Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

AES ANDES S.A. 2022-09-29 T-21: 41




Santiago, September 29, 2022


Solange Berstein J.

President of the Commission for the Financial Market
Avda. Liberator Bernardo O”Higgins 1449

Ref.: Communicates Summons to Extraordinary Meeting of

Of our consideration

In compliance with the provisions of Article 9? and first paragraphs
and second of Article 10% of Law No. 18,045 on the Securities Market and Article 63 of the
Law No. 18.046 on Corporations, as well as the provisions of the General Rule
N930 of the Commission under your charge (“CMF”), and duly authorized, I inform and communicate to you, in
essential factual character, which by decision of the Board of Directors of AES Andes S.A. (the “Company”,
Adopted in a session held on September 29, 2022, it was agreed to convene the gentlemen
shareholders to the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for October 14, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.,
in the offices of the Society located in Los Conquistadores N* 1730, 10th floor, Providencia (the

The matters to be dealt with and submitted to the consideration of the gentlemen
Shareholders at the aforementioned Meeting will be the following:


1. The formalities specific to matters relating to the manner in which agreements are adopted,
attendance, summons, powers and other formalities for the constitution of the Board;

2. The designation of shareholders who, together with the Chairman and the Secretary,
sign the minutes of the Meeting;

3. The amendment of the current Article Five of the bylaws, relating to the capital of the
Company, in order to reduce said capital in the effective amount of 124,000,917

The Pathfinders 1730 | Providencia, Santiago aes | AES >
Phone: (56-2) 2686-8900 Andes Chile

United States dollars, or such amount as may be agreed by the Board, and its
Return to the shareholders, without altering the number of shares into which the
share capital;

4. The fixing of the date or dates for the distribution resulting from the reduction of capital, in case
that it be approved;

5. The account of the agreements corresponding to the transactions with related parties to which
refers to Title XVI of Law No. 18,046 on Corporations; and

6. In general, adopt such other arrangements as may be necessary or desirable for the
materialization of the decisions resolved by the Board.

In view of the fact that the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting is convened, among other matters, to
to decide on a capital reduction, we note that this notice is
carries out, in turn, in compliance with the provisions of Circular No. 660, dated October 22
of 1986 of the CMF.

Obtaining Documents

The shareholders may obtain a copy of the documents that support the matters on which
which must be pronounced at the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, as of October 3
of 2022, at the Company’s offices, located at Los Conquistadores N* 1730, 10th floor,
Providencia, Santiago and on the Company’s website, www.aesandes.com. Background
Funds may only be reviewed at the Company’s offices after coordination with the
administration of the same, which must be requested to the email

Shareholders’ Meeting(Yaes.com.

Board Participation

They shall have the right to participate in the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, and to exercise their right therein.
by voice and vote, the holders of shares registered in the Register of Shareholders at midnight on
Fifth working day prior to the day of its celebration.

– N
Yours sincerely yours,
/ ] )



General Manager
AES Andes S.A.

C.C.: Santiago Stock Exchange
Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile

The Pathfinders 1730 | Providencia, Santiago aes | AES >
Phone: (56-2) 2686-8900 Andes Chile

Banco de Chile, Representative of Bondholders
Fitch Ratings, Fitch Chile Risk Rating Agency
Feller Rate Risk Rating

The Pathfinders 1730 | Providencia, Santiago aes | AES >
Phone: (56-2) 2686-8900 Andes Chile

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=1fc9160f121bab98a5ad2154e097327dVFdwQmVVMXFRVFZOUkUwelQwUk5kMDEzUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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