Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

CGE TRANSMISION S.A. 2023-05-16 T-12:55



Santiago, May 16, 2023.

Open Joint Stock Company
Securities Registration No. 1,204


Solange Berstein Jáuregui


Financial Market Commission

REF: Communicates essential fact.
For your consideration:

In accordance with the provisions of Article 92 and paragraph 22 of Article 102 of Law 18,045, Securities Market Law, the provisions of General Rule No. 30 of that commission, and duly authorized by the Board of Directors, I hereby inform you of the following essential fact or information:

At the Ordinary Board Meeting held on November 29, 2021, the Board unanimously approved the new general policy on regular operations with related parties, in accordance with and for the purposes expressed in the final paragraph of Article 147 of Law No. 18,046, as amended by Law No. 20,382, which introduced amendments to the regulations governing Corporate Governance of Companies.

The aforementioned policy for CGE Transmisión S.A. includes all the ordinary transactions that the Company usually carries out with related parties in consideration of its line of business, which are detailed below:

– Contracts for the provision of collection and invoicing services, administration, consulting and financial management, internal audit and compliance, business processes and solutions, people and payroll management, accounting, supplier payment and expense control, tax consulting, purchasing and insurance consulting and management, records management and legal services.

– Financial transactions related to mercantile current account contracts and/or mutual or money lending or money borrowing contracts.

– Contracts for the provision of information technology, communications, call center and general services.

– Lease or rental contracts for offices, personal property, equipment, vehicles and other items used in the ordinary course of business.

– Provision of advisory services in the design and use of office space.

– Transactions of a financial nature or financial intermediation with banking companies or their subsidiaries, such as fixed or variable income financial investments, purchase and sale of foreign currencies, financial derivatives, time deposits, overdraft lines, promissory note loans, letters of credit, guarantee slips, rate hedges, options and futures; granting of guarantees, surety bonds and joint and several co-debt or other guarantees and, in general, current account transactions.

– Logistics contracts.

– Contracts for the operation and maintenance of electrical installations of any kind, distribution, transmission and transformation of electricity, maintenance of electrical equipment and installations and of any other type, telemetry and telecontrol systems (Scada), construction of lines and substations, construction and maintenance of power lines and transformers and planimetry services.

– Contracts for the construction of projects in the national, zonal and dedicated transmission system and toll contracts for the use of electricity transmission and transformation facilities of any kind.

– Engineering and design services contracts in any of its fields or specialties, particularly in electrical engineering, as well as environmental consulting and/or management contracts.

– Contracts for the acquisition, sale, exchange, lease or loan of transformers, electrical conductors, installations, equipment and electrical materials and supplies, and the provision of services associated with this equipment, such as oil analysis, repairs and assemblies.

– Provision of services of installation, verification and certification of meters, meter reading, supply cut-off and replacement, preparation of electrical projects, construction and maintenance of low, medium and high voltage energized networks, emergency and claims attention in electrical distribution networks, measurement and recording of electrical variables, mobile generation in distribution networks, supervision and control of telecommunication supports on poles, construction, administration and technical inspection of works, and administration of telemetry systems (SAT).

– Provision of thermographic inspection, revision and diagnosis services for transformers.

– Purchase and sale of energy and electric power.

– Provision of tariff process management services, including those related to new replacement value, operating costs and revenues, processes for setting distribution value added and service tariffs, determination of supply tariffs applicable to end customers subject to price setting and regulated tariffs for distribution tolls and prices of services not consisting of electricity associated with the supply of energy.

– Provision of centralized administration services for the purchase of energy and power, including the administration of transmission facility tolling contracts and the integral management of bids for regulated customers, as well as the subsequent administration of supply contracts for regulated and free customers, both current and new.

– Provision of services of analysis and preparation of energy and power purchase and sale margin quotes.

– Provision of administration services for requests to expand the distribution concession area and supervision of its correct operation.

– Provision of advisory services in the administration of contracts with free customers, in the negotiation and preparation of offers for new supply contracts for free customers and in the monthly calculation of the margin of the same contracts.

– Provision of services related to network planning and development, distribution system automation, quality of service, maintenance and dispatch plans.

– Provision of services related to the administration of collections, management of non-technical losses, surveys, complementary services and works for third parties.

– Provision of services related to preparation, control and follow-up of the annual budget and long-term projections and project studies and evaluations.

– Provision of services related to internal and external communications, stakeholder management and corporate social responsibility.

– Provision of brand image and corporate marketing services.

– Provision of account statement delivery services and collection and collection of sales prices of products or services in the retail business.

Finally, it is important to note that the full text of the aforementioned resolution will be made available to the shareholders at the Company’s corporate offices and on the Company’s website.

Yours sincerely yours,

CGE Transmission S.A.

Paula Romero Miño

Link to the file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=b939cc540f2cf77528b2bd4110bac4c7VFdwQmVVMTZRVEZOUkVsM1QxUnJNazVCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1684256401

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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