Santiago, July 21, 2022
Solange Berstein Jáuregui
President of the CMF
Dear Sir or Madam,
By means of the hereby, in accordance with the provisions of article 9 and second paragraph of article 10 of
Law 18,045 and the provisions of General Rule No. 30 of the Superintendence of Securities and
Insurance (now Commission for the Financial Market), being duly authorized, I inform you
as an Essential Fact, the following:
1. That at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting of Aguas San Pedro S.A., held on 14
July 2022 (the “Board”), it was agreed to increase the number of directors of the Company from five to six
members, and as a result of the above, it was agreed to renew the entire Board of Directors of the
Society, which was formed by the following directors:
(a) Felipe Galilea Vial;
(b) Pablo Galilea Vial;
(c) Cristián Mosquera Rojas;
(d) Santiago Martinez Mansilla;
(e) Alejandro Rincón Nieto; and
(f) Arturo Errazuriz Domínguez.
2. That on July 20, 2022, Inversiones San Agustín Limitada transferred 622,804 shares of
the Society; Inversiones y Asesorías Oriente Limitada transferred 219,813 shares of the Company; and
Inversiones En Aguas SpA transferred 622,804 shares of the Company, all to Almar Water
Servicios España S.L.U., which acquired a total of 1,465,421 shares of the Company, equivalent
to 50% of social participation. Consequently, the shareholding composition of Aguas San Pedro
S.A. was formed as follows:
a) Inversiones San Agustín Limitada owns 21.25% of the social participation;
b) Inversiones y Asesorías Oriente Limitada owns 7.50% of the social participation;
c) Inversiones En Aguas SpA owns 21.25% of the social participation; and
d) Almar Water Servicios España S.L.U. owns 50% of the shareholding.
Without any other particular, he says goodbye to
Juan Jose Inzunza
General Manager
guas San Pedro S.A.
Link to file in CMFChile: