Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

4 LIFE SEGUROS DE VIDA S.A. 2023-04-27 T-21:05


4 life.

e” Insurance

Santiago, April 27, 2022


Ms. Solange Berstein Jauregui

Financial Market Commission

Reference: Informs agreements of the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting.

Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with the provisions of articles 9 and second paragraph of article 10 of Law N?
18.045 and the provisions contained in Commission Circular No. 991 for the Market
Financial and being duly empowered to do so, I communicate in fact
essential of “4 Life Seguros de Vida S.A.” the following:

That, at the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting held today at the offices of the
Company located at Avda. Alonso de Córdova N?* 4.125, 4th floor, commune of Vitacura, which
with the participation of all the shareholders of the Company, was approved between
other subjects, the following:

1. The Annual Report, the Balance Sheet, the Financial Statements and the Auditors’ Report
External corresponding to the year ended December 31, 2022.

2. Distribute a total dividend of $224.8459407.- per share, which will be paid in cash to
count from this date until April 30 of this year, which is equivalent to a total of

3. To appoint Mr. Elisa del Río as members of the Company’s Board of Directors.
Edwarods, Felipe del Río Goudie, Victor Pucci Labatut, Edmundo Hermosilla Hermosilla, José
Santomingo Moyano, Andrés Sanfuentes Astaburuaga and Carlos Budnevich Le-Fort.

4. To designate “Deloitte Auditores” as External Audit Firm for the year 2023
and Consultores Limitada”.

4 life.

e” Insurance

5. Designate as risk classifiers for the year 2023, the firms “Feller Rate”
Clasificadora de Riesgo Limitada” and “International Credit Rating Compañía Clasificadora de
Limited Risk.”

Mauritius Signed
digitally by

Eugenio Mauricio Eugenio

Balbontín Balbontín O’ryan
Date: 2023.04.27

O’ryan 17:46:43 -04’00’
Mauricio Balbontín O’Ryan
General Manager
4 Life Seguros de Vida S.A.

Sincerely to you,

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=16fc2fa7d7163ed7f1a28a21ca7aa919VFdwQmVVMTZRVEJOUkVVMFRXcG5lRTFCUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682655001

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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