Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

CF SEGUROS DE VIDA S.A. 2022-12-01 T-15:39


CF Life Insurance

In Santiago, December 01, 2022


Solange Berstein


Financial Market Commission

Dear Sir or Madam:

In compliance with the provisions of circulars numbers 660 and 991, both of the
Commission for the Financial Market, duly empowered for this purpose, I come to inform
as an Essential Fact, the following:

At a special meeting of the Board of Directors, held on the same date, the
Distribution of a provisional dividend charged to the profits of the year 2022 of
$4,672,898 (four million six hundred and seventy-two thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight) for
action. The aforementioned dividend will be paid on December 27, 2022, to shareholders who
are registered in the Shareholders’ Register on December 21, 2022. Herself
attaches form N* 1 in accordance with the provisions of the circulars
Nos. 660 and 991 of the Commission for the Financial Market.

Yours sincerely yours,

Ana Cobo Montalvo

General Manager
CF Seguros de Vida S.A

CF Life Insurance

CF Life Insurance

Form N* 1
Dividend Distribution

10.01 Original Information: YES (yes/no) Submitted on: 01/12/22 (DDMMYY)

Ification of society and movement

1.01 R.. U.T.:76.477.116-8 1.02 – Date sent
form.original: 011222 (DDMMYA)
1.03 Company name: – CF Seguros de Vida S.A.

1.04 N*Reg. Of values: NO 105 series: UNICA

1.06 Stock exchange code: > 1.07: _ Indiv. Mov.: 10

2. Agreement and amount of the dividend

2.01 – Date of agreement: 01 12 2022 (DD MM AA)

2.02 – Taking of the agreement: (3) (1. General Board. Ordin. Of acc; 2: Extraordinary joint.
of acc.; 3: Board session)

2.03 Dividend amount: $5,000,000,860 2.04 Currency type: —

3. Shares and shareholders with rights
3.01 Number of shares: 1070 3.02 Deadline: ” 211222 (DDMMYA)

(1: Provisional; 2: Def. minimum obligation;

3: Definitive, additional or eventual)

4.02 – Year-end: 31 12 22 (DD MM AA)

14.03 Form of page: (1: In money; 2:0ptativo in money or shares
of the issue itself: 3:Optional in money or
shares of another company; 4: Other modality)

5. __ Payment of the dividend in money (either in cash or optional in money or shares)
5.01 – Payment in money: $4,672,898/acc. 5.02 – Currency type:
5.03 _ Date of payment: 27 12 22 (DD MM AA)

6. Distribution of the optional dividend in shares

16.01 – Option start date (DD MM AA)

16.02 – Option End Date: (DD MM YYY)

16.03 – Title delivery date: (DD MM AA)

16.04 Series to be chosen: (only if the option is on shares of the
own issuance)

16.05 aces. Post-mov: (only if the option is on shares of the
own issuance)

16.05 – R.U.T. soc. issuer: (only if the option is on shares of the

which the company owns)
16.07 – Stock Exchange Code:
16.08 – Shares factor: shares to be received for one share w/right
16.09 – Share price: lacc.

16.10 Currency Type: $


+ CF Seguros de Vida S.
constitutes income affected by the Complementary or Additional Global Tax, with a qualification|

. informs that according to current tax regulations, this dividend

Provisional tax corresponding to profits with credit with a rate of 27%.

+ This dividend is provisional against the profits of the Fiscal Year 2022.

+ Payment will be made by nominative check or transfer from 09:00 to 17:00 hrs., from Monday to
Friday at the offices of the Society, located at Moneda N* 970, 13th floor, Santiago. They will be carried out]
deposits in current accounts or certified offices to their addresses to those shareholders]
That they had requested it in writing.

+ The dividend distribution notice will be published in the newspaper La Nación, on December 2,

+ CF Seguros de Vida S.A., is a closed public limited company

Statement: “The information contained in this form is the faithful expression of truth,
so I assume the corresponding legal responsibility”

Name and signature legal representative

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=77518f5ba175a1287ddb04727ec36b93VFdwQmVVMXFSWGxOUkZFeFQwUnJlRTVSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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