Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl



O Penefts

May 8, 2023


Financial Market Commission
Atn. Ms. Solange J. Berstein


Ref.: Communicates Modifications to the Articles of Incorporation of “Benefits Corredores de Seguros SpA”.

From our consideration:

Hereby, are accompanied with this date, through the CMF platform without Paper, the
antecedents indicated in literal ii) of article 7″ of the Supreme Decree of Finance N*1055, of
2012, Regulation of Insurance Trade Auxiliaries, communicating the amendments to the
Articles of Incorporation of the company “Benefits Corredores de Seguros SpA” (hereinafter, the “Company”).

The amendments that have been introduced to the Articles of Incorporation of the Company are those detailed as follows:


By public deed dated December 14, 2022, granted at the Notary of Santiago
of Mrs. María Soledad Lascar Merino, under repertoire number 71.236-2022, was divided
the Company in two companies by shares, their assets being distributed among them,
leaving the Company as a legal continuator with the same Single Tax Role,
and a new company was established called “ASESORÍAS E INVERSIONES RONOPAO
SpA”. As a result of the aforementioned division, the share capital of the Company was reduced.
to the sum of $1,000,000.- (one million pesos), remaining in the amount of 99,000
ordinary shares, nominative, without par value, of the same and only series and of equal
value each. An extract of said public deed was registered on page 108,638
48,352 in the Commercial Registry of the Real Estate Conservator of Santiago,
corresponding to the year 2022 and was published in the Official Gazette on December 30

By public deed dated December 16, 2022, granted at the Notary of Santiago
of Mrs. María Soledad Lascar Merino, under repertoire number 72.090-2022,
increased the capital of the Company to the sum of $2,017,090,000.- (two thousand seventeen million)
ninety thousand pesos), divided into 2,115,090 ordinary, nominative, worthless shares
nominal, of the same and unique series and of equal value each. An excerpt from that deed
public was registered on pages 4,045 number 1,793 in the Commercial Registry of the Conservator

of Real Estate of Santiago, corresponding to the year 2023 and was published in the Diario
Official dated January 12, 2023.

Attached hereto are certified copies of the public deeds of amendments to the
bylaws of the Company referred to above, together with the protocolizations of the
entries in the Commercial Register and publications in the Official Journal of the respective

It is noted that the social changes referred to above have had no impact on
the management of the Company, nor have they affected the financial, patrimonial, legal, contractual situation,
operational or any other nature of the Company, which has maintained in full
Operation and development of services to its customers without any alteration. Additionally,
states that the registration of the Company before this Commission remains in full force
as an insurance broker, in full compliance with its obligations, with them
representatives, directors and shareholders, in the same proportion, that it held until
before the social modifications indicated herein.

Yours sincerely yours,

Mario Rodrigo Chacon Rojas
Legal Representative
p.p. Benefits Corredores de Seguros SpA

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=eb5919efebdb6136d9d9d33a962c3a95VFdwQmVVMTZRVEZOUkVVMVQwUk5OVTFSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1683584401

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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