Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl

4 LIFE SEGUROS DE VIDA S.A. 2022-04-04 T-18:11


4 life.

e” Insurance

Santiago, April 4, 2022


Ms. Solange Berstein Jáuregui

Financial Market Commission

Reference: Update Regularity Policy.

Dear Sir or Madam:

In accordance with the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of Law No. 18.045 and the provisions
contained in Circular N* 991 of the Commission for the Financial Market and being
duly authorized to do so, I communicate as an essential fact of “4 Life Seguros”
of Vida S.A.” the following:

That, at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors held on March 28, 2022, the Board of Directors
of the company “4 Life Seguros de Vida S.A.” has approved the update of the Policy
General of Regularity of the Company for operations with related.

Attached to this Essential Fact is a copy of the aforementioned General Policy of Habituality
approved, which will be available to its shareholders on the Company’s website


Sincerely to you, PG) ORYAN

18:01:06 -04’00’
Mauricio Balbontín O’Ryan
General Manager
4 Life Seguros de Vida S.A.

4 life.

e” Insurance



According to the provisions of article 147 paragraph 2 “letter b) of the Law of Corporations (hereinafter
“LSA”), located within Title XVI which deals with “Related Party Operations in the
Sociedades Anónimas Abiertas and its Subsidiaries”, the Board of Directors of 4 Life Seguros de Vida S.A. (hereinafter “the
Company”), at its Ordinary Meeting held on March 30, 2020, agreed to approve this
“General Policy of Regularity for the Ordinary Operations of the Social Line with Related Parties”
(hereinafter “Habituality Policy”), which was also ratified at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of
dated March 29, 2021 and modified at the regular meeting of the Board of Directors dated March 28, 2022.

The purpose of the foregoing is to establish and expressly regulate everything related to transactions with parties
related that may be carried out by the Company, always ensuring strict compliance with what
provides for this purpose Chapter XVI of the LSA, and other rules governing the matter.

Objective of the Policy

The main objective is to determine the usual operations of the Company that, being ordinary in
Consideration to their business, may be made, executed and / or concluded with related parties (hereinafter
“Usual Operations”), without the need to comply with the requirements, formalities and procedures that
are established in numerals 1 to 7 of article 147 of the LSA, to the extent that such operations have
in order to contribute to the social interest and adjust in price, terms and conditions to those operations
that prevail in the market at the time of its celebration.

Key Principles and Associated Controls

In order to comply with the objective indicated in the preceding number, both the Board of Directors and the entire
Company personnel shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the matter.
observed, taking into account during the performance of its duties the highest standards and
standards of ethics, integrity, honesty, impartiality and professionalism, for the purpose of executing
Good market practices for optimal and transparent performance.

Application of the Law on Corporations
Related Party Operations

For these purposes, it is understood that they are operations with related parties of the Company, and according to
is established in article 146 of the Law of Corporations, any negotiation, act, contract or
operation in which the Company must intervene and also any of the following persons:

a) One or more persons related to the company, as provided in Article 100 of Law No. 18,045.

b) A director, manager, administrator, principal officer or broker of the company, by himself or on behalf of
of persons other than the company, or their respective spouses or relatives up to the second degree of
consanguinity or affinity included.

c) Companies or companies in which the persons indicated in the previous number are owners, directly
or indirectly, 10% or more of its capital, or directors, managers, administrators or executives

d) Those established by the Company’s bylaws or reasonably identified by the Board of Directors, in its
case, even in the case of those indicated in the final paragraph of article 147 of the LSA.

4 life.

e” Insurance

e) Those in which he has performed functions of director, manager, administrator, principal executive or
liquidator, a director, manager, administrator, chief executive officer or liquidator of the Company, within the
last eighteen months.

Conditions and requirements for entering into related transactions

According to the rules established by the LSA, the Company may only enter into transactions with parties
related when they are intended to contribute to the social interest and are adjusted in price, terms and
conditions to those that prevail in the market at the time of their approval, complying in turn with
All the requirements and procedures established in article 147 of the same legal body.

However, in the case of operations that fall within this policy, by reason of being
ordinary in consideration of the corporate turn, will not require the approval of the Board of Directors, but will be put
in the knowledge of the latter, in the reports that the General Manager must make according to the periodicity that is
indicates below.

Transactions with Related Parties of a Habitual Natured

Operations with Related Parties that, because they correspond to the Company’s line of business, have the
habitual character according to the Law of Corporations.

In accordance with the provisions of paragraph b) paragraph 2 of article 147 of the LSA, the following is the
“Regularity Policy” of 4 Life Seguros de Seguros de Vida S.A according to which all operations
with related parties included in it may be executed without the need to comply with the requirements
and procedures referred to in Chapter II! previous.

To this end:

a) All
those that correspond to the Company’s line of business. In this sense, all acts shall be understood as such,
contracts, operations and businesses established in D.F.L. N*”251 of 1931 and D.L. N*3.500 of 1980 and its
Updates and other legal regulations that apply or will be issued in the future and those that expressly exist
authorized by the Commission for the Financial Market in accordance with Article 4 of D.F.L. N*251 mentioned above,
that is, that they are necessary for the normal operation of the Company, in its sales, offer and
Promotion of insurance, in its complementary or related activities, and especially for the proper management
of your investments.

b) In this way, all those operations that the Company may carry out will be considered habitual.
with related parties that correspond and are included within its social line, which will have the
Character of habitual regardless of its amount, term or validity and periodicity. Within these
operations include, without the enumeration being exhaustive, all those necessary to fulfill the object
of the Company, such as:

i Contracting of administration services of Endorsable Mortgage Mutuals;

ii Contracting of advisory services in financial, real estate, legal and study matters en

li Contracting of back-office, accounting, administrative, messaging, legal, tax,
treasury and auditing;

iv Recruitment of selection, recruitment, training, personnel administration and
general human resources;

v Contracting of general services, supply such as management of purchase of goods and
supplies, marketing, document management, messaging, and Call Center,

4 life.

e” Insurance

vi Contracting of management and systems, IT, data processing services, services
maintenance and development of systems; portfolio valuation platform, onsite support; exploitation
systems and technological consultancies;

vii Contracting of risk assessment, collection and collection services;

viii Derivative transactions;

ix Commissions for intermediation of real estate financing operations;

Xx Contracting and Sale of Endorsable Mutual Mortgages;

xi Contracting of Leasing, Leaseback and leases of all types of movable and immovable property;

xii Promising to sell or buy and buy or sell all kinds of movable or immovable property;

xiii Promise to acquire or dispose of and acquire or dispose of all types of securities, currencies, derivatives,

national or foreign;
xiv Deliver or receive as a real or personal guarantee all types of movable or immovable property;
xv Contracting of banking and financial services;

xvi Contracting of all types of credits and mutual money as a creditor, with the limitations
established in General Standard No. 208 dated October 12, 2007 of the Superintendence
of Securities and Insurance, today Commission for the Financial Market;

xvii Contracting of all types of credits and mutual money as debtors, to the extent that
are necessary to comply with the social turn;

xvii Take demand or term deposits, readjustable or not.

c) The operations described above, may be executed and subscribed by the respective
agents of the Company, following, in all cases, the structure of powers and form of action
authorized by the Board of Directors at this date, and its respective modifications that may be agreed in the future, if
It corresponds, under the condition that the prices and other conditions of the acts or contracts conform to
conditions of equity similar to those normally prevailing in the market, and inform the Committee
of Audit and Risk, following the procedure and periodicity that the same Committee defines, in
Coordination with the management responsible for the related operation

d) The General Manager of the Company shall report to the Board of Directors, at the immediately following session.
at the conclusion of each operation, the transactions with related parties that have been carried out.

e) The General Manager of the Company shall report to the Board of Directors, during the first quarter of each year.
and before the Ordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, operations with related parties that
were made under this Policy during the previous year. In addition, the General Manager shall
also inform the Board of Directors regarding these operations in those months that correspond to the shipment
of financial statements to the Commission for the Financial Market, for those financial statements
quarterly corresponding to the closing periods of 31 March, 30 June and 30 September.

Link to file in CMFChile: https://www.cmfchile.cl/sitio/aplic/serdoc/ver_sgd.php?s567=2d3f2f864e591f5e820eb6a7adcb52b9VFdwQmVVMXFRVEJOUkVWNlRVUlpkMDEzUFQwPQ==&secuencia=-1&t=1682376108

Por Hechos Esenciales
Hechos Esenciales Emisores Chilenos Un proyecto no oficial. Para información oficial dirigirse a la CMF https://cmfchile.cl




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