January 30, 2023.
Solange Berstein Jáuregui
Financial Market Commission
1 ja change in control
In my capacity as General Manager of the Fund Administrator
Sudamerik S.A., reporting entity of the CMF, and finding myself within the deadline, I inform
you that the company Servicios e Inversiones Carco Limitada, RUT N*78.452.320-9 is the
current controller of Administradora de Fondos Sudamerik S.A., after the celebration
of a subscription and payment agreement for shares, signed on January 23, 2023.
The shareholding was formed as follows:
l Shareholder Shares %
Dos Vientos SpA. 505.260 20%
First Consultores Asociados SpA. 600.000 23,75%
Rentas y Asesorías Harfield SpA. 126.400 5%
Servicios e Inversiones Carco Ltda. 1.294.740 51,25%
Total 2,526,400 100%
Yours sincerely.
Link to file in CMFChile: