Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

COAGRA S.A. 2023-03-24 T-14: 47





San Francisco de Mostazal, March 24, 2023


Solange Berstein Jáuregui


Financial Market Commission

Ref.: Communicates summons to Board
Ordinary of COAGRA S.A.

Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with the provisions of articles 9 and 10 of the Law
N* 18.045 on the Securities Market, Article 63 of Law N* 18.046, on Companies
Anonymous, as well as instructed by the Commission for the Financial Market (“CMF”) in the
General Standard N* 30, duly authorized I come to inform you, as
of Essential Fact, the following:

On March 24, 2023, the Board of Directors of the company
my management agreed to call the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting to be held at 10:30 a.m. on the 13th
of April 2023, at the offices of the Company located at Panamericana Sur Km. 62.9, San
Francisco de Mostazal, in order to submit to the consideration of the shareholders of the
Society the following matters:

a) Approval of the Report, Balance Sheet, Financial Statements and their
corresponding notes and opinions of the external auditors, corresponding to the
exercise between 1? January and December 31, 2022;

b) Treatment of the results of the Fiscal Year 2022;

c) Distribution of profits and distribution of against the results of the year 2022;

(d) To fix the remuneration of Directors;

e) Appointment of the External Auditors for the Financial Year 2023;

1 Report on Board of Directors’ resolutions relating to the type of operations to be carried out
refers to Title XVI of the Law on Corporations;

2) Report on the dividend policy starting in 2023;

h) Designation of the newspaper for the legal publications of the year 2023;

1) Other matters pertaining to Ordinary Shareholders’ Meetings, in accordance with the

Articles of association and the legal provisions in force.


The Board also agreed to empower the General Manager and the
Administration and Finance Manager to carry out all procedures, communications and
publications that are necessary to carry out the Board.

In due course, notices of
corresponding citation, in the terms provided for such purposes by Section II of the
General Standard N? 30.

Shareholders are reminded that they are entitled to receive
Dividends, if approved by the shareholders’ meeting, and which have been instructed
timely to Coagra make the payment of the ISFUT for all or part of the shares
registered in your name at midnight on the fifth working day preceding the date of celebration of
the Meeting, the percentage with respect to the amount of the Dividends that correspond to them for said
actions together with all expenses incurred by Coagra to make the full payment of ISFUT, as well as
as well as the next dividends to be distributed, will be allocated by Coagra to pay the
ISFUT. In such a way, said Shareholders will bear the cost of the payment of said tax.
together with all associated expenses, for the amount that corresponds to them.

That, in accordance with the provisions of the General Standard
435 and Circular Letter N*1.141 of this Commission for the Financial Market, the board of directors of
the Society agreed to implement a mechanism and procedure to enable
remote participation of shareholders through technological means, as well as to
other persons who by law and regulations must attend, all of the above together with the
corresponding remote voting mechanisms.

The details of the aforementioned mechanism, as well as the procedure for
Registration and accreditation to participate and vote remotely, is available at
the Company’s website.

Yours sincerely yours,

sejfio Garjfh-Jchmid (24 Mar 2023 13:32 ADT)
c.c.: Stock Exchanges

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=5b107346b750a5be73f01efd72a1018eVFdwQmVVMTZRWHBOUkVWNVRsUlplazFuUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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