Santander comunica colocación de bonos por $ Bonos Serie AA-10 con vencimiento 01/03/2026 y tasa de 6,53%. Bonos Serie AA-8 con vencimiento 01/09/2027 y tasa de 6,36%. Emiliano Muratore, CFO.
IPSA companies
IPSA companies
Santander comunica colocación de bonos por $ Bonos Serie AA-10 con vencimiento 01/03/2026 y tasa de 6,53%. Bonos Serie AA-8 con vencimiento 01/09/2027 y tasa de 6,36%. Emiliano Muratore, CFO.
Santander comunica hecho esencial: colocación de bonos Serie AA-10 por $ con vencimiento el 1 de marzo de 2026 y tasa promedio de 6,55%. Emiliano Muratore, CFO.
Bci informa a la CMF que se realizó una colocación parcial de bonos por UF 550.000, con vencimiento el 1 de febrero de 2031 y tasa promedio de colocación de 2.89%.
Bci informa que se citó a Junta Extraordinaria de Accionistas el 21/07/2023 para proponer aumento de capital de $600.000.000.000 mediante emisión de acciones de pago. También se delegan facultades al Directorio y se modificarán estatutos sociales. La cita
Santander informa sanción de multa de 800 UF por no informar operaciones sospechosas. Sentencia revoca fallo anterior. Cumplimos con deberes de información. Emiliano Muratore, Gerente General (S). C.c.: Bolsas de Valores.
HECHO ESENCIAL: Empresas CMPC S.A. se constituye como garante y codeudor solidario de su filial Inversiones CMPC S.A. para la emisión de un bono en México. La emisión comprende dos líneas: una a 2 años por MXN$1,600 millones en tasa flotante de TIE más 80
Santander comunica colocación de bonos por $3.000MM con vencimiento 01/09/2027 y tasa de 6,24%, y bonos por $4.500MM con vencimiento 01/03/2026 y tasa de 6,60%.
COMUNICA HECHO ESENCIAL: Dimisión del Gerente General de Enel Américas, Maurizio Bezzeccheri. Nuevo Gerente General interino, Aurelio Bustilho De Oliveira, a partir del 1 de julio de 2023. Bustilho De Oliveira sigue como Gerente de Administración, Finanza
CMPC se constituye en garante y codeudor solidario de su filial Inversiones CMPC, por un bono de US$500M, con tasa cupón de 6,125% y plazo de 10 años. La emisión es "Green and Sustainability-Linked" y es la primera de una compañía latinoamericana que reún
Banco de Chile informa colocación de bonos senior por UF 200.000, con vencimiento el 01/09/2034 y tasa promedio de colocación de 2,78%. Hecho Esencial registrado en CMF bajo número 11/2022.
Santander informa a la CMF la colocación de bonos por $3.000M con vencimiento en septiembre de 2027 y tasa promedio de 6,43%. Nemotécnico BSTDA80323.
Santander informa colocación de bonos por 600.000 UF con tasa promedio de 3,96%. Bonos Serie W-3, con nemotécnico BSTDW31218, vencimiento 01/06/2026.
Bci comunica a la CMF la colocación parcial de bonos por CLP con fecha de vencimiento 01/02/2028 y tasa promedio de 6,34%. Hecho esencial.
Banco de Chile informa colocación de bonos senior por UF 650.000, con vencimiento el 1 de agosto de 2029 y tasa promedio de colocación de 3,26%. Hecho Esencial presentado a la CMF.
Banco Santander-Chile informa colocación de bonos por $4.5B en el mercado local. Bonos Serie AA-8 por $3B con tasa de 6.58% y Bonos Serie AA-10 por $1.5B con tasa de 6.85%.
Bci comunica a la CMF la colocación parcial de bonos en el mercado local por CLP 6.500.000.000, con fecha de vencimiento 01/02/2028 y tasa promedio de colocación de 6,40%. Hecho esencial.
Bci informa a la CMF que se realizó una colocación parcial de bonos por CLP 8.500 millones, con fecha de vencimiento 01/02/2028 y tasa promedio de 6,40%. Hecho esencial comunicado según Ley 18.045 sobre Mercado de Valores.
Santander comunica a la CMF la colocación de bonos por $4.500M con vencimiento en septiembre de 2027 y tasa promedio de 6,58%. HECHO ESENCIAL.
HECHO ESENCIAL: Norte Grande S.A. informa cambio de domicilio a Av. Apoquindo N° 4700, Piso 16, comuna de Las Condes, Santiago, a partir del 12 de junio de 2023. (Registro de Valores N° 408)
Santander S.A. comunica a la CMF la colocación de bonos desmaterializados y al portador en el mercado local por un monto total de $20.650 millones de pesos, con tasas promedio de colocación de 6,80% y 6,63%, respectivamente.
Banco de Chile informa colocación de bonos senior por UF 4.000.000, con vencimiento el 1 de mayo de 2033 y tasa promedio de colocación de 2,89%. Hecho Esencial registrado en la CMF bajo el número 11/2022.
Banco de Chile informa colocación de bonos senior por UF 510.000 y UF 740.000 con vencimientos en 2029 y 2031, respectivamente, y tasas promedio de colocación de 3,39% y 2,94%.
Santander informa colocación de bonos por $47.200M con tasa promedio de 6,50% y vencimiento el 1 de diciembre de 2028. HECHO ESENCIAL enviado a la CMF.
Banco Santander-Chile informa colocación de bonos por $8.000 millones en el mercado local. Bonos Serie AA-1 por $3.000 millones con tasa de 6,35% y Bonos Serie AA-10 por $5.000 millones con tasa de 7,06%.
Bci comunica a la CMF la colocación parcial de bonos por CLP con fecha de vencimiento 01/02/2028 y tasa promedio de 6,52%. Hecho esencial.
Banco de Chile informa a la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero sobre la colocación de bonos en el mercado extranjero por JPY 6.300.000.000 con vencimiento en junio de 2025 y tasa promedio de 0,75%.
Banco de Chile informa colocación de bonos senior por UF 290.000, con vencimiento el 1 de agosto de 2029 y tasa promedio de colocación de 3,39%. Hecho Esencial registrado en CMF Chile.
Banco de Chile informa colocación de bonos senior por UF 215.000, con vencimiento el 01/09/2034 y tasa promedio de colocación de 2,78%. Hecho Esencial registrado en CMF bajo número 11/2022.
CMPC adquirió la empresa Powell Valley en Kentucky, EE. UU. por $40 millones. La transacción está sujeta a condiciones y se espera que tenga efectos positivos en los resultados de CMPC.
Banco de Chile informa colocación de bonos senior por UF 300.000, con vencimiento el 1 de diciembre de 2032 y tasa promedio de colocación de 2,96%. Hecho Esencial presentado a la CMF.
HECHO ESENCIAL: Almendral S.A. controlará directamente a Entel tras traspaso de 165.674.102 acciones, equivalentes al 54,86% de su capital social, por disolución de Inversiones Altel y Almendral Telecomunicaciones.
Banco de Chile informa a la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero sobre la colocación de bonos en el mercado extranjero por un monto nominal de 700.000.000 pesos mexicanos, con vencimiento en 3 de junio de 2027 y una tasa promedio de colocación de TIIE (28
La Polar informa a la CMF de la aprobación de un aumento de capital de $34.976.000.000 mediante la emisión de acciones de pago, y de la compraventa de todas las acciones emitidas por AD Retail. El precio de colocación de las acciones será de
La Polar informa a la CMF de la aprobación de un aumento de capital de hasta $1.000 millones de pesos chilenos mediante la emisión y colocación de hasta 100 millones de acciones de pago, sujeto a la aprobación de la Fiscalía Nacional Económica y la CMF. A
HECHO ESENCIAL: Renuncia al cargo de director presentada por Marco Antonio Araujo en Embotelladora Andina S.A. El Directorio aceptó su renuncia y designó en su reemplazo, hasta la próxima Junta Ordinaria de Accionistas, al señor Luis Felipe Coelho Duprat
Santander informa a la CMF la colocación de bonos por $ con vencimiento el 1/12/2028 y tasa promedio de 6,70%. Hecho esencial comunicado a la Presidente de la CMF.
Santander issued a Japanese yen bond for JPY 7,000,000,000, maturing on May 30, 2025 and a placement rate of 0.78%. Essential event communicated to the Financial Market Commission of Chile.
Banco de Chile reports the placement of senior bonds for UF 460,000, maturing on 09/01/2034 and with an average placement rate of 2.78%. Registration in the Securities Registry of the CMF under number 11/2022. Essential Fact communicated to the CMF.
Banco Santander-Chile reports placement of dematerialized and bearer bonds in the local market for a total amount of Ps. 4,660,000,000,000 and Ps. 1,000,000,000,000, maturing on August 1, 2026 and December 1, 2028, respectively. The average placement rate of the securities was 7.25% and 6.64%.
Santander reports to the CMF the placement of Ch$17,700 million in bonds maturing in December 2028 with an average rate of 6.68%. Essential event reported on 05/16/2023.
SMU S.A. has informed the Chilean Financial Market Commission that, by agreement of its Board of Directors, it will distribute an interim dividend of Ch$16,658,142,643, corresponding to 75% of the profits of the first quarter of fiscal year 2023, which is equivalent to Ch$2.89043 per share. The payment will be made as of June 5, 2023 to shareholders registered in the Company's Shareholders' Registry. Complete information can be found in the Commission's Circular No. 660. Shareholders may choose...
Empresas La Polar S.A. informs that an extraordinary shareholders' meeting will be held on May 31, 2023 to report on the value produced in the placement of shares and the business agreement with AD Retail. A capital increase of up to $34,976,000,000 will be proposed to implement the agreement and strengthen the Company's financial business. The notices of call will be published in the electronic newspaper "La Nación" on May 19, 20 and 21, 2023.
€) entel
Santiago, May 8, 2023
Issuer ID:
Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A.
Open Joint Stock Company
R.U.T. 92.580.000-7
Address: Avda. Costanera Sur N* 2760 Piso 22% Parque Titanium, Torre C, Las Condes,
This communication is
Resumen corto:
Entel Perú aumenta provisión por incobrables en MM$32.128 (150 millones de Soles) en Estados Financieros al 31 de marzo de 2023.
€) entel
Santiago, May 8, 2023
Issuer ID:
Empresa Nacional de Telecomunicaciones S.A.
Open Joint Stock Company
R.U.T. 92.580.000-7
Address: Avda. Costanera Sur N* 2760 Piso 22% Parque Titanium, Torre C, Las Condes,
This communication is
Resumen corto:
Entel Perú aumenta provisión por incobrables en MM$32.128 (150 millones de Soles) en Estados Financieros al 31 de marzo de 2023, sin impactos adicionales previstos.
CAP S.A. informs the Commission for the Financial Market of Chile that Jorge Salvatierra Pacheco resigned as Chairman of the Board, maintaining his position as Director, and that Juan Enrique Rassmuss Raier was appointed as the new Chairman. In addition, Carolina Schmidt Zaldívar replaces María Olivia Recart Herrera as Independent Director and Chair of the Directors' Committee. The Board of Directors will be renewed at the next Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting.
the Commission for the Financial Market the ESSENTIAL FACT of LATAM Airlines Group S.A., in which it is reported that the company must issue quarterly reports called "Post Confirmation Reports" as part of the closure of Chapter 11 Procedure in the United States of America. This fact was previously reported in an essential fact of December 2022.
Aguas Andinas informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission about the current litigation it will undertake, including four claims for compensation for damages for non-contractual and contractual liability, and a fine claim imposed by the Superintendence of Sanitary Services. The amounts claimed amount to $1.15 billion and 2,720 UTA.
ESSENTIAL FACT: Softys S.A., a subsidiary of Empresas CMPC S.A., took control of Productos Internacionales Mabe, S.A. de C.V. in Mexico, reaching a 30% share in the baby diaper market. The effects on the company's financial statements cannot be quantified.
La Polar informs the CMF that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the annual report, balance sheet and financial statements for the year 2022 were approved, EY Audit was appointed as an external audit firm for 2023, and the members of the Board of Directors were elected for the statutory period of 3 years. In addition, the remuneration of the board of directors and the members of the Directors' Committee was set for the year 2023.
Banco de Chile reports placement of senior bonds for UF 500,000, maturing on 08/01/2032 and average placement rate of 2.65%. Essential Fact registered in the CMF under number 11/2015.
Empresas La Polar S.A. informs the Commission for the Financial Market that it has entered into a Business Agreement with AD Retail S.A. to explore alternatives for the integration of its businesses, including the purchase of all shares of AD Retail and the integration of its payment card issuance subsidiaries. The operation is subject to approval by the National Economic Prosecutor's Office and the Financial Market Commission.
Antarchile reports dividend distribution of €7 per share, agreed at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting. Total dividend amount is €424,093,634, payable in cash on 12/05/2023. Place of payment: Avenida El Golf N° 140, Las Condes, Santiago.
Ripley Corp S.A. informs CMF Chile that at its Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting it was agreed to distribute an eventual dividend charged to the retained earnings of the company, which is equivalent to a definitive dividend of $20 per share to be paid as of May 18, 2023. The dividend amount is $38,721,045,960 and the deadline for payment is May 12, 2023.
Ripley Corp S.A. informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the Annual Report, the Balance Sheet and Financial Statements corresponding to the year 2022 were approved, as well as the dividend policy. No dividends will be distributed due to lack of distributable liquid earnings. New board members were elected and salaries and budgets were approved. Submitted by Sergio Alvo, Deputy General Manager.
Almendral S.A. informs the Financial Market Commission that at its ordinary shareholders' meeting the report, financial statements and dividends for a total of Ch$110,907,232,699 were approved. A dividend policy of not less than 30% will be maintained and PwC has been appointed as overseers of the administration. The electronic newspaper El Líbero will be used for publications.
The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores S.A. agreed to the distribution of a Dividend No. 327, Definitive, Mandatory Minimum, of 30% of the distributable net profit of the Fiscal Year 2022, which amounts to the total amount of US$1,668,962,843.88, which means distributing a dividend of US$0.03252078858815 per share, which will be paid on May 25, 2023.
Cencosud S.A. informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission that its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting approved the distribution of a definitive dividend of Ch$288,945,891,554, equivalent to $103 per share, and that its Extraordinary Meeting approved the purchase of treasury shares for an executive retention plan.
Empresas Copec to sell 100% of the shares of Mapco Express, Inc. for $725 million to Circle K Stores Inc. and the majority shareholders of Majors Management. The transaction is subject to customary approvals and adjustments, and is expected to close in the last quarter of 2023. The subsidiary Copec, Inc. estimates a profit of US$100 million before taxes.
Enjoy S.A. informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the report, balance sheet, financial statements and the report of the external auditors corresponding to the year 2022 were approved, the remuneration of the directors was fixed, the budget of the Directors' Committee and remuneration of its members were agreed, Deloitte Auditores y Consultores Limitada was appointed as external auditors for the annual audit of the Financial Statements for the year 2023, among other...
ESSENTIAL FACT: At the 104th Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Empresas CMPC S.A. the Balance Sheet, Financial Statements and Annual Report for the year 2022 were approved, a final dividend No. 281 of $ 0.0842 per share will be distributed as of May 10, 2023, the dividend policy for the year 2023 was taken into account and KPMG Auditores Consultores SpA was appointed as external auditors for the same year.
Aguas Andinas informs the CMF that it has reached an agreement with Eco Acquisitionco SpA in an arbitration trial for $ 65,222,222,367 for alleged breaches in the sale of Empresa de Servicios Sanitarios de Los Lagos S.A. The company paid $10,249,330,833 and assumed control of a limited group of ongoing litigation.
Administradora de Fondos de Pensiones Habitat S.A. informs that at its ordinary shareholders' meeting the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and other financial statements corresponding to the year 2022 were approved, a definitive dividend of $53 per share will be distributed and a new board of directors of eight full members and two alternates was elected. In addition, Deloitte was appointed as External Auditors for the 2023 Financial Year and the dividend, investment and financing policies were...
ESSENTIAL FACT: Grupo Security S.A. informs that at the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting it was agreed to modify the bylaws, update and modernize them, and empower the Board of Directors to develop employee compensation plans that may include the delivery of shares of own issue. The share capital is $487,697,796,138 divided into 4,042,335,913 shares.
ESSENTIAL FACT: Grupo Security S.A. informs that at the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting it was agreed to modify the bylaws, update and modernize them, and empower the Board of Directors to develop employee compensation plans that may include the delivery of shares of own issue. The share capital is $487,697,796,138 divided into 4,042,335,913 shares.
Grupo Security S.A. informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the report, balance sheet and financial statements for 2022 were approved, a definitive dividend of $10.5 per share was distributed and a new Board of Directors was elected. In addition, EY Servicios Profesionales de Auditoria y Asesorías SpA was appointed as external auditors for the financial year 2023. Bernardo Fontaine Talavera was elected as an independent director and Chairman of the Directors' Committee.
Colbún S.A. informs resolutions of Shareholders' Meetings and Extraordinary Board of Directors, including the renewal of the Board of Directors, appointment of external audit, distribution of dividends and amendments to the bylaws. In addition, it was agreed to increase the capital of the company and elect new members of the Directors' Committee.
The company Inversiones La Construcción informs the Commission for the Financial Market of Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the distribution of a definitive dividend of $400 pesos per share was approved to the shareholders registered in the Shareholders' Registry of the Company on the fifth business day prior to May 25, 2023. In addition, other agreements such as the election of directors and the appointment of risk rating companies were approved. (239 characters)
At the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Enel Chile S.A., it was agreed to distribute a final dividend of Ch$375,624,677,292 ($5.430726819359694 per share), from which the provisional dividend paid in January 2023 will be deducted. The remainder of the final dividend No. 14, amounting to Ch$353,208,321,770 ($5.106634419458630 per share), will be paid on May 26, 2023.
Viña Concha y Toro informs the Financial Market Commission that at its Extraordinary Board Session the Board of Directors of the company was elected, composed of Mr. Alfonso Larraín Santa María as President and Mr. Rafael Guilisasti Gana as Vice President. In addition, Mrs. Janet del Pilar Awad Pérez was appointed as a member of the Directors' Committee.
Viña Concha y Toro informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting it was agreed to distribute a definitive dividend of Ch$33.70 per share, as of May 19, 2023. In addition, the dividend policy of 40% of net income for the year will be maintained and a new Board of Directors will be elected.
Cencosud Shopping S.A. informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission that its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting approved the distribution of a final dividend of Ch$144,995,641,630, equivalent to $85 per share, to be paid as of May 9, 2023. In addition, PWC was appointed as external auditor for the financial year 2023 and Feller Rate and Humphreys were maintained as Private Risk Rating Agencies.
At the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Enel Generación Chile S.A., it was agreed to distribute a final dividend of Ch$179,269,507,206 ($21.85745811550486 per share), from which the provisional dividend paid in January 2023 will be deducted. The remainder of the final dividend No. 74 will be $155,438,501,400 ($18.951859615384900 per share) and will be paid on May 19, 2023.
Entel informs the Commission for the Financial Market of Chile (CMF) that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting it was agreed to distribute a dividend of $94 per share, elect new directors and keep PWC as external auditors. In addition, the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Income Statement for 2022 and the investment and financing policy were approved.
ENGIE Energía Chile S.A. informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission of the resolutions adopted at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, including not distributing dividends for 2022 and appointing EY Servicios Profesionales de Auditoría y Asesorías SpA as an external audit firm for 2023.
INDISA informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the report, balance sheet, income statements, dividend policy, remuneration of the board of directors, appointment of external auditors and risk classifiers, among others, were approved. It was also agreed to distribute Ch$3,917,861,395 as a final dividend No. 32, with the option to benefit from the Final Tax Substitute Tax. Details can be found in the respective minutes.
Pucobre and Fondo de Inversión el Espino agree to develop the copper mining project "El Espino" through the formation of a company, in which Pucobre will contribute assets and funds for US$ 290 million and will have a 76.32% stake, and FIEE will contribute funds for US$ 90 million and will have a 23.68% stake. The project will produce copper concentrate with an average of 26,000 tonnes of fine copper per year. Final agreements and project execution are subject to customary conditions for such...
Santander issued a Japanese yen bond for JPY 10,500,000,000, maturing on April 28, 2024 at a placement rate of 0.60%. Essential event communicated to the Financial Market Commission of Chile.
Embotelladora Andina S.A. informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the financial statements for 2022, the distribution of profits and the distribution of dividends, the remuneration of the directors, among other agreements, were approved. Provisional dividends were ratified and the payment of new dividends was agreed, the first from May 9 and the second from May 26, 2023.
SMU S.A. communicates to the Chilean Financial Market Commission the resolutions taken at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, including the approval of financial statements, remuneration and appointment of external auditors. In addition, the distribution of a definitive dividend of Ch$4.06695 per share, equivalent to a total amount of Ch$23,438,669,409, as of April 28, 2023, is reported.
Essential Fact Report: Banco Santander-Chile informs that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting new directors were elected and it was agreed to distribute a dividend of Ch$2.57469221 per share, charged to the profit of the year 2022. The dividend will be available from April 26, 2023. Daily retail sales declined for the ninth consecutive month, according to data from the central bank.
Falabella S.A. announces the election of Enrique Ostalé Cambiaso as Chairman of the Board and Juan Carlos Cortés Solari as Vice Chairman of the Board. In addition, Alfredo Moreno Charme joins the Board of Directors of the Company.
The company informs the Commission for the Financial Market that the value in pesos of the final dividend No. 140 will be $279.51619 per share, according to the value of the observed dollar. The dividend will be paid in dollars or pesos, according to the election of the shareholders, as agreed at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting.
Forus S.A. informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the balance sheet and financial statements for the year 2022 were approved, a final dividend of Ch$12,617,171,989 will be paid, 40% of liquid profits will be distributed as dividends for 2023, EY was appointed as external auditors and the citation notices will be published in Diario Financiero or La Segunda.
Empresas La Polar S.A. complements essential fact sent on April 14, 2023 to the Commission for the Financial Market of Chile (CMF Chile), informing about the provisions taken by the company as a precautionary measure in relation to the brands and suppliers for which complaints or complaints were filed, for a total amount of $ 2,279,675,684. They consider that the provisions taken adequately cover the company's contingencies.
Falabella S.A. informs the CMF that at its ordinary shareholders' meeting, the annual report, balance sheet, consolidated income statement and audited external auditors' opinion for the year 2022 were approved, the provisional dividend of $22 per share was ratified and the dividend policy for 2023 was approved. In addition, Deloitte Auditores y Consultores Limitada was appointed as external auditors and new directors were elected.
ESSENTIAL FACT N°3/2023: Plaza S.A. informs that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the Annual Report, Balance Sheet and Income Statement for 2022 were approved, the provisional dividend of Ch$27,440,000,000 ($14.0 per share) was ratified, Deloitte Auditores y Consultores Limitada was appointed as external auditors and Riesgo Humphreys Limitada and Feller Rate Clasificadora de Riesgo Limitada were appointed as Risk Classifiers.
Antarchile S.A. convenes an Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting for April 28, 2023, at 10:30 a.m., at Icare Headquarters, Santiago, and through technological means of remote participation. The Company's Financial Statements as of December 31, 2022, the Annual Report of the Board of Directors, the appointment of Directors, among other topics, will be put to the vote. The minimum mandatory final dividend No. 42 will be US$ 0.8834 per share.
Antarchile convenes an Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting on April 28, 2023 at 10:30 a.m., in person and remotely. Topics such as the approval of financial statements, appointment of directors, fixing of remunerations, among others, will be discussed. A mandatory minimum dividend of US$42 of US$0.9334 per share is proposed to be paid, effective May 12, 2023. Shareholders may participate in the meeting in person or remotely. More information in and
Empresas La Polar S.A. informs the Commission for the Financial Market that, after an investigation, it was found that in some specific cases the Company was the victim of fraud or deception by the suppliers or sellers of certain Under Armour, Adidas and Wrangler garments. The Company will file complaints and legal actions for compensation against those responsible. In addition, an agreement was reached with Under Armour, Inc., Forus S.A. and Adidas to end existing civil and criminal actions...
ESSENTIAL FACT: SalfaCorp S.A. reports resolutions adopted at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, including the approval of the distribution of a definitive dividend of Ch$19.45 per share, equivalent to Ch$10,695,570,307 in total, corresponding to 30% of 2022 profits. The External Audit Firm for the financial year 2023 will be PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores proposes to distribute a dividend of 30% of the distributable net profit for Fiscal Year 2022, equivalent to US$1,668,962,843.88, and convenes an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on April 27, 2023 to discuss the distribution of dividends, remuneration of the Board of Directors, appointment of the External Audit Company and other matters. The notice of convocation shall be published in the "Financial Journal" and on its website.
ESSENTIAL FACT: At the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Compañía Cervecerías Unidas S.A., Andrónico Luksic Craig, Francisco Pérez Mackenna, Pablo Granifo Lavín, Rodrigo Hinzpeter Kirberg, María Gabriela Cadenas, Carlos Molina Solís, Marc Gross, Rory Cullinan and Vittorio Corbo Lioi were elected as directors. In addition, Luksic Craig was appointed Chairman of the Board and Molina Solis as Vice President. Corbo Lioi was appointed as an independent director and member of the Directors' Committee...
ESSENTIAL FACT: CAP S.A. informs CMF Chile that the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting approved the Integrated Report and the Financial Statements for 2022, the dividend policy, the remuneration of the Board of Directors, among others. It was agreed to distribute a final dividend of US$116,455,660.56, payable as of April 25. They attach Form No. 1 for the distribution of the dividend.
Santander informs the CMF of the issuance of a bond in dollars for USD 30 million, maturing on 04/19/2024 and placement rate of 5.837%, through its EMTN program. Essential fact communicated on 12/04/2023.
Enjoy S.A. informs the Commission for the Financial Market that the merger with Dreams S.A. has been cancelled by mutual agreement. The closing of the merger was subject to conditions that were not met by July 13, 2023. The effects on Enjoy's assets, liabilities or results are unknown.
Banco Credito Inversiones (BCI) informs the Commission for the Financial Market (CMF) that a partial placement of bonds was made in the local market for an amount of CLP 31,000,000,000, with a maturity date of February 1, 2033 and an average placement rate of 6.24%. Essential fact communicated according to Law 18,045 on the Securities Market.
The Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Pucobre approved the Annual Report, balance sheet and financial statements corresponding to the year 2022, and distributed as dividends US$35,139,030, equivalent to $231.5452 per share, as of April 21, 2023. In addition, PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultores Auditores SpA was appointed as an external audit firm for the financial year 2023.
Banco de Chile informs the CMF about the placement of senior bonds for a total amount of UF 650,000, maturing on 05/01/2035 and an average placement rate of 2.50%. Essential Fact registered under number 11/2022.