Rancagua, April 28, 2023
Solange Berstein Jáuregui – President
Financial Market Commission
Avenida Libertador Bernardo O”Higgins N* 1449, 11th floor
From our consideration:
In compliance with the provisions of articles 9 and second paragraph of article 10
of Law N* 18.045, on the Securities Market, and in General Rule N? 30 of the
Commission for the Financial Market (“CMF”), being duly empowered for this purpose,
I inform you of the following as an Essential Fact of Agrosuper S.A. (“Agrosuper”
or the “Company”):
At the Company’s Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held today, April 28,
of 2023, at 8:30 a.m., at the offices of the Society, located in Camino La Estrella
N*401, Sector Punta de Cortés, Rancagua; It was agreed, inter alia, as follows:
to. Approve the annual report, balance sheet, financial statements and report of the Auditors
External corresponding to the year ended December 31, 2022.
b. Renew the Board of Directors of the Company for the following statutory period of 3 years,
designating the following persons:
Gonzalo Vial Vial
María del Pilar Vial Concha
Maria Jose Vial Concha
Andres Vial Sanchez
Carlos Jose Guzman Vial
Veronica Edwards Guzman
Fernando Barros Tocornal
Canio Corbo Lioi
. Antonio Tuset Jorratt
0. Juan Claro González
c. Set remuneration of the Board of Directors for the year 2023.
d. Appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers Consultants, Auditors and Limited Company
as external auditors for the examination of the financial statements for the financial year 2023.
e. Agree on the distribution of a final dividend in accordance with the minimum
mandatory, charged to the profits of the year 2022, amounting to the sum of
US$0.003898353 per share.
The aforementioned dividend will be paid within 15 days following April 28,
2023, to shareholders registered on the fifth business day preceding the date of
the respective Shareholders’ Meeting.
f. Designate the electronic newspaper El Líbero for the publications of the Society.
Yours sincerely yours,
c.c.: Santiago Stock Exchange, Stock Exchange, Chilean Electronic Exchange.
Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=f6835ccb395263826ee7ff49505aab95VFdwQmVVMTZRVEJOUkVVMFRsUkZOVTVCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1684470982