Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl



Signed electronically. CVE: 3B66F074

In Santiago de Chile, to 1? of September 2022, being 10:00 hours, in the social offices,
located in Rosario Norte Street N * 532, office 1401, commune of Las Condes, began the
Extraordinary Meeting of the Board of Directors of the company AMM Agencia de Valores SpA, (hereinafter the
“Society”). Directors David Cohen Vaizer, Marcelo Zucker Alvo and María Francisca attended

Tampier Ramirez.

This session was chaired by Mr. David Cohen Vaizer, in his capacity as Chairman of the Board of Directors and of the
Society and acted as secretary of minutes Mrs. María Francisca Tampier Ramírez.

l. Formalities.

The chairperson asked to record in the minutes that the unanimity of the
directors of the Company, the summons being omitted, in accordance with the provisions of the bylaws
of the Company, by Article 84 of the LSA Regulations and by the LSA itself.

Ll. Installation.

The President pointed out that, since the unanimity of the Directors in Office was present,
The session was considered constituted and began.

Tl. Board.

The Chair commented that the present regular session was specifically intended to submit to the
Consideration of the Board of Directors the following matters:

(a) Resignation of General Manager.

(b) Appointment of New General Manager.
(c) Revocation of Powers.

(d) Granting of New Powers.

(e) Designation of Risk Manager.
Iv. Development of the table.

(a) Resignation of General Manager.

First, the President told those present that the resignation had been formally received.
of the General Manager Mr. Alejandro Cavassa, with effect from this same date, who has decided
undertake new professional challenges.

The Board of Directors unanimously resolved to accept the resignation presented. Those present are grateful for the
work and dedication of the General Manager Alejandro Cavassa to society during the time in which

He served in his position and wishes him success in his new endeavors.

(b) Appointment of General Manager.

Signed electronically. CVE: 3B66F074

Then, the directors present unanimously agree to appoint Mr.
Cavassa, to Mrs. María Francisca Tampier Ramírez, as general manager. Ms. Tampier
present at this act thanks your appointment, and therefore begins to exercise immediately its
functions as General Manager.

(c) Revocation of Powers.

Following the resignation of Mr. Cavassa, the members unanimously agreed to revoke each and every
one of the powers conferred to this date, to Don Alejandro Cavassa Castro. Revocation
Precedent includes all general powers, as well as, any powers or delegations
special conditions that may have been conferred on the aforementioned person. In particular, they are revoked
All powers, powers and attributions conferred at the Board meeting of November 16,
2021, which was reduced to a public deed dated November 19, 2021 at the Notary of
Santiago de don Jorge Figueroa Herrera.

For its part, it is recorded that the last general power of attorney was registered on pages 97,511, number 45,025
of the Commercial Registry of the year 2021 in the Real Estate Conservator of Santiago.

(d) Modification of Powers.

Next, it is unanimously agreed to appoint Danitza Concha Acevedo,
identity N* 17.524.503-0, as Agent Type A of the Company instead of Type C; and therefore
From this date, you can act and represent the company individually and indistinctly with all
the powers and attributions with which they hold this type of attorneys, as indicated in the
public deed dated November 19, 2021 at the Notary of Santiago of Mr. Jorge Figueroa
Blacksmith; which are taken for granted in full in this act.

(e) Designation of Risk Manager.

Finally, it is necessary to appoint a new Risk Management and Internal Control Officer.
of the Company, for the special purposes of Circular 2054 of the CMF and other regulations of the
stock market; proposing for this position Don Benjamín Bravo Guzmán.

After a brief exchange of ideas, the board of directors unanimously approved the
appointment of Mr. Benjamín as Head of Risk Management and Internal Control of the Company
Bravo Guzman, effective September 19, 2022.

Finally, it is agreed to instruct the new General Manager to report the agreements reached in
this session to the CPM and other relevant entities, for the purposes of
Compliance with applicable regulations.

vL Mandate to Reduce to Public Deed.

It was agreed by the Board of Directors to empower lawyers Arie Misraji Vaizer and Natalia Ramos Riquelme
so that, separately and indistinctly, they can reduce to a public deed in whole or in part the act of
this Board Session, without the need to wait for its ratification by subsequent act; as well as
so that, if necessary, they proceed to grant the public deed or deeds that are required,

Signed electronically. CVE: 3B66F074

as well as one or more minutes, for the purposes of clarifying, sanitizing, supplementing or rectifying the writing
public to which this Act is reduced.

Likewise, the bearer of an authorized copy of the deed is authorized to reduce this act,
to request and sign the annotations, inscriptions and sub-inscriptions that were appropriate and for

proceed to the registration in the Commercial Registry of the respective Real Estate Conservator.

vi. Closing and Signing.

It was agreed to record that the minutes of this session will be signed by electronic signature.
advanced, without prejudice to which the agreements reached at this session shall be understood as
approved from this moment.

No other issues were discussed. At 10:30 a.m., the session ended.

Maria Francisca Tampier Ramirez Marcelo Zucker Alvo
Director Director
David Cohen Vaizer


Signed electronically. CVE: 3B66F074

ID: 10419069-3

Electronically signed on: 05-09-2022 15:02
Transaction ID:3B66F074-26D88

ID: 10986499-4


Electronically signed on: 05-09-2022 15:34.
Transaction ID:3B66F074-ED785


ID: 8366595-5


Electronically signed on: 05-09-2022 16:42
Transaction ID:3B66F074-78859

CVE: 3B66F074

You can validate this document in https://validador.firmaya.cl


Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=288666e8c958de8b6b3fb4bac96ba477VFdwQmVVMXFRVFZOUkUwd1RtcHJlVTFSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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