,500 838,250 961,250 BONO 144-A REG.S 2042 US$ 4.41% 4.25% Semestral 15,938 15,938 31,876 63,750 63,750 1,291,875 1,419,375 BONO 144-A REG.S 2043 US$ 5.76% 5.63% Semestral – 53,438 53,438 106,875 106,875 1,911,875 2,125,625 BONO 144-A REG.S 2044 US$ 5.01% 4.88% Semestral – 47,775 47,775 95,550 95,550 1,887,725 2,078,825 BONO 144-A REG.S 2047 US$ 4.73% 4.50% Semestral 28,125 28,125 56,250 112,500 112,500 2,487,500 2,712,500 BONO 144 REG.S 2048 US$ 4.91% 4.85% Semestral – 29,100 29,100 58,200 58,200 1,254,750 1,371,150 BONO 144-A REG.S 2049 US$ 4.97% 4.38% Semestral 28,438 28,438 56,876 113,750 113,750 2,636,563 2,864,063 BONO 144-A REG.S 2050 US$ 3.89% 3.70% Semestral 35,150 35,150 70,300 140,600 140,600 3,622,350 3,903,550 BONO 144-A REG.S 2051 US$ 3.49% 3.15% Semestral – 7,875 7,875 31,500 31,500 901,625 964,625 Oriente Copper Netherlands B.V. US$ 5.42% 3.25% Semestral – 69,775 69,775 135,320 129,589 408,051 672,960 Total ThuS$ 224,871 725,308 950,179 1,742,598 2,409,339 23,884,912 28,036,849 BONO BCODE-B 2025 UF. 3.24% 4.00% Semestral 138,000 138,000 276,000 552,000 7,452,000 8,004,000 BONO BCODE-C 2026 UF. 2.48% 2.50% Semestral 248,457 248,457 496,913 496,914 10,248,457 11,242,284 Total U.F. 138,000 386,457 524,457 1,048,913 7,948,914 10,248,457 19,246,284 Subtotal ThuS$ 5,643 15,802 21,445 42,889 325,027 419,053 786,969 | BONO 144-A REG.S 2024 EUR | 2.48% 2.25% Anual 13,500,000 13,500,000 27,000,000| 613,500,000 -| 640,500,000 Subtotal ThuS$ 16,583 16,583 33,165 753,593 – 786,758 | BONO REG.S 2039 AUD | 3.64% 3.58% Anual 2,506,000 2,506,000 5,012,000 5,012,000| 105,084,000| 115,108,000 Subtotal Thus$ – 1,924 1,924 3,848 3,848 80,685 88,381 | BONO REG.S 2034 HKD | 2.92% 2.84% Anual 14,238,904 – 14,238,904 28,400,000 28,438,904] 642,077,808| 698,916,712 Subtotal ThuS$ 1,837 – 1,837 3,664 3,669 82,826 90,159 Total ThuS$ 232,351 759,617 991,968 1,826,164 3,495,476 24,467,476 29,789,116

Las tasas de interés nominales y efectivas presentadas anteriormente corresponden a tasas anuales.


La tabla a continuación detalla los cambios en las actividades de financiamiento de CODELCOS en el estado de flujo de efectivo, incluyendo tanto cambios en efectivo como no monetarios para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020:

Cambios que no representan flujo de efectivo

Pasivos en actividades de financiamiento a en Flujo de efectivo de actividades de financiamiento Intercambio financiero Valor razonable Gasto de deuda Saldo al cierre . : diferido en Otro
0 ajuste de diferencia costo amortizado 12312021 De Usado Total Thuss$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Préstamos de entidades financieras 1,570,442 – (588,253) (588,253) 24,074 – 1,494 (20,338) 987,419 Obligaciones de bonos 16,506,214 780,000 | (1,558,758) (778,758) 670,017 (113,143) – (30,249) 16,254,081 Obligaciones de cobertura 129,208 (62,960) (62,960) 25,316 84,188 8,828 1,740 186,320 Dividendos pagados – (2,033,206)| (2,033,206) – – – – Activos financieros para derivados de cobertura (127,502) – – 28,975 58,189 7,164 (33,174) Arrendamientos 485,008 (138,668) (138,668) 18,206 (38,535) 26,116 352,127 Otro 56,469 – (177,292) (177,292) – – – – 171,766 50,943 Total pasivos en actividades de financiamiento 18,619,839 780,000 | (4,559,137)| – (3,779,137) 737,613 (38,515) 67,017 1,494 156,199 17,797,716 Cambios que no representan flujo de efectivo Pasivos en actividades de financiamiento Saldo inicial Flujo de efectivo de actividades de financiamiento | cambio | Valor razonable | Gasto de PSPt | Saldo al cierre al 112020 costo diferido en Otro 12312020 (1) amortizado De Usado Total MUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Préstamos de entidades financieras 3,074,411 565,000 | (2,146,160)| (1,581,160) 70,966 – 3,643 2,582 1,570,442 Obligaciones de bonos 14,189,945 3,431,000 | (1,829,394)| 1,601,606 685,122 121,266 – (91,725) 16,506,214 Obligaciones de cobertura 157,826 (25,729) (25,729) 23,202 (64,492) 37,634 – 767 129,208 Dividendos pagados – (239,076) (239,076) – – – – Activos financieros para derivados de cobertura (82,584) – – (56,774) 11,175 681 (127,502) Arrendamientos 432,871 (132,263) (132,263) 19,572 18,603 – 146,225 485,008 Contribución de capital – – – – – – – Otro 58,864 (161,273) (161,273) – – – – 158,878 56,469 Total pasivos en actividades de financiamiento 17,831,333 3,996,000 | (4,533,895)| (537,895)| 798,862 18,603 48,809 (88,082) 309,133 18,619,839

(1) Los costos financieros consideran la capitalización de intereses, que, al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, ascendieron a ThUS$ 236,693 y ThUS$ 223,931 respectivamente.

13. Valor razonable de activos y pasivos financieros

El importe en libros de los activos financieros es una aproximación razonable a su valor razonable, por lo tanto, no se requieren revelaciones adicionales de acuerdo con la IFRS 7 con respecto a los mismos.

Respecto a los pasivos financieros, la siguiente tabla muestra una comparación al 31 de diciembre de 2021 entre el importe en libros y el valor razonable de los pasivos financieros que no tienen un importe en libros que sea una aproximación razonable del valor razonable:

Comparación valor en libros vs valor razonable .
Contabilidad . valor Valor en libros | Valor razonable tratamiento para Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 . valor razonable ThUS$ ThUus$ Pasivos financieros: Obligaciones de bonos Costo amortizado| 16,254,081 | 15,483,743 “


14, Jerarquía del valor de mercado para los elementos a valor de mercado

Cada uno de los valores de mercado calculados para la cartera de instrumentos financieros de la Corporación está respaldado por una metodología de cálculo y datos de entrada. Se ha realizado un análisis de cada una de estas metodologías para determinar a qué de los siguientes niveles pueden ser asignadas:

– Nivel 1 corresponde a metodologías de medición del valor razonable utilizando acciones de mercado (sin ajustar) en mercados activos a los que la Corporación tiene acceso en la fecha de medición y considerando Activos y Pasivos idénticos.

– Nivel 2 corresponde a metodologías de medición del valor razonable utilizando datos de precios de mercado cotizados, no incluidos en el Nivel 1, que son observables para los Activos y Pasivos medidos, ya sea directamente (precios) o indirectamente (derivados de precios).

– Nivel 3 corresponde a metodologías de medición del valor razonable utilizando técnicas de valoración que incluyen datos sobre los Activos y Pasivos valorados, que no se basan en datos significativos observables del mercado.

Basándose en las metodologías, datos de entrada y definiciones descritas anteriormente, se han determinado los siguientes niveles de mercado para la cartera de instrumentos financieros de la Corporación mantenidos al 31 de diciembre de 2021:

. . leas . 12312021 Activos y pasivos financieros a valor razonable e . Nivel 1 Nivel 2 Nivel 3 Total clasificado por jerarquía ThUs$ ThUs$ ThUs$ ThUs$ Activos financieros: Contratos de venta a precio provisional 3,039,967 3,039,967 Permuta de moneda cruzada 33,174 33,174 Cuotas de fondos mutuos 19,142 19,142 Contratos de futuros de metales 61 61 Pasivos financieros: Contratos de futuros de metales 22,449 7,631 30,080 Permuta de moneda cruzada 186,320 186,320

No hubo transferencias entre los diferentes niveles de jerarquía de mercado para el período informado.


15. Cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras

a) El detalle de las cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras corrientes es el siguiente:

Pasivos corrientes Concepto 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Acreedores comerciales 1,262,221 1,176,101 Cuentas por pagar a empleados 19,691 29,318 Retenciones 97,252 100,014 Retenciones de impuestos 48,139 87,634 Otras cuentas por pagar 70,126 105,218 Total 1,497,429 1,498,285

Los acreedores comerciales incluyen principalmente cuentas por pagar operativas y obligaciones asociadas con proyectos de inversión.

b) La tabla a continuación muestra la madurez de los pagos a acreedores comerciales al 31 de diciembre de 2021

Período de pago promedio



Período de pago promedio



Período de pago promedio



Período de pago promedio

y 2020:

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 Montos por plazo de pago

Acreedores con fecha de vencimiento actual Hasta 30 días 31 – 60 61 – 90 91-120 121 – 365 366 y más Total Bienes 523,424 150 49 30 24 523,677 Servicios 566,639 6,443 195 118 95 573,490 Otros 137,003 1,158 – 71 – 138,232 Total 1,227,066 7,751 244 219 119 1,235,399 Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 Montos por plazo de pago

Acreedores con pagos vencidos Hasta 30 días 31 – 60 61 – 90 91-120 121 – 365 366 y más Total Bienes 4,276 795 166 126 504 2,404 8,271 Servicios 6,513 2,182 651 115 2,432 1,436 13,329 Otros 246 147 288 347 303 3,891 5,222 Total 11,035 3,124 1,105 588 3,239 7,731 26,822 Al 31 de diciembre de 2020 Montos por plazo de pago

Acreedores con fecha de vencimiento actual Hasta 30 días 31 – 60 61 – 90 91-120 121 – 365 366 y más Total Bienes 517,029 96 46 517,171 Servicios 480,182 7,632 172 487,986 Otros 77,989 – 16 78,005 Total 1,075,200 7,728 234 1,083,162 Al 31 de diciembre de 2020 Montos por plazo de pago

Acreedores con pagos vencidos Hasta 30 días 31 – 60 61 – 90 91-120 121 – 365 366 y más Total Bienes 31,641 12,693 19,372 10,894 2,142 2,578 79,320 Servicios 3,458 2,143 1,570 811 1,521 2,283 11,786 Otros 255 271 253 170 63 821 1,833 Total 35,354 15,107 21,195 11,875 3,726 5,682 92,939




16. Otras provisiones

El detalle de otras provisiones corrientes y no corrientes en las fechas mencionadas es el siguiente:

Otras provisiones Corriente No corriente
12312021 12312020 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Provisiones relacionadas con ventas (1) 8,627 8,734

Operativas (2) 523,177 307,004

Ley N° 13196 151,509 130,854

Otras provisiones 58,714 115,435 496 468

Cierre, desmantelamiento y restauración (3) – – 2,407,814 2,232,942

Procesos legales – – 49,275 61,097 Total 742,027 562,027 2,457,585 2,294,507

(1) Corresponde a acumulaciones relacionadas con ventas, que incluyen cargos por flete, carga y descarga que no fueron facturados al final del período.

(2) Corresponde a una provisión para aranceles aduaneros, flete en compras, electricidad, entre otros.

(3) Corresponde a provisiones para costos futuros de cierre relacionados principalmente con relaves, cierres de sitios mineros y otros activos. Este valor de costo se calcula a valor presente descontado, utilizando flujos asociados con planes con un horizonte de evaluación que varía de 10 a 60 años. Las tasas utilizadas para descontar los flujos de efectivo futuros se calculan en función de la Vida Útil de la Mina “LOM” de cada una de las operaciones, distinguiendo tasas en UF para aquellas obligaciones en pesos chilenos y tasas en dólares estadounidenses para aquellas obligaciones en dólares estadounidenses. Estas tasas de descuento incluyen los riesgos asociados con la determinación de la responsabilidad, excepto aquellos incluidos en los flujos de efectivo.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2020, el valor de costo se calcula a valor presente descontado utilizando una tasa preimpuestos con vencimiento a 30 años.

A continuación se muestra una tabla con las tasas de descuento utilizadas:

12312021 12312020 División IMPUESTO Chilean ax u.s. dollar | Chilean Les. dollar currency currency Gabriela Mistral 2.28% 0.51% 0.86% 1.13% Andina 2.64% 1.10% 0.86% 1.13% Ministro Hales 2.64% 1.10% 0.86% 1.13% Chuquicamata 2.13% 1.37% 0.86% 1.13% Radomiro Tomic 2.83% 1.56% 0.86% 1.13% Salvador 2.83% 1.56% 0.86% 1.13% Teniente 2.93% 1.78% 0.86% 1.13% Fundición Ventanas 2.93% 1.78% 0.86% 1.13%


La Corporación determina y reconoce esta responsabilidad de acuerdo con la política contable descrita en la Nota 2, letra p) sobre Políticas Contables Significativas.

Los cambios en Otras provisiones fueron los siguientes:

112021 12312021 Cambios Otras provisiones, |Desmantelamiento . . . Contingencias Total no corriente y restauraciones ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Saldo inicial 468 2,232,942 61,097 2,294,507 Ajuste de provisión de cierre – 226,631 – 226,631 Gastos financieros – 24,105 – 24,105 Pago de obligaciones – – (6,934) (6,934) Traducción de moneda extranjera (22) (74,600) (7,380) (82,002) Otros aumentos (disminuciones) 50 (1,264) 2,492 1,278 Saldo final 496 2,407,814 49,275 2,457,585″

17. Beneficios a empleados
a) Provisiones para beneficios postempleo y otros beneficios a largo plazo.

La provisión para beneficios postempleo corresponde principalmente a indemnizaciones por despido de empleados y planes de atención médica. La provisión para indemnizaciones por despido reconoce la obligación contractual que la Corporación tiene con sus empleados jubilados. La provisión para planes de atención médica reconoce la obligación contractual que la Corporación tiene con sus jubilados para cubrir sus costos de atención médica. Ambos beneficios a largo plazo se establecen en los términos de los contratos de empleo y acuerdos de negociación colectiva acordados por la Corporación y sus empleados.

Estas provisiones se registran en el estado de situación financiera al valor presente de las obligaciones futuras estimadas. La tasa de descuento utilizada se determina en función de la tasa de instrumentos financieros correspondientes a la misma moneda en la que se pagarán las obligaciones y con vencimientos similares.

Las obligaciones por beneficios definidos están denominadas en pesos chilenos, por lo tanto, la Corporación está expuesta al riesgo de tipo de cambio.

Los resultados derivados de ajustes y cambios en variables actuariales se cargan o abonan al estado de resultados integrales del período en que ocurran.

Para el período terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2021, no hubo cambios significativos en los planes de beneficios postempleo.

Las siguientes suposiciones actuariales se utilizaron en el cálculo actuarial de los planes de beneficios definidos:


12312021 12312020 Suposiciones Jubilación Jubilación Plan de salud Plan de salud

Tasa de descuento nominal anual 5,89% 5,89% 3,21% 3,21% Tasa de rotación voluntaria anual para jubilación (Hombres) 5,50% 5,50% 5,00% 5,00% Tasa de rotación voluntaria anual para jubilación (Mujeres) 6,20% 6,20% 5,90% 5,90% Aumento salarial (promedio anual real) 3,98% – 3,06% – Tasa de inflación a largo plazo 3,10% 3,10% 2,80% 2,80% Tasa de inflación esperada para la atención médica – 5,88% 4,85% Tablas de mortalidad utilizadas para proyecciones CB14-RV14 | CB14-RV14 | CB14-RV14 | CB14-RV14 Duración promedio de los flujos de efectivo futuros (años) 10,03 16,55 7,85 17,96 Edades de jubilación esperadas (Hombres) 60 60 60 60 Edades de jubilación esperadas (Mujeres) 58 58 59 59

Las tasas de descuento corresponden a las tasas en el mercado secundario de bonos del gobierno emitidos en Chile. La inflación anual corresponde a la expectativa a largo plazo establecida por el Banco Central de Chile y corresponde a la expectativa del mercado al 31 de diciembre de 2021.
Las tasas de rotación se han determinado revisando la experiencia propia de la Corporación, estudiando el comportamiento acumulativo de salidas de los últimos tres años sobre las asignaciones actuales. La tasa esperada de aumentos salariales se ha estimado utilizando el comportamiento a largo plazo de los salarios históricos pagados por la Corporación. Las tablas de mortalidad utilizadas fueron las emitidas por la CMF, que se consideran una representación adecuada del mercado chileno dada la falta de series estadísticas comparables para desarrollar estudios independientes. El período durante el cual se amortiza la obligación corresponde a la estimación del período durante el cual ocurrirán los flujos de efectivo.

b) El detalle de las provisiones corrientes y no corrientes para beneficios a empleados en las fechas mencionadas es el siguiente:

Provisión para beneficios a empleados Corriente No corriente
12312021 | 12312020 | 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Acuerdos de negociación colectiva de empleados 185.708 182.905 – – Indemnizaciones por despido 19.447 28.840 532.044 620.940 Bonificaciones 52.288 59.771 – Vacaciones 141.683 155.069 – – Programas de atención médica (1) 358 591 388.697 607.403 Planes de jubilación (2) 4.346 20.694 7.518 8.994 Otros 15.493 12.908 6.283 6.603 Total 419.323 460.778 934.542 1.243.940

(1) Corresponde a una provisión reconocida por las obligaciones con instituciones de atención médica acordadas con empleados actuales y anteriores.

(2) Corresponde a la provisión realizada para aquellos empleados que han acordado, o se espera que acuerden, jubilarse de acuerdo con los planes actuales de terminación de empleo.


La conciliación del valor presente del plan de jubilación y la obligación de beneficios postempleo es la siguiente:

112021 112020
12312021 12312020 Cambios Jubilación Jubilación Plan de salud Plan de salud plan plan ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Saldo inicial 649.780 607.994 726.781 562.206 Costo del servicio 76.572 15.402 69.170 47.094 Costo financiero 6.219 5.773 3.705 3.379 Contribuciones pagadas (55.747) (41.112) (179.618) (31.308) (Ganancias) pérdidas actuariales (20.341) (132.625) 5.486 (5.845) Subtotal 656.483 455.432 625.524 575.526 (Ganancias) Pérdidas en el tipo de cambio extranjero (104.992) (66.377) 24.256 32.468 Saldo final 551.491 389.055 649.780 607.994

El saldo al 31 de diciembre de 2021 comprende una parte de ThUS$ 19.447 y ThUS$ 358 en pasivos corrientes, correspondientes a indemnizaciones por despido y planes de salud, respectivamente. Al 31 de diciembre de 2022, se ha proyectado un saldo de ThUS$ 543.397 para la provisión de indemnizaciones por despido y ThUS$ 408.163 para beneficios de salud. Los flujos de pagos de compensación durante los próximos doce meses alcanzan un promedio mensual esperado de ThUS$ 1.621 para indemnizaciones por despido y ThUS$ 30 para planes de beneficios de salud.

Los resultados actuariales consisten en los siguientes elementos:

12312021 12312020 Jubilación Jubilación : oa Plan de salud Plan de salud Plan técnico de remediación plan plan ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$

Revaluación de suposiciones demográficas (1.173) (18.658) 159 18.644 Revaluación de suposiciones financieras (19.156) (94.747) 1.916 (25.890) Revaluación por experiencia (12) (19.220) 3.411 1.401 Total (20.341) (132.625) 5.486 (5.845)

A continuación se presenta una revisión de las sensibilidades de las provisiones, al pasar de un escenario medio a un escenario bajo o alto con variaciones porcentuales unitarias, respectivamente, y ambos efectos de reducción e incremento en el saldo contable de estas provisiones:

Beneficios por antigüedad por años de servicio Bajo Medio Alto | Reducción | incremento Efecto financiero en las tasas de interés 5,644% 5,894% | 6,144% 1,33% | -1,28% Efecto financiero en el aumento real de ingresos 3,726% 3,976% | 4,226% 1,18% | -1,15% Efecto demográfico de rotaciones laborales 5,070% 5,570% | 6,070% 0,23% | -0,20% Efecto demográfico en la tabla de mortalidad -25,00% | CB14-RV14, Chile| 25,00% 0,06% | -0,06%

Beneficios de salud y otros Bajo Medio Alto | Reducción | incremento Efecto financiero en las tasas de interés 5,634% 5,884% | 6,134% 4,50% | -0,81% Efecto financiero en la inflación de la salud 5,384% 5,884% | 6,384% -0,31% | 3,97% Efecto demográfico, edad de jubilación planificada 5857 6059 | 6261 6,04% | -2,47% Efecto demográfico en la tabla de mortalidad -25,00% | CB14-RV14, Chile] 25,00% | 11,46% | -4,91%


c) Provisión de beneficios por jubilación

La Corporación, en el marco de sus programas de optimización operativa, busca reducir costos y aumentar la productividad laboral, y a través de la incorporación de tecnologías modernas y/o mejores prácticas de gestión, ha establecido programas de jubilación de empleados mediante modificaciones correspondientes a los contratos de empleo o acuerdos de negociación colectiva, con beneficios que fomentan la jubilación anticipada.

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y al 31 de diciembre de 2020, existe un saldo corriente de ThUS$ 4.346 y ThUS$ 20.694 para obligaciones por planes de jubilación anticipada y bonificaciones por terminación, respectivamente, mientras que el saldo no corriente corresponde a ThUS$ 7.518 y ThUS$ 8.994, respectivamente. Estos valores se han determinado utilizando una tasa de descuento equivalente a la utilizada para el cálculo de las provisiones de beneficios a empleados y cuyos saldos pendientes forman parte de los saldos contables al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y al 31 de diciembre de 2020.

d) Gastos por beneficios a empleados

Los gastos por beneficios a empleados reconocidos clasificados por naturaleza son los siguientes:

Gasto por naturaleza de beneficios a empleados 112021 112020
12312021 12312020

ThUS$ ThUS$ Beneficios – Corto plazo 1.414.643 1.337.651 Beneficios – Postempleo 15.402 47.094 Beneficios – Jubilación anticipada 24.157 106.168 Beneficios por años de servicio 76.572 69.170 Total 1.530.774 1.560.083


El patrimonio total de la Corporación al 31 de diciembre de 2021 asciende a ThUS$11.574.901 (ThUS$11.626.491 al 31 de diciembre de 2020).

De acuerdo con el artículo 6 del Decreto Ley 1350 de 1976, se establece que, antes del 30 de marzo de cada año, la Junta Directiva debe aprobar el Plan de Negocios y Desarrollo de la Corporación para el próximo período de tres años. Tomando ese plan como referencia, y teniendo en cuenta el balance de la Corporación del año inmediatamente anterior y con el objetivo de garantizar su competitividad, antes del 30 de junio de cada año se determinarán por decreto de los Ministerios de Minería y Hacienda los montos que la Corporación destinará a la formación de fondos de capitalización y reservas.

El resultado neto mostrado en el Estado de Situación Financiera, después de deducir los montos mencionados en el párrafo anterior, pertenecerá al Estado y formará parte de los ingresos generales de la Nación.


Al 31 de diciembre de 2020 se realizaron pagos al Ministerio de Hacienda por un monto de ThUS$239.076 por dividendos cargados a las ganancias del año 2020, dejando un saldo a favor de la Corporación por dividendos pagados en exceso de ThUS$159.223 al 31 de diciembre de 2020.

Durante el año terminado el 31 de diciembre de 2021, se realizaron pagos al Tesoro por un total de ThUS$2.033.206 por dividendos anticipados cargados a las utilidades del período, que descontados de los dividendos pagados en exceso en 2020, reflejan un saldo a favor de ThUS$249.943 al 31 de diciembre de 2021 por dicho concepto.

El Estado Consolidado de Cambios en el Patrimonio revela los cambios en el patrimonio de la Corporación.

El movimiento y la composición de otras reservas de patrimonio se presentan en el Estado Consolidado de Cambios en el Patrimonio.

El ajuste de reclasificación de ingresos integrales a ingresos del período resultó en una pérdida de ThUS$5.594 y una pérdida de ThUS$877 para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, respectivamente.

Otras reservas

El detalle de otras reservas en el patrimonio en las fechas mencionadas es el siguiente:

Otras reservas 12312021 | 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Reserva por diferencias de cambio en la traducción (6.221) (2.939) Reserva de coberturas de flujos de efectivo (31.254) 2.988 Fondo de capitalización y reservas 4.962.393 | 4.962.393 Reserva de remedición de planes de beneficios definidos (259.573)| (305.556) Otras reservas 621.061 619.936 Total otras reservas 5.286.406 | 5.276.822

Intereses no controladores

El detalle de los intereses no controladores, incluidos en el patrimonio total y la ganancia o pérdida total, en las fechas mencionadas, es el siguiente:

Interés no controlador Patrimonio neto Ganancia (pérdida) Empresas 12312021 12312020 12312021 12312020 112021 112020
12312021 12312020 % % ThUuSs$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Inversiones Gacrux SpA 32,20% 32,20% 946.389 924.924 108.867 13.864 Otros – – 23 18 15 24 Total 946.412 924.942 108.882 13.888


El porcentaje de interés no controlador en Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (anteriormente Inversiones Mineras Acrux SpA) genera un interés no controlador en nuestra filial Inversiones Gacrux SpA, que presenta las siguientes cifras relacionadas con su estado de situación financiera, estado de resultados integrales y flujos de efectivo:

Activos y pasivos 1213112021 1213112020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 304.053 325.385 Activos no corrientes 2.829.329 2.790.802 Pasivos corrientes 186.350 221.242 Pasivos no corrientes 313.750 516.030 Ganancia (pérdida) 112021 112020
12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos 1.392.387 741.628 Otros ingresos (gastos) (1.055.538) (722.455) Ganancia (pérdida) del ejercicio 336.849 19.173 Flujos de efectivo 112021 112020

12312021 12312020

ThUus$ ThUS$ Flujos de efectivo netos de (utilizados en) actividades operativas 304.472 31.745 Flujos de efectivo netos de (utilizados en) actividades de inversión 141 90.781 Flujos de efectivo netos de (utilizados en) actividades de financiación (335.828) (78.932)


19. Ingresos

Los ingresos de actividades ordinarias para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020 fueron los siguientes:

20. Gastos por naturaleza
Los gastos por naturaleza para los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, son los siguientes:

Ítem 112021 112020
12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUs$ Beneficios a corto plazo para empleados 1.414.643 1.337.651 Depreciación 2.257.082 2.452.786 Amortización de activos intangibles 2.242 2.284 Total 3.673.967 3.792.721


As of December 31, 2021, the Corporation’s subsidiary “Sociedad de Procesamiento de Molibdeno” calculated the recoverable amount of its assets in order to test for impairment of the associated assets. As the Company’s projected cash flows are highly dependent on rhenium price projections, this variable was adjusted downward in 2021, based on actual market prices. This recoverable amount amounted to US$237 million, which when compared to the carrying amount of the cash generating unit’s assets of US$362 million, an impairment of US$125,483 (before tax) was determined, which was recorded by reducing the Property, Plant and Equipment caption by US$124,315 and in the right-of-use assets caption by US$1,168 as of December 31, 2021. The recoverable amount determined corresponds to the value in use using a discount rate of 7.24% per year before taxes. The main variables used to determine the recoverable amount of this asset correspond to the price of rhenium, exchange rates, and discount rates.


As of December 31, 2020, the Corporation made a calculation of the recoverable amount of its cash-generating unit, Ventanas Division, in order to verify the existence of an impairment in the value of the assets associated with said division. Said recoverable amount amounted to US$140 million, which when compared with the book value of the assets of the cash-generating unit of US$164 million, an impairment of US$24,053 (before tax) was determined, which was recorded as a reduction of Property, Plant and Equipment as of December 31, 2020.

The recoverable amount determined corresponds to the value in use using a 7.09% annual discount rate before taxes. The main variables used to determine the recoverable amount of this asset correspond to the price of acid, cost of treatment and refining, exchange rates, and discount rates.

The effect on income of asset impairment is presented in other expenses by function (see note 22 letter b).

As of December 31, 2021 and 2020, there are no indications of additional impairments or reversals of impairment recognized in previous years, for the rest of the cash-generating units, as well as for their associates.

Other income and expenses by function

Other income and expenses by function for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, are detailed below:

a) Other income by function:

112021 112020 Item 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Penalties to suppliers 5,055 9,062 Delegated administration 4,142 3,975 Miscellaneous sales (neb) 22,382 22,058 Insurance compensation for sinister 21 Reversal of provisions – 2,570 Material return 26,421 6,642 Insurance of compensation – 10,962 Gacrux debt prepayment result 21,347 Other miscellaneous income 36,373 42,052 Total 115,741 97,321




Other expenses by function:

112021 112020 Item 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Law No. 13196 (1,571,687) (1,047,663) Research expenses (59,264) (46,625) Bonus for the end of collective bargaining (253,364) (18,395) Expense plan (24,157) (106,168) Mining properties fair value adjustment (142,000) Punishment of investment projects (100,176) (11,244) Write-off of property, plant & equipment (67,991) (9,347) Medical care plan (15,402) (47,093) Impairment of assets (note 21) (125,483) (24,053) Write-off inventories (37,865) (8,553) Inventory obsolescence (26,310) (20,631) Doubtful accounts adjustment (1,557) Contingency expenses (2,958) (14,363) Fixed indirect costs, low production level (183,056) (55,824) Energy contract adjustment (20,151) Other expenses (85,586) (46,862) Total (2,717,007) (1,456,821)

Law No. 13196

The Corporation is subject to Law No. 13196, which mandates the payment of a 10% tax over the foreign currency return on the actual sale revenue of copper production, including its by-products.

On January 27, 2017, Law No. 20989, article 3, establishes changes in the application of Law No. 13196 as of January 1, 2018, through which the Corporation will deposit annually, no later than December 15 of each year, the funds established in article 1 in that law.

On September 26, 2019, Law No. 21174 was published, which repeals Law No. 13196 and establishes that the 10% tax to the tax benefit provided by the Corporation will subsist for a period of nine years, decreasing from the tenth year 2.5% per year until reaching 0% at the beginning of the thirteenth year. The validity of this law is as of January 1, 2020, maintaining the payment annually at a date no later than December 15 of each year.

On March 23, 2020, the Ministry of Finance issued Ordinary Letter No. 843, which modifies the payment method of the funds related to Law 13196, in order to address funds to meet national needs generated by the COVID-19 crisis. Said Official Letter establishes the payment of funds owed to the Treasury for the application of Law No. 13196, equivalent to ThUS$240,168 (contribution for December 2019, January and February 2020), before



March 31, 2020. Subsequently and from the month of April 2020, the Corporation should carry out the monthly transfer of the corresponding resources according to their recordkeeping, within a period not exceeding the last day of the month following its booking.

Finance costs

Finance costs for the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020 are detailed in the following table:

Item 112021 112020 12312021 12312020 ThUS$ ThUS$ Bond interest (535,108) (579,910) Bank loan interest (6,325) (61,461) Unwinding of discount in severance indemnity provision (6,219) (3,705) Unwinding of discount on other non-current provisions (28,860) (33,538) Other (64,497) (63,850) Total (641,009) (742,464)

Operating segments

In section |! “Significant Accounting Policies”, it has been indicated that, for the purposes of IFRS 8, “Operating Segments, these are determined according to the Divisions that comprise Codelco. In addition, the Parent Company’s revenues and expenses are distributed among the defined segments.

The mining deposits in operation, where the Corporation carries out its production processes in the extractive and processing areas, are managed by its divisions Chuquicamata, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales, Gabriela Mistral, Salvador, Andina, and El Teniente. In addition, the smelting and refining activities are managed at the Ventanas Division. All these Divisions have a separate operational management, which reports to the Chief Executive Officer, through the North and South Central Vice-President of Operations, respectively. The information on each Division and their corresponding mining deposits is as follows:


Types of mine sites: Open pit mines and underground mines

Operating: since 1915

Location: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta. Chile.

Products: Electro refined and electrolytic (electro-obtained) copper cathodes and copper concentrate.


Radomiro Tomic

Types of mine sites: Open pit mines

Operating: since 1997.

Location: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta. Chile.

Products: electro-obtained copper cathodes and copper concentrate

Ministro Hales

Type of mine: Open pit mine

Operating: since 2014

Location: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta. Chile.
Products: Calcined copper, copper concentrates

Gabriela Mistral

Type of mine: Open pit mine

Operating: since 2008

Location: Calama, II Región de Antofagasta. Chile.
Products: Electrolytic (electro-obtained) cathodes


Type of mine: Underground mine and open pit mine

Operating: since 1926

Location: Salvador, IIl Región de Atacama. Chile.

Products: Electro refined and electrolytic (electro-obtained) copper cathodes and copper concentrate.


Type of mines: Underground and open pit mines Operating: since 1970

Location: Los Andes, V Región de Valparaíso. Chile.
Product: Copper concentrate

El Teniente

Type of mines: Underground and open pit mines

Operating: since 1905

Location: Rancagua, VI Región del Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins. Chile.
Products: Fire-refined copper and copper anodes

Allocation of Head Office revenue and expenses

Revenue and expenses controlled by the Head Office are allocated to the Divisions based on the following criteria.

The main items are assigned based on the following criteria:

Revenue and Cost of Sales of Head Office commercial transactions


Allocation to the operating segments is made in proportion to revenues of each Division.
Other income, by function

Other income by function, associated and identified with each Division, is directly allocated.
Recognition of realized profits and other income by way of subsidiaries are allocated in proportion to the revenues of each Division.

The remaining other income is allocated in proportion to the aggregate of balances of other income and finance income of each Division.

Distribution costs

Expenses associated and identified with each Division are directly allocated.
Distribution costs of subsidiaries are allocated in proportion to the revenues of each Division.

Administrative expenses

Administrative expenses associated and identified with each Division are directly allocated.
Administrative expenses recorded in cost centers associated with the sales function and administrative expenses of subsidiaries are allocated in proportion to the revenues of each Division.

Administrative expenses recorded in cost centers associated with the supply function are allocated in proportion to inventory balances in the warehouse in each Division.

The remaining administrative expenses are allocated in proportion to operating cash outflows of each Division.

Other expenses, by function

Other expenses associated and identified with each Division are directly allocated.

Expenses for pre-investment studies and other expenses by function of subsidiaries are allocated in proportion to the revenues of each Division.

Other Gains

Other gains associated and identified with each Division are directly allocated.
Other gains of subsidiaries are allocated in proportion to the revenues of each Division.

Finance Income Finance income associated and identified with each Division is directly allocated.
Finance income of subsidiaries is allocated in proportion to the revenues of each Division.

The remaining finance income is allocated in relation to the operating cash outflows of each Division.



Finance costs

Finance costs associated and identified with each Division are directly allocated.
Finance costs of subsidiaries are allocated in proportion to the revenues of each Division.

Share in profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures accounted for using the equity method

Share in profit or loss of associates and joint ventures identified for each Division is directly allocated.

Foreign exchange differences

Foreign exchange differences identifiable with each Division are directly allocated.

Foreign exchange difference of subsidiaries is allocated in proportion to the revenues of each Division.

The remaining foreign exchange differences are allocated in relation to operating cash outflows of each Division.

Contribution to the Chilean Treasury under Law No. 13196

The amount of the contribution is allocated and accounted for in proportion to the invoiced and recorded amounts for copper and sub-product exports of each Division, that are subject to the surcharge.

Tax income benefit (expense)

Income tax benefit (expense) Corporate income tax under D.L. 2398 and specific mining tax are allocated based on the income before income taxes of each Division, considering for this purpose the income and expenses allocation criteria of the Head Office and subsidiaries mentioned above.

Other tax expenses are allocated in proportion to the corporate income tax, specific mining tax, and tax under D.L. 2398 of each Division.

Transactions between segments

Transactions between segments mainly related to products processing services (or tolling services), are recognized as revenue for the segment rendering the tolling services and as the cost of sales for the segment that receives the service. Such recognition is made in the period in which these services are rendered, as well as its elimination in the consolidated corporate financial statements.

Additionally, the reallocation of the profit and loss assumed by Ventanas Division, associated with the corporate mineral processing contract between Codelco and Enami, in which a distribution is applied based on the revenue of each division is included as a transaction between segments.


c) Cash flows by segments

The operating segments defined by the Corporation maintain a cash management function which refers mainly to operational activities that need to be covered periodically with funds constituted in each of these segments and whose amounts are not significant in relation to corporate balances of cash and cash equivalents.

Conversely, activities such as obtaining financing, investment, and payment of relevant financial obligations are mainly based at the Head Office.

From 112021

to 12312021 : : : : . Total Total Segments Chuquicamata] R.Tomic | Salvador Andina |ElTeniente | Ventanas | G.Mistral | M.Hales Other .
Segments Consolidated ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ “

Revenue from sales of own copper 4,700,183 | 3,129,013| 1,102,750 | 1,610,530 | 4,345,132 92,296 981,733 | 1,773,250 17,734,887 – 17,734,887 Revenue from sales of third-party copper 11,823 – – – 45,238 – 57,061 1,788,425 1,845,486 Revenue from sales of molybdenum 375,028 48,184 14,801 47,655 232,145 – – 717,813 16,566 734,379 Revenue from sales of other products 219,978 99,629 4,427 138,166 194,953 – 67,764 724,917 4,338 729,255 Revenue from future market (4,641) (3,455) (57) (656) (7,739) 123 (2,149) (618) (19,192) – (19,192) Revenue between segments 51,981 37,637 1,540 – 91,359 – – 182,517 (182,517) – Revenue 5,354,352 | 3,173,742 | 1,254,760 | 1,663,496 | 4,707,704 423,969 979,584 | 1,840,396 19,398,003 | 1,626,812 21,024,815 Cost of sales of own copper (3,142,403)| (1,361,141)] (973,364)] (900,132)| (1,864,150) (92,906)| – (555,744)| (736,623) (9,626,463) 15,810 (9,610,653) Cost of sales of third-party copper (11,153) – – – (43,719) – – (54,872)| (1,768,554) (1,823,426) Cost of sales of molybdenum (89,390) (19,289) (5,979) (22,573) (41,286) – – (178,517) (16,666) (195,183) Cost of sales of other products (159,798) (115,098) (635) (61,422) (204,783) – (10,504) (552,240) (4,186) (556,426) Cost of sales between segments (128,994) 22,427 (43,084) 9,698 37,254 (123,670) (1,033) 44,885 (182,517) 182,517 – Cost of sales (3,531,738)| (1,358,003)| (1,137,525) (913,642)| (1,929,604)| (465,078) (556,777) (702,242) (10,594,609)| (1,591,079)| (12,185,688) Gross profit (loss) 1,822,614 | 1,815,739 117,235 749,854 | 2,778,100 (41,109) 422,807 | 1,138,154 8,803,394 35,733 8,839,127 Other income, by function 11,325 1,466 6,980 11,188 21,859 1,423 4,840 1,083 60,164 55,577 115,741 Distribution costs (3,146) (61) (521) (190) (910) (9) – (1,302) (6,139) (3,250) (9,389) Administrative expenses (33,210) (29,689) (20,680) (22,664) (81,503) (7,982) (24,557) (24,316) (244,601) (214,677) (459,278) Other expenses, by function (301,188) (54,221 (92,562)| (159,481)| (125,280 (2,741) (20,658) (31,418) (787,549) (357,771) (1,145,320) Law No. 13196 (455,450)] (263,896)| (108,347) (156,249) (348,681) (24,902) (96,571) (117,591 (1,571,687) – (1,571,687) Other gains (losses) – – – – – – – – 37,531 37,531 Financial income 135 10 71 51 1,077 119 15 (62) 1,416 12,241 13,657 Financial costs (245,404) (38,361) (17,784) (63,728) (190,713) (7,223) (14,547) (44,434) (622,194) (18,815) (641,009) Impairment loss under IFRS 9 – – – – (1,250) (1,250) Share in the profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures – 857 1,180 3,703 – 5,740 409,105 414,845 accounted for using the equity method Exchange differences 85,310 31,306 23,110 43,415 100,742 16,136 18,766 21,648 340,433 (26,697) 313,736 Profit (loss) before tax 880,986 | 1,462,293 (91,641) 403,376 | 2,158,394 (66,288) 290,095 941,762 5,978,977 (72,273) 5,906,704 Income tax expense (586,785)| (980,145) 58,393 (299,289)| (1,440,972) 47,503 (194,277) (633,713) (4,029,285) 173,949 (3,855,336) Profit (loss) 294,201 482,148 (33,248) 104,087 717,422 (18,785) 95,818 308,049 1,949,692 101,676 2,051,368


From 112020

to 12312020 : : . . . Total Total Segments Chuquicamata| R.Tomic Salvador Andina |ElTeniente | Ventanas | G. Mistral M. Hales Other .
Segments Consolidated ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Revenue from sales of own copper 3,776,420 1,669,342 686,893 1,124,322 2,700,812 69,986 653,324 1,090,764 11,771,863 (31) 11,771,832 Revenue from sales of third-party copper 1,742 – – – 26,263 – 28,005 1,206,324 1,234,329 Revenue from sales of molybdenum 301,441 12,459 10,984 40,571 153,228 – – 518,683 8,375 527,058 Revenue from sales of other products 181,447 78,108 4,715 84,947 206,626 5 71,222 627,070 9,337 636,407 Revenue from future market 1,368 691 151 (415) 2,958 (1,457) 217 29 3,542 – 3,542 Revenue between segments 59,279 46,936 4,183 – 75,336 – – 185,734 (185,734) – Revenue 4,321,697 | 1,682,492 823,072 | 1,173,376 | 2,941,945 376,754 653,546 | 1,162,015 13,134,897 | 1,038,271 14,173,168 Cost of sales of own copper (2,829,128)| (1,198,292) (654,375) (891,082) (1,584,552) (61,077) (544,491) (853,395) (8,616,392) (1,347) (8,617,739) Cost of sales of third-party copper (1,789) – – – – (30,265) (32,054)| (1,195,291) (1,227,345) Cost of sales of molybdenum (79,422) (5,162) (5,393) (21,888) (50,077) – – – (161,942) (26,540) (188,482) Cost of sales of other products (157,263) (79,527) (673) (50,216) (219,034) (418) (11,127) (518,258) (13,355) (531,613) Cost of sales between segments (125,628) 9,099 (44,530) 9,184 32,290 (101,071) (1,463) 36,385 (185,734) 185,734 – Cost of sales (3,193,230)| (1,194,355) (783,825) (904,459)| (1,652,555) (411,447) (546,372) (828,137) (9,514,380)| (1,050,799)| (10,565,179) Gross profit (loss) 1,128,467 488,137 39,247 268,917 | 1,289,390 (34,693) 107,174 333,878 3,620,517 (12,528) 3,607,989 Other income, by function 18,427 7,729 8,543 14,140 8,872 5,199 752 (7) 63,655 33,666 97,321 Distribution costs (3,291) (16) (373) (197) (646) (892) – (1,080) (6,495) (2,968) (9,463) Administrative expenses (46,653) (28,450) (16,697) (21,468) (69,022) (7,546) (21,677) (21,915) (233,428) (163,617) (397,045) Other expenses, by function (156,797) (8,803) (17,981) (38,688) (47,884) (39,536) (12,450) (9,016) (331,155) (78,003) (409,158) Law No. 13196 (334,480) (144,876 (67,101 (109,604 (229,409) (23,339 (64,251) (74,603 (1,047,663) – (1,047,663) Other gains (losses) – – – – – – – – 30,425 30,425 Financial income (511) (28) 74 98 1,068 134 11 (262) 584 39,629 40,213 Financial costs (261,922) (45,215) (21,750) (77,544) (251,979) (9,199) (14,011) (45,560) (727,180) (15,284) (742,464) Impairment loss under IFRS 9 – – (206) (206) Share in the profit (loss) of associates and joint . . 659 1,058 3,431 5,148 34,288 39,436 ventures accounted for using the equity method Exchange differences (40,738) (12,644) (12,084) (20,825) (50,827) (6,214) (9,002) (10,002) (162,336) (3,165) (165,501) Profit (loss) before tax 302,502 255,834 (87,463) 15,887 652,994 (116,086) (13,454) 171,433 1,181,647 (137,763) 1,043,884 Income tax expense (224,032) (176,627) 56,134 (14,672) (451,651) 77,029 8,133 (118,807) (844,493) 57,490 (787,003) Profit (loss) 78,470 79,207 (31,329) 1,215 201,343 (39,057) (5,321) 52,626 337,154 (80,273) 256,881


The assets and liabilities related to each operating segment, including the Corporation’s corporate center (Head Office) as of December 31, 2021 and 2020, are detailed in the following tables:

“12312021. Radomiro. Total Categoría Chuquicamata. Salvador Andina | El Teniente | Ventanas | G. Mistral M. Hales Otros. Tomic Consolidado ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 16,657,948 1,009,317 510,147 302,996 1,219,506 66,487 386,300 482,934 2,076,265 7,801,909 Activos no corrientes 9,251,627 2085,913 1,317,660 5,404,441 8,112,876 214,228 1,040,031 3,285,526 4543,224 35,255,526 Pasivos corrientes 692,071 230,440 204,120 232,538 538,455 95,733 110,090 146,358 1,689,072 3,938,877 Pasivos no corrientes 574,123 295,922 345,003 1,048,434 839,281 88,088 147,495 153,782 24,051,529 27,543,657 12312020 Categoría Chuquicamata Radomiro Salvador Andina | El Teniente | Ventanas | G. Mistral M. Hales Otros Total Tomic Consolidado ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Activos corrientes 1,525,225 734,895 593,497 320,903 967,649 55,640 262,057 521,154 2,777,102 7,758,122 Activos no corrientes 9,171,623 2069,919 1,109,815 4,943,152 7,799,234 250,617 1,081,860 3,144,884 4,881,160 34,452,264 Pasivos corrientes 801,185 231,953 208,235 235,880 943,916 86,373 93,817 141,957 1,203,582 3,439,907 Pasivos no corrientes 766,127 – 340,723 297,955 610,450 17,284,736 139,142 160,279 130,656 23,413,920 27,143,988 Los ingresos segregados por área geográfica son los siguientes: 112021 112021 Ingresos por áreas geográficas 12312021 12312021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ingresos totales de clientes nacionales 3,430,050 2,087,303 Ingresos totales de clientes extranjeros 17,594,765 12,085,865 Total 21,024,815 14,173,168 112021 112021 Ingresos por áreas geográficas 12312021 12312021 ThUS$ ThUS$ China 4,191,892 3,404,994 Resto de Asia 3,523,590 1,896,307 Europa 6,389,832 4,761,323 América 5,720,097 3,425,289 Otros 1,199,404 685,255 Total 21,024,815 14,173,168 Durante los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, no hubo ingresos de actividades ordinarias de transacciones con un solo cliente que representara el 10 por ciento o más de los ingresos de actividades ordinarias de la Corporación. F-331 25. 26. 27. Diferencia de cambio Las diferencias de cambio de los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020 son las siguientes: Ganancia (pérdida) por diferencias de cambio reconocidas en el resultado 112021 112021 12312021 12312021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Ganancia por diferencias de cambio 532,748 97,221 Pérdida por diferencias de cambio (219,012) (262,722) Total diferencias de cambio 313,736 (165,501) Estado de flujos de efectivo La siguiente tabla muestra los elementos que componen otras cobranzas y pagos de actividades operativas en el Estado de Flujos de Efectivo: 112021 112021 Otras cobranzas de actividades operativas 12312021 12312021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Devolución de IVA 1,223,152 1,261,769 Cobertura de ventas – 3,340 Otros 845,599 595,862 Total 2,068,751 1,860,971 112021 112021 Otros pagos de actividades operativas 12312021 12312021 ThUS$ ThUS$ Contribución a la Tesorería chilena Ley N° 13196 (1,550,137) (1,024,751) Cobertura de ventas (17,745) – IVA y otros impuestos similares pagados (1,572,781) (1,352,266) Total (3,140,663) (2,377,017) Durante los años terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, no se recibieron aportes de capital. Gestión de riesgos Codelco cuenta con comités dentro de su organización para establecer estrategias que permitan reducir los riesgos financieros a los que pueda estar expuesta. Los riesgos a los que está expuesta Codelco y una breve descripción de los procedimientos de gestión que se llevan a cabo en cada caso, se describen a continuación: F-332 a. Riesgos financieros * Riesgo de tipo de cambio: Según las IFRS 7, el riesgo de tipo de cambio se entiende como el riesgo que surge de instrumentos financieros denominados en monedas extranjeras, es decir, una moneda distinta a la moneda funcional de la Corporación (dólar estadounidense). Las actividades de Codelco que generan esta exposición corresponden a financiamientos en UF, cuentas por pagar y por cobrar y provisiones en pesos chilenos, otras monedas extranjeras utilizadas en sus operaciones comerciales y obligaciones con empleados. La mayoría de las transacciones en monedas distintas al dólar estadounidense están denominadas en pesos chilenos. Además, hay otra parte en euros, que corresponde principalmente a un préstamo a largo plazo emitido a través del mercado internacional, cuyo riesgo de tipo de cambio se mitiga con instrumentos de cobertura (Swap). Teniendo en cuenta los activos y pasivos financieros al 31 de diciembre de 2021 como base, una fluctuación (positiva o negativa) de 10 pesos chilenos frente al dólar estadounidense (manteniendo constantes las demás variables), podría afectar los beneficios antes de impuestos en US$32 millones en ingresos netos, respectivamente. Este resultado se obtiene identificando los principales elementos (incluidos activos y pasivos financieros) denominados en monedas extranjeras para medir el impacto en el resultado que tendría una variación de +- 10 pesos chilenos en términos de US$, con respecto al tipo de cambio de cierre al final del período de presentación de informes. * Riesgo de tasa de interés Este riesgo surge de las fluctuaciones de las tasas de interés en las actividades de inversión y financiamiento de Codelco. Este movimiento puede afectar los flujos de efectivo futuros o el valor de mercado de instrumentos financieros a tasa fija. Estas variaciones de tasas se refieren a las variaciones del dólar estadounidense, principalmente con respecto a la tasa LIBOR. Para gestionar este riesgo, Codelco mantiene una combinación adecuada de deuda a tasa fija y variable, que se complementa con la posibilidad de utilizar derivados de tasa de interés para cumplir con las directrices estratégicas definidas por el Departamento de Finanzas Corporativas de Codelco. Se estima que, en función de la deuda neta al 31 de diciembre de 2021, un cambio de un punto porcentual en las tasas de interés de las obligaciones financieras a tasa de interés variable resultaría en un cambio en el gasto por intereses anual de aproximadamente US$10 millones, antes de impuestos. Esta estimación se realiza identificando las obligaciones asignadas a interés variable, devengadas al cierre de los estados financieros, que pueden variar con un cambio de un punto porcentual en las tasas de interés variables. La concentración de obligaciones que mantiene Codelco a tasas fijas y variables al 31 de diciembre de 2021 corresponde a un total de ThUS$ 16,254,081 y ThUS$ 987,419 respectivamente. F-333 b. Riesgos de mercado Riesgo de precio de los productos básicos: Como resultado de sus operaciones comerciales y actividades, los ingresos de la Corporación están principalmente expuestos a la volatilidad de los precios del cobre y ciertos subproductos como el oro y la plata.”

Copper and molybdenum sales contracts generally establish provisional sales prices at the time of shipment of such products, while the final price will be considered based on a monthly average price determined by the market for future periods. At the reporting date, sales of provisionally priced products are adjusted to fair value and the effect is recorded in the results of operations for the period. Forward prices at the period-end are used for copper sales, while period-end average prices are used for molybdenum concentrate sales due to the absence of an assets futures market. (See Note 2.r) “Income from Activities Ordinary Procedures from Contracts with Customers of section Il Main Accounting Policies).

As of December 31, 2021, if the future price of copper fluctuates by ± 5% (with the other variables constant), the result would be US$320 million before taxes as a result of setting the mark to market of sales revenue to provisional prices in effect as of December 31, 2021 (668 thousands of dry metric tons). For the estimate indicated, all of those physical sales contracts were valued according to the monthly average immediately following the close of the financial statements, and proceeds to be estimated regarding what the final settlement price would be if there is a difference of ± 5% with respect to the future price known to date for this period.

In order to protect cash flow and adjust, where necessary, its sales contracts to its trade policy, the Corporation holds operations in futures markets. At the end of the reporting period, these contracts are adjusted to fair value, recording this effect, at the settlement date of the hedging transactions as part of net product sales.

The Corporation has not entered into any hedging transactions with the specific purpose of hedging the price risk caused by fluctuations in prices of production inputs.

c. Liquidity risk

The Corporation ensures that it has sufficient resources, such as pre-approved credit lines (including refinancing), in order to meet short-term requirements, after considering the necessary working capital for its operations and any other commitments it has.

In this sense, the Corporation maintains resources at its disposal sufficient to meet its obligations, whether in cash, liquid financial instruments or credit facilities.

In addition, the Finance Department constantly monitors the Corporation’s cash flow projections based on short and long-term projections and available financing alternatives. In addition, the Corporation estimates that it has enough headroom to increase the level of borrowing for the normal requirements of its operations and investments established in its development plan.


In this context, according to current existing commitments with creditors, the cash requirements to cover financial liabilities classified by maturity and presented in the statement of financial position are detailed as follows:

Maturity of financial liabilities as of 12/31/2021

Less than one year | Between one and five years | More than five years

Loans from financial entities 18,003 74,547 894,869
Bonds 557,411 1,710,074 13,986,596
Derivatives 29,789 179,697 6,914
Other financial liabilities – 50,943 –
Total 605,203 2,015,261 14,888,379

d. Credit risk

This risk comprises the possibility that a third party does not fulfill its contractual obligations, thereby causing a loss for the Corporation.

Given the Corporation’s sales policy, principally with cash and advance payments and bank letters of credit, the uncollectible of client debt balances is minimal. This is complemented by the familiarity the Corporation has with its clients and the length of time it has operated with them. Therefore, the credit risk of these transactions is not significant.

The indications with respect to the payment conditions to the Corporation are detailed in every sales contract and the negotiation management is under the charge of the Commercial Vice-Presidency.

In general, the Corporation’s other accounts receivable have a high credit quality according to the Corporation’s evaluations, based on each debtor’s solvency analysis and payment history.

The maximum exposure to credit risk as of December 31, 2021 is represented by the financial asset items presented in the Corporation’s Statement of Financial Position.

The Corporation’s accounts receivable do not include customers with balances that could be classified as a significant concentration of debt and would represent a material exposure for Codelco. This exposure is distributed among a large number of clients and other counterparties.

In the customer items, the provisions, which are not significant, are included based on the review of the outstanding balances and characteristics of the clients, destined to cover eventual insolvencies.

Explanatory note 2 “Trade and other receivables” shows past due and provisioned balances.


28. The Corporation estimates that unimpaired amounts overdue over 30 days are recoverable based on clients’ historical payment behavior and their existing credit ratings.

As of December 31, 2021 and 2020, there are no receivable balances that have been renegotiated.

Codelco works with major banks, which have high national and international ratings, and continually assesses them; therefore, the risk that could affect the availability of the Corporation’s funds and financial instruments is not significant.

Also, in some cases, to minimize credit risk, the Corporation has contracted credit insurance policies through which it transfers to third parties the commercial risk associated with some aspects of its business.

During the years ended December 31, 2021 and 2020, no guarantees have been executed to ensure the collection of third party debt.

Personnel loans mainly relate to mortgage loans, according to programs included in union agreements, which are paid for through payroll discounts.

Derivatives contracts

The Corporation has entered into transactions to hedge cash flows, to minimize the risk of foreign exchange rate variations and sales price variations, detailed as follows:

a. Hedges The Corporation maintains an exposure associated with its hedging operations against exchange rate and interest rate variations, whose negative fair value, net of taxes, amounts to ThUS$ 20,747 as of December 31, 2021.

The following table shows details of the fair value and other information of the financial hedges contracted by the Corporation:

December 31, 2021

Financial Type of obligation Fair value Amortizes Maturity Currency Hedge item Asset hedging hedge item cost contract instrument ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Bond UF Mat. 2025 Credit Suisse (USA) Swap 4-1-2025 US$ 253,162 208,519 33,174 275,382 (242,208) Bond EUR Mat. 2024 Santander (Chile) Swap 7-9-2024 US$ 339,405 409,650 (77,620) 367,024 (444,644) Bond EUR Mat. 2024 BNP Paribas (USA) Swap 7-9-2024 US$ 113,004 409,680 (25,774) 122,199 (147,973) Bond UF Mat. 2026 JP Morgan London Branch (England) Swap 8-24-2026 US$ 366,901 406,212 (68,670) 381,758 (450,428) Bond AUD Mat. 2039 Santander (Chile) Swap 7-22-2039 US$ 50,736 49,266 (4,539) 59,373 (63,912) Bond HKD Mat. 2034 HSBC Bank PLC (England) Swap 11-7-2034 US$ 64,105 63,792 (2,375) 73,709 (76,084) Total 1,187,313 1,547,119 (145,804) 1,279,445 (1,425,249)


December 31, 2020

Financial Type of obligation Fair value Amortizes Maturity Currency Hedge item Asset hedging hedge item cost contract instrument ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Bond UF Mat. 2025 Credit Suisse (USA) Swap 4-1-2025 US$ 282,137 208,519 96,981 356,507 (259,526) Bond EUR Mat. 2024 Santander (Chile) Swap 7-9-2024 US$ 368,505 409,650 (59,079) 408,058 (467,137) Bond EUR Mat. 2024 BNP Paribas (USA) Swap 7-9-2024 US$ 368,505 409,680 (58,824) 408,022 (466,846) Bond UF Mat. 2026 JP Morgan London Branch (England) Swap 8-24-2026 US$ 408,894 406,212 28,013 507,154 (479,141) Bond AUD Mat. 2039 Santander (Chile) Swap 7-22-2039 US$ 53,747 49,266 2,507 71,746 (69,239) Bond HKD Mat. 2034 HSBC Bank USAN.A (USA) Swap 11-7-2034 US$ 64,500 63,792 (2,689) 79,180 (81,869) Total 1,546,288 1,547,119 6,909 1,830,667 (1,823,758)

As of December 31, 2021, the Corporation no maintains cash deposit guarantee balances.

The current methodology for valuing currency swaps is to use the bootstrapping technique from the mid – swap rate to construct the curves (zero) in UF and US$ respectively, from market information.

The notional amounts are detailed below:

Notional amount of contracts with final maturity

Less than 90 days Total non-current December 31, 2021 Currency Over 90 days Total current 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years Over 5 years days current ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Currency derivatives US$ 13,156 48,151 61,307 941,941 656,931 152,775 1,751,647 Notional amount of contracts with final maturity Less than 90 days Total non-current December 31, 2020 Currency Over 90 days Total current 1 to 3 years 3 to 5 years Over 5 years days current ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ ThUS$ Currency derivatives US$ 13,156 48,151 61,306 122,611 1,113,279 577,064 1,812,954

Cash flows hedging contracts and commercial policy adjustment

The Corporation trades in copper, gold and silver derivative markets and records its results at the end of each transaction. These results are added to or deducted from sales revenues. As of December 31, 2021, these operations generated a lower net realized result of ThUS$ 15,316.

b.1. Commercial flexibility operations of copper contracts

The purpose of these contracts is to adjust the price of shipments to the price defined in the Corporation’s related policy, defined in accordance with the London Metal Exchange (LME). As of December 31, 2021, the Corporation performed derivative market transactions of copper that represent 345.8 metric tons of fine copper. These hedging operations are performed as part of the Corporation’s commercial policy.

The current contracts as of December 31, 2021, present a negative fair value of ThUS$ 29,626 and their final result will only be known at their maturity, offsetting the hedging transactions with revenue from the sale of the hedged products.

Operations completed between January 1 and December 31, 2021, generated a net negative effect in results of ThUS$ 15,820, corresponding to values for physical sales contracts for a negative amount of ThUS$ 19,696 and values for physical purchase contracts for a negative amount of ThUS$ 3,876.

b.2. Trade operations of current gold and silver contracts.

As of December 31, 2021, the Corporation maintains derivative contracts for the sale of gold of ThOZ 15.98.

The contracts in force as of December 31, 2021, present a positive exposure of ThUS$ 393, the final result of which can only be known at the expiration of these operations, after the compensation between the hedging operations and the income from the sale of the protected products. These hedging operations expire up to March 2022.

The operations completed between January 1 and December 31, 2021, generated a positive effect on results of ThUS$ 504, corresponding to values per physical sales contracts.

b.3. Cash flow hedging operations backed by future production The Corporation has no outstanding transactions as of December 31, 2021, arising from these operations, which protect future cash flows by locking in price levels for the sale of part of its production.

The following tables set forth the maturities of metal hedging activities, as referred to in point b above:

December 31, 2021 Maturity date

ThUS$ 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Upcoming Total Flex com cobre (asset) 61 – – – – – 61 Flex com cobre (liability) (22,056) (7,268) (363) – – – (29,687) Flex com GoldSilver (393) – – – – – (393) Price setting – Metal options – – – – – – – Total (22,388) (7,268) (363) – – – (30,019) December 31, 2020 Maturity date

ThUS$ 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Upcoming Total Flex com cobre (asset) 3,612 (850) (150) – – – 2,612 Flex com cobre (liability) (1,635) – – – – – (1,635) Flex com GoldSilver (177) – – – – – (177) Price setting Metal options – – – – – – – Total 1,800 (850) (150) – – – 800

December 31, 2021

Maturity date

All figures in thousands

2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Upcoming Total of metric tons/ounces Copper futures 268.43 72.90 4.50 345.83 GoldSilver Futures 15.98 15.98 Copper price setting Copper options December 31, 2020 Maturity date All figures in thousands 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Upcoming Total of metric tons/ounces Copper futures 315.01 123.66 9.90 448.57 GoldSilver Futures 7.97 7.97 Copper price setting Copper options


29. Contingencies and restrictions

a) Contingencies and restrictions

There are various lawsuits and legal actions initiated by or against the Corporation, which derive from its operations and the industry in which it operates. In general, these are civil, tax, labor and mining litigations, all related to the Corporation’s activities.

“In the opinion of Management and its legal advisors, the lawsuits where the Corporation is being sued and could have negative results do not represent significant loss contingencies or cash flows. Codelco defends its rights and makes use of all the corresponding legal and procedural instances and resources.

The most relevant lawsuits filed by Codelco relate to the following matters:

– Tax Proceedings: There is a tax proceeding for liquidation No. 141 of tax year 2015 and Exempt Resolution No. 89 of 2016 issued by the Internal Revenue Service (SII), for which the Corporation presented the corresponding appeals, which were received and resolved in favor of the Tax and Customs Courts, a resolution that was appealed by the SII.

– Labor lawsuits: Labor proceedings brought by the workers against the Corporation, regarding occupational diseases, labor accidents and other matters.

– Mining proceedings and others arising from the Operation: The Corporation has been participating, and will probably continue to participate, as plaintiff and defendant in given court proceedings involving its mining operation and activities, through which it seeks to exercise certain actions or set up certain defenses in relation to given mining concessions that have been established or are in the process of being established, as well as also with regard to its other activities. These proceedings currently do not involve any given amount and do not have any essential effect on Codelco’s development.


Some other procedures pending final judgment are the simultaneous claim for arbitration between Codelco, Santa Elvira S.A., Mining Services Group S.A. and Sociedad de Servicios para la Minería Limitada (collectively “Santa Elvira”) and the arbitration procedure between Codelco and Colbún regarding the sale of energy between them, among others.

At the date of issuance of these financial statements, Corporación Nacional del Cobre faces various lawsuits and legal actions against it for a total of approximately ThUS$1,406,239 corresponding to 726 cases. According to the estimate made by the Corporation’s legal advisors, 528 cases, representing 72.73% of the universe, have associated probable loss results amounting to ThUS$49,223 (additionally, with the same probable results, there are 6 cases for ThUS$52 from subsidiaries). There are also 68 cases, representing 9.37% in the amount of ThUS$944, for which it is less likely that the Corporation will be unfavored. For the remaining 130 cases, representing 17.91% in the amount of ThUS$2,136, the Corporation’s legal advisors believe that an unfavorable outcome is unlikely.

Lawsuit under administrative law: On August 2, 2017, a Nullity in Public Law claim was filed in the 25th Civil Court of Santiago against Audit Report No. 900 of 2016, issued by the General Comptrollership of the Republic on May 10, 2017.

Once the discussion and evidence stage concluded, the Santiago Civil Court, on September 11, 2020, delivered its judgment in which it dismissed the annulment action filed by the Corporation, condemning it to the respective costs of said lawsuit.

On October 27, 2020, the Corporation filed appeals and cassation in the form of the sentence of the 25th Civil Court of Santiago, which dismissed the Public Law nullity action filed by the Codelco against Report No. 900 of 2016 of the Comptroller General of the Republic.

For litigation with a probable unfavorable outcome for the Corporation, the necessary provisions have been recognized as provisions for legal proceedings.

b) Other Commitments.

i. On May 31, 2005, Codelco, through its subsidiary Codelco International Ltd. signed an agreement with Minmetals to form a company, CUP IC, in which both companies have an equal equity interest. A 15-year copper cathode sales contract to that associated company was agreed upon, as well as a purchase contract from Minmetals to CupiC for the same period and for equal monthly shipments to complete a total of 836,250 metric tons. Each shipment shall be paid for by the buyer at a price formed by a fixed re-adjustable component plus a variable component, which depends on current copper prices at the time of shipment.

During the first quarter of 2006 and on the basis of the negotiated financial terms, financing contracts were formalized with the China Development Bank allowing CuPIC to make the US$550 million advance payment to Codelco in March 2006.


With regard to financial obligations incurred by the associate CuPIC with the China Development Bank, Codelco Chile and Codelco International Ltd, must meet certain commitments, mainly relating to the delivery of financial information. In addition, Codelco Chile must maintain 51% ownership of Codelco International Limited.

According to the Sponsor Agreement, dated March 8, 2006, the Codelco International Ltd. subsidiary gave its participation in CUPIC as a guarantee to the China Development Bank.

Subsequently, on March 14, 2012, CUPIC paid off its debt to the abovementioned bank. As of December 31, 2017, Codelco does not hold any indirect guarantee regarding its participation in this associated company.

On December 17, 2015, the Company’s management presented a restructuring for the Supply Contract, which implies the removal of its share in CUPIC.

On April 7, 2016, the Corporation formalized the removal of its share in CUPIC, of which Codelco retained 50% ownership through the subsidiary Codelco International. Until that date, Codelco shared the ownership of the Company in the same proportion with the company Album Enterprises Limited (a subsidiary of Minmetals).

In order to realize the above mentioned term of the shareholding, Codelco signed a set of agreements which formalized primarily the following issues:

Copper sales contract modifications from Codelco to CUPIC signed in 2006, which establishes the reduction of half of the outstanding tonnage to deliver to this company and in which Codelco pays to CUPIC the amount of ThUS$99,330.

Reduction of share capital in CuPIC, equivalent to the 50% of the Codelco International shares in said company and by which CuPIC repays to Codelco the amount of ThUS$99,330.

Waiver of Codelco to any dividends associated with the profits generated by CUPIC from January 1, 2016 and the date of signing the agreement.

Additionally, the cessation of dividends reception as a consequence of the removal of the Codelco share in the ownership of CuPIC since 2016, led to a reduction of the net profit estimated by Codelco until the end of the contract signed with that company.

At the close of the first semester of 2021, the Corporation delivered the last shipment associated with this sales contract.

ii. Regarding the financing agreement signed on August 23, 2012, between the subsidiary, Gacrux Inversiones SpA and Mitsui € Co. Ltd. for the acquisition of the 24.5% stake in Anglo American Sur S.A. which was subsequently amended on October 31, 2012, a pledge is included over the shares that the subsidiary has on Acrux Inversiones SpA (shared participation with Mitsui and minority shareholder in Anglo American Sur S.A.), in order to ensure compliance with the obligations that the financial agreement contemplates.


This pledge extends to the right to collect and receive from Acrux dividends which have been agreed in the corresponding meetings of shareholders of the company and any other distributions paid or payable to Gacrux with respect of the pledged shares.

On December 22, 2017 according to archive No. 12326 2017, it was established that, Gacrux, the Creditor and the Guarantee Agent, the latter representing the Guaranteed Parties, modified, by virtue of the Merger (see Note 2d), the Contract of Pledge and the Modified Pledge Agreement as to the pledge on transferable securities and the commercial pledge, as well as the restrictions and prohibitions established in the Pledge Contract and in the Modified Pledge Contract, making it subject to, by virtue of the Merger, two thousand thirteen million two hundred and forty-five thousand four hundred and seventy-three shares pledge issued by Becrux, owned by Gacrux, hereinafter the “Pledged Becrux Shares.

On May 20, 2021, as a result of the prepayment of the obligations indicated above (see note 12), the garments indicated in the preceding paragraph were raised.

iii. Law 19993 dated December 17, 2004, authorized the purchase of the Refinery and Smelter Las Ventanas assets from ENAMI, establishing that the Corporation must ensure that the smelting and refining capacity required is maintained, without any restriction and limitation, for treating the products of the small and medium mining sector sent by ENAMI, under the form of toll production or another form agreed upon by the parties.

iv. Obligations with the public for bond issues means that the Corporation must meet certain restrictions related to limits on pledges and leaseback transactions on its principal assets and on its ownership interest in subsidiaries.

The Corporation has complied with these conditions as of December 31, 2021 and 2020.

v. On January 20, 2010, the Corporation signed two energy supply contracts with Colbún S.A., which includes energy and power sales and purchases for a total of 510 MW of power. The contract provides a discount for that unconsumed energy from Codelco’s SIC divisions with respect to the amount of contracted power. The discount is equivalent to the value of the sale of that energy on the spot market.

The contracted power for supplying these Divisions is comprised by two contracts:

+ Contract No.1 for 176 MW, current until December 2029.

* Contract No.2 for 334 MW, current until December 2044. This contract is based on energy production from Colbún’s Santa María thermal power station, which is currently in operation. This plant is coal-fired, and therefore the electric energy tariff rate applied for the energy supplied to Codelco is linked to the price of coal.

Both of these contracts comply with Codelco’s long-term energy and power requirements from the SIC of approximately 510 MW.

Through these contracts, which operate through take or pay, the Corporation agrees to pay for the contracted energy and Colbún undertakes to reimburse at market price the energy not consumed by Codelco.

These contracts have maturity dates in 2029 and 2044,


vi. On November 6, 2009, Codelco signed the following long-term electric energy supply contracts with ELECTROANDINA S.A. (associate until January 2011), which matured in August 2017.

For the electric power supply of the Chuquicamata’s work center, there are three contracts: – Engie for a 15-year term from January 2010, that is maturing in December 2024, for 200 MW capacity, and another contract for a 200 MW capacity which was signed in January 2018 and will be effective as of January 2025 with maturity in December 2035.

CTA effective from 2012 for 80 MW capacity, maturity in 2032.

vii. On August 26, 2011, Codelco signed two energy supply contracts with AESGener. The first one for the Minister Hales division for a 99 MW capacity and the second contract for the Radomiro Tomic work center, for a maximum capacity of 145 MW. Both contracts will mature in 2028.

viii. On November 11, 2011, Law No. 20551 was published in the Official Journal, which regulates the tasks and closure of mining facilities. Additionally, on November 22, 2012, the Supreme Decree No. 41 of the Minister of Mining, which approves the Regulations of this Law, was published in the Official Gazette.

This law requires the Corporation, among other requirements, to provide financial guarantees to the State to ensure the implementation of closure plans. It also establishes the obligation to make contributions to a fund which aims to cover the costs of post-closure activities.

The Corporation, in accordance with the aforementioned regulations, delivered in 2014 to the National Geology and Mining Service (SERNAGEOMIN) the mine closure plans for each of the eight divisions of Codelco. These closure plans were developed under the transitional regime of the Law, specified for mining companies affected by the general application procedure, which are those with extraction capacity > 10,000 tons/month, and that at the date of entry into force of the Law were in operation, and with a closure plan previously approved under the Mining Safety Regulation D.S. No. 132.

All these transitional closure plans were approved in 2015 in accordance with the provisions established in the Law.

The law also established the obligation to update these closure plans, under the conditions of the general regime of the law, which incorporates new and greater requirements for the closure plans, five years after its entry into force, i.e. in 2020 in the case of Codelco. This calendar was brought forward to 2019 due to operational particularities for the Chuquicamata and Ventanas Divisions, and postponed to 2021 by SERNAGEOMIN, due to the COVID-19 pandemic for the entire industry, and therefore for all other divisions.

In compliance with this new schedule, Codelco approved in 2021 the updated closure plans for the El Teniente, Radomiro Tomic, Ministro Hales and Gabriela Mistral Divisions, and as of December 31, 2021, the approval of the updated plans for the Salvador and Andina Divisions is in process. The Corporation has provided the corresponding guarantees committed in all the approved closure plans, according to the latest updates in force with their latest in force.”


Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, la Corporación ha acordado garantías por un monto anual de U.F. 45.327.714 para cumplir con la mencionada Ley N° 20.551. La siguiente tabla detalla las principales garantías otorgadas:

Emisión Emisor Sitio minero Monto Moneda Fecha Fecha de vencimiento Tasa ThUS$ % Liberty Radomiro Tomic 5.730.481 UF 11-12-2021 11-12-2022 0,15 210.252 Liberty Ministro Hales 3.866.697 UF 11-15-2021 11-15-2022 0,15 141.869 Banco de Chile Chuquicamata 149.405 UF 11-27-2021 11-27-2022 0,27 5.482 HDI Chuquicamata 2.000.000 UF 11-26-2021 11-27-2022 0,25 73.380 Liberty Chuquicamata 3.550.000 UF 11-27-2021 11-27-2022 0,20 130.250 Banco de Chile Teniente 1.352.992 UF 12-2-2021 12-2-2022 0,27 49.641 Mapfre Teniente 2.550.000 UF 12-2-2021 12-2-2022 0,17 93.560 Banco Itau Teniente 730.000 UF 12-3-2021 12-2-2022 0,20 26.784 Banco Santander Teniente 5.000.000 UF 12-2-2021 12-2-2022 0,20 183.450 Banco Santander Teniente 250.000 UF 12-2-2021 12-2-2022 0,20 9.173 Banco Estado Teniente 3.169.500 UF 12-2-2021 12-2-2022 0,21 116.289 AVLA Teniente 1.000.000 UF 12-2-2021 12-2-2022 0,25 36.690 Banco Bci Teniente 2.619.000 UF 12-2-2021 12-2-2022 0,25 96.091 Aspor Gabriela Mistral 2.200.000 UF 12-15-2021 12-15-2022 0,15 80.718 Mapfre Gabriela Mistral 763.837 UF 12-15-2021 12-15-2022 0,17 28.025 Banco Itau Salvador 1.300.000 UF 2-12-2021 2-18-2022 0,15 47.697 Mapfre Salvador 3.285.450 UF 2-18-2021 2-18-2022 0,20 120.543 Mapfre Andina 4.658.180 UF 5-4-2021 5-3-2022 0,17 170.909 Banco Estado Ventanas 1.152.172 UF 10-7-2021 10-7-2022 0,25 42.273 Total 45.327.714 1.663.076

ix. El 24 de agosto de 2012, Codelco a través de su filial Inversiones Mineras Nueva Acrux SpA (Nueva Acrux) (cuyo accionista minoritario es Mitsui), firmó un contrato con Anglo American Sur S.A. Bajo este contrato, Codelco acordó vender una parte de su producción anual de cobre a la mencionada filial, quien a su vez se compromete a comprar dicha producción.

Esta porción anual está determinada por la participación de la filial indirecta de Codelco, Inversiones Mineras Becrux SpA (también con participación accionaria con Mitsui), mantenida para las acciones de Anglo American Sur S.A.

A su vez, la filial Nueva Acrux se compromete a vender a Mitsui los productos adquiridos bajo el acuerdo descrito en los párrafos anteriores.

La expiración del contrato ocurrirá cuando finalice el acuerdo de accionistas de Anglo American Sur S.A. u otros eventos relacionados con la finalización de las actividades mineras de la empresa.

El 11 de junio de 2019, Codelco y Anglo American Sur S.A. firmaron un acuerdo que asegura y optimiza la operación de sus respectivas minas de cobre, Andina y Los Bronces, respectivamente. Este acuerdo es similar a otros que las mismas partes han firmado durante los últimos 40 años y que favorecen la operación independiente, segura y sostenible de estas minas vecinas.


X. El 11 de marzo de 2020, la Organización Mundial de la Salud caracterizó el brote de una cepa del nuevo coronavirus (“COVID-19”) como una pandemia que ha resultado en una serie de medidas de salud pública y emergencia que se han implementado y están en marcha para combatir la propagación del virus. La duración y el impacto de COVID-19 son desconocidos en este momento y no es posible estimar de manera confiable el impacto de la duración y gravedad de estos acontecimientos en períodos futuros. Codelco está monitoreando permanentemente el mencionado brote, su evolución constante, el eventual impacto en los indicadores financieros y operativos de la Corporación, así como los posibles efectos adicionales en nuestros trabajadores, clientes, proveedores, además de colaborar continuamente con las acciones gubernamentales que se están tomando para reducir su propagación, sin que hasta la fecha se haya observado un impacto material en su capacidad para cumplir con sus compromisos financieros, de producción o venta.

Debido a lo anterior, al 31 de diciembre de 2020, Codelco ha tomado una serie de medidas restrictivas en su operación y desarrollo de proyectos de inversión, con el fin de proteger la salud de sus trabajadores, que se detallan a continuación:

– El 25 de marzo de 2020, la Corporación anunció la suspensión temporal de los proyectos: las obras restantes del Proyecto Mina Chuquicamata Subterránea, Obras Tempranas de Rajo Inca y Trabajos de Ensamble de Traspaso Andina. La suspensión se realizó de manera gradual a partir del 25 de marzo por un período de 15 días.

– El 8 de abril de 2020, la Corporación anunció la decisión de suspender parcial o totalmente algunos servicios de terceros tanto para proyectos como para el apoyo a las operaciones (lo que involucra alrededor del 30% de los trabajadores contratistas totales), por un período de 30 días, prorrogable. Con esta decisión, Codelco solicitó a las empresas contratistas que tomaran medidas con sus respectivos sindicatos para beneficiarse de las prestaciones de la Ley de Protección del Empleo N° 21.227. Las condiciones en las que se implementó la suspensión total o parcial se acordaron de manera independiente con cada una de las empresas contratistas.

– El 20 de junio de 2020, la Corporación anunció la paralización de la construcción de todos sus proyectos en la Región de Antofagasta y mantener la continuidad operativa de la División Chuquicamata solo con trabajadores de Calama. Con esta medida, la construcción de Chuquicamata subterránea y otros proyectos divisionales fueron suspendidos completamente. Las actividades se reanudaron en el mes de agosto de 2020.

– El 25 de junio de 2020, la Corporación anunció la detención temporal de las actividades en las gerencias de fundición y refinería de la División Chuquicamata, medida que reduce la participación en el trabajo de alrededor de 400 personas, junto con la detención de equipos y la reducción de los ritmos productivos en ambas áreas. La medida consideró la continuidad de operaciones menores y el mantenimiento preventivo. Las actividades se reanudaron en el mes de agosto de 2020.

Las medidas mencionadas no afectaron materialmente los resultados contables de Codelco Chile para el año fiscal 2020, ni el valor de sus activos en esa fecha.


30. Garantías

La Corporación, como resultado de sus actividades, ha recibido y otorgado garantías.

Las siguientes tablas enumeran las principales garantías otorgadas a instituciones financieras y otros:

Garantías directas otorgadas a instituciones financieras y otros

12312021 12312020 Acreedor del tipo de garantía de garantía Moneda Vencimiento Número de Thuss Thuss “

Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 25 de enero de 2021 1 1 Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 27 de enero de 2021 1 2 Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 3 de abril de 2021 3 33 Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 15 de abril de 2021 2 22 Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 29 de abril de 2021 1 56 Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 25 de junio de 2021 2 9 Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 2 de julio de 2021 1 15 Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 8 de abril de 2024 1 44 Viabilidad gestión Proyecto de construcción UF 21 de enero de 2022 1 28 Dirección General de Territorio Marítimo y Marina Mercante Concesión marítima CLP 1 de marzo de 2021 1 1,484 Dirección General de Territorio Marítimo y Marina Mercante Concesión marítima CLP 1 de marzo de 2022 1 1,249 Minera Doña Inés de Collahuasi Oferta de compra de un activo USD 2 de enero de 2021 1 8 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación CLP 25 de febrero de 2021 22 176 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación CLP 25 de febrero de 2022 22 154 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 9 de junio de 2021 3 24 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 23 de junio de 2021 3 24 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 31 de marzo de 2022 1 2 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 9 de junio de 2022 3 21 Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales Proyecto de explotación UF 23 de junio de 2022 3 21 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 2 de enero de 2021 1 24,186 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 31 de diciembre de 2021 1 161,180 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 29 de julio de 2022 1 38,42 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 31 de diciembre de 2023 1 732 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 2 de octubre de 2023 1 501,559 Ministerio de Obras Públicas Proyecto de construcción UF 31 de diciembre de 2022 1 21,702 Oriente Copper Netherlands B.V. Prenda sobre acciones USD 20 de mayo de 2021 1 877,813 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 18 de febrero de 2021 2 161,254 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 3 de mayo de 2021 2 162,510 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 7 de octubre de 2021 1 40,945 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 13 de noviembre de 2021 1 92,052 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 26 de noviembre de 2021 2 201,655 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 2 de diciembre de 2021 4 346,608 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 3 de diciembre de 2021 1 92,942 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 15 de diciembre de 2021 1 100,473 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 18 de febrero de 2022 2 168,240 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 3 de mayo de 2022 1 170,909 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 12 de noviembre de 2021 1 155,019 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 12 de noviembre de 2022 1 210,252 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 15 de noviembre de 2022 1 141,869 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 27 de noviembre de 2022 3 209,112 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 2 de diciembre de 2022 8 611,678 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 15 de diciembre de 2022 2 108,743 Sernageomin Medio ambiente UF 7 de octubre de 2022 1 42,273 Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo judicial y conciliación CLP 15 de marzo de 2022 1 19,309 Fiscal Carlos Félix Acuerdo judicial y conciliación UF 15 de marzo de 2022 1 1,101 Consorcio Aeropuerto Calama Estacionamiento UF 31 de marzo de 2022 1 3 Engie Energía Chile S.A. Proyecto de suministro de agua CLP 31 de agosto de 2023 1 237 Engie Energía Chile S.A. Proyecto de suministro de agua CLP 31 de octubre de 2023 1 232 Tesorería General de la República Concesión marítima CLP 21 de octubre de 2022 1 49 Total general 1,708,620 | 2,258,096


31. En cuanto a los documentos recibidos como garantía, cubren principalmente obligaciones de proveedores y contratistas relacionados con los diversos proyectos de desarrollo. A continuación se presentan los montos recibidos como garantía, agrupados según las Divisiones Operativas que han recibido estos montos:

Garantías recibidas de terceros o 12312021 12312020 División ThUs$ ThUs$

Andina 135 135

Chuquicamata 7 82

Casa Matriz 914,399 713,404

El Teniente 427 427

Ventanas – 50

Total 914,968 714,098 Balances y moneda extranjera a) Activos por moneda
12312021 Activos en moneda nacional y extranjera Dólares estadounidenses Euros Otra No reajustada U.F. TOTAL de monedas CH$ Activos corrientes Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 1,175,963 6,218 11,399 90,038 1,283,618 Otros activos financieros, corrientes 320,339 – – 1 – 320,340 Otros activos no financieros, corrientes 21,619 395 113 1,866 4 23,997 Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras, corrientes 3,580,436 185,429 788 427,697 4,194,350 Cuentas por cobrar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 156,711 – – 156,711 Inventarios, corrientes 1,811,455 – – 1,811,455 Activos tributarios corrientes 6,646 98 – 4,694 – 11,438 Total de activos corrientes 7,073,169 192,140 12,300 524,296 4 7,801,909 Activos no corrientes Inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación 3,546,011 – – 3,546,011 Propiedad, planta y equipo 30,444,722 578 4,593 30,449,893 Activos por impuestos diferidos 78,667 2,455 13,473 – 94,595 Otros activos 770,365 5,859 332,345 56,458 1,165,027 Total de activos no corrientes 34,839,765 8,892 350,411 56,458 35,255,526 Total de activos 41,912,934 192,140 21,192 874,707 56,462 43,057,435
12312020 Activos en moneda nacional y extranjera Dólares estadounidenses Euros Otra No reajustada U.F. TOTAL de monedas CH$

Activos corrientes Efectivo y equivalentes al efectivo 1,908,543 52,168 5,079 138,898 2,805 2,107,493 Otros activos financieros, corrientes 283,806 – – 22 62 283,890 Otros activos no financieros, corrientes 29,997 421 177 2,030 9 32,634 Cuentas por cobrar comerciales y otras, corrientes 2,542,742 157,668 321 548,586 3,249,317 Cuentas por cobrar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 98,396 – 1 98,397 Inventarios, corrientes 1,912,067 – – 1,912,067 Activos tributarios corrientes 71,849 965 – 1,510 – 74,324 Total de activos corrientes 6,847,400 211,222 5,577 691,047 2,876 7,758,122 Activos no corrientes Inversiones contabilizadas utilizando el método de participación 3,418,958 – – – 3,418,958 Propiedad, planta y equipo 29,010,721 72 540,754 358 29,551,905 Activos por impuestos diferidos 41,215 9 4,684 – 45,908 Otros activos 894,980 57,269 356,571 126,673 1,435,493 Total de activos no corrientes 33,365,874 57,350 902,009 127,031 34,452,264 Total de activos | 40,213,274 211,222 62,927 1,593,056 129,907 42,210,386


b) Pasivos por tipo de moneda:

12312021 Otros Pasivos en moneda nacional y extranjera Dólares estadounidenses Euros No reajustada U.F. TOTAL de monedas CH$ Pasivos corrientes Otros pasivos financieros, corrientes 605,223 (24) 13 – (9) 605,203 Obligaciones por arrendamiento, corrientes 36,712 – 700 65,487 9,205 112,104 Cuentas por pagar comerciales y otras, corrientes 1,122,226 4,110 3,092 367,872 129 1,497,429 Cuentas por pagar a entidades relacionadas, corrientes 221,344 – – – 221,344 Otras provisiones a corto plazo 732,501 784 – 8,742 742,027 Pasivos tributarios corrientes 303,616 164 4,596 308,376 Provisiones para beneficios a empleados, corrientes 2,223 804 416,296 419,323 Otros pasivos no financieros, corrientes 11,443 – 144 21,475 9 33,071 Total de pasivos corrientes 3,035,288 4,870 4,917 884,468 9,334 | 3,938,877 Pasivos no corrientes Otros pasivos financieros, no corrientes 16,636,544 (2,592) (1,008) – 270,696 | 16,903,640 Obligaciones por arrendamiento, no corrientes 90,458 – 1,046 115,356 33,163 240,023 Pasivos no corrientes 759 306 – 1,065 Otras provisiones a largo plazo 1,396,911 43,491 1,017,183 2,457,585 Pasivos por impuestos diferidos 6,990,740 20 13,763 – 7,004,523 Provisión para beneficios a empleados, no corriente 11,002 923,540 – 934,542 Total de pasivos no corrientes 2,035 – 244 – 2,279 Total de pasivos no corrientes 25,114,721 (2,592) 58 1,096,700 1,321,042 | 27,543,657 Total de pasivos 28,150,009 2,278 4,975 1,981,168 1,330,376 | 31,482,534″


12312020 Non-

National and foreign currency liabilities US Dollars Euros Other indexed UF. TOTAL currencies

CH$ Current liabilities Other financial liabilities, current 529,998 (28) 7 – (31) 529,946 Lease liabilities, current 36,063 – 865 95,091 13,385 145,404 Trade and other payables, current 1,068,185 4,268 282 425,482 68 1,498,285 Accounts payable to related entities, current 197,304 – – 1,620 – 198,924 Other short-term provisions 552,536 937 – 8,554 – 562,027 Current tax liabilities 1,587 5,024 243 1,540 51 8,445 Provisions for employee benefits, current 2,201 – 320 457,981 276 460,778 Other non-financial liabilities, current 32,836 – 145 3,059 58 36,098 Total current liabilities 2,420,710 10,201 1,862 993,327 13,807 3,439,907 Non-current liabilities Other financial liabilities, non-current 16,931,003 (6,016) 53,257 – 756,956 17,735,200 Lease liabilities, non-current 124,274 – 2,481 162,685 50,164 339,604 Non-current payables – – 460 – – 460 other long-term provisions 1,212,543 79,586 1,002,378 2,294,507 Deferred tax liabilities 5,521,956 – – 5,839 5,527,795 Employee benefit provision, non-current 13,010 – 592 1,230,338 – 1,243,940 Total non-financial liabilities, non-current 2,203 – – 279 – 2,482 Total non-current liabilities 23,804,989 (6,016) 56,790 1,478,727 1,809,498 27,143,988 Total liabilities 26,225,699 4,185 58,652 2,472,054 1,823,305 30,583,895

32. Sanciones

Al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, ni Codelco Chile ni sus Directores y Gerentes han sido sancionados por la CMF u otras autoridades administrativas.

33. Gastos Ambientales

Cada una de las operaciones de Codelco está sujeta a regulaciones nacionales, regionales y locales relacionadas con la protección del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales, incluyendo normas relacionadas con el agua, aire, ruido y disposición y transporte de residuos peligrosos, entre otros. Chile ha introducido regulaciones ambientales que han obligado a las empresas, incluida Codelco, a llevar a cabo programas para reducir, controlar o eliminar impactos ambientales relevantes. Codelco ha ejecutado y continuará ejecutando una serie de proyectos ambientales para cumplir con estas regulaciones.

De acuerdo con la Carta de Valores aprobada en 2010, Codelco se rige por una serie de políticas y regulaciones internas que enmarcan su compromiso con el medio ambiente, entre las cuales se encuentra la Política Corporativa de Desarrollo Sustentable (2021).

Los sistemas de gestión ambiental de las divisiones estructuran sus esfuerzos para cumplir con los compromisos asumidos por las políticas ambientales de la corporación, incorporando elementos de planificación, operación, verificación y revisión de actividades. Al 31 de diciembre de 2021, Codelco está implementando un proceso de cambio estratégico en todas las divisiones para gestionar los aspectos y riesgos asociados con asuntos ambientales, bajo un sistema de gestión corporativo emitido por la Casa Matriz, buscando obtener la certificación ISO 14001:2015.


Para cumplir con la Circular No. 1901 de 2008 de la CMF, se detallan a continuación los principales gastos de la Corporación relacionados con el medio ambiente durante los períodos del 1 de enero al 31 de diciembre de 2021 y 2020, respectivamente, y los gastos futuros proyectados.

Desemb 12312021 12312020 Gastos comprometidos futuros . . Proyecto Gasto de activos . .
Entidad Nombre del proyecto ThUus$ Gasto de activos Ítem ThUus$ ThUS$ Fecha estimada estado nse

Chuquicamata Codelco Chile Ampliación de capacidad de la presa Talambre, 8ª etapa Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 35,560 2020 Codelco Chile Transformación de la planta de ácido 3-4 DCDA Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 966 2020 Codelco Chile Habilitación del sistema de tratamiento de gas Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 16,607 2020 Codelco Chile Reemplazo de secador 5 fuco Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 8,386 2020 Codelco Chile Construcción Relle Res Dom-Asim Montec Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 4,271 2020 Codelco Chile Construcción 9 seg Montecristo Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 804 2020 Codelco Chile Plantas de ácido En progreso 14,508 Gasto de operación 17,406 2021 Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso 1,265 Gasto de operación 1,745 2021 Codelco Chile Colas En progreso 67,496 Gasto de operación 22,518 2021 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua En progreso 25,567 Gasto de operación 24,843 2021 Codelco Chile Monitoreo ambiental En progreso 1,285 Gasto de operación 1,470 – 2021 Codelco Chile Normalización del sistema de drenaje de perforación En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 89 2,859 2023 Codelco Chile Normalización del transporte de alimentación en polvo En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 10,763 6,441 2021 Codelco Chile Construcción de relaves espesados Talabre En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 13,498 8,058 4,371 2022 Codelco Chile Estandarización de sustancias peligrosas TKS DS 43 En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 287 – 24,913 2023

Total División Chuquicamata 134,672 149,164 32,143

Salvador Codelco Chile Mejora de la integración del proceso de gas En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 3,944 9,871 12,830 2022 Codelco Chile Colas En progreso Gasto de operación 4,472 4,426 2021 Codelco Chile Plantas de ácido En progreso Gasto de operación 57,787 62,293 2021 Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso Gasto de operación 1,631 1,500 2021 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua En progreso Gasto de operación 752 671 2021 Codelco Chile Reemplazo de campana En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 367 639 2021 Codelco Chile DRPA de emergencia En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 7,359 4,766 2021 Codelco Chile DRPA de emergencia Cumplimiento DS 43 almacenamiento de sustancias peligrosas En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 692 243 2021 Codelco Chile Norma riles y alcantarillado En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo – 449 2022

Total División Salvador 77,015 84,409 13,279

Andina Codelco Chile Construcción del canal de contorno DL este En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 2,018 3,092 2021 Codelco Chile Plan de emergencia del sitio Construcción Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 2,469 2020 Codelco Chile Ampliación de la presa Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 36,753 2020 Codelco Chile Construcción de estructura e instrumentos Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 1,827 2020 Codelco Chile Construcción de fosas de contención de derrames Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 320 2020 Codelco Chile Calificación de válvulas y obras En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 1,129 1,580 2021 Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso Gasto de operación 1,990 2,351 2021 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua En progreso Gasto de operación 4,992 3,945 2021 Codelco Chile Colas En progreso Gasto de operación 86,414 74,700 2021 Codelco Chile Drenaje de ácido En progreso Gasto de operación 34,161 33,288 2021 Codelco Chile Monitoreo ambiental En progreso Gasto de operación 1,009 808 2021 Codelco Chile Gestión de asuntos de sostenibilidad y externos En progreso Gasto de operación 2,576 1,750 2021 Codelco Chile Obras de acondicionamiento DLN En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 3,606 11,086 2021 Codelco Chile Trabajos de mitigación de escasez de agua Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 7,952 – 2020 Codelco Chile Mejora de la operación de excavación En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 1,863 824 1,908 2022 Codelco Chile Modificación del túnel de despacho de agua En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 2,995 1,350 1,121 2022 Codelco Chile Implementación del sistema de captura de rastras de carchment En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 2,395 45 8,217 2022 Codelco Chile Presa ovejería: etapa de drenaje longitudinal 8 En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 27,513 459 10,412 2022 Codelco Chile Depósito de lastre extendido norte En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 32,338 13,669 222,529 2024 Codelco Chile Instrumentos de presa estándar Los Leones En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo – 68 3,586 2023

Total División Andina 205,067 198,268 247,773

416,754 431,841 293,195


Desemb 12312020 12312020 Gastos comprometidos futuros Entidad Nombre del proyecto proyecto ThUS$ Gasto de activos Gasto | Ítem de gastos ThUS$ ThUs$ Fecha estimada estado nse El Teniente Codelco Chile Construcción de la 7ª fase de la presa Caren En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 56,802 52,765 162,852 2023 Codelco Chile Construcción de la planta de tratamiento de escorias En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 2,136 31,987 – 2021 Codelco Chile Construcción de la planta de tratamiento de escorias Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 969 – 2020 Codelco Chile Plantas de ácido En progreso Gasto de operación 72,928 60,007 – 2021 Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso Gasto de operación 3,081 2,887 – 2021 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua En progreso Gasto de operación 14,682 15,021 – 2021 Codelco Chile Colas En progreso Gasto de operación 61,233 63,641 – 2021 Codelco Chile Construcción de pozos de drenaje y modificación hidrogeología colihue-Cauquenej En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 2,755 145 2,597 2023 Codelco Chile Mejora del sistema de lavado de contenedores para plantas de filtro Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 33 – 2020 Codelco Chile Adquisición de terrenos Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 6,791 – 2020 Codelco Chile Fase 8ª y 9ª de la presa caren En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 2,223 – 352,430 2026 Codelco Chile Construcción de complementos de obra hidráulica de la presa Barahona 2 En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 1,019 – 32,073 2023 Codelco Chile Restauración matadero drive En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 580 – 18,160 2023

Total División El Teniente 217,439 234,246 568,112

Gabriela Mistral Codelco Chile Monitoreo ambiental En progreso Gasto de operación 23 75 – 2021 Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso Gasto de operación 2,969 2,350 – 2021 Codelco Chile Consultoría ambiental En progreso Gasto de operación 51 172 – 2021 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua Terminado Gasto de operación 3 – – Codelco Chile Ampliación del vertedero fase VII En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 9,138 – 25,222 2022

Total División Gabriela Mistral 12,181 2,600 25,222

Ventanas Codelco Chile Plantas de ácido En progreso Gasto de operación 22,867 28,740 – 2021 Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso Gasto de operación 2,100 1,463 – 2021 Codelco Chile Monitoreo ambiental En progreso Gasto de operación 1,527 1,442 – 2021 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua En progreso Gasto de operación 5,793 5,639 – 2021 Codelco Chile Implementación de la chimenea principal Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 327 – – Codelco Chile Implementación del sistema de abatimiento de agua Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 79 – – Codelco Chile Mejora de acopio Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 97 – – Codelco Chile Mejora de instalaciones de cierre y cintas transportadoras Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 131 – – Codelco Chile Operaciones de caminos estabilizados Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 76 – – Codelco Chile Mejora de captura de abatimiento de gas En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 1,112 34 247 2022 Codelco Chile Implementación de monitoreo de variables críticas En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 531 128 – 2021 Codelco Chile Normalización de manejo de sustancias peligrosas En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 3,700 – 2,553 2022 Codelco Chile Normalización CEMS chimenea PPAL y PAS En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 54 – 796 2022

Total División Ventanas 37,684 38,156 3,596

Radomiro Tomic Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso Gasto de operación 924 880 – 2021 Codelco Chile Monitoreo ambiental En progreso Gasto de operación 99 387 – 2021 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua En progreso Gasto de operación 720 1,087 – 2021 Codelco Chile Trabajos preliminares suministro de agua En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 4,714 266 – 2021

Total División Radomiro Tomic 6,457 2,620 –

Ministro Hales Codelco Chile Residuos sólidos En progreso Gasto de operación 2,450 1,948 – 2021 Codelco Chile Planta de tratamiento de agua En progreso Gasto de operación 187 175 – 2021 Codelco Chile Pozos de drenaje de la mina Terminado Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 191 – – Codelco Chile Implementación de monitoreo de acuíferos de la mina En progreso Gasto de activos Propiedad, planta y equipo 399 1,547 – 2021 Codelco Chile Ext


34. Eventos Subsiguientes

El 3 de febrero de 2022, el Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería aprobó el plan de cierre para los sitios mineros y las instalaciones de la División Andina. Este nuevo plan fue considerado como base para estimar el valor de la provisión para el cierre, desmantelamiento y restauración presentada en los estados financieros al 31 de diciembre de 2021.

La administración de la Corporación no tiene conocimiento de otros eventos significativos de naturaleza financiera o de cualquier otra naturaleza que pudieran afectar estos estados financieros, ocurridos entre el 1 de enero de 2022 y la fecha de emisión de estos estados financieros consolidados al 24 de febrero de 2022.

Octavio Araneda Osés Alejandro Rivera Stambuk

Director Ejecutivo Director Financiero Juan Ogas Cabrera Cristóbal Parrao Cartagena Gerente de Contabilidad Director de Contabilidad






Versión de Ejecución


U.S.$500,000,000 Notas al 6.300% con vencimiento en 2053 U.S.$1,500,000,000 Notas al 6.440% con vencimiento en 2036

Contrato de Compra

Nueva York, Nueva York 23 de enero de 2024

BofA Securities, Inc.

One Bryant Park

Nueva York, Nueva York 10036 Estados Unidos de América

Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
388 Greenwich Street

Nueva York, Nueva York 10013 Estados Unidos de América

J.P. Morgan Securities LLC
383 Madison Avenue

Nueva York, Nueva York 10179 Estados Unidos de América


Santander US Capital Markets LLC
437 Madison Avenue, piso 10 Nueva York, Nueva York 10022 Estados Unidos de América

Como Representantes de los Compradores Iniciales

Señoras y Señores:

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, una empresa estatal organizada bajo las leyes de Chile (la Compañía), propone emitir y vender a los varios compradores nombrados en el ANEXO TI adjunto (los Compradores Iniciales), para los cuales ustedes (los Representantes) actúan como representantes, un monto principal adicional de U.S.$500,000,000 de sus Notas al 6.300% con vencimiento en 2053 (las Notas 2053), y U.S.$1,500,000,000 de su monto principal de Notas al 6.440% con vencimiento en 2036 (las Notas 2036, y colectivamente las Notas 2053 y las Notas 2036, los Valores), que se emitirán de conformidad con la escritura (la Escritura Original), con fecha 5 de febrero de 2019, entre la Compañía, The Bank of New York Mellon, como fideicomisario, agente pagador, agente de transferencia y registrador (el Fideicomisario), y The Bank of New York Mellon (Luxemburgo) S.A., como agente pagador de Luxemburgo (el Agente de Luxemburgo), según lo complementado por la decimotercera escritura complementaria con fecha 26 de enero de 2024 y la decimocuarta escritura complementaria con fecha 26 de enero de 2024 (la decimotercera escritura complementaria y la decimocuarta escritura complementaria junto con la Escritura Original, la Escritura). El 8 de septiembre de 2023, la Compañía emitió inicialmente un monto principal agregado de U.S.$700,000,000 de las Notas 2053 (las Notas Existentes) bajo la Escritura. Las Notas 2053 se consolidarán con, constituirán una emisión adicional de, tendrán términos y condiciones idénticos a, se clasificarán igualmente con, formarán una serie única con, y serán totalmente fungibles con las Notas Existentes, excepto que cualquier Nota 2053 nueva emitida de conformidad con la Regulación S se negociará por separado bajo números temporales de CUSIP, ISIN y código común hasta la expiración de un período restringido de 40 días bajo la Regulación S. Salvo que se especifique lo contrario, los términos definidos utilizados en este documento tendrán los significados establecidos en la Sección 21 del mismo.

La venta de los Valores a los Compradores Iniciales se realizará sin registro de los Valores bajo la Ley en virtud de exenciones de los requisitos de registro de la Ley.

En relación con la venta de los Valores, la Compañía ha preparado un memorando de oferta preliminar, con fecha 23 de enero de 2024 (incluyendo todos y cada uno de sus anexos, el Memorando Preliminar, y un memorando de oferta final, con fecha 23 de enero de 2024 (según enmendado o complementado en el Momento de Ejecución, incluyendo todos y cada uno de sus anexos, el Memorando Final. Para los fines de este contrato de compra (este Contrato), Comunicación de Oferta Escrita Adicional significa cualquier comunicación escrita (según se define en la Regla 405 bajo la Ley) que constituya una oferta de venta o una solicitud de oferta de compra de los Valores que no sea el Memorando Preliminar o el Memorando Final, y Memorando de Momento de Venta significa el Memorando Preliminar junto con las hojas de términos de fijación de precios preparadas por la Compañía sustancialmente en las formas del Anexo B-1 y el Anexo B-2 adjunto y cualquier Comunicación de Oferta Escrita Adicional identificada en el ANEXO II adjunto. Cada uno de los Memorandos Preliminar, de Momento de Venta y Final establece cierta información sobre la Compañía y los Valores. La Compañía confirma por la presente que ha autorizado el uso del Memorando Preliminar, el Memorando de Momento de Venta, el Memorando Final y cualquier Comunicación de Oferta Escrita Adicional identificada en el ANEXO II adjunto, y cualquier enmienda o complemento a los mismos, en relación con la oferta y venta de los Valores por los Compradores Iniciales.

1. – Representaciones y Garantías. La Compañía representa y garantiza a cada Comprador Inicial como se establece a continuación en esta Sección 1.

(a) El Memorando de Momento de Venta, en el Momento de Ejecución, no contiene y, en la Fecha de Cierre, no contendrá ninguna declaración falsa de un hecho material ni omitirá declarar un hecho material necesario para que las declaraciones en el mismo, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas. El Memorando Preliminar, en la fecha del mismo, no contenía, y el Memorando Final, en la fecha del mismo, no contenía y, en la Fecha de Cierre, no contendrá (y cualquier enmienda o complemento al mismo, en la fecha del mismo, y en la Fecha de Cierre, no contendrá), ninguna declaración falsa de un hecho material ni omitirá declarar un hecho material necesario para que las declaraciones en el mismo, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas; no obstante, la Compañía no hace ninguna representación o garantía en cuanto a cualquier información contenida en el Memorando Preliminar, el Memorando de Momento de Venta o el Memorando Final, o cualquier enmienda o complemento al mismo, en dependencia y en conformidad con la información proporcionada por escrito a la Compañía por o en nombre de los Compradores Iniciales a través de los Representantes específicamente para su inclusión en el mismo, entendiéndose que la única información de este tipo se establece en la Sección 7(b) del presente.

(b) Salvo las Comunicaciones de Oferta Escrita Adicional, si las hubiere, identificadas en el ANEXO II adjunto, y las presentaciones electrónicas, si las hubiere, proporcionadas a ustedes antes del primer uso, la Compañía no ha preparado, utilizado o referido, y no preparará, utilizará o referirá, sin su consentimiento previo, ninguna Comunicación de Oferta Escrita Adicional.

(c) Ni la Compañía, ni ninguno de sus Afiliados, ni ninguna persona actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos, ha hecho ofertas o ventas de cualquier valor (según se define en la Ley), o ha solicitado ofertas para comprar o ha negociado de otra manera en relación con cualquier valor, que esté o vaya a estar integrado con la venta de los Valores de una manera que requiera el registro de los Valores bajo la Ley.

(d) Ni la Compañía, ni ninguno de sus Afiliados, ni ninguna persona actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos, ha ofrecido o vendido los Valores en Chile o a cualquier residente de Chile, excepto según lo permitido por la ley chilena aplicable.

(e) Ni la Compañía, ni ninguno de sus Afiliados, ni ninguna persona actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos, ha ofrecido, solicitado ofertas para comprar o vender alguno de los Valores mediante alguna forma de solicitud general o publicidad general (en el sentido de la Regulación D) o de cualquier manera que implique una oferta pública (en el sentido de la Sección 4(a)(2) de la Ley).

(f) Los Valores cumplen con los requisitos de elegibilidad de la Regla 144A(d)(3) bajo la Ley.

(g) La Compañía es un emisor extranjero (según se define en la Regulación S), y ni la Compañía, ni ninguno de sus Afiliados, ni ninguna persona actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos ha participado en esfuerzos de venta dirigidos (según se define en la Regulación S) con respecto a los Valores, excepto que la Compañía no hace tal representación, garantía o acuerdo con respecto a los Compradores Iniciales.

(h) – No es necesario, en relación con la oferta, venta y entrega de los Valores a los Compradores Iniciales de la manera contemplada por este Contrato, registrar los Valores bajo la Ley o calificar la Escritura bajo la Ley de Fideicomiso de Valores.

(i) Cada uno de la Compañía y sus Afiliados, y cualquier persona actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos, ha cumplido con el requisito de restricciones de oferta de la Regulación S.

(j) La Compañía no es, y después de dar efecto a la oferta y venta de los Valores y la aplicación de los ingresos de los mismos como se describe en cada uno de los Memorandos de Momento de Venta y el Memorando Final, no será necesario registrarse como una compañía de inversión en el sentido de la Ley de Compañías de Inversión.

(k) La Compañía no ha pagado ni acordado pagar a ninguna persona ninguna compensación por solicitar a otra persona que compre cualquier valor de la Compañía (excepto según lo contemplado por este Contrato).

(l) La Compañía no ha tomado, directa o indirectamente, ninguna acción diseñada para causar o resultar en, o que haya constituido o que razonablemente se pueda esperar que constituya o cause o resulte en, bajo la Ley de Intercambio o de otra manera, la estabilización o manipulación del precio de cualquier valor de la Compañía para facilitar la venta o reventa de los Valores.

(m) Salvo lo revelado en cada uno de los Memorandos de Momento de Venta y el Memorando Final, no hay impuestos de transacción, timbres u otros impuestos o derechos de emisión o transferencia o tasas similares o retenciones o cargos que deban pagarse en relación con la ejecución y entrega de este Contrato, la Escritura, la emisión o venta por parte de la Compañía de los Valores o la ejecución de los Valores, excepto (i) un impuesto de timbre del 0,8% sobre la asunción de la deuda evidenciada por los Valores, que será pagado por la Compañía al emitir los Valores, y (ii) una retención del 4% sobre los pagos de intereses, y todos los demás pagos considerados como pagos de intereses, con respecto a los Valores en la medida en que se paguen a una persona domiciliada o residente fuera de Chile. Si se aplican reglas de capitalización delgada, como se describe en el Memorando de Momento de Venta y el Memorando Final, dichos pagos de intereses estarían sujetos a un impuesto de penalización del 35% que sería pagadero por la Compañía. El impuesto de retención aplicable a los pagos de intereses realizados por la Compañía puede acreditarse contra dicho impuesto de penalización del 35%. Los pagos de tarifas, compensaciones, pagos de servicios y reembolsos de costos contemplados en este Contrato o en la Escritura, realizados a personas domiciliadas o residentes fuera de Chile, pueden estar sujetos a (i) una retención de impuestos a una tasa de hasta el 35%; no obstante, cualquier pago de este tipo puede estar (A) exento de retención de impuestos si se considera una comisión mercantil de conformidad con el Código de Comercio de Chile y la interpretación del Servicio de Impuestos Internos de Chile (SII), (B) sujeto a una retención del 15% si se considera un pago por un servicio de asistencia profesional o técnica, siempre que el pago no se realice a una parte organizada, domiciliada o residente en uno de los países que caen bajo el ámbito del artículo 41H de la Ley de Impuesto a la Renta de Chile, en cuyo caso la tasa de retención de impuestos sería del 20%, y (C) beneficiarse de una tasa de retención de impuestos reducida o puede estar exento si hay un tratado de doble tributación en vigor entre Chile y el país de residencia de dichas personas que contemple un régimen reducido o exento aplicable; o (ii) impuesto al valor agregado (IVA) en Chile siempre que (A) dichos pagos estén exentos de retención de impuestos en virtud de la ley interna o un tratado de doble tributación en vigor aplicable y (B) el servicio para el cual se hicieron tales pagos se considere prestado o utilizado en Chile.
Las ganancias de capital derivadas de la venta u otras disposiciones de los Valores realizadas por una persona domiciliada o residente fuera de Chile no se considerarán como ingresos de fuente chilena y, por lo tanto, no estarán sujetas a retención de impuestos en Chile.

(n) Cualquier información proporcionada por la Compañía de conformidad con la Sección 5(j) del presente no contendrá, en la fecha correspondiente, ninguna declaración falsa de un hecho material ni omitirá declarar cualquier hecho material necesario para que las declaraciones en ella, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas.

(o) La Compañía ha sido debidamente creada y existe válidamente como una empresa estatal bajo las leyes de Chile, con poder corporativo y autoridad para emitir y vender los Valores contemplados en el presente. Cada una de las subsidiarias de la Compañía ha sido debidamente organizada y existe válidamente y en buena situación bajo las leyes de sus respectivas jurisdicciones de organización y, junto con la Compañía, tienen el poder corporativo para poseer o arrendar, según sea el caso, y operar sus propiedades y llevar a cabo sus negocios según se describe en el Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final, y están debidamente calificadas para realizar negocios en cada jurisdicción que requiera dicha calificación, excepto en la medida en que la falta de calificación para realizar negocios no tendría un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en la situación (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto, ya sea que surja o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios.

(p) La Compañía no tiene subsidiarias significativas según la definición de la Regla 1-02 de la Regulación S-X de conformidad con la Ley.

(q) Este Acuerdo ha sido debidamente autorizado, ejecutado y entregado por la Compañía; la Escritura Original ha sido debidamente autorizada, ejecutada y entregada por la Compañía y, asumiendo la debida autorización, ejecución y entrega por parte del Fiduciario, constituye un instrumento válido y vinculante exigible contra la Compañía de acuerdo con sus términos (sujeto, en cuanto a la ejecución de remedios, a la ley de quiebras, liquidación, reorganización, insolvencia, moratoria u otras leyes que afecten los derechos de los acreedores en general y los principios generales de equidad, incluyendo, sin limitación, conceptos de materialidad, razonabilidad, buena fe y trato justo (independientemente de si se considera en un procedimiento en equidad o en derecho)); y la Escritura y los Valores han sido debidamente autorizados y, cuando se ejecuten y autentiquen de acuerdo con las disposiciones de la Escritura y se entreguen y paguen a los Compradores Iniciales en virtud de este Acuerdo, habrán sido debidamente ejecutados y entregados por la Compañía y constituirán obligaciones válidas y vinculantes de la Compañía exigibles contra la Compañía de acuerdo con sus términos y tendrán derecho a los beneficios de la Escritura (sujeto, en cuanto a la ejecución de remedios, a la ley de quiebras, liquidación, reorganización, insolvencia, moratoria u otras leyes que afecten los derechos de los acreedores en general y los principios generales de equidad, incluyendo, sin limitación, conceptos de materialidad, razonabilidad, buena fe y trato justo (independientemente de si se considera en un procedimiento en equidad o en derecho)).

(1) Los Valores y la Escritura se ajustarán en todos los aspectos materiales a las descripciones de los mismos en el Memorándum Final.

(s) No se requiere ningún consentimiento, aprobación, autorización, presentación u orden de ningún tribunal o agencia gubernamental o entidad en relación con las transacciones contempladas en el presente, en la Escritura o en los Valores, excepto (i) aquellos que puedan ser requeridos bajo las leyes de valores o de valores de cualquier jurisdicción en relación con la compra y distribución de los Valores por los Compradores Iniciales de la manera contemplada en el presente y en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final; y (ii) las siguientes autorizaciones y registros requeridos por la ley chilena, que se han obtenido y permanecen en pleno vigor y efecto: (A) autorización otorgada por el Presidente de Chile y por Decreto del Ministerio de Hacienda, ya sea general o específica, de conformidad con el Artículo 4 del Decreto Ley N° 2.349 de 1978 y de conformidad con el Decreto N° 1.009 emitido por el Ministerio de Hacienda, publicado en el Diario Oficial el 23 de diciembre de 1978, renovado por el Decreto N° 1.729 de fecha 23 de noviembre de 2023 y publicado en el Diario Oficial el 16 de enero de 2024; (B) autorización otorgada por el Ministerio de Hacienda a la Compañía para entablar negociaciones relacionadas con la emisión de los Valores, de conformidad con el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado y de conformidad con la Resolución Ordinaria N° 2170 emitida por el Ministerio de Hacienda el 22 de diciembre de 2023; (C) autorización otorgada por el Ministerio de Hacienda a la Compañía para emitir los Valores, de conformidad con el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado y de conformidad con la Resolución Ordinaria N° 103 emitida por el Ministerio de Hacienda el 22 de enero de 2024; y (D) la entrega al Ministerio de Hacienda y al Ministerio de Minería para su aprobación y posible revisión del presupuesto anual propuesto y un presupuesto de amortización de deuda de conformidad con el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado.

(t) Ni la ejecución y entrega de la Escritura o este Acuerdo, la emisión y venta de los Valores, ni la consumación de cualquiera de las otras transacciones aquí o allí contempladas, ni el cumplimiento de los términos aquí, allí o de los Valores ha entrado en conflicto o entrará en conflicto con, o ha resultado o resultará en, un incumplimiento, violación o imposición de cualquier gravamen, carga o gravamen sobre cualquier propiedad o activo de la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias (excepto, en el caso de (i), (iii) o (iv) a continuación, por cualquier conflicto, incumplimiento, violación o imposición que no tendría un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en (x) la consumación de las transacciones contempladas en el presente o los derechos de los tenedores de los Valores o (y) la situación (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto) de conformidad con (i) cualquier disposición de la ley aplicable; (ii) el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado de vez en cuando, y los estatutos de la Compañía, según lo establecido en el Decreto N° 3 de 13 de enero de 2012 y publicado en el Diario Oficial el 4 de julio de 2012, o los Estatutos de la Compañía; (iii) los términos de cualquier escritura, contrato, arrendamiento, hipoteca, escritura de fideicomiso, acuerdo de pagaré, acuerdo de préstamo u otro acuerdo, obligación, condición, convenio o instrumento al que la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias sea parte o esté obligada o al que su respectiva propiedad esté sujeta; o (iv) cualquier estatuto, ley, regla, reglamento, sentencia, orden o decreto aplicable a la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias de cualquier tribunal, organismo regulador, agencia administrativa, organismo gubernamental, árbitro u otra autoridad con jurisdicción sobre la Compañía, cualquiera de sus subsidiarias o sus respectivas propiedades.

(u) Los estados financieros históricos consolidados y los horarios de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias consolidadas incluidos en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final presentan de manera justa en todos los aspectos materiales la situación financiera, los resultados de las operaciones y los flujos de efectivo de la Compañía en las fechas y por los períodos indicados y se han preparado de conformidad con las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera adoptadas por la Junta de Normas Internacionales de Contabilidad (IERS) en relación con los períodos anuales completos para 2020, 2021 y 2022 y los períodos intermedios, en cada caso aplicados de manera consistente a lo largo de los períodos involucrados (excepto según se indique lo contrario en ellos); los datos financieros seleccionados establecidos bajo los títulos Datos Financieros Consolidados Resumidos y Datos Financieros Consolidados Seleccionados en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final presentan de manera justa, sobre la base establecida en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final, la información incluida en ellos y se han preparado de conformidad con las NIIF en relación con los períodos anuales completos para 2020, 2021 y 2022 y los períodos intermedios, en cada caso aplicados de manera consistente a lo largo de los períodos involucrados (excepto según se indique lo contrario en ellos).

(v) No hay ninguna acción, demanda o procedimiento pendiente o amenazado por o ante ningún tribunal o agencia gubernamental, autoridad o entidad o cualquier árbitro que involucre a la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias o su o sus propiedades que no esté descrito en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo), excepto por tales procedimientos que, si son objeto de una decisión, fallo o hallazgo desfavorable, no tendrían, individualmente o en conjunto, un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo (i) en la situación (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto, ya sea que surja o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios, o (ii) en el poder o la capacidad de la Compañía para cumplir con sus obligaciones en virtud de este Acuerdo, la Escritura o los Valores o para llevar a cabo las transacciones contempladas en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final.

(w) No ha surgido ninguna circunstancia u otro evento que haya causado o, con el envío de aviso o el transcurso del tiempo, o ambos, causaría que la Compañía esté en violación o incumplimiento de: (1) cualquier disposición del Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado, o sus Estatutos; (ii) los términos de cualquier acuerdo u otro instrumento vinculante para la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias que sea material para la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto; o (iii) cualquier sentencia, orden o decreto de cualquier organismo gubernamental, agencia o tribunal con jurisdicción sobre la Compañía o cualquier subsidiaria, excepto por tales contravenciones que no tendrían un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en la Compañía o sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto.

(9 La Compañía y sus subsidiarias poseen todas las concesiones, licencias, certificados, permisos y otras autorizaciones emitidas por el gobierno correspondiente y otras autoridades regulatorias necesarias para llevar a cabo sus respectivos negocios, según se describe en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final, y ni la Compañía ni ninguna de dichas subsidiarias ha recibido ningún aviso de procedimientos relacionados con la revocación o modificación de dicha concesión, certificado, autorización o permiso que, individualmente o en conjunto, si es objeto de una decisión, fallo o hallazgo desfavorable, tendría un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en la situación (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto, ya sea que surja o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios.

(y) La Compañía y cada una de sus subsidiarias mantienen un sistema de controles internos contables suficientes para proporcionar una seguridad razonable de que: (i) las transacciones se ejecutan de acuerdo con las autorizaciones generales o específicas de la gerencia; (11) las transacciones se registran según sea necesario para permitir la preparación de estados financieros de conformidad con las NIIF y para mantener la responsabilidad de los activos; (111) el acceso a los activos se permite solo de acuerdo con las autorizaciones generales o específicas de la gerencia; y (iv) la responsabilidad registrada por los activos se compara con los activos existentes a intervalos razonables y se toman las medidas apropiadas con respecto a cualquier diferencia.

(z) La Compañía y sus subsidiarias tienen un título bueno y enajenable sobre todos los bienes inmuebles de su propiedad y un título bueno sobre todas las demás propiedades de su propiedad, incluidas las concesiones mineras, derechos mineros y derechos de agua de la Compañía, en cada caso, libres y despejados de todas las hipotecas, prendas, gravámenes, intereses de seguridad, reclamaciones, restricciones o gravámenes de cualquier tipo excepto (i) los establecidos o contemplados en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo) o (ii) donde la falta de un buen título no tendría un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en la situación (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto, ya sea que surja o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios; todos los arrendamientos y subarrendamientos materiales para el negocio de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto, y bajo los cuales la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias posee propiedades descritas en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final, están en pleno vigor y efecto, excepto (i) donde la falta de pleno vigor y efecto no tendría un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en la situación (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto, ya sea que surja o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios, o (ii) los establecidos o contemplados en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo); y ninguno de la Compañía o sus subsidiarias tiene conocimiento de ninguna reclamación material de cualquier tipo que haya sido presentada por cualquier persona en contra de los derechos de la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias en virtud de cualquiera de los arrendamientos o subarrendamientos mencionados anteriormente, o que afecte o cuestione los derechos de la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias a la posesión continua de los locales arrendados o subarrendados en virtud de cualquier arrendamiento o subarrendamiento, excepto (1) reclamaciones que están siendo impugnadas por la Compañía o sus subsidiarias de buena fe y que no tendrían un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en la situación (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, en su conjunto, ya sea que surja o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios, o (ii) los establecidos o contemplados en cada uno de los Memorándum de Venta en el Momento y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo).

“(aa) Deloitte Auditores y Consultores Limitada, quienes han auditado los estados financieros consolidados del ejercicio completo 2020 de la Compañía incluidos en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final, son una firma de auditoría independiente con respecto a la Compañía. PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores, Auditores y Compañía Limitada, quienes han auditado los estados financieros consolidados de los ejercicios completos 2021 y 2022 de la Compañía incluidos en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final, y realizaron una revisión limitada de los estados financieros consolidados no auditados interinos de la Compañía al 30 de septiembre de 2023 y para el período de nueve meses terminado el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022 incluidos en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final, son una firma de auditoría independiente con respecto a la Compañía.

(bb) La Compañía y sus filiales (i) cumplen con todas las leyes, regulaciones y aprobaciones aplicables relacionadas con la protección de la salud y seguridad humanas, el medio ambiente o sustancias o desechos peligrosos o tóxicos, contaminantes o contaminantes (Leyes Ambientales); (11) han recibido y cumplen con todos los permisos, licencias u otras aprobaciones requeridas bajo las Leyes Ambientales aplicables para llevar a cabo sus respectivos negocios; y (iii) no han recibido notificación de ninguna responsabilidad real o potencial por la investigación o remediación de cualquier disposición o liberación de sustancias o desechos peligrosos o tóxicos, contaminantes o contaminantes, excepto (x) donde tal incumplimiento de las Leyes Ambientales, falta de recepción de permisos, licencias u otras aprobaciones requeridas, o responsabilidad no tendría, individualmente o en conjunto, un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en la condición (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus filiales, consideradas en su conjunto, ya sea que surjan o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios, y (y) según se describe en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo).

(cc) En el curso ordinario de sus negocios, la Compañía revisa periódicamente el efecto de las Leyes Ambientales en los negocios, operaciones y propiedades de la Compañía y sus filiales, en el curso de lo cual identifica y evalúa los costos y responsabilidades asociados (incluyendo, sin limitación, cualquier gasto de capital u operativo requerido para la limpieza, cierre de propiedades o cumplimiento con las Leyes Ambientales, o cualquier permiso, licencia o aprobación, cualquier restricción relacionada con las actividades operativas y cualquier responsabilidad potencial hacia terceros); sobre la base de dicha revisión, la Compañía ha concluido razonablemente que dichos costos y responsabilidades asociados no tendrían, individualmente o en conjunto, un efecto adverso material actual o prospectivo en la condición (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus filiales, consideradas en su conjunto, ya sea que surjan o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios, excepto según se establece o se contempla en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo).

(dd) Desde las fechas respectivas en que se proporciona información en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final, no ha ocurrido nada que dé lugar a un cambio adverso material actual o prospectivo en la condición (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus filiales, consideradas en su conjunto, ya sea que surjan o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios, excepto según se establece o se contempla en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo).

(ee) De conformidad con el Artículo 52 de la Ley N° 18.840 de 1989, Ley Orgánica del Banco Central de Chile, modificada, y el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado, la Compañía está exenta de las regulaciones cambiarias del Banco Central de Chile en relación con la emisión, colocación y pagos de los Valores. La Compañía tiene derecho a realizar pagos bajo los Valores con su propia moneda extranjera disponible obtenida de sus operaciones de exportación y depositada en el Banco Central de Chile.

(ff) La Compañía ha sometido válida e irrevocablemente a la jurisdicción no exclusiva de cualquier tribunal estatal o federal ubicado en la Ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, ha renunciado válida e irrevocablemente, en la medida permitida por la ley, a cualquier objeción a la competencia de un procedimiento en cualquier tribunal de ese tipo y ha designado válida e irrevocablemente a Cogency Global Inc. en la Ciudad de Nueva York como su agente autorizado para la notificación de procesos.

(gg) La Compañía ha renunciado válida e irrevocablemente, de conformidad con la Sección 17 del presente, y habrá renunciado válida e irrevocablemente de conformidad con la Escritura de Emisión y los Valores, para sí misma y sus ingresos y activos, en la medida permitida por la ley aplicable, a cualquier inmunidad de demanda, jurisdicción, embargo en ayuda o ejecución de un fallo o antes de un fallo, ejecución de un fallo o cualquier otro proceso legal con respecto a sus obligaciones, respectivamente, en virtud de este Acuerdo, la Escritura de Emisión y los Valores a los que pueda tener derecho o llegar a tener derecho, ya sea que se reclame o no, incluida la inmunidad soberana, excepto que (1) para el embargo y venta judicial de concesiones mineras e instalaciones y otros bienes dedicados permanentemente a la exploración o extracción de minerales relacionados con dichas concesiones mineras, excepto con respecto a hipotecas, se requerirá el consentimiento de la Compañía y se otorgará en el mismo procedimiento judicial en el que se solicita el embargo y la venta (según se establece en el Artículo 226 del Código de Minería de Chile); y (ii) de conformidad con la Constitución chilena, las concesiones mineras correspondientes a los yacimientos mineros explotados por la Compañía a su creación en 1976 no pueden estar sujetas a embargo ni a ningún acto de disposición por parte de la Compañía. Cada renuncia de este tipo es vinculante en virtud de la ley chilena y sigue en pleno vigor y efecto.

(hh) La Compañía tiene una capitalización autorizada según se establece en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final bajo el epígrafe Capitalización; y todas las acciones en circulación de capital social u otros intereses patrimoniales de cada filial de la Compañía han sido debidamente y válidamente autorizadas y emitidas, están totalmente pagadas y no sujetas a evaluación y son propiedad directa o indirecta de la Compañía, libres y despejadas de cualquier gravamen, carga, gravamen, interés de seguridad, restricción sobre votación o transferencia o cualquier otro reclamo de cualquier tercero.

(ii) Ni la Compañía ni ninguna de sus filiales ni, según el mejor conocimiento de la Compañía, ningún director, funcionario, agente, empleado u otra persona asociada o actuando en nombre de la Compañía o cualquiera de sus filiales: (i) ha utilizado fondos corporativos para cualquier contribución ilegal, regalo, entretenimiento u otro gasto ilegal relacionado con la actividad política; (11) ha realizado algún pago directo o indirecto ilegal a cualquier funcionario o empleado gubernamental extranjero o nacional con fondos corporativos; (iii) ha tomado alguna acción, directa o indirectamente, que haya violado o esté violando alguna disposición de cualquier ley o regulación anticorrupción aplicable promulgada en cualquier jurisdicción, incluyendo, sin limitación, la Ley de Prácticas Corruptas en el Extranjero de 1977, modificada, o cualquier ley o regulación aplicable que implemente la Convención de la OCDE sobre el Combate del Soborno de Funcionarios Públicos Extranjeros en Transacciones Comerciales Internacionales, o bajo la Ley de Soborno de 2010 del Reino Unido, o cualquier otra ley o regulación anticorrupción aplicable; o (iv) ha realizado algún soborno ilegal, pago de influencia, coima u otro pago o regalo ilegal de dinero o cualquier cosa de valor prohibido bajo cualquier ley o regulación aplicable en relación con la Compañía. La Compañía ha instituido y mantiene políticas y procedimientos diseñados para promover y lograr el cumplimiento de la Compañía y sus filiales con todas las leyes anticorrupción aplicables.

(jj) Las operaciones de la Compañía y sus filiales se han llevado a cabo en todo momento cumpliendo con los requisitos aplicables de registro y presentación de informes financieros de la Ley de Informes y Transacciones Monetarias Extranjeras de 1970, modificada, y las leyes de lavado de dinero aplicables de todas las jurisdicciones, reglas y regulaciones derivadas de ellas y reglas, regulaciones o directrices relacionadas o similares, emitidas, administradas o aplicadas por cualquier agencia gubernamental (colectivamente, las Leyes de Lavado de Dinero), y no hay ninguna acción, demanda o procedimiento ante cualquier tribunal o agencia gubernamental, autoridad o cuerpo o cualquier árbitro que involucre a la Compañía o alguna de sus filiales con respecto a las Leyes de Lavado de Dinero pendiente o, según el mejor conocimiento de la Compañía, amenazada o contemplada.

(kk) Ni la Compañía, ninguna de sus filiales, ni ningún director o funcionario de la Compañía o alguna de sus filiales, ni, según el conocimiento de la Compañía, ningún agente, empleado o afiliado (que no sea la República de Chile) de la Compañía o alguna de sus filiales (1) es actualmente una persona física o jurídica que es, o es propiedad o está controlada o actúa en nombre de, una o más personas físicas o jurídicas (que no sean la República de Chile) que actualmente son objeto de sanciones administradas o impuestas por los Estados Unidos (incluidas las administradas o impuestas por la Oficina de Control de Activos Extranjeros del Departamento del Tesoro de los Estados Unidos (OFAC) o el Departamento de Estado de los Estados Unidos), la Unión Europea, el Tesoro de Su Majestad o el Consejo de Seguridad de las Naciones Unidas (colectivamente, las Sanciones), (11) está organizada, ubicada o es residente en un país o territorio que actualmente es objeto de Sanciones territoriales que prohíben en general tratar con dicho país o territorio (cada uno de esos países, un País Sancionado, actualmente la región de Crimea, Jersón y Zaporiyia, las regiones autoproclamadas de la República Popular de Donetsk y la República Popular de Luhansk de Ucrania, Cuba, Irán, Corea del Norte o Siria, y esas personas, Personas Sancionadas y cada una de esas personas, una Persona Sancionada, o (111) utilizará, directa o indirectamente, los ingresos de la oferta de los Valores en virtud del presente, o prestará, contribuirá o pondrá a disposición de cualquier subsidiaria, socio de empresa conjunta u otra persona o entidad de cualquier manera que resultaría en una violación de cualquier Sanción por parte de, o razonablemente se esperaría que resultara en la imposición de Sanciones contra, cualquier persona física o jurídica que participe en la oferta, ya sea como suscriptor, asesor, inversor u otro. Ni la Compañía ni alguna de sus filiales ha, según el conocimiento de la Compañía, participado en tratos o transacciones con o en beneficio de una Persona Sancionada, o con o en un País Sancionado, en los tres años anteriores, que hayan resultado en una violación de Sanciones por parte de, o la imposición de Sanciones contra, la Compañía o los Compradores Iniciales, ni la Compañía o alguna de sus filiales tiene planes de participar en tratos o transacciones con o en beneficio de una Persona Sancionada, o con o en un País Sancionado, que resultaría en una violación de Sanciones por parte de, o razonablemente se esperaría que resultara en la imposición de Sanciones contra, la Compañía o los Compradores Iniciales.

(1) No existe ni, según el mejor conocimiento de la Compañía, se contempla ninguna perturbación laboral por parte de los empleados de la Compañía o alguna de sus filiales.”

“11. Amenazas, y la Compañía no tiene conocimiento de ninguna perturbación laboral existente o inminente por parte de los empleados de ninguna de las subsidiarias principales proveedores, contratistas o clientes de la Compañía, excepto (x) que no tendría un efecto adverso material en la condición (financiera o de otro tipo), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto, ya sea que surjan o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios y (y) como se establece o contempla en cada uno del Memorando de Venta y el Memorando Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo).

(mm) La Compañía y sus subsidiarias tienen seguros que cubren sus respectivas propiedades, operaciones, personal y negocios, cuyo monto y cobertura contra pérdidas y riesgos son adecuados para proteger a la Compañía y sus subsidiarias y sus respectivos negocios, excepto cuando la falta de dicho seguro no resultaría en un efecto adverso material en la condición (financiera o de otro tipo), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto, ya sea que surjan o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios; y ni la Compañía ni ninguna de sus subsidiarias ha (i) recibido aviso de cualquier aseguradora o agente de dicha aseguradora de que se requieren o son necesarios mejoras de capital u otros gastos para continuar con dicho seguro o (ii) motivo para creer que no podrá renovar su cobertura de seguro existente cuando expire dicha cobertura o para obtener una cobertura similar a un costo razonable de aseguradoras similares que pueda ser necesario para continuar su negocio a un costo que no resultaría en un efecto adverso material en la condición (financiera o de otro tipo), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto, ya sea que surjan o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios.

(nn) Excepto lo que razonablemente no se esperaría que, individualmente o en conjunto, resulte en un efecto adverso material en la condición (financiera o de otro tipo), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto, los activos y equipos de tecnología de la información, computadoras, sistemas, redes, hardware, software, sitios web, aplicaciones, datos y bases de datos (colectivamente, Sistemas de TI) de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias son adecuados para y operan y funcionan según lo requerido en relación con la operación del negocio de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias tal como se lleva a cabo actualmente. La Compañía y sus subsidiarias han hecho esfuerzos comercialmente razonables para implementar y mantener controles, políticas, procedimientos y salvaguardias comercialmente razonables para mantener y proteger su información confidencial y la integridad, operación continua, redundancia y seguridad de todos los Sistemas de TI y datos (incluidos todos los datos personales, personalmente identificables, sensibles, confidenciales o regulados (Datos Personales) utilizados en relación con sus negocios. Excepto lo que razonablemente no se esperaría que, individualmente o en conjunto, resulte en un efecto adverso material en la condición (financiera o de otro tipo), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto, no ha habido violaciones, infracciones, interrupciones o usos o accesos no autorizados a los Sistemas de TI o Datos Personales, excepto aquellos que se han remediado sin costo o responsabilidad material o el deber de notificar a cualquier otra persona, ni incidentes bajo revisión interna o investigaciones relacionadas con lo mismo. Ni la Compañía ni sus subsidiarias han sido notificadas, y no tienen conocimiento de ningún evento o condición que pueda resultar en cualquier violación de seguridad o incidente, acceso no autorizado o divulgación u otro compromiso de sus Sistemas de TI o Datos Personales, excepto lo que razonablemente no se esperaría que, individualmente o en conjunto, resulte en un efecto adverso material en la condición (financiera o de otro tipo), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto. Excepto lo que razonablemente no se esperaría que, individualmente o en conjunto, resulte en un efecto adverso material en la condición (financiera o de otro tipo), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto, la Compañía y sus subsidiarias cumplen actualmente con todas las leyes o estatutos aplicables y todas las sentencias, órdenes, reglas y regulaciones de cualquier tribunal o árbitro o autoridad gubernamental o regulatoria, políticas internas y obligaciones contractuales relacionadas con la privacidad y seguridad de los Sistemas de TI y Datos Personales y la protección de dichos Sistemas de TI y Datos Personales contra el uso, acceso, apropiación indebida o modificación no autorizados.

Cualquier certificado firmado por cualquier funcionario de la Compañía y entregado a los Representantes o al abogado de los Compradores Iniciales en relación con la oferta de los Valores se considerará una representación y garantía de la Compañía, en lo que respecta a los asuntos cubiertos por el mismo, para cada Comprador Inicial.

2. Compra y Venta. (a) Sujeto a los términos y condiciones y en dependencia de las representaciones y garantías aquí establecidas, la Compañía acuerda vender a cada Comprador Inicial, y cada Comprador Inicial acuerda, por separado y no conjuntamente, comprar a la Compañía, a un precio de compra de (i) el 94.226% del monto principal de los Bonos 2053, más los intereses devengados desde el 8 de septiembre de 2023 hasta, pero excluyendo, el 26 de enero de 2024, por un total de U.S.$12,075,000, más los intereses devengados, si los hubiere, desde el 26 de enero de 2024 hasta la Fecha de Cierre (según se define a continuación), y (ii) el 99.862% del monto principal de los Bonos 2036, más los intereses devengados, si los hubiere, desde el 26 de enero de 2024 hasta la Fecha de Cierre (según se define a continuación) el monto principal de los Valores establecido frente al nombre de dicho Comprador Inicial en el ANEXO l adjunto.

(b) La Compañía reconoce y acepta que los Compradores Iniciales actúan únicamente en calidad de contraparte contractual independiente de la Compañía con respecto a la oferta de Valores contemplada en el presente documento (incluyendo en relación con la determinación de los términos de la oferta) y no como asesor financiero o fiduciario, o como agente, de la Compañía o de cualquier otra persona. Además, ningún Comprador Inicial está asesorando a la Compañía o a cualquier otra persona en asuntos legales, fiscales, de inversión, contables o regulatorios en ninguna jurisdicción. La Compañía consultará con sus propios asesores sobre tales asuntos y será responsable de realizar su propia investigación y evaluación independiente de las transacciones contempladas en el presente documento, y los Compradores Iniciales no tendrán responsabilidad ni obligación con la Compañía al respecto.
Cualquier revisión realizada por los Compradores Iniciales de la Compañía, las transacciones contempladas en el presente documento u otros asuntos relacionados con dichas transacciones se realizará únicamente en beneficio de los Compradores Iniciales y no en nombre de la Compañía. La Compañía reconoce que ninguna de las actividades de los Compradores Iniciales en relación con la oferta de Valores constituye una recomendación, asesoramiento de inversión o solicitud, ni ninguna acción por parte de los Compradores Iniciales con respecto a la Compañía.

3. Entrega y Pago. La entrega y el pago de los Valores se realizarán a las 10:00 A.M., hora de la ciudad de Nueva York, el 26 de enero de 2024 o en un momento posterior acordado entre los Representantes y la Compañía, o según lo dispuesto en la Sección 8 del presente documento (dicha fecha y hora de entrega y pago de los Valores, incluyendo cualquier postergación, en adelante denominada la Fecha de Cierre). La entrega de los Valores se realizará a los Representantes para las cuentas respectivas de los varios Compradores Iniciales contra el pago por los varios Compradores Iniciales a través de los Representantes del precio de compra de los mismos a o por orden de la Compañía mediante transferencia bancaria pagadera en fondos del mismo día a la cuenta especificada por la Compañía.
La entrega de los Valores se realizará a través de las instalaciones de The Depository Trust Company (DTC) a menos que los Representantes indiquen lo contrario.

4. Oferta por los Compradores Iniciales. Cada Comprador Inicial, por separado y no conjuntamente, representa y garantiza a la Compañía que:

(a) No ha ofrecido ni vendido, y no ofrecerá ni venderá, ningún Valor excepto (1) a personas que razonablemente cree que son compradores institucionales calificados (según se define en la Regla 144A bajo la Ley) y que, en relación con cada venta de este tipo, ha tomado o tomará medidas razonables para asegurarse de que el comprador de dichos Valores sea consciente de que dicha venta se realiza en virtud de la Regla 144A; o (ii) de acuerdo con las restricciones establecidas en el Anexo A adjunto.

(b) Ni él ni ninguna persona actuando en su nombre ha realizado o realizará ofertas o ventas de los Valores en los Estados Unidos mediante ningún tipo de solicitud general o publicidad general (en el sentido de la Regulación D) en los Estados Unidos o de cualquier manera que implique una oferta pública en el sentido de la Sección 4(a)(2) de la Ley.

(c) A menos que haya obtenido o vaya a obtener el consentimiento previo por escrito de la Compañía, no ha utilizado, y no utilizará, ni autorizará el uso de, ninguna comunicación escrita que constituya una oferta de venta o la solicitud de una oferta de compra de los Valores que no sea: (1) el Memorando Preliminar, (ii) el Memorando de Venta, (iii) el Memorando Final; (iv) cualquier Comunicación Escrita de Oferta Adicional identificada en el ANEXO II adjunto; y (v) cualquier comunicación electrónica habitual de Bloomberg u otra que proporcione ciertas calificaciones o términos propuestos de los Valores o relacionados con asuntos de marketing, administrativos o procedimentales en relación con la oferta de los Valores.

5. Pactos de la Compañía. La Compañía acuerda con cada Comprador Inicial que:

(a) La Compañía proporcionará a cada Comprador Inicial y al abogado de los Compradores Iniciales, sin cargo, durante el período al que se hace referencia en el párrafo (d) a continuación, copias electrónicas de los materiales contenidos en el Memorando de Venta, el Memorando Final y cualquier enmienda y suplementos a los mismos que puedan solicitar razonablemente.

(b) Antes de enmendar o complementar el Memorando Preliminar, el Memorando de Venta o el Memorando Final, la Compañía proporcionará a los Compradores Iniciales una copia de cada enmienda o suplemento propuesto y no utilizará ninguna enmienda o suplemento propuesto al que los Compradores Iniciales se opongan razonablemente.

(c) La Compañía proporcionará a cada Comprador Inicial una copia de cada Comunicación Escrita de Oferta Adicional propuesta que sea preparada por o en nombre de, utilizada por, o referida por la Compañía y acuerda no utilizar o referirse a ninguna Comunicación Escrita de Oferta Adicional a la que los Compradores Iniciales se opongan razonablemente.

(d) Si en cualquier momento antes de la finalización de la venta de los Valores por los Compradores Iniciales (según lo determinen los Representantes), ocurre algún evento como resultado del cual el Memorando de Venta o el Memorando Final, tal como se enmiende o complemente en ese momento, incluiría alguna declaración falsa de un hecho material o omitiría declarar cualquier hecho material necesario para que las declaraciones en el mismo, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas, o si fuera necesario enmendar o complementar el Memorando de Venta o el Memorando Final para cumplir con la ley aplicable, la Compañía notificará prontamente: (i) a los Representantes de dicho evento; (ii) sujeto a los requisitos del párrafo (b) de esta Sección 5, preparará una enmienda o suplemento que corrija dicha declaración u omisión o efectúe dicho cumplimiento; y (iii) suministrará cualquier Memorando de Venta complementado o enmendado o el Memorando Final a los varios Compradores Iniciales y al abogado de los Compradores Iniciales sin cargo en las cantidades que puedan solicitar razonablemente.

(e) La Compañía, si es necesario, gestionará la calificación de los Valores para la venta por los Compradores Iniciales bajo las leyes de las jurisdicciones que los Compradores Iniciales puedan razonablemente designar y mantendrá dichas calificaciones en vigor mientras sea necesario para la venta de los Valores; siempre que en ningún caso la Compañía esté obligada a calificar para hacer negocios en ninguna jurisdicción donde no esté calificada actualmente o a tomar cualquier acción que la someta a la notificación de procesos en demandas, que no surjan de la oferta o venta de los Valores, en cualquier jurisdicción donde no esté actualmente sujeta a ello. La Compañía notificará prontamente a los Representantes de la recepción por parte de la Compañía de cualquier notificación con respecto a la suspensión de la calificación de los Valores para la venta en cualquier jurisdicción o el inicio o amenaza de cualquier procedimiento con ese fin.”

($) Durante el período de un año después de la Fecha de Cierre, la Compañía no revenderá, y no permitirá que ninguna persona que sea afiliada (según se define en la Regla 144 bajo la Ley) en el momento de cualquier reventa contemplada o que haya sido afiliada dentro de los tres meses anteriores a dicho momento, revenda ninguno de los Valores que hayan sido recomprados por cualquiera de ellos, excepto los Valores comprados por la Compañía o cualquiera de sus afiliadas y revendidos en una transacción registrada bajo la Ley o en virtud de la Regulación S.

(g) Ni la Compañía, ni ninguna de sus Afiliadas, ni persona alguna actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos, hará, directa o indirectamente, ofertas o ventas de cualquier valor, o solicitará ofertas para comprar cualquier valor, en circunstancias que requieran el registro de los Valores bajo la Ley.

(h) Ni la Compañía, ni ninguna de sus Afiliadas, ni persona alguna actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos, hará, directa o indirectamente, ofertas o ventas de los Valores en Chile o a cualquier residente de Chile, excepto según lo permita la ley chilena aplicable.

(i) Ni la Compañía, ni ninguna de sus Afiliadas, ni persona alguna actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos, participará en ninguna forma de solicitud general o publicidad general (en el sentido de la Regulación D) en relación con cualquier oferta o venta de los Valores en los Estados Unidos o de cualquier manera que implique una oferta pública en el sentido de la Sección 4(a)(2) de la Ley.

(1) Mientras cualquiera de los Valores sea valores restringidos en el sentido de la Regla 144(a)(3) bajo la Ley, la Compañía proporcionará, a menos que esté sujeta a y cumpla con la Sección 13 o 15(d) de la Ley de Intercambio, o esté exenta de tales requisitos de informes de conformidad con, y cumpla con, la Regla 12g3-2(b) bajo la Ley de Intercambio, a cada tenedor de dichos valores restringidos y a cada comprador potencial (designado por dicho tenedor) de dichos valores restringidos, a solicitud de dicho tenedor o comprador potencial, cualquier información requerida por la Regla 144A(d)(4) bajo la Ley. Esta promesa está destinada a beneficiar a los tenedores, y a los compradores potenciales designados por dichos tenedores, de vez en cuando, de dichos valores restringidos.

(k) Ni la Compañía, ni ninguna de sus Afiliadas, ni persona alguna actuando en su nombre o en el de ellos, participará en ningún esfuerzo de venta dirigido (según se define en la Regulación S) con respecto a los Valores.

(l) La Compañía cooperará con los Representantes y hará sus mejores esfuerzos para permitir que los Valores sean elegibles para el registro y liquidación a través de DTC, incluyendo sus participantes indirectos, Euroclear Bank S.A.N. (Euroclear) y Clearstream Banking, S.A., Luxemburgo (Clearstream).

(m) La Compañía hará sus mejores esfuerzos para efectuar la cotización de los Valores en el mercado Euro MTF de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo y mientras los Valores estén en circulación, presentará en el mercado Euro MTF de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo y en cualquier otra agencia gubernamental, autoridad o entidad en Luxemburgo que pueda requerirlo, tales informes, documentos, acuerdos y otra información que pueda, de vez en cuando, ser requerida para ser presentada; siempre que la Compañía pueda, a su discreción razonable, deslistar los Valores en caso de que entre en vigor alguna legislación europea o nacional en Luxemburgo de manera que requiera que la Compañía publique o produzca estados financieros de acuerdo con principios o normas contables que sean diferentes de las IFRS o que impongan requisitos que la Compañía determine, a su discreción razonable, que no son razonables.

(n) La Compañía no, por un período de 30 días después del Momento de Ejecución, sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de los Representantes, ofrecerá, venderá o contratará la venta, o de otra manera dispondrá (o entrará en cualquier transacción que esté diseñada para, o que razonablemente se pueda esperar que resulte en la disposición (ya sea por disposición real o disposición económica efectiva debido a liquidación en efectivo u otra forma) por la Compañía o cualquier Afiliada de la Compañía o cualquier persona en relación con la Compañía o cualquier Afiliada de la Compañía), directa o indirectamente, o anunciará cualquier oferta pública o ampliamente comercializada de, cualquier valor en dólares estadounidenses emitido o garantizado por la Compañía en los mercados internacionales de capitales (que no sean los Valores).

(o) La Compañía no tomará, directa o indirectamente, ninguna acción diseñada para causar o resultar en, o que haya constituido o que razonablemente se pueda esperar que constituya o cause o resulte en, bajo la Ley de Intercambio o de otra manera, la estabilización o manipulación del precio de cualquier valor de la Compañía para facilitar la venta o reventa de los Valores.

(p) La Compañía acuerda pagar directamente o reembolsar a los Compradores Iniciales, según corresponda, por los gastos razonables y documentados relacionados con los siguientes asuntos: (i) la emisión de los Valores y los honorarios y gastos del Fiduciario (incluyendo, sin limitación, los honorarios de los abogados de dicho fiduciario); (ii) la preparación, impresión y reproducción de cada uno del Memorándum Preliminar y del Memorándum Final y de cada enmienda o suplemento a cualquiera de ellos, incluyendo la hoja de términos de fijación de precios preparada por la Compañía y cualquier Comunicación de Oferta Escrita Adicional identificada en el ANEXO II adjunto; (iii) la impresión (y reproducción) y entrega (incluyendo franqueo, cargos de flete aéreo y cargos por conteo y embalaje) de tales copias de cada uno del Memorándum Preliminar y del Memorándum Final, y todas las enmiendas o suplementos a cualquiera de ellos, que puedan, en cada caso, ser razonablemente solicitadas para su uso en relación con la oferta y venta de los Valores; (iv) la preparación, impresión, autenticación, emisión y entrega de certificados de los Valores, incluyendo cualquier impuesto de timbre o transferencia en relación con la emisión original y venta de los Valores; (v) la impresión (y reproducción) y entrega de este Acuerdo, cualquier memorándum de valores y todos los demás acuerdos o documentos impresos (o reproducidos) y entregados en relación con la oferta de los Valores; (vi) cualquier registro o calificación de los Valores para oferta y venta bajo las leyes de valores o blue sky de los diversos estados (incluyendo tasas de presentación y los honorarios razonables y gastos de los abogados de los Compradores Iniciales relacionados con dicho registro y calificación); (vii) la cotización de los Valores en el mercado Euro MTF de la Bolsa de Valores de Luxemburgo (incluyendo los honorarios del agente contratado en relación con dicha cotización); (viii) la aprobación de los Valores para la transferencia por registro en DTC, Euroclear y Clearstream; (ix) la calificación de los Valores por agencias calificadoras; (x) los gastos incurridos por la Compañía o los Compradores Iniciales en relación con presentaciones a compradores potenciales de los Valores; (xi) los honorarios y gastos de los contadores de la Compañía; (xii) los honorarios y gastos de los abogados (incluyendo abogados locales y especiales de Estados Unidos y Chile) de la Compañía, (xiii) todos los demás gastos razonables y documentados incurridos por los Compradores Iniciales en relación con la oferta y venta de los Valores, excepto por los honorarios y gastos de los abogados (incluyendo abogados de Estados Unidos y Chile) de los Compradores Iniciales; y (xiv) todos los demás honorarios y gastos incidentales al cumplimiento por parte de la Compañía y los Compradores Iniciales de sus obligaciones en virtud del presente; siempre que, si la oferta de los Valores (A) no se completa dentro de doce meses porque alguna condición de las obligaciones de los Compradores Iniciales establecidas en la Sección 6 del presente no se cumple, debido a cualquier terminación de conformidad con la Sección 9 del presente o debido a cualquier negativa, incapacidad o incumplimiento por parte de la Compañía para cumplir con cualquier acuerdo aquí o cumplir con cualquier disposición del presente que no sea por motivo de incumplimiento por parte de cualquiera de los Compradores Iniciales, la Compañía pagará directamente todos los costos y gastos contemplados por esta Sección 5(p) o, en la medida en que los Compradores Iniciales hayan soportado tales costos y gastos, reembolsará a los Compradores Iniciales separadamente a través de los Representantes; y (B) se completa, los Compradores Iniciales pagarán todos los costos y gastos de esta Sección 5(p) pro rata en proporción a cada compromiso de compra de Valores por parte de los Compradores Iniciales según se detalla en el ANEXO II adjunto de conformidad con la Sección 2(a) y esta Sección 5(p) (excepto por los costos y gastos contemplados por 5(p)(1x), 5(pi) y 5(plii), que serán pagados directamente por la Compañía, ya sea que se complete la oferta de los Valores o no se complete), y la Compañía cubrirá dichos costos y gastos de esta Sección 5(p) de conformidad con la Sección 2(a).

(q) La Compañía aplicará los ingresos netos de la venta de los Valores sustancialmente de acuerdo con la descripción establecida bajo el epígrafe Uso de los Fondos en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta Preliminar y el Memorándum Final.

(1) La Compañía no tomará ninguna acción ni omitirá tomar ninguna acción (como emitir cualquier comunicado de prensa relacionado con cualquier Valor sin una leyenda apropiada) que pueda resultar en la pérdida por parte de cualquiera de los Compradores Iniciales de la capacidad de confiar en cualquier puerto seguro de estabilización proporcionado por la Autoridad de Conducta Financiera bajo la Ley de Servicios y Mercados Financieros del Reino Unido (FESMA).

6. Condiciones para las Obligaciones de los Compradores Iniciales. Las obligaciones de los Compradores Iniciales de comprar los Valores en la Fecha de Cierre estarán sujetas a la exactitud de las representaciones y garantías de la Compañía contenidas en el presente en el Momento de Ejecución y en la Fecha de Cierre, a la exactitud de las declaraciones de la Compañía hechas en cualquier certificado de conformidad con las disposiciones del presente, al cumplimiento por parte de la Compañía de sus obligaciones en virtud del presente y a las siguientes condiciones adicionales:

(a) La Compañía habrá solicitado y causado que Cleary Gottlieb Steen €z Hamilton LLP, abogados de Estados Unidos para la Compañía, proporcione a los Representantes su opinión, con fecha de la Fecha de Cierre y dirigida a los Representantes, sustancialmente en el sentido de que:

(i) la Escritura de Fideicomiso ha sido debidamente ejecutada y entregada por la Compañía bajo las leyes del Estado de Nueva York y es un acuerdo válido, vinculante y ejecutable de la Compañía; los Valores, cuando sean entregados y pagados por los Compradores Iniciales de conformidad con este Acuerdo, serán las obligaciones válidas, vinculantes y ejecutables de la Compañía, con derecho a los beneficios de la Escritura de Fideicomiso en virtud de la cual se emitirán dichos Valores; las declaraciones establecidas bajo los epígrafes Descripción de los Bonos y Restricciones de Transferencia en el Memorándum de Venta Preliminar y el Memorándum Final, en la medida en que dichas declaraciones pretendan resumir ciertas disposiciones de los Valores y la Escritura de Fideicomiso, proporcionan un resumen justo de dichas disposiciones; y las declaraciones en el Memorándum Final bajo el epígrafe Plan de Distribución, en la medida en que dichas declaraciones pretendan resumir ciertas disposiciones de este Acuerdo, proporcionan un resumen justo de dichas disposiciones;

(ii) este Acuerdo ha sido debidamente ejecutado y entregado por la Compañía bajo la ley del Estado de Nueva York;

(iii) las declaraciones hechas en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta Preliminar y el Memorándum Final bajo el epígrafe Impuestos Impuestos Federales de los Estados Unidos, en la medida en que dichas declaraciones pretendan resumir ciertas leyes fiscales federales de los Estados Unidos, constituyen un resumen justo de las consecuencias fiscales federales principales de una inversión en los Valores por un Titular de los Estados Unidos (según se define en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta Preliminar y el Memorándum Final);

(iv) la emisión y la venta de los Valores a los Compradores Iniciales de conformidad con este Acuerdo y la ejecución y entrega de este Acuerdo y la Escritura de Fideicomiso no, y el cumplimiento por parte de la Compañía de sus obligaciones en virtud de este Acuerdo, la Escritura de Fideicomiso y los Valores no, (A) requerirán ningún consentimiento, aprobación, autorización, registro o calificación de o con cualquier autoridad gubernamental de los Estados Unidos o el Estado de Nueva York que en la experiencia de dicho abogado normalmente sería aplicable a entidades comerciales generales con respecto a dicha emisión, venta o cumplimiento (pero dicho abogado no necesita expresar ninguna opinión relacionada con las leyes federales de valores de los Estados Unidos o cualquier ley de valores estatales o blue sky que no sea como se establece en (v) a continuación(v) y (vi) a continuación); o (B) resultará en una violación de cualquier ley federal de los Estados Unidos o del Estado de Nueva York o regla o regulación publicada que en la experiencia de dicho abogado normalmente sería aplicable a entidades comerciales generales con respecto a dicha emisión, venta o cumplimiento (pero dicho abogado no necesita expresar ninguna opinión relacionada con las leyes federales de valores de los Estados Unidos o cualquier ley de valores estatales o blue sky, excepto como se establece en (v) a continuación(v) y (vi) a continuación); “

(v) La no inscripción de los Valores bajo la Ley, y la no calificación del Contrato de Fideicomiso bajo la Ley de Fideicomiso, no son necesarias para la oferta y venta de los Valores por parte de la Compañía a los Compradores Iniciales de conformidad con lo contemplado en este Contrato o por los Compradores Iniciales según lo contemplado en este Contrato, el Memorándum de Tiempo de Venta y el Memorándum Final;

(vi) no se requiere la inscripción de la Compañía bajo la Ley de Sociedades de Inversión para la oferta y venta de los Valores por parte de la Compañía de la manera contemplada aquí y por cada uno de los Memorándums de Tiempo de Venta y el Memorándum Final; y

(vii) bajo las leyes del Estado de Nueva York relacionadas con la sumisión a la jurisdicción, la Compañía, de conformidad con la Sección 14 de este Contrato, la Sección 1.12 del Contrato de Fideicomiso y las disposiciones de los Valores, ha (a) presentado válida e irrevocablemente a la jurisdicción personal no exclusiva de cualquier tribunal estatal de Nueva York o federal de los EE. UU. ubicado en el Borough of Manhattan, la Ciudad de Nueva York, en cualquier acción derivada de o relacionada con este Contrato que sea presentada por un Comprador Inicial o por cualquier persona que controle a cualquier Comprador Inicial, o en cualquier acción derivada de o relacionada con el Contrato de Fideicomiso o los Valores que sea presentada por el tenedor de cualquier Valor; (b) en la mayor medida permitida por la ley, renunciado válida e irrevocablemente a cualquier objeción al lugar de un procedimiento en cualquier tribunal de ese tipo y (c) designado válidamente a Cogency Global Inc., como su representante autorizado en los Estados Unidos, y como su agente autorizado para el propósito descrito en la Sección 14 del presente, el Contrato de Fideicomiso y los Valores; y la notificación de proceso a dicho agente de una manera permitida por la ley aplicable será efectiva para conferir jurisdicción personal válida sobre la Compañía en cualquier acción derivada de este Contrato, el Contrato de Fideicomiso o los Valores.

(b) La Compañía habrá solicitado y causado que Cleary Gottlieb Steen €z Hamilton LLP, abogados de EE. UU. para la Compañía, entregue a los Representantes su carta, fechada en la Fecha de Cierre y dirigida a los Representantes, sustancialmente con el efecto de que no ha llegado a la atención de dichos abogados ninguna información que les haga creer que:

(i) el Memorándum de Tiempo de Venta (excepto los estados financieros y horarios y otros datos financieros y estadísticos incluidos en él, la información en él relacionada con las reservas de mineral de la Compañía, respecto de la cual dicho abogado no expresa opinión), a la Hora de Ejecución, contenía alguna declaración falsa de un hecho material o omitió declarar un hecho material necesario para hacer que las declaraciones en él, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas, y

(ii) el Memorándum Final (excepto los estados financieros y horarios y otros datos financieros y estadísticos incluidos en él, la información en él relacionada con las reservas de mineral de la Compañía, respecto de la cual dicho abogado no expresa opinión), a la Fecha de Cierre y la Hora de Ejecución, contenía o contiene una declaración falsa de un hecho material o omitió u omite declarar un hecho material necesario para hacer que las declaraciones en él, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas.

Al emitir su opinión en virtud de la Sección 6(a) del presente y entregar su carta en virtud de la Sección 6(b) del presente, dichos abogados pueden confiar (A) en lo que respecta a asuntos que involucren la aplicación de leyes de cualquier jurisdicción que no sea el Estado de Nueva York o leyes federales de los Estados Unidos, en la medida que lo consideren apropiado y especificado en dicha opinión, en la opinión de otros abogados de buena reputación a quienes consideren confiables y que sean satisfactorios para el abogado de los Compradores Iniciales; y (B) en lo que respecta a asuntos de hecho, en la medida que lo consideren apropiado, en certificados de funcionarios responsables de la Compañía y funcionarios públicos. Las referencias al Memorándum Final en la Sección 6(a) y la Sección 6(b) incluyen cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo en la Fecha de Cierre.

(c) La Compañía habrá solicitado y causado que Carey y Cía. Ltda., abogados chilenos de la Compañía, entreguen a los Representantes su opinión, fechada en la Fecha de Cierre y dirigida a los Representantes, sustancialmente con el efecto de que:

(i) la Compañía ha sido debidamente creada y existe válidamente como una empresa estatal bajo las leyes de Chile, con pleno poder corporativo y autoridad para poseer o arrendar, según sea el caso, y operar sus propiedades, ejercer sus concesiones mineras, derechos mineros y derechos de agua, y llevar a cabo su negocio como se describe en cada uno de los Memorándums de Tiempo de Venta y el Memorándum Final, y está debidamente calificada para hacer negocios bajo las leyes de cada jurisdicción que requiera dicha calificación;

(ii) el Contrato de Fideicomiso ha sido debidamente autorizado, ejecutado y entregado, y constituye un instrumento legal, válido y vinculante exigible contra la Compañía de acuerdo con sus términos (sujeto, en cuanto a la ejecución de remedios, a la ley de quiebras, liquidación, reorganización, insolvencia, moratoria u otras leyes que afecten los derechos de los acreedores en general y los principios generales de equidad, incluyendo, sin limitación, conceptos de materialidad, razonabilidad, buena fe y trato justo (independientemente de si se considera en un procedimiento en equidad o en derecho)); y los Valores han sido debidamente y válidamente autorizados y, cuando se ejecuten y autentiquen de acuerdo con las disposiciones del Contrato de Fideicomiso y se entreguen y paguen a los Compradores Iniciales en virtud de este Contrato, habrán sido debidamente ejecutados y entregados por la Compañía y constituirán obligaciones legales, válidas, vinculantes y exigibles de la Compañía con derecho a los beneficios del Contrato de Fideicomiso (sujeto, en cuanto a la ejecución de remedios, a la ley de quiebras, liquidación, reorganización, insolvencia, moratoria u otras leyes que afecten los derechos de los acreedores en general y los principios generales de equidad, incluyendo, sin limitación, conceptos de materialidad, razonabilidad, buena fe y trato justo (independientemente de si se considera en un procedimiento en equidad o en derecho));

(iii) las declaraciones en cada uno de los Memorándums de Tiempo de Venta y el Memorándum Final bajo los títulos Presentación de Información Financiera y Estadística, Ejecución de Responsabilidades Civiles, Tasas de Cambio, Factores de Riesgo Riesgos Relacionados con las Operaciones de CODE CO Cumplimiento de CODE CO con las leyes ambientales, de salud y seguridad puede requerir costos adicionales, incluyendo compromisos de capital, y el incumplimiento puede someterlo a sanciones significativas, Factores de Riesgo Riesgos Relacionados con las Operaciones de CODE CO El cumplimiento futuro con un esquema de regulación cambiante y complejo puede requerir cambios en el negocio de CODE CO, Factores de Riesgo Riesgos Relacionados con las Operaciones de CODE CO Las interrupciones laborales que involucren a los empleados de CODE CO o los empleados de sus contratistas independientes podrían afectar los niveles de producción y costos de CODE CO, Factores de Riesgo Riesgos Relacionados con las Operaciones de CODE CO CODELCO está sujeto a una extensa ley de reforma laboral en vigencia desde 2017 promulgada por el Gobierno de Chile que podría afectar su negocio y resultados operativos, Factores de Riesgo Riesgos Relacionados con la Relación de CODE CO con el Gobierno de Chile, Análisis de la Administración de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones Resultados de Operaciones para los Tres Años Terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2022 Otros gastos, Análisis de la Administración de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones Resultados de Operaciones para los Períodos de Nueve Meses Terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022 Diferencias de cambio, Análisis de la Administración de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones Resultados de Operaciones para los Períodos de Nueve Meses Terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022 Gasto por impuestos sobre la renta, Análisis de la Administración de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones Resultados de Operaciones para los Tres Años Terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2022 Otros gastos, Análisis de la Administración de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones Resultados de Operaciones para los Tres Años Terminados el 31 de diciembre de 2022 Gasto por impuestos sobre la renta, Análisis de la Administración de la Condición Financiera y Resultados de Operaciones Liquidez y Recursos de Capital Distribuciones al Tesoro Chileno, Marco Regulatorio, Administración, Transacciones con Partes Relacionadas, Inversión Extranjera y Controles de Cambio en Chile y Tributación Tributación Chilena, en la medida en que dichas declaraciones constituyan resúmenes de asuntos legales, documentos o procedimientos chilenos a los que se hace referencia en ellas, resumen justamente los asuntos en ellas;

(iv) dicho abogado no tiene motivo para creer que (A) en la Hora de Ejecución, el Memorándum de Tiempo de Venta contenía alguna declaración falsa de un hecho material o omitió declarar algún hecho material necesario para hacer que las declaraciones en él, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas o (B) en la Hora de Ejecución y en la Fecha de Cierre, el Memorándum Final contenía o contiene alguna declaración falsa de un hecho material o omitió u omite declarar algún hecho material necesario para hacer que las declaraciones en él, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas (en cada caso, excepto los estados financieros y otra información financiera contenida en ellos, respecto de los cuales dicho abogado no necesita expresar opinión);

(v) este Contrato ha sido debidamente autorizado, ejecutado y entregado por la Compañía;

(vi) la Compañía tiene todo el poder y autoridad corporativa necesario, ha tomado todas las medidas corporativas necesarias y ha recibido y cumple con todas las autorizaciones, aprobaciones y órdenes gubernamentales, judiciales y de otro tipo necesarias para celebrar y cumplir sus obligaciones en virtud de este Contrato y el Contrato de Fideicomiso y para emitir y cumplir sus obligaciones en virtud de los Valores, y no se requiere el consentimiento, aprobación, autorización, presentación o orden de ningún tribunal chileno o agencia o cuerpo gubernamental en relación con las transacciones contempladas aquí, en el Contrato de Fideicomiso o en los Valores, excepto (i) las que puedan ser requeridas bajo las leyes de valores o de valores de cualquier jurisdicción en relación con la compra y venta de los Valores por parte de los Compradores Iniciales de la manera contemplada en este Contrato, el Memorándum de Tiempo de Venta y el Memorándum Final, y (ii) las siguientes autorizaciones e inscripciones requeridas por la ley chilena, que se han obtenido y permanecen en pleno vigor y efecto:

(A) autorización otorgada por el Presidente de Chile y por Decreto del Ministerio de Hacienda, ya sea general o específica, de conformidad con el Artículo 4 del Decreto Ley N° 2.349 de 1978 y de conformidad con el Decreto N° 1.009 emitido por el Ministerio de Hacienda, publicado en el Diario Oficial el 23 de diciembre de 1978, renovado por el Decreto 1.729 de fecha 23 de noviembre de 2023 y publicado en el Diario Oficial el 16 de enero de 2024; (B) autorización otorgada por el Ministerio de Hacienda a la Compañía para entablar negociaciones relacionadas con la emisión de los Valores, de conformidad con el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado y de conformidad con la Resolución Ordinaria N° 2170 emitida por el Ministerio de Hacienda el 22 de diciembre de 2023; (C) autorización otorgada por el Ministerio de Hacienda a la Compañía para emitir los Valores, de conformidad con el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado y de conformidad con la Resolución Ordinaria N° 103 emitida por el Ministerio de Hacienda el 22 de enero de 2024; y (D) la entrega al Ministerio de Hacienda y al Ministerio de Minería para aprobación y posible revisión del presupuesto anual propuesto y un presupuesto de amortización de deuda de conformidad con el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado.

(vii) ni la ejecución y entrega del Contrato de Fideicomiso o este Contrato, la emisión y venta de los Valores, ni la consumación de cualquier otra de las transacciones aquí o allí contempladas, ni el cumplimiento de los términos aquí, allí o de los Valores entrarán en conflicto con, o resultarán en, un incumplimiento, violación o imposición de cualquier gravamen, carga o gravamen sobre cualquier propiedad o activo de la Compañía o sus subsidiarias de conformidad con, (i) cualquier disposición de la ley chilena aplicable; (ii) el Decreto Ley N° 1.350 de 1976, modificado de vez en cuando, y los estatutos de la Compañía, según lo reformado en el Decreto N° 3 de 13 de enero de 2012 y publicado en el Diario Oficial el 4 de julio de 2012, o los Estatutos de la Compañía, o (iii) cualquier estatuto, ley, regla, reglamento, sentencia, orden o decreto aplicable a la Compañía o cualquiera de sus subsidiarias de cualquier tribunal chileno, organismo regulador, agencia administrativa, organismo gubernamental, árbitro u otra autoridad con jurisdicción sobre la Compañía, cualquiera de sus subsidiarias o cualquiera de sus respectivas propiedades;

“(viii) pursuant to Article 52 of the Organic Law of the Central Bank of Chile and Decree Law No. 1,350 of 1976, as amended, the Company is exempt from the Central Bank of Chile’s regulations in connection with the issuance, placement and payments upon the Securities. The Company is entitled to make payments under the Securities with its own available foreign currency obtained from its export operations and deposited with the Central Bank of Chile;

(ix) except as disclosed in each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum, there are no transaction, stamp or other issuance or transfer taxes or duties or other similar fees or withholdings or charges required to be paid in connection with the execution and delivery of this Agreement, the Indenture, the issuance or sale by the Company of the Securities or the enforcement of the Securities, other than (i) a 0.8% stamp tax on the incurrence of the indebtedness evidenced by the Securities, which will be paid by the Company upon the issuance of the Securities, and (ii) a 4% withholding tax on interest payments, and all other payments deemed to be interest payments, with respect to the Securities to the extent paid to a person domiciled or residing outside of Chile. If thin capitalization rules apply, as described in the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum, such interest payments would be subject to a 35% penalty tax that would be payable by the Company. The withholding tax applicable to the interest payments made by the Company can be credited against such 35% penalty tax. Payments of fees, compensations, service payments and reimbursement of costs contemplated in this Agreement or in the Indenture, made to persons domiciled or residing outside of Chile may be subject to a (1) withholding tax at a rate of up to 35%; provided, however, that any such payment may be (A) exempted from withholding tax if it is deemed a comisión mercantil pursuant to the Commercial Code of Chile and the interpretation of the Chilean Internal Revenue Service (Servicio de Impuestos Internos, or the SII), (B) subject to a 15% withholding tax if it is deemed payment for a professional or technical assistance service, provided that the payment is not made to a party organized, domiciled or resident in one of the countries which falls under the scope of article 41H of the Chilean Income Tax Law in which case the withholding tax rate would be 20%, and (C) benefit from a reduced withholding tax rate or may be exempted if there is a double taxation treaty in force between Chile and the country of such person’s residency that contemplates a reduced or exempt regime applicable; or (ii) value added tax (impuesto al valor agregado) in Chile provided that (A) such payments are exempt from withholding tax under domestic law or a double taxation treaty in force applicable and (B) the service for which such payments were made is deemed to be rendered or utilized in Chile. Capital gains arising from the sale or other dispositions of the Securities made by a person domiciled or residing outside of Chile will not be deemed as Chilean source income, and therefore, not subject to withholding tax in Chile.

If none of the holders of the Securities, the Initial Purchasers or the Trustee will be deemed resident, domiciled, carrying on business or subject to any tax liability in Chile solely by reason of the holding of the Securities or the execution, delivery, performance or enforcement of this Agreement, the Indenture or the Securities, assuming that none of such persons is domiciled or is a resident of Chile or has a permanent establishment in Chile;

(xi) the choice of law provisions set forth in Section 15 hereof, in the Indenture and in the Securities are legal, valid and binding under the laws of Chile and such counsel knows of no reason why the courts of Chile would not give effect to the choice of New York law as the proper law of this Agreement, of the Indenture and of the Securities; the Company has the legal capacity to sue and be sued in its own name under the laws of Chile; the Company has been empowered by Decree No. 1,009 issued by the Ministry of Finance, published in the Official Gazette on December 23, 1978, as renewed by Decree No. 1,729 dated November 23, 2023 and published in the Official Gazette on January 16, 2024, to submit, and has irrevocably submitted, to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the New York courts and has validly and irrevocably appointed Cogency Global Inc. as its authorized agent for the purpose described in Section 14 hereof, in the Indenture and in the Securities under the laws of Chile; the irrevocable submission of the Company to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the New York courts and the waivers by the Company of any objection to the venue of the proceeding in a New York court herein, in the Indenture and in the Securities are legal, valid and binding under the laws of Chile and such counsel knows of no reason why the courts of Chile would not give effect to such submission and waivers; service of process in the manner set forth in Section 14 hereof, in the Indenture and in the Securities will be effective to confer valid personal jurisdiction over the Company under the laws of Chile; and the courts in Chile will recognize as valid and final, and will enforce, any final and conclusive judgment against the Company obtained in a New York court arising out of or in relation to the obligations of the Company under this Agreement, the Indenture or the Securities, subject only to the conditions and qualifications described in each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum under the caption Enforceability of Civil Liabilities;

(xii) the Company has validly and irrevocably waived, pursuant to Section 17 hereof and to the provisions of the Indenture and the Securities for itself and its revenues and assets, to the full extent permitted by Chilean law, any immunity from suit, jurisdiction, attachment in aid or execution of a judgment or prior to a judgment, execution of a judgment or any other legal process with respect to its obligations, respectively, under this Agreement, the Indenture and the Securities to which it may be entitled or become entitled whether or not claimed, including sovereign immunity, except that (i) for the attachment and judicial sale of mining concessions and installations and other goods permanently dedicated to exploration or extraction of minerals relating to such mining concessions, except with respect to mortgages, the consent of the Company will be required and shall be given in the same judicial proceeding in which the attachment and sale is sought (as set forth in Article 226 of the Mining Code of Chile); and (ii) pursuant to the Chilean Constitution, the mining concessions corresponding to mining deposits exploited by the Company upon its creation in 1976 cannot be subject to attachment nor to any act of disposition by the Company. Each such waiver is binding under Chilean law and remains in full force and effect; and

(xiii) this Agreement, the Indenture and the Securities are in proper legal form under the laws of Chile for the enforcement thereof against the Company in Chile without the need to obtain any other consent, approval or authorization, to file any notification or to take any further action on the part of the Initial Purchasers or the Trustee and to ensure the legality, validity, enforceability or admissibility in evidence of any of this Agreement, the Indenture and the Securities, and except for their translation into Spanish for their presentation to a Chilean court and subject to the payment of the applicable stamp tax, if any (and applicable readjustments and penalties, if any), it is not necessary that any other document be filed or recorded with any court or other authority in Chile or that any stamp or similar tax be paid on or in respect of any such document or the Securities.

In rendering such opinion, such counsel may rely (A) as to matters involving the application of laws of any jurisdiction other than Chile, to the extent they deem proper and specified in such opinion, upon the opinion of other counsel of good standing whom they believe to be reliable and who are satisfactory to counsel for the Initial Purchasers; and (B) as to matters of fact, to the extent they deem proper, on certificates of responsible officers of the Company and public officials. References to the Final Memorandum in this Section 6(c) include any amendment or supplement thereto at the Closing Date.

(d) The Company shall have requested and caused Macarena Vargas Losada, General Counsel of the Company, to furnish to the Representatives her opinion, dated the Closing Date and addressed to the Representatives, substantially to the effect that:

(i) the Company has been duly created and is validly existing as a State-owned company under the laws of Chile, with full corporate power and authority to own or lease, as the case may be, and to operate its properties, exercise its mining concessions, mining rights and water rights, and conduct its business as described in each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum, and is duly qualified to do business under the laws of each jurisdiction which requires such qualification;

(ii) the Indenture has been duly authorized, executed and delivered, and constitutes a legal, valid and binding instrument enforceable against the Company in accordance with its terms (subject, as to the enforcement of remedies, to applicable bankruptcy, liquidation, reorganization, insolvency, moratorium or other laws affecting creditors’ rights generally and general principles of equity, including, without limitation, concepts of materiality, reasonableness, good faith and fair dealing (regardless of whether considered in a proceeding in equity or at law)); and the Securities have been duly and validly authorized and, when executed and authenticated in accordance with the provisions of the Indenture and delivered to and paid for by the Initial Purchasers under this Agreement, will have been duly executed and delivered by the Company and will constitute legal, valid, binding and enforceable obligations of the Company entitled to the benefits of the Indenture (subject, as to the enforcement of remedies, to applicable bankruptcy, liquidation, reorganization, insolvency, moratorium or other laws affecting creditors’ rights generally and general principles of equity, including, without limitation, concepts of materiality, reasonableness, good faith and fair dealing (regardless of whether considered in a proceeding in equity or at law));

(iii) to the knowledge of such counsel, there is no pending or threatened action, suit or proceeding by or before any court or governmental agency, authority or body or any arbitrator involving the Company or any of its subsidiaries or its or their property that is not set forth in or contemplated by each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum (exclusive of any amendment or supplement thereto), except for such proceedings that, if the subject of an unfavorable decision, ruling or finding, would not, singly or in the aggregate, have a current or prospective material adverse effect (i) on the condition (financial or otherwise), earnings, business or properties of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, whether or not arising from transactions in the ordinary course of business, or (ii) on the power or ability of the Company to perform its obligations under this Agreement, the Indenture or the Securities or to consummate the transactions contemplated in each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum;

(iv) the Company has an authorized capitalization as set forth in each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum under the heading Capitalization; and all the outstanding shares of capital stock or other equity interests of each subsidiary of the Company have been duly and validly authorized and issued, are fully paid and non-assessable and are owned directly or indirectly by the Company, free and clear of any lien, charge, encumbrance, security interest, restriction on voting or transfer or any other claim of any third party;

(v) such counsel has no reason to believe that (i) at the Execution Time, the Time of Sale Memorandum contained any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading; or (ii) at the Execution Time and on the Closing Date, the Final Memorandum contained or contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omitted or omits to state any material fact necessary to make the statements therein, in the light of the circumstances under which they were made, not misleading (in each case, other than the financial statements and other financial information contained therein, as to which such counsel need express no opinion);

(vi) this Agreement has been duly authorized, executed and delivered by the Company;”

(vii) the Company has all requisite corporate power and authority, has taken all requisite corporate action and has received and is in compliance with all governmental, judicial and other authorizations, approvals and orders necessary to enter into and perform its obligations under this Agreement and the Indenture and to issue and perform its obligations under the Securities, and no consent, approval, authorization, filing with or order of any Chilean court or governmental agency or body is required in connection with the transactions contemplated herein, in the Indenture or in the Securities, except (i) such as may be required under the blue sky or securities laws of any jurisdiction in connection with the purchase and sale of the Securities by the Initial Purchasers in the manner contemplated in this Agreement, the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum; and (ii) the following authorizations and registrations required by Chilean law, which have been obtained and remain in full force and effect:

(A) authorization granted by the President of Chile and by Decree of the Minister of Finance, whether general or specific, pursuant to Article 4 of Decree Law No. 2,349 of 1978, and pursuant to Decree No. 1,009 issued by the Ministry of Finance, published in the Official Gazette on December 23, 1978, as renewed by Decree No. 1,729 dated November 23, 2023 and published in the Official Gazette on January 16, 2024; (B) authorization granted by the Minister of Finance to the Company to enter into negotiations relating to the issue of the Securities, pursuant to Decree Law No. 1,350 of 1976, as amended and pursuant to Ordinary Resolution No. 2170 issued by the Ministry of Finance on December 22, 2023; (C) authorization granted by the Minister of Finance to the Company to issue the Securities, pursuant to Decree Law No. 1,350 of 1976, as amended and pursuant to Ordinary Resolution No. 103 issued by the Ministry of Finance on January 22, 2024; and (D) the delivery to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Mining for approval and possible review of the proposed annual budget and a debt amortization budget pursuant to Decree Law No. 1,350 of 1976, as amended.

(viii) pursuant to Article 52 of the Organic Law of the Central Bank of Chile and Decree Law No. 1,350 of 1976, as amended, the Company is exempt from the Central Bank of Chile’s regulations in connection with the issuance, placement and payments upon the Securities. The Company is entitled to make payments under the Securities with its own available foreign currency obtained from its export operations and deposited with the Central Bank of Chile;

(ix) neither the execution and delivery of the Indenture or this Agreement, the issue and sale of the Securities, nor the consummation of any other of the transactions herein or therein contemplated, nor the fulfillment of the terms hereof or thereof will conflict with, result in a breach or violation of, or imposition of any lien, charge or encumbrance upon any property or asset of the Company or any of its subsidiaries pursuant to: (i) any provision of applicable law; (ii) Decree Law No. 1,350 of 1976, as amended from time to time, and the Company’s by-laws, as restated in Decree No. 3 of January 13, 2012, or the Estatutos of the Company; (iii) the terms of any indenture, contract, lease, mortgage, deed of trust, note agreement, loan agreement or other agreement, obligation, condition, covenant or instrument to which the Company or any of its subsidiaries is a party or bound or to which its respective property is subject; or (iv) any statute, law, rule, regulation, judgment, order or decree applicable to the Company or any of its subsidiaries of any court, regulatory body, administrative agency, governmental body, arbitrator or other authority having jurisdiction over the Company, any of its subsidiaries or any of their respective properties;

(E) the statements in each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum under the captions Presentation of Financial and Statistical Information, Enforceability of Civil Liabilities, Exchange Rates, Risk Factors Risks Relating to CODE CO’s Operations CODE CO’s compliance with environmental, health and safety laws may require increased costs, including capital commitments, and non-compliance may subject it to significant penalties, Risk Factors Risks Relating to CODE CO’s Operations Future compliance with a changing and complex regulation scheme may require changes in CODE CO’s business, Risk Factors Risks Relating to CODE CO’s Operations Labor disruptions involving CODE CO’s employees or the employees of its independent contractors could affect CODE CO’s production levels and costs, Risk Factors Risks Relating to CODE CO’s Operations CODELCO is subject to an extensive labor reform law in effect since 2017- promulgated by the Government of Chile that could affect its business and operating results, Risk Factors Risks Relating to CODE CO’s Relationship with the Government of Chile, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Results of Operations for the Three Years Ended December 31, 2022 Other expenses, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Results of Operations for the Nine-Month Periods Ended September 30, 2022 and 2023 Foreign exchange differences, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Results of Operations for the Nine-Month Periods Ended September 30, 2022 and 2023 Income tax expense, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Results of Operations for the Three Years Ended December 31, 2022 Other expenses, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Results of Operations for the Three Years Ended December 31, 2022 Income tax expense, Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations Liquidity and Capital Resources Distributions to the Chilean Treasury, Regulatory Framework, Management, Related Party Transactions, Foreign Investment and Exchange Controls in Chile and Taxation Chilean Taxation, insofar as such statements constitute summaries of Chilean legal matters, documents or proceedings referred to therein, fairly summarized the matters therein;

(xi) no subsidiary of the Company is currently prohibited, directly or indirectly, from paying any dividends to the Company, from making any other distribution on such subsidiary’s capital stock, from repaying to the Company any loans or advances to such subsidiary from the Company or from transferring any of such subsidiary’s property or assets to the Company or any other subsidiary of the Company, except as described in or contemplated by each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum (exclusive of any amendment or supplement thereto);

(xii) the Company and its subsidiaries possess all concessions, licenses, certificates, permits and other authorizations issued by the appropriate government and other regulatory authorities necessary to conduct their respective businesses, and neither the Company nor any such subsidiary has received any notice of proceedings relating to the revocation or modification of any such concession, certificate, authorization or permit which, singly or in the aggregate, if the subject of an unfavorable decision, ruling or finding, would have a current or prospective material adverse effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), earnings, business or properties of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, whether or not arising from transactions in the ordinary course of business;

(xiii) the Company and its subsidiaries have good and marketable title to all real property owned by them and good title to all other properties owned by them, including the Company’s mining concessions, mining rights and water rights, in each case, free and clear of all mortgages, pledges, liens, security interests, claims, restrictions or encumbrances of any kind except (i) such as are set forth in or contemplated by each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum (exclusive of any amendment or supplement thereto) or (ii) where the failure to have good title would not have a current or prospective material adverse effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), earnings, business or properties of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, whether or not arising from transactions in the ordinary course of business; all of the leases and subleases material to the business of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, and under which the Company or any of its subsidiaries holds properties described in each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum, are in full force and effect, except (1) where the failure to be in full force and effect would not have a current or prospective material adverse effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), earnings, business or properties of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, whether or not arising from transactions in the ordinary course of business, or (ii) such as are set forth in or contemplated by each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum (exclusive of any amendment or supplement thereto); and none of the Company or its subsidiaries has any notice of any material claim of any sort that has been asserted by anyone adverse to the rights of the Company or any of its subsidiaries under any of the leases or subleases mentioned above, or affecting or questioning the rights of the Company or any of its subsidiaries to the continued possession of the leased or subleased premises under any such lease or sublease, except (i) claims which are being contested by the Company or its subsidiaries in good faith and which would not have a current or prospective material adverse effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), earnings, business or properties of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, whether or not arising from transactions in the ordinary course of business, or (ii) such as are set forth in or contemplated by each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum (exclusive of any amendment or supplement thereto);

(xiv) the choice of law provisions set forth in Section 15 hereof, in the Indenture and in the Securities are legal, valid and binding under the laws of Chile and such counsel knows of no reason why the courts of Chile would not give effect to the choice of New York law as the proper law of this Agreement, of the Indenture and of the Securities; the Company has the legal capacity to sue and be sued in its own name under the laws of Chile; the Company has been empowered by Decree No. 1,009 issued by the Ministry of Finance, published in the Official Gazette on December 23, 1978, as renewed by Decree No. 1,729 dated November 23, 2023 and published in the Official Gazette on January 16, 2024, to submit, and has irrevocably submitted, to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the New York courts and has validly and irrevocably appointed Cogency Global Inc. as its authorized agent for the purpose described in Section 14 hereof, in the Indenture and in the Securities under the laws of Chile; the irrevocable submission of the Company to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the New York courts and the waivers by the Company of any objection to the venue of the proceeding in a New York court herein, in the Indenture and in the Securities are legal, valid and binding under the laws of Chile and such counsel knows of no reason why the courts of Chile would not give effect to such submission and waivers; service of process in the manner set forth in Section 14 hereof, in the Indenture and in the Securities will be effective to confer valid personal jurisdiction over the Company under the laws of Chile; and the courts in Chile will recognize as valid and final, and will enforce, any final and conclusive judgment against the Company obtained in a New York court arising out of or in relation to the obligations of the Company under this Agreement, the Indenture or the Securities, subject only to the conditions and qualifications described in each of the Time of Sale Memorandum and the Final Memorandum under the caption Enforceability of Civil Liabilities;

(xv) to the knowledge of such counsel, the Company and its subsidiaries (1) are in compliance with any and all Environmental Laws, (ii) have received all permits, licenses or other approvals required of them under applicable Environmental Laws to conduct their respective businesses and (iii) are in compliance with all terms and conditions of any such permit, license or approval, except where such noncompliance with Environmental Laws, failure to receive required permits, licenses or other approvals or failure to comply with the terms and conditions of such permits, licenses or approvals would not, singly or in the aggregate, have a material adverse effect on the condition (financial or otherwise), earnings, business or properties of the Company and its subsidiaries, taken as a whole, whether or not arising from transactions in the ordinary course of business;

(xvi) excepto según se divulgue en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final, no hay impuestos de transacción, timbres u otros impuestos o derechos de emisión o transferencia, ni tasas similares o retenciones o cargos que deban pagarse en relación con la ejecución y entrega de este Contrato, la Escritura, la emisión o venta por parte de la Compañía de los Valores o el cumplimiento de los Valores, excepto (i) un impuesto de timbre del 0,8% sobre la asunción de la deuda representada por los Valores, que será pagado por la Compañía al momento de la emisión de los Valores, y (ii) un impuesto de retención del 4% sobre los pagos de intereses, y todos los demás pagos considerados como pagos de intereses, con respecto a los Valores en la medida en que se paguen a una persona domiciliada o residente fuera de Chile.
Si se aplican reglas de capitalización delgada, como se describe en el Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final, dichos pagos de intereses estarían sujetos a un impuesto de penalidad del 35% que sería pagadero por la Compañía. El impuesto de retención aplicable a los pagos de intereses realizados por la Compañía puede ser acreditado contra dicho impuesto de penalidad del 35%. Los pagos de tarifas, compensaciones, pagos de servicios y reembolso de costos contemplados en este Contrato o en la Escritura, realizados a personas domiciliadas o residentes fuera de Chile, pueden estar sujetos a (1) un impuesto de retención a una tasa de hasta el 35%; sin embargo, cualquier pago de este tipo puede estar (A) exento de impuesto de retención si se considera una comisión mercantil de conformidad con el Código de Comercio de Chile y la interpretación del Servicio de Impuestos Internos de Chile (SII), (B) sujeto a un impuesto de retención del 15% si se considera un pago por un servicio profesional o técnico, siempre que el pago no se realice a una parte organizada, domiciliada o residente en uno de los países que caen bajo el ámbito del artículo 41H de la Ley de Impuesto a la Renta de Chile, en cuyo caso la tasa de impuesto de retención sería del 20%, y (C) beneficiarse de una tasa de impuesto de retención reducida o estar exento si existe un tratado para evitar la doble imposición en vigor entre Chile y el país de residencia de dichas personas que contemple un régimen reducido o exento aplicable; o (ii) impuesto al valor agregado (IVA) en Chile, siempre que (A) dichos pagos estén exentos de impuesto de retención según la ley nacional o un tratado para evitar la doble imposición en vigor y (B) el servicio para el cual se realizaron dichos pagos se considere prestado o utilizado en Chile.
Las ganancias de capital derivadas de la venta u otras disposiciones de los Valores realizadas por una persona domiciliada o residente fuera de Chile no se considerarán como ingresos de fuente chilena y, por lo tanto, no estarán sujetas a impuesto de retención en Chile.

31 (xvii) ninguno de los tenedores de los Valores, los Compradores Iniciales o el Fiduciario será considerado residente, domiciliado, ejerciendo negocios o sujeto a cualquier obligación tributaria en Chile únicamente por motivo de la tenencia de los Valores o la ejecución, entrega, cumplimiento o ejecución de este Contrato, la Escritura o los Valores, asumiendo que ninguno de dichas personas está domiciliado o es residente de Chile o tiene un establecimiento permanente en Chile;

(xviii) la Compañía ha renunciado válida e irrevocablemente de conformidad con la Sección 17 del presente documento y las disposiciones de la Escritura y los Valores, para sí misma y sus ingresos y activos, en la medida permitida por la ley chilena, a cualquier inmunidad de demanda, jurisdicción, embargo en auxilio o ejecución de un fallo o antes de un fallo, ejecución de un fallo o cualquier otro proceso legal con respecto a sus obligaciones, respectivamente, en virtud de este Contrato, la Escritura y los Valores a los que pueda tener derecho o llegar a tener derecho, ya sea que se reclame o no, incluida la inmunidad soberana, excepto que (i) para el embargo y venta judicial de concesiones mineras e instalaciones y otros bienes permanentemente dedicados a la exploración o extracción de minerales relacionados con dichas concesiones mineras, excepto con respecto a hipotecas, se requerirá el consentimiento de la Compañía y se otorgará en el mismo procedimiento judicial en el que se solicite el embargo y la venta (según lo establecido en el Artículo 226 del Código de Minería de Chile); y (ii) de conformidad con la Constitución chilena, las concesiones mineras correspondientes a yacimientos mineros explotados por la Compañía a partir de su creación en 1976 no pueden estar sujetas a embargo ni a ningún acto de disposición por parte de la Compañía. Cada renuncia de este tipo es vinculante según la ley chilena y sigue en pleno vigor y efecto; y

(xix) este Contrato, la Escritura y los Valores están en forma legal adecuada según las leyes de Chile para su ejecución contra la Compañía en Chile sin necesidad de obtener ningún otro consentimiento, aprobación o autorización, presentar alguna notificación o tomar alguna otra medida por parte de los Compradores Iniciales o el Fiduciario y para garantizar la legalidad, validez, ejecutabilidad o admisibilidad como prueba de este Contrato, la Escritura y los Valores, y excepto por su traducción al español para su presentación ante un tribunal chileno y sujeto al pago del impuesto de timbre aplicable, si lo hubiere (y los reajustes y penalidades aplicables, si las hubiere), no es necesario presentar o registrar ningún otro documento con ningún tribunal u otra autoridad en Chile ni pagar ningún impuesto de timbre o similar sobre o con respecto a dicho documento o los Valores.

Al emitir dicha opinión, dicho asesor puede confiar (A) en lo que respecta a asuntos que involucren leyes de cualquier jurisdicción que no sea Chile, en la medida que lo consideren apropiado y especificado en dicha opinión, en la opinión de otros asesores de buena reputación a quienes consideren confiables y que sean satisfactorios para el asesor de los Compradores Iniciales; y (B) en lo que respecta a cuestiones de hecho, en la medida que lo consideren apropiado, en certificados de funcionarios responsables de la Compañía y funcionarios públicos. Las referencias al Memorándum Final en esta Sección 6(d) incluyen cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo en la Fecha de Cierre.

(e) Los Representantes deberán haber recibido de Shearman & Sterling LLP, asesores legales de EE. UU. para los Representantes, tal opinión u opiniones, con fecha de la Fecha de Cierre

32 y dirigida a los Representantes, con respecto a la emisión y venta de los Valores, la Escritura, el Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (según enmendado o complementado en la Fecha de Cierre) y otros asuntos relacionados que los Representantes puedan razonablemente requerir, y la Compañía deberá haber proporcionado a dicho asesor los documentos que soliciten con el fin de permitirles pronunciarse sobre dichos asuntos.

(£f) Los Representantes deberán haber recibido de Garrigues Chile Limitada, asesores legales especiales de Chile para los Representantes, tal opinión u opiniones, con fecha de la Fecha de Cierre y dirigida a los Representantes, con respecto a la emisión y venta de los Valores, la Escritura, el Memorándum de Venta, el Memorándum Final (según enmendado o complementado en la Fecha de Cierre) y otros asuntos relacionados que los Representantes puedan razonablemente requerir, y la Compañía deberá haber proporcionado a dicho asesor los documentos que soliciten con el fin de permitirles pronunciarse sobre dichos asuntos.

(g) La Compañía deberá haber proporcionado a los Representantes un certificado de la Compañía, firmado por el Jefe de Finanzas de la Compañía, con fecha de la Fecha de Cierre, en el sentido de que el firmante de dicho certificado ha examinado cuidadosamente cada uno del Memorándum de Venta, el Memorándum Final, cualquier enmienda o suplemento al Memorándum Final y este Contrato y que:

(i) las representaciones y garantías de la Compañía en este Contrato son verdaderas y correctas en todos los aspectos materiales en la Fecha de Cierre con el mismo efecto que si se hubieran hecho en la Fecha de Cierre, y la Compañía ha cumplido con todos los acuerdos y satisfecho todas las condiciones que le corresponden cumplir o satisfacer en virtud de este Contrato en o antes de la Fecha de Cierre; y

(ii) desde la fecha de los estados financieros más recientes incluidos en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo), no ha habido ningún desarrollo que dé lugar a un cambio adverso material actual o prospectivo en la situación (financiera u otra), ganancias, negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto, ya sea que surja o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios, excepto según se establezca o se contemple en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo).

(h) En el Momento de la Ejecución y en la Fecha de Cierre, la Compañía deberá haber solicitado y causado (i) que Deloitte Auditores y Consultores Ltda., firma de auditoría independiente con respecto a la Compañía, proporcione a los Representantes cartas, fechadas respectivamente a partir del Momento de la Ejecución y a partir de la Fecha de Cierre, en forma y sustancia satisfactorias para los Representantes, que contengan declaraciones e información del tipo que normalmente se incluyen en las cartas de confort de los contadores a los suscriptores con respecto a los estados financieros del año completo 2020, y cierta información financiera y otra información contenida en cada uno del Memorándum Preliminar y el Memorándum Final; siempre que la carta entregada en la Fecha de Cierre utilice una fecha de corte no anterior a tres días hábiles antes de la fecha de la misma; y (ii) que PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores, Auditores y Compañía Limitada, firma de auditoría independiente con respecto a la Compañía, proporcione a los Representantes cartas, fechadas respectivamente a partir del Momento de la Ejecución y a partir de la Fecha de Cierre, en forma y sustancia satisfactorias para los Representantes, que contengan declaraciones e información del tipo que normalmente se incluyen en las cartas de confort de los contadores a los suscriptores con respecto a los años completos 2021 y 2022, los estados financieros consolidados no auditados interinos al y para los nueve meses terminados el 30 de septiembre de 2023 y 2022, y cierta información financiera y otra información contenida en cada uno del Memorándum Preliminar y el Memorándum Final; siempre que la carta entregada en la Fecha de Cierre utilice una fecha de corte no anterior a tres días hábiles antes de la fecha de la misma.

Las referencias al Memorándum Final en esta Sección Error! Reference source not found. incluyen cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo en la fecha de la carta aplicable.

(i) Con posterioridad al Momento de la Ejecución o, si fuera anterior, a las fechas en que se proporciona información en cada uno del Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo), no deberá haber habido (1) ningún cambio o disminución especificado en la carta o cartas a que se hace referencia en el párrafo Error! Reference source not found. de esta Sección 6; o (ii) ningún cambio, o ningún desarrollo que implique un cambio prospectivo, en o que afecte la situación (financiera u otra), negocios o propiedades de la Compañía y sus subsidiarias, consideradas en su conjunto, ya sea que surja o no de transacciones en el curso ordinario de los negocios, excepto según se establezca o se contemple en el Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo) cuyo efecto, en cualquier caso mencionado en el inciso (1) o (ii) anterior, sea, a juicio razonable de los Representantes, tan material y adverso como para hacer impracticable o inadecuado proceder con la oferta, venta o entrega de los Valores según lo contemplado en el Memorándum de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al mismo).

(¡) Con posterioridad al Momento de la Ejecución, no deberá haber habido ninguna disminución en la calificación otorgada a la Compañía o a cualquiera de los valores de deuda denominados en moneda extranjera de la Compañía por ninguna organización de calificación estadística nacionalmente reconocida (según se define dicho término en la Sección 3(a)(62) de la Ley de Intercambio) ni se habrá dado aviso de ninguna disminución prevista o potencial en dicha calificación o de un posible cambio en dicha calificación que no indique la dirección del posible cambio.

(k) En el Momento de la Ejecución y en la Fecha de Cierre, los Representantes deberán haber recibido un certificado por escrito ejecutado por el Director Financiero de la Compañía, en forma y sustancia razonablemente satisfactorias para los Representantes, con respecto a cierta información financiera contenida en el Memorándum de Oferta.

(1) Antes de la Fecha de Cierre, la Compañía deberá haber proporcionado a los Representantes la información, certificados y documentos adicionales que los Representantes puedan razonablemente solicitar.

Si alguna de las condiciones especificadas en esta Sección 6 no se hubiera cumplido en todos los aspectos materiales cuando y según se establece en este Contrato, o si alguna de las opiniones y “

“34 certificados mencionados anteriormente o en otro lugar en este Acuerdo no habrán sido entregados en forma y sustancia razonablemente satisfactorias para los Representantes y el abogado de los Compradores Iniciales, este Acuerdo y todas las obligaciones de los Compradores Iniciales en virtud del mismo podrán ser cancelados en, o en cualquier momento antes de, la Fecha de Cierre por los Representantes. Se deberá notificar por escrito a la Compañía de dicha cancelación, o por teléfono o fax confirmado por escrito.

Los documentos requeridos para ser entregados por esta Sección 6 se entregarán en la oficina del abogado de los Compradores Iniciales, Shearman & Sterling LLP, en 599 Lexington Avenue, Nueva York, Nueva York 10022, en la Fecha de Cierre.

7. – Indemnización y Contribución. (a) La Compañía se compromete a indemnizar y eximir de responsabilidad a cada Comprador Inicial, los directores, funcionarios, empleados, afiliados y agentes de cada Comprador Inicial y cada persona que controle a cualquier Comprador Inicial en el sentido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores o la Ley de Intercambio, contra todas y cada una de las pérdidas, reclamaciones, daños o responsabilidades, mancomunadas o separadas, a las que ellos o cualquiera de ellos puedan estar sujetos en virtud de la Ley del Mercado de Valores, la Ley de Intercambio o cualquier otra ley o regulación estatutaria federal o estatal, en derecho común o de otro modo, en la medida en que dichas pérdidas, reclamaciones, daños o responsabilidades (o acciones al respecto) surjan o se basen en cualquier declaración falsa o presuntamente falsa de un hecho material contenida en el Memorándum de Venta en el Momento, cualquier Comunicación Adicional de Oferta Escrita preparada por o en nombre de, utilizada por, o referida por la Compañía, cualquier presentación (road show) según se define en la Regla 433(h) bajo la Ley del Mercado de Valores, o el Memorándum Final o cualquier información proporcionada por la Compañía a cualquier tenedor o comprador potencial de Valores de conformidad con la Sección 5(j), o en cualquier enmienda o suplemento del mismo, o surjan o se basen en la omisión o presunta omisión de declarar en él un hecho material que deba declararse en él o necesario para que las declaraciones en él, a la luz de las circunstancias en que se hicieron, no sean engañosas, y se compromete a reembolsar a cada parte indemnizada, por cualquier gasto legal u otros razonablemente incurridos por ellos en relación con la investigación o defensa de dicha pérdida, reclamación, daño, responsabilidad o acción, según se incurran dichos gastos; sin embargo, la Compañía no será responsable en ningún caso en la medida en que dicha pérdida, reclamación, daño o responsabilidad surja o se base en cualquier declaración falsa o presuntamente falsa o en la omisión o presunta omisión hecha en el Memorándum de Venta en el Momento o el Memorándum Final, o en cualquier enmienda o suplemento del mismo, o en cualquier Comunicación Adicional de Oferta Escrita, en confianza y de conformidad con la información escrita proporcionada a la Compañía por o en nombre de cualquier Comprador Inicial a través de los Representantes específicamente para su inclusión en el mismo.

(b) Cada Comprador Inicial se compromete solidariamente y no conjuntamente a indemnizar y eximir de responsabilidad a la Compañía, cada uno de sus directores, cada uno de sus funcionarios, y cada persona que controle a la Compañía en el sentido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores o la Ley de Intercambio, en la misma medida que la indemnización anterior de la Compañía a cada Comprador Inicial, pero solo con referencia a la información relacionada con dicho Comprador Inicial proporcionada a la Compañía por escrito por o en nombre de dicho Comprador Inicial a través de los Representantes específicamente para su inclusión en el Memorándum de Venta en el Momento, presentación (road show) o el Memorándum Final (o en cualquier enmienda o suplemento del mismo). El acuerdo de indemnización en virtud de esta Sección 7 será además de cualquier responsabilidad que cualquier Comprador Inicial pueda tener de otro modo. La Compañía reconoce que (i) los nombres de los Representantes establecidos en la página de portada, (ii) las declaraciones establecidas en el último párrafo de la portada

35 página con respecto a la entrega de los Valores y (iii) bajo el título Plan de Distribución: (A) los nombres de los Representantes y los montos en la tabla, (B) la única oración que sigue al segundo párrafo completo con respecto al precio de compra, (C) la quinta oración del octavo párrafo con respecto a las actividades de creación de mercado, (D) el noveno párrafo relacionado con las transacciones de cobertura de estabilización y sindicato y (E) la tercera oración del undécimo párrafo con respecto a la actividad de cobertura, constituyen la única información proporcionada por escrito por o en nombre de los Compradores Iniciales para su inclusión en el Memorándum de Venta en el Momento o el Memorándum Final (o en cualquier enmienda o suplemento del mismo).

(c) Inmediatamente después de recibir por parte de una parte indemnizada en virtud de esta Sección 7 de aviso del inicio de cualquier acción, dicha parte indemnizada notificará por escrito a la parte indemnizadora del inicio de la misma; pero la falta de notificar a la parte indemnizadora (1) no la eximirá de responsabilidad en virtud de los párrafos (a) o (b) anteriores a menos que y en la medida en que de otro modo no se entere de dicha acción y dicha falta resulte en la pérdida por parte de la parte indemnizadora de derechos y defensas sustantivos; y (ii) no eximirá, en cualquier caso, a la parte indemnizadora de ninguna obligación con respecto a ninguna parte indemnizada que no sea la obligación de indemnización prevista en los párrafos (a) o (b) anteriores. La parte indemnizadora tendrá derecho a designar al abogado de su elección a expensas de la parte indemnizadora para representar a la parte indemnizada en cualquier acción para la cual se busque indemnización (en cuyo caso la parte indemnizadora no será responsable posteriormente de los honorarios y gastos de ningún abogado independiente (incluido el abogado local) contratado por la parte indemnizada o las partes, excepto como se establece a continuación); sin embargo, dicho abogado deberá ser satisfactorio para la parte indemnizada. No obstante la elección de la parte indemnizadora de designar al abogado para representar a la parte indemnizada en una acción, la parte indemnizada tendrá derecho a emplear un abogado independiente (incluido el abogado local), y la parte indemnizadora sufragará los honorarios razonables, costos y gastos de dicho abogado independiente si (i) el uso del abogado elegido por la parte indemnizadora para representar a la parte indemnizada presentaría a dicho abogado un conflicto de intereses; (ii) los demandados reales o potenciales en, o los objetivos de, cualquier acción incluyen tanto a la parte indemnizada como a la parte indemnizadora y la parte indemnizada haya concluido razonablemente que puede haber defensas legales disponibles para ella y/o otras partes indemnizadas que sean diferentes o adicionales a las disponibles para la parte indemnizadora; (iii) la parte indemnizadora no haya empleado un abogado satisfactorio para la parte indemnizada para representar a la parte indemnizada dentro de un tiempo razonable después de recibir aviso de la institución de dicha acción; o (iv) la parte indemnizadora autorice a la parte indemnizada a emplear un abogado independiente a expensas de la parte indemnizadora. Se entiende, sin embargo, que la parte indemnizadora, en relación con cualquier acción o acciones separadas pero sustancialmente similares o relacionadas en la misma jurisdicción que surjan de las mismas alegaciones o circunstancias generales, será responsable de los honorarios y gastos razonables de solo una firma independiente de abogados (además de cualquier abogado local) en cualquier momento para todas las partes indemnizadas y personas controladoras, que será designada por escrito por las partes indemnizadas. La parte indemnizadora no podrá, sin el consentimiento previo por escrito de las partes indemnizadas, resolver o comprometerse o consentir en la entrada de cualquier fallo con respecto a cualquier reclamo, acción, demanda o procedimiento pendiente o amenazado

36 con respecto al cual se busque indemnización o contribución en virtud de este documento (ya sea que las partes indemnizadas sean partes reales o potenciales en dicho reclamo o acción) a menos que tal acuerdo, compromiso o consentimiento (i) incluya una liberación incondicional de cada parte indemnizada de toda responsabilidad derivada de dicho reclamo, acción, demanda o procedimiento; y (ii) no incluya ninguna declaración o admisión de culpa, culpabilidad o falta de actuación por parte de una parte indemnizada o en nombre de una parte indemnizada.

(d) En el caso de que la indemnización prevista en los párrafos (a) o (b) de esta Sección 7 no esté disponible o sea insuficiente para eximir de responsabilidad a una parte indemnizada por cualquier motivo, la Compañía y los Compradores Iniciales acuerdan contribuir a las pérdidas, reclamaciones, daños y responsabilidades (incluidos los gastos legales u otros razonablemente incurridos en relación con la investigación o defensa de los mismos) (colectivamente Pérdidas) a los que la Compañía y uno o más de los Compradores Iniciales puedan estar sujetos en una proporción que sea apropiada para reflejar los beneficios relativos recibidos por la Compañía por un lado y por los Compradores Iniciales por el otro de la oferta de los Valores; sin embargo, en ningún caso ningún Comprador Inicial (excepto según lo dispuesto en cualquier acuerdo entre los Compradores Iniciales relacionado con la oferta de los Valores) será responsable de cualquier monto en exceso del descuento de compra o comisión aplicable a los Valores comprados por dicho Comprador Inicial en virtud del presente documento. Si la asignación proporcionada por la oración inmediatamente anterior no está disponible por cualquier motivo, la Compañía y los Compradores Iniciales contribuirán en una proporción que sea apropiada para reflejar no solo dichos beneficios relativos, sino también la responsabilidad relativa de la Compañía por un lado y de los Compradores Iniciales por el otro con respecto a las declaraciones u omisiones que dieron lugar a dichas Pérdidas, así como cualquier otra consideración equitativa relevante. Los beneficios recibidos por la Compañía se considerarán iguales a los ingresos netos totales de la oferta (antes de deducir gastos) recibidos por ella, y los beneficios recibidos por los Compradores Iniciales se considerarán iguales a los descuentos de compra y comisiones totales en cada caso establecidos en la portada del Memorándum Final. La responsabilidad relativa se determinará con referencia, entre otras cosas, (i) si alguna declaración falsa o presuntamente falsa de un hecho material o la omisión o presunta omisión de declarar un hecho material se relaciona con la información proporcionada por la Compañía por un lado o por los Compradores Iniciales por el otro, (ii) la intención de las partes y (iii) su conocimiento relativo, acceso a la información y oportunidad de corregir o prevenir dicha declaración falsa o omisión. La Compañía y los Compradores Iniciales acuerdan que no sería justo y equitativo si la contribución se determinara por asignación pro rata o cualquier otro método de asignación que no tenga en cuenta las consideraciones equitativas mencionadas anteriormente. No obstante las disposiciones de este párrafo (d), ninguna persona culpable de representación fraudulenta (en el sentido de la Sección 11(f) de la Ley) tendrá derecho a contribución de ninguna persona que no haya sido culpable de tal representación fraudulenta. A los efectos de esta Sección 7, cada persona que controle a un Comprador Inicial en el sentido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores o la Ley de Intercambio y cada director, funcionario, empleado, afiliado y agente de un Comprador Inicial tendrá los mismos derechos a contribución que dicho Comprador Inicial, y cada persona que controle a la Compañía en el sentido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores o la Ley de Intercambio y cada funcionario y director de la Compañía tendrá los mismos derechos a contribución que la Compañía, sujeto en cada caso a los términos y condiciones aplicables de este párrafo (d). No obstante las disposiciones de esta Sección 7, ningún Comprador Inicial estará obligado a contribuir con ningún monto en exceso de los descuentos recibidos por dicho Comprador Inicial en relación con los Valores distribuidos por él. Las obligaciones de los Compradores Iniciales de contribuir en virtud de esta Sección 7 son varias, y no conjuntas, en proporción a sus respectivos compromisos establecidos frente a sus nombres en el ANEXO l.

8. – Incumplimiento por parte de un Comprador Inicial. Si uno o más Compradores Iniciales no compran y pagan alguno de los Valores acordados a ser comprados por dicho Comprador Inicial en virtud del presente documento y dicho incumplimiento de compra constituye un incumplimiento en el desempeño de sus obligaciones en virtud de este Acuerdo, los Compradores Iniciales restantes estarán obligados solidariamente a adquirir y pagar (en las proporciones respectivas que el monto principal de los Valores establecido frente a sus nombres en el ANEXO II aquí lleva al monto principal total de los Valores establecido frente a los nombres de todos los Compradores Iniciales restantes) los Valores que el Comprador Inicial incumplido o los Compradores Iniciales acordaron pero no compraron; sin embargo, en el caso de que el monto principal total de los Valores que el Comprador Inicial incumplido o los Compradores Iniciales acordaron pero no compraron exceda el 10% del monto principal total de los Valores establecido en el ANEXO II aquí, los Compradores Iniciales restantes tendrán el derecho de comprar todos, pero no estarán obligados a comprar ninguno, de los Valores, y si los Compradores Iniciales no incumplidos no compran todos los Valores, este Acuerdo terminará sin responsabilidad para ningún Comprador Inicial no incumplido o la Compañía. En caso de incumplimiento por parte de cualquier Comprador Inicial según lo establecido en esta Sección 8, la Fecha de Cierre se pospondrá por un período, no superior a cinco Días Hábiles, según determinen los Representantes para que se efectúen los cambios requeridos en el Memorándum Final o en cualquier otro documento o disposición. Nada de lo contenido en este Acuerdo eximirá a ningún Comprador Inicial incumplido de su responsabilidad, si la hubiere, hacia la Compañía o cualquier Comprador Inicial no incumplido por los daños ocasionados por su incumplimiento en virtud del presente documento.”

“9. Terminación. Este Acuerdo estará sujeto a terminación a discreción absoluta de los Representantes, mediante aviso entregado a la Compañía antes de la entrega y pago de los Valores, si en cualquier momento antes de dicho momento (i) se suspende o limita la negociación de valores en general en la Bolsa de Santiago, la Bolsa de Nueva York o el Mercado Nacional Nasdaq, o se establecen precios mínimos en cualquiera de dichas bolsas o en el Mercado Nacional Nasdaq; (ii) se suspende la negociación de cualquier valor emitido o garantizado por la Compañía en cualquier bolsa o mercado extrabursátil; (iii) se declara una moratoria bancaria en Nueva York por parte de las autoridades federales o estatales de Nueva York o en Chile por el Banco Central de Chile u otro regulador gubernamental competente; o (iv) ocurre un brote o escalada de hostilidades, declaración por parte de Estados Unidos de una emergencia nacional o guerra, u otra calamidad o crisis cuyos efectos en los mercados financieros hagan, en el juicio razonable de los Representantes, impracticable o inadecuado proceder con la oferta, venta o entrega de los Valores según lo contemplado en este Acuerdo, el Memorándum de Tiempo de Venta y el Memorándum Final (excluyendo cualquier enmienda o suplemento al respecto).

10. Representaciones, Pactos e Indemnizaciones que Perduran. Los acuerdos, representaciones, garantías, indemnizaciones y otras declaraciones de la Compañía o sus funcionarios y de los Compradores Iniciales establecidos en o hechos conforme a este Acuerdo permanecerán en pleno vigor y efecto, independientemente de cualquier investigación realizada por o en nombre de los Compradores Iniciales o la Compañía o cualquiera de los funcionarios, directores o personas controladoras mencionadas en la Sección 7 del presente, y sobrevivirán a la entrega y pago de los Valores. Las disposiciones de las Secciones 5(p) y 7 del presente sobrevivirán a la terminación o cancelación de este Acuerdo.

11. Reconocimiento de los Regímenes Especiales de EE. UU.

(a) En caso de que algún Comprador Inicial que sea una Entidad Cubierta esté sujeto a un procedimiento bajo un Régimen Especial de EE. UU., la transferencia de este Acuerdo por parte de dicho Comprador Inicial, y cualquier interés y obligación en o bajo este Acuerdo, será efectiva en la misma medida en que la transferencia sería efectiva bajo el Régimen Especial de EE. UU. si este Acuerdo, y cualquier interés y obligación, estuvieran regidos por las leyes de Estados Unidos o de un estado de Estados Unidos.

(b) En caso de que algún Comprador Inicial que sea una Entidad Cubierta o un Afiliado de la Ley de Sociedades Bancarias de tal Comprador Inicial esté sujeto a un procedimiento bajo un Régimen Especial de EE. UU., los Derechos por Incumplimiento bajo este Acuerdo que puedan ejercerse contra dicho Comprador Inicial están permitidos que se ejerzan en no mayor medida de lo que podrían ejercerse bajo el Régimen Especial de EE. UU. si este Acuerdo estuviera regido por las leyes de Estados Unidos o de un estado de Estados Unidos.

12. Notificaciones. Todas las comunicaciones en virtud del presente serán por escrito y solo serán efectivas al ser recibidas, y, si se envían a los Representantes, se enviarán por correo, entrega o fax a BofA Securities, Inc., en 114 W 47% Street NY8-114-07-01, Nueva York, Nueva York 10036, Fax: 1-646-855-5958, Atención: Administración de Transacciones de Alto Grado Legal, Correo electrónico: [email protected]; Citigroup Global Markets Inc., en 388 Greenwich Street, Nueva York, Nueva York 10013, Atención: Asesor General, Fax: 1-646-291-1469; J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, en 383 Madison Avenue, Nueva York, Nueva York 10179; Atención: Mercados de Deuda de América Latina; Santander US Capital Markets LLC, en 437 Madison Avenue, Nueva York, NY 10022, Atención: Mercados de Deuda; Correo electrónico: DCMAmericastOsantander.us; Fax: 1-212-407-0930, y, o, si se envían a la Compañía, se enviarán por correo o entrega a la Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile, c/o Macarena Vargas Losada como Asesora General (N°: 56-982-339-427, correo electrónico: [email protected]; [email protected]) Huérfanos 1270, Santiago, Región Metropolitana, Chile, Código Postal 8340424, Atención: Departamento Legal.

13. Sucesores. Este Acuerdo será en beneficio y obligatorio para las partes aquí presentes y sus respectivos sucesores y los funcionarios y directores y personas controladoras mencionadas en la Sección 7 del presente, y, excepto según lo establecido expresamente en la Sección 5(j) del presente, ninguna otra persona tendrá ningún derecho u obligación en virtud del mismo.

14. Jurisdicción. La Compañía acuerda que cualquier demanda, acción o procedimiento contra la Compañía presentada por cualquier Comprador Inicial, los directores, funcionarios, empleados, afiliados y agentes de cualquier Comprador Inicial, o por cualquier persona que controle a cualquier Comprador Inicial, derivada de o basada en este Acuerdo o las transacciones contempladas en el mismo, podrá ser iniciada en cualquier tribunal estatal de Nueva York o federal de EE. UU. ubicado en el Distrito de Manhattan, la Ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, y renuncia, en la medida legalmente permitida, a cualquier objeción que pueda tener ahora o en el futuro respecto a la competencia del tribunal para cualquier procedimiento, y se somete irrevocablemente a la jurisdicción no exclusiva de dichos tribunales en cualquier demanda, acción o procedimiento. La Compañía ha designado a Cogency Global Inc. como su agente autorizado (el Agente Autorizado) sobre quien

39 se podrá notificar en cualquier demanda, acción o procedimiento derivado de o basado en este Acuerdo o las transacciones contempladas en el mismo que pueda ser iniciado en cualquier tribunal estatal o federal en la Ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, por cualquier Comprador Inicial, los directores, funcionarios, empleados, afiliados y agentes de cualquier Comprador Inicial, o por cualquier persona que controle a cualquier Comprador Inicial, y acepta expresamente la jurisdicción no exclusiva de dicho tribunal en relación con cualquier demanda, acción o procedimiento. La Compañía declara y garantiza que el Agente Autorizado ha aceptado tal designación y ha acordado actuar como dicho agente para la notificación de procesos, y la Compañía acuerda tomar cualquier acción, incluyendo la presentación de cualquier documento que pueda ser necesario para mantener dicha designación en pleno vigor y efecto como se ha indicado. La notificación de procesos al Agente Autorizado se considerará, en todos los aspectos, notificación de procesos efectiva a la Compañía. No obstante lo anterior, cualquier acción derivada de o basada en este Acuerdo podrá ser iniciada por cualquier Comprador Inicial, los directores, funcionarios, empleados, afiliados y agentes de cualquier Comprador Inicial, o por cualquier persona que controle a cualquier Comprador Inicial, en cualquier tribunal competente en Chile. La Compañía renuncia irrevocablemente al juicio por jurado en cualquier acción legal o procedimiento relacionado con este Acuerdo y para cualquier contrademanda relacionada con el mismo. La Compañía reconoce que cada Comprador Inicial está celebrando este Acuerdo en confianza en dicha renuncia.

15. Ley Aplicable. Este Acuerdo y cualquier reclamo, controversia o disputa derivada de o relacionada con este Acuerdo se regirán y se interpretarán de acuerdo con las leyes del Estado de Nueva York aplicables a los contratos celebrados y que deban ejecutarse dentro del Estado de Nueva York.

16. Moneda. Cada referencia en este Acuerdo a dólares estadounidenses (la moneda relevante) es esencial. En la medida máxima permitida por la ley, la obligación de la Compañía con respecto a cualquier monto adeudado en virtud de este Acuerdo, no obstante cualquier pago en cualquier otra moneda (ya sea en virtud de una sentencia o de otro modo), se extinguirá únicamente en la medida del monto en la moneda relevante que la parte con derecho a recibir dicho pago pueda, de acuerdo con sus procedimientos normales, adquirir con la suma pagada en dicha otra moneda (después de cualquier prima y costos de cambio) el Día Hábil inmediatamente siguiente al día en que dicha parte reciba dicho pago. Si el monto en la moneda relevante que pueda adquirirse por cualquier motivo resulta insuficiente en comparación con el monto originalmente adeudado, la Compañía pagará tales montos adicionales, en la moneda relevante, que sean necesarios para compensar la insuficiencia. Cualquier obligación de la Compañía no extinguida por dicho pago será, en la medida máxima permitida por la ley aplicable, exigible como una obligación separada e independiente y, hasta su extinción según lo dispuesto en el presente, continuará en pleno vigor y efecto.

17. Renuncia de Inmunidad. En la medida en que la Compañía pueda tener derecho en cualquier jurisdicción en la que en cualquier momento puedan iniciarse procedimientos judiciales en virtud del presente, a reclamar para sí misma o sus ingresos o activos cualquier inmunidad, incluida la inmunidad soberana, de demanda, jurisdicción, embargo en auxilio de la ejecución de una sentencia o antes de una sentencia, ejecución de una sentencia o cualquier otro proceso legal con respecto a sus obligaciones en virtud del presente, y en la medida en que en dicha jurisdicción se pueda atribuir a la Compañía tal inmunidad (ya sea o no reclamada), la Compañía acuerda irrevocablemente no reclamar y renuncia irrevocablemente a tal inmunidad en la medida máxima permitida por la ley, excepto que (i) para el embargo y venta judicial de concesiones mineras e instalaciones y otros bienes permanentemente dedicados a la exploración o extracción de minerales relacionados con dichas concesiones mineras, excepto con respecto a hipotecas, se requerirá el consentimiento de la Compañía y se otorgará en el mismo procedimiento judicial en el que se solicite el embargo y la venta (según lo establecido en el Artículo 226 del Código de Minería de Chile); y (ii) de conformidad con la Constitución chilena, las concesiones mineras correspondientes a yacimientos mineros explotados por la Compañía a su creación en 1976 no pueden estar sujetas a embargo ni a ningún acto de disposición por parte de la Compañía. Cada renuncia es vinculante según la ley chilena y permanece en pleno vigor y efecto. No obstante lo anterior, cualquier acción basada en este Acuerdo podrá ser iniciada por los Compradores Iniciales en cualquier tribunal competente en Chile.

18. Pago Libre de Cargos. Todos los pagos que deba realizar la Compañía en virtud de este Acuerdo se realizarán libres de, y sin deducción o retención por o en cuenta de, impuestos, gravámenes, aranceles, derechos, tasas, evaluaciones u otros cargos de cualquier naturaleza (incluidos los montos que resulten del pago de tarifas, compensación o reembolso de costos contemplados en este Acuerdo o en la Escritura de Fideicomiso), impuestos por Chile, o por cualquier departamento, agencia u otra subdivisión política o autoridad tributaria de este, y todos los intereses, penalidades u otras responsabilidades similares con respecto a los mismos (colectivamente, “Impuestos Chilenos”). Si se requiere por ley deducir o retener Impuestos Chilenos en relación con dichos pagos, la Compañía pagará montos adicionales que sean necesarios para que los Compradores Iniciales reciban el monto completo de dicho pago, excepto que no se pagarán montos adicionales con respecto a tales impuestos, gravámenes, aranceles, derechos, tasas o cargos (1) impuestos por motivo de que un Comprador Inicial o un tenedor actual de cualquiera de los Valores tenga alguna conexión con la jurisdicción que impone el impuesto que no sea únicamente como resultado de su participación como Comprador Inicial en virtud del presente o (ii) impuestos por el incumplimiento de un Comprador Inicial o un tenedor actual de cualquiera de los Valores de cualquier requisito de certificación, identificación u otro informe, si dicho cumplimiento es requerido por ley aplicable como condición previa para obtener alivio o exención de tales impuestos, gravámenes, aranceles, derechos, tasas o cargos.

19. Copias. Este Acuerdo podrá ser ejecutado en uno o más ejemplares, cada uno de los cuales constituirá un original y todos juntos constituirán un solo y mismo instrumento. Los ejemplares podrán entregarse por fax, correo electrónico (incluyendo cualquier firma electrónica cubierta por la Ley federal de ESIGN de 2000, la Ley Uniforme de Transacciones Electrónicas, la Ley de Firmas y Registros Electrónicos u otra ley aplicable, por ejemplo, www.docusign.com) u otro método de transmisión y cualquier ejemplar entregado de esta manera se considerará que ha sido entregado debidamente y será válido y efectivo para todos los fines.”

20. Encabezados. Los encabezados de sección utilizados aquí son solo para conveniencia y no afectarán la construcción del presente documento.

21. Definiciones. Los términos que siguen, cuando se utilicen en este Acuerdo, tendrán los significados indicados.

Ley significará la Ley de Valores de 1933, según enmendada, y las normas y regulaciones de la Comisión promulgadas en virtud de la misma.

Afiliado tendrá el significado especificado en la Regla 501(b) de la Regulación D.

41 Día Hábil significará cualquier día que no sea sábado, domingo o feriado legal, o un día en que las instituciones bancarias o las compañías fiduciarias estén autorizadas u obligadas por ley a cerrar en la Ciudad de Nueva York, Nueva York, EE. UU. o Santiago, Chile.

Afiliado de la Ley BHC tendrá el significado asignado al término afiliado en, y se interpretará de acuerdo con, 12 U.S.C. § 1841(k).
Chile significará la República de Chile.
Comisión significará la Comisión de Valores y Bolsa.

Entidad Cubierta significa cualquiera de lo siguiente: (1) una entidad cubierta según se define ese término, e interpretada de acuerdo con, 12 C.F.R. § 252.82(b);

(ii) un banco cubierto según se define ese término, e interpretado de acuerdo con, 12 C.F.R. § 47.3(b); o

(iii) un FST cubierto según se define ese término, e interpretado de acuerdo con, 12 C.F.R. § 382.2(b).

Derecho de Incumplimiento tendrá el significado asignado a ese término, y se interpretará de acuerdo con, 12 C.F.R. §§ 252.81, 47.2 o 382.1, según corresponda.

Ley de Bolsa significará la Ley de Bolsa de Valores de 1934, según enmendada, y las normas y regulaciones de la Comisión promulgadas en virtud de la misma.

Hora de Ejecución significará las 6:00 p.m., hora de la Ciudad de Nueva York, el 23 de enero de 2024.

Ley de Sociedades de Inversión significará la Ley de Sociedades de Inversión de 1940, según enmendada, y las normas y regulaciones de la Comisión promulgadas en virtud de la misma.

Regulación D significará la Regulación D bajo la Ley.
Regulación S significará la Regulación S bajo la Ley.

Ley de Fideicomiso significará la Ley de Fideicomiso de 1939, según enmendada, y las normas y regulaciones de la Comisión promulgadas en virtud de la misma.

Régimen Especial de Resolución de EE. UU. significa cada uno de (1) la Ley de Seguro de Depósitos Federales y las regulaciones promulgadas en virtud de la misma y (ii) el Título II de la Ley de Reforma de Wall Street y Protección al Consumidor de Dodd-Frank y las regulaciones promulgadas en virtud de la misma.

42 Si lo anterior se ajusta a su comprensión de nuestro acuerdo, por favor firme y devuélvanos la copia adjunta del mismo, mediante lo cual este Acuerdo y su aceptación representarán un acuerdo vinculante entre la Compañía y varios Compradores Iniciales.

Muy atentamente,


Por: Lucila Siskind
Título: Jefa Interina de Finanzas

[Página de firma del Acuerdo de Compra]

El presente Acuerdo se confirma y acepta en la fecha arriba indicada,

BofA Securities, Inc.

Nombre: Maxim Volkow
Título: Director Ejecutivo

Citigroup Global Markets Inc.


J.P. Morgan Securities LLC


Santander US Capital Markets LLC


Por sí mismos y los otros Varios Compradores Iniciales nombrados en el Anexo I del presente Acuerdo.

[Página de firma del Acuerdo de Compra]

El presente Acuerdo se confirma y acepta en la fecha arriba indicada.

BofA Securities, Inc.


Citigroup Global Markets Inc.

Nombre: Adam D. Bordner
Título: Director Ejecutivo

J.P. Morgan Securities LLC


Santander US Capital Markets LLC


Por sí mismos y los otros Varios Compradores Iniciales nombrados en el Anexo I del presente Acuerdo.

[Página de firma del Acuerdo de Compra]

El presente Acuerdo se confirma y acepta en la fecha arriba indicada.

BofA Securities, Inc.


Citigroup Global Markets Inc.


J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

Nombre: Lane Feler
Título: Director Ejecutivo

Santander US Capital Markets LLC


Por sí mismos y los otros Varios Compradores Iniciales nombrados en el Anexo I del presente Acuerdo.

[Página de firma del Acuerdo de Compra]


El presente Acuerdo se confirma y acepta en la fecha arriba indicada.

BofA Securities, Inc.


Citigroup Global Markets Inc.


J.P. Morgan Securities LLC


Santander US Capital Markets LLC

Nombre: Richard Zobkiw
Título: Director Ejecutivo

Por sí mismos y los otros Varios Compradores Iniciales nombrados en el Anexo I del presente Acuerdo.

[Página de firma del Acuerdo de Compra]


Monto Principal de Notas al 6.300% Monto Principal de Notas al 6.440% Notas Vencimiento Compradores Iniciales 2053 2036 BofA Securities, Inc. U.S.$125,000,000 U.S.$375,000,000 Citigroup Global Markets Inc. U.S.$125,000,000 U.S.$375,000,000 J.P. Morgan Securities LLC U.S.$125,000,000 U.S.$375,000,000 Santander US Capital Markets LLC U.S.$125,000,000 U.S.$375,000,000

Total U.S.$500,000,000 U.S.$1,500,000,000


Memorándum de la Hora de Venta
1. Memorándum Preliminar, con fecha del 23 de enero de 2024,
2. Hoja de Términos de Precio, con fecha del 23 de enero de 2024, en la forma establecida en el Anexo B-1 adjunto.

3. Hoja de Términos de Precio, con fecha del 23 de enero de 2024, en la forma establecida en el Anexo B-2 adjunto.


Restricciones de Venta para Ofertas y Ventas fuera de los Estados Unidos

(1) (a) Los Valores no han sido y no serán registrados bajo la Ley y no pueden ser ofrecidos o vendidos dentro de los Estados Unidos o a, o en beneficio de, personas estadounidenses, excepto en virtud de una exención de, o en una transacción no sujeta a, los requisitos de registro de la Ley. Cada Comprador Inicial declara y acuerda que, excepto según lo permitido por la Sección 4(a)(i) del Acuerdo al que esto es un anexo, no ha ofrecido ni vendido, ni ofrecerá ni venderá, ningún Valor que forme parte de su asignación a personas estadounidenses (término que no incluirá a distribuidores u otros fiduciarios profesionales en los Estados Unidos que actúen de manera discrecional para propietarios extranjeros (que no sean una sucesión o fideicomiso)).
En consecuencia, cada Comprador Inicial declara y acuerda que ni él ni ninguno de sus Afiliados ni ninguna persona que actúe en su nombre o en nombre de ellos ha realizado o realizará esfuerzos de venta dirigidos con respecto a los Valores. Los términos utilizados en este párrafo tienen los significados que se les otorgan en la Regulación S.

(b) Cada Comprador Inicial también declara y acuerda que no ha celebrado ni celebrará ningún acuerdo contractual con ningún distribuidor (según se define ese término en la Regulación S) con respecto a la distribución de los Valores, excepto con sus Afiliados o con el consentimiento previo por escrito de la Compañía.

(2) Cada Comprador Inicial, por separado y no conjuntamente, declara, garantiza y acuerda que:

(a) solo ha comunicado o ha hecho que se comunique y solo comunicará o hará que se comunique cualquier invitación o incentivo para participar en actividades de inversión (en el sentido de la Sección 21 de la FSMA) recibido por él en relación con la emisión o venta de cualquier Valor que sea objeto de la oferta contemplada en el Memorándum de Oferta en circunstancias en las que la Sección 21(1) de la FSMA no se aplique a la Compañía;

(b) ha cumplido y cumplirá con todas las disposiciones aplicables de la Ley de Servicios y Mercados Financieros de 2000 (la FSMA) con respecto a cualquier cosa realizada por él en relación con los Valores en, desde o que involucre al Reino Unido;

(c) no ha ofrecido, vendido ni puesto a disposición de ninguna otra forma y no ofrecerá, venderá ni pondrá a disposición de ninguna otra forma ninguna nota a ningún inversor minorista en el Espacio Económico Europeo. Para los fines de esta disposición:

A. la expresión inversor minorista significa una persona que es una (o más) de las siguientes:

(i) un cliente minorista según se define en el punto (11) del Artículo 4(1) de la Directiva 2014/65/UE (según enmendada, MiFID II); o

(ii) un cliente dentro del significado de la Directiva (UE) 2016/97 (según enmendada, la Directiva de Distribución de Seguros), donde ese cliente no calificaría como cliente profesional según se define en el punto (10) del Artículo 4(1) de MiFID II; o

(iii) un inversor no cualificado según se define en el Reglamento (UE) 2017/1129 (según enmendado, el Reglamento de Folletos); y

B. la expresión oferta incluye la comunicación en cualquier forma y por cualquier medio de información suficiente sobre los términos de la oferta y las notas que se ofrecerán para permitir a un inversor decidir comprar o suscribir las notas; y

(d) no ha ofrecido, vendido ni puesto a disposición de ninguna otra forma y no ofrecerá, venderá ni pondrá a disposición de ninguna otra forma ninguna nota a ningún inversor minorista en el Reino Unido. Para los fines de esta disposición:

A. la expresión inversor minorista significa una persona que es una (o más) de las siguientes:

(i) un cliente minorista según se define en el punto (8) del Artículo 2 del Reglamento (UE) N.º 2017/565 tal como forma parte de la legislación nacional en virtud de la Ley de Retiro de la Unión Europea (EUWA); o

(ii) un cliente dentro del significado de las disposiciones de la FSMA y cualquier regla o regulación emitida en virtud de la FSMA para implementar la Directiva de Distribución de Seguros (UE) 2016/97, donde ese cliente no calificaría como cliente profesional, según se define en el punto (8) del Artículo 2(1) del Reglamento (UE) N.º 600/2014 tal como forma parte de la legislación nacional en virtud de la EUWA; o

(iii) un inversor no cualificado según se define en el Reglamento de Folletos tal como forma parte de la legislación nacional en virtud de la EUWA.


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

U.S.$500,000,000 Notas al 6.300% con vencimiento en 2053

Hoja de Términos de Precio


Descripción de la Seguridad:

Tipo de Oferta: Monto Principal: Fecha de Vencimiento: Cupón:

Precio de Emisión:

Rendimiento de Reapertura:

Diferencial con respecto al Tesoro de Referencia: Tesoro de Referencia:

Precio y Rendimiento del Tesoro de Referencia:

Ingresos Brutos para el Emisor (excluyendo intereses devengados):

Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Notas al 6.300% con vencimiento en 2053 (las Notas) (para consolidar, constituir una emisión adicional de, tener términos y condiciones idénticos a, clasificar igualmente con, formar una serie única con y ser completamente fungibles con el monto principal agregado de U.S.$700,000,000 de sus Notas al 6.300% con vencimiento en 2053 emitidas el 8 de septiembre de 2023 (las notas existentes de 2053), excepto que cualquier nueva Nota emitida en virtud de la Regulación S se negociará por separado bajo números temporales de CUSIP, ISIN y código común hasta la expiración de un período restringido de 40 días bajo la Regulación S).

Regla 144A Regulación S


8 de septiembre de 2053


94.306% más intereses devengados desde e incluyendo el 8 de septiembre de 2023 hasta, pero excluyendo, el 26 de enero de 2024, totalizando U.S.$12,075,000, más intereses devengados, si los hubiera, desde el 26 de enero de 2024

+235 puntos básicos

4.125% con vencimiento el 15 de agosto de 2053

95-17; 4.396%


Fechas de Pago de Intereses:

Fecha de Negociación: Fecha de Liquidación:

Redención Opcional:

Redención Fiscal:

Montos Adicionales:

Convención de Cálculo de Días:

Denominaciones Mínimas:

Cotización Esperada: Calificaciones del Emisor*:

Calificaciones de la Emisión*:

8 de marzo y 8 de septiembre de cada año, comenzando el 8 de marzo de 2024. Los intereses se devengan desde el 8 de septiembre de 2023 (la fecha de emisión de las notas existentes de 2053).

23 de enero de 2024 26 de enero de 2024 (T’+3)

Llamada de Pago Compensatorio: Antes del 8 de marzo de 2053 (la fecha que es seis meses antes de la fecha de vencimiento), a T+30 puntos básicos

Llamada al Par: A partir del 8 de marzo de 2053 (la fecha que es seis meses antes de la fecha de vencimiento)

Las Notas son redimibles a opción del Emisor en su totalidad, pero no en parte, en cualquier momento al monto principal de las mismas, más los intereses devengados y no pagados y cualquier monto adicional debido en ellas si, como resultado de un cambio en las leyes o regulaciones que afecten la tributación chilena que se anuncie o entre en vigencia después de la fecha del acuerdo de compra de las Notas, el Emisor queda obligado a pagar montos adicionales en pagos de intereses sobre las Notas con respecto a la retención o deducción de impuestos chilenos a una tasa superior al 4%.

En caso de retención por ciertos impuestos impuestos por Chile, el Emisor pagará montos adicionales.


U.S.$200,000 U.S.$1,000

Luxemburgo Euro MTF

Baa1, estable BBB+, estable (Moodys S&P)

Baa1 BBB+ (Moodys S&P)

Gerentes Conjuntos de Libros: BofA Securities, Inc.
Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Santander US Capital Markets LLC

144A CUSIP ISIN (igual que las notas originales de 2053 21987B BHO US21987BBH06):

Regulación S CUSIP ISIN (después de la expiración del período restringido de 40 días bajo la Regulación S) (igual que las notas originales de 2053):

Regulación S CUSIP ISIN (antes de la expiración del período restringido de 40 días bajo la Regulación S):

“A securities rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time.

This communication is intended for the sole use of the person to whom it is provided by the sender.

The Notes have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act), and are being offered only (i) to qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act and (ii) outside the United States in compliance with Regulation S under the Securities Act.

Delivery of the Notes is expected on or about January 26, 2024, which will be the third business day following the date of pricing of the Notes (this settlement cycle being referred to as T+3). Under Rule 15c6-1 of the Exchange Act, trades in the secondary market generally are required to settle in two business days, unless the parties to any such trade expressly agree otherwise. Accordingly, purchasers who wish to trade Notes prior to the delivery of the Notes may be required, by virtue of the fact that the Notes initially will settle in T+3, to specify an alternate settlement cycle at the time of any such trade to prevent a failed settlement. Purchasers of the Notes who wish to trade Notes prior to their date of delivery hereunder should consult their own advisor.

The information in this term sheet supplements the Preliminary Offering Memorandum and supersedes the information in the Preliminary Offering Memorandum to the extent inconsistent with the information in the Preliminary Offering Memorandum. This term sheet should be read in conjunction with the Preliminary Offering Memorandum.

The Notes to which this pricing term sheet relates are not intended to be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to, and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the European Economic Area (EEA). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of: (1) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of Directive 201465EU (as amended, MiFID II); (11) a customer within the meaning of Directive 201697EU (as amended, the IDD), where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in Regulation (EU) 20171129 (as amended or superseded, the Prospectus Regulation). Consequently, no key information document required by Regulation No 12862014EU (as amended, the PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling any securities or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA has been prepared and therefore offering or selling any securities or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.

This pricing term sheet is only being distributed to, and is only directed at, persons who are outside the United Kingdom or persons in the United Kingdom that are (1) investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the Order) or (11) high net worth entities, and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)](a) to (d) of the Order (each such person being referred to as a relevant person). The securities are only available to, and any invitation, offer or agreement to subscribe, purchase or otherwise acquire such securities will be engaged in only with, relevant persons. Any person in the United Kingdom that is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this document or any of its contents.

The Notes to which this pricing term sheet relates are not intended to be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to, and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the United Kingdom. For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017565 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (the EUWA); (11) a customer within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the FSMA) and any rules or regulations made under the FSMA to implement IDD, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 6002014 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in Article 2 of the Prospectus Regulation as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA. Consequently, no key information document required by the PRIIPs Regulation as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA (the UK PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling any securities or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the United Kingdom has been prepared and therefore offering or selling any securities or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the United Kingdom may be unlawful under the UK PRIIPs Regulation.



Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

U.S.$1,500,000,000 6.440% Notes due 2036

Pricing Term Sheet


Corporación Nacional del Cobre de Chile

Security Description: 6.440% Notes due 2036 (the Notes)

Type of Offering: Rule 144A Regulation S

Principal Amount: U.S.$1,500,000,000

Maturity Date: January 26, 2036

Coupon: 6.440%

Issue Price: 99.942% plus accrued interest, if any, from January 26, 2024

Yield to Maturity: 6.447%

Spread to Benchmark Treasury: +230 bps

Benchmark Treasury: 4.500% due November 15, 2033

Benchmark Treasury Price and Yield: 102-26; 4.147%

Gross Proceeds to Issuer: U.S.$1,499,130,000

Interest Payment Dates: January 26 and July 26 of each year, commencing on July 26, 2024. Interest accrues from January 26, 2024.

Trade Date: January 23, 2024

Settlement Date: January 26, 2024 (T+3)

Optional Redemption:

Make-whole Call: Prior to October 26, 2035 (the date that is three months prior to the maturity date), at T+35 bps

Par Call: On or after October 26, 2035 (the date that is three months prior to the maturity date)

Tax Redemption: The Notes are redeemable at the option of the Issuer in whole, but not in part, at any time at the principal amount thereof, plus accrued and unpaid interest and any additional amounts due thereon if, as a result of a change in the laws or regulations affecting Chilean taxation that is announced or becomes effective on or after the date of the agreement to purchase the Notes, the Issuer becomes obligated to pay additional amounts on interest payments on the Notes in respect of withholding or deduction of Chilean tax at a rate in excess of 4%.

Additional Amounts: In the event of withholding on account of certain taxes imposed by Chile, the Issuer will pay additional amounts.

Day Count Convention: 30 360

Minimum Denominations: U.S.$200,000 U.S.$1,000

Expected Listing: Luxembourg Euro MTF

Issuer Ratings*: Baal, stable BBB+, stable (Moodys SázP) Issue Ratings*: Baal BBB+ (Moodys S£P)

Joint Book-Running Managers: BofA Securities, Inc. Citigroup Global Markets Inc. J.P. Morgan Securities LLC Santander US Capital Markets LLC

144A CUSIP ISIN: 21987B BK3 US21987BBK35 Regulation S CUSIP ISIN: P3143N BTO0 USP3143NBT02

*A securities rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold securities and may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time.

This communication is intended for the sole use of the person to whom it is provided by the sender.

The Notes have not been registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the Securities Act), and are being offered only (i) to qualified institutional buyers under Rule 144A of the Securities Act and (ii) outside the United States in compliance with Regulation S under the Securities Act.

Delivery of the Notes is expected on or about January 26, 2024, which will be the third business day following the date of pricing of the Notes (this settlement cycle being referred to as T+3). Under Rule 15c6-1 of the Exchange Act, trades in the secondary market generally are required to settle in two business days, unless the parties to any such trade expressly agree otherwise. Accordingly, purchasers who wish to trade Notes prior to the delivery of the Notes may be required, by virtue of the fact that the Notes initially will settle in T+3, to specify an alternate settlement cycle at the time of any such trade to prevent a failed settlement. Purchasers of the Notes who wish to trade Notes prior to their date of delivery hereunder should consult their own advisor.

The information in this term sheet supplements the Preliminary Offering Memorandum and supersedes the information in the Preliminary Offering Memorandum to the extent inconsistent with the information in the Preliminary Offering Memorandum. This term sheet should be read in conjunction with the Preliminary Offering Memorandum.

The Notes to which this pricing term sheet relates are not intended to be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to, and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the European Economic Area (EEA). For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of: (1) a retail client as defined in point (11) of Article 4(1) of Directive 201465EU (as amended, MiFID II); (11) a customer within the meaning of Directive 201697EU (as amended, the IDD), where that customer would not qualify as a professional client as defined in point (10) of Article 4(1) of MiFID II; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in Regulation (EU) 20171129 (as amended or superseded, the Prospectus Regulation). Consequently, no key information document required by Regulation No 12862014EU (as amended, the PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling any securities or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the EEA has been prepared and therefore offering or selling any securities or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the EEA may be unlawful under the PRIIPs Regulation.

This pricing term sheet is only being distributed to, and is only directed at, persons who are outside the United Kingdom or persons in the United Kingdom that are (1) investment professionals falling within Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (the Order) or (11) high net worth entities, and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)](a) to (d) of the Order (each such person being referred to as a relevant person). The securities are only available to, and any invitation, offer or agreement to subscribe, purchase or otherwise acquire such securities will be engaged in only with, relevant persons. Any person in the United Kingdom that is not a relevant person should not act or rely on this document or any of its contents.

The Notes to which this pricing term sheet relates are not intended to be offered, sold, or otherwise made available to, and should not be offered, sold or otherwise made available to any retail investor in the United Kingdom. For these purposes, a retail investor means a person who is one (or more) of: (i) a retail client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 2017565 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (the EUWA); (11) a customer within the meaning of the provisions of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (the FSMA) and any rules or regulations made under the FSMA to implement IDD, where that customer would not qualify as a professional client, as defined in point (8) of Article 2(1) of Regulation (EU) No 6002014 as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA; or (iii) not a qualified investor as defined in Article 2 of the Prospectus Regulation as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA. Consequently, no key information document required by the PRIIPs Regulation as it forms part of domestic law by virtue of the EUWA (the UK PRIIPs Regulation) for offering or selling any securities or otherwise making them available to retail investors in the United Kingdom has been prepared and therefore offering or selling any securities or otherwise making them available to any retail investor in the United Kingdom may be unlawful under the UK PRIIPs Regulation.


Link al archivo en CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=f5f5412efade5e2252e5a7d941666488VFdwQmVVNUVRWGhOUkVFeFQxUlJlRTVCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1706216341

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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