Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

AES ANDES S.A. 2022-08-08 T-07:59



AES Andes S.A.


Santiago, August 8, 2022


Solange Bernstein J.

President of the Commission for the Financial Market
Avda. Liberator Bernardo O”Higgins 1449

Ref: Communicates changes in the Administration and
Summons to Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting

From our consideration:

In accordance with Article 9? and the second paragraph of article 10? of Law No. 18.045,
of the Securities Market, as well as the provisions of Section II of General Standard No. 30 of
the Commission for the Financial Market, reported as an Essential Fact of AES Andes S.A. (the
“Company” or the “Company”) that:

(a) By letter addressed to the President of the Company and of which the Board of Directors of
the Society in extraordinary session dated August 5, 2022, Mr. Ricardo Manuel Falú
presented his resignation from the position of General Manager of the Company to become effective with that same
date, which was accepted by the Board unanimously. The Board stated its
thanks for the work done by Mr. Falú as General Manager, from 2018 to date.

(b) At the same Board meeting it was unanimously decided that the position of General Manager, that
includes the quality of legal representative of the Company assumed, as of that same date, Mr.
Javier Federico Dib; and

(c) It was agreed to convene the shareholders to an Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting for the 24th day of
August 2022, at 2:00 p.m., at the offices of the Society located in Los Conquistadores N?
1730, 10th floor, Providencia (the “Junta”). The matters to be dealt with and submitted to the consideration of the gentlemen
Shareholders at the respective Meeting will be the following:

The Pathfinders 1730 | Providencia, Santiago ass | ass to
Phone: (56-2) 2686-8900 Andes Chile


1.- The formalities specific to matters relating to the form of adoption of agreements, assistance,
summons, powers and other formalities for the constitution of the Board;

2.- The designation of the shareholders who, together with the Chairman and the Secretary, will sign the minutes
to be removed from the Board;

3.- Modify the current Twelfth Article of the bylaws, relating to the administration of
the Society, with the aim of increasing the number of directors of the Society from 7 to 9 members.

4.- If the previous proposal is approved, proceed to the total renewal of the board of directors, in
compliance with Law No. 18,046 on Corporations;

5.- The account of the agreements corresponding to the operations with related parties referred to in
Title XVI of Law No. 18.046 on Corporations; and

6.- In general, adopt the other agreements that are necessary or convenient for the materialization of
the decisions decided by the Board.

Shareholders with the Right to Participate

The following shall have the right to participate in the Shareholders’ Meeting, and to exercise their right to speak and vote therein,
holders of shares registered in the Register of Shareholders of the Company at midnight on the fifth day
working day immediately prior to the day of its celebration, in accordance with the first paragraph of Article 103
of the Regulations of Corporations.

Remote Participation and Voting and Health Prevention Measures

In accordance with General Rule N* 435 and Circular Letter N* 1.141, both of the CMF,
and in accordance with the first value of the Company, which is security, the Board of Directors of the Company approved, in
extraordinary session of December 6, 2021, a new “Protocol on Participation and Voting for
Shareholders’ Meetings of AES Andes S.A.”, whose updated text is available on the site
Internet of the Company, https://www.aesandes.com/es (the “Protocol”). The Protocol establishes the
Procedures for the verification of identity, entry and remote form of voting, in the meetings of
shareholders of the Company, and complies with the sanitary measures adopted to protect the population
National in response to the global outbreak of the virus called SARS-CoV-2 virus that causes the disease
of coronavirus 2019 or Covid-19.

To attend the Meeting by remote means, you must inform the Company by email
Sent to the Directorate of Shareholders’ Meeting (Daes.com, no later than 23:59 on the third working day
prior to the holding of the Meeting, attaching the background information indicated in the Protocol.

While on the date the Board is held it is possible that the measures imposed by the authorities
corresponding do not prevent participation in person in them, the Company cites its
shareholders to participate remotely, in accordance with the mechanism established in the Protocol and others
background information to be sent to shareholders along with the letter of summons to the Meeting and which has been put forward
available to them on the Company’s website: https://www.aesandes.com/es, avoiding
thus contagions and risks to your health.

The Pathfinders 1730 | Providencia, Santiago ass | ass to
Phone: (56-2) 2686-8900 Andes Chile

The Company has made available to shareholders the email address shareholders’ meeting W aes.com,
to resolve any doubts, facilitate their remote participation in the Board and to coordinate the exhibition of
The background information that by law must be made available to shareholders.

Yours sincerely yours,

Maria Paz Digitally Signed

by Maria Paz Cerda

Cerda Herreros
Date: 2022.08.07
Blacksmiths 20:04:26 -04’00”
AES Andes S.A.
Maria Paz Cerda
Vice President of Legal Affairs

C.C: Santiago Stock Exchange
Electronic Stock Exchange of Chile
Banco de Chile, Representative of Bondholders
Fitch Ratings, Fitch Chile Risk Rating Agency
Feller Rate Risk Rating
Risk Classification Commission

The Pathfinders 1730 | Providencia, Santiago ass | ass to
Phone: (56-2) 2686-8900 Andes Chile

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=2a8865db9e8cb0f5b7886924ed267342VFdwQmVVMXFRVFJOUkUxM1QwUk5lRTFCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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