Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl



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Santiago, August 1, 2022

GG 126

Solange Berstein Jáuregui
Financial Market Commission
Av. Liberator Bernardo O’Higgins 1449,
Ref.: Cesce Chile Aseguradora S.A. – Communicates Relevant Fact

Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of Law 18,045, as well as the instructions in
by this Commission in Circular N* 662, Circular N* 991 and in NCG N* 30, by this act I communicate to
as a matter of fact, the following:

1. That, by means of Exempt Resolution N* 4388, dated July 13, 2022, the Commission for the
Mercado Financiero approved the modification of the bylaws of Cesce Chile Aseguradora S.A., which, among others,
matters, involved the approval of a capital increase of the company in the amount of $ 712,776,000,
divided into 341,859 new ordinary, registered payment shares with no par value, all of one

same and unique series and without any privilege.

2. That, on July 19, 2022, the Board of Directors meeting in special session agreed to the
issuance of the shares and commenced the preferential option period for subscription of shares.

3. That, by public deed dated July 27, 2022, granted at the Notary of Don Humberto
Quezada Moreno, Repertoire N” 6.894-2022, the minority shareholder of the Company, “Cesce Servicios
Corporativos, S.L.U. S.M.E.”, holder of 1 share, proceeded to renounce its right to subscribe to the
new shares that may correspond to it under the capital increase.

4. That, in response to the resignation of the minority shareholder, the Board of Directors meeting in session
extraordinary dated July 29, 2022, proceeded to offer all the shares derived from the
capital increase to the majority shareholder of the Company, “Consorcio Internacional de Aseguradoadores de
Crédito S.A.-S.M.E”, holder of the remaining 1,810,518 shares, at the same price agreed at the Meeting

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Extraordinary Shareholders dated May 31, 2022, who on the same date proceeded to subscribe

and pay in full for new shares.

5. That, the placement price of the new shares subscribed by “Consorcio Internacional de
Aseguradoadores de Crédito S.A.-S.M.E.”, amounts to $712,776,000, which has been paid to full satisfaction
of this Company, and which correspond to the 341,859 new shares in which the increase in
capital, remaining, therefore, the capital approved at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on 31
May 2022, fully subscribed and paid.

Yours sincerely yours,

Fúlvio Pe fsico Perrot

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=61f1943299c0221bb230d0c8685da0a5VFdwQmVVMXFRVFJOUkVrMVQxUlpNMDFSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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