Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl


IPSA companies

ANTARCHILE: ANTARCHILE S.A. 2022-04-19 T-09:47


AntarChile S.A. convenes an Ordinary General Meeting of shareholders on April 29, 2022. The Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021, the remuneration of the Board of Directors will be fixed, and the Committee's expense budget will be approved. The minimum mandatory dividend No. 41 will be US$ 0.3283 per share. Payment will be made in pesos and deposited in a bank checking account or by mail. Shareholders must be registered in the Company's Register of Shareholders by midnight on April 23...

ANTARCHILE: ANTARCHILE S.A. 2022-04-19 T-09:38


Antarchile S.A. convenes the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting on 04/29/22 at 10:30 am, through technological means of participation and remote voting. Topics such as the approval of the Company's Financial Statements as of 12/31/21 and the setting of remuneration will be discussed. In addition, the payment of the mandatory minimum final dividend No. 41, of US$ 0.3293 per share, is proposed as of 05/13/22. The notice will be published in the newspaper "El Mercurio" on 03/05/22.

MALLPLAZA: PLAZA S.A. 2022-04-18 T-19:26


Plaza S.A. informs the Financial Market Commission that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting a final and final dividend of $8.93 per share was approved, which will be paid on April 28, 2022 to shareholders holding shares registered in the Shareholders' Registry on April 22, 2022. In addition, new directors were elected and external auditors and risk classifiers were appointed.

COPEC: EMPRESAS COPEC S.A. 2022-04-14 T-09:17


Empresas Copec S.A. convenes an Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting on April 27, 2022, at 11:30 a.m., through technological means of participation and remote voting. Topics such as the approval of the Company's Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021 and the setting of the remuneration of the Board of Directors will be discussed. In addition, the payment of the mandatory minimum final dividend No. 42, of US$0.1733 per share, is proposed as of May 12, 2022.

CMPC: EMPRESAS CMPC S.A. 2022-04-13 T-22:36


Empresas CMPC S.A. is constituted as guarantor and joint debtor of its subsidiary Inversiones CMPC S.A. for a loan of US$500M, under the "Sustainability-Linked Term Loan Facility" structure. CMPC Investments shall meet sustainability objectives monitored by key performance indicators and sustainability performance objectives.



Embotelladora Andina S.A. communicates the resolutions taken at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, including the approval of the financial statements for 2021, the distribution of profits and the distribution of dividends, the appointment of external auditors and risk rating agencies, among others. Provisional dividends are ratified and a Mixed Dividend No. 221 is approved, payable in pesos, amounting to $189 for each Series A share and $207.9 for each Series B share.



Cervecerías Unidas S.A. informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission of Definitive Dividend No. 264 of $200 per share, approved by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, amounting to Ch$73,900,574,400 and will be paid on April 28, 2022 by bank voucher or bank deposit. The notice of the entitled shareholders will be published on April 20, 2022 in the newspaper El Mercurio.



Viña San Pedro Tarapacá informs the Financial Market Commission of Definitive Dividend No. 27 of $0.44850 per share, approved by the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting. Attached form is attached for the part that constitutes a mandatory minimum dividend and another for the part that constitutes an additional dividend. The notice of shareholders entitled to the dividend will be published on April 20 in the newspaper El Mercurio.

CAP: CAP S.A. 2022-04-13 T-16:49


ESSENTIAL FACT: CAP S.A. informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the Integrated Report and the Financial Statements for 2021, the dividend policy, the remuneration of the Board of Directors, among others, were approved. It was agreed to distribute as a final dividend 60% of the distributable net income for the year 2021, which amounts to US$748,421,478.6.

FALABELLA: FALABELLA S.A. 2022-04-13 T-13:32


Falabella S.A. made second placement of dematerialized and bearer bonds for UF 5,000,000 maturing on April 1, 2029 and interest rate of UF plus 3.05%. The funds will be used to refinance liabilities, investment plans and other corporate purposes. Placement agents: Banchile Corredores de Bolsa S.A. and Santander Corredores de Bolsa Limitada.



ESSENTIAL FACT: CSAV informs the Commission for the Financial Market of the receipt of the report of the independent evaluator Link Capital Partners in relation to Banco de Chile's financing proposal. The report is available at the social offices and on the CSAV website. Securities Registry No. 76.

ANTARCHILE: ANTARCHILE S.A. 2022-04-08 T-16:37


AntarChile S.A. proposes to the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting the payment of dividend No. 41 of US$0.3293 per share, single series, imputed to the profits of the year ended December 31, 2021. The dividend will be paid in pesos, according to the "observed dollar" exchange rate published in the Official Gazette on May 6, 2022. The payment will be made as of May 13, 2022 and shareholders registered in the Register of Shareholders of the Company at midnight on May 7, 2022 will be entitled...

LTM: LATAM AIRLINES GROUP S.A. 2022-04-08 T-16:28


ESSENTIAL FACT: LATAM Airlines Group S.A. informs that the Consolidated and Modified DIP Credit Agreement has been signed for a total amount of US$ 3,700 million and the initial disbursement under it has taken place in the amount of US$ 2,750 million. The Recast and Amended DIP Credit Agreement amends and recasts the Existing DIP Credit Agreement.

QUINENCO: QUIÑENCO S.A. 2022-04-07 T-20: 52


Quiñenco S.A. informs the Commission for the Financial Market of Chile that it will propose to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the distribution of a definitive dividend of Ch$567,943,692,204, equivalent to 30% of the Profit attributable to the owners of the holding company for the year 2021, of which the sum of Ch$284,767,001,333 has already been paid, as a provisional dividend in November 2021, corresponding in this opportunity to distribute the amount of $ 283,176,690,871. In addition, an...



Compañía Sud Americana de Vapores S.A. convenes an Extraordinary Meeting and an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, both in person, for April 29, 2022. Topics such as the renewal of the Board of Directors and the proposed dividend distribution of €1,322 million will be discussed. In addition, Banco de Chile's financing proposal for US$173.3 million will be submitted to the Extraordinary Meeting.

NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2022-04-07 T-19:57


Norte Grande S.A. informs the CMF that its board of directors has agreed to propose to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the distribution of 100% of the net profit for the 2021 business year, equivalent to MUS$241,072 net of taxes, as a definitive dividend. In addition, an eventual dividend of MUS$26,287 is proposed against accumulated profits. The additional final dividend will correspond to US$0.00066415 per share and the eventual to US$0.00014945 per share.

NORTEGRAN: NORTE GRANDE S.A. 2022-04-07 T-19:55


Norte Grande S.A. convenes an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 04/29/2022 at 3:00 p.m., remotely. Topics such as the approval of the Report, Balance Sheet, Financial Statements and external audit report, profit distribution, dividend policy, directors' compensation and more will be discussed. It is proposed to distribute an additional final dividend of USD$0.00066415 per share and an eventual dividend of US$0.00014945 per share. The dividend policy will remain at least 30% of net income for...

SALFACORP: SALFACORP S.A. 2022-04-07 T-17:19


ESSENTIAL FACT: SalfaCorp S.A. reports resolutions adopted at the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, including the approval of the distribution of a definitive dividend of Ch$20.55 per share, equivalent to Ch$9,245,461,173 in total, corresponding to 30% of 2021 profits. The company appointed PriceWaterhouseCoopers as the external auditor for the financial year 2022 and maintained the remuneration of the directors and members of the directors' committee.

CMPC: EMPRESAS CMPC S.A. 2022-04-07 T-16:55


Empresas CMPC convenes an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 04/28/22 to pronounce on the Annual Report, distribution of dividends, election of the Board of Directors, among others. Proposes definitive dividend payment of $0.042698 per share. Shareholders will be able to participate remotely. More information in www.cmpc.cl.



Banco Credito Inversiones (Bci) informs CMF Chile that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the Board of Directors was elected for a period of three years, with Luis Enrique Yarur Rey elected as Chairman and Juan Edgardo Goldenberg Peñafiel as Vice President. The other members of the Board of Directors are José Pablo Arellano Marin, Jorge Becerra Urbano, Mario Gómez Dubravcic, Miguel Angel Nacrur Gazali, Hernán Orellana Hurtado, Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel Dunker and Claudia Manuela Sánchez Muñoz...



Pucobre informs the CMF that at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting the distribution of a final dividend No. 53 of US$0.41080 per share, equivalent to Ch$320.15 per share, was approved. In addition, the dividend policy was set, PwC was appointed as external auditor and directors were elected. The newspaper "El Libero" and "Diario Atacama" will publish the social news of Pucobre.



Entel S.A. convenes an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on April 19, 2022 to approve the 2021 Annual Report, distribution of profits, dividend policy, among others. A final dividend of $200 per share is proposed. Remote participation and voting by shareholders will be allowed. More information at .

PARAUCO: PARQUE ARAUCO S.A. 2022-04-04 T-18:44


To ParqueArauco ESSENTIAL FACT Santiago, April 04, 2022 Mr. Kevin Cowan Logan Deputy President Financial Market Commission PRESENT Ref.: Communicates ESSENTIAL FACT of Park Arauco S.A., registration in the Securities Registry N?2 0403. Dear Sir, In my capacity as Executive Vice President of Parque Arauco S.A. (the "Company"), compliance with the provisions of article 92 and second paragraph of article 102 of the Market Law of Securities and General Rule No. 30 of the Commission for the...

COLBUN: COLBUN S.A. 2022-04-04 T-17:08


Colbún S.A. informs the Commission for the Financial Market that its Board of Directors accepted the resignation of the General Manager, Thomas Keller Lippold, and appointed José Ignacio Escobar as his replacement as of May 16. Keller will remain linked to the company as a subsidiary director and advisor to the General Manager on investment projects.

FALABELLA: FALABELLA S.A. 2022-04-01 T-14:00


Santiago, April 1, 2022 ESSENTIAL FACT 02/22 FALABELLA S.A. REGISTRATION REGISTRY OF VALUES 582 In compliance with the provisions of article 9 and second paragraph of article 10 of Law n.2 18.045, on the Securities Market, and in the Commission's General Standard n.2 30 for the Financial Market (hereinafter, the "CMF"); and, in order to disclose truthfully, sufficiently and timely the essential facts and information relating to Falabella S.A. (hereinafter, the "Company"), its business and the...

ENJOY: ENJOY S.A. 2022-04-01 T-12:06


Enjoy S.A. convenes an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on 04/27/2022 at 12:00 noon in Las Condes, with the possibility of attending remotely. Topics such as approval of memory, balance sheet and financial statements, among others, will be discussed. To participate remotely, an application must be sent to [email protected]. More information in .



Empresas La Polar S.A. informs that ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meetings were scheduled for April 19, 2022. The JOA will deal with issues such as the approval of the annual report and the distribution of profits, while the JEA will address the modification of the bylaws and other necessary agreements. The notices of convocation will be published in the electronic newspaper "La Nación" on April 4, 5 and 6, 2022.

SECURITY: GRUPO SECURITY S.A. 2022-04-01 T-09:26


SPA Corporación Financiera informs the Commission for the Financial Market about the summons to the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting of Grupo Security S.A. on April 21, 2022. Topics such as the approval of the report, balance sheet and financial statements, distribution of profits and distribution of dividends, among others, will be discussed. A dividend of $14.0.- per share is proposed with a payout date of May 2, 2022. Financial statements are available on the company's website.

BESALCO: BESALCO S.A. 2022-03-31 T-18: 37


Besalco S.A. informs the Chilean Financial Market Commission of the resolutions adopted at its Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, including the approval of the annual report and financial statements, distribution of dividends, election of the board of directors and appointment of external auditors and risk classifiers. The minimum mandatory dividend is $2.664896115759 per share and an additional dividend of $5.335103884241 per share will be distributed.



Cencosud Shopping S.A. convenes an Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting on April 22, 2022 to examine the company's situation, approve the report, balance sheet and financial statements for 2021, distribute profits, set remunerations, appoint auditors and risk rating agencies, among other issues. In addition, it is proposed to distribute a dividend of $30 per share. Shareholders will be able to participate and vote remotely.

SMU: SMU S.A. 2020-07-30 T-21:25


SMU S.A. informa a la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero de Chile que se han realizado modificaciones en los contratos de emisión de las líneas de bonos inscritas en el Registro de Valores N° 650, 667 y 668. Se han modificado los covenants relativos al E

CAP: CAP S.A. 2020-07-06 T-18:47


CAP S.A. informa a la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero de Chile que ha modificado su política general sobre operaciones con partes relacionadas y la política general de habitualidad. Las operaciones con partes relacionadas deben contribuir al interés s

SMU: SMU S.A. 2020-05-12 T-23:32


SMU S.A. comunica cambio en modalidades de pago de dividendos definitivos acordados en Junta Ordinaria de Accionistas de la Sociedad. El monto total del dividendo es de $25.937.746.410 y se informó en el Formulario N°1. Los accionistas podrán optar por de

SMU: SMU S.A. 2020-05-02 T-19:59


SMU S.A. informa renuncia de Álvaro Saieh Bendeck al cargo de Director y Vicepresidente del Directorio, efectiva desde hoy. El Directorio agradeció su trabajo y designó a María Francisca Saieh Guzmán como directora y Vicepresidente del Directorio en reemp

ALMENDRAL: ALMENDRAL S.A. 2020-04-28 T-17:41


Almendral S.A. informa a la Comisión para el Mercado Financiero que en junta ordinaria de accionistas se aprobó la memoria, estado financiero y resultados del ejercicio 2019, se distribuirá un dividendo de $1,35 por acción, se mantendrá una política de di

Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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