Santiago, April 12, 2022
Solange Berstein Jáuregui
Financial Market Commission
Administered by
From our consideration:
By virtue of the provisions of article 9 “and the second paragraph of article 10” of the Law
N”18.045 of the Securities Market, in relation to Article 18″ of Law N*20.712,
being duly authorized, I hereby inform you of the following
complement to the essential fact dated April 8, 2022, referring to the Investment Fund
Activa Estrategia Automotriz, (the “Fund”), managed by Larraín Vial Activos S.A.
General Fund Administrator (the “Administrator”), in which the matters were reported
of the summons of the extraordinary assembly of contributors of the Fund, to be held on the 25th
April 2022 at 10:00 a.m. through technological means in accordance with the
provided in General Standard No. 435 and Circular No. 1,141 of the
Commission for the Financial Market (the “Assembly”).
I hereby in my capacity as General Manager of the Administrator and
being duly empowered by the Board of Directors of this, I come in:
I) Clarify the essential fact dated April 8, 2022, in the sense that in letter c) of the
By an involuntary error, the following was pointed out: “(…) any reference to the time limits of
five working days for ten working days established for the exercise of the right of
contributors to participate in the partialities obtained from the capital reductions of the
Fund, which do not require the approval of the assembly of contributors, which is
established in paragraphs six and seven, of number 4 of Letter H “Rules of Government
Corporate” of the Internal Regulations (…)” the following should be said; “Agree to modify
the mention of the terms of five working days for ten working days established so that the
Administrator communicates to the contributors of the Fund, the exercise of their right
last to participate in the partialities obtained from the reductions in the capital of the Fund,
that do not require the approval of the assembly of contributors, which is established in
paragraphs six and seven of number 4 of letter H “Corporate Governance Standards” of the
Internal Regulations of the Fund, maintaining the rest of the deadlines in the current form
laid down in the rules of procedure of the Fund”.
II) Complement the aforementioned essential fact, in the following matters that must
be agreed in the Assembly:
a) Agree on the creation of two new quotas series D and E of the Active Investment Fund –
OLX Automotive Debt (the “OLX Fund”);
b) Agree to establish an optional procedure for the exchange of the current Series A quotas
and B of the OLX Fund, for the new series D and E quotas to be created for that purpose;
Cc) Agree to modify the reference to the terms of five working days for ten working days
established for the Administrator to communicate to the contributors of the OLX Fund, the
Exercise of the right of the latter to participate in the partialities obtained from the
OLX Fund capital decreases, which do not require assembly approval
of contributors, which is established in paragraphs six and seven, of number 4 of the Letter
H “Corporate Governance Rules” of the OLX Fund’s internal regulations, remaining
the rest of the time limits in the manner currently laid down in the rules of procedure of the
OLX Fund;
d) Agree on the creation of two new quotas series D and E of the Active Investment Fund
Global Automotive Debt II (the “Global Fund 11”);
(e) Agree to establish an optional procedure for the exchange of existing Series A quotas.
and B of the Global Fund II, for the new series D and E quotas to be created for that purpose; and
f) Agree to modify the reference to the terms of five working days by ten working days
established for the Administrator to communicate to the contributors of the Global Fund Il,
the exercise of the right of the latter to participate in the partialities obtained from the
capital reductions of the Global Fund II, which do not require the approval of the
Assembly of contributors, which is established in paragraphs six and seven, of number 4
of the Roman VIII “Corporate Governance Standards” of the Internal Regulations of the Global Fund
Il, the rest of the deadlines being maintained in the manner currently established in the
rules of procedure of the Global Fund Il;
Yours sincerely yours,
Claudio Yáñez Fregonara
Link to file in CMFChile: