Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




AFP (Model


Santiago, April 13, 2022
G.G. N* 4763

Solange Berstein Jáuregui
Financial Market Commission

From our consideration,

By reason of the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of Law No. 18,045, the provisions of the
General Rule No 30 and Circular No 660, both of the Commission for the
Financial Market, I am pleased to inform you that, by agreement of the Board of Directors.
of A.F.P. Modelo S.A., adopted on April 13, 2022, it was agreed to summon the Board
Ordinary Shareholders of the Company for April 29, 2022, at 10:00 a.m.,
which will be held through electronic means in accordance with the provisions of the NCG
435 of the Commission for the Financial Market and in the Ordinary Letter N* 6041 of the year
2020 of the Superintendency of Pensions, in order to know and pronounce on the
following matters:



Approval of the reasoned report on the situation of society in the
last financial year, together with the Balance Sheet, the Financial Statements and
of the Report submitted by the External Auditor for 31
December 2021.

Report by the Board on the rationale and options that the Board has
Ordinary Shareholders must take into consideration for the election of the
External auditing company.

Appointment of external auditors by 2022.

Profit distribution for the year 2021

Designation of the newspaper in which notices of summons to
Shareholders’ Meetings.

Information on the operations referred to in Title XVI of Law N*

In general, any matter of social interest that is not specific to a Board
Extraordinary Shareholders.

Likewise, in accordance with what was agreed at the Board meeting held on April 13,
2022, and in order to allow the orderly development of the Board and the regularity of the
Voting process, the following was established:

www.afpmodelo.cl | Contact Center 600 828 7200 | From cell phones (2) 2828 7200

AFP (Model

Participation will be allowed through a digital platform whose name, code and
key will be sent in good time to the representatives of the shareholders
registered with the Company and regulatory bodies.

The process of qualification of powers may be carried out 3 days in advance
prior to the Meeting, and may also be practiced on the same day of the Meeting.

On the day of the celebration of the Meeting, an identity card will be requested to compare the
serial number of that document and the photo of the participant with which it appears in
Screen of the digital platform.

In relation to the matters subject to the Meeting, the shareholders will have the option
to choose whether to vote on these items by ballot paper or by acclamation or hand voting

The designated person of the AFP, will centralize the information and make the calculation
corresponding reporting the result in the same act to the participants of the Board.
All of the above duly guarantees the identity of the shareholders and caution the
principle of simultaneity and confidentiality of the votes to be held at the Meeting
Purpose of this citation.

The following shall have the right to participate in the Shareholders’ Meeting referred to above:
shareholders who are registered in the Shareholders’ Register with 5 business days
in anticipation of the date of the Meeting.

The Annual Report and the Financial Statements of the Company, with the respective report of the
external auditor, will be published on the Company’s website


Remaining at your disposal, he greets you sincerely,

digitally by

E Andres Enrique
Qu, Pla Flisfisch Camhi
Date: 2022.04.13
14:18:50 -04’00’
Andres Flisfisch
General Manager
A.F.P. Modelo S.A.

www.afpmodelo.cl | Contact Center 600 828 7200 | From cell phones (2) 2828 7200

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=442232a3b13e8f7ce50178927d1366fbVFdwQmVVMXFRVEJOUkVVd1RrUlJlazVSUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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