Santiago, October 27, 2022
Mrs. Solange Berstein Jáuregui
Financial Market Commission
Av. Libertador Bernardo O’Higgins 1449
Ref.: ESSENTIAL FACT. Codelco – Chile, Registration of Securities Registry No. 785.
Ref.: Essential fact. Modification of Electricity Purchase Agreement
From our consideration,
By virtue of the provisions of article 9, second paragraph of article 10 of Law 18,045 on the Securities Market and General Rule No. 30 of the Commission for the Financial Market, I would like to inform you that on October 27, 2022, the National Copper Corporation of Chile (“Codelco”) and Colbún S.A. agreed to modify the Electricity Purchase Agreement signed between the parties on January 20. of 2010 (“the Contract”), in order to gradually transform Codelco’s energy supply – currently based on coal – into one based on renewable generation. The agreement establishes that, as of 2026, Colbún will provide a supply to Codelco only based on renewable energy, for 1.0 TWh per year, as specified in the Contract, which remains valid until 2044.
The price, term and indexation terms agreed with Colbún reflect the market conditions for long-term contracts and the type of supply committed, among other usual conditions for this type of agreement.
Yours faithfully
Angel Aninat
Link to the file in CMFChile: