Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

CEMENTO POLPAICO S.A. 2022-04-22 T-14:45


6) Polpaico ¿,,* BSA

Cemento Polpaico S.A.
Registration Registry of Values N*103

Santiago, April 22, 2022

Solange Berstein Jáuregui

Financial Market Commission

Ref.: Essential Fact

From our consideration:

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 9, 10 and 68 of Law No. 18,045 on the
Values and in the General Standard N? 30 and Commission Circular No 660
for the Financial Market, and being duly empowered to do so, I inform you with
character of Essential Fact, that with this date the Ordinary Meeting of Shareholders was held
of Cemento Polpaico S.A. (“Polpaico” or the “Company”), at the time and place indicated in
the summons and in the respective notices.

The Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting adopted the following resolutions:

1) The Annual Report, the Balance Sheet, the Financial Statements and the Auditors’ Report were approved.
External, for the year ended December 31, 2021;

2) It was agreed to distribute a final dividend in the amount equivalent to 100% of the
Earnings for the year 2021, which corresponds to $505.23446 per share. The dividend
It will be paid: a) by means of a mandatory minimum dividend equivalent to $151.57034 per
action, from 29 April 2022; (b) by means of one or more dividends
additional amounts in the aggregate amount of $353.66412 per share, payable during the
fiscal year 2022, on the date or dates defined by the Board of Directors of Polpaico, which has
been expressly empowered by the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for these purposes. Herself
accompanies Annex N*1 of Circular N* 660, which provides the information
relating to the payment of the agreed minimum mandatory dividend.

Shareholders who so decide, will be able to access the legal and transitory and optional regime
which provides for the payment of a substitute tax for final taxes (i.e.
substitute for the complementary global tax or additional tax) also called
“ISFUT”, in accordance with the provisions of transitory article 25 of Law 21,210 and
indicated in Circulars 43/2020 and 39/2021 and in Offices 215/2021 and 2762/2021, all
of the Internal Revenue Service. For these purposes, it was made available to the lords
shareholders, a procedure that was published on April 21, 2022 on the website of
the Company (https://www.polpaico.cl/inversionistas/) and on the website of the Central Repository
of Securities (https://www.dcv.cl/es/centro-de-noticias/boletines.html)

3) The Dividend Policy for 2022 was approved;

á) Polpaico ¿7 BSA

4) The Board of Directors of the Company was elected, which was composed of the people
which are indicated below and for a period of 3 years:

Alternate Incumbents
Marcos Biichi Buc Arturo Bulnes Concha
Felipe Silva Mendez Ignacio Hurtado Burr
Juan Carlos Hurtado Cruzat Jorge Granic Latorre
Sebastián Ríos Rivas Patricio Montes Astaburuaga
José Picasso Salinas José Ignacio de Romaña Letts
Andrés Sebastián Segú Undurraga José Tomás Edwards Mayor
María del Pilar Lamana Gaete Paula Levín Salgado

Mrs. María del Pilar Lamana Gaete and Paula Levín Salgado, were elected directors
independent of the Company, in the capacity of titular and alternate, respectively.

5) The remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and the Directors’ Committee was agreed,
as well as the latter’s operating expenditure budget;

6) The company was appointed as an external audit firm for the financial year 2022
PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores Auditores SpA;

7) Reported on transactions with related parties referred to in Title XVI
of the Law of Corporations, held during the year 2022;

8) Reported on the activities and expenses of the Directors’ Committee during the year
2021 and its Annual Management Report;

9) The electronic newspaper “El Líbero” was designated to carry out the social publications that
are relevant.

After the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, and in the ordinary meeting of the Board of Directors, we proceeded
to elect Mr. Marcos Biichi Buc as President of the Society, and Mr. Felipe Silva
Méndez as Vice President of the same. At the same meeting, it was noted that the
Directors’ Committee referred to in Article 50 bis of Law No. 18,046, was integrated
by Mrs. María del Pilar Lamana Gaete (Independent Director), and by Mr.
Felipe Silva Méndez and Andrés Segú Undurraga.

Yours sincerely yours,

C.C.: Santiago Stock Exchange, Santiago Stock Exchange.
Bolsa Electrónica de Chile, Stock Exchange.


Submitted on 22-04-2022
1.01 R.U.T. 91.337.000-7 1.02 Form. Original 22-04-2022
1.03 Name of the Company CEMENTO POLPAICO S.A.
1.04 N* Securities Registry 0103 1.05 Series Affects 3 UNIQUE

1.06 POLPAICO Stock Exchange Code 1.07 of movement 107
2.01 Agreement date 22-04-2022 (DD MM AA)
2.02 Decision taken 1 (1: Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders; 2: Together

extraordinary shareholders; 3: Board Session)
2.03 Dividend Amount 12,901,273,658 2.04 Currency Type : $
3.01 Number of shares , 25,535,221 3.02 Deadline 23-04-2022 (DD MM AA)
4.01 Dividend rate: 2 (1: Provisional; 2: Definitive minimum mandatory; 3: Final additional or eventual)
4.02 Year-end 31-12-2021 (DD MM AA)
4.03 Method of payment: 1 (1: In money; 2: Optional in money or shares of the issue itself;

3: Optional in money or shares of other companies; 4: Other modality)
5. PAYMENT OF THE DIVIDEND IN MONEY (either in cash or optional in money or shares)
5.01 Payment in money $ 151.57034.- per share 5.02 Type of currency $
5.03 Payment date 29-04-2022 (DD MM AA)

(Continued reverse)


6.01 Start Date Option y (DD MM YY)

6.02 Dateterm option -: (DD MM YYY)

6.03 Datedelivery titles: (DD MM AA)

6.04 Series to be eligible (only if the option is on shares of the issue itself)

6.05 aces. Post-movement

6.06 R.U.T. company emiso (only if the option is on shares owned by the company)

6.07 Stock Exchange Code

6.08 Factoracciones shares receivable x 1 ace, c/derecho
6.09 – Share price 4 ace. 6.10 Type of currency:

¡. This dividend N* 107 is final minimum mandatory, approved at the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held on April 22, 2022

ii.The mandatory minimum final dividend will be paid as of April 29, 2022, according to the payment method they maintain.
in force of the shareholders in the Register of Shareholders, on the closing day of the aforementioned Register. The modalities set out are as follows:

(a)Deposit in a bank account, held by the shareholder;
b) Sending of nominative check by mail to the address registered by the shareholder and;
OJRetiro of nominative check in the offices of the company DOV Registros S.A. or in the bank that this company has designated.

In the event that the shareholder has not registered one of the payment methods indicated above, the payment would be made through the issuance of a
shareholder, in the offices of the company DCV Registros S.A., located at Avenida Los Conquistadores 1730, 24th floor, Torre Santa María 11, commune of Providencia, of
hours, and you come between 9:00 and 16:00 hours, prior identification of the shareholder.

It is noted that all checks will be issued computationally, thus avoiding any adulteration, and shareholders must sign a receipt, express

ill. Shareholders who so decide, will be able to access the transitory and optional legal regime that contemplates the payment of a substitute tax for the final taxes (
complementary or additional tax) also called “ISFUT”, as established in transitory article 25 of Law 21,210 and indicated in the Circulare:
and 2762/2021, all from the Intemos Tax Service. For these purposes, the Company has made available to shareholders, both on its website, as €
Securities, instructions on the procedure to be followed by shareholders who opt for this regime.

iv. The publication of the dividend payment notice will be made on April 22, 2022 in the electronic newspaper “El Líbero”.

v. The tax effect of this dividend will be communicated in a timely manner to the shareholders.

* The information contained in this form is the faithful expression of truth, so I assume.
the corresponding legal responsibility”


Link to the file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=80952c92f3f64b04c5d1b64d4dd61060VFdwQmVVMXFRVEJOUkVVeFRtcEZORTEzUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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