Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




Zurich Chile Life Insurance S.A.

Santiago, November 3, 2022


Solange Berstein


Financial Market Commission

Ref.: Essential Fact – Change of company name

From our consideration,

Duly authorized by the Board of Directors of Chilena Consolidada Seguros de Vida S.A. (the
“Company”), and in accordance with the provisions of the final paragraph of article 9 of D.F.L. N* 251, in
relationship with Article 10 of Law N? 18.045 of the Securities Market, and in Circular N* 991 of the
Commission for the Financial Market, we communicate to you as an Essential Fact of the Company
The following:

The Company has concluded the legal process of change of corporate name changing it from Chilean
Consolidated Seguros de Vida S.A. to Zurich Chile Seguros de Vida S.A.

This change is part of the strategy of the Zurich Group, of which we have been part since last year.
1991. The Zurich Group is present in 170 countries, was founded in 1872 (this year is celebrating its
150th anniversary) and serves 55 million customers globally through its 56,000 employees.
It has the highest risk ratings, such as the AAA rating in MSCI’s ESG rating and
AA of Standard and Poors. Its operating result at the end of 2021 was 5,700 million dollars.

The change of name of the Company does not imply any modification to the products of
our clients and neither in their current policies, which maintain the same terms and conditions
in force to date.

On our new website www.zurich.cl you can find more information regarding the
change of corporate name of the Company, including the legal background that accounts for it.

Yours sincerely yours,

Digitally signed by
Sebastian Dabini.
Start Date: 2022.11.02 18:24:44
Sebastian Dabini
General Manager

Zurich Chile Life Insurance S.A.

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=b3978e4a0a65124adb3e0b778d5824c5VFdwQmVVMXFSWGhOUkZGNFQxUmplRTVCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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