Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

COCA COLA EMBONOR S.A. 2023-04-20 T-12: 32


S Letter Ember:


Securities Registry N*0622

Santiago, April 20, 2023

Financial Market Commission

Dear Sir or Madam:

Pursuant to Article 9? and in the subsection
second of Article 10? of Law 18.045, being duly empowered, I come in
communicate as an Essential Fact, that at the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders of Coca-
Cola Embonor S.A. held on this same date, it was agreed, among other matters, the


The Annual Report, the Balance Sheet, the Company’s Financial Statements and
Report of the external audit firm corresponding to the year 2022.

The payment of a total final dividend amounting to Ch$29,952,849,630 was approved,
corresponding to $57.14286 per Series A share and $60 per share
of Series B, which comprises: (i) a mandatory minimum equivalent to 18.55484%
of the net profits of the year 2022 which, together with the provisional dividend
paid by the Company on December 20, 2022, is equivalent to 30% of the
distributable net income for 2022; and (ii) an additional dividend
equivalent to 15.78065% of the distributable net profits of the year 2022.

The mandatory minimum dividend that was agreed to be distributed will be paid as of the 19th
May 2023. For its part, the additional dividend that was agreed to distribute will be
Paid August 24, 2023.

The Board of Directors of the Society was renewed, which was formed by the following
Principal and Alternate Directors, who will last in their functions for the term
two-year statutory agreement:



| Andrés Vicuña García-Huidobro Andrés Vicuña Tagle

Diego Hernán Vicuña García-Huidobro Hernán Vicuña Sutil

Jorge Lesser Garcia-Huidobro Jose Miguel Bambach Salvatore

Leonidas Vial Echeverria Jacinta Vicuña Tagle

José Tomás Errázuriz Grez Carola Trucco Horwitz
| 205€

Manuel Antonio Tocornal Astoreca (Independent) | Paz Ovalle Puelma (Independent)


| Felipe Zegers Vial (Independent) Héctor Lehuedé Blanlot (Independent)

4. The remuneration of the Company’s Directors and members was approved
of the Directors’ Committee.

5. The appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores Auditores SpA was approved
as an external audit firm for the financial year 2023.

6. The designation as risk rating companies for the financial year 2023 was approved
a Feller-Rate Clasificadora de Riesgo Ltda. and ICR Clasificadora de Riesgo Ltda.

7. The designation of the newspapers “El Mercurio” of Santiago and “La Estrella de Santiago” was approved.
Arica” for the purposes of future summons to Shareholders’ Meetings.

Yours sincerely yours,

ca Recabarren

General Manager
Coca Cola Embonor S.A.

C.ec: Santiago Stock Exchange
Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile
Risk Classification Commission

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=db033604f33df03c88cf47b9bb68f271VFdwQmVVMTZRVEJOUkVVeVQxUlZlVTlCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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