Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

CINTAC S.A. 2022-04-12 T-18: 42



Open Joint Stock Company
Registration in the Securities Registry N* 438

Santiago, April 12, 2022

Financial Market Commission
Avenida Libertador Bernardo O”Higgins N* 1449


From our consideration:

In compliance with the provisions of articles 9? and 10% of Law No. 18,045 and in the
General Rule N*30 of the Commission for the Financial Market, by the
I hereby inform you, as an Essential Fact, of the following:

a) Yesterday the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting was held in
the one that approved the Integrated Report and the Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year 2021;
profit for the year, distribution and dividend policy; the remuneration of the
Board of Directors and the Directors’ Committee and the expense budget of this Committee; the
appointment of EY firm as external auditors and appointment of Fitch firms
Chile Clasificadora de Riesgos Limitada and Clasificadora de Riesgos Humphreys Limitada,
as risk classifiers by 2022; the Committee’s Annual Management Report
Directors; the designation of the Diario Financiero as a newspaper to carry out the
publication of notices to Shareholders’ Meetings; and operations with
related parties referred to in Title XVI of Law No. 18,046.

At the same meeting it was agreed to distribute the final dividend N*88 amounting to
US$0.05129262 per share, in pesos, using the “observed dollar” exchange rate
for yesterday, equivalent to $41.7665546136 per share. The
Dividend will be paid as of April 27, 2022.

In relation to the above, and in accordance with Commission Circular No. 660 for the
Financial Market, attached we send Form N* 1 for the distribution of the dividend
final approved by the Board, which indicates the form of payment thereof.


Likewise, the total early renewal of the Board of Directors was carried out, being elected:

. Roberto de Andraca Adriasola

Claudia Bobadilla Ferrer

Abel Bouchon Silva

Julio Bertrand Planella

Maria Cecilia Facetti de Savoldi

Felipe Díaz Ramos (as Independent Director)
Fernando Rioseco Zorn (as Independent Director)

A copy of the minutes of the ordinary meeting shall be sent in due course to the Commission for the
Financial market.

b) At the first meeting of the Directors elected to the Board, held on the same
On April 11, 2022, unanimously of the attendees, the following were taken

. It was agreed to appoint Mrs. María as President of the Board of Directors and of the Company.
Cecilia Facetti de Savoldi; and as Vice President Mrs. Claudia Bobadilla Ferrer.

. Moreover, in accordance with art. 50 bis of Law N* 18.046, the Directors
Independent Felipe Díaz Ramos and Fernando Rioseco Zorn became
member of the Company’s Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors agreed to appoint
as the third member of this Committee, Mrs. Claudia Bobadilla Ferrer.
Likewise, Mr. Felipe was elected as Chairman of the Directors’ Committee.
Diaz Ramos.

Sincerely yours,

Patrick Merello Hitschfeld
General Manager



Distribution of Dividends

0.01 Original Information: Sl 0.02 Submitted date: 12.04.2022
1. Identification of the Society and the Movement
1.01 R.U.T. 92.544.000-0 1.02 Shipping date

Original form: 12.04.2022
1.03 Company Name: Cintac S.A.

1.04 N* Securities Registry: 0438
1.05 Series affects: Single
1.06 Bag code: Cintac.

1.07 – Indiv. of the Mov. 88

2. Agreement and Dividend Amount
2.01 Agreement date: 11.04.2022
2.02 Taking of agreement: 1

2.03 Dividend Amount: 18,369,648,895

2.04 Currency type: $

3. Shares and Entitled Shareholders
3.01 Number of shares: 439,817,195

3.02 Deadline: 21.04.2022


Camino a Lonquén 11011 Maipú, RM, Chile.
+56 2 24849200




4. Nature of the Dividend

4.01 Dividend rate: 2

4.02 Year-end: 31.12.2021

4.03 Method of payment: 1

5. Payment of the Dividend in Money (either in cash or optional in cash or


5.01 Payment in money: 41,7665546136/acc.

5.02 Type of currency: $

5.03 Date of payment: 27.04.2022

6. Distribution of Optional Dividend in Shares

6.01 Start date option: —

6.02 Option End Date: —

6.03 Title delivery date: —

6.04 Series to choose: —

6.05 Accs. Post. – Mov.: —

6.06 R.U.T. soc. station:–

6.07 Stock Exchange Code: —

6.08 Stock factor: — shares to be received for a
Action c/right.

6.09 Share price: — /acc.

6.10 Currency Type: —


Camino a Lonquén 11011 Maipú, RM, Chile.

+56 2 24849200



7. Remarks

– The payment of this dividend will be made through deposit in account
bank or savings current and for those shareholders who withdraw
Check or voucher seen directly, must do so in any of
the branches of Banco BCI, throughout the country.

– The notice of dividend payment will be published in “Diario Financiero” on
April 13, 2022.

– Cintac S.A. is an Open Public Limited Company.

Declaration: The information contained in this form is the faithful expression
to the truth, for which I assume the corresponding legal responsibility.

tricio Merello Hitschfeld
Name and signature Legal Representative


Camino a Lonquén 11011 Maipú, RM, Chile.
+56 2 24849200


Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=f7b3c3205ec98c0d68e52e9785501484VFdwQmVVMXFRVEJOUkVVd1RYcEZORTVuUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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